. 'J -i- , 4. 1 t .fins IV an, QaTxnrs A Co. PRoraiaToaa. tbliakad Daily (except Monday) Weekly, Batxs of StrsscRirTroxI Aotavob : sily, one ftw, n i pus.'pt'' 17 00 sixnitnt., i .d..v- 8 60 " thru " ...... 1 75 feekly, one year, S 00 six months, " 1 00 No name entered without payment, and no aper sent after expiration of time paid for. MISCELLANEOUS. Mriwfc Sims n y RALEIGH. N. C. HARDWARE! Gldren's Carifiagesl : ' REMINGTON " Cotton anfl Planted; Hoes ! Fobi, Stals, Sp.dei, Eikes, ... IfEWS AND ' "l . ' ' UBS L. ! . f SEVER. Vol. xvni. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1881. NO. 101. MISCELLANEOUS. JACDOSQI Hi! Rtfl BEST GOODS. SQUARE LOWEST PEICES. DEALING.. - Bkowxb, President. J. Rhodjh Lambzet Srmon, Secretary. A Ilomo Companjr Seeking Home j i Patronage.:, Strong ! Prompt ! , Sellable I Liberal ! Agents at all Cities, Town and Villagaa ; a In the Southern States. . . 125.000 U. & Bonds deposited In No Carolina for protection of paiicy-boida.' RRFESCl&SOH.AEBllS Meuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,'1, Backache, Soreness of the Chert, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, ' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet ; and Ears, and alt other Fains . and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs On. ai with can can bare cheap and positive proof of iu claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BT ALL DBTJGGISTS AHD DEALEM DT M EDICT 5B. A.VOGELER & CO., - BalHmor, JTaU T7. B. A. MRS. LYDIA L PIMIHAM, OFLTSI, KASJ., o yp jm . . . - v tobS d eod RALEIGH, N. C. Dr. HUTCHIHSON'S P E C I F I C The UnrlTtled UestoratlT in all forma oi Kerroua Debility, Lorn of memory, fetleepleeaneaa, Frightful Dreama Loas of aDoetite. Lrasvf Manbood. Prema ture Decay and every kind of Weakness or Mind or Body, produced by urerwora Anxiety, Early Indiacretloaa, Exoeaaee NEVER KNOWN TO PAIL. Has re- ceived the eodoraemeot of Mm highest medical authority. Prioe reduced to SI per package; aix for (S. For aale by all druggiate, or will be sent by mall, securely sealed, on receipt or price, i ore guaran teed or money refunded. Valuable Circu lar aent re to all who write for It. Ad dress WILLIAM CLARKE dt CO., ISa Franklin street. my 22 dly ' New York. OLD DOM LINE. riVOBITI PAS8SNOKB AMD FBXIQHT ROTJTB BKTWKKM NSW TOKK. AND 1HX BOUTH AND WEST." , The magnificent Passenger Bteamahips of this LIDS leaTe new xora every mm day, Thursday and Saturday at p. Piers 87 and 43 North River. r Leave Richmond and- Petersburg, Vs., - finndav. Tuesday and .Friday. Leave Norfolk, Va., Monday, Wednes day and Hatnrda.v. ConnecU at Foitamoutk with Through Trains of the Seaboard and Roanoke R. K. for RALEIG11, N.O,and aU adjaoent points. - - r-l. These steamers are first-class In every , respect and cfler superior attractions. The route la aa easy one and offers a de- Uahtlul ocean aacaraion, cool and fr from duat. Fares aJwaya as low aa othe-' lines. Flrst-claas UckeU Include Meala and aUateroom'on steamer. Tickets sold to and from Raleigh and Baggage checked ! thronorh. Lav-over privileKea K ranted. enabl&g travelers to visit Fortreas Mon oe and other points of interest around 1 Norfolk. Tickets sold and Inftrmation given at General Omoee. 197 Greenwich atreet and - l IJ T . I. DJwa 1J A atA. Uaiiba V and m Broadway, New York, and at Ticket Omoea in Raleigh. W. 11. STANFORD, .ebl9 dly Secretary. 0mm Ifl a. STOHACH By Telegraph. i " la a TwltlTe Ctrre. It win cur tmttnir tb wort term at J BtalnU. aU erarlaa ttoobta, IaSunMSVea sad Clear tioa. rallina and DtepUeeawBtt, and tt i nwrpnat Spinal Waakaea, and is parttealaxty adapted to the Chang of Lif. Jt Till ilawiiln aadzpe1oaonTromiBnarBsia; an aarly ataf at datalupinant, Taa Bndaacyooaa- i kaatontbara Is chackad wj wrtMor ay w a. II iiniiTf filntniir ffrl-'r aaMroysaa araTme- foratlBMlaBta, and rcUaraf waakaaai mtthm atommA. IS nra Bkiatlnc, Haatfartw. Mrroas riwmil, Oaaaral VtbOOj, Slimlnamii, Papraarioa aad lata- gartlna. ' That Csn&eBrbaW, eafe sn, weigh ni1 1 w i. w.y. ri.nMitry eared brttsi ItwOlataUMnMaaad aadarandi karmoov wttS thalaws that ! 1 Toe tlx ear. of Kidney Oosnyannts awaar i Onnpowod Is Bnsarpaased. " itdia k. raKBAjrt vxcfjtabli ce- roi7infei prepared at SSI and BSt Weaken A.iaai, TjTin,w rrtoeSL Six battle, (or St. aentarnwu tatbatona of puis, also lata torn of loaaarai, n reeetp of price, $1 par bos foreltaer. Bra nnJOuu tnetyeoawen an letters of Inqairy. seao lor puapa let. , Adarent as abora. Mtmtitm Sato reaw. VofamUr shoold be wiUxmt LTDI4 K. PlilaMUm tnXB FlUa Thsy an eo SlpaWaa, and terpfcttty of Um Brer. steaaSsperbi MW Bald by all lirsuMts. - Wm.H. Brown A Bro., Baltimore, Md Wholesale Agents. MORE HOPEFUL. The President's Case Growing; Hoarly afore Favorable. i Washington, July 11. ExEdUTiVK Mankion, 9 a. m. The Pres ident continues to improve. He passed a very comfortable night and feels much re freshed this morning, though his actual number of sleeping hours was less than those of the night before. He took an unusu al amount ot nourishment during the night and has suffered no inconvenience from it. lllsbulae is down to 96. The Jennings machine are now working well, ani the temperature of the room cau be reduced to any desired degree. Executive Mansion, 8 a. m. The Pres ident his passed a comfortable night, and his condition shows improvement over that of jeaterday. Pulse 98, temperature 99.2, respiration 22. (Signed) iD. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, J. J. Woodward and Robert Fey burn. - Bulletins will be issued daily at 8 a. m , 1 p. m. And 8:30 p. m. until further notice. The following was sent this morning: Washington, July 11, 1881. To Low'tU, Minister at London : ' At the beginning of the 10th day aince he was wounded, the symptona of the Presi dent are all hopeful and favorable. Sup puration goes on with no higher poise or temperature than should be expected. His milk diet of from a pint to a pint and a half per aay is reusnea ana aigestea. his phys ical strength keeps up wonderfully, and his mind is entirety clear and active with out showirjg excitement. His physicians do not Count him beyond danger, but gen eral confidence in his recovery is strength ened every hour. (Signed) Blaine, Secretary. Executive Mansion, 1 p. m. The la vorable progress of the President's case continues. Pulse 106, temperature 99.8, respiraUou 24. (Signed! D. W. Bliss, J.K. Barnes, J. J. Woodward .and Robert Rey burn. ExbcjItivb Manstot, Jnly 11. The fol lowing telegram was sent by the attending surgeons this afternoon to the consulting aura eons, Drs. Agrtew and Hamilton : 1 p. m.Du ring the past t wenty- four hours the favorable progress o( the President's case has continue'!. He has taken and re tained twenty-two ounces of milk and one ounce of rum. This mo ningat 9a.m.he ate a slice of toast softened i i milk, and at 11:15 took flfte n grains of bisulpbate of quioia.j There has been no irritability of tne stomach at any time. Liat evening at 7:15 be received one-quarter of a grain of morphia-sulphate nypodermically, and slept well during the night. The wonnd was again dressed antisept cally yesterday evening ana tnis morning, ana continues to discharge a small quantity of healthy pus. Last evening, at 7 p. m., his pulse was 105, temperature 101.9, respiration 24. Th's morning, at 8 o'cloc, hii palse wa 98, temperature 99.2, respiration 22 At 1 p. m. hut pulse ws 106, temperature 99.8, respiration 24. Signed. D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, J. J. Woodward aud Robert Key burn, i ' 7 p. it -The Fresident has had rather more fever this afternoon. In other re spects bis condition is unchanged. Pulse 108, temperature 1028,reapiratlop 24. E n.a . Foreign Maws. London, July 11. A Constantinople dis patch says: Lord Dufferin, British Am- VkSl aaaAai Vt ran 4arlAsm m ai-1 A vanaaa am t-l am an to tbe Sultan in regard to the case of Mid nat rautm. tu tum uuuun-uiiuaiton was ooucbed In strong terms. The Sultan has received a te'egram from the Uttoman Ambassador st London describing tbe un favorable impression produced in England by the tria'.s of the alleged murderers of Abdul Aziz, and imploring the Sultan to prevent the carrying out oi the aentence or capital punishment. a special correspondent oi tne estanaara saya be learns from the best authority mat it is now aaite certain that tbe Sultan will commute tbe death sentences of the alleged murderers of Abuul Az a and banish them to soma remote place. A dispatch from Ooletta says: The French steamer which took live hundred Tunisian: troops to Sfax baa returned them here, without attempting to land, it was feared they would refuse: to fight tbe in surgent Arab portion or the town or rax. and tbe ports have been destroyed by shells.; The Roof of a Church Falls Fifty Persons.' la and Kills ftT. CUAULEs HOTEL, SUUsTllle, N. C. This house has bees leased by Mr. Dr. Reaves, whow intention is to keep a strictly first-elan bouse in every respect. (Jommooi- ou sample rooms on brat ud second doors. Tbe patronage of tbe publio it solicited. J sly 6, 1861. i lju7-dtf BUILD YOUR HOUSE WITH A TIKE CULT CHIHSEY. TJia pip has beea need 10 yeart with no risk of Are, and W not craca iroin neat or froet. In.ur anoe oonipantas yrffnr them to Pat it up fouraslf. Kaoh auction U 2 feet and rests la tbe bowl of tbe Beit. Complrta ehlmnejr for X swrwa, aooni no. noun a. rock. Bend for olroular, fall particulars. CHAS. H. TOataCH a CO. Zio. 11 HANOVSB BT., , BaJUaaere, Hi Cttttolsoiit XtmsjssvsyoalJO. Feeble aad Sickly Parsons Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hoatetter's Stomach Bittern, the most popular invigorant and alterative medicine in uae. ueneral debility, fever and ague. dyspepsia, constipatien, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by it. ask mono who have uea it what it has done for them. For sale by all drosrirists and dealers generally. f? J. RAliSOH DO. Chicabo. July 11. x disnabih dated City of Mexico. July 10. saya: Dispatches received fr m Uaxaca announces the rail ing of a church roof in San Mateo, killing over fifty people. The church was being rebuilt, and at 6 o'clock on Tuesday morn ing a workman fell from the reof. All of tbe others rushed to get off at the same in stant, cat-sing the roof to fall. Tbe wor shippers below, mostly women, were in stantly killed. Twenty or the workmen on tne roor were also aiwea ana outers fatally wounded. The accident took place an hour . previous to service, and there were ootover thirty persona in the church. These are reported all killed. Intense Heat la Cincinnati. Cincinnati, July 11. The United States signal service thermometer here regis tered 103.5 at 3:15 yesterday afternoon. The ordinary thermometer tegiatered from 7 to 8 degrees higher in tbe shade. The heat was the greatest on record here. The coroner : was called to attend thirteen deaths, all from congestion of tbe brain. supposed to have been superinduced by excessive neat, mere were tweive sun strokes, though no fatal cases were re ported Up to midnight, in uovmrton. Kentucky, there were six case of sun stroke yesterday, four of them fatal. Balloting at Albany. Alabny. July 11. Tbe joint convention voted to day as follows: Conkling 28; Iap ham 60: Potter 48; Fisher 1; Cornell 1. Nec- eeaary te a choice 70. Tbe chair declared no choice naa been made, ana directed a vote on the long term vacancy, which re sulted' as follows: Kernan 48; Miller 61; Wheeler 18; Adams 2; Kvarts 1; Chapman 2; Rogers 3; Stearin 1; Fish 2. Necessary to , cnoice : Tbe Hottest Day la St. Leal. . t - According to the reports made by the signal aej vice observer, yesterday was tbe hottest aay in bu ixmis or which any record exists. At 6 a. m. tbe mercury marked 10 degrees, at 8 o'clock 14.9-10, at 2 p. ra. 102 210, ana at u o'clock p. m. 97.9-10. CUBIOC8 ADVERTISEKKNT8. Several Product long That War Paid for by the Writer, lo. Aavaaee. " I would like this advertisement trans lated into French," said an American in Paris, handing to a clerk in the American Register office the iollowing curious ad vertisement : 1 Twenty francs reward will be paid for the recovery of--a cameo brooch which represents Venus and Adonis lost on the Boulevard des ltanena about IU o clock last evening." But the literary p:oduo tions of advertisers who have axes to grind, and who pay liberally for the privilege oi occupying space, hive before now proved very interesting bits of reading in the columns of a well edited paper. H. II. Brown & Co., of No. 1 Centre street, kept standing for several weeks in a leading New York daily : " Soldiers who have lost their discharges, and those who did 'not receive pension from the date of their dis charge or death, please apply." In the "Wants department of a country ex change a resident advertises for " a woman to wash, iron and milk one or two cows ;" a wine merchant asks for bids for "sixty dozen of prime port, lately the property of a gentleman 40 years of age, full in body, and with a high bouquet." A livery-stable keeper oners cheap " a mail phaeton, the Eroperty of a gentleman with a movable ead as good as new," and " a splendid gray horse, calculated for a charger, or would carry a lady with a switch tail and warranted kind. It is easier tor some people to determine what they want than to ask for it. Words are bugbears to them and language takes terrible shapes. " To be sold An Erard piano, the property of a lady about to travel in a walnut case with carved legs," was humorously com mented upon by the Scuurdav Review few months ago. The Irish World copies an item: "rurse lost by a poor widow woman who has a sick child containing 13s. and a letter." No wonder the child was unwell. The next item in the column is the World t own and is as follows : "Robert Taylor, aged 83 years, is the father of twenty-five children by three wives seventeen of whom are living." Robert should be tried for bigamy. The Chicago Tribune not long since copied the advertisement of a widow who intended to succeed her husband in the management of a hotel: "The hotel will be kept by the widow of the former landlord, Mr. Brown, who died last summer on a new and improved plan. She will be aided by other stockholders. Such a corporation would not deserve to have a ssml. A cor oner's verdict reads thus : " Tbe deceased came to his death by excessive drinking, producing apoplexy in the minds of the a a a el jury. A country paper says: A cmia was run over by a wagon three years old, d cross-eyed, withpantaWa oa." BUBNETT'8 COCO A INK Is Renowned aa a Para and KOectlva Hair Dressing In JCvery Qaarter oi 'hewerlsu For thirty years it baa been a favorite with the people and a leader with the trad The name "Cocoaine" baa been a valuable property. Burnett A Co. have established their sole right to its use in several suits at law, thus protecting the publio and themselves from imposition, t's Tbe superiority Burnett's Flavoring K i tracts consist in their perpeot purity and great strength. Six Senators and fifteen Representatives of tbe Forty-seventh Cengreas were born in Kentucky. Liable Co.'s Cocn Beef Tonic Professor E. M. HALE, author Materia sfedicaNew Remedies, Professor at Chi cago Medical College, recommends Coca for bad tasts in the moutn, rurrea ana coated tong e, dryness of the mouth on waking, debility of tbe digestive :organs, constipa'lon, ineffectual urging to stool, and flatulency. "It Is superior to any tonic 1 have used or prescribed," sai s rroiessar HALE. Beware of worthless imitations. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STRONACH &; BELO ! : ! ; ' " Auctiopeers, Brokers, General Commis sion Merchants, and Dealers in Bug gioS, Pneatocs, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c , 3tc., Manufacturers' agents fofr Uuanoa aud Uborgia Cotton fiins, SoMcit bone ignments for public and private aale. Auction every Saturdh at 11 o'clock. Horses and Cow fr Sale. Will sell privately twoqrood family or f. r:n horses; also a fine hall bred Alderney Milch Cow, giving 2 gallons milk daily. Hosjies and Lot and Building Lots. Have for sale a lot 61x2L, with a dwell ing of six rooms; ood wtfi ou lot. A lot 4jx21u; with three-room lijfause. Two v. cant lfs, 0x210. Will teji all of above or will sell part of it. Tu$ perfect, loca tion good and terms easy. I not sold pri vately ivithin 30 days, Wi ill oiler for sale at publij auction on premises. Terms made known on day of gala. STRONAOH A BELO, Wardrooms 11 and 13 Wilmington Street. MISCELLANEOUS. STILL LIVI -AND Doing F3 WON And all manner of FAMILY GROCERIES at Bottom Prices, as an evidence of which our trade doubles every week. Flour of the most popular brands; Meats, smoked and in bola, and not a bag or skipper about it; All kinds of canned Meats and Vegetables; Sanoes, Pickles and Preserves; Cakes of every description; Angara, CoSee aad Teas, common to best grades; Spicev whole and ground; Fulton Market Corned Beef and N. C. Trimmed and Roe Herrings; Snuff, Cigars, Cigarettes and Chewing To bacco, especially Excu sion Rates-Season IBM 1 0,000 cigars bs iRaleiliaQa GastoiEaiIroaa, EaMS ani AMa Af-Liae Eailraal, Offlcf Gen Passenger Ticket Agent, j Raleigh, iune 18, 1881. ON and afterJUNEl,andaaUl OCTOBER 1. jRound-Trip Tickets! good to return until October 31, will be on Mle at Raleigh at the following low rates: i AsheVille, N. C, via Chalotte 13 60 Asheville. N. C, via Spartinburg... 18 05 Alleghany, Va. ,. 15 40 Bath Alum, Va, ... 19 65 Blue Ridge, Va.. . 13 15 uuuv, i.'. J.. M 11 M Cold jSulphur Springs, V. 17 15 13 40 11 35 15 40 10 90 10 85 15 05 22 5 22 65 9 55 1 85 11 60 10 55 9 85 24 50 18 15 20 85 11 45 21 50 21 50 22 65 19 75 THOMAS BADOKii. 0. P. and T. A. oonttignmeat, all of favorite braadav to sold low to close, Hucklebsnies, Cherries. i and other Fruits, rabbacres and other Vegeta bles in the Green Grocers' lin4, received daily. Jn short, weinteud to keen a complete stock of the best goods in our line, and to sell them at reasonable prices. Give us a call and examine our stock. All goods sold promptly delivered. MOORE & PEG RAH. Corner's. Va. Cleveland Springs, N..C.... Cbrlsiiansburg, Va...., Cherryville, N. C ...... Glen Alpine, N. C Hendersonville, N, C f Healihg Springs, Va. Hot Springs, Va Hickory, N. C !... Kittreh'b Springs, N. C....I Marina, N. C Aiurxanton, M.C 1. OU Point Comfort Va.;...? Red Sulphur Springs, Val Rockbridge Alum SpringngVa.. Rawly Springs, Va Shelby, N. C?..! f. .... bweetf Springs, Va Hytt Chalybeate, Va. R. Warib Springs, Va. w nite sulphur Springs, V. jel9tf IParestsndl mott makfe Reaju Bium it Seditine rtr Xsde, luaUna bt Hod. Buohu, ManH Dandolton.h all tho b t audi ura ttre properties of jail other Bitter,! kthe ere Blood "urMier, UWer ntor.ana i.u,uuinuu uwonui eajio. eaa poadMy lentexm wnrre Hopl orartod and perfect are uar Tssi r-" rv U ! m rirjrtcri ii tu uSm- TI1 whom empl7ment'SnB Irrt-iralarl t$oi thebewchierX t nT oSraiw, or who re- Uarf6urmtSi loatliw. Banana are -hat tbe diaeaM or all " " " UoP Wrsi Pout wait until yoa am" "' Ton onlj feel bad or miserable.1' cm once. Ita7are7oiirU(a.ltnaB r T " .Miih.iiiifA..Mlailii,r will not w reorhtln. Do nt rafter as"- 7r inena. nffcrJiut um and urse tbemw a - ' " VaV . . Ramember. not, Bittrr U rwCSV Tue. erniru draalceB Dotrum, but tbe iu: Medicine erer made : tle UTUDs and! HOPT." and no person orS farolly butud be without tnrm. M M I. . .kMlnta ..it ImJ4M. I forurunkancm, of oxiuin, taooo and I wine, au e." dt Hi-UK?-izm. amH t lor Lircuar. ap mwn era. andTvrooto.anit. d Bert nam - 34tU- Popular Monthly Drairiaf of tks i. I SsaB.sws.lt. Siitiibfttioa Co., AT MACAULTTS THEATEE, In the city of Louisville, oa Saturday, Jnly 30th, 1991. These drawings occur monthly (Sun days excepted), under provisions of an Act of the , General Assembly of Ken tucky, incorporating the Newpert Print ing and .Newspaper uo., approved April 9, 1878. JVTaiia la m aalaI aset. and ban scitf The United' States Circuit Court, oa March Si, rendered tbe following decis ions: ! t 1st That the Commonwealth Distri bution Company la legal. 2nd Its drawings axe fair. N. B. This 00 in pan y has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read carefully the list 01 prizes ror the JULY 0RAWI2W. 1 Prize . 138,000 1 Prise.., 1 Prize-. 10 P risen, $1,000 each zo Prizes, zooo 100 Prizes, $100 eacb.... zoo Prize. Sou earth, 1.000 PrilSL IY0 eacn 9 pnzea, aouu e n, Appn i-nzea 9 Prizes, 200 e'h, App'n Prizes. 9 Prizes, 100 e'h, App'a Priaaav. 10,040 6.060 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 The News axd Observed ST, - ADVERTISING SATES f One Pqaare (eoa Lsek i M .'1 M one day..-. ,t 01 two days 1 N tl ree 7 S, 00 v r ir . S I 00 S SO Contracts fbr s Jvcrtadnr for aay soaeeer tima aaay bs mads at th office of Thi News ajr OnsaVMX,et side Payetteyille Street, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H O s E F U R N I S H I N G G O O D S HARDWARE ! J.C.BBEWSTER&CO. J c X. B BSJW8TKK, BMOKLHARP, HAVE OK HAND Refrigerators, Water Coolers, COTS AND HAMMOCKS. HALL'S Sate aid Lock Company's Fire aad Burglar S J ES si All Sizes aad Prices. ALSO FRUIT JARS and JELLY GLASSES, OU Stoves, Paints, Oils, Varnuhcs and Farmers' I a - ies. ouppi Holleoian Building, RALEleU, N. c. , f GROCuERY T I KM W A R S T O V E S A N D O I L S 'rv. The Best Flour IN THIS COUNTRY is the MnrKKSOTA Patkkt" made by the Roller Mill from Minnesota White Wheat for wbieh Jones A Powell are agents for Raleigh. If you like something superb in the Bread line send for a bar. el of the Minnesota Patent ALLEGHANY 5PRIXGS, Montgomery CoantyTirg-Inla. THIS WATJuBINa PLACE, SO celebrated for tbe cure of Dysr all diseases arising from the gans, will be open on the 1st da- Since tbe last season a new P Ladies has been eonstrncter1 Row, and one for Gen Hotel. The Parlor hs proved. The Billis moved to the forme office has been ar . parlors and din' l which add to t -the plaee) have lhs Propriet his friends and 1 equal to any wata Board per month . " siagle week.. . tyro or more w. Children under 10 yt . half. Pamphlets containinz the nlaca, veruncate. martakla Mtrea efTeeted hr . 18,J588 i.ju.uuja on applioaa 2,700 1,800 000 Large numbers of emigrants are passing tbrouKb Chattanooga, in wagons, going from Illinois to Florida. Worthless 8tnf& Not so fast, my friend. If you could see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children that have been raised from beds 01 sickness, suffering and almost death, by tbe use of Hop Bitters, you would say "Glorious and invaluable rem edy." See other column. Philadelphia Press. It may be remarked, in recognition of the eternal fitness of things, that Dr. Bliss was formerly an Ohio man. fVTE THE If TLB Hupiphreys' Homeoparhic Specifics PtoVm from ample ererlmiee an entire ueema. Simple. PrvmBt. JCtUienljaiwl Reflahle. Uivr are the oaly medicines adntel to pnpiilnr one. 1 ti!iriti!-it,Ai koh. rcnas. S rtKl l wrm I niiirtfiHEioii. innMnmaimiik. 0 3 tt'orma. Worm tfver Vtorm (. ollc, .28 & r'rv'na t'olrr. orTeuthltjgof Infanta, 25 . Diarrhra of t'hlldren or jfiduUa, -. 6. Oystpntery. Orlirfn KllS" Colle, - J6 C Cholera MorbiK.Vomfliia, - & 7. Concha. Cold, Bronchltw, - & & Kreralcla. Toothache, paceache, J2S t. Ba -aarhri. Kirk Headadira, Vertigo, 25 . Pyapenaia. BIHon Stomach. Jg 1,960 Prizes, $112,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, $1 27 Tickets, $50. fri Tickets, $160. Remit money or bank draft in letter, or send by express. DON'T SEND BT REGISTERED LETTER OR POST- OPTCK ORDER. Orders of $6 and up ward, by Ki press, can be aent at our ex oenae. Address au oraera to Xw M, DJAJJaLA.nt t courier-J ournai jsuiicung. Louisville, Ky or T. J. (JUMMitjuiruAiJ, aw isroaawn New York. jan my2 dt oct 1 g.Ai,A Gene. IS. rronp. ooutrn. J 14. Halt Khrum, El 13 llbeemalmm. IS. re lLJoBreaaed Pain(ul tVrloa. r g Kheuniidc lain. JB rrana Acne, thllt. Sever, Agues, 6M 7 I'll-. HUnd or KlMdlBlJ - .10 1. i'atarrh. aoute or ehmiifr; Inflnenia, SO BiU. buopins rah. otnt congna. J U. emrral PrWIirr. iy?l VVeakneas, M t uu... i. .a. .si) iVt rj brli;ttV, Rpetnatorrhea. 1.00 St IrlMarvM eabnra. westing ine oeu.ou amm MtM I .. lifer,. laiUlUlllUQ. r aale by uragtfuta, or inSit by the Case. nKle Vial, free of chan.. on nwlpt ol rice, i Ken 4 for llr. H umpire va' Hook i ,m. eVc. ii-K pagea), ayto Illustrate' or all . ... -1 .. - !!. Cew 10 lllB 6. Rewlws. For sale by Peeoudl Lee A Co. DAVIS HOTEL, KITTRELL, M. C. PARTIES IN RALEIGH DESIRING to send their families to a pleasant re sjrt during tbe hot weather will be glad to learn that I have decided to open my ho tel for the summer season at greuiy re duced prices, viz: S40 a month for adults; half price for children and nurses; no charge for infanta. Kittrell Is known to be one of the health iest resorts in the country, free from ma laria and mosquitoes, with pure air and the very best spring water. The attention and comforts of living so generously dis pensed to make this hotol celebrated tor its extensive patronage by Northern gueata during the winter, will be observed to give comfort and ant pleasure to my Southern patrocs. The ball room, billiard room and bowling alleys will be completed early in July, Fare from turn, f 1.85. Raleigh to Kittrell, and re- Merchants, Bead This. To those bubject to ills incident to the vexations of business life, dyspepsia and a feeling of debility and fretful ness, we say, without equivocation, take Himmona L4ver Keguiator. This remedy la unequalled in tbe cure of pi es, cobs ipation, bad breath, sick headache and bilious complaints. The Regulator is f ee from any injurious mercurial substance; not disagreeable: can be taken at any time' without interfer ing with buainess or pleasure. It is gentle, safe and a good digester. Thieves and robbers are reported nume rous in Knoxvllle, Tenn, v. jnne 21-dlm W. I 8. DAjVIS, Proprietor. A SURE Fop Fine RECIPE Complexions. Bo Sensible. You have allowed your bowels to be come habitually costive, your liver has become tori id, the same thing ails your kidneys, and you are just ueil up. Mow be sensible, gel a parksge of Kidney-Wort, take it faithfully, and soon you will forget you've got any Buch organs, for you will Ds a well it. an. Albany Argus. In port'ons et north A aba ma tbste baa been iioraiu lor six weeks. 1 Mi I MaLiufaclUier aud Dealers in Boots and Shoes! 131 and 133 Duamk St., kkar CHURCH St., " NEW YORK. "tlTE do an exclusively CASH business, nn- ? V der very fuiail exnses, ana can give you Kxti eme; liarjiains on an uooas. l our orders iii nitc m jtiiiii atten tion, and be trniptly and carefully filled. It will be to your interest to see us wuen in our city. Lwy w aaw The' French and Spanish War Indemnities. LoNPOiu, July 11. A dispatch from Ma drid aays: "The French Ambassador here declares Ihst r ranee is prepared to enter tain the Spanish claim for indemnity for losses austainea vy the Mpamanls In I ran. on the understanding that her own claims for tbe civil wars of W7z and 17 will be settled.": Death of aa Episcopal Bishop. Pitts bubo. Pa.. July 11 Rev. J. B. I elevator at Richmond, Va. Kerfoot, Bishop of the Pitbiburg Diocese Health, hope and happin. ss are restored by the u-e of Lydia K. Pinkhitm's Vege table lorn pound. It is a positive cure for all those diseases from which wouiea suffer so much, bend to Mrs. Lydia E. Piakham, '33 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. The money has been raised to build Positive relief anjl immunity from complexional blemishes may be found in Hkan's Mag nolia Balm. A delicate and hannless article. Sld by drag gists everywhere. It imparts the m&st brilliant and! life-like tints, fnd the clo sest scrutiny eanncft detect its use, All unsightly discolora tions, eruptions, ling marks under the eyes,salliwness,red ness, roughness, and the flash of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled tfy the Mag nolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic, Sale of Land! BY virtue of the powers conferred on rae oy a deed of mortgage, executed by Joseph B. -Hogan and wife, Kate L., and record eo iu the office of Register of Deeds,' hi 0lk county, N.C., Book 26, page 403, 1 will em. to the highest bidder, for cash, at the touit House door, in the city of Raleigh, on SA'i DRDAY. the 23d day of JULY, 1881, a t ea tain TRACT of LAND, in Orange eou, ty near Chapel Hill, adjoining the lands of Jues llutchins, Joha Oattis, Audison Cheek and others, containing fifty acres, mote or less. apll lawn K. a. PU1JUEJN H.J.BROWN, ft. FraDisig DiflBMfir, KEEPS ON HAND METALLIC CASES AND CASKETS, WOOD COFFINS AND CASKETS, CLOTH COVERED CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES, Ac., For Ladies, (penis and Children. an For Sales of the Episcopal Church, died yesterday at Meyersdaie, Bomersei county, Penusyl- van ia, after a prolonged illness, iiom the resu'tof a complication of diseases. 0 C O R iSsulbrtaWe and fit perfectly, at ROBUM A ROBUtTS. Original in desiam. at Robinson A Robkbts', Reasonable in price, at n RoBuisoK A Robkbts', The average results of experiment and theory, so to speak, make 57 pounds of In dian eorn eq-ial to 100 pounds of hay, or 1,140 pounds of corn to tbe ton of bay. TVyTlNERAL LANDS, ATX Oie. Ac S iriisitHii oi Iron lvintv immmBfltpltf nn tViA O It A Y. V.i R. R. and the K. j& A. A.-L. R, ii. For particulars and mforn all a, address JU. WICKER, - jun33-w6w Carthage, ifoore county, N. C Sewed, not woven, at ROBlKtrOH & ROBBBTS'. E All orders by mail or telegraph promptly ai tended to at any hour, day or night. JOHN VVBROWfJ, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, y $5 $20 Addicts HriMsod nov20 dJcw lv Vfarm Springs, Western NortL. r. rilHIS celebrated Watering Place, JL in a valley of picturesque beauty v banks of tbe French Broad river, is oicu pleasure seekers and invalids. Pirst-claaa a all appointments. .Magnificent cold and warm bathing. Cold ralphnr and Chalybeate water. Apply for circular. ; HOWERTON A KLELtf, Proprietors my24 ; NEW REVISION OF TBB HEI TESTAMENT, At S0c., 75c., $1.00 and $1.50 Each. Also, the Old and New Versions in parallel columns, at 50 cents per mail. Extraordinary sales have been made. Everybo iy will bny it and read it. "The latest books of all kinds sup plied by j L.. BBANSON, DookseUer. ' RALEIGH, N. C. A meh Ju om yamit catalogues A Specialty! We invite the attention of Principals of Colleges and Schools to our increased facilities for executing MM PHTII! We are prepared to do the best BOOK PRINTING in the State at MODERATE PRICES. s J For the past three years we have paid special attention tar SCHOOL CATA LOGUES, and solicit -: correspondence from those having Catalogues to print. mm & wiley, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, RALEIGH, N. C. Valuable Lot on PER "AY at Home. Ham pies worth $5 fr. A Co., Portland, Maine. T T71arwmt ivi mtum art A AnlaaTt safV VM-BjCsLav a J v smaaaieVSj a j ROBtKSH Ot ROBEBTS'i ; I Thompson s Glove-Fitting amongst the number, at Robiphoh A RoBJUtTS'. iayetterille Street for ale. THAT VALUABLE LOT AND STORE house on Fayejtteville street, opposite the market, lately owned ty H. Fndt; n w occupied, as a cigar factory, will besol.i privately. Apply to j 10t F. H. BTJSBEE. S BtroDsf, durable and first-olass in ereiT ) Articular, at RObwso SOBBBis'd

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