fuE 5r.i and Observer. -v -. aa&x, Gatldto A Co. pBormmoBg. ahliaked Daily (except If oaday) Weekly, 1 Ratm c? BuwcEiPTKnr I Adtakot: ily, oa year, illv-I jpotapeM . 7 00 ixuntkJ, - M thrv - i 1 75 tVeekly.wne year, 44 - 22 M lil mouths, M 1 00 ; No name entered withoat payment, and no per tent after expiration of time paid for. MISCELLANEOUS. T.H.Bris&Sons RALEIOH, N. O. HARDWARE! r Children's Carriages 1 REMINGTON I EWS AND QjBSfc RVER The News and Obseryku. OYIBTISINQ BATES: Ons Pqaars (one tack) on day.......... 14 M 1 tiro dan throe " a VOL. XVfll. RALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY,! JULY 13, 1881. NO. 102. MISCEIAANE0U8. By Telegraph. PRESIDENT GARFIELD. HI8 CONDITION CONTINUES FAVOR , ABLE HE EXPRESSES HIMSELF AS h FEKLINO QUITE COMFORTABLE. Tbe Physicians Satisfied with of tbe Case. the Progress RUE mmmQ Fokn, ftovels. Spaiei, Ribs, It, SEND US YOUR ORDERS BEST GOODS. SQUARE LOWEST PRICES. DEALING. JOB WORE OF ALL KINDS DON! AT TBI Sews ana (terra JOB OFFICE, With Neatness and Despatch, AK AT Bottom Figures. Oar friend are eolleited to communicate with OR before giving orders elsewhere. Dr. HUTOHinSOB'8 S P E C I F I C , Th Unrivaled Restorative in all forms oi Ferrous Debility, Loss pi nnmorv. Sleeplessness. Frightful Dreams'1 Loss ot appetite, Lrsa of Manhood, Prema ture Decay and every kind of Weakness of Mind or Body, produced ny uverwora Anxiety, Early Indiscretions, Excesses Ac.' MEYER KNOWN TO FAIL. Has re ceived the endorsement of '.he highest medical authority. Price reduced to tl per package-, six for S5. For sale by ail druggists, Or will be sent by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price. C ure guaran teed or money refunded. Valuable Circu lar sent free to ail who write for it. Ad drees WILLIAM CLAKKB A CO., ' ! 182 Franklin street, my 22 dly New York. OLD DOMNION LINE. FAVORITE PA8SENOKB AND FREIGHT ROUTB BETWKXN NSW lORK. , AND 1HS SOUTH AND 0 Keuralgia, Sciatica, lumbago, Backache, Soretest of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings end Spramt, Burns ana Scalas, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear ani Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other rams and Aches. , No preparation on earth eqnali St. Jacobs On. as a , Hmptii and hoap External Kemedj. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling; euuay of 50 Cent, And every one suffering with pain can hare cheap and positive proof of lta claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DBTJGGI8TS AID DEALERS II MEDI0IIE. i A.VOG2XER Sc CO., Bmltimor; MtU. U. B. JL W. C, & A, B, STRONACH I Grocers and Commission Merchants. JULY 11, 1881. f WIST. Tbe magnificent Passenger Steamships or wis Ldne leave new xo every lues day, Thursday and Saturday at V p. m. Piers 87 and 43 North River. Leave Richmond and Petersburg, Va,, Sunday, Tuesday and Prtday. . Leave Norfolk, Va., Monday, Wednes day and baturday. Connects at Poitsmouth with Through Trains of the Seaboard and Roanoke R. K. for RALEIGH, N. C.and ail adjaoent points. - These steamers are first-clasa in every reaoect and rfler siiperlor attractions. The route is an easy one and offers a de- lightlul ocean excursion, cool and free from uuat. Fares always as low as other iinea. First-claas ticket include Meal and stateroom on steamer. Tickets sold to and from Raleigh and Baggage checked through. Lay-over prlvlitge granted. enabling travelers to visit Fortress Mou oe and other points of interest around Norfolk. Tickets sold and Information given at General Omoea, IV7 Greenwich street and at Pier 26, North River. 9 Aator House, so and ay Broadway, New York, and at Ticket umcee in Kaietgh. v "rV . R. STANFORD ,ebl9dly Secretary, BUILD YOUR HOUSE WITH A FTBK CUTCHIIIIT. WlUi no ruOt of and d. Dol cm, trton W or frort.ln.ur. brick. Maryland and Bhafer brands sugar-cured Hams; Southampton (Va.) and Johnston (N. C.) Hams; North Carolioa and Virginia Sides and Shoulders; an gar-eared Breasts and Break. last Strip. North Caro ina Koe and Trimmed tiemnr; Pickled Cedfish; No. 1 Mackerel in kits and Drums; Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel, bbls and half bbls; New River corned' Mallets. - N. C. Family Flour (new wheat). We are scents for Plant's "Rex" brand Flour, Our W. C. 8 , wo is the eldest fanry grocer in town, says it is the best he ever handled. We don't ssk yon to take his say about it, bat guarantee every barrel of it. Patapeeo and Orange Grove Flour, all size packages to suit trade and families. Hertford's Bread Preparation heads the list as an unadulterated Baking Powder. As agents of manufacturers we supply trade at New York price. Bdttkr AH D C'HkKhe. we are daily re ceiving per express and freight finest Goshen and Stale Batter and bummer Cheese. Pure old Apple Cider and Wine Vinegar; Uodiliot'i (imported trip:e strength) Vinegar in quart dec n ten. 8haferi pure Fruit Syr ups and Raspberry Vinegar. Black and Gkeejx Teas. We have just received a la'Ke line Green ard Black Teas. One pound of tea will go as far as five pounds of co nee. We sell a good article each of Green and 151' ck Tea at 50c per pound. There is health and economy in wring tea, especially as a summer beverage. He-No-Chop Tea is pro nounced by old tea drinkers as the best article they can find for iced tea. Put up k original packages of one-half and one pound each. To Arkivk Forty boxes LoriEard's "Cli max Red Tin Tag" Tobacco. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices. Consignments. We are daily receiving consignments of Chicken. Egg, Butter, I ab lage, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, To atoei, Cucumbers, Ac Low prices to Trade on anything and every thing we offer. "LAND OF THE SKY." Swannanoa Hotel. ASHLYILLE, N. C (2,250 Feet Above the Sea ) THIS popular Hotel, with capacity for 250 kucw, ii aw wvu M.w.vaau.T .uv r . . and under he present new management will bee kept open winter and summer. This is the only Hotel in the city snpp ied with electric bei s, tpeaxing tuDes, and tne only teiegrapn office in the city is in this Hotel., The Hotel is built of brick; the rooms are large and well ventilated; billiard rooms, bath rooms, barber shop and laundry in the house. It is supplied ith ciatern and mountain well water. A fine orchestra has been engaged for the season. The "Swannanoa" is the leading Hotel in the city. It ii one of the best built, best equipped ami best kept Hotels in the State, line mountain views from the Hotel. Tinas 13, 'l 50 and $2 per day, according to location of room, Ac. Liberal arrangements can be made for board by the week or month. As to the manner in which the "wannanoa" is k pt, we refer to those who are or have been guests under its present management. BAWLS A CA RTER, Proprietors. j)y!2 WM. GORMAN, Manager. Washington, July 12. ! Executive Mansion, July 12 8 a. m. The President ia comfortable this morn ing. : The rise of temperature noted in last evening's bulletin began to diminish About an hour later. Pulse 96, tempera ture 99.6, respiration 22. Signed, D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, J. J. Woodward, Rob ert Reyburn. ! 8 a. m. The unfavorable symptoms which made their appearance yesterday afternoon have entirely subsided. The President passed a very comfortable and restful night and this morning his pulse is 96 and temperature 99.6. This would seem to indicate tl at tbe increased pulse and temperature of lat evening was merely a temporary fluctuation, due, as the surgeons supposed at tbe ime, to some momentary tax upon bis nervous sys.eiu, rather than tq any permanent unfavorable change in his condition. (Signed) 8. S. Brown, Private Secretary. Executive Mansion, Washington, Jnly 12 1 r. m. Tbe President is passing a comfortable day ; pulse 100, temperature 100.'t respiration 24. Signed, D. W. Bliss, Ji K. Barnes, J. J Woodward, Robert Reyburn. Washington, July 12. Dr. Biiss tbis afternoon reports that the President's con dition has been Bteadily improving ever since this morning. The transient in crease in pulse and temperature last night was only a natural fluctuation of fever and not an indication of any unfavorable change. Tbe Presidont Is better in every way this afternoon than at the correspond ing hour yesterday, and he has not a symptom which needrause uneasiness. His pulse at 2 p. m. ' was only 96, and although he lTas taken no anodyne since yesterday, he is now sleeping a quiet, nat ural steep. The atmosphere of his room is still maintained, by the refrigerating apa ratus in the basement, at a steady tem- gerature of 75 dtgree, which the President nds most com'ortable. j7 p.- u. The President has passed a much more comfortable day than yester day, pulse 104; temperature j02.4; respi ration 21. Washington, July 12. The following telegram was sent by the attending sur geons td Drs. Agnew and Hamilton, tbe consulting surgeons, this afternoon : During the afternoon yesieTdav, tbe President's temperature roe to tbe highest point It has ytt attained. It beran to fall, however, immediately after he received his evening morphia, one-quarter of a grain of sulphate bypodermically, and tbis morning corresponds with previous days. About 6 p: m. he bad a consistent and co pious movement of the bowels His wound Was dressed an tiseptically yesterday even ing, and tbis morning he continues to re tain all nourishment prescribed for him, and has had twenty-four ounces of milk and one of rum during tbe last, twenty-four hours; besides a small quantity of milk toast this morning. At 8:30 tbis morning he also received ten grains of bi-sulpbate of quinia. His general condition tbis morn ing appears to us rather better than yes terday morning. Last night at 7 p. m. bis pulse was 108, temperature 102.8, respi ration 24. " This morning at 8 o'clock his pulse; was 96, temperature 90.6, rcnM ra tion 21. Atlp. m: Pulse 100, tempera ture 100 8, respiration 24. A DAY OF PRAYER. Governor Foster's Suggestion Approved, and the Gevernor of Georgia Added to ; UMOommltu. Columbus, Ohio. July 12. Governor Foster has received te egisms from the Governors of Indiana, Massachusetts, Kansas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois, Virginia, Alabama, Missouri, Georgia, Kentucky, Mi-sissippi, New York, Nebraska, Vermont, Florida, New Jersey, West Viigiuia, and Wyoming Territory, approving the suggestion in reference to axing a day to be observed as a prayer day foj tbe recovery of President Gar field. The Governor of Georgia was added to the committee on date, i . The Will of Joha Baraslde, f Louisiana. Grlsoom's Fast Ended. Chicago, July 12. John Grisoom ! con cluded his fortv-tive days' fast at noon to day. His pulse this morning was 66, res- Eiration 15. temperature 98. At noon, just efore he broke his fast, he weigbed 147i pounds. About two hundred people as sembled in the Olympic Theater to see the faster take bis first mouthful of food. Be hind the scenes a table was spread, con- taming rasina, e u, 6"ai bread, crackers, cheese, whojrtleberiies, biscuits, beef-steak, strawberries, milk tmt nnrl i water. The hero of the day quietly walked around superintend in the j arrangemonis, uiMug nu iu mn -s anri AMn hfllninc- the wa tresses to b . e articles of food, sbo w in g, in the mean w K i e. no signs of unusual hunger or excitement. When tbe curtain went up tbe audi- n e annianded heartilv. and Gnscom made a little speech, setting forth his well-kn .wn : views about fasting, saying be believed tbat much physical sickness and distress was due to overcrowding the system with food. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. law Orleans. Julv 12 The holo graphic will of the late John Burnside, of Louisiana, tbe millionaire who died re cently at the Virginia Springs, was opened yesterday. It was written in 1857. Ihis Is new believed to be the only document of the kind left by the deceased. A form of a will, prepared by a notary a few years ago. was among nis papers, out there is nothing to indicate that it was ever used. By the will of 1857, alter making bequests amounting to about $150,000, Oliver P. Byrne, of Virginia, is made the universal legatee. Tbe estate is now valued at 15,000" 000 or ffl ,000.000. Governor Foster Sngg-ests a Day of Thanks- giving and Prayer. Colv mbus, O., July ll.Gov. Foster has i sent tbe following telegram to the Gov-j ernors of States and Territories : Governor's Ovfick. , Columbus, O , July 11, 1881; To Harris M. Plainted, Governor of Maine: Present Indications strongly encourage : the hope tbat tbe President will recover from the effects cf the horrible attempt on i his lire. It must occur to all tbat it would be most fitting for tbe Governors of tbe . several States and Territories to issue proc lamations setting apart a day to be gener ally agreed upon for thanksgiving and : praise to Almighty God for the blessed do- liverance of our President and for this great evidence of His goodness to this na- : tlon. If this suggestion meets your appro bation permit me to name tbe Governors of New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maryland and Ohio, as a committee to fix upon the day to be so observed. Please reply. (Signed) Charles Fohteb. Balloting at Albany. Albany, Jaly 12. The joint convention vote 1 to-day for United States Senator for tbe abort term as fo'lows: Lapbam 68;! Potter 52; Conkling 32; Fish 1; Woodford 1; ; Evarts 1. Necessary to a choice 78. The chair announced that no choice had L been made, and directed a vote to be taken to fill the long term vacancy. When Sen ator Davenport's name was called be said that as several members had voted for Sherman 8. Rogers, he desired to state that : tbat gentleman was not a candidate; by his consent. The vote resulted asfol-; lows: Kernan 62; Miller 70; Wheeler 24; ; Adams 2; Chapman 2; Fish 2; Daniels 3; : Bliss 1; Starm 1; Evarts 1. Necessary to a choice 78. Tbe chair announced that no choice had been made. Senator Braman moved an adjournment. Carried 83 yeas to 70 nays, and the con-' veution adjourned. The Coming Fete In Paris. Paris, Jnly 12 The papers say that the fete of the revolution and of the republic, which occurs on Thursday next, the 14th instan, (the ninety-first anniversary of tbe taking of the Batile) will be celebrated with greater eclat than it was last year. The city bas already assumed a semi-festive appearance. The official buildings are resplendent with bunting, while everywhere is visible the outlines of what will develop into brilliant lllumir ations. Huge Aug staffs have been erected on alii the open space, mere wiu a ipitmaia . Venetian fete in the Bo is de Bo'.ogne, with bands of music and fireworks on the takes. There will also be pyrotechnic displays at; Montmartre, Belleville, Point du Jour, j and other conspicuous points, and free : performances at the theatres. Sa- p A Heavily Insured Negro. Baltimore, July 12. A un' special letter from Westminster, Carroll county, dated yesterday, says : Robert Bell, col ored, died in this city last nlgbt, aged somewhere in tbe eighties. His life was known te have been insured for a large ag gregate sum and bis death and insurance policies were the chief topics of oonve sa il on to-day. Quite a number are Inter ested in the polieies and the whole amount is est! no ated at over $200,000. -' It is said tbat $174,000 have been taken on bis life in the past two or three Weeks, one syndicate in i esting in $55,000. Bell bas been sick about ix weeks. He was a. staunch Democrat, voting the straight ticket at every election since the fifteenth amendment clothed him with tbe elective franchise. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To WIN A FORTUNE. Eujhth Grand Distribution, Class H, at NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1881 13th moathly drawing. Louisiana Statsj Lottery Oempany, Incorporated in 1861 for twenty-five years by the Legislature for Educational and Char table purposes with a capital of fl.0o0.000 to which a reserve fund f over $420,U00 has since Ix-eO added. i By an overwhelmipg popular vote its fran chise was made a prt of the present State Constitution adopted j Decern t-er 2, A. D. 18f. its 6bahd SisoiJs Number. Drawings will tajce place monthly. It nev.er .scales or postp&M. Look a the following Distribu tion: f 1 CAPITAL PfiIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each Half Ticket One Dollar. 1 1ST or PRIZES. 1 Capital PriiS... $30,000 1 Capital Pria 10,000 1 Capital Priz 6,000 2 Prizes of $2500 5,000 5 Prizes of I 00 5,000 20 Prizes of J500 -. 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 1 50 10,000 600 Prizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of f 10 10,000 M1SCELLANEOT .11 ot - 1 M .1 1 0i S 00 151 Coviractafor a ..'LitHup for an v Rnaeeor time may be made at the office of Thc News AWT Obskkvkb, e vrt side Fayetteville Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i " I Til I I IVilMr. H HADn ABB !l T s Bama Bama saw w s s ws mm 1 1 U Mw mm m 1 EL. -AND oing Nell! GROCERIES st hich our APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approx'n PMzes of....$300 2,700 9 Approx'n Prizes of..... 200 1,800 9 Approx'n Pjrizes of 100 900 1.857 Prizes amounting to $110,400 ResDonjubla oorreaiwndini; agents wanted at all points, to whom nberal eompensation will be paid s For furtbei iulormtion, write clearly, giving full address. Send ofders by Lrpress or Keg istered Letter, or Mfney Older by mail, ad dressed only to IK. A. DAUPHIN, i New Orleans Liu, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management - of Generals G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. - jel5 i Simmons Liver Regulator! i Will Cure Constipation, Conquer Fever and Ague, Prevent Billons Attacks, Oire Yon and: Appetite, Protect You from JHfalaria, Bid You of Dyspepsia, and Make You Cheerful, Happy andl Well. And all manner of FAMILY Bottom Prices, as an evidence of trade doubles every week. I Flour of the most popular brands; Meats, smoked and in bulk, and not a bug or skupper about it; All kinds Of canned Meats and Vegetables; Kauces, Pickles and Preserves; Cakes of every description: Sugars, Co flee a ad Teas, common to best grades; ; Spices, whole and ground; . Fulton Market Corned Beef and N. Q. Trimmed and Koe llemnirs; 8nuif, Cigars, Cigarettes aad Chewing To- bacco, especially 1 0,000 CIGARS on cousignment, all of favorite brands, to be sold low to close. Huckleberries. Chemes, and other Fruits, Cabbages and othr Vegeta bles in the Green Grocers' line, received daily. In short, we lutein! to keep a complete stock of the best goods in our line, and to sell them at reasonable prices. Give us a call and examine our stock. All goods sold promptly delivered. MOORE & PEGRAH. u s E F U R N I S H I N G C O o D s J.C.BREWSTHR&CO, J. C BRKW8TK, K. B. KKOKLUAKP HAVE OX HAND Refrigerators, Water Coolers. COTS AND HAMMOCKS. HULL'S Safe and Lock Compant's Fire and Burglar SAFES! All Sixes and Prices. -ALSO FRUIT JAUS and JELLY GLASSES, Oil Stoves, Painta, Oils, Varuuhca and Farmers' Supplies. i N W A R E, S T O V E S A N D Holleman Building, RALEIGH, N. C. CROCKERY! o i L S i The symptoms of lirer com pi aiut are: Slight pain in the side, the Skin and eye assume a thick yellow coat, ditfestion is impaired, an un pleasant sinking sesation at the pit of the stomach u expenet.ceil, the bowels are irrejru' lar, the mind fretfulg the memory weakened, sometimes a slight jfcough, coldness of tbe hands and feet, sometimes loss of appetite and otheis unnatural crating for food, dizziness of tbe head, blurring before the eyes, depressed spirits, feeling of unjertainty of having left something- undone, bat can't tell what it is. The best thing to do, however, is to take Simmons Liver Regulator, and ia a short time a cure will be effected!. MALAR! 11 POISON. ' - at so prevalent of late, dwen not produce Chills and Fever only, but affect the weakest parts of the system; therefore, a toerson may suffer with Malaria and not knov it, The best protection from Malaria is Bimaaous ljver Regulator, a purely Vegetable Tojiic, Cathartic and Al terative. It acts mtre promptly in curing all forms of Malarial Diseases than calomel or quinine, audi will keejp the Liver, Bowels and Sidneys in penect warding oruer. Notice. XY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON- L lained in a mortgage deed executed by W. H. Arrington and wife, Pattie D. R, to B. F Moore, and by the latter assigned to "W. W. Vass. registered in Book 34, page 73o. of Keuister of Ueeds for Wake county. the undersigned will sell tor cash, at the Court House door, in Raleigh, on the lbth day of Jnly next, the following real estate, situate in said city, viz : a certain lot, near tLe northern limits of tbe city, which was conveyed by W. W. Vass to Harriet G. b reeman, bounded as follows : Beginning on the north side of North street at a cor ner formed by the intersection of said North street with the main old road running from said city to iuisburg, 2lo feet, to a. M. Lewis' corner, on said road; tbence east along the dividing line of said Lewis, lift feet to Peseud's corner; tbence south, along Pescud'B dividing line, 2164 feet to a corner on North street; thence along the northern margin of said North street, 1101 feet west to the beginning. Possession will be given the first day of January next, and interest at six per cent. will lie deducted from the day of. sale to that date. June 21, 1881. ' W. W. VASS, JOHN GATLING, wife and others. heirs of B. F. Moere. june 21-deodtd. ; , Q.RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, DURHAM, N. C, W. ii. MATTHEWS, Proprietor. Xiarge bam pie noomi travelers. commercial Jan2i "Have tried it in several cases of bilious dis orders, chills and lever, and hnd it ellects a cure in a most satisfactory manner. "Dr. J. H. r0WEN, Clinton, Ga." My wife was afflicted with malaria in vari ous forms, and your Summons Liver Regulator cured her. We do nt feel safe without your medicine. I. IS. THOMPSON, "Lehigh, Neb. 2 Pastor M. K. Church." : What a Oodaln of GnlUaa Bays. .aine oocnpanl-s prefr them to S" Ti"i7eT raquiraa Put It Up youranlf. Earh aertion la 3 few and reels In the bnwl of tne next, txvnpicta, eoimDev for a Hons, hwu w. ouua an rocs. nena tor ouiw,iu iracuiar. CH1A. XT. TeBSCH at CO No. Ill HANOYXB ST.. Ball! re, Hi, Cat this out. It may savs you pa. 1 ENGINES, GINS, PRESSES. We oiler to those in want tbe following: 1 Fifteen horse power Tanner Fngine; 1 Twelve horse power Tanner Engine; 2 Ten horse power Taneer Eogines; 2 Fight horse power Tanner Engines; 'I Ligbty saw Pratt Gins, Feeders and Con densers; 8 Sixty saw Pratt Gins, Feeders and Con- - denser; 6 Fifty saw Pratt Gins, Feeders and Con densers; 1 , SSe's Scofield's (Macon. Georgia.) Power Cotton Press Irons: 6 Taylor or Lummua Cotton Gins, Feeders .1 r- i We will receive orders for ant size Tan ner Engine and any size Pratt or Tayl r Gin wanted. We Lave slso had out in our possession for sale tbe following second band Gins in good order: 1 Hlxty saw Brown Gin and Condenser; 1 Fifty saw Finly (Jin and Condenser; 1 Filly saw P.stt C;n. Parties, in wan, of a v of the above will please call and see us before making pur chases eUewhere. WILLIAMSON A UPCHDR H. Raleigh, N. C , July 10, l8l. ' - . " The D05 Ordiaanre. Ciiy Marshal's O-fick, Ralkiuh, N C, July li, 188L NOTICE i hereby given to ail cwners of Dogs in tbe city to come forward promptly aud purchase Badges as required by the t ity Ordinances. The lax lor this year is sj.uu. C. D. UEARTT, jlyl2 3t City MarsdaU Battle Cbbek, Michigan, July 12. Dr. W Guiteau, a veterinary surgeon of tbis city, is a cousin of Charles Guiteaa. He has no doubt that the man is now insane, and that he bas been so for years. Two years ago be was in tbis city delivering fiuplic lee: urea on tbe subject of "Chi ist.n a which he argued tbat he was as great a man as Christ, and tbat only tradition and superstition have given tbe Saviour such a world-wide reputation. He behaved very strangely, and bis relate ns were afraid be would commit suicide curing his feats of hallucination. Railroad Accident. Preparing to Indict Oalteao. Washington, July 10. The grand jury was discharged yesterday for a week. It was reported to-day tbat District- Attorney Corkhill will then be ready to place Gui teau's case before them. It is true that he may be ready, but he will not aak for an indictment until certain for what crime he shall aak it.and there will be no way within a week of knowing positively enough for such a- purpose about the. President's chances of recovery. Tbe Fan for Mrs. Garfield. New Yobk, July 11. Tbe total amount of subscriptions to tbe fund for tbe benefit of Mrs. Garheld and family, reported up to this evening, was 1122,755. SW1. ' . I ai a -, f.S -. . .a Gale's Long- Walk. New York, July 12. At noon to-day. Gain bad completed 2,085 quarter miles of the 6,000 quarter miles in 6,000 consecutive ten minutes. II e is still in good condition. Ask for Simmons Iver Regulator. Recol lect that for Malaria J Biliousness, Dyspepsia constipation ana ueafacne itnas no equal. Beware of Cheap, Worthless Imitations. Take only the Genfine, in white wrapper, with red L, stamp andisigtiature ot J. il. ZE1L1N A Sold by all Druggist my20 d eod&wly CO. 1- 1 a7E WILL BEND FREE. ft or iori 5L "Y j of Meivoo I VA If l WaeVIlP I OR. JOY'S ELECTRIC DEVICES Par fuBttlln sm jTrtel sexere Pmres amlmg, North Carolina-Wake County. Is tbi Superior Court Special Pro ceedings. J. H. Glover and others ) vs. D. H. Bunn, Martha H. Al- I Notice for len, John C. Allen, Josiah ' Confirmation. B. Bunn, Wesley ii. Fer rell and others, j The defendants above named are hereby no tified to appear before C. D. Upchurch, Clerk and Probate Judge of Wake county, at his office in the court house in said county, at 12 o'clock m., on Monday, the fifteenth day of August, ial. and show cause, if any they have, why the report of the commissioner of the sale of land described in the petition in this cause (which report is on file in this office) shall not be confirmed. CUAS. D. UPCHURCH. Clerk Superior Court and Probate Judge. jnne-dlawow DAVIS HOTEL, , K1TTRELL, IV. C. TARTIES in RALEIGH DESIRING A. to Bend their families to a pleasant re sort during tbe hot weather will be glad to learn tbat 1 have decided to open mv ho tel for tbe summer season at greuiv ro- auceu prices, viz: 4u a montn tor adults: naii price tor cniiaren ana nurses: no charge for infanta. Kittreu is known to be one of the health iest resorts in the country, free from ma laria and mosquitoes, with Dure air aud the verv best SDrinir water. Th tttantinn and comforts of living so generously di peusec to maae mis notei celebrated tor its extensive patronage bv Northern trueata during the winter, will be oUerved tog. ye conuori huu an pieasuie to mv HOuLhern patrors. The ball room, billiard room and Dowiing alleys will be completed earlv in - - juiy. Fare from Raleigh to Kittrell and turn, fi. So. W. S. DAVIS, inne 21-dlm Proprietor. The Best Flour IN THIS COUNTRY is the "Minnesota Patent" made by the Roller Mill from Minnesota White :Wbeat for which Jones A Powell are agents for fcaleii'h. If vnn like something superb in the Bread line send for a bar. el of the Minnesota Patent A L LEG II ANY SPKIXGS. Montgomery County, Virginia. THIS WATERING PLACE, SO celebrated for tbe eure of Dyspepsia, and all diseases arisine from the digestive or. gans, will be open on the 1st day of June next. Since the last season a new Bath House for the Ladies has been constructed adjoining Paradise Row, and one for I Gentlemen adjoining the Hotel. The Parlor has been enlarge 1 and im proved. The Billiard Tables have been re moved to the former office of ths hotel. Anew office has been arranged on the floor with the parlors and dining room, and other changes (which add to the comfort and convenience of the place) have been made. The Proprietor will be prepared to entertain his friends and the public generally in a style equal to any watering place ia Virginia. rjoara per monui ., $40 00 single week , 15 00 " two or more weeks 12 "fin Children under 10 years of age and servants naii price. Pamphlets containing a full descrintion ot the place, with certificates of some of the re markable cures effected by the use of this water, will be furnished on application. i.C. A. COLHOUN, y28 dt oct 1 General M Warm Springs, Western North Carolina. rjTHIS celebrated Watering Place, situated -A, in a valley of picturesque beauty ou the banks of the French Broad river, is open lor pleasure seekers and invalids. First-class in all appointments. Magnificent cold and warm bathing. Cold sulphur and Chalybeate water. Apply for circular, HOWERTON A KLEIN, Proprietors myZ4 NEW REVISION OF TBE NEW TESTAMENT, I At 50c., 75c, $1.00 and $1.59 Each. . , 1 1 .-1, , . . Also, tne KJia and r ew ersiona in parallel columns, at 50 cents per mail. Extraordinary sales have been made. Everybo ty will buy it and read it. J9The latest books of all kind. nn- pliedby JL. BBANHOX, Bookseller. KALiJ&LUH, N. C. meho iliu gCHODL CATALOGUES I A Specialty ! re- GaLveston, July 12. A ipfcial to the yewt from San Antonia says twenty-four persons were injured by an accident on the international and ureat Northern Exlon sion, twenty-six miles west of tbis place, tbis A in. The accident was caused by tbe splitting of a wheel on a couch wbich was thrown from tbe track. : The Body of Pope Plus IX. Rom K, July 12. The boly of Pope Pius IX. In accordance with the terms of his will, will be removed to-day from St. Pe ter's So (the church of San Lorenzo. The whole ceremony will be strictly private. Balloting at Albany. AriABNY, July 11 j The joint convention voted to day as follows: Conkling 2X; Lap bam 0; Potter 48; Fisher 1; Cornell 1. Nec essary te a choice 70. The chair declared no choice had been made, and directed a vote on tbe long term vacancy, which re sulted as follows: Kernan 48: Miller til: Wheeler 18; Adams U; Evarts 1; Chapman 2; Rogers 3; Stearin 1; Fish 2 Necessary to a choice 70. ' ! -i i , I Ths Hottest Bay l St Leuls. Aocording to the ' reports made by the signal sei vice observer, yesterday was tbe hottest day in St.. Louis of which any record exists. At 6 a. m. tbe mercury marked 0 degrees, at 8 o'clock 04.9-10, at 2 p. m. 102 2-10, and at 6 o'clock p. m. 97.9-10. c o mfcrtahle and fit perfectly, at . . 4t- Original in design, at Robucco" A Roberts. Affairs at Albany. It has required a great deal of skilful management and earnest work to enable the handful ef men or tbe twenty-five half breeds first to prevf nt Mr. Conkllng's re election, and second to secure tbe co-operation of; a majority of tbe Republicans. Whatever may be said of the leadership of Mr. Robertson and the Mens ofDepew, they have accomplished all of that and more, but it could not be done in aday. It required lime and hard work. With a preponderating majority of Republi cans against him, Mr. Robertson has taken tbe twenty-five half-breed members as a nuclebs and worked tbe canvass along in gradual stages until at last there bas been added to the number until now they have sixty eight Republi cans In tbe legislature consolidated against the Conkling stalwarts. Mr. De pew remained in the canvass and made the point of rally until a majority of all Republicans ejected had gathered under the half-breed standard. Then he s'eps out and enables them to increase that ma jority to nearly two-thirds of the Republi can side. Tbat such results have been ac complished is due to tbe leadership of Robertson, Depew and Woodin. The Pall Mall Gazette Is or tbe opinion that a financial crisis in the United States is impending. The Kbediye and his ministers are re pot ted te be anxious to abolish slavery in Kgypt.1 uflferlnfr from Jf ervenas Wesdweasea, General DeMlHy, Loss of Nete Force or VifOfi or any dlaaeee reraltins from ABtfrnaJand Othkr C bbbj, or to auty owe afflicted wllh llh-umiattsm, Keo ralla. Paralyaks, SplDal DiOtOiltlea, Kidney 01 Liver Troubles, Lame luck, ana otbr of the vital Organs. A1io3womxm troubled with Dl. eases peculiar to their sex. . Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Tlieae ar tn only Kleetrlc De vice r Appillancva tHttt have ver bevat fra spna saeieaune pnneipiea. Their tboroosh efflctelcy has been practically uroven wltu tlx woMwaaaernii surer . ana tbey have the hlataeyt emkmciMnli from tbe wmm at raalairat snelteml anal arleatlOe snm of Aawertea. tfcgid at once for book giving all In forma lion rree. Address the manufacturers. WAGNEB St CO, tor. JDeUf sa At. ssd Jseksoa St Chicago, B ! r Notice to Contractors and Builders. State of North fA Molina Pitt County. SEALED PROPOSAIHwill bo renlvad by the Board ol fjommissioners for the ; county aforesaid, adrersed to the under jsigned, at GreouvillelN. C, up to 12 o'clock Jm. of July 20tU, 1881,sfor Turnishlng labor and materials for tbe construction of a itwo story Brick Jail 22 feet 6 inches by 46 feet 6 inches and to centain two iron prison cells 12x14 feet, twd cages 8x9 feet, two ! cages 6x9 feet all of said cages and cells ! to be of 3 feet pitch. i Plans and specincttlons containing full i information wui oe piurnisned on applica tion to tbe andersignsd. i The right of receif ing or rejecting any ior all bids is reserve. j By order of tbe Bard of bounty Com- misieners. . AjKJL. L. BLOW, i Jel5tjy20 clerk. r IS1 R s H. J. BROWN, le Wslig Unflertater, KEEPS ON HAND . i ' METALLIC CASES AND CASKETS, WOOD COFFINS AND CASKETS, CLOTH COVERED CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES, &c., For Ladies, Cents and Children. We invite the attention of Principals of Colleges and Schools to our increased facilities for executing FfflB to FUTM! We are prepared to do the best BOOK PRINTING in the State at MODERATE prices: For thejpast three years we have paid special attention to SCHOOL CATA LOGUES, and solicit correspondence mm a wiley, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, Ail orders by mail or telegraph promptly ai from those having Catalogues to print. lenueu to at any nour, day or night. JOHN W. BROWN. S(,;.TO&9f, PER DAY at Home. O V' V7 Samples worth fS fr., duress oriMsoN e uo.f Portland, Maine. nov20 d&w ly ST. CUABLBS HOTEL, S StatesTlIle, N. C. This house has bees leased by Mrs. Dr. Reaves, whose intention is to keep a strictly first-class house in every respect. Commodi ous sample rooms on first and second floors. The patronage of the public is solicited. July 5, 1881. ju7-dtf Reasonable in price, at i Rojunaoir A Robibts. Sewed, not woven, at- E T Elegant in style and finish, at RoaiasoK A Robxrts'. I - -"' ' ' " " a. . - M I' - Thompson s Glove-Fitting amongst the number, at IWsgeT A Robjultb'. RALEIGH, N. 0. Yaluable Let on Fayetteville Street for Sale. THAT VALUABLE LOT AND STORE house on Fayetteville street, rpp site the market, lately owned ty H. Fendt, m w occupied as a cigar factory, will, bo sold privately. Apply to juOlOt, F. H. BUSBEE. s '1 Strong, durable and first-olasa in evety pArtioular, at HoBorao A RoBSjrza'i 4V. 1 It it, ' , n ' J:' 3- '. A :,1 ?