. i - 3 r -a Tbe News and Observer. AAATB, GATUXS cVOO. PXOPUITOBSJ xbllaaed Daily (xp Mdy l We j v. . Rates ct BtrwmjMxrtixm-t vjjna : V ,eiiy, on jur, nail poavpaja ......iw.sY 00 ai i dii th it MMmH S'50 " three " i........W 1 75 weekly, ens year, ;k . 2 00 " Hi months, u ......... .;... 1 00 una entered without payment and no iper tent after expiration of time paid for. . i AMD Obs VTXL XVTtx Jko. A. Cheatham. W. Ford Tayir i I Late with L. HiAdatna. HEW FIRM! HEW GOjlDS!! ; Mew Store. I We have now on sale, in the Williams ouiidlng, on Wilmington street, opposite the market house, one of the best selected stocks of 6 ii or si Iff ore aver bronirht io this market. NEW and bought at ; bottom Our entire stock Is NEW and bought at Dot figures. We wiu not be undersoil ny any firm in the city. " L. 1 .. Polite Attention and Low Prices la our poller. I Choice lot of NORTH CAROLINA lad SUGAR CURED HAMS. J Large supply of selected Feathers. RedC and Kerosene Oils. ' Welt assorted stock of Boot and Shoe Findings. f Patapsco, Orange Grove and Mapleton brands of Flour a specialty. I I Cottbn solicited and. sold on consign -t menC i Ample room for stonwre. j CHEATHAM & TAYLOR. Raleigh, N. C, August 16, 1881. f . angl6-m , ' j . 1 t i . CALL AND I X AMINE I : NEW STOCK OF$ I Parker, Colt, ! Remin n, AND OTHER MAKES OF BKfichiLoatog Gins. ..- ' ' ' I' ' GUN MATERIALS. POWDER, SHOT and SPORTSMEN'S uuuua. i "' First Premium at the last State Fair was awarded us for the BEST DISPLAY of these goods. j SEND FOR CATALOGUE. i- ' . H T. H. Briggs & Sons, BU1GC8 BUILDISC, " j RALEIGH, N. C. f Beet Goods lowest Prices and Squsjv Cotton Brokfers, Agents for Exporter and 8plers, RALEIGH, W. C. j OM RELIABLE! 1836 JJ H. J. BROWN, 83 6 ErtTAKER RALEIGH, N, 0. Dealer is all siaes and styles of RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY MpRMNG, NOVEMBER BnoaWsnoBnaWaBvaBWansnavaBn ERVER. - ; , .. 1 To, 1881.? I NO, 202. 6, MISCELLANEOUS 0m By Telegraph. mm Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, , Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins. Sore Throats Swelling ana r I Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, . Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all pther Pains and Jches. No Preparation on earth equals Ft. Jacobs On. as a tafe, Hrr, titnplt and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of SO Centa, ami every one Buffering with paia can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. , BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS UTS DEALEU US r KEDICnrE. ' A.VOQEIZR & CO., JTA 17. J. X TUESDAY'S ELECTIONS. Oemoeratle Oalas In Mew York and Wlseon. : sin Cameron KlKted Ocrmnr of Vtrgiala, tbe Leaislslat la DoaMKatarata frees Other States. New York, November 9. Flowers' majority over Aator in the eleventh Con- grefisional district is over 2,600. The total city vote on the State ticket is : Purcell 89,585, Carr 53,056, Daven port 51,991, Lapham 87,963, Hosted 47,030, Maxwell 89,918, Russell 62,055, Parminter 88,713, Evershed 89,185, Sey mour 51,878. t : 284 towns and wards outside of New York and Kings counties show a Repub lican majority of 14,158, a net Democratic gain of 15,094. The result ia the 10th Senatorial dis trict is still in doubt. The election is a very serious defeat for Tammany, which has with difficulty held its own whenever it ran an independent ticket. The election I of Rollins, Republican, for surrogate, is an overwhelming defeat for Tammany. Hardy, . Democrat, in the 9th Congressional dis trict, had a comparative walkover over ' b z-Collector Thos. Murphy, the Republi can candidate. The contest for State Senators was closely fought. Ex-Senator Hogan, county Democratic nominee in the 5th District, was beaten by Boyd by 1,000. Brady defeated See bacher in the 6th District by nearly 2,000. Daly defeated Vas Comp in the 7th Dis trict by nearly 2,000. Brown was elected in the oth by a small majority, and the Fitzgerald county Democratic nominee de feated Spinola, the Tammany candidate, by a very small majority. The election of McKean for District Attorney is regarded as an anu-iammany victory, the latter having nominated first, knowing that the Lincoln. Neb.. November 9. The i there has been Republicans carry the State by abut.fhe j countfes' vote is light everywhere, falling usual majority, from 15,000 to 18.Q00. off from last year and affectini the two parties nearly alike. In St. I'iui, John ston, Democratic candidate for Governor, 18 running ahead of the ticket, and Gieeo leal Clark is defeated by Judge Van Au- 1 : i : r- orey. uanor, lor ouprem5 Juige, is re ceiving a large vote. About hall the ticket will be Republican and half Penjocratic. Hubbard, Republican candidate for Gov ernor, runs ahead of the ticket in the firbt and second districts, and behind in the third. The probability is that his gains and losses will about offset each other, and that he and the whole ticket wil be elected by a majority somewhat reduced from last year. At Minneapolis the whole Repub lican county ticket is probably elected miBole. c Maryland. . i Baltimore, November 9. The re turns are still incomplete, but sufficient to base an estimate of the general! result have ben received. The Republicans have gained unexpected victories n sev eral Democratic counties. The next Sen ate will stand, according to present esti mates, 16 Domocrati and 10 Republicans. In die last Senate there were 7 Republi cans and 19 Democrats. Based on the same estimates the House will stand, 59 Democrats and 32 Republicans. Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., November 9 The returns are coming in slowly, owing to the length of the tickets and scratching. Lowery is largely ahead in Monroe Mont gomery, Lafayette, Yazoo. Grenada and Jackson counties. Marshall, Noxube and Copiah are conceded to Lowery. iCopiah is the home of King. This cit gives King 1,610 majority, but (Hinds; county is conceded to Lowery. Lowery's: major ity in the State is estimated at 15000 to 20,000. So far as heard from the election has been quiet throughout the , StfUe, ex cept at Marion, Lauderdale county! Virginia. I Richmond, Va., November 9. Peters burg, Cameron's home, gives Daniej 1,167, Cameron 2,171, a Democratic gainjof 287. At 1:30 a. m. 125 voting precincts give Daniel 18,324, Cameron 18,389,; Cam eron's majority 65. Tbese precincts show a net Democratic gain of 2,983. 120 precincts, which only report majorities, give aggregated majorities of 6,28 for Daniel and 1,670 for Cameron, aniel's net majority, so far as heard from, is 6,563. The Democrats claim to have gained 12 members of the legislature and lust 4, ft net gain of b. i ne returns re- Ess. imi l punia, of liii, mi., county Democracy had intended to do so. oeived include nearly one third of the vote .uv r.uM uuuw vuaii iu ruvviaww ni rna niaXe. amnmiUff inu IQP USJU VOU5 ST av LYD1A C. PINK-HAreVO VEQETA5L5 COMPOUND. Ia s Positive Care Ur nil tBMnePafafal 0.Ul-t; jmWif I T I T 4 ' ItwUlear Mitiraty the wont formramalsCesa. 0aln, aU evarlan tronbks. InlUmmiHon and tHoera : Uon, runaa ad IXaplaeenxmta, and tb eonMqaant Spinal Waaknca. and to prttmUrly adapted to the ; Ohaace of lif a. It will dtosotra and axpel tamon frota the uterna la aa oarly stataof derrtopment. Tba Undency U aa earoes kasaors thero Is eheckwl vary paSdlly by Its aaa. ; I rmatmt falnraaas, aatnlaney, dastreysan cratrtat : forstlaamlaata. aad nUwm wuraaw i tho toma. ; U am BfcaStac, Baadaehaa. Karroos Proatrattoa, Oansnl OabOtty, Wnpliianiaa, PsBrasStoa as Is-tt-, aaatios- I ; That fBB aatodxwa,caatat pala,waltM sad bararaoha, Is always parmaaantly eatod syttaaaa.: UwmataUtuneaaad asdaraUcifwaBataaeasaetla: aarmooy with the laws that ewers tba (amato systaaa. lor tke earoof KMaey Coaaplatats of attbar sax Ode Coaapoaad to auaui fiaf d, LTVIA E. PlNKHABra TMZTUU WS PwCiratto pnparod at tss and Weatara Araaa. Lraa.Btam PrtoaSL Slxbotttoafor 1 Saatbysaan iatbaform of pills, also lathe forat f losaates, oa taeatpt of priea, $1 par box f or alUwr. Mrs. Plakaasi fraalyaBanPanantottonof laqalry. Sand f or pesapa- Silili a as above. JbaMoa OMa J BURIAL CASES and CASKETS, i (Metallic, Walaat. Poplar, PUe.) BURIAL ROB E8 for Loies, QenU and fMldren. ' : Eaviog secured thi aRency for several of the larweat Jlanaaetarina Companlea In the United States, we can, do and will sell lower I than anv other house in the citr. M l ; Have also made arraarements wherebr we i aea deliver akove aoods at any depot ia the Btat free or caanre. Batstaeuon roaraateea. oct 20 JOHN W. BEOWN, Agent. Vofasany sboald ba wtthoat LTD1A E P&XHAJTS tnxa rlUA tkar sawa cuaaMt urins, MBoasnass, and torpidity of thenvar. esBts par bos. IOr S3U by all uraMiaaa. "b Wm. H. Brown A Bro., Baltimore, Md.. Wholeaale Druggists. Peoalar fUatkly DrawtBr, f tke PRESCRIPTION Fir tbe speedy Care ef Xeweaa Waaaaeas, Lest ; THimi, rraatatara ahlllty, Hervasaaeas, sesaeadsaef, CeatVaiea af Ideas, te ieeiety, Befbetlve Messery, as aU MaeHeri toenail aa by ladleereet Habits sad fcxesesea. Any drasrtst baatba leevedlests. J)1tJU ISO west UxtA SA, OIIOTsTllXI. OHIO. LP m i Mm K t: f& Y-i & Msg VIBT0RMls r 1 Mm n m a ",r j SarSEXD FOB CfMCtTLASAJ. Tictor SemtQacIe Co., - MllDLETOWN, COSIi. SOUTH SEN OFFIOBS I : No. 8 N. Charles Street, Bait I met e, Md. aepz7awsm ; Sale of. Land TY virtue of powers vested In "noe by tbe X will of R. . Justice, deceased, I will. on MONDAY, T UK 2MTII DAY OK NO' VEMBKR, 1841, on the pretniaeai. In Neuae River Township. VaWe oouutvl sell by public auction, a tract of land, contalning one hundred and nineteen area, lately owned bv'.aaid K. K Justice. ? Tbia land le btwen the Kalis road and the Powell road, and fronts tn IxHh roads. It lies level and is near y asrmare. Itoon- t4na a dwellinsr house with four rooms. some outhouses and a well of goM water, which are on the Falle roai, slboMjt li ve and n half anllea north trotn Raleigb. Terras of sale one-half cash; balance on a credit of twelve months. .71 ww rnrthar da tloulars apply td me, near tha! nramlaaa. or to J H Flenilog In Ba ladBTlT Li M GREEN, Executor. fialeia-b, October 2L, 18.1. f etSi-dtd : Io the elty ef LoulsvUl. oa U Wednesday. November SO ih. 18 SI Tbeae drawings oooor monthly (Bun- days excepted), under provMona of an svec or tne uanerai Asaemmy : e men I tnoky. at Taisa la s an net a I sxa, sued kaa evev repanleel. Tbe United State Circuit Court, oa March 81, rendered the following deda-lona: lat That the Oommonwaaith Diatrt button Company is lecrnl. :- and Its drawlnire are ralr. N. B This oomnany haa snow on hand a large reserve fund. Read; carefully the llt ol prima for th MlVt.JB.liLU UttATfANw. a?rlX& a a a tiasatMitee 10aCW0 e.oee 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 2,700 1,800 900 1 Prise.. ; 10 Prlsea, f 1,000 each.......; 20 PrUea, 1500 eachw.. ..... 100 Prlsea, $100 each ...i. ;200 Prisea, 6e earth 000 Prises, $20 each '..... 1,000 Prires, 10 each i .. v rnzea, awu e n, App'n f rizea Prizes, aoOe'h, App'n JPrlaes... 9 Prizes, 100 sh, App'n.TriasM 1,960 Prlr.ee, $112,400 Whole TlckeU. g2. Half Ticket. $1 87 Tickets, $50. 6e Tkket, $100. Knmit money or bank draft in letter, or send by exj.reaa. DON'T UEND BY REOISTERED LETTER OR POST- OFFICE ORDER. Orders) of $5 and up ward, by Kx press, can be sent at our ex- pause. AaureM an oraera to Courier-Journal B'JiUlni, 1 Louisville, Ky or F; M. BOARDMAN,' W Hroadwsj Now Yora. . U l Ni w York Propertj for Exchanre. WILL exchange Newj York city piop erty fir property In Raleigh or in country adjoining. Persons desiring to make such an exchange are requested to communicate with J- , j W E PATTERSON . 170 Bread way, N Y, Room SO. 03tl&-tf ; ? State ticket is elected by about 30,000 majority, and also claims a Democratic majority in both branches of the Legisla ture, as follows : Senate, 17 Democrats, 15 Republicans; Assembly, 68 Democrats, 60 Republicans. The Sun'i estimate is : The State is Dem ocratic by 10,000 majority. 18 Demo cratic Senators elected, 14 Republican Senators elected : 67 Democratic Assem blymen elected; 61 Republican Assembly men elected. The Timet this morning says : An un usually light vote was polled in this State yesterday outside of large cities. Returns thus far received Bhow that the Republi can State ticket, with the exception of II us ted for State Treasurer, is elected by a small majority, probably not more than 6,000 or 8,000. The result as regards tho LoftkUuu U in. dnnht. the latMtt returns indicating that the Senate is a tie and that the Assembly stands 65 Republicans to 63 Democrats. The re-election of Taloott and Gibbs, Republican candidates for the Senate in this city, is in doubt, but they are counted as successful in the above esti mate. The Herald, this morning, says : The elections in New York and other States yesterday will be .briefly summed up. There was no disorder here, although much subdued excitement existed in the Congressional and Senatorial districts. The State is somewhat in doubt, owing to imperfect returns, but the latest indica tions are that the Democrats hare a small majority, the latest estimate being 5,000. Carr, the Republican candidate for Secre tary of State, seems to have ran ahead of his ticket so well that full returns may prove his election. As to the State Sen ate, the Democrats have made ocmriderable gains, but it is doubtful whether tbej will have a majority on . the final count. The Assembly appears to have been secured by the Republicans again. Hogan ' is the fifth, Seward in the twelth, and Everett in the sixteenth Senatorial districts, have all been defeated. In this city bossinn has encountered another Waterloo. Calvin, for surrogate, has been igoominiously dt feated by Rollins, the Republican candi date. McKean is District-Attorney by an overwhelming majority. Tho Demo crats have elected six of the seven State Senators, and seventeen of the twenty-four Assemblymen. The indications are that the regular Democrats have secured six of the district aldermen; the Republicans se curing seven and Tammany only throe. The indications are that the Republicans have succeeded in electing their Marine Court Judges. Most of the Democratic candidates for Civil Justices have been elected, including Norton, Campbell, Clauch and McGowan. Albany, November p The Arpu editor at noon to-day claim the election of the Democratic State ticket by 2,000 majority, though, owing to Carr running ahead of his ticket, he may be elected. New Yoxk, November 29. In Brook lyn to-day the Republicans are jubilant over their victory. They have elected their mayor, sheriff, supervisor at large, one senator, one assemblyman, and ten su pervisors out of thirteen, and five alder men. For .mayor the vote was: Beth. Low, Republican, 45,530; James Howell,' Democrat, 40,937. Albany, November 9. The returns from the State, as far as received, together with the estimated returns, give Carr a majority of 5,456. The Evening Journal says the Senate is tied, and that the De mocrats have a majority of three in the Assembly. . Connecticut. Hartford, November 9. The CottraiU has complete returns from the State, making the following result in tho House: Republicans 149; Democrats 98; Oreen hackers 1. Last year the House stood: Republicans 166; Democrats 80; Green backs 1; Independent 1. Nebraska, Omaha, November 9. Returns from the election are incomplete. The' Stito is undoubtedly Republican by a large ma jority, and moot ol the counties are be lieved to have been carried by the jiepub-hoans. is about the same as in the Presidential election. -if Richmond, November 9. Furjher re turns received at the Dispatch office, up to 2 p. m., reduce the Democratic gains in the Legislature to 11, which leaves thd Demo crats '4 short of a majority on joini ballot. Tbe gubernatorial vote is still toofmeagre to justify a positive statement at the office of the rFAty, the Readjuster organ. The full and estimated votes from forty coun ties and cities, which cover one-third of the State, indicate only 400 loss to the Readjustee, based on the last Presidential Tote. The reported gains for the Read justers in the southwest will overoqm? this loss. -. The Readjustcrs claim that their figures insure the election of Cameron by 12,000 to 15,000 majority. The Slate, a Democratic newspaper, says this afternoon that Cameron will probably be elected by 8,000 majority. Washington, D. C, November 9. Commissioner Raum received a telegram this afternoon from James D. Brady, at Petersburg, Va., which says: Reliable reports come in slowly, but all wcWeare very good. Our majority in Jorgensen's district is heavy, and we have carri-d all but Desendorfs district excepting Ports mouth. Unless all of our careful estimates of this morning are erroneous, e have elected Cameron by more thang 10,000 majority and carried the Legislature. FaaaMytvaila. I Philadelphia, November I9.---The Republican oommittee has some additional advices from tbe interior, from wljich they place Bailey's majority, Republican candi date for Secretary of State, at 1,000, but the i Democratic campaign managers are not, satisfied but that an adverse result has been achieved. Chairman Bogart, De mocrat, instances the vote of 1812, when for three days the Republicans cjaimed a victory without substantial grounds. He admits, however, that tbe contest has been elose, and is inclined to believe that Bailey, Republican, has a small majority. Philadelphia, November 9. The Prtu publishes a table showing a plu rality fat Baily, Republican, over Noble, of 7,253. Welte bUU plurality in Union and 400 in Snyder, s Tho Timet estimates Bail y'af plurality at about 2,900. f Hew Jersey. f Nbw York, November 9. The latest returns from New Jersey show the politi cal status of the next Legislature as fol lows : Senato, Republicans 13, Democrats 8, a Democratic gain of 3 ; Hotjse of As sembly, Republicans 30, a Democratic gain of 4. I . Wlseentln. ! Milwaukee. November 8.-f-Returns up to 9:30 o'clock indicate a very light vote all over the State. Milwaukee city and county give Rusk, Republican, for Governor, 255 majority, while pFalk, De mocratic candidate for State Treasurer, runs over 3,000 ahead of his ticket, and there is a fair possibility of Falk's elec tion. . Eighty-two towns, comprising oyer two hundred precincts in the State, show a net Democratic gain of 2,550. The Republican 8tste central committee, at this hear, claim the State by 1X),000 ma jority. Colorado. Dksvkr, Col, November 8. The election passed off quietly. T$e Ropub- Ucanaclaim 500 majority on the mayor, while the supporters of. the people's ticket, the only opposition, concede 10p majority. The returns from the other pants io the State indicate that Denver is elected as the permanent capital. - f afaaeaehaswtte. Boston, November 9. Latter n. turns show that the Senate will stand 35 Re publicans, four Democrats andf one inde pendent Republican. Wisconsin. i MiT.WATTiriE- Novamher 9-4-Tha latest returns, comprising one-third oj the State, indicate that the Republican candidates are elected by d,U0U majority, with the possi ble exception of state Ireasnrpr. ICIaaesota. S St. Paul, November 9. Returns come 1n very slowly. In all tho larger places j The Newt and Observed NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Land and House for Sale "TWILLaell at 12 ml at the onrt borne Aanor, in KH'elh, pa MONDAY. NO- vtMBKK 14TI1, l8La parcel ol land con taining about 7) acres jving on i lie Avenl Jerry road, at out H milea a uthwest of Kaieign, and aljoiniog tbe lands r the In tane Asylum, Wm Urimea and others. There is a good dwe'lirg snd out houses on the p-emlxea The property waa formerly occupied bv Thos K Bal ey. Sale made by virte of mortgage from i noa muey and wae to Sarah B Dlnton. recorded in Book 41, page S25, Rrgiuter'a uuiwui nana rouniT, Terms t Aft 11. i X R H BKTTLK, Jr, oct!5-tds KxVtftorof S B Hinton. Exira Bargains ! The entire stock of Goods of the late I is w s A DYER f.' y. . 1 6a " 'htCrt aW?!,i a M - 4rt I OS " " s5x V 15J Cou tracts for s iv crtitfi ug for aay spaoe or time may be made at Uie nffioa of The Nivb AKO On8XRVXK,est tide FayeUevill Street NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SORTH CAROLINA STATE LLr'E EN8UBANCJ5 COMPANY. rnoonroKATan im 1&7S,) RJLMUQH, a OOO.STO t nrplna to Policy HoMsws, F. H. Oamdrtm, W. K. Andr:e, TKeo. H. HU, Dr. K. Burk aaywooa. Dr. W. I Rottier, Prof. JC B. amitK 1TSJ04 SO Preaidmi Viee-PresidenL Serfy and TVoos. Mr d. Director. AuUt M& Director. AdmMOy Actuary The onh ir.v in North Carolina nominated by the Democrats, for judge of the first Superior Court, has been unani mously elected. Stephens, Itcpublican, for clerk of the county court, has 2,012 majority. Mattocks and Summer, Demo crats; for county eommissionc r, each re ceived over 1,700 majority. , The total vote in the city is a little over 26,000, or less than half of the ordinary full vote. The falling off was not more o ' a surprise than the defeat of the Repub lican com missioners. t Peoria, III., November 3. In the municipal vote to-day Ilitc icock, for mayor, reoeivjed a majority of m arly 5,000, a Republican gain of 1,000. The Repub licans also gain three aldermen. The coun cil will be a tie, with a Republ can mayor. This is the first time the Republicans have carried the city for several years. Louisiana. New Orleans, Novcmbei 0.- Tele grams from nineteen counties in Mississippi show that the Democrats hive carried them all except Madison. The usion gains were about .400. Every indication points to the success of the Democratic State ticket by 15,000 to 20,000 m i jority. Kansas. Top EE a, November 9. The election ess interest No. 6 Hargett street, cooaietlng of Dry (hods, dothisf , Boots, Slices, Hajl C&ps, Trunks, Valises, $ ' Notionr, &c , &o., &c, will be aold at reduced prion until eloaed out. Mow ia the time to buy your FM.L AND WINTER GOODS AT LOW FK1URES. Special lnduoennftiU. offered to dealers. Call early and secur bargains. All Fresh oods, Jut from the Horthera Market. U. D. EDWARDS, Agent, HOME Life It.iu.Anoo Com th Carolina ? j ., the most .(vceesrui uompantpf' . I i.re- in tne United Statea. Has alresviy lasuod be tween two and throe thousand policiaa. All of Its funds Invested at homo among Oar own people. All loaves paid promptly and In oaah. Rates as low oa thoae of any Arat-claoa Company. Haa THREE dollars of naaou for every DoxrAof liabilities. ' Agent wanted In every county In tho State to work tor this moot excellent and firmly established homo institution. For. Information address ! N. C. 8TATE LIFE INSURANCE OO. fehl4-tf . - Raleigh, N.C. ' II o ! FOR THE Big Tail of Edgecombe Co. November 8, 9. 10 and 11, OHO, 3ST- Octl4 lm GARFIELD Agenta wanted for UfeoXfresU dentOarfinld. A complete, faithful hl-tory from crad'o to grave, by the eminent biographer, Colonel Uonwell. Introduction by Hla Excellency ; John D. Long,' Governor of MaaaachuaetU. ! Booka all ready fq delivery. An ele-1 gantly illnatrated volume. Endorsed edi- 1 tton. Liberal terms. Agents take ardtora hAstoeiatioa. for from 20 to 60 copies daily. Outsells ! $1,000 PURSE Two miles and repeat race, any other book ten o one. Agens never lias four of the fastest horses ia the state al made money so fast.-! The book sella Itself, ready entered, and promises to be tho most ex Experience not necessary. Failure nu-i- citing and closely contested race ever aitaessed known. AU make immense profits. Fri- in the State. W 8 BATTLE, lWt. vate terms free. GEORGE STLNSON 4 ; ED FOXH ALL, Bee. CO.. Portland. Main. ! I oet25-3w HL8TATON. Jn. FLKEST RACE COW IN THE STATE. 4.&00 IX PREMIUMS!! Best opportunity ever offered to advertise Machinery and Agricultural 1 mplementa and Products in that section of the State. mple hotel and railroad accom modations. ' Rooad trip tickets will be sold from all points. Let everybody attend the opening of the Edgoeotmbe Agricultural and Mechanical throughout this State excited than usual, except in local contests. The Republican State central committee has not been advised of any Republican losses. Oemnerstic Gains In Wtacpnaln. Milwaukee, November 9 Towns and chits embracing two-thirds of the State trire a net Democratic gain of 8,298. The Democratic S ate committee claim a good chance ing ' the State, and say their j central of carry- State Treas urer, Folk, is surely elected, while the Republican central committee their entire State ticket is elected NEW ADVERTISEMENTS are positive w -i , Absolutely rure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other preparation makes such light, flaky hot breads, or luxurious ptstry. Can be eaten by dyspeptics without fear of tho ills resulting from heavy indl restible food. Sold only in cans, by all Grd era. Royal Bakihq Powokb CO., New York. W90 Jan71v THE OflLY MEPICinC X EITBEB. Uqu Ol BEX WOMM ThaS Acts as tho oaaio ttaao en TBM LI7XM, TSS iOWILS, in tsx Ktsms. WHY ARB WB 8ICK7 m allow thtm dooffd or toruii. 1 1 ian h i m Uurtmr MtMjkWnMt Ircxif croons tn lend poimmomt rnrcaa wmt 0tp4lU4 nmmtmup. sWsnnsnannannnanansnBBBaiaap I I WILL QURCLY CURB MstlDMstY DISEASE! LIVER CO! I PILES, COHSnPATl KaEASBS, FEVAI : - As HEJtveceTfc: Ibjf causing fru action of I restoring: their potter to WhysaaVrBUIensaa! I Why tenasated wlU Fi War frik-ateaea srer ilsei Wayeaiareaervess en Vtt KIDXET-WOKT Ittspotsytn Orr Taj I mediotna. AlaolnUaM PLAINTS, VBIITAJIT KHxaaca, kJEBB, crgmns cmd if ditto. I is sa4 aefcesf Coastlpstleat erei aJdaeytl k hasdaekasl rtfeict in health. Term. latU BiSkea sis quarts of. fnfaa, very Canaan fz. linn CHEST & Vv n mm n E ) W.J.B. 8ft 1874 V'V. V ; " ;. 1 I eftT si . -A & 525 ! - 6 ir l lS, s yL is" ii - rr o oSSWlS mill fxlilkm$ffi3ri U i 1 " WW ' E are tieuus ct oe-Obiau.a TBNNESSKE WAGON. They are unexcelled tnr fitrenoi i. ii... i ict.ti.aaa ki Lkavshl. andAre the moat Doonlar Waaron sold in the Sute, tLeit Leiii. ot sCO new lnlnaoln fVakcand aojclolng eounUes. Wo are agente lot tt t ontf gtanino "VBU-fcCM FlXa8 aoio In Uaa mtaket; always a larg stock on hand. Vfs also have a nice s took )p G rocer lea, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoe . ' XOIB O WAINW&IOHT. aaltlf B. H. IS THE TIME TO BUY YOtTB WEHE1B. II. B. AMIKKW CO., AgenU for Mori Owollam. tntsA, tot ttaosa that taiiaarrrtlly prapaia It. rrlX CU with equal efflctaocr ta either forta. QEt Tt Ot TOCa DRUOOBf. nucE,t.oo WEIXt, EICHABDSOS A) Co., rres'i. CWUlaaodtbaajTfSSipaki.) ausuHiroa,TT. N WIRE RAILING and OR- natn ental Vf IRE WORKS, rs, Cages Wire, Iron Ba. ad soanunvolure Wire Railinrfor Gemetorieo' Balooniea, C; moves. Fenders, aand and Coal Screena. Wo ran bodatonds, Cbatfrs, fiottooi, Ac. roo la DUFUR & CO., Orttt Howard street, Baltimore FOJRj HALE. 20,000 Tot.. Fertiliser i KMBRACIHO eld Phosphate, Dissolved Bones Ams nlatetf Fertlliicers and Ut ruan Potash i3.1t (Katnlt I am prepared to offer to tho wbol sale and retail trade the above, at different ports, both Korth end Sotflh. at prleos to' compete with other manufaclurera. 8peclal etforto will be madje to moot the views of large buyers. Address, "'it PgRRY M DLEOK,t, Man ufactnrer and importer of Fertilisera, !. 67 Broadwar. New yoitt.. 8onthern OffloajKM Bay, streeL, 8a van- nan, ua. isepio-oopiin Complete stock of DOUBLK BREASTED UNDERSHIRTS, all wool and mixed gradao. In scarlet and white. DRAWEIW to match, at Low Prices, at B. B. Andrews &Gd.'s. LET 03 LITE ECOHOHICiLLT. The best way to do this is to bay where fir t class goods can ba had for the lowest possibU prions. We keep always oa hand all the lead, ing articles of Heavy G-roceriese Metis,' Lard, Sugar, voir- , Molasses, Flour Meal, Hominy, Grits, Soap, HUrch, Blneiiig. a king Powders, Cake . rnokera, Fifch, Tobaeee, Banff, cigars, vigarewes sou 8moking robseco. ,.;,' All kinds of Canned Fruits and Vegetable. Potted Meats, randies. Nats, Raialns, Fi . , JeUies. Preserved Fruits. Sauces. Pickles rn. Spioes. Ia short, everything usually found n-irst-olaai family groesry, , Fruits, Vege tables. Eggs and Poultry always on hand wheu UbadT MOORE ePEGRAM, Cor BiUaboro and Salisbury Bts. November 8, 188L "