!Jl be News and Observes. .) Asa, Qjktuxm ux, TaonrtrowM. bUaed Daily (except Monday) ,a4 Weekly. .ally, OU '. IfijL. pOid ......Wf w aixavmlfci, - j......J f 50 ? i tlve' ' .... ...... 1 76 ffeekly, ene year, " " .....u.... 00 : ix month. M immw.w.100 No nanta entered without paynaat, and bo aper aeat eftsr expiration of time paid for. J. A. Chkatba. T. Fobd Tatlob Late With L. H; Adams. i . , . . . . New Store.! i - iWi haWiiow on sale, In the Williams entitling, on Wilmington street, opposite the market boose, one of the ,bst. selected stocks of evef hi reO: bit to this market. Our entire took is NEW and bought at bottom figures. We will not be undersold by any firm in the oitT. . I ; Pftllfe Attentfcto and LroW Prices Is our oof Icy. Tcbolos lot kf NORTH CAROLINA and gCGAR CURED HAMS. ( Large supply of selected Feathers. Kea u ana Kerosene una. j Well assorted stock of Boot and Shoe Findings., Patapscb, 1 Orange Grove and Mapleton brands of Floor a specialty. ! Cotton solicited and sold on consign ment. Amnio room ror storage. 5 CHEATHAM & TAYLOR. ! JUleigh, N. C Aogust 16, 188L ; CALL AND EXAMINE f I f NEW STOCK OF Parker, Colt, j mm AJID OTHER VAXES 07 GUN MATERIALS. Powder, shot and sportsmen's GOODS. j ' First Premium at the last State Fair Was awarded us for the BEST DISPLAY of theee goods, I j SEND FOB CATALOGUE. BBIOGS BWILDIBrta, ) RALEIGH, H. C. f i 1 i. ? ; Best Goods Lowest Prices and Square ' Coaling-. '.; . Cdtton Brokers,; i A geats for Exporters aad SfiBmers, BAIJBlGn, Bf! C. ; OLD RELIABLE I 1836 1836 H.J. BROWN, UHDEnTAtLEn, i KALJGKJH, M. MJ, I ; Dealer ia all alses and styles ef BURIAL CASES ui CA8IET8,; (Metallic, Walnat. Poplar, Ptna.) . BURIAL ROBES for Laoiea, Gents and tUdrea. s r Raviof secured th) agency for several of the largest MaMsiaetaring Companies ia the Uaited State, we can, kv and will; sell lower thanr anv other house ia the city. Have also made arrangements whereby we esa deliver above goods at any .depot la the State free ef ebarre. Betisiactien rnaranteea. ' f set 20 . JOHN W. BROWN, AgenW PRESCRIPTION mat the saeaiy Car ef Rerveet H r Tttalltr. rVaaatar Scbllitr. Care ef Hsrvaes Wassaaes. Ieet I Tttalltr. rraaatar Scbllitr. Serveeaaen). asaeaeay, Ceafaaloa ef Mess, A Beefetyv Ottietif Hraery. aee all hraewatea by laatasreet aeMts aad cearaaioa er leesa, avvrnea ia tiv Mraerr, aad ell DWears bveewhtea by Ia4tssreet aabfts aaa laeaasai. An InnM haa the laa-r4Ieata. 8fT m ruM auLuomtoK. AooamDR,W.8.JAOUES, 130 West ElxthBuOIlOOT ATI, OHIO. Sa-SENT FOB CXmCTJLARS.- fictor Sums Mads Co., ! M1DDLETOWN, C03iN. . socthkkh omos: No. 8 N. CkArlea Street, Btltlmeic. Id. ; aep27-iew3m Sale of Laud. 1Y virtue of powers vested in me bv the X will of R. tt. Justice deceased, I Will, OO MONDAY, TUK 29 r H DAY OP pO- VEMBtfR, 18il, on the premNe, In Reuse River Township. Wake countv. sell bv public anotiofi, a tract of land, onta!ning one hundred and nineteen area, lately OWned by said R. R J ustics. This lsnd lie between the Falls road and the Powell road, and (root on both reads. It Lies level and ia naexiy a square. It con- taios o dwelling house With ithouses and a well of good Water. which are on the Fella road, about five and a half nllee north from Raleigh. ' i Terms of sale-iae-balf nasbj balascebn '0 orodlt of twelve months. : I j Por farther pa'tioulars apply to (Be, near aha nramlaai. Or to J H FleoatSK in Ra. Wfh. j J h M QREEN, Exectftoc.il ! RalefffluOoMDOr ei ieaA.v .f i aejtsAtii ' - BrGb-loMDg Guns. I 1 ZviGTDRlgg 3 M 1 News VOL, XVtt MISCELLANEOUS. illlBI FOB Mouragia, Sciatica, lumbago. Backach$, Soronost of tho Chost, Boot, Qmnty, Soro Throat, 5 wiling $ una Spramt, Burn aha Scald, GoaOraffiodffy Paint, Tooth, Ear and Hoadacho,Frottod Foot and Ears, and all othor faint aodAthot.. , No Preparation on earth eqnali Pt. Jionsa On. aa a mfto.aitr. mimpU and ease External Baaaedr. A trial nUiU ant the eomparaUvely triaina- eutlar of M Ceata, and every one -suffering with psia cu nT cneap ana posture proof ot is Directions in Beren Languafet BOLD ST ALL fiKVOOIRl AID tSALSM XI A. VOGTjni & CO ,Mdv.a.JL 30 DAYS WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS TRIAL DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances tnSbrlnc from 9T rai sMiii, km of aerre Mroe or rvfor, or any diaeaoe reaultins from Asosta and Othi Caimdi. or to mmy mm afilkted with Kbernna- tiicm, Neuralgia, Panaysu. Bptaal- DUBcumee, Kidaey or Urer Tfoablea, Lame Baek, Bup i turua, and other Diaeaaea of tb Vital OrKanai I aiao wok km uouDiea wiin niwifi peculiar to : ueirtez. 8needr relief and enmplets renoraOon w health guaranteed. - Tbaaa are, the eailr ElerSrie Aapl"" that htatwe ever beneemarnete4l bimb MttUllerl elplee. Their thorouKh efficacy bai been pnu ; ucajij proven aim tne weMenaii rpm, awn uiry itatwe saw Biajarea aMterMeaneaite (rum nnillpel,aud mmimm,, tle , and from hnaanaawh navre heea qalekly aaKt relteHy rared by their Bee. Band at anoa for mnatrated PanthhleL civlBC all Information free. Addreev if T0L4tt BaXT 00. XaHaalL WaV ; TBI C R BAT tJnfaililig Epddflo - ' " FOR Tke STMP'OMS of LITER COMPLAINT are nneaaiaaai and pain ia the side, soaetimes p ia the ahoolder. and ia miataken' for rheama tiam; toe Atomacs is affected with loss of ap petite and aicknesa; bowr Is, in general, eoa tive, aometlmea alternating wits lax; the head u treaoied with pain, and ami, beery sensa tion; considerable los of memory, with pain fol senaatiea of having left undope something which ought to have b-en done: often com plaining of weakneas, debility asd low apirita. Hemctimei i. any ef the above iymptoaae at tend the disease, and at othei times verf -lew of them; bat the Liver ia geoexaily the ergaa most Involved. . KKOTJLATS THC LIVEB, AHD PSIVEST ' ; 'earpata, OaaeUaatlaa. Ja4tdiee, ltl- MuaAitaekt, ' aiiie" ever, ama-'. , altc, (tepreaatan a Npirita,. ear ( ach, M-avrtara, aile, ef. Tonic, AllemllTC nd i albKrtli; 1 Simmons Over Regulator, purely vegetable. is the medicine generally uaea ih tee South to erouae the torpid Liver to healthy action. It acts with extraordinary power and efficacy on the Liver and Kidneys. The action of the Regulator is free' front nausea or griping. It is m. eneejve la starting the secretions of the tlver, causing the bile to act as cathartic. Whea there is au excess of bile in the Stomach, the Regula tor is an active purge; after the removal of tho bile it will regulate the bowel and impart vigor and health to the whole system. See that you tret the Genuine in White Wrapper, with red Z, prepared only by J. H. Zellin dr Co. Sold by all d ugeists. tny20 deodAwly Or.SAFORD'S UIGORATOfl Onlv Vefretable Comtxund thai! 14 IB TRIAL ALLOWED. 1 4 O --f--- acts directly upon theliverj and nares Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- ; tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens.the system, retaliates the bowels purines the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, 4. Y. - FOB ALK T ALL ttWOOMTt ' j-Kow Tork Property for Exchange. XITiLL exchange New,Yerli city prop-' ff erty for property ita Raleigh or Id oooniry adjoining. Persona deairing to make such an exchange axe roqqpatedl to coinoiuai ate with i . , WlPlTTJERSOjr li Bread way, VT, Itftosa to. ootl5-tf ; and RALEIGH, N. C; By Telegraph. Cotton Crop Report, 1 Savannah, November 10. Tho re port of the Savannah Cotton Exchange for October is as follows : : Georgia Seventy-foar replies from forty-six counties; the weather during October was remarkably fine, and no dam age from frost. Throe-fourths to scven ighths of the crop have been gathered. and the picking will be over by the first of December. The yield of seed cotton is estimated at about 400 pounds per acre, which is ten to fifteen per cent, less than last year. The decrease is attributable to the drought of the early summer more than to the rust, and, lastly, the worms. The yield of lint cotton from the seed is neariy 10 per cent, less than last year, while the bolls, owing to the lack pf moisture in the atmosphere, are about 3 per oenL lighter than usual. : Florida Twenty -one replies from nine counties. During last month the weather was warm and dry, very favorable for gathering the crop, seven-eighths of which has been picked. The yield of seed oot ton is about 350 pounds per acre, audi compared with last year ia about 10 per. cent. Id the sea island section the weather, is very fine. Three-fourths of the crop is gathered, and the picking will be finished by the first of December. The yield is about 250 pounds of sued cotton to the acre, about 12 per cent less than last year, caused by the drought, worms snd rust. ; The quality of the crop, owing to the fine weather tor gathering, is gener ally reported better than last year. Nxw O&lzams, November 9. The Galveston Exchange reports 106 replies from 62 counties, which show the charac ter of the weather since October 1st to have been favorable in 40 counties and raining and unfavorable in 42. The weather, compared with last year has been more favorable for gathering crops in 46 coun ties ; the same in 10 ; less favorable in 26, and no damage from frost. Eighty per cent, of the crop is reported picked. Pick ing will probably be finished by the 15th. The average yield is estimated at 500 lbs. seed cotton, indicating a decrease of 40 per cent, oompared with last year. Mobile, November 9. The following is the Mobile Cotton Kxchange crop re port for October : Alabama Letters have been received from 33 counties. The weather is re ported to have been dry and warm through out the department, and as compared with last year decidedly more favorable. There has been no frost of any consequence. About 90 per cent, of the crop has been picked, and picking will be finished be tween the 10th and 30th of November. The yield per acre is reported at about 400 pounds of seed cotton. The esti mated yield as compared with last year is reported as being 23 per cent, less in 31 of the most productive counties, and 22 per cent, less in 7 of the smaller coun ties. Mississippi Twenty counties have been heard from in thirty letters. The weather is reported as having been warm, dry and pleasant throughout the department, and as oompared with last year much more favorable. No frosts occurred during the month. ' About 86 per cent, of the crop has been picked, and all will be gathered by December 1st. The yield per acre is reported at about 400 pounds of seed cot ton. The estimated yield as oompared with last year is reported at 25 per cent, less. Many counties report that there is a smaller yield of lint from seed ootttm than usual. Norfolk, November 9. The oottoa exchange has the following erop report, based on sixty-eight replies from thirty five counties in North Carolina and Vir ginia, of average date of October 31. Sixty replies show more favorable and eight less favorable weather than last year. The average of replies shows the first frost on the Oth to the 8th of October, forty- nine report no damage and nineteen alight damage from frost. Aooording to replies about seventy-four per cent of the crop has : been picked. Picking will prob ably, be over by the 20th of November. The average yield will be 525 pounds to the acre. As shown by the replies the yield is 33 j per cent, less than last year.. The weather has been very fine for pick ing, which is progressing favorably, al though in some sections a scarcity of labor is complained of. New Orlxaws, November 9. The Cotton Exchange says : I Louisiana The weather for the month is reported as very favorable for gathering the crop, and as oompared with last year decidedly better. There has 'been no frost. Five per cent of the crop has been Eicked, and the remainder will be gathered y November 16th. The average yield of seed ootton per acre for the State is five hundred and ninety-one pounds, and! as compared with last year is 35 per cent, short. Arkansas The weather has been favor able for gathering the crop more favor able than last year. Light froJts have oc curred without causing any damage. Ninety per cent, of the crop has been G'cked and picking will be finished ovember 10th to November 15th. by Memphis, November 9. The regular monthly report of the Memphis Cotton Ex change for 03tobeT, comprising the districts of north Mississippi, north Arkansas and west Tennessee, embraces 85 responses. All but three of the correspondents report the weather during October as generally favorable for pickicg. Compared : with 1880 82 report more favorable, 5 less favor able; 15 report no frost; 70 report frost but the damage done is; smalL The re sponses indicate that 82. per oemL of ,the crop has been picked, aad that pasting will bo completed from November 1st, the average date, to November 15th. The average yield is estimated M 37 pounds seed cotton per, acre. The estiauUs range from 25 to 80 par cent, less than in 1880, FRIDAY MOANING, averaging 52 per cent. less, pam&ge by worms, rust, rot and storms estimated at 3 per cent. The Mew Tork EleeUoa. Nxw York, November! 10. The WoticC $ legislative table maka the State Senate Democrats 17, Republicans 15; Assembly, 67 Democrats, 61 Republicans, and claims the election of the State officers by majorities ranging from 2,000 on Pur oell, to over 20,000 on Maxwell for dtate Treasurer. The Tribune, from advices thus far re ceived, estimates Can's majority at 8,700. The Senate, ii thinks, will statjd 17 Dem ocrats to 15 Republicans, and -the Assem bly 66 Democrats to 62 Republicans. The Sun Bays that neithejr party has elected its entire State ticket! So far as the incomplete returns show, Carr, Repub lican candidate for Secretary of State, runs ahead of his ticket in nearly every county, and: is probably elected by about 4,000 plurality over PuroelL Maxwell, Demo cratic candidate for Treasurer, defeats. Husted, Republican, by an estimated ma jority of from 10,000 to 15,000. The figures are insufficient on the. rest of the State ticket to indicate the results, and each party claims the election of its ticket by 2,000. The official count will be necessary to determine the result. The majority will probably be onlj a few hun dred each Way. The Democrats have car ried the Legislature by 8 or JO on joint ballot The Senate will stand, 17 Demo crats to 15 Republicans. Tbpe Assembly will probably be composed of 68 Demo crats and ; 6) Republicans. One or two doubtful districts hsve not ibeen hesrd from,- but they will not wipe iout the ma jority, even if , conceded to tfie Republi cans. Messrs. Skinner and IWadsworth, Republican candidates for Congress, to suc ceed Senators Miller and Lapham, are "elected. Albaky.N. Y., November 10 The Evening Journal claims the election of the Republican ticket, with the exception of I lusted for Treasurer, by from 10,000 to 12,000 majority. It gives the State Sen ate to the Democrats by 2 majority, asd the Assembly by 2 or 3 majority. The State Ha i ef Texas Burned. Galveston, November 10 A. special from Austin, Texas, to the INewt says : At noon to-day the old State j House was uisXivered to be on fire, and in an hour and a half the building was completely gutted by the flames. The Falls are all standing, apparently uninjured. The fire originated in the basement, trie book room used for storing the reports of the Supreme Court, on the north side of te building. The fire, when discovered, bad been eat ing its way above and tbrougl the Speak ers room. The records of the different offices were generally saved! but much scattered and damaged by the rain falling at the time; some $10,000 worth of the revised statutes of the Stated the library worth $40,000, furuiture ml the legisla tive chambers, worth $20,000, with the building, Worth perhsps $151,000, are total loss. f ae The Trial of Flipper. Galveston, November 18. A Newt special from Fort Davis sajs : In the Flipper case yesterday the Entire session was occupied in receiving testimony for tiie prosecution. The principal paper of fered was a statement from jthe Treasury Department, showing thai Flipper was still ajoountable for $3,791.77 M acting com missary, and the attention of the court was called to section 5,494 oft the revised statutes. Capt. Barber objected on the ground that the paper was! only proper evidence ia cases of embezzlement by con tractions under sections 5,488 and 5,494, but was not proper evidence when the charge was actual embezzlement under the 16th article of war. The; question was argued at length and the objection over ruled. The defense then offered formally to except, which was objected to by the Jadge-Advocate, and overruled by the court. ; The Star Beats Cases The Defendant Die- Washington, D. C, November 10.- I the Criminal Court this morning, J udge Uox rendered bis decision j in the star voute oases, discussing the principal ques- I eTery WemUh. remOTes Sal tkQ as to the infamy of the crime charged. lowneSS, Tan, Bedness, Erup- xum o-uu amveu a was tuai, oriute was iuiau.g is, ana uiu tne aocuscu should have been proceeded against by the indictment. He therefore Sustained the motion expelling the information from the m a - .a w a ( e Diet ox tne eoort, ana oraerud a discharge of the defendants. The Besult In Vlrafaln. Richmond, November jlO. Returns trom eighty counties ana cities, covering over two-thirds of the StateL make Came ron's (Readjuster) majority; so far about 1,500. Thirty-two counties yet to hear from will considerably increase these figures, but from estimates made from careful cal culations, his majority in j.he State will not reach 10,000, and may fall much lower. The Readjusters, however, still claim that Cameron's majority will not be less than 12,000. The Legislature, ao- I cording to the best estimates that can nuw be made, stand : House HeadjustcrB 57; Democrat 43. Senate Readjusters 22; Democrats 18. Majority for Readjusters on joint ballot, lo. Homicides la Georgia. Atlanta, November 10. A dispatch to the Revenue Department gives an co count of the killing of Tavlor Love bv W. Jfuller, and tne killiDg ot .Leonard Jsrrard by an unknown party near plarkesville on ler is an done bo- . authori ties ef this fact Ah acqonnt haa also been received of the killing of" William Gunn by William Kilgore, sheriff of Doug-, laaa county, on the. morning of the $Lh., the night of the 7 th instant. Ful flliett distflleriand the killing was cause Love informed, the revenue Thw killing Was mmna in salfdefense. ERYERJ NOV KM BE R 11, 1881, The Loatalaoa Lottery Drawing-. Nev Orleans, November 8. At the regular monthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company at noon to-day the following were anions the prizes drawn : Ticket .No. 46.353, sold in Norfolk, Ya., and Btwton, Mass., drew $30,000 ; ticket No. .64,372, sold in Emnittsbur, Md., and New Orleans, drew $10,000; ticket No. 10,101, sold in New York city, drew $5,000; tickets Nos. 15.200 and 46,414, sold in Warrensburg, Mo., and New Or leans, drew $2 500 oach, and tickets Nos. 5,1085,202, 45,830, 67,259 and 86,635, sold in New York city, Memphis and Como, Miss., drew $1,000 each. Retlg-Datioa of Premier Ferry. Paris, November 10. After the cabi net council to-day, Premier Ferry and his , colleagues handed their resignations to 1 President Grevy, who accepted them. The ministers will remain in charge of, their respective departments pending the I appointment oi tneir successors, r resi dent Grevy has decided to summon M. Gambetta, with whom he will have an in-; terview this afternoon. i. Another Victim of the New Tork Teoeaneat: Heaae Disaster. New York, November 10. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the workmen at the Grand street ruins found the body of Mrs. Hill's baby, Arthur Chester Hill. It was crushed to death. This is the ninth, and is supposed to be the last in the mines. The search is still continued, however. Connecticut. Hartford, November 10. The latest returns of the election show that the Sen ate stands seventeen Republicans and ten Democrats, the House 147 Republican! and 1 00 Democrats. Yacht Race. New York, November 10. The race for America's cup, yesterday, between Mischief, a Canadian, yacht, and the Ata- lanta, was won by Mischief. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream' Tartar, No rther preparation makes such light, flaky not Drea, or luxurious pantry, uan oe eaten by dyspeptics without fear of the ills resulting- from heavy moigestioie rood. 8ol1 only in cans, by all Gro era. KOTAL B A KIHO fOWDIB . New xorK. AfJ OPEN AHONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladles strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the tremble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hnes follow the use of HaganB Hag nolia Balm-- delicate, harm less and always reliable article, i gold by all tfrngzists. The JlagnoiUlSalm conceals Uon., M eiWeilCea 01 eXClte- jaent and eiery imperfection. : Its effects are immediate and SO natural that no human being can detect its application. One ef tne Remoable Pteaanres Of life, a proj er'y cookwi meal affords little or no present enjyrr.e 'i, hm3 much aubequ6nt torture to a continued dyspep tic. But when i-hronio mrlliLfMiod" i' cout bateil with HoteUera aruachi Bitters, the food lsatei with rensb, nd .most im portant of all, 'W'awintflMi by aod r - en. aT. a WW .IB ' J nowrinee tne wywem. . use tnia griiu P(Q)UM ionic and oor reel ive alao to ou e-ly copau patlon, blliouenas't, rheuuwtism. Met and aas. i ; . ,. For sale try nil 4rggteU and deal era Senorally. ' Nfi, 203. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Land and flouse for Sale IWILLstll at 12 rn, tt tf io-irt ,oii-e door, in Ka'eitrli, on MlM.VY, NO VJCMBER I4TH, 1631. iar; ul laud con taining about? aores irgjpti ho Avent Kerry road, ai out 1 u.ilests uthwtst of Raleigh, and adjoining i he ifmis of ilir Iu sane Asvliun. Win Urimca aud othn There is a good d we'ling hu ou'ho'isetj.ou the premises The propertwas formerly ui.vupimi iy u' r ohi ey. 1 Hale made bv virtue of rhortiracn from Tbos B Bailey and wife u .-arah B Hiutnn recorded in office of Wake county. f noo 41. nae 825. Krglster's Terms CAisH. i R H BATTT.K Jr vtl5-td Fx out. .r off- K IT .-nn Ex ra B i The entire stock of Good of the late J. Q. EDWAEDS,Dec'd.I ; No. 6 Hargett street, consisting of Dry (roods, Clothing, ! Boots, Shoes. Ha. a, Ctp:,' Trut ks, Valises, - Notions, c , &c.. &c will be sold at reduced prices until closed : out. Xow Is the time t$ buy your : FALL AMD WINTER GOODS Al LUY riuuijES. Special inducements offered to dealerp. Call early and secure bargains. AU Fresh Goods, just front the Northern Market, ii M. D. EDWARDS, Agent Octl4 lm a ' " ? !i GARFIELD complete, faithful hitor Agente wanted for Ufa of Preei dentOrfleld. A tory from crad'e to grave, bv the eminent biographer. Colonel Con well. Introduction bv Hit Exml ! John D. Long, Governor of Maasachusett-'. Trt.U-. .11 J m . . . ' jw-m mn i rwj y iur uenvery. An ele gantly illustrated volume it Endorsed edi tion. Liberal terms. Ageute take orders for from 20 to 60 copies daily. Outaella any other book ten to one $ Agens never made money so fast. The hook sells itself. Experience not necessary;! Failure un known. All make immense profits. Pri vate terms free. GEORGE 8T1NSON jt CO.. Portland. Maine. a i r ! -s I r ; M ji 1 4 it t ilS " pi''''' tsfSf g. " I I O a lfjjj pb JsJ-3 e! 1 1 7 I '. J ' S t' " - w ': . . I ; r-wsJLn. . & j TT7 E are aenui lot u. owustta TJNKE8SH! WApQX, TV tor ritreegtt. ik LKtlsaai-Liavfbt, ttU are tne mot po the State, tteit leitt uti HOnt n, M agents lei it on vtv Ktiiiu wiLtbH tibwa abia iu iu tuxiaet: always a larg we alaa have rrice Stock of Groceiies, Dry Oeoda. Bocta and Shis ii innrn ar WATfrursmBT .hniiri ar. a stock on hand. jsnTlv B. H. AHHHKt at fO Asreiafta for 3f rth CrWltB aaBBBWaBBBBBVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaSaaWaV mdmrnm and insifleawfjil ass iliria'iai ,IBa6Att yoints, Bxtba rot iSaaV I Of pena ler eat ea i im, NO CHEST f VPat. Jaa 20,18ty O- V Htet Steel M av t-vVas t . .i" aaaa.tareqesss. The News and Obsvrveu. ADVEBTIS'WO .si 0 . 1 two days. 'Hree u . t AT - ' I .i Louu-iutaror a.. crctiflu lor an r ipso, -ji me may be made at the office of Thb NBA . jD OB8BBvxa.st,id Fayettevillt Street. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SORTH CAROUSA STATE LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED IK 1873.) RALJC1GH, sr. a lesots seo.s7 1 urplus te Pulley Holders, 17S.S94. r. H. Cameron, Prtaideni W. S. AnHer e. Vice-President. Tkeo. M. HtU, Soe'y and Treem. ur, ifurkt Haywood. Med, . Dr. W. I RoytUr, AmUI Med Prof. JC M. Smith, Ach xsory At The onlv ROM V ',"', T. oany Id N;r- , ' x .IKX'eexI'.t. . .. . Uniteo elai h- m,. tween two ano throe '.bxi!aiid ooiiuie All oi its lunds Invested at home amor our own people. All loases paid prompt ana in aaen. naiea aa tow aa tooae or i Srst-claae Oompanv. Haa THRKK dol at snsets for every DoLLAJtof llabillUei Agents wanted in every county in State to work tor this moat excellent i armiv established home institution. Fc Information address N. C. 8TATB LIFE INSURANCE febl4-tf Raleigh, N. ' ' $510 Reward 1 WE.r'te5i; ueadacae, indigestion, Uonstipet tiveBees we cannot cure with West's Vegetal Ldver mil, wtien tne airecuons srs7a complied with. They are purely Vlgi and never fall to give satisfaction. Bat Coated. Larre boxes, eoataunins SO PUla.C eenta. Foreale by all Druggists. Beware oounterfeita and lmitationx. The genuine i ufactnredonly'by JOHN C. W8T A "The Pill Makers." 181 and 183 W. If adi street, Chicago. Free trial package seat, mail prepaid on receipt or a s-eent stamp, ehaoatw COOK'S HOTE Corner vVllmiegtot and Davie atresia. England. This hotel, newly furnish d and equipped, ;-ta in the centre of the city, aod now open to receive visitors. Good aooommodation for commercial Eentlemn and touriala. - Board and lodging bylthe aay, weaK or montn at moaerate raua. novl-lm - They are unexcelled put at tv gou sold ia k oountiee. - We are n nutua sujtining iVIFThTTlME TO BC YuTJB .Complete stock of DdtJBLE BREASTED UNDERSHIRTS, all wool and mixed grades, in acar'et and white. DRAWERS to malch, at Low Prices, at B B.-AHuTBWS & GQ.'S. 1 lit OS LITE EC0HCHICA1LT. The best way' to do this is to boy w here fl r t ci hbs goods can be had for the lowest po sil. e prices. We k eep always en hand all the letd. ingartieleapr Heav .Groosries, Mekts, Lard, (ugar, CeflVe, Molafwes, Flour val. Hominy, Grits, Soap, S.a-ch, Blueing, 'la-irg Powders, t ake-, ' rack en, Fish Ac Vrohaeca , Sau(r,i Cigars, Oii'retUa 'sad aioking rob'ceo. All ki ! of Canoed Fru'.U and Vegetablt, Potvd Meats,.Candi Nnu BaiMDs, Fikv, Jalttsa fresenrsd Fruits. KauceaiPioklea c Spies la kherVsverything usually found a first class, Jam 'ly grocsry. Fruits, Vex tabhss, KWa4 FvuKry S wAvs on hand n beu Wh( ha. . ' 9 TioOltEA PEGEAM, . t 4 i ' lOw HillahcKi and BaUsbury 8t . Dureeter. Dtrtetor. nmy r ig ny Lara r nowi-im umam ' aw a

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