..'V.J ... 1 i- S -I - " - -! The Nifws amd Observer A, OATtDra OO, PBOFBrtTOM.! ahlished Dally (except MendayJ and Weekly. The News and Obseryx ERVERl and Bin o BuMcmrc Jf-J ajvacii : sily, om year, bu-a kt ilx SJMathii, ...... 8 DO n thros f " " .... 1 To Weekly, ene year, " '' J " M 'six wonthfit - 1 00 No ium entered without payment, and no two daysMM.. MOT 4 l.. ,V ' 4 If six VOL. XVttx RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNINGi NOVEMBER 13, 1881. NO. 205. . Ootttracts for s JVrtkhtg for say spaoa titt may be made at the offios of Tub Nrws a. Orsxrvkb,s st side Fayettevills Street. apsr seat eftsr expiration ox pua tor, Obs News ist a 1 jLAIiKOU8. J WO. A. CHKATHA.H. W. FOKD TATLOB , !' Lata with L. H. Adams. MEW FIRM! HEW GOODS!! New Store. H i W have now on sals. In th Williams Aolldlne, on Wilmington itrwt, opposite the market boose, one of tne Dest seiectea stocks or everbreagbt to this market Oar entire stock U NEW and booght at bottom ' figure. We will not be nndenold by any . firm In the city. Polity 41 tentlon and Low Prices I 'JnSSetNORTH CAROLINA and LSUGAR-CURFlD HAMS. Large sapplf of selected Feathers. Red C and Kerosene Oils. Well assorted stock of Boot and Shoe Findings. j Patapsco, Orange Grove and Mapleton brands of Floor a specialty. ' Co lion soliolted and sold on consign ment. A mpl room for storage. - i GHEATHAll & TAYLOR. Raleigh, N. (D , August 16, 1881. agl6-m ; CALL AND EX tniNE NEW STOCK OF J; ! Parker, Colt, Remington, AND OTHER MAKES OF GUN MATERIALS. POWDER, SHOT and 8PORTVMEHTS ) GOODS. ! ; f First Premium at the last State Fair was awarded as for the BEST DISPLAY of these goods. 8END FOR CATALOGUE. T.l Bte 4 SiSj DHI009 pUILDIMG, RALEIGH, N. a Beet Goods; Lowest Prices and 8qure DesJlnar. Cotton Brokers. Agents for Exporters and Spinners. I1 i RALEIGH, N. C OID It ELI ABLE! 1 8 3 6 "Bura 1836 H. J. BROWN, I i UN E ER, i BALKIQH, n. cl Dealer in all aisas and styles of BURIAL CASES and CASKETS, -(Metallic, Walnut. Poplar, Pine.) 1 " 1 BURIAL ROBES for Laoies, Genu sad Children. M - Having sees red thi agency for several of the Urreet Manauetanng companies ia the United States, we can, do and will than, anv other honssin the eitv. sell lowat Have also made arrangements whereby we esn deliver above goods at aay depot in the Slate free of eharge. Satisfaction guaranteed. set 20 i JOHN W. BROWN. Agent. Victor Su UaGlB Co., MLDDLETOWN, CONK. . otrrHmomoK ! No. 8 N. Charles Street, Baltlmoie, Hi. sepz7-lw3m PRESCRIPTION FREE VrJ..Tt4J Cmn " Wsakas. Leet a: Vitalttr, Prsaatsrs lh( lltj, Meryess s, ssseaaeaer, CaarsslM ef Isess, Avsrsloa te Bseiatr. OefceUvs BMiery, mm all Maerasrs krttlbt oa kf iaalwraet BaMU aa4 Bxesssss. Aay Sraffglst kas ths 8tsT w fUUS KausemLOK. AooautDR.W.S.JAOUEST 130 West ttrth 8u 00011 ATI, 0&K Hala at 1mA BY virtue of powers vested in me by the will of R. B. Justice, deoeaaed, I wlU. on MONDAY, THK 28TH DAT OF NO VEMBER, 1881. on the premi-es, in Neuse River TownsllrjL Wales county, sell by public auotior , aVct of land, containing one hundred km nineteen acres, lately owned br said L. R Justice. This land l'es betwn the Fal's r sd and the Powell road, and fronts on both roads It lies level and is nearly a square, it con tains a dwelling house with four rooms, some outhouse ani a well of good Water, which are on the Falls roal, about five and a half, miles north from Raleigh. Terms of sale one-half cash; balance on a credit of twelve months. Forj further pa lieu lars apply to ne, near the premises, or to J H Fleming in Ra Ulgfi. r L M GREEN, Executor. Kalolrh. Ootober 2L 1881. oet2j-dtd General Maiise DnSAAh T AnHinYf IlTinfi II 1 amtUmmi DlCCUU-LUttUlUg UUUD. fM1 - i i RTM 1 AlmUS- B Mi M 3 l u u tigs a - Mtrtaam not. czBoexjtsavva i : MISCELLANEOUS. PSMI I : Meuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, forcnest of tho Chest, Goat, f Quins, Soro Tbroat,Swllingt and Sprain, Burnt ana scaias, i Gonera Bodily Paint, Tootb, ar and Headacho, Frosted Foot and Ears, and a other Pains and Achat. 1 No Preeaiatton on earth eauafi Sr. Jacobs On at a mre. mpi ana eneap sxiersai uemeay. A mu enuuii out we comnsnuiTeir tnnins uuar of SO Oats, and every on. tuffering with paia era nT cneap ana ponuy. prooi oi a """(' Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BI ALL DED0GIST8 LTD BEALSSg H KEDI0DTB. a TrnriTTT.xT r rn V. B. -JL the STMP fOXS of LITER COMPLAINT are uneasiness and pain in the side, sometimes p in the ahonlder. sua is mistaken for rheuma tima; toe Stomaen is affected with Ion of ap petite and sickness; bowrls, in generalcos- ure, sometime, aiternating-wito lax; the bead U troubled witb pain, and dull, heavy ssnsa tion; eonniderabl lO'S of memory, with pain ' fal sei'sation of having left undone something which ought to have b en done: often com plaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes . snv of tH Above 1701010018 at tend the dutaee. and at othei times very' few of them; hut the Liver is generally the organ nfost Involved. r ;? 1 ' . it! ' BXOtTIJLTB THS LITER, AID FRSVBRX Lk . . Mi Dvspla Oonstlpallon, Jatae,; Bll 'wmi Aiiaiekk, mlHa d wV si ' svche, itef tprMrin apirtis. sir siaHveiH HttnMni, r tk, el 1M ntA. V ' I Tnlc. Alterative nntf ratfcartle I I i Simmons. Liver Regulator, purely vegetable, is the KMdicIne gsnexajlf a lea In tan fcottth. to. vrniM the torpid Lursr to habhy suctioo.'" It acts with extraordinary jowr snod efficacy on the Liver and KMneys. " ; 5 - s The aetioV ef ;JthrRgulsteJx ee .from, naiuea ? grfpinc. It is at .eBevei In starting the secretion at the Lrverf causing the bile to act f cathartic. ; When there is an excess of bile in the Stomach, the Re srn la tor is an active purge; after ths removal of the bile it will regulate the bowels and impart vigor and health to he whole system. : fMsee that you get the Genuine in White Wrapper, -with red 2. preparwd only by 1. tLi Zeilm t Co. v8ola by alld nggis1sl - myw a eoaawiy . j 30 DAYS TRIAL J AXX.OT7SO. i WE Bectro-Vottalc Ippllances nflerinff from B( esssssgeaaiSaBS)ea, Dsss ! eral atMMly, iosa t aervs loses er jy4eav ; nr iit iliaresr rrnltinf tnrni SSTrirssnlTrnnTS ; Cacassi or to sue esse aiRicted with RbMaaa : tkm7Kenraltis7ParalyKia. gptnal Mfflcnltiov Kidney' or Over TtouMss,- Lsjm fiaek, up i tares, and otbe Djatssss estbe Vital Orcans, : Also wokxn troubled with cDsnsaes pecaUsto i ueirsex. -.!. . t - (,. ' Speedy Uef sad eostslsts tsstoranon e ! bealth uaraateed; mim mre tst tmetttr k BUeeseU . AasMe oaisr 7SVO"WWr. ; bfaMMnMt4 wslssiIBlsfcrls ' eCsttea. Their tboTourtafflcaey ass fceiis srse tlcally proven with ths w sides fll ssieee , mtmd tsiejr feuv Use Mr-smb I ewds)rseisMisia from ssaleel and tifte snesi.sud from sisisioewsla Stave I; keen tsOeaUy sas avsUseOltyMresl sny. rntrviS I u t Send at enee tor mostrated Fsmphlet, atviac U information free. Address, 01410 jriXT 00. KarskalL lUsfc Dn.SAMFORD'S llJlflGOllATOR i0nly;Vegetable Compound that i 1 acts directly upon the liver; and bures Liver Complaints, Jaun lice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos iveness, Headache. It assists di gestionj strengthens the system, ; regulates the bowels, purines the Wood. A book sent tree. ; Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOR RAX.X BT AX.X. DRUQOZSTS. Hew Teirk Property for Exchange. exchange New Yerfc city poop for proi Dertv in uaieiga or in country adloinins. Persons desiring to make such an exchange are requested 10 oommonicjate with WE PATTERSON. 176 Broadway, N T, Room 90. f f oetiivtf 4 m m m i ft OttliiEtlBl !' r iron i j; By Telegraph. A VAMOVI CASK. Battled ttLHt-tteBMiltoftLMi UUca tiom. Special to Thk Nbws ahd Observer. Goldsboro, November 12. To-day Jndge Shipp decided the habeas corput case involving the custody of the children in the Arlington case. About thirteen Tears aero. Mr. and Mrs. Arlington, being I kirM. mwt.kl. mticADs nf V.li rvnnr I intermarried, but shortly thereafter there wen family jars, which, continuing, Mrs. Arrington. went west and obtained a di vorce, whose legality, however, is ques tioned. Some months ago a Kabeat corpus case: was begun to determine who was en titled to the custody of the children. The evidence taken was very voluminous, hun dreds of witnesses being examined, among them the very best people of that county, who; all took a great interest in the result of the esse. A host of abld counsel were retained on both sides. Among them for Mr; Arrington were Messrs. Merrimon & Fuller and B. H. Bunn, and for Mrs. Arrington Hon. W. T. Dortch and Hon. J. J. Davis and Jacob Battle. The result of the trial has been awaited with great in terest. It was in the discretion of the Judge to award the children to either party, and he decided that the mother should have them. The costs were di vided. Trains Delayed by 8nw Storms. St Louis, November 12. Advices from Kansas City say that Sata Fe trains have been delayed by snow storms for nearly thirty-six hoars. It has been snow ing hard in western Kansas, Colorado and New Mexioo from Larkin west to Pueblo, and there are from 6 to 8 inches of snow, while from LaJunta west there are from 18 to 20 inches. The cuts are full of snow and a strong wind is drifting it badly. This is the heaviest ' snow storm in New Mexico and Colorado that the Santa Fe ever encountered. Prasdand. Chicago, November 12. -A Detroit special to the Evening Journal says : The new steamer Brunswick, owned by Cap tain Bewick, of Detroit, and built last year at Wyandotte, valued at $150,000, foundered last night on Lake Erie, off Dun kirk, N. Y. The engineer and two cooks were lost. The Brunswick was rated Al, wkh a star, and was insured for $75,000, of which $55,000 was placed ta Chicago. She was commanded by Captain Cham berlain. Foreign Jtsws. LoNDow,November 12. The TTmessays it understands that Monsieur Challeman Lacour, the French ambassador at Lon don, will not make part of the new French ministry. Gen. Campenon will become head of the war office, and M. de Fravcenet will resume the post of minister of foreign affairs. It is unsettled whether or not L Monsieur Ferry will remain minister of public inatruction. i A dispatch from Vienna says : There nave been serious earthquakes at Chios, and the village is sinking into the earth. The inhabitants have fled. A Stage Xobbs S 8ah Antonio, November 12. Thos. S. Moody, who was brought before the Federal Court on the charge of stage rob bing, was sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Moodj U the MShortman" of the cel ebrated couple known as "Longman and shortman, who have operated with almost incredible boldness and success .for tho past twelve months. Will Horn phriea, who turned State's evidence, was given his freedom. Kilted tot Ins OrasUs. Atlahta, Ga., November 12. Aleok McElwin and wife, colored, came at night to the store of E. Faircloth, near Albany, Ga. On Faircioth'B refusing the woman credit for goods they both began abusing and insulting him. This brought on an altercation, in which Faircloth was cat with a knife. He ran into the store and . seized an axe helve, which the negro jerked out of his hands, and with it struck Fsircloth over the head, killing him. The murderer is at large, KUM by at Dog. WiLKiNOTOir. DgL., November 12. A four year old son of John Fox was silled to-day by a bull dog belonging to John Uoraa. The dog; broke its chain, caught the boy by the throat and horribly . mangled him, causing almost instant death. Decline of Virginia Bonds. London, November 12. The Econo mist says the Virginia funded bonds have fallen six per cent, because of the success of the Readjustment party at tho recent elections. Cotton Mills Bansad. Baltimoeb, Md., November 12. The cotton mills at Franklinville, Hartford county, Md., were burned Thursday. The building was insured for $20,000 ; stock A dispatch from Portland, Oregon, says that the Douglass county jail, at Rose- burg, was burned yesterday, and with it Charlie Williams, who was incarcerated the day before for larceny. It is supposed he undertook to burn his wsy out and the nre became unmanageable. j Wo notice in many an esteemed contem porary's column an article entitled: "Bank Directors' Duties." We should ssy, con trary to our general free trade principles, that these duties should be not "for reve nue only, but for "protection as well. Crop Report. New Orleans, November 12. Special dispatches to the Democrat from all por tions of the cotton country and from the sugar districts of Louisiana show these crops to be in the following condition: Sugar There has been considerable im provement during the past few weeks. Maay plantations are grinding but the eane is somewhat too green to grind yet. The yield so far has been good, the plant eane yielding as well as last year, but the' stubble vieldine poorly. Estimates based on reports from a large number of plants tions promise a yield of about 136.000 hogsheads, a falling off of 4-10 as com pared with last year. Cotton Alabama reports show no change in the condition of the crop. aChe yield is now estimated st 80 per cent. tf that of last year. Louisiana Rain has fallen, but gen erally no damage has been done except to interfere with marketing the crop in some parishes. Unpicked cotton is seriously damaged in quality, snd perhaps in quan tity. About 9-10 of the cotton is picked. Labor is scarce. The rpads are in a terri ble condition and the 'cotton cannot be moved. Many farmers are holding back for better prices. Mississippi About one-fifth of the crop remains unpicked. Rain has fallen for a week, doing some damage. The yield is now estimated at 85 per cent, of last year's crop. Tennessee The weather has been rainy and very unfavorable for picking. The yield is now estimated at 57 per cent, of that of last year. About four-ninths of the crop has been marketed, while five ninths remains in the hands of the farm ers and producers. Texas The heavy rainfall is interfering with picking and damaging the crop re maining in the fields. About 90 per ct'tr . of the cotton is picked, snd about three fourths has been marketed. Washington Notes. Washington, November 12 Attorney-General McVeagh has returned from New York, where he visited President Arthur, and he stated to a repiesentative of the Associated Press to day that the ro latiens between them have always and now are of the kindest possible character. The statements published to the contrary, in cludidg the pretended cabinet scene, were sheer fabrications. He says that the sources from, which they originated were, however, so well known and they were so improbable on their face that no denial of them was necessary. Gen. Raum, commissioner of internal revasuM. has accepted an invitation to Vint the Atlanta oottoa exposluonr in com pany with Gen. Sherman. They will leave Washington Sunday night, and remain in Atlanta Tuesday and Wednesday. Gen. Raum has not visited Atlanta since No vember 15, 1864, at which time he left there in command of the rear guard of the 15th arjay corps, and he will return on the 17th anniversary of that day. SkJoav Mom. Wells' Renewer. Absolute cure for ner vous debility snd weakness of physical or mental functions. Sl.00 atdroggista'. De pot: Pfrscud, Lioe A Co., Kaleigb. "Bacanpaloa." New, quick, complete eure, urinary af fections, smartinif. frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. SI 00. Drug- gists. uej.ot Pescnd, Lee A Co., Raleigh. "Roaa-a mm Bats." The thing found at lst. Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rata, mice, roaches, flies, bed -boss. 15 cent boxes. Depot: Pesoud. Lee A Co.. Ra leigh. ; a lelde and Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure lor dyspepsia. "Wells' Health Renewer." The greatest tonic, best- bilious and liver remedy known. 8L0O at druggists'. Depot: re cud, Lee A Co., Raleigh. How de vou spell drought? New York Aon. There's where vou are lame. Al ways refer to it as '-the dryness," and then tney can't get tne a amp on you. It is the height of folly to wait until you are in bed with disease yen may not get over fo months, when vou can bo cured during the early symptoms by Parker's Oinger T nie. We have known the sick liest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure medicine.- Ob server. The large reductions ef rent by the sub- commissions under the land act are caus ing an outcry on the part of the landlords. who will demand compensation ftom the government. ; Exhaustive diseases that lead to insanity. consumption, and a premature grave, are quickly cured by using Brown's Iron Bit ters. It strengthens every part of the body. :; Caot Kennedy, of the steamship Oer mania, has been fined 10 for bringing three cases of cartridges to Liverpool n t ' mentioned in the msntrest. Better than nutting one dollar out at compound interest, is the sending it to Dr. -Dr. C. W. Benson. .Baltimore, m u., ior; two boxes of bis elery and Chamomile Pills, which cure. nervous disease, quiet) the mind, bring on refresmog bleep and prevent paralysis. T n i lI.wln.tAn HoAPAtavv rt ft t ' A fry w India, informed a deputation of merchants; that It woald bo neceeaary to maintain tbe! duty on cotton goods imported into India! as a revenue measure. 1 BtoUMral Mothers 1 1 Mothars 1 1 1 Ai 0 you disturbed at night and broken oil j your rest by a sick child suffering and cry4 ' lng with tne excruciating pain 01 cniurg teeth T If so, go at once and get a bottle MRS. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING HYRUPj It will relieve the poor little sufferer im-i mad lately depend upon it: there is nd mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell yon at: once thst it will regulate tho bowels, and give re-t to tne motner; and relief and health to tbe child, operatf lng line magic, is is periecuy sare to in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses ic the United States.' Sold everywhere. 25. mxXjs a bottle. 1 1 S'S Cadet Wbittaker now appears as a con cert manager. We were aware that he .had an ear, but we did not know that it was musical. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. w. a.MT Absolutely Pure. I Made from Grape Cream Tartar No other preparation makes such light, flaky hor breads, or luxurious pastry.' Can be ieaten by dyspeptics without fear of the ills resulting from heavy indigestible food. Sold only in cans, by all Gro ers. iRoTAL Uakiks Powder Co., New York. On of the fteasoaablo Pleasures Of life, a proj er'y cooked meal, afford ittle "r no present enjoyment, and much tub equent torture to ac-ontirmed dyspep tic. But -when chronic iudiwtion in com bated ith Hokteiter's Stomach Bitters, th food is eaten with relish, and most im portant of all,, is assimilated by and nouri bei the system. Use this grand tonic end corrective also to remedy consti pation. biLnne, rb"nmatlm. fver and aarus. For sale by all drngglsts and dealers generally. AMERICAN COMPANY and 7 A U STBfiF.T, ' KW YORK, 43 1 1. 1 till 'HI r.. fit I.UM.rHU, fOM ' L. D BLOCK, CM IC U CAPITAL kTOCK, 1 OOO OOO. 1 Sound Investment Hecurities furnished to corn irate and private investors. capital ruruisned or procured tor Kau- rald Companies having lined under oon- i Strution and their bonds purchased orne- 1 gotiated. I: Financial Nezctiations conducted for States, counties, towns and cities and for : ral .ro' d com pan iea and 01 her corporations. win conduct tbe nnanclal reorgan sauon of railroad com pa ies and other corpora tions wiiose prorerty is In the bands 01 celver or trustees. .will uuy an t sell Investi. ent securities on comiriisslon. Will buy or sell Defaulted Bonds or con vert them it to interest psying invest ments. (inulars and other information fur nished on application JOHN C SHORT, President. M P WATSON, Sec sod Tress. nctl4-d2tawlm Seasonable Novelties 1 1 We h'tve Just received a variety stock of tne latest Wedding Papers AWD Wedding Cardo With Ir side and OuUlde Envelopes. BALL ROOM BEAUTIES I We have also tbe latest Paper for Ball Invitations and Dancing Cards, in chromo dea gns. BUSINESS I NOTE PAPER, in Amber, Cherry, Pink, Qreen, Linen, white, ko. LETTE PAPER, in Cream, White. .Linen, &c. mi T.HPirWI In ol' nnltM ar,A o(.u STATEMENTS. Long and Short. JbM V Kl.OfKH. an g rales and usual snstdos. Also Fancy Novelties. Advertising Clrc lar Env lopoa. Pemeth'nr new and convenient for Mer chants in sending out circulars, price lists, announcements, xj. no envelopes auired. uememoer we nave one or tne largest and bnt equipped ofiBo a In the South; that we use STEAM POWER, and do onlv first class work. We keep the only complete and reliable stock of Legal Blanks in tbe State. Anything wanted in PRINTING or BINDING we can iipply at short notice. EDWARDS, BROUGHTON A CO., Corner Hargett and Salisbury Sea. No Climbing Stairs. Office on tiromnd rioor. novlO. "lOTTOV CAKDINO AND SPlNNIftiQ V MACOlNifiRY FOR SALE Complete system O'lt ntaning) compri-ing Aataon Ononsr. Kitaon Spreader, ii Worker and Btrippsr cnis, ao nc e; a urawiwf jnrsme. Hifftios' slabber. 04 sptnaiea; rrovidence As. Co. Sluober, 8)pindles; Higg ins' Speeders, 111 spindles each; Providence Speeder, 152 spindles; 29 Ring Spinning Kram-, 4,276 spin diss. Beets, Warp Uills, Spoolers, eto. Will bsj sold in lots to suit purchasers. Add! JOHN O. DIVINE. o26 dim Thompson A Division sts, Phils, .JUL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Land and House foe Sale I WILL sail at 12 in, at th court bonse door, ii Ra'elgh, on MONDAY, NO VEMBER 14TH 1881. Darl of land con taining about 71 acres vinizton ihe Avent rerry roaa. a out it mnesf s uinweat or rtaieign, ana aaioining me isnosor tne lu- ssne Asylum , Wm Oriuiel snd oiiinrs. mere is a goou dwelling: and ouihoiiseaon 1 hA nmmlAAH Thn nrntM. t. jl wna r.t.mA.v occupied by Tlios H Bailey, i aie maae oy virtue ot naorucaire from Thos B Bailey and wifetot-aah B Uinton. recorred in Book 41. pase 123. Resdster'a omoeoi waKe county. rerms wamu, s RH BATTLE, Jr, octlo-tds Executor of S B U in ton. Extra Bargfains ! The entire stock of Goodsof the late J. Q. EDWARDS, DecU, No. 6 Hargett street, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, 1 ( Boots, SheGsfSa's, Cap:, Tntrks, Valises, Notion, &5 , &c., &c., will be sold at reduced price? until closed out. Now is the time to fuy your FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT LOW FIGURES. Special inducements offered to dealers. Call early' and secure bargains. All Fresh Goods, Just from the Northern Market. V nn rnminrln a . . . U. bUtVAnUS. Ageilt, lm i Octl4 lm GARFIELD Agents wanted for Life of Presi dent airfield. A complete, faithful history from crad e to grave, bv the eminent biographer. Colonel ' Conwell. Introduction by HJs Excellency John D. Long, Governor of Massachusetts. Books all ready for delivery. An ele- . gantly Illustrated volume Endorsed edi- tion. Liberal terms. Agentl take orders ' for from 20 to 60 copies dally. Outsells any other book ten to one. .gen's never made money so fast. The book sells itself. Experience not necessary. I Failure ui -known. All make immense profits. Pri va'e terms free. GEORGE STINSON A CO.. Portland, Maine. I a - m . ft 5 ! Win aw Is el l S h. iWm -y vli fcfl- 5s r K 1l1 WlB 1 -nWI Xf'V 112 1 So 0" WE are aeuta mh no ooitnuM tjeaakssjsje wauwh. xney are unexcelled tor dcrengtL sxu Laghtnets ot ltavgL and era tho meat popular Wagon sold in the State, tteie teuk ovtx Os new In nae agents tot trt orii geBninevyu.ousi rbuwa aviu iu um uutvu aiwaja a xarg stoek on hand. Wo alsn haye a nice saock of groceries. Dry Goods, Boots snd Shao jan 71V j Talnstble Iand far! ftale I WILL offer for sale on MONDAY, tbe 12th day of December U81at 13 o'clock m., at the Court House door in Kaleign, $00 acres of valuable land in St. Matthew's Township, Wake county, on Marsh creek five miles east or tiaieign, aojoimng uj lands of Wm. Boylan and Madison Baugh, known as the lauds of Robt. Trawlck, de ceased. The land will be sold In three par cels, the plats of which may I f seen at my office betore sale. t Terms of sale One-third cash, one-tbli d in one year, and tbe balance in two yf ars, with interest on diffe ent p yments at 8 per cent, per annum. Title reserved till pnro see money is paid, ttale made for dlvldon nnder an order of h Superior Court of Wake county in special proceed ing entitled 6. B. Trawok and others ex parte. W. H. PACE. , Nov9-t4 " Commissioner. V chest m vT5 ' tjMf. B.B. ABiDBBlfsC?n. V lit j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XORTH C A ROLFS A STATE LIFE IN8TTRAN0K COMPANY. iKOORrORATBD IH 1873,) RALXIGH, N.a assess . sm,b7 t rflM to Pattaf Haldsaa, 1TS4 M F. H. Oamaron, President W.:K. Anderton, VU4-President. Tkeo. IT. HxU, See'y and Trems. Dri R. Burks Haywood, Med. Dweeier. Dr. W. I Ropier, Assist Med Director. fVo. JC M. SmitK Admevry Aetmaey The only HOME Life I nan ran os Oosa pany in North. Carolina. One of the moat successful Companies of its age in tho United State. Has already issued be tween two and throe thousand policies. All of Its funds Invested at home among onr own people. All losses paid promptly sad in cash. Rate a low as those of any Brst-olasa Company. Has THREE dollars ol assets tor every DoujLBof liabilities, Agents wanted In every county la the State to work for this most excellent and (irmly established home institution. For Information address N. C. STATE LIFE IN8TJRANCE CO. febl4-tf . Raleigh, N. C. $500 Reward ! J WE will pay the above reward tor any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Const ipaboa or Cos tiveness we cannot eure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when ths directions are strictly complied with. Thev are purely Vegetable. and never fail to give sauafaenoa. Soger Coated. Large boxes, containing SO Pills, 26 uoated. targe boxes, containing so rms, zs cents. For sale by all Drogjiats. Bewared coon terfeita and imitations. Ths renains man n factored only by JOHN C. WEST A CCw "The Pill Makers." 181 and 183 W. Madison street, Chicago, Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt or a s-eent stamp. slot of a: 'SH COOK'S HOTEL Corner llmlngton and Davie streets. Conducted by Anthony Forster. late of England. This hotel, newly furnished and equipped, is In the centre of the city, and now open to receive visitors. Good accommodation for commercial gentlemen and tourists. Board snd lodging by the day, weak or month at moderate rates, novl-lm In Wrks rnd aojolnlng oounUes. 75Te are a& JWis s wainwaon, sawirB, n, u ' IS THE TIME TO BUT TOUB UUMUl Complete stock of DOUBLE- r i BREASTED UNDERSHIRTf?, all wool and mixed grades, in : x scarlet and white. DRAWERS to match, at Low Prices, at B. B. AnflTBWS & GD.'S. LET Hi LIVE ECOMlCiLLT. Ths best way to do this is to bay where nrst eUss goods can be had for the lowest possihls prices. We keep always on hand all the lead, ing articles of . Heavy Groceries. Meats, Lard, Sugar, C flea Volssses, Floor. Meal, Hominy, Grits, Soap, Starch, Blueing, naatsg rowoors, waxes crseaers, Slsb, Tobaooa, Snnff, Cigars, Cigarettes and Smoking robs 000. , Alt kinds of t anned Frails and Vegetable, Potted Meats, Candies, Nats, Raisins, Figvi-, Jsliiss Preserved Fmita, baaesa. Pickles sih. Spiees. Ia short, everytnlag asaally lonad in la ftrst-elsss Jamtly grsesry. Fraits, Vege tables, jcggs and rosi try always on nsnd when tobefcadT MOO&E m PEO&AM, 1 - CorHillsberesalSalisbarygta, ' Nevemher ft, 1881. r ini 7 .,1 v Sf" K .1 i . 't ,3 s