TWKews iiro Observed RALElCMi S. C SUNDAY.. .DECEMBER 11,1881 PRfiDl A. OLD3, Citt EoiTOft. The Weewler TeDfY j Indication for the South Atlantic 8tates ara: Fair weathr, northeasterly winds, stationary . or lower temperature and higher pressure. ; i . t i New Advet-tlsenaeatS. Heller Brcis. Shoes, (ranks, etc NtrooacD et iseio Auction. , ?. Walter B. Gwynn A Co.-8uburbn res iden. for sale, ! Observations. Cold weataer. Look out for thieves. There were no cates before the Itayoc yes erday. Mother Rbipton's time for the Mast is slmqsi ended. M Mr There was'no news In any of the departs - meats at the ca jltol yesterday. One hundred men are employed on 4 water works- now being roetr?Me it Charlotte. 5 j Regular meeting of W. O. Hill Lodgw to-morrow evening. A tall aUtadano i requeatei. f The rece'pts of otton In wago- a yeeter i day were smaller than In five years past,? atthissean. 1 I A germ an complimentary o svera i iting belles will be given at Henry Mall to i morrow evening. Andrews fc Ferrall expect to receive on 4 Tuesday another Urge supply ol nne pe cans direct from Louisiana. There was considerable talk on the streets yesterday about the supposed mur der of Watson, the railway agent at Bel ma. Hon. W. d. Turner, member of Con- f;ress from the second. Georgia district, is n the c'ty, the guest of Dr. V. E. Turner, his brother. I A fashionable marriage is to be one of the events of this week, and will be cele brated at Christ charch early Wednesday lorning. The ladies of the cona-retratlon of the first Presbyte ian charch will baye dime ii ties at tne session room next roursaay fia riaay evenings. ; The Newborn papers state that" the schooner James M. Watson, of Philadel phia, Is dally looked for wtth coal for Mr. R. J. Harris la Rtlelgh. i j Commissions bare been Issued to the f- fioers of the Pasquotank Rifles, of Eliza beth City, North Carolina. It is Compan ipan s 31S &, or tbe rnvd Kegiment. Yesterday a cotton receipts were bales ; last week's were 2,730, and the total ths season is S7.014 bales Lat year up to luis time our receipts were a,i. : ; j Remember the sale of the Trawick land at the oourt ko.iss to-morrow at 12 o'clock by W. H Paoe, commissioner. The land is dear B iteirb, aul 't i a goo 1 ch inoe to make a good Investment j j There will be a meeting of the Academy of Medlcire to-morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock for the election of dmcere for the ensuing year; Every member is- re-i quested to be present. : . We learn that large quantities of wine are bein? shipped this season from the Thomas berg viovyard near this city, i It is to be regretted that this vineyard made no display at Atlanta. ; The M onoarram Club will aive anotaei of 'their pleas-nt hops Monday evening-. complim-ntary to MUses Guernsey and Tannabill, of New York, and Miss Alice Plummer, of Petersburg, Va, ; j Rev. J. M. Atkinson will preach ai the Second Presbyterian church this morning,! and at 3:30 this afternoon. At the other churches services wi'l be held as usual, at li a. m. ana 7:30 p m., by me regular pas tors. j j v And now Mr. Heller tells oar readers that be too has nice Christmas presents in! his elegant shoe store. There are shoes and slippc , Ar yc un an1 ol , for dancing and foi Ate ids c mibrt. Heller's stock la this season larger tnd better than ever. The board of ooinmissloners of Durham county baa appointed Messrs. John M. Moring. Duncan Cameron. O A. Barbae and J. P Nichols jtnmiaalooers to confer with the coin ml as loners of Wake county in regard to the port on of .Wake's debt which Durham county is 'o assume. They will meet our oo mciiss'onsra here at the January mseting. - ( i. We to learn that the venerable . aod grsatly beloved Mrs. Elisa L. Taylor, of this e-ity, was taken suddenly ill on FrK day morning and kas worse laat evening, and her onditlin regarded as critical. This announcement will oaose great pain to tier many - frfeeods in this city , and throughout ths State. The entertainment to be given by Beaton Gale Lodge. I. Oj. O- F., at Metropolitan Hall on the evenings of the 21st andic2t.,i bids fair to be specially enjoyable. tThe attendance wi 1 be large, an abundance of edibles wiu provitfea. aua mere win oe music etc 'mere wiu De votinsr ror euns. d etc., among other attractions. Tbe Newborn OoviwiercuU JSewa savs: Judge Gilmer i adjourned oourt and; left for uoine Tharaday morning. He, baa ended bia fall : circuit and now baa a rest nntll tbe first Mond y in January, when the quarterly : term of Wake ttuperiorj Court begins It U the express on of some of our members of the bar that Jadge Gil mer is-one of the be it Judicial effl rs in tba-SUte. M I The grocery stofe6f Moore A Pngram is ceriain'y weil stocked with C'brUtm good things, and at lowest figures,?: tooj which is auother g d point. There are Numsen's choice canned fruits and vege table; raiala,- tigs, J i:ies, ail ki-.ds of fruit butters, sauces, catsups etc , in greu variety, carefully se ec.i I f famll; use. The store teat tbe orner of Sails ory and BU'sboro streets.! . i : - Any parcel of third class matter (books, msgaiiuea, newspapers, etc ,) or of fourth class mstter (inercha diss or samples,) deposited In apostffice fr tiaa mision in tbe mai a, which is sealed. nailed, aewed, tied, or laatened in any manner, so that it' oancot be easily examined, is suHect to postage at tbe rata of three cen's per half oun e or iracuon tuereoi. i ne paroei may be tlxl in such; a mainer as to be capable of easy examlaat on, in wbict it wilt psss at tbe lewer ras of pos sge. As tbe ruling of the drpirtment will be strictly enforced bereafte , it will be advisable for tbe m ter of any paroei to bavo bis or Ur nam and address printed or written on ths -w. spper, eo that it may be returned if "held for p stage Ualtad States Circuit Coert. TbU oou't. which has been in session here for tbe pail two weeks, after the transaction of all ibe busl aes on tht sev eral caleudirs lid wtiich tbe government was dlrect'y inUrlesUxL on Tbursday lat. on acoount of the I continued indisposition or nis hod. u. w. Brooks, took a reow-s un 11 tbe second Mo idar In Janutrv. 1882. at which tiuie his Honor Huzh L Bond will probably bob reseat and take up the civil caienuar, upon wqiqu there are sev eral case-i of InterM. The Jurors were dis charged, and the cjlerk and ui irahal ordered todr4wand aumlujon a specitl venire of til teen men t seitve ai jurors for the ad journed a.-ssiop. A Posalblo M ardor, Mr. H. U Watsbn, the agent of tbe North Carolina Railroad at Seluia, led for New York u cu pie pf weeks ago. A lew dya since bis wile, a sisier oi Mr. j. i. Moore of Raleigh, received a letter postmarked at Whining oniDeiaware, with n endorse ment by the postmaster there that it was sent there under cover froui Charles ton. South Carditis. The letter Staled that Mr. WataO 1 while ou his way back from New York,! miss d tbe Norfolx boat at Baltimore. Two men offered tJ show him the war Op! into tbe city, and wben the three reached a dark alley, Mr. Watson was stabbed and robbad. There is mucb mysterv aboui the entire affair. It is ported that Mr. Watson baa died of his! in juries. ' fUllgteas Kews. Rev. T. A. Ceon a well known Metho dist mlnis'er, died at tbe parsiusge, iu Mocksville Tuesday morulng, November 29. Blsh p Wighlman, o( the Methrdlst Epis opalChuicb, South, ia lying in a vert critical condition, and is not expected t reo ver. TheJ Lutheran Almanac for 18e2 reports for the United states and Canada 56synod'-, 3.307 miDis'.ers; 5,851 churches, and 739,4 3 communicantai The 18th of December will be a great day in the Vatican.! Ceremonies of canoniza tion will be performed in the caes of pe -sons vf ho have been decided worthy of it. and bishops for racaut s es throughout the world wl 1 be announced Rev. R B. tit Alpine, of tbe Presbyte rian church at Go'dsboro, N. C, has re ceived an invitation to visit the church at Brand n, lit a with a view to a call fr m the congr gatln, but baa feli constrained ta dee lue lis saceptance. Sa a tbe Methodist Advantt: Tbe nrxt conference goea to RnUlgb. It was U"b aen's choi, for Raleigh m tha only place that asked for It. It is, however, au excel lent choice There is no better plac for a conference In North t 'a-olina. ft ia doubt fullf any p.acecould have beaten Rale'gb In the race R-v. W. M. Jordan, Rev. J W. Rsnlle. and Rev. II. F. Wiley were superannusud at oar laat Nor.h Carolina Cm erenoe Rev Mr. Jordan retires af er a long ser- ice for the cooferenc-e ef 4 years. R-v. Rtadle and Wl ey ara yet young but bro kin down in health. Arrangements being made In Edin burgh aud Glasgow lor a series of meet logs under tbe direction of Mes- rs. Moody and Banker. It la stated that a number of ministers la Glasgow refused to sign a call for Mr. Moody's services on the grout d that no perinaueht goo i had attended his p evious visit. : Mr. Moody is also inv lied to other places in Scotland. The Newborn people extend a hearty greeting to Rev. Dr Burkbead, the new pastor of their new Methodist church. A psper of that place says: Dr. Burkbead was stationed here in 1862, but together with many, of his flock was persuaded by one General Burnside to depart for other fields of labor and scenes more inviting. No member of his conference baa ever had more distinguished honors bestowed upon him than he, and none more worthily. The Methdiat congregation here may con gratulate tbemtelves that they have such a man to serve! them. They may confi dently promise themselves being ably served In the pulpit and la tbe work of the pastorate. DallCer la salaama la Mortta Carolina. Mr. Stephen Or Worth, superintendt nt of fisheries, has written a letter from Mor ganton to Forest and Stream, in which he says in regard to that fine fish, tbe Cali fornia salmon: j It wpold appear that a California salmon, arrived at maturity, hss been taken in tbis State. Major JJ W. Wilson, former presi dent, now chief engineer of tbe Western. North Carolina! Railroad, informs me in a .letter of November 25 that be enjoyed one 'on Thanksgiving day, wntcn was over twenty Inches long, and weighed about fire pounds. The fish was taken ne.r Marshal, west of the Blue Ridge, from the 'French Broad River, on a trap. Other smsUer specimen have been taken. The fish contained a row, so nearly ripe that it 'was not eaten. A few land-locki d salmon and California fro it were sent to tributa ries of this stream iu tbe spring of 1880, bat they could not have grown so large in so short a time, and we are obliged to credit the specimen to a plant of twenty seven thousand California salmon made there in December, 1877. I have other evi dence of the presence of salmon in that stream, as they i were taken and eatn last year. Major Wi son, however, is, better acquainted with the salmon in a fresh State' than most of our citizens, snd his statement la more conclusive. Whether this specimen had ever left tbe headwaters to seek the Gulf of Mexioo is a question. . fjeeth of a North Oarolfnlaa la Mobile. We find in Tuesday's Mobile Register an extended notice of the death of Dr John W. San ford, of this State, after a long Struggle with disease. The Register says of the deceased: Dr. San ford was born in Fayettevtlle, North Caro lna, November 5, 1834, and was therefore 47 years old at tiie t me of his death. His affection for tbe Old North State continued undiminished through his life. He graduated at ChapeC Hill Untveisky, North Carolina,, in 1854;. graduated at Jeilerson Medical College in 157; then passed an examination before the United States Naval B ard, and then entered tbe navy as assistant surgeon iu 1853. Doctor f&nford remained in the United States navy until North Carolina aeee Jed. , He then entered tbe Confederate S;ates nary. Hia first service in tbe Con federacy wsa nnder Capt J. D. Jobnaton, Mobi'e Bay. He was soon transferred to Savanbah. and was afterwards at Smith vllle and Wilmington in charge of hos- 'itals. At ihe close of the war Doctor San oi-d practiced i a Fayettevtlle for a short time Upon the death of his father in 1870, he came to Mobile and took the position of jook-keener and cashier in the Western Union Telegraph office. This position he retained up to bis last illness. Doctor Sandf rd wai a man of kindly and gener ous impulse. He had a pleasant word for all, and his politeness was that of the Old North Stat gentleman. t ' - e aapremo Court. Court opened--at 10 o'c'ock yesterday mornlog All the Justices were present. iTbe consideration of appeals from the ninth judicial district was resumed and causes were disposed ef as follows: o ate va. J. T. rreemaa. from Ken- dsrsoa: continut-d by consent. Otate rs. John lnzraua. from Henderson: motion to dismiss appeal for want of esse assigning error; argued by Attorney-General Kenan for the State; no counsel for the defendant. 'K. C, Cbastain va. Susan P. Chas sin et als, from Clay; continued for absence cf counsel. . tstate v. Fphralm Woodfin. A-orn Bon- oonabe; argued by Attorney-General Kenan for the state: no counsel for the defendant. dames K. Trull et ala va. Pollv Rice et a s, fiom Buncombe; argued by Reade, usbee & Bus bee for the Duuntiffs: no couosel for the defendant. Miller fc Green vs W. T. Justice, from Buncombe; continued for want of coun sel. W. W. Rollins et els va. R M. Henry et 14. from Buncombe: petition to rehear died snd cause continued. The foreuoinK concluded arnrumenti for tbe present term, and court adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow (Mondavi morning, when motions will be beard. S bSJSSJ s i n As AxsTOMivo 'qalrrol. A lair's pet squirrel escaped from its cage Friday morning an 1 sought refuge in a Mioigiibor's nou e, where it was reeu s&juetime afterward, but it evaded captu-e and it ws thought had left the premises. out dot so, as iue sequel will snow, in the bouee boa. da a eeuial old tacbelcr. well-known'arotind ih court bouse, and the squirrel ha i ise.reted it elf n his room. Wpire Mr. G. was enjoying thit profound rest that only comes to those of eas ' com- scteuce, be ws suddeoly aroused by soietUuig pul.ibg bis hair, and he awoke v KHtuor iu nqiii re i to nis. Dosomj lie di not hold itiioug. but insists that he was n t frightened. It is suggested that tbe squirrel woum Ravs round Ills crauium a bru uut to craq. The Cotton Market. The market was quite active lat week arid the rti-4)li ez-ee!d those of the o.rresiwdinir Week l-ftvear by 375 bales. being 2,730 agat si 2,356 bales. Tbe total receipts l!i fou to dite are 37,014 bales, aiinit 4V.4-U to auie a ate last season aiiowi 'jfa 'ecirens of 12,4 7 bales.! The receipt to the same date la 187tf were 31,- fcJO bale. . I Durlnsr nineteen centuries of visits old Saiita Clxu aa bis "sisters ar d bis c-pbin and his aunU" tell of tbe fine o d chins, ailver spoons, forks and canters. o.'ockx and lamp, which loaded do n the ''liristmaa tables. Santa says nobody ever Kave drv irooda. Bo, d Baking Powders, ro6ks or tit. Jacobs Oil for presento. and this and next week he will aend evtry one w ijaws' Buyer ana coins uoase, Catarrh ef tbe Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irr'tatlon of tbe urinary passages, diseased discbarges, oared by Btichupaiba. Druggists. Rate, mi e, aiits, flies, veimiu, mos quitoes, insecta, Ac, cleared out by "Rough on Rat." 15c. boxes at druggists Brain and iVerve. WelN' Hea'th Rsnower. giea:et remedy oo esrtb fr impotence, leaunees, sexual debi I y. Ac. f 1, a- d, uggists. TrtribU Los of Ufa. Mil ious of rJts, mice, cats, bed bugs, robes, Irse their lives by co:li ion with "rough ou K.ta." Sold by druggists, loc. A rook ought to he at the haad of a pro visional government. Oplalew f Celebrated lr. XV m. H. Bloke , Physician. Mt. Hope Retreat, Baltimore: "I have great plea ure in adding my tes tiniouv to the virtue of Col ien's Liebig's Liquid Extrs't of Beer sn J Tonic In vig ors tor as the very beit preparation used fjr depi-fs in, weakness and indigestion, and i tie efore contideiitly recommend it to the medic! profession." (Remember the name, Colden's take no other.) .Of druggists gener lly. . An eleph n s ould wear trunk hose. On Thirty Iajra' Trial. We wjl! send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Elec tro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Ap pliances on trial for thirty days to young men and older persons who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, etc., guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of vigor" and-manhood. Also for Rheomttiem, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney difficulties, Ruptures, and many other diseases. Illustrate t pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Oct 28-ddtwly "Alas, bow easily things go wrong !' ' A vote too much, or a scratch too long, And the candidate, bereft of gold. Finds oat too soon the day is cold. An agreeable dressing lor the hair, that will stop its falling, bas been long songbt for. Parker's Hair Balsam, distinguished for its purity, fully supplies this want. Coffee drinkers should read tbe adver tisement in another column headed Good Coffee. Perhaps there is one member of the House who doesn't believe that he could fill the podtlon of Speaker, but if there ia he ia hiding in the scrub oaks and oeuldn't be driven out under three months. Why study to know the cause of your pains and aches? Use St. Jacobs Oil and remove them. The two second-rate shysters who rep resent tbis country in Somh America can very easily get Uncle Sam in a box where be will have to fight or apologize; ano It looks as if they were trying to do it. Decided steps ought to be taken to cure a Cold or Cough at once. We ahould re commend Dr. Bull'a Cough Syrup. Tbis valuable medicine is indorsed by tbe physicians and you can rely on its doing tne worit every time. There are only six oaths in daily use. and not a sin, le one of them can announce tbe feelings et a man who leaves on a seat In the street-car tbe beefsteak he was bringing home for dinner. "'Tis more brave to live th n to die. Therefore don't wait till a slight Cough develops itself in o consumption, but secure a bottle or Ur. Bull's cough Hyrup at the small outlay of 25 cents. Cure our Cough and live ou happily. No odds how poor thq farmer's roots, No odds bow damaged are his fruits Though rust iias spoiled bis cherished wheat An 1 though be can't make both ends meet. His turnip crop cannot te teet! j . 'mm yHornel. Coffee dr nk rc should read the adver tisement in another column headed Good Ocffee A thick foir enveloped London yesterday. aod darkness prevailed throughout tbe wnoie a ty. . I - Coffee drinkers should read the adver tisement In another column beaded Wood Cuffeel Tbe land section of the ne n oc-ean cable, in h ch Jay uouid is interested, was laid at Peazance. Vigor and regularity of tbe stomach and bowels are assured by nsing tbe Liebig Go's Coca Beef Tonic. Ton want a flogging, that's what you want,' said a parent to an anruly son. "I know it, dad, but I'll trj to get atbng without it," sail tbe independent brat. Cleanliness ia Next to Godliness A larg-e and complete stock of Toilet Soaps at lowest possible prices. Samples aod prices at any time an of Colgate s best goods; Cashmere Boquet. Cologne. An gelica, (new style) Omnibus. Vasseline, uiycei-me, faim, Mocna, snavlng, Franco American, Hyperion, (new style) Nursery, Brown Bath, Reliable, Honev, Traveller's, (for hotels) Oat Meal, Office Soap, White "stile, Van Haagen'a aosps, Pure Palm. (bars)i Honey Suckle, American Toilet. Ac, Ai, Ac E. J. Hardin. Old Southampton Mama. Tbe finett stock in tbe market; small sizes; beauti fully cured. E. J. Hardin. Buet Proof Wheat Makes a large yield. and is a splendid wheat in every respect, as it is exempt from ri st is safuot tor every farmer to plant. A few bushels may re bad by applying early to JONK8 A fOWILL. Banjos and fiddles, from tbe very cheap est to tbe best, at J. L. Stone's music house. Select Sensible Christm s Presents of a Hat, Scarf. S lk Handkerchief, a Suit of C'othia. an Overcoat. Shirts. Collars. Cuffs. Shoe! Rubber Goods, for your Brother. ratner or oweeineart, at tne completely stocked store of R. B. Andrews A Co.'s. Wolfenden to ( mallwood. Commission MerctUuls and dealers in Orain and Rice, Newbern, N. C. At Yearran. Petty St Go 's, barsraina in Door Mats. Knit. Shetland. Shoulder Shawls, Breakfast Shawls. Men's Heavy Winter G itere. dec. 5-2w. Still Thv Come Another aunnlv of natsoiaiitne latest styles just opened at E. B. Andbiws A Co.'s. Btrjo and violin strings at J. L. Stone's music bouse, Bargains In Lace Curtains, at deo 5 2w. YJCAROAN, 1'k.TTY A CO.'S. Christmas Holidays. New Goods, re cti veu daily at It. B. Andrews A Co. a. Boys' Overcoats, from two veara up. just received at K. B. ANDBRWS A CO.'S. Ladies Cheap Cloaks. The handsomest ladies' cloak for the money, second sup pty this seeson. At delQ Yeaboan, Pbtty A Co.s'. Meseaa. Cooke to Wainwrinht have lust received another car load ol those fine Tennessee waitons. the best watt on sold in the market. Tbey can furnish either one or two bor-e, at a low figure. Call and see them before you bay. deo e-tf. Deaths.. CiNciNHATi, December 10. Gen. H. B. Banning, ex-member of Congress frm the second Ohio district, died suddenly and uncsjM-ciedly at bis retidtrnce in Ctjtu minsville this moruing. lie had been suffering frbui ill health for several wetks. This morning his wife left liiin in bed nd an hour later went to call hi in tobrckfaPt and found him dead. The immediate cause of death is unknown. ! For tb ess Monroe, December iOi Gcu. KJwiu B. Bobbin (retired) died tbis moruing at the residence ol bis sin, iaj L. G. Bubbut, commanding arsenal. Cotton af aoof cturlos; at Auaattia, G i. Atgusta, Ga., December 1.0. The John P. Kinff MaDufacturinfr Compapy, with a capital of SI, 000,000, will be pr eanizen lecem&er s. otocK nas been subscribed to over $400,000 in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and the bkl- mi s - i ance in Augusts, xnia mates nearly $3,000,000 sabscribed for cotton millsHn Augnsta inside of three years All tbe mills here have made ovtr 14 per cent, on their capital within the last year. Boiler Kxploaloo. PirrsBUBO, December 10. A boiler burst in : the Cevstoae rolling mill last evening, completely demolishing the boiler house-, and killing one man and seriously wounding ten more. i Art patron "What ? Seven dollars for this! Why, you only cha ged me $2 50 for that tine large oil piece on the wall there." Great artist "Exactly so. That little bit in your hind ia done in war er co'or. They come high just now on ab count ef the recent drought. " He-No! Advertiaemnt No. 1 At the Cotton Exposition in Atlanta Is the He-No Hong. Every one who visits the ex posl tlon sees and, admires it. It is a bouse. built in China, of bamboo, paper and silk. twenty-four feet square and thirty five feet nign. The central dome of the industrial ball was built especial v for Its aocoxme- nation. Hong ia the Chinese word for bouse or shop, and it is called He-No to advertise tbe tea of that name. We have got something to tell you, and we sre going to do it in this way. W. C. A A. B. Stronacb, importers' agents. i J. f BmimtAli Ar fVi nnalu I n If in time for the cold weather, a large lot pi Franklin open front stoves, coal and wood stoves of all kinda and sizes, grates, yentl- tatea stoves, etc can ana see them or write for. prices. 1 -S" Choloe Sauaaa-e. One hundred nounds of very choice pork sausage received last mgnt oy express. Tbis sausage is made in Baltimore expressly to my own order, and Is of the very best quslity. Price re duced from 16 to 15 cents per pound, to put it within tbe reach ef everybody. j IS. J. HARDIN. Buckwheat Flour. Fresh buckwheat flour, and choice new crop tfew Orleans molasses Just received. Also fresh cran berries, and fifty fat turkeys. ( Ctm J. HARDIN, t NOW READY! -AT HELLER BROS.' Ladies' Toilet and Dancing 81ippers, Gents Embroidered slippers, Gents' Dsocing Pumps.; Toy Trunks, Ladies and Gents satchels, l Sole Leather and Saratoga Trunks,; And our usual variety of LADIES', GENTS', MISS FS" AND CHILDREN'S SHOES.; Chi'dren's School 8 hoes a specialty at HELLKK BR04 ' Popular hoe Store. STROMCH & BELO, Auctioneers, Brokers, Oeneral rommla- elou Merchants, and Dealers in Bug Iflee, Carrlag-es, Pbestoos, Spring Waflrona, Ac , Ac., Manufacturers agents for Ouanos anf ueorgia Uotton Uins, Wilmington Street, KaLEIGH, N. C. js Auction every Saturday. Solielt conslgbmenta f r public or pri vate sale. Liberal advances mse o - consignments. One car load of NORTH CAROLINA i FAMILY FLOUR for sale. STRONACII Acn.o Auctioners Mounts in Hem? "IT LEG ANT new brii'k suburban!; reel 1 V dence. with 27 acres f tar.d, tor sa'eat a bargain by tbe Western Carolina; Land: Agency, 8 , ; WALTER B GWYNN A CO, .dccll-dlt Asbeville; N C. Valuable i.nnu T-tr -ale T W'LLoffe for sa5o oi MONDAY, tb X day of December, 1S81, at 12 o'clock: nc., the Court House door in Raleigh,! 300 of valuable land in St. Mattbew's Tov jabin. Wake i ouDtv. on Ma-sh creek i five miles east of Raleigh, sdjoinlng the' lands of Wm. Boylan and Madison Baugh.j known aa the lands or Kobt.; cetsed. The land will be sold in three par eels, the plats of which may be seen at my office before sale. Terms of sale One-third cash, one-third; in one year, and tbe balance in two years,! witb intrust on ainerent p yments at 8 percent, per annum. Title reserved till purchase money is paid. .-Sale made for division under an order of the Superior; Court of Wake county in special proceed-; ings entitled a. n. naw cn ana others ex parte. W. H. PACE, Nov9-td Commissioner. w B DUKW. l c Dcirirj W. B. DUNN 8u CO.. klannfactarers and Dealers la : Plows andPlow Gastiogsj Wake Ferest College, H. C. declO-dly NEW ADVERTISKMriKTo. A. R. LEDOUX rn. i 17 Cellar t. Nt VoiW r itj, Chemists and Absayers, Make ANALYSES Of FUKTILIZEK. Chemicals, Miueruls, Orea, Ac, Ac FAR MEKS wlahiug to PURCHASE FERTI LIZERS or AGKH ULTURAL CHEM1 C J.S, and AGEN ISdrsmngoor ANALYSES or oar INSPEUTIHN FU OIW iu Balti more, New York or New England art inritet to correspon'i. Faithful work and tiustworth) reports guaranteed. ancS Ffiits, -.fin, 'M Mm ?oa holiday Tna.rr. W, C & JL B WHOLKSALK ANO K TAIL QROCKRS, Invito the special att u:iin of th hole- saljand r-tail tr-de to tl eir fine s ock of new Foreign and Domes' ic Fruits, Nuts snd Table DHlicacies, uittl to the p res et! t season, which have bee'i'mos. i.-itrefully selected for our trade and which we are offering very low for goodaf fine qual ty. JUST RECEIVED. elew.ed Florida Oranges per ex pre s from Lake Jess up, Florida, 75 cents per dozen. Fine Stem Cut Jam&ict Oranges, $4.00 per 100. Florida Oranges in boxes, repacked, (St. John's River,) fo.OO per box. Dehesa Table Fruit Raisins), boxes, i boxes aud i boxes. London Layer an Layr Raisins, boxes, i boxes and i"b xe-. SAedievs Kaisins Curran's, Citr n. F'i: e Yellow Aspiu wall Bai a a, f4.60 per bum h. Malaga Giape, Fancy Dried Figs. FIE BAI.DWI.V ll,'LK8. Shell Bark Hickory NnU, Bla-k Walunts Twenty barrels Fresh Nu's. Hard and Soft Shell Almonds, Grenoble Wslnnts, Brazil Nuts, Pecans, Filberts, Cocoaouts. Finest French and Turkish Cooking Prunes Alexis Godillot's extra choice Eating Prunes. 10 lb cartoons, 2 lb g'ass Jars, 1 and 2 lb tins. STANDARD MINCE MEAT, in bulk, i barrel, 5 and 10 lb buckets (only the best material used), 121c per lb Atmore's Keystone Mince Meat, 4 barrels, 68. 37 and 18 lb bucke s. Genuine English Plum Fuddlnr. 1 lb 30c , 2 lb 50c., 4 lb $1.00 Pure Fruit Preserves and Jellies, 17io. per lb, 13c by 40 lb barrel. Pear, Quince, Pine Apple, Crab Apple, Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Straw berry, Whortleberry, Dam on and Plum Preserves. Mumson's Convenient Brand Preserves, 1 lb tins, assorted. Delaware Preserving Company's Jellies, 1 lb aud 4 lb tumblers. Raspberry, Blackberry, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Quince, Plum, Peach, Lemen and. Currant Jelly. Same assortment in wine glasses. Tw tozen ii case, S1.75 per case. Thorber's Extra Choice Preserves, in glass jars ana tumblers. WINDSOR BIAKOR PICKLES. Mixed Pickles in Vinegar, Gherkins in urine, (nome-maae, no acta, no cop peras.) Crosse fe Black well and Windsor Manor Pickles, Cbow Chow, Stripped Mangoes, in glass jars. . Crosse A Black well's Walnut and Mush room Catsups. Lea A Perrin's Wo cestorshire Sauce. Bengal S'uce. Alexis Godillot's French Mustard and Q-ieen Olivvs. Alexis Godellot's V r!n Olive Oil. Ch. loi g and Canton Preserve I Ginger, pot, 1 and i pots. Purd Ve. m nt iJap'e Syrup, l.y measure, zi gai.oti and ganoa tins S.-liuj s A Mai by's Dessicae i Co oanut. O'x'sand Ne son's Ge'atine. Tnu ber's Pure Golden rup 1 gitllo i tins aud 5 gallon kega Care 'ol an i our. tain Cranberries. Thur" er's Pure fuvo ing E trac s, nutter ana t neese. Finest Cranierr Butter ' Pine Apple, K lam, KnglUh Dairy, Cbed- uar, i ouug America n a larueirscneese. Mac aroni Tagonrock. FINE PURE FRENCH CANDIES. Pla'n Stick ant Assortad Candies, in great variety. TO ARBIVE. Let Penny Christmas Tiea Goods- Wholesale and retail Price Lit ef SUple and Fancy Groceries on application. Jed- we issue Weekly Price List for the benefit of tbe Jobbing '1 rade. Health is Wealth I DR. E. C. WESTS Ninvn ab Bzaib Tksatmkmt. a specific for Hvsteria. DiaaUess, Convnlaions, Nervous Headache Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, S perns terrhesa, Imi tency, Involuntary Fintirnti Premature Old Age, caosed by over-exartioa, self-abuse, or over-iadulgcucs, which leads te usery, aecsy and death. ,Uns box will ears recent cases Each box contains ens month's treatment. -One dollar a box, er six boxes for Ave dollars- sent by mail prepaid on receipt el price. We guarantee six 'boxes to ears cay ease. With each order received by as for au soxes, accompanied with Bra dollars, we wil send the purchaser our written guarantee U retura tne nionty lr tbe treatment enos net effeoi a core. Guarantee laaaed I V WM. i ON. Draggiat, ttaleigh, i. C, Whole sale xud Retail Axent. Order t tuaii ail rec ve pmidpt atusstioa. isau)i28 I? w Sootal Vlanor, rlsUwvMriS Mtaa. as M.aat a SMMiAd Witth In. imttm Hull i Mililil jl VIOLIN Valnable Honse aud L t lor H le BY virtue a' id cree made and entered at August term. 1H1 of Wk jSuperior ui t. in the Cs of Ueo B Moore et ai v Thomas Jenkins et si. the uudrnigned coiumis oners wit! exp"so to public sa e. at tin o .rt bouse d o-, in me i-itv of Ra leigh, eu MOS UA V, J M'AtlY 2d, 1882, be lot of land end p. einim-n at tbe co ner of Dawson and Davie s le ts, teing a psrt or lot so ?i ui tne pun ot ib c ty or Ka- leiKb. fronting about 0 feet on Davie street.and running tuck about 140 feet on Dawson street, being tbe lot lai ly le longing to Mrs. Thos Jeukini, decetfctd. Terms ot sale CASH. JOHN UATLINO, C M BUSBEE, -October 3, 1881. Commissioners. tecS-dtds. For Kent. rpHE LA BUILDING.c rner FsyetU- JL ville and Davie st reeu. next to Yar- boro House. Eight rooms and tasement. Good brick kltcben iu arJ Also the roim over tbe Williamson A TJpcburch bulldinsr. Favetteviile I etreet. formerly occupied as telegraph office and lately by Edwards, tsrougnton up. Ap clO d'wiw Ralflrh. N. C, NOTICE T WILL GIVE, without charge,! to any X skillful Gardener who will furnish me with vegetables for my own table,! the use of two acres of very rich garden land nr ar my residence, l win also mrnlsb mm with all manure necessary for successful srardenlnar. ooin condition that he will keep the land in good order and protect the fruit trees ana grape vines cow on it. dec7-2w JOHN GATLINQ. KEW.ADVERTISFTTrS. BERWAH CrE R BROTHERtiTm We res pec fully tnv'te our friends and the panue csaerally to " I I ;' call and examine our stock, especially selected . J IT1 QC x ?AxFor the Holidays.' 7 '-J OJ Vv Clothing, Gta'Puniisldiigs, Hats. &' lB Clothing we have all ths later st Ties , asses s I5 o fClotlia.Casalmere aid Diagonal &) mJLm e fn Xj In Overcoats. CUters Ulster- .Cj W H 1 " Baalness and Dress aa' w bfi vO f.foryenofaU 8g-tpJ' w ZTS v "Ixes. Tenths, sCS 5 O Jj OC i V . Boys and jlJ S Cfj 'Sci ill I ill i m I -um sM nvii Ill o LX S 1 5? 5- 00 I ewe X A. XI X MS. I SBBBBBBBBa o 42 ill py HI: Z 5 rVV Knowlng-yon 2 sk C g f7 Cn nn tha " V c a aw n s acy nd ,t,t rt,r,e" of 9 ' n everything in our line on. VrX f ' I as ry oar shelves and count era, we f " ClJ J extend a W Jjy CORDIAL' IKVITATION y Payettevillo f Street, A lJ OPPOSITE U. 3. P08T0FFICE. ff CQBERWAMCER BROTHERS.. Fall I Winter Goods L. ROSENTHAL Our Stock of Men's Clothing, Youths Clothing, is Complete now. snd we invite the atinHn 1 . -w-a mm ana tne rublic generally, (jnr Qaiters u also Complete. Department will be found Xj. BOSB1TTH OLOTEIERS & BATTERS, Clothing, J. M. ROSENBAUM, Corner Fayetteville and Hargett Streets, " IIhs the largest and most complete slock of CLOTHING. niT,i and eveiryitalng In the rUKXIllINU LIVE to be found In tbe; CilT. Irtss ni I.Aiwns IIia I.aivi ami aiah..i fwu at bis i otblng Emporium and Inspect his Goods. Everybody made welcome, "onJl ferret the place COB AT S II FA V I-TTEViLLE ANO ' II i DHPTT &TD VDTa rm aaa ms m m m as aaaa. as ma m. w .tiKXTUUfasi lwaawSanaa trasaaeaaralaeMltlva knaasae tease. Avaeatieaef sasooaa awsoa swsaas nnrsssia aioa ratios aadajaidaaehille. At this time I J9) flJT JJ !pL) l5us!r"asrjsll u ffyJy)IflIco) HsiS alaaost Imaiadlate a4 woeaarfal is Its. TheeldseeiaTHtiuaiSaejSl as S tfcet maul sail Ill ttiii mmmi ISna tinMIss mt I In Tonta. Simmm ' lhmrm d bor that larU4 Utaesw UssaSmriac atr Ulsiia, sad wHS dble tseease. WMS the sreaaail a wis aadrlfarelbedr.hatenBMslsea slsarasaiel theeshlaerai bacate eaJafed. Mtke Taadekasset mmm Ike ors.Ikawaotwaat. IstsetttbaeradH. J. P. WaTaowTPastar CTmtmm Cheeek. Trey, 6. mmSmrtrmt, aaia Mmrh. awa! W uiraiTiiti ii tii on. martcr mcdicinc go.; is. sis ssbtn buii stieit, JULIUS LEWIS & CO DiAinis xm OT sTVSKT DCSOKlWTIOta, SASH, DOOIS, BtfllDS, UK, CEMENT, IUB8EI AND LEATHE1 BELTtNS, as. I aiiaaal aiowfc In ajnaea AaiaAllaia. aflat aTaB BO 1101 Vtt. J. C. BREWSTER & COMPANY, RALXUOB. XT. C. THE PARK R GUN, Cheap, Durable, Effect i ve. We have In stock guns made by W W Greener, W O Sooct A Sods, Oolta, Remington, Clabrough. Moore, U Richards, Ac, Also, SPORTING MATERIAL OP ALL KINDS. Write for illustrated cata logue and price 1 st to J C BREWSTER A UO, headquarters far Guns, Ac, Raleigh, N O M T. NoRRia, fRaloigh, N. C. Jon P. Wyatt, Of Raleigh, N. C. NORRIS, WYATT & TAYLOR, Successors to M. T, Norris & Co.,; lYiolosalB Grocers aM Cotton Gonlssion MerHaits, RALEIGH, N. C. Have on hand a full It se of GROCERIES, BAGGING and TEES, which we make specialty. CONSIGN al ENTS OF COTfON, Aa. SOLICITED. Our s nior partner, sir. M. T. Norrla, Is one of the leaders in the cotton trade ef a lelgh. His past sueceat , through a period of twelve years, in selling cotton is a guaran tee of tha proper management of that department ot our business, which will be undei his personal supervision. jBr Liberal advances on consignments and best market prices guaranteed Co; IgamenU solicited. Reepectfrnllv, NORBW, W Y4.TT A TAYLtF NJEW AJVEBTI8KMXNT AT m COMPANY'S oyo' Clothbg,p.Children b Clothing he same of our Customers Hess' Men's Hand-Sewed stock oil Our Gent 's Furnishing Goods the largest in the City. A.Xj & CQ. Raleigh, N. 0. Hats, &c. se as eateat thaS sa? tsbet mm sseea ieusa,se eauie eeetrare. a the e yomt laosi TtwiO. '. ST. ISsa THE C "V r RALEIGBLvN. O. aaJTSn.. Faiur TarbOS oi Chatham. Q ft Acs i -t

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