CSTABUSnSD OOTO I860. JETTENGER 4 EBMOND uxwAcravoji or. fOtfAfiU. m STATIQKABI EM&DIES CIRCULAR SAW-MILLS, MILL GEARING, Ao HYDRAULIC PRESSB8, TOBACCO FACTORY MAOpiNEB i r ' i i RAILROAD WORK j S ! I aKND JF'OXt sept24 ly $10 YOUR CAPITAf, ! Investor of biimH h)' $20 amonnts In Grain, J'nw: ij nr a;hI Btocks aa fuLly )"iVk I'J I extensive und iuuumituil c; Bi rt,i Our successful, rtiuy trie r, oil 1 - . tablihhed pla. Try It. iKoir WHK AT lent weekly, dividends iiaid mftiith mj. uvkot. w . . i , circulars and! part io'd, r"hi:n.: Dividends imifl aw.nc Pt'-st ' h r'l i b montlia on tliis fund t;ii,yt : r. t hare. Address i'LEA! M ! N I ' A. MlltKliM 111 X li t I ijlla $50 STOCXS swim ,n r j, u $100 every town. Excellent whi ments. uoocf ble, enterprisf: par to a w?t-0!iBt man..!! wpio. i-r.; 0. M. ALL EX. ALLEN &CRAM, 10m n ipi 3. ALEIGH, jjL; 0 116 juat removed to and occupied our new shops, j tl Sis., 5x30 feet in size, and filled with improved .nachinery, we are able to make at abort notice all kinds ot Iron work, ENGINES, SAW MILLS', j SHAFTIjSG, GEARING. Also oar Improved Carolina 6b Rat COTTOM j Our apeci .y Is AGRfocrLTURAr. ;a chotbt, P Plow Castings, Saw and Grist Mill. Gina ot all fcizes furniMbed. w rite lor prices i : ; Qaalitf of Work Guaranteed. WIRE RAILING nh OR, namental WIRE WORICH, DUFUR & CO.. Mo. S8 North Howard sreoL Haiti more manufacture Wire KAiling for i.oano'pns Kalcfttti, Ac; 'il9ve, f'enil. r. 0ei B vnd &n I Ooal So rn. Wivv Aqrej 1 ron be4a(ft.. Cbair jveeif .V-.- B : innga, bucbu, Mas-: mk StilliBgia; and ' many of the feest aaadi. cute Known are com- biaed ia Parkars Ginjnr ; i . i' T fijOH una m nvma , rtocn varied oowera. as hnalce k the neatest Kiooa-rvnhn and tba Btftlcatth i Stnatftk littorer Ewr OuL " It cure Rheumatism, Seqpletsneis, & diseases Parker's ot ms Motnacn, tsomit. Hair Balsam, limits, uvcr Kidacvs. 4Unbrehr diAreotfrosa TW M. CltML sa4 "W.w-PT .wwa in: gz. . ? lti IwpmImI HmH Pw- "WWW .100KS.a tt inc. Hmr Wh t Mtora nevtriatDXKatcs. Hascos MhMatoanrU'' & Co.. Cbcmxas, sTyT iuiSii PARSOMr PURQATIYEIWLLS iiawuieonipMtalretaaBCBMoolisisiuB lTiT"? '"lrt swnUia. A persoa who will take 1 puisaoh Dtafatfrasa 1 is lSwwksaar hi tasiorta sosoaad haalth. such a thins; tat poasifta. 8oM 'GENUINE SOOT TifAHUFACTURED BT THE MORRIS jlxjl a. ova Manufacturing Company, .Durham, N. C, from Sun iCured Tobacco. and warranted equal to the best, fj Can be naain Deer ana call Bladders, from fl to 10 pounds ; Weazans from 3 to 12 ounces and . in 1 and 2 ounce tin bcBtes and -papers, with our celebrated Ekreka Durham oiuoaing Aooacco m , 4, ana iq ounce bags, and Sir Walter Ral!gh in 4 ounce Dags at .factory prices of or agents here, nnsis. AVJIBA, rABKIB IS, XiORRS, irval- eigo, si. jr fe a mv'"- tf I I IN. S. HARP Carriage - Ut Morgan Street, RALEIGH, We have in stock a fine b tion of hdme made work! Barouches, Phaetons, Roekawajs, Three K rlag Wagons Top and Ne-top iggiesj Surpassed by none in finist and dontbilitj. We have also in stock an are constantly receivins Cincinnati w k BarOudhes, Phaetons, Wagons, Top No-Ton Bug- Kiss, ail or wbicli we are ffering atl the Lowest Prices. 1 f&h work warranted i .ud satisfaouon guaranteed. nepalrinc Promptly marl7-diyi UK OliASGE JJL Hotel in H.lUboio, it ill be opened onJuiylMh for traveler and boarders, AocommoiHUon such as ti e market fwlll tfford. J. W 0uly 15-dlm, Is- Wit. $RAN.' mm, MM mumm From JVanifc Xs2tV Illustrated Nevis- paper A LADY SAID j 'Those Horrid Ptmplea! No, I Cannot Go. Please Present My Excuses." :;' Probably two-thirds of the ladles in so ciety and homes of our land are afflicted with akin disease of various kinds, to do wo xr tet it H aV. i f I f -iri iH V-vr si s-t a nil It. v eey w mu tv m fVM, a a su wai sv uvsiao n iiu out injury, would be the happiest event of their lives. Then she weald have inateai of a disfigured and trarred countenance one that wonld be handsome, or at least good-looking, for any one with a clear, pure akin, no matter what the out or her features are. has a certain amount of good looks wkich attract everybody. As it is now, she imagines every oae sees and talks about "those freckles," "those horrid pimples," and other blemishes with which she is afflicted, and this is true of either aex. To improve this appearance great risks are taken ; arsenic, mercury, or high-sound titled named articles containing these death-dealing drugs, are taken in hopes of getting rid of all these troubles. In many cases death is the result. No alleviation ef the burning, heating, itching and inflam mation is given. All troubled with Eo lema (salt rheum), Tetters, Humors, Irt- nammation. Kos:n. Bcaiv K motions of any kind. Diseases of the II air and fc'ealp, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pimples or Tender lick ings on any part of the body, should know that there la nope ror them in a sure, per fect and elegant remedy, known as Dr. C. W. Benson s Skin Cure.'" It makes the skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and freckles, and is the best toilet dressing in the world. It is elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. Our readers should be aure to get this and not some old remedy resuscitated on the suc cess of Dr. Benson's and now advertised as M The Great Skin Cure.'' There ia only one, it bears the Doctor'a picture and la for sale by all druggis's. f I per paokage. . A Sensation HAS OFTEN BKKN MADE by the disoovory of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. 0. W. Benson's Uelery and Chamomile puis. i ney rsaiiy ao cure sick neaaacne, ner vous headache, neuralgia, nervousness. sleeplessness, indigestion, paralysis and melancholy. Price 60 cents per box. two for II, aix for VU.50 by mail, postage free. Dr. U. w. Benson, Baltimore, Md. Sold by all drug- c. iN. cnueaten.Kew York, is wnoieaaie . . . . agent ror Dr. c tjr . Benaoa a remeaiea. Disease is an effect, not a case. Its origin is within; its manifestations with out. Hence, to cure the disease the cause must be removed, and in no other way can a cure ever be effected. Warner's1 Safe Kidney and Lives Cube la estab lished on lust this principle. It realizes that oft pen cet. of all diseases arise from deranged kid neya and liver, and it strikes at once at tbe root of the difficulty. The elements of which it is composed act directly upon these great organs, do in as a tooa ana re- condition, drive disease and pain from the system. x or the innumerable trou dim caused oy unhealthy Kidneys. Liver and Urinary Organa : for the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for phytic) derangements generally, this great remedy has to equal. Beware of Jin pouters, mu tations and concoctions said to be jnst as good ror DiaDnes. aK tor w a knars safe DlABETSa CTRR. For sale by all dealers. H, U. WAKNER A CO., iny 3 ; , Konhester. N Y Valuable Land in Western Ntrth Caro liaa for Sale, TY virtue of the authority vested in the -M-9 Undersigned by deciee of the Circuit Court of the United States in h case of George II. Snow, Assignee in Bankruptcy of the Bank or North Carolina, againvt The Trustees of tbe University of North Caro. Una and others, filed January 20th, 1HS2, w will, on WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2nd, 1882. at 12 ' clock m, in Asbeville, N.C.,sell tbe interest of Ahe Trustees of the Univeraitv of Nori Carolina in the Lands aituaU .n Buaujabe, Transylvania and Henderwn counties, North Carolina toe same c mg an undivided ban lntereatr held in co amon with the heirs of Zacbariah; Candler, deceased, the whole supposed toy contain aoout I7a,uuu acres. ; ihla large and desirable body of land is sitnated in the Weate. n tbe mounialuoua portion of North Carolina, in the coun ties of Buncombe, ' Hennei son and T an aylvania. M neb of the land la rich losin. and moald, finely adapted to grazing pur Doaca. aheeo hnabandrv and fruit culture. while Indian Corn, Wheat, Rye, and moat vegetables, grow well on lu The foresta, for the moat part, are dense and well sup? plied with vartias of Oak. Chestnut, Lot oust. Cherry, Poplar, Buckeye, A , ete. useful for timber purposes. f Iron Ore is efeoedaot and It is believed there are other valnable minerals. Tve or three small Itargea have beea operated J near to this laaa for many years. : f There are nsaaeroua beautiful mouataia streams pasaing through it. Many of tbent are adapted ia supply of watar, location and fall to mlllfag and maaufaoturiog pur poses. There are county roads passing through portions of it, and others may be easily constructed. Parts of it are mount tainous and rough ; much of it consists ot valleys and plateaus. The climate is unsurpassed for salubrity and the country for its beauty. Two Kail roads, not yet complete but far advanced; pass through the Western part ef this State and within a few miles of this land,: and another railroad is projected, which, when completed, will pass through por4j tions of it. These railroads have greatly, improved the prospects of this part of North Carolina. Thousands of strangers go these in summer for the benefit of the climate and excellent mineral waters, while others are going for purposes of business and profitable investment of capital. There is scarcely a more inviting region any-; wbere in the "Sunny South." - 1 These lands will be sold in parcels to surf purchasers. :i Terms of Sams One-third cash, balance in ene and two years, with interest a iHi per cent, from day of sale. Title retained until purchase money ia paid. I : For further particulars apply so GEO. H. SNOVVf . 1 w. w. fuller! t Com n' I mayle-d&wtd Raleigh, N. C. Fortress Monroe Hotel, situated 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Equal to any hotel in the U. 8. Surroundings unsurpassed: Bath ing, boating, fishing and driving specially; attractive. Preeminently a resort lor Southern people. Terms less for equal ac4 wmmousuuni uiau any resort in mo country. Climate free from Malaria; and for Insomnia truly wonderful in its sopo rific effect- tfead lor circular describing hygienic advantages, etc uAJtavsMU vnvnaw, rrep r, my 17-43na The Nw and O.f.v vui' RALEIG'I, t V TDKDAY. ...AUGUST 1, 1882 The Lava Knot. HY NORA l'KRBY, Tying her bonnet under her chin She tied her raven ringlets in But not alone in the silken snare Did she catch her lovely floating hair, For. tying her bonnet under her chin. She tied a young man's heart within. They were strolling together up the hill Where the wind ctme blowing merry and chill And it blew the curls a frolicksome chase All over the happy peach-oolored face. Till, scolding and laughing, she gathered them in Under her beautiful dimpled chin. And it blew a color, bright as the bloom Of the pink fuchsia's togaing plume, All over th" cheeks of pettiest girl That ever imprisoned a romping curl , Or, tying her bonnet under her chin, Tied a young man's heart within. Steeper and steeper grew the hill; Midder, merrier, cbillier still. The western wind blew downj and played The wildest tricks with the little maid, As, tying a bonnet under her chin, She tied a young man's heart within. O western wind, do you think it was fair To play such tricks with her golden ban? So gladly, gieefullv, do vour best To blow ber aginst the young man s LreasL Where he as gladly folded her in, And kissed her mouth and her dimpled cnin. O happy youth! You little thought, An hour ago, when you besought Jhls country lass to walk with you, fter the sun had dried the dew. What tern ble danger you'd be in As she tied you under her peachy chin. HTATK NKWB. HappeDlngs In North Carolina as Called from the State Pt ess. Charlotte Olterwr ; The happiness of the farmers m destined to be rudely dis turbed by the approach of an unexpected pest the grasshoppers if we are to judge frost neighborhood reports. Greensboro Patriot : Professor A. B Bredow who died at High Point a few days ago, was a member of the Berlin Royal Academy of Art and Science and a Knight of the Iron Cross. Newton Enterprise : The atockholders of the Narrow Gauge Railroad met in Lincolnton, according to notice, to consider Gen. Imboden's proposition to buy the road fron Newton to Lenoir. That gen- .1 a a t euiaa aid not make his appearance, con sequently nothing was done. Another meeting will be held August 17th at Lin colnton. ;: Greensboro North Stale : The fruit dealers of Greensboro and orohardists of the surrounding country are now kept busy in shipping the vast quantity of fruit pro- aucea in this region this year. The ex press company has about as much as i's offcers care to do in handling tha hun dreds ol bsxes brought to them daily. The harvest is a good and lucrative one for ail concerned. ' Roxboro Newt ; Young Mr. Long, the son of Dick Long, was thrown from his horse near ML Tirzah, last Wednesday and killed almost instantly. He was riding a colt that was not bridle-wise and the colt tried to turn from the road while Mr. Long tried to prevent it. The horse reared upward and fell backwards on his rider, crushing his head and face horribly. Gastonia Gazette : On last Friday the Lawrence and W oodlawn cotton factories made an assignment to J. M. Williams, of Philadelphia, as trusteesfor $100,000. It was a surprise to us, as we heard that the company over which Mr. C. J. Lineber ger presided had arranged to settle all their troubles. It seems that tbe Chester, 8 (1, bank forced the assignment It owed i hat bank $8,006. We understand the factory will not stop. Lenoir Topic: The village of Boone, in Watauga, is, perhaps, the most elevated nlllage in the United States east of the Mississippi. It is 3,242 feet above tide water, and is 1,000 feet higher than Asbe ville and the summit of Hibriten Every westward bound train on the West ern North Carolina Railroad is now packed with summer tourists bound for tho various mountain resorts. There is now hardly a villige west of Salisbury but has a num ber of visitors from the sunny east. I Wilmington Star : The stand pipe of the Clarendon Water Works Company is to be raised thirty feet This will be a decided improvement, adding materially to 'the pressure and consequently giving increased satisfaction to the consumers. J ... We learn that the fast train on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, with Cap L James Borden as conductor and Mr. Thomas Lawther as engineer, made the fastest time on record between Weldon and this city on Thursday evening last Charlotte Observer : Thers was a row at Laarinburg the other day between a couple of negroes belonging to Captain Archie Taylor's gravel train, in which one probed for the other's kidney witK a five lnch knifp bade, and reached it. Tbe two negroes had fought for about five minutes, when one took to his heels in an attempt it get away. The other followed, brand ishing an open knife, and being fleet of foot soon came up with the fleeing negro and drore the knj'e into his back, the blade entering the kidneys. The wounded negro will die, it is said. Dyspepsia, heart-burn, nausea, indiges tion, ete.. are always relieved by Brown's Iron Bitters. A Dakota paper has been started at Bis mark with the name, The City Hammer. The people do not know it is loaded. Pittsford, Mass., Sept. 28, 1879. Sirs I have taken Hop Bitters and re commend them to others, as I found them very beneficial. Mrs. J. W. Tullhr, Bee. Woauen's Christian Temperance Union. The Washington monument is getting up in the world. It now scores 289 feet. There is yet, however, plenty of room above. From Tlsos. Eastman, M. t New OrUant. I have given Coleen's Lie g's Liquid Extract of Beef snd Tonic Invigorator a thorough trial in several cases in female debility and weakoess, and fiud it more ef ficient and much mere acceptable to tbe stomach than snv rMi"r r.rrnir.-tf nri T hua Iever msed. (Heniember the name, Colden's Hake a other.) Of druggists generally. By Telegraph. tARSET REPORT.-NOON. ! N v STork, July 31. Mojiev eak at r.J. Ex-hange-loi?g485i; shor488i. State ot ds r -ti important change. Gov ' 'nenis irregular acd generally lower. .ton quiet; sales 35 bales; uplands - 1.J.-16; Orleans 13 1-lf.. Futures Darelv steady; August delivery 12.76 September Vi 47: October 12.8S: November li.w. ie- cember 11.69. r ' Flour cull and heavy. Wheat opened Jalc. better, but subsequently became weak and lost the advance. C'jru dull and heavy andjalc. lowei. Pork dall arid weak I2l.Q0a2r7o. Lard firm at 112.55. Spirits turpentine 46. Kosin (l.S5a2.Q0. Freights firm and quiet. j Liverpool. July 31. Cottoo in moder ate inquiry and freely snppljed; uplands 7 11-61; Orleans7i; sales 10,00t bales; s,)tsc- uiation snu export vs.'iw ; receipts 4,uuu; Amerieifti ; July delivery 7a7 2-G4a7 3-t4a 4 64 -7 2 !; July and Arghst 7 l-64a7; Autrust and Seotem er 7 l-la7; September sua uctoter i 5T)-64; octooer anu jsovein- ber 4'64; NovemW anJ December 4U 64 : February aud March B 42-64. Fu- lurM flit, r.bf'f t-xint Ind.ti ine's, lin. Lard 61s. Lour cloar !J)iU'dle!6. Lopo.v, July .il.-Consols. 90 13 16. : . - . . ' ,. : i - NiMT Nbw York. July 51. Exchange 485. Governmenttt irregular and n the main lower; Sis. 10!; new 81s. 111?; hew 4s 1204. Money 3JaS. state bonds generally with out feature. Sub treasury balances coin S,402; currency ?".691. Stoclssfirm; Ala bama, cIssh A, 7ti last ourkl; Alabama, class A, 80 last offered ; Alabama class B, fie. 103 offered; Alabama, class C 4s, 89; Chicago and Northwestern 1&7J; Chicago and Northwestern preferred 151 c Erie '.vja ; Kst Tennetweo 113 ; Georgia, 165 ; Illinois Central 137; Lake Shore 114; Louisville and Nsshvule 74g ; Mem phis 7 and Charleston 55d Nashville and Chatlanoog 63i ; New York Cen tral 135J ; Pittsburg, last oflereVI. i:J3; Rich- moiKl and Alleghany 241; Richmond and Danville 114; tock Island 1 183; . South Carolina Brown consols 1034 West Point terminal 61 J; Wabash, St Louisiana Pacific preferred 7i; Wabash, Stj Louis and Pacific G7J; Uuion Te'egraphHSJ. , Cotton net receipts 46 bales; gress re ceipt 311 Futures closed steady; sales 6!,000 bale; August 12.7212.7$; September rz.4iari.4Z; October n.o an.;; November 1162411.63; December 11.63alti; January ll.72all.73t February 11.85; March 11.97a 11.99; April 12.0913.1 1. 1 Cotton dull; sales 72 baloa; nplandi 12 13-16; Orleans 18 l-16i consolidated net receipts 734 buletf; experts to Great Britain 2,t09; te ihe coatinent 700. j Soiithern flour fairly ar'tlvf) and steady; common to fair extra (M)a5.8o; good to choice do 5.SKa7.75. Wheat cash lo.s jale higher; ungraded spring J1.C0; Ne. 2 spring vl.1 uugraded rod )pal.l2; No. 2 red July delivery, ?1.12al12J; Argust Sl.liiftl.12i. Corn cash very .hraj; un graded S31h8G4; soulheru white $1.16; No. a, July delivery, 841; August 63184. OaU cam lots unsettled ana ratner easier; ro. 3 63a65. Hops very strongly heid with trade quiet. Coffee firm with demand good; Rio cargoes q jo ted at bialOi; job lots Kiallf. Sugar unchanzed and quiet;( fair to good rettDinz quoted at7is72; refined scarce and firm. Molasses quiet and teady. Rice steady and moderately active Rosin quiet aod steady at 1 85a?.00. Spirits turpentine dull and lower at 44 asked.; Wool quiet and firm. Pork less active with prices without quotable change and ruling weak; als pf new mess, pot, August delivery, at21.00a21.15. Middles dulU and wholly nominal. Laru uusettled. opening 7Jal0c. lower, and cIobIdk strong witih the decline recovered and lesis doing; sales of prime steam, spot, at $12 65 for August; $12.60 for September; refined quoted at f 12.75 lor the continent. Freight to Liverpool weak; cotton, per steam, 7 64al3 64.! Wheat, per steam, od. Baltimork July 31. Oafs quiet and easy; southern 60.i; westernfwhite 64a66; mixea 6Zab3; jfennsyivama &iam. fro- visions aieady. Mess pork $22.25a23.25. Bulk mea's shoulders and clear rib sides packed, llal3j. Bacon shoulders 12; clear rib sides 15; :a,ns lo4aiot - Lara 14. Coffee 1 strong; Rio targoes, ordinary to fair. fcia8. Mcgar higher; A soft 95. Whisky sieaiy at J1.18. Freights quiet and Bteady j CBiUaoo. July SI. Flout quiet and weak. Wheat in dea-aU and active: reg ular t$i for Jul-; 9ti August; No. is red wiu.er 8899 cash; forjJoly; No. 2 Chicago spring $1 2'i bU for cash and July; 1)7 i for August. cru activb, weak and lower at 75470 cah; 751 lor Uuly; 762751 for August 0is active, firth and higher at 62 casi: 6261 for Julv: 3siifor August Per i ; unsettled and .cr.eraly i lower at 120. Ip0.20 cash; 520.ra2i.l& Ifor AUgut. Laid Unsetllfcd and loner at -412 021 cash and August. Bulk meats steady and un changed. Wbiaky nominally unchanged. Juht 31. -Cotton, middling, low mid dling and ood ordinary Galveston auiet. it 121. 12 add Hi cents-i-net receiDts 14 bales; Baltimore dull, atilZ 13-16, 12fr and 111 cents net receipts bales: Botston steady, at 13. 121 ard 11 J cents4-net receipts 88 Uai; rbtladriphia quiet, at 134. l'Ji and 11 cents net receipts - bales; Sa vannah steady, at 12, Hi and lOj cents net receipts 238 bales; New Orleans quiet, atl2,:il2i and 11 cent netj receipts 171 bales; fMobile qniet, at 121.1121 and 111 cents pet- receipts 22 bales; : Memphis steady at 128, 121 and 111 cents net re ceipt 68 bales; Augusta quiet, at 12, Hi and ill cents--net receipts 11 bales; Charles ton quiet, at 121, 12 and Hi cents net re ceipts if bale. Norfolk Cotton Market NoaroLK, July 31. Cot tod quiet and steady at 12 7 14 cents net jreoeipts 146 bales, (i - i . . - Wilmington Cotton Market. . . 9 I: Wilmington, July St. Cotton quiet, at 12i, 11 4 13-16 aad 1015-10 cents net re ceipts bales. j i ;-i 1 - pi -; VYllmington Naval Stores Market. WiLiHtaTow, Jaly 31. Spirits turpen tine steady at 41. Rosin firiq at 11.40 for strained and $1.50 toe good strained. ; 'r steady it $1.80. Crude turpeniihe quoted at fi.lb lor bard. Vilk for ye now aip ana virgin.; 1 Ofio&d Report of the Cottok Market. RKfOETBD ET TUB COTTON EXCHANGE 1; Ralrioh. July 31, 1882- 6 p. u. Good Middling Middling Strict Low Middling... Low Middling Strict Good Ordinary. ..........: A-R .-.. J2i 12ialE4 f U2 L..U1 Lj. -10 LlOl Uood Ordinary .... Strict Ordinary ... Ordinary Middling Stains Low Stains Market quiet. i... I i I... I 8 . 1U a '"y Personal Ts Mrs Onl t The Mich., Voltalo Belt Company? Marshall, will send Dr. Iye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic BelU and Elecirto Appll mnces on trial for thirty days to men (youngor old) who are afflicted with ner vous debility, lost vitality and manhood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above.; N. B. No risk is inourred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. ; Afresh fashion writer eays "Inflated skirts are gaining ground.' At: first blush t would seem this is what they are In Ita ted fer. alien's Brain Food psit: tiv&: ly cures Nervousness. Nervows Dobiiitb and all SL; 0 for Weakness of Generative Organs as. All arogglsta. Send for Allena Pharmacy. 315 First circular to i-ve.. N. Y. Sold ha Raleigh, by Pesevd, Lea C. Nature's Soarkling fc-oeciflc for indiges tion and Biliousness, the water of the famous Seltzer Spa, is duplicated In a .moment with a sDooniul ol Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, which contains every valuable element or the uerman spring. The greatest r.hvaicians of Europe pro nounce that free gift ef rroviaeuco in most potent of all known alteratives, ana its facsimile, fresh and foaming, is now piacd within the reai h of every iuvalid in tne western world. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 810 to $20,000 In legitimate iudi'.-:iux speculation in Grain, Provisions and Stoeks, ou our per fected plan, yields au. e monthly profits to large ami tins' investors. Address, for foil particulars, K. K. Kendall A Co., Cora'n Merchants, 177 A 179 La Salle St., Chicago, ill. By Dr. B. M. WOOLLEY, At lanta, Ga. Reliable evidence given, and reference to cured HA BIT patients and physicians. Send CUKE. for my book on The Habit and its C ure. Free. TO ADVERTISERS. Lowest Bates for advertising )n 1,060 ooon newspapers sent free. Address uko. r. kowkll t tu, lOBpruceSr., N. Y. J ud asBeur tb s MiJrajitajM f snnz CKBerit?acTvlD mirtng t ln( dlwura of th.BId, Skka as 4 Kem-HervM lrslllty, lmpoimy, Mr?! WrAkMM. voorrmiru XykklUU and Mrrenriail AflWtl frtsslly IrrsUM on scientific iniMiplra, with far aarl sure rt-mdtrsi. Call or writ for LUl of Quctv aVn ia be navrcrcrl lhoM deairtDaf treavtmeot by mall. (PfrMMfaaVHs Trm m.mptwr9 hmml4 m4 their mAtrm u4 karajaMtolu la (Mr rftaBtam. It K M a tma. ESTABLISHI OTU TnlSTi YEAJtft. FREE OF HEAXTHT kST0PPEf5 FRt BE. rMIffl 6 MAT HERVERtSTQRKR SB IK ASS MSTB Buimu. Onr im an m I)ar Ana- n.t Fm F.riixnf.M.lKt ALI.IBIJiHttkll udiroeted. AnRiiW'"". Trti J3 trUl bottJ trot to Tit CMeMhey r'T1 ' nliei nn baz.whsa reaiTed. Semi nima.P. DiprM 1Jre.iof UTieted to I)E KLINK.931 Arab FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURL A fkvorlts nmertDttnn of on of til moflt noted and snccssnil ppciallnts in tbe V. S. ( now retired i lor tbe cure of aertmttm 0eMlsry, fjt Manhood, HofcMfn aud Derm. Heui M slain seslwl nvels -. Druggists oan nil U. Aadress DR. WARD & CO.. Louisiaaa. Ma. HARRIS REMEDY C0.,"W$ifca PaOF.HR!8' PASTILLE RM0Y s k a avsinis nasi mm rram'a aal I imu d1 mhrra vks makr I mm .irr.. ma Khytteml DMW 1117, rramiuur sxttunUoa titHr nut gloomy cowMge are aKiekfv um! ru4...ll. u Tfc KcuuhIj U pal Is bun. k. 1 (lutm, a monUl), (S, Ra.fl(eattb taeftaot a ears, anlatfs to aoTcrrcaas, a4( la. a Vwn wire, aonui), f 1. Mtn my nail 10 uHUa arraapara. Pfc-wlaa far tlt awiaaaay aab Sqa. Paukletdma. fttac Saia dtaaaaa aad BMida mi mwn arut aealad 00 mootleatbaa. METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! Kosi Ixeltlas Book Israel. 600;&s- 10 XUaitrsttoul EerMllns aiiaeriasof hiffb aid low life In America's mat cities : fashion's folllss end rrirslltln; behind UkS scenes ; tricks of pretty daeetwra ; city's rich end poor; laaoirions comptioa st Wauiii.iarton ; rain of innocent girls ; old hofUT-headed sinners brgaa-Usht ; bewrtohina Mrensa vlctuna; Voudoa and Mormon horrors ; Start lma' Kevelatlons i Price Si.30 IUast'd elrcnlBrs free. Ontns7!So. Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'O CO. BT. LOUIS. 11a. STHICAOO. III. ATLANTA. CrS. Perry &Co.s Yiainct Steel Pens. The IswaUaaT Pea la Ensrlaad foroorres peadenoe snd commercial use. Four different prists. Extra Fnra, Fnra, Mranrx, Bboaix Pcjtt's Metal Bomple Box, containing ten differ- atstvles of pens, for ton cants. Bold by all first data stationers and dealers in fancy goods. ; Bole Agents, Ivisen, Blakeman, Taylor & Co j NEW TOBK, 1 , Ta nable House and Lot for Male. T)Y virtue of a decree made and entered J at August term, 1881, of Wait Supe rior Court, in the case of George B Moore et al. vs. Thomas Jenkins et ai.. tbe undersigned commissioners will expose to public sale, at tbe Court House door, in tne city 01 itaieign, on mudiu&i.au OUST 14th. 1882. tbe lot of land and prerni see at tbe corner of Dawson and Davie streets, being a part of lot No. 71 in the plan of the city of Raleigb, fronting about 60 feel on Davie street and running back aboutl 149 feet on Dawson street, being the lot lately belonging to Mrs. Thomas Jen kins, deceased. Terln of sale CASH. JO UM QATLINO, I 0. M. BDSBEB, i .Inly 15-dtd 1 Commissioners. j Tha North State LIRE AND NUPTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA. i Chartered nnder the Laws of North Caro I lina. J. D. McNeelt President. W. T. jLiNTOM, Vice-Prs't and Gen'l Maa. Thboj Buksbaum... Secretary. J. Samuel McCubbixs Treasurer. Db. Jhn Whitehead, Medisal lirector. Hon. J. S. Henderson Legal Adviser. Refer to the Bank and business men of Salisbury, Reliable ' and energetic travel ing agents wanted everywhere. For plans, terms to agents, blanks, and any intormation whatever, address the Secretary. t July 122 aim ' J. W. HINSDALE. J J. DEVEEETJX, JB HINSDALE & DEVEREUX. ttornoys at I j n. w , i i Citizens' National Bank Building, BALEIG'T, N. C. Practice in Supmrne and Federal Courts in Ra teitih, and the; Superior Courts ot Wake, C'umberiAtj.u Moore, (Jbatnam, in and Vance. I iuue 29-d6m IraDk AKMSTKOMi NORWOOD, M ln ni lit look JiIinrfatU:8?s, Dodd Building, RALEIGH, N . C The Only Practical Bimdsrs eairingfw the fciatsess La tk sHf. 1 IP UM U li 1U Relief and Cure as certain as day follows day hv lr i a vhd - m-ii, With aafety from the dangers of strangulation and without the injury tiues inflict. Those wishing proof should nu 10 cents for his book. cases before and after cure, also endorsements of prof ssional geutlemen. Mlnlatera, Merchanu, If ai mers, and others who have been cured. Trusses and Rupture aoorie or inter anect tne nervous auu luaawi bvbmmu, destroy energy and social desires, making the xoraomcezoi oroaaway. ways lor ou nuiauun eacn weak are Monday Tuesdays and Saturdaya. Philadelphia, 302 Walnut St., Wednesdays, 1 huwdays su'd Fridays, and Fridays, every other week, after June. Boston, 43 Milk St., closed mi September. Engines and Saw Mills, &c. WE HAVE IN YARD AND NEARL i ready fOr shipment the following new boilers and enrines, which we are offering low: ..,.. One 25 H. 1. Locomotive ooner auu a - gine. . Three 20 tl. r. Locomotive oouwra uu Engines. - ,, . Tv-o 15 H. P. Locomotive Boilers and Engines; One 6 H. r. Locomotive uoiier bu w One 26 H. Return ruDuiar tmuoi En trine. One 20 H. P. Return Tubular Boiler and One 10 H. P Return Tubular Boiler and A Ian a lot if second hand, from 8 to 20 horse power, which we warrant safe and In good order. These we are sslling very low. Write for circular, giving cumen sions and prices. ' ' Light Friction 8aw Mill, zu-root oar riaftra. screw head blocks and 48 inch Diss- ton Saw, C76. , neary jrnctiea iw nui, riace, screw head blacks aad 52 inch Diss tpu Saw. H?8. Raeeiiet read, soe extra. Oar Jt Tmmm will raise waeer out of a well 5t Ikes deep. Oottoa Pi sssas for Band er rower, llew Bacfnst and Bailers ef any size made t erder. TAPPEY & STEEL. Jan 12 Petersburg, va. Oli-rlUJLUIO J67 Wing - ; im Production Doubted. Again Doubled. The Henry J. Brown COFFIN HOUSE, RALKIGIl. . C. : DEALER IN ALL STYLES ANDj SIZES OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, ; fetalic, Cloth, Walnut, Topiar and Pine. BURIAL ROUES for Ldie. Uentle- rui n and Children, A specialty, Will deliver any of the above goods at nv den t in tbe Kta'e free of charjre. rrders by mail or telegrp' promptly at tended to day or incut. JOBN W. BROWN, Aeen. Change of Schedule; ."torth Carolina Railroad Lf-CAL Passe50 b, West ward. Arrive. Leav STATlOJiH. Goldsboro, RALKiOH, P. Durham, University, Greensboro, t'onuects Railroad. LootL STATIOSH. Greensboro, University. Durham, Raleigh, p. Goldsboro, Connects Railroad. P. M 5 Ott 5 31 I (0 3 &' P. M. 8 OS P. si ith the Sivle Univeisity PS8K! iB EA8TWABD. Arrive. Leavf a. M. . 12 02 12 26 9 30 p. p. 1 at. - 1 4 CO P. H with tbe State e oi versity M IDLAND NORTH CA&OLINA RAILWAY. TIME TABLE NO. 3. To take effect Sunday, 7:40 a. tn., July 16tb, 1882. EAST. WEST. No. 7 tTATIOVS. No. 48 Arr. L've. Ar. Lfe. . X. (P. M T. U. T. K, s m Sualthfield. Goldsboro, Kinston, Newborn. 2 00 12 89 3 S0i 4 so: - 1 00 11 30 9 48 7 40 fi S8 4 11 25 9 38 7 2rt 7 30 9 n Uorehead Depot, J. W. ANDREWS, July 8-tf Ch'f. Ens. and Gen'l Sup't. 'TAR. ILlti DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vistlni of yonfhfal in; prudence causing Frama. ore Decay, Berroos Debility. Lost Usnhoed. etc, Bavtoff tried in vain every knows remedy, has die eovered a simple serf cure, winch be ertfl send FBEJ to lils fcllow-saneren, address al- O. RKEYEla, V3 Chatham s. N. V. SEVEN DEVILS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, TORPID LIVER, SCROFULA CHRONIC DIARRHCEA, i CHRON IC DYSENTERY, SKIN DISEASES, Ao., Are Cait Out by the Use of : Rockbridge Alum Welter. Ask, your Druggist for a pamphlet and try it. Bottled in its natural state direct from the Springs, which are beautifully located in Rockbridge county, Virginia, and are open for the reception of visitors, from June 1st to October 1st, each year. Capacity 1000 guests. Price 60 cents per bottle. For sale by Pescud, Lee A Co,; Wii. liaxs A Haywood akd William Simp- sok. . ; Water Mill Meal, , THRESH GROUND and BOLTED, at tie a? Rocky Branch Mills, foot of Fayette ville street. Ask your grocer for it. W. C. HOLMAN, Sup't. onng on organic disease, impcteney, young old, and the old useless. New DRIED FRUITS. KsUblikheil 1857. WL I ALLEN & CO. Produce Commission Merchsnre, We solicit con-ijnuienta of Of all kind. Our long experience enables us to nanaie to toe best advantage all grades of Drifd Peaches, Apples Bee bies, Chereies. Plums, Ac Liberal ad vances made -n consignments. Corre spondence solicited. GEORGE PAGE & CO. HastaufaM-tmrera ot i a. ratent rortaoie larcaiar SAWMIIXS aut Buoaaary ut roraeia STEAf.1 EIIGIMEJ S V. SCERfJEDXB I Oristand Mine. Water WTwwta WiM) afaltinMv fihinoU arni7 ntwi.. N IT K EM ER WILKFT.i mrxi CIVIL, MECHANICAL AND MININtt ENG BERING at the; Kenbsei ABB POLTTECHNIO INSTITUTE,: TSOT. N Y. The oldest engineering rehoel in America. Seat term begins Beptembet 14th. The Register lor 1884 contains a list of tbe graduates for tbe past 65 years, with their positions ; also, course of study, re quiremeata, expenses, etc Address DAVID M. GRKKNH, Director. Sultl Pfiit (oib h Mwi Manufactured rtPratUville, Alabama. Sehofleld Hand, Horse and Power Pre Manufactured at Macon, Georgia. We are bole Agents in North' CarrJinr for the above best of all machines for Kj uiug aad packing cotton. We are now prepared to take orders, and nave tn store on exhibition: 6 Eighty-Saw Pratt Gins, Feeders and Condensers. 10 Sixty-Saw Pratt Gins, Feeders and rnnHanaAnt 10 Fif.y-Saw Pratt Gins, Fi-edes . C" v'ondeusers. 5 Sets Schofield Power Press irons We sell the Pratt machines as bein? bel ter tan any ma bines made for Kinuinr, cotton, ant upon trial Kith any otheis, if the purcnaser does not tbiak so the machines may be returned. We refer to tb following parties w.io have them in use: P. H. MAN'JUM, Wake Forest, N. . A. J. P. HARRIS, Youngville, N. J.S. JOYNER, FranklintoqN. C. 14. J. HAWKINS. Ridgeway. N. C. J. P. LEACH A CO , Littletoi, N. C. H. C. OLIVE, Apex, N. C. JNO. W. ATWATER, Rlalto, Chathaia county, N. C. ss A. T. MIAL, Raleigh, N, C. , C. L. HINTON, Raleigh, N. C. JOS. T. BROUGUTON, Raleigh, N. C, W. D. BUFF ALOE, Raleigh, N. C. A. BORNE, Clayton, N. C. , JNO. L. MARK LI AM Durtiam, N. C. J. E PERSON, Fremont, N. C. WILLIAMSON & CPMRCB. Raleigh, n'. 0. I CliufUs! Ctaufa! (haras! We have for sale a few bushels of Chufaa at f 1.25 per peck; S4.00 per bushel. WILLIAMSON A TrpcHURCH. May 30tb, 1882. ;! Roll Wool Carding WILL be continued by the Raleigb Manufacturing Company, at the Rocky Bianch Mill, loot of rsyettevillt Street, on the same te ms and condition as heretofore by Mrssrs W. H. A K. S. Tucker. j Carding wool already greased 8 cents pound oh tbe netl wool received Canling wool not greased 10 cents pound ou the nett wool recti v-d; Carding woM already greased : 1-5. b toll on the nett wool re ceived ; ; Carding wool not greased 1 5th toll and one cent per pound ou the nett wool received. Wool will be received at and returned lc the depovs in Raleigh fe of dray age, and parties sending it by sfilroad or express most pay the freight both way and be carelu; to mark their own names on eaou parcel as well as to address Raleigh Manu facturing Company or W. C. -, Holmao, Su) eriniendent. W. H. WILL ARD, Prea'u W, C. HOLM AN , Su p' t. Raleigh, N. C, May 23, 1882. Sate of Yalnable City Property I IY virtue of a judgment of the Su 9 perior Court of Wake couuty, ren dered at tbe February term, 1882, thereof, in the civil action entitled W. W. Vass vs. W. H. Arrington and wife, I will, on MONDAY THE 7TH DAY OF "AUGUST NEXT, sell for cash at the Court House door in the City of Raleigh, the lot of land In said City lying at the corner of Vorth street and the Lonisbarg road,- The lot contains over one half of One sore.; and there are on it substantial buildings. Persons desiring further; information will please apply to Major W. W. Va or to myself. JOHN GATLING, f - Trustee and Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C, June 12, 1882. lune 13-dtds i ' STROHACH & BELO, AUCTIOKEEBS, BROEEBS. GEKEEAL COMMISSION MEECflAHTS, Dealers in Buggies; Phaetons, Carriages, ! Spring Wagons, etc., s MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR GUANOS AND GKORGIA COTTON GINS, WILMItfaTOIf STREET, A JLHALKICII, IV, I O. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY AT ! 11 O'CLOCK. it tTrt a am m An t at nf sill Ir . rtlca sjaII jii.a ' private or public sale, and liberal advances made en same. We have jtut received a tkt nf 4 rr IsifrfiH and PhsaAfxan w.. on the market. Our stock of Vehicles 1 a the largest in the State, and we offer INDUCEMENTS tO the TRADE that so m-srvm DEALER CAN OFFER, We Control tha Louis Cook work in this market, t BittuiNAUH ot BELO. July 15-tf ; k For Kent. " THE TUCKER HOUSE AND LOT, on Fayetteville and Cabarrus Street. jroasession given linmeaiateiy. -June30-tf ;W.H A R. 8.TUCKKR For Sale. A BRAN New Safe for Sale. NEWS AND OBSERVER. Addresa e s a LaTTJtQD and Bsrrai TA iMMisviiuais. Julyi-tff ;r 5 1 .s. -

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