to' n i til, THURSDAY .4-.-.. JANUARY 'I ?83 FRKT). A, fLDS, CiTT Krrolf 1 Indlcationa for the Middle AUaliio 8tate: Cloudy wethr, with lbrbt spow; northerly winds, becoming variable rata tionary or hiveer temper ture and prP ' are. South Atlantic States, i fair weather, "westerly winds; atatLnaryo- bi-ber iem . perature and pmiare. Et Gal Stat", . warmer, fair weather; wind mostly north . T esterly; stationary or higher pressure . aTw AdvertlsessasW. . i - - ,. Andrew yme Administrator's Notice. : , W. L 8aunders- Notice. ' Coll M, Hawklos-For Sal. a atlow a. A' , ' . Snow. ' L .- "Patience" ' a v Dr. J. J. Mott la in the city.? S; The Y. K. o " tbia evening. j ';' The train war behind time yestt W . , ; -f , ') . Luckily, few fires are occurring Just now In the State. ' , Business waa ot: course, pretty mnch :t stands-till yeeUrday. . United Rt'te-Marshal R. M.Dang!a, of Gree sboio, ia in the city. - Tbia ia the ft at snow of 1883, and the seventh of the winter of 1882 83. ; 4c : Col. Andrew ha pot on a wood train for the ezpreaa purpose of hauling- fuel to thi city. -V " j Mr. McLennan old reeldentaf Mark's Creek township, died on Tuesday, fed 74 years. J - i;'; , Mr. Dayid Baker, formerly of this city. flow in buain atjMorritou,TbneBY! is bore on a visit. ; .... Have you aeon red seats for "Patience J? They are on sale at Alfred Williams Co, bookstore. , ; . ' j J g- The police hadquieldaya Tuesday and ys- AtMlai ' atnl waiok a at MAntni TkM am .WAWJj : HUU J WkWJ j' 1UWB B4SUBV WJ V. ) Dodd bad no cases to try. - The Country wood seller who afe; plucky enough to vtntur in, ask fabaU one prioea for their loads. ! It is said that the grand concert of tiff Baleigb Philharmonic Society will be held at Tucker Hall erenlng of the 5d The. senatorial question has be1 pop? ular subject of disbuss'on for weeks, bat especially since the Legia'alnri aem -..bled. ... - . ,$ , f:- Y - . Julias A. Gray, Esq., of Greensboro; Co;. JehnU Morehead, of Cbarlott; Col. Paat ' B. Mean, of Concord, ar all at the Yr boro. . ..'j! '- if - From all parts of the State officers acd memben or the State Gnaid will aemblf hereon the 23d. It will be quit an as aeaably of the military. ' Two sheriff y eaterday settled their tax ' With State Treasurer Worth, as follows t Ward, Pender, 1$ (S07.66V , I 1; Mia Loniee Morehead. daughter of C1. John L. Morehead, of Cfcarlotte, la in (i " city, the guest ol Mrs. Jarria. : Mlaa Moe hd ia try greatly admired. . f . s ,llr; Fred Habel, -who tor year has bf a witb Koyster A Bro in the confectionery buaiaeaa. iv a become drummer," tab? reentlg boas In Baltimore. ( Mr. J. J. Davis, of Morsrantbn. was tetday appointed a d irector ef the Watern Jaaan Aayium. at that place, vice MR Theo, F. DTida n of AaheTille, reaignedi Jndg Grares arrived in the eity y ester dsy. H will be her for aooa day, and on Monday will beeln a soecial term of , the 8o parlor Cfurtfor. Richmond ooanty,' ; v That 'clever young gentleman, Mr. John T. Fullen, receive funds far tb Yoaog Mn'a Christian Association, ati . th 8taU National Bank. Never forget tha i J.'POOIV': . - '.J-l'" -V ' ?-'r-'?A ' 'M' Mr, Fulton, member of to Housel from , ' Burry oounty, yesterday slipped ou the , sidewalk near the Beckwith bouse, corner t : Wilminten aod nartett atreets, uui-. ; ing injuria which will keep him from hi i: seat iVr several daya.- vu - m -gj , The lvel dealers lay that there is an ani- pie aopply to last through this "long sa 4 son in January.", It ia kopd they, ai right in their calcUUtlooa. Coal arrive ; 4 from Newbern every day, and ' about 290 ton for Jaieijth are ; now there - Thi evening there. will be a apecial aate 1 of oil painting b F.. Suronaob A Co., a V the Fentress a ore,; Fayette vUle street. Jt , will be a capital opportunity to obula bargalna, for the picture are to be sold without reserve. TbU .lt the caae at alt the aaiea, of valuakle watches, jewelry. : Ac, at thi place. , , v ; 7't"-: ': : - - - j , " ' h : . . aatb .... , . . 4 . r,r . .... rl .. . v . . - Misa Vary Meadows, of Kewbern, died ' in thl city Tuesday, at the residence of Mr S. J. Clark, ber niece, wbem ahe was Tlsitlng. The remains were taken to New ; bern for interment,"; . 3. - ' ; , , l .t; t'-'thm atrset QaaaUv'v i?'' U." '?:V 4 '"W , , The bad weather of laat night caused a amall attend an o at the meeteting of tb 4 speeial committee to wbom baa been re ferred the proposed plan for the improve ; i meat of the etreet; The committee ntei . at the Mayor's office. One or twe citizen present spoke and also one or two mem ber ef the committee, sxpresstoglbelf desir for an ad iournei meeting. Tbel ' committee adjourned to meet at the call of ltaekalrman. - -. ii y.-,--. s mf 1 ' . V!ler-allway. " I -S't- : .i ; '. ; ; 4 Mr. 3eorge D. Miller, formerly of thi; city, but for some year a resMen t of Durham, was yesterday united ia msr . rlig to Miaa Isabel Galloway, a popular; . ana esteemed youDir lady of Goidsborc- r Mr. and lira. JliUer arrived In ibia- city . I yesterday afternoon and were called npon -. uj m nnmo-r oi persons, in groom nav- : Their home will be in Durham. ' x .1. CIMssa' Xatteaal Baak. ,;. Vf f ii Tb atockboldar ei this excellent bank- ing lBS'iiuiiou eiectea tne xonewing ai rectors for the ensaiog year: W. E. Ac : : deraoa, A. H, Aadrews, K. H. Battle, AJ U P Bryan, C M. Hawkins. R. H. Lewis. s Th direoter tbn :' met and elected tle following officers: W. E. Anderson, preal -; dent; P. A. Wiley! oaabier ; Joasph a." -Brow, teller; B.8. Jermon, book keeper; u. n. rosier, corresponding cierK , tt. a. tV Wynn and Henry E. Litchford, clerk. ; The Ciiiaena la one or tbe leaaing banka and la ably maaagecU , ttat Katleaal Bask. ' PI The annual elctloa of officer bv the stockholders of this admirable banking' bouse resulted m tb choice or tb fol'ow cring directors: Mrs. M. C. Williams, Messrs. W. W. Vas4 D. G. Fowl, a C. White, IT K. 8trbp. W. 8 Primroae. The directors eleceu Mrs. M. C. Williams. : president: Mam. C. White, cashier; L. D. Heartt. aaalstant cashier; John It Pullen, v teller; Jordan Womble, Jr., book keeper; Carle W. Bark head, aaaiatant book keeper; J. B. Wynne, collector. Tbe report of the State National Bank bOw it to be worthy tbe confidence t re '.; elvee. Vsw Beaore far tbe Vslversity. We are pleased te aee in the November number of tbe " Joarnal of tb American Chemical Sooletv" the publition f two aoalyse by a atudent ot the University Of North Carolina. Mr. Thomas Madeline, of Wlimtngron, of the aen lor class. The first is of ro k-8a:t, from Kaltville, Waahing- ion county, a. in apvsimen was Drown lab re ' in color, with crystal Ine atruo ture, and was ob a nel wfiile deiepeaiog one f the ea t wells. Tela rck-sit ia not mined, th biine alone eing uaed fr tbe manufacture of aalt. Tbe capacity of the werk is at present r450,00 bushel per rear, thou ah at of. e time durlna-th late war the yifld was as high as lO.Ouu buabela per dv. The rock aalt contained 93.05 of cure aalt. lb second analysis i of deposit of sits oxide in a Diait rurnace at ij-icgdaie, Ta. The dtposit was vary largs, Learly choking tb moub of the furnace. The specimen had a Ismtnated appearance and was greenUb-browu in color v Tbe oommluee oa papers andpaMica tlon in th 'Journal of th American Chemical Bocietv" are Elwrn Waller. Caarlea A. Doremua and L. IX. Fried burg. Wweat-taaaaer. j! , ' Ai Christ : C1jb-1 last erenlng at 7 r'Plbck . r. Wile naooL - formerlv of Fouth Carolina, now a rtaident of LouJst- ai. was united In marriage toll las Acaa Sounder, droghter of Col. Wm. J. Saon df8. The cere moDy was performed by the reotor, Ber. Pr. M. M. Uarauall. There were no attendanta. At the coaolnaUn of tbe "loeremony Mr. and Mrs. fiaoot left via the RaWigh and Angueta Railroad, for Sout Carolina. Tbe groom is a clever gentleman, while the bride is held in mnch esteem here. Mesara. B. G Ccwper, W. P. Batrbelor, J. A. Sexton and Jamea Moore, officiated as ushers. ' Ransom the Cblc. The Democrats of tbe Lea-islature held the caucus on the Senatorial question in Ccmmons hail. Tbe nam ef Senator Hansom waa brought before the caucus by Mr.Cyrn Watson, of Forsyth, seconded, in eloquent siVohes. by Messrs. Worth- lngton, oi Martin, and' Burn, of In ash The . last named gentleman aaid that Mr. Dortch requested him to say that he was no losgsr a candidate. This statement waa received with applause Senator Hansom waa then ominated by acclamation, amid great and continued applause. Senator Plnnix pre sided ever tbe caucus, and Oapt. A. H. A. Williama was secretary. Anerwarda the caucus tendered a spe cial rote of thanks to Capt. Oct. Coke, cnalrman or the Stat executive commit tee, and to the members of the oommitiee, ior tntir aubie wo.-g in the late campaign. The Drewalng ofths CaTlets. Capt E. R. Stimps, who went last wsk to tb Cowee tunnel, t investigate tbe drowning of tbe nineteen negro oonvi-r. in the Tuckr a gee river.returned yesterdt j The brat report gaye tbe a umber ot una whe lost their Uvea as eighteen, but nine teen is the corrre. number. Capt. fltampa will au burnt a rail report to 'governor Jar-via- He took much tesCImony in the case. It appears that the accident might bav dcd pre vcd tea nsa tne convicts not bo- come aaio-trlckn. The deep portion or tbe river is but a few vsrds wide at the point where the men were drowned. Kalalgh Natinal Baakj. The atonkholdei a cf the Raleigh National Bank new tnelr annual meeung yester day. Much grod feeling waa manifeatl over the aatiafaotory condition in wbish th affairs of tbe bank Were found. Hon. E. . Beads. Hon. A. H. uerrlmon, W. G. Upcharch, ' John Gatli ng, F. O. Moriog, WYS. Primrose and C. H. Bel via were continued as directors for the ensuing year. (The director rx selected all the old officers, yi-: Hon. EL G. Reade, presi dent; W. G. Upcharth, vice-preaidnnt; Chas. a. seivin, caanter: JT, u Manier, general book-keeper; J, M. Sherwood, teller : Fab. H. BriggS. book-keeper : Js. H. Merrimon, clerk, etc. The bank is one of the best in the South, and ably tfficered. Court met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, hi Honor Judge McKoy jre- aiaieg. i . 1 be fallowing buslnea waa transacted : State vs. Robert Battle, affray; plead guilty; j adgment snspended ou psyment or cost. Ntate vs. Jen ienton: assault and bsxery with deadly weapon; plead guilty, $2o fiae ana cost. ?tate vs. and Esther Holloway vs. An- tnbny Cook; bastardy; appeal dismissed and case remanded to Justice tiiat be pro ceed according to law. Btaterv.. Robt. Lawrence; larceny Ac; pieaa gnutyi inagmenireeervea. . State va. Edwatd Moore; affray; verdict not snuity. ; s State y. Julia Biaeknall; larceny; ver- aict guuty;i uagment reetrrea. Court adjourned until this morningt m o cieck. Tke lov Itaras , As atated yesterday, the snow storm be gan on jrrlday at noon, and continued. with a brief intermission, until nridnia-hL At thatbonr Tuesday night it took a fresh start, and by daybreak' yesterday four or nve lnene lay on in greona. rne rail continued until 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing, when itoeaaed. the clouds broke away somewhat, and the and ebon out. for the Drat tim in just a week. The anow storm was general, it appears, in the Atlantic States, a Jar south a Georgia. ' Reports rrom in western pan or tne mate aav tamt it is very dee there, much of it falling on the old snow, of week: before last, of wbich considerable remained. Trains were near ly all delayed, the taat freight on tbe R. A u. tt. ., not reaching here until near noon. The mud on the street was cover ed from sight, and vehicle bad to plow their way throuvh a ; regular bog. Th 'recta were quite full of people daring the oay, ana nearly every body aoneared to enjoy the anow.. But It la rough on tbe poor people, many cases or destitution! ex isting, jibe Young Men' Christian Asso ciation needs liberal aid, which it is hoped wui ne excenaea. List ef Letter Remaining anclaimed ia Baleish noat- offl v Wake oouLty, N, C, December 23, 1CSC7. ..- i , LADIXS LIST. AAdama. - Miaa Fannie. B 2rranL Ifia Jennie. C Coleman. Miaa Marv. D DawaoB, Miaa Delia. F FerralL Mis jemoran: renner aunreue. u Grime, mi aa. ju. i xt nenaervon, Mr. Manna; U.14..K.U W I I , I w Carrie V.; J Jon, Mia Fereby: Joyner, sums Mary, k. Aearney, mis uarn. M Malone, Mia Sarah; MoCay. Mr. Peg gie May. N Nobfee, Miaa rattle. P- Peaee, Mrs. Ffanoie; Pace; Miss Belle; Parry, Mlaa Fannie. RRiddich, Mrs. Rachel. 8 Sears, Mia Zilphis; Smith, mi atouia. w wiinama, mis jsuz Wood, Mr. N. B; White, Mr. M. P.; wiuiams, ur. a.; wiianire. Miss Rose, . A Austin, Atmont; Alston. Charlie B Beamer; Wealey. C-Coanor. Jai Henry, p Day, Wm. Edward; Dupree, aterriu. n noiaer m onaw: nam. Madl son: Hall. M. T.: Hopkins. W. A. J Jewell. W. M.s JetTiisa, Jackaoa; Julian, Rob . E. Xv - K Kin g. Montsromarv. I Latham, L. W, A Co. M-UMoLean, Wash; Mancnesten a. a. aarwooa, jobnnie. P -Poole, Hardy; Parish. Arnold: Pace. Hnry; Perkins, Chss.: Pearce, Josiab. R Ray,; Richard; Rlddick, Brila. 8 Snow, JiQj Sellara, H. B.j fiurles, 8am T Thames, Robert.; Turner, William. W Walton, C. L ; Warreh, H. &f Wauwn, xom, .weatnera, xw v.i jw aitaaer. Mar belluT. i. . : . Person calling (for any of .the above : letter wiu piess eay aav ; Simmons' Liver Keg be a pecinofor sffectioi . leen and ; kidney. The "Episoopai Motbodiat" ys: "Thi taediolne la ack nowledged tj have no equal as : a .liver me iioine. and it gi ves us great and a up rem pleaaar to endorse what kill baa developed in securing ao valuable a remedy aa Simmons' Livr Beg ulator." Sse that you get th genuine prepared by w. a. .sum a. co. . Tbe first steam engine on this continent Drought rrem England in 1753. Vea RajaJ" n Clear out rau, mice, roaobee, flies, a t. bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gopher. too. xvuggist. Capadura Half -Dime. I offer thi beat of all 6c cigar at retail, tor in boxes of ' pfty cigars at Two Dollars per box. i i : .aeriM reiiuee. : ur.K. y Mnarrlll la In thonltT notiaa.. ing for the sale of a very valuable com pi ' tauon envit'ei "American folltica," p re ps reu ty i: v. uooper, taiq., oi rbilsdai ;pnia, ana containing over 1,000 pages qf be volume comprise 7 psrta, arrangml rtrnuer tne following nead: uutory of Po litical Parties: Political platforms; Jreat Tohea on Great Iuee; Parliamentary iffscucn; r.xi ing ruticai Liwa; uom plete Fderal Blue Book; Tabulated His tory of Politic. . We have heretofore ex pressed an favorable opinion of this book and cqnusnd it to thoas who wiah to hsve At hand a one eompeadlum ofAmerl-an politics. Member of the, Legislature will una it particularly tnteroaung and uaelul : 't,au 0 IUV, ( Cmbrell&al Umbrellas! ! Ailarge and wil aaaorteu stocx at tow pnoea. R. B. Akdriwi A Co'. . ... C. O. WHiniie, Trustee.) Gentlme'a Soft and Stiff Hat at Cost, at vertised. ot(a, fostJaaatrr. ulator 1 know to n of the liver; THE GENERAL l&QtBLT OF IDBTfl ' . CAM. j SENATE. 4. 6XVEJSTU DAT Wedsxsdat, January 10. The Senate waa called to order at 11 o'clock. President Robinson in the chair. Prayer by Revi Dr. Skinner, of Salisbury street" Baptist church. Journal of yesterday read and approved. EXPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Messrs. Battle, Berry, Womack and McLean made reports from the committee in propositions and grievances. Messrs. Alexander, bang and Linney made reports from the committee on fi nance. Messrs. Pemberton, 8trayhorn, McLean, Morehead, Webb, iWomack and Boykin made reports from the judiciary committee. Mr. King, of Cherokee, made a report from the committee on engrossed bills. MESSAGES. A message was received from the House of Representatives, announcing the passage of the following bills and asking concur rence in the same. Bill to amend section 1, chapter 234, laws of 1881. Bill for the relief of the tax-payers of Granville county. Resolution to print five hundred copies or the census returns of population. Resolutions concerning the judicial dis tricts of the State. Resolution in favor of the clerks of the board of State canvassers. BILLS AND RESOLCTIOXS. Mr. Speight hill to exempt farming im plements and mechanical tools from taxa tion. Mr. Watson Rill to repeal sec. 10, chap. 24, Battle's Revival, and to amend section 0, chapter 9, of the revised code, concern ing attorneys at law. Mr. Scott, oi riew Hanover Resolution instructing the Attorney-General to bring an action in the proper court to inquire by what right the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail road Company hold stock in the Carolina Central Railroad Company, and to have the stock so held by the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company forfeited to the State, to which it is alleged that it belongs. Mr. Boykin, by request, bill to consoli date the insurance laws of North Carolina. Mr. Boykin, bill to authorize the county of Pender to issue bonds. Mr. Payne, bill to regulate and prescribe the manner of allotting the homestead and personal property exemption. Mr. Morehead, bill to authorize the grant ing of judgments at Chambers in certain cases. Mr. Toon, resolution requesting our Sen ators and Representatives in Congress to secure appropriations to render navigable Lumber river as far as Lumberton, in Robe son county, and Waccamaw river as Tar as Lake Waccamaw, in Columbus county. Mr. Black, a bill to authorize the com missioners of Moore county to levy a spe cial tax. By request it was placed upon the calendar. Mr. Payne, a resolution authorizing the appointment of ' five Senators and eight members as a committee to take into con sideration the question of establishing a railroad commission for this State. The resolution was read and adopted. Mr. rlnnix asked, indefinite leave oi ab sence for Mr. King, of Pitt, he having re ceived a telegram calling him home on ac count of sickness in his family. Leave of absence was granted. "CALKXDAB. A bill to repeal chapter 819, acts of 1881, urjon its second reading was laid noon the table, Mr. Dortch statine that a bill of similar import had . previously passed the Senate. Mr. Mebane's bill, putting a fine of $500 upon all parties who buy or sell a pistol, bowie-knife, dirk, dagger, stiletto, slung shot, loaded cans, sword cane, brass, iron or metallic knucks,upon its second reading was triaced uron the table. Bill for the relief of the administration of the late sheriff of Columbus county was put upon its second reading, but upon the suggestion of Mr. Linney was postponed until the passage of a (general bill, which wou id meet the wants of this bill. Bill to extend the jurisdiction of justices of the peace, giving them authority to try larceny cases where the value of articles stolen did not exceed one dollar, was put upon its second-reading. Mr. Bcott, oi Jiew Hanover, the intro ducer of the bill, in uieine its passage, cited cases where counties were put to much cost in bringing parties to trial for stealing watermelons, apples and various other small things, and that in one caae a man was sent to the Penitentiary for steal ing a Bible, and argued for the passage ef the bill. Mr. Dortch asked Mr. Scott if he desired to cive magistrates the power to send crim- inals to the penitentiary, and stated that his bill would have that effect. Upon motion of Mr. Webb the bill was tabled, j Bill to amend chapter 282 of, the laws of 1881, concerning the protection of fish in Lumber river and its tributaries was amend ed, passed its several readings and was or dered engrossed. Mr. Mebane's bill fixing a penalty of $3,000 upon all persons who ship lumber in logs from this State to any other State or Territory by raft or otherwise was laid up on tbe table. Mr. Ebb's bill to repeal the law author izing the Commissioners of Madison to pay the county indebtedness in bonds passed its several readings. : Bill to protect birds in Henderson county was tabled, there being a provision in the proposed code, which would cover the ne cesslties In this case. Bill to protect nsb in the waters of Hen derson county, passed its second and third readings. Bill authorizing the commissioners of Haywood county to levy a special tax for the purpose of building a court house, passed its second readinir. ;" Mr. Boykin asked that the bill introduced by him yesterday in regard to a railroad commission be printed for the lis of the Senators. The order was made. bill to prevent felling timber or brush in Spring creek and its tributaries,' in Madison county, passed its final reading. House bill in regard to selling liquor within one mile of Holt's Chapel, in Gull ford county, was put upon its second read ing. Mr. Morehead said that by some means or by not knowing the distance from Holt's Chapel, a former member of the Legislature had a bill passed prohibiting the sale of liquor within three miles of the Chapel, which overlapped the town of Greensboro, making it a dry town, and that the object of the bill was to remove this restriction from the town. A ffn. a 4 m. nr 1r m l(ua Ttn1o Linney and Watson, the bill passed its final reading, Bill to amend section fiof the laws of 1881, chapter 234, passed its second and third readings. This bill is to abolish pro hibition from what was formerly known as Warsaw High School. House bill repealing the prohibitory law of Rocksboro passed its final reading and was ordered enrolled. Upon motion of Mr. Pemberton, the Senate adjourned to meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock a. m. HOUSE OF. REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 o'clock a. m., Speaker Rose called tne House to order. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Skinner, of the First Bantist church. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Leave ox absence was granted Mr. lion. jTjDioiABT commas' reported faverablv upon the following : An act concerning Big Swamp in Bladen county, i An act amending chapter 95, laws of 1879. An act repealing all laws prohibiting the sale of liquor except in certain localities in Perquimans county. An act to provide for the working of the public roads by taxation. An act to amend chapter 141, section 5, laws iuvo-t. : And unfavorably upon the following : i bill to amend an act for the better secur ity ox aoman uxe. . I Bill to minors. , prohibit the carrying off of Bill relating WOT. " to obstructing the high- Bill concerning the netting trapping and shooting of birds. ' Bill to work the public roads of Edge- c.v.oe county by taxation. raoBoeakD Btixs. Tue committee reported as properly en grossed the following bills : An act to amend chapter 23. the laws or 1881. . A bill for the relief of the taxpayers of Granville county. COMMITTEE OS PBOPOSITTOXS AND GBIXVASCKS Reported favorably on the following : An act making a standard weight for a barrel of Pork. V Resolution relative to the election law. CeKPO RATIONS. Reported favorably on: An act to incor porate the Newton cotton mills. An act to amend the charter of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. RESOLUTIONS AST) PKTTnOSS. Mr. Mc loud, resolution concerning the payment of the employees of the General Assembly. Mr. Keid, of Gaston, resolution in favor of soldiers maimed in the late war. 'r. Tate, petition from the citizens of 8ilver, reek township, asking for the ap pointment of justices of the peace. Mr. iuggs, petition asking the repeal oi Chap. 147, laws 1881, (relating to pilotage.) BILLS. The following bills were introduced and passed their first reading, and were appro priately referred : Mr. Bhemll An act to establish graded schools. Mr. Green, of New Hanover An act to amend section 1, chapter 808, laws of 1881. Mr. f eebies An act to incorporate the Roanoke Navigation Water Company, giving, it the exclusive right to use the wa ter of the Roanoke River, and power to con demn land. i By the same An act to authorize the county of Halifax to fund its floating debt, and to levy a special tax to pay the same. Mr. liewiin An act to provide lor the pay of school committeemen. Mr. Brown An act to amend the public school law. Mr. McCurry An act to amend chapter 173, laws or 1881; Mr. Bailey, of Mecklenburg An act to amend section 63, chapter 63, Battle's Re visal, relative to sureties. Mr. LCovington An act to authorize school committees of each township to fix the salary of teachers of all grades. By the same, an act to exempt $100 worth of oroDertv from taxation. Mr. Wilson, an act to provide for the elec tion oi county officers by the people. Mr. Stewart, an act to establish the di viding line between the counties of Harnett andjonnston. Mr. Lenoir, an act to extend the time for getting grants for entries of land. Mr. McAllister, an act to amend chapter 2UU, section 63, laws 1881 Mr. Harris, of Davidson, an act to amend section l, chapter 70, laws of 1879, it re lating to dentists, &c. Mr. Johnson, of Craven, an act for the protection of crops in certain localities. Mr. Williams, of Granville, bill to an thortze the commissioners of Granville county to levy a special tax, Bill to change the time of settling with the State and County Treasurers in certain counties. . APPOINTMENT OT COMMITTEES. The Chair announced the following com mittees Salaries and Fees Messrs. Sherrill. Bai- lev of Wilson. Fulton. - Houston. Remolds. Steed, Stewart, Barrett, Temple, Frazier, .Bruce, Hamilton and fall Immurration Messrs. Mvers. Matheson. Riggs, W imams of Sampson. Beal, Marsh, Tonilins, Stokes, Reade of Person, Mitchell and we well. i Education Messrs. Green of Franklin. Gatling Peebles, Leazer, 8herrill, Wood, Mathis, McCotter. Bennett. Sandifer. Riggs. Walker, Page, Bullock, Green of New Han over, roe andJNewby. Banks and Currency Messrs. King, Mc- Allister, Lawrence, McCotter, Houston, Harrison, Bradley. Dixon and Griseett. State Debt Messrs. Cowell, Liles, String- neid, ryro, nardy, Houston, Keade oi rer eon. Hamilton. Smith and Brvan. Railroads, Post Roads and Turnpikes Messrs. Ray, Anderson, Bailey of Wilson, Baum, Cheek, Fulton, Gudger, Persoa. Jenkins, Henderson, Landreth and Harris of Wake. Qaims Messrs. 8trudwick,Brown, Byrd, Patrick, Lenoir, Liles, Sandifer, Covington, imagers, uiedsoe,Urissett and Leary, : CALXXDAB. The calendar was then taken up and dis posed of as follows Bill to amend chapter 232, laws 1879, passed its third reading. Bill to levy a special tax in Joaes county, passeu uB second reading. Bill to repeal chapter 141, laws 1876-77, and allowing justices of the peace to be voted for by the people. Referred. Bill to confirm the donation of land. &c... In Edenton to the Elizabeth City and Nor- xoik rtauroad, passed Its third reading. Bill touching injunction orders. Third reading. ' SPECIAL ORDER. The hour for the consideration of the substitute of the committee for the resolu tions relative to the internal revenue having arrived, which was the , special order for this hour the House proceeded to consider the i following resolution came up on i& second reading : Be it resolved by the General Assembly of North Carolina : 1st. That the internal revenue taxes of the UnitedStates ought to be repealed at once, with such provision by rebate of taxes or otherwise, as will be just' to those who hold for sale articles on which such taxes have been paid. 2d. That the collection from imnorts. un aided by internal taxation, of the large sum now necessary ior tne administration of the Federal government, would give incidental protection to borne manufactures amply sumcient. ior tneir neaitny development. 3d. That though Congress has power to Jay and collect duties, yet to lay duties higher than the per cent, at which they would raise the greatest revenue is, as to the excess above that per cent., to lay duties so as to prevent their collection, and is therefore without warrant in the constitu tion, and that it is unjust and oppressive. 4th. That within that per cent. Congress may in its discretion select and determine the articles on which duties are laid, and the rates of the duties on them. 5th. That this discretion ought to be ex ercised so as to raise a revenue not greater than is sumcient ior tne strictly economical and the gradual reduction of the Federal debt ; and so as to distribute the burdens of the tariff, and the incidental protection given by it, as justly and equally as possi ble to every part of the country and to all classes of the people. 6th, That these resolutions are not in tended to interfere with the application of the principle that it is lust and wise to tax articles that are intended to be consumed as luxuries higher than the necessaries of life, and the materials, implements and ma chinery consumed or used in producing, manufacturing and transportation. 7th. That the tariff of the United States ought to be reformed, so as to make it con form to the principles set forth in the fore going resolutions. 8th. That the Secretary of State is in structed to transmit copies of these reso lutions to the Senators in Congress from North Carolina, as an expression of the voice of the State on the issues to which they relate and to the Representatives in Congress from North Carolina for their re spectful consideration. a Mr. Bower offered the following amend ment If Congress should deem it impracticable to modify the present tariff, and at the same time abolish the internal revenue taxes, as the less of the two evils we prefer the re tention of the former, and the abolition of the latter, which was adopted. .- Mr. Power, of Cumberland, offered the following substitute : Resolved by the House of Representa tives, the Senate concurring, that our Sena tors In Congress be instructed and our Rep resentatives be requested to vote to abolish the internal revenue system, but in case that ia impracticable, then to modify and reduce the same; and In case neither is attainable to rote for the distribution of the internal rev enue derived from distilled spirits among the States according to illiteracy for educa tional purpoeea. Mr. Peebles offered the following amend ment to Mr. Powers' substitute, which was accepted by Mr. Powers : Provided, that the State authorities have exclusive control and management of said fund. There was much discussion on this meas ure, participated in by Messrs. Powers, of CumberlajsoV-Bailey of Mecklenburg, Sher- T? rij TT - . T. " 1 iii, ijuyicu, Dieusoe, xiarns in i MeLoud, McCotter and others. Mr. Peeplcs spoke at length, and during the course of the debate Mr. Stanford paid his respects to Mr. Powers in a happy vein. The previous question was calledhd sus tained, the yeas and nays were called, and the Vote on the adoption of Mr. Powers' substitute was as follows : Yeas Messrs. Baker. Ball. Belcher- Bledsoe, Bradley,. Bridgers, Bruce, Bryan, Bullock, Candler, Covington, Dixon, Eaton, Greeh of New Hanover, Grissett,' Hamilton, Harrison, Harris of W ake, Hayes of Kobe son, Henderson. Hewlin. Johnson of Cra ven, Landreth. Learv. Lineback. Mitchell. Montgomery, Newby, Newell, Nixon, Page, x-iiman, roe, rowers oi tJumDe.riana, rroc tor, Smith, 8peller, Stokes, Sutton, Temple, Waddell, Wilcox 42. Nays Messrs. Abbott. Anderson. Bailey of Mecklenburg, Hailey of Wilson, Barrett, Baum, Eeale, Bennett, Bower, Frown, Bunn, Pyrd, Cain. Cheek. Crouse. Cowell. Forbjs, Frazieri Gatling, Glenn, Green of rranklin, tiudger, Hardy, Harris of David son, Hayes of Swain, Houston, Johnson of Johnston, King, Lawrence, Leazar, Lenoir, .Ldies, m eiviiiaier, m coouer, mcvurry, McLoud, arsh, atheson. Mathis. Mvers. Overman, Patrick, Peebles, Person, Philips, Posey, Powers of Cleaveland, Ray, Reid jof Gaston, Reade of Person, Reynolds, Riggs, KODDins, snerrui, Simmons, Stanford, Steeds Stewart, 8tringfield, Strudwick, Tate, Thompson, Tomlins, Turner, Walker, Williams of Granville, Williams of Samp son, Williamson, Wilson, Wood, Wortbing- ton vt. ! The question of the adoption of Mr. Powers' amendment to the substitute of the committee was then put to the house, and the amendment adopted. Upon the adoption of the committee's substitute, as amended, the yeas and nays were called, and the vote was as follows : Yesjs Messrs. Abbott. Anderson. Bailey of Mecklenburg, Bailey of Wilson, Baker, Ball, Barrett, Baum, Bcale, Belcher, Ben nett, Bledsoe, Bower, Bradley, Bridgers, Brown, Bryan, Bullock, Bunn, Byrd, Cain, Candler, Covington, Cheek, Crouse, Cowell. Dixon, Forbis, Gatling, Glenn. Green of Franklin, Gudger, Hamilton. Hardy. Har ris of Davidson, Hayes of Robeson, Hayes oi swam, Henderson, Holt, Uolton, Hous ton, Jenkins, Johnson of Johnston, King, Landreth, Lawrence, Leazar, Lenoir, Liles, Lineback, McAllister, McCotter, McCurrt, McLoud, Marsh, Matheson. Mathis. Mitch ell, Myers, Newell, Nixon, Overman, Page, fatnek, Jreebles, rerson, 1'nilips, roe. Posey, Powers of Cleaveland. Powers of umberland, Proctor, Pruitt, Ray, Reid Of uaston, rteade ox f erson, Keynolds, Riggs, KoDDips, snemu, simmonsmith, Stan ford, Steed, 8tewart, Stokes, Stringfleld, Strudwick, Tate, Temple' Thompson, Tomlins, Turner, JValker, Williams of Granville, Willaras of Sampson, William son, Wilcox, Wilson, Wood, Worthington 101. Nays Eaton, Fraxier, Green of New Hanover, Grissett, Harrison, Harris of Wake, Johnson of Craven, Leary, Mont gomery, JNewby, Pitman, Speller, Sutton, Waddell 14. Mr. Harris, of Wake, in explaing his vote, stated that he voted against the resolution on account of the free trade embraced in it. . The substitute passed its third reading, CALENDAR. v The calendar was then resumed. Bill to amend the charter of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company. Third read in sr. Bill to exempt from poll tax persons over 40 years of age. Tabled. till to relieve ministers from poll tax. Passed over informally. - Bill to Incorporate the Narrow Island Club. Passed over informally. Bill relative to the sale of liquor on days of public speaking. '--Made special order for 11 o'clock a. at., to-morrow. frill tb pay witnesses in criminal causes before justices of the peace. Passed over informally. The House on motion, adjourned.' Note. The bill introduced by Mr. Sim mons on Saturday, makes justices of the peace ineligible to tbe office ot county com missioner. The bill introduced on yesterday relieves the people of Carteret county from the pro visions of chapter 118, sections 6 and 7 of Cattle's Re visal. How yoong soever you may be. With railing teetb, youMe grim and old. And losing yon r mouth' purity, -Your ieature seem both dull and cold, Then man or mld, warned or your fate, seK isozodont, e're it' uo late. Kerosene was purpose In 1826. first used for .lighting KENAN'S SM Peptonized Tonic Beef. th oniy preparation of beef containing it entire mutritions proper-tie. It contain blood-making, force-generating and life uatainmg properties; invaluable for indi gestion, Dyspepsia, nervoua prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, overwork-, or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaint. Caswell. Hazard, A Co., Proprietors, New York, fold by uraggista. Broma. &c. Bromt in half pound tins; Cocoa, Chocolate. Ao. Freab arrivals of fine raisin, nut, etc. E. J. Hardin. Shepherd Plaid Long s haw, specially uood Bargain at ysakgah, rrm A Co. . Jan4dlw Popular Prices - always .kept on our Dress-shirts, Collars and Cuffs. R. B. AfdkewsA Go's. C. QrWHiTiyo, Trustee. Turkey. A lot of fine Gobblers just re ceived in first rate condition, will be sold live or dressed to order at abort notice. " E. J. Hardiic. Gleet's Fine Han dee wed shoe at a low price at 8bo- good R. B. AWDBEW8 A Co's. C O. Whitiho, Trustee. INCREASE $10 YOUR CAPITATj. Those desiring to make money on amall and modinm isnwtmMita $20 In srain. proriitons ana tock epeealac lano Ions, sail do so by ooare U ins on otur plaa. From Mar 1st. 1881, tolba praaentdata, oninvest- WHEAT of S10 o Sl.UOO. cash nrn ta have bean realised and nald to in. $50 veatora ameoaMn to MTaral times tbe oricinai lBTuattnent. Profit! paidftrat of every month, atlU leav ing CTrtftTC ipe money or payable on demand. OIUvAjI Explanatory drool ara and state $100 ments of fund W sent free. We want reaaonaible aerate, who will reporton crops and introduce the plaa. liberal commissions paid. atervaaate. Major Clock, Chicago. 11. OFFICBOr SBdLBTAKT BOaRP OF TXtfB rK8 OF THI UsivaaaiTT OF NOKTH Carolina. - ; Raxxigh, N. C, January 10. 1883. THK naxt annua) meeting of the Board otTruste of the University of North Carolina will be held in the Executive hamber, in the city or Raleigh, at 11 a. n., on Thursday, 1st dsy of February, 1S83. By order of tbe Governor, ex officio President ef the Board. W. L. SAUWDERS, ' lanll-d eod tt. Secretary of th Board. Ulverjlty Alnmal Association. RAjfciioH, N. C Jan. 10, 1883. The Annual Meeting ef the Association of tb Alumni of th TJnlyeraitv of N. C, bald in tb Meaat Chamber ia this city at 7:30 o'clock p. u.t,OB Thursday, 1st day of February, 1883. The publio are respeet fully lavitad to attand. i PAUL C. CAMERON, President of h Aesocintloa, ' W. L. 8 AUNDBR8, Seo'ty of Ass'n. JnU-ei.odt. ,. j By Telegraph. " MarJcet Report--Noon. r S W OKS January 10 Mjney dull at t . Etxcbn5" hn-4.90 : abort 4.841. Stat bond dull. Government generally unchanged. Cotton quiet !and firm; sales 2:4 hales; uplands 10s: Orleans 10 5 18. Future quiet and firm; January 10.05; February 10.15; March 10.S0; April 110.46J May 10 60: June 10.72. S Flour quiet and firm, wheat onened laic higher, but subsequently lost tbe d- vanoe. Corn qtnet aad fto better. Pork quiet and firm - at S18.S71al8.50. Lard firm at f iO.SO, Spirits turpentine V a53. Boainl.57lal.70. J- taitrhu dull and weak. Liverpool. JauUarv 10, Cotton ate ad v: up anda 5 11-16: Orleans 5 1S-I6, ale 12,000 hales: soeculatirtn . and ninnrt 1.WU; receipta 8.160: American 6 750-. Jan- nary 5 42 4;Januaryand February 5 42-4; February and March 5 43-64; Marco nnd April 6 45-645 44-64: April and Mav 49 615 48-64: Mav and ' Jn. (Mm. o oi m; June and Julv K .Mt-i; r? j 6' ; Jniy and Auzust 6 61643 6064: Aumst and September 6 2-64. Future nar. rnrK ss : long mear mlddba 48e. short 49s. 6d. Tallow 4 ?s. M ARSBT EBP03TNI3HT. Narw Tors, januarv 10. Ezchsnn 4.80f. Oovernrnenta hiirher: Ss 102 bid: 4Js. 113J; 4s. 119. Money itS. and closed a 3s4. State bonds dull and without feature. Sub-treasury balance nurmnpv IU370-, ooinl5,27i Stocks opened weak and Closed -trong,-5 prices frsotion lower tnaa yea:erav; Aisbatn class A 2 to, 6, 83 Ala, class A. amall 841 bid: Ala bama, olasa B, 6's, 100 bid; Alabamt das a, 4' 86 bid; Cbicairo and Northwestern 13SJ; Cbicaso and NorthweaVern preferred i4j; j&ne 4Vi: Kt Tenneasee 10: Illinois Central 1441; Lake Shore U2f; Louisville and Nasbville MI;. Memphis and Charles ton 522; Nashville and Cbattanooara 60: timm Vn.V lantrl 19A1. P!n.K... Kol. Riobmond and Alleschaav 13a: Richmond and Danville 61;' Hock Ialand 1241: South Carolina Brown oonsoLs 101: West Point Terminal 22; Wabash-, 8t. Louis and Pa cifio 85; Wabash, SU Louis and Pacific preferred 641; Weatern Union Telegraph sz; u. o. 9. bm; yeorria'a 6 e 107; Uor Kia 7', mortgxged, 105 bid; Georgia gold 114; Louisiana consols 72 North Carolina's 3o bid; North Carolina', new, 15 bid; Nortn (jaroiinns. rnndiOK. 9. bid: North Carolina's, special 'x, 8; Tennessee' 6' a 41 bid; Tennessee's, new 41; Virginia 6's oia; Virginia i oasoiid4ted 00 bid; vir glnis defemd 12; Adams Express 133; American Kxpressvl; AO.221; Chlcaco and Alton 134: Chicago. St Louis and Mew Orleans 79. ijoiion net receipts 1.387 bales: srroa o..h. futures civea week; sales f. 00j bales; January 10.03 10.05: Februarv li); March 10.2 M10.26; April 10 40 10.41; May 10.45; June 10.68al0.69; JulylO.78; Auguat JU.vtaio v& cotton steady; sale 537 hales: uplands iu-io; urieans iut; "enariiastei net re- certd 7.039; ex porta : to Great Britain 9,611; to tbe continent 3,856 Houtbem nourqaletaod tead )y held. Wbeat-roasb lota held sonoewh.t stronger: Nn. 2. aprinz nominal: tinarraded red 88; o. i, red Jaouary, l.llal.l21 Corn oh, Jafc. b'gher; ungraded. Ma 70; No. 2 January, 68iC9i. Oa a io uigner; ro. 8, 45i. Hopa ouil d nomi nily unchanged. Coffee, spot, auehanired: option higher; Rio. Januarv. 6 75585; February 5 80a5 85. Sugar dull and weak; fair to good renning bi7 1-16; refined firmer; mould A 81 standard A Kia8L Mo- iasse steady and quitt. Rio Arm nd in fair ioqiiry. Roain quiet. Spirit mrpeaHDe nrm at Wf. aides- steady and quiet Woo' about steady and a met. Pork dn'l and weak in sympathy witb the Wet; sales of rew moss, spot, at $18.35 18.45; cboce $19 0019 25; family mess 1 2-i19.00 aa to quality ; extra prime 18 60; clear beck 21.50: now mess, Jaauary, $18.20 lS.W-, Middles dull. Lard cash. firm and mire act ve for export; prime stsam, Bpot, $10 80;' for exk-ort 10 85; do February export i090it02i; option a 7 to v points .oer, Jauuary, 1)0.7510.89 rreignts io uverpoo dui:j cotton, : per sieain, iH itki; w ueat 7". Chioaqo, Jaouary 10. Flour steady and firm. Wheat unsettled and genera ly lower; regular 97971 January; 97ia971 jreoruarv: .N'o. 2 red winter No.V Cbi cago spring 971a9ri oa&b ; o. 3 do Ki Corn unseti ei and eenerslly hi her at 56i57 cth;57 ior January; &4i tor F b-u rj.OaU steoy aia io trout uem ind a. i oaan; 33 or February. Drese-l no.s 1; mir de mand bus lower at $7.I0a7.4J P ik active and aahadd tower. $17. 15 casn; $17 10 aw. to ur January: I 7.-V4417.30 lor Febru ary. Lard steady with .'air demand; $10 45a iu ss caan; luoziaiu.oo ror, February. Bulk meats steaslyand unchangsi. Whisky teaay son uncaangea . Baltimokb, January lo. Oats quist nl firm; southern 4548; western white 45a48; mixed 44at6; Pennsylvania 4548. rrovitioos a Lead ; mess pork $18 50 Bulk meat shoulder and cl;r rib side. packed, 8 ilO. Bason shoulders 91; nlear rib sides HI; hams 13Jal4i. Lrd rv fined Uj. Coffee quiet; Bio cargoes, ord.oarv to fair. 618. Sugar dull; A soft 81. Whiaky 4uieier.wai.ut. rreignta quiet. Jakuabt 10. Cotiiu, middling, lo middlioK and good ordinary Galveston. steady at 9, 9i and SI ceits net receipts 4,055 bales; Baltimore du.l, at 10, 91 aad v cents net reotsipt bales; Boston stesdy, at 10, 9J and 91 oent net .eceipt i.&pi oaies rnuadeipbU dull, at it, io, and 9 cents net receipta ISO bales; Savannah steady, at 91. 81 and 8i cents net ieceipu 2.119 bales; New Orleans quiet and steady, at 9i9i;nd 8i cent net receipt 1303s bales; Mobile quiet and teady, at 9i. i and 81 cenU net receioUi 68; iiemphla quiet, at 91, 9i and 8 cento- net receipta i.oaa Dales; Augaata quiet, at vt, oi ana ot cent net receipt 462 Dales; Charleston firm and in .goxi d mand at 92, 91 and 9 cen&a net reoeipta Dates. . Liverpool January 10 6 p, x etton ay and June 6 5? 64. Future b rely . 1 m . .. .. aioauy. lurpenuos 40. ou i Norroik Cotton Market . Noarotx, January 10. Cottotn at 0 -ne1. receipts 3,014 bales. firm tfliaiiBgtoa Cotton Market. " WiLatlKOTOW, Jauuary 10.--Cottoii steady, at 9,9 3 16 and 8 5-16 cents net receipts 236 bale. : j WIlmlBgtoa Naral storei Market. WlLMiJfaTOjf, January 10. Spirits; iur- fentine firm, at 61. Kosin firm at 1.35 tor strained and $1,371 tor good strained. Tar firm at $1.80. Crude turpen tine firm at $1.60 for feard and $2.60 for yellow dip. CITT HAB.KXT. Official Rtpvrt of the CoUoa Mark BXPOBTBO ST THE COTTON EXCHANGE Raj.kt.8H, January 10, lU3-6r. u. OfOd.MWdiiOsT ......... 9f MiddJiaj; , . 9. 8tr.ot Low Middling 82 Low Middling ....... . 8 Strict Good Ordinary ...... Good Ordinary 8tnct Ordinary uroinary .. Middling Stains. low taiQ8 Receipts to-day bale. saeee take to themaelve the re spect ji vea to their" But Kidney Wort commands re-pec t for 11 own solid merits, tested, tried and found net want log in any essential prin dpi required for the cure of dyspepsia, piles, malaria, and all diseasea of the kidneys, bowel and liver. Prepared ia d y and liquid form. For Sal. Five shwes Worth Carotin Car Com pany stock. Appy to Jan lld6t COLIN M. HAWKINS CO. AdmUistrator'g Notice. I : - HAVING quftlified as Administrator of Jobs S. Nobl. deceased, I hereby notify all persoQ having claims again at the deceased to. present them to rn for settlement on or before Jaury 10, 1884, or this notlo will be plead is bar of tboir reoevecy. Person , indebted to tb de ceased are notified to aettie. ? ANDREW SYalE, U ( Jan. 11, 1883-dlaw-4U -Adinlnlatrator. ' - TUCKER HAtlw ONE NIGHT ONLY, ; a! FRIDAY EVENlNGr, JAN., 12, 18831 ; GORMAN'S it- Opera Company. 45 ARTISTS 45 In Gilbert A Sullivan' erase. latest assthetiej n PATIENCE. ENLARGED ORCHKSTRA. NEW. BLE. waxii anBfOBRSOTrOSTUMKS, I PROPERTIES, ETC ' Prieea Besorkod SmI, Floor, - . $1.00 j Admission, Floor, - . . j. 0 Gallery, , . - - - 60 I Seat for aa at jurrea wuuam A Co' , Book 'tor. jan7-dtd- ' ' Cold Weaik is Dosiag i , BUT . ;. ; D. S. WAlTf Ha a fresh and fall supply of Blankets, Shawls AND FLANNELS. Another inroie of th CELXBRATFJ "Cartwriflht and Warner V underwtar for Gents "The DiamoBi Skirt" always la staek aaa a rau assort meat or sues. ; Sometbinr new. added ta nawalothin department every week. If y euatom work, isoa thincrM.' Suit mad to order and fit guaranteed Or no aal. A LARGE STOCK OF SHOES. HATS AND FANCY GOODS, NEW AND DESIRABLE. ? : JfJiT OPEXED-Tw Cases 1 pretty Prints, table Linen, Nap ktns. Ac, onse uil see me, i ; ; Wwai'sTTs CATALOGUE SALE jF; Ilodern : OU Paintings BY- CELEBRATED ABTIST3 . ' At Store So.M5 Fsyettsrlllo 8trMt.on ; Thuraday evening, Jan 11, 1883, at j -7:30 o'clock . .- t' We will selL: without mmtm or limit. a splendid collection of fin 5 OIL1 PAINT- 1 INGS, by the best American and Europe- v a Artist. W would ealt special atten- 4 ? ti .n to this fin collection at nietnre. aa '-';V- tbey ave worthy tbe attention ot loyera of th fine art. - , eat will bo provided, w u: - CaUlOKue now revive. . ..' , U F.BTRONACB a QO.,'AnoUoneora. CtoicB Jsw aid toaatils , , GOODS W.CandlB, Wholeaaie Md Retail Qrocert. s. I ! i.iJanarj 7tn,'88S.-' Stronach ISmaU Lot Extra Fine Old Southampton ' ' Virsrlnla llama. S tn 10 IK jtrrtJi . PisT Hams. ,al. Jn1nv Kin ': Flavored. Thurber' Deep f 8ea Mackerel, 1B Una, 3 J 7" seventy fire eenta. ": -H. Pickled Tripe, i2Jc lb. Spiced Pig FaeL rfi lOot per tb. Extra Choice Canned Tripe, 21b net. 25 eentaean. . r.. ii : - --: Broiled Mackerel, lo Tomato 8aaoai Boosed Maokerei. . ,- . . Cbofce Camned Tegelable. sannsen JUUt Tomatoes lib Aberdeen Greon Corn, SUb cmn $L7& Okra, Tomato, Green Pas. , 5000 Oranges 50OO FINE, LARGE, SwEKTOSANaES, ...... $2.60 pr hundred. : ROYAL BAKIKQ POWTifcRS HOESFOBD'3 BREAD ' Preparation. PfTfATSCO BAKING JO WDERS. ? f . Kiegsford'a Starch. Genuine Peyton Gravel y 1 Honey Dew"' Chewing Tobacco, at Manufacturer's j , Price to tb Jobbing Trad. i PETTY -and CD,. JOBBERS RETAILERS,' nAjUEUOIX, c. , DRY GOODS MWU ..-'" i " il , , Bootc and Shoeo. HATSi CARPLTS, I White aa4 Red Twilled: yiANNBm YEARGAN Fancy Plaid; Opera Flaaaelal - COLORED CANTON FLANNELS, 4 SakTv l4mnelav v ' I DOUBLE' WIDTH ALL WOOL FLANNELS for SoitA t . . -i ' " ' " . :?:p Whita'and Colored TABLE DAMASKS 1 Colored Napkins to Matob.- Whita ' Uand Plnk Terry Clotb.' InrVnta' , - '1 t CLOAKS and DRESSES. ; r -t SPECIAL BARGAINS Df- ' V..,: . . . SASH RIBBONS KID GLOVES, j" f :::fl . iADissfFiNaDiiWsHOEa. , LADIES FANCY HOSE LADIES FINE CORSET 9 YMrgan, Petty & Co i ATTOpRfit AT .LAW, SpoeUlattOHttom k1t to Nogotiation ; asauv'ouasMonw iiwTBy janiaT f : '"'.k 1. 1 : 1 MJanidlw, 2. l ". i r k'i 1 ' j V-: r' f

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