Hear what one niwnbT of the profession , testifies regarding the scltntl0e prep- . aralion of a brother member. ..jy Mk. Dawley has ten In the drag business In the city of FrovWeiice twenty-five years as clerk and proprietor In good standing, and knows whereof he affirms. Ed. Mr. I. says : " F or many years! have suffered, Intensely at times, with what is generally tailed rheumatism. When first attacked I was confined to my bed and could not walk a step. I could not bear the weight of the bedclothes, so excru ciating was the agony I endured. I always no ticed that before these attacks came on my kid neys were affected ; before there would be any pain in my limbs or any swelling of joints or limbs, the color of the secretions from the kid neys would bo very dark and the odor strong and feverish. The last attack was very severe, about five years ago, and I waB confined to the house several weeks, and was unable to attend to busi ness in three months. During the time I was confined at hoine and the time of my conva lescence 1 employed four of the best doctors that I could obtain, but none o? them gave me per manent relief,' for they did not go to work at the cause of the trouble, liaising been acquainted with the proprietor of limit's Remedy, a, long time I was induced by him to give it a trial; hop ing that it might reach the seat of the disease ; and after taking one bottle 1 found myself; very much Improved, and after taking the second I was feeling better than 1 had after any previous attacks. During many months previous to taking the ltemedy my hands and fingers would be much swollen and stiff every morning ; my left side, in the region of stomach and spleen, was very lame and sensitive; at times I would be taken with severe cramps over the spleen, and bo obliged to apply mustard or cayenne for temporary relief ; 1 was very nervous nights and could not sleep ; I was obliged to be very particular In my diet and my physical system was sadly demoralized. Since I have taken Hunt's Remedy systematically all these things have, changed ; I have no swollen hands or limbs, no pains or cramps in the tilde, can eat all kinds of food, sleep soundly and get thoroughly rested, and my kidneys are active and perform their functions promptly, thus taking out of the system all the poisonous secretion which contaminate the whole system where the kidneys lo not act efficiently. My friends, what Hunt's Remedy has done for me it will do for all of yon. I believe it to be the only sure cure for all djeerises ofthe Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary rgaas. Kespectfully, E. R. DAWLEY, 454 Broad Street." TUTTS EXPECTORANT Ii composed of Herbal mid Mtieilnjnnoua prod uct, wiiuUi permeate the substance or the tiUDgn, expectorates the acrid matter that collects iu the Bruuchi.il 'l ubes, and forms a BootlilufC coating, whnh relieves the ir ritattou that cuum-s ti.e cough. It cleanse the lungs of all impurities, strengthens them when enfeebled by disease, invigor ates the circulation of the blood, and braces the nervous system. . Slight colds often end In consumption.SIt Is dangerous to neglect them. Apply the remedy promptly. A testof-twenty yeirs warrants th insertion that no remedy has ewer been found that ts as prompt in itseiTeetsas TUTTS EXPECTORANT. A single dose raises ths phlegm, subdues inflammation, and its ne speed ilv cares the most obstinate cough. A pi rsnnt cordial, chil dren take it read ilv. For Croup It la Invaluable snd should be in every family. In 2c. and $1 Bottles. TUTT'S PILLS ACT DIRECTLY ON THE LIVER, Cures Chili and I'ever, Dyspepsia, Kick Headache, lillions Colic, Coustipa tion. It heumatism, lilies, Palnttatlonof the Heart, lHxEiness, Torpid JLIer,and Female Irregularities. If you do not "leel T'TT well," a smcle pill stimulates the stomach, leatorcsthe appetite, imparts vigor .to the system. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Va.1v n: Dear Siri. lor ten ytars I ha leet a martyr to Dv xpepMa, Constipation and l'ilos. Last spring yonr pills were recommended tome; Iusadthem (but with little faith). Iam sow a well man, have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools P'le gone, and I haV. pained forty pounds solid flesh. They are Worth their weight in cold. EEV.R. U SIMPSON, Lcuisville, KJ4. Omci 31 Mnrrny St., New Inrk, 1K. Tl'TT'N MANUAL, of Isefttt. Receipts FREE on application. ) RICHMOND PEARS0; ' M! to CiUMcr at Lai.; A&HEVILLE, N. C. : f " ' i Pclal attention to real est it e loans and Invest sljauu. Leans on reai estate eco-ely r laced at percent NOTICE- Pursuant to a certain deed of mortgage, registered in Kcok 47, rage 743, In ibe office cf the Register of Dfds for Wake e unty, we will sell hat pur lie sale for ah, on Falimlay, ibe 24th day of March. 1881, the house and Jot cor ner Hillsboro and bawsou streets, a join ing th' lo'a of the lut Dr. W. O. Hill and It. F. Hoke. f GRAY At STAMPS, ; A ttoruojs f r Mortgagee feb 16 2Uw r0d. f r . ... . f WIRE RAILING sud OR. ?-w5? namwtal WIRK WORKS, DUFiJR&CQ., No. S6 Noitlj Howard strdet. Bail nrqxe, roaanfftoture Wirt) RAllir.tr for OoQioteri., Balconies Ac, fcentlvr, Chx , Wood and Coal S reeis. 'A fj e Wise !" Be a eads. Chair Set'ees Ao. Feb 11. . ,ii iiiiwini m mini. mm nw m ; : . IisIiiii iisusi I mi ii a ir msiiMfl mm in mi , , Do yon want a pure, doom ing Complexion? If so, n! few application of HagaiiV MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify yon to your heart's con- tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and : imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the Unshed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex- ; citemenr. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural, gradual, and -perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect ts application. Wo;.,ksbi7.siS'aiErli!, TOOD Cut to Order. LLVUBR tYrBltbud to ull kills, and tha bo til ingles flcred a U litu All in car lead lot or ! J. 0. VIUITAIIER. ToatHaru sju. Itatsnra, . ft STOUi: HOI SE.' FFH 5: A 'I II0L'E FOR RLNT, NEWS BUILDINO, 1;0 l-KKT I3EKP by 30 wide, three sto ir- , .emeht, well lili Klevtor throtii!i :1m build in. On EtcLa'H " l'U.-e, m ar F.t? itte villeitrset; convenient f Te!..crai.h S hd Post Oiil f8, 'onrt Houses, i'.ar.ks, Mrr clistnts and Cotton Ex -h-tnve, Cotton and City artota. Shelvb:g and tcumer ir rnnKeil i0 auit leasee. AU. iwo firt cla oillr-n in the aaine buildiug, on tbe eeooud a xr. Alw c walling of three rooms, with Kitchen, good water, and large Knien, near federal Cemetery, cbe-p. Arply to fob 25 12w. G. T. STRONxCUi; 2,000 poaD3 corrox seed eal, going ia store this day. WILLIAMSON &UPCHDRCH. rb,24 '83, "Tim News and Obseever. SATURDAY MARCBT 3,1883. The Way of Lire. The warrior frowned and pressed his temple rray; " . , "Enongn," he cried, "away with love away!" A boy from play by fondest kiss beguiled; "Mother, 111 love thee ever!" epake the child. A maiden jr9d into the nit?h: sky-wide ' Oh, I will love him when he corneal" she sighed. , These thrte moved on along the way of life; A fair fair fact) lured the soldier from his strife. Upon tbe tomb was carved the sweet child's name, The ?over to the maiden "ever cme. John Vance Cheney, STATU NEWS. The Durham Tobacco Plant reports a email fire there on Thursday. . . .The barn of Mr. W. II. Patterson wai burned by an incendiary. The Winston Republican says: Bishop Edmund DeSchweimtz.ol Bethlehem, Pa., is on a visit to Salem. Says tbe Wadesboro Times: At a pre liminary examination of Dr. Richard An derson, at Albehiarle, for the murder of young Cox, the charges brought against him could not be substantiated and be was released. The Piitsboro Record says that on last Saturday a little ten-year old colored girl, named Lou Burnett, residing on the farm ot Mr. T. W. Gttti, in Baldwin town ship, was burned so badly that she died in a fiw hours. . . .Mr. John T. Farrell drvv his wagon intj the woods for a load of wood, and as he did not return to the house for several hoars his wife became uneasy and he was searched for and soon found lying unconscious near his loaded wagon, having been stricken with apoplexy. Greensboro Patriot: A Guilford man writes back from Texas : "I have been almost everywhere in the State north, south, east, west, centre and circumfer ence. I have seen the different soils, pro ductions and industries of the State; talked with all classes of population, and experienced some of the changes of its climate. Wherever I have been I have endeavored to keep both my eyes and ears open, an i I. think I have learned some things by observation that no amount of reading could have taught me. And after having been through the State, I have about come to the conclusion that North Carolina is better than Teas." The Lenoir Topic says: It may not be generally known, but is nevertheless a fact, that both buffalo and elk once abound ed in the valley of the Yadkin in Caldwell and Wi kes. Daniel Boone and the hun ters who succeeded him'soon extermina ted tbe buffalo herds, which it appears, were never very abundant, but the elk took refuge in the mountain gorges and were for many years the pride.of the chase to the valley hunters; the last elk being killed by Col. Wm. Davenport, on the waters of Elk creek, and its broad antlers, if we mistake not, are now in the Univer sity Museum at Chapel Hill. The Fayetteville Examiner says: On Saturday evening, Mr. V. II. Bishop was shot at Swann'a Station, Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley, Rail way, by Mr. Harrison graham. The shooting was believed to be entirely accidental. Both men were drinking, and Graham had a small pistol in his hand, when 4t was discharged in some way, the ball entering Bishop's ab domen. Graham ran off, leaving the store open, and up to last Monday had not been seen or heard of. lie was donbt less confused and frightened when he ran, for the wounded man himself says that the two were on the best of terms. Little hope is entertained oi Mr. Bishop's re covery. He is a married man, but has no children. The Ashevilie Citizen states that on Sunday night, at an early hour, a fire was discovered in the atic room of the kitch en on the premises of the Rev. Dr. Bux ton. Dr. B. went into the room and found the servant's bed on fire, and at once commenced fighting the flames. As sistance soon arriving, the fire was extin guished, but in the battle with the flames l)r. Buxton was seriously burnt on the hands and face acd inhaled the steam and ire to such an extent as to cause painful it-juries to hU throat. He was m tiering a good deal on Monday, but we hope his injuries will prove only of a tem porary character A colored boy, G. M. Newland, who has been staying io the post tffL-e, was arrfs:ed by a U. ii. De teciive aud tried before Commissioner jSutnmfeycbarged with robbing the drawer and having tampered wi;b registered let ters. He acknowledged having robbed the drawer at various limes, but denied ever having troubled registered letters. A letter conuiuing $50 was lost in the effice hpre, and it is believed the boy took this. ' The Charlotte Obtervcr s ys that Mr. George Coleman, a commercial traveler for Messrs SchifF & Grier, of that city, met wi h a lively adventure at Crump's ferry, at Rocky river, in Anson county, day before yesterday, by which he lost his horse, buggy and baggage, samples and about $50 in silver coin that he had cpl- l.cted for his fiim The people in the vicinity of the Rock Island factory, on the Catawba river; are having a big time killing wild geec. The river for a mile above aLd below the factory has been througed for several das past by flocks of wild geese a&d uumbcrs of them have been killed. The sport ij said to be ex ceptionally fine ..... Ye terday morning tie case of i-IU Wil-on, for the murder of 11 ).scs IleoaJcwa", boih colored, in in iLi-i ci'y, on ihe 13. h ol May last, was ci'l d in the .Superi -r cuurt and taken up for trial. . . .The iu unt'tf bullion assays at the mint iu ihu .iiy during the month of Ft bru uy m $U,G.V. ii4 . . . . An at leiu; t wai iu .di o burn the store of Mr. W. U. Kiu.l, b faring a fire uoder a .50-atloj ea'j of keiohene. The prP8o-H in hi way: mivio? away to givo iliu Iu u e 10 111. ' 'A wottorn phjior 83' th:t uotbing will 1:1110 sorne sick men in r quickly 1 ban an oifl e, proerly app.iei. Tim cure may be very uc-ettul in manv chhcs, but we woukI uaj : 11 a mau suttera from a cougn or odd, give bun Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. N. P. Willia Tbe uwbotest thinK in life IB tiie unclouded welcome of a wile. ; A Perfect f let are. Charleston. S. (!.. Feb. 17. 1631. H. II. Warner A Co.: Sirs Your 8afe Kidney and Liver Cure baa cured my niece of Bright' Disease, and mad her theperfect picture ot health. W. A. DsVielkt, conductor S.C.R.R. Hob. If. H. Pinnlx. x Cor of Thb News and Obseever Raleigh, February 28, 18S3. As a citizen of Davidson county, I am proud of the high eminence attained by lion. M. II. Pinnix, who is emphatically the big man of the' Senate bi brained man. His influence is potent in legisla tion, and second to none in tbe caucus, over which he presided during the entire session. Davidson may justly boast and point with pride to the ends he has accom plished and his high reputation mo justly earned. Mr. J'iudix is as glad to see and promote the interests ol his humblest con stituent in the Senate chamber, or oa the fashionable avenue, as on election day, when so'iciting votes, and so lon as he'll consent to serve, old Davidson should gladly return him. He has already been solicited to become a candidate in the new Seventh Congressional district. Our Representatives, Beall au i Harris, are quiet, but hard working members, commanding Liio respect of thj House. CapL Harris has cfiVctcd umch.trood in regard to public roads, whilst Dr. lieall is the author of a 'much needed law, pre venting the purchase of supplies for any of the public biiildingj from ov house cr firm in which aoy State cIEcuii is inur es ted. Tiie writer lias been the recipient of many courtesies from iho entire delega tion, lor which his thanks are due. Afar traversing several counties and diligently enquiring of representatives from others, the undersigned opines that Davidson is in a better condition than any other in the State. Veritas. av -jifcSSSSar ' CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, - Lumbago, Backache, Headacha, Toothache, Bar Tfarsst, Swelling. Nnilns. Bruiaea, Rami, Meld. rrmt Kites. AB ALL OTHta BODILY FAISS 1MI A1UK8. Bold hj Dnmiiu ftnd Dl?ra eTerrherc iftj- Cwu s bottls. DirecUwa Is 11 Liogufrs. THE THAKLE A. VOGKI FR ( O. (Dun A. TOama UOO Ballinurr. HiL.CS, A. 1 be Public are requested caretuliy to no tee the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly -CAPITAL PRIZK, 75 000-6 Ttckata onlj S3. Sbares lar Proportion ' We do hereby certify that tee supervise the arrangements f or all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of the Louisiana Mate Lottery Oomparry, -and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness and good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our signature attached, in its advertisements," Mim St.t) Lsttery C::;:.j, rommiitlonen. Incorporated in 1363 for twenty-five years by the Legislate re, for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of fl.OOO.OOO to which a reserve fund of overfooO.OOO bas sine ben added. . By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present Stat Constitution, adopted December 2, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and en dorsed by the peiple of any Stale. It never scales or postpones. lis Grand Mnglc 'umber Draw ing take placo uionthlv. A SP!,ENDID OPPOSIUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. fcsECO -ID OKAND DP. AW-INU.-CLASS C, AT NEW ORLEANS, HTKSPAy, March 1 3,1883--154 h month ly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. ICO.003 Ticket at Five Iolltrs Each i i-Hctlons tn Fiih, Jn proporlloo. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PHI2iE 575,000 1 do do 25,000 1 do do 10,0M) 2 1JRIZE OF$t(00 1-2,000 & oo -zm 10,000 10 do . 100') 10,000 20 do !j0.Q lo.ooe Uto do 2oo ao.coc aoo do ' loo so.eoo ol)0 do 60 25,000 10 K) do 25 25,0W APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approx'n Prizes of.......750 6,750 do do 500 4.500 9 do def . -1M 2,250 1.9o7 Prizes, amoutitiiisr tn fm Amplication for ralAsi tn nluUa olinniri be made oniy to the office of the Compauy in New Orleans. tr furtber inform Atioti writa (iUofW. givirg full ad4rs. Send orders by Ex- Df"1. RlfflBtord Letter or Urinnv Orrlar tddre)J ouly to . ' . A. IlALrHIN, Xew Orleans La.. r M A. DAUPHIN. 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. N. ft Tn tfiA ftT trirH irt a ri7 am i A n. nuul Drawincr of next June the (,'anitai Prize wili be f 150,0 j0. One Fool Among Many. Wrecked by b!s Untmpered Ambttljn aLigh'. Hou-ie on the Shoals. "1 ought to have stopped five years be fore I Oid, but I thought it wouldn't amcutt to anyLbing; so I kept on. I was a tool; of (xuisy but who isn't, when am bition and th chance of making rxione' gLiir him on? I only hope 1 hall gst weil eumgli to ditrsst another square moat some time without a rebellion in my stomach " The uptake was one of the best krowu c'vil engineers and nrinj? experts in this country ; hardy by nature xs a buffalo, bn; broken nowu uy bar.' study Bud tbe inr ilts-t la liin; administered to bis mind and b i.. by bis own band during t"e war y pi-.r ot hi career. At lil'y lie is r'iiature! y gray. bnt in forui .stn I did piri'ed. D spiipsitrid it DyspetN-ia, ilia aelf-:nilicied curst' of tbe Atuericau in every department of toil. '"1 am thirtv-Ave yearn olu," writes Mr. hiries U. "JVttis, of VS'eat homers. Put-na'-: Co., New YorK., aud bai nutlered lro;n D.ytp'phia tor rillfon ea-s. Tried evijtylliiitj;. At U.st gav;e Parker's (linger Tonic a chiuce to show what it. coil d do for me It proved its ability !y curing me. 1 recoiuinoi'd it to a'l.who are surfer lnKfrmtbis iiei lf'ii (iiiease Mr. C. It. Cuje, d tigtihr.if Ci-rmel, N. Y., rtni lien to theiru h t Mr. Wails' statiueiit. Ulocin.detipoiidtiv'y, bopelessue-s, dis gust With ail labor, horrid dreams to ren der Led' time lika the hour of executun to a criminal tliee are some of Dyspep.ia'a foot prints. Tbe Dyspeptic dowh what Oderidge meant when be said: "Night ia my bell." Parker's Ginger Tonic Cures uyepepsia, purines the blood, disperses Rheumatism and all chronic ailments. Prloea, 60 cents and f 1 a battle. Hiioox & Co,. Ntw York. OUR WORK SHOP Is Completa and we are Pre pared to do THE BEST WORK PLUMBTNC, STKAM AND OAS KITH NO, Pl'MPH. HATH TUBS.CIIANDELIERS, Ac. WM ill Mi M til SMOKE 8TACKS, VENT1LATOK3, c. 11ANUKS. FURNACES, AND BOILERS, Furnished and set. STREET AND HOUSE LAMPS made and estimates furniabed. We have recently built and fur nished one oi the largest and most com plete work-shops in this State, and have secured competent and experienced work men in encb department. We are pre pared and shall be pleased to receive orders raid sti mates for work in and out the city. J. C. UUEW STER dt CO., Ralegh. IV C PO MERCHANTS. LAWYERS, L A.MUJsl.ES!sHIE.. When your Iron Safe gets out of fix write to T. F. Brookwell, Locksmith, Raleigh, N. C, who makes a specialty ol repairing Safes. Old style Safes changed to combi nation. I use the sime kind of lock that is used by all banks and counting houses They are the standard locks, anr I guar antee them to be absolutely BTJRGuAR ritual1, owners or oia style sates are lequested to write for circulars pertaining to Safes and Sale-Locks, feb 17-d-eod 2w Til OS. II. B ATTLE, Attorney at Law, TARBORO, N. C. Office next to Phillips fe Staton's Law Office. Will practice in the Federal and State Courts. Relors, by express perairssion. to Judge Kfiiflin, of the Supreme Court; Citizens National Bank of Raleigh; Battle. Bnnn A Co., Norfolk ; Jno. Arrington & Sons, Petersburg. dec 24 d3mwlin. A PERFECT T BEAUTIFUL, SAFE, and RELIABLE. Tho grtnt success achierod by the RED ?' OIL, made by the ltl) "C" OIL Manufac turing Co., of fealtimorc, bus induced imitations. GET THE GENUINE. It is made of th e best selectcdcrude petroleum for familynise. 1 1 has never been k nown to cause an accident, and hence can 1 entrusted to tho use of any member of tho household. , It burns with a pure white and brilliant flame. " I)ocs not trooka nor crust the wick.' Has no bad odor. Can be used in any Kerosene Lamp. Ask your storekeeper for it, and see that he get3 it urf.-.iiiv;f .Tti.I Infalll- tn -.., Hi.ili'ptla r-t-i,,, ,.i,vui- Sltillji, ;.t Y.-.m larf.. Alcoholism, '.iimini .at in (r. SiTi.airrlicpa, M nunal v. nakneit. lm poti'iwy.RvHliiliK, Her'' Jllaand all Vrv-Uy and HiiKxt DlM-aws. To Tier fryien, Lnjpn, Liter ary Mi ;. Merchanls, Banker., Indies and all whoe t-i?U nuiry erri plojment ranm Nry Pruetmtjon, Instil, larili.s of tbs Dluod, toma.h. bonds or KiJnejrs, or who re quire a DPrlre tonic, p rti7er nr Mininlnnt, Sam rttah .nlkvinb Is UtvnlUhbk Thou.. ands prtx-laim tt the most wonderful Invlg. orant th.-t r rustaln i tllr Kinkini. iv.tum For p;iit? bv all Drircl toe ds. e- a. Ru nvosa mfi:cai, co., foiv Proprietor.. "... Joi-ph. lla, Ci. t. ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of tho Drug by which it Injurious bftr'tA aro removed, while thf valuahlo moJicintil prorortieanro rttainec' It poss'tsfics all tho sedative, ano&me, anc antispitsmodio powers of Opium, but pro due3 no ci'-kneM of tho Htoma,h, no 'om itintr, no cost ivfness.no headache. Jn acitf nervous dwordersit in nn invaluable rem edy, and la recommended by tho best Thy Bician. E. FERRETT, Agent, 373 Pearl St., New York. to tm AH fbteul-j Tr. 'o u )i:r timi, txcmei or otbr enM tie Wk. uar.rl. 1 w ,ir:tM, t.hjrti;ll drin4. and iubil c psWstosrm IrfS Iutit i-f-nrty. cn crrtAlal' an4 prv ncntty cjrr.1, Rruim -fc mt rii,iue. Kn-lorted bj doctor, ufnuierf fcn1 n r , r. The MtMrat w-tkly : ThW phLnofu-rriur.z N, rrot !!!!! v. Ph valcal liwaT, fet DteieM iaea ii-fi -tcfrui riL-.rnii.ni to run Ma i INI Hiu.004. ftnii ii:iv. riranlj, plmMBsU vimtiir, i..'-n!Ui'.if.i'i tr i(-'Q Free, MAJttSl-OV KF.Mr O V CO.. W. Utk Bt Hew Trfc LOUIS C. FKEY. HSNRY C. SNYDEB 100 LOUIS C. FREY& Co & 1 AThose wishing to make money ia a COTTON FUTURES can get full information and circu QQlars mailed free on application to COMMISSION BROKER, Kenncr Block. New Orleans, La. jan li, dAw2ua. K AlSO 01) Speedily mtorrd by the n- I'faHwe Treat meat, which eirclnUy cure Nmoul tXOll Ity, Mt ririliLy, 1'rfmatam lecaT, sll trouble siising from over-work snd rxecsaes. Sample of Vlllne msiled free, ettledl.bj ad reilu Ir. Whlltler. 174 Eace SU. Ciociabatl. 1 ORE AND AFTER Electric ApDliances are ent os 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNQ OR OLD, TTriiO are nulTerltiif from Kebvofs Pebit-ITY, V LT Vitaott, Laci or Nerve Fobi e " Tiuoe W isTi.vo VV'KAEKESsEa. and all those-disoast a of a 1'kmonal Natcks resulUnff from ABUSta and Other fusES. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of ilKAi.TH.VMoa and Manhood Of aranteed. The sranilCNt li-oTerr of the Nineteenth Century. fcud at once for lUiwlralani PamnJet free. Addreas VBITAIS BUT CO., MAMHAU, MICH. . Free! Cards and Chromes. We will send by uiiil a sample of our larjje German, Frencnami Atni'r f.Hii t'bro u:o t'ards, om tinifd s:id 'M giouids, with a pr.ee list of over 200 diileres t de aigns, on receipt of a stamp lor postage. We will also seud free by mail as Baiflple, ten of our beautiful Obromos, on receipt of a stamp lor poatage. We w 11 also bend free by mail a sample, tea of our beauti ful chromoB, on receipt of ten cents to pay for packing and postage; also enclose a confidential price list of on.' large oil chromos. Agents wanted. Address F. Gljason dt Co., 46 Summer Street, Bos ton. Maaa. ' v L18H A CL1 II a, f DR. 0 . FOR RENT OR SALE. Sale ef Valuable ( it j Property. teSSMMai BY virtna of a judgment of the Superi or Court of Wane county, rendered at the February term, 188?, thereof, in the civil action entitled W. W. Vass vs. W. H. Arrington and wife, I will on MONDAY, tbe 5 tli dav of March next, sell for cash at tbe court fiouse door in Raleigh,. Jhe lot of land in said city, lving at the corner of North street and the LouU'iurg road. The lot contain one-half of one acre, aud there are on It substantial buil ling. Persons denirinir urh"er inf'o.mation will please apply io Mj. W. W. Vas orio myseif. Join x UA : LING, jan 18-dt.l. Tuistf-e aad 'I'mmissioner. LAND FOB SALE. Wo tier for sale privately 105 acres of land, in Wake county, near the village of Asbury, conveyed to Margaret Murray b James E. Allen and wife: adjoining the lands ot John Ireland, Weslev Jones and Others. BATTLE MORDBCAI, feb 9 d 5-w Attorneys. OR RENT In tbo nnrth9!n-n nart. nf iha nittr a convenient tour-room cottage. Two rooms in Kitchen. Excellent water on lot Good neigbbortiood. Possession iven immediately. Apply to W. B. PHILLIPS or M. T. LEACU. feb. l.-dtf. FIRST OF THE SEASON ! JUST RECEIVED AT ANDREWS & FERRALL'S NEW CROP CUBA. MOLA.SSE3, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES AND FINE SYRUPS. LATE OAUOHT MACKKREL IN KITS, ONE-HALF BARRELS AND BARRELS ' Genuine Boneless C'otlflsa. BONfe LESS SMOKED HERRINGS. Nortlierii Irlsli Potatoes. NEW YORK MARROW BEANS, PSAS AND CABBAGE. ALL GOODS FRESH AND OF BEST QUALIFY. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. The Henry J. Brown COFFIN HOUGE, BAL.B1GH, N. a DSALER IN ALL STYLES ANDI SIZES OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, Natalie, Cloth, Wsi-r.t, Poplar and Fine. 8U3IAL BODES for La4lei, Geatte- aea aia vmidreB. a Bpeeuutr, Vf III daUver any or Che above foods at; nr dpot la the "Ut fre of sharf.! rdrs by mail or t?J Israeli Dromntlv at- rrea to aay or sisns JOHH W. BKOWM, Arent. COKE FO K SALE AT TEN CENTS A BUSHEL. Apply at RALEIGH GAS LIGHT COMPANY. d-30d. ALDERMAN, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER, (Over Williams t Go's. Bcwkstore.) NO BETTER WORK IN THE STATES AT ALDERMAN'S GALLERY. Photographs, all styles and sizgs, taken. PIIO 1 0GRAPU FRAMES and otbo' turaisbings a specialty. Visiter to Raleigh, and others, are asked to exiiui! e iny work before giving orders. S. L. ALDERMAN. TfliT SBTrLHS IT. Broaglit Into Competition whh the World o Best Carrlos offlho llouurs. At the grat Cdntenuial Exbibition of 1876, the leading productions of all the branches of the world's industry were as sembled at Philadelphia. To carry off a priza in tha face of that tremendous oomf petition was a task of no ordinary diffi) culty Inventions nd preparations for the allawiaUon of pi:n au J tbe cure ef disease were present in tho greatest possible va riety! representing the skill and the proi-fouiulei- Rlody of the age, and it mv beolf vital inipcrtahce o you, personally, to know tliat the highest ana only medal given to rubber Porous plasters wa$ awarded to the manufacturer- of BR1N4 SONVs CAPCIXE POROUS PL AST E RL i y i-iiu Juii'.wiijg ury: - f;u WM. nolil, Kurgeon-Geueral Prusslau Army. 1 . u ' . i i t P J. U. THOMPSON, A. M., M. D., Washf ing'on, u. . V. B. WHITE. M. D., New Orleans. ERNST FLKIst:n. Mi T in.iri. Thedeclsiou was atterwards confirm ei by tbe modical jury at the last Paris Expo! siiion. Kiuui igihe value of such high an.i uat iasf d ..wumony, tbe medical pro4 fession, both io ;bo Uuited SUt-9 and lo Europe, q.tiukly threw aisjde the Old, alow acting pla leis they nad been using, and adopted Benson's in their j regular practiuei That i bysicians snd surgeons of the broade-it repu-ation did this, distinctly proves the intrinsic merit of the article. I it is no more than just to add that the average physician of to-day la not domi4 nated by ttio pr jud.oes which letarded tbe progress ttid in ditied thej hucoessea of his predecessor j oi not more tbau twenty-live jeais Bgo. He uccepes hin's from all quarters au ! oudo se and adoprs demon4 strated beaiin; i goats wh arever he finds tbein, j Therl'ln ol Benson's papcine Porous Planter to .:' at the head of all external applications whatsoever r the to i tier a tion or cu e ot dit ase, ii fio longer ques-j tioned. j Let the pr.r. -baser, however, be on his guard a;,-airst imitations 'Jhe genuine Ix s t he w rd v PC I N K cut in the midd lei Se.'bury and Johnvon, iChemists, New Y-rlc. I CURE FITS! When 1 say care 1 do aoi mean merely to atop thci 1 1 a time sad then have them return again, I mean a roll cal cure. I have made the disease of FITS, KHII.EP.-V or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant i , , remedy to rare the worst eases. Because others lis failed Is do reason for not now receiving a cure, fie. -a . -nee for a treatise auil a Free Dottle of my Infailil u remedy. Olve Kxprens and Tost Office. It coeta j .a authiiis: for a trial, and 1 will cura joe. '. v - Address lr. 1L O. KOOT, IU Peart St , Uw Vork hi C WEAN YOU. HI H Want pood, energetic aenuevary- tf wuere to sen our ietoriml IkS fanUuHiblK. Tbe best In the world. W)0 Illustrations, 1600 pp.. fcandsome bindings, and many Taloable features found In no other Bible. Kells at sight. Also atldpath's History of tbe TJ. 8.. complete with tbe present admiuiat ktlon. If you want to roafca fjioney send for If .lot, circulars, etc Adissl iiuu MTOtnim, on.! u cuaiun.q( sSUnlPTIOfi I linvo a poalUvereeuMly fur ibe above disease; by it -a ihooaanda of eases or Ibe worst klad as i of tort jiidlns; have bees eared, indeed, so strons; Is mi fU tlx its emenry, that I wlU send TWO BOTTLU fUEn, to (etber attb a VaUTABLS TKKAT1SB ea this Laae,U fttflurer. tjl s and f . O. addreaa. 7 : , alit, X, A, t-H " . - r4K.eklfwrerlv If you want to select your Clothing from the LARGEST AND FINES! STOCK to be found in this vicinity and where Prices are marked in plain Figures AT THE MEREST ADVANCE; OVER MANUFACTURING COST CALL ON . BERWANGER BROTHERS, CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF GENTS' HOSIERY, SILK AND HEM-STITCHED TiTXE HANDKERCHIFS, BERWANGER BROS. r-:0: The Hellman & Herman's ELECTRIC BYCICLE SHIRT FOR SALE AT BERWANGER BROS. HATS! HATS! HATS! NOBBY AND CORRECT STYLES FOR THE SPRING OF '83 "l JUST RECEIVED AT BERWANGER BROS. OUR COMBINED BUSINESS Awards. B ron?atoa S; Co. , RALEIGH. N. C. PRINTERS, BINDERS AND Blank BooK MMmi THE LAEGE3T AND MOST COMPLETE IU TH ESTATE. All kinds of Printing -AND- Binding, QUICK WORK. LOW PRICES. Address: Ed ward 1, Brougliton . Co., BALEIGH, N. C. The only combined printing house, Bookbindery and Book Rtore in Raleieh. lDO NOT FAIL TO GET OUR PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING.- ALL RIGHT". teLBi IN Hardware of Every Description. 1 ASH, DOORS, BUNDS, LIME, CEMENT, RUBBER & LEATHER BELT. KG, &C. .jLariEt stock in 8TOUE i nun BciLDijta- ! RALEIGH, N. O. S. AGENTS .SiSja,,, fWANTEJOl CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE-STOCRf Aad fjomnlete STOCK DOCTOR! iLS. Embracing Horssa, Cattla, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Bees i armvr. ami ut. a. a. Baker, tbe dutlnsnianea Ve lo to stock of Farm both in Health and Disease. published. Contains 1166 Imnerial ortaTODSBM:t abiished. Oontainsll66 Imperial ortaTo pains ;twsebarts for telling bsm of Horses and Cuttle; 73U F.0frra Inirs and 6 colored plates. ll.SOO sold in 90 dnys. Farmers clear SlOO a month. Art now. EsclnsiTB maiiory. Fo Cabodeatlal Tanas IccaiUrass H. D. THOMPSON & CO- I'ub-. 6th and Broadway, New York. TO THE For the convenience land the public generally have added to our regular business unsurpassed BOOK BINDING AND I With one of the LARGEST and In the State, with New and MODERN TIPE and most Improved Steam Presses, we BEST WORK AT .ii iMwnu in,, i ii iu is mam n i.. us sj And we solicit your ItBe sure to send for our prices for Binding, also for px-intingjj jNote and Letter Heads, Envelopes, A1W Will & Co., BooMere & Slaters, RALEIGH, N. C T. C. FULLER- OEO H. SNOW. pC LLE It & SNOW, Attorneys: A. ICourisellorsIatlLaw, Raliuh, N, C , OlHojot FavfrttcvI'le St., oppii?e Citi zen'.s N'itUonal Batik. Will practice iu all the Courts where thair ae. vio.s may bj required. rb2odim SEKl'-ATS. I.EDRU .Tt KOOF ind VlNIKtt OAT9, very low by iuanlii, J t F.s V Pii Y Ii L, L.. gALESMbN WANTID. To sell noraery atock. Full line cf new and valuable apecialties. Permanent em ployment and good salary to successful Agents. Address, giving ago and referen ces, " The Geo. A. Stoao Nurserj Co., Bocawter, w, I. A Mil O 00116.. - - - I 4 1 J. . W. hmitl & Co., RALEIGH, N. O. Booksellers & Stationers SCHOOL, COLLEGE, LAW, RELIGIOUS AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, Anything wanted from a first-class BOOK STOR E. Address: ,J. W D C MA RK &, CO. Ralclh, C. cS3 CO., XNortn Carolina. Wa"on Works). AKDITr 1KJLT. aad Does. Br Hon. J. Periam, Editor in chwJ -Jfnurie Covers TrT sahiect Dertsin- Nnthinff Hire It. Kaoomoetitino. CheflDeat book PUBLIC. of our friends customers throughout the State we PRINTING FACILITIES, i MOST COMPLETE BINDERIES propose to do only . LOWEST PRICES. am m itVEffFsstT! kwmmWmmimMm vbp.'. flMIP Orders on this IBasis. School Catalogues, Reports, &c. Nervous Debility i TKK liirAHAKTSE . . V?. 1. WEST'S ASi? is 1 T'-s.tmkt, spsoilc foi lirstsri t- ,. ConmltioBa, Ntrroas IlMdaeas : t- . : Depression, Low of Itsnory, 8pma i -'net., ivpctsnoy, Iavoloatary EminsitO '.- nttnr Old eansstlby avsr-szertiQa, . -i ba, or OTer-inJalgsnos, hlca leads tfl x.xhj, dac and death. Oas box will ears .-o.-' ii.' efe Eaea box sontaias tas moaths mant. Ons dollar a box, n six boxss for 1 ft dollars, tsnt by mail prepaid oa rsosipt of ir.es. Wi faaraates ax boxes to ears aay ou, With saca ordsr raosiTsd by as far six ozm, aooompaaiad with Its dollars, wa will vid the porehasar sar writtsa gaaraatea fct Jinn the nonsj If iht tmtmaat iot act a0 act t curs. Oniranteet iansd by Wis. SIhLPBON, Dnifist, Ealslfh, . O..Whl sal aad ftstali Aftat. Ordan by u wU2 raoalvt ranat sxtaatto B koars Negotiated, BONDS, STOCKS, AND 1NVSTS1ENT tesuritea booight and sold. Every fa culty for transacting business ia Northern Markets. Real estate in any part of lha State bought and sold on oommisslontlarrs uuin uuiwsanii wcuw ausr(v euvuifl sireeu, naieign, jn. u. ec. 7-d&wtf.. .' . y I I -

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