Tim Kews and Oi3SEatmt THURSDAY JULY 8, 1884 PR 3D. A. OLDS, Cxtt KniTdm TMtw47i Weather. OB8IBVATIOK8 TAXES AT TUB STAXIOn HXKK. tJ. 8. SIGNAL TXMrrtATCBX. SUXStALL. i ' y Maximum. Minimum, I 87 71 .0 D. 8. Hroorss, Observer. To-Day. Middle Atlantic States, fair weather, n receded in the extreme southern portion bv local showers, southwest to northwest winas. sniruuv comer in iuc uuruiua por tion, stationary temperature in the south ern portion and higher barometer. South Atlantic States, local showers and partly cloudy weather, southwest to northwest winds with stationary temperature. New AovcrUsemeaitsw St Mary's School. Rev. Bennett SmedeB, A. M. Greensboro Female College. -T. M. Jones. Oxford Female 8eminary. F. P. Hob good Liebert. Bottling establishment Observation. ; Mr. David L. Royster is seriously sick. , To-morrow is "the day we celebrate." The mercury climbed up pretty high yes4 terday. Of 1,012 convicts in North Carolina, 894. are negroes. 'I Miss Mary Lyon.of Whltaker's, is visiting Miss Maggie Merrimon. The North Carolina headquarters at Chicago will be.room No. 20, Palmer house.; This- afternoon at 4.80 there will be a match game of baseball between the Swif t-l foot and Atheletic clubs. Mr. Alonzo Corbell, for years an invalid is dangerously sick, at Lis home, 116 West Morgan street. The conference meeting of the First Baptist church will be held this evening, instead of to-morrow evening. Very particular attention is directed to that admirable school, Greensboro female college. See the advertisement. Ihe mayor yesterday tried two negrO men for drunkenness and disorderly coni dncL They were required to pay 5 each The Humpty Dumpty and Lone . Star baseball clubs played a match game yester day, the former winning by a score of 17 to 15. . I The delegates to Chicago leave for Waah ington, D. C, to-day, and will meet there to-morrow mornicg at 10 o'clock, at the Metropolitan hotel. :. The committee of arrangements for the celebration of the fourth of July will meek at the store of Mr. J. C. 8. Lumaden thL afternoon at 6 o'clock. - i A liberal use of lemons and lemonade this sort of weather has the best effect upon' debilitated people. Equal parts Of 'lemon juice and water, without sugar, are the best proportions. j. ; . . The fourth term of Franklin; Macon county, normal school will begin on the 60th day of June and continue four weeks. Qapt. John E. Dugger, of Rocky Mount, N. C, is the principal. j .,; A private letter received yesterday stated that owing to sickness in his family Col. V Paul F. Faison could not go to Chicago. Bis alternate, Mr. T. M. Arrington, will attend the national convention, j Mr. Henry .Briggs promises to win quite a reputation as an amateur gardener. Yes . - terday he exhibited a cabbage, very hard as to head and very large as to size, fit weighed no leu than 13 pounds, j The Goldsboro "Messenger' says : Mr. I. F. Dortch, who was confined to his bed by sickness last week, was able to leave for Raleigh on Saturday, where we hope he will speedily recover his strength. ij R. B. Andrews fc Co. are making exten sive reductions 1 a prices on their immense 1 stock of clothing and hats now that the nub of spring trade is over. Their stock is new and of the latest styles, and they of fer bargains to reduce the stock for the fall trade, j" ' i Rev. Dr v atkins of the First Presoy-. terian church, has notified the! chairman of the committee of arrangements that re - llgious services will be held in that church . at 7 o'clock a. m., on the 4th Inst-, as re quested and in conformity to .the pro gramme, all denominations and the public being invited. j j Mr. Ed. Barbee leaves to-day for Chi cago. To-morrow Messrs. Ed. ; A. Jones and G. JL Leach take their departure for the same place. After seeing the conven tion they will -go to New York and eastern summer resorts, spending several weeks in ! that pleasant way. j , , Says the Goldsboro "Messenger;" "The I N orth Carolina State exposition has had; en graved and given to the public a fine pic ture of the main building to be used this fall. It is well planned and will be doubt - less well filled, and our heart swells with State pride at the thought of what North Carolina can show to the world" The floods on Terrible creek Monday were indeed terrible. They washed away John L. Johnson's mill, destroying the dam and buildings. The mill was broken to bits and the fragments scattered down S the stream . for miles. He lost fifty acres of corn and oats. The abutments of several bridges were washed away. ' The Wilmington "Review" says : "The new banner for the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of North Carolina has been received, and is on exhibition. It is 43 inches long by 83 inches wide, is bor dered with heavy bullion and gold tassels, and Is a beautiful and appropriate piece of workmanship. It is adorned with the North Can i ina coat-of-arms besides, the Usual symbols of masonry, and cost $100." The people of Fayetteville propose -to celebrate the fourth of July in grand Style. The programme is an amusing one. It; runs as follows : "The people along -the line of the Cape Fear A Yadkin Valfc rauVsy, and all the inhabitants of the country sur rounding r ayeiteviue, are corauuiy invited to come to town on the glorious fourth and participate in the festivities incident to the 'day we celebrate.' A grand pyrotechnic display fireworks by da v as well as by night speech-making, glvriftcation and! fraternal good fellowship, ill mingled and blended with pic-nic lemonade and other! refreshments, will be among the enjoyable! features of the occasion, la short we pro-i pose to 'make a day of. lt open the big blade, tie loose the animals, tear up ;the earth and buckle in for fun. Come, all ye friends and . neighbors, on the ti ain! by boat, in carriages, walking and crawl ing if you can't-get here otherwise. He who fails to put in an appearance will go through life regretting a lost opportunity. Fill the old town and its suburbs to over flowing, then climb upon the roof-tops, make yourselves perfectly comfortable andj help yourselves to any and everything you see. If you don't see what you want, ask for it. Remember, we are expecting and will be looking for you, each andi every one of you, and every man, woman and child who disappoints us by not coming rui ionnwiiu ana lmmeaiateiy oe spot lei henceforth and forever. Bone on hand to receive a royal welcome." Personalis. boro f 'Record' and president of the IState 1'reM Association, was in town yesterday, i Geo. M. P. Taylor, of Wilmington, with his eldest son is here for a stay of a few Leeltire. Mrl J. N. IofiTam has been encaged to delirer at the RaleiglkLiterary and Debat- ins society's hall in this city, MondaT eve- mnirjnext, a lecture giving an account of the strange scenes in far away Australia, that Country of which we know so little. As an artist ani writer on a Sydney picto rial paper he voyaged around the Southern .3 4 .J 1 J A AAA II- A l CUQUUCUl, 1U UBTCiCU UlXico tUTOUgn the Australian interior, lie will nave many wierd things to tell about the new land that world "incognito" in the great Pacific and we trust that he will be greeted bv a lare audience. i Back Irons Wayneevllle Mi. E. G. Harrcll yesterday returned frorn Waynesville. He left there Tue3day moriiing, being one of a party of sixty, and theyj came as far as Pigeon Ilivcr, sixteen miles, in hacks. There was a monster land slide at Pigeon : About an acre of land slid right on to the railroad It was said that a negro's cabin, was on the land and that! he never stopped hoeing his corn. The slide will put the railroad people to much trouble, but of course they will soon over come the difficulty as they have so many others. Mr. HarreU wears a watch charm, which is plain proof that his services in connection with the teachers' assembly are properly appreciated. It is of gold, with ornamentation of oxydized gold, and bears R U 11 tc the following inscription : "is. U. aarrcii, Chautauqua, '1884, from Pittsboro Scotland Neck Ladies." and Oxford leaiahi Mctulnairr We iavite the attention of our readers to the advertisement of this thorough and flourishing institution, to be found in an othjer column. It is located at Oxford, the beautiful and rapidly growing capital of Granville county, in a healthful hill coun try! of the State. Its friends and patrons claim that no female school in the State is doing more thorough work. The presi dent, F. P. Hobgpod, A. M., was educated sinbe the war, when the new and unproved methods of teaching had been introduced, and he is thus fully abreast of the times. Not all new, but all improved methods are adopted by him, and he has done as much as any other man in the State to advance the Btandardjof female education, and we are! pleased to learn that he is now reaping the fruits of his toil. The school is in a vty prosperous condition, and every ses sion its number of students increases. We heartily commend the school. aw 1a.ry'a Scbool. The June number of St. Mary's "Muse" is one of marked merit The essays by the graduating class constitute one of its most nleaainz features. There is a finish and grace aDOUl inem wmcn wui attract atten tion. The other original contributions are all of merit. The editorials and chat about the school are, interesting, and show how constant is the progress of this tne educa tional institution. Miss Susan Isabel Graves, the youngest member of the gradu ating ass, received a percentage of 93.4 on a ! possible 100 points. She won special hjnor by her paper on spherical trigonom etry and mathematical astronomy, which was subsaitted to the professor filling that chair in the New York University, the mark being 95 on a maximum of 100. The report of the offertory shows that during the session the contributions of St. Mary's chapel were f860.92. Of this f 60.50 was for the poor of Raleigh; f98 to St. John's hospital; to Rockingham cyclone sufferers 25; to Aldert Sinedes scholarship in China 40- I " .. i Elsewhere appears the announcement of the Advent term of the school, which begins September 11th. WaJta aptr Court. j Court met yesterday morning at 9 30 o'clock, bis honor judge A. C Avery pre siding. The following business was trans acted: " j State vs. Caroline Durham; foinication and adultery; dismissed for want of juris diction, i I State vs. Otho Crabtree and D. C. Man gum; affray; verdict guilty; judgment sus pended; defendants to pay costs, i State vs. Walter Thompson and Henry Hill; . affray; guilt) ; three months in jail and costs. Sttate vs. Sidney Green and Geo. Dunn; affray; plead guilty; judgment suspended; defendants to pay costs. ' ! State vs. Wm. Tharp; forcible trespass; verdict guilty; judgment suspended; defen dant to par casta. j State vs. Richard Jeffreys; affray; plead euilty: fined Sio and costs. The grand jury took a recess until Mon day next. . State vs. Wm. Smith, Albert Hinton an Walter Perry; affray; jury hung. i Court took a recess until this morning al 9.30 o'clock. Accident. i Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock ithe shiltiiiK enelne of the R. & G. R. R was pushing Several cars loaded with lum ber, it backed down the track so as to gel a better headway for the . up-grade. Thi switch bad been adjusted for the throug line, so the engine went right off the rail! and turned over into the ditch on the noi side, lhe track was broken up an twisted bo that trains on the through lint ; were blocked. Engineer Caleb Coley wi j slightly bruised, his injuries not being coi I sldereu at all serious. The accident curred all in a moment and he was caughl : in iuc engine as it went over, xue engini was damaged and will require repaii JSnglneer uoiey was taken to bis borne once. A large force o wreckers went t the scene. They found it necessary construct a track around the place, and temporary one was soon built. The throuz freight train On the R. & A. road was de tained at the break for three hours. That' on the N.U.K.K. was detained only a fe' minutes Dy tne oDstrucuons, wnicn were removed. The trains on the Raleigh Augusta roaa availed themselves of tne temporary track: and 4the train at 8 for Hamlet was not delayed. To-day the track, Ac , will all be put in proper ordei as berore. MmI(b. Having been employed as teacher in public schools of Raleigh lor six years, tie re by return my sincere thauks to school committee of Raleigh township fp the kindness shown me by them. Respectfully, F. H. Wans. Ralkioh, V. C., July 2, 1884. AllenMau, i'lr.aaeia ! Ihe members of the Fire Departmi will report in full uniform with apparat at the eapltol gate on Fayettevllle street, at 6.30 o'c'ock p. m. sharp on Friday, July 4th, 1884. Companies will form as thfcir bsdjres number, the Hook and Ladder in front at the Btate arsenal building. By Drder bf T. W. Blasts, Chief Engineer. 11. ti. RoitSKTS, becretary. "Evening Visitor" copy. 'ilteaqalte) Canopies On adjustable toiding frames to nt any bed or child s crib; frames, nets, cords, pul leys or tassels lurmshed separately, cano pies delivered and put up in any part of the city, to work easily and nicely, without (ex tra cbarge; prices low down, Fred Watson, manufacturer of window shades, picture frame, &c. tended to. Orders promptly t 02 for the Summer flannels. TaoBotuunnED cattle. Waai Ualoiah lnuubip Doing la i M reed I UK toeui. A few years ago there were but few thomughbied cattle here. Perhaps the number might easily have been counted upon one's fingers. But In this respect, as in BO many others, we have progressed, and now thercare some fine herds, which at tract attention, not only in this section; but all over the State. It is safe to say that there arc to-day more thoroughbred, regis tered cattle in Raleigh township than in any; cntiie county in the State. Some herds of' such cattle have become specially noted. It is a plain proof of : the progress we are makinz. The investment, considered as an investment, is a good one. Jersey calves setl readUy at from $100 to $200, and sev eral dozens have been shipped hence to va riMs points in the State. The owners of thfe cattle devote time and care to keeping thjem in good condition. All are carefully stabled and thoroughly curried and washed. Jerseys require considerable care the first ason here. Mr. W. G. Upchurch has a very fine herd of ; registered cattle. These are at his amaatte farm four miles from the city. eihas ample stable accommodations. His cS Ule look exceptionally well, ana upon a orough examination of his herd we failed find a cow or heifer which was not in tit top condition. Some are beauties. 1 jere are three Jerseys from the island of fscy. As was noted some weeks ago, ce were specially purchased by Mr. Up- urch the past spring, at the tlaraness si le, near Philadelphia, The three cattle e all beauties quite as pretty as a pic- a re. Their big, soft eyes, their sleek coats, e rich yellow of their skin, their small, lerfectly-shaped heads and delicate horns, U go to make up a picture such as acngtiis e eye of the lover of nne cattle, these . i , . . t- l- . : . - iponcu jerseys cost air. upcuurcu quite iuandsomc sum, but they will repay the vestment in inony ways. Ho keeps them a long, open stable, covered witn pine ftfaw, to keep off the hot sun. hrough the stables runs a rapid, lear and cool branch. The situation is ust right for these cattle, which come bm an island where moisture' and cool- ess always exist to a remarkable degree. very nne bull, a tnorougbbred Jersey, is ne of the ornaments of Mr. Upchurch's erd. He cost a fancy figure, and is an an- mal which traces descent to some of the nest stock on either side of the water. Mr. William Grimes is the largest stock- wncr hereabouts and has two distinct erds, one of Devon, the other of Jerseys. e herd of Devon cattle is the only one In e State. The cattle are in color a rich red wimm bwa la... fMmiiH a rt il Mtha lnnfr in the legs, with wide branching horns, and par ticularly fine eyes. The Devons are kept at the Oregon farm, the Jerseys at Spring Hill farm. These two farms are barely half a mile apart. Mr. Grimes tie. votes much attention to . his stock, and Mr. Willie Grimes, his son, remains all the time at the farm. The herd of Devon cattle is eleven in number. A mag nificent bull, "John CGroat," waa pur chased last fall from Mr. C. F. Lowe, Lex. ington, N. C, and is said to be six years bio. Owing to an unfortunate neglect of Mr. Lowe he was never registered, though entitled to registration. The other cattle : in this herd and their registered numbers I are : Alamance, No. 2,512, born May 80th, 1882, bred by L.! B. Holt, Graham; sire Puritan Lad, he by Cole's Puritan, dam Helen 5th, out of Butterfield 3d. ' Moun taineer, 2.675, calved August 18th, 1883. Oregon, 2,676, August 80tb, 1883. Prince Albert, May 24th, 1884. (Not yet num bered.) Winona, ! September 27th, 1881. Queen 3d, December 8th, 1881. Princess, Little Goldie. Butter Girl. Belle Rover, Rosa Lee. There are twenty-seven head of Jersey cattle. The bull, Vein of Gold, 4,681, born December 10th, 1878, is the finest specimen of these, and is in truth worth going to see. The other cattle in this herd are Sylph bf Deerfoot, 3,610; Jessamine 5th, 3.291; KaatskiU, 12,502; Edith of Oregon, 21,562; Mildred of Oregon, 21,561; New Year, 121,563; Uuke of Oregon, 10,532; Placide, Lula, Flora, Fancy, Florence, Beauty, Laura. Daisy. Atrnes. Augusta. Ruth, Sir ! Walter Raleigh, i American Star, Purie, Providence, Billy, Golden Rosabelle, and Seymour. Some of the last named have not yet been registered. Sir Walter Ral eigh is the finest of the young bulls. Mr. Grimes has at hid Spring Hill farm a num ber of grade cattle, there being ou head or these. The total number of all his cattle is 97. He as a rule has two sales a year, selling some of both Jerseys and grades. Maj. R. 8. Tucker is a well-known fan cier of thoroughbreds and his herd of Jerseys is well-known. He has won many Erizes at the fairs. The cattle are all pure red and were bought of Enoch Pratt, the Baltimore milinalre, so famous as a stock breeder. We will give notes of his thor oughbreds in another article. Whereas an overruling Providence has removed from earth our late friend and brother, "William E. Weaver, a member of Manteo Lodge, No. 8, 1. O. O. F., since Au gust 20, 1876, Who died June 19, 1884; therefore ! Resolved, That while we bow in humblfe submission to the judgment of our heavenly Father, yet we cannot refrain from express ing our keen se3e of sorrow at the death of our estsemed brother, who was cut down in the strength of early manhood at what seemed to us the beginning of a long and useful life. Resolved, That we will cherish the mem ory of the many virtues that adorned his character and made him what he always was, an upright, honorable man, and a faithful, zealous and consistent Odd Fellow. Resolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved. That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the family of the deceased, and a copy be furnished the city press for publication. C. M. BrsBW, T. W. Blakx, M. H. Brows, Committee. Tbe fourth of July. Cor. of THja News and Obbkbvxb. As one of the old citizens I am glad to 'see that the committee of arrangements for eelsbrating 'the lyurth have revived I -the old, and to me appropriate oustom of having religions services at the com meneement of the day we celebrate as oar national birthday. F fry years ago I saw the old church filled with mem ben of every congregation in town, and all the ministers in town around the pulpit taking part in the service, returning thanks to the Giver of all good for the great blebsitgs! we as a people etjoy, and asking. His guidance and bWing in the future Surely nothing can be more ap propriate than that ail Christians shonld unite in common thanks f cr the ' past and united supplications for the future. Let our ministers and people unite on Friday morninsr : in a short eervioe of praise and thanksgiving. Old Citizkh. Otky tbi Bakbib has removed from his old ahon. Noi 313 Favetteville street, to No. 317i. next door Above the office of the Yarboro house. He desires a continuance of the verv liberal Datronaee of the public, In a few weeks he will have one of the finest shops in the Btate, in the extension the Yarbotoi Good work, comfortable chairs.pollte and prompt attendance, d 1-w. GANGERS 'a? tl At V It AMD VLOEtl I T.raa Jf new and Wonderfully acoesafal t- method, wlnotit the kalis or lew or blood 1 Vastly superior of cases cured. Address ' to sll other methods I Hundreds Write for descriptive pampbiet. , UK. K. B. OKBitHJE, ; lift reacntree Btreec - Auuiwt, wa. "1 Have Soffered 1" With every disease imaginable for the last three years Our Druggist, T. J Anderson,' recommend ing "Hop Bitter" to rue I used two bottle ! Am entirely curod, and heartily recom mend Hep Bitters to every one. J. D. Walker, Buckner, Mo. I write this as a Token of the great appreciation I have of your Hop Bitters. I was b filleted ' With irfUmmatory rheumatism ! ! 1 For nearly deven years, and no medicine ee.nd to do me any Good 11! Until I triad two bottlea of your Hop Bitters, and to my surprUe 1 am aa well to-day as ever I was. J nope "You may have abundant success" 'In this great and'' valuable mraicine : J Anyone ! wish! g to know about mv cure. more Can 'earn bv addressing rte, E. M, Williams, 1103 16th street, Washington, D. V. i ! -I consider your kcuiedy the best, remedy in existence For lndig'stlon, kidney Complaint "And nervous debility. I have jaat" l!nlu:ned "From the south in a fruitless search for health, and find that your Bitters are doing me more 3ood! Than anything e'se ; A month ago I was xtremely " .Emaciated ! ! ! And croely lib) a to walk. Now 1 am Gaining strength! and "Flesh ! ' And hardly a day passe but wLat I am , complimented on my Improved appear ance, and itlialldueto Hop Bitters ! J. WicklifJe Jackson, Wilmington, Del. ar-None gen nine without a bunoh of green Hops on the white label. Bhun all the vile, poi onous stuff with ' Hop" er "Hops" in their name. ju24. V i!T-Tiet.-n NJTi' tTr .!M:l. Wii.mi!!toi . July 2 -nrrtN ; tur pentine firiu at 'Zl. K'i 3rm; strained 7ic. and irood stralne . $1,024. 1 r ft m t tl.35: Crude turpentine steady at 91.00 tor hard, $1.85 tor yellow die- -i!'1 -irvM FOl.OtD IN 1843 St .Vlary'ts School, The Riv BENNETT SME E3.A.M., SECTOR AVD PRINCIPAL, j. ftA Corps of Fourteen Efficient In structors. 1 h orough teaching guaranteed. French taught by a native; German by an American dueated in Germany. Latin a requl lve for a fall Diploma. ret atten tion is paid to Mathematics and Conor oai tios. ELOCUTION A SPECIALTY. On of the best equipped schools of Music in the South. i Separate buildings; five teachers -one from the Htuttgart, on from the Lei pale Conservatory: a fine Vocalist; Bixtex n Pianoa for daily practice wo new Con cert Grands for oonocrt use, a Cabinet Or gan; a tine Pipe Organ, with two manuals and t eDtT stops, and the only Pedal Plan f outh of New York. THE ART DEPARTMENT j Under the charge of able and enlhuuiastlo artists. The Course comprises) Drawing in Pencil, Crayon and Charcoal; Painting in Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, arid Deco rating China in Miners la. i jsjrThe Physical Development ot the p jpils thoroughly cared for. The Eignty filth term egina September 11. 1884. Fi-r circulars containing full particulars, apply to the Beotor. juiy 3 fleo-iA w3mos. j LIEBEBT'4 T NEW B3TTLINOE3TABLIS WENT, WiLMinaTON St., BALBieH,N. C, -Mo. H5, Prairie Building. Glngerette, Foda, Raspberry and fiarsa parilla Bergner and Kegel's bottied beer a ptelalty. Oooda delivered in any part of the city. nly a-eodHU bntim Ft&ili College, S, C. ; The 57th session rf this well established and pro-porous Institution will begin on the ; 20th OF AUGUST, 1884.; Location accessible, healthful and pleas ant Faculty efficient and ; jalthruL Thorough work in all departmenta of Instruction. Board (exclusive of washing and lights), and Tuition In full English Cearae, per session of 20 weeks. 175.00. Charges for extra atudlea moderate. For catalogue apply to T. M. JONES, President. July Sd2m. Osford Female Seminary, OXFORD, N. C. s ; Attention In invited to the following advantages offered by this school : 1. To its' location which is unsurpassed for healthfulness. M 2. To Its complete arrangements fox pif serving aud improving the health of its pupils. 3. To Its thorough instruction and high standard of graduation. 4. TO ls rail and accomplished corps or teachers i 6. To its Music Department which is In charge of an eminent Jerman Professor. 8. To its constantly increasing patronage which is proof that the claims above set forth are true. ,7. To its moderate ohargea. Board, wltb full English Course, French and Calie- thenks.per term of 6 months from 980 to 85. jror catalogue containing mil particulars, apply to the President, july 8Hdeo5&w. F. P. HOBGOOD. We are dosing out the balance of on. Hammer Stock. DRESS GOODS: OUR BLACK aBl COLORED SILKS OUE BLACK AND COLORED SURAHS. orjB unxs or White Goods Laces and i Embroideries 1 are kept up and low; prices are - them, made on I of J We are selling at grea' ly rednced prioea complete line' of Table Linens, Tab e Cloths, Napkins, ojlie. Ac, Linen Sheetings, Pillow Linens, Towels, .Towel lngs, Crashes, 5 c. WASH DBES8 QCODS, TRENCH LAWNS, ' LINEN LAWNS, Ae. W. H. ft B. S. TUOKBB TCO J?1tVl7ZnH J"i 2.-Mon;y firmer at iMi.rfj" ha"SO-loig 4 81ia4 8 abort 4.8dia4.84. Uoverni uenta dull, btate Donds firm. n?)n ,firm: 9:5 bales; uplands rJl j, aV1-1!0- M5 18- Future, eaay; 7. !yK1I :-Aagut 1L325 September 1L07; October 10.76; November 10.60j December Flow dull Wheat i c hlaher. Oorn ialc lower. Pork dull it 16.?5. Lard firm at $7 47i. Spirits turpentine dull at SO. Jttoain dull at i v?i.. i ev;.,v,. nrai v - Baltimors, Jujp 2. Flour "dull and easy; Howard street and western 5Ur A2,763-87: 13 504.25: family S4.A5a5.60; city niilla super S3.00a3 60; extra 3.70a4.25; Bio brands I6.62a6.75. fVT utnern Pwer; western higher , upmana; southern red, i.w; uo. amqer fl.0)al.05; Mo. a w-?'r,n winter retl, apot 961a95; July fjsawt. worn - soiithern nominal in the uaence or recelpte; wter -ty but u.11; western mixed, spot, 65a56; A igust livkkpool July 212 K.-Cotton-busineaa good at h irdenioir rates, uplands 6i: Orleans 61; 12,000 bls; specu lation and exoort l.OOOj receipts S.10J, all American. Future stronz; unlanas. low middling clause, Jju'.y and August 6 19-64a " wm; August and beptember t5 20-4a6,21-646a-t(4; September and uetooer e l-4a6 19-tt4: October and No veuiber 6 6 64a6 7 bl; November and Do eeuiber 6 2-b4 3-64; I ec amber and Janu- ry o -o; September 6 23-64a6 22 64a o Li 04ai 21 M. T Z.'SM old docket. nders 1,700 new docket; 4 p. M.-Cotto4 Sales of American v,w, quoiatlosa oil American cotton hare all advanced 1-16; uplands 6 16; Orleans t 7 -lb; July 6 19 64j aellers. July and Au gust 6 1 64, sellels; August and beptem ber b 21-64, value; September and Octobei itf 64, vilue; October and November 6 7-64, buysra; November ani December 3 64. to lr; December , tnd Janu,r 6 2-64, buyers; September 6 23 64. buyers Futures quiet, 4 r m. Cotton uplands, low middling clause, July 6 18 gust 6 18-64, val value, Juiy and Au e; August and Keptem ber 6 2,-64. seilei feepiember and Octo- ber 6 18-64, buyer Octobarand November 6 3-64, buyers; vember and December 6 '4 M, value; December and January 6 1-64, buyers; ptember 6 'Zi 64, seliera. Futures closed si idj. iVXA.x-Jdc.e-t LoYox-tjJ'lfi;Xxt. haw York, July 2. Exchange 4.82 Money 2. Bub-treaury balanee s;oid U9,S48; enrreacy 19.831. Govera- ments higher; per ceuta 118J; 8 per cents 100 bid. Htete bonds quiet; Ge rgla 6's 100 bid; GeotgU 7 's, mortgage, 100 bid; North CarolinVS 28 bid; Nortli CaroUna'a new 17 bid; IVorth Can Una's funding 9. fern easee's 6's 37; Virginia 6's 40 bid; Virginia console- 41 bid; East Tennewee railroad Si; Lk 8hore 751: Louisville JtNhShviLe 25; Norfolk A western pre ferred 24; Richmond ft Allsghany 2; Richmond ft Dnvtlle34 bid; Richmond A West roint Terminal 134: Kock Island 107; fcU Paul 65 i; bt. Paul prelerred I04i; Texas Pkcstpo 8i, Uniou Pacific 3li; Western VixlSn 661. Ootn net rceipU bales, aross 1.668 balea. Futuree eloMd dull; sales . 80, 000 bales: July lL07all.O9; Au utt ll.'ifia 11.27, September lt.06ailX7-October 10.71a 11.72; J!Ovemliei Iu.t7al0.58. December 10.68, January 10 6610.67; February 10 78a 10.7V Jaareu 10.!Kal0.W; April 11.01. Cotton steady; sales 1,300 bale, v pianos Hi. Orleans 111; consolidated net receipts 19 i; exporu td Grat Britaiu ; to the ouatme t . boutbern flour dull and declining and in some ins) ani s a trifle lower, sales 11, 60J; common b , tali extra $3.504.9; good to choice do f3.e5a4.00. Wheat ap-t Jalo higher; ungraded white 96; No. 2 rea July 95a9.). .Core Soot Jalio-lower; ungraded 4dd6S.No. 2, 57jS8i; July 57a58l. Oaia iaio high r; No. 2 3lia35. Hops dU 1 and weak at Si a3& Coffee apot, lair Bio dull at 10. No 7 Rio. spot, Si. 26; August 8 35. Sugar firmer and fairly active; centrifugal bi molasses sugar 4; Bt Jago5; Jj.nglbih Islands H fair to good renniag 4Ja5; off A 6a64; standard A 6a 6 7 16; grnulied 6 1-16; oubes 71; muso vad 4; Demararaoeutrifugal 6f: Bt. lo ruing.) 4ia6t; vhite extra C 6a6; yellow 4i6i; mould 61; confectioner' A Si; cat loaf aad en tahed 7a7i; powdered 8ia81 Cuba 4 9 16a4 Brazil 4; C 6ia5; extra C fteol; Porto Rico 4; Tiinidad 11 1-16. Molasses quiet; refining ISialP: New Or leans 30a56. .ctice Uimly held; domestic 6is7; Rangoon 8a5. Cotton seed oil 32i for crude; soaaot ior renned. Rosin anu at fl.92Jal.97l. 8plrlti turpentine Udj at 80. Hioee barely steady: New Orleana 9ia9i; Texas selected lOall. Wool dull; domtst.c fieede S245; Texas 14i2t. Pork steadily belai old meaa, 115.50; middies nominal; kbd clear 8. : Lard opened 15a 17 points higher i closing with a alight re action; western ! steam spot I7.6ua7.70; August 87.64s7.74. Freights firmer; c Hon per steam S- & .1 wheat 4d. s Chicaoo, Jdi J Flour dull and easier. Wheat opened firmer, receded and closed Jajo over ytstprday; July &e3J; No. 2, Onieago spring, 83isai. Corn firmer; opened iaj Higher and closed o over yeaierday; easu i Sliao'i; July 61i61. uatquiet; opened ia an 3 closed iiJ over yeeterthy; July 291- Pork nrmr; caan 816 0017 tO; JulyflU.60. Lard firmer, and advanced 15a20 points; cuth and July S7.25a7 40. liilk meat! in lair, demand: shoulders 5 76; abort, rib 17.70. abort clear $8.50 Whisky! IU0, dsosooooo j e x tr U m is a $ s f a o - i a .-. n ay t; q 2 -r ja - Ctton Beoeiput. JUi-Y a. fl'he following: are the net receipts of ootton at the porta, ! etc ualveaton, 4H balea; Morfo.a, balea; WU- mington, 67 bales; Savannah, U bales; New Orleans, 73 bales ; Mobile, 7 bales; Mem phis, 46bales: ; Augusta, 8 bales; Chsrleeton, 8 balea. ntlmingtoa Lotion Market. Wilminotom, July 2 Ootton steady, 11 oents-r-net reoelpu 68 bales. : ftorfelk VMWa Aatratec ' NoaroLK nominal, i balea. July S. Cotton dull and lit cents net receipts COTTON SJ 1RHGT.' BALKSH, July 2, orrioiaiXT UPOBTTD BY rl OOTTOH IX- OHAHOS.J OOkBBOTkD DAILT. Middling...... Htr.ot juadiing. ....,.. ...... Uddliaa U 101 101 m 9t itriet Low Middlin8.. Low MiridlinK Middliuar Stains .m - eee 8trict Good Ordinarv; uow Miaaisns Mtaina. uooa uroinary Btaina. Market doll. &ecel balea. TD THE PUBLIC" Resolutions and (opinions business point of inew, held in Raleigh: RESOLVED; THAT Berwanger ARE l. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 1) rpHE LEADING CLOTHIERS x- i r rpHAT TIIEIH STOCK IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DEPAR TME ijJTS. THAT they carry a larger and superior line of Clothing and Gent's Furnish, ings than any other House in the city. i , rjHAT they sell Qonest Goods, at Honest Prices. - " rJHAT they always have the best Novel les and latest besigns. rjHAT they sell the Best Unlaundried White Shirt at one dollar. ''piIAT their "Tensor" is the greatest Novelty and best fitting Scarf ever 1 sold in this city. rpiIAT they Carry the best and cheapest line of Gent's Underwear, of For. JL eign and Domestic Fabrics, in India Gauze, Merino, Plain and Fancy jtamrigEan ana iisie iace. ''l niAT they will sell all their JL ren's cost. Spiiog aud Summer Clothing, (incluu:ng Straw Hats) at Northern I j We faithfully promt to stand ly the above resolution fintt last, and all the time and will tuture the puhlic th it toe are already making arrangement to have one of the best and most Elegit selected Fall and Winter Stock ever exhibited, tuck a oiil be a credit to our cxty and S'ate at large.. V IS R YRES P ECTF U LLY, BERWANGER BROS., 1 LEADING CLOTHIERS AND TAILOR?, Opppoeite U. F. Post OiEoe. GREAT RKDU0TION IN PRICES AT fi, E, PETTY'S FOR THIRTY DAYS. Black lAoe Wool Bunting at 10 cents. fancy, French Wool Lac j Bunting at 84 cents. ! Faney Gingham at 61 eta. Al! Wool French Knot. tig 1 yard wide at 15 cents s Roll Buntings at 5 cents. Good yard wids Bleached Sheeting at 7J cent-. Beet yard wide Bletobed Sheeting at 10 cents ' i A be-ntifal and full aasortm. nt of White Goods India Linon, Iuol LaAns, Linon D'Inde, plain, striped a id plaid Lawns and Nainsooks, with a sple idld- variety of Edgings and Trim.niuica are now offer ed tt 25 per cent beLr their value. I A ereat barv in in bleach d and un- bleanhed 10-4 h net ins, 1ho in Towels, Napkins and White and Colored Table Dsmaaka. Taylor's genuine Mackiaa m straw bats at cost. 100 pairs children's kid sllpors at 85, rednced from 6o canta. 1 ace cut tains and curU'n ne!. at light prices. Mosquito net in white, bine and pink. One case rottonade f r men and boys wear at 10, worth 15 ee;its. Call .o at 5 cents per y srd. Ladies travellag dusters at 11.25, worth 83.50. I have now dihareot patt-ttne lnoludiaar the Jiuising, of the cDltbrated Lock Clasp Uorset. Now is th9time ioi low prices. Call st R E PETTY'8, 134 Fljetteville atrtet. BAL.KIMH, M. EPILEPSY. FITS. FALLING FIT if THIS IS KO HUMBUO. FOR INFORM ATIQM fitSBj OF CHAKQK. WKITK TO I Lm aa.;sCiirx.KtA,tnuterd. Vma. imrclnl Ml EDWARD J. HARDIN, A fine lot of Ferris' Smoked Tongues, Ferris' Haau, Smoked Beef for I Broilina- and Chipping and ! Fine Meats generally . j IN THE MATTER OF PRICE WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN THESE OR ANY OTHER I GOODS. I Staple Canned Goods. Aiparau3, Tomatoes, Corn, Suocjtaah, ' choicest quality. Okra and Tom 'o lor soups, large Sib cana 15c CArJfiEDFRUITS. Pears, Peaches. Cherries, Ac. o. Golden Qate Paoklntc company, . Thurbers, Leggett's and otner leading brands. Close figures by the Doseu or Caee. PIOKLBS.I FICEUKS IN OLA SHOE BY MKASORtC I ask special attention to Lieaeh Sherwood's "JCngliah" Brand j Pickles in quart and pint Jars a fail assortment ! Of all the styles Gherkins, Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles Ao. EVERY JAB GUAHANTEED KQttAL. TO 0RO8SK A BLACK iVKLLS AND CHEAPER. Jj trgs EngUah Quarts 50 eta plnU SO eta. apecial prioea by the dozen. Pickles by measure 60 cts .o 110 per gal OXjIV BS. A Dilworth, Packe bv Ctordon Extra Choice Qaeans, half(ral tt T ion Jars, quart ana plats. 5 SPECIAL LOT OF CHOICEST Young, Hyson and Oolong Teas, Kreeb JSoaetetr IJoaeea. . 1 KOEDERER'8 CARTE BLANCHE CU AMf AUis. pints and quarts, just in store. fjFA)l goods promptly delivered fully guarantied in quality and prioe. and i IS. J. HARDIN. ni 1IIIC IV I nOAII warco FOB asa.tiisaa v uuan band. Biete.au parra,o eta. hbidibs U FUhenSt Pblladstphia, Pa, ajwu. 1 177 a anwes that were adopted, in a, by au meiS onvenhons ; 1 AND TAILORS OF RALEIGH Stock of Men's. Youths'. Bovs and Child- Tr NEITHER Bayard NOR Cleaveland B0T THE HANDSOMEST AND BEST EQUIPPED GROCERY STORE IN THE SOUTH. i .' 1 LARGEST STOCK! AND Greatest Variety or Staple and Fancy Groceiles in the Ciy. W. C. & A. B. STROHACH, GROCERS AND Coffee Roasters. No. 219 FA1 ETT V 1LLE STRSKTi (Next door to iletropelltan Hall) RALEIGH , N . 0. Also ELEGANT SODA AND MINERAL WATER APPARATUS. lee Cold Soda Wa'er with Pure Fruit Syrups made from lre h fruit. DEEP ROCK & VICHY WATER. Finest line Import' d andaley Wea I f SMOKING FINE CHB WING jl AND . TOBACCOS. 'I Importe 1 all Havana Cigars 10 cent. ine K ey West Cigars 6 cents. Celebrated Spanish Oberoola, 6 for 35 cents.'' s i -f "i Black well's and Dake of Durham Smok inar Tobacco. I ! Dak of Durham rjigarett'a at manu facturers prioea' u lobbing trade, CofiTee Mill, Toffee Roaster and Moore county Writ Mill rtsn by four lorse power Otto Gas Kngiae. Visito-s to the city and Delegates to the State Convention are cordially invited U) call. QHOICB BUILDING LOTB. I fffer for sale upon e-sy terms some of the MO VT BL1QI BLB BDlLOI HQ L'Vi8 ii the city ofRalelgbj In the north weetem part of the city, on what is known aa tbe Saunders' property. For particular apply ti . Junn m tiinnuALK, .ttoroney for Bradley T. Johnson. Tru te: offloe ov.r Clt: sen's National Bank. 1an27d2Wi i 1 C. EiPORTS iSD LAWS VilTiD. I will jrive SSjOO a voL for 1 and 3 Mrr i Brothers - I I ; phy Reports; 8 aed 4 Dev. and Bat Law Keporta. (.2 Ui 1) 8 and 4 Dev. Law Bepor tar - 1,2 and 8 Iredell; Law Reports, t and Iredell Eq. 69 76, 80, 81, 82 and 88. N. V.; Reports I w 11 give S.OO a Tolame Ibr;: en. 70, 7L 72, 78 and 74, N. O Reports, 8, , VV 6,11 Ired. Law, 2 I red. Eq 2? Dev. Lswj 8 Mnipby. 1 and 4 Hawkes N. C. Reportr I wil alve 60a s volum vibr 1 awe of ti , a 1W.6 1806. lbiS. 181U 1812, IS'A 1817, 1818, iaio iam is9i leoe - isoa ist A iiffi iinJt 1W fcW.m, mrw , avww, w 1862, Publie and Vtirf. v - 1 Private Laws 18711. Martin's Oolteettoal ot KPRlUh statutes Now Berne, 17Jttf Martin's OollecUonl Private Ac eta'tiewl' w J3ern 17S4, .Davia' Fewlasl. New P.O. BOX 173, d : m inn vs nv wsv imn aw an Z3 ax war. BAlelgh,jr,Q r A: I- .!-!' ' I I.- ?! 3 .a I- , yi lMr "pr- h -ri''-w-i 1 I it ,1 1 ? I i Li. 4-