H f III'' .-'." in i- . -i-L. r ' V 1 . j 'ii A". . k . i j V - - ' , ,''.- 1 '.', h t i . -i f I I? ' '" - 2 3 I V O 'Vw , . L. If.: RALEIGH N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 13. 1884. e i. ' NO. 33 VOL. XXIV , 4 . 1 3 t ' ' i - f 1 1 i " V .. - 7 ' r-s-i' is f . . - - 8 jr t- " s T - e t i a s i XI !, ' t 5 I r 8ERVER I If TltTnrn .1 f I 1 A 1 II ,1 : II, mi n V iv ;i LU iE U I IVvJ W A .Sn ! 1A ii IV ! 7 - -! ' i 1- . Jf ? - - f i I i f ' . . u W 5 -f- .--7 A ! BAKTHO POWDEES. 0 as ; 's fmrlv. fttmirth nd - iboloinon. J ' " bon MOBonUml thmth ordinary kind, asdeanaot b aold is oompeUtton wttk -r th miaudloir ti, abort walght, ' ; - t alM or pboapkato powdara. Sold only u , aana, Kotax Bajcuto Potrsaa Oo., V W-U-at-F. T. J :W y Sold la Raldrt by W. &A l D Btroa. : aokQaorga T. Blronaca and J. U. Ferrall THE LaHQEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF r DOLLS, i ' 1 ill A T? tTaYiTrR A1 ,jLa-'-a-LA y -T L AND FANCY ARTICLES "'' t """ 'i ' if n WrBsems m 5S 'f: FOilllE ' 1 mm i WMfCttWOlM I70f flliHraflfl . 1 T: IILJIUilJ UJ1U AlUi U liUUU .y-::f4: vim A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO SUN- -: : DAY 8QHOOL3. i J j BOYS BOSS, XOc, worth lo aeata. y X1E1T8 KNIT JACKETSia 1.00 CM 'pk ' -'r.: & ? grew as., ana Memnaraats lormeo. C 0B1LDBEN8 . KNIT 8ACQUE3,Ut thiitbick yet elastic doth areshapod ZIother Hubbaxdj and Bocds to Mateh. LADIE3' GENTS' AND MISSES' WOOL HOSE. WOY. 3COUNTEY FLANNEL at 2ft One Price Gasn Store, IV HABGETT AND 208 WIU MINGTON STREET8. RALEIGH, N. p. Words Fail Wort, fan ta svmM my grata tafla. akva He. taxar CAJtrxa, of Kaaavllle, Tn, or the bsaaftta derived from , . r' AAyGrt Sarsaparflla.1 Earing bsea affliaied aflmy ntewtm'l fela, mj tyttam taamad aatnratd vith It. IS ma out 1b Blotches, TJteafm, aad Mattary gavaa, aflotw aay hody, Mr. Carter statas that be -was antirely eazed by ttat aaa of Aria's iaABSAaaii.T.a( and ataea diseoa SbnttBg ba aaa, algbt months ago, aa has bad aa ratarm of tha aenXoloaa syuptoaav i a aanarol fafeetSoBS of tha aeaaaptiy twaovad by mis .O.Ayar&CoLowtllrllS3a ai,aUBtflsert " I. i --Y t ' ')i tTATIVMt. ' AnotW cold tent Iim brokeo oat oluth ifftwtimiog witlk wpitaliats and ipeotort. rbik has obtained I iadeemeni aednrt Q i. U 8. Grbl lor S1D0.417. unoani ioa ti the Qonoral ral dayi prior to the f ailnre of Grant 41 Ward, men interest. L-lW Bn in an acre of nroereM. Relics of (be battle of Watrloo are turned out wtaoiesaJa bj a Llttrfool factory, whUe in Z?rioh as eetablubmcnt ii de?otd to the mtnnfaetttr of "old" postage stamps i Ti imtnnalaam over the completion of tbe Waalioeton nJoonmaBt will be api 10 be a little dampene I by the aunounce neot that two jeara will bo r qatrcd to Bni&b" it. Is eeemi there is a aifferenoe between tbe "oompieii uM and fioisb" ot ually ocnsidered' Mj thing that is net I -lit ij tottobinz read that while Mae. Morosini'beh lins-Hulskamp u t-lngtcg operatio fatbf r quondam on the sraee her hman is standing in the wings to teoeive aad sreet her wi er as saa is lea to I a A "Io sang well, i Emma Nevada, (he nioe little Amer - newt i lean opera singer who is in pmaift Mibsltbi Cngiess of the United states, the Wizom, is tbe latest social erase on war- ( rsv HULi New York society has its pna leipleeefier all, arid distinctly refuses tol rooogaiie rata, retry, Aangtxy or rwwar i WUde. ThejNdw York ffViomM's latest eor- noted Ublo ol the popular vote gives Cleveland a plurality of 70,945. Yet t he Chieteo IKbume and Oinoinnau Com- Um fx, The aditnrs of those Danen MB tohavobeea laido as msy as Qui- for au minatw; that sufawqaenMy he ob teau was bl diaappoi4ted expeotaaons. talned leave to extend his remarks ia .. la tha pwfacoi to his new drama, hThoma.BeakeC Boa Tea,soa.a,. that ttth work ia not intended ia its pros I .at form Ia neat, tha azureaoles ot; tha I modern tlieatre.n 4 But the same is true ot every oaa! of the lao called dramas he luMtiteoipted, thouga two of the latter and leaaer enea, -The Oop" and "The Fal- 0OB,n managed, with the aid of excellent acting and sumptuous aoenery, to keep the boards for a little while. Very lew plays, tadeed, not frrittea by professional play wrights, evwf saooeed oa the stage. Bal es good for nothing for theatre purposes till it was whipped w (baW Sb Mabready. Tennyson's pwoes aeeia to be beyoad si pieces seem to do oeyona saon eorreouoo, even if he Would pefmit it. He is quite t. ; rutbt m iavmK that his dramas are not fit fot tha stage. ; ' 1 Lastbatuday k ftetluoolored, gocd lookina: nensh woman, well dressed and WlfrT .V"" eireumstaaees, ealledl and asked W see thej President. m , geant at the door, who U aa expert ia le teotirR CEranks, snapejoted from something I In the eaUatV manner that she was not in lliu nnli) ikiiiil ' U II. .iVlJ llM if k.. Ibttriacaafwal tery togea irLr5rlr i" r "i w- I arv-aaami in f annmiiriaui! aa, astaua ui hiihiby ana - f . . m . a 0-W s TI - af . ' mkpIot lacr td dear up -U tbe ' utmUd i s : -i x a. :j looatiiiea ia the aountry. 8he offered, as U f lay the ghost of u Oaitean, which she iays haanU the Wash ingtoa jail. She ha 1 also a psycholoiied wheel tor telegraphi g iaformabbn to the people. Turn is f-om you to aend aad reverse it whea yoa desire answers. This shawantadtha Preiideat.to nssv Save Upon these two subieots tbe visitor was apparently as fane at any one. ; fine was tha President, and finaUy went off to tee oeaator iiuigeBa naia. ! Extra heavy siockinettes are bow in to set wi hoat a jwriakle aad make very serviceable wiatet'r.apa for utility par poses. ; Thtire are also told tome very fine, thick, yet tnpple fleeoe-lined meltoat and tweeds, wbca require no extra lining, ana fancy eloakiogs, nbbed, basket-woyen, 7 nirZL 'ZZZ FT '.rrT, TTTr Kf - ' r TtrT L.:yVl paWHIw J vshivb, pouoaca, uuar- kets and rediagotet. These are usually lined with either quilted turah or shot Levantine.? The shades known at pigeon, Parma violet shot with .gold, Yeneti.L red. or golden brown are those preferred .'or naings. H atin linings can now ! La purebaaed bl be yard ia excellent qnuitiea at a ptice aally below the sum u would cost to t y the satia, wadding aad quilting silk e, to aty nothing of tbe trouble or : e: pease of the machine ork. ': These y-saade linings are howa ia all the isshioaable deep and I kriltlaat ahuiafl w employed for the purpose, j The onlf grain that thonld be nted for growiog pigs is oats, whioh should be I fd oa!y onoe a dav, provided gram, foots vr viuw uiut iuwu ia auwweu. AmM. a aaa a Kul mm mm Mm.. mm mi SB .mmtm. m ''BaaaB' . - m m . small breeds are not profitable f U Kept i : t a . a at on raw Lwn vuej uvr uiwum w iaiBK yawa. wy cvauuj, aou iuvixi at once be finished on oorn and tlaugb tered, which will g ive more satisfactory re- sulu; buttbelarg i breeds should be alr lowed a proportion of oaU with the corn up to heftitne of being slaughtered, ss ih 'y cbatinue as a tale to grow ia frame a dtiiannulthrei years of age. It should tie, observed, thei . that small breeds o hogJshoald be pushed as rspidly ia growth ptMSibls nBtareWyfor the pen, when they should be fatud qnickly and kilttd, whue the large brteds should be pushed in growth; but the growth should be con- tinned as long as possible, in order to avoid too muoh expense while feeding on oorn. as abeh hoes seldom have sufficient time for maturitv. ! ' ' : Fihi 'lBTSR8.ULen JQH com to ' alalia b! anr drall at Bark la?' a oys . r tiloon opposite the poet fa-e, ntxi o or to jsiiiar.ror ovatera or mearr.oi ouIm bai sb m1 -j 4Un bait i nu sue aoaeot c " okod; m ews on eh. fl g-disn wo. nnWTIPCOTnMJlT WnDV 4 iHJ liinriooiunnb uim. TESTERDAT'S PROCEEDINGS U THE SlTIOSiL LEOISATDKE. CMcr4riniAB Xmyimr a ! ai4l ; tl lnt tt-Mi EitrvMolr ! ' - Mat Btluiln Sir i tier ru hlaiua Hlllcr Dn auvvcltv. i 1 other nwb. ' WA8HiaTN, Deo. 12 Housi. . On aotion ol Mr. Ellis, of Loubiana, a concurrent roeohiuon was passed recting that tbe exigencjae of punne service pro Tent the attendance of Cod gross at the ppeniag pt tne World s indosu'iai ana Cotton Exposition in New Orleans ; that the President has decided to open said ex potiiion by telegrnph, and start the ma chinery thereof by eleotriotty . from tha extouuve mansion, in the presence of his cabinet aad the foreign representatives, and requesting the president of the Senate, and a committee of thirteen . Senator, together with th speaker of tbe House, with one representative or delegate from eaon State or Territory, to attend at the 16th, at 12:30, to witness, on behalf of opening or, : taia exposition oy ne rresi- dent, and to adopt aad forward therefrom suob address vl bongratulaiion as may seem appropriate to u oocmiob. Mr. Waroeri ol Ohio, riing to a que. tiou of privilege, offered a preamble and resolut ion reciting that J. D. Taylor, of Ohio,, OB; the 5th of jJoly, 1884, (the UoDsa 1 hating under eonaideration the Mexican ' pension bill), havins obtained noor occupied the time ol the ttoaae , k.j .v- t r- . r - " " T - r-r : o . and paragraphs reflootinK oa members of the House, a oommittee of the House aad the U House itself, and reporting or purporting 'to .report the- aetioa of one of tbe committees ot the Senate, all in vio lation of his leave to extend his remarks in the "Record," and of the rules of the House: aad declaring that the parts of the speech rtfleoting oa members ot the House, on committees of the House aad oa the House, aad referring to what took plaoo ia the Senate oommittee, are not a legiti mate part of the proceedings of the House. Mr. Wsraer stated that be was directed by the oommittee on pensions, bounty and back pay to bring thai! matter before the Bonse. Bo tent to tha clerk's desk and had read! tbe portions of Taylor's speech to which ohjeetioa is taken, They reflect nW! Mi& WifMr .ai heivman of tha i oommiiveo oo penaiow. ooaniT ana - omam. pay, aad da the oommittee itself, and de aounoe tho aotioa of the House npoa the Mexican pension bilL ,' They also make allusioa tft tha action of the Senate, com' .i House. ti.. :.. s ... im - j A aav vueeMtva a.avaas.aaw aw v aw aaw saaa --. ' . duty to decide that question. Ii a member rose and alleged that a: certain thing bad beea dooe'ia violatioo ot tbe rules, it the duty of the speaker to submit the Question to the House. j- Mr. Warner proceeded to argue that the facts alleged ia Mr. Taylor s speech were act trae, aad controverted the state- meat that the oommittee on pensions, bounty and back pay last session reported oaly oae bill tor the relief of a soldier, ana that was an objeetioaable one. He 1 1!? ' r " "lr biiow u a largo nuiuucr vi uiua uu been repotted for aotioa by the noose. The question to be decided was whether theHou would allow to remain as part of lu reo rd what : was never . spokea la dehate. j The paragraph to ; which he objected most ttreuuoBsly was the one oharg- in? tha oommittaa vitW atealth and aaw- ardioe. Pid the gentleman claim thatthat tas itrliiuneniary language. His com- 1 mittee wit not wUUog that h thonld go mittee wit not wUUng it unohalltnged, to be quoted against committee ia the future by the gentlemen who did not know, as well as the members of the present House did, the gentleman who was the author ol it. I J. P. Taylor attributed tbe motive which Itflieneed the offering of the reso lution to the fact that Mr. Warner and himself had been rival Congressional cm- didates in the recent election, and that Mr. Warner e'aimed to be elected by i majority of 217. He (Taylor) had ear tied every oouoty except Monroe. I "Good : for Monroe I ' exeLimed Mr. Davidson, of Florida, : amid laughter and applause on the Ltmtcratio id. I Mr, ; Taylor deolared that Mr. Warner, ; would not have carried Mcnroe except on the hjpotheeia that he M Tetea jwr Mt. RandaU tor speaker h rawed a anch at tha xiMinaa I T ' o , r w Speake Carlisle by reading irom a Dem joor.tic paper published in Uhlo, ia whioh jihst gentleman is referred to as having een a free trader throughout the speaker- hip oohteet. Mr. lay lor thef submitted an argument to substaatiate thiaUtemenU m.de by him ia the speech to1 whioh ex- Veption twas uken, 'and the' discussion drifted into the oonsidera ion of the Mexi- plosion bUL Coming down more direotly to the subject ia controversy t he Iead from tbo tables prepared by the pub- iia printer, thowing that Mr. Warner had bimBeif i0D geyeral oocasions taken advaa- uge of the privUege ot lesve to print, in order to show that it wu the habit ot members to avail themselves of this per missioB.' One of these tables discloses the ateresting faot that during the 45th, 46-h 47th and the first sessioa of the 48th Coouess, 5o'9 tpeeohes were printed wLlch f re never delivered on tbe flor, while 1,183 t.pevcl e .Jeiivcred were witl held lot revieioa aad suoatantiatly altered. Hr aJao read a letter frm Edward Me Pbenoni giving his opinion that there wno4binfeTii)p.tiliieBtr7ipbi)eeoh, 'd a 1 tu.Dt on to cb. fct thu the "salt in politics" ia tha speech of Mr. I Cox, ot New I York, ws: not delivered in the House, bat was a reprint of tbe 4th of July; addrtis to TamsDany Hall. Laughter Mr. Rjfetrc, of Arkansas, said tbat a remarkable tftttaole was -pretented of a commtttee.ot tfco lipase, eonaistiog of Democrats and Republicans, unanimously requesting their obairman to pment cer tain char it s sckiatt the genthman from Ohio (Mr. Tay lot), and asking that the objectionable features in the speech of that - gent!emn be expunged from the Keoord The geatiemaa seemed to be 1 totaPy insen&lble of tbe attitude ; in wbioh' he . was plaood asd instead if undertaking to establish jthe laJsity of tbe -chaigesor of spolcgl. ng to ! the Bouse m an honorable and manly a, be wmt into the diacusaion of Ohio politics and brought ia otriaio reoords of the public printer, who might well devote his time ta tbe public servioe, instead of answering icquirits of a partisan character. Mr. Rogers ihen wnt on to defend the committe oa Jntaon, bounty and back pay. irom the coerce ot negteot ing the interest; of the soldiers j Mr. Hammond, of Georgia, said that it was perleotly immaterial hew the election in Ohio had been coudaoted or how itiiad ended.;; The sole question was whether by the paragraphs complained of the gentle man frcm Oti had oommitted a broach of the! rules of the' House. He (Mr. Hammond) thought that th& gentleman's remarks today were virtual admissions that t! it ws so, and be would vote to ex- pung from the Jseeora tbe otjeeuoaabie artiole.! : Mr. Warner in rising to close the de bate said that the aotioa of Mr. Taylor in printing such a speeoh was unprecedented. He did not aish to go into a disooisien of tbe Ohio eleotion, bat be would say tha never had a campaign been carried on anywhere where methods so ecrruLt, for- bidden aad abhorrent were resorted to as were resorted to by his oollesgae, hit con federates and his paid staff of .scoundrels to egejilB$erthe very speeoh whioh he had printed.' ' air.: Taylor demanded that these words be taken down, and they were read from the clerk s desk. : Mr. Warner, MI withdraw tbe remarks. whioh I can plainly see to be unparlia mentary, but I say this : That 1 da not think a ! oampaign was ever carried on anywhere in which methods Jiore corrupt, forbidden aad abhorrent were re sorted to to achieve political ends, than I were retorted to in I the 17th ! district of ' OH? during i the last campaign on the part of the Repub lican party. Applause on the Demo-; oratio side. Mr. Warner was permitted to proceed in order, and he continued with a viadioation of the oommittee of which he is chairman.' He ridiculed the assump tion made ia tbe speech complained of that Mr. Taylor was tha special representative of the toldiBrs off the aountry. - Had this gsntleman represented them bn the field during the war 7 Applause on the Deni-. oeratio side. His knew something of tha gentleman s record doring the war. He knew that when the war was 'Hell nigh over, when all the great battles were fought, the gentleman had enlisted in the home guard of Ohio. One of the oondi tiont under which the regiment existed was thatit should not be required too out of i the State. Lauithter The gentleman represented the Union sol diers j oa tbe j a tor of tbe House, indeed ; self-appointed, probably. They would; naturally select a gentleman :f courage, and it,ocrtaio!y took courage after Congress had adjourned to go to tbe printing offise aad insert ia the Record what had been alluded to. But it was the kind of oourage j which the assassin dis- played when he approached aad ttabbjd his sleepiag victim. Applause oo the Uemooratic side ! ; 1 ii aiu Taylor said that the regiment in which! he was enlisted had served a year and a hall outside ef Ohio-. ' ' H Mri Oox, of New York, asserted thai there was a rule about publishing speeches after adjournment a rule of honor that no reflection on the integrity of membars should be contained in them. The gen tlemanfrom Ohio (Mr. Taylor) had ceiled on th ex-clerk of the Houre to show that i others' had ' violated this rulo, and nit (Cox's) name appeared in reply. He : had nev r printed aay thing after adjournment rtflaot.Dg on any one At to his "salt in politics" speech it was a falsehood to stv that he had not delivered it or any part of it oa the floor. When a certain liver aod ii ar bor bill was under eoatideratioa his hu morous fellow-member from Ken uoky (Mr. White) 'offered an amendment ap propriating 140,000 for the improvement of Salt river for the ben.fi; of Demo crats, but they had isot gone up Salt riveft (Laughter.) The magnetic, meandering statesman from Maino had gons up 8alt river with all the ; meandering thereof. At that time he had made tome re marks ; in regard to salt and had obtained leave to extend hit remarks for the purpose of showing the qualities of salt as ap plicable to polities. The gentlemen might go back for twenty tye years and they would ' find that he had nevar taken ad vantage of leave to print or to make re flections on any one, and the man who would i dare do it well, if he were to characterise him properly his words would be taken down. It was a brave thing. : Mr. Warner "The geatiemaa from Ohio never saw aa armed enemy." Mri Taylor The Record of the 45th Congress says that gentleman was shot in the back. Why-not have that sup pressed?" ! Mr. Warner "Biave men have been shot in the back (aot in jatt the way the gentleman shoots them), but in my erse it happens not to be tru-; the shot that di abled me it almost a direct front shot. I call the previous queetioa." Mr. Browne, ot lad a a, moved to refer tbe rc-ofunoit t the oommittte on ra es L w; vlpas 94. nays 16L 1'be resolatfoa was adopted, yeas 64. nays 6ir. Oa motion of Mr lacker, of Virginia, the 8enate joint reaofauoa was adopted in rtlsUoa'to the ceremoniesj to be author ised on the oonipittioB of the Washington monument. j On motion of Mr Morrison, of llinois., it was ordered that when' the Bouse ad joarn today it be to meet aa . Monday next, i ( ! ' 1 i ' i " Mr. Adams, of New York, by re qiett, introduced a hill to simplify the existing tariff and coHeetion laws. Referred. (This is siuiilar to the "Hewitt" bill on the ssnii subject ) The House then at 4 15 tooka recess until 8 nVook, the evening session to be tor tha, consideration of pension bills. Ttoa netkoaiaia. BALTlMoas, Deo. 12 --Bishop Fjw'.er presided at the Methodist oontenary oon lereuoe: this morniog. In spite ot a driving' raia-etotm there w.s a large at tendance, many of ihore prr sent being visitors from a distanoe :'lhe Rev. John 3. Martin, of West Yircinia. read tKe .a 1 s . ;. opening Psalm, "Give ear to my prsyei, O Lord." After the readiog of the minutes of yveterdav's session, several res olutions weru offered and releircd to ap propriate committees. One of the reso lutiona, offered by Etv. C. K Marthall, of Misvistippi, j proposed a uoif rm hymn book, to be u ed by tbe various branches, of Methodism. Huhop Campbsl', if the Atricaa M JP. church, speaking, in refer enoe to tbe fork aoo mplirhei ia the ool ored ohurohes, said Methodism had done muoh for bit raoe, and he proposed to file a paper with the I rocords jof this confer! enoe, bboaing what had been accomplished, TheooJored man may thank the Bptisf, Episcopalian and the Q taker.butthe M h- odist fhad beea bis most faithful and constant liiend. Rt.v. H. S. Thrall, of San Antonio, Texas, hoped that the oon4 fersnoe wou'd turn its eyes to the great work i done by ; Method tsts among the aborigines wnbin the f boundaries of the United Stat. ; He thought it would be interesting for the ocolerecoe to order statistical tables showing: the result of mis suns among: Indians, j Tbe speoi I sabieot of the day, fMetLodism in 1781 and its cntixir," was read by Rev. C H. Warren. rtev. J. u . B-ask. well read a paper on "Methodism in ld4 and its UuUook." ' At the afternoon session a letter wu read from president. Gilman, Of Johns tfopkins Uoiversity, inviting'the delegates interested ia the caue ot education to visit hat institution tomorrow af terooon. Ket. B. F. Leo disotbsed MThe Ctuset of the 8uocess of Methodism." and Rev J, W. Vinoent "The Possible Djngers to Foture Metnodum." i I niacallaaieoaa ;lalgravoaa Baltimobc, Md , Dex 12. The effi eers lof thaf steamer Masjn Li Weems. which arrived this morning from; the Rap pahannock river, Va J reports .a fearful lost of life amoag the col c ed oyttermea on that nver ia tha storm of Tuesday last, About twenty-five colored men; were out in their boats tongiag for oysters when the storm arcs. The gale eapsiied almost all of them,; and those who escaped were unable to reach the shore in safety. The men were thrown into the rough water and were unable to swim to the shore. Many of them eluBg to their boats for a time but tfere finally washed away and drowned; very Jew of them escaped. Kleven bodies have beea recovered already and as many more are said to be missing. It is 'scarcely possible that any of these latter have escaped death. Additional in tolligenoe from the Rappahannock river is to the effot that fifteen etnoes started trout the Lancaster bide above Urbsnia, to go to a aohooner on the Middlesex side to soil their; oysterc, when the storm struck tfum. There were three or four white men and the whole number drowned wai wenty.eeten. Two more bodies, or thirteen m all, were recovered near Mill Poiat. further dowa the river. ' CBIOAOQ, Deo. 12 -Persons indicted for perticip iting in the eleotion frauds in the second 'precinct ol the 188th ward tppeared before Jadge IBlodgett, ia the Foderal eourt this mcralng, and gave bail ia $10,000 eaohi The aocused deolared that they bad not j had j time to examine the iinoijtments and were allowed until next Tuesday to plead, j Washington, D. O., Dec 12 The House oommittee on public lands today unaoimouly instruoted Representative vikb is report lavoraoiy nis oiu previa ing ;tnt no alien, foreigner or persons other than bitiims of the United Statel, shall at q airs u le to or own lands within the U-Kcd States. It is provided, how ever, that uea ; tore-ga born persons as have let uy declared their intention to becoma ui is;ns of the United States shall be eligible to soqaire lands. New York, Dec 12 H.J. Goodwyo A Co;, deafra in woolens, 63 Worth street, have made au, assignment to J. H. Bird, with prelvri.a4u. ot 1100,000. Neva VvikOouan Futnrea. Niw Yoxk, pec 12 The JPoU saj$ : Futures' have beea extensively dealt, sub jeot to flocf nations. An advanoe to 11-100 was followed by a rtil sharper decline. At tha third leal! January brought 10.81; March 10 94, April 11 07; May 11 20; August ll.lPi Septe mber 11 24. Futures closed weak, 8 to 3 10O lower than yet- terday. ' - j . 1 B r rowed K rmen'a seldom lit well, nor do fx gus r madias cure saooetafaUy. Tbe real oure for oonghsaodoolds la lr. Bull's Uonghayrup.; ; Sharp shooting Kil'ing the punster. ' i Mia OrKKks a SAxan Daasarjie la the beat thli a? ot toe kina r aid. wl h 1. aoparbailad or any kind ran ba made without d ay or troub.e. It 1 lao one of ,the best aneaa for cold meats, ate "Wamtid. Five bnndrea tnoasand feet 6 inch flooring. 600,000 feet It inch plank, 600,000 feet 1 inch plank, 600,000 feet weather-boardui g. ; i j Pioaaxa SUaTOaOTCxore Oo, BaatM to aBiatef Uanaaaw Beltfmore Sum . j H , A banquet was given to Ssaator Gar i maa by the busiaess men ef Baltimore at the academy , of music Thursday fniiht. Diatinizuished men were presett irom dif ferent parts of the country, aad the affair was a apleadtd raeoe&t irom every point of view. The invited guests reached tat city at 6 30 ia the evening aad weak at . . aana ! " A onoe to tne aeaaemy. They sat dowa to the banquet at 7 30 and adjourned at 1.45 Friday morning. , t ' - .. iU i mm i tm ' Lokdox, Dec 12. A roa af tie Bishop of Rochester has bscomeaRomaa OathoUc - r . . ; j ; r i , . f MoreV Good Words j' FOR - . ' - ; BROWN'S i BITTERS la prerlaaa aaaaaaeeairats wa have a, la taetr awa langaaja, tha aplalam aatertalaed aaoac Brawaa Iran 'Bitten by leadlac Fhyatslaaa, by pvwdaeat Cler araaea, ay well a inn ettlaeaa, af Baltt- amara, wwrs uua excellent neatciaa ia arepared, aad where Its popalarlty is an- VL mmvmUmlmA. 1mA fl.lt. W. mHmm m mmm mmwm U eitlacaa, who, anwaklaa; rVaat tketr awn exverieaee, Ian told aftaa very aaarkad ' sweat waleb the aaa af Bravraa Irw ' Bltlmaunsailtutam. Ta-daywa, aak y w ta read atHl fartaWr teatlaiaar- -all frwi Saatbera people waa bmva aaed aba aaedlclae, and all received wltala- . Ike paat law weeks. If yw are feellac pearly, and are disposed ta try Brewna , Irw Bitten, yw eaa aetata It ftaai aay t repatable Oacs. Thar, are, kaweTer. ' preparatlwa eaatalalac Irw, fraai tka ale af which the Dracglat aetata, a. craater praat tkaa ka emi Brawaa Irw Btttera. Far tkla aaaae aaay try ta peraaaae yw tkat tkiaa elae la Jwt aa Da aat i aeeetrwi Brawa'a Irw Blttera la tbe ;. wry Irw aaedlclae which daea aac black, t eatke teeth, pradace keadaeke, ar caaao : taiatlpartaa. tWPrlea af tke awatoe. ' Brawna Irw Blttera la 1.00 per kattle . Srary battle baa trmda-amark aad eraaacd ( Bw llaaa w wrapper. Take wj acker, .j sir. B. at. Percy, 95 Church St., Charles ton, 8 C, says: ' i "I have Buffered f) om a complloatlon of dlawaes for tha past alxj months. Fnrchastfd a battle of trown'a Iron Sit ters and havs derived mo-e benefit from lta nsa that tr ra aay of tha p. eeont!on or aix pnyeicuni wno atwnaea me " Mrs. Ooral Glrard, 154 GoVetiment atreet If ob la, Ala., aay I have taken Brow 'a Lou Bitters as .ai. a tonio and for naaraldio haadaohM. and found it meat satta factory. ; I heattily aporova It and ibink no hoc; a aboia bawithoul It. I J Mr, Jno. It. Dnncau SI t Kacanua!.Bt Mob le, Aa , saj a: -T wav troabTad ft: p .in ny chest and aide and total ins or ap Brown's Iron Bittern entlre'y relieved tbe pain and I am now well and heartily taae pleasure in recommending it.. Mrs. B. Haya. lis Chestnut St.; If aw Or- leans, Lc, sas: I ; "My daughter's system was greatly run down f om an atuok ot ehlllaand layer. We gave oar Brewn'a I. on Bit. ters,' whioh ntirely restored her, giving ytft eutea' a atrenstn. n eoasiaer it; a uaoie meaioina " I a ... a. ' j ' I 1 Vr. MU1 Bo, am, PratUrU'.e, A'a., ssys: I anff rd with chilla, enlargement of the apleeu, at d aevere palas lc my side. Used many reineilbc but nothing lteved mm ttll I used Brown's Iron Blttera, whioh ao ' eaefltted me that ahallever gra efnlly racommend It.' s .r ' Mr. W. W. Manahan, Tusoumbla, aajs: j :; j . ' . : "I was trouble 1 rotni childhood with an erupt ion oo the face. Two bottles .of Brown's iron Bitters entirely re mo ed it, and I ifeei that I cannot aoe k too highly of this excellent meLo nc" 2 Mr. Root. Miller. 121? 8 . Jame SU, Bichmond, Vc, ssys: ' "Safferlog from malaria liver and - kidney trouble my condition ,wu piua blc I oou'd not rest day or night Brown's Iron Bitters freed my system i row Diooa poiaoa, aca now leni rj per feet health t i i Mrs. T, 0. Baytop, 0,7 W. Mala ft-, Ei.bmond,-Va aaya: For rears I Buffered with aeneral de bility ai d had almost given up bOe cf reins: reuevoa. x triea erown e iron Bl t ta, and t) my surprise and pleasure waagteauy oaaaQitaa. Mr. Lemuel L. Lynch, 1436 Main. St , Richmond J VaJ. aavs: I From an attack af malaria T Buffered terribly with bain In my bead ard 11m ba Tbre e battles of Brown a Iron Blttera made me well. My wife baa a'ao been greatly beaefuel by It Mr. W. F. Lobmeyer 228 8ath Byca more St.. Fit- rsoura. Va.. savn ro nis Iron Bitter eu. ed tne of dys pepsia wnen otnat ramaoiaa i-aiea heartily recommend it Mr. W O, b'hanka.Peterabari. Va , aaya I waa troubled with an amotion of the akin and many blood purifying reme dies, without cflect B'own'a iron Bit tera uarmauantly eridijated my com plaint and benefited my eath'e aj a am Mr. J. J. IVirna, lawldd'e. V. , tat a: Dispc sit aid spine dtsaaa made me an ii valiu fir twenty ye-, re I tound re Uef in one ootue of Brown'a Iron B.trere and three bott'es rurd m. I rratefu.ly r.oommena.tn,a vaiuaote meqiciae. i Miss Mary Bamue", Ch aterfleld Co Vc,iays: ; I to-.k Brewn'a Iron B'Uers for chtlla and iansnid leelins had n t eoerarr to ta k; tat thauks to yur valuable medioina i airjuuew in a vaty gooaeitte ot beaitn. : , ) Mrs. Ellst Ingles Moora, SI 2 dams 8treeta, Montgomery, A'a., says: I snCCeted from dypepala and general pros trai Ion, w-s a'so iroub ed with rh o matiam. toon Browna iron a tiara ana fee etronjrer than! f have for yea a Can Vmij ra omwena it. Cbn, Vawoplnc OoHea. InclptaM Ounaiina. imoH la adnutewl utmrnm of tii dinrn . rrtrm mm Oorn- turn. Th OeoulM Or. Ml Oxma An la asM aaly la mit miitiimrm, and baua ear iwgtMtcrcd Traa-Marka to tt AhtWHmdimmCrm,tlSttm. Strip CmmtUmrLmbk, and Uw IxtymXm mgUunm at Jokm W. Bull m A. C. Utmw QsuBol, FneX BUmora, MVL, U.B. A. Chew Laaca', Place-Tke sreat Taaare Aa tatoteh-lmce O t u. aoia py au Drug SALE OF- IN lANDOLPK WtJHlY, rt. n. : ; By vlrtoe of authority yeated In tne aa truatee by deed of mortgage wl.h power of aale by tha CENTBaL FALLS MAN DFAOIURIKQ COMPANY, a 'oorpors tion organised under ' khe laws of North Carolina, aud doing butineaa in the ooup - ty f Randolph, N. 0., I will rroce;d to aslt on the preualaes oa Tuttaday, the6th dJtyfJanuary text, at 11 o'clcck, for (. caah, to tha highest blditr, ihs uctory . ; pi oi erty b -X .nglng to said co'poratlon. X' This property Is new, bav.ng b en built . in USA lit com lata of teventy one acres of lane, valuable waler power, stoae arid . cement dam, situated five mile : from Aabboi o, aix mllea ttom Kandlemaa xnd twfntr miles from Blh Point. Jhi balld lugs ooi.aiat c fa main . sctory b jllJin8 ieat wide, 3C0 feet loag, two stories. - Ibe -bmi d-r g t.of br.tc,wel. knd aalaitaatlaily 1 utlt, lkrp9rhouse bu t of brlak,' ZSby, 60 feet; Duller bouse, brick, 21 by 2) fact. 1 he factor,) li heated by attam pip c Tba ' j other buildings are stoiehoi.se led by 60 fv e. cotton boaaa. 6 by 60 feat, all In cood condition. Tha m ch aery cons! Uof 2,6b0 aptndiee axu ail naossaary macmnari i r same, ( A hitln make), ' 86 IvOme, boiler and ail' necessary .appliances for il' beat.ng tbe mill. - i r . Tbe pr.-pirty 1 4a every iMpect first , elaas and aitnated In tha larkeat manuAMK tariox district n Hoith Carolina L bor plenilfal and very good. Mr. John H. ' ; FerreeJ ot Raadleman. will I tike Dleasnre 'j- In i bowing t be property to any paraot Jc ' siring so purcnaaav - B. Y. Mo VDEV, Trustse, , ' - -. .Charlotte. Mi C. OnetSH. P"Tannr Fnglnc una no. a lanner Haw Mill. One 70 8 iw Piatt Oin wi h Self-Feeder and Condenser aaohed. One Po rer Cotton Preaa. together with BeUlnes. Phaf tines. Pullevc all oomn.'eta and In good running order mostly new. x a ao onai wun u an jeotor witn eo leet piping. w ut i eu cvap for caab. ror rurtnar pvrtlcu ar apply either to JL JUla.M.t3U V A UrUMUKUH. Y j - JKalaiab, M. a, or L. T. BUCHANAlt Tov. 18 1S84. Kokts' ftorr. If, MOTICI7.- . . aaaww v PrLIGATiOl Vt ILt Ba, MADS AT tbe1 next aeaion ot 'he Oaueral Asaem : bly of Korth Carolina, for an act to inoor pora-e tbe Cbrlsuan Brotherhood, or xior fol folk, VaM In the S ato ot JNor.b Csrollna. , ; B. Bi JONES, Oen'lSeoretaiy. decMSOd Great fir eaK in Prices -OF- BAKGAIVa IN ' 56 INCH FRKW0H SUITINGS. BABQAIirS IN 50 INCH TIBBICT CLOTH. BAaOAIllS IH 44 INCH TRICOT CLOTH. BAROAINB 41 INCH OITOMAN CLOTH.; , BA.ROAIKS IN I 44 INCH ARMURH2 CLOTH. BAAOAINSIM 24 INCH BEOCHK PLAIDS. BAKQA'.NS IN7" 22 INCH TWILL CLOTH SUITINGS in stylish mixtures. BlBOAlffS lav , BnanbtelkV 13 !bm;;; Goods Black Gashmerei ? - , BLACK GOODS" y-y Norris A Carter; 203 FAYJCn'VlLrJa 8T . j Vattwa. lu r, -i ' a- , .. vi - J; :? m I . - v ' rv X i ' J, i - ! 4 t. 5 - 4 ti i- . I. ! '-I Ik -J -4 V I i I ft

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