"., , P .1:4 "-ii-i- i" 1 J it ,y . r'- N NpWH A5D ObSEtiVER Saturday... .D'rKMBKR 13.1884 8'' -,N Kiddle Atlantic SUtee. eoMei clearing: f-;;: weather, honherly wind and, higher mr rometer. South Atlantic States generally fair weather, lower temDerfture, higher ba ' rometer, northerly jwinis. f New AdvViMMta. ' T. HJ Brigga & Bon Bohemian Vases, 11 Jones &rowell-8eed Wheat, Vkc. iMmdMHl Yxu Mij Rosenthal has gone to Baltimore on a visit .' ; White shad are selling at $' per pair at New Berne. !. ' j ; Raleigh is to have at least two weddings lit February, ! Mr. T. H. Murray and Mr. Ous. Cookt leave for Texas this evening. j i John W. Rice & Co , of Baltimore, Md , were yesterday Usurd a drummer's license. - I Yesterday the ma- or had no cases. The police reptortc.1 the city as V.ry qnletj ii ' deed. j p ' . ! ; The people rf Goldkboro are to vote on ! the question of water-wot ka, on, the first Tuesday In January. j j . M Ai " The passengers on the R & Q. R. U. say ; the conviott are doing rapid ifork on the JLiouisburg & Frinkltnton it. K. L : Tbe frlmlUve Baptist church, corner ; West Morgan and Bvuth Dawson struets, r will be dedicated on tbe 21st Inst. Brings tfts Bons' offer special parains in Bohemian glass rases, all style, at I all priors. They are the cheapest shown here. : - At Iiumsden't, as appears by the adrer- tlsement, a great variety of the most practl- . cal presents for the holidays -can be bb- ! -i i n rf' Mr. Uehry Bruce Peebles has been ap pointed derk of : the Inferior court of Northampton county, in place of James l j D. Boone, resigned. . - , j ' j- . ; Drnmmers' licenses ' were yesteiday is sued from the State treasury t Oeorire H. i 1 Davis &iCo, Petersburg, Va.; Biddle j UardwareiCo., Philadelphia. I ; Mr. A. P. O. Bryan said yesterday that not many Christmas parcels are as yet passing through the express office. ; In a few days the ruth will begin. V j ! ' Capt Qi t Nowltzky feels greatly hon ored. I The good people of the enterprising town of Henderson have named one of the - - - ; i thoroughfares Nowltzky avenue, j - v 1 ! i : A Married on the 26th of November,! 1883, V: -'.X'"-! byRer.'Iit. B. B. Anderson, at the: Pres byterian Cbarcli in Morgankn,; N j U . lr. w. l. Huoweu ana miss lizzie uune, both of thtt town. ; .."4 u The receipts of cotton the past week' av , eragest over 400 bales per day.; Yesterday the weighers were kept very busy looking after lone lines of wagons which were ranged around the platform, i rl ' 1 1' Thursday afternoon Mr. L. M. Morgan, who owni a pottery at which logs, &c. are '.f x made, wa thrown from his buggy while ; nding near Morrisvllle, his horse having run away Blls lnjariesarecrRM. I a I v.M-' 'AiMDclt&':ttott4'njo9a1 entertain- menu wmcnmwK ue terms as reace m- ' atitnte artf the monthly mnsica rehearsals. The .talented instructor in music, Mr. Ban- man,, by hit rare ability in developing the A best powas of his pupils make these mu- .- sicales 1h the highest degree! enjoyable. While lr. K G. Dunnell, eo-rretpondent of the New -York nmes.' wai here a ': fortnight ilnee, he visited tbe Jill and conrt- v - . ; nonse. : e aid not consiaer the Jau dean. -. The troth4s; the lobby and hallways of the court house do need more attention. The J11 u 10 nurly' neat oondluon Of course soci piaca neea oonawni Mtenuoiv : . At k meeUngof Raleigh commandery ;i r No. aVKnlghU jTemDlar. last even'oe. the i I f following officers for the ensnleg term Were ;u:r elected i , MJ Borwes, E. Ci William Simp. iv.r?.- eon; CUt CL! A. Woodruff, C sQi f 1 f D. t !? Heartti W. Shaffer, J. W.; S.-D. :. -.Wait, treasurer: W. Blake,, secretary: J. M..8hef wood, Standard B.: O. B. d- ; . wards, Hword Bearer M. tt. Jqns, W.i n. w"iSYesterdyM.Wi a:AiS B. tronach re '. .: .'ceived a ebon of turkeys. Telline arenor- 63-; ter that they bad received, the first MBuma- : tea game"; nr keys ever seen here, the scribe was show) the arrival. With jthe turkeys : came ine xouowing letter r Vi crate of fourteen bumatra jgajae for a Christmas delicacv their beat the world, beinzsuonclv flavored with the bid. me Dontnern; gentleman's winter luxury, k, the celerv.4 I hoDe tbe nrteaa all b aiir.h v as uaieiirnas noted tor." , E 1 1 " In this court yesterday the case of Ran som Galley; vs. Lewis D. Galley et sJs.in- l ; : Toiving tn ownership or s large tract of it 4 land, camenp It is on the rqnity docket. r j The day wsj spent in reading tit positions, : Measrs. Julius Lewis & Ca. who have so v' ' long and 90' well represented the PraltVl i Astral oU company in Ualeigh.1 send is l-k ' : v ; ' WrlstmiM-3 cflertof lo their customers a . ; ; ,; , ,-beautiful collection, fn antique! binding, of 1 :. ; 'iu , jvoguiiu ogou,' longi, pauaaa, etc 4vp 'These have a fine holiday flavor and bring ,7;..i ; ; to mind the! fact that our Christmas is the ; . , Christmas f "Jierrle JCngland, with all ; 4 ; , Ita social Joys and pleasures. ' The fall title -of this i handsome book u "An Antidote S; 'j : : against Melkncholy; Compounded of Choice ; V? j Poemi, r Joylal Sougs, Merrle i BaUada." The pubiujiers are Charles Pratt & Co , I If a a(NwilaM, : j Dr. Chat W. Dabneyl writes Mr. Mc- Gehee, commissioner, of agricaltare, that f;reat and gratifying progress is being made n the arrangement of North Carolina's beautiful exhibit at New Orleans. Every thing will be ready by the opening day. the . join lntu ?ne arrangement 01. the 1 thou- ; aandaof specimens is effective and the dec- mirable manager of sucS details : and his corps of assistants is a good one; There is no doubt thftt the "Old North State" will make a brave show at New Orleans as at Atlanta aag Boston, and that the most favorable- impression will be made upon visitors.! It is said that the States which in . the variety: bf their displays and the beauty roi arrangement more nearly approach-' this cute are hwotucky and New Jersey. Bamnel Marriott. Zeb High. Haywood jnarnou aaa jonn rerry, were con milted to JU on yesterday charted wiih robbing the store-house of Mr. Ivan Proctor. a. Wakefield. Goods have been m.ssed teverai timet, commencing five tears ago, . A tecond loek was put on and thie robbing continued.! A third lock was nut on and Y the goods 'fere still missed. This; week ' another raid was made on the store and search being: made the stolen ar$c'es were found in the, house of Sam Marriott The t oiherpartietf; were proved to havi received aporuoa of :the goods knowing hem tube tt en. Inr Searching the houae of! Sam. Marriott, hi wife aiso searcnea ana one of the keys used was found hidden in the leg of. her stocking;, ft CbMob kVD Ssisos&blswA lot of fresh Florid Waitea just to band at Jtoyei', direct from the crove. Also fin, ratsinp, nuta,! bacanks and applet. If you, need any choice Jait be sure to call at liovttex'a. We have a lot oLChlua doll whifch we are se ling- at cbtt-To secure bargains call early. Itoyster's canqy maiiufaclory Is tl e Jargeu in tb state, free 11 n to dealer. 1 OuTy candietof guaranteed,escelenc9 sold. ' I ry. ? : j L rtHPoa . 1 1.1" I ci.r h.. rss ramcm r dudwum : I iUBBmjiArLiBHT. I vmUMMjn6K 1 V WCW ADYESTIBEMBNTn. " $ j j'-Yrdr at the Pioneer warehouse, 0ue bf the 0 oat successful Sales ol toUncco yet seen hero aUrarted a large number of buyers. Tliere were ataut seventyfive piles of leaf 1 n the floor, from Wake ; and all ine enunues aaiaining. in au wiero were 4,500 pounds. Some of the piles were' large, containing as much as 25(1 pounds. rTtie prices obtained were very nigh Indeed. A special lot of the most beautiful bright wrappers, ; grown by; Mr. A. L. Or ldup, of Franklin coiiuty, brought f6 per hundred. The tobacco was perfect, and was as fine as any ' ever een here. Mr. A. C. Hayes obtained 1 100 fur- a, lot f choice bright, from Nash county. Mv Mclver, of Moore county; got an avenge of $S5 for his tobacco.; His highest figures are f3Sa45 for brights and $1012.60 f( r smokers and bright lugs: borne bright wrappers from Warren county sold readily at $58. The big prices: de- righted the sellers. Mr. Frank Stronacb and Mr. R igsdale were the auction, era; The latter U the regular auctioneer at this warehouse. .A lot of 657 pounds of tobacco, owned by the Pioneer manufacturing company sold at the 1 igh average of, 62c j. ; Tiia Fost Beautiful Goods in the way of C)ckery, China and Glassware ever brought to RaJcigh are now hown at Hughes',; 809 iCayetUviile street. ; All the no. ul ties am display id there, most attiact. Ively, and all purses are suiud. Not finer Hue cf thes goods, useful and beautiful, and both ccnibined. has ever been shown in North Ca "ollna. There is no place where tastier or m re acceptable Lhmtmas pres ents can be bought. All hew designs in lamps, tableware. Flush UxMUtaMTS, liilc-a-brac. comer and fancy c ibinett, Japanese, walnut and cht-rry brackets, at Ired. A Watson's, manufacturer of picture frames, window shades and cornicta. I Orders promptly at tended to. t r r Good Itiws tor tub ( hixdebh.' ; Every body Is glad to be told these joyous Christ mas times j' 1st where to, buy things. To all such inq liries the information is given that the place is 8. M. Richardson's, U3 Fayettevule street (formerly Branson's bookstore. ) There Diila ( laut has a reg ular' depository, and all torts of attractive things, from fire crackers tb the daintiest toys, musical lntrumenis, sc., are on saie. Prices are away down. Big bargains in all pepartmenta. jobbing trade in candies. A Fact tb UBuic APPaiciATJEs We keep upa fiiii lineoi O oihiCK, Hau.ciboes aud omUnii n boost by iieah additions daily, nd qurina direet fro u tb manu- (.otu-er -euao is us to; mvrai ue low prices, d i. - hd' bwi vo., i Tbksk Cai'isTMAS Times Arrivine every daV fancy llamua, Chrlslmss cake pans. syllabub-cenrna, tin cnamoer sets, nice: line of pocket and table cutlery, house fur nishing goods of all kind, cook and heat lag stoves. ' The best cook; stove made to day is the "Old North btate." If you wish to make a Christmas present of something nicer and usefu' be sure to call at the hard- Ware store cjf J. C. 8. Lumaden, 826 Fay ettevule street, v $j. PLobida Obahoks This delicious, fruit now in perfection. I am receiving sup plies weekly, direct from the grove. , tfwmm Bpeclavl aahUirvB Aev. Baltimore San. , y I : Washihgton, Deo. 1U Senators are already in the receipt oi nsmerous pea lions lr om! growers, manalacturem and fpefativs, brc testing against the jratiflea lion ot ibe ppanish treaty. Thai opposi tion i cstneit g m toree, and u boema. almost teriaia that tbe 1 1 eoassary ; two ibirds eacnlt be ecenr d. I It will be con trary to the result of all experiments should the adoption of the treaty secure a ebespenmg to the eonsumera of sugar and tobacco. I Indeed, the beet informed are dteided of the opinion that it would not Neither is it believed, a fur thorough in vestigation, that the msrstt fok American productai would' be seosiblr improved. Consequently tbe leal question presented Is a I very simple one. It is whether tbe government will find it ? wise to thro swst at least 120,000,000 of reveene an taavy. and neuber it nor ita people re eive any appreciable benefit in return. J !ti: Dakota bchimb. 1 The scheme to admit Southern Dakota as a State, whieh the rVpoblieans in both houses of Congress have i determined to press with ail the vigor and determination Wh.eh thev en bring to bear, would, U suooesefal, be a most beautiful piece of politioAl work for them. The soneme is to get in Southere Dakota now, and two years bened bring in Northern Dakota. The. et resulu would be to add four Senators to the Berublioan aide ! in the Senate, and six votes (0 the Republican strength In the electoral oollege.1 these aoeeSdioos would in all probability be of long permanence, for Dakota has ben almost exolohivuly settled by the oveifljw frbm thebveiwheimingly liepubhean Sutes of the Northwest. The Republicans cal- roulate that their hold upon the Senate Wvuid be almost indefinite if they can sue- CABIN IT G0B8IP. Qosdip in regard to President-elect Clevelavd's cabinet inereases daiiv. and mtny disuogniahed gentlemen are being la ed for cspinot positions iy their friends. uoe 01 me urrent ruxors touty was: that Senator Uajtrd, dating his recoct visit to . Cleveland,1 was off red any portfolio that be mght select, and that he indicated his preference for that of se cretary of the treasury. it seems sste to asv that in this instacM rumor is not fsr out of the way. Another report is that Senator Lt mar, 01 MisiitBippi, has hid lotimationa of Mr. Cleveland's desire tl at he should be eima a member of his cabinetjtand bt name has been ircuen ly mentto&ed today- in oonuecion uh tbe 1 cretarjsbip-of-State, for which, it is generally ooneeded,! bit seholArship, well balanced judgm nt and acknowledged oonservatism eminently qoaury mm, . , '.: Sr. LoDU, Mo, JDeo 12. About 10 o e oek last night two cf the large iron Col urn m of .he old gas meter, oorner of Fcdruen b aid Singleton streets, belong iug to the St. Louis gaslight company, wtre cWivd to be a great deal out of plumb, and in hour later, while prepsia liba wero bsing made to avert the aooi ddnt, they U 11 with a heavy eraah, carry ing down a'liioflt the entire struotore. An exp'ouon oi gas immediately lollowed, ftuh liahtc 1 up the entire oty andf onp e J mnoh alarm, but : the illumination last d f -r ely a luinute. Kxtraord'inary at it miy tietm, no lorriaodag property; im damwed ' It will ooet the firm 175 000 to l0 000 to replace the tank, aJd n thf maoiime the stoiagi capaoity of -the ebmpaby wil bo rtduoed nearly one t a f, wih will oooasioa amt iceun- enjew. ; I; 8mithtiku),N.O.,Nov. 27, 1884 1;N. K. Biohardson,Eqn will be a eaadi date belore the Demoerauo oaueu lor the position of eiicruaUng clerk of the senate. Mr. K:oha4Wn nas alwajs been an an'ivj D httiorat, aad his auuaaae in the Otiuiest as editor of the Sihfield Ueraid a as very valuable to the Demo-r orauc party. We Johnston Democrat! thiak our o-uuly dewervea recognition We have iOMeaH:d a majority for Jarvi of 356 to one oi 975 for Scales, and it ii laid that Jhnaua has never bad a sioglo cfiiod wahtu the eitt of the leeiblature; We tl'ink tiiai it is due the county that MrJ Riohardson be elected to the afore Said position. JOHNSTON LOUNTT. Ahut Nwkpaprt, We do not undtSHtaod why it should cost more to run a daily in Raleigh than in Chariotta or Wilmington, eapeoially when the Raleigh papors have claimed such a large tireulation. We apprehend that the ianlt is in the manage mont 06 n-aoy oanyawers and too muoh oredt Mr. Turner had due him about $16,000 tor pli ers iurnbhed Demotrsta when he phb Uhed the Sentinel. Wilmington Star. 1: Uoubtless the poliiioal papers pub fished at rlaleigh have done a great deal of gratuitous party work Ed N. andU .'I b DaHot W let. Chicago, Doc 12 A special from Bi'marok say: A 9 o'olook last night G4V. Pieroe received a telegram from Red fie d.dai.ed Dee. 11, as foliowt: "We believe the oely sure way to prevent loss of life is tb send troops at ooee. We are reoeiving reports from reliable sources tost the ex citemeot is increasing hourly. The troops 14 bbrm no one, and may prevent blood shed." I'he telegram is signed by D. N Hunt, miyor, and Arthur Ltwrence sb.er.ff. I q vie of the telegram the Gav ernor mated the Fargo 0 jmpany to move . - 0..JC.1 j TL - l n A- -t OB i.w Aveuueiu, iuo vutuuuii uuarus, vi this cr y. hvi been held in readinesa to move ;iuo Wednesday. Tetal Net Iteeefpts et Vmlfm, l: Nw York, Dee. 12. The follow ine are the total net receipts of cotton 1 all the ports since September 1, 1884: Gal reeton, 348,616 bales; New Orleans, 866. 7fi; Mobile, 140,76b; Bavannah,640,080 Charleeton, 392,278: WUmingtonT71,992 Norfolk, 360,75l;Baltimore, 24,419; New Iork,18,lS4; Boston, 39,825; Providenoe, Philadelphia, 15 825; WestPomt,156 928; Branswiok, 8,391; Port Royal, 1,144; Penaaoohv 31.874: Indianoia. 8.&20: New. port News, a!2,799; City Point, 131; total 3,062,847. ; Wmwu el tbe' names. . Niw Bidford, Mass , Deo. 12. At 8 20 o'clock thia morning fire broke out in Haskell & Tripp's dry goods stores oi Porehase street, and extended to the other three stores of Haskell & Tripp and to the jtWehry store of J. A. Daxtar and the fmOding occupied by Robert Gordon, tailor, and Michael & Cairns, shoemakers. Three alarms were sonnded and the whole fire detartment brought out. The fire at HI o'olook was still ra progress. Many eellaa wejre fboded in the vicibity. The loss will be heavy. The cause of the fire is unknown, .but it is tupposed to nave started in the boiler room. In addition ti the five eteamers oi this eity one has ar rived from Fair Haven. All of Haskell & Tripp's stores are completely gutted and are being torn down Waite's dry goods store, a two-story bnok Loilding, threatened. The buildings so far de troyed were one-story structures. i 1 Tax Ehgli8h Iixcstkatxd MAflAznnt for December is a most delightful number of that excellent periodical. It la gemmed .With beautiful pictures, among which we note eight full page illustrations most of them being' engravings of Thomas Gains borough's best works. There is an elabor ate article On i Gainsborough, accompanied by several fine engravings. The Squire at Vauxhall is excellent and alto profusely . illustrated, as also is Clovelly: The Mission or tne jcogllsn tn Abyssinia: Ualvados; and the story of the Bf orzaa of Milan, a family Of adventurers. The moat interesting arti cle, which; like the preceding is hand somely pictorial, is Iron and Steel Making in New Booth Wales. A Christmas Tide in the Kbyber Pass by Archibald Forbes, A Family Affair, and That Terrible Man are among the attractions of this Christmas number; - This magazine is one of the cheapest and best that we see. ; I ; I DAM II 9 1 A'dtfi jiency of two millions in the New York Central ra.lroad's annual account i discovered. More than sevin millions have been paid out in dividends when the earnings were leea than five millions. An unexplained prtfit and lose atooant : . ai. a thirteen millions appears. a serious charge is brought against Kwoa Bros cotton brokers of Mew lork. They are under investigation in the exohange. A decree is adopted by the plenary eounoi fur a new method of electing bishops.; The mysterious death of a be&utiial 8w Louis book canvasser, a girl of twenty ibur, causes a sensation. A band of boy burglar shildren armed with files, j.m mies and bags for plunder is captured in New York. A tiger etcsped from Soils'; circus alarms Alexanderville, Ohio, by a visit to it A vagrant husband of Am- terdam, New York, woos, wins and -elopes with his wife's daughter. A million aire widow of New York is garroteot in open davltgbt in Thirteenth street The yonog men e Republican club of Now 5Tork ix 00m men da Evarta for the Sen ate. iVilkiasoa & Co, bankerc.of Sm eoEe, N. Y , fail with liabilities amounting to d4a,CJOO. Gen oherman may reply to Mr, Datia. Mugwumps are iseonti neiit-y bonnced fiom New York ward asrooiations - Brooklyn's assistant poet mister eomes backVnd gives bail His friends, say be can explain the eharges against her. Victoria Moru ioi is going to law. Three suits are to be brought in the oourts in her name one for criminal libel, obc for damages for libel and the third against the Hanover' bank which r o'ds money deposited in her name, - t $ ' i ;-A M ibt kc People who think that Santa Ulaus has moved his headquarters to 'any other place than Moseley'a, 183 Fay elUTille sticet, are badly mistaken. The stbek of toys is the best Moeelev has ever shown, and that is certainly saying a great deal It is enough to say that all sorU of toys, dolls, china, etc., are there, in abund ance. All pockets and all tastes suited. A feature of Moseleys is his restaurant on the European plan. Everything atrictly nrat 1 Class. declO-tf The ordinary life of a commercial trav eler for 4 wholesale drag house is generally uneventful ana a romance writer would scarcely select so solid a man of business for a hero of a thrilling story, or sensational narrative. The subject of this sketch, Waller ttuir, was an Englishman, whose refined widow and family, since tbe death of the head of the bouse, has resided at 113 bom bara street, FUiladelphuu Walter Muir was born In Manchester, England, and was about 60 years old at the time of nta ceatn. tie was probably tbe nest known drug salesman in the world, having fol lowed traveling as a vocation in both Eng land and thia country. He was particu larly well anown in all the large cities of the South, ra many of which he had num bers oi warm personal friends who will re call him with pleasant recollections. Shortly alter his arrival here he con nected himself with the well- known house of French, Richards & Co., of Phil deiphia, and soon displayed such remarka ble aDiiity ior selling goods, ana making profits, that he commanded a larger salary than any salesman ever received in this country in this line of business. He was a man of splendid physical appearance, and most engaging manners, endowed with many intellectual accomplishments, and was a first-rate classical scholar, an author of several publications; Including "Inspira tional Character displayed." which was largely read by spiritualists, in which faith Mr. Muir was a firm believer. Mr. Muir had a peculiar magnetism about him he could take orders when no one else could. His services being in great de mand he was several times, induced to change his positions, being employea suc cessively dv Messrs. A. ii. Bands s uo., rt. i., the late firm of tj. J. Fell & Bro.. and Wm K. Warner & Co. . of Philadelphia, and J. Lewis et Co., Mew Orleans, which latter firm wrote Mr. M , upon his resigning from their employ: "We cont'der you nearer to our ideas of what should constitute commercial traveler than any man we have ever met. x his opinion has been formed after years of observation. M tAf er Mr. Muir became a convert to spirit ualism be formed an intimate acquaintance with the well-known Uelva Liockwood, of Washinetoe, D. C, the Woman's Rights candidate for President of the United Slates aud who was a prominent spiritualist. Mrs. Lockwood was employed by Mr. Muir as an attorney to look after some property coming to hun In England. The following is an extract from a letter from this cele brated woman to Mr Muir: "I have been to see Mrs. Uatlie J, French and have had a long sitting wl h her for you in the presence of a friend who is entirely disin terested, as far as your matters are con cerned. She was controlled by bpanlsh spirit, named lienlto, I believe, a business spirit, who has promised me valuable assistance for you. but says the will not help you, or answer your ques tions, nor send you any information what ever: that I, and no o .her, am to do the busi neas; that the information will be given to me alone; that suit is already begun;: that explicit directions have been given and will continue to be given to me; that you are not to make an ttrort to recover lu but you are to return to New York, furnish me with the means to visit England on yonr behalf, and bfore I start enter upon a bond to pay to the medium and myself jointly the sum of 600 pounds, in the presence of three witnesses, belore this property placed in your hands, but not, however. until it is adjudged to be due to you. This is not a creation of my brain, bat a bona fide spirit communication. 1 send yon the testimony of the friend who heard as I did the remarkable communications and proph ecies given to me." A reporter was conversing with Mrs. Muir recently, when the lady went, over her husband's interesting history, and during the talk she told him how she had been completely cured of utter prostration and weakness by using Brown's Iron Bitters. Mrs. Muir then remarked: "My young est son, George Kerf oot Muir, who is nanud after the Episcopal Bishop Kerf oot,: of Pittsburg, was dreadfully fsick and Brown's Iron Bitters completely cured him after he had taken six bottles. lie had worms, could nut sleep, and got as thin as a rail. Me also had malaria; and bad head troubles, lie was reduced to 90 pounds in weight, but sained 11 pounds soon after he commenced taking Brqwn'a iron niuers. ms sain is now clear and his appetite splendid. That remedy had really a wonderful effect on him. and I am confident that Brown's Iron Bitters saved his life. My son can now attend to his business without losing any time, but bu- rore he. commenced taking Brown's iron Sitters he could do no work whatever. He gained : in fl.sh and strength with every bottle he took; and is now entirely well. I think Brown' lion Bitters is the flaest tonic in tbe world." . Rev G.W. Gffley, New Berne, N.i O., says: "1 have taken Brown's Iron Bitters aud consider It one of the best medicines known." i Mrs. R.L. Walker, Milton, N. O., says : "I took' Brown's Iron Bitters while suffer ing intensely with dyspepsia. 1 am entirely free from it now and attribute my recovery mainly to the use of this, valuable medi- Mr. J. D. Buttenfield, Retdsville, N. O., says : "My wife's mother was in feeble health for twenty years; skilled physicians failed to relieve. Brown's Iron Bitters benefited he wondei fully, and she recom mends it to others for complication of dis eases." i ; 1 Miss Margaret M- Pope, Rich Square, N. C., i says : "I suffered with dyspepsia, nervousness and soreness of lungs. Brown's Iron Bitters relieved me and restored my former health. I have every reason to gratefully and cheerfully recommend it " Mr. M. Meierhof, Enfield, H. 0 , saya: "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for disordered stomach and found it a most effectual remedy," ? Mr. au. McLaughlin, Wolftsville,N.-C., says: ' 'I suffered tor eighteen months with vertigo and constipation; tried everything without avail, until I used Brown's Iron Bitters, one bottle of which made me feel like a new man." i Jtlmtrlm. ," Lono Mason. On the 10th Inst , at the residence of &r. W. H. Gray, Northamp ton county, by Rev. Gilbert Biggs, William nuiiama Ltont ana Dally w. nason, aaugh ter of Thos. W. Mason, Etq. Mo cards. Married, at Morganton, N. O., December 10th, at the M. J. church, by the Rev. Mr. W. M. Robey. of Golds boro, Mr. Samuel Newton, of High Point, N. C, to His Mattie Fevree, of Morganton. Abtibtio Jxwklxt and Bboxzks. The Christmas display of fine diamonds, jew elry, clocks, watches, gold: and silver ware and art bronzes, made at Mahlei's, 228 Fayctteville street, is unquestionably One of the richest ever seen in the State. The range of objects suitable for presents is very wide, and the utmost taste has been exercised in their selection. The newest designs are shown in the bronzes, which are a specialty of the house. Orders from any point fl!k-d promptly. Er graving or designing doue to orJer. decll-d2w CITY -TTOi XAKKrjr. tOrriOIAXLT R1POBTKD fcT TH OOTTlH KXC'HA2fOil.J - ? &AL.stiaa., Deo 116 r. mt.x OOBKaviTtU) OA.ILX Mlat;U4A Hi ! Mi !! on - M i i W ; ! 1 '? Striot MiddUng uid i lug ... . Strict Low Middling LCW Middling, Middlibr Mhibh ( Striot Uood Ordinary., Low MlddtlngBtaina Market weak. The first horse railroad was buUt in . Ill Desperate Attack a (aaa la Tmaneeata avisw. New York World. Mrs. William HumporeT, tht rieh California widow whose husband was con nected with the Big Bonansa mine and who estimates her wealth at millions, was attacked; and almost gorroted in We6t Thirteenth street Wednesday. Her reticule, oontaining $500 in cheeks and as muoh; more cash, was snatched from her hand ripped apart, bat owing to the lady's hero ism and the ready assistanoa of several other ladies and gentleman passing by she! lost only $70. Mr. Humphrey is a tall and beautiful woman about thirty-five years old, al though she appears muoh jounger Siaoe the death of her husband some years ago she has resided in San Franoisoo, where she owns a handsome residehoe. She arrived in this city only a few days ago, and took up her residenea with a friend at No. 244 West Thirteenth street. This part of that thoroughfare is thoroughly respectable, and the tiles of the street are lined wholly with the most fashionable of private houses. At noon yesterday Jars. Humphrey left her " residence to cash cheeks and do some shopping. She placed her eash and checks in a retiouie. She first went tb M toy's and purobaied several small pres ents for Christmas and then cashed f 500 worth of eheoks. It was then her inten tion to go to t iffny's and buy jewelry and silverware for Christmas presents, but noticing, as she orossed Fifth avenue and Fourteenth stree', that three y ouag men were keeping elose to her, and suspecting that they had seen her cash heir ohecks, she again return to Maey's. It ,wsj 1.30 o'clock before she again eame out on the street, and the three young mitt were at her heels. One of her followers Mrs. Humphrey describes as almost a boy, with a white oo lor! cm foe, dressed in fairly giod olothes and earning a light stiok in his hand. The two others walked leisurely along behind their companion and seemed to be engaged in a very earnest coaversi- tioo. One of them was about 18 years old, with a Villainous east of oouotenanoe and attired in the rough clothes of i stableman, while his eompaaion, a sallow- faced oonsamptive-iookifig individual, was arrayed in tbe style of a Bowery rumm. The three men eroded sixth avenue be hind Mrs. Humphrey. Mrs. Humphrey harried across town eorfident that she woa'.d reaoh her home before the rnffins attacked her. When she crossed Seventh avenus the dret man came nearer to her, and the -others had dosed np and began to wrangle. Mrs. Humphrey held the satohel cnataining the money in her hand, when j the first man touched; her on the shoulder and said, in an inquiring tone of voice, 44 1 believe this is Thirteenth street 7" lt is," Mrs. Humphrey replied, calmly "and you land yonr friend behind had better pass along." T ' Without aco'her word the desperado threw the lady against the iron railing oi one of the bouse and nisaed .: Miet go that bag or 1 il beat your , brains out on the railing." Mrs Humphrey shot out her right arm and caught the villain by the collar, while she clung to her retiouie with the other hand. The two other men now sprang forward and: bint j tin lady backward j over . the railug, while she screamed for assistance and clang to the retiouie.!' The inside poatet of the reti eale was towards the lady and ; the side from wbiah the lady's 13 handkerohie! protruded was towards the three men The retiouie was torn in half and one of the men snatched the Jiandkerehief side aad Aid. j . The other tw) mbn fought desperately and the lady held the other side of the bsg stubbornly. Her black silk' wrap was torn and her bonnet crushed. ; There is no doubt that the diamoadi in the lady's ears would soon have been ripped away had ot one of the windows ot a house opposite suddenly lifted : and white apioned girl cried "Police, : police" The girl who had been in the window came to the s o op and shrieked, and several gen tlemen who bad noticed the garroticg rushed up Thiiteenth street. A coach also stopped and two ladies sprang out just as the two men fl.d. The assault had not lasted mere than ten seoondp, and from the time; the first man had spoken until his companions, followed by the two gentlemen, were racing after him towards Sixth avenue more than a minute had not elapsed. The ladies from the coach went to Mrs. Hum phrey and revived her and took her home. The two 'gentlemen, accompanied by a hundred other people, followed the three desperadoes, but all escaped. .J3UBPI.B STRAW SESO WHEAT, j . SF E Jf Dl D 8EJKD RTB, B&OWN WINT&R OA.T3, j RKD EU jT-POOF OATS, RED CLOVER SEED For Sale by JONES A POWELL, " Raleigh, N a JJOR1E POWDERS, CATTLS POWI)Bl, .CHICKEN POWDERS. Kch made exprr saly Tor tbe several an-. ltnala by Dr. Salmor.Vttrlnary Surgeon, who has made the dl iaio of animals a s udy for years. m LlgKnlng Hay KuiK The mostonvenlent, oh .apeat aud tet thing pfef ita kind. For sale by JONES A POWELL, Wholfsals dealers in Grain, Hiv. Bran SU p'tuir, Lhope.Uea!. Flour Shlng'oa, I Laths; lumber, Wjod, Col, do WASTifi-A mas 10 Bt'rj h to 'ake an offioe and reprtct a ufao turer. to sell anentiie y new line nf oo a. ISO per wfejmltca lt rtqu r?d Ad dRta with stamp, EOX 106. vi rcton. i , dooMhltfit, - not dolL with a downward tenaeneyi .V.I.T.1. a. Orlaana 61 mmlm 7.UU0 baieat apecoiatlon and export 1,000; receapta 14, 000 American 18,500.; December a d : Jan uary 5 5S-6ia5 61 64; Januaiy and February a 63-64; February and March 6 67-64; March and April 6 eo-OMO 01-04; pru ana mxmj 8: Ma and Jane 6 S64a6 4-64i June and Jdly 6 8-64; Jtty and August iU-es Taturea ami at a aseune. 1-9 p. m. 4'Atton Halea ox 4 niio- a notations ol Amei loan all l-i6: nulauds 6 18 16 Oi leans 11 enmbat 6 62-64. bavera: Deo Jtmir fi fi2-K4 bnvera: Jantt Jrebroarj 0 64-ei, aetieta, reonurj uu Mamh ft (U. aallan: Marah and ADrLl 6 6 61 64. sellers; April and May 6J buyers; stay aaa jane 04-04, ouy era; ibm miu July 6 8-64, value. ! July audi August 6 10 64. Future steady. AXaxrls.o-t Knw Tons, Deo. 12. Exchange 4.8L Mouev Hal. Sub-treasury balanee- -scold 1125,921; currency 12,294. Oovernmenta ateady; 4 per oents : iUi; 8 per cents 101 bid. tsute bonds quiet; 1 ueurcia 6's 1 1 bid; Georgia 7 'a, morigage.l 106 bid; North Uaroilnos 30 bid; Mortn parounaa new 18 bid; Worth Can Unas funding 10 bid; Tennessee 6's 41 bid; Virginia 6's 88 bid: Virginia consols Sa old, Jaai Ten neeaee railroad 8i, ex. div.; LaILm Shore 64; Louisville A Washvin 861; Norfolk Jt: western orelerred 2it ttionknond a Allexhanv 2 ; Riohmouu A I Danville 40 bid Rtulimond A West r'olnt Terminal 17s; ttook Xalana 10, obi Paul 7at; bt, Paul preferred I04i Texas FaOIHo 1S; Unlou Paoiflo 48 Wester Union 601. Ootton net ruoelpta 28a baiea; ktobs s.211 baiea. ruiurea oiotea weaat suS.OCO; Deoember I0.64al0.6tf; i January ti.7aal0.76: Fahrnarr ltt.78al0.80. MareA 10 8tfai0.8 1 April il.USaU.04; May 11.16a 1L17: June Il.i8all30; f July ll89all.4lt Auguat .lL49ail.6!; Heptembar 11.16all2j. Ootton anil and easy; aaie 106 jwiea; up lanua 104 ; Orleans Hi; oonsoUdatea net re- oeipte 68 746 bales experts to Great Britain 3 2,48 If to France to tu con tinent 8.876. , ; sathern floor qalst; common to fall extra IS O0a3-&K uod to cuoioe do. I8.. a &JM. Wheat spot liaSo lower; tuigraded red 66a84: r-.o, 2 red SCilatfc; elevator no. 2 r dd a. eoem ber 79. Corn - spot nnaettled and lato lower; ungrauea 4001; angraaea white 61: U o. 2 DevtmDer KtaKU. cab sate lower: tfo. xL 2a32i. tlopa dull and unsettled at 10ai8. wttee. apot fair Rio dull at HI; No,; 7 Rio, apot JUS; De cember tfjsagat auii ana nominal; fair to gooa renninff4ta4ir refined quiet; U4iafi; white extra u bas; jeiiow 4ft; off a fiiafii: mould A 6 -16a61: atanoaru A 61; gran mated 6 l6-16att; powuered .604; OQAieououer' A fit; out umj ana crnanea 61ad, cubes 6i; PeraambucO 41; Porto &100 4 11 16. ottntrKUff! hi, new Orleans 4. saicar 81: juiKllah Islands 6; iMrto Kloo 6 5 10: Unadaioupe 4441, Maroniqu 44, Barbadoea 4jj Aemerara ' 6i; French l&ands 8a4; Mauriuoa 44 crushed 71; Matanaaa 44; 8b" Jago 6; i oentrt- ltual 61: maaoovadO 41; Trtnidad 4 Braail - 44. Molasaea ateady; NeWi Orleans 4060; 60 -teat 18; rellnlag lauii. Mice quiet; anmuue 4afi: Ruimoa 4i44. Odttou mim oil 84 fox erode; 40a tt tot .nOned. Kosln firm at L20ai SO. iplnto 1 turpentine iceady atu. Jrxiuda iteaart wai saitoa Mew Orleans selectod,!46a60 pounds, lOall; Texas selected, 6060 poanaa, 1011. woo. stoaoy; domestto neeoe 137; le lx2 rora auu ana weax; mean s 25i2 7a npaale repoctedj middies no alii lo-g ioaa oiear S6Jt6 Lra 67 poin lo.r, ctosing weak; Western Bteam spot, ftfvoa tl 06: ueoem.er So.9ott &. FtWht him ootton dt avMuai. 13-eu7-82u; wheat tto. pa a a a h w S so o w gr e t jr Hi " -H if-" r , A -0 o - & g . V i- si - OQ a " . .o MSJS A.. 2 s t MJ i J i 2' Z.M -a a ? - a si 5"B 'a '4 DnonxBKs 12. The j following ars the net reoeipta or eotton at the porta. mux. Galveston, 8,21 bales; Norfolk. 6 841 bales Wilmington, (98 bale; Savannah 6.130 bales: Hew Orlena. 19.1 63 bale: Mobile, 2,861 bales; Memphis, 4,218 balee; Augusta 1,977 Daiea; uarietoni 4,0U4 Wllmtaato (Jetton sTarRuv, WixsnKaTow, December 111 Ootton dun at 10 6-16 oenur net reoeipta 898 oaie. Nrtist siavkeaj; Norfolk, December 1 12 -Cotton ttetdy at xvt oennt; aet reoeipta e.ssi Dale.. mlngton Naval stores Jlarket. mihotoh, December 11 opirits ter- e fim at 28, Bosln oulet ed 96; good strained 1 00 Tai firm at Orude turpentine steady at IjuuO ior bard, 81.60 for y . llo iio ao Vtrifln Raleigh Leaf Tobacco Market. lopeciauy reponea ror the :jws un Osduvsn by T. Norman Jones Nfc Co., rropnetors vapuai warenouse.j IVMXOU, Aec. JJ5L ocraps uimnion.,.mf..,.wIM ' fninrinti a - , r . 4 506 50 eiooaiaoo 700a8.50 Smokers Common Medium 8fi012.00 " Good 5 ; " Pine to Fancy;;;. Cutters Common ,i 11 Good. Fine...... ' F&QCy aaa. Fillers Common .w,.. . " Medium .M.H......... 11.00a 15.00 18 00 1 30. 00 10.0020 00 20.D0aM.00 25 0080.00 80.00a40 00 ! 6008.00 8.5012.00 12 0'Jal8 00 16.0025.00 17.0025.00 20.0010 00 80.0043.00 na 0080.00 Fin Wrappers Common......i....M Oood.. Fine.. ! " Fancv. .75.00100.00 SaJea every Wednesd! and Friday. Coaches were first used In Eng 1539. ft 1 and in ; I XCCCTO'a NOTICE. TTAVINQ ODALIKIEDAS ECU. XX tor ot Oe ige W. Korwod, 81 , de cerned,! hereby not'fy all persons having claims against ii estate! -to i hem to me for settlement preaent On or bfre the 6th dv ot I'eodmber. 1885. I'ersois lnaAoua 10 me estate win pleue Mttle, GE '. W NOWOOD.Kxsoutor, dec 6 dl w6;. j . Ui unim,iwinu inT,ii urrt.aa Fas. penun rtrl l 10J HUirtnilKMIWkllUtTlU OT HIHWM . ; ' AT.A.IUM;B,wrrliiNi.twgrsl mGREAffSALE !; -OP- Bohemian Glaoo VASES. A BEAUTIFUL PAIR FOB $3 50 WORTH $5 00. $3.00 WO RTB $4 60. I2 90-WORTH-$4 50. . $2 80 WORTH $4 00. $2 50WORTH $4:00. $2.35 WORTH $3.60. . $2 30-WORTH $3 60. V $2.20 WORTHi-$3.60. -$1 80 WORTH $3.00. $1 60 WORTHw$2.75. f 1 SI 45 WORTH $2 25. ii oo Worth-$2 oo. ; REMEMBER THX8 Aki rnni oooDS ; a AKO jfUST Bl. SOLD. . CALL AJtD ZXkKint, Thos, H. 220 Fayette viitL si-, RaLUOH, N. 0. 1 ; EDWARD J. flARDIll, GROCER I DrnrA. In srverv brauAh air kla hna. I Biiggs &. Sons, For the Winter. ineus, to snpply the wants of a flrst-olaes h ' i -trade in Qrooeriea, Provisions and every ; deaeriptlon et Table sapplle. . ALMOST J Mt STAPLE PEOYLilOyS, Hsata, ttraadstaffs, dton AeJ U a J ( - i dined Of lata. Thai maana at II aim r if r; ' . anderstand 'that , I wfflsf? NOT Kr II N llTCHHrli.Tl ! bft: and that they can eoant upa reoeivlac ; V . J lowai the markets will! porous rsfei:: HOLIDAY oOPPUBS. Vow arriving A Fall 8toec of eholee rtQEs, n iw t1oaas,.vvainat9,cii- bart, Brasi I Nats. Aa dta ill . of the npBf i .p,nopld.,,y ;. .;vy CHOICE VINEYARD .CLUSTERS,! ' -? for Dessert.' ! . LONDON LAYERS, in flat quarter! ' boxes.l'3;;. VERY CHOICE bTEMLESS ONDA-Pf :U wunnAflio, UlAJW;; nna;4I; an the rest et it,.; .- - . Every thlng'of atei ling - ralae an t ip4 1 ' ' V provea rfputsiionin the way ox Imported i p U and Dmetlo -, ;-; .-m - CAMN&D. KRUIT3,; YEQETABLE3 p 'M ana rioa, OAUCJB.3, VAlHUtrO, J OLIVES. , MUSHROOHS. . s , PRESKhV JELLIES PICKLEv PlNESr FIGS, CHOCOL.VTEi AND COOGfl f ; PREPARATIONS FLAVORING uaiuauij, ave : i .. . WPDIIIHJ L. . Fine Wines and Finn a FOR MEDICINAL AND FAHLLY 1 Alet, Porters, jLager Beer IUP0RfD GINfiEff ALlv, 1 1 1 i - I A nAlf!nal la . ab ; ' r-pwiuiiAi in vvaioi t : tooKwa ; we 9Anjtulncia the wy of ta lesapplies - rally guaranteed as to qaallt aad pilon, ?! 4 j ua promptly aeiiTsr js Ji rattmsi . : OEDEKS FOR COAL OF BESTQUAL- ' ? Ity, both hrd ad aoft, will bb promptly filled bj s .niing them to U. H. Brots'i i Ktor. nc xt to Citiaan'a Bank. ; -! I ' R X HARRIS. Nov. M, 1884. 1;,: . .tZTlX Miss Iilzzla ITnvhAa a'ntv - um. tn n says: "I connhW Mr..n. di7 , r v&wuout tonic KING fc MAO .4""' noNTRirrmsBvAa muusf At n sisri paimtiuc i No. 1 tfaat Davie Httvet, 'nnaer Law; Wtdo Vtl omminir Olirififf nMhil t and reneral Houie P!i ting. . I f; xm-a3ai iaotiitiM r r suiro wr vi f ' ' .1 '( O.dar torn any dlstmo atl ltu " ',( i B-si rreren-fM jriv. - deeSdly. , .A U.iUUlC.t, . . I t a buugu. U1U JL OSlKUtM. : --i.. ? (With the late BamoalSloaa), 1 i r' -t i.ci iu.'n. a. " ; PienMfVAt ooa.' DaUiia, 1 Worklnsj -. ofyrjtdfo enpiion Uuroaghoat th Stats) raaiat7 fariiiahed. Loose Box s jr '. t 't ItQoa) f, Brl2S KuiliiT":, .13 nr. t ' .- .. i. ":WyA 'A Mi i S Z ' ! !

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