i ) odor's Certificate Cano?r, Stta . Disease and heumatiszn. tWTiiAi c'.-v. ... ..j .ucer made lU apj ara iCj on my ciim Three years ago it toothed mil, but bud apiing returned Boon f-ribeenc r appeared my Rio t-e-came Uit & i-i -uUj biiQi. wu mo or Diu.de w n'. l mil mi", s; ao t.nl uake an ugly" (tlx- mgu ptac-.ua sua Heavy scales lot me i ii iu tiiuds and f ace. Las Octo ber"! a a.icktd v.i h Hueuinaluin id iny (cut, aokle4 knees tua hpa, wu.cq became so e ff, swolltn and sort, and thf muscle so mud: contracted th.iii was impoauble for rue 'o suaig'.tt a t -jsef. Id ibis ter ibie cinuuion do audiciae gve me an relief liy appetite and btrunxth failed ard i bc laine completely beiriets. la tbu almost .iO()deH6 cojdiitua 1 d.- crtbinrd to liy QciSS'S PlONBKK liLOOO ItkSiBWBtf. 1 ptr cured atupplj anl ocgJ iho use of it. J uad i: About one muali, ana 1 s ru tea im proved that l tK-gau 10 ' alk suvu. wuh the kid of cruchu. Thb caucer u my ciiu. entirely disappeared.:" iur b.ack , htuvi scal Tha. hud- f'jrui.ed oti iii, lace and hand fed off and ui) hi-j Lx cn.t c.enr, aiuu :i and healthy. 1 wo.ud u i ma e ittai for bvtral ears 1 have u-id lb. vicdiotu io u.y p.uclice in Ue Uvaujen' of guudula and skin disease and Uivexev r kow t n to ;ali lo cure- afy cad u.rc il liaj boe Qua fcCcord.L to u;i.ctk.cs I do,, thero fort, most tbeortuliy. rvcoibinttid ii lo kI wlo mny b ittlcted any of ibe d.s- easts for whicti n is prjaciiDod. j. l. aTJui'ujfi.aj, l. ii.,; ' Griffin, O.,' 1 lie atxiTu certiflc&W are but a few In staLSta of iboiksauds in our rxsedPiou, suO'Wiug saffiers b b?o been leileved of every form of Blood aad sk;a inc-a, F. - ' male oomplainta, DyapepsU, by pii.Us, Mer ' curial Kbeumaiiam, . li;ood Pjin and , MalaHa. - F r full information, our free prnpfc!et on Blood and Bkiu dutaJKu wiu be furoishtd on application to Ibe U MAUOK MEDICINE CO., - is Macon, Ga.' Sold in powdered form; easy to prepare al home; with or without spirits; small eize 23 cents, large buw $1 00; mailed to any ad dress on ncipi of jprice-. Lquid form, imali size $1 00, large eiu 1.75. I Boid by FB m UO, UU & CO., Raleigh, N C5. Sep' 19 d&w. $ GOLD MEDAL JLND PIPLOMA.. highest Award at tie New Orleans Exposition. : '-is ii - ' j ' . j II GULLETra MAG VOLT A Cotton Gins.! LEA.CU BROTHERS, Agents, ! ?. Raleigh, K, ai s:e:e:o o-ts. J.OOObashela Whlt Winter Oa. MO bushsla Bait Proof Oats. LKAOD BROrUEES. Bagging and Ties; 5.000 yihls 21 h Beclna I lU.Oou vaida lliDt and medium wtu bai'gtng. i 600 bundles New Arrow IV a, Lowest priocs to ginners and d )3r ! LKA0H BaOTBi.BS.1 Ang7d&w8m. . I 1867. r" "TiHl FALL TRADE. J. J. THOMAS NERAL COMMieSION MERCHANT AND .i:v ' COTTON SELLER RALEIGH, N. a Offer to ihA 00,000 ywts ii. 2, : and It pound bag- 9 not -I BOO Bundles New and Ucstv Weight ATiee. 2 5 000 Pounce Bulk Meat. 2 XX) Bushels White and Yellow Corn. B Dts White Bolted Meal, .i B"rr THnr. I argin vrc -tton bftfl'a, T in Molis.". Hay iir. O ft e. Ac , ell of w iwi i'oOr aoon vry Tn. u-uH.Holloit tir.i'KTtuuenv f o "oit b Di. wll ma.a ;iU A.dT.vvj u i id ng .or cou r 'o h'va-1 w n ---tTl ; J. J TU HO. tflS. il(J : d 117 rtoutc 'iU i it't-ja dt., i taiiSl tawvtin KUv.b, N. C, PAR K f voa aie wati.i a ay fro ms, ds sIpati'T.-'ir a iMa.- or nnne Mid requi e& -t mu uu: pa itur's Toaio stofK-e i. -. li'-l or-i -j I .hd viju nn fn . tit.- -. yt - : i t t'-y- nev r mtnx I t II - tv . UU '..BUB : V lirea i in-. - a-s. ! HIS X . Ne xt,. f 1) I V ; ., o t h t ruL.uth "re eot ': ' i .! .on i ... , t' h iu & i i hirioe i o1 .nu oru aiaA)l flu, : nl i. . ' j i uiat- sdure4 T. s, , PQ a. i! 1 I ?! fc r- 't' . ' int ent .-n OU'lOriKK, 16, 1885. I be'd ibe gkeiu. l'oi lie- i uj niiht, Wnen tin si.-i ; c iu t 'h- tfniiht liaucvd fiifi.U iia ,w u r tix- wall. Polly and 1, and ibdi ai all, Were tttre t st-e the gbtstly bal'; 1'ocgtfuud scut tld, iiettiu-dors Dcl cat, Vemu de Milo ar d Mauuann fat, , '1'ablj and lump; aim m hm whi rc wc Bat, In rbyitim c iuvsire weoi rund and rouud, In rbytbmx mt-aure wi'b rever a sound. Whiiii Polly's arbt hh she wound and wound L oked like a Hid er druwmg h:a bow Across his fiddlti to and fro; Thi Etr Dgt w4e these or the skein, you kuow. I be d the bkeia. I held tbe fkein. I'd known her long, And my bear hid earoed tbe 8aie old song Tuat hearts have fcuog su cc h(.ans were DibJe, ; Trihd in the sunlight or 8t-bbcd in tbe s "aie. ; Hui ni; I t s ere mute, for I was afraid To epc-ak my tbouhls. Bo 1 held my peace At-d ooirowt-U h o, and to a low lcae Of a fr.endship i touted yel dreaded mii?ht cea- e. - ; For Polly was oddish and queer io hr ways, Mer y eat- tie i-ay aud hci nays werj yeas. i.uJ it otkcu .ook me dnys acd days T tin ! oal .1 but w .8 vticJ -it pleased, Or it Pc b.fcu au ,di(l nr .miy Uaaed: iiul her iadjiCip wo Luii u.tfiii appeased. 1 he.d the bk.in. I beld ihe tktin. tbe las. few stracd; Aud as ihey tica'ped, my ouUirexhid bands Were stre.cbed out fancier and farther slill (You see the yaru might hara dropped). Uiilll Bonn how wtll.s Po!ry wasn't ill, Only a liitte bit tired, oh said, And, perhaps, a euapiciou of ache in the bead Tint nestled close under a bard that was red, But is auburn now. Ai.d she calls me Ned, And says n ws fe&lly vry 11: bred To kiss hr aud h )!d her waist iustead Oi the skein, hnd bhM Lever trust me again. But she baa, for y.a.r8 bare H jwd since then I iiaia iue skein. r . Anonymous. BELLE BOY iTlIs CUICG O BVltiQ THK BADICAL S LAN DEB ORG IN F0& LIBEL Chicago, Ostobr 13. A woman wa j eau re.aie a rcnikrkb.o life history ap peared before the (Jbicao public yesterday a-i oomp'iiDsnt in a iibl t-att against the Tiibaoe. Oa Set tcmber SO that paper published a diapiteh irom crt. Louis stating thacBiie B -j(i,kvez Confeie atespy,had pat np at Uo'ss hoW,but had gonefrum mere to tbt Jm?s, leavisg her truck at the forum plaoe. I'ha antsle did noe state tha: she faai eluded a board Dill, but .f ft thkt to be inierrtr, nd i aoetiousiy de- aoribed tbe oontenta tn me truik, whieh was opened bj the people at the Hurst hotel. Tue n.en Jon oi a pair of old cor sets, a slipper, a j ping oi tobacco and a uGod BifSd Our.: H. ma" motto aa the only oontfnts of thetrauk icoensed the 1 vdj and sbe sued fot 65.000 damages. : Belie Boyd, or Mra Ilammond-for that it the name ntder whtob she brings theiaik was seen at the Revere house by a re porter. She is a woman of ta 1 aod graie iul f orm and a fkoe in whieh still lingers muoh ol the beauty which it possessed whoa iu owner became iamous during the war. ! II. "I am oppose.'! she said, "to tbe newa- papers pujblisbing my private affiirs, with the tbicot of mkifcz me ndieulou". Not only hae ; that story, whtob ws eutirely faJAe woaaded sly pride, but it has doce me great injury here and elsewhere. It 1 am poor," (nd the lady's blue eyes filled with lean.) it is Dot my fault, it was a matter between the hotel people aad mj- elf." I u: ber eareer, wbioU made the name of Baiie B yd famaua the world over, she Whcn the War began I wss a girl of fifteen, just out of 6ohool and enthusiastic in my love for, my ccantx the Bcuth. What 1 did tor the cania uraa not done in the ounsotousness ; that I was a spy, I wanted to help my people. I was ez changed for a Union oolonsl, and when 1 got baok to the DJatbern army 1 reee ved an enthusiastio reception. In lob4 1 was sent to England- with du patches from the Confederate eovernmctt, and ran tbe blockade in the steamer Greyhound. I was cp tared at sop. with my dupa ehes. the ureybwtnd having b -n ran down by the Coonootoou', under oi.maiid of Lieut. Ustdiag. j ; I MThe lieutenant feU iu love with me and permitted the; cio--m of the Grey hound to escape, 1 was brought to Washington ago a prisoner, tut was b vc- isbed to Canada to t-o shot tha next time I was caught. Lieutenant Hraing was oonrtnurtuied bd dismissed from the eer- vioe. He wtrt to England, and tbe same tuamer (1004) we were married in L;n doa. 1 ie :wied the most distinguished attentions there, "Alvcr I wa left widow in England I ff nt oa the I stage. In 1871 I made first appstanee on the stage -in Amer ica with Ben DcBar, and alter that 1 btmed two seaibns. Then I married Cot. Uammobd at Hew Orleans, and lived 4ietiy io lexaa antu a little ovr a year ago. (Jol. Hammond is now i til Jted wrh s -f toning of the' brain, and I am compelled to support myself.: acd tbree children 1 intend to return to the stage and make a name for myself yet. . The lower; hpusa ol lue Gsorgia leg islature has pasted a. bill levying a pro hibitory tax upon the gsme of baseball be can e it eneourages idleness. Thsse solooj are humarvus. ; They think as the ame is played there ts no work aout it- ta toeneva. aud t berever Diseases of a choler ic type prevail, or tbere is cause to a; p eh nd a visit from tbem, tbe sysum should be toned, regulated and rein forced by a a-urt of iicsietter's btom. ch liitlerv fefect digestion and a regular babit of hjdy- are the best safeguards against such na sdiee, aud both are secuicd by hU inestimab e tocicandalltrativa. Tne Bitters are a!so extremely serviceable in remedfing bucb diaorcteis. If promptly taken In ouious cjhc, Qj rtaji ana coolers mjrbus, the disease is usually fruslrsted, l i dwrrl 03i ii Is ooly necessary to restore the tone of tbe rr'axxl bowels, and this is one of theotKCific; eifects of this medicine. Wind on ihe aiOmach, bcauburn, bi.iuus- nk.as, ban ta, herdtbo and other eymp i nia o d sturbauou in (he gastric aud Lrpatlc re gions arc a .o spe-uily relieved by Itiw tict-1 i leutiseuttdy. Aa a tamily medicine it is ia- ii- i.r . i. : -.... ainc:ii.j)runiptiy and completely j f leoied.ts tu. se siitijents which arj of most ocrce. V Avusavaxbii, lv ladk-s sua g''n's hs Weil aa ota;t ttyics oi rommon seoue heel- ' aud-io . saoes , now in stock At 4 iifcUUt BUM , j CUBRKNClf. He was a summer mver, And o Frsnce did he go over, Acd he dwelt there , Ti l he felt there ' That a Frenchman born was he; And now he cills Paris, Faree, And his sister Alary, Marie, Mere,' bis motLer Frere, jhis brother, And bis ja'ty-love, cberie. Boston Gfzettc. A boy oq High street west placed a big apt 1 ou thei frjnt Vteps ai d walked across the str et toj- ed wKo would take it. A goatleinan. who bad obaerted tbe ao'ion. aaid: "You shou'dn't do that, my son. Some poor bay may be tempted to steal it." ' That's what I'm fhbirg for, sir. I've Hollowed out'ihe ineida and filled it with mustard." Pctroit Freo Pres. Q ,ick: Mrs. Drybrrad Mr. Tim- kns ma am- -r.a killed himself in ibe bos prior.' ', ''Gracious, goodneetl Do you mean to My b ba? hucg kim-ieli? t he poor, drar mat I V hat can have been the renoi ? 0, no, ma'sm; he hasn't hung oimaelf worse he' out his throst " Cut in.-, threat 1 ud a Kew carpet on'y pat down Myudij! lrat ihe edblI Why couldn't he have ;jac into tha bathroom? ' Phiiadelpbu Call. TUB VSLIUtUilS 'JF COCJIXB. Cooaiue, tbe Lew ai;u inetio, whieh as a cute for bay.lever and Bimtlar troubiet. i romises to become a familiar antidote, carried with it evils as great as cpium or aioobol when the habit of itt us3 beoamea filed. A Itoobemer pbtsician desorkes its peocl sr ffco d upvn tte ysem that is a'dio-edtoit Whi eapron in nornal heuiih in czhi srated by tbe ue of the drug to ench au txient tba. catur.' waroioti is sipplnt;d;by the. grca.et .v" .jt, elavo to the drug, ihcugh r r.viou- : i ejiuriinment ens ol the brv-s of i--. beo-u.ua the inost aira-v cowsrd. fu will net tlwp, ezacpt at long iate vala, bs never looea his appetite, catin hcart.ly ss uoon as the aids. a inuuoed by the itj?o- tkn pasou eff, Nj mental laeulties are okued or dulled, but owing to extreme .oonet'pa'ion the Tiotim is a prey to lethar gy, acd will not undertake any threat Ubvr or -.- rprisf. beoomt-s untidy in person, uli1iu tn thought and morsl y depraved. Some victims have ejotiutisd their en -p oyment; tat, on aoc ant of tbeir aver ion to action, with great diminution of suaoes'. Opium like other noreotios and intoxicant utd to exoess, oausad persons to boor ma absolutely indifferent, to all rela ions, du ties and obligation?, they even become bruta', but not ueail; s) brutal or de praved as the cooaine slaves. Tbe victim does not sleep or care to 83 long as the drag iff jets him he will lie awake, hippy in tre insomnia, seeing everything about him, aod yet exhilarated to a wonderful degree. Haljuoinationj come with nigbr n;&t of the pleasant order usualHr ascribed t? op am, but ghastly and borribla phant oms to be ohased awsy only by fright. There imaginary beings creep in through tbe oraois m the door and over other en trance coreeivable to the diseased mind, Such periods are as terrible as the puox- ysms or deuriom tremes. Aavic to .Tlolbra. Mra. Wuuitow'a Soothlntr SvrnD ariotiid always be used wnen obildren are out tin teetc. It relieved the Little aufierer at once, M prodaoos natural, quiet sleep by reusing tne cnita irom pain, ana the ut ile oborub awal:t as ''bright aa a but ton." it la very pleasant to taate. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allsay all win. relieves wind regulatea the bow tia. &ad is the best known remodv for dlartbcF, wfcether arls'ng tcoon tee'hlng or otnor oauaep. 'rwamiv-nve wrnti not- t'e. Tobacco Fujis Cbbapkb Than bvxb. j. u. erewster i;o. are selling Tobc- co Flues at six ciKT3PEB rov&ol They use nothiog but the best maieri&l, and warrant all work, bepa tttiuyour orders and save your money. Bend or call and get book on tobacco Culture. . Fisa Cakks and C'backkbs A full line of Kennedy's Cake'. Crackers, tioooce Fineers. Vanilla Cream, Boston -Crackerd, Zdphyrs, sc.. to arrive tomorrow. October 1 a J. U ahdot Will receive this week a small lot of Zieglcr's celebrated gents' Waiikenphasi t ourrsa gains, wbicb can be s Id at tbe 10w price of fo.xj, though hand-made, out the elastic was put in wrong and had to be rtnaished. nituu Uboj. Will open today tbree hundred pairs of Hellers' celebrated $3 shoes. Same kind and q ja'ity that we bad during the spring and summer, only a heavier stoca. At ' iilLLKB hJBOS' : 8h-e and Leather 8 ore. NOW READY. -OUR- IFA-IiLS TOOK Mens', Boys and Children's Cloth ing, Hats, h hoes. I: FlMiishiasfir Goods, ' The larset-t snd most complete In the itv!. Yea will save money by fxannin- lrour stwk and prices before buying e acwha -e i AiB. ANDRE W8 A 00 r1 i rm l1 ' H ' I fpSfc Q R E. PETTY 134 Fsyetville Street, Ral eigh, N. 0. ' DRY GOODS AND Thn Already large and Carefully S slee ted Stock has been increase! by JSEW PURCHASES And no v rmbnees all the b'net of Ladies' Den uods, Suitiagu, Uader we r. I."e and i-rrni things. ; Wraps In ail tbe Latest Mol A are now being inde speciabv to order. iAlso Jer seys, iu all tne Kuchloiiable styjes A large Hue of Men's and Ltjies' Eh-es made 8pcla)ly to order :the lnttnr in cln. iug i6L(h h id in Beautiful Btykg New Fa'.teriis Ladies' Ovahoes. "The Quaker Slippjr" Cpjra Crome t, Foot-U'-lj aud IrulU tiou Haud U. . INTHE CASPET I;EPAETMEST The c areofercd Uexoellod Bargains la Two P y, Two -Ply Kxtm Supers, Tapestry anl Boiy S-mself, Kigs, Oil C o ls t?tlr aroet". ei ft o o S - t atija is.- ' r. rt T ! 2 "C 3 Special Bargains IN Fine Iiported Cloths For Street and House Wear. We are now oCerinsr the most Masrnlfl' cent line of these Cloths ever shown in ! this market u e advertised l-st week some Hpeo'al Bsrv&ins in Soitings, but to Jay we trier the , Greatest Bargains Yet. A Full Line, all Wool, 44-inch FJRENCH SUITINGS ;Atoty63o peryvrd. Note tbe 86 are Ri e Bargains Call and exaua!n ) for y&ui se ves. RICH 20VEiTlgS In Ri'.ks. Ve v ita aad Velvrteeua. Black Cashmeres and Black dooia Specialty. N orris & Carter. 203 FayettevUle Street, ' Newspaper Adyeitisiig. DAUCHY & CO. ; 27 Park Plsoe and 24-26 Murray St, N. Y. Mke lowest rates on a'l newrptperi in the U. 8. and ' anaia. KUbllsbed 1867. To those wto-e purpose may re acoom- Dliahed bv a short advertisement, and to wbem prompt insertion is lmoortant, we recommend our POPULAR LOCAL LIST 3: 1. 13 J JJsitv aud WefcKiy : newspapers diidad in'o sections All : bomb-print raDors no o i oner'tives included. The papeis have a moi.t dy clrcuiati n of over ELEVEN MILLION TOPIES 1 Send for new oataloime lost out. Par ties contemplatlag line of advertising. lanre or amsll, ai en ousted to send for1 ostircate of coat, jriease r name this paper. TEXAS PARTIES;; .HAVING lauds in Texas for sale, Sl Thos; wisHgVKesUn anaireut. l xas property are invite 1 lo rorrwipond wt'h the uq ersifrced. Infbrmatloa lur- t lahe or A erica it url and Jtauoh Lands G t. aiEADki.LaDd a.euii. . Fort Wottb, Texas. Oct 9 d Ira sUohobd. Ac. bavins triad In train i fa tch h It aoi. J FKEB to hi lkH Ill mm rra u c I rl WW rl bi i a o a 3 3 Ej -S Ff o oo a co g r rf 5 Hp Hi O " II 3 cg;SS2a TYSON & CASiTHAGE, N. 0. Fine Buggies and Phaetons, LARGE AND ELEGANT VARIETY NOW ON BAftD, mada of tha Very Best Narth Carolina Seasoned wood PLEA8K 8EE US AT THE FAIR. TOBACCO We have pre siderabls tx on ' Tobacco bracing the dlf flues and their tlaewill be sent lion. We make D FLUES in all the bast qua! yery LO rVESI PRIOR. AH turned and then riveted the best In tin T..B- VANGK Y, MANUFACTURER' AGENT AND DEiLfiB IN Smgsi, Piiit;;i, liiim, THE LABOhST ASSORTMENT 129 THE Hi ATE AND THE BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRlCEfl, 180 East Morgan Street, Raleigh. N Hit' l stand c. WOW READY. SIXTH- Carolina Digest 3Y JUDGE AUG. 8. BETMOUS. Including all tbe N. .0. Reports, from No.74 to HANDSOMELY PRINTED AND BOUND LN LAW SHEP, OVER BOO PA.GES And win be mMlei postpaid on receipt 1 of price, 85.00. i ubllabed Ly ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO Booksel'era and Stationers, Ealeigh, N. a mW BU8 BEE'S NKW JUSTICE is now sapreaa and will ! rmi noon. Livery and idle Stables. The Finest and Nobble t Turnouts in the oity. tstyiiah H .rse and trewater Side-Bar Buggies, i cave aiso recently added to my anblea s veral very handn some ErougliamB Ptaetons and Carriage And will guarantee satisfaction in every partioular. 1 hose wishing eaddle Jrforses or a Pleasa t Jrive will do well to call on me aud get a Hancaome Turnout with Real Live Btyusn itorses to ma ton. Usual XTlces. ROBT. B. PARH A. Telephone No. 8. No. Ill Martin St Larse Stock-Tarda and Sheds at Ken tucky Stcbles, .heretofore occupied by Gentry Uroa., for accommodation of Drovers. Oct 10 d Im. ' i u L 1 Pti r i ii ii ii U II ll .UJ i i mi i vi l LT U U 1 ! 1 P;, L j TONE'S FLUES! pared at con-" pense a treatise Culture," en ferent styles, of ill use. This trea- ml Qon applloa- T OB AGO O at lea and ef ity iron at the MARKET our flues are and ground, making them market. C. BREWSTER & CO.. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, &o. RALEIGH, N. a liriLMlNGTON & WELDON RA1L- ROAD. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. August S, 1665. No 48 Daily. Ne 40 Daily Leave Weldon 215 pm. 6 88pm Arrive Rooky Mount. B 5S Arrive Tar boro, Leave Tarboro. , 4 55 pm ii ou Leave Wilson Arrive Goldsbora Leave Warsaw Leave Burgaw 4 05 p na 6 66pm 7 88 4 64 5 54 7 00 7 60 Arrive Wilmington.. B 65pm TKAlNd GOING NOBTfL No 47 Dally No 43 Dally Leave Wilmington.... Leave Burgaw Leave Waraaw Arrive Goldsboro...... Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky Mount 9 !i7 am 10 IS 11 17 8 68 pa 9 60 11 03 12 04 am 12 63 1 27 12 16 pne 1 04 1 87 Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro 4 65 p m 11 60 a m Arrive We Ion , JOHN F. S 05 p m 2 45 a od OIV1KE. Smi't. T. M. K14EKSON, Gen') Passenger AgeT t, LBEMARLE & RALEIGH R. RCO., On and after April 1st, 1884, trains' wili ran on this road by the following ached ule. TIME TABLE. P M. A. M. Tarboro, (Leaves) 6 00 (Arrives) 10 U Harrell's 6 15 10 20 Warren's 6 25 10 10 .bethel 6 60 . 9 46 Koberaonville 7 15 9 20 Everett's 7 86 .9 00 Willtamatou (Ar.) 8 06 (Lv.) 8 80 The &3J a. m. train from Wiiliamston will arrrive In Tarboro at 10.85 a. m., al lowing passengers to ooanect with the morning train on the W.sW. B. R. for Rooky Moonu The 6 00 p. nu train from Tarboro oon neotrf with ths boati at Willi ami ion tor Norfolk via. N. a. K. K. and iuterme diate points, aleo at Jamesville wiih ih J. A W. Kailroad for Washington and al points below. jLhis table may be changed at avy tin nc8Hsily and circa mstauoea may r f. Pf i TV. 4firt i JJLVIDEND NOU K. ;"' A divider d of 8 p r cent on tho capital stuck: of tbe Baleigb & Gas: on Kaiind ccmpny has been declared by tbe Borrd of Directors, payable on and after October 1, 1885.: Tbe transfer books will be ctoetd from date until the 8d of October, 1885. W. W. VASd, treasurer. Kaleieb, Sept. 25, 1885. Sept.; 20 dim. WIRE RAILING and Orna mental WIttE WOKE DUFUR & CO. No 86 North Howard Street. Baltimore. Manufacture of Wiie Railing for Oemeteries, Balconies, &c-, Sieves, Fenders, Cages and Coal Screens, Woven Wire, Iron Bedstead, Chairs, Settee as, &c. CAPB FEAR AND YADKIN VAL J LEY RAILWAY to tax nmox 8. 00 a. x. Monday, Jojib : 22, ViUb. Mail and Passenger Trains North Bound. Leave Bennetts villa 8.00 a. m Arrive at Shoe Heel Leave ahoe Heel Arrive at FayettevUle Leave FayettevUle -Arrive at SanXord ieave Han ford Arrive at Cre Hill Leave Ore Hill Arrive at Liberty Leave Liberty 9.80 a. rr 9.90 a. m 12 16 p m loo p. m S,Op, m a.10 p. m 4.26 p, m 4.80 p, ar 6.25 p. m 60 p. iu Arrive at Greensboro 6-46 p, m slad and Passenger Trains 8outh Bonjad Lave Greeusboro 9.60 a. m Arrive at Liberty 11.00 a. m Leave Liberty 1L05 a. m Arrive at Ore Bill 11.65 a. m Leave Ore Hill 12,00 a. m Arrive at eanford L30 p. m Leave tsanfbrd 1.40 p. u. Arrive at FayettevUle 8.60 p. m Leave FayettevUle ! 4.00 p. m Arrive fehoe Heel - 6.25 p. m Leave Shoe Hee; . ,6.40 p. m Arrive at Bennetts vllle &20p m I . W. M. DUNN, Gen. tUii'ti JQ.U. BOSIE. Cvenl Pim. Aft, paw iinnn r i .' BAJLBOAD3. IALEIGH & GASTON KAlLIiOAO. OOroxSBKD SCHKOXXX. THAINB 00e HOKTH. NolD'ly No8Dly except except Sunday Sunday i - 9 80 a m 7 00 p 10 20 8 87 10 44 9 19 11 11 9 66 11 84 10 2f 12 19 pir 11 41 12 65 12 87 a m 1 45 2 03 Jnne 9, 1866. ai. Leave Raleigh.......... Franklinton,. Kittrell Henderson . ... Warren ton Littleton Arrive at Weldon...., TRAINS OOIKO SOUTH. No 2, Dal .No 4, Da June 9,' 18&4. ly except ly exoep Hucday Sunday Leave Weldon ....... 8 06p m 9 ,45 5 24 6 49 6 09 6 Sti 7 25 105am 2 47 Littleton.-... Warrtnton.... benderson... Kittrell Frankllnten. WKk6(i...M.nt 8 43 456 6 SO 609 6 61 Arrive Raleigh. N. 1 and No. 3 connect at We 8 05 don with Seaboard & Boanoke and Petersburg dt Weldon Railroads for all points North. No. 2 and No. 4 connect at Baleigh with Raleign A Augusta AlrL;ne Railroad for FayettevUle, Wilmlngtou, Charlotte and all points South. Sleeping car sw'.thbut change on trains No. 8 and No. 4 between KaleUrhand Portsmouth. KM. SMITH, Ktiperi ti ten dent. R ALdl a A AbllHia AlH-USIi. OOKDKKSKD BOHKDCTLS. Trains Going South. Nol.D'ly No.8D Sept3mbit 7 134 except except) - Sunday. Sunday . Leave Raleigh......... 7 85pm 90 am Cary 8 09 0 05 Apex ...... .. 8 82 to 36 Moncure ......... 9 34 2 25 - Bar ford. 0 22 1 45 p Cameron ....... 11 07 8 05 Manly 11 60 4 80 Key Ber ...... ...... 12 28 a m 5 60 Arrive at Hamlet 1 45 7 20 , Trains Going North. No2D'ly No4D ly Septemper 7, 1884. except Sunday except S auuay Leave Hemlet 2 45 am 5 00am Keyser 8 66 7 02 Manly.... 4 36 8 30 Cameron ........ 6 16 9 60 San ford 6 05 1 15 Moncure. ........ 6 60 12 SO p m Apex 7 oi I ato Cary. 8 30 2 45 Arrive at Raleltrh. 9 00 I 3 30 Ne. 1 ooohvois at Hajulet with ths Caro lina Central rtailroad for Wilmington Charlotte acd al! points boath. No. 8 ooLnecvs at HanMrd with -the cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railvray for FayettevUle and all points on thai Koad. No. 2 Connects at Kaleigh with the Ral eigh A Gaston Kailroau for all points -North. Sleeping cars without change on trains Noa. 1 and 2 between rtaleigh and Char lotte. WM. SMITH. SupeiintendenU W iusxjvtu a. kj. xt,iiatuAM, Gxsxsal Passxsoxb Omoi, Salisbxjbt, September 5, 1835, On and after the 6th Inst, tbe following schedule will b9 operated by this Company. WEST, MAIN LINE. WEST Train No 1 STATIONS. Salisbury, Train No. 8 Arr. a m. 2 84 8 48 4 09 4 4) 6 IS 6 83 7 13 7 81 8 42 8 66 9 21 9 29 10 12 10 48 11.12 11 45 Lve Arr. Lv. 1 5 3 85 8 41 4 10 4 41 6 16 6 83 7 14 8 01 8 43 8 66 9 "21 3 39 10 13 10 49 680 8 14 10 07 11 25 12 26 1 25 a 69 S 55 5 18 6 06 6 47 p m States vllle, 7 f4 10 02 Newton, , Hickory, Ioard, Morganton, Marion, Old Fort, Bound Kcob Bl'ok M'taln 11 17 12 20 1 06 2 69 3 49 6 17 6 33 6 45 6 67 Cooper's, Spartanburg J Ashevllle. l lexant'ers, Marshall, Barnard's, W, Springs, 11 12 EAST. EAST. STATIONS. Train No 8. Train No 4. Arr, Iv. 7 80 pm. 5 80 6 60 4 Oil 4 05 2 67 3 20 2 17 2 19 1 03 I 83 r 11 3? 11 85 10 Ii 10 40 8 20 8 43 7 55 7 65 7 0 7 07 am. 6 65 Arr. L'v 12 30 11 29 1C 83 10 04 9 38 9 10 8 12 7 42 7 07 6 19 6 08 S 41 5 22 4 48 4 11 3 50 pm. a. m 11 30 10 33 10 05 9 38 9 lfi 8 12 7 41 7 27 6 20 6 06 6 41 6 Si 4 49 4 U 3 60 815 Salisbury, States vllle, Newton, Hickory, Ioard, Uorgantoa, Marion, Old rfort. , Round Knob, Black M'tain, coopers, Spartanburg J AshevUle, Alexander's, Marshall Barnard's W. Springs. MURPHY DIVISION. WEST. STATIONS. EAST. Train Arr. a m. 10 26 10 64 11 21 11 51 12 19 1 49 2 28 2 39 3 81 No 7. L'ev. 9 49 10 9 10 68 11 26 11 54 Train Arr. No 8. L'ev. p.m. 4 01 3 89 8 17 3 47 2 25 12 85 11 67 11 43 10 55 10 C9V Aeheville, Hominy, rurnpiko, Pigeon lilvtr, Jlyde. VYaynesvllle, Balsam, dall, Sylva. Wheeler Sta. Charleston. 4 89 8 59 8 37 8 12 2 45 2 00 12 34 11 66 11 45 10 54 12 29 1 58 2 29 2 41 8 81 4 15 p re a no. Round Knob is breakfast station for train No. 1 and supper station for train No. 2. Trains Noa. 1, 2, 7 and S run daily. Trains Nos. 8 and 4' run daily except Sun day. V. E. MoBEE, Sopt. W. A. TURK, Gen'l PasaT AgL Li 1CHMOND & DANVILLE RAIL ROAD N.C. DIVISION. TRAINS GOING NOxaH. No. 5L No. 61 Daily. Dally. !mte May 10,186. Leave Charlotte, " SsIUbury, M High Point, Arrive Greensboro, Letwe Greensboro, Arrive Hills ooro, " Durham, " Raleigh, Leave Kaleigh, 4 50 a. in 638 a. m 7 60 a. m 8 22a.m 9 85 a m. 6 30 p. u 7 50 p. m 869 p. m 9 18 p. m II 5 a. m 12 13 p. m 120 p. m 2 28 p. m Arrive Goldsboro, 4 40 p. m TRAINS GOING BOOTH. Date April 6, 185. No; 60 NO. 82 Dally Dally Leave Goldsboro, Arrive Baleigh, Leave Raleigh, Arrive Durham, -" Hills bo ro. 12 86 pm suu p. m 600 6 07 6 47 9 00 11 21 Greensboro, .eave Greensboro, 9 88 ,m Arrive mgn r oint Salisbury, 1165 10 05 105a.;m 11 10 unsriott. iiwam 12 85p. m. NORTHWESTERN NORTH OiKOLHU UAILHOAD i,oire south. No. 60. DaUy. ex. Son, No.62 I)Siij r Ive Greensboro.. Arve KernersvUle. Arve Salem 8 46 p. Mk. 10 50 b. m. ti 85 p. m 12 89p.m. 11 25 p m. 1 17 p.m. No. 51, Dally ; 6Z. 6tlll tWTJIS I0ME, Leave Sal 6 65 p. m Arve Kerne; e.1 7 99 P. m. eht i I f f- ?: ... i 1'- I 1 t i ,-i I" 1 .y , -' v' fa, -';'"': 'I?,. J Ne.68,;, , i -t Dailr. ; - J eoa7i. 7i0a,na. .', 8 0as. ; Sg ifiant imb 0U, ww Toik Wv. U G. Warns, Trustee. iksMlwrrrTTi H AzvfGreensk orew.1 f 85p.m. i -I' ' " ' t - 1 .- i. "t; s "4 1

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