flVl .,,.,1 , S2W AND ERYER OL. XXV. Raleigh, is. c. s.tukdas morning, October n, isss. NO. 142 v."4 I jXews 1 Obs J. : s a kl 1 -Tb VraatMl Cnr. on Earth tar l"ltt will relieve bw osjckly than any other knows rem. Bweiunga, kui wb raiL Borna, Sndds, Cuts,i Lombe, Backache. Qti Toothache, Bpraina, rto. Price SSeta. a bottlaTBoklby all drotwlxta. Caution. She Ken Bine Bnleatitm Oil heaia nor sciatica. Wound. Ibnlru-h llarki and onr r i, Bole ioprtrtoraTBaltimore, ML, V.8.A. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP For the cure of Conghs, Colds, ftoarse oe3, Croup, Astnrrra, Bronchitis, Whooping Conga, Incipient Con etmrption, and for the relief ! of con sumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by ell Drug giflts. Price, 25 cents. j ; r An infallible -and aber iuie specific for all the dis tressing ciacsses peculisj to the lemale sex. A thai means a care. ! FEMALE Ladies suffering from I; troubles peculiar to then i sex. no matter what kiod j can find relief and cure in s bottle of Bradfield'eg Female Regulator. I i : ! I; .- , ! i f . Send for oar book oontalnlnr valuable Intomatlon lor women. It will W mailed free tor applieanta. - Address p f : TjtBKAJrrKijRO0iJLTOpo,i t Sold by slTTOggists. it A rau BMikaB Tbmt ml Sen Grsai. I "I M Borne ten years agx I bad s serofoionh tor on myrit&tbftad wbcb me greitit n-oaoiav and nn. and I niDOMd I was well. I foaSd. now. er.tt bad only been driven into tbf rt1? fcy th of potasb and meroarynd tti March 1&2, is broke oat tn my throat, and concentrat ed in what aome o' lb doctor deoOuiinated cancer.; I wan piaoed under treatment (lor f hia dlavMaeitioni mi or t n of the beat pbyaleian .a the cooniry bad ate aw dlSerent Itmea un JertbettebfiiKe. among ibMU three apeoiahaU in tnla Lne; but ouealter acwihrr wou d-xhaat i belr tkMil ard crop ma, for I grew wore foa innaliyi Tb caocer bad eaten tbivogn my rheek, Acairoyed the n of vl say tooaui vnd upper Up, then attacked my tor gne, palate and lower tip, UeeUoyiny tke paiaU and uatiec lip entirely aid ball my tongue, eating out to the topot wy leit chetk boo and opto; the lei t eye. From a hearty robust womae of Uji piu dt Iwaa laduoad to a mar frame of akin nd bOnra, almcat uaable to turn myself yo X could not eat any aoud food, ut nl ln,4 on liquids ana my tongue was aour gone 1 could not talk. The unguUb oi u lnd ana the hqrtl -ble eufierlnga t body which I eiprlenced never can be revealed Given up bj phynlis-na to die, with no hope of u,on tbpatt ol mv trienda who aat around my beaaidtf ex- paeUngavery mcmei.t to be my last; la fact my BUaDatu wouia riace nia nana oo me . ery bow and beb to aee whether 1 waa all or.noi, and atone tome all dt cldcd that 1 te wa extinct, and my deatk was reported ail oyer jibe '" .guntry .! tuch tras my wretched and nalp'es eontlon Jie arai o lact Octooer, UU, wb n my friend xmmenoed giving me swilij tsic.ni. In uea 'ban ajmontntlta eating places atopped atd leal. ne commenced, and the l earful aperturn ' my caeethaa been eloaed and tlrutiy kniited, aetbr. a prv oea ol a new under .ip i ;prw t r.alng flntsly. and tbe Wna-ue which moat destroyed la being recovered, ami a teema Ut tatore u anpilyiug a sew tongue, lican talk ao that my frlenda can readily uuderitand me and tan aan eat aolld fuoa Kin. 1 am abia to walk about wherever 1 pKaae without the aaaiataBoa of ajiv one. and Save sained fifty pounds of flesh. All this under the b(es lag of a mereahlly Heavenly Katuer, la due to ewoit'a $Pciaei lam a wotler and a m elto fiuy lriedcis, bundreda of whom havi- ko,)nmy jiitene uHerinna, and, have vtoitcd iue lt my afuiotiofia. W bile 1 am no. entire y , yiiuy vraLfLnde ia Bona Lba 1- a. dev U.. and 1 uH-vri - adeoxnat apt rfec recoveiy it1 o-j - lu' eight If ' mr dohbt thtac .Ol. ttMil refee Uiut to lien. John A. 'laylor, .-t te ij. wit t.hi. la rrict. who is my teittuor. in T o. !'rav.4e.d, of Lagrange, Oa , oi tc ay uihu peravu i.vm in ute aouiuern pari i noupe uut , uw UKo. ALAitY UoJUtit. LaGraage, G., Vy 14, m, bold by ail druggist. ' ' Treatise on Stood and Skin DUeaaea mailed CaU oft our Fbystclan. No. 157 W. 23rd 8U, H. T. Cinsultatlon free. i bb awirr arscirio Co. Drawer . j Atlanta ua. . riB and Mosquito Bite Care, f W r tier che thousand bfcod fox otroolars. doll-re for its qaal. BALLADE dt ( O, H Kaat 18th Mr at, New pfork. mm' ICEMT PUG! NONtfi BlCi'l fcRoa lii ; utarket, dUde tf seieot ;lHf. ud rrWf-' be ei ellej. latUVaOl tiaKl). JYI, -SamQeiliauibf & M no pADFIELPIS t - ' ' t I ! t. ; . i; - . i !l; n ' ... f . :: , : a. n: REGULATOR Cancel mm NEWS OBrfchVAilON- Tha ftrdiet of the New York theat ric1 cr'ioj Bocm to ba 'b? Mi Ader son's Rjsajind is r bdsutifu' failure. ''IWDuebe.,'' wlo wtiee the tnoet ictj rd Mostr-- pu'r ov ! of thi day, is red t tired ipi-ret 1 vicg at Wc' vion, Eugtacd, wi'h it" voiy intuioJ ii-mc e,l ijl. no o lAegwonh. She 6ema "P jl ' kw h'it, r. and hao to b" uJfpateti ito "Uo:i " l his is tn? it fp;rt li-f-aj ttic lr.tii.rj deteouv. at-.er.ov Tne Tutks rncpsnt, The 8o".n ritifj ibai to hiM b en tuffioi ntlj im-pj- ed on, ' r! 'e"pij.o. o io a iittie lihuu. i tlf -a-my ix hag r"pJ;y ; iho tof'stdc- the lion in 'uq sod &r v.an Iroauirs sod a ejuisto id incyiubi-.. I Kiaria tailv OititLt to ike a 'haud it io udjo for Ltr 10 be up anJ lo-. Tue tJ-jnifcero Forestry 0-&rre.ss, to bahe'd stXike de if uiita-, F.s., Dtctm hi: 16, w4 u largely sabaed. Goatwr trr), oi ibsc Sisu, wh fus utn a .. opiiaierea. in iht. a attr, I s-j exuudea fViutwuB to tb Go?craOiS of sil the athcra Bt&Us to be present, and ud io send one delegate for eoh ool grberiobal dirtrist. Tbe late American Forestry oorn-9 will also send delestcti, who wilt advkc wicli those iiom ihtSauth as to tho bt.i auptt LuOoisary to pro teot the BbOihern tore's from too rapid and extravagant dsst-uc ion, and to oall aUention to tbe wealth and resoarooa ci the Soulhera rood.atua. Ooa of the sevurai artioies of export from which thu United btatei derives, an important ioaoma is oil. Wkh wheat, oouon arid oorn it largely enters into the business of. eXdhanges, atd its movements are therefore to be observed with eeonomio interest. ; general Sie r's'er, the ohief oi the Bareaq of 8tiiiios, has jaat made his monthly sisiemeu to Seoretary Manning, in which he shoWi that daring oeptembet there wet a i cent abrcad 61;G9?l47 gal lon" cf mineral oils cf the vs'ae of 85.- 404,5681 as sgainst 57,07,328 o1 yalue of 4 347 in JU84, The total eapcrts for:nine month ending tieptem- bar 30t 1 1885, are 425,086,238 galloa worth .JOoJri, agttnht 383,U5U,7y5 gallon., worth f35.H36.879 in 1884 Hare is a pleuant pufit oi $1,768,647 to be sdd d to the national acocur ,and u is in keeping with the rest of the national growth, j Henry' W. Shaw, known as -'Jh Billings,'! died in Montery, C J., Wednes day. Ha was born in a -rkehira ooaaty. Maseaohttetts, in 1818; Bis grandfather, Dr. Samdal ohaw, was a member of son grass irora ijVermoat during the war of 1812, and father, Henry Suaw, was a member whan tie Missouri oompromise was passed, in 1S2). The humorist pas sad his early !ile in the Wedt as an aao Uonasr and (armor, without any thought oi wiitin, buti when he was forty-five years, old in May,1863,he published a tumorous sketch utid?ir , the came of Joeh liillings since wbiah time he has writeo sxd pub lished several volumes and hs Lotured in almost every part of the United States. While the humor of Josh tfiiitngs owed mooh of us popaltrity to Us fanastto pte senutlon,'; tn whioh he anticipated the absurdities- 'of the ej.eiiicg reformers,: it was not depeodent on bad speiiiog alone. Lile had a real peroepuon oi the ohaiater and motives at average hotcan nature and the art of QXprest-iog familiar ob rvatib&s in an epigzammatio form that wts tdUn humoroas and not seldom witty, and that was the osuie of mooh genuine ar.d who a some amusement. Like most proicsbk-uai humorUte. he was trequentiy tedious, and the fresh ipriags of his invention had been exhausted some time btlore his death. : It may be said of him, ho&over, that he al ways respected Koodn&s auo uu.h ano there are many i;reatjr wit whose ii fli anae has not been half ad good as his. f Jropiins, oashmeres and vigognes, made with; a round waiat, simply trimmed with Burpuoe folds wn:oh oross eeca other at tbe btlt, ara very much worn tor voune ladies' house dteaseo. The skirts are tucked, cd tho inevitable Both encm La tbe waut ind ia tied to form the oily draping in the Lack. Tata sash may be of fcttiab tf the amt shade, or bo nvade oi the drt;bt uiaierul fin.sbed all around with a dwfp Lcm Another style has the same wait:, t skint portion arranged with i lo&k Gxtcian tome in front and loll water fall! drtpef y io the back; . Ladies who are tbe reverse ot slender prefer the cutaway ba qi e and pointed vast to the round waist given above. Alter bringing the farm into fine condition by unaercraining aid wanorieg cucoehs after all depciius gicauy on- the adiitknal r qaUe oi thorough puiver ition of the soil to precede tha piauting and sowing of crops. A ocnot Idle inter utiXkuro ot the ingredients whioh compose ihe soil, instead of lea vice all in crude lumps, will make a vast d iLrenoo in what groa upon it. Soma stsiements have been put'lh-hed in the Country Gentle man, showing that by redaoiug land whioh reviwusly aid not me a wheat crop th paid the labor, to a oonditkn like that cf a garden, by repeated plowing and bar rowing it gave thirty buoheu to the aor ana in tubttequent vears, by tbe Bau.e treatment, never less than twenty fiv bushels, lhu work ct prtparation h greatly faoiliuted by uaing the beat im piemen ts, sbd thtsa shonla be txaininto sod secured btlore another jear ot farm reparations ebme rouod. A false step in life is often productive of serious results. A mistepln wa sing or tbe at cidntal Ueading ou a piece oi oraoKe pee mv cauae a spram and weeks of eot )rcel idleness. In such a case 3U JacoosOiiis tbeonlv remedy wbicn will soctLe a&d btai. ; Tobaooo Fi-Uks Cbsapsb This gvut j co Fine, at bix ohTFaK fodnd! 1 bey use W V ''I' Wf BbCI as O ' lUa SVW V I -uothtbg but the-beat uut trial, and arraat ( all work. Send ibemjour oidcrs and savd . your moneys Scud or call and get book on i Tobacco Vultura. m WHISPERS, battle between tuhks and bulgar ans ia1m1jsent. IT WiLti BS A MATCH TO POWngH THk LATEST NKW8 FROM THS OHIO ELKCTIOS WAfillNOTOS NK Wet FKW BUSI - NKfli FILUKKtt OTHKB Kilnt BY WlaJt. ! ... Conbtantinoplk, October 16. The ainbiisJor8 Lave pntu.eiia note to the For' in wiiuh ti-y tJj tba-- further time rtui iava ti Dc umC' a lutm ou as to ob- tiu a lcomp!ete Kurcpean ue demanding evpectlug tho Bouweiiaa difficulty, and advise toe tiuu.a to ontiiiue his peaotl'ul liiy.i Tuey do not, hwrfevar, d.spute Le Forto'd nuht to send troops into Koa- melia to ateert its rih.a in that province. t ia genera'! v tei.VtdthaC the powtts have advised B ilgari ci rvia and G.eeoe more strongly than horetutore to rtcnain quiet, j Xbe Porte's noto regarding tho arameiits oi tireeoe ana ojrv.a gave the powers; grouud to proiost against their wsilite attitude. Tae report that Greece Lad tff r d to form an ailianoe with Tar- key u unfvunded. The anbassadors have adjiurntd their situog, but ru re-assembie shortly, when it is ex- peotedi that they will have re oeived f further instruou&a from their respective governments in relation to the final decision. The Porte considers the note of the ambassadors satisfactory, but hai intimated that it will not reoag- n 3 ilie Hi gariaa union, uo matter what tho o-ijujMo result of the oonlersnoe may be. It err Von Ksdowt i,. the German ambauskdor, and M. N.lidoff, the Bucsiab ambacdor, have leinied toreooia Petri fl or Tichamt-ktrT, the Bnlgarian delegates wbo cad been commissioned by Prinoe Alexander to assure the Pjrte that peace and order reigned in Eastern Boameiia. A larga force cf Turkish troops have been crdercd to advatea in the direction of Miss. A balb between the Servians and tha Turks is imminent. Bslgrade, Servia, has protested against the decision of the ambasaadors on the Boumelian qae.tioe and has oommenced military tperaUdns against Bulgaria. A large force oil Servian troops crossed the Bul garian frontiers from Nissa at 5 o'olook yesterday afternoon. 1 COLrJMBTjs. On Uatober 17 Neither the Democratic nor Bspublioan oommit- tets np ;to noon today had changed the basis ot their olaims in regard to the f5g- islatnre, with the exception tbat the Bs publioan committee concedes the election of Welch (Dem ) in the Athens district and tbirf ka tireccer (Bep.) in the Perry dis- trio' us Ueteat at at', will be defeated by only a few votes. Cincxkmati, October 16. Complete unomoisl returns have now been reoeived. Tae oousUes not given last nkht are: Brown, 1800 plurality far Hoadlj; Hamil ton, SUtj tor Uoadly; UlUwa, 1,159 for Boadiyl This makes a total of 53,201 lor Foraker and 35 513 for Hoadly. For kcr's net plurality is 17,688 Cincinnati, O-tobex 16 The returns on the legislative ticket oonticue indefiaite, owing td the uncertainty as to the result in liaolilton county. The Be publicans c'aim four senatcis and nine represents- ttveiinkbis county and the D.jmoorats oiaua the whole delegation, four senators and ten Irepreeentktives. Only the effioial coo nt cin deteratiaa it. Omitting Ham ilton connty tbe closest anaiyBis that can be made is that tbe E-publioans have elected to the bouse 58 members and tha Democrats 41; doubtiui, Stark county, 1. Om'Ut&g Hamiiton county tha returns show that the B-pubueau have elected 17 members aud the D jmoorats 16. The twenty-fit st district, whioh is given to the lii;puDiicaas in the above ovunt, is not conceded by tha Democrats. WAJsHltiGTON, Oobtr 16 The 8'e- nal corps station st Hatter as inlet. N. C , reports the freight bark speigei,6f Lon don, tropi J maic, bound to Falmouth, with a cirgu ot logwood ot lour hundred and tbrle tons, a crew of twelve mer. master, FrtdDeht, is lerkios badly, lying eff Orsuoae inles. The North Caroiicr, a UiiUtd btai.es revenue cutter, has gone to her asaiblanoe and Will tow her to Wu- mingtcQ- N. C. The freight sohooner Thoa. 1 Strickion, from Wilmington, N. C.f to iiiladeiphia, general cargo, went at Lore on the south side of Hatteras inlet at 1 o'oiock this morning. Washington, Ojtober 16 The President today appointed Ernest P Bald win, of Missour, deputy first auditor of the treasury. &ld na is a native of Washington. He is a lawyer and was formerly a clerk to the S'ate Benate ot Mi siaii. Ha was subsequently elected a aemberi of that body. a. few dajs ago ho was appointed chief tf division in the tffioaotjtoe oomptrouer of the currenoj. He assumed the duties of deputy first audi or kodaj, rdi'jviog H. K.Laer, who leaigood by requost of secretary Manning. Leaver has been appointed cLiel of; the oustcmj division of the first auditor's tffioo, vice E S. Pollock, ro uuod ta a iourth-tltss olerkahip. Tbe Seoretary ot the iraaoury has re quested the resignation ot Ban. P. Davii, 4tputy foortn auditor ot tha treasury, and naa seieWed hi. suoocssor, but the aame is held. I NxwjYo&K, October 16. The baai- hks. la lures throughout the country darikg bat week as reported to B. G. Dun & Oo., number for tha United States 139, aud for Cabada 27; a total of 166; against 2 7 lae. week, and 196 tha week ptevious. Too failures ara beicw the average id all -eouot)8 of the eoutttry, and lewr are re j. or ted if em the a oach than for any pre vious w$tk thid )tu, . 5 - - ... t i Iukk, uototxr lb. Two chiu J u QHib K. ooeiger, the Wife of a b uiut tiauu, rBiuiug at avo. oo oneriu Btrbei. tats morning took a hahuui nndla . J . .m . .r. nn oi or under a bed and act it oo fire. . ' . . . o The ohiU ' dren rushed from the i rot m, and Lena, a 8$venmooths-o!d baby who was lying! on the bed, was burned to death when the fireman arrived atd exiicguLhod tha flames. Only a few hundred dollars' damage was done by the flames. Niw loaK, Oober 16 -Tha Post says: Fntare delivari ; cbr excepted) sdVanoet' 5 100 abov ' Kesttrdaj's oiobing quo luons, lojt li2-100 and sold at the tH5rdc!l 500 bales Gjtobor at 9 66 "50O February at 9.88 aod 100 April" a-. 10.12 Alter the ca 1 the market was doll and easier, Jtmjrj was sold a. 9 76 Futures olopaJ quiet and s'cady, Ooiober 2-100j .ha bi!auoc 4 to 3 100 higher than yester day. ; Piw York, Oat. 16 Tho following ar.i tue rotai 1st reutts oi oottoa at ait TJ-'-'wd Stat.es ports siooo 3 pttioibrir 1st, 1885; Gaiveaton. 165J47; Nv:W Orleans, 16y,34o; Mobile, 28,269; Savannah, 207, 866; Chsrlfcston, 1:8.122; Wumintftoa, 28,842;Morfc,:k, 73 t'r, Uularooro, 2 438; New York. t'M U j on, 491; Now port Newa, 872; PnuaaaipQia, 1,273; West Point, 39 729, Brunei, ?,218; Port Hoyal, 1,252; Ponsacola, 3 y28, Indianola, 78; City Poinjt, . Tola', 857,201. St, Locis, October 16. A epec'al lrcm IJhaitaiiOOga to i tho Port-Ditpa'oh 6ays : A very sjusational murdur was committed a few m La from Somersvillp, Ala., yasttrdsy, Wenley Hoppor aud Jamos Elmooboa: bad a fi roo quarrel about a division if a! piece of property. (Jlows followed and Hopper, bciog more powartul, seized Eduiuncn in bis arms and d jliberately out his throat from ear to ear four time'. Tne murderer was arrested. Citt of Mtxico via Gilveston, Oato ber 16 The President! has granted full paidou to all political; prisoners except Scnor Carrillo, , edito? of the Corro de L-.oti. Tho prionenj pardoned inoluda a number of editors and students. Tho notion cf the prctil jiit is hailed with great satUfaction by the people. Nxw O&lkaks, Oaober 16. Dan 8eigr B os,, dry. g oda, haVo made an asfligtment for tLo b'Tr-rfit of their credit ors. Thai? a-B3;J r $13,000 and l a bilitiao 1225,000 Tbe store rwmains open under tbe supervision of its creditors. Statjnton, Oitobet; 16. So intense ia the feel i eg hero agint K ine-, who mur dered Brawn, that the aa'.hcriu'es, leuing iyncbiDg, toek Kur.tr to Biahmond to day. The traebfer Ircrn the jil to the depot was made very qiietly. But few knew it, the crowd b4og at the fair, a mile from the ci y. Tie exoitement his rather iooraasad sires; yesterday, aod but for tho removal eiioa bpaat quences might hava rvaulted, aj thai jail was strongly guarded and the country people seemed determined to lynoh the: prisoner. DB ABMSTBOXG'S TB1AL Atlanta Constitution. ' Kov. Jimes G. Arrrirocg, reo'orof St. Philips churoh, wi.l not be tried this year on the charges ptefcrred sgainst him by the standing committee of the diocese. The bishop has set tha! 13 h cf January as ikn a)aw nn W V i Vl t Vl O riflnrt. ia t( nnn VARA tor bis trial. It was thought by scms that by ootseot of all parties an earlier dato might be agreed on, and that the painful 6upense m'ght ba curtailed. That, it set mj, is impossible -and the bishop has fixed the date as above stated. In tha meantime Dr. Armstrong is specdirg his leisure" days qaistty at; the reotory, and Bcv. Mr. Hunt is conducting tha service every Sunday. j j Comparative Cotton statement. 4 Nw Yobjc, Oct. 184-The tolljwiag 1s the comparative cotton statement for the week ending Oct. 15: H I188S. 1884. Net rec'pts at U. 8. ports, ! 21 7.077 240,548 Total receipts to date, I 1 857,2 0 827.985 ExportsJor the week, 1130,493 115,819 Total exports to date, I 1 334 940 3d 1,743 Btock at all U. 8. ports, ! ( 459,90 453,522 Stcck at all interior towns , 68,33d 37,509 btock at Liverpool, ; 362.0UU 484,0JO btock of American afloat 1 tor Great Br1etn. 119,000 136,000 KXAltPIB OF VXSTTJKiaC'Ml 0NK3 OOM511SDKD. ; it is cften well to emulate the bright ex amples of those ?ho tempt fortune, and by braving a little win much Here is an in stance shown in tbe result of the I84lh gtand month drawing of t. e L.ukiana State ijottery, at New Orleans, lot Tuesday, Bep ttmb r 8. It is cbtxrful reading to those fortunate winners who held tickets. No. 50,434, drawing tae-nrst capital prize of 75,UO0, sold at $1 each in fifths, one to O. Smtci, Leavenworth, KstLsae; another to John Wias, of Wamegd. Kaosas; the re mainder elsewhere. Not 26,820 also sold in fifths at $1 each one to J. A. Clercy, 1098 Washington avenue, New York city; one to George Jackson, Xtewton, Kansas, collected tbrough fcUrtey County Bank of Newton, Kmsaa; one to J (i bands berry of Paris,! Texa, colected through Paris Exchange! Bank; one to S J Barnlta d, Walla Wall,fWabinstoa Terri tory, ect., ecu Number: 80.230 won the Third Pnzd of $10,000,; also sold in fifths one held ia Sin Frciseo. Cal , co.lec.ed through Weil, Fargo & Co.s Bank of Baa FrsLC.sco: another to ia party in New Orleans, Louisianai the remainder else where. Nos 64,069 and 61,711 each drew one of tbe two Fourth Priz.s of $6,000, also sold in tirtb at $1 eachto J E BernsUiom, Oreenport, N Y, ool tbrof jUbathum National Bank of New York City; another to First Nat'l Bttnk of Loo Angeltse, Cal, aoother to AT Kiusey, collected through First Nat'l Bank of Kcd Cloud, Neb, another to Peter Berry, Globe Village st, ttouih Bridge, Mass, anotbei collected bv Acglo California lit nk, (Limned.; ban f rancitcO, Cal, another to a party in Guatemala, U A, and ij on all over the 'habitable world, the flow of wealib scat tered joy aod happtaess, ; and a similar oc currence will take place on Tuesday, Nov 10, of which all Information can be had on application to M A Dauphin, New Or .eons. La. Now remember tbese faots aud siek to etuulato the exampla vt tbesa fortunate OLta. aivic tv. Hi.uk Hr. fViiieiOWs Hootatrig dyrup LC'.io slay be Uf.er1 when ciiLorfa. era t it - j tyjui. It roiivul the ii.tio m.Ai .ev at oacsi '.t prt-duooa uatuxs, aiet tt -gj- tJ tthtAins H- ?btld fioujiijiajs, id .fit, lit tie ohsruf) twasttj M riSt-, us a but too." it U vtry , . -.a-af . It a.-.ctioa ta ;ru-a. w: at! iMUXt, teUvVeo WlUd, Io.awtj I r I j o:ir-t te the beat te,tyi isruci. tvr ! . maaa. fw.:u:f,i hot- THE STATE FAIR. THE CONCLUSION OK THE LIST OF EXHIBITS. TBS PRINCIPAL AWAKD3 IN 80MB OF THE D PAETMBST4 NOTK9 ABOUT THk DI PLAT THK FAIK 1K MAST BS 6PIOT8 8AT18FAOTOET DCTS ASi PAtBKS. Yesterday was, like its predeoesscr-, bright and balmj; in hot it was the most beautiful day of the entire week. There werd quite a na jiber of visitors in the city. Mtny of these " alter making purchases went to the fair? grounds There was no great throng of . people, as was the ease Thursday. Oaly about 1 200 were pres eot, but they made up in erjayment what they laokea in numbers. Taose who were at the fair had the best opportunity to see the exhibits and. made liberal use of it. The stock pens were looked at carefully. The cattle, beautiful, sleek thoroughbreds, wer, as usual, pets and had many 7itors. Many ot the priia winners were photo graphed. Tbey'were very patient as they stood in the bright sanshine and put their best points forward, just as a young lady would dc; tor cows, like many young ladies, are coquettish. The beautiful butter display was yeeter day, as heretofore, much admired. Few visitors to the fair tailed to see it. The era rid p-'n of 825 was won by Mr R C Freeman, ot Gotd?boro. The cow whioh gave the milk wis the thoroughbred Jcr sey ''L icy Sti'.h," which was aold Mr Freeman by Mr W G Upchnroh. The eeoond prise was taken by Mrs A H Green, of this city. The butter is the best by far ever iei-n in the S.ate. Ir may safely be said that the cattle aod butter features of the fairs are hereafter to be among the most prominent. This is as it ehou d be. There was a lively oontest for the $50 premium for the best! original oil painting il ustrative of North Carolina scenery The winner waa Mrs J B Bar well, of Peace institute, this city. Her work is ex cellent. It represents a soetie on Bioh- lands creek, near Waynesvilie. It ia ruggedly piotureique landscape, be lily treated. In thai foreground, seated on i log, is Wid. Medford, the famous May wood county hunter, with his pack or splendid deer bounds at his feet. It was learned yesterday that Thursday no less than 3,000 railroad tickets were sold at the Qargett street station. Bather over 8,000 people were on the grounds Thursday. Mr. Lao D. Heartt stated yesterday that tte receipts would meet tha expenses. As the society started with no debt, hav icg removed all its pecuniary eaabarras meats, it is gratifying to be able to make the statement-. A oloud was 'thrown over the fair by the refusal of the railways to give low rates, euoh as are given to the iuohmond lair, tor metanoe. This matter ia; talked of very freely by the people, from the president of tbe agricultural sooiety to the most catual visi ter. Some active measures will ba taken People in North Carolina cannot afford to have their fairs u jured by lliiberality in railway rates. That muoh in certain. Mips Dixie Leoh, of Piu;.boro, exhili ted a handsome tbeoiuien of ber art in the ahape of a painting in oil ef Mr Gacrge Lsaoh s thoroughbred setter "Brock in the field. . ; . Mr. David Juetioe is in charge of the macbioery and gives special attention to his duties. Ydsterdsy the jidgos of award com p'eted tha last of their tasks and blue and pink ribtons adorned the meritorious ex hibits. Tbe White sewing machine company oertainly made a handsome disj hy tf the mofit delioate work in embroidery and fancy sewing. The representatives of the maehine were very courteous to visiters and jloed ornamental initials on thou sac da of plaques. The people of Wake county did fair-y well as exhibitor, but they must awake tc tha faot that their great county, the largest and richest in the State, ccu'd by unity ot effort make a displuj greater than waa e.ei made at any State it r. D theieipie raahsi tt.B ? Let them do so and go' to work to make the nxi. fair a tcagn ficeot suocesj. Bemetbber that Y ke is now oa her mettle. Not on'y is th .'air located here, bat a Wakouoty man is -he presi dent ot tbe association. Make it a matter of pride. It is the people's fair and the people mast take mot e latereat in it. thThe fair olcsos - today. TLere will ba e e usual rush in the removal of articles xb biied, and ty t unset the grouads mil be g ven over to msoy months of soli tude and quiet. It has b;ea a matter ot rmatk that tho I grouols are this year neater than ever bef .r . tbanks to seore- Ury Niohota' Rood ror agummo. Thevisi tors express special tl as ore at tho oare and courtesy shown by th officer aod employees. Thru ha net r ben a fair more enjoyable in all reepeoti. Taeie was not a single aooidont oi tt e mxt trivial kind or any uopl ja-aot ooearrcoo, in the oity, at the di pot4 ur ht groubde. ibe police, regular aod 'Coal. bear testimony to the remarkatie ejod order. Thert is every reason to ba pleased with the fair of 1885. Tne.following concludes the list of ex bibits. DIPAHTMKNT d ohchakd p AOL dots ; TO. Pears peahes etc B P Williamson Bal eigV ; evergreen" A B Forest Bloigb: ap ples vV W Jonas Cooper's Bonoombe oauntj; apples pears peaches eto J B But & Sons Bndgewater Burke oounty; dis play gTapes and bornea in glass a U Bat terwhaite Aiken ;S C; evergreens eto H Steinmttg Ba.eigb; scuppernong wine J B f iiust a ooa. ifridiewatei; peart fara W Wynne ttaieigh; applet vane ties; peaehes peats eto J W Petry Liawcod Chatham oounty; apple- in barrels B Ja9 Powell Pitteboro; apples eto J Van Linlo ey Salem Junotion. DKPABTMKNT PANTBY 8UPPIJIS. For speoit 1 premium ot $25 tor best 0 pounds butter-entries Dr B H Lewis Mrs A H Green W G Upehuroh Mrs B Buffalo Mrs Edward Bledsoe aU of Bal- eigb; L Banks Hoit Graham; Dr D W C tf doow trc ensbnrr; K C Freeman Goids- bor ; Mrs J W K.rr Haw Biver. The other entries wre in the general cepart- t.oc by Mra J B Bitohelor Miss LUoh- t'oid Miss Elin Primrose Miss Nora Primrose Miss Maud Harris B H Wood ell Mrs C E Buffalo Mrs K J Buff.lo Mrs B B BufUio Miss Bile B.gley Mrs W H Lyon Mbis Jennie E Lyon Mis Jolia flo'lowsy Mrs M J Hoiaway Mrs A M MoP teeters Miss E ien Bosenbaum Miss Hattie Bosenbaum Miss Hannah Roaecbaum Mrr J B Batohelor Mrs W H Bigley Mrs Cbas H Belvin Mrs F A Olds Miss Cora E Whitaker Mrs Dtvid Ander son W B Crawford Jr Miss Lioy Harris Mrs W S Primrose Mrs J M Broughton all of Rileub; B E Harris Merry Oiki; J H Ciegg Leiwood. The children's pan of this exhibit is notably good and does hem great credit. DtPABTMSNT P. MANUFACTURES. Display of harness of all kinds E F Wyatt & Son Ba.'eigr; rope slippers W H Soott Wilmington; 2 one-hotse 4 seat phaetons one-horse 2 -seated phaeton. 3 top buggies, open buggy jump seat buggy - m w T B Yanoey Baleigb; shoes of all kinds W H Wetmore & Oo Raleigb; leather of various kinds, 8 W 11 smith New Gar den; 3 road carta Sanders & Whitoomb Elubeth City; 2 hone pbaetons one horsi 4-seated phaeton one horse 2-eated phaeton top buggy CZ) open buggy (2) jump seat bu?gy skeleton track wagon pleafure r wagon displry of carriages and buggies made in North Caroiioa Tyson and Jones ; Carthage N C; bedsteads, bureaus wardrobe, variety cabinet work (all B high made andoi N. C. timber) Huffia Boles, Baleigb; open wsgen F S:ronaoh and Co. Baleigb; dis- p.ays of Tennessee farm wagons Johnson and Barber Bileigh. D1PABTMXNT Q. M1B0ANT1L1 DI8- PLATS Display of corsets Chicago Corset Co largest oclleeticn ef piotures (this was re ntarkably bandscma the beattver made at a fair here ) Fred A Watson Baleigfc j display sewing maohinei and work done on the same the White sawing maoaina company Cleveland Ohio: pianos organs &o. A Pauu Ka'eigb; crockery and queens- ware VV 11 Hughes Kaletgh; UQurdaeerine guitar VV H Soott Wilmington; display of hardware etovi ate Julius Lswis st Co. also by T H Briggs & S?ns and J O Limsden Baleigh. D1PARTMIST E LADIK3 WOBK. This display is unquestionably one of U a largest ar.d most .meritorious ever made at the State fair, and fills ail the space devoted to it. There are 236 en- trios, it is impossible to do more than give tha names of the exhibitors wbo show such beautiful examples of their patieaoe and artistic skid. These are: Mrs tuima Hills Delaware Ohio; Miss Hattie Samp son Mrs A 0 8ampson Greenabcro; Miss Olivia Barklqy Mrs B P WUUamico Miss jdtclla Jordan Mrs W W Jordan JVItb N M Farnsworth Miss S C Whitaker Bal- ieig; Misa Canie Murphy Salisbury; M ss Lucinda Little Miss Maggie ; Kirkland Alias Maud Young Mrs Ed H Lae Miss Hutohiogs Bt Uigb; Mr Chisholm Charles ton S C; Mrs J M Cienshaw Mrs A E Over by Wake Fores; Mrs M E Fisher Wilmington; Miss El it Primrose Miss Ncra Primrose M L Page Baieigh; Mrs B H Shimpock Gold Hill; Mrs Wxu Wilson Wilmingtor; Mrs W 8 Black Mrs 8 H Montgomery Mra 0 L Striakland Miss Delia Lit ehtgr;Mias Mamie Harris Miss Jtlia Jroeoh Mas Mattie Higgs Miss Delia Oreon Miss Nannie Bu well Mrs iBotiie Mills Baleigb; Mrs W B Troy Bound Knob; Miss Eva Jewell Mrs K B Perkineou Miss Alma Jewell Miss Minnie Jewell Miss Eva Jewell Baleigb; Mb? Alice W Daffy Now Berne; Mrs E How (and Miss Liiy Jooei Cxj; Mrs C E Buffalo B laigh; Mrs H E Fries dt-Kio; Mus Bartha 3drs B J Emeraon Mrs Eisabeth Eison Hrrion Ra'.eigh. Dot hm Couu ; .n L -v '; M i 1 B . j. y i v Fduor Mus B.i- Aooie Bgiy Mini E Btiie Bigu y Mis K .to tie Poole Mrs M J Hilioway Miss Julia Hollo way Miss Jennie lllolioway Mrs W p Lyoa Misr Jennie E E lii Mrs Stevens Mrs LLyoa Mia Mime E HLse Mrs B B Seaweli Baleigb; Mrs J is Braweli Sau.'barj; Mrs Jas MtK:e Mrs M Grsus man Mrs A M MoPheeters Mrs J 0 Hin too Mis T F Davidson Mrs Geo H Wil liams Mis J B Williams Baleigb; Mrs L A Somen Greensboro; Mrs J B Bust Bhdgewater; Miss Coriane Djrtch Mrs H P Doitch Miss Sua Co. tier Goidsboro; Mrs S H Montgomery Mrs Etien Camp bell Mrs I.adore Boaenthal Mrs E U Lae Hies Emma L imsden Mis Mary Palmer Mills Miss Kate Berkley, Mrs Moatgom ery Mrs B G Cow per Mrs W F Wyatt Miss Bessie rVyatt MrsV DLaw recce Mrs Barber Mrs B H Liwis Mn C H Blvin Baleigb; Mrs Eva 0 Davis' WeU don; Mrs J B Batobeler Mrs B J Buffalo W R Crawford Jr Baleigh; Mrs D Johsv ton Grove Chatham oounty; Mrs William Wilson Wilmington; Miss Neil Eaiabart Lexington DkPABTMXNT I JINX ABTS, ITQ . j Paintings wa-er1 colors eto Hattie Sampson Greeiuboro; map drawing Frank C M bane Weatworth; map drawing B il laylor Mt Afy; oil and water color paintings eta Mias Juiia J Speneer Chapel Hill; paintings on silk photographs eta G W 8wift Baleigb; oil paintings Mrs J M Spainhour L moir; fish bona oomb W W boott, Wiimiogton; landsoapea, eta Mrs. Willian' Wilson Wilmingtor, oil painting Miss xie Laach Pituboio; xui drawing W J Sholar Wake Forest; paiatipg ia od eto Mies Julia Creech Baiaigbi otl paint ing Mrs J B Borwell Baleigij crayon urawingMisa Lola Miila Toianot; erayoa ailRUlK AIAJBM JBLtttUm HNS.MKlMl relics and cunosilies Mrs Divid Ao detson Balsigt; photographs eto J W Watson Haibigb; ac orated latcy artioloa in oils ets Mrs U E Fries Salem; original paiotn g in oil Mr Eugene L Harris Bal eigb; Bbeild aud coral Mrs B B Sea well Baleigt ; paihiisg oo velvet Mrs Jis Mo Kee Batcigt ; water ooiots etc Miss Annie Burweli Baleigb; vases rliss Lma Brown Baieigh; crayon oraw.ng Miss Alice Dug gaa Waircnton; paintings tn oil Mrs B G Cowper Baleigb; painting on velvet Mrs W F VVvatt Baleigf; relios and ouriOsiUca B E Hatiis, Merry Uakt; decorated china tiles E L Harris Baleigb; oil paintings; N C toecery Mra J B Barnoii Baieigh; deox rated china Miie S M Kirklaud Baieigh. DIPABTMKNT K AGBICULTOBAL IXPtX' 1CXNT8, KTO. Patent heat reguiator tor tobacco barns E B Willis Marshall Madison county; harvester and binder reaping machines mowing machines etc Asa M Egbert Char lotte; tobacco heat regulator Heodrioka & Welles Marshal1; cotton plows J 0 Jordan Baleigb; fet.oe machine (ta operation) Nurth Carolina wire and paung tenae oom- pany Baieigh, (also samptos ot plain and ornamental fences etc); mower harvester and binder Wal-er A vVood Hoosao Faila N ,Y; Watt plows JM Monie Baloigh; oiioa.ar saw mill J A Vanoo Salem; com bination aotton planter and fertiliser dia-i , tributor Apinwail & Vau Auken Pjtertbargi Va. THK GBASD PRIZtS. The following is s oomp e:e list of the ohief priiss aa awarded in the several departments : Department B 1 Trotting Beat trot ting brood Bttliion over 4 years best brood mare over 4 years Dr Jas McKee; best brood mare between 2 and 4 years Jas i Norwood; best thoroughbred brood mart , 4 yean Taylor & Miller (Ashevilie); best t thoroughbred brood mare 2 to 4 years ! Joshua Bullook Booky Mount; best thor- oughbred oolt under 2 years Jas Norwood Hillsboro; best heavy draft stallion over 4 -years JW BiackweJl Durham; best light draft stallion over 4 years W T Blaokweil Durham; best light draft Bullion between 2 and 4 yean J E Goodwin Elm Grove; beet brood mare over 4 yean Jaa Nor wood Hiiisborc; best brood mare 2 to 4 yean Joshua Bollock Booky Moun; beat oolt under 2 yean B N Wynne Lamay: best mare and oolt Bav 0 T Bailey Bai- cr. k. . ..it in w n . ,j Bjlg. wua t uuais etuia uiun wvi. a u vji , win Elm Grove; best team horses (ooacb) 16 bands high B P Williamson Baleigt; beat team hones (ooacb) 14 hands high J W Blaokweil Durham; best saddle horae W P Batohelor Baleigb; best single bug gy horse Frank Str onach Baleigb ; best combined saddle and harness bone Miss F -P.Tuoker Baleigb; beat banker pony B S Tucker Baleigb; best jack E W Goodwin Elm Grove; best aiogio mule E W Good win Etm Grove; beat heavy draft borsea J W Blaokweil Durham 1 ; i- Department B, 2 Jersey bull over 3 yean W G Tpcharch Baleigb j Jersey bull between 1 and 3 years Jersey Tbull Cilf . under 1 year best, Jersey cow over 4 years Mrs Wm Grimes Baleigb; bast Jersey : cow between 2 aod 4 yean W G Up ohuroh, Baieigh; best Jiney heifer under 2 years B S Tackar Baleigb; bast l Jersey calf under 1 year B P .Williamson BaL eigb; best herd of Jerseys W G Hpohuroh Baleigb; Guernsey bull over 3 yean H I Baauson Salem; Guernsey bull 1 to 3 years Dr B H Lewis Baieigh; Guernsey bull calf under 1 year H ' Bahnson Salem; Guernsey cow between 2 and 4 years Guernsey herd B H Lewis Baleigt-; Guernsey cow between 2 and 4 years Henry Brigga Baleigb; Devon bull over 3 yean L B Holt Graham; Devon cow ba tween 2 and 4 yean Mrs Wm Grimes Baleigb; Devon bull calf under 1 year Djvon cow between 2 and 4 jean Davon cait ubder 1 year Devon herd L B Hoit Graham; Ayrshire boll over 3 years T E BeynoSds u Winstcn; Ayrshire now between 2 and 4 years J M. Heck Bileig; graded bull ovor3 years Wm M Jones Cooper's N C; graded brill 1 to 3 years N M Tomliaaon, Garner Sutior; graded bull caif under 1 yen J B Ba & Son Bridgewater; graded cow orer 4 yctrd R S Tucker; graded ! WW over 2 to 4 y&ars B H Lewis; heifer uTtder 2 yuan B P Wiiltamsoc; calf nouei 1 v: J M Heok; herd T B Bhd .:; b.st yoke oxen W B Crawford. DIPABIMXNT A. r B .st 25 pounds tobacco bright lemon wrappers W J Groom Trinity College; seoocd best 25 pounds bright lemon wrap pers P H Leo Shotwcll; best 25 pounds mLogaay wrappers W S BagwtlJ Garner's 8tattor; sco .cd bjat 25 pounds mahogany wrappers J W Taylor Ljckviiie; beat 25 pounds cutters W S Big well Girner'o S.av ' t;oc; beet 25 pounds shipping W S Bag wail, Garner Station; best 25 pounds fill-' ' ers J:W Taylor LoekviUe; best 25 pounds yellow (pici,!) H B Bagwell Baleigt; bastrfcox plug tobacco J L King ana Son, iGieensboro; bast display manuiaov tured Itcbacoo J L Kixg and Son, Greens bor ; bast wheat B P Williamson, second OOKTIfi TJXD ON rOCBTH PAGX J -atsicr l airetl. Dr. A. G. Wotlard, of Richmond, Va.,! having great success in curing Cancers. He -has cored hundreda pronounced incurable by other physicians. Send for pamphlet with references and certificates. Office, 709 -Ea"t Lfllgh street. iH. ft ..I IS' V. If 1 A x Hi i - 1 - i a. 'ti a i-9 1 r