( "J - r1' AND -as: r r . ' i r ERVEK: VOL.XXVL RALEIGH, N. C., SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 3. 1886. JS0.45 UBS1 -tr r-V t Absolutely Pure. Thm powder never variea. 4 marvel ;of pwrlry. strength and wholesomenee. More economical than ordinary kinds and cannot be an Id 1b competition with the multitude of low teat, ahert weighty alum or phosphate powders Sold onlT In cans. Royal Bixpie Powba ColOS Wall Street, New York. - Bold bjrW C A B'StronaeA, George T Btronach and J B. rerrall A Co. Pfffl PRE. 1 ' ''A Happy 'New1 Year to everybody 18 the greeting we seAd to &11 1 from the RACKET STORJS. i - . rf i f We are going to do all - - S can to make everybody happy, and i yOu will do what we intend to do and- what we tell you to do you will maBtel the mul- titude of life'a iUs : Keepoul of ' deht. ir crops with a he and be the owner of every hill of corn or cotton -or tobacoo you grow, unless ou have the means of your own to do otherwise. - V j i -l- Did you knuw Ae credit system took ludf jour labor , and madeljou Jay I double for allpu got? Keejp out of debt and sav every other ro'- of brn . or cotton, for it takes just thai much oi your labor to enjoy the greatest bless- mir there is in the credit systefii, for if a credit crop fails you are sold out and all you have must go, while you land your umuy are ieu aesurae. ; j ja a '-- A i-' , Well, the credit system is aj bad i ays-f : U AiU II-: merchandise that way is ftnmely an ob iect of titv. as a rule; because the numi ber who cannot pair and those who 1 will not pay force ,him to charge such prkea to those who dor pay that ne is actuauy The credit system don't bring rery onuch happiness to ; anvbodv. Jl is ail hope ueferreo." iThe EAiJrlEX l'Ui&E eomearCo you with the new .and better wav; with a live cash business ased on uuicJtisales , and small profits. -toix monUis of Hacket lite has done much to (level on the advantages .we are Able to gite jou. , MU: months (lasl'dei- . vetobeu ibe tact' that Ataoltet; values have mastered the held and placfea it m the lead of thfl trade in rUieigh, ; Six months has.deeided tbit it pays to have our , buyers always in he marXet, atb - ering bargain from the sUttghterens of cre4U. and six months has .decided our efforts to supply -the people with the. greatest value tor the; least ...money hax met their approval and tells us in tnuuder tones thp ueterminatura of the masses to tree themselves - from ; the ; bondage of the credit!, system and ; that ; henceiorth the will use the readj dol .iar instead 6t pjig .double for jtheir niAMhenWlaii . ! " ' J '. : . 1 j 1 i'i ik, v. 1 Beeswax AS BUYaJio V BKhWAX WJB WILL, k. - iV- , I'M- t -i' ': n til further notice pay SSe per lb, tree on lwar4stameratWnhiiBgton. W. B. BUWDLZXK CO., Mdeodaia, 4; j y Beaton, iJaati.' 5 CENT PUO GIG - NONE BhTTJCR oa the market. ! Made of Hettcted, leaf and cDrot be excelled. . MAKUFACTURKD BY Samoei Kramer & ICd i - . f I . - :!. . DURHAM, If. 0 M1.W3 OiiSKKVATlOS. 1 St. Louis is the first city in this ooantry to perfect arrangnicnts for the treatment 01 hydrophobic patienta by the Pasteur uiethod. J udge Noah Davis,in a practical tern perance tipeech, advocated the payment ot wages in the middle of the week in stead of on Saturday. A Western woman has become in curably insane from hair dye. Provi dence gave her black locks, but she pre ferred golden tre&ies. Senator Hale submits drafts of all speeches to his wife before the speeches are delivered. Senator Logan doesn't; or if he does, he forgets to follow her corrections. As Senator: Evarts threatens to make a silver speech, the "gold-bugs" are begging him to keep still. Speech, we remember, is silvern, but silence is golden. ' The slaughter of the innocents is going on in the West. When we learn tuat -,030, uvU boga have been killed and packed in little more than a 'month we, begin to think we are a great nation. According to London Liie, when Queen Victoria returns from Laiinoral or Osborne to Windsor she invariably takes the earliest opportunity to pay a private vUit to the ex-Eiupress Eugenie atOhis fciiurt, where the- two lorn women nurse their grief over ; the loss of their de parted husbands.: : Matthew Arnold informs all Eng land that Nathaniel Hawthorne was the Sanest writer America yet has produced, but a prejudiced Illinois paper warns Matthew that John A. Logan's new book will necessitate a revision of pre vious judgments in respect of American literature. -The head reported as shaving been found in a box at Wilmington, Dela ware, turns out to have been found at Wiliiainsport, Pennsylvania, and not Wilmington. A mistake was made in the reports made to the police. The Pennsylvania railroad detectives who investigated the matter were furnished a descriDtion of Haviland. ! the missing pHunATlvauia miller, and as thev have I niado no further reDort of the case to the I authorities it is bresumed that the head I nriivfid to be. waa ftt firgt sunnoaed. ml ? 1 r i a . j: i I portion of a subject sent for a medical tuueub. ; At a recent informal gathering of ladies- a doubt was expressed whether a woman lives in the land who is Wholly indifferent to dress. It was said that it there are exceptions they must be found either among the dissolute or the hope lessly blind, certainly not among the savage tribes, who are noted for their love of finery. There are those undoubt edly 4who atfecti to despise dress and adornments and loudly decry them as a means to gam or hold the good opin ion; or afiection of those with whom they mingle in social or domestic life, liur- it, may be guessed that where this senti ment or feeling i expr.;l. m words or shown in acts, the leaviu 04 did wholt lump is wilfulness, -ituaMfd iiuccutriCLty, or some other tdkeu oi sl'iij'.-j jreciatiok or Vainglory. If nature ht. appointed to woman a "sphere" sharply defined and arbitrarily matxwul out and measured, ' right and reason con- cue in assuming that sne ought to i be .permitted to - shine in tnat "t": . .liIr.! I temotuous eves upon a woman w r I careless inuatters of dress pr behavior, and the wbman who thuiks to. silence them or aker their opinion b y a wilful or courageous show of 'independence" in the saodo' and manner of her attire. will learn all fob soon that she has but earned their: contempt -tod i wrought no advantage to heheli. Within tb limits of her sphere , in life, such as all .the world is willing to concede to ber, it is her right, as tt is her duty and pleasure, to'av ail herself Of the adventitious aids of dress to add j to her peronal appear I ance and to help to win and hoiu tne regard or admiration of all! whose good I opiuionane may wui uwf, t uu i aua cueuuuKauue, Pi wa .uui.u- mgs mustaiwajs enter into tuesjiuuou othe question; What Shall 1 wear.i 1 anu wuere-wivuai i auau uv . - I oy ramuie iu; wu www v- I simplicity anu easy couuor m ura ua wtMm iitua tiF t n a Til 1 1 PiiiinvniPnL sit x.11 h occasion. A promenade in the city, a drive in the park, a bail, ; or. the opera demand different styles, fabrics, ana ao cessories. Women of good taste, and Kitted with tberace ot common sense will always wisely aiseruniuate ana ! adapt their costume to place and .occa sion. Iney will never couit notoriety or provoke its; ill-natured couuueut by appearing in absurd, or conspicuous at tire. away his broad acres for a Bong, so to speak, will live to regret u. A writer in tne St. JLiouls Jiepuhncau says tnat the South eohld Hot roll back the tide of'imniigratioa if it 'would. He says that iu ten ortwenty years, twnen tue people of the West find : that they are dvercrowded, they will make a rusn tor the healthf ul aua fertile Southern lands. W ben that tuiie comes uua of capnal and enterprise will not stop to inquire m to boutuern sentiments ana preiuaices. iuey will ignore the alleged race prob lem aua ruil like a mighty wave all over that magnificent domain follow mg tbe Appalacuiau jiiwuuuius from tbe Poto- uiau around almost to the Missisaippi lueiuainjr at least three-fourths ot tbe area of the Southern Atlantic and East Unit btates. ! Kentucky; 'ieunessee and large parts of Arkansas and Texas will alaucoiue in :tor their share of iinmi- krauts. This morement cannot be muoh .'longer dUye:d. WASHINGTON. - 1 UASOHUBiE UEUITCriOH OF THE PtHl IC DEBT. A Qutr Proceeding oa th Part of Mr. Aeton nt tbe Rvw York Sub-TreiM-nrj' lruarr Jordan Takea FocMwloa f the Ofltrv . The AaMOUitd Bank Ntiilcmvut, Ac. Washington, January 2. -The debt statement issued today shows a decrease in the public debt during December of 1,089,939,84; total cash id the treas ury, jt4y4,aoi,yo4.uu; goia certincatcs outstanding, $105,359,001; silver cer tificates outstanding, 093,179,465; cer tificates of deposit, $13,790,000; old demand and legal tender notes out standing, 346,738,806; fractional cur rency less the amount estimated as lost or destroyed), $6,959,153.77. Washington, Jan. 1. lhe secretary of the treasury today received the fol lowing telegram from solicitor McUue, who is in JNew xork: 'Mr Acton refused to remove the seula from th sub-treasury vaults. Uu- der my advice the treasurer has done so, to carry on the current business. Treasurer Jordan telegraphed as fol lows: "Have taken possession of office un-? der solicitor's advice." ' Naw York, Jan. 2. Treasurer Jor dan, of the United States treasury, at Washington, took charge of the sub- treasury in this city, today. Mr. Acton, whose term of office expired December 31, was on hand this'morning, also. It is his intention to remain at his office until the accountants have declared every thing about the sub-treasury all right. Tere was considerable delay in opening the vaults and for this reason business was at a standstill for an hour or two. Naw York, Jan. 2. Thos. C. Acton, assistant treasurer of the United States. in this city, received a letter Deoember 30, 1885, from secretary Manning, or dering him to turn over his office to Mr. C. N. Jordan, treasurer of the United States ! This morning Acton at once obtained the following opinion from obtained the following Messrsl&eo. Bliss and Elihu Ilootv v ! YoakDeo. 30, 1885. A0 HOK. AHOS. ACTON Sir? Wft nrlviaA trnn tnst vativ tarm et office expired December 20, 1885; that v w w uw v VWWV IVU1 W1UI W you have since been holding over and that your relations in this respect will not change January 1, 1886; that you have no legal right to turn over your oince and the property in your charge to any person not nominated by me rrcsiaent ana connrmed by the Senate, and that you cannot safely obey any order so to do. No person not con firmed by the benate as your successor can give you a proper receipt or release you and ! your bondsmen from the re sponsibility of turning over the office to a personj not,confinned by the Senate in order that the operations of the great office of assistant treasurer should not be brought to a standstill. You would doubtless as a good citnen feel disposed to obey any order to that effect, but as the operations of the office have gone on for ten days since your term expired,- we see no reason why tbey may not con tinue in the same way for a few days, until the president ot the Senate can act. In view of these considerations we k 1 n iklnlr .i... .u .1 :: i the action t action reported by the press; but it their at- i views entertai yourself and your counsel. ! ' . . . x be louowing better was delivered to Mr. Jordan thia morning at the sub- treasury, in answer to his demand for the surrender of the office : January 2nd, 1886. ' HOM. C, N. JOKDAN, TrA8CRXR Of U. S. Dear Sir: I have received a letter from Hon. Daniel Manning, secretary of the treasury, directing me to surren der the: oince of assistant treasurer of the U. S. to you. You now desire to take possession of this office and of the various; funds In my charge as assistant treasurer, basing your action upon of the gre'tary of the treasury aemand from me my consent to eo- in this action on your part, u- . , t . gay that 1 am hero - tg'tinue U.e performance of the dutiefl f j.. &od cannot M8ent b i word pr act to the assumption of the i coadt or 01 Qf thi office fev any . .. ... one not appointed by tbe President and confirmed by the Senate as my successor. xou have caused your seal to be placed on tbe : vaults containing the funds to make necessary payments from day to day ana (Hereby interrupt tbe perform ance bv me of the regular evcrv dav and necessary duties ot the office. If this interruption is relieved I shall be glad to act in tbe othoe in the same manner that 1 have done since the 20th of De cember ulto." if this is not permitted to me whatever shall be done by you in I regard! to the business of this oince must be done without my assistance or assent and against , my protest. Mo one can regret: more than I, that the action of the government to furnish a successor to me in the office of assist ant treasurer has been disappointed and that a temporary embarrassment to public business should possibly occur, but L have no right by any act or omis sion of mine to jeopardize the rights or increase the risks ot my bondsmen. I am sir, your obedient servant, Thos. 0. Acton, Assistant Treasurer. Mr. Acton made po further objection and Mr. Jordan took control. . Por an hour no business was done, the vaults being under the seals placed iL v iu M, TL' Viln Lt?Z Finally Mr. Jordan at 11.40 broke the eals and commenced business. - Kew Yorsj. Januarv 2-The fol- Thursday .by 'Mr. Jordan. owing U0 the total net recepu of cot- ton at all the ports since September 1, 1885: Galveston, 54,626; New Or leans.l. 145,376; Mobile,159,t)80; Savan nah, 592,780; Charleston, '380,207; Wilmington, 77,143; Norfolk, 368,- 616; Baltimore, 32,796; New York, 39,876; Boston, 35,112; Newport News, 18,192;Philadelphia,14,778;WestPoint, 153,990, Brunswick, 12,328;Port Royal, 7,535; Pensacola, 16,455; Indianola, 781. Total, 3,397,571. Columbus, O., Jan. 2. Daniel Os borne, wanted in Prospect. Ohio, for forgery, was arrested at Winchester yesterday and afterwards met his death in a singular manner. The officer was on horseback, while the prisoner, band cuffed, walked in front. At some point on the road a farmer was met who in formed the marshal that the prisoner was armed, as he had seen him trying to get a revolver out of the breast pocket of his coat. The marshal thereupon dismounted to drm, the fellow 'and as ho approached Osborne he saw him draw a weapon from his breast-pocket and apparently point it at him as well as he could, handcuffed a? he v:is. The marshal seized his hand an -1 at the same instant the revolver was fired, the ball entering Osborne's left side between the ribs and passing through the heart. New York, January 2. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 3,058,726 bales, of which 2,745,620 are American, against 3,094,253 and 2,629, 053 respectively last year ; receipts at all interior towns 115,418 ; receipts from the plantations 219,098 ; crop'in sight 4.540,909. San Francisco, Jan.: 2. The tailors of the U. S. revenue cutter Richard Rush, which leaves for the Arctic ocean in a few days, in search of the crew of the whaling bark Amethyst, which is supposed to have been lost, have mani fested much discontent over the clothing issued to them for the voyage. They say it is inadequate for the rigors of an Arctic trip, especially at this season of the year. Senator t air pr oner ed $oOU towards the purchase of warmer clothing, but Capt. Hooper was obliged to decline the offer. It is believed, however, the Senator will be permitted to give each individual sailor some extra whiter clothing, as a new year's gift, and in this way provide tbem with the neces sities. Galveston, Tex., Jan.. 2 A special to the News from Austin savs ; James Phillips, who was so seriously wounded Christmas eve when his wife was out raged and murdered, is still in a very critical condition, but he was placed under arrest Thursday night, charged with being4 his wife's : murderer. The Mexican, Martinez, arrested a few days ago on suspicion of being implicated in the recent mysterious murders turns out to be a rag-picker, which accounts for the bloody clothing and ladies handker chiefs found about his premises. He is still in custody. Mrs. Eaves, charged with the murder of her son Claude, was remanded to jail yesterday without bail. Pittsburo, Pa., Jan. 2. -A. Ger man family of five persons, named Ben nett, living in Pine township, this oounty, partook of almost raw pork sau sages for supper, last Monday. Yester day they were seized with violent ill ness, wnich the attending physician pro nounces trichinosis of the most violent Jkihd. The family consists of father, mother and three children. The old people were first attacked. The doctor thinks the children will die. The others may recover, although tie chances are against them.' There is great alarm in the neighborhood, as ser ral other fami lies partook of the same, sausages, but they may have coojied them thoroughly. The hog from whose flesh the sausage was made had been kept in a clean, dry pen and fattened on corn. New York, January 2. The weekly statement of the New York as sociated banks is as follows: Leans in crease $2,971,500, specie decrease $1, 267,100, legal tenders increase $1,595, - 500, deposits increase $3,006,300, cir culation increase $55,400, reserve de crease $423,175. The banks now hold $25,085,463 in excess of the 25 per cent rate- ; Nortb 1'aruilua UatH Ust fur 185. Wilmington Star. Dr. Marcellus Whitehead, Rev. W. N. Morrison, Dr. L. W. Batchelor, Dr. James Craigmiles, William Lea, Dr.H, 0. Wuley, George M Smedes, h.dvard Kidder, Thomas J. Norman, Dr. Benja min W. Robinson, Col- Abram S. Kent, Prof. W. C Doub, Dr. J. G. Hardy, Capt. James S. Anderson, Rbv. B: M. Philips, Rey. W. I. Hull, Rey. J. M C. Luke, J. M. McCorkle, Chauncey Meekins. Dr. Elam Caldwell. Wil- Rahr- Carter, M. D., Dr. Thomas X. Hughes, Rev. Ilenry Graj, Pr. Benja-. min F. 1 Green, Maj. Rufus Hartley, Rev. Charles H. PhillitJs, Rev. John N. Andrews, Rev. John W, Lewis, Msj. Ephraiu J. Brevard, Rev L. II. Gibbons, William Henry Jones, Rev. Robert P. Bibb Dr; L. G. Wwd, Dr. C. W. ooHeh, , Dr. Gaston D. Cobb, Isaac J. Young, Dr. I. F. Cavencss. Dr. Sydney A. John ston, Thomas J. Person, Capt. Ran dolph A. Shotwell, John W. Norwood, rrof. Washington J. rverr, samuei o. Harrison, James J. Litchford, A. S. bhuford, Joseph Dqbsou, Col. Edward C. xellowly, Cot. Joseph bauuders, Dr. Neill Graham, George C. Moses, Joel H. Muse. William 11. Young, Judge A. A. McKoy, Robert M. Henry, Dr. Jamea K. -Hall John Kent Brown. Capt. Jobff L. Wooster, William G. Matthews, Dr. W.J. T. MiUer, E. Lippitt ad. IJL G. Ramsaur. . John Th'Crpln Ivy. What cmplng vine is eiactly four t IV thJ mXtn PUnt k l..ur-mosi in tbe funk ol itMMlicine. Taylor'a beroke Uemedy olSweetUuu. aad Mullein w a icure ooub. oouisa-deouaiuuption, BEYOND SEA THE PEOH1.K OX THE (OXriXEXT I:KK VII1F. F. VNIKIt. The rnion wT Bulgaria -Ttio Power Ag;re in 4 ronncd Head of Ger main , Austria and Kauia to II a vc a Cvnferace-t'tli.-r Gfncial )lHk bj Wire. Piiiliji'I'Opolis, Jan. 2 An agree- ment has been arrived at between Madjid Pasha, special tuvoy of Turkey, and Prince Alexander, respecting the union of Bul.?iirh.. Tt has received the concurrence of the powers. London. Jan. The Standard's Ber liu correspondent saji: Arrangements are in progress for the meeting of the Emperor of Germany, Emperor of Aus tria and the Czar during the manoeuvres of the Austrian army in Galieia during the coming summer. London, January 2. The Pall Mall Gazette, this afternoon, says it is able to announce that Mr. Gladstone is ready to entertain a feasible proposal from the Marquis of Salisbury to jointly concert for the settlement of the homo rule question. The Gazette urges a coalition of the liberals and conservatives to deal with the subject of home rule. London, Jan. 2 The News Berlin correspondent says that the jubilee of Emperor Williams' accession to the throne of Prussia will be celebrated to morrow, & requested by the Emperor, instead of today, without any proces sion or demonstration. There will be thanksgiving services during the morn ing in the castle chapel at which all members of the royal family will be present. The religious services will be followed by a levee. All the German princes intended to personally hail the e;up-ror on the occasion, but his majesty declined such ovation. The emperor in formed the princes that instead of re ceiving thein personally he would be pleased to receive autographic letters from each. His majesty also declined to receive any presents or deputations of citizens. PicTEKSBUun, Va., Jan. 2. Richard L Cooney, a fireman on board of a United States monitor at City Point, committed suicido last night, after trans ferring his watch and chain to one of the sailors. He went to the eugine room and with a razor deliberately in flicted a deep gash across his left wrist and bled to death. No intimation of his intention to take his life and no reason is assigned tnereior except tnat ne was tired of life. The act was too delib erate to give plausibility to any other reason. Jacksonville. Fla., Jan. 2. Adolph Rose, first sergeant in battery L.,:2d artillery, stationed at St. Augustine, committed suicide today in a fit of tem porary insanity, by shooting himself in the head with a Colt's revolver. UOLcmbcs, Jan. a. ine warehouse burned in Opelika, Ala., yesterday was the property of Hudman Bros. & Co., and was occupied by G. P. Cole & Co. Between 1,500 and 2,000 bales of cot con were destroyed. The loss is placed at $57,000, with $51,000 insurance. Tuk Car of th Children. For ohildren, Brandreth's Pills are simply invaluable. One or two Pills taken every night for ten days will cure them of scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, colds, diarrhoea or local pains. . - Urandreth s Pills are purely vegetable contain no mercury, mineral or dan gerous drug, xbey require no care in diet or exposure, and are perfectly safe for old or young, male or female. One or two at night, for a week, taken on an empty stomach, will cure the worst case of dyspepsia, liver complaint or rheu matism. NrwsYORK, Jan. 2 The following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending December 31: 1883. 1884 Net receipts at TJ. S, ports, , 1,938 161,054 Total receipt to date, 3,507,571 3,043,017 exports lor tbe week. uu.ueg, Total export to date, .2,020,177 2,282,715 Stock all U. a ports, 1,135,457 1,005,707 Stock at all interior towns, 169,894 198,042 Stock at Liverpool, 541,000 604,000 For Great Britain, 210,000 202,000 in xverv household there should be kept a bottle of Pond's Extract, as it is invaluable incase of accidents, ehpbt or serious, that are always liable to oc cur, such as Cuts, Durns, .Bruises, xo It is of the greatest benefit for Hcmorr hagea, Neuralgic Pains and lnflamma tions. while lor Uatarrb, riles, so it is the best known remedy. Ask your drtu gist to give you nothing but the genu me. ; 1886 makes a fine begin ing. ! Bn-iocs. Dtspeptic, Nervous Invalids grow sfrori'', ruddy and healthy, by tbe use of Lle- hisf Co-a Coca Bt ef Tonic. It gives more tone than anything I have ever prescribed says Pro testor xx uouuon. ju. l Lux, u., rnjgician u iut uraoa uuk pi auxoay. Our Blended Tea is worth the money alone, but we give China Cups, Saucers Plates, &c, with each pound; 60 cents per pound. W.-C. &"A. B. Strohach Tb New Itrctry. The company preparing the new city directory are making a careful canvass. This is the first company that has ever offered the merchants of this city such a valuable advertising medium. The book is to contain a great variety of miscella- nnmia infnrtnal.inn enmnriainer a Hat of 1 oil oniofioa nAtrna tliA nitv ffnvirnmn( and all interesting information to make the work complete. This directory will also contain , the names 01 all persons ' living outsithe city limits, which goes to 8how that this will be the most com- , " ui-t j V -7 plete work er published for the city ortuieign Pwwuli. Col. S, L.- Fremont, formerly of Wil mington, baff been appointed supenn ten dent of the custom house in course of erection at Memphis. Mr. Thomas R. Baldwin, an influen tial citizen of Richmond county, died Tuesday, aged 55. Rev. J ltus H. Hagan, colored, of Richmond county, will go to Liberia in a few weeks. Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Wilmington, will probably lose the sight of his right eye. He was struck in the eye by a small piece of wood. He is low in Baltimore, re ceiving rpecial treatment for the injury. iur. o. o. w estcott, oi omunviue, is dying of consumption. Mr. Anthony Godfrey, of Pasquotank county, thirty years of age, was fatally woundeirsdurmg the holidays by the bursting ofNan anvil in which he and a party of frietitts were exploding pow der. The following are the jurors drawn to serve the hrst week ot the superior court, beginning tomorrow : Win. Car penter, D. G. Copn, Madison Yates, J. Stell. J. J. Edwards, V. S. Barbee, A. H. Adams, F. S. Sanders, C A. Sherwood, Thomas S.Stevenson, James Adams, W. H. Dean, Jerry Hogan (colored), R. A Banks, Virgil Rix (colored), M. W. Woodward, John Watkins, A. L. Lynam, S. M. Richard son, j. a. Patrick, A. Li Harris, v. U. Ioward, C. J. Burt, F. M. Noma, W. Jackson, R. W. Holt, G. W. Sloan, Eppie Wiggs, A. P. Upchurch, S. C. Harris, Abraham Young (colored), James Segraves, J. J. Ferguson, J. M. Pool, W. G. Sears, L. L. Doub. from these eighteen will be drawn a grand jury. Prof. Charles E. Vawter, principal of the Miller manual labor school, of Albe marle county, Va., a magnificent insti tution, endowed by tf e late Samuel Miller ,a banker ofLynchburg, with about $1,000,000, will be here the 6th and 7th inst., to meet the Governor and com missioner of the board of agriculture on the industrial school, at their invitation. Prof. Vawter is a Virginian, born and bred,: and has made a great success of his school. The success of the school and its principal are the best evidences that industrial schools are the things for the South and that Southern men can be found to operate them. "Prof. Vawter will be the guest of Dr. Dabney while in the city. Dr. D, is an old friend of his, having been associated with him in an other institution in Virginia, formerly. The Knights of Labor of this State have secured tbe services oi uapt. Richard F. Trevellick, of Detroit, Mich., a veteran in the labor movement, to lec ture in North Carolina. - Capt. Trevel- ick will begin his series of lectures at Raleigh in the course of three weeks, and parties residing in other portions of the State wishing him. to visit them will correspond with Mr. John R. Ray, of this city. Capt. Trevellick is said to be one of the finest lecturers in the. labor field. Capt. Swift Galloway, who shares with Judge Clark the honor of. being iteraliy a terror to - evil-doers, is here ready for three weeks of hard work in the criminal court. Mr. G. F. Weeden, business agent of Ho worth s double, show, is here, His company, which is composed of twelve people; will appear at Tucker hall Janu- ery-mh and 13th. . . Uonacljr Prvra. ; ? In order to cook your hare, you must always hrst eatch it. : It is much easier to catch a cold than to catch a hare. . - To get rid of a cold always use Red Star Cough Cure, j To get Red Star Cough Cure only requires tweatyhve cents. Milwaukee, Wis., is making im mense preparations for the sangerfest of the .North American Saengerbund in that city next July. Citizens have sub scribed $50,000 for the entertainment of guests, and it is expected that the occa sion will draw at least 10U,U0U strangers, as doubtless it will draw double that number of barrels of beer, for i which the city is justly celebrated. , All that Seienee and Skill ? could do to make Benson's Carcine Plasters the best porous plasters, and also the best general external remedy in the world, has been done. Whenever it is possible to improve them it is done. Benson's plasters are not made to im- 5 . m' ' ' pose upou the credulous, but to cure disease. Their eminent success has pro cured for them ; the voluntary endorse ment of 5,000 physicians, pharmacists and druggists throughout -the country, and the outspoken preference of the in telligent publics They are prompt, powerful, cleanly and certain. They cure where no others will even relieve. Refuse imitations styled "Capsicin," "Capsicum or "Capucin plasters. Reputable druggists only. The "Three Seals" trade-mark on the genuine and the word 'Capcine" cut in the centre of the plaster. Any persons changing their residence on or before January loth, 1W80, are kindly requested to send notice of such change, with their new address, ; to the Turner. McLean & Loses ; Directory Company; Branson Uoujse, Raleigh, M. C. Grape Milk.- The second invoice of this delicious and wholesome npn-alcd-. holio drink. Pint bottles 25 cents each; I MTK . .1 O. t tyit, I IS per UUKlli VM i W4 oozen. JS..JJ, Harpj two m. . f Laundry Goods. Best laundry soaps, gloss starch, American liquid blue, n pint bottles (best). Washing powders Ptillharmoato itj. . i All the members of the Philharmonic ' society, of Raleigh, active J non-actire and honorary, are requested to be pres- ; ent Tuesday evening next at 8.15 p. m., " in the chapel of the institution tor the deaf and dumb and the blind. Matters of great importance are to be discussed, speeches on various topics ! concerning the society are expected, the programme for the second public rehearsal is to be determined, new members are to be in stalled and proposed and new choruses are to be rehearsed. Matters concerning the society seem to be "on the bdom." Let the mem bers, each and every one, try to do their r best to elevate the already high standard of the society by punctual attendance at -the meetings and faithful performance of their pleasant duties, and not let ' Raleigh be behind her sister cities of the South, who do so much for musical : art, and thereby for the elevation of the 1 standard of culture: in their midst. A. Kcrsteinek, Director. It is proposed to organize the Indiatv" territory into a territorial government. faUar morfcoolcktr Uian ut rtfW hJm JZZZ tv cuy: Kheamatutn. lianmlate. Dwellings, mm xkv-k, creiaea, TO , Vleorlv, Sorti -pcW4U, Backache, vninKy, Bore Throat. Sciatic. Wound. RnadarW Toothache. Bnraina. Ma Prim. . a boUleiTBbidbj all: Klro)r1t. Caution.-th an nine datvatiom Oil hn nr fae-a)mlw rlcmtura. A. U. Herer A ux. Sola mrlaten-d Traill .twl I'rov.Tietors.BalUmors.MiL.lI. S.A. - - I DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRDR For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Incipiert Coa sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by ell Drue gists. Price, 25 cents. .1 Lee Johnson & Co. (Sueceasors to Pescud, Lee c Co.) WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DRUGGISTS, OOB3JEB FA I EWE T1HJI AID KAKTDf 8TS. - . 1 j (Opposite the Postoffioe.) ; OTP 05LT PURE AND FBIStt DRUG- FRESH GARDEN .SEED aspbcialtt. Fine- ioaDraQd Toilet- iwi. Trussra and Sursrical instruments. Choice brands of Cigar, Cigarette , and Tobacco. Prescriptions Accuratelv filled dav and nhrht from! Dnurs i warranted Strictly Pure and Freah. i Orders by mail promptly .attended 10. Correspondence solicited. v leo; Johnson & Go, u ucr x jct-wn icio uiu juatvui t - 25 F4 Oreatufct K.-ilt jtrBmjh of the Ax! SYMPTOMS OF A i .TORPID LIVER. I apviite, ilofrolaeotiT,Palalf (bo held, trntt a dull naatlaaia tm tack art, 1'ulc Vaar tk itnIM , blads. lutlnru after eatlaa. with mii , Icr i-.uatl'to to rxertlua of b4y r atlaaV T5t".WHtyf tenper, lw aalrtta, with fttclisf el'bnvlntf aaclected aM4atr. WeariacM, VlZT.tuenn, Flatteriaa; at tmm lct bflarlh cyea, Uaadaeb ; ivpr ika l lffht ve. Kellciaaa, with , . t'.al ca -.s, Illcbly colored Vrtae, ti4 CONSTIPATION.1 i T'dTT'S aro especially adpt. . t; cav-b casca, ono ibxe ctrocta snob a Ownffeorfee!icntoaitfnliithuflrer. fMr Increase the ApictUaiMteaaaa tfc txhty 9 Ttfc on la, thua Dm ya" la ; tiorishad.aiiJ. rihetrTl Aeuaaoa Sc tMKcUeO--ma.tljulr Stljar ro1ici-d. Hrlo Sc. 4 Waurragi..jgy TUiFS EXTB&OT SaBSaPaIulU jv-rr liie bntr,- n-afcea, hwalthy flesh. ucxrt-VK :Uo .Cl, rviiairrth waataa ot tbe qyatmu ''-ii put UuoJ aad bard muscla, tctm ths Rrvou Kvstein, brrteoratea the ' a-fO;!, and lnarts tux vigor ot manlKVX 1. onUi by drnKteia. Tt K K 4 1 Mjrrav- Www Ta U IflATHEY CAYLUS Tiaad for ore SS year with mat neeatby tb pnyticiana of laru. Hew xota ana jumaoo, ana n parlor to all othara for tha prompt car of all raana. raoantor afloag atsadlatt. Pot ay only la OlaaaBotUMeoBtaJniDKoMapanleaMeh. PB1CB 5 CENTS, MAEQiU IHKlt XH& CHBAPTOT CAPSULES Qf XBS MARKET. s . ; , . - ' Prepared by VI S - Bold CAPSULES Paria, f. DIM i RALKtOn.N. 0., j , ;; - TO!3!3 : ' .S3 1 1 If I 5 i 1 f f 1 4 - 1 r L - .1 f ' 1 1