Tins Hera akd Ossmra Pcsubhxd Daily (kxxbtt Mokbat) ajto . i WaVfXT. ij I '.j ., BY MEWS-WOBSffiVEft- Dally) yWil, postpaid f7 00 8 fiO 1 tt etx-mont - -three . Weekly, one year 3 00 1 M Mo name attend without payment, and no raw seoA siter the expiration of time paid ier. f . '1 i TUESDAY, JANUARY 6; 1886 Thi public lands pf theoountrj are slipping awaj very rjipidl.t Excluding; Alaska about three&tbj of the public, domain has passed out of th ownership of the government and th remaining two-fifAik airs ;to a jtery great extent desert 1 and mountaiij land unfitted for; habitation. ':$rth' Carolina Un4-owners should hold on to tHe fields and forests with -an " unyielding! grip. A 'demand for our generous soil will spring up before lobe, we belike, which will grow; rapidly and will- enhance the Value of real estate hereabouts greatly. - ' ' I - ' ' V' ' ' i Tun president continues to , impress all who meet him as an unusually strong man. ,' His few months of administration hare been remarkable in many respects, , and the jnew year opens upon a condi tion of public affairs quite , unlike any-' thing the country has seen inka. long time, and bromlsinsri Che best things for the future. ' Mr. Cleveland, is an exec-, uure woruiy tne great party be repre-. -. aa.4-aa aa w Z- AMAaf ens Iia4 a a ' Vw 4a 1 a aa with "the test tnteresU of the whole y country it lert There beon some auoontens wiui nis straignworwara methdds' expressed by over-anxioua of ' ficeeekers, but this has jverj nearly ff, not entirely d.ed ouC - and we; believe the administration Will grow in strength : m JfcJW' (I'll i-S3 'n ... ! '" from tnur time onward., i i , . : -:, i r'.; y-JUi i?'. tiff V . i - . - - - . ' Tri'regular quarterly ' report tUrad-T street's, jf atocks, .pfjlgain, and of flsuf, througiotijt,e, iJaifej Stacs and Ca&4 aoa eaatioi tner Jiocay mountains snows ihat the' apparent xnggerstioit "of the whuiiyjl. total i ., nearlji fa6QQtQQQ j busnelfofj wheat . represents an increase of but. 81,000,-: c 000 bushels isinca' uljr 1 agauist an in- aViVAi''"- -vuwv AAA aL.vi?.1 the U&K:JuM&im&-Wl deelino in exports o wheat is ; more than Offset, by the 4imhf4 eoeipts of thsame at piTOWxniets, so'that with ieiporte equivalent to thojo fa sTLik portion of 18o the, visible supply of wheat would scaxceljaTeincrea materially..; The flour stocka we alighUy smaller; than on July 1 la8t, ,but S00,0OQ barrels in ei- cen of stocks on Taauarj.l 188&h v i A OAnTui, counf if the, securities, left ' in Yanderbilt's stronr box shows that the fortune of that : plutocrat amounted to ,000,000 whlcb. ia $105,00M)00 . more than the estimate' renerallj made i vj ut ureaa. - a e new" uiueor nom ine to eharttTso far as the world knows. Stephen Oirlr'd however; left'thebalk of his eatateT 7;50d.6oa IpharitiW in and roundt Philadelphia Hand; for other god(J lI.Aab gaje .toj thA lihraHr waio.h heir thnrt nan.. 01 L OOO.OOOj Johne-Hapkins gate $3,000,-! :. 000 to fouiri grat; shooUIietand Stanford $10,000,000 for i milat-pu pose; EiraXrnelL;$2,50(J,aoaio:-Cox ' nell univeTrf'AiPmiVet M OOO TW P o lhigV,tMMtettity;JTD; !tn,$U. - 600,000 tftPin,ceton ooliege James; . iack m,vw,wuw sne name or nenero- tence, ana uames xvooseveif xi,uuu,- - There axel alsd: tha,;Peabod Wnd: th ' Slater fuedini the gito to mankind of . V) Tl.ll J La? i a bw vovjKij witwu inigiu pemenuoneq Axt the recesaappointments ;it iavre-; ported are t go before the Senate. TL President F9vrop.libld any; of th!Bi (Tiew?ialreLto?the: . effect thafh'ts appointaenta wef ef made -. in good faitKoupon the beat reommcn dationi ancl endorsements, and if since they iwer tid' cfiarges IhaVe been filed agpiinst any of the appointees, it is the pro Yince.fof , the 8enate ; to examine into them land rejeci air who : are not. ' proper, persons. f..ii iproposes in other ' words to make the Senate share with nun as it mould the! responsibility in voked in niakmg'appoutments. For . anis purpose. t,ue,:Bower ,01 Cjonsrmation was lodged in that body.; I Opposition i to appointees simply! because they are . democrats' lajwt be expected from sod ig- - niueu a uoav-w u unitea states senate, 1 and while tne President hasj as a rule, in accordance with the 'expressed will cf tne peojje placed none put! democrats on guaro, neaai auw as tue resident of the whole people 'made his appoint ments with an eye Jo e, j welfare of the country as a whole. In doing so he has exeroised the utmost care, and if he has .made mistakes he proposes that the 8-n ate shall, in accordance with the spirit of the constitution. 'point them out. when, if they are ryaL, they will he oor- xcviu. aulb a iue riguv course ior nim to take, but it excludes wholly the idea that an appointment shall be: withdrawn simply because the appointee is on: sive as a democrat to the republican ma jority in the Senate whrn ho ls a citisen - of Rood character and has. proven him self a faithful and capable officer r . Tmsweek the legislatures of Mary land, Miasipp.4,pl Connecticut, Massaohnsetts 'and New Mexico meet. Mississippi' has to elect two Senators and Maryland One', Mis siasippi has also the liquor queation to wrestle- with and the problem of rail road supervision. Ohio will probably re-elect John Sherman to the ; United 1 States, though it is not certain' that it will by any means. The fourteen Ptm Hamilton UuntHwitt eneouiiiir ttf I strongest onnositldn'dn ihsl part of .the 1 uepUDHcans po taeiraamiaaion uiiu.iua aasemblj, though ;thy hold, their cer tificates, endorsed by the action of the State supreme court. r- They wilt 4ake- their seats, however, without doubt and will rive the Democratic party control J Of tne DUte semate na-uus a virraai veto power on all legislation. The leg islature etf' joint ballot' is Kepubltcan thought and hence the, prospect of Sher man s election. The ; slight margin on which, that malignant partisan's friends will have to operate, however, affords ground for the hope that he may be de feated after; all. Any other Republican in Ohio would be more tolerable as a sen ator to us at the South and leas injuri ous to the country at large than H is Petty Malignancy. Mr. Foraker will be .inaugurated on the 11th inst., and the entire State government with the ex ception of the Senate will then be in the hands of this Republicans. TUB 8C1IOOL TAX t'AME. We print this morning the opinion of chief justice Smith ; in the Sampson county school case. Iftplaia jwords, the constitution says there is a limit to taxation; and then the constitution enjoins it as a duty on the county commissioners to maintain the public schools four months. In order to enable the county commissioners to perform this duty the legislature direct ed (bat thej limit of taxation should be ignored, ! there being some special cases in Ihieh ?the limit can be lawfully " ' j ignored. ' 'ITie supreme court has determined that this is not one of the cases in which the limit of taxation fixed in the consti tution can be lawfully ignored, and that the duty enjoined on the county commis sioners .ia performed when they utilise ail sue means w men me constitution ua i i. : . ax. . : a.:x..a.! i placed at their disposal . As far as practicable the duty to main tain; the public schools for four .months is to be performed by the commissioners.; but in order jto do it, they cannot disre gard the' limit of taxation prescribed by the constitution, i . ; Tnis decision of the court is, we be lievp, m tie line of the generally re ceived opinion that has prevailed in the State ever; since the. constitution was adopted sixteen years ago. ' ' ' . i m ? 1 a : . xn view 91 tne growing, aispoaiuon to allow the neonle to treat their nub Ho schdols aa a local master; it may be well to consiasr tne. propriety 01 a constitu tional, amendment allowing the school districts .toi assess themselves for school Eurposea, But any such measure should e well guarded . Thie Kswi axn Ob- axavM, would , be favorable to a weil- guade jrppositiQnof this kind. , 1, TneSi Charleston .1 News and Courier prints a earefully1 prepared statement of Ihe proiress South Carolina has made aincu ihe people i'3of the State have had mu stpedcoj; . ..TiV- J.. r 0 .... . a of their iOwn State K.The reoord must be aa"gfafifying to. South Caf?Slinians as it is surorisiuz w uiose woo nave iaiiea to ;e tneapirip apu energy wwn wnicu. our neighbors have addressed tneraseives to the" work of improvement and de velopment Jin eyeix Im? pf progress, andf ,' itJ,- ,is - enooujaging tq. all Sonuem' ebmmunlties. A growth is shd wu of , Imore than , 68,000,000 in five lyeara. only." Twenty, per : cent has been the increase, in., the value of real estate and personal property In manu factured nroducts the ! erowth has been 21.000.000. and altogether the storv is oni pf wonderful progress in the Pal-; ineltb Staio. The wealUiof forest, field anu larm wmcn is pomtea out, tne ac- tivltjr of railroad building In the State, the immense value of the State's atrricultu- ral productions are. all evidences of a prosperity presenji and prospective wnicn -y at. , - i . 1- f . .m m f 11 is pieasaut inaeeo .Mi nave prougnt to our notice.' and' on which we tender our heartiest congratulations. ) North Caro- lini we can; say, too, will not lag in em ulation of such enterprise. The "Old Noth' ia already moving forward with greaf striaes., , , A BS.VXDEJ1 ir TVIS. The President is reported to have. written the editor of Puck the following letter : "1 don't think there ever was a time when newspaper . lying , was . so general and so mean as at present, and there never; was a country under the sun wher,e it flourished as it does in this. The falsehoods daily spread before the nmnia in nnr- nflwimnnn wniia rnav are nroofs of the mental ini?enuitv of those, engaffied in :newspaper, work, : are insults tjo the AmerWn love for decency and fair nlav of which we boast." We are loath to believe that such an indis- criminate; denunciation, pf the press of the otmnfry in terms t so coarse could have' emanated from Mr. Cleveland. He is a rnajci wise, enough, .to realise; . that while there are many unworthy, men in the profession of journalism the, body, of the profession .is of incstiuiable yalue to tbe couutiry and , generally , conforms to a high sidard of rpspectabil, ;Nfl publie man can afford Ut spisalf; ,of it as; tho President is reported to have done,. It has' undoubtedly the powfr,. to make and unmake! public men and it exercises this Otfer In elevating , responsible positions' the best' in en onVv to a woh'deri' ful extent;1 1 That it' should be so little and is in the hlgh0st" degree creditable, to the crait J ytv h'opo it will appatj'tbat Air. de'vbland has been misreDreaantod. If nt'h I has'"mide a serioiu blunder. As the' Norfolk :JLandniaii well says: "Many' 'other eminent men have spoken of the Press' and iu very diflrent terius. John Mllio 1U mionfambus Cham piona." Jiiuiui calls' it the . paJlkdiuhof the rights "of ' I&gluhiu spoke of its' power' with' respect, Met'te'r nich thought it ind!sensabio to Europe', and George Washingto6, in his letter to Matthew Carey, expressed a desire to I given ta what Would bit" easy under (ex-; isting circnifttafitfes-the, pursuit ' oj base 1 purposes-is remarkable ' indeed. Ppblw juBrn) Bttltiplie4 iu the i&MofCmtmu i aoroann Txaa, 1386. fCrom Advance Sbeeta of Attorney General T. if. Davidson's 83d N. C Beporta. iRufty ts. ClayweH. . 1. Under the former practice, if an action was brought off a" joint contraqt, the plaintiff iook fudemcnt aaiifet a part only of those liable thereon, there cuuld be no recovery in a subsequent suit against those omitted; but it was different, where, as in torts, the liability was several. 2. By section 187 of the Code, all contracts are several in legal effect, although joint in form. 4. nhere a judgment was obtained against two members of a firm, and more than three years after the cause cf "V wucu, u. wjico jcaie i after obtaining snch judgment the 1 uicuiuji loruiu m uuwuc, uuuu kcmuu t 223 of the Code, to another member of the firm who was not served in the ac tion in which the judgment was ob tained, to show cause why he should not be bound by the judgment, to which tqe statute, of limitation was pleaded, it was held, that issuing such notice is the beginning of a new suit; that the action is open to every defence which could have been set up if there had been no previous recovery against the other partners, and is barred by the statute. .Brazil vs. liailroad Uoaipany. 1.. Where the evidence is conflicting, the judge ; should leave the question to the jury, with proper instructions on both aspects of the case. 2. It is not negligence if a conductor requires a fireman, who is competent for ?urP8e' shifting cars at a depotm the absence of the engineer 3. In such vase, whether or not there is negligence, depends upon whether the fireman is competent to do such work. jSoutherland vs. Hunter. !l. A deed which conveys the estate of a married woman must be proved or acknowledged as to both husband and wife, before the private examination of the married woman is made, otherwise the deed will be inoperative to divest her estate. ! 2. The provisions of section 1,256 of the Code, which Drovides that the deed must be proven and acknowledged as to both husband and wife, before it can operate to convey the wife's land, is not in enflict with the constitutional pro vision which secures to the wife her en tire estate,! notwithstanding her cover ture. 3. Section 1826 of the Code only has reference to executory contracts, hut does not apply to conveyances or exe cuted contracte. i 3. Registration is not merely for the purpose of dispensing with proof of. the execution of tne instrument, but, like livery of seisin at common law, fundamental condition in , the Operation ot tne conveyances, anu is an mseper arable incident to the efficiency: of the 4. !A deed for a feme covert's land, admitted to registration 'upon an 1m proper and invalid probate, does not I create an equiuble estate in the gran ft 1 feme in anv resnect until nronerlv graniee, t of the feme in any respect nntil iprbperly ac knowledged and the private examination properly taken I! ' wbstusctur From the Lancet. ... ! i - jit is startling to discover how little we know about the common forms of disease. For example, a cold" what is itt How is it produced, and in what does lit consist? It is easy to say a cold wacbui. ; A chill of what part of the organism ? : We know by ' daily experi ence that the body as a whole, or any of I its parts, mar be reduced to a consider I ably lower temperature than will suffice I to give a man a cold if the so-called I chill be inflicted upon 'the surface sud- 1 uautjr... u it, iucu, uu buuucuucbo o a j reduction of temperature that eauacs the I cold t ' It would be straneer if it were I BO,Tecause few of the moat susceptible of 1 a I- J xl 1 I 1 ?r I 1 I muixaia wouia tase coiu irora simjuy 1 uauuuug yieve m cviu uicuii .or mxi I dental contact with ice. The truth would seem to be that what we call cold-takiag is the nsult of a Sufficient improssion of cold 'to reduce the vital energy !of nerve-centers presiding over the func tions in special organs. If this be the fact it is easy to see why nature has pro vided the: stimulus of a stronir nt at sneezing to rouse the dormant centers and enatble them at onoe to resume work' and avoid evil consequences. This ex- plains why the worst effects of colds do not, as a rule, follow up a "chili' which excites much sneering. Shivering is a less effective convulsion' to reslore the paralysed nervous energy, but, in a lower degree, it may answer the same '' Mil -1 '. . . .1 ' I purpose. The shivering that results iivui uo uw v& m uvmu ui uic ucr v I ous centers is a totally different matter. I We 8fceak oni7 o quick muscular I agitation and teeth-chattering- wliqh I occur whenever the body is exposed to I cold and evil results to not ensue. It I follows, from what e have said, tht vuak uaburai touicaiiuu w wara on tae effects of a chill is to restore the vital energy of the nerve-centers, and there is no more potent influence by which to at tain tfaia object than- a strong and sus tained effort of the will. The man who resolves not to take a cold seldom does. , An exchanaa says: There are more un made oh Dr. Bulls Cough 8yrup4re el charge, than are paid for, by the owners. A good thing deserves the notice of the press. In the treatment of rheumatism, gout, neii ralia, kclatica, a e., ahration Oil should he thoraugbjy rubbed in. It kills pain. Frioe cents. ! The physicians in the northern part of Mecklqnburg county have resolved to 'Boycott" patients who do noi pay their bills.. i tscoTT ttnvMMuta or rvai ael I Uver Oil, wlthi njpaaheaphlte. . Eapeelalljr Xelrabre 1f5 IfclUstfresv; T " A lady ptjyictan at the 'TJhild.V HospiUl, at Albany, N. Y" says: We have been using Kcatt'a Euiuhliun with great' avecea. Nearly aU f our patients are anil ring from bone dis eases and our phriiciaai find it vary benefl eial." : ; : ; ' p ! . IiAcitoiT Goons. Best laundry soaps; gloss starch American liauid blue, in pint bottles fbest). Wasninir powders. ,4 otusttrfsM Eiitm. Tbuksdat Niout. Dec. 31.1885, New Ybrk Financial Chronicle. Although a holiday weak is under re- 1 View ib uaa uut uuuu wuuuut uiciueuia of importance to the mereaatileoomma- nity. -iA call for there demption of F.edt : ernl bonds to the amount fofffl0.O00.- rW)( anrl a. MlinA :in stArlincr ' fi-rakunfa 1 VT'. , L ' o -o-l BlIUclCDl w cneca uieiue eipors orgoiu, i I : moncv. From these causes and. from the improved pros cta of trade there mure firmness, speculation for the rise .developing some jstrengtli. Wotwith I standing the reduced cutt of livinz, ef- forts toward higher; wagcu aro still made in various Bvction J J he seMHon is so cause depression in the trade. Td on the snot was active and ad conniiiff r"nrfr thonirh nillAt. IS ratner I dearefand closes firm, 'fallow closes qaiet ai uc. xmiicr ia uuu. vuwk . L. t- i..u ni I has been firm but. quieter. Rio coffee has been dull ou the spot and prices losed unsettled, i Raw sugars have been generally quiet, but at times there was more doing, and the close is steady Tea has been quiet! During the early purt of the week the speculation in cotton for future delivery at tnis marxei was quire uepreaseu mi tone, and Tuesday values had receded to about the lowest figures of the season; but it was then reported that notices for delivery on January contracts had been geucral. A quick advance took place, I r i. .:.. ..j I and the bull party showed rather more confidence in buying ; but the ' de mand was not sustained. Today there was a slight advance, which was well supported to the close. The reeular trade, whether for export or Vw.tktn nnncnmnf tAn vfia rlnll Onr tplp. graphic reports from the South to-night show tnat tuere naa ncen Dut mtie ram during the week and nothing to inter fere with die free marketing of the crop. The wheat market has been doing hotter for both (spots and futures. The regular trade haa been more active, the purchases embracing some lots for export. The absence of snow at the West exposes the fall-sown crop to many dangers, the time has arrived for the closing of the Black Sea and for the cessation of shipments from India, and there is no longer any doubt that our own supplies,! available before an other harvest shall be gathered, are not excessive. Hence we have i had some revival of speculative confidence and ac tion, which devejoped strength toward the close of vestexdav'a business. Today futures further advanced, with consid erable spirit to; 'the speculation, and wheat on the spot was very firm. f j -, A Vfanderful Freak of Hatara is sometames exhibited in our public ex hibitions. When we gasa upon some of the peculiar freaks dame nature coca sionally i indulged in,, our . minds revert back to the creation, of man, fwbu is so fearfully and wonderfully made. " . The mysteriea of his nature haye been nn? raveled by Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo ana j turougn ms , xnowieage 01 taoae mysteries! he haa beenj.ableiitot prepare his 'Golden Iedical Disco wry . " which is a specific fqr ail blood taints, poisons and humors, sucn as serolula, pimples, blotches, eruptions, swellings, tumors, ulcers and kindred aifections. iy drug gists. I I- 3 B llllf It l)KUtiQI8T8 -AND DUUU vBaBbSs a. vveaua roaraai, uiniau, aa. 'if itoMfnWw rrooa Ooiatem. A'aaeMee aawt Atoeia, t?l ten? i usceeisra AXD DKALSaS. lAAapM . roofua war vsiiTTxoas, aa, i QOIA) MEDAU PaEMi 1878.' Warranted a&sotereJy pa from which the exoeea of Oil hew boon removed. It baa Are j timH pu strength of Coooa mixed with Btarch, Arrowroot orsngar, 4&dk therefore far more eoonomi- aaLioda Um ttoa o4 esat OHai. lt hi deneiops, noorishing, strengthening, easily dlgeeted,en4 sdmlraWy adapted Tor invalids as wcB as for peraon to health. 4ela y Creeers everywhere. BAM m, Ecrtiiester, T. B, .YANCEY, alAKUCACTUREK'S Agent oiid Dealer Cariies, PkaekiF, Bnggies, Ac, fk TUK LARGKST ASSORTMENT IN THE STATE AND THE BEST GOODS 4TTHB ! -.1.' JLO tV8T PRICES. ilsr.3 J... F vn mitt 11 Ii IiIim SP' 1 JJ teW I S I NT - . . ! filUtGDG03. iitm rin 11 in Uamnssluiwiff. .Diaod. I-mo. th llvlllUl I liaUCO. Lor, Stoinsch Uour fro ii uiyceiwe to epeedUy fMiltldttODstada l.oOreS. UlC6rS. WOUndS. SpFaiDS . ailfj BrUiSCS. It la cooling cleansing and Ileallmar. Pnt. riVt I ! moat pfflrac!ona for thta dl Ualcirrilt ee. ColJ in Oio Head. Ac Oar "Catarrh Care," U BpedaD) mm ajrnugv simple ana inexpensive Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation bas r tired eases of these lhtremiine eoraplaints Uisn niort dlHtresHlne ei the Kxtraet. Oar Plaster ts hivalu- able ln these diseases. Lombaso. Pains In ski or fuae, so. UipiJUiena tt ,?0r6 inTOai, l i .1 a mi gerous. PllnC BllaMl.BleedtacorIteiaa8.il AT ItCd !a Ute g fnten, known remedy ; rapidly cartnffwben uiher iriedlclnes have (ailed. Our OltUoisat ia of a rent service where the removal of clothing Is Inconvenient. Fnr Rrntrbn Rrooct ann I a vi vivuvii vudi uuu I ti iore niDDies. i t, The mtrirft wUl never be wtthoat it. Our O Ln t an ent U toe Leat emoUieat I that ean be appneo. JTimola rnmnhintc ln r elDal OmpiailllS. j the ma jor! of ftmalt (Useases the Extract can be i as is well known, with the greatest benefit. rou airecMons accompany eaou oowe. CAUTION. Pnnn c KYtmpt Hat been imitated. a uuu j uvv TUti etiiitdi.a has the words " Pond's Kxtraet" Mown fai . the sruuw. and our r.ictnro tralo-marlt on surrouncllu'i hnS srayir. Noiso Uior U eenuine. Alwars intist on i.a Y'o-.vir Extract. Take noiH-iur i.ioi.aiAtion. . it never to & in frr, t ' j i re. ftold cwerywhert.iTVIfpa, CSr., il, .,1.75. Prepared only tv V Ntw Yohr: i'.ACT CO., fOH COUCHSv '-aciUt AND CCNSUWSF ,ON U55 TAYLOR'S Cherokee Rehedy CF SHEET CUU ARO KUULD3. rum, as satbered Mom a tree of IM aaaae name, arowine aiong um hw buwu Southern Btatea, eoatans a aUrfieHMtns ieTeet rant principle uiei kjo.i. , i rl!B PV"r sne eany bktoih avn and sUmelatea tne efaUd W9 tnrow on ue fslse anu brats ia croup and whootosHXKih. Wbeu .epmbtoad wtth ne ttea TZSUihuaii Brinninle ln the nal letn nlant nTttia oldaekla. oreaents lu Tirum CHKKOKaa : EaMEDT or Hwirr ucm Aim McxLam .tu Jnest , SdtywiMimutkjo i and ao patetable, an: vWljTl r teased to uke K. Aa yoareruainst tvr.iu iSa and 1. M re ooea aoc aeep n, we win imT, , ntw vow mm wi. --r-"- " ' , 'T ntT FOR - RENT! Tt a firsUclaas tenlnt will be ottered a favor able lease of the valuable and most popular ' ATLANTIC HOTEL;' MOREHEAB, N. C Consisting of a thoroughly equipped hotel, Ten-pin Alley, Bar Boom,B ley, Bar Koom,lJuliard Koom, Ui all other adjuncts,, which make Koom ana the ! Most Complete, largest and Most Popular SVetaXR BX30KT IV THI SOUTH. ; This hotel, with Improvements, eostlmr more ;than f 70,000, lain thorough rcjiair, u elegantly ana ampry lumwnea, ana nas been since its construction In 1880, extensively ad vertised and popularly manaired. Of the thou sands wno nare visuea uoreneaa, not one has left without expressing jdes ire to return. With all these advantages and the attractions ot the- climate, the (bathing, the fishing and the gunning, u is do una to otcome, u not al ready, the rareaaaat Saettberai afealtk aad And Dresents a better opportunity for snc- eeasful and profitable management than any hotel in America. " The hotel, with cottages, will accommodate 7S0 guests, has about ano sleeping apartments, meetly an surra, and all ttandsosuely furnished in ash or cherry, wttfi Water, gas and electric bells ln each room. The ball room, one hundred feet sou re. is the finest ia the South, and the dining rom lssumpiygrana. .,- . The average - number of guests during the season is at kast. three thouaaad. trout ail the Southern States. " - -' For Illustrated pamphlet: 'Moreb'ad City as a a Summer Heaort,'' and other imformation apply or write to . ' ! VAN 15. J1UOKK, , JAMX8MOO&E, or ' bPlKB WH1TAKER, Balelgh.N. C decSldtf. . " , VT OTICK TO THE QT, BAL L XIQH AMD VICIHITY. I have sold my Retail 8tock of Pry Goods Clothing, Motions, Shoes, Hats, 4fce at IS K. ilargett street, to Mr. W. G. Bepark, of this cltv. Thanking the ; publio f or tbefr liberal patronage and truating they will bestow the same oa my successor, I remain I Very truly yours, WM. -WOOLLCOTT. -: QO-PABTNIBSniP NOTICE. I have this day admitted my son, Walt r WooUcott, as a partner, and the style of the una w wm. wooueoHSBon. 1 WM. WOOLLOOTT. Jan. 2,1888.. WU. V700LLC0TT if EOS, - '' Kc 14 K. Ifartin ' 8treet, . HALXlonvJr, Ci, .., 1 WHOLESALE DEALER? IN 'Y'y Dtt Goods, ' 1 ; KoUona, 8hoea, .. . .: Hits, etc and Mannfsctnfers of CXOTniHC sUIXIIT AJfO PIAWC5. HOEITEESOHOOL, OXFORD, N. Cl I The Spring Session of 1888 begins tbt i ond Monday, (the 11th) of Jaanary. J. EL HORKKBy J. C HORNER, Prineipala, dee 1M10C QRKENSBGRO FEMAIJB CDLLXG1V Gaumaoao, V Cl; Session of this weh eatablW Uft u School will begin on I jaa. at U tctock m., the laad ta said morU The 60th and prosperous School The II tli of Janaarr, 18M. This Institution combines the comforts l a well ordered L.im with firstclasa educational advantages. Terms moderate, r or cauiogue appiy to T.U.J0SK8iPresldenk dec23dtf. t . , ctatevie.i.efiimai.b!C7oi.ue. 8TATX8V ILLS , N. O. The sprinir term of this institution will be gin Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1886. The last year has been s very prospeTOUi one. The attention of parents and guardians ia directed to the full cons of Able tear hen, the healthy location, excellent ' fare and reasonable charges. Send for catalogue. MISS FANNIE Ev!eRITT, I Principal. Jan 8-dlOi ask yew retailer for the Orlclaal f 3 KeaeOeaalaeaaUae beariaa thU 8aaw .JAMES MEANS' This saea ataada hhrber tn the ttmatVaa et wkowsarUwinuUoa thez Wearers thaa ear etaer ta tBeono. TDOoaaaaa mm WATCHES iiAT . ti&EATLY Bedueed Prteea, 'Address Ua.aKATrT.HaHfST.ir. O, i I CURE FITS! Ia I mi e l irity ts R1,aABWrraUr ' 1MSKXUIB WnianeaaaPw ataef mf aiwnnii mini M ' Sill in aa4 P I Part. kaMkrnMH hraWM, easiwatiawMa .aa a eaoo.atrtaaawaa; ! PEnriVtiOTAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENQUSH." I I ) aat The Ortarf kAI amd Oaly Oewalaev , . aaasatwamBeSakh). T f ulali ImIiiMi.i ; fMaaja) m m r pwtlaalan hear W isteia aaalk Ma .mcr.tbt 1 will eras TWO SOTTLBS faaa, nthar with a ALOaBU UUTHl ea thla ATr? eaal paam er. mveexpraaaa4 r.O. asanas. ; a.c.Laiina,mran84,aewTeia i . 'II ' . ! I ARE STILL TRIUMPHANT. For fifteen rears thev have steaddv rained in favor, and with sales constantly fncressmg have become the most popular corset through out tbe United States. ' f IfThe G. quality ia warranted to wear tence as ng as ordinary corset. We have lately in- need the G and B H grades with. JCxtra Long Waist and we can furnish them when preferred. ,, h.' . : m .. Highest awards from all the World's. great fairs. The last medal received is for First De cree of Merit, from the late Exposition held at I ew uneanav. -. .- k: i-'-'..;-tt i-.- While scores ot natents have been found Worthless, the principles of the Glove-Fttting have proved invaluable. 1 i j ' Retailers are : authorized to refund aKBiey if, on examination, these corsets do not prove as represented. For sale everywhere. Catalogue me on application. r THOXSONLASTGDOK A CO- 1 ! ' , . s New TerkWu, OAt CO Now is the Urns to;order Ooal for WINTERSUPPLIE When the best articles ran be had at low est 'prices and delivered clean from ears having never touched the earth ai ca taker from the nunoa. . , TBK FKKiGHl OH Tenneocco Coal Is feaeed lai s short time and all wno is. . ia radueeo R a abort tame ud all w is xpeos a ose it snouid order at once and eavehoe. toBijjr toa , , OUR FA-VOHITB Kiods of t .thradte.MCVa'. oaa V? had aow hut can 0x4 b ytit n at ail iatsr in. tbs seasbu. 80 lei as K ve y u orders at onw for both kinds and elav - r O NX THOTiaNr ood 1 On tad HaaJ Bags Wanted hy rrZl C3 8HOE. - 11 VWliV AOmrabiUtv.OmfOf II a .X Ptanmet. . Apoauuoara I - Xa 1VW U wiu brine roe lnionm. Vc N: hoirtoWthMShoel (a .... Vex VS81 AlslMOIIMnTinM T i I llllltl.lll.i IT I I II L.I a I i i ; Taw a pelllwwart; far tin sss n rm ss?sy ls I ' Of eveVf a. .. i . . ..s lowest prices. . . . . ii . , . .. .. . FOR SALK m BTTirtMci imwc -mferredoamtaiaaer IsViasAJBsaA si a slsl anl 1 1 IT I TS iaa m ii (haSUdeyol Deeeasbw, letaMrasoriMa I mftwiouM of ake fotatyy nr doob Balelfh, Hoaar, januarr 4th, ai . IS oetova n- we iaou m aata moruf scribed, lytof lw Waa. y0Ifett towntthip.1 lipsakl onaty,adomuig lands of . w.aogera. Jamea aca. uwi "u vners. ana siuu ta oontain buadred ana vUven acres (111 acrea). oeeSdtd B. r. MOATAGUI, - , Mortgagee.' ; MORTGAGE SALE OF CTX PROP ERTY. .11 By virtue of powr oonf erred on me Vr a cer Slla BBortgage and exoeuted by Thosa g. M&f and recorded is register's offlca ot akf aBij,iiiMOKSS, paga so, ran described, lymic tn Uie city 01 nawia. UisinUriectton of at Martin and South Kait r Smh B. r. XOSTAGUS, y Dae. a, 188ft. Mortjartt, . D t?a of the brtt rwviaj; torujr Stores taeaa I laa most tlsm iuit Uhaoei towns ta western Sot-th - arolina; deiac a aood busineas; reaaea isr selUax eut, toe much outside busiaeaa. AeV SisW I DKUOaV ears 5ews and Ohaarvar. 1' ALE OF VALUABLE LAoTD, iTnder andbv virtue of the power conferred in a certain mortgage deed executed br A. T. -Sater and wife, on the 14th day el' January, 1880, and recorded in Book 06. page eeo, regw" ter of deeds' ! office, Wake county, and at the raw quest ot said mortgagors, we win on xonoay, 1 the 24th day ef January 1886, at the court house door in Ralehjh, !!. t at 13 O'clock m expose to sale to the blgheetidfler, the ctraet . ol lana t ueecnaea m wu - monge -deed, recorded as aforesaid, leiijg a tract of , 5 land situated about four miles eas of Kaieigh, oa the Tarborei road, adioiaUU! IbAllaada at ' Sidney Partia adoihera; eoBtainiust BWabreavi : . more or leaa.'The traevwQl be sold a awholat -or in separate parcebvu may be determined en $ r' day of sale, j Terms of sale, rash; or if desired, one third oath and balance aa a credit of one and two yeans with interest at eight per cent. Parties desiring to to negotiate for a private , rds may call oa A. T. Sater on the premises. .- jj QUAY A 8TAMPS, t "if ; f, ' Attorneys for Mortgagee. de 10 dtd. ; d oats;. 1500 BUS. BROWN WINTER OATQ, v 500 ! WUITJE AND MIXED rY u?, IVI.TaNorris&Bro -;;"" RALEIGH' N description, eonstantly on, and at :; ! flAAila kamlns 1m faallW.W - t m a Waa www waaaaas aaa uwys ieti, Icpr I ; T I Y X ; :-fmsVUasVIJ -j; V:ip' ir Y V FOR CROBi 1885. .-W BATB THS LAXaKST STOCK OIvH, Hi la the city, at Bock Bottom Prises. : W STORE AND . ARRiyiN&i I,000 yards 1 Bagguig, fuU weignW lSrOOSi , a,ooo : a"- M l m Anno -'ii t,ow 1,000 4- Dundee Baifia:. roSheeta.t Bundles ol Arrow and DelU TieaH . TTmjtr A dwantaacr Before nurchasinar "DONT FAIL" toeaft and see us of send us yooEerdera, ifor UU& MOTTO ; is to meet honest and legitimate) , . prices and never be undenolU -:i r.Y'-' ' BUSBEE'S '- i .. , ., . ..' .1.,:, . : ... mwi -Waif, Justice a - rr ymY-Yi Ann I,,;. - i FORM" BOOK." Third Edition. Revised ani Z slr d ' Thur is the beat book of the kind ever published and contains everrDoint of law and every form which can be needed ia the 1 nuwristrateaf . praettoe ia this Statat ..This work haa over mmY 1 ? ? 1 ;5oopao-ss (.' v. ' And eonUlfiau mnch matter as is to be found la any Five Dollar fBook ever Issued a n. Ia a. a . a.sa . Da ine boh; n ia nanoaomeiy pruuea. doubu pi leatner ana is sent 07 ipanpnpakijer ::, . oiiiirsr 102.50. Ke Justice ef the Peace saw afford to be! without th I- - j . m a ' ' r as no eajMMeesi oruw maw nves an tne flaw in his pitiea4 afl ejrdars'te the fmhnslasra. ii- L . -. - ' ' l'A I'f" Booi IAf3f. t.1 ' 1 icArirrsa, iJAUAjntfc5B I one who ; was laaf twantTkWTMn. Treated bv aaoat ef the aofted srMdain:i the . day wttliAO beni; 'Cured hhnself Ia three " tas. and ateee thea aaadreds ofathers by - r-rD suss, y a yatra. staaple swl sunusssfrl . - ast tStn St. Hew Terk Otv. , ,, , Xls. iTXBTISXBS! Band far our BeleetLtrt YYj:Y I ico hi-':.. Yz ta. . 'Hi , i . Hi .)!: ' 4. 1 . i J' ill l9j ; ' V.hWWt ; M Sa eviaaai swvpaperf. use, jr, twwf.ln t e -t - ! t i