- -1 k 1 , i ' .i ' i h t'. i h-; - r voixxvl ; RALEIGH, N. C, WKDNESDATf MORNING. JANUARY 6. 18S6. NO; 47 - Si.- . i ! , f i , 1 ? - ! ' . - 1 s : 1 AND UBS 1 . ' "'4 1 ' ! t .Y. Absolutely Pure TUs powder never; varies. A marvel jo! Hnrth and whaleaomenesa. iMore OKopmieal Uwa ordinarjr kinds and cannot be Mid in eomDetltioQ with Uw multitude of low I est, ahert weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only In ana- Botai. Aaunia Powmi ColoawaU Street, Mew York. 1 Sold by W C A B Stronnch, George T StroaackaadJRrerraUACo. - . . A Happy New Year' to everybodylia thf . greeting we send RACKET STORK. -' to all ifrom the We are going to do-all, we can to makeeverybody happy, fcnoVif you will I '." f 7-i --a-'iy- f .v( -jj.' I do what we intend to do and what we tell jto to do you, will master the mul - titade of life's ills : Keep out of debt. i. ortobaccpjou w. uBlea jou, the means of your ewji to do otherwise. Did you tknow, the - credit system i took half youtv labor and made 9r alt jouJttKeep4pt pf T -i-j i A i i ; fJilC-fliJtfef.:?ihia4.;ft MhJ i I A A t CTeryotlierrow ofjobla 7iyy tt"-yf$f '-T i swr, S !v-v t or eotton, for it takes just that much' of your labor W tnjoy the?greatt bless jsg there is in the credit system, for if a credit crop fails you are' sold out and all you have must go, while you and jour Cunuy are left destitute. 1- ' Well the credit system is a bad tern PWJ'J. . W ?t I - 4... merchandise that wav is simDlv an ob-1 1 ? - I r , " !, J 1 thus that the superiority of Democracy Till your crops -with a hoe and be in mnde inahifest. ! ' t f''1 r-vi:;2i JSI ! -Aoriey 6eralGarlana sys that Uie own of etery hill of corn or cotton Workdv Warner offered U DaV the y. ; jWfc piiT, u a ruie, uvaus we hub- ; : iii t5,St 1 ,X iaUti i Thepeople ofNew Torkj need mis : , ber who can not pay and those whoj will iionaries. W hile a murderer gets off with ':-i-y-': -U:4ifof'M i two pt three years' imprisonuieni and a vr5 Mt'pay forM.j.lum to 'eluurge aneb prties. .windier of mUlions with fonrf or five f 5 . to Uiose wuo o pay Utatne ia aotoauj I ; ashamed of himself. 'a i 1 j I iThe credit system QOn't brintf tery I much Mppiaesa,tof anybody.it is all , "hope deferred." The EAOKJCI 8TUKE comes to you with the new and ' better- way; Irith a Uve casb! business . - based on quick sales and-small profits. - f ; tfiii months of lUcket ;hfe has done V nMch to develop the advantages wf re ; , able to give you. - fiix; months has de- -. -veloped the fact that Backet tallies hafe mastered the field and '"placed the lead of "the trade itf ilaleigh.l1 Six months has decided that it pay p to nave ourhnyera alwys injthe juarieWigatft - ering bargains trom the slaughter-pens of credit, and six months has decided Extremely simple aad not liable to get that our efforts to supply the people iut of order, as more elaborate drapings . with the greatest value for the least Me , apt to do. i This style! of arraug money; has met their approval and tells ine the skirt-back is newer! than the us in thunder tones the determination oi vue masses w iree. tnemsetves irom bondage of the credit system, and that henceforth they will use the ready dol-l- - iar instead of paying double loir their merchandise. j 5 CENT PUG . i NONSBKTrEK on tho market. Ma's Of He ecietl leaf and cannot be excelled.. MANUFACTURED BY Samael Kramer y DUBHAM, N. 0- GO WIRE RAILING A5D URSA HJC&TAL Wl&K WOlfcK. DUFUB&OO;. I So. 80 Nrth Howard tnMt, BUuore, BMtno faotura of wire raUinc lor esmatorlea, twiu srMua, m wire, trae badstsada, alrf i?''1 IWbssWbbisIbssi sssbIIbIbY MM IWtSMflBSi NEWS OBSERVATIONS . Onlj . twenty-six of tbe United States senators keep: house in Washing ton, y i j j . i There are .nineteen foreign-born ZDeuibers of the present federal House of, Representatives'. ; " l--About eighty million dollars in cash will be paid out this week in dividends, a suut of ready money that ought to send the wheels of industry whirling. I General Jubal A. Early jis describ ed as a venerable man, his long, white bfard reaching to his waist and his bent figure indicating the rapid advance of extreme old age. . s ' ' . The secretary! of State has just re ceived and forwarded to Mr. 1 Ericsson, tlje distinguished inventor, the grand cross of the order of naval merit lately conferred on him by the j King of Spain. ; . , j j ' They kicked a negro out of k skat ing rink in Connecticut a few days ago, not because he couldn't skate or hadn't paid his fre, but because he was a ne gro. He ought to come South slid grow, up with the country. ! Mrs. James K. Polk on new year's day Celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of her wedding day and was assisted in her reception by (her two nieces, the Misses Fall, who are with her at her residence in Nashville, Tenn. i Servantgalism has triumphed in London, jl A lady advertises for a cook ami housemaid, promising that each shall have the ttse of . ino-forfe knd beak lowed twoi nights a week and every other Junday for outingB, - - . , ';?. Mr. Jerdinand Ward, it is said, is running a small printing press at the Sing VSing peaiteutiary. Air. Ward may some 0ay become the editor of a grwat -Republican Organ. He has already shown the possession of the moral quali- fications foij such a place.' -President Cleveland has mad, hini- self immortal by lowering the record of hand-shaking. Gen. Grant lowered the record some years ago, but I President Cleveland, has succeeded in crowding in six more hand to the minute.' It is f..:- -.tiU.fCni; it driminal presecutions,- but the treasury department declined to entertain - the nroDoaiUon! and the law-will take its j -Drn WiHiamf A. Hammond says that at 1M end of a thousand jyeara inen will have no hair Ion their heads. - In bse hairless days a theatre will h atli fWt-nj Thnwi -will .1 b no bangCno cvl,.. faoVghajnpooB no hair 0nic, nothWg bit VTffolioTo'&bua simi larity of stun lug polls. : At in a sad pros- i JLn ihis new year or our lord, lobo, WashinVton's birthdav voim-it ta Mon day, Sti' Valentine's fay oil Sunday, St. Patrick's onf; dn. -..!y, April FooPs Day on Xhursda'vv ind i'ourtli of July on Sunday and : UhrieUiiis on Sat urday. .Lent begins JUiiTch lU; Jbaster Sunday will be the tu of April. , ? aiw ouuiuwu, yu wmpjuj ; is in vesting millions of ( dollars in Florida, its last purchase being the Jacksonville, St. Augustine and! Halifax road. The Soath Florida Times Jearnsi that the j in,i i.An;i .' AAnnt with t.ha A tlntiA IVtiLat rhrf Knv . W (tat ftjro)Ut, ; , l 1 .eart'Ui mau j who is unfortunate enough to owe 500 may be imprisoned iar u a Llta laws! noniah novert more eveeiy: than crime, and , ' minuters 0f Kew :Sbrk might find in tbis aubject fitting text upon! Which ta preach. J.4xne taUor dresses of serge,' which a h; ,r. conkidered iniiunpnHnble for utility use, Lave almost without ex- eejtion draped backs, " which are best described by comparing them to a very Jirga half square,! the centre ipoint fali- uig at the back of! the skirt,!- while the otner two are caught up in butterfly irapings, the extreme ends hidden U- 1 eata tneir soit folds. The effect of ihia I urrangement is easily imagined. Is is l nwue cat wateriall drapery , the point in tue ' bacc Delnjr cousiuerea . more graceful than the: one just alluded to, which is cut straight across bothtop and bottom. : ! 1 he Eur allleoord aay b the btt situ ation for eit'jer a -market garden or farm garden is ou comparatively level ground provided the land is thoroughly, dram ed. Gently rolling lands are excellent A. Mnntharii flrHninr ia lunrplv eon- tipriug mouvns, U1 tu waruiiiu tuai iu buu wul give is needed. Secure shelter on : tue uorlheast audwetfi by hills, woods or buiidiugH, itpOBfiible. A diver sity of soil in the garden will permit a I greater variety; of veetap: being grown, as some require neayy soil auu others a light onie. Stagnant ponds of water must be avoided, but if they can be utilized as reservoirs for irrgation, preserve uiem. ! Shade trees and large ruit trees near or in the garden are bad. in buying a farm for gardening, locate near the railroad, to save expense in snipping. . ; .1 k - hr r & XBM AMjr Uwoa 1m It T it tlwr any gum In Ur u wU all brudent Oclut'o (akiug Uolu of any uew euter- ; priM. lalor's Cnerukee liMaeuy of : Sweet uuui and Mullem ha gum in it and the finest stiiuutatlng principle known, it cures owugu OSmus ana wnuiuuon, CONGRESSIONAL... THE SEAL WUBH OF THE ESfIOH nth BECtJX. ! Henvjrj Run f Hew BilU la Beth - ! HOI.I , Washington, January 5 Sknatk. Precisely jit noon' the Senate was called to. order by Senator Sherman, president pro tejn.,; who, after -prayer and the reading of the journal, j laid before the Senate the credentials of John W. Daniel, the newly elected United States Senator from Virginia, which, were read and laid on the table, also a oommuoiea- tion from !Uen. W. B. Franklin, presi- j calling on the secretary of the interior dent of th national home for disabled i for a copy of each report made by the volunteer jsoldiers, notifying the Senate j government directors of the Union Pa of the death of Gen. Gexrge B. McCli'1-jcifio railroad, from the appointment of lan, with a view of having the conse- I such directors to the present time. In quent vacancy on the board of trustees J filled. The communication was referred i t4 the committee on military affairs Mr. Harrison, from the committee on Territories, reported favorably the bill to legalise! the election of the ninth ter ritorial legislative assembly of Wyoming. For this he asked immediate considera tion. I Mr. Edmunds said he - would not ob ject if its consideration would not con- sume mucn time, but that be was anxi ous to get up the Utah - bill as soon as possible, j Ihe bill as reported by Mr. Harrison was then, without objection, read a third time and passed. Among the bills introduced and ap propriately referred were the following : dj JUr. JBlair, to give the right ot trial by jury : to claimants tor pensions whose applications have been rejected by the secretary of the interior on ap peal from the decision of the commis sioner ot i pensions. Also,: to provide for tbe erection of monuments to Abra ham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. , By Mr. ! Logan, to provide for the ad justment of accounts of laborers, work men and mechanics arising under the eight hour law; also to confer military rank on telegraph operators iu the mili tary service; also to create a commission to inquire into the, material, industrial and intellectual progress made by the colored people since 1365; also for:' the rtelief of telegraph operators during the war. -I 1 By Mr. ! Vance, to repeal chapter 27 of the act pf 1883, relating to civil ser vice. j ; ; i . ' " " By Mr. 1 Morgan, to substitute silver dollars in place of; gold ' com and cur rency in the several reserved funds held in the treasury. ; By Mr. i George, to enlarge the powers and duties! of the department of agricul ture. i ' ' r i ' 1 I By Mr.jjllfjto, authorize the secre tary of war to purchase a lot in Jack sonville, Ipl&i, for military purposes. A resolution onered . by Mr (Jail was at his request laid! on the table for the present, requesting the President of the United States to submit to t ome foreitrn power di4 demands of Spain for carry ing into enect the treaty of loly, for the -cession of Florida, such foreign power to be selected with the consent of the government of Spain. ' '- ' A resolution offered by Mr. Hoar was at his request referred: to the committee on ioreign relations, : requesting the President to take measures ' for revising and extending our extradition treaties so as to cover cases of embezzlement and Other breaches of trust. In offering his resolution; Mr. Hoar made speciaT refer ence to the number of defaulting bank officers who tried to escape punishment by flight to Canada. Mr. Dherman, taking the floor, Offered concurrent resolution accepting the marble statue of ex-President Garfield presentedl to Congress by the State of unio ana now in position in etatuarv hall at the capitol. Gov. Hoadly's let ter of presentation was at Mr. Sherman's request rad: by tbe clerk. Mr.. Sher man then; delivered a brief but earnest and warm eulogy of ex-President Gar field and moved the adoption of the res olution onered by him. Ihe concurrent resolution was then agreed to. Mr. Gray gave notice -that he would tomorrow call up Mr. Beck's silver! res olution, for the purpose of, making some remarks On it. . Mr, Beck inquired as to the present parliamentary condition of the resolution referred to. The chair (Mr. Sherman) replied that it was on tho tatble, and that the pending motion was to refer it to the committee on finance. ; Mr. Beck, ; referring to a criticism made by Mr. Morrill on his (Beck's) recent silver speech. , inquired of Mr. Morrill whether on a careful reading of that speech be bad not been mistaken in his understanding of Mr. Beck's re marks.; Mr. Morrill:; replied that he took : pleasure in saying that he had somewhat misunderstood Mr. Beck's reference to the President and the sec retary of the treasury.' j Mr.'' Beck disclaimed having made any personal, at tack on the President or the! secretary or tue treasury. His remark regarding the secretary's locking up the' surplus would, he said, have been quite as well j illustrated and perhaps' more aptly so had he said that if a cyclone! had blown down the treasury building, and scattered the surplus and the people hap picked up tbe . money on die street and put jit into circulation, that the cir culation! would be more beneficial to the people than keeping the money locked up in the treasury. The chair laid before the Senate a resolution heretofore offered by Mr. : 11.1 1 !OVU Vt4AVW.U Ml UllUU uw f H i alleged practice of the late pension om I UB .1U vajLUJ& ; gr ing oti pensions consideration, otner than the merits of applications. . j Mr. Harris requested that the resolu tion niiiht ca OTflV for' todav and b unanimous consent it went over, accord ingly. I , Air Edmunds celled up (he Utah bijr, reported by him from the committee on judiciary. The bill having been read at length, Mr. Hoar moyed,to strike out the seventh section, being' the section prohibiting the exercise ofi suffrage by women in Utah. The bill was discussed for some time by Messrs. Ioar and Ed munds, but finally at th request of Senator Vest, went over for one day. A message was received from the President transmitting the draft of a bill to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to the Indians. It was read and referred. i Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, called up the resolution heretofore offeVed by him, support of his resolution Mr. Wilson re viewed at considerable length die ictioi action of tbe government dircot of rhotu he had himself been one, witu a view of showing that had the government paid attention to the information con veyed and the recommendation made by the directors, the relations of the gov ernment to the roads would today be better. At tho conclusion of Mr. Wil son's remarks the judicial salary bill was placed before the Senate. Without further action, however, the Senate at 3.35 p. m. went into executive scpsioh. At 4 50 the doors were reopened and the Senate adjourned. j The Senate in executive session spent an hour and a half in considering the nominations of a number of minor post masters, chiefly in Kentucky and Ten nessee, but adjourned without reaching a1 point of action in regard to any of them. ' Housk Mr. Muller, of New York, made bis appearance in the House this morning for the first time during the session, and was warmly welcomed by his colleagues and congratulated upon his recovery from his recent severe ill ness!. His desk was adorned with an immense floral basket bearing the in scription: : 'To our big chief, with best wishes of the members of the first as sembly district, New York County de mocracy." : Immediately after the reading of the journal the oath of office was adminis tered to Mr. Muller. The Hoar presidential succession bill and the Senate resolution, proposing certain' joint rules, were referred to ap propriate committees. ;; Contrary to general expectation, the committees Were not announced after the reading of the journal, and the speaker immediately proceeded to the call of the States for the introduction of. bills and resolutions. . jj&ojbng tbe bills and iyplat.iojyi in troduced under this caliwere the fol lowing: r . "... , .. ,; j By Mr, Compton, of Maryland, to repeal the tenure-of-office act. By Mr. MoComas, of Maryland, to establish a postoflice savjnga bank; also to establish a postal telegraph system; also for the redemptioa of the trade dol lar;: also to prevent the use of the Uni- ted 1 States!: mails to advertise noxious drugs or .foods; also for the erection of a monument over .the grave of Francis Scott Key. . ; I Bj Mr. Uutcheon, of Michigan, to re form the civil service and preserve con stitutional distinctions between leg islative and executive duties by tho or ganization of a bureau of civil appoint ment.-4 : j By Mr. Maybury, of Michigan, for the importation, free of duty, of ores of ironr lead, oopper and zinc and bitunu nous coal, salt and lumber. j By Mr. MoAdoo, of .New Jersoyi to prevent fraudulent entries pn the public domain; also to prevent aliens and others ttian bona fide settlers from owning land in the Territories. By Mr, Buchantn. of New Jersey, "to repeal the ; tobacco tax; also for .the establishment of a departnhent of agri culture; also for the retirement and re- Coinage of the trade dollar. By Mr. Barkadale, of Mississippi, to remove restrictions on the coinage of the standard silver dollar and to coin' the same on tbe conditions prescribed for the gold coinage; also' to! extend the time for the completion of the Gulf & Sh'p Island K. a By Mr. Bennett, of North Carolina, to prevent the marriage of the white and heero races in the District of Columbia. By Mr. O'Hara, of North Carolina, to reimburse the depositors' of the Freed- man's savings and trust 'company. ' By Mr, Johnston, of North Carolina, to abolish internal revenue taxation Similar bills were introduced by other members of the North Carolina delega tion. ,t Bv Mr. Reid, of North Carolina,' re ducing the duty on steel rails to $7 per ton. i . " Bills were introducM for the erection of public buildings at the follow u.g places: Boulton and Belfast, Me.; Wor- I coster, Lynn, ixew ueatora and cspnng' field.lass.t St. Clair, Borne, Marine Citt. Lapierre, Mt. Clemef, East Sagi- paW, Jackson and Grand Iiaveu, Mich.: Duluth, Minn.; Vicksburg, Miss.; Se dalia and Springfield, Mo ; Beatrice and Hastings, Nebraska; Paterson and Cam den, N. J.; Hidson al Newburg, N. Y.J Charlotte, Wilmington, New Berne, Asheville and Salem, N. C. Without a conclusion of the call the House at 4.15 adjourned. The number of bills intro duced today was 790. v. For cure of rhenmatiian. nenral-ia In Its various phases, et ftelotiro, tie doutoOivnx, aemicranla, use Salvation OIL Ur greatest pajn-cure on earth. Frioe 15 cents a bottle. i The gmt superiority of v- n ..f in i Svruo. to all other couab reiaedie. ta attend - b the immen- demand for tluu, oUl-esUblish- "l w,ae17 ' ' ' PENNSyLVAMANS PLACED in KtMlnKAT UANUFJI i BT - fBEKHKlH. Wild Wmtmw In t4. Ky. Emfohidm, Pa.,. Jan. 5. Heavy rains the past two days and large quan tities ot snow on timbered hills have conspired Jo produce the most violent flood known in many years along Drift wood and SinnamaHoiiing creeks. To day nnllioirs of log have broken fifom tl i'ir last' innirrt and are troincr down thi lg down tl r.te. It SHoll cu rivers at a terrific . do 18 said the loss to the lumbermen will ap proach $3,000,000, At this place there are over two feet of water in manvi of the streets. All telegraphic communi cation to the east is lost and trains on the f hiladelphia & .brie railroad are obliged to flag their trains. Reports from Cameron state that the greater, part of that town is under water and residents are in great fear lest their houses be swept away. Many residences had to b vacated. A million feet of logs were torn loose and swept down Hunt's run. Saw mills and dams at various places along the creeks are much exposed and are in imminent danger of being carried away. The water is well up in Drift wood creek, where considerable damage has been done, Last night was one of great anxiety and excitement all through the valley. Blew York Cotton Fatal-. Nkw York, Jau. 5. The Post says : The market opened for futures steady at 1 point decline. At the opening call January sold at 9.28a9.27a9.28, Feb ruary 9.35, March y.4Gay.47, April 9.58, May 9.68, June 9.81, July 9.90, August 9.98a9 99. The Sales was 5,100 bales. After the opening call the mark et wan firm and prices were advanced 1 to 2 points, but at noon the market wis weak at a decline of about 6 points from the opening prices. Future de liveries, with free offerings, lost 8-100 on January and llal2-100 on the later months, and closed steady, January 9-100, the balance 11-100 lower than yesterday. Ureal Dlarlr at MatamorM, Jfoxle. Matamorab. Mexico, Jan. 5. A dis patch was received here Saturday from the Citv of Mexico, directing that the city ticket approved by the State Con gress be seated. It ' wss therefore pro- ?osed to turn over the mayoralty to lurria today, but the friends of Torres rallied in force and swear he shall not go in. A fight is expected. There is much disorder here, the city being en tirely 'without a eity government. Last night the roughs were rampant and there were several shooting scrapes, unpro tected women being fared on and two men were wounded. A party or nrty ranchers under Gonzales were fired into and dispersed by Col. Hernandei' cav alry. The ranchers supported Yturria. Brften Daja. Tho News and Ob3vk& two veers ago published an. aooountj of the com panies from Raleigh in the war of 1812, the war with Mexico and the late war; and- their departure from this . place. The Wilmington Review prints the original muster roll of Capt. W. J. Price a company of the first , regiment N. .volunteers;; in the ;war with Mexico. This was was Col, Robert T. Paine's regiment. The company was mustered into tho United States' service at Smith vule, January 19, 1847, Lieut S. L: Fremont, U. S. army, being the mustering officer. The following is the original muster roll ef officers: Cap tain W. J. Price, Wilmington; JJirst Lieutenant George L. B. Singletary, Raleigh; -Second Lieutenant William B. Planner. Wilmington; Junior Second Lieutenant Edward Yarborougk, Ral eigh; First Sergeant J. B Whitaker, Raleigh; Second Sergeant D. H. Black, Wilmington: Third Sergeant H. Bon- bam, Wilmington; Fourth Sergeant F. P. Campe, Raleigh Among the privates from Raleigh in the company- were : F. B. Crenshaw, James Fowler, Isaiah L. Goodwin, Joseph D. Gorman; E..D.1 Hayes, Wiley Haraing, Wesley M. Jones. James C. Lumsden, Charles Manly, Chesley Olive, hdward Rowlett, Thomas u Scott, John H. Simons, Robert G. Twisdale and Saunders Woodward. Nearly on the rdir are now dead. They fought gallantly at Buona Vista; CJuurubusoo, Ooutreraa, Molino del Rev and the City of Mexico. j DMtmWII DiMN "For creeds of faith let graceless bigota fight he ean't b wrong whose Ufa is in. the -right." So says the poet: and we may add that whllo nomae putht and allopaths are fighting oyer the mrrita of tl eir sy stems of medicine, the man who uses bt. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism will always beright, , It is proposed to organize the Indian territory jiuo a territorial governmeut A Fortunate Disciple of franklin In Boa- A Boston job printer, Mr. M. B. Nel son, No. 76 Merrimao street, held one- fifth of ticket Not 46,799 in the Novem ber drawing of the Louisiana State Lot tery, which drew $75,000, costing him $1. He is single, about 22 years of age ! lives with his parents, j and . this prize money will enable him to extend his business. He is a steady, industrious voung man. and will make good uso his wealth. Boston (Mass ) Commercial and Shipping List, Nov; 25.- He can count his own luck. It ia only the bride who , u given seems to be i away at a wedding. It I t&ken for tnlran for rpntAI1 that the vouthfu o bridegroom has given himself away many times before the day of the cere- ttOUy. V- " :i ' : From Wuhbialea. RJtASSKMBLIN'O Or CONORXSS BITTtlMO DOWN TO TBS WISTKR's WORK 8H.VXE J I!f ZHCOCRAO ID SENATOR MILUta's CONDITION BICOMINO 8XR10CS. j Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. WABniNGTON, Jan. 4. Although a1 arge proportion of Senators and Repre sentatives go home during the holidays, many ot them remain here, more especi- 1 . i ; - j t: . ity tnose wno live at a consiaeraDie distance. Those left have been return- ng for two or three days, and both houses will have a pretty full attendance tomorrow. Matters will scarcely; get into real working order before the close of this week, but from that time both houses will settle down to discussion and business, There are hundreds of bills in the hands of members to be in troduced in the House at the first op portunity, and Senators have also a goodly supply on hand. Concerning the silver question and the prospects of de bate and action on that subject there is now nothing additional to what has' al- eady been stated m this correspondence, except that if possible the .advocates of continued stiver coinage seem more y set in their ways than 'ever.. Senator Beck particular 'y is on the rampage, be cause of the many letters whiehhe has received commending his recent speech. xie is said to ne more pieaseu witn a small water-color painting sent hint by the youngest daughter of Jefferson Davis, representing "a slvery moon ooking down through a sheen of silver v oiouds upon a prosperous landscape, 1 1 m m W wearing a tone of silver brilliancy, than with any other communication he has received. This description of the painting is about as .luminous aa one of Mr. Beck s silver arguments. IThe Congressmen and members of the press who accepted the invitation of the North and Central American Exposition management to epend the holiday in New Orleans returned this morn tug. They all expressed much ; pleasure at the kind treatment received at the hands of the warm-hearted citizens of New Orleans. Senator Miller, of California, is in a condition which ! gives much anxietv to his family and friends, although- they are still hopeful of bis recovery. : i His ower limbs have hegun to swell, which is not a good sign, i In the event of his demise a democratic Senator might suc ceed him. . , Harderon Wwrk La Texas. ,., ElPabo, Texas, Jan. 5. Several men entered the office of Bossillies & Robert, brewers, at Paso? del Norte vesterdav. and pointed revolvers at Robert, , who was alone, ordered him to open the safe. tie started to comply, when Bossuher, his partner, entered the office and inter posed sa protest; against submitting to tbe demands. Ihe latter thereupon fired at ihe partners, killing BossUiier ?and badly wounding Robert. The - assassins made their escape. The murdered man was one of the most prominent citiseni of Paso del Norte. tnf xviRf HOusiaoLD there should be kept a bottle of Pond's Extract, as it is invaluable in case of accidents; slight or serious, that are always liable to oc cur, such as uuts, Burns, . Bruises, i &e. t is Of the greatest benefit for Hemorr hages, Neuralgio Pains and inflamma tions, while for Catarrh, Piles, &c it is the best known remedy. Ask your drug' gist to give yon nothing but the genu sue.' - - " ! ;, .'-.I? "'' j rm mmm i " i i - . Waabloftoji Jlewa. Washikotoji, Jan. 6. Speaker Car- isle said at 2 o'clock this afternoon that the committees would not be announced today.,; It is understood that the list is net jet fully made up and , that it may be Buhject to a further change at the last moment. There seems to be no doubt that it will be ready for announcement tomorrow. ...... , i...v.K'-,t Senator: Brown introduced in the Sen ate today a bill to relieve Gen. Robert I. Anderson, of lieorgia, f his politi cal disabilities. :. I , The . President has withdrawn f. the nomination of John G. Lee, of Philadel phia; to be secretary of legatioq at Constantinople. This is done at Lee s reauest. The; President today nominated John Higgins to be collector of custouis ot the district of Natchez, Miss.; Wm'. 11. McArdle, of Mississippi, consul of the united States at San Juan del Norte, and a large number of minor officials, chiefly postmasters. Prof. VV. 1. JKumn, principal of the State normal school of Virginia, and one of the most strongly endorsed of all the candidates, has written to the, secretary of the interior, withdrawing bis applica- non ior uie position oi uuitea otates commissioner of education. i " ; !! Soaqaehaana RlTr OrcrflmrUf. LocKHlvkir, Jan 5. The flood in the Susquehanna river ai this point is within two feet of being as high as it was in 1885.: The greater part of the city is flooded, but the damage cannot yet be estimated. Large quantities pf I saw logs have broken loose in the creeks aboW and are passing here as booms cannot be hung. ' The Pennsylvania canal is reported to be badly damagedj xne water is suu rising. i ;W. K. IaarenoU's Property AttaehoaU ' Nxw Oklkaks, Jan. 5.- A special to the Times-Democrat from Vicksburg, says;" "All. the personal property., on W. K. Ingersoll's Shipland (Miss.) plantation has been attached to satisfy judgment in favor of persons in Detroit, When the fact became known here to day considerable uneasiness was mani fested in legal circles as several attor neys here holding judgments against Ingersoll think thefr claima are now cut off. Ingersoll places his liabilities at about $y&,UW and his assets at $152, Haipttae; tba Haapltal. (. ' Yesterdav Mr. A. P.' Brvani treas- urer of St. John's hospital, received two ! letters, each enclosing 10, each ; letter as follows: ' " '. ! 'J-.-- Y i'Mr Dxar Sir: I take pleasure in tr send in ir vou 510 for thehosDital. fIex- pejt to repeat the gifteterTj year as''7 ' long as I can do so; that is, as long as my vn .' present income is, not diminisbed; andrt; -a verse as I am to pose as an example, I . wish that a hundred men could be found ' to follow just this one, believing that e 5 the effect would be to place this excel-j lent charity upon a sound and ' aecure 'sat aeee w4 citasi sw. ' It seems strange that it is necessary to persude men that, yon can ewe their diseases bv offering' a 'oremium to the man who fiils to receivebcnefitli ''And yet Dr. Sage undoubtedly cured j thou" sands of cases of obstinate catarrh with hi Catarrh RemedT," whfli would never have applied to tim, if i had not been for his offer of the above tula for 3 'til an ' incurable case. Who is the next bidder for cure or cash ? J "it . : -w u r " - Taa Btoaaae Amtala WAsmNOTOif, January 5. The well known Potomac river' steamer Armenia was burned about 3 o'clock this morn- ' ing at her wharf at Alexandria, - Va. Two watchmen were asleep on the steamer at the time the fire broke' out, -and were not awakened until the flames had made it impossible for them to gain, , the wharf. They jumped 'overboard, ' however, and were quickly Vescued. h The-vessel was owned, by the Inland &u- uoastwise Navigation fjo., of Baltimore, . and valued at $30,000. ! AdTlea Mot si era. Ifrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways be nsed when children are cutting teeth. -It relieves the little sufferer at once, it pro duces natnraL quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and tbe little cherub awakes ' as "bright as a button." It Is very pleasant to taste: soothes the child, softens the rams, alhvr : sil pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels' ana is tne oest Known remedy for diarrha, whether rising trom teething nj other csusea.' iwenty-nve oenu a ootue , , i SnxxT Nosa and Baldwin. Apples,' Florida Oranges, Bananas, by barrel, bunen. &c. - W. C. k A. B. Stkoacb !With Five Pounds Our Own Mixtures- Roasted Coffee, 25 cents per pound, we .. give an elegant China Cun and Saucer. 1' ,f ': I t ..4:v, W. 0. & A; B. STEoiibH: ' t bjcsh Supply of those delicious Co ooannt Macaroons; 25o lbT worth 40c.; last we will have. yi:- "Ite Owrttst Curs ea Xarth for Fmt.m Wm r1ismoT qnlckhrthM my other koowa n Dwwuag, bub Jes, vnuaaa., Suiaa Seakla. 3atZ IjurS ro, rieortn, Snsjhra Sciatica, Kcn!SSe 1 f ocatf in irf.i.. iTi. u vnfc .iTi nmii svnsnua, a. u. nerer m uo utnn. BaiUlMS, MA. UTs. A. , 77", DB. BOLL'S COUGH SYEUP hi; ,-. For the cure of Congts, Colds, Roane- ' i m i i i if if . bt s hob, vioup, Aauunn, onmcniva, - r Vhoopicar Coueh, t Incipient Cft wsipaon, hh ior ue rcuei ox con cuinptiTe persons La advanced etagea v of the Disease. For Sale brail Drag v gists. Price, as cents. ; t.i .rfil,i( Lee Johnson & Co. it . ...- . r.'i.r -;. (Saocesaors to Pescud, Lee A Co.) - ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WWSRF. ! i ... . Ki:"! I COBXEB VATVmvnUJI ASS MAXTIX BTS. r - ' ' ' I I i (Opposite the Tetoffice.) s - HIP ONLT PUKI A5D VSXSH DRUGS. 'I TKXSn- GAEDflN SEED A SPECIAlTT. Fine oapLind . Toilet- lrti Trusses and 8urgical Choice brands of Clear Cigarettes ! and Tobacco. t : ions v Accurately filled day and night from Drugs warrantekStrictly Pure andfFrcMb.! - ' prdera by mail ; prosnptlv - attended $ to. Compondeooa soucned. Corner Fayettevflls and Mart la 8ts RALEIGH N.C. A DTKSTI8R8 1 Send far our SeleetLtat: Jt. ot Txeai Krwspapert UevIJ,BowalJs usw. iu pmee hc, q I I ! . - u I 4 . Lee JonnsoB fc Go.v' 7X1 ' i,:t i it "' "it."': (. T ' 1 .: ''-i 4 V a- a- " . -rf . ! .;, T - - . - . . V rs-. If i.H St v4 -1 14

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