I -1 i if 1 hs I ' 9 ':i i 1 - is f ' Eii- Em r r II iC .1 - '. . . .".NM "1 ' '7 mi -7 If. - i I- 1 INietcj ahd OBsnrnLsi Pobubbd Daixt (jkccwt Mojtdat) akd ' i -.r -T-ffmti. 'JUf li By The Hews and Observer, Go. Daily om fr. mall, poMtptiid t7W MIMI, i : 9fUV three -.. 1 7ft Weekly, one yew, " ,;00 ., " six months 1 00 No turn enteral without pavtnenU and too Cper tent After the expiration ol ttuw paid r. - "'l I J SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 18&. Tin trial of the Rev. Dr. Armstrong of Atlanta, began Wednesdaj, but at ; , th teqaett of the proteoation an ex- tension of time wu granted until the . 26th of thia month. ' The trial ia. to be v aeoret. Xfce charge u 4 'immoral rev :;J. ... .elry.' , If I' f fc.-l; Sxvatok Kvaw is itill reputed to he i in fator of the double standard of wr- renej, and he may well be, since he was elected, not bj Wall street; bat by the country districts of New York chiefly. As far as his utteranees go : however, . " they fail signally to define his attiiu'ie. It is said that he recently asked the ; : President to read the speech he deliv ered at the European monetary' confer y, ence, snd after it had been; read as de ;l sired he asked Mr. Clereland .what be thought of it. The President respond ' " ed: "Mr. Evarts, you hari argued all arouna so ciereriy mat i am at a loss I to know where you really stand i' 4 Ths city and I county are;; heartily; to be eongratalated upon the convictions . - secured yesterday in tiie superior court of the offense of keeping! gaming ; or gambling houses. The " evil has been conspicuous in , Raleigh a long time und that it has finally received stunning blow at the hand of the law is reason . for' rejoicing by all who are iqti'rested ' in the preservation of a society ftounded on morality and the principles of Chris . tianity. We trust this notable begin ning will end only in the extirpation of the blight of public gamblug not only '. : from this the ecntral eounty but from '' all the eountics of the 8tate. Private ; ffamblinx of course oannoS I be reached V..,; by law, the more's the pity; Elsewhere , ' will be found the admirable remarks . :,ade by Judge CUrk in imposmg sen ' ' tence upon the moBt conspidnoui of the convicts. Tbi Finjuaeial Chronicle:, ' whioK; is high authority takes.! an jenoouraging tiew of the. eommereisl sitiktionJ. Ac cording, to its . analysis the? numherrojf failures in business last yeaif waa 10,637 with lisbUities of $124,,321; in 1884, 10,968, witjh liabniUes of $226,. 48,4i m 183 V484, With lubUi- Ities of $112,874,172;! b l$82j! 6,7$8 withliabilities ,of 101,647;664. : , decrease in Uabuities, . which has continuous during the.past nine months. taken in oonneefion with the other ex ; " isting tradr conditions, is ipegirded as a ' most koperul 'sign. J Among 142,175 houses in business in fibc South last year , there were 2,S46 failures, percentage of 1.65. : In 1884 the percentage was 1.60 i in 1883. X 86: in 1882, 1.28, In f- the Eastern States the percentages diu ' ins: the same periods wercliresnecdvel 1.31, 1.49f 1.3 and 0.87 in the Mid dle Butes, 0.96. 0.93; 0.82i 0.67:1 the Western States, 0.92, 1.00 J 0.9203 ; the Pacifie 8tates,2.0l. 2.46. 1.95. 146. The conclusion is that while the number v of disasters (last year was large, I yet wnen compared to tne number of sctmal raaers uierproporuon is nor so nniavor . aoie as nunt nare Deen.expecteo:. - V .m t mm ' ..; i - i . ' i " . Am case is that of thai 'dying Con gressman Bankin, who is from Wisedn- , i :aw. so it mm u umuc ; oi aeciaa j il pluck as well. v "Though he knows he cannot live more than a month or two! at ! fcrthesf'isays, correspondent, i4e 7 , keeps up 4is spirits and fills his seatin' . thcJBTouse.' During the choice f the scats flcwas one of the nnluckiest and "got seat near-the back of tbe'ehami. -v ber, ' As he took itbe turned ' to his . - next neighbor and said: 'Not a very good seat, it's true; but it : will not - create so much attention back here when ; it is draped after my burisl,' Ndtbng agv the doctors told him he! was safe as long as bis feet did not begin to swell, bnt when that change took piece he might know that death was approaching. id he: Of late my feet have been swelling considerably. I can stand it well enough as long as the daylight shines and I do not have to face death: but if I awake in the nif ht with that sensation of swell ing in my feet, the thought, of passing away makes me nervous, snd 1 wish the doctor nadrnot told me. , ; I: Col. . RiCHAKDSos, , the North Caro linian, who removed tor Mississippi and died Jrecently the Hchest ; man in ' the South and the largei planter in . the . world, was a man of rare puMic spirit He was the president snd in all respects the mainstay of the World's Jndustria . exposition and cotton centennial at New Orleans and had, just before his death it seems submitted his offiolal report to - President Cleveland. This i lut ; c-ffit of his pen "U" now doubly- iuwrL-feUn'r and in its conclusion bears upon a sub ject of special importance, 'us follows In elusiog this report I desire to express thf grateful thanks of the Southern pep , pie to the President and the Couereas of the United States for the opportunity so happily afforded under the;; auspices- of the government or the United ; states: g demonstrating to the world their remark , able progress, while at tbeHaiun? Uiim I the States and Territories of, the North west were enabled to nuke,; for the first time in their history, a complete display of theur marvellous natural Resources in friendly and harmonious competition with their predecessors in, the Federi ; compact. : The lesson thai tftaght will ready manifested in the quickening pace j f industry and the renewed impetus I imparted to the development of the ' nower States and Territories, while at the same time, new fields af commercial enterprise have been opened to Ihepa-I uod u) tne neigpoenng countries ot ; Mexico anu central America, wuu pro mise of abundant resnjs, and tbe North and East have beiTprcsentt'd with new outlets for their enormously iuemujud manufactured productions. Tha cause 0i pupnc eauciuon, wnicn is now so ae- proDhstelv Congress of the which the liarlv interested nmblAtn nnnn th mfe.tt. .ti 'Whu i,t.i,v.' ;f this section depends, was greatly .'assist-1 aH knd ;timultttfid hv th d nlv rp - 0Kj ,. vnna;f;n i qv u w u mm u vauvdivivu ii out t v T I country in the world- snd the oj por tunity thus afforded for comparison und improvement In this respect alone the exposition i worthy of record us the most conspicuous event of the century in MntA nf n! vil ivut inn nm nri tcrrnnn and its lesson should not be disregarded ; in 4e consideration of the Question i of i national aid to public education. JSOKK WOKDS TO THE POINT. Senator' Brown spoke to the point scarcely less admirably than did Vauce, u m..i. Wk"L . X, , , . . .. , ,, powsea oas-tne not snas; me Donono.ia- era or . many of them had bought their bonds with silver at fortv snd fifty cents ' only on the dollar, had worked bys- ff AUinflAO I I M T ItllMOCIll TT VAlllA: AT "Ti. their demands against the government and now demanded payment in gold and demonetization of silver in ordtrthatthat i gold might be enhanced in vsltie, he receivine the attention of the ' "nir r nananng aua innrKetinjr tr- UnitedSutes,acauHs iEj,c0 Ucunpying a very suisjl space Southern States . are I pceu- !" " ' l,K;oim ani1 Hurwimg . and which embraces a ' or n.. ..tuntir.,, only a tew years a .mlnti f i l. . iipo. it has by t.ne m loin i tilde i ub and laid bare tbe. animus of the present as- story Drieic stores: . iu. v- a saulf on the silver monev ot the coiin-j krius, of Milton, N. J.t two brick stores; uji -.. xte presemea in a nuisneii ine argument of the Dlutocrats as d is tin- iruuhad from the "oniiimoa nonlM iu v anoe caiia uiem. wnicn nas beeii h so .' long audi so skilfully hidden under the various pretexts which the 4,bTaina ' of akilful men" have! for the reward of sold, from time to time devised. The neoDle are no longer Dlina, nowever, lO UO tacts wilh regard to thu matter of the eurrenov. Their eves nave been onened widej by such faithful public servants as Vance, Beck, Push and otksrs and bv the Democratic press of the country and they will see that legislation, with re- spect -to money shall be no more in favor of ft class as: against the hole; people than legislation with rpsectlaiwiv other mattor. That taxes should be increased in order to pay, tne bondholders better currency than' is paid to other folks they do not believe, That'it is neoeasary in order "to ..eep up the credit of the country " that the bonds should bebaid in cold only, they fau tosee. . . , i( 4;. ' ! 1 Uvoift the terms of the Hoair preai-, dential succession' bill, which Jhas iiVASj ii-i'vT--. jit ! -v il- . . . - . . i- ! rett?iu ?ro tt5m' 01 bemtte ana Tminent business houses in Hen the speaker of the House of Represent-1 dersou the following are to be noted : ativessrej eliminated from the line of : ; dibuu wiuib, suooession to the presidency, aadi incase W brokers and manufacturera' - . 'u " .. . , ... s , - agenW This firm commenced business of .the death, resignation or inability of t . MtK , in - lts both Uie President and! Vice-President, toe secretary ui aww win act as rresi- dent until a new President shall! be chosen. Failing this iotfioer, the secre uu ov ui like manner with the other members of the cabinet, in the order of precedence established by 'custom. To exhaust the' line of succession provided for,' there fore, all thc.members of the cabinet must be disposed of. i The measure! is, as tbe committee in charge of it explain- ; experience of seven years in ; the manu ed, simply an expedient, to be succeed i tacture of plug, tobacco. The firm has ed by a permanent enactment which : increased its business to such an extent shall be free from objectionable features, built provides against the serious dan- gera which now threaten the country and at the same ime keeps political power in tbe line marked out by, the people. ' " ' m ' T : . r ! 1H director of the United States mint having estimated the value of the standard coins of the various nations of the world.this was proclaimed by thesee- rtt7 - treasury .oajne nrsz ox tne . - - it a . . 1 c. i . m . t J .ii . v V J.. montn, aoooramg iw law. x ne vaiuB w, aue gum coum in cir- cotns in cir- cuiation, it seems, is nzea oy : iL - i ii T uxeu uv com- paring vuo amount vi pure go a in siicn 1 in Slich cuius wivu vu aiuuuui iu me koiu aoi- lar of the United States. In countries ' having the double: standard the silver .i'rv"T" r Vr H "" . "". ,M.'Mt MtnhnnaA. snnh as few houses T "u glV- t?fusame rTT 'ever secure. Few business men. in the as the gold corns of the same unit. The h ha?e greater success StanSA t ) 7 ft bast season flly one-hslf of all the leaf tli SSI l-Srk '? ".eeo sold on the llendcrson market. Z "TZ.nZ7fT the year. The mean price of silver for PFSS? m- inrperiouia loot ueciineaover' six ceStTper fine ounce. ThisgiVes a ire. duced valuation to the following wins from that, proclaimed Jan. if 1885, namely: Floria of Austria from 80.3 cents to 37,1, bolivaino of Bolivia from 79.5 cents 0 75.1, peso of Ecuador from 79.5 to 75.1, rupee of India from 37.8 to 35.7, yen of Japan from 85 8 to 81, dollar of Mexico from 86.4 to 81.6, sol of Peru from 79.5 to 75 1, rouble of, Russia from 63.6 to 60.1, uianbut of Tripoli from 71 7 to 67.7,peao of United SUtes of Colombia from 1 9.5 to 75.1 iAf la tb Parla Svwira, is possible, for a short time to the ro bust, but the majority of lrfiu'-d p -rsorui would prefer immediate death to exis tence in their reeking Atmosphere How much more revolting to be m one's self a living sower. But this is actually ; the case won tnose in wnom tne inactivity I derson in the errly part of 1885. Their of the hver drives the refuse matter of factory is 40x100 fret, four stories high, the body to eacspe through the lungs, 4nd is fitted with the most improved breath, the pores, kidneys and bladder, i Machinery for the manufacture of plug It is Mtornhhing that life rematos U . tobacco. They employ seventy-five such a dwelling. Dr. Pierce's "Golden ' hands, i Their goods are well and favor Medical Discovery" ; restores normal ablv known throuehnnt this State and uuri.j fcu mo p;iwu sua reuews . toe i. it.. ... i '.. . whole being. I Green billiard cloth ii raucb wonji tot ; HEkioh. ; . Fllooww. busikess mm akd bbioht J '; - ipttrx. Special !or. "f Jjtws vki Obsebtrr. u Hsnbersos, N. C, J.n' 15. - SitUiitO'J in th fi iost tohbr.co taction f tlt Utiied Stiu -. proniin.'iitIy noted jEwr tbe pro'i.iclion of tbo beautiful and famous Vn1- mI'I'-h le:if toba-, llou UiTKoi Inn au unrivalled advantage wyor any etlicr tobacco town in the h cnt'ruv ot as iu-m :mh inuu crown troni Ule to .ly pVoportious After, an afcsency of threei yi-ars the writer re- tnrris ; t Hud nearly every lnnduiark of 4 . . that pi riod obliterated by the march of prosperity auil propress. rlenaerson is oiitrof the lu-jst thorouehlv cosmopoli tan towns iu the outh. her business iticii hailing from nearly every point of the o"niras. As a substantiation of tis !!" 'f iy be -Uted that there ('n" fr1" tlie good old city of Peters- burst, Virginia, alone during the past year (1885), and are noi sue cpssfully engaged in business, the 'following mimed gentlemen well known business world: Messrs. M Klkbi U. Draper, G. S. Pritchard, S Allen, 1). II. Mauahm, C. Holt, G. Ut)b4.8a A. R. Ansrlea, J. W. Gill. J. W. Ainslee, J. Kogers and C. W Smith. i . 4 WODRRFfl. GROWTH T 1 building for handling tobacco; erected durinir 4885 we mention the following. with the nanica of the builders : R M. lfowell, one two-story s'bre and tobacco prize house; Jarhrs A. O'Neal, four three vjr.: m, vw iuik-sw UUu brick stores; M. Dorsey, two iron front brick Btort ?: W A. Cheatham, four fcurcv-owrj ;unc cviicor a. iuic, .t? three-story iron front stores, with mansard roofs: J. U. Youug, one very handsome three-felory store", with frost of pressed brick and iron, .mansard roof; slate covered; U. Y. Cooper, two two )jory nricn ararve, uruanj uu vaoiictui. Urawford uoopert ot uxtora, j two very nan asouie oricK stores: y, rox, one tworetory brwx store; jonn j?. aucins, .one tw-j-and-4-half story prise houae; Hibr.ell & Walker, one five-story prize house; K. V. VV alker, of Person cunty, oae fonr-t-tory .brick prise house; J A. Jveiiy, one wur-story ones prise house; A. u. Cheatham, two-thre.'-tor brick pwze houses and warehouses; vary, Drix aumtion. iuxizu toet, to hU wooden building of 50x170 feei( which fas erected in 1884.) far steaming ia!nd itemming purposes; II. M. (.armer , oue four-story store snd wooden prise ' hous P. J3. Gary, of Manehestcr, Va , is building a ractory for manulactunng :.sindkiii2 t bicco, which it is said when completed will be jthe finest in the State Sixty-onC new residences, some very ihanosome and coatlv. were built during 1 1885s Among some of the largest and! ( operations soon assumed such magei i cuue mat it ;DUiit iu preaeai irg nci I handsome nouso. lnu puua- 1 uig is one I of the most conspicuous in i Ka:: tnarn afanr)inr it riAO n(U to9 k & depot. It 18 ; 40x100 feet, five stories in height. . ia said to be the tallest building on the '-Raleigh & Gaston railrosd. - The firm of Dibrell & Walker is one of tbe most reliable in the State. Mr. Win.' H. i Wslker, the junior member,! has had an that it handles over a million and a half pounds annually. Messrs. Dibrell Bros., ' of Danville. Va.. are connected with the firm, and have also a house in Durham, : K. C, under the name and style of ; Dibrell Bros. & Co. All ! orders en- trusted to Dibrell & Walker are certain : to have their prompt personal attention, ! ; i. t. coopkr, proprietor and owner of Cooper's ware- . no use and dealer m leaf tobacco, etc., is f; 1 pionee, warehouseman of. Header havinff buit the first leaf warehouse fa tfae - mi872, and has been Q (be towD m j872, and ao- j n -j tnbnn trd eer since. Mr. Cooner i-L-T.- j. . f n t w i : . ' tlXK 1 1 v ur r,h .llti i il ill ui uuiincu w uu m handling and redrying all grades tof leaf: t foL ; Ha -..i 'dell. Jarirelv In real ! iieiJeftrVinsrcs and wairons. Mr. fWr i r n - aaa nin j tie oght fully 1.000,000 pounds of leaf the past sesson, the largei por- tl.on ' lcl waa Pchased for facto- f direct- J . w. i. gaby oo.; S This is one of tbe largest and best pipped leaf tjobacco housos in the Soutn. It does perhaps the largest or- d-T buying business in the State, bav- ing bought and handled during the past Season 1,200,000 pounds of tobacco, Strictly upon orders from manufacturers They are now putting steam: in one of their largn factories for stemming pur p"S('S and expect to get under full head- ! w:iy about February 1, on a large scale, ' for : foreign shipment. . j ! i t. w. tord a co. j manufacture all styles of flue and sun- enr! inbannA This firm commenced he u.anufacture of plug tobacco in Hen . . . the 8outh generally, and comprise the following1 Lrands: "Or'mouo Har- IfenXJoontT,'' Granville Oountr,'' Sue' fiesi." fTrom" snd Ford'f F- - I. ii a i 1-Al uu arv s at Lynchburg, Va.,:ironi which place it ; removed to Henderson that it mijt have freer access to the fine flue and Bun-cnred leaf tobacco for which this 1 section is so justly' famed. It manu factures all grades of plug and twist to-; baceo. The business for last yesr was much greater than that ever done by any other plug' tobacco bouse in the town. The members of the firm, are thorough-going business men and de servo the success thisy. are winning. w. s. CI4RT co. are tobacco brokers and leat dealers and do almost eotifelv u export trade! with Liverpool, Brh-men and Jjondon. They were the firstlishippera in Hender son of leaf tobacco to foreign ports, having given the firt through bill of lading from, .. Hcnueyson Loudon, di rect. They are the large-1 speculators on the Henderson tobacco market. They are young, active, enterprising, reliable Dusmess men. .: W. H. 8M00T CO., . .i leaf tobacco brokers. Commenced the leaf tobacco brokerage business in Hender son in 1881, buying strictly on order. They. re-dry the leaf and have capacious, re-drying houses for the purpose, lhey buv nearlv one and a half million pounds of leaf tobacco yearly, on order; for the different! markets and nianufac- 1 turers of the country. They have had twenty years' experience in the j leaf tobacco trade in the States of Vir ginia and North t'arolina. Their busi ness is increasing i; everv year. They are thorough business men and reliable in every particular. They solicit orders ; and correspondence from all manufac turers and dealers! ' J L. H. MI?8ILLIKR, dealer in general Hardware, stoves, cut lery, guns, sash, doors, blinds, paints, oils and window glass, is one of the most accomplished and reliable business men . in the State. He has been in the hard ware trade in Henderson for three years. He was formerly with George Allen & Co., of New Bertie. He handles the "Old Reliable Excelsior" cook and heating etoves,' and manufactures to bacco Sues largely in season ; also fire roofing. He gives his personal attention to all the business of importance of his house. ft 8. C.WATKINS, f general merchants cotton brokers and eat tobacco dealers, have a handsome brick store, 42x160 feet, with iron front, and are the personification of cleverness. They arc without doubt the largest merchants in the town. They have a very fine tobacco re-drying and prise house. They are successful business men in the broadest acceptation of the term. DkVKLOPMKHT OF 111 TOBACCO TRADl. Tobacco receipts from wagons the past season amounted to about eight millions of pounds, an increase of over 50 per cent over those of the previous season. There was an increase in mer chandise sales for 1885 of 33J per cent over those made ill 1884. There is one stemming factory in .operation, employ ing about seventy-hands, and another will soon be completed. This tobacco is stemmed expressly for the foreign trade, to save bulk in paying custom duties. A steam laundry :md broom and chair factory will soon be put in operation !) by Messrs. Allen & Fox. 'The Southern Sw.p Wwl.-" r also nuqgr way. jUaaf a.w i:ijii.-:ries are ked of and It -n-i'-on . i on the 'broad-gauge" ,t-1 iiprri.:iir ut. Her citizens are thoriugtily alive on all questions appTtaiumg to her prosperity and progress. R. B 8. B Ton win the bt. St. Jacobs Oil is tbe only proprietary medicine that ever re eeived-goid medls at WoHa' fairs; The bans' is a Turkish invention. MffiPj li E la L73TW E I.. nlil Br' "SasaH MseMlBja. T DBUaOISTS AKD DKaLISS - tii nuim a.Tuoi.K narui, aAbTuoaa, as. W from Qpa, Xmtettet t4f . suan PROivi.r. A. uarOAI9TS JKD MAJMU. cauair rooaLsa cvutamx. aLmoaa, i WT. 1 - W laUfUIN AWsll IfASKlCT SQUABS, WHOLI8AU. AND RXTAZL C3- BOO "BJ HAY, CORN, OATS COW FEEl PEA MEAL, &o. Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Eggs, Chickens and Country Produos 100 btils Sugar. 1 . 50 tck Coffee, all rades. 50 tubs Jersey Butter. SO tubs Firkin Butter. S5 Cwetse, cream 500 packages Lard. 60 bbls KackereL 1,000 lbs small Hams, MagnolU . 8,000 lbs mixod Haau. MONTROSE FAMILY FLOUR. 100 bls, m s, i, M6 sacks. 100 sacks fresh UaxaUsfeaL 100 sacks Petersburg MeaL TOBACCO .TOBACCO. ? ' Shell Road and Captive Tobacco. LiUla Beauties and Winners' Tobacco. Tobacoaot all O rades and sizes plugs. 500 boxes Tobacco, Totttooo. ; . Canned Goods, Canned Goods. G. Ta STROCTACH. WHOLKSaLSLIQUOBOIALIB, So. 9 Hastdt 9ti n Grades of W.les. Braodlei sad sT. II IV: V -"jTUII ssisasi ill ii 1 1 1 1 lii iai 25 m TtrUata uMly fa. ioaiSllll MaL1 Uiilri &MUPUT. "We do hereby certify that we supervise tbe arranjrementa fcrall Lb Monthry an) Quar terly Drawings of the Louisiana State Lot. tery Company, snd in person manage and con trol the Drawing theaielve, and that tbe name are conducted with honesty, talrDeaa, and in good faith toward all parties, and we autho rize the Company to thia certificate with lac-similes ol our slgnatrreit attached. In Its ad- vertiaementak" OamamlaalWiers. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at aur coun ters, ' t J. H. OGLESBT, Pre. EtilMln National Bank. J. If. HfTKEOY, ! : Ptm. State National Bank. A. BALDWIN, Ptm. Hmm OrlMuw National Bank. i ' Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leg. islature for educational and charitable pur poseswith a capital of f 1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $560,000 has since been added. i By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part ol tne present State con stitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on land en dorsed by the people of any State. it never ; scales or postpones: j Its .Gbamd SiKtn : Ncusaa DaAwos take Slace monthly, sn.l the Extraordinary Draw igs regularly t i y three months, instead o( Seini-Annually as L i rtofoir, beginniag March, 1886. ' j A splendid opportunity to win a fortune. Second Grand ir:tviug, class B,i in the Academy Of Mubtc, New Orleans, Tuesday, February 1886 189th Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frac tions, In Flfths.in proportion. - LIST OF FR1ZKS. 1 Capital Prize 175,000 25.000 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 2 Prizes of 8,000 '2,000 1,000 500 200 100 50 25 o 10 SO 100 800 500 1,000 , n ti if it it 10,000 20,000 80,000 25,WM: 25,000 AWEOX1MATIOS PKTZKB. 9 Approximation Prizes ot 1 750 9 ' "500 9 ' " 250 16,750 2,250 1,067 Prizes, amounting to j fi65,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office ol the company in Sew Orleans. , For further Information write clearly, giving nil address. POSTAL NOTES, 1Cjits Money Orders, or New York Exchange In or. ulnary letter, currency by Xxpit-a , (all sums ol so ana upwards at our expense ad' dressed 1 - St. A. DAUflllN, i Nw OtImih, I M., r at. A. BAUPHIIT, W asking-tot, Ol C Make P. O. Honey Orders payable and ad areas registered Letters to SHW 0KLIAK8 NATIONAL BANK, . ; ; New Orleans, La. iNOW EEADY.I I BUSBEE'S NORTH CAROLINA JUSTICE FORM BOOK. TSmT tdhlon Revised and Enlwgidl This is the best book of the kind ever published and contains every point of law 1 and every form which eari be needed ia the! magistrates' practice in this State. This? work nasi over 'a i fl ado if-AlQ-es 5 1 And contains as much matter as is to be found In aav live lular (Book ever issued m tbe State; it is handsomely printed, bound ia leather ana is sent by man prepaid ler i : - 1 biiriaVsr $2.50. No Justiee f the Peace can affoad to be without tbe VHov7 Busbcc. As no other book in tas State gives all the law in his practice. Bud all orders to the, publishera, ALFRED WILLIAMS & COJ BOOSHBT.I.KS AKD STATMlTaaS, I I Balkiob, N. C '(. T. B, YANCEY, MANTJFACTUBJEB'S and ; -IN 'J. j Carriages, : Phaetons, Bogies, k, &c. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN ; j i THE STATE AND THE i-l - r : i BEST GOODS I ' AT THE :j LO WEST J? HIVES. ISO KasS afartta Street, BateUrfc; W. CL. Harp's M A1BUTIBSOF BXXKWAX Wx WILL, n sJt . ia! wu luuin Mwiw iaj m m iu, rav vu aeard Btaamer ar railroad. 1 Agent t W. IL BllWDLElR k m EDUCATIONAL. tatesvilijc rajfjLLJc ooixdus TATgSTTIJ. V. fl. gin Wedaear, Jan. 30, 1S8S, 1 The last year has Deea a very prosperous one. The attention or parents and farolans ' Is directed to the fu'l corps of ' Able teachers, tbe bwthv locaUOB, cxceUent fare and reasonable charges. 8end for catalogue. MISS FANNIE EVERITT, rrladpaL Jan S-dl0t XLXCT BOARDENQ AND DAT SCHOOL roa touno ladhs ajto littlsi oisxs, HlDahoro, N. C. Tbe Spring Term will open Slat January, I 1886, and close 10th June. For circulars' apply to A ' Mman Nastt abtd Ibsa Koixocx. dee IS AeocUtw. IBS. TOUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WB WISH TOO A HATTY Aim FSOSPBBOOS NEW YEAR. J ?. hrraU Co.. GBOCFKfj. Can be found at tbe old ttand, -i. ; i ' tn r ATXTTSV1LLS STBEST, ; With a Cboiee and Well Selected Stock af t SUpla and - ' ( . ', i jANCY jjrrOCEIES. Qualitv and prices of goods guaranteed.' Prompt delivery to all parts of the free. city 114 Now is the time to order Coal for WINTER SUPPLIES When the best article can be had at lowest prices and delivered clean from the ears, hav ing never toucnea tne earn eince taaasi mas the mines. ., - . -;- r . ) . -!:-. . TBI! FREIGHT ON . GSSCO Is reduced for a short time and all who ex. pect to use it should order at . eaee anal save 60e to tl.00 Per ton; 1 1. OtAVORITE Ktods of Anthracite Coal can be had bow bat cannot be rotten at all later in the season. Boletus have your orders at once for both ainassna sixes. , r ' r p JOlOSAPOWXLli . j- o NE THOUSAND GOOD COBN, AND Meal Bars wanted bv I JONE8 V POW&XL, I FavettevIIle St. and Central Depot, Baleigh,N.& Winter Goods o- Every Depai intent to be sold at CLEARING PRICES. LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS AND WRAPS, f Short Wraps and Newmarkets. i Balance of our stock In LADIES' AND MISSES WBAPS offered at Ms per eeatlese than value. ) 0. H. d I S. TOCREB d CD. tint XamMw tmt Ma ut. houss m WUmuton street sl to nry rest- denes, fa aa offlos, the rooms I nowoooupy : ' ; , 14 . It 14 I t v sa 1 1111 II 1 1111 1 I I VUUU1I UUUJ1 tn ths raw of Battle Mertecal wia be r f ' ...... FOR 8ALK OR RENT. FOR RENT. Tft will be I tha valuabte aa4 popular. ATLANTIC HOTEL, MOBEHXAD, N. C, Conslstia; a thoroughly quipped aoUL Ten-pin Alley, Bar Room, Billiard Room, dub Boom and all other adjuncts,, which mass Most Complete, Largest and Most Popular suMim aasoar is tn soum. This hotel, with Improvements, eostlnc f- than t75,noo, is la tboroush repair, to . legantiv and amplr ruraUhed, and has beea since tta construction In 1SS0. extensivalv ad ' I vartiaed and popularly managed. Of tbe thou- wads who have visited Morehead, not waa has " loft without expresalhg a dcprs to return. ; With all these advantages and th attractiona -f: tht ellmate, tha bathing, tha ashing and, : tha gnaning. It Is bound to booome, tfaotat ' nady, Um aaat tsujra llaaltli swad I And preseat a better opportunity tor suc cessful aad . profltable management than any betel ta America. - Ths hotel, with cottages, '60 guests, has about 100 sh will aceommodats l sleeping apaitmenta. msUt aw sum, nd all hahUobelv furnl ilahea as asa or enerry, wtta wter, gis ana aiecens Mils 1b each room. Ths ball room, one hundred feet tqaare, is the flneat la the 8outh, and the dialog teem Msumprgrama. I The average number -ot guests during Um season to at least three thouaaad, from auths Southera States. For illustrated pampldat, "Morehead City as j as a 8ummer Besort," aad ether Imformation . apply or writs to TAIT B. ICOOBsV JAMX8 MOOBX. er 8PIXE WmTAKXB, doSldtt gALS OF YALUABUC LAKD. Under aad by virtue of the power oanf crrad tat a eertala mortgage deed executed by A. T Sater aad wife, oa the ssth day of January, 1880, and recorded In book 58. pegs SAO, ragto. tar of deeds' oflioe, Wake eouaty, aad at the re ouast si said mortgagors, we will on Meftday. tha 35th day at January, 188b, at the eourfo ooor m Kaieigh, , f at is o'etoek as i to sale to the blrhest bidder. Ue tries land descri'fd ra ssld mortcace stoed, reeorded as aforesaid, being- a tract , ti land situated shout four miles east el I m theTaroor read, adjolalag ths lands aaoaey raroaaaa etharsc eeatammg SBO aaara es teaa. The tract win ns sold aa a waess r la separate parotitic may be detarmined sa ; Cay f sale. Ttrma ef aale, cash; er If daslrsd, i aaataM aaaa mmA kluM mm m. mrrndm. mt aaa dtwa years, with Interest at ebrht ver etns. PartUs desiring to ta aegottato lor a privato sale ssay eau an A. T. Batar ra the primlssi. aZIX2l 11 . . ; I'M- A valuable' nofise and tot for ssle tn tbi very heart of Balelgh, H. C ; Under authorttv mvVsted to me by the Su perior court of Wake county tn a decree in tha special proceedings entitled B C. Freeman and other, ex parte.. I win sell at pwbUe aue tion, to the highest bidder, at the eonrt-houaa dooi la the city of Baleurh; N. O, Saturday, theeth day of February, 1886, that very desir able property, consisting of one house and lot located oa the corner of Martin and Balls bury street ta said city and ranntag back 68 feet to B M- Moore's line. Sale at IS o'clock m. Terms one third cash aad tbe balance be one year, with Interest at 8 per cent. : - B.C FREEMAN, Cfeminaarioaer Pacn A Hounso, AttArneys. January 6th, 18S6, dtd. ' KING & MACYii' ii-. ooygtioross hnx House and ,' Sign Patotfng; No. 1 East Davie Btmsder Law.fcdlng. We do sTalsomrntng, Gtoains Gratnmg aas general House Painting. - . Snedal taellities tor SIGN WOBK. Orders from any dtofsnee solicited, rafsranees aivaav c .. daaS dly. NOTICE- ! JUST KKJUTXB ' AT ' " ' ' '. M.T. Norris& Bro 20,000 pounds Shucks. . 20,000 pounds Wheat Straw for bedding. , 100 barrels Paupsee Fhmr. 100 ban Orange Grove Flour. Io0 barrels Carolina Favorite Ffour. 50 barrels Sugar. 2?5 bags Fine Bolted MeaL f 1,000 bushels White Cora. 100 bushels Teed Oats.' 20,000 pounds Fuse Timothy Hay. CaQ aad mice our roods beforS TOU TltUV' ehase elsewhere. M. T. NQRRIS & BRO. NOKTH CAROLINA GRANITES AND SAND8T05XS, Pi Linehan Co, WIrattevDkK.EsJelgivN i Favorabto Tsrms foraopplylu; GrasdtoSaftd' tones el tha Best Qnaitty m sav QnantttSsar ! I nrtrrtil Ifisrrtts it IT nadeasi aaai Wadasa t Irirnt, TT r i ftsnpla tartnTlsa rnr hV'-r aa6 ' ZLJ&SiS p55thVta i i i' T. is a.j.. " rw-vy r STTT ' lr : w. m - ' mm W mmt mmmm u mMwmmmmm.M U X- ... I' " r - - t ?. -. i'iJ f V Ditf ThilrmwMforniwlybfiitid ZJTZIE

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