! t )' I . JM 5' j ' . :'r!IS--HI:i ! JU-r 4 1 1 1 . , A 1 tit. ERVE VOL.XXVL KAJiEIGIi. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. J-ANUAUY 20. 1886. J! . . f i . L V . - at AND R . - - il- e ! " : J -r - ? I i'. I v '" 1 t , ' '-4- AbsolutelyPiiiryi Thn ' powder never varies. A marvel ol tim-lty,1 strength, and wholeaomeness. ' More economical than ordinary kind and cannot be aid la competition with the multitude of low. teat, inert weight, alum orphospbate powUen Sold only in . cans. Rotal Bakqio ; owj.Bt Co 108 WaU Street, New York. - h l bold bjr W v A u estronacn, theory : Stronach and J E Ferrall ft Co. Men rise and fall aiid are lost sigit of in the! rapidly changing scenes of 'life, " '' . '! "" " - ; . t ij r ; i l j : but principles lire on. We are ; fallj i ' " ':::ififf a Awarer tEai in changing our location .to the other end of the line- of Racket work we will be meaurab!jilost to man j most pleasant acquaintances :jie hare made sinoe coming to Raleigh but with all this w are glad to repeat gain the Backet hag "come to UjVIand its principle, of giting to the inasses their- .i merchandise fresh .from the slati, ter-' pens of credit, wilt live" on .... .. .! .- ..n S- sphere of the- Backet is and Bettered in ..A -! , '.. '.. .: . .' . -t every way ' transferred to one : of the foun andatof the great system with . its iieehtei - '. ' ' .-. -'::". "'"1 ";, li'ry in New York: ? a system that j worki A revolntion wherever it touches, in favor of the masses, . giving them a; rtxeat from the pit-falls of credit. Mritnrcell? 1 5 H v who takei oof place, you will find a perf feet gentleman, of undoubted Is and ability, and while we bespeak Tfor, . him your confidence, we his ability and willingness notonly to dtt- plicate bur prices, but tp cut f them in ' it T your faver wherever possibU..; Mr. Parcell ;is receiving the largest ;stoct of goods ever 'far. the - Bkeynd t will 1! r f use every exertion to supply the want of everybody in . all lines wit greatest value for the least money. : ft th the With; oar heartfelt thanks to ill, cjk pecially those who fought oil values and sent as the trade, for one! and al) we shall ever cherish the ij: kindest memories. Bespectfully, .- ! -.a hit W. J. D AVISOS COi, KRAMER'S NOK UrTTErt on the markc'i Mac jt Be ectel leaf Sad t be -XoUek! MAKUfALTDlUCD of. mmmmi mm a rw ; , - - ft ' PUR HAM, N. 'Oi i . f, S, i i B. -Stronach bavtaa: ponhased the Grocery bustneM oi w. c. a a. b. mroiv a. u nartlea who an: Intlrbted to tb euneero ar rv pit SIM. - i . ." '. .e j " ; - . r4;; "arid the only, enlarged i . ' ; ... i . ! . ffof i ia ,j. - CENT uMtod to ooum torwui and make immediate A eurious Christmas card in London was of brown paper, with llardjTiiues" as the inottol '. ! ...i' .t r-A manuscript epitaph'in the posses slon pf an Italian reads: "Jlere lies Sal dino? Ariuato d'Armati, of Florence, the inventor of spectacles. Miy Ctod par don Jiis sins.- vThe year 1318.' f 4Pere Hjaeinthe has been writing to a iournai in Paris unrine tbe abolition bt tJie French presidency. One- man iu power. smaeks ol rojalty, ho thinks!, and bo he favors the substitution of ek-ctive consulates for l'Tesideuts. . I The present week is on e of expec tancy for those who arc interested in the Irish question.!' The lines between the tyrannical aud xheooueiiiatory pulkies will necessarily assume si me distinct ness, and there will be much revealed that there is ah anxiety to know about. I Alton H. Budloug ht vdu g mili tary buV, long jfOf be remembered by old fjbldfcrtfcf 'He a a lieutenant in the iiinth cavalry at Yoit Leaycnw'rtii, and resigned in order to btcouic oatl r to the camp, that prolitoii..igIit scenic. His offense was rank, and le nipped it in the bud. A j M. de Freycmet hts evidctitly heaid of the man who. got rich by at tending to his Own businesf, and thinks thai it will be a good rule ;nr Frauco to follow. ' He therefore announce that he Will hot keep any more foreign iron's in the lire than he can help and: will en deavor to make nds meet i it home, j -4-Large quantities of ice, six inches in tmcKness ana oi spicuuiu uauiy, have been eut and housed lat Augusta; Ga. by an enterprising arm, who ex; a'dmiton. Mr. Saulsburys amendment peCt to reap large returns It is said ' was Jostj yeas 22, nays "29. The reso this is the first time in the hisUry of lution admitting Mr. Moody to the vour Augusta that natural ice his been stored tcsy of the floor was agreed to. away in the city. i l l jhgaUs' resolution of yesterday ?. Kx-Senator Thurman, pjf Uhiownt-1 ing to his old friend, O. B. FickJin, Oi Illinois, uses the followi ig' language; fxhuwill never be gratlied by seeing me iin pablio life again. 1 L ami now oo the retired Jist, with my own full cou- jBeni, and with no inclination Whatever! for active life except as a citizen." j I When Gen. Sherman wasUt! Fort Batard he wasasked by an Bidiaii cinef forlan old field-piece' that stooii out iu; the encIosure -'Oan't huve it.t iwaa the ahswer. "Why not ?' '-What d(k Winift wint with it: to kill ?Boldito,?sY" f 'Sldiejrs 1 . gh no. I 'so feii kill Wwhoys.' Kill soldiers w thcjubi' -HThe smoke of hell in the I perform ances of 'Orpheus" at the ptcWj York Academy of ; Musio is sai4 ;toi be .very h'natural.'t Xu other wor is, it is-much like the smoke of that other populous cuy,-ltonaon.. lh"8VmofPrtheecletary of the treasury to inform method. JsaecU-ic lizrutsi . fa ' . .,if duoed by anew 7 iff i i r i , . , V - i i6e set behind : cohered glof mtA -UCBC rP! were appea: to . rise everuangingi ciouos, utue,; greeu anu uiaoa ny turus oii variously iningiuj. if T; H vy uiiain jy. v a.iaci uui nas nougat Jekyl uland, one vt tne ikMtlbeadtifal: off, the peorgiacori, io-- a .v inter resort; it is aDOUt niue mnos ion - aao aooui two wide, aud iti wiouo lu -ul forms one ol the most beautiful bc.tcu ol the 'Allan-? tic. coast. Andrew Carnegie, the million- airn iron kiu of Feusyl v Jiiia, now Qwus the extreme end of yuuiberlund IslautA adjoining 'Jekyl, and has spent a quarter million dollars iulmproviug jit; hn house alone costing giau.uou. :;. A iNow Ur loans dispatcU annouuecs the! death in . that city ot Uric Augustiu ooloreu, aged izo years, she was a She native of Africa, ' and was brought to thU cutrywaen abouUwenty years of agf . . one was in gooa neauu tutu ,a uionh ago, When she begau to decline and gradually sank. She retained her menu! faculties to the last. ' She re member ed throughout her life the' lan guage she had learned inj: Africa, arid also spoke, f,bnlish and reneh 'pti? utly. ...': - . i i -i: I ;i The exclusivcnvss of the Chinese, which was regarded by us as an evi dence of baroarity, Until we imitated it by excluding Chiuameu, finds arallel4 in Uermauy aud xvussia. dred thousand Prussians ivuout a uuu have been or- dered to leave the dominions of the Ctar within eight mouths, and the Poles con tinue to oe driven out of eastern 'Prussia.- -An American citizen has ueiu also bieen'iouuested to leave ) by the Ucrmin or Prhsaian government. , Bismarck is j ti beasketlln the Landtag why tholes must go, anu our state aepartuieni win probably display a littlei curiosity iu re gard to our citizen. The real Buutorck- tan reply is that npn3 but:Utrman citi zens are wanted in Germany, j This comes about as near jbeingi exclusive as , ti ;y J.-- . , , P ''',' For those to whom the stately style At nmTTiir.. la nil nn ninsi. eihimiiiiliiv. luuiu vt - -or - arc now a uuinuer oi preny ;; iul iuodes of arrjangmg the tresses. . -ne is called the "Leah" sty le in which the 1 . -- , ... . t j : ' A t i IX Oil, ftaT- ta- va4 vi "W " - - L : Ul t-UC ueau, :vu m. rv v basket-ploatmg is then made ottnc entire jengtn oi na.r, au wucu 'H Ig lata in a upngut com atwuvwie ueau ...1 .lnisA tVi wuv(il front. A larife jeweiiea comD is I JM Tfl . . "3 ,r style, uejnairis tiea, wien uisposcau over tbe crown ot tne neau m cons soft loops; these held in place1 by head pins set witn- 'electric f ajamonos. vi' evenihff dress blondes wear Strings oi pearls intertwined with these colls; uru i netUs choose garnets. -I J; No one cau uke morphia or other Hint l.iltl Ward HttJ porous without injury. ' ' '.'j No morphia or opium! is to be found in Red Star Cough Oure.: I of Tennessee. No case of cugh that cannot be cured ited. ' t k VLA Star Cduffh CikreV f ill Mr.BraffC ' No remedy is cheaper; "it costs only IWentV-uVe 0eni. n CO.MiKKSSIONAI, rili.NIl.VCH .HATTER roU'IlE VEBV J S ' i I.KiHTLV. Th, iltJvtaa lw tr Bi!l Bportl nc ,1 adorl. Washington, Jan. 19 SknaVe. Mr,. Morrillii from the committee on fi iiuuce, rcj.ortod a resolution xtoaling the custoih house investigation, :rrdcred for the port of New York to sucliothor ports as tbe coitmjittee might deem bos' 31 r. Harrison's resolution of yester day,:o adniit Mr. Moody, of Dakot1, to 'the floor- of the enate, was laid beioV the. Senate. ' Mr. Vest yielded to no man in cou: tesy to apolitical or personal opponent, buti thought the people whom ' Mr. Moody represented had not been cour teous to the 'Senate, and Mr." Vest be lieved that courtesy should be recipro cal. J :Those ' people had acted agninst the deliberate pariramchtary action of Congress add had taken action that Mr. Vest declared to be revolutionary. ' Mr. Saulsbury moved to amend Mr, Harrison's resolution by adding: !hut the courtesy hereby extended shall not be considered as indicating any recogni tion ibf the right of Dakota to admission as aiftaic into the tJnion.'' Mr, Butler expressed" himself as willing to admit Mr. Moody to the floor, but thought Mr. S; Saulsbnry's amendment a very proper bne.) Mr. Saulsbury did not want the . courtesy extended to Mr. Moody ta be misunderstood ,in Dakotd. it was not to be taken as a pre-jud- fuieut -of the application of Dakota for was plaocu betore the benate, calling ou the secretary of the treasury for infor mation as to what proportion of the $l0,00O,000( of bonds called for Febru ary 1st was held by national banks, and how; much by each bank Mr. Ingalls modified hts; resolution by withdrawing a clause requiring the naming of specific ?on- ) iaift inis- ne 8aia ' W 3ue5 Pf interested m some banks whoso bonds had been called in ?T Pynent;mlebruary.nd who feared I"cauon or tnat tact m.gnt inter rereiv or ampair tueir creait Mr. Fry's resoiutiou of yesterday, re garding . the PresJdcnt's rccomtnenda tion for a fishery commission, was placed before the Senate and without debate referred to the committee on foreign re lations, i : j Mr. Ingalls offered a resolution, which vaeoenave wnasaraounioi suver ouinon ha(l beea purchased for coinage in each year since July 1,1880 ; in what market had been pi purchased in each cose,! and : from whom, , and the price paid also whether in any instance all bids, had been rejected, and if so for what reason, and in what money or cur rency payment for such silver bullion had Deen made. i The president's! count bill was placed before the Senate,' but was informally laid aside. ; lr.: Teller addressed the Senate on theisilyer question, in favor of the free - 'Ji!... i r mi coinage oi suver iur. Aiorrui gave i notice j ' 'reluctantly, ' ' ho said, of his intention to ask the Senate to listen to him for a short time tomorrow,' on the subject of silver, a "subject," Mr. Mor rill ironically remarked, "which seems ,8 te this chamber. to attract so enthusiastic a gathering of Adjourned. f HocSB.-rA large number of executive communications were laid before the House by j the speaker. Among them was a letter from the chief of engineers asking for an, immediate appropriation of M, 000 for the general work of the survey on the Mississippi river. The communications were appropriately re ferred. ' Mr. Bracir, from the military commit tee, reported back the bill for the relit f of Jfitt John Porter, and it was placed on the Hoiuse calendar. It authorizes the: Presidont to appoint Fitz John Porter Ao the position of colonel in the army and in his discretion to place him on the retired list as of that grade, pro vided that Fits John Porter shall re ceive no pay, compensation or allow anca whatsoever prior to his appoint ment 'under this act. The committee adopt the report submitted to the last last.Uonereoa, but adds that it has care fully considered the objections made to the bill in the veto message of President Arthui. and is clearly of the opinion that they are not well founded and frt v.l a A an A tt ttt A I vuti fax w uvv n vu xv uuuuu nuu puuuiu I . . , K , . ' I .nhra i,f tha nnmmlttM i . ; w. - i Mr.Jlduimond. of Georgia, from the j QOuimitWe oil judiciary, reported back rt 1 U, Mill W ViaiUiB Ul War WftJkCO uu- 4. - ...... a Ain ... MH 1. .. J.- a . r- v .1 I ta flu, a.f rt A n irnat. v IKIkl riv t.nu I ITtiitod States, heimr' a aet-off against g - . p . tb; i!u.t,d States. This was placed, on the House IguJj ; I ii v. .1 . - - .. public lands, reported back a bill for feting certain grants of lands made to ifati States to aid in the Construe or - . f -,At 2.15, on motion of Mr. E. JJ. Taylor, fof Ohio, the House proceeded to the consideration of the Benate reso lution, ; accepting the : statue of President James A- Garfield, pre sented: ; by ; the .Rotate of Ohio ( Eulogies upon Garfield were1 pronounced I by Messrs. Taylor, McKinley, tieddes. I Butterworth, of Ohio, and Pettibone, The resolution was adop- of Wisconsin, made attempt to have the Fitz John Porter lpiu uiu mo aueviai oru9( ivf oiuruv at 'j.30 o clock, but Mr. Dumiam, of Illinois, objeited. fjo House ad journed. BcialBbctuccs r tbm Vtm Un. J-ttiu D. FTMntii. DaNVKRii Col;, Jan. ' . Wi A dispaU h from Canon City to the Tribune-llepub-licau say!: "Gen. John 1). : Freeman, who died suddenly in this city at 10 o'clock last night, of inflammation of the bowels, was attorney general for Mississippi immediately preceding the war. - lie was also a number of Con gress from that State for two terms, and to his efforts was due the suecess of the Vicksburg, Shrevepcrt & Paeific rail road. . He was the author of 'Freeman's Chancery lli-ports.' Geu. Freeman was a personal friend of the Jate Vice Presi dent Hendricks and also of dttorney gentral Garland. Hp was at the time of his death a candidate for appoint ment as Uuitcl States marshal for Col orado and his caaididatiire was widely endorsed. He was bcld i a great respect and esteem by thd'tcoi t. roughout the Mate. i Madrid, January lU.'r-The : govern ment of 6pain has drawn the attention ot France to the - suspicious movements oi the Carti&ts aud republicans ou the frontier, and have askid- her to prevent any hostile demoustratiqua against Spain from the French territory. , j At a meeting of tha cabinet, Senjr Sagasta, prime minister read a letter J from the Pope condoling with the! Queen and her daughters in their loss by i the death ot the Kiug.ad- sending them his blessing. His Holiness also offers to assist iu strengthening the position of 6pam so far as he can possibly do so within the limits of his spiritual mission. Woaltiugrtua ifum. VVa8utngtos, Jan. 19 i- It Is repo- tod' that the finance committee of the Senate at its uiecting this movutug,- determined upon a new form, of inquiry, to bo seat to the heads of department, to elicit information with respect to nominations which may be uudtc consideiatioH. lieasons for making removals will not be asked, but all papers pertaining both to appointmeut and removal, will be called for.;' " i:-H -: ' ' A Sad Nir. .j - Jackson viLii. Fla., Jau 19 About four weeks ago ltobort -H. Small, thifd auditor of the Baltimore & . Ohio rail road, was married to a young lady of Covington and came to Florida; on a weddjing tour.' After stopping in Ja k sonville a few days they went ta Pa la tk a, when Small' Wgau to exhibit symptoms of .mental aberration. ' Last, week he disappeared from the hotel and did not return until ' the next day, having spent the night some distance from town with a farmer, leaving his young wife in an agony of fear. Tues day he started for a siiil on the r.iv -r, but his boat capsized. Reforming' to his hotel he changed his clotbir.g mid again went out on the-river in a boat, after which he was uof seen until-11 o'clock this morning, ' when his body was found on the river bank with his head resting on his overcoat. There weve-no signs of violence, and the pi.y- j siciaus decided that hi died ironi ex- 1 po&ure. ins Doay nas oern craoaiuK ej ' aud reached this city tonight en 'route for Baltimore, If. accompanied by, 31 ra. small Brlilak TroOH ltt Uwrioa u. Masdalay,' Burnih Jen. 11). -Fly ing columns of the t Belli h troop.i sent on rcoonnoitering expeditions have re turned to Mandalay. Alley :loKtcven men luuea aua wouuaea in sKiriaisnes with the Dacoits. The loss of th J latter is unknown, lleiuforccuients are iiccdod here Much uueasiaess prevails regard- ing the Bituatiou. Europeans long f. the arrival of Lord Diitferiu, viceroy of India, when it is hoped that a firm polity wul be adopted. : . Gidton-a Actio. nd lu Rnniu. BaufAST, Ireland, Jan. ; 19j' Tie loyalists here are indignant over Glad- stone's refusal, to receive a deputation of loyalists trom tuts city, mere is a marked revival ot party feeling" in the north of Irclmd. Iish loyalits ure arranging for meetings in the leadiug towns of rmgland, for the purpose of ob taining support. - :. ; Kw York oltoa Fatar. New Yowi, Jan. 19. The Post says: Futures opened dull and lower, lost an additional 2 to 3 jpoints, but recovered part of the decline and sold at the third call : One hundred bales February 'at 9 24: 1.900; March 9.34; 100 Octob 9.48. ahowiuff a reduction of 3 to I nr.ir.fa f.mn vratirdav'i ftsniflr Fa- tures closed quiet and firm, 3 points lower than yesUruay; Sntor (iriuatt RclecUKl. Annapolis, Md., Juuuat-y -i'ho vote for United Mates biuator in tte Maryland legislature resulted today ii. the senate, for A. P. (jormani demo crat, 21 votes; torliouis tit :.Mer.mas, reiublicau. 4 votes. - iu the houe, for A P llrtrrnan 79 vot9 ? Mftfoina-i 10 vot's 1 ' ' ; ' . . , r-, Proruiuuai i iqutttt . prevents some doctors from; dVw Msmg their sKiii, out we arc nouna oy uo suci conveutiontl rules find think that if wc make a davery that is of benefit to our fellows we ought to spread the fact to the whole hnd. 'Therefore we cause to be published throughout the land the fact that Dr. R.?V. Pieree's "Gold en Medical Discovery" Is' the best known remedy for consumption (scrofula of the lungs) and kindred diseases. Send 10 cents in stamps for;l)r Pierce's complete trtatiso on,' consumption, with unsurpassed vmeans. of self-treatment.. an I Address World s Dispensary Medical As socu t.on, COS Main Street,' Buffalo, N. LljKWXAM. MKK AND LEY IT r. A jtcnrl (tPUMlnK of Kvi tm Tritna pirlnfat tlital. i frpetial Cor. of the News and Obsekvkr 'asiiinoto.v, .Jsinuary 19. What a chajpge a day hath wrought! Had President Cleveland died yesterday John Sherman would now be President; should hi dii today secretary Bayard would be our next chief magistrate, sim na the succesoiox The presidential succession bill which passed the House las't week was returned to the Senate for, enrollment it being a Senate bill only yesterday, the upper branch of Congress not having been in session hrfore:s:ne( last ThursJny. The irrertiueni:iiaving jusi signea too bill l is a law at lasf. 'J he succession, there fore, has piss4d from the npublicau to the democratic party, as it lia.- from oue branch (the legislative) to another (tue executive) branch of the government. This transfer , "though simply effected, and creating little comment, attended by no exerteiricht, is in ijtself quite a po litical revolution ; and the fact that t has been so qniotly accomplished is only another ncorejon the tally-sheet of illus trations that th people of this country are fully competent to govern them selves. i caholIxians IX . coxuREsn. All the House committees have held one meeting, at which time organizations were perfected- In most cases the com mittees have -already been divided up into sub-committees. As the second members ou the foreign affairs and agri cultural committees, Oen. Cox aud Col. Grceu have - respectively been made chairmen of tie mst important of their sub-couiiuittei'S. Mr. lieid is on the most important of the , war claims t-iib-cmuiUtecs, and Judge Bennett holds a similar position among his brethren of the judiciary icommittee. Capt. Skinner, Mr. Hcudersin, Col. Cowles and Mr. Johnston :uo?all well to the front in the organization pf the committees to which they were asigced ; and, taken alto gether, Norilj Carolina baa no ause for complaint of the treatment received at the hands of Mr. Carlisle in the organi zation of the Committees, or of tue sub sequent acknowledgements with- which the merits and deserts of our represen tatives have been met So now they can all go to workat legislation "ungui bus et rostra;" COSGRESSMVW COX8 COMMITTED CLERK. . , As cbairmsi f the House committee on reform in he civil service. Gen. Cox has appointed Mr. T. Bi Womack, of North Carolina, clerk to that committee. The position.' is a desirable one, and the salary, which is annual the incumbent not being what is known as a "session- 1 it. ' 11 -11 t cleric' more aesirapie sun. ccatiN in Hts Chairmanship. This old geutloman continues to sulk over his defeat in the race for the chair-' ' manship of the committee on foreign af- t 1 . I 3 T1 1. 1 ? rf 1 a,ra- aua cpuoncans, onc oi wnom ne was wnjcp .unui a . very; late uay, agrv'o witn nim in tne opiuion tnat it was r a great outrage tor the speaker to prefer a life-long Democrat and able New Yorker to this veteran ex-llepubli-can war . governor ot tbe dyed-iu-the- wool : lladical-Uepublican Keystone State. Btitsin the performance of its duties I hardly think he will be missed bv the coiiunitteo on foreign affairs 'm sure he never will bo missed !" MILLER ON MOXEV. , The declination of cx-Governor Curtin us chairiuauoof the committee on bank itig and currency makes Mr. Miller, of Texas, the Second member before, chair- i nun of the committee This makes I twouty-soveii of theforty -eight chaar- mausmps wnicn nave gone to tne ooutn. Crood iur Uixto i iur. iuiuer isaoanser j tft j a financr of no mean ability and no ; little exDerieuce. but he is a banker of tae Southern school and the Wall street j 8UatK8 &re BOt likely to take kindly to him. ! MOSEY FOR TUB MILITIA. ' f : Squalor Jewell has reported favorably from 'the coniuiii tee ou military affairs the bill introduced by him for increas ing the autfrual appropriation to the mil itia.; The hiil provides -for an anuual appropriation of GOO.OOO. Our soldier bovs iu NoHh Carolina will be glad to. leai h that there is not only no doubt of tbe passng! of the bill; iu its present bIuido by tue Senate, but that the House -r! is likely to raise the amount to the sum ! askod at the late meeting of militiamen : m till CltV VIZ : Xl.UWiUUU, antt tnat tlio iSvnatons likely to ccpctir in the in create. JtlWji BEN SETT AND TUB BILL. Uotiu)cift has beeu made ipon the fat't that Jiidge Bennett was one of the only two OemoR'atic Congressmen who voted acrusst the presidential succession bil. I understand that his objection to the measure was not m its theory, but to what he'o.'! t.-ved to be its defects. i i.j 1. . I.. i.- i t. .1 -i vj one w bo snows tiuugo jtuneii wu j dubt b'S jjfgal learniug, and many who ! voted tor the bill,, as a choice between j tWQ evij3 fu 8imiiar; views to those eutertain,,a by our , Representative Learned lawyers tell me there is one fat il defect in the new law: It does not provide specifically enough for an elec tton (in One contingency) ad interim. Now, suppose both the President-elect and the Vice-President-elect should die between .November and March 4th Would the ' secretary of state of a! de- funct; administration Bucceed to the presidency at the expiration of his chiefs term ? If not, why not. and who would? '' ! Z PKNCIL PABINGS. None of the North Carolba Congress men have thdir families with them! ex- cept Senator Vance and Representatii. c Skinner. i i. Col. John Staples, Jndge Thomas RuSin, andBeveral other distinguished North Carolinians, have been in Wash ington recently. ' A ISenatc restaurant waiter solemnly asserts that the recent cold snap had jts origin in the fact that Edmunds and Sherman 'smolcdasmilc' of Senate "olld tea" together about that time. The frigidity of the two men's natures hi a sufficient guarantee of the plausibility ot idis theory. Miss Bayard will be buried in "W miugton, iel., today. Her untimd and sudden death was a great shock mis enure community. BUe was uni versally admired and esteemed and was the bosom friend oi? Miss Cleveland. 1 he dead lady was not, however, tie famous equestrienne, as has been stated It is her sister, Miss Nanniei Bayard. . ij ' Llewxam. -JA.tlUIt.LK t WASilINtirON R. jft. What th feynriirat ntemp1a(K Its. t-uiu ol ikio N. Y. A K. U. K. i i Cor. of the News and Observer. ; j Weldox, N. C, Jan.,18.! The writer had the pleasure of meet ing the following gentlemen of Phila delphia, Fa., on the Wilmington & Web don cars today : Messrs. James Work, II. T. Fenton. E. A Gaskill. James McManes, John Bardsjey, W. lL Good win aud R. M. Evans, agent for the syn dicate. These genilemen compose the syndicate who now owja and operate ihe Jamesville & Washineton railroad. They will at once begin Relaying ttis road with new fifty-pound steel rails; they will put on one tjwenty-five ton lo comotive, one nrfct ana, second- class pas senger coach and twelve box-cars. They will run two trains a day from James ville to Washington. ! , This syndicate is composed of Phila. delphia capitalists, who ' aire said toibe the same parties who are ' interested in the New York, Philadelphia &.Norfolk lv. it. lhey contemplate j making run ning arrangements with the Norfolk & Western R. R. over their line from Nor folk to Suffolk and from thence over the narrow-gauge road from Buckland, and to apply that: place to at once for a Charter from Buckland, in Gates county, to Jamesville, and from j Washington to Goldsboro and frpm thence on to Wilmington, in nearly a!'' parallel line witn tne. w. & w. it. it.: j rnis move-i meut means fight for somebody. The,' North Carolina railroad chess-board is evidently being marked for all it is worth and somebody is going to be hurt These gentlemen say they niean business; that they have got the mdney and they intend to build this contemplated line without fail, i ! ! ; From what the writer gathered from conversation with them, they are hacked by the Pennsylvania Central. " ' Frnk.lia jjrewa. j Cor. of Thx News and Obszrvkr. ' . LotnsBUBO, Jan. 19, 18861. ' The weathet; is wet, but there a financial drought. : Plenty of blink looking collectors with blank Receipt books. H i I :-1 '! ! Judge Phillips arrived Saturday from Pitt court and nromptly' oteiiea court here Monday. Solicitor Wor th ingtou is on ! the spot; and Wsutess under these two gentleme n la being dis patched rapidly. j- j The first tobacco sale for "Jones' warehouse" is now in progress-. Guides and prices are; oorrespondingljr gracjed, and under the hammer of Dofly Thoinas as auctioneer good prices are being real ized. ; i ; ; t ; i Near Franklinton, veBteraav evening, a few minutes after the! 'evening mail had passed , a negro man was found dead upon the track, The body was clad in an entirely new suit of clothes. i he hiau was much emaciated, i Letters on hb person, addressed to my Pear Hus band" and signed by Snsajn Brown ,Eu- field, indicated his identify. Capti J. fe. Joyner with others went to See him, aud says that ho must hate fallen as be waiKca tne tracK, witn neart trouuie, as . . . 1 Hit 1H ! . . "... no pruises were iouna on mm -, iew 4 i . r t a J1 J moments before- he was found hcjhad met a railroad hand 'and inquired ; h .w far it was to the next-station, aud s-uiu1 h was ' jroinsr to Weldond 1 Three" dollars in mouey and other Jsinill valuables are in Capt. Joy ner's' possession, wbichl-can be had by tne proper persons, t He was taken to Franklin, where an inqrues ; and 1 1 -11 1.11 I T ttTT' . k ouriai win De naa. j x. x. valkku. St. Fctrabars Klhlltata t aptnrWI." St Pxteb&biko, Russia, Janl 11)', A nihilist resdrt has been I discovered! up posite the Aumtchkoif palace in this the city. The police made a decent On place and arrtsted several ; persons found m the house lhey Beiaed a hum ber of bombs and other: explosives, a printing press and; a quantity i.f treas onable documents CoNSTANTixoPLi, Janl'i 19.'4 Owinc to the pressurei brought to hear ou prince Alexander, of Bulgaria,' he has ! agreed that negotiations for. peace : between Servia and Bulgaria shall be carried ou at Bucharest 4- Day's Horse- Powder J before the pub lie for many years, is now the farmer's standard remedy. : I h - : Ihe average kitchen lurntsnes a many dyspeptic paueuts.ior in. xjuii s ;iiam morePilbi tocure. ij . . - ;f kDr BullBaby Syrup will iqiiickly relieve all pains that ; babyhood is! sub ject to, wnether i j they . proceed b from stomach or Ibowel !4itotderi ,25cu. : " Ftxn Hxlu, Ferris' hams, Magnolia t."- n l? .' i t ' . . . uauis, juaiuuiore oitycurea ; nams oeei, tongues and line ; meats generally. E. I, liaroin n -aTr 1,1. l-y- . ', -:. :.jt . i IT IN CAUCUS THE DK0 RAT1V HEJIATORN DM tl MM t IK ATIilPATI O IHSIB ItetMeeti -MiblliHn finatrai mn iUv 4d,uinUtratlH. WAsniNGToi. Jan. 19. The Demo cratic Senators held a two hours caucus this afternoon to compare views with regard o thej anticipated issue between the Senate and the alministration, ovtr the matter jnf information about rft moVals. Senators Harris, M-utcy aal Vest, the toftnmittee appointed last week by.Mr. Beck, chairman of the . caucur, to consult with the President aiid members of the-cabinet about the m al ter, made iheir report, stating the la- . dividual views of the members of tie administration, but not 1 outlining "a defioite plan of action. The Senators ex pressed their individual opinions tat length, but no motion was made, aid nothing occurred to indicate in any way tha opinion of a majority. At 6 o'clock a suggesjbi'9n was made that the subjoct be further discussed after the Republi can position had been more clearly de- . veloped and the caucus adjourned, sub ject tii the call of the chairman, with the understanding, however, that it shotildiba called very soon. - ; t '; '- ( ' 'i i : i Daring- Ddr Pnna) lvanls trlkra.v , Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Jan. 19; The situation in the coke regions is growing serious. Last night three or four guards at th Moore wood works ventured too closojto the Hungarian quarters,' when an Alarm was given," the foreigners swarmed out of their quarters and began -a fusillade of pistol shots. Almost in-, stanjlly, every striker joined in the can--nonade and the guards broke for safer qttajrters. No pursuit was attempted' and tbe Hungarians returned to their quarters after witnessing the hasty de parture of the pntrol. No trouble hid occurred at the Standard works up to nopn. TJiis morning the Moore wood strikers held a meeting and decided to raid the "Alice i" coke ;yardr Tkey marched over and drovethe drawers-off afld then. U ft to clean out the Bessenfer Workitrs.; The "Alice" drawers Ire- Urnod to work, but the strikers again j drove them off. Work was then aban don cd and the Hungarians came back to' 1 Moorewood. The outlook is decidedly .rihnllir. - ! '!. ".T"V ; - ... A Kj Mlayahlit KUtr'a Iuaultcr.j CuATTisooaA, Janfl9.-WilIiam El- V dridge,-aboy 14 years old," killed, his- brother-in-law, 4Abijah V alliford, ie- - caase .the latter abused his wife, a sister of.EIdridge. - . . --itii.M- - 1 A UTlriMMil Hmlf-IIollday- idVXRPOOL, Jan. iy, mere will Ra - .V "T: - - -:. half-holiday , in . the cotton .market to- ? morrow.that day having been set atari for the formal opening of the Mersey unnci. . A Rabbit Foot' Fortune to Two Iii. ' ; - . ..... . j J . Mrs. M. A. Nagle is a widow lady who' resides on South and Tennessee sti, in South Memphis. : Near her Uvea Mrs. (Jhas. Knell, the wife, of an tnaus- triouj Swede, now with the Memphis ahd Kansas CityR. R. It has been daeir custom to nurchase together fractional tickets iu the LouL-iana State LottaryL Mr. Knell skid ho had in h is pocket 4i rabbit-foot lie had cut in Kansas, and it ; : would bring luck if he was allowed to buy the tickets "They gave him : 50o. y ecch, and he purchased a one-tenth ' ticket, and nailed the rabbit's foot toi tho Wall and wrote the number of the ticket. which was 69,255, an ' it drew one-tenth of the i CaDiul Prize . of 150,000. Memphis (Tcnn.) Ayaiauche, 'Deo.4; 22. y i : , . Ml Dull red cloth suits are in great favor for young ladies. KrorTtbtua-44oM Wrwf U the ho I ilv uwKihants1! when tne liver feta - cen- out of order. Constipation. drpepl. taynination of the blood," imperfect asstaiUaa tlon are certain to rnsue. But it is aaayto ,,: pr vent tbeiM) eons qneneea, and remove tbelr. r : cause, by a oouraeot If obteUa' 8tomaca,Blt- , tcrx, which stimula estlw biliary organ and rekiiktes its action. The direct requitals a' oH'M'Vt(.arai:co of tbe paint beneath the ribs a ml througb the shoulder blade, tbe nausea, " ' bi.K-hnisi, yellowness of thskimlurrettlook: of t!io tongue, nnd 'sour odor of the breath, -j . which tharacterze liver complaint. Bound ! diction and a r gular habit of tbe body are Ll nmc-s nM fiHjurrtii ny tne use oi mis eeie ; rmtfd ltorntive ol healtu, wbicn imparts a derive of vigor to the body which is it best. Kuant'Uoof wifely frBi malarial epidemics. Nerv weakues and o ver-tcntlon ure relieved by ri, and it uni-rovt s both appetite and Sleep, The fellows who eat boiled - -i 0110 t an not hope to bo free from the breath . bit suspicion. Boston Post. p T j.'Y' lelUtramorac Oreatos Core on arta for PcJn.1 i quickly tbaa any other kjmwn aenv v e-lyi KlMwmatiam, I-at'rattrta, eweuiotra, kuic JF-ecJc, lirnmca, Vurna, SKiliia, Cat , Laraba- raoci' - wsiatfcrcd TruMixrk, and onri Proprijtonr, Ba.U-jiora, Mi. U. S. A. - I . . J For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness, Croup, - Asthma - Bronchitis; Virtiooplnff Cough'" Incipient 1 Coa sumption, nd :fcr the relief of con scaptive pcrsoas in Advanced stages of the Disease. For SalefcwftU JDnjgr ,-'.V:- tr ft-1 "n - i to- i,f tin .;: k; ! ih'- t I " . Ik, A ) f t J 11 1 ' 1 1 1 Vi. k i Ml:- U " I -"7 4 ' i 1 r.j i I a as if- ; hi i f. i if n j t I r. I it -a 1 - si ml f t': t.