1"V' iy A' 'Tj VdL.3CXVL ? a. j RALEIGH, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING JANUARY 26, ISS6. - f' .:,!;'' m V- M' : : 1 y ?' : m , . AND -.? ft ti.i t.. i mm llll Absolutely" Puriei M. c. Tbw powder aerer Tartea. A nunl of iKnity, atrnigtli aad wboleaomenew. Moit eeonomlcsl than ordinary kitodi and canuot bf Aid la competition with the multitude of lov aebatt Weight, mlum orpbospbate powder obIt t cans. Botai &tom Powevj 00 101 WaU Street, New Yorkv . 1 ' Sold bjW C AAB Stronach, George 'I Btrooack umik J B. FemU Co. , : - EACKEI STORE 1 1 ,,,;3SKW8 OBSKRVATiUxNS. jf j . The New York pajwtj print rillain- ya wood-cuts of Uanda, but are able to imy nothing against him. t : -Thmahogany ' desks used by the membej-i of , the ju tiited 8 Utes Senate are,; with .few exceptions, seventy-five years old. - j ) - ''-.- '-rllas any ope referred to Sullivan as "tne noblest Konian of the man!?" If not, we hope it will not lie mentionied, for h4 iflja't. . ' -6rer babbit seems to be the ideal stafesinan the British political tuian agers jasiTt this tiuje. ','Brer Rabbit, he lay low."' . Attorney-General Garland has de clined to take'any part in the telephone case, and lias placed its entire manage ment In the hands of the solicitor-general, f "(; . .- rForty-six years Charlotte Tboaip aon of Vincennes, lad., quarrelled with her lover, Harry Poaey, but they hvoj noif-iDttade"' it p and. married, so that Charlotte has secured her somewhat Sad ed Tbgey. i- " ' , i CONUKESSIONAL ' on t lAtu th. ; the death of hia colleague, Jfr. Bankin, 1 ui offered., the cutoiuary resolutions, whieh wfre unauimously adopted,! and as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the House at 12.15 ad journed, u j The speaker appointed Messrs. Bragg, ' Van Schaick, ftevenson, Guenther, WjksnijmToN.'Jn. 25 Si.vatk.' Mr. (';irleton, Henderson, of Illinois, i and Georgo prHenfodlUie credentials of J Ion. Johnson, of New York, as a committee E. Ci WaltbaHL elected Senator from m the part of the House to take order Mitwipnj to fill the unexpired tcrn of for superintending the funeral and tj aoi' onator Lamar;; Mr. W althall ws 'hen company th remains .01 the 'deceased to sworn in by the president pro tempore his home in WiM-onsin. j The cair laid before the Senate a let ter from the secretary of the treasury in compliance wifh ! the recent resolution of the Senate asking for information as to what proportion of the bonds called for payment February 1, 1886, are held by the national banks as a basis, for -cir culation. 1 he . letter was read 8tatrs the amount of such bonds so held at $5j;009JB50.,U ! ! . , ; ': Mr. Hoar submitted for reference to nc committee .on i rules, the nropptiect,. new rule requiring that on a motion to'adj'Mirn the Senate to a day other -The Qtiebeo Masons have carried ; than ;the nixt leffisiative day the qaes u.i .11 i i.L. U t ii i' . i . i i The fitW or the starter of the great Backet stores is here; not only come . to ' ' - .'. . " ' ' i tay a'few jponths, "but to make his home h ' ;: .:' - ' ' r--'' in fatnre. I ltatted the . first Backet "store in Lynchburg, Va.', tiro yenng(b running with an i 1 ItiaaiUl i ;! pnjisyaM. incr ease of The aecond Backet'stpre was . . . - n-1 : . -. , i . ,- jitartedsJii 'L Petersburg, ?Va.,J eighteen -nontbj ago hj mf son,' who has pari- 4, - Innil thmtfa there. I started the third ; Baeket stow in Norfolk year ag. ; ;I 'i-'',---'-' ft'-'jt&fi-v.-:' '!s--ii iT'- i'ul -it-P.H?tf&w .y4.s 'Hpiim ' sold more goods in one week that had been sold at die stand in three months. i!' ' S' : j .-Ik '.i '- K: X .-;; i' f. '':0'-''f f; This U staied meielrs to jsaow yo that : i. ,.--.. . . - W. Saw' , i.W. -,V ! - ' Backet stores never ''play out.' I am r Jiere and here 4o save the people money who eal with me.' I "-cheap las Jlr.v Davis will sell goods as did,, and many thbits eren cheaper. ' My Iroods are all Ixjught for cash and will be sold t cheaper than any one ban sell who buys on time and sells the same way. I will save my ; enstomers at least twenty-fire per . cent Many people stand with their tired, resJU T . 11 less eyes peering out npon the 'fiur 4wajr,y and see these big 'chances est cape because 'threir wealth is scattered ' among people who never pay. They see these "landslides" gathered in by, men who through long years of experience - have gone to the very foot of the mat- ter' and have mastered the ' ' ' -.v ' ' ." ' -; . "Pay as you go." subject . 'K i : VOLNEY PUBSELL.! , . ' - " i ' . FFICS rOBEEKT. Havuk- leased from January' lt the h-w ture on WUwinsrton "t-K neat to my reW Mnett, tor an ttio", Hie room I now oc-ui.j in Lh rear of Battle MnrJal will bf (: rant. Annlv to tt. H. Battle ir thf uinh timd. RICH'P B. LEWIS. iia ! ... . oul selvos indepebdent of the Grand Koyal Arch chapter of England. Trouble nap Masons insisting upon recognizing Koyal Arch chapters in Quebec in de fiaoce'.bf the p'rotest of the grand chap ter of Quebec, r . '. '.'J- - ' ii; -The accident in the coal mine at Newburg, West Virginia, turns put to have been more serious 'han at first re- Thirty-nine men were, working in a shaft, 350 feet from the mouth of the mihe, when an explosion of poison ous gases took' place. It is believed that eyery man perished.' e "of our' esteemed contempora- 'heS of Philadelphia admits that at least a snousana women in tnat city , sieep with masks oh their') faces. VVe don't blame' them. If our women were as hojnely as those of Philadelphia iasaallj axe; they would wear masks night and l Lord Dnffenn advises Europeans not to iexpo'sO . themselves singly or in small parties in. Burmah. An .English prov oat-marsh al at Mandalay, desiring tQ 'make a Barman confess to a conspir acy, stood him among the! .corspes of five Daooita who had just been executtdr and had a file of soldiers present their rmea at ''- him, ' thfeaWning 1 him I with! instant deaths if he refused. From 'this ; we would say it was hardly w?se i for ;the Burmese to expose themselves singly or m small parties an jsunnan. ! m :,: I jtery ecnt aid altogether lovely agonyM thesdagdniiing days iaifor a youngllady i& Ibegpl borrow of buy! a buatty loosing uiack doiuo wunaiong heck ahct a bunch of cheap' straw fwiek- erwork around it. ; fihe fthen . nrbetieds !to:gUitithha pantand,! after it is completed, transmits it pr special messenger to: her best vou'i' mSaui The aeep, pnermoBi eiginncumo qi tnu is 'Jjou are gilding the r;l , to rum which leads from inside il.ef bottle;" Thus a temperance )o;tur.e is palmed off as a VWork of art'i ? plaids iqr costumes there appear two extremes but no mediums. IThore are sh6wn either enormities in: blocks of color,' divided by hair lines - of bright contrasting color on;, the .one band, or pin checks showing odd combioadons of varied colors. These are to be pur chased in soft dre8ed and I undressed cashmeres and vigognes, drap d ete camels hair and Austrian wool and Jersey bodices of stockinette of a shade moMiuevL w we ueepes coior oi p i ana or check iare more worn over, skirts of these fancy.- fabrics than, waists whicht match them in kind Collar, cuffs and , Ho lier waistcoat 1 ot : the plaid anenow Usually added: to these bodices I :l?ine groea and a' new pale golden fawn shadefwitH a hair line of bright jVehe- tiaiired, is a color eombination in plaids nrery popular .over i the sea. U"&e-mt- img jerseys j oi. aarn-grwu stoctturciu; are Worn with theso plaids, and the waists are trimmed with heavy ap pliques in green and gold j beads. Sou tache and raised work in silk chenille, the mingling of these fabrics producing .trimming which is very rich and novel iu effect. ' ; : 1 v 'i ' i ' I 'A good way to determine tlin-iual-Ujr and value of a marl is ; to deVrmine how much of the material is soluble in iimmon v muriatie acid.l This can be procured in any drug store, and' ought inot to cost moe thin ten eents a pound . )ne pound of the "acid will be 'enough .d test three or fonir specimens o)f juarl. f.Mix'ihe acid.with-Pne quart of rain; wa iter attd put this . in .a bottle for use: jTjakeia tablespoouful of tho taiaterial stippo8cd to be mar), put this iu a large .lass .or earthen vcsswl (avoiding metal viie dlseiiy audi slowly pohr over the ii-a-;terlaf U half jeaciipful of the ! diluted i ituriatiu ucid. - If it is & marl tle : effar- ivescence will show this -fact.;, if it j1L dissolves, leaviDg no residue or, but lit tle at the bottom of the vtssel, it ikti.arl f good quality.- If but little is'dis olved and a larire residue is l.tft at the '.o'iioin qf the disiij it i of inferior qual ity., ; By weighing out on dolicatetscles a deuuite uuuutity of the dry uuatc riai, ay-4U0 grams, aud then . weighing the washed and dried.residue which is insolu ble, in the acids, au estimate can be made of tue percentage of active nd i inactive mat rml iu any specimen of marl. I be insoluble residue . is of no value. A popnlar and Bioiple test to distinsusb be iweeii inarl and clay is made by: placing a lump of the material in a basin of water and jeaviiig it undisturbed fyr'a short tituo..' ;. If it Is marl it w ill crumble down iuto a diffuse mass, but if clay , it I h 8nwl Wat. im Certain fa prs VVashivotox, January 2.".- The Ben- ate today conhrmed tb4 nomination 1harles J. Can da to be assistant treas urer of the United States at Kew York. In executive session today Mr.1 Ed munds in behalf of the committee on lj judiciary reported a resolut ion directing uie attorney i general 10 lu.hisn to toe Senate copies of all papers and docu ments on tile in Lis department relating to the administration v( the officejef i nuea outtes aieirict aHfnoy-xo the southern district of Alabama. The res olution was agreed t without debate. It LLEWXAM. OVB JSEW K tRKATI t E ' 5fATIOAt.:APITAlL raot THE Breafcrk Ahead- Ttie Prvmldeat Flrm (Jenerkl laiAnr. Special Cor. of the Nxws akd Obshrvkk. Washington, Jan. 25, Unless the reports and rumors, with which the air is thick at this moment, turn out to le unfounded in fact, the political ball wjll open when the Senate meets at noou t 'day. The dance proni' ises to be a 'lively one, and the partici pants wiu;be exclusively Senators, the President and bis cabinet. REQU1SITIVE. REPUBLICANS. ' At a meeting of the jtfdiciary com- tee of the Senate Saturday afternoon a resolution was adopted instructing its chairman, Mr. Edmunds, to offer in the Senate at an early day a resolution de manding of the Prepident his reasons'.' for removing a certain district attorney. be resolution is expected to be intro duced today (Monday) and this expeo- and open thejgreat charity ballt' It is stated at the White House that he will go "if the pressure of public duties does not prevent." Incase he does at tend a large number of prominent men and ladies from this city will "go over', to Baltimore this evening. ' rciRKSTE C ALAMO. ! r The Washington "Sunday Gazette" of yesterday contained a well-executed and life-like cut, accompanied by a bio graphical sketch, 'of our distinguished Representative," ''Gen. William Ruffin Cox, of North Carolina, chairman of the committee f oni civil service reform, and leading member of the conipittee on foreign affairs." x Ihe appointment by the President of Mr. Thomas Bruner, of Salisbury, as one of the! assay commissioners to : i ..ii i . l . .1 , . ; tienshaUbe taken by yeas and naW :" !" uuuerswou u uoe papers are ReferrSd t; the committee on rules. : la' ! J commntee in connection offering the proposed rule Mr. Hoar . V . cn BlJjeratlon of the nomination called attontion to: the large number of of J? n D' Ptt, vice Baskinsus important bills left over on the adjourn- Peudeiv. Ifc al8 understood that a mentof the last Congress and the correi f qstnily made by tho committee snondinir number1 of Dublin rrievaheea: I "-o 8CUB"1 ior,we papers was r, o t t- r o t i t -1 ma-- meet at - the j Philadelphia, mint the 10th proximo,! is regarded as an admi rable selection! which is pleasing to the trends of the Appointee J. W. Dugjgans, of -North Carolina. has been appointed to a position in the document room of the governmit print ing omcejand Messrs; W. T. Cftho and H. V. atae are.mong the " Tar Heels tatioil causea a gooa deal of suppressed m Washington; today. ' v excitement in Congres lonal circles. It I Another heayy snow fell here jyester appears that the dommittee applied to I day and last night and it is bitter cold the attorney general for the informa-l I think a Suggestion to .march to the Tion ind Mr. Garland replied that the signal office arid mob 1 "Old Probabili f resident had given no "reasons fori ties would strike the average cituen his action iu the premises. Now thei.hereabouts with much favor today left consequently: unredressed. Mr. Hoar! depreciated the practice of adjom-! ing from Thursdays to Mondays. A joint', resolution '..from the House was: ptiiecu ociore vue ouai.e, appropriating ! r ill ' ' -Pit x .1 nl returned with a statement that the attor ney general had not been instructed by tue rresiaeni to I urn is a them. - Fire in Mw York. ; j- ! ,.!.,, ! " 4VU, OOUU.ll mvneyiortiioi wtnemrtnuneyenne; n0U3e of theWeft Shore railroad eoni- lmlians. stpn the bill was found to Upon examination and discus- spelling of some words in .the ound to be wrpng. Mr Davis said the spelling was such as to render the intent of .Congress doubtful and the matter went,over,!so as to permit of a correction; j-Mri Ingnlls severely anim adverted upon the1,; "ignorance or care lessness " ? f the engrossing clerks of "another body" from which many bills tBat- came, before the Senate emanated. In many bills sent jby that body to the, Senate for. its action all action had to be suspended: and the intent Of Congress was frustrated by the misspelling of the com monest weirds. He exonerated the Sen ate clerks from; any responsibility ; for these difficulties aqd 6aid he knew of no remedy at the disposal of the Senate ex cept ;the correcting . influence of public opinion. '-J j -H.ll- ' ' r' . xue Senate proceeded to the consider ations of; i the electoral count bill ana Mr. Morgan took the floor. He characterised Mr. Sherman's proposed amendment; as entirely new. It would throw, he said, tarn the hands of Con gress a power that was not given to Congress by the! f constitution and 4 power, the exerciae of which . under the proposed amendment' wonld tear. down and destroy one ; of the electoral bodies provided by the constitution. He'eould not see how the danger to the senate could be decreased by baving seventy- six Senators voting pell-mell with 325 in em hers, y Could ithere be a more dar ing threat or a greater danger, to con stitutional powers) than the proposition brought forward : by the Senator from Ohio, (MfSherman), supporied by tho Senator from New! York (Mr. Evarts); when they declared the right' of Con gress to create an' electoral body-which the people had neyer chosen with refer ence to the choice iof a President of the United States. 1 The Edmonds bill. Mr. Morgan said,: sobniitted the electoral returns to: the two nouses separately. Then a disagreement would , destroy the voteii-of tbvi State only when there were twj sets of returns.: If asked why the vote shown by' the twq sets of returns . should be destroyed, Mr. Morgan would reply because - a iaul of '.tTe State had muda it necessary, But toore than that, Mr. Morgan fear lessly and frankiv, defended the direct course of rejecting the vote of a State in such a case, because it was the true bourse. iHe Would wot if he could, either by - legislation or constitutional inentk lay bands on any part of more radical of thp flcpublican Senators propose to make an issue with the Presi dent himself. In ANT1CIPATIX0 THE ACTION1 the Senate is likely; to take on the reso lution, a Itepublican Congressman re marked to me that he very much doubted the wisdom of such a course, and that he did not believe f that : the resolution Llewxam. and escaped death by sufibcatioo A tank of naptha at the works of the Man hattan gas company, adjoining, was de stroyed. The total loss is placed at $75,000. H . ATutu HtiotaldlvBwl, Austin, Texy Jan. 25. The remains of the late Col.j Ashbel Smith, a veteran of the war for , Teia indcpc:idence? arrived here from Houston Saturday night, eeortod by a military guard. Many thousands took a farewell yiew of the familiar features of the veteran hero, as the remains lay in the house of rep resentatives. (The funeral; took place imposing State offi cials and univereitv 'students: Dartici- pating. The body was interred in the. state cemetery, where Gen I Albert Sidney Johnston and other famous Tex- ans rest. : -.-- pany and Wechawken ferry company, at the foot of West 4"'nd strAet. wstA de- Btroyed by fire this morning. Though could be adopted, for the reason that a the two-story building was entirely eov- numoer oi xvepuDiiean oenators peueve, oM.l ;h nnrriiifaiii.l .nn It .ni. I line nimseiT. tnat tne senate has no o ' " r r-; l . , i ... . . w- ,.ji. .fi.. ,.m. l right to. make such a demand. Senators rjCD"CIUttJ' wwruwu, wuu '!.! : l flU Evarts; of New York, and Wiison,' of J niihtary ceremonies, all the UbUOU BU1 UA 111 a US ntt LI An All IT Aa 1 ' J v , disco ver'ed the emnlotees in the baildintr I Iowa, opposed the resolution in the com- were forced bv the smoke to flee. Thevl mmee meeting, anq u is siaiea mat six- left clothing, tickets, money and all else I teen Republican Senators wijl vote againsit lis auopiion wnen ii comes oeiore the bcpdte in regular order. If one fourth of that number do bo, its defeat is assured CLEVELAND IS CONSTANT in his determination not t5 give the in AUir riBd I y i j ... I formation asked if this and a hundred Evassvillb, Ind. , Jan. 25. A epe-1 other such resolutions are passed by the cial to the Journal from Henderson, I Senate. He said to a New York.Ilerald Ky, at an early hour , this.' morning, I correspondent yesterday that he V would states that a mob took Calvin Sidjpson, I not give the desired informatioa at all to the mulatto murderer of Mrs. Graves, Senators, either in open or secret ses from jail at 1.30 o'clock and hanged sionsof that body.'' He has come to him to a tree half a mile from the town, the conclusion that, the constitution after which they riddled the body with gives the Senate no right of inquiry n11ff Th took tnld told Win iA n.v I anrl Ka-KaIiaVah that. Ka nntrVit iA atanri I ... il zr: -T Jz:z irr rriTCi rrirrf ::::zx:, Trrr probably the most important oe ever ii m iiravwra. aar iiiitii iai m unw m hih r.iiiiai ilii liiiii riiriiiJi 'u iiii an - - : : ukoil him what hfl IrillAd fr Uirnvvm I A hia; riWn InrnriiajrA Tianl InW I . . J . n mrs i-ia rpn 1 1 aii t ii ill Lrif iwirti ujifMfi i rnwinfinniii .nrprnvariTH nnimniirM ri I - j. i it i ..t. 1 J : i i -i " .ICOUIt, mm to uo so. xney toea saia. r-up my successor, ana in me pursuance oi yon go to the Lqrd, and atrung him I suott a course tie will be sustained by lew nirai tne-rteaoratic nartv of the whole ; I : i j; 1 ltn " T U . i T Tit . country. v cue Buca action wui prpo T A. l.i-A.l I "A a ' i w aoiv serve to wne. wie animosuv oi sue a i nointed Messrs tir&m. l-twler anitn. Aibtrttawara nona in.. "".' meii a Sherman and Logan and possibly Uhanan a Sub-committee to draft a bill 11....!-. L'nl..,:J 1 " 1 I ,1 A I . . I ? , - . I . - . . v-niiii, uutiaiiu, ?--.uv haatpn the mevit&ttle "unnleaKaTitnASs l amAn tU: A;K.V.- ! A . . . . . , I . ; .... 1 oi K.uuuK ; ,njuiruui ou as v police authorities state that they have that is sure to come, he can well afford to provide that eight hours 'shall constitute praye wnawsver loriu m reneuwuem oi oar S wert lor men emDlQTCtt DV conr the oast side of tho Senate may take. . I tractors on government workJ A Thk nouLA8s to bb W8PLACKD. I members of the labor committee sav thai Fred. Douglass; the widely-known I as a result of the conference between the negro,: who has been recorder pi deeds I gub-committees of .the committoes on ag L ; V. .4i;nJ I 1. Ill' 'II I . uere iur eumc yoio, uu uccu uuuucu i ricuiture ana isoor a oni win pel reportr that the President wiil accept his resig-1 ed.by the former committee making the ' Lnrfcy Cbataw. Washington!,; Jan. 25. Tho court of claims today announced its! decision in the Lhoctaw cae, rendcrmg judgment in favor of the: Indians to the amount of about glOOiOOO This suit was in stituted to recover compensation estima ted at about $a,OUU,UtH, for alleged vio lation of, certain t -eaty stipulations j entered into by the United States and the Choctaw nation in the! yean! 1830 1855, and 18S5'. In passing judgment the oourt remarked that this ;case was court. i United It: will be.ap states .supreme i ; up. A hey hanging. then retired and' A Hw Cabluet OOIcer PropoMd. Washikoton,D.C., January 25 .The MOtlSg- Cx--fcVv i.-.-4-ha.r ?-j$day . ap- TIHGUS-A'S DEBT. ' ;'' i A Bill Ut ExpwllU ItM Plaavl Attlment. Richmond, Jan. 25.-In the senate ! itoday Mr Ilhea introduced a preambled i L J f r a '1 i .? .... r . :'i ana joint resolution proposing an amend-: iaent tt the State constitution. The preambie recites that after years of bit ter strife and discord among the people : of Virginia an act was passed and be-t came a law, known as the "Kidlebergeri : bill," whereby it was hoped to secure;: 1 a final adjustment of matters in dispute between, the State and her creditors, and-' j that the representatives "of her people,' without regard to party affiliation ji st0sd pledged to such legislation as would force the creditors into compii-tr ' ance with the said- law, that tbe creditors had met every effort with stub born resistance and that it was the fixed and unalterable purpose of the people of Virginia never to pay monhan pro- vided for in the lliddleberger bill. The i ! ... proposed" amendment provides, that all: i,: eyidenoesbf dbt outstanding nol aljfea'y fihded s under the Kiddleberg'er bill,, I which are; not presented and funded; iff i accordance : with the provisions of said : act within! ninety days after the ratifies ties of this amendment by the people, . ; shall be forever barred and neitnw thee ' principal nor interest thereon of any ; such outstanoing obligations shalj ever be paid: by the State, or shall hqlderaf 'i thereof!: eytr after be entitled tojavaif ; themselves of the provisions of said actK j or shall any action to enforce payment ofbuch outstanding unfunded obligations j ever be main'ainfd in the courts jf thei l y State, s The Amendment also declares . J4 Cull and void any farther act of tbj; leg ; " isiature which shall recogmie any Of th barred Objections? It was referred toi ;, the special joint committee on the public debt.' -; .' ..'.''!:' i ':'f ; ; - - - : ; ' j f' Otatb ofD. K MrHa i : , ! jWAsaiSGTON, J) C., Jan. 25.-4). PJ Morgan, formerly of New York, died atf his resideiee in this city today; Ther deceased was the head of the house of DJ' P. Morgan & Co , which. was found-! " ed by the- late Gov. Morgan.fwhoj died; Some years ago, leaving a large and very Valuable estate '. The house was! prominently identified with the Wabash' railroad; and when; the $250,000, trust fund was raised for Gen. Grant by pri " ' y ate subscription, it was at Gov. j Mor gan's suggestion that the greater- part of it was invested in Wabash bonds , Gov.! Myrgan becoming personally responsible' . for principal and interest for a term of years, which guarantee was renewed by the estate at tbe time of his death. Dar ing the war D. P Morgan & Co4, anl Junius S.t Morgan & Co i their London! branch, did an. j- immense business. jbeVwoett! ''Hhe. two; eountries, whicki was the groundwork of the fortuiae, leftf by? the; ex-Governor. -; At onejitiniei GlorgefPjeabody, thereat philaiathroH pist, was a partner in the house, rj ' - 'I ' li Bestiiain'Artb End. ;L; ' , , JLondon, Jan. 25. In the house of ofdsUNrfv'ail aRm ,ofiJ morry, conservative, moved theirt tion of the office of viceroy of Ireland. discovered that the threats against the Prince of Wales which caused so much excitement here Friday and resulted in the Prince's alighting at the station at Wavcrton and proceeding thence to the residence ot tne vvlhq oi Westminster insteads Of coming to Un ester, bad no - . . . l ll A?l 17 O I . T - - A VA AAA VA WUIUllVWV AUaUklUC A other foundation than the sily tolk of a nation; t0 takeeflct March 1, or w soon oommissidner of agriculture cabinet ww w " " v- I as nis successor quaimes. oo. jj reaay i omcer and urovidinir that tbe denartment and his white wife will retire, as they I shall be known as tha "department of ' I " .. ... . O. my offence is rank; it smells to heaven Chester. Ww York Cotton Falim. I Nxw York; Jan. 25. ThePost says : Futures advanced 2 to 3 points, but lost most of the gain and sold at the third .call as ! follows : ''One hundred pales February at 9.10, , 600 bales May at '9.42. 100 bales June at 9.52: 400 Ibales August .7U, and auu bales eepteniDer 9 50. January- was offered at 9.10, March at 9 21. April at 9.32, July at 9.62. - Total sales 96,000 bales, - J? i.?t" VxV.iiIftll-IT il A LliVaiSN KM. V k A KRH will b& little changed. " : (, ' t By tnteinatUmal evporiUoiu St. Jacobs Oil is prottouoocl the greatest pain sure. Bed majreoagn Von to sate and aura, this great System of successive electoral Doate proviuea;; Dy tne constitution, with .. their present wise adjustment. Personally Mr.i Morgan would have pre f erred that the 'remedy for the present difficulty should' take the form of a con oarrent resolutiou agreed to in advance by both houses, as. that would keep' the action of the bouses of Congress free from the interference or control of the ex eeutiyo and would avoid the nooessiiy of the President Signing a bill. in which, be would have; a direct personal in teroat as likely to affect his own re-elec- . itXT ' i : . tion. .rvnuii: .pretering a concurrent resolution, howtyer, Mr. Morgan yield eo his pmerence on a point ot mere form, in order tq secure a measure that would uieet the approval of the Senate.: The bill rt'porttd from the committee was i. i? .i ' f . . . i i. . l . i it would pa?"?, i 1 1 ; j ',. i At the fcoiiciujsion of Mr. Morgan s ic- m.trks, at .38 p iu. the Senate went into executive jsorsioo. A. t 4.05 the doors were! reopened. The death of ftepr suh.taiiVc Kaukin was announced I by Mr. Sawyerjlof Wiconsip,' and out yf rupcet for- the deceased the enate adjourned. Messrs Sawyer, Blackburn nd Jones, of Arkansas, were appointed a fuueral committee to act with the House eiuiiiittejj. ; . yVinlNaro, Jan." 25-Hodsb. rFn the opeuiug prayer the chaplain feel ingly referred to, the death of Kepresen- tative ItanKin, ol Wisconsin, and in vokod idivme : blessi of wills, is expected to be removed at the same time. 'i . ; ; ; BOUTBLLR BApLT BELABOBKP. ) "Never did man or legislator go out for wool and come home so badly shorn as did a "man from -Maine," named Bou telle, when he attacked the ex-Con fttderata soldier in general and Hon. An fJafMlfr WMmmmm 'i ftebre D. Wise, of the Richmond dis- f JJlOBILB, Al., tfu Aj.rj-ioiwruBT triiit. iii narticnlar last Fridav in the i-x flc ill r 1T--":-iX Iw I 11" ' ; r-r r - -. - . aisernoon ubcw n. ha. uwuikwu, I House. He was literallv flaved alive arresting Wm. Mullone, who was ip ty the iatter gentleman and now, with Henry V, be nrmly believes that "In peace there s nothing bo becomes a B11kiob ana Ednrttoia, PiTwninm' Pa .Tan 9!vTnA nnoa. ir;l msaeu, tne repuoiican register tion of Pelieio115 Bervicea in the public i i f. ' . ii,-. ? . scnoois is causing trouDie in naruers toxicated, kicked him about the! body and afterwards had him loeked up in a cell, where he was found dead this morning. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of death from ill treatment by Harrington. Driioio nmuivr w m w. i , Brxmeh, Jan. 25. Two hundred and fifty bales of cotton on .'the British steamer Gledholt, from ; Savannah, among which fire broke out on.the wharf, Friday, were damaged by fire and water. Aaotbvr Ifavy Nuow Fall i Baltlmer. BaltimoiU!, Jan z4. A here was an other heavy fall of snow herg today, but not quite-so great as tbe last. It was, however, sufliciorit to seriously interfere With the running of stree) cars, ;uid trains were delayed. The indications tonight are that it is-not over, p f Ualon of Bulgaria and UohocIIm. ! Constantinople, Jan. 24.-M. TsonoW "the Bulgarian foreign minister,' accom panied by Gadbon hnendi, tho Aurkish commissioner, arrived in this city today. M. Tsonow is empowered to negotiate with the porte for the union of Bulga rian and Eastern Jioumeliai j v man, " ' As modest stillness and humility." ' He is known to have been partial to Bach an attitude when the blast of war blew in our ears a quarter of a century ago. In the language of the W ashing ton rest : "iiurrah tor J)lr. wise ; we had not thought him bo bright a man." V: TtlH CIVIL 8SRVICK LAW; i&not likely to be repealed, by this Con - . . , ,i 'rr : gress. ; At a meeting ot tneiiouae com Dkittee on civil service reform , a propo Eition of that nature was unanimously rejecteu lieineratio member of the committee voting agaiutt it. it is prety certain, however, that the! House will pass bills materially amending the existing, law, Vut what will become of them when they reach the Senate is just now "in the causing borough and may result I in legal pro ceedings, liecently rrof, juellwaine. principal of one of the schools, sufr. pended eight pupils whose : parents are Catholics, because the children refused to attend; the devotional exercises. Thfe school board last week sustained the principal and now tho parents threaten to test the matter in court, f Paolle Bulldinjf Appropriations Jtepona- . nnad. Wasuington. Jan. 25.- The Scnale committee on public buildingsHd cidpd this morning to ' report favorably bills making appropriations for public tuid ings as follows: Huntsvillc, -Alabama, 8100,000; Jacksonville, Florida, gl25. VW Augusta, ueorgia, jiuv.uw; v icks' burg, Mississippi, $100,000; Wilming tnn, N. ; C, .RloO.OOO; Greenville, S a, 50,000; Norfolk, Viu, 250,000 .Neuralgia, rheumatism, erysipelas, sore throat, toothache and all other pains and aches are promptly cured by SalvationOil. Price 25 cents. jy, : :: Coughing Clara -Comely, charming Clarissa Clendenuin, carelessly ;catch ing ng and protection t cild Wreepiag came; Clara cough- upon the jwrrowifig family, . : i i eooonunuauy cruei,,croupy cougu, tuv .r, .tr-r i ,y I nu J havp. killed her. had she not used On motion of Mr. lslount, of Georgia, it was ordered Uiat aftjr tho reading of the' journal tomorrow the States be called for the introduction of! bills and resolutions, .'y ,(. Mr. Bragg, of Wisconsin, announced ould have killed her, had she not used Br. Bull's Cough Syrup, costing 25c Fin HAMSFerris' hanis, Magnolia aims Baltimore city-cured Lams, beef, tongues uni fine meats generally, iu 4, Bardia. Afraid of tho I Huh Queatton. Lonpon. Jan. 25. -It is stated . that the government will probably! deal with the Irish question before taking up tbe every Bepublican and every j proposed amehdmeDis to the procedure rales. This statement has caused sur? prise here, where it has been understood that toe goyernment would spes detest by forcing ue nouse pi commons w act on tne ameiramenis, . tne mimeirj, io cording to report, being afraid to face the Irish issue just now. clouds;" Barman B. Eaton's .resigna tion la final and Will take effect March fith next. Ihs successor will be a ! publican, but his nauie is unknown at present. 1 ' : TUB RESTORATION OF RELICS. As is too well knowu in North Caro lina and throughout the South, a great deal of jewelry, silver ware, portraits, paintings and valuable household goods aud relies were seized by Federal oU diers during tbe war: Much of this stuff was deposited in I the treasury here in June, 1869, and Senator Butler has- in troduced a bill authorising the secretary of the treasury to., deliver it, or so much' of it., as, ownership ; can be . properly proved, to the owners. So you. may get those watches yet that Sherman's bummers relieved yea of.. . CUVBXANO AND A CHARITY BALL. . The President, telegram from Bal Umore states, will go to that city tonight ;i -T It la Vry nyrra t Fi uaut Bill. Cuattanckwa, Tenn., January 20. Dr. Sam Price and Wm. : Powell quar relied in Walker county; Ga.i when the "Tha Qwteat Cots on Earth fcr Pain." Win reuT mt. qwwiT uian ny otner known real ftiv!inlk cicnatiii-b FrtmrSijtocm, SirctUkm. S'.jl Kc-ck. I' Vactaciot, Quinsy, Sore 1 tiroat, ft ti 'IKK' : v.uv.k iim, gra uln Sc luoH'iH ,V I bear . vox m Henotncv. A. O. kryer & Co Sutu 1)3. BULL'S CQOGH SYRUP Forthe rare of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Groups Asthma, Bronchitis, i Whooping; Coujh, Incipient Con sumption, and i for the relief ofcoa socptive persons la advanced stages of tha Disease. For Sale byaUDrugr gists. Price, as cents. ' I' 5 a- ',5 T 2 former presented a bill ! for; Powell was shot through tiie and Price s skull billet of wood." jured. ;j , services, abdomen was crusnea witn a Both are faUlly in- ?y y :cs mra a 1 25 YEAfS tUm USS. tfaaiSTeateKi'ic'icftl Trtomyh of taa Agtt ? I i I SYMPTOMS OF A' : ' ., ttllOK'PID LIVE!?.; t,oio! ppetirr, lioweUcilellalii ihs )ic'l, "rtth n dull 4DMria la Ibb" ' hack rni't, i'nia nnJor tha ahatilaot kla.4a; Fclineaa after eatin, wlth4U taclliinriou to Czui tlan of Ur r bIbiI. . 1 rrUibllliTof temper, lvplrliftjwlia afeellogef havlnj aeglected aoniaintr. 1 Went luears, Dlzxinft Flvttei in at tba i lie:-.;-!, lata before lUci e, UB.t(tcb war the Tight rjti Kllecaai arfth j fltfal dream, Highly colored L'rliauJ , i rC0NSTIAT0N.i,.!a.; yCXT's i't jl r.e ro .. inlly aaaptaa. than ge of feel i to udi n ii t the suffe rr. bod tss iSi)T-.tlverrii,nesf TUIT d OirtAiil ilHSAPfiaiLLA T)ieylnrre f lie A rJieiua,ana catia in noariMiol.nn.t y itwit a Oitic acfi oa nrirStj.;t.V. Aaalata Men- . f i treaa-L!u.-n.s th wuuk. reiur the rata o the ity&iem witu pure biood fc-t hard niuacls tones tne nervous nfstem, invlcoiittea Uai braid, and imparts tlx. vIoj or matthood . ii- s?ol l hyolnivriflsw i i b HarKfard'a Aeld Pbaaphata -, Ul Labor.. : -, Pro. Adolph Otti New Yor i ats of the 4 cid J Phosphate: 'I have been enabled to flevot 1 mvaelt tu haici uitsntal llor. from fhortlv I after breatfasttiu tote noir ib ne evening s r .1. j w Ithout experiencing the mijfnUMi reiixation, 1 have een tnHfructcd by the Board ol eJu and I would not now at any rate dUpensa 1eatknl pay school corumiltcetncn for taklns ithlt." .( tr t the scbom census of the onJ. Toe 09 m- nmttternea who did the work lntiw various : : Orrica Shpt. Pub. Instrlctioj;, ' . Fob VTakk cocktt, .' ItA'JaoH, N;C 4aB.2dl88B, "KTOTICK TO SCHOOL COMMITTKIMKS Tbi KiJriuo Light will soon' be in ute in districts ot te eounty, will pletse send tills been In use two yean. All sportsmen use Raleigh, but the American wood powder haa j to th't otiice by the rt day ol February, I it SUimz lUv nuuuer vi uari rmpiovra. : ,1 Mount AosmoKsi Moreeoiii roraaiaay s .. ' Atunnni. juji' av. arm t J. C. Bavwprna 4VOo. f ?i County Sunt. Pub, ?S4diOwtt. V Instroetioa, m r. 5 . i ' o t r' - i:.V " - '. . r i ' 1 ' ' A ,iy It K r i ' ' 1 1 1,

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