Pdbussxs Daust (kxcipt Mojn)AT) Ain .... WmiT. tiv i ': By 'Ihe News and Observer Co. Daily om jmrfJooMjUf postpaid 7 00 3 SO I 75 a oo six months. u three M ' Weekly, QBfl jar, 44 it 44 ix momns U 00 No gun mtantfl without navment. and no paper tent after the expiration of time paid or. FjlIDAY, JANUARY 29, 186. W doff our tile to the clever; editor of the Concord Register. HLsggnerouS appreciation of our won is vaiuei highly, f , Th Richmond Dispatch wisely serves that "the silver dollar vindicates itself every day by baying as much as a gojd dollar will." f j. Turn bill appropriating $150,000 for Federal building at Wilmington has "been favorably reported, we are glad to note. Wilmington is one of tho cities which really need such buildings. Thx President, it is said, is oominar South before long. We hope he will pat Raleigh in the line of his journey. He should not fail to see the capital of ; a State that supported him j so firmly in convention and at the polls end that . without making a fusa about it is one of the solidest of the democratic common wealths. " .: ! -f ; ' . . .i n,- . 0 .) ;:'; lbxwhiu,w print today the view of the law bearing on the industrial school question held by one- of, the ablest jurists in the State. Wefenture to say it is the view that would be taken i .n;nA.t-mfha M ahp.1 i B;r i T lawyers. It is certainly the interpreta tion that eommen,ds itself moat strongly to the non-legal mind, guided by the principles of common sense only.' j - - i ... . - i . : - ;:; It was reported a day or two ago that Queen Victoria wa violentlyjangry with Mr: Gladstone .and said.she would rather go to the scaffold like Charles jthan send for him again to form a tnbistr. She will therefore doubtless as advised i by oahsbury summon Lord Hartington V 1UI1U WVUl" JtUSIMKl uywciu B hardly the man for the emergency. Glad stone alone probably is able to bring br- der out of the chaos. ,. -A j --.; : ; ! jr . : "'i'V Buuhi's political bantling, Bou tello, of Maine, in his reciless " effori to fire the Northern heart forgot not only Sum ner's ten-year-old effort to obliterate jthe traces of the war, but the Greet id'ea bf building none but wooden '-trbphiea to commemorate the yictories of bivQlwar. xne psopie, nowever, save iorgpnen neither, hence Bontelle is contemned by the whole country. ui i . ; ; . Should Mr'Gladstoner in spite of the .-. Queen's wish to the contrary, Ve (Jailed muwa- w unw w v -v , mw vruuiwbvw ivAn rn T". in m Mmn ni arm nnuuuui to do so with the idea of securing homo rule for Ireland most prominent.' Should " Hartington and Chamberlain ' refuse to -r (ollow him u thii direction, he will ball ' 1 ' ' J . ' ' ' ."'--: - . . ' mill yuu fHU ufviv ui-uwu iiwiMni who wiH fall in with his notions -and enable him to carry out the only plan ' 'which can now- bring political' qu)et to lireat .Britain. J&evoluuons I neyer go backward' and home , rule has beenr too ' nearly approached tb'be put out of view Thi House should go slowly in; the matter of pensions , There are proposi tion! to extend . the period in which claims for arrears of pensions may ' be filed, to increase 'the pension of wjdows and dependent children f Union f sol diers from !$8 to $12 i month, and; to - pay $8 a.month to each soldier or sailor, of the Mexican war or their gurtiving widows -1 The first of these nieasuiei in- I voItm eoat dfft24fi.000.00()i it is as. timated; the seond $5,000,000 a; fear and the third $2,000,000 a year: n The Mexican' pensions should . be 1 paid be yond a donbt, but the other propositions should be carefully considered ; before they are acted upon. They do not seem diately interested necessary i or reason able. The policy of the ' government nas aiwava been most liberal with; re- Tbut the popular will is opposed to any thing like extravagance in this matter as in all other matters. Generosity does not include the idea of useless expendi ture by any means. , - It is worthy of note that all the eulb gies of Yioe-President Hendricks 'de livered in the Senate Tuesday turned on the pointj that the dead statesmaii was' a .. 't.Cj.i ..5 i partisan a paruiuu. ui vuc uigueBi anu best sense of the term, ' as said ; Xlr. Vest, "because ho believed that, devo tion to his party was necessary to '.the best interests of his couutry; jtfe had no respect for that political e'gthttcis n which could not distinguish friend from foe. . Askine and giving uo.'quarter, he 'did nptsprinkLe rosewater on tjle; ene mies of his party,'or -give . swcetmeilts to the wolves ready to t-pring at his throat. As no man.cau serv Uod and mammon, so in politics oqe - fani.bt ho both hot and cold. The man with; post uve vouvtuuuu-t tuiitii euutt witu one party or another and the junta wtl such convictions Is never worthy, to be followed, ilendricks guiding prinei pie was that a party 19 greater than any one of its oomponeut parts, and it was a principle which it ' would do well for all. politicians f to adopti While this is so, nowever, it is also the part of wisdom to draw ib one' support the strength of any faction thst may be had, whatever may b the shade of its political opinion, provided; there is Drongns aionc wiut it no eieiotsus . d-tti it ' ':.'f i ' J Af last Accounts from Columbus, Ohio, there was: .some talk but little probe biiity of compromise between the two wings of the. State senate, aj yrf wijb .each other. The republicans still claimed thai they, a minority, wcre'th senate, refused to 'allow the journal to be'tead and maintained ; their purpose to force through the resolution under which t fie Hamilton county democratic senator's would be i unseated by seventeen votts whereas the membership of the senate is -thirty-seven. This of course was re sisted by thc democrats .who hold that there had been no proceedings 8i me Friday of: last'weeek other than tin at tempt made to read the journal M on' lay. and that nothing could be done until tan regular journal was road and the rj'gu lar order i proceeded with, lney were to meet M ednesday evening and ; iu an tioipatioti of continued high-handed and arbitrary actum ou iuu purv m am nedy, the radical lieuwuant-goreri.or, had resolied to ''spread upon the jour ual a protest and statement declaring that thei lieutenant-governor bavin? Usurped powers and prevented the sen tu from proceed ie g with business ttiey re fuse longer tp recognize him as the ire- sidine officer of the senate, aud v ill nlace the president pro: tein.1 iu the ,i chair; and proceed with busi ness. Then it was feared would ensue a conflict for the possession o the Senate ohauiberwhich would possibly result m bloodshed.':; As no telecraiits to that effect have been received, however, are led to hope that violence at least has been avoided and that the,- democratic majority if not permitted; : to conduct business in the Senate ' chamber has as ilfcterieefib do' adjourned permanently to souie other room, leaving the minority to do what it pleased. The whole bum ness is a mess 'a state of things, i regular bow" d'ye do," and most dis- ffrncefifl td tho republican party whicb- T S - J . Kin In n KUtttains' Kenned v and his lawless fol lowers! in their, persistent effort to set aside Mstice, reason and every other eonsiaerauon. ior lue liuryvmi vi securing party ascenuancy. : ; i StrintWMthtrHtBt. ; Cor. of . Tun Niws axd OBSKavick. 5" ', diswtu. Cocntt, Jan. 25, j!886. Today , too tn of January, is com memorated as a very, famous day . since the Christian bra, and is known as St Paul's' day. and is remarkable In fore telling the prospects and conditions of the weatner for tne opening year, ana the Old Latin poetry, beginning "Clara iiies Pauli,'' ic, is liberally translated Mlf Sti Paul's day be faire and eleare It doth betyde a happy yeere ; , ' But if perchance it then should raine, It will make deare alle kinds of graine And if yb clouds make darke ye skie. Then meate and fowb this veare shul :'(dyej;.:r : ' . -fr . If bfustering wbds doe blowe aloft, Then warre shall vex ye realm full oft. . ; The day is now past, and it ioertainly rn thti section has been entirely the op poBitei- of faire. and i eleare,' so w should pTepare to do the best we can (b enjor burselybs in a. state a little! -short of perfeet bliss. There has been from dawn to dark: - a slight'mist falling, which could hardly be iccounted raineV but! yet enough of the quality and character of rain to suggest that too much 'tobacco or3 cotton - this: year may be detrimental to us as - a people, but we-should endeavor to secure a suf ficiency of "graine," especially to sup-j ply the necessities of Heme,' that all the, profits' from tobacco and Jcottbn may be :. . . . . .1 . ' - . - savedf to pe aaaea to tae general store, and enable us to replenish the stock of hogs, cows and-fowls, the great destruc tion of which is foretold iby the lower ing clouds which made darke tbe skie'. the entire day; and as Mo blustering wibds did ' 'blowe aloft', iwe are assed t$ofwvU 'ihalryexro rbblin'' tof. this year of 188(3, at least J So 1 beg Mf, Editor,' that you will deem thus Old suggestions given, by 1 this favorite day of observation by .weather, prophet of ancient times inappropriate for iniser tibn th your valuable paper, as amone tne country people tne conwnuea psu weather is the popular theme.: There u. also one day. in 1 the early part of February, the 2d, which is re garded by the farmers with an nanxions gaxe, and regardless of the falsehood Of tne prediction in former years, they are elevated or depressed, as the weather may be propitious or otherwise. , We all snow tnat 11 toe jrronau-noE oomes irom his winter quarters on this day (and it is saia ne aiwajs uu tun ptrvicu- ari -day will turn - out) and; sees his shCdow, he immediately returns and I remains hibernated . 'six weeks longer, for winter will continue. But as many of us have no ; opportunity of witnessing -the actions of the ground- hoe on. this day, for. a better guide ! will give the literal translation of the old monxiBn j-tuin on tun aay: ; If Candlemas day. be fair and bright, Winter will have another hgnt. But if Candlemas day cloudy and ' rain, ! -A -: Win tor is gone, and Will, not come 'again." ,- ; , 'J .';:" ' ' - T. . OMWll VtkmU -i Con. Nkws amu UBsnavxa. . i I Yancxyviu,!, Jan '2K, .1886.; Of course the seyerw weath-r' didn't flight us wheu it gave the orange grove 3 call; We have fared femawably woll, however, for our mail facilities havo not huled us, our Ice houses are all tilled with the best ice we have had iu vals, and the season has been-ouc of -gayety for: tne young people . ' fini r i i ' :'a : X ne ice pouos were iavorne reori the skating being kept up into the uighc, for the moonlight ma do it' trreaistiule And Spring seems a long wy on yet, ta he .snow and sleet this morning j nia(k.bi due think of far-away Canada, and long for snow-shoes and a toboggan. 9 We thought at one time we woulu, have the pleasure of varying the, skating with a bear hunt, bat the ram was on Bruin's side and he "pursued the eycu tcfror of hia way V up Country Line creek;. '. ? ri: m : The marriage of Jdr, 6eorge William son. Jr.. son of one of our late senators. to Miss Owen, of Yvginia; has beetf thb '17 ' . . . n. . tiori given the couple at : Col. William son's country homej-l'Longwood,' will be lanir una pleasantly rememDercn ty all who were present. - The bride mus lave been a favorite, judging from: the numoer or uanaoui presents sne re ceived nnd the many, good wishes that are Ircnthel for her on .all ei'les. j - j YlDA -OCTOBEB TERM, 1S8&. From AilvncrSbw-U of Attorney (ienfral T. F.!laviOMQ' 83d . C. KeporU, tfiito vs. JStcwnrt. i ; li ltv section 1004 of the Code, the 8i'rt burying or other setfret disposal f,tfie 1 od y ot a dead child, born alive. idHt;.dvniit.dMii'-anor; afid the endeavor to lioncoal the birth of such child is also a misdemeanor. J . TLe form of the indictment set ou in ..tins c:ii approved. . State vs. Kilirore. 1. lieu on the trial of an indictment a juror :is eliallenged-for cause, triers are now dispensed wittiand the judge de tt'rniinvH the fitets-and the leeal suffiei cicccy of the challenge and the finding of the facts by the judge is not reviewa ble ib this court. 1L When a juror, challenged by th vititouti!, says he has toruied and rx- preyed the opinion that the prisoner is guilty, but stated farther that bis mind was fair and unbiased,; and that he could hear the evidence and render 1 verdict without being in any degree in fiuenccd by wht he had heard or said ; Held, that he was a competent juror. 2. The only qualification required of jurors summoned under a special writ of venire lacias it that they shall be free holders of the county wnereio the trial is had. ' It is no cause of challenge that Nich juror has served on the jury within two years; or has not paid his taxes for the preceding year. . 4. when three prisoners arc on trial. charged,, as principals or accessories, with the same offence, the; declarations of tine not made in the presence of the otner twoA are evidence against nun; ana whim t no court remarked distinctly in the hearing of the jury that it was not evidence against the other two, and that tho jury woutd be so mstruoted, but the judge failed to notice it in his charge, ahd the . counsel for prisoner failed to call attention to it; Held, that the re mark of the iudi?e was eouivalent to an . o ' I instruciion to tne jury, tne attention 01 the court not having been called to it by the counsel. p. AVbere there is an abuse of privil ege by counsel in addressing ! the jury. it U ureil hv th onrt t th t5m onr ! recting it, and it is not error if the pre, North Carolina teachers, don't spend siding judge does not advert to it in his 1 your maU on toasn would charge. I f ' 1 be author wishes to persuade you. is :Sta.ta vs. McDowell j good, solid food, irhen such books bs 1. An appeal to the supreme court will he dismissed when the transcript of the. record fails to show that a court was held, or that a grand jury presented the indictment, 'and when, it appears from the caso on appeal that the grounds on which th defendant appealed are frivo lous.: . . ; v I ': ; i A certiorari will not bo granted to perfect the record and constitute the ap nfeal in the annreme eonrt and when it tho uiftn ,nn..i til ! -rr-. . " 1 appellant has no merits oiate VB- -JOUg. j ; 1. The fact that the prosecutrix in an indictment for an assault with Intent to rape is a lewd woman only goes to her credit. : . h: . . i 2.i If the prosecutrix -consented to have connection with the prisoner npon certain terms, which the defendant re used, and attempted by force to car nally know her without her consent, he is guilty of rape if he succeeds, and 61 an assault with intent to commit rape if be does not succeed. 8. It seems that this offence is com plete if the defendant attempts to force the prosecutrix against J her will, al though she afterwards consents. 4. In order to warrant a verdict of guilty in indictments for assaults with intent to commit rape, it is sufficient if the evidence shows that the defendant intended to gratify his lust on i the per son: of the prosecutrix notwithstanding any resistance on her part. j state ys. Thompson. i 1. At common law larceny cannot be committed of things' which are a pat of he freehold at the tune they are taken, but by; statute in this State any vegeta ble or other product, cultivated for food or market, ;growing, standing or ro maining ungathered in any field, is the subject of larceny, j J, An indictment' under this statute hich fails to charge that the artiole al leged to be stolen! was cultivated for food or market, is fatally defective. state vs. Jonn ivogers. 1. To renaer the act-of killing excus able j on the ground of self-defence, the prisoner should have reasonable ground to apprehend, and shouid actually ap prehend, that his life is in danger or that deceased is about to, do him some great bodily harm; but it is for tho jury. and not for the prisoner, to judge of the reasonableness .of each apprehension S. It is held as a general rule that the lailure of the judge -to charge the jury on a certain point, unless request ed so to charge, is not error. But it is his duty under The Code, section 413, to state clearly the .particular issues arising on the evidence,' and on j which the jury aru to pass, mxd to instruct ti em as to the law applicable to every state of facta which they may find from the evidence. 6 Where there are divers witnesses, and the testimony; is conflicting, it is error in the judge to single out a' single witness who is contradicted by other witnesses, and to instruct the jury that if they believe the testimony Of such whiiea then the' prisoner was guilty of murder. 4 .1 3. When there is a conflict of testi mony which leaves a case in doubt be fore the' jury, and the judge-uses- lan guage which may be subject to j jmisap trehension and is calculated 1 to mislead, this court will order a venire de novo. : P&ESJCRVKS; Preserved peaches aad cherries, fresh stock just received; 15o per pound Special prices in twenty pound pails. Also a very choice lot of pr served White Heath peaches in quart j ; iui up pv a laov 01 tne oitv. sua Cbr. of the .Nxws and Oaaxavsa. Within a few days a circular has been handed me which is such a singular pro- uctton tlat I feel constrained to call the attention of the public to it and par ticularly that Of teachers m North Uaro Ima. This circular contains a list of hooks pullished by one A- P. South wick, on many subjects chiefly educa tional (?). Sme of thee books have fallen under my notice and heretofore w re not considered worthy of mention N volura 'called "Quinism and its Key" purports to teaoii, poor ignorant teachers everything worth knowing, and all for one dollar. The editor imagines he is an author because he has,' with some industry, ga'Ue.ruU together a num ber of not ppaper items in the shape of questions and answers, and we are told who " paid the highest price for a cat," and who "first danced the polka", along with which of the children of Israel "first saw the promised lknd," and what a wish-bone ih, and why "Caesar's wife should be above, suspicion." You may find "How Cleopatra-died." "Why lightning turns milk sour", "Who invented chess" and "Who killed Tecuinse'h." Another of these volumes "Short Stuilies'in English Literature" proves" that the compiler is not so very well "up" in English literature. There are a good many errors or mistakes to be; found on a very curBOry examination,! and any teacher of' ordinary culture would pronounce it la weak rehash of better books This book is intended to be a text-book for 'common schools.; Few children would, acquire know ledge from it. There is not enough of it to interest one. - Thii prolific "author" publishes books on every subject ; astronomy and mythology, physiology and arithmetic, punctuation and mineralogy. As one reads down the list 'still the wonder grows that one small head can carry all ho knovs.' : . This wonderful "author" having mastered fifteen hundred dates in Amer ican hisx)ry wants to write a history "under conditions of a wager' which will be suitable for a text-book for our North Carolina schools. Ged save the mark ! Taking some painS to find out sonie thinf about this mostnrolific 'author.' 1 0 . r. he turns cut to be a Yankee importa tion, who came "down South to show the ouUida barbarians of North' Caro lina how a normal school should be con ducted, and then for reasons of his own - stayed as head of a graded school in our eastern secuon uievian.o. siuompenaiuni oir-ngiisn iat- erature exist, and Stephens history of the United States u still on the market. They may cst a little ' more, but will be worth souething to you. 1 j This industrious h,ook-maker, who would absorb the -educational literature of the country, has i published quite- a number of books. I do not claim to haye read th'e19il-tttrK)d forbid hue so far as 1 have seen there ir not a smgLe original thought; literally hutijin that -ij 1 ;.. : would give oner idea. i;-jfv is?. man who is a thinker, u muu inter ested in his work as 't her. that he gives out sparks as uuc under an elec- tno battery Bp.tr kie- when touched. Beware,North 0-.rii;iua teachers, of such catch-penny trash.' If - you want .to study any particular subject get a book by some ope who Understands that sub ject and does not pretend to know every thing. Don t be content with smatter to-put dimes in the pocket of a Yankee humbug. When a mah undertakes to knOW everything, depend upon it he knows very little of anything. The real genius is modest. . The OotlMk Wm From Life. Miss Joy; , "Madame, Mr. Foster has come to take me for a drive; may I go Madanie?" : ' iladame; "You know Miss Joy: the rulos of Vasar do not allow it, un less you aro engaged are you engaged to Mr. Foster?" ; Miss Joy (doubtfully): No' but rif you will let me go I shall : be by the tune we get back. ' ; s S-Mfc SJSt '!' aoeo Bewsvrd. . The former nronrietor of Dr ,. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for years made a stand ing, public offer in all American news papers of 500 reward for a case of I catarrh that be could not cure. The present proprietors have renewed tbis . offer. All the druggists sell this Remedy, toeether with the "Douche" and all other appliances advised to be used in connection with it. No catarrh patient ' ... m --iai is longer able to say "I oannoi be cur ed." You get g500 in case of failure. Money does not always clog the wheels, of justice, as some cynies would have us believe.: Thus Milton WeSto'n, a very rich man, has just been convicted of manslaughter, in Chicago, and is to be sentenced and " imprisoned like any poor wretch. ! HIP F. n aai curaa uniiMmii, hi TWi CHAtu a.vogiasa coar-Js, afumoaa, as. ilwI-M "We frvw, OpUU, Jemttc0 mm 25 cts, a 8CIXITTITTO xtoctr. ' VklativT vrubw( STwael OIL - ctto aw m-ifci-i- y. ' " It ts a fact : aot eneTaUjr known tbat tbeit la not a madtctne to-day that enters so larprly into the practice of the medical profi-8f.iin for the treatment of the sick and debUiluted : alcolul in the form of whiskey. lher ts not an iDtelllscnt pbjrkiclan la the couuii-y that ha not had occasion to prescribe h daily, nor a hospi tal, tnflrtnary ur curative ioftitution that iloes not keep it constantly on hand aa a need. In Its pnre state it is acknowledged to be the best ctlmulant, the best ruratire, and the only cor for cooan caption, bem orrhAgvs, malaria and dyspepoia. It will no donbt astonish our readers, when in formed and susudned by sratistica, that nearly one-alxth of all the whiskey fold In this oountry, at this time, S dispenaed by druggist and grocers. So important is alcohol in the treatment of disease that Professor Austin Flint, of the Belle ue Hospital, Medical College, New York (Professor of . the Principles and Practice of Medicine), says : "The judicious ' cm of alcoholic stimulants is one of. the striking characteristics of progress in the practloe of medicine during the last halt century." Two ounces . of Alcohol contain '- men nutriment than ten ounces of lean meat. It is the only thing that enters the blood direct,! without digestive effort of the stomach, and tt la, therefore, peculiarly fitted for the week and debilitated. Whis key has always been recoguued by the medical profession as the best form In which; to take alcohol, only one objection being urged against it, L e., tne presence Of fusel oil ; The elimination of this deadly poison has for centnries been the eanse of more Investigation and experi ment among' scientists and chemists, owing to the important part whiskey plays; ha the treatment of disease, than any one medicine known to the pharma coporia. It -was not until within the last decade that the secret of elimination was accidentally discovered in Canada, by tM Mr. DhffvJwho bequeathed it to hia son. - who organized the Duffy Malt Wbtpkey Co. of BalUmore, Md., which company now possess the secret, nul it Is to-day the dls : ooverer and sole mnnnfact urer in the world tof an absolutely p re whiskey. Already f famous, it ts familiarly known as Duffy's pars malt Wblskt y , which. aside from being onre, oombliu-s a food and stimu lant quality ilTOW EEADY.I BUSBEE'S 10STH CAROLINA JUSTICE! AMD FORM BOOK. Third Edition Revised and ErierfuJ This is the best book of the kind ever! (published and contains every point of law! land every form which can be needed la the! tuariBtrates practice In this State. This W6rkhas over SOO PAGES And contains as much matter as is to 1 ifo cad in any Five Dollar Book ever issued Llfa the Ktate;u is hannsomely prmted, ben ' n leather and la sent by mail prepaid far 1 OMieVsr $2.50 No Jnstloe of the without the Peace can affoid TSgvj Busbee, i As no other book in tx- State gives all the law in his practice. 8m d all orders te the! pubnsbers, . ' ; 3 lAtFRED WILLIAMS & CO., BooKsau.KKS aim SrAnexaas, j Raluou, N. C 1 n EVERY DAY MATTERS ! . i AT EDW; J, HARDIN'S You will flnd always a complete stock of the boH (amity supplies, carefully selected as to quality, at lowest possible prices, neatly put up and promptly delivered. , The vry best Teas and Coffees; Staple Canned GoodS; such as Corn, Succotash, Froach Peas, Asparagus,: Mushrooms, Okra and Toma toes, te.. Ae, CANNED FRUITS California Apricots, Pears, Peaches, Ac Burnett's Flavoring Extracts; Cox's and, Nelson's Gelatine; Best French Maccaroni ibetter than the Italian); Fine Cheese, Choco- ates. Cocoa, lire ma, tMlad lresHing, fiauces, Catsups und everythmg else: in the way of MiscelUaeous Table Supplies."" fO ARRIVE THIS WEEK : V - s aa ! i Magnolia Hams, eanvassed and winter cured;; Ferris' Hams, Pigs' Feet; Extra Choice jaacKerei in xuii weignt, zw 10 aits. . e'tfteen barrels Fine Apples: Baldwins' Grand Duke's, Spitz, sc., sc. fTHE FAMOUS BOSS LUNCH MILK BISCUIT, ..The beat of all plain Crackers: - 15c per Ib at retail, ahd: a full line ef Kennedy's and WU- eon's Biscuits ana cwkes. Wines-Liquors &c. A Choice Stock of Whiskies, Brandies. Wioes, Ales, Porter Jtc, &c, for medicinal and funnily use. Just received Ramsey's Best Soctt. Whisky. f Choice New Orleans and Porto Kico Mo- liases, Syrup, Buckwheat Ae. 4 OnttoT carefully tilled. K. J. HARDIN OTICK. ; The regular annual meetlmr of the Stock holders of the North Carolina Home inroranee Company will be held at' their office to this elty Wedneaday, the 8rd proximo, at 12 Seloaka v LaAJUJbe SO T, FOR SALE. R. E: Petty rs orrKBivoAr J MARKED DOWN PRICES FOR OkBh "The following desirable' articlee. IwUi I seairanAble and useful : HUAMKS' WINTKB DRRSS GOODS. , Heavy Jeans, Doeskins. Cawtmerc Clotb- and other Furnishing Good for Men and Boy's Wear. ' i f Ladies' and Hen's WINTER UNDERWEAR, Wraps for Ladies, latest styles and all made te order this season. Blankets, Opera, Basket and Honeycomb Jianneu: jsteacneu ana tinDieaceea uantou Flannels. " BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS Several lines ef Heary "Shoes for' Ladies. Misses, Men and Boys. .. Overshoes Tor Ladies, Misses and Jden, first quality. w ; Hens' wool-lined,sell-acting Arctics for 7ft a pair. i He also has many othr articles la bis stocl rhlch can be bought low fox cash. Call and examine goods snd prices and set tor yourself that he means what be says. Don' forget the place. : : IM Fayettevuie Street, Balelgh, K. C it Now is the time to order Coal for WINTER SUPPLIES When the best article eae be had at lowest prices and delivered elean from the ears, hav ing never touched the earth since taken from ths mines; ; . - THE FREIGHT ON Tennessee Goal Is reduced for a snort time and 11 who ez- poet to use It should order at once and ive ue to 11.00 per ton. OUR FAVORITE Kinds of Anthracite Coal can be had now but cannot be gotten at all later in the season. Bo let os nave your orders at once for both kinds and sizes. i j s JONES A POWELL. rkNB THOUSAND GOOD COBS AND Meal Bags wanted by ! i ! M turnout rvwitLtL FayettevlUe St. and Central Depot, j Baleigh, N. 0 i JCBI RICSIVKD AT M. T.N orris & Bro 20,000 pounds Shocks.: H 20,000 pounds Wheat Straw for beddliig. 100 barrels Pafapsoo Flour. 100 barrels Oraage Grove Flour. 100 bamli Carolina Favbrite Flour. . : 60 barrels 8ugar. ll . t 1 :' : i ' ! 1 5;' i :. 225 bags Fine Bolted Meal 1,000 bushels White Corn, 1,000 bushels Feed Tata. - ' ''! ' i : ; :. :, ' 20,000 pounds Fine Timothy Hay. 1 '- ' . ' : Call and price our rood before yen pur chase elsewhere. M. T. NORRIB & BRO . ARE STILL TRIUMPHANT. . For fifteen years they have steadily rained to favor, and with sales constantly tocreasina have become the most popular corset through out the United States. - : ; The G. quality is warranted to Wear twlre as long as ordinary corsets. We have lately in troduced the G and RH grades with Extra Long Waist and we can furnish them when preferred. ' '.; ft ' S . ? Highest awards front all the World's great fairs.- The last medal received Ja for First De gree of Merit, from the late Exposition held at New Orleans.' 1 While "scores of patents ' have' been found worthless, the principles of the Oleve-Flttlng have proved invaluable. H Betailers are authorised to refund money if, on examination, these corsets do not prove as represented. For sale everywhere. Catalogue res on application, '--i ' i- ! THOMSON. LANGDON OO- ' ) Nw York, -. Goa NOTICE r.lannood Restored , jTaaaiafl. As., fcaataf trtad ia n.im tan hpn "r. FOR SALE ORRENT. UTltl-:oWSAI.K. 1 . A valuable House and Lot for sale iu UkS verj' heart of Kaleigh, ti. C. . saUi.i-Hr-iavssted to me kf taw t perior court of Wake county In a oearee mtk) special prooeediags entitled B, f Tlisiaea and other, ex parte, A I wilT eeU at wubUe wa tioay ie the highest hidoeijstJtlM .ourt-house door in the cltyf Kaleigh; M. VbeXurdy. the 6th day of February, use, that Very desi, able property, eonatMLag of eae boutm an lot- located on the corner ot Martin hud tialu bury street in said city and runnlag back - 68 feet to B H. Moore's line. btOe at 13 o clock m. Terms one third cash and the IbsJane to one year, with Interest at 8 per cenW Commissioner. Pacs A Holdino, Attorneys. January 0th, lttttf, dtd. . S ALK OF VALUABLE LAUD KKAB TUX CITT OF Ki-LBIUO. This is to give notice that under and by vir tue ot an Order of the Superior court for the i county of 'Wake, in-Mle in the eiYtil action el H W. Wharto.., ad inistrator of ld H. (barter, dveased, and others against Moses A Btdsoe and others,l,wtll sett at public auction, . tion to (he highest bidder, at the court houst. uoor, in we c , o tuue ign, tne a aay 01 February, 18H6, at 1 o'clock o. m.. a certain tr-ct of land e ntainlng about two hundred aores, whifh Wm. 11. boott conveyed to eaid ALoses A. Bh dooe by deed dated tbetloth day ot " Koveaiber, looo, r g Uttered la theotnoe of the register ot deeds for the county bf Wake, to . book So, at page 7, the S8th day of January, 1H67- This laou will be sold in parcels to suit , purchasers. t or plot of the same, persons woe may con- U nipUte beconiing bidders are reterred to woL ' A W. Bbatfor. - '1 he tertus of the sale are : One-third of the purchase money in cash, one third in twelve j monins ana one-third In two yean, with inter est from the day A sale at the rata of eucatper cent per' annum, payable annually, and the title to said land to be retained Until the full payment ot the purchase money, i ah persons woo eontenipiase purcnaatng will please make their ejEaaunatioua of title be- ; fore the day of sale. srucu wuxtaker. ilSdtd Coa&iuiMioner. rr M OBTOAGE SALE. r ursuant to authority eootaieed in a m'vrt- gaK da executed j,he 11th uaf of January, iso, ty u. reneii sou aunty a. D erreU and CM. Kusbee, trusb e, t sucure the pay-' ment of a dobtto Geo. VV. Korwood. deceJaed, 1 will aeu, at lie coun-liouae Uor m jlhe city at Kaleigh, for eash, Ute V2ud: LUf) wt i'tbru iuy, I8M0, a tract of land in Baxbon'a Creek ivwushiu, Wake county, aajotoing the Isnds of Wm. Lassiter, J. J. HunCeTr W Uv Aliea i and others; it being the Jn : whereon U K r errtuauu wdenuw ue, and yoiitaining ariv s. Tbe deeu is ivguW-ful to book. IV, page ai. GEO. KOttWOOll. Executor of GKO. WisOEM OOD. deo'd . T. K. Aauo, Attorney, , ' v 'ALK OF LAND. -'tar Br virtue of authority irtven tn a mortirsire from Ak xauuer Barham and j wife to W. B. Allen, recorded in theregister'bomoe of Wake county, in book 82, page 172, we will sell os Monday, the 22d day ef February, I980, at the court-uouae ooor in tne rttyei uneign, the ; land ;nvej ed In said mortgage, containing I 'Hi acres more or less, situated la Little lltvi-r . uownship of sai county aad adjoining the '' 'amidol Jwper Bart am, tfiicbell, bioa Dui-ral, K. B Perry and others. I Turuis of sale cash. Time of pale 13 o'clock m. ;PAtE AUtKlLDUiG, Aitorueys for Jioi-tgagee.' I Jan Tin, i&o, dtd. n W. I i m TUCKER 4 CO. This week begin a SPECIAL SALiE ' b Housekeeping JLinens- J TABLfrLNENS. Double Damask Satin-Flplfched TaMe Cloths. German Hand-Loom Table Cloths, Scotch Snd Irish Table Damasks, 1 TRaY NAPKINS Altl) CLOTHS, s ' '.. '. ' . land 4 Table Napkins WhiU and Faac) Bordered Doylies, Crashes, togs. Glass Linens aad Table Towels HUCKABACK TbWKUSL 4 . V ..u..s Germao Damask Towels, fi TURKEY RED TAlJLE LINENS. . . ..: I t . :: , Turkey Bed Napkins and Doylies; Pillow r Linens, Linen tmeetuigs. Preparatory to stock-taking, we wish to reduce stocks of the , above Linens end wilt make lower prices than ean possibly be Biadsv later In the season. f ... W. H. & R. S. TUi !KER h, eo Headqua irters ! y COAL I .... Anthracite and Bituminous. t . .: Oak, ' Hickory and Pine: 4. - r Ijc' oiSherta Orders left at the'' drug stores of Lee, John sod A Co (np-towa or dewn-tewu) will re eeive prompt auenuon. PHTTj. Tt . ANTfKKWH 4 OO NOUTU CAROLINA GBANnXS AND SANDSTONES. PC Mnehan de Co, 400 FsyetUrtUe8 Ealelgh,N.O, Are prepared to make eoiitracts ea tlM Mosa favorable Terms for surrjlylne Grantte Sand 'stoneeot the Best QuafuT te aay Qnantttlee desired. Quarries ai Heedenow tand Wadee bore. V. r. Ample taeilttles for haatflnr and aaklA Jak ilLhljBtii'i 1j-'JF avae tWtrtf . TPee taalk I if r., t v va -1 'vvl10 -uias vwen, 01 virmia, nas peon nein' i vuu " 1 v w V4v m . ,:jp:hf'yVvf . X if , ;j;'.rj ,1 j ' K; Si" Lfi.:W::' r-;!;. A-?:C isVmr- : :t ' ! J:?':;

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