A ; -' : . .a i, i c .i'c ' t ij i -'- 'j , . -- ?y-. .? - i ' f , 1-. hi K V JHJHL is 70L.XXVL : rtAIiETGIL . 0M SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 31. ! 18S6. NO. 68 fir m- r ; i News and rr If exit la-' : . ' Absolutely Pure. Thn Dowder nerec mrta. A mwrel of iMirttyy ttrmcth and wfiDtetomeneH. 1 Mow ennomlcal Uum ordtuuy kinds ud cannot b kt la eompetltioa with Uw multitade ot low Uat, ibert weight, Klam or phophto,powder 7 Sold only to euu, Rotal Bauto Pdwob Ok, lot WkU Street; New Tort ' Bold- by W C A B trwiMB, George T StroBaeh and J B FerraU A Co. f :f - ' The fiiher or Uie sUrter of the great Backet atorea is here; not onlj eome to .itay a few months Ibutj to make hia home in future. I started! tbe first .Racket tore in Lynchburg, two years go. It is still ninoiDg viUi an increase jf business. The second Backet store was -,.;: c. ... ...vh.-sH;. -.'..f,i started in Petersburg, Va., eighteen '." " ' -- --: - j - r, ' 4 ,: months ago by my- sola, who .has pari-: i tur.oT mm, AlilUlUJl , Ul UlllJ- " -, lysed things there. J t started the third Backet store in Norfolk a year ago. I I told more goods in ; one week than had - been sold at the siandi w i three -months. This is stated merely! to show yon that Backet stores nerer fplay onU. lam lii' here and here to safe the people money who deal with me; I will sell goods as eheap u Hr. Darit diet, and many .7t Us ihlngi efen cheaper, ifeonght for eash and My goods ar e All -. '.' f; ' 5 rill be sold cheaper S. than any one can sell who , buyl on time :...: ;.-,:.,.-. j,";--, ;y;-v'.i and sells the same way. will save my " ' f. . ; - ,.'-ri ;- :. -1 customers at leaat twentj-fire per ceni. Many peopTe stand with their tired, rest less eyes peering oat upon the Jfar- 'fcwaT.i nd see these big chancet es- - i-'i cape because their wealth is scattered ' among people .who nerer pay. They see : these "landslides" gathered in by men who through long years of experience I'd" ! ' ' ; have gone to the Tiary , root of the ,mat- ter and hare mistered the Payasyou go." subject VOLNEY PURSELL. ! KRAMER'S' m i- -1 i 5 CENT PUG HONE DTTEH en the nark?. Mad of tfe'ecied Uaf and cuoooi be excelled, MANUFACTURED BY f; 1 ; r DURHAM, N. 0- W. L. DOUCLAS Bart aaatortal, pwt t.qnU or IS or atshoaj err Mir warrmoUd. - Tk bom bbIom UBP'il Shoa.varraBtM.' Coo fTMa, Battoa aa4 Lac. If toV canaot ret tten ahoMrMoaUf,ten 1 to wTt noacnarek . afro. nan. - . ak a ' ar ar c r a . 1K .'); - : NK'S U BSKK V ATlOM 8 I: -rhelfnited States government issaes 4,000 different books year. f Sehaidrieleoi Daniel is to make the address a the unveiling of the Bun Hill sUtueatdanta. ; C, . A' petition bss been presented to Congress i from citisens of Arkansas, asking fothe election of U. S. Senators by a diect TOte of the people. -4-?re'nQh doctors' are placing patients afflicted'Wtth ' gout: on an entire milk diet, wltlj suocess.jThd venerable French statesman. M. Barthelemy St. Hilaire, has lived; for ,years on nilk. ' r-The lass of cadets which will leavp West Ppfut at the neit cg'ni'uienceui'lm is declared to be; the largest in. number and highest , in e&ctenet ever gradaatel frbi the institution. There are seventh eight meiabers of the class. -We Cannot hope for paved street gnciji ift Jialtigh soon, but a raising of the croaKiUfr above th& street level and a sinking aud paving of the cnlvcrtu at the corners would help much toward comfortable pedostrianism. 1 - ; -Tbe House coinage committee is not disposed to be hasty in fixing on a silver policy.; They 'invite discussion oatUe subject, and will keep: their dou opji till February 10th to give all ;&n op riunHy to be heard. This shows tliav khe Committee are' inclined to f deal with the jsilver question openly,' care-' fully; and on its merits.- : I .. ! :h JVith the French and German syn dicate. and possibly successful American. bidB -tot Contracts,9 in dne time no doubt China will bef gridironed by railways. The Celestials at the court of Pckin are greatly encouraged by Li Hung Tchah,' the Vioefoy of IVhili,' who solemnly 'de clares thit railways, though useless, are harmless ' It is'amusitlrly yet gravel v declaredl that Li tluhg," by means of a miniatdre train drawn by a toy loeoino- uve, actnauy demonstrated to the youth ful Empfrof and his 'mother, the' m- prew, ' the entire " harmlessness of the hteand innovation i i bcientuns prole&a i to be perplexed br the bhenomenon of a well begun hearly aixty ! years i ago at Yakuts W biberia4 It was dug - down, thirty feet through solidly , froien : ground and abandoned.1 Then the Bussian Acad' 1 emy'of Sciences took up the work jand dug to si bottom of 382 feet, to find the frodnd f till ft bsdi ait hard as a ,rock4 t was too much of a bore to be contin-s ued, bn the academy decided from the temperature taken; at differenjt deptbs of the excavation that the freezing extends to adepth:of 612 feet. This warrants the official report that "the pole of the greatest! cold in Siberia is in the f pro vince ojtTtitwtdiYM-thmgh probably the ortb tfoie is a iittle bit more mgid. i r corn is a nw grain and forage r op thit is . being much written about n our aerlcnltural baDers. and will :be generallr tried next season It is after the Ordet 6t milluHnaizc, on t thf sor ghum' tribe. : It does not bUui'-at at all, and leaves no troutl!.souie stubbie behindj ' It branches at the tok Dro- duoing everat large heiuls of .d, the graui peing .wniier man nnno, ana tWiMj fsarge jlthrehLcs off readily, eeatt44' without chaff, nd is! super T$i$i imyiing. ; It .is planted:: in not exceeding .three-foot ' rows, "even on best i land, H one or two stalks evert ien inches yielding several largo well-filled heads to every stalk,. making an etiormdus ambnDt "of ! grain.' and lis said fo produee. a paying crop on land that' will not make three bushels of corn pf'icwU ..Ii fclxtfjl forward, andj ifor that reason is superior tomillo, making, in a favorable season, by early planting, two full crops of grain and fodder from one plantiug. ' Or: if the first crop is cut down for. forage ' in early bloom ; yields I fall pop of ripe grain and .fodder! in the dale fall ; never has it failed to ! do this in seasons in which millo j entirely failed to make seed; ;A: An Earthquake In Spila ; JIadrid, Spain, ; Jan. 30.-rA severe shock! of earthquake was expeVienved at Velesr Malaga, today. Considerable damage was done in the town. ; I , f ; ' - - : Nw Tik Cotton Fatnros. - Nafw YORK Jaril 30.-The Vost m vr Future deliveries lifter sales' of H I MU bales and a decline of b to 4-10U points, closed steudyii.' X ; u : .'f Tile Kojral Baker and Pastry Book, i i: AR4yalf addition to the ikitchen IS brary. ; It co&tains over seven hundred recefpts pertaining, to every branch of the feuliBary, department, including bak ng,:Toafiting, preserving, soups, cakes, jcllijjs,; pastry and all kinds of sweeU meajts, ;with receipts for the i'ost deli cious candies, cordials, beverages and all ether , nectary knowledge for the cne ue cuisine oi tne most exacting epir cur ' as well as for the more "modest housewife, wbo desires to prepare a re past that shall be both wholesome and economical. "With each receipt are. given full and explicit directions for putting together, manipulating, shaping, bak ingj, the kind of utensils to be used, so tnat a novice can go tnrougn tne opera tion with ; success; while a special and important feature is made of the mode of preparing1 all kinds of food and deli Caeies tori the sick. The hook bias been f rpared uhder ' the direction of Prof. HudmaniL late chef of the 'Mew York eo&king school; and is the most valuable of tlje recent editions upon the subjuct Ot .cookery that has come; to our notice It is -gotten up in the highest 'style of tbe printer s art, on illuminated;: covers, etc Atopy will be sent as a gift to every reader of this paper wh6 will send their address to the ltoyal Baking Pow- orUo., 1UO all street, jNuw York who' are the publishers of tbe book 1 1 stating that thay - saw the notice in this SUSTAINED. Il-.nO KATtC NEATWI ImRMETHK PRF.Nl SEX f. ! nr - Tby IHwwt Fully thm Iuh, U tn : tht PitoiStat and th Si Wasuino TON, 1. C , January 30. The Democratic deuators met inj cau-! cqs today at 11 o'clock and adjoiirued at 1.4o. They (iibaiUssed the Deii liui? issue between the executive uuti .'the- Senate and fully and Ununimously adopt ed the following resolution, which the secretary of tjie caucus was authorized to: make public: i Kesolvod,; That! wo approve the , views ana notion of tbo Fresideut,; com nitiuicaled t the Senate through nittor- ne-gen ral uariand in his letter of Jkuuary '2' 1880, and that we cordially support the-cxecutive thereon ; . 1 he letter of the attorney-general wr-s ! iciuncu ujf. auu iri kvu uy lue ocua- j tors; but as-inert was no executive sets 8 i.ou tt wainol tor mall v laid oetore that jNuw Yobk, Jan. HO. There has been ! much comment on an alleged statement by Gen. W, T. iShermun regarding Gen. Grant's gtueralship, particularly in the North Americau lieview. Gen. Fry , afeseris that Gen. Sherman made thn statement. ! A St. Louis sneeialJ0 tiU" his career to comprehend the says: "Gee. Sherman was shown to- ' night a copy of Gen. Fry s letters, sent ou;t today by he Assdciated Press In' the General showed a reporter a copy ot letter wnicb be -wrote i today i tp: Col. Scott, in which he says : j "My letter to you ot September Uth,: 1885, j was purely-private and one from; which ' Gvu. Fry had no right to quote without my couteni But eyen after he had so quoted, if he haS. answered the eKiitoris ui06t courteous inquiry at ny ibatanee of December 6th, I'could in a para-: graph havc changed the word 'would' j to 'might Qr.haventerliuod 'probably, j "ccuyeu. pucn conuues is utterly un t express more fully my meaning. You 'justifiable in, officers sitting in military are are at liberty to make either ot these changes in that-letter and put itojn your omcial nle. Vbat l take exception to having Fry, who was never a conh thnt of Gen. Grant or Gen. Sherman, posing as a panegyrist of the former at the expense lot tbe latter. When in lbG2-3 Gen. Grant needed a friend, I ; Was that friend, and it attnuCod tlintf now, when Gen. Grant needs no friend, f tien. Fry should step in and claim that i T tj. . j v A .. privilege. ; i Fry may do what he pleases; I will do the same.'' - ; . i i , ,i , r ' frmty f Fe Between ft'ra.ie iMt H Pimo ,.Tn -4 SA rki.r.atKia Ann, IfintanattarivO, the cipitalorHadagsscaT, T!r.- sf "11 .L-c.--. . HI HI H Llln L -111 1. 1 1 K ' LlEAL w Ul IKMUR U I. M WTr. KM .1 rr. r- " rj T . I kll claim tb a protectorate 6ver the island br to indemnity, Mad.gascar agrees to Franco and Madagascar. Jfrance waives 1 ipay and France agrees to accept K2.000,- U'u tor a release w men is to coyer an foreign claims against Madagasckr, both those antedating tbe recent war and those growing out of it. France is to fovcupy xamatave untu tne money is paid - The treaty auo empowers franoe to statiouta Jjrebcn, resident in tne coun try to watch the external politics of the country until they are clearly! defined and in. tbe meantime to occupy a league limit around Diego and pauvreik bay. , Weekly Baak Matna. ' ., : Nkw Yobk, January 30. Thje follow iug is the weekly statement of the asso tiated natiouab banks: Loans decrease, B7G3.00U; specie increase, 81 $28,400; leiral tenders decrease.: ksoo.wu; ae- posits'increase, 1,000; circulation dc urease, $90,800: reserve increase, 042,00. The banks low hold g5b,- o2,418. m .excess of tbe zb per cent ."rule. 1 ;K ' ; . i- ' ' m m r . lUica at- tb MatMiaJ Thantr. Wasuiktom, Jan. 30. Khjea, closed a very successful engagement this even ing at the N ational theatre. She played to large and fashionable Audiences, sec retary Lamar, Senafor-Wade Hampton, the'rench minister,, and several other prominent people being present several evenings during the week. Rhea now goea South for a tour of several months. : l ' J-fc. '- Toial Hupply of Ctton. Nw( York, January .SO.-rThe" total visible 'supply of cotton for the. World is 3,o4iMftl bales, of which 2,701,871 are Ameriean, agaivst 3,058,848 and 2,596,- 048; respectively last year ; receipts at 11 interior towus 51,685; receipts from the plantations lli,b; crop in sight S,'Si),VM baies The Obl Senate Adjaurai till Tneaday, CoLiiiiBcs, Jan. 30.-fThe Ohio senate adjourned this morning unti. Fucuday. evening. The sub-commit tee o'f.. the special conference! committee of the political tactions will Continue in session and endeavor to arrange the measure of a compromise. I Call for m Hpoelal Elvetloor Jl i L w A c k ee , AV is. , Jan . 30 j A special from Mad won says : Gov Rusk has iasueJa call for. a special election in the fifth congressional district, to be held February Zod tor the Duroose of select ing a successor to the late Congressman Jos. Ran kin. -? :,f.' fonrt Supreia Oplnloaia ft tHUv vYabhinqton, Jan. su. hin the su preuie i-cou-'t of the United j States on Monday next opinions in the . Virginia coupon cases will be delivered. Money. II.e Mrrtam Bjrnateol.- W-hy is marriage a symbol of strength? "Union is strength.'.' But if you have weak luugs.: or if you are kept up night by a croupy child, neither can strong, lake Taylor a Cherokee Rem. dy ofdwvetGam and Mullein. mo. i a r, is r 4'reat Flmi-ClM 8natla la thi- , Cii.iCAOO, Ills., Jan. 31. --Several Bohemian societies of this city had ar ranged for a masquerade ball tabe given at the West Taylor street Turner hall tonight, at which a number, of car ica tnres are to be exhibited, to represent th i anarchists of the city in a ridiculous litrht. This coming to ; the ears of the leaders of the anarchists, the latter to day iohiied hand-hills, printed in the Polish hnguage, which were dsitributed , fr -ly in the sonthwustorn portion of the ivy, rUfling on them to assembleu De . K'tven street tonight, to march to the . h.iil, where if the caricatured arc ex thihitcd they propose to blow up the I buiidtug. This waft taken in such a se-r'.-uis light by the Bohemians that thev Cfillud n the chief of poljce this after- uoon, who directed a police force to be iu read mess to suppress any ktch de- "ivloihuuu v If Muled Over tb Cm!i ; WA8&tNOTON, D. C , Jan. 30. -Ad jutant general Drum has written a letter to chief signal officer Hasen in regard to a recent court-martial convened! at Fort Myer, Va., in which he says th; secretary of war instructs htm "to ex pr -bs his grave displeasure at the con duct ..-of Lieut Greece, of the signal corps, wbo he says has manifestly failed duties and responsibilities of a coin in is -j b1?-0- mcer ani to realise tna? tne use ot harsh, insulting and abusive lan- 8u l6e wwira men wno, irom tneir couiunoi repiy to u, scriKes at tbr ycT7 T0.ot of military discipUne, and eviDces m me omeer so acting a uepioraDie want oi seir-controt wnicu, a peraisied in, would dempnstrate his gutter unfitness for a command.': Alje secretary of war also deems it his ut? fo reprove 'the rude and coarse m'lUuef in which the officers composing l"u court treated the counsel, for the FortlcnlktM. Lonsov, Jan. 30. A despatch to the Daily News from Madeira States thai a German vessel which arrived there frm St. Helena reports that av terrible !"u"":r rVvm,' . "L m" Tw,.L. Xr u ' V" mu, .or w .F burner at sea. The mutineers are said to have murdered some of tbe officers and then set" fire to .-the ship! : Tlte Vreelu Ktasr Ttred f IIU Crown. London, Jan. 30. The Times Athens 9PHfiMle. of Greece has become tired of the politics t - .f ,L Ilk..:... anl.1lilnf Ih.u I Resent bellicose attitude reipectiug the Buigamn question, that , his maj- WI " . " . t"-j y " i esty will likely soon abdicate and retire to Uopepbagen. eiadana ta Farm n Cakinat. i ' Lowdon, Jan. 30. Mr. Gladstone, who has been summoned by the Queen to form a cabinet, will visit her majesty at the royal palace at Osborne Monday. Dath afaa ax-Oavarnar af faunaaaa. i Najuvillb, Tenn., j- Jan. 30. Hon. Neill. S. Brown, e-Govern6r of Ten- nesssee, and ex-minister to xtussia, died today, aged 7rj years. He was abrOther ' of ex-Governor John C Brown, receiver nf tin Tama Vonifin rilmd i - - ' ' a Jijrry, Ho,w the human system yer recovers from the bad effects of the nauseous u.edicines often literally poured into it for the suppositive renet oi dyspepsia, liver complaint, constipation, rheuma- t'um and other ailments, is a mystery. The mischief done by bad medicines n scarcely less than that caused by disease. -j r- - r f ttey who are weak, bilious; dyspeptic, constipated & rheumatic, would of teuer be guided by the experience i invalids who- have thoroughly tested Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, they would in every instance obtain the speediest aid deriva - ble from rational medication. .Ibis medicine is a searching and at the same time a thoroughly safe remedy, derived from vegetapie sources, ana possessing, in consequence ot its oasis oi pure spirits, properties as a medicinal stimu lant not to be found in .tbe. hery loeui bitters and Btimulants often, resorted to by the debiiiated,dyspeptiend lan guid , Jaunty black Astrakhan ;; jackets are popular this season. t v - iMBcetaaU Druira-iat never deceive tho public, but bew jeware of offer you " "Can- the Ubesp yonn druggists wno plaster called "Capsicum, "Cap siciin, r.r "Capsicme,- and .w i k..nf:ti .. h w. .v. L'n won'a (,.;,,.. iMfpr or e?en better. They osV less for th. :-i.iii. fc- ;t nat uai h,,t r,,A a. w-' wawavu-a v f . dial agent it u absolutely worliiices The reputation 'of Bcsous as the on'. plaster posseseipg a:tuaf aiad high cur .- tive qualities is tne result ot many Years' experiment aud honorable de;il- mgs on the part of the proprietors; mid 5,000 physicians, pharmacists' and drug gists endorse it as tne pest ever uiaac Protect yourself against deception by buying of reputable dealers .only, and avoid mistakes by personal, examination . The genuine has the """Three Seuls'' trademark, and in the centre is cut the word "Capcine." . - it Violets! are tho fashionable flowers o the winter. '. ! State Senator G. W. Plmikitt. jnf j New York, was a sufferer lof six yerel Fr;ed. Douglass, Ihis two from dumb ague : and-fever."5 ile was 1 several other 4geinmen at ccmpletelv enred by taking -five Br&b be dreth Pills every night for a week. One! pbun that they are not allowed to sit at - or two taken every .uigot r petfectlyl "de fust table" in some of the better safe for old or jyouugY wale Quisle;) LI EAVX1AM. : FARKtUIKOlN I'EAKT OF FACTS I FUOH THE rLUEKL IRON't Lft-Ulallv lor.-UHTfrniunal and ; ri.l blvHiilntpi. -Na,th 4'atro. 1 1 it a Kens Hot vs. Special Cor. of the Ntwg and Obsirvek. WASttixoroN, Jan. 30. The Senate's " demands" for infor mation respecting the feaaons of the President for removing) certain Itepub- henn offlQ'ials have been) the subject of cabinet feonid-r;tion a( both the meef ings of the l'rcsitliint'l constitutional advisers this week. As ) foretold in my laslt letter, ' : CLEVELAND AND HIS CABINET have concluded to decline to comply with all such demands and on constitutional grounds, as before stated. This decision is intfnded not only to govern the" action of the attorney general and tbe secretarj of j the treasury, but will apply to the n ply of ithe President himself when the expected resolution passes the Senate, in open session, calling; upon him per sonally for the " information " which the heads of these departments have de clined to give. No formal demand upon the President has yet been made, you nnderstabd the two" resolutions here tofore adopted (in executive session) having been directed to the two cabinet officers above mentioned!. They may be termed the "overture";) the drama or, what is more probable, the farce-will possibly begin next week. It is bound to come, sooner or later and the j DEMOCRATIC DRAMATIS PERSONAL are ready now to intelligently and law fully play their parts, j The friends of the administration are glad that Cleve land and the Republican Senators have locked horns, for it will have a, most beneficial effect on Democrats, inasmuch as St will bring every Democratic Sena tor and Congressman to! the defence of the; administration and cement the party tie between the executive and legislative branches of the government. You may rest assured that the Sherman and Logan gang will make nothing out of Grover Cleveland, not even the ital; which they are sole little party cap- y after. I heard a Republican Senator iay that all they wanted was the proof, or an admission, that removals bad been made for politi cal reasons only. If ; ;N0 CHANQK IN THK (ilVIL SERVICK : laws, it now appears, Mrill be eifected this winter. Generil fJox's committee on reform in the civil j service had the civil service comniissinaer before it this week, ahd examined th4i "with reference to the operations bf UHe law as it now stands, t It had been b greed to reconi nftd only such chabgos . as the Demo WiHUIV VVII I cratic otwmniwuoners suggested, ana toe i Am tn iaa I A r mm 'A VtAf!" MAAmm ATI 1 AWk V 1 .-. - . : : J. ch4nge in tpe existiog (law. i h j tracabl. to IrotntOM. , commissioners no notr recommena vitn its wsnuarv numoer tne iorto American Bevaew begin the publication of -a series of, "LetMrs to Prominent Persons," the first being addressed to the secretary of state.) Thi letter was criticised and ; otheriwise commented upon at great length in the New York Sn and other leadinig journals of the I country, and considerable speculation has been indulged in with regard to its authershiD. Tbe letters appear over letters the noin de olutne of "Arthur Rich-i I i . . I mOnd" and the Sun advances the opm- I ion that they are being written by the I' editor of the Review. I Allen Tborndyke 1 Riee. while other Daners attribute them I to George-WUliam Curtis, lioseoe Conk- I iing( Bob IngersolU et al. None of I these conjectures are correct, however, l t irlancing over the Bayard letter I In gUncinff oyer the was struck with whal sppeared to mo to b4 familiar phraseology, and after care fully reading the letter through I am morally certain that ijt was written by Alhinn Win a- aK wvaiuwim w awf m. f Tourgee. : Hnviiie been associated I wjth him in RaleigMfor two years, in I the compilation of If his "Code, with I Motes and DeciHions.f ' and the "Digest of Cited Cases," I otjjght to besome what 1 acquainted with his f 'style, and to my eyes Tourgee earnarks are Visible throughout the article; and even if one unacquainted with his diction suspected i him, bis reference to the "single eye ought to be enodghjjto confirm the sus pioion. I take no itock in the senti ment of these letters on the contrary 1 think it cannot be!) too severely : con demned but the English out of which they are constructed is good and makes f'michty interesting reading," for no man with any brains himself will deny Tourgee's abilities, whatever else (and 'here is a good wjal of it) may be said h'iu. Tourgee is also the author of t f"Siva" letters, addressed to .Preside it)1 the ent Cleveland, which appeared, copyrighted, I itu thj U Kj iga lnter-ucean ana were fter vrarus published m book form '.Vheu it is just as onvenien ,it is just as well, to nave these mtio tnings aown riglt. !j ' ' FV8TAL FCTsl KOjf PAHMKK8. There is little dubt that ihe attempt to elevate the agricultural bureau to i department, its hetid to bo a fa bine t offi oer, will meet witlilj merited success dur ing the present CoibgreRS. The scheme is to consolidate jjthe present bureau with the proposed' bureau of labor, to be called the department of agriculture and labor. Ti.be mil s now being pre pared by the ngriciultural committee, as a member of which Col Green has been indefatigable in his efforts to promote this plan for the advancement of the agricultural interests of the country. KiaaARmvr negroks. Ingalls, of Kansas, this week pre sented in the Senate a petition signed by sons, and ob culler' - I (mo tiy mahogany), wherein thev com I plats of restaurants here, and intrude! their presence generally m places where they are riot wanted. They do not deny that there; are good accommodations of every character for colored people here, but they think it is '.'insulting to their manhood" that they are not allowed to eat with and rub against white neonle wno ao nou aesire their company, and i i . i . --- they want the District laws so amended that! licenses shall not be allowed to any oDe who will not accommodate this do- sire. Referred to the district committee. i AMOSO THE APPROPRIATIONS ; cub-committees there are only three'of our j Congressmen, viz: Cox, consular iiud; diplomatic; Green, agricultural; Skinner, Indian. The only Democratic Senators who will have, a finger in the appropriations pie are Messrs. Gorman, Keek, Call and Cockrell. DONAH DEPARTS FOR TUB "DIGGIUGS." Col.' Pat. Donan, once of Raleigh, now of Dakota, and. several other gen tlemen, forming a syndicate, some time ago sent a couple of old miners oat to Honduras, prospecting , for an alleged placer gold mine said to exist there. The report comes from Chicago that the, discovery has been made and that they hate "struck it rich." After turning tho river Guayape from its native bed they have begun regular mining and are said to be sluicing out the filthy lucre to the tune of ten dollars per cubic yard. The bed of the river they have re claimed covers many acres in extent, and under the laws of the republio they can lay claim to it all. Pat. departs for "the scene of action" at once. BODTELLE WANTS ANOTHER BASTING. This radical bloody-shirter from Maine arose in the House this week and at tempted to reopen . the Norfolk ' navy yard discussion; but, mind you, it was at a time when Capt.- Wise was not in his seat, lioutelh has been squirming ever since he received; such a severe lashing from "Wise's lingual whip, ten days ago, and he sought to somewhat retrieve himself by attacking Mr. Wise when that gentleman was not present to again flay him by ' a reply, Boutelle knows he is in the wrong' and, you know, M "Conscience dotb make cowards of us all," especially Boutelle, who is such a vil lainous politician that he is naturally ' j - "Pig. on-llvered, and lacks gall." He was ruled out of order on this occa sion, however, but; has been offered a "new trial" at the proper; time if he wants it. He says he does want it and I hear that Congressman and Senator elect John W. Daniel will be "detailed" , to answer him. Phew! My fellow countrymen, if: you have any tears, at all for this poor, misguided man from; Maine, you will please prepare to shed them on -that occasion. You see, the TVepTetaMkVnu uC.Ai Nt"olk dUvtt (Libby) is a Republican, and therefore any ot tne xemocrauc Virginia von gressmen are at liberty twi defend the present Democratic management of the a -a. a ! 1, yard. iouteue may icnange nis mina, however, when he learns who is to hanj die him, for I can ; scarcely believe he is such a fool as to set- nimself up to be shot at by such a man as John Daniel, whose oratorical equal does not tread American soil today. ; -CI'RRENTR c alamo. Messrs. Theodore B. Lyman, Jr., and William Randolph, of Asheville, were iu Washington this week Li. IT . I T . Acijutant-gencrai jonnstonei oones is here to help along that $l,uuu,yuu ap- pnation for the militia Gen. Cox has reeonimended Mr. H; L. Parish, of Hillsboro, for the postmaster- ship of that town, and he will probably be appointed in a day or two. ; r. Hon. James W. Reid hopes to secure the passage of one of his internal reve nue bills. That one providing tor the repeal of the tax on spirits distilled from fruit meets with the most favor Mr. Reid would like to wiptr out the whole "infernal" revenue system, but nnder existing circumstances that is im possible. As you have stated, the .Michigan drummers' tax decision did not affect the North Carolina law, because the lat ter is not discriminative. There-is, how ever,. : case on the . supreme court docket, appealed from the Tennessee Courts, which will soon be reached, that is intended to test the constitutionality of the law there, which as iu North Carolina- taxes both resident and non resident drummers, j The decision will, therefore, be awaited with interest bv your readers. A j A New York paper having; published an allegation to the effect that Senator Vance was a stockholder in the ran elfctric telephone company, the Senato when questioned said it was "a naked bare-faced, bald-headed He." .j JJlbwxa.sc. Indigestion can be successfully treat ed by toe regular use ot Dr. Bull s Ba timore rills. j - j -,, . i Keep your horses healthy. For heavei; distemper, founder, and worms use Day s Horse Powder. '1 Babies cry because they suffer. The most reliable remedy for I the relief of their discomfort is Dr, Bull's Baby Syrup. It is sure and pure. 5 ots. ". There ore 949,000 more women men in Great Britain. ; : than Fottda Extract ia Vnnwn nwrvwhsra. nhd well merits its reputation as the "People's Reme- ay, ana "universal i-aiu uuBLivya, For over forty years' this j great vegeta ble' compound has proved its efficacy, and never failed to do its Idnty when brought into nse. It has won its greatest renown as a suoauer oi aai pains ana in flammations, and should be in - every household. Pond's Extract cures Sore Throat, Quinsy, : Inflamed i Tonsils, Wounds, Brumes, Piles, Catarrh, fito. raliart iwn quick ly Uuui mnr oher know. Mm. k. r-T! librumn'ian. Kenralla. p, l'lrarln. hora, Praxt-bttm, p'taobe, Oulnrr, fecwo Throat, Pcla'lt. WwmCs, BctUu-h TociHe. f rnjim. mj. ITlcr 25 rK a bclJe. Bold hr all InirM, Hcnulx Cuts. Lnnte t, ltruia. rMcfflst tiuooTit-Tho am T1?lMtt'TA Trru 1aV tttr u - .1 .1. . Pro-'. tjrs.I.al.iu.oro,ilL,U. a. A. argp-f-g" DR. BULL'S COUGH STROP For the cure of Coughs, Coldsr Hoarse ness, .Croup, Asthma, Eronchiti Whooping Cough, Iccinicrt Con sumption, and for the re .Icf of eo sumptivc persons in advanced stage of the Disease. For Sale fcy all Drug gists. Price, 25 cents. WANTED. T7"ANTICD Men and Women to tarl a j new business at their borne; can lie done evenings and learned - in an hour; soy persona making lea than 10c to fiOe an hour tbould send 10c at once for a package of Nun- plea of goods, and 24 working samples (wr mulas) Ut eommence on. Address ALBANY bUrPLV CO., Albany, K. Y. atuidlm. . r LADIES WANTED to work fur-ua at their own bomes. f 7 t f 10 per ean be ewily made; no canvassing; faxcinattng and steady, employment. Particular! Mid sample of the work sent for stamp. - Andrew HUM fcl 34'F'1 LO., P. O. Box 191S, Boston, JJiwa. i- E ANT SALESMEN everywhere, local and travelbm. to sell our roods. W ill pay Rood salary and all expenae. Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. A d dre8 STANLAEDSSILVER WAKE COM PANY, NVanhington, SUett, Boston, llassi TIT ANTEDA situation to teach Corres Y V' pondenee solicited. Address P. O. Box 88,Tarbonv. .. ; J an aiiw. WANTED By a young man 20 years old, a situation as salesman in a atore. Two years' experience, and grod recouunenuatlian.' Address tola omce. , , WANTED (Active Salesmen to aell Ibard ware, &c, on tbe road In 2 orth Carolina. Address ENERGY, care Carrier, 70, PU.r Baltimore. . j an4d7b i-- r AN1ED. Ladies and gentlemen ia tl ) 1 .' : city to take lixht work at tbeir iowa home; 83 to i a day,. ean be easily Kiadi- worKsent by mam no canvassing, we avr good demand lor our work and furnish sbtlv employment. Address with stamp, CRQMTN Jtt'i" gOMfAKl, H Vine SU, Cincuxuat-, Obio. , , , r ' mill tnoitt is m& WW Wis sbasoh's FACRisa. ; f Now, is the time to lay in a supply; w. $. k. b: . strohach. WHOLKSAIJI AND R1TAIL a- E o g m k;3. Offer, as in everything else in theiif line. tbe Finest btock of Xiitra Unoic . . ,. CANNED GOODS Iu the State. Our Owl Brand Tomatoe, 8 lh cans $1.60 dux ; la cenu eat-b. - (- Our Indian Queen Corn, lb cans fl.7$ doz.; zoceaen. Harford Co. Green heal Corn, lb eans .50 , . doz.; 15c each. , B & B. Oreen Corn, f$l.23 per dose. Early June Green Pea', 25c cam f 2.50 'dux. ' Marrowfot een Pa,, 20e oao, fa dozen. Pttit I'oia rrnca Peia 20c can; $1.74 doz. . i Pari Extra Asparagus 50V ean. Oyster Bay i aparagua 40o can.- Jobn atoir'a As- ' -I paragua 30c can. , . 't :, . Muns 'u'i Strinless Beans, 1 doz; VOc can. Tburber's Baldwia Tomatoes and ! Wiadbara 0ra, i 11NEST PACKED. YT- nvU especrt attenti'Ni to otr Owl ' l'oui .toi 8 and ludiaa ijuta Corr, as Uub finest go dn of tbetr kind ptvked. t TLurber'i Fxtr' Choice Utnued Vru'li in. bcavy bj ruj nady fr use : Whit and Tallow Pe.icheM, CUaf rai Bart It tt Peats, Apricvts White C'herriea, . Orange Quinces, 3 lb cans 40; - ' were &oc . Cailfornia Bartlett l'ears, .lea hea,. White Cbirief, 2 lb cans kwm 4tfc. Wboie Pme ppb-s 40c vm; were AOc Raspberries BUckix rri Quinces, WniU and tied Cberra, 1 lb cans 2fte; were B5c, TUee goodrarea Utile bigber in price than common brnd, but tbe diflerence In qu illty and quantity more tban make up tbe duTer euce iaprica " . ';, .- M. s0LD DOMINION PICKLES. Home-made; no acid, no copperas, mixed Pickle and tmall Cucumber 75e gai, 8tun'eU Mangoe an 1 utuuruC'lus- , , ter in alaaa. J , Tburber's Preserved Straw ben i-s 3. lb cans 35c cab; were AOc , Joluxjon'a Babama lajknd Wbole Pin Apple and Ouavas 40c can; were 60c Hunaen'a Bartlett Pears, 1 lb cana.l&e atuBDen's Clipper Pears, i lb eans lO ct Thurocr' Genuine Engllb Plum Puddiu, 1 lb 80c, 2 lb 50c; 3 lb 75c, Bear in mlna tbt all good sold by iu tr guarauteed a represented. ' STANDARD BRANDS Canoed Vegetable and Fruit, Potxe t laad JiJh , 1ri OR BETv i" Dwelling bouae. No 8, Oakwoo avt-nue. The house contains lour rooms, kitchen and pantry. Possession given Immediately, .A P-. LEACH BRDsi,, ;. - ViZ Wilmluf ton St, r .... -a30dSt. Ireuiri mora I 1 4 V. i 'A " t i l 4 if. ;' Mil 'v- ? ' ''' I ' P t i ' 1 I.'r-f r i 9

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