I I i I ( i 1 ... , 1-5 ) lari hi uMk km ItRfi tin u I fV i v "7117" j Ptolbhxd Daut (ixcxpt Mohdat) akp Weekly. ! 1 ' " i r ' ,; l " 1 r DaHy 'tM year, sail, poetpald m six monthe, M three - ''' Weekly, one year, . . ebrmmitlM JJ- Ha iiniimbmiil tknn imnianL uld nArH per seat after he expiration of.: time paid I SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1886. Thx Nawa axn OBsnnvna has been pre friend in Washington City and that ap plication for cure cannot therefore be attended to until tne return ot tne. stone, which return 'j will be duly announced; A aiaa-of progress is the marked : ex. tension of mining in. the State-Hjaiea eorundam and gold mining. Mqoh unf proved machinery is being introdueed,it is reported, and altogether quite iauTml ' . ' , . . A! t" : petps has been given the interest apokeB of recently. We put down the fact , as ! .- ; ' Tt Hews. -r i & ..rg f Gasacn has finally concluded not to fight. Her ministers of State announce of tbe powers and the belligerent' little naUon will aooordingly disarm j -.This action may cause the king of the oustry lo reconaider his determinatioi Velae- Muted with a srenuine mad-stone,' bob low. by an ordiaarv kerosene lamp. deaire ta aav at onee to doir-bitten ne that man may sit and read ; his par. iit. .t..'.m.. .L. i. s!LJLUi tbv the lieht of hia atove while the; pie u ioe vucie au ueeu icu uw . , , . . , . , . : 1 alriK I v ainwa hia Biinivtr . An eiirbtir I the fighting propenaities of his ipeopie; :j president of the Cape Fear and Yadkin . - "TrrmtmrtTr- I Vnlley jroadWs his Jine wiH reach lt ! W reprint elsewhere in this issue an kl tj ; r mk ,r. "L f ' i v v i -P ilJ iAaryby.thevlst pf January The yir article aent ua by a highly leMttcated JT j ,-r f U J , ... , , ' . , ' i . ,'ginia and Carolina1 company baa an un farmer friend who thinks it worthy of n i. a , r , - . ' a ri - usually well graded road-bed through Reproduction many times. We gree . Warren, codntv. which, however, mav Wth mr friend aa to the vaJnl of thi article ana wouta oommena a carciui consideration of , its augireauona to the farmer Who wishes other thin its it enforces dus trial education, of. which our peopl generally are now so nrmly'-eeatinoed. C tw bean is now an issue Whii urj it was decided that beans rere gar . ' den seeds, and as snoh subject U k duty .of twenty per cent. -The present, solic itor of the treasurv. Jlr. McCuS. re eeatly decided that they were j a';veg labia and dntiabla at ten ner iturnlL. ani i New York judge now sites it 'u the opmion of bia court that they are, plants and tnererore may be imported free. Bf : Th amendment in reply to the Speech rromme urone. on.wuicn:uie iArjrarrHrif i wai rrg a. ' -ttviaam enuaeftt jwent down exnresse:d ngiit - a.. : a . . . L : l i fc'l tost the yueep, Ad . made do. reference laberera nd rged at oonadrt5an pf - the allotments of land to heae laborers. It was therefore not a distineUrti Irif h issue, and' jthat defeal j wasv snjferei on aucb a motion' will undoabtedly operate; to the disadvantage of ,. the Torieajn the next general election, amce ,000,000 ubiii Biui auuumu iuici atv iui am- wtarw I great extent in favor of i the measure re ferred to. The new.idaj; whidi has dawned for Mr' Gladstone premises to a long:andbrhione.':;; ,;; been a dramatic eompany of colored peor pie which bis undertaken to ptesentfthe play of 8hsJie8peaxer.0thello was givtn in rnuaaeipnia.ine otaer.evening ana a renortar aava:'' v ThiB WrtriArAinmn deiicy ef thebouae toward laughter waa explained at the end of ;the performance by theJatement that fe nanagement had .in. preparauon, together mth ;that of the tragedy, a represenUtion of the 'Mikado,1? id that a , number of per-r sona' to whom apparently i the fteadyi printed prOeramaieS were at no kiuiati ance' Imagined; that heweri wiSess4 in a performance of Ctiut. latter bieee M SaxAroa VAJce, who was represented by a New York paper aa a stockholder in the Pan electrio telephone 'company ,' ' one of the companies testing the validity of the Bell .patent under government sanction, denies in an emphatic manner altogether eharacteristio of him thajt he ever had any connection or relation twith the eompany whatever Attorney-Gcoer-al Garland doecownaome of the stock ami is neither afraid nor ashamed to say ;s. Why ahould hla becoming attorney gen eral bare made it necessary for him I o throw np stock projwrly hed in ; any eompany ?' ' Why should the fact that ii , the Bell patent ie destroyed; bis stock will , be . highly valuable 'an if not it will be worthless, make, his position el ieate, aa ia claimed 1 , Such al1 aituation mght. tempt a republican'' official to beu efit himself at the expenjBe Qf people but it does not follow that it would b dangerous to a democrat. All the prob abilities, in the light of expeiience, ar' the other way. , j i -' . . Ha EnwAan ; At kissov. Jthe fltfell known eeonomist, Svema to diacusa the small economies of life with the same ease that he handles the tarilfahd coiton manufacturing. Io M sC'n. the other day, he proved to his own latiSfacUon and presumably to that of the New Kng land Woman's club, before: which : bt Spoke, that it is not only possible ' bit pleasant to live on $200 a y-Th amount he made oover the cot of food, light, heat, clothes, room rent and a-f? extravagancea. The suit of olothes he wore, he said, represented 6ne ;in eroded in his list at a valuation of been admired by, some of ihc cl of Boston; ;Mr?!Atkiiqubted Bon amy .PrioeV; defcnitlon of man, ;"the only annua! endowed with-progressive wants." "and he held that the advice tt!iwaLJCkOM. tht.tte advice " jQ( 1 wbereeoever your lot inayj be cast., ; ' learn therewith to be discontented' is 1 Wwbtch may b a progressive tenet. I at j h'wtUnyot . philosophical or n li KlQUe Atkinson i introduced as , an illutre tion a cooking apparatus- of his own intention, whkh as described consist of a, square . wooden box moan tl on wooderi.legs, containing a tin box; sur rounded by water and heated from be- so er latter en pound ham was cooked at, the cost of a cent's worth of oil, and a turkey war ranted to bo tough was made tender by the expenditure of one and a half 'cents' worth of oil. When we down here learn to live in that way we wit! all get rich, but- we liear: we'll never learn! Wo were cut u,t after different pattern from that otur Yankee brethren, aiid WB -fraid-ihat but a small propor- tioo of us Will get neb hereafter, ns Las beeB the Ktofore. i : V i r Qne does not realise the extent of the J?!t-: !. .k railroad wofa KOinir on ui tne otate ui til her undertaker to enumerate the virUiis lines bow. being extended, in. ai JVVeetern North, Carolina extension is 'proceeding with vigor, the Spartanburg and Asheville road is about being com- pleted, the extension of th9 Carolina liyivef b utiliaed, and there U a jccently t nun. anors line irom ounoia, va., to Jiickland. Qates county; the control of the oertau) extension of the latter road narth and' soolth. ' The Rbcxr Mount eNashVillfroid ik being tabidly built bjr the. Wilmington & Weldon eompany ayd will be extended, it is 'said, to Jial- eighi'l. ,Thei :hal Of the . Wilmington & r orence snort-cut o( tne wumingion & vYeldbn. road .between the! first named tqwn and Fayetteville is being ooj structed with astoniaEing i rapidity and in m manner remarkable for . excellence irievery detail. i The Clinton :& War saw Had is well under way and the rails hkii 1 just been purchased for a short Ime 'froto a "point on -the -Wilmington, Qpittmbta 4f Augusta road southward. Tti'tf Pittaboro road is rapidly being laid aid:the eitisens of - Moore eounty are next teonthi to Vote upon )a proposition I tit iaSue" bends in aid of the construction iiaae result i waion action wut-unaouoti av t '4L;i 1. . . L 7 1 .1." - I ii 1 j a . edit be in favOr.of i the road.' ! The ex tension of the Western North Carolina, Of whioh we have Spoken, has reached a point i 102 milea from Ashetilief-ia well nplherefore in the AUeghaniea. In ad dition t ta these' lines,;- many- others, of cftftrsei -are-- being protected,:. but we hjave confined ovraelves .to those aptu'ally i being eonjstrueted j or i oij the I point of ; being begun. Most of the 'lines we' .have 'mentioned are short liaea too, it is true, but: they JtLatl thOi sort of railways; we neer at present, that is to say. feeders jot the main arteries, and their number, with e prospect of a rapid increase iu that umber, strikts us aa an evidence of oaperityinot to be doubted. Taken in cpnoeetion with the other , signs of pro gresaxiow visible throughput $he mate it saquM serve to encourage all of us in the hope. fbr. bettet times.! Xet but' the firmcrs; who, represent th foundation of vpciety ionoo.get ;well .upon;! their id the day or an enduring prepority iu nave-dawned, we nrmiy belieye. , Tux attitude of the President should Jet be misunderstood. He has no cause Hp cenpealany reason he may ; have for ly nomihation he has made. He there- re eoncotls , nothing. ' He ia . simply fluto.nuniatn sp farias hjs pan and his place the system ofeheoka and bai 4ncea between the co-ordinate branches of the 1 government established-! by : the lathers tn their wisdom! Tee Senate jiaa no more right to ask of tiie execu iive the reasons for a removal than the executive has td ask the reason , for a failure: to confirm on the part of the Senate. .The ' President is -1 therefore defending prerogative which is as sailed by ithe republicattl enitors and assailed in clear violation of the spirit if not tbe letter of the law, 'and he will suud firm. He has: every advantage "uf uWsitionV being supported by the or ganic law the immemorial: usages of the government, and tW full? pdwjerf uu preiudiced public obinion. illis con- iluct haa been admirable, not qnly in the prompt real nation of the responsibility uuuur wuicu u rests, oui in uis Jack- eonian manner or acting apou bis ejb- vitiona. Mr. Jacob Bolander, of Oinoinnati, having i named a new-born boy baby John bhermau, ha bo u greatly grati iiud by ail autograph note, dated Jau uarjf 20, in the vvicc-PrWidtt'scliii-ber," ini which John Sherman winds his kindest regards Vb the toother and a kiss to the baby." Mr. IJolauUer is pleased, bat not surprised since be sup posed 'John Sherman would send some thing. Mr. Sherman's liberality prom ises to beggar him in time, j .; oXlaJkla CVa Dmu BkI TWmIc five atora I tone than any thing I hiwrv r uaen or preacrlUa, ay8 riotwor II. "wdnuu. M. Iki rhrsktaa to the Grand iKitcr of '. ovy,-anixlit el the Iron' Crs, fete fae affMt l tea Ooea Urd.x up tliwniarvelUma and if Bat elear y autbeuiieated by! icni,u 4 Undoubted verudtr woald b aitoirKber bw yonalsay.Dr Wnu H. 6m&MM able ta head affect Ions, weakened memory, dlxsineaa, deUriuWlon of blood to the bead, lakaad nervous asadstbs. Akw bajaaal aj. of m fcaarf sad atksr fsftaj sf tile taltte Of in-'-l.K Ml ontn11w Iwinrtm mrf if -Bold nHPLB OatCCtiaTIONS. One often hears a remark made to thi effect that any ftl can be a farmer, or that education is wasted on one who ouly tills the noil for a giving. : Trnseo reioarkt were nearer th truth, perhaps. years ago, when the country was now ifiv virgin bui i wouiu ieii auuuu.iui cii'ps almoet without care on the part, of tlto husbandman,, an i insect enemies, blight, rusk, &c), were nearly unknown. But now such oayings are far froui'tru and we arc beginning to realise Ui.-U CHowledge is power on the farm just as Barely as anywhere eUein the world Forty vearb neo oar, tools were of the simplest and rudeet kiriVls, and not much intelligence wan required to use them. Today some of the finest machinery wado is on the farm, and the farmer 4 needs sKill and brains to use these improved- tools to the best advantage. rattier than muscle to do heavy work ' The day ha passed when muscle rules the world. The battle-axe and spear Were muscle; :Le rifle and the cannon a)re brains. The stage coach , and the courier were muscle: the railway tram and telegraph are brains. On the farm .the scythe was muscle; the mowing uia ohine is brains. The grain cradle and sickle were musole ; the self-binder is brains. The farmer of the future will Seed to be, to a large extent, an engineer and: director of labor, aid a student, -in stead of a simple laborer, as the farmer & of the past was. The sooner we accept vera and educate ourselves ' (and our children) accordingly, the more profitable will our farming be. If ''any foot can be a farmer" and make a : gent tt living out of it, what are the possibili- farming under skillful and intelli- managementi? Even ,in the most simple -operations of the farm education Will be of use to us every day, I not only in enabling us to direct our work to the best advantage, but in. giving us the ability to keep account j of everything, and knoW: whether a certain practice- or crop pays, us or not. L ' - A hired man once said to me: "You arc the best hand at! guessing I ever saw !" I had told him there would be over six loads of hay to get up, but : not quite seven. He luadefthts remark when we were : g4ing to the barn with the seventh load not quite full. Now, there Was no gucstting work about it, I knew the width of the: strip cat, trom ; the number of swaths, jeach one of which was six feet. I knew how wide the wa8, and bow many rakefuls we ooiild nut on a load. ;So. after rakinir Once down through the piece, a little ! j meniai ariinnietio toia no w many loaqs j .there would be! One pan tell how much si man ought to plow,! cultivate or uar- : J- f a.-, t ; cvw iu uajr A. rcuieuioer uuc ioav . j 'went away, to begone all day, leaving . a new hand to harrow a piece of land for! , ' wheat. ' At night I foind be had got over i. Only six acres with aharrowsix feet wide. J. He insisted that he had done all he!, 'oould. But after he had seen tbe figures ' on a board , and found he had traveled less iubu uug. diu ma uuur ne was jauitei 'ashamed, and said : It's no use trvlng i to toot you on a :aay a wrx,;r anrf h ,ueer ltiuu n again. y . :. Suppose von have abig oompost heap, which you wish tb put on twelve acres of ground. You walk around the heap, if it is a round one, stepping 3 feet a step. IHa 54 j paces around it 1 ou-toox avit ana see tnat u it was leveled down to where yon walked, it ' wouldaverage about 3 feet high. , There- j fore you aay 64 yards (circumference), multiplied bv 41. half the radiua. will lgive the number of cubic- yarda in the pile x on know What your man ure spreader will hold, just about cnbie yard at a loadj so yon set it to: spread .20 loads per acre. , and aomout all right-T-no gness-work about it. Some years ago 1 had a heavy piece of corn to cut. A faithful man, .waa aet at the job, and be . only made about . .five eighths of an acre a day. I oombared 'the weight of stalks and grain he bad to handle with what he would have -to on an average piece, and was satisfied that he waa doing well. One night one of those, "blowing" men ' came .along Whv,said he, "Adam isn't doing aoytiung. x can go in there and cut an acre a day juatas easy aa sitting on the fence "Very well, isaid 1, "oome tomorrow and cut ani acre ; I will " pav you $1.50, and you Can have' the fun of sbowmg Adam how little he knows about-cutting corn.'? He came before I was, ub and at noon, beirinninir to : realize that he had something' to do, he (but took a bite and ran; but it was 3 .'o'clock the second day before be had his laere cut. When he waa laughed at aouat it ne used to say: "Tbe college ;boy wss too much for me." : ': Suppose you are a dairyman, and 'raise wheat and potatoes to sell also You want ten tons of corn meal to feed your eowa in the winter, and you plant corn. Now a careful account kept tor a term of years may show you that -while you are making money from your wheat and potatoes you are losing on ;vour( orn. Or on acount of having a , libme market for the! corn, and no good ; niarktt for the potaes, and not time chough to properly ears for them, the ; Cyin may pay best. Knowing the facta, ! you can raise what will pay you best. The day has pasqgd when it is necessary wr iiiuicr iw raise everyining ne wants for his own use. 1 might go on show- lug you. : where education would be of advantage to you eviery day of your life, and in every lot on your farm. Farm- iug, or agriculture, is an art, based out- it number ot sciences, and the more we know of these sciences, or of the one pertaining te our line of farming, the bitter We can run the farm. ' Not long since, when coming out of a hall with a company of farmers who had bean listening to a scientific lecture by a noted college president, one of them asked another : "Well, what did you -think of that ?" Ob , I suppose it was good enough," he replied, "bnt it would! feed tho pigs or milk the eows." He was one of the kind of men who suecr at book farmers, and think "any tool can be a farmer," But,,thank God, we have some farmers who are not con tent merely with. being able to carry swell to pigs sad strip tbe eows. I haye been surpriaed this winter; to est ao mapy oh men ana women, seventy or three persons seventy-five: years old in one load), get out to farmers' institnte and pay close attention to the lecturers, evu when thev were auite scientafic. I'lus is well, but let the older ones not forget to educate the children. Ym may leave them a goodf rm.but they my be dwindled out of it. ' Leave Ihem-an education, and do man can steal it, land if tbey want a farm they can soon earn it. T. B. Terry, Summit county,' 0., iu tne Country Gentleman. Tb Onalair Optra. (Tor. of the Nsws aKd UhPi:itvrR. Haliigii. N. C, Jan. .'50, 188$. With the 'exception of n occasional rendition by our excellont FhilhariuOnic society and now and ;tb n uu operetta by a traveling company, the Kaleigh public rarely have an opportunity of witnessing the opera. The company which is to play here next Tuesday evening will afford ah opportunity of Boeing one of the best operas rendered by reallygood artists and the opportu nity should not be missed. Miss Jen nio Wiuston is a great favorite, of a high order of talent and the company is first-class. The writer once saw this identical opera. ,"Fra : Diavolo," in the Academy of Masic at ttaltimo e, and that immense auditorium was packed from p v to dome. ' While the small stage here will preclude the setting of men an opera as "fra Uiavolo ; as it should be, yet if the company is the same that the writer saw and it is so represented and believed to be hose who go to Tucker hall Tuesday evening1 may be sure of an j evening of genuine pleasure, well worth: the price of ad mission. ; ! ' . IUlkiuu. (- Sick and bilious headache cured by ur. Fierce s "FeUets." The pews of the Brooklyn taber nacle, over which the Rev, T. De Witt Talmage presides, Monday night Were rented for $17,400 with premiums amounting to $5,000. With collections which average $8,000, the total receipts for the year will probably aggregate about 33U.400. The highest price paid tor tbe cboice of a pew was $7bU. J JZ t9 una Hntumausm. Rtarama 1CK. rll'TT rr.tTiL. At DKUdaisra Attn miuh j ' sum prow. caiatK i.-osinaifi, twiTraoaa. EVERY DAY MATTERS AT EJjJW. J. HARDIN'S Ton wfll find alwavt S comDlete stock of tha bt tamlly aapplias, earefully selected as to quality, at lowest possible prices, neatly put up uu jirvinjjuj aeuTereo. m The vry best Tea and Coffees; 8Uple Canned Uooda; such aa Corn, Succotash, Preach Peas, Asparagua, ! Mualirooma, Okra and . Toma toes, Aa, . - l : ' CANNED FRUITS California Apricots, Pears, Peaches, Ac. ; Burnett'r Fhtrorinr iSxtraeta: Cox'a- and. Jtelaon'"! Qielattne; iBeat Freach Macoaropi Abetter than the , ltaltaa); Fine, Cheese, Cboeo. ates, iocoa, isrema, tjaiad Lnressmg, sauces, Catsups and everything else in the way of Miscellaneous Table Supplies. f O ARRIVE THIS WEEK : Magnolia 1 Hams, eanvassed and winter cured; Ferris' Hams, Pigs Feet; "Extra Choice Mackerel to roil weight, SO lb kit. KUteen barrels .Fine .Apple; Grand Iuke'a, bpita, Acw &c Baldwin' THE FAMOUS BOSS LUNCH MILK BISCUIT, The best of all plain Crackers: loo per lb at man, ana a imi line ei nenneuy s ana wu son's Biscuits and Cakes. ' . Wines Liquors &cs A Choice Stock of Whiskies, Wintm, A less Porter Ac. Ac, for medlcins and famli' uuy use. Just received Kamsey's Bess Socth Whli 'Ey eholes New Orleans and Porto Rlee Mo laasea. Syrup, Buckwheat Ac ' Order uarefuUr tiled. E. J. HARDIN ffOS ; : si j : ' . ; !v. Man and Beast Unsung Unlment h older thaa or vms'tntt used porw'Kad Oh rfiTHu IU vaacaAauaa. tm,M.WJS UN MU IS Gts. Best rtilizer in the World UlME 17,00 per ton t . 0. B. m 800 lb sacks. f 1.00 per bameL " f . Burning eystot sbells day and night. Liberal d acount tor large orders. t iff : Plaee your orders early and secure th flnt blpmenta. ' NEW BERNE LIME KILNS. WILLIAMS f HXBBINQ, Htm ame, N. C. in lfidan. READY.I I BUSBEETS NORTH CAROLINA JUSTICE FORM BOOK. Third Edition Revised and Enlnrtd. This is the best book of the kind ever 1 published and oontaiu every point of law J amlevery form which can be needed la the j maaistrates' practice in this : State. This! Work has over Sod PAGES s knA nontatfia aa mnph mmtfmi- ia tj Kji found in anv Five Dollar (Book ever lamed j is un bhub, u luiiiMwiiiHny pnoino, doubq a leatner ana is sent Dy maU prepaid ler .50. y So uattea of the Peace can afford to tx without the . 1Tct7 Buobcc, As no other book In tae State gives all tin law in his practice. SMd all orden te thej publiahera, ALFRED WILLIAMS k CO., BooKaaxunai ajtd Sranaraas, 1 BaLDOB, N. C. BA9K1HQ MOUSE OF HENRY CLEWS & CO. IS A IS Broad Street, Kew York. nmaaar rain on pkposit baiasoks. - Ord executed on tall the exrhan ges lor Brocia, Boxoa, Gaint, Corroa and Lam for Cash or on Margin. ' Jan IT dSw. !. Parao- NOBTH CAROLINA GRANITES AND SAND8TONXS. P. Llnehan 6l Co 409 FayettevlfleBL, Baldgh, K. O,. Are prepared to make eoatraets ea the Most Favorable Terms for supplying Granite Band stones of the Beat Quality to aay Quantttla desired. Quarries at Headeraoa ana Wades boro, N. C. Ample tacUftwa for handling ane saakfag quick jhlpments to aay point, either n etotain KING & MACY -irraaoToas ros House and Sign Painting , ZTo. 1 East Davie SC. under Law Buihliar. 'Wedo KalsonUnbHbGaulag, Gnintng a general House Painting. Special facilities tor SIGN WORK. Orders freasaaiy distance solicited. - tw references given. fleet PLANT BED t BURNER PATENTED JULY 28, 1889 ess, IT J. H. HORNER, OXFORD, N. C. A pamphlet containing description of the same and of: its application to curing tubaeco in barns,, i' Together with s CoariLaTioM of the most approved methods of cultivating and curing nee yellow Sebaeeo, Sent to any address on receipt of twenty re caws. ; Apply to J.H, HORNER, Oxford, N.C Do You Wish to Build :: ; " !, ' ' fBJSM Of 00DBS1 Y0D WANT A Neat and Practical Deilgfc This ean be i furatahed V eeonomleally ; A aaasattafi 7 jAl.- Gr. Bauer AtCllTlOT ajrn imsia, With thi lata 8amne! Sloan), Raleigh, N. Cj mmitm' hb suuunaMB. wui niiare majts. slevatlona, idetaihv workiair drawlni and spedfleatloRS for boildings of every deeerip. ww "uwigwnn UM piste. IjOeB MX stss, Koom a itnggs jwaidtac. luaa io. i JjOR8X AND MULES FoB SALE. I wUl be In Raleigh Thursday morning, the t8th last a Jackson's Old sUbles (now LaeaY With 80 Of the Snsat Hones and MuIm mr nrongbt to :tbia saarkeL Persons whh'ng to pnrebase wfil do wall to call and examine my row wea HaaonpurunasiBf f isewnere. i i E. POMZROT, r ?!s4i,sivtj -a. -Ttl . RsRettjy B ORUM AT MARKED DOWN PRICES FOR CAS1 The following jttestrable articJea." hnth seasonable and useful j LaniBs wintu DRESS GOODS. Heavy Jeans, Doeskins, Caastmere Cloth- and other Furnishing Uoods for' Man ami Boy's Hear. ' ; Ladies' and Men's WINTER UNDJfiRWEAR, Wraps for Ladies, latest styles snd ail made ta order this season. Blankets. Opera, Basket and Honeycomb Flannels: Bleached and Unbleached Cantos Flannels. t BOOTS FOR! MEN AND BOYS Several lines efi Heavy Shoes for Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys. Overshoes (or Ladies, Misses and. Men, first quality. ? aienr wooinneosen-aeung arctics lor lot a-pair. :i X : Healao has many other articles la his stock which can be bought low for cash ' Call and examine goods and prices and aet for yourself that he means what he sava. Don' forget the plaee. - 1M Fayetteyiue Street, Balelg h, N. l y Now is the time to order Coal lor WINTER SUPPLIES ' When the beat article can be had at lowest prices and delivered clean from the ears, hav mg nerer toucnea tne earuv since taken trom the mines. THE FBEIOHT ON- Cool Is reduced for a short time and ll who ex pect to use it should order at once, and save ooc to vi.ou per ton. OUR FAVORITE Finds of Anthracite Coal can be bad now bnt cannot be gotten at all later in the season. So let us have your orders at once for both kinds ana sues. ; JONE8 A PQWXLL. O ,NE THOUSAND GOOD CORN AND jaeea wn wauieu uj , , , i iUAMCI-VnUjlf ; FsretteTille St. and Central Deoot. BateigJvNC JC8T BJtCaiVKP AT M.T.Norris&Bro . . i - . i --: f I r ' 2 30,000 pounds Sbncks. ! J -'' i t i c 10,000 pounds Wheat Straw for bedding. ' i 100 barrels patapeco Flour. ; 100 barrels Orange Grove Flour. 100 barrels Carolina Favorite Flour. 60 barrels Sugar. : S2S bags Fine Bolted MeaL ; i ; . i 1,000 bushels White Corn, J,000 bushels Feed Oats. 20,000 pounds FtoeTunothy Hay. 4 -V CaB and our goods before you pur chase elsew M. T. NORKIS h, BRO. ARE STILL TRnOoTHANT. For Sfteen Vasra the tisra mtmAfhw nhuil In favor, and with sales constantly incrratisr luu V. n A Al- - - . J.' t . . 1 , vnwns uw most popular conev tnrougn out tbe United States.: ; ; The G. oualitT is warranted to wear iwimu Jong as ordinary corsets. We have lately tn. troaucee tne U and K H grades with Extra ong waist and we can rarnish' them when preferred. I ii : Hurhest swards from an the wVrM m fairs. The last medal received' is tor First De gree oc j&eni, rrom tne nue aurposuion held at aiv vrwana.,- - -it' While sonrss ei nalMibi tiau K. wnrthlras thn us 1 11 iT 1 TTir fK ini.. vim-i.. kaeM VMwuwajl 4 m Vm aaaaawsa Retailers are authorized to refund money If, en examination, these corsets do not prove mm cvpraeuteu. oreaweverywnere, uataiogoe ree on application. i axtOJaoON, LANGDON W- ' New fork. cy1 UE FDR RENT. Having leased 'itreaif January ; 1st the Wiseea Wltaunaton street next to ssy jmmV nea. tor an omoe. us roonM 1. now oea lathe rear of Battle Merdecal wm be Apply fe ft, vatue a theuadsr- NOTICE J 1 ! " : i ii: ! stawad FUR SALJs. OR RENT. A.aiuaoiu Ho.ukj and Lot for sale in UM very heart of Balehrh. N C .jJiimtrr sHhoxitjt.4nvjeted.iaJ0lL bxthajw perioc court of Wake eoantyinaaWeetatSae special proeeedlnaa enUtlad R. k rienaw and other, ex parte, I wlliiaelf ajr ptmUBbos tion, (o. highest .bidder, at tbe eourt-aouse door tot the etty of BaialTrClWttroay, the 6th day of FebniaryTiattbat very desir,, able property, eonslstmg of one house ana lot located on the comer of Martin aud balia bury street in said city and running back 8 feet la UM. Moure's line, bmim t i i.- m. Terms one third cash and the balanecin mu Mr. with intcrMt at 8 rmr M.t ' Coauniasloner. Pace A Holddio, Attorneys. January 6th, 1886, dtd. - gALE OF VALUABLE LAND Kate thi crrr or balbioh. This Is to give notice that under and by vir tue uf an order of the Superior ourt for the county of Wake; nude in the civil action of H. W. Whatto.., ad" mistrator iOf David M. t arter, deceased, aud ethers against Moses A. itiKuaoe ana o inert, i,wui teu at public auouoo, tlon toithe highest bidder, at the court houav floor m toe clt, of Kaleigh, the X2d day of February, l&m. at 1 o'clock d. m.. a Aftrtaln truct of land containing abnut two hundred acres, wnirn wm. u. boou wnveyed to said Moses A. Bltdoe by deed dated thetl&thday of November, lege, r- gistered la tbe otnoe of the register of deeds for the county of Wake, in book 55, at page VJ, the 26th day of January, IWI, ThtolaOi. will be sold la marcels to suit purchasers. or plot or tbe same, persons who may con template becoming bidders are rterreLtocol. A. W. bhanVr. The term of the sale are: One-third of the purchase money In cash, one -third in twelve months and une-third la two yean, with Inter est from the day jf sale at the rate of eight per cent per annum, payable annually, and the title to said land to be retained until the full payment ol the purchase money; Ail persons who contemplate purchasing will please make their exaealaatknof title be fore the day of sale. . SP1SBWH1TAKSB. aalfidtd Coumbskmer. jyOBTOAGS SALE. i'ursuant to authority rootaii&d in a mort gage deea exeeaUd the 11th day of January, 184, by tt- K. Ferrell and Mary A. Ferreli and C. M. bus bee, trustee, to secure the pay. meat of a debt to Geo. W. Norwaod. Wd, 1 will sell, at the courWhouse dwor in the city uf Kaleigh, for cash, the 2ud day of Febru ary, 1846, a tract of land in Barton's Creek tvwnthip, Hake eounty, aajoixing the lands of Wa Lasslter, J. J. Hunter, W . O. Allen and others; it being the hind wihereon B K. Kerrtil aua wife new live, and ouming la&t acres. The deed is r-glatert m book 19, page 8. , OKOv OBWOOD, Executor ' of GEO. W. MOB WOOD, dee'd X. M. Akuo, Attorney. ia2Udtd. gALS OF LAND. T. T By virtue of authority given In a mortgage' fiem Ab-aanuer Barham and wife to W . B. Allen, recorded In I he register's ofhee of Wake county, in book 83, page 111, wo will sell on Monday, the SCid day of February, vm. at the Ii..ia 1 afc. ia a . m twui ituwubw uvui uu uawj m;n,j JkMiatiirn ijjs sw, w -, wmw containing 254 acres more or leas, situated In LiUtaViver township oi said county aed i adjoining the landaol Jasper Bart am) ti G. Mitchell, . Slon -DarraL k. B- Perry and others. Terms of sale cash. Time of saie IS o'clock m. PACE A HOLDING, . Attorneys for : Mortgagee Jan. 2frl, 1886. dtd. t f yLUAML. LAAD FOB SALE. ; " Kt virtue of authority conferred bv a Mr- I.Bll JhillttAi N ulll MBAu.k J t tain deed of mortgage executed on the 28tb ay of Aprfl, 1Aj3, by 'Mtaard (MiaL trustee, Alfred Jonesand Lizzie C. Jones, his wife, to -it S Pulkn and recorded iu the offlieel the -register of deeds for Wake cuuty, X m . book 7S, at page 780, and also Ixy authority of a certain deed of tou, executed the zdth day: of August, 1883, by the same parties to A. W. Ha) wood, truhtee for B. b. fallen, and re corded in the efnee of the reaister of deeds for Wake conty, N. In bouk 74, at page 691, we wiU Saturday; February, xuth, LbtKU eu atpuDncouicry ioresah uw interest and estate of said aiibard MiaJ. tituktee. Alfrad I Jones and Lizzie C Jones in the tract f Jaad ubbcx ucu losaiu ueeu oiamung,g aau aeeu pi trust, raid tiact containing 6wo urea more or less and being the same tract of. (and whereon the said Alfred Jones and wile do now reside, reference to which deed of saertKaae aad deed of trust ht hereby mads for a lair description of aid lands. . j PI os ofsaK door of couetv aour .house ia Raleigh, N. o. Time of sale 12 dock m. it S. PULLE Mortgagee, A. W. HaTwooo, Trustee. !., 'an. 81, 188tt, dtd. j VALUABLsj CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE Bv Virtu nf mnr uul.nkHl nm. earum deed of mortgage executed by DaL H. Crawford and wife aad recorded in register's -office of Wake eounty, in book 78, page 684, 1 wui sell to the highest bidder ler cash at pub lic auctton, at tbe court-house door in the city of Raleigh, Monday, March 1st. 188U, at IS O'r.lnt'lC til thjl IUnlMrt. in mmiA A " ribed, situated ia the southern portion of the city of 1 aleigh, near Blount stneet. va w a avu. miarqian. B. F. M OkTAona. mltorn for al nrrvaosn Jau.,31, 18(, dtd. - IV. Ij. d B. S. TOCO 4 CD. This Week begin a' SPECIAL SALE I Housekeeping Linens- TABLE LINENS. : : Double Damask 8atin.Fiaiahi ThU HntKa.- German Hand-Loom Table Cloths, bootch and S-i S W l. I TV l ' ; " TRaY NAPKINS AND CLOTHS. i I and Table Napkins, White aad Fancy' wuuwvutWfUH, Crashes. Glase LIbcm ud ThU Tn.L tnga. - r" .K- HT!KABACK TOWELS, 'V German Damask Towats TURKEY RED TA3JLE LINENS. - t i Prciavater i to stock-taktwr. we '"wish rLilucc toc-s of the above Llncuac.and will make lua-trprioeathan ean poesfbly few mad mwer in we season. AV. ll. A B. &TUC t'he, Faster Term, the Both semi.?. rtvn, of acbonwiB brgteea TU , wmw . t , ;, - NT V - tklaee. tUtr. V3$TT hMEDEf, wr? p (S m mi (tx i u lit';- n t ; 1 1 h-.. t . ,r t 1 - f 'I '. -7. h I-