Tmfi News and Oisnmi Fcblxxhxd Daxlt (bzcsr Mohday) ahd 'BY iHEMSBiMDilBSERVER Co, Daily om year. sasiL postpaid ' ? 00 sixnaoatas, sou ' Uu-so . 1 IS six months. ' 1 00 VonajA entered WithoutpaymenVand, Bo ; slier uie expiration u ume pw S-'X!' f'l 'IT'I i ' ' : . , M V ) ,t TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1880. Tbh tiiocsad North Carolina cousol. 4s were sold in New York last week at 90g. " . Tslsosaph wires are now being strung through China having, already been, - stretched by the thousand over Japan. Electricity is evidently to be the most ao tire agent in making the world one. , i I ii I ) !-- . . If I. ', Another bond call,. and yetthepeo- v.w - Cl" " o ; U none the less burdensome because in-1 direct and theretore not cieariy apparent ; to nil, while the oonntry! creditors; would infinitely (prefer their interest- 1 t,A.j.d..;r mAnM. B . -- . Mas.' GaAJrr has just received a check ibr 50.000 A. hes. hare of therofttif made by the General s book so far.. l6ca dlspTays of farm products TEia, it is said, is. the largest sunt ever eOuoUt flairs.' ' At these, agricultnra! paid in one check by a publisher '. to. an, . tajksi should be; made by progrt&site author of hS represetttatfres7 Macaula who j iffleetHje, should be paid reoeifed "rbui" the publishers "of TiwT fof their iefvicei Out of the departmislit History Of England a check fbr2Q,O0OJ foods. , After these local ' fairs kre or $100,000, and the largest sum $irt M should have a system of djs- Walter 8c0tterer received in onecheckl.trict . fairs, and then the 3tati fair. from his publisher was 40,000, or WbUo the bove is a general outline vf 200 000 . " ' : t ; tie suge$tioh the Nws and ObskbVkr tV' V '.- , Ll -t'i'i i4VArt' ' iAt '.K. i ' ; j n. 'flnkuia that Tf H ' ;U1B would yedisappWed to buiory!' ts; AV...rt2.1i.' Ti a Ifttr tht"ttena.tr1 now At I should "Opfi k'vSF (5S LX ' J i : ie icnooi marts . r '." . I pose : fof j., either. -TntYAnkee i ! m .s'xfri-a.i-r.4 t-.:. wY7'-rHt Mt C " .l - oartr. Screed . or social - p6aitln, 'will ; or jmpfttUM )iiia 8rwm;3:;i!bV;: neriod of veart has served , but to strengthen the devotion of her chival rous hjisband. Words onnnot depict the desolstion roigning at' the Bsyard fireside, nnd , the tender compassion of the people cannot makej itself known toj those gaUusredthereaoout. it : kowever,m tit fullest messuw,snen- crallysjid it affords another aiustrartbn , of the fact that brotherly kindness still , bureau, b again in trouble, being now 0 racially ' charged with extravagance! ' misappropriation- of. funds, . etc, j . fie says the charges eiaahate frouv discharged clerks and endeavbrs to ph7pooh them ' away, but this will hot'dc.' Discharged elerks sometimes make important rey0- lations, and as 6Mscardei accottptiles in ; . -. . '.;: crime, have been known to render vain- . able 1 publio. service. f The people tBere 1 wUijSmply wantto ' know whether fore . or not the charges are true; that; is to -say, whether or not Gen. Hasenjhas , violated tHe Uk's V "If it turns out thkt be has wilfully done wrong they will want iuBVpaniabed as . they, would ny othCT publio ofccei wboCmlt tUahid- 1? .mi..- I. .1 j1 1 minisusrois omca. spite against Has tne recent. outrageously the? bad weather generally giving as of late. . -sr. THE HOOfEtt YAM1LY. The points about this, distinguished r w M. tw. nt kiiVt Prof HonW: w. obtain fronf a .ZrL ..r, . - o-- tleman weU acquainted with its uietn- bers, but who relying on his memory made some errors, accurate statement He now sends us an which we are sure will interest our readers. j We will not 'go further back than, the Episcopal clergyman. Rev. William lisvnnjir ftf TVislnn. Mala tina nnrJ trait is in .Prof.-. Hooper's parlor J at j Chapel Hill. He had three SoBs. Willia'o George and - Thomas. The jlaaUpaiijed married without and died in Boutn uamuu uteue. William ana ueorgei settled, in Nerth Carolina Wijliam j Hooper, the signer of the Declaration of Independftjuce, ha,d son named WJHiahi; who frss; ,Rv., Prj .Wflliani Hooper, onoef jrofessor . in jUf J!ni vcr aity' presf CTfeestvCoTlcge. ana a qistingqisneu oaptis oinnei. vr Hooper wife dent ter marriednttTe&iHViPf- J4hnBe Bernicre HtfjJt:j-4 "lASJaJd wel. bu secoad wife ipfd )rr Iloojier, h4r son, sre all bureJyhe pfd monument near the neJwSst huildieg, in the Uni- verauy nmpai eer of Jebjisoa-tHoooer. of sAlabaoia, the humorous writer. Prof. Hoofteff lekves four children, Mrs. Helen Will; of Chapel Hill; Mrs. Spier Whitaker, of Raleigh; tfr. Ucnry Hooper, of. Eden s 'K n j:. ton, ana np. Rlpb Hf flrar, of Mm ith hi iird tyrant won ia nave ' hi afW DoWaS! "W'f61"10 Tun render to ,tl Li-Jm omie.esj potter e-ihury- o i v T7i4"i- liOt us cease fooymg aoroaa ana D,,aat pf a finer What we parheuurly want to eiyr w th . work at home at the fireside. h ' bodv 6i vounz : anguisu 01 uwi u xunok BHuorf - seen a letter irom rresiaent jjibvis ;.f?" du., iouuiiib um mometiti vlwioe" wkhin 1l&ln. i 1 threatened thai if iniogrsage bouquet of cardinal au " ha. mM W WiMfc atte4pt4to secede fronilthe 1 drZofw" roDoea mm i tne nQ vnnra pe nei &otBfrn uonieaeracy ne wouia ura - denrestiherS 1 An idoUiiughfer is 1 ffoonit blcinio rsnks. and Mr. Davis ' p who-e delicate hedULUirou? long laihutto icn letteritNo BmuMm e rnio urant would Have regara to party or social ouierenocsii leaas every man to jeei anois wof inl? . or Dryyeseph. Ualdwn, nce presi of th Cnlversityifld;hU daugh- Ueorge Uooper was ataeTjt lArcni bald .Mactatt HoMi;wiho;fwI1 lather of PrDTVronniBerniere-He and - m .V-" i' m ! a 7 a TMwbmr5ftSirAir3rT ;; bn J: i AUatlCVLTVBBU .. ' i h ,f rThe gnestTonwnif Id dd1n order to render the egrbaltural department a vital, living influence to promote the agricultural interests of the State is a; burning one. up to tne present time wu , benefit! deriverom th establishment ' Of the department: has been only :incv 4ental j Wbat shdnld be done to make it a positive force iu the upbuUJiug of durfaiming industries f Let the best tHought of the State address ; itself to thU fqjuestioii, It is worthy the most earnest consideration of oar most iutel- 4 lint -business men. Aericulture lan guSsheV NotwitnsUnaing more intel ligence is sboWn in farming than 'er haps civer before, the fact remains that farming grows more and more unprofit able ith each passing year. ; j '; The Nkws and Obskrykk long since. years pgoi.supmutea ior tuo cousiaera- ttnn F Wo hrtaffl of directors its nlaii fcn submitted' for the nuiisf the? means at the disposal of the j k..:. T V k.o - aocoJ h then submitted, tut has rCDeatedlv brought the matter forwaru if for rfeoonsiderauon In substance m Jpropolc to; cwry ih influence of-the de- partmnt ifinto ererjl neighborhobd in thfl Stater to ?arrv U to the farm houses; to filljevery county with the spirit that 1 ilW.fl VtKU lsyl jvy iw u nvwvw to n, particular plan. Having ; at heart the great cause of building up tour K-'; ':..(.:'... ; r i . . ' J I ,: ;,ji.iiiiUEaAB vavs as. s , Vf en, Accuuiocu ouermuu 10 : uut regard to veracity. He f ni-k; - i' i-tii; L?Avisi . v - ji.. P0?."?! iown Ml4eiwrd du"tM that he 4 t i ' 5 t lh ' ' had made the false charge against Banip- made the false charge against Banip- L ' ' i. j. l: ax L -k.toii.;i. " " 1 j- ' i 1.i;.:i'.-i. - . : ' - ' - , ' . . the Boutbern soldiers and ,tnus Dreak t -' f hbit down aa a Confederate General! go' ulwi jOi tnan who stated that he i letter erer existed He is al (Hiji&ied nut Senate Vk llo! lignt' in some ; mitterp and lso! the Vanee in light in' some.': matter and whom UIRWCU CTCU mo IT WC'WUWUII!U iti&e.Buch hare been ' episodes nil. Another new is - up ;ff0J .fli'lttl (he North AmerV u Ah mj;ie. for Jahnarv Colonel TgtfKfo Qra koted J Gen.' ; Sherman as saying Grants death: "Had C. F. Smith disappeared- to Thb Sher- - in donvinir it hjd invented the phrase; that lie never ui&Wfihkt U &Vf ould hare used . t .-o'i. i i . - - !! uf V t t. i 11. " I . . : . it; mas ne never mougnt so ; ia in ; ur ihyv'story1' outfof whole - cloth, j On tlie 'aripeara: earance: of this i publieaiiou last tm& Cot Ftf puhliimed tnl the York' Pdst hii authority fori the LiAELJri&-i itru rti. . . ! 912 GaSUSON ABJtNDV, 1 4 ijSr. 'eni, . C01J R8tt, WaaRiscoKDs, Wash nro'TOif3. Q. j f . .; .. . !'.':.. ' DeaVgioott r" ! Now as toBal-leckr-Grant I had the highest osible opinion bf Ualleck's knowledge i and '. Wer' !battlod!- him for ' - miBtriistiW Urant ability, ilad U. Fi Smith lived I Qrant'wdutd hkVer disappeared to I his- W. T. SiiBRvnw: ' When this was telegraphed to Tecum- seh on Saturdav he wrote to Col Soott: "My letter to you on September 6th, ! 1 885, was purely private, ind rotie from 1 bfch;QenKFry hado right to .uote witnout: my consent. j)ut even after i ho had so quoted if he had answered -the juditor's most courteous inquiry, at my luswnoe, Of December nth,? '.-I could ! silk, lace trimmings, diamonds; Mrs. in a paragraph have changed the word Henry Perry, cream-colored satin rba uuld';to 'might,', or have injerlined daui hand painted in wild roses, Span probably' to express more fully my ish lace audaribbuu trimmings, goldorna mejiiug. Yxu are at liberty i to Juake , niu15 Mrs. Arch Taylor, navy blue -:.i:'' ri ; 1 . i .1 fi U N 1 1.' u-:..t. 1 -111 ciukt 01 tnese cnaoges in mat luttcr aua put it on your official file. , What l1 take exception to is having Pry, who was (4; Shcrtuan, posing .as the ganegyrist f the former at thc.i xpcnse of the lat hr. When in 1862-63 Gen. Grant heeded a friend I was that fricu I, ai.d it seems pdd that now; wlicn Gp. Grant needs no friend, Gen. Fry should! stop in to claim the privilege. Fry miydo what he please I will do tho aiLinV l What aooiue down ! lie had denied evr having the thought; he had tlurgetl Fry with coining the phrase; hi) Eal charged hlni?, with inventing it ; and at last he writes that if Fry had t.)d him where he got it, then "I could ioj a par graph have changed the word,' &e. Truly old Sherman is unsavory. i ;s , - In the same February number of the North' American Review.Sherman! deriies (hst the Federals were surprised at Slii loh, and imputes the stateineut to that cfivcttO jbpwards and runaways,! among Whom he evidently embraces ryihut oddly enoo gB, in the same number' of the rieview lien. Jieaurcgard gives an ac count of that battle and devotes several paragraphs particularly to this subjeot, making ; it as clear as day, evn if i)lfT9 Ed Ter boon any doubt fn tke i -'-WMa vi thai moraine, Wiht soiao othenn were routed dut of their beds tV our - , . advancing 'lines of battle ; PoorlSlierman 1 It must be a bitter pill to jjoodj queen Vic. to have to send for Mr. Gladstone, whom she hates like pifcn.1 to under take the government of her people, but the 'satisfactory government the "grand old nianV is likely to secure,! should re conci-le her majesty to the course which prates so upon her feelings.! Poor olo. lridy! tlje drift of the times is against the prejudices of her kind! and these must eventually if" down before the eyer swelling tide of; popular opinion ; Ts ' President having attended charity (ball iu Baltimore will have to accept or decline invitations j to all the charity ball in tlie neighborhood of Washington henceforward, j Generally we venture to say he will undertake to htar the alternative of declination. NII.1TABV BALI tirBtiar ury Mpiiint cpt. Bob- J b" TM '- - Cor. ofthe Naws ni OnsaK ? :. Oxford, N. C, Jan. 27, 1886 ; The Granville Grays gave a "Ful pre8s Grand Military Ball" compli m:S.?fc hall. 14st evening, (26th.) i ; Oxford has alwyi been noted for iu pretty women, and on this occasion the f r attendants fully sustained the repu- tgtioo their maternal ancestors. Soon ifter: tbe clock pointed the hour of 9 the fair ouiss and their escorts began to fill up thelentrancc to the hall, : which was $ooa filled with beauty, grace and gal- lantry v No man save one with a heart I Jl : ..-1 J ' :t-l tiL-i J Ol 8UUt3 CUUIU UUBSIUIT WlkUBtttUU, U bewitchine loveliness of the ffirls. and muiy Of the Grays unconditionally Bur- leir tascinatmg cnarms. 2io rganuation in the state cau looking or more soldierly men than the Gravs. ' TUiet managers, Messrs H G. Cooper, A Wi Alleu, J. A. layior ana W- 11. msiou, ru iu ue cuiuiutsuueu tor me happy manner iu which they conducted ne manaecmeui wnicn gave every one iso such pleasure. I Thecimmittee ;Tayl6r, B. 8. Ko . T fr. and Jl. I. -rhom on music,: Messrs it. f Koyster, W. T. , Lynch and Ji T. -Thomas, Jr., engaged the iStanlr strinir band. from Raleigh, which dueoursed the most ravisnmir muaic. discoursed the most ravishing music The following ladies participated on ful fcostbmep : Mrs. W. A. jBobbitt, cos- 1 d orna- ite- brocaded ottonian, silk, laee trimmings and diamond ornaments ; Miss Candace Rogers, white satin, and-painted, gold ornaments; Miss Nannie Mitchell, elegant oostuuie of lemon colored : satin rhadanie baud-painted in poppies, Orien tal 'lace trimming, near I ornaments: Miss Bessie VenabTe, costume white cash mere land oriental lace, pearl ornaments; Miss Maggie Kingsbury J combination dress; of white brocaded satin, hand-em broidered, gold ornament; Miss Tempo Williams, old gold satinj mikado cos tuuiei gold jewelry; Misej Sal lie Bask erville, elegant- costume of blue plush and jsatin, white lace trimming, pearls; Miss Lilie ' Kronheimer, dress of pink nunsveilirig ' and satin, corsage bou quet of panstes, dutmond ornaments; MisslAnnie Booth, cherry-satin bodice. wuice casnmere skirt, trimmings 01 iace: i M.Leih Ronton, costume black silk, n'tiimianlAriA mniminffi IMiaa - Anna passementerie trimmings;: Miss Anna andis, blue satin, laee trimmings, gold ornaments; Alias .Belle Uooper; combi nation costume of white silk and eaah- iWBnW Md.rgbf.ntr wings. 8,rnmen; fw, "u some costume pf white satm embroid trimmbesj "diamonds; Miss ' Fannie liuglueMf garnet 'satin bodice! white cash mere, and lace skirts, bouquet bf daisies Miss Rena Boobitt, dress of white khy ber cloth, oriental lace and white ribon trimmings pearls and diamonds; Hallie Landis, pink satin ; bodice Miss and scashmere .skirt with trimmings of gilt d raid, hand embroidery and lace, gold ornaments; Mum Manning,' costume of pink satin and black silk, gold oroa- MiajB Henderson, pmk satin dress ely trimmed in -ranwh lace for corsage bouquet, gold or : nam'ents : Miss RovsterJ oombinatioi . suit of brown cashmere and velvet, or nauient gold; Miss Bessie Kronheimer ;costme of pink nuns veiling and satin gold aornawents : Miss Carrie ; Kron , heimer. elegant garnet velvet, pink rib nous; -t aiiss t;iari, green casnmere and : ; velvet costume, gold ornaments; Mrs". P. W. Cooper, handsome pink brocaded vefift't, Spanish lace trimmings, gold .orusimcnt; :Mrs. ' R. B. ;Hincs, garnet ;ilk and velvet, gold ornaments, j Aot until the hour of o a. m. did the music oease'and the participants of tbe dauee depart, every one happy in the knowledge of a night passed in all the enjoy ident that a successful ball can give H. is. t'mMreiat Kplteaai. : Vuoxy Niobt, Jan. 29,886. New York Financial Chronicle. The wrather has been! comparatively mild ; and obstructions to railroad trans poation in every direction have now been removed, while the Southern rivers offer an excellent stage of water for; steamboat navigation. Fair tiro gresa his consequently ibecn made to ward t ie opening of busineas for, the spring' season. Still, no1 decided feature uasbt'oU developed, and trade; circles do not show much enthusiasm over the prospect. Labor troubles continue to ri$c, but ae generally i adjusted with out serious conflict. The speculation in , m a . a ... siapica or agrisuiture baa been fitful without important effects upon values. Tbe speculation in lard for future de livery h is been active, and early in the ctreneth, btf5an easier feelinf haslat- r-rly prevailed. lard on the spot has been dull And closes easier. Tallow has been M-tive, but cloaes weak. Butter ia quf" at 22s35e. for creamery r Chee remaius steady GalOo. fpr State factor f. u 10 conee on tnerspot ' nas- Deen new. rather more nrmly.-and ia quoted at Sl:iS3c for fair cargoes Raw sugars. t a deoline of Ic. to 5tc, have been much more active in all grades and a large husiness was done. Refined su-i gar are also easier, iuoiassctf is again lower. There have been light rains in almost At sections of the , South: during, tbe- week.: Cotton continues to move quite; free! v both to the ports and interior: townsi the week's total in each case! showing a large gain over last year. in tne wueat market tne speculation iu futures has been active and at times quite excited, but the regular trade, has been dull and all efforts to force and maintain an advance in prices have proved futile. There has beeu Kin6 reduction .in stocks, duo to the inter ruptiou to railroad transportation at the West by snow storms, but they are still bur lensome. ' In cotton for future delivery Mon day a demand to cover cotracts caused some appearance of steadiness, and Tuesday there was a firmer 1 feeling1 which carried prices up 6a& points from tho lowest figures. Wednesday' opened higher on a better Iverpool report, but J tfhe full receipts at the ports and the free mar kctimr or notices lor feuruarv elivery caused a decline of oao points, l from which there was a partial recovery on tlie small interior movement, i es ter day there was an advaucc to 5 poiuts on better foreign advices and an improve-1 ment in cotton goods, causing some re vival of confidence in better prices. A feature of the business in futures the past week is the large amount of pre- miuuis paid to exchange contracts for early deliveries for the more distant mouths, when, it is belived by the bull party, tho conditions will be favorable to a higher range of prices. Monday id Tuesday an onusuallyllarge business was done for home consumption; Yes terday there was a firmer feeling. buret Rhtumaussj, Jesralgia Kataaiaa, Btaaar aa, VaOaaa aa, 1 Wfftr'W AX bRUOOISTS AKtt DK1L1U i cbailis a. rocttn costat, aiLruroaa, aa. PHOIr1i'T. At VWOTTi A.VB PKAIJBS. A.Toaau iujirAsi. iinuuu,! EVERY DAY MATTERS ! : AT ; EPW. J, HARDIN'S Tou will find always a complete stock of the txwt family supplies, carefully selected as to quality, at lowest possible prices, neatly put up ana promptly aeurerea. The Try best Teas and Coffees; "Staple Canned Goods; such as Corn, Sueeotasb, F reach Peas, Ajparagus, Mushrooms, t)kra and Toma toes, few. &c OAIISI NED FRUITS California Apricots, Pears, Peaches, 4c Burnett's Flaorlnf Iltricta; ' Cox's and, Nelson' Gelatine; Best French ilaccaronl better than the Italian); Fine Cheese, Cboco., ates, Cooos, Brema, Salad Dressing, Sauces, Catsups "no everything else in the wSy of Miscellaneous Table Supplies. TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK : , Magnolia Hams, eaavassed and winter fcured; Ferris' Hams, Pigs' Feet; Extra Choice Mackerel m lull weight, 20 lb kits. KtPeen barrels Vine Applet; Baldwins' Uraud Duke's, KptU,'Acc., etc. . THE FAMOUS BOSS LUNCH MLXlK BISCUIT, The beH ef all plain Crackeis; 15c per lb at Ptail, and a (ull line ef Kennedy s and WU. son's Biscuits and tkes. Wines, Liquors &c. . A Choice Stock of Whiskies, Brandies. WineH, Ales, Porter Ac, Ac, for medicinal and family use. Just received Ramsey's Best 8oth Whisky. Choice New Orleans and Porto lasses, Syrup, Buckwheat &c Orders carefully filled. Bice Mo- E. J. HARDIN ros Man and Beast Mustang; IJnfmmt ia older thaa V09O, and used roryjttt. inoTt uwS " j p f .. SBSBBSW i Fnr Pfl a vi a mi jajsaV yjihnnimw ttXOS, a 1 I" 14 -..ll I T. STftONAGH MARKET SQUARE, Fresh Mackerel, 6c a pound. JERSEY BUTTER, 185c; bwton market. Hart's ( Team Cbeeaa, best, l&c Seedtiek Coffee 120. Old Government J va, 22c . Purest Laguira, 15c Mew Orleans MolaMea, 00c rider Vinegar, 40c.i Haxatl Meal. I'aUpsco Family Fleor Orange Grove Flour (5.75. Montrose Family fi.00. Magnoli- Hamn I2c Grits, Hominy, Nafy Beatts. Baldwin's Canoed Apples on gallon 80s. Sugars, coffee, Syrups, Molaawa. Brandy Peaches, Cigar, Chewing and Smoking To bacco, Snuff, Meats, Hams and anned Goods, Whiskiri, Brandies, Wines, Ac, Ac, Wholefttle and KetaU. c. t. stIrohtAch, . No. 9 Hum St. iTyrfiTA T71 A TYV lal V Yf i AwdAmU a BUSBEE'S TH JUSTICE -AH FORM BOOK. Third Edition Revised and Er.l?rcd.j This Is the best book of the kind ever published and contains every point of Uw and every form which can be needed la the magistrates' practice in this State. This, work has over i 500 PAGES And contains aa much matter as Is to be found In anv Five Dollar Book ever Issued in the blue; it is nanoaomeiy prmteo, bound. n leather and Is sent by man prepaid ter t ONI? $2.50. No Jostles of the without the Peace can affoid to be As no other hook In tar State gives all the? law to his practice. 8 ied all orders te th5 publishers, ALFBED WILLIAMS & CO.. Bootm.i.Kas un SrAneaaas, j Bauooh, N. C ,'iiii'i i) ft . . !! . I - BAWKIH6 HOUSE OS" HENRY bLEWS& CO IS & IS Broad Street, New York, v DrnuucsT tiny or dxpobit bixa:;cxs. , Orders executed , on all the exchanges for Stocks, Bosoa, Oakix, Cotto and Prrao- Lbum lor caan or on Margin. taH VI d8W. ! NORTH CAROLINA QBANITSS AND SAm8T02rES. 'P.;. Liheibfiti d, Co . 400 rayeteville 8U, fialeign, S. r ': ' I ' , t ' "Are preparad to make eoatraets oa the Most Favorable Terms for swim ring uraatteBaao stooea of the Beat QuaTit ha any QuanttUs desired. Qaarrlea'ai Hendenoa and Wadea boro, ST. C,, Ample facilities tor handling and auakug euick auimnenu to any point, eur n- ar n ef tae nut. afutaWtlV KING &.MACY --oowraAcroBS pom i'-v i . , .... House and Sign Painting Ko. l Kast Davie St under Law BuUdma. We doTtataondaiag.' Qbtf lag, Oraisiag aa general House Painting. Special faculties forSIQN WGBE. Orders , from any distance solicited. Be- raieieneas givaa. ; : aUaadly. ; PLANT BED BURNER rATIHTED JULY 28, 1888 BT H. HORNER, OXFORD, N. C A 'pamphlet ' eodtainlng dicription bf the " , . S . IA U . 1 A. - I . 1 , samvaaa oi us mppacmuoB w curing sooaeco mtattna.. - . j , f- ., Together with a Compilation of the most approved methods 'of cultivating and euring fine yellow tobaeeey 8ent to any address on receipt of twenty five cents. ., . , Apply to - -J.H. HORNIR, Oxford, H.0 I - THii hi 'worn too waht a Neat and) Practical Deaign.' This Caaba fuuralshed promptly, economically sod satisfactorily by (Sr., JBarier aaOHiTaoT in bctldba. With the late Samuel' fcloeaj. JBa1f igh,' N. CL who. oa application, will prtpara 'plana, alevaUona, details. werUag drawings and speeaeatloBS lor ouuonigs at every nesenp.i tion thronaiiont the trSX JKootn s. Itriggs BnUdjBf, Wish R Petty! is orraaiJU aj . MARKED DOWN PRICES FOR CASI The following desirable articles.' boUi aeaaonabte nd useful LADIKS' WlNTKBr- ; D R K.SS GOODS. Heavy Jeans, IoesklM, OaMlmere and other Furnishing Uooda for Men Boy's W r. LadW and Mens WINTER UNDERWEAR Wraps (or Ladies, latest styles and ail made to order this season. Blankets, Opera, Basket and flonevcomY Flannels; Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. .' . . BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS Several Unes ! Heavy Shoes for Lad in Mi.M's, Men and Boys. overshoes (or Ladles, Misses and Men. nrai quality. 7 Mens' wool-llnexLse 11-acting Arctics for 7JW; a pair. . . He also has many other articles la bis stort which can be bought low for cash; . Call and examine goods and prices and set lor youiseu that ae means what he says, uob' forget Ut Place. , IS4 Fajettevllle StrMt, Baleigh, K. V, Now ia the time to order Coal tor WINTER SUPPLIES When the best article can be had at lowest pnees and delivered clean from the ears, ' hav ing never touched the earth since taken from the mines. TILE FREIGHT ON essee Coal Is reduced for a short time and U waoex- pect to use it should order at once and J save sue to 91.00 per ton. OUR FAVORITE Kinds of Anthracite Coal can be had now but cannot be gotten at all later in the season. So let us have your orders at once for both kinds and sixes. JONE8 & POWILt. 0 ITK THOUSAND GOOD CORK AND Meal Bag) wanted by Fayetteville 8C and Central Depot, . Baleigh. St. C JUST BJCCK1VKD At " .;. j :' . . .' ' i M.J. N orris & Bro 20,000 pounds Sbncks. ' , . SOW0 pounds Wheat Straw for bedding. 100 barrels Patapseo Flour 100 barrels Oraage Grove Flour. 100 barrels Carolina Favorite Flour. . 60 barrels Sugar. ' ; ' 22ft bags Fine Bolted Heal. 1,000 bushels White Corn, i 1,000 bubhels Feed Tata. 20,000 pounds Fine Timothy Hay. Call and price our chase elsewhere. goods before you pur- M. T. NORRIS & BRO. l H. & B. S. TUCKER ! CD. . This week begin a SPECIAL SALE Housekeeping Idnens TABLE LINENS. Double Damask Satin-FmLmedTabls Clotbh. German Hand-Loon). Table Cloths, bootch and W J . t m.Ll. TVM..lraa. ' " IJlia Auto yimwiii TRAY NAPKINS AND CLOTHS, f aad 4 Table Napkins, White Bordered Doylies. and Fancj Crashes, Glass Linens and Table Tewei lngs. ; HUOKABACK TOWELS, . . . .. Geraaan Damask Towels, TURKEY RTAluE LINENS. : TnrkevBed Kapkms aad Deyliea, Pillo Linens, Liaca 8heetinga. : Preparatory to stoek-tailng, we wish to ssduee ttoos of tbe above MWand will i asaxe lower prioua i thaa eaa potauoiy n marts later in the wa- rr t d D mrnvno a, nra Goal! NOTICE FOR BAius. OR KrJiT. Is" Tll' "K s.LK. ii ui.i lur aaie ia Us very lamit ui liuUiu. A. c bader r""r-"r invrstort 1p " ! perior court of Wake county In a decree 1 tss) special proceedings entitled &. XXyFrismea , snd other, ex parte, I will sell at pubAoaaci I tina, to I he highfat biddtrat M. epurt-aoose door in the city of Baleigh: KTov IsalurnayT" the 6th day oi r euruaxj, iitt,iaat very aaatr stole property, .eonatsliiig of om house ana. lot located on the eoraer of Martin and Salis bury street ia said city and runniag back 8 tert to B M- Moore's line. Sale at 12 o'clock m. Terms one third eaan ana uw iiainne, in one yesr, with interest at 8 per cent. It. V. M HB.B.S1AW, Conuniasioaer. Pacx A HoLDra o. Attorneys. January 6th, 18S6, dtd. . ALE OF VALUABLE LAND KSAa rax crrr or bilcioh. ' This Is to give notice that under and by vir tue of an order of the Superior i ourt for the county of Wake, nude in tbe civil action ef &. W. -Wbaito ad- inistrator of David M. Carter, deceased, and others against lloaea A. xwusoe ana otnerswiii seu at puuile auction, -tion to the highest bidder, at the Court houev door, in the eit. of uaielgb, the xxddayot February, 1886, at 1 o'clock p. m., a certain x tract of land euntaining about two hundred acres, which Wm. 11. boott conveyed to said SI oses A. iSltdsoe by deed oued theflotbday of noveiuoer, ism, r-gistereu u the omoeol the regtsWrt deeos for the county of Wake, la book 26, at page 97, the 2$th day of January,: 1567. Thislanu wiU be sold in paroals to suit purchasers. For plot of. the same, persons who mar coo- UmpUte becoming bidders ara referred to xL A. w. bhaner. The terms of the sale are: One-third of the purchase money in cash, one .third in twelve i months and one-third In two years, with inter- eat ttosn tbe day i sale at the rata oi elxntpex heent ptr annum, payable; annually, aad the . tine to said land to be retained until the lull payment of the purchase' money. Ail persons who contemplate purchasing will please make their examination, of title be fore the Uay of sile, '., lanlvdtd ' Conuui aianer. lyjOBTOAQE SALE. pursuant to authority contained in a mtrU gage deu executed the 11th day of January, iwt. by K. Xl. s mell and alary A. erreli and C 31. Bus bee, trustee to secure the pay meat of a dttbtto Geo. W. Norwood, deceased, i wui aeu, at ine court-no ute Uoor m the city of Raleigh, for cash, the xzud day of Fbrn sr, IS1, a tract of JasU m Barton's Creek ; twWuah , Waie county, aojoining the lands i'' 1 uu Lusaiter, J. J. Hunter, W.U. Allem ' and oibtis; it being the land whereon B K. r eiitU aud wue uuw live, and coutalmingl4& acris. lUe Ueed u tfegiattsnd in ahook 19. pagvSz. GJkO. OK WOOD, Executor of GEO. W. NORWOOD, dee'd T. H. Aauo, Attorney. )aa20utd. . ALE OF LA2TD. Br virtue of aothoi tty klven in a mertnr from Alexauuer Barham and wife to W. B. Alien, recorded in l he register's ofhee ef Wake oounty, in book 82, page 172; we Wifl sell ow1 MouUay, the 22d day of February,. 1880, at the court-iiouse ooor in tne rnyoi lUkslgh, the land e nveyed in said mortirare. eontainine 26 acres more or less, situated in LaUl River township of aalt county aad adjoining the I lands of Jvper Bar. am, O. Mitchell, Sion Daifai, K. B. Perry sdl others " V ' l ernu oi sale cash. Tune of sale 11 srelockm. PACE A HOLDING, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Jan. 22(1, 1886. dtd. rALL'A-HLE LAND 1 OB SALE. ' J virtue of aitthoritv ccaferred Jbr a ear. tain deed of mortgage executed on the SMh oar oi Aprtr.1343. by Millard MlaL trustee. Alfred Jones and Llxzle C. Jonea hiai wife, to it. o ruuen ana recorded la the omee of the reerister of deeds for Wake county, -W. in , boo IS, at pae 780, and also bv authority of 1 a certain deed of truH. executed 'h 20th day 0 August, 1883, by the same psrtiea to A. W. Has wood, truxtee for R. b. Pullea, and re corded in tbe office of the register of deeds for Wake co-nty, N ., Jsj book1 7, af page'' 691, we will Saturday, February SOth, 1886, sell at publio outcry for cash the interest and . estate of said Mil an Mia', Uuster, Alfred ' Jones and Lizzie C Jones in t ie tract of land Ueai-rbed lBssid deed of moitg gaad deed olV trust, aid tract containug fitfO acres more or leas and being tbe same tract of aad a hereon the said-Alfred Jones sad wife do how reside.''1 reference to which deed of mortgage aud deed of trust at hereby made for a full description of aid lands. PI ce of udf, door of county eour-house ia Raleigh, N. Time 't sale lxo-ehjck m. . R 8. PULLEV, Mortgagee. ; A. vi. Hatwood, Trustee. s an. 81, 1888, dtd. . ' ' .. valuable c1tt property for sale . : ; By virtue of power conferred on me by a c rtain deed of mortgage executed by Dal. H. , Crawford and wife and recorded ii register's ' office of Wake county, in book 78, page 684. 1 Will sell to the highest bidder for rash at pub-: ; Uc auction, at the court bouse door in the city Of Raleigh, Monday, March 1st. 1880, at IS , o'clock m.. the property in sairt mortgage da- scribed, situated ia the southern portion of tbe ' city of 1 aleigb, near Blount street. r , JOHN WATSON, dnardian. - B. F. MosTioca, attorney for Mortgagee. Jan. 81, 1888, dtd. : - OTICE. The regular annual meeting of the' Stock holders of tbe North Carolina Home Insurance Company will bt held at their oftike in this City Wednesday, the 3rd proxiaao, at 12 o'clock. CHARLES aWKrt, SacreUry. NOTICE TO DKLINQUENr TAX PAYERS. Omci Chair's Boaxd or CenasioirKas Waa Cocvtv, , BALaien, January 29. 1888. : The 8th of February', prox., being tbe time for the bringing of suit under tbe recent set providing for the redemption of land sold for touccs and purchased by the State, delinquents are hereby aotined that they can s-tUe prior to that time and oa tbe same terms allowed be- fore the first day of this month. Particular attention Is called io the circular letter of the Secretary of State, which is posted as the office of the clerk of this board. i Meter. J. a. Creech, A Co., attorneys will render interested parties necessary aid In the matter of the redemption of these lands. A. M. Abams, )anS0 4t. Utairaiaa. J-JIVHEfyjOTlCE. ! NOKTH CABOUNA BAIL'OAO Co.' 8xourTAKT Akn TaxAscaea' Omen, -'oaow,Jfvc, Jia. Snth, 1888. - Tbe directors of the North Carolina railroad comraoy have declared a dividend of a r Seat, three per cent pay a le Mo'eh tat to stoca aekters ofraeerd' at 12 oetoeK au February i uu jerBnt oepcrnocr Udaa stock holders of record at 13 o'clock na August 10th next. Tbe stock books of the company will be closed at la o'clock ml Febniar loti, nntii March 1st and at 12 o'clock m. August 10th, nntu September 1st, 1888. ' : P.B. BUPFIK, Jaasi. See'y and Treasurer. QT. MARY'S SCHOOL. : 11k Eut.. Tan. tV. 1 ' r - - AWH, M1B WlCTIUaWIBW SCO I alo, of this school will bgia on Thursday. iDumr7Wh eataloguo apply toSo. Axeetor, ""' . ; REV. BENNETT pMEDES. '" '.:.. 'KalAtark. N. f. ' an2Vll:n, ; : w .... O FriCS FORRENT. f - Havtaur leased from Jannav w vJ house on Wibaiattoa si last arxt toiav tZi foraa ofaeavlkai lathe rear of Battkai MamUmi aaaroeenpy at will 1 lo rB Avrryaa k, h.. BaUio or: tkj ntulb is.- i pwtyy ' V ' - 'ill . I i ' ' - 4 3 r if

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