- . : ;(. -'Of 'iiX? if' Iff! - mm A .V.-:: 1-J It i ' f". v7; xr. Poscaan lXuLT XCTT MoKBAT) AJTO . WISELY. rH By IheNewsand Observer; Co. TOO Slxmoatha, , threa -- : " : widtr. om year, ! 1 00 jj9 bum entered without payment, end-no per tent after the expiration oi time paw HX UNUUH Ml WEDNESDAY, FEBRUABY 3,1?86. i Tir uIim of a. lad who died abroad ' uid whoso body was cremated : eHi passed through the New York custom house ' as lamples of phosphate of lime.' Business ia business, f ; j . , ThJ terms of fifty-one presidential rjostmasters will expire this mouth; s that fifty-one more opportunities will be " afforded of applying honest democratic principles to the transaction of publi business, opportunities of which Su 'doubtodly iheoaost will.l e made jby an ' 9 executive 'who has in high degree: the p courage of hit convictions, j V Ths matter of international copyright 1 has recently been ijnanired into ' with'con i - siderable care by the patent committee of , . the Senate. , Many argument have been ' I beard pro .and con from parties intereffc ! ed in the question and the result seems j r , to be that printers, publishers and au thors are, unanimous in the opinion: that ' almost any , law on the subject would fee - better than none. y.-i;- ' " m i ' r ' f; ,A MttLiso it; another Interest which ia "1 "tmprof ing with us at the South;; and . -! v helping along thus, so far as it may, the general progress of this section.;1 Dur ing the past' year nearly 150 mills have been erected in the Southern States, not " including grist mills. A Southern J manufacturing exchange summarize tjt e year's work, as 'follows: Arkansas and , Mississippi have' erected one uulHeacli Alabama, 2; South Carolina. $ I West K Virginia,: 7; ' Maryland, 9; North i3ar lina, 10; Georgia, 17; Texas, lg-; Vif ' ginia, 20; Tenneasee, 24: Kentucky, 81. 'J -, - A eisitis has aria&i in the West with s bliszard preventive, which he'aay f :i ' ' has discovered. His idea has the merit - of simplicity, at least. It is to .warm the i air 'and kill the cold 'wave bacteria, so to speak. He proposes to distribute IftMii or twentv thousand base-burning the stoves aold on aToontract to ui them, but also, of course. this u incident tal, merely. I" """ As av illustration' of the manner in ...whioh '.- the widows'-, pension f huainesk works it is pointed out that! while cuily about 200 soldiers of the Wo 1S12 are now alive and in receipt of pensions, ': theiy are1 more than 20,000. widows of such soldiers still' on : th rollsi liSthe great majority of the women must have heen born Ions? after the battle of New :; Orleans was : fought, and can therefore' - have no just claim upon publio, bounty, ; yet they receive such bounin liberal measure. Let the same system e ap last war and the result will be disajKl ' trous. r Porty or fifty years hence there may b hut few of the veterans left, but in view of ; their 'great numbers' now their young and middle-aged ; widows, : some of. them yet unborn, will he on the rolU by the hundred thousand. Con gressmen should therefore, scrutinixe the pension matter, ..; if i 7 : PxjrpiHO the adjustment of ' th Oho senatorial difficulty by ' the joint oom mttte' of '. arrangements agreed ; upont comes, a. special dispatch from Colum bus which : shows the revolutionary lengths to which the republicans are prepared to go and is at the tame time ; an admission more shameful perhaps than all the illegal republican : proceed ings so far reported. The telegram ; is to the N. Y. Tribune and is as follows : "On February 9th judge-elect Mlnishall will take his seat on the supreme' bench. . The court will then stand : : Bepubli- cans Johnson, Spear and-flihishalK Democrats Owen and Foliet.;; The re-1 publicans,' thus having a majority of the court, will doubtless fasten the refer ence of the questions of law and consti tutional rights and privileges involved in Senate contests before .that judicial body.' What is this but an admission that the supreme court, is to be appealed to not for justice but for a republican partisan verdict 1 Some one has sug gested that the original Augean: stable were probably located in Ohio an there is reason in late occurrences for the idea.' - J . ' A LOWEft svrs of uf ebest: I We take it, that the rate of interest that obtains in a section is a fair inde of its condition 'It is noteworthy that ho industry can afford to pay ; even sq; high a rate as eight per cent. Any. Int d ustry that earns six per cent is on a good basis. At the South and 1 West tbe rate 8 generally eight and ten;;!; pir: cent That forbids the use of borrowed capi tal in legitimate : business enterprises.. In Kogland th rate is. four, per. .t-enf and the business meu of England can embark in any legitimate undertaking on borrowed capital. At the North the rate is five and six per' cent, and .the North thus has untold advantages over the West and South in every enterprise that reauires capital. It is the -nigh rate! of interest that keeps the West add the South back. 4 What is the remedy Lower the rate of interest. How ? The rate in any community is fixed by the banks. It is the banking capital that act u mines the rate ofj interest. H fire the wax at tbe South the banks 14 lend moncj ff?Wlj cent because theyiwuldiVtwo dollary in-fcotes fo?6Mh ffQiiwHLE1!!?-0?" tali or three dollars in notes for: each dollar Tofi speia-iB--hei-ait.f -In baaks now have not that latitude. : They issiie in notes less; than their capital. ) ; In order to help themi io lend money at easy rates! the government, at the incieptionf of thernational banking sy tent, made a provision that wns tLcn a equate toltiiat purpose In the bourse of time, however, itf- is no longer k. We refer , to this : Originally a bank with $100,000 capital could buy 000 in bonds, and therefor receive fn in government $135 jOOp in bank notes. ThJ bank drew six per cent interest on its $150,000 of bonds, making thus $9,000, and it lent out sav 126,000 at.pix per font imlklM Xl.OUU. a WKH Vfl $16,500, without counting the profits on 1W deposits. Now, however, a bank with $100,000buys 7i000 of bonds.w lneli it'roeeives onlv 887000 in notes. nfr wtiinh it can lend out onlv about $80,00). Its bonds draw but three per cent interest, thus yielding less than ftS.OOO. aad its.; loans :at six per coat would yield but 81,300. Tim ; the in oomc of th bank from these" sources is bat X7.800, as azainst 810.500 unaer the operations of the same act when it was first passed. W hen the expenses it condncting the business, alonjr with the taxes are taken into consideration, it is aDDarcnt that the banks cannot afford to lend at the rate of six per cent unless their depomts are immenao, as mey: ar in th fimiiicinl centres of Boston, New York; and;. Philadelphia. Here, then, ia the L-hancre in the -situation of attain whifch the Dubiie' men who feel con tfrntA for the business interests;, of the Southern and Western people must icon aiders It is the matter which thev shoald forever .keep in mind, j The South and'West cannot prosper until the hanks can once more- afford . to . lend money at fix percent! How shall thuv jte brought about? What Cbngrcss man, what Senator, what public man ha the mind to crasp ? this great ques tion and solve it in the interest of the J Buffering South and West? f I There is a bill how in the House which ia in the light i direction. t al lows the banks to issue currency up :to thl Value of their bonds. This is j well us fir as it goes. But it docs not go far enough It does not; reach. "As this matter is the most important that can coiue before Congress,; wey trust it will receive; the -best attention of our;Con gre&smen. ' ..:! ' WAKTE0, WA11.lt-WOKK.j ' ' It seems that a system of water-works ,is now within reach of the city of Ral eigh. All that is necessary is an efiort to obtain it a slighf present " sacrifice ?Jth,4 titfw future 'good This being iionkl burden noon the taxDavers of the eity. but it seems to is that the commu iity can Well ifford to take the step ne cessary to protect property from lire, to Enhance tnustne vaiue.oi real estate ana lower the rates of insurance and to add to the advantages we possess as a manu tacturing ij centre.; Almost every in terest wouhl- be benefited by the introduction of water not the; least io( which' would be the health bf the people " Ealeigh Is iba great city, it is true, out if nas peeome too, large, or iraiher too denselt populated io depend longer;i Upon the existing ' system.: of water supply xnere-is aaogier, w, iu thebsene of a' sewerage svstem such as would follow tne establishment or jwaterWoki JpAturaly, and' this danger, will appear unmistaxably sooner or later Z 'l ZynH7'L?Z:. ever, to argue the importance of a water supply where it ean be had. All: think- log mettjoc this enlightened age are agreed oil this point. The ohly.question is as to whether or not we f can afford to make the f proposed improvement ' We tKinlr w Moi:- Wa arn not nartiimarl wealthy, ndj ire are hot entirely; free from ; deb til but -"bnr finances are in i healthv conditibai thahka to a Demo eratio administration i of affairs, and as Compared to most Southern towns of equal Baleigh is very well I to jioi If i the pitiaens i .will carefully con sider the great , advantages of the various, kinds we have suggested to be; gained by the step j we advocate, they wui tate tne step witnout iurtner; aeiay, we; have no doubt. Let us agitate the matter then and if possible bring public opinion to the support of the board; of aldermen in its deposition to secure a water supply. The. improvement being within, reach, lei us put forth: our hand and grasp it, if such action be; at all pos sible: . . i -:,1h Iudastrtal Hcl. ' Cor. of the News xxn Obskbvxr. f IChapii. Itnii N. C:, Jan 29. I have teen looking with interest to seq if anjr lawyer would attempt to at tack my construction of the industrial school act. Your paper of today satis fies my curiosity: As usual, when. even an a!le jurist" tries to prve that black is jsihite, be has "made a' mess of it," : ,Ve' has attempted to make the prejudices and j wishes of f non leal minds'.' interpreters! of a statWe instead of the; written words of that .statute. His success is in inverse proportion to his rashness.: I thank hyn for bis crur tesy, i has not Falsely reported me, first as leading in the defeat of the movement, when it is known that (.v. Scales announce his opinion at the I'e oembcr meeting and at the late tii -eting spoke before 1 did second, he has uat charged me with hostility td th: itfl t! trial school when I ; waruily favored it, : third, bb has not charged that tho b :ir; indefinitely postponed . the questiou when the board expressly asked for ad ditiooal proposals. jind will: take thout up at the April meeting, or sooner if called together by; the Governor; and lastly,; he has not tridd to bring odiuu. on the University, whose trustees it faculty have not eunsidered the question at all, because itb president, in bis opin ion,; is wrong dn a question pf law. lie is a gentleman. I like him.: ', But, having a bad case, be blunders. I think it was our good old friend a most adroit practitioner Mr. Washing ton Hay wtood. who ;advisedV "If you havu a bad case, scatter.' - My friend has i seattered; ' Bit argument tyhfyi fUk )y$et fijfy peace make hut he ; would hardly dare to ii before the supreme court. I will point out some of his "great mis takes. '.t .'; ;' L 1. He is eloauent on this industrial school being ordered by the general, as- semblyiiu obcf'j'uce to the constitution, ari'l qootes art. w-o. 14. ; There is no such srbtion a he friotes it. He omits (not uiteuti aislly of course) most niate nul word. 'Hi'j wiirjx of that section arj r -allv follon-: As soon as nrac- ticalilisafu r t life adoption of the consti- tatiou,thc geneml ustiembly shal estab lish auu nit'tam, in connection with the UniverditT. a department of agricul ture, ff mechanics, of mining and ot He omits the with the Uni- normal instruction. ' in coiiutciion wora veraity." . " The ireneral inbly has already carried ut the n an lates ot' this section by fitting the University: an appropri ation' whirti' i-niiMes it to give excellent iustruetiun in li th ; branches named. Thetrutii is . th -t the-"Department of Agriculture, Tiuo igration and Statis tics" ijrKS treatL -I !: obedience to section 17 ofjirtielr 3L in which not a word is said of iiupiiod Nout schools, industrial or othSerwi3'. Tl e department has no fight bonferr' d on it. to establish ot aid no iudustrial tcliool. except iu the man 4ior prescribed iu tLe act of March 11th, l88o.: : . : ' Mr; Editor I ask you to publish this act; Noh-leg:iI as well as legal minds can un,dcrst.'ind it, provided they will rfcad It straight through without prejudice. The second "i;riat nii8take" of "Able Jurist" is hi. assumption that the in dustrial ferln.ol isja State institution ex clusively. Ho ss'as, "has it ever re jure4 the l;ke of ;.ny town in regard to Us otuer tutil!tUtio,iJ I We cannot jru outside the act. By he nbin terms of this act the State sub- stautlaHy prong s to tlie towns, . ou subscribe I'mperty and money enough to cstabli'-h tueWhool and I. will sub scribe the intcrett-on $83,333 to help ruu it and then we will together manage it. i It the gum ral assembly Had in tended that thciSmte should subscribe uearly ail the fun is, then, as in the case of t he liuveritv. of the tnree insane Msvliijus. of tint f'r the deaf, he dumb nd th'-' blind, of the penitentiary, the State MiouW li;;ve tue exclusive, or nearly cxem ve i:i tnasremeut. Baleigh comes and flyr SS.bOO as against the Staters gS3.333, and if the proposal be accented will: buve joint control. Did the aistoblv mean this? ' I think not The first secti:m plainly requires the board ti decide ibat ft,600 is "ade quate for the etilablishtuent of said in dustial school,' before they can locate it at Kaleizh. Raleigh acquires no rizhis unless the board can so decide. j jauote f4rtber from "Able Jurist :' The fourth section of the act says "That the board shall apply to the tablishiuent aud maintenance of said school u3h nart of their funds as is not required U conduct the regular work of the idonjrtment." He founds an areuniHut on thb. There is no such section- f I will quote it accurately The board of agriculture shall ap- plv; to the establishment and mainte nance of said school suoh part of their funds as is not required to conduct the regular work of the department: Pro vided that pot more than $5,000 shal be applied to the establishment of the school in one year." Tbe proviso is part of the ; section . He quotes the pro visd in a Miusequent part of his argu ment, in a cursorv war. He had no jight to call'; the words preceding the proviso "the section, as he has done When he proposed to quote "the sec tiou" he should have given it in its entirety Tbe meaning of the whole is that : the board may i appropriate as much as go.UOO a year and bo more The. attorney general, the official adviser of the board, "o decides; and he is clear' lv right. ; ? As to the character of the school: It must give instruction 'fin wood-work mining, metallurgy, practical agricul tur and in such other : branches of in dustrial education as mav be deemed expedient.' This is the law and "com moh opinion" cannot change it I do not sav that a verv coetlv school is necessary It is clear that enlargement from time to time is contemplated concede that ic out impoverished country we may begin -on smlill : scale comparatively. But I oannot stultify myself by saying that Ss.uUO can : start on any decent or re spectable scale whatever the school eon templated by this act. Can any busi nesa man say so ? I am sure that it wohld fail i fend thereby greatly injure the noble cause of industrial education Able Jurist" thinks thatl crush the school by contending that ft town must under the law give enough to establish it in order to secure the location. Wbv did not Raleigh give over $50,000 for the agricultural society? How many thousands did her citizens give to- ebtablish Peace institute lias she not spent 825,000 for the graded schoo it Rolla. in Missouri with 14UU lDha utants, gave K?0,UUU to secure the location of a school of mines and niteiallurgy only; Cape Girardeau with 3 500; inhabitants, gave 857,000 fo a State normal School; Johnson county , for that at Warrenburg gave gl44,00, and the town of Warrenburg with 3.000 inhabitants, 845,000; total $t89,20.' Adair county, to secure tbatat tv:rkville, which has only2,00U inhabi tants, gave $68,000. : Blacksburg, in V'irsriuiu, donated for the agrioultura ua l mechauicul c llege a fine farm with ajare school building and $20,000 in mime'. Not an instance can be given of- a city town of any size claiming i fctaU l.ib'.tutton on g,b00. I do not include in this 88.600 the us - of tn-enty acres on the fairgrounds b ii'-'itse 1st, ihey have been donated to and accepted by the board of agricul- iu;i. for i uii experimental farm, and s Iro idly, the $5,0K) is offered on a eon- tn-ri, wiuii would prevent the school being at ti e fir grounds even if that would be a good situation. Everyone must see that it would be exceedingly inconvenient to have th school in the ciiy and the work-grounds two miles off. Mr. Editor, I call myself a Baleigh man. .1 lived there nearly a quarter oi a century and have three children residents, of the plaoeJ My sympathies are with her and my desire is for her prosperity, i call upon her people, in- I citizens aad best friends for having the manliness to vote, notwithstanding much pressure, according to his under standing of. the law, to relieve him and his associates of all trouble by proposing a donation worthy of the city and larger than that of any other. The industrial school will be a grand blessing to her children and will add materially to her wealth and population. 'There is that scattereth and yet increawth. ' There is that withholdeth more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty." . ' i The most impressive thing tlat I t-aw at the centennial exposition wnn ut the figure of (ieuiu.i trying in ""' to climb to heaven, but the grand. t'.H-t.aclj of a hundred thQusasni teonle: fi um ull Darts of this great land!, thronging th build ings and grounds wi'h no ngT cl i?h ings or rude jostiiojr-; fcifp; ;u r er nt by armed soldiers, but by th spirit of obedience to law. The legislature has, given us precepts in writing Those precepts must govern our official action. not "common opinion." '-, j K; P. Battle. lavalKta Hotel and Haralraf laotltat. This widely ccb-brateJ iuctitutiuu. ocated at Buffalo, N. Y., is: organised ith a full staff of eifhtoeneXDerienced and skillful Physicians and Sturgeons, constituting the most complete Organi zation of medical and surgical tkill in America, for the treatment of all chronic diseases, whether requiring medical or surgical means for their cure. Marvel ous success has: been achieved in the cure of all nasal, throat and lung' dis eases, liver and kidney diseases, diseases of the digestive organs, bladder din- eases, diseases peculiar to wginen, blood taints and skin diseageB, rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous debility, paralysis, epilepsy (fits), spermatorrhea, im po tency and kindred affections. Thou sands are cured at their hooves through correspondence! The cure of the worst rupture, pile tumors, varicocele, hydro cele and strictures is guaranteed, with only a short residence at the institution Send 10 cents in 8 tamps for the Invalids truide-lsoox (v!S pages;, which gives all particulars. - Address, World s Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. I. ' r. , Ptindn Eatrart is known everywhere, ' and Well merits its reputation as the ''People's Remer dy, and "Universal rain yestroyer. For over forty years this great vegeta ble compound ; has proved its efficacy, and never failed to do its "tluty wheu brought mto use It has won its greatest re town as a eubuuer of all pains and m naiumations, and anould be in every household. Pond's Extract cures Sore Throat, Quinsy, Inflamed Tonsils, Wounds, Bruises, 1 'ilea, Catarrh, etc There are 949,000 more women men in Great Britain . than For PAIN Curt f tif.it, if-, vri lit- ff. V; r- .'.LESS r.. Sis f rom Qpiot, EitUm PHO :'-R018T9 AVO DClLSaS. McsLsa coarisf, Bttmtosa an. EVERY . DAY " MATTERS - AT ; ; EDW. J, HARDIN'S You will find always a complete stock of the bt family supplies, earefullv sekcted a to quality, at lowest possible prices, neatly put up and promptly delivered. Tbe very best Teas and Coffees; Staple Canned Goods; such as Corn. Succotash, Frcech Peas, Asparagus; Mushrooms, Okra and Tomv toes, ti.. ic ! UAINN KD FRUITS California Apricots, Pears, Peaches, Ac Burnett's Flavoring Kxtrictc; Cox's and, Neloir Uehtiiue; Best French iljuwronl better than the Italian, Fine Cheese, C'boco ates, Cocoa, Broiua, balad Dressing, Sauces, Catsups snd everything elsa in the way of UUccLadcous Table bupplis. ' ' TO ARRIVE THIS WELK : "Higno'la 11 mi, ranvassed and winter cured; Ferris' II nms. Pigs' Feet; txiru Chuice Mackerel in full whrht, 20 lb kits. , r'tneen liarreU Fine Apples; Baldwins' Grand Duke's, ptta, &c., tc , THE FAMOUS BOSS LUNCH MILK BISCUIT, Tbe best of all plain rackeror ISoperlbat mail, snd a roll line of Kennedy's and Wil son's Biscuits utd Cake. ' Wines Liquors &c. A Choice Stock of Whiskies, Brandies; Wines, Ales, Potter c, se, for medicinal and family use. Just received Banner's Bast Socth Whisky. Choice New Orleans and Porto Bio Mo lasses. Syrup, Buckwheat Ac Orders earefnlly flll-d, ; ; -t- 51 r cu c:-v. ,! 3!. 1 Cfe f ad Jfoison. 25 ; i tVrom-UM DMralt Trm Ptm&) It la new a (acL aatblishd aad una.! Mooed, th par, uaadoluratod watky MMKT9m- nor. wm. a vum TWB. MD.. F. E. 8.. V. 8. O., Exaaalase hi Physld:ogy, Univsriy Loadoa, Prot Med. Jur., Laiverwty CoUce. aaym: "Te put aloohy.; aside Would be qulTaloat to danyiuit ovr right teem ploy any tubatanc whatever as a miiciu a ductr ne that would, deprive u f nil the me iie?'' 'O Ike ptiarai.tcup eia.'' i'KJ'. H. C Voc'i. Prof, of lhi;rHputlc, l n.TiTMiy o Prnna.; savs: "In uIhUisU ,i iiMimpiloo) aiiO it oongencr, Scrofoloait, the rr can te no iiouot as to tbi grear vaiueoi aicusou l-iior. AtsTiM Fliht. Pn f of Principles sn.l Practice of Medicine, Bellevue rtol- lai CoilexQ, N. y y: "im .moiciwu use oC alcoholto utimulant ts ne f tb Btrlklng cburaetarttttea ot jiroifre-ie in the prartico or medtclne dnrinii ILe laat bail century." Prov. Jos. pacbisb, author of AlconoJio lueeruty irom a3ieui ai biana- mt." Buriiaston. N . J.. bays: - wo now that alcohol will steady tbe heart, iow the puliM. warm tbe ak.in, calm ex- eitemont, aao we ougni to use it." rinr. M. O. GaaasrifcLD, M . D., author of ''Al cohol: IU Use aud Aba," "Appieton'a Health Prtpiers," : "It wtdle to ignore tbe renulte of experience with alcohol in disease. An tnteiligeat oomprebenloa of iu nctiou will bay creau rvlatiaenc ta promoting wmperanco tban adbeioa to a dogma. PHor. Jons GaruKkk. aa emi nent London physician, ay: "Tbe advo eutee of total abitinence, sicually fall to produce evidence iu support of their opin ion that ail stimulant nre lnlrnicnl to health aad longevity. Science, common vne, Holy Scriptures and all experience testify to the be:t?tlt to be derived." Pftor. WlLUARD H. MoRK, Weet field, N J., in hie " Notee ou Amyllsm aa Factor In Diseases of the Cerebral Couvo lutioae,'! ay: "PutUag preference npos malt, I submit that whiskey from malt is - tke Whiskey to be : : preferred.-' Psor. Albert E. Mekii. I), e-e,, 7. GL 6., F. Li C, Protl of : Organ ic Chemistry, Kentucky State Col jeae, late Chemist Dept. of -Agrioaltnre, Waahluirton, DC, says of Dnffr's Sure malt whiskey: "It U Deculiarly t ted for inedlclnator any other purposes Where a car of ally prepared 'and unadul terated whiskey Is reeuired." "THK Wes- TIR5 ' Mkpical TIeportkr, n inonthl Home ot Medical Progress, Dr. J. arper. A. M., M. D., Usher. Ohtcago. 111., says: "Ilntrys pn r.iait waisaey is r by ni;ny phjrst f. stininlant li ;i alecrnt, this ild be siTn." meeting witnapociai r- plans. When an ak needed for the sick or r famous malt whiskey s': G. T. STE01TACH MAitKKT SQUARE, Fresh Mackerel, fie a pound. : JERSEY BUTTER, 85cj bestfon market, : Hart's ream' Cheese, best, 15c. Beedtick Coffee I2ic i 'id Governoient J va, 23c, Purest Laguiraj 15, New Orleans Molasses, 60c tder Vlnejrar, 10c, HsxatlMcaL -Patajbtco Patnilv Fleur fe.aa. , Orange Urove Flour 95.73. Montrose Family 13.00. ; Magnolt Hams 12ic -, (jrita. Hominy, Navy Beans. : - Baldwin's Canned Apples- one gallon 80c : Sugars,; offees, Syrups, Molasses, Brandy Peache Cigars, Chewing and Stookinx To baeeo, Snuff, . Meats, Hams and anned Oootls, Whiskies! Brandies, Wines, c. Ac, w noiesoie ana i&euui. Cr. T. STHOIVTACH f t No. 0 Mastm St. NOW EEADY.I I BUSBEE7S NORTH CAROLINA JUSTICE -AND FORM BOOK. Third Edition Revised and t r nj tt This ia the; best book of the kind ever published aud contains every point of law and every form which can be needed la the magistrates' practice in this State. This work has over; 5COPAQE f And contains as much matter as is to be. foond in anv Five Dollar (Book ever issued in the State; it is handsomely printed, bound m jwainer ana is sent oy mau prepaia ter OJATLV t No Justice of the without the , Peace ean affoid to be Mew Busbee, Am no other book in tjr Stat glveU tbe? lata Is klu nM-ft-A . Qil .11 S L. t asav ui as mi mmiiswi a u, smj sscuuv w lose publishers, ; , - j 'ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO, BOOKSJSI.LKaS AKD SfATIOMKItS, JEtALKIOH, N. C. Si) H i a CAllOi.lN GRANITES AND 8ANDSTONES. P. Linehan 4 Co 409 FayrttevUle St., Raleigh, N. O, Are prepared to make aantracts on the Most ravorabie Terms for aupftlytng Granite Sand t'nes of the Itest Quality in any OnantUio ;. ired, QTiarries at Henderson ana Wades buro, N. . ' Aniplo laoUlUes tor handling ani saakinv oniric ihiptneoU to any point, eitUer v roni V ttw'fliat. ssll Mou Wish to Build i THM Of OO0BSJI TOO WAHT A Neat nd Practical jDwign. This can be furnished promptly, eeoaomleally and satisfactorily by A Gr. Bauer jHrno l wrLM, With the lata Samuel SloaaV Baleigh, N. O, who. as aimUeatfaB. will nrenara nhina. slevations, kSalls. wertdag drawings ami eJL! .u? ". - !JrjL?.e - Jtoeoi IVBrlfsi mm s " - ,7? pf-: i RiE.-Petty is omanra at MARKED DOWN PRICES FOR CASh The following desirable articles, both seasonable . nd useful LAPTKS W1NTSR - ' ' y. DRKSS GOODS. IIpitt Jeans, Doeskins, Cassimere Cloth and other Furnishing Goods for Men ant) Boy's ear. Ladles and Hen's WINTER UNDERWEAR, Wrsns for Ladies, latest stvles and all niatit to order this season. Blankets, Opera, Basket and Honeycomb Flannel; Bleached and Unbleached Canto. Flannels. BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS Several lines of Heavy Shoes for Ladies Hisses, Men and Boys. Overshoes (or Ladles, Misses and Men, ftrsi quality. r oi en wooiimea,seiiaciing atcucs lor joc a pair. lie also has many other articles ia his it Oct which can be bought low for easb. tail and examine goods snd prices and set or yourself that he means what be says. Don' forget the pUce. 184 ayettenile Street, Baleigh, M C-: ! it II Now is the Uma to order Coal for WINTER SUPPLIES Wben the - best article can be bad at lowest rices and delivered clean from the cars, bav- ng never toucnea tne eartn smce taken from tne mines. THE FREIGHT ON j Coal Is reduced for a short time and all who ex. peu to nse it s&ouid order at once and save 60c to 1.00 per ton. OUR FAVORITE a in us oi AntnaclLe coal can be bad now but con not be gotten at all later in the season. Bo let us have your orders at oncer for both kinds and sUesr JONES & POWELL. NE THOUSAND GOOD CORN AND Meal Bags wanted by JONES POWELL. JayettovUle St. and Central Depot, Baleigh, N. C JUST KXCHTXD M.T.Norris& Bro . 20,000 pounds Shucks. 20,000 pounds Wheat Straw for bedding. . - 100 barrels Patapseo Flour. i ; '. ' i: : t i :i ;; . 100 barrels Orange Grove Flour. : :, ; 100 barrels Carolina Favorite Flour. 50 barrels Sugar. ;;'.' : 225 bags Fine Bolted MeaL 1,000 bushels White Corn, : :' 1 I " ' 1,000 bushel Feed ata. : : i " 20,000 pounds Fine Timothy Hay. Call and price our goods before you pur chase elsewhere. : ; . ::. M. T. NOREIS & BRO. ARE STILL TRIUMPIU1IT. For fifteen years they have steadily gained in favor, and with sales constantly! increasing; have become the most popular corset through out the United Statesv . The G. quality is warranted to wear twice as long as ordinary corsets. We have lately In troduces tue u ana & a grades with Extra Long Waist and we - can furnish them when preferred. " ? , i-. . ; 1 r Highest awards from all the World's great uura. x oa last meuai receivea is tor First Daw gree oi Merit, from ths late Exposition bald at : wnue scores of patents bave been found worthless, the principles of the GloVe-Fittiag have proved invaluable.: - i ' - : f-Betailers authorized te refund money' u n examination, the eorsets do not prove aj wesented. For sale everywhere, Catalorw rse on application. frJf "f "JH-ir... 7-j i invaaua, aadiuDOA CO.. - Haw Yorkv IT WILL PAY ill) If you propose golof West ot North 1 to write to , I represent the & Goa Goa NOTICE i.r . u lvr nut i. in. iu-i. .. ne bv r.j- " V 1 i i:oUU: II ri. 1., 2.4 oerior cnit suevial iMuotiinks -ntitlei i. C Kieed so and other, ex paiUv. I will ach .at publiu aso. tion, to the highest bidder, at U.e eourt-boimo door in Um city oi uaieigm k. baturday, the 6th day of February, 1686, that very deter aoie proirty, fodsuhidb; oi oa no use aas, lot located on the corner of Martin aad Salts, bury street in said city and running back tm let to BM- Moore's line, bale at l o'clock in. Terms on third cash and the baianov ia one year, with interest at 8 per cent. tt. J. f ai.i.aAa, Commlstiioner. Pacs A fiouDia, Attorneys. January 6th, 1886, dtd. S ALE OF VALUABLE LAND NBAS THS CTTT OF BA1JUOB. This Is to give notice that under and by vir tue ,f an older ot tne Superior ourt for the county of Wake, made in tbe civil action of R. W. Wharto ., ad- inistxator of David M. Carter, d vased, and others against Moses A. Bledsoe nd others,! will sell at nubiio auction. ' tion to the highest, bul.n r, at tbe court houm. door, in tne lt of Raleigh, tbe TiX day ot rebruary. 1886, at 1 o'clock p. m.. a certain trct of land c ntainlng abnut two hundred acres, whi.-h Wm. 11. Soott conveyed to said MonesA. JltUMe by deed dated theothday of November, l&otf, r gistered in the oihoe of the rcKisUroi deetis Ijr lueeouuty of Wako, in nooK sa, at page vi, tbe -jam day of January, 1SS7 Thilau..willbediniiaroelstoauU pun-haters. ' T' r or plot of the same, persons who may on- Uhiplote becoming bidders aia referred touL A. w . bnan. r. 1 he terms of the sale are ; One-Uurd of tbo purchase money in cash, one -third In twelve mouths and vne-Ui ru ia two years, wuh later est from the day 4 sale at tbe rate of eia& per eent pr annum, payable annually, and ihe title to said laud to be retained until the full pay meat of the purchase money. : , ' ah -persons who. contemplate purchasing r will iieas wake their examinations of litis ben. fore the day of s de. SP1EU WlilT.v-rk Lit. so lttdtd . Coiuuii niottsTK jyORTGAUE SALE. Pursuant to authority contained In a m it- gage d"U executed the HUiUuy of January, ico, uj iw. o. n rreu ana aiai't A. rrreli and C. Al Husbee, trustre, to svvure the, pa nient of a dvbt to Ueo, W. Norwood, deceased. a wuitu, aLiue couit-aoue uoor in ib city ol Raleigh, lor cash, the ul la of Kbru ary, 18-o, a tract 01 land ui Barton's Cieek towurhii, ake county, aojoiniug tLe lauua ol Win. Liuwittr.J. J., Hunter, V U. Ailea abd olhtiBj it leuig tbe Isnu. whereon U. K. ft-ruli muu wile hlw liv, and coi.tainuuj;14o4 .ens Tue Ueu is ngUtitnu in book 1, page 8 i. G LO. J OliWooD, Executor ot OLO. W. NORWOOD, de 'd T. M Rto. Attorney. uii2oU;i. gALE OF LANK T Br virtre of at'th.. ity given in a nirtKag from Aiexauuer Barthu si... u(i NV.K. Allen, recorded in iberegisU-i's oa.ee of W ske county, iu Loot bi, page iVi, we wui sell on ilonoay, the 2id day of Febmary, 1881 at the eourt-louse door in Uterityol Uleu.b, tbe lando-iveyed in said mortgage, containing iioi screi ingi e or less,- situated In LiUlv, River ' township ot said count; aud adjoining ths and of Ja-per Bar am, i U G. MilcheU, Sion Darral, t, B. Perry and others, Terms of sale cash. Tims of . sale IS o'cuotkm. paie a holding; xi. Attorneys for Mortgager: Jan. 224, 1886, dtd. f UAULo; LAND KOR $AtK. - rV viltllpilf alilllotitv MuifrmJ - l. . . i tain deed of mortgage executed ou the 25U dav of April, 188, by Mi'L.rd Uial, frusheL -r Alfred Jones and Lizzie C. Jones, his wife, to-' U b Pailoo aad recorded iu th office of the "erister of deeds for Wake county, w. ., : -book 78, at pa e 780, and also bj authority of . a certain deed ot trust, executed the wh day of August, 11)99, by the tame p i r ties U A. W. Uaj wood, trustee for U. iv PnHeu, jand re corded In the office of the register of deeds ' for Wake county, N ., in took 74, at page 591, we will Saturday, - Febiuary SOth, 1886, i elli at public ouory tor ctStt tbe Interest aud estate of said Milari Mial, liustw;: Ahred, Jones and Lizrle C Jones In the tract of land ties- r bed icsaid deed of mortg gnaiid deed of trust, aid tract containing 6f0 acres aoore or less and being tbe ssme tract of 'and a hereon tbe said Alfred Jones and wbe do sow restdr, ref i renoe to which deed of mortgage aud dredr of trust ts hereby made for a lull description of ad lands. :' . : - . PI ce ef al", door of enrty court-house itt Baleigh, K. v'. Time f sab? lio clock m. K B. PULLEX, Muitsgee, .'"'. riATWoon, Trustee. , an. 81, 1886, dtd. ; ' ALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE By virtue of power conferred on me by a c rtaln deed of mortgage executed by Dal. 11. Crawlord and wife and recorded in Register's office of Wake omty, ta book 78, page 684, 1 will seii to the highest bidder for ass at pub lic auction, at the court bouse door In tbe city ot Raleigh, Monday, March 1st 18.NS, at IS o'clock ffi., the property in said mortgage de scr bed, situated In the southern portion of the city of 1 aleigb, near Blount street. : JOHN WATSON, Guardian. B. F. VovTAOtm, attorney for Mortgagee. an. 31, 186, dtd. :. OTICE. ' ; . ';-:' . . ... The regular annual meeting of tbe Stock holders of the North Carolina Borne las urance Company will be held at their office in this city Wednesday, tbe 3rd proximo at IS o'clock. C'BAKLJCS B(KT, Secretary. OTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. Omci Chaik'x Boabo or CeatinssioNKas Waks Cocsrr, BAUttOB, January 29. 1886.' Tbe 8th of February, prox., being tbe time for the bringing ot suit under the recent act providing for th redemption ot land sold for taxrs snd purchased by the State, deiinquenta are hereby notified that they can st ttla prior to that time and on the same terms allowed be-, fore tn ; firt day of this month. , Particular attention is cal'ed o the cirtnlar letter of the Secretary of State, which Is posted intht offlc of the clerk of this board. Me sra. J. :. Creech, Co., attorneys, will render interested parties necessary aid in the matter of the redemption of . these land. A. M. Adams, an30 4t. Chairman. JJIVIDEKD NOTICE. Nosth Cakouna Railroad Co. SlCRSTABT AftS TSKASUBAB'" OFFICB, Co. Vhops, N. C, Jin, 8th, 1888. The directors of the North Curolia railroad comt any have declared a dividend of 6 per sent, three per centpsa' le Ma ch. Ill to atock boldcrs of reeorl at 12 o'clock m. February 10th, aad three per eent September lt to stock holders of record st 12 o'clock m. August 10th next. The stock books of the company will . be closed at 12 o'clock m. February JOth until Mirch 1st and at 12 o. lock m. a g ut 10th, until September 1st, 1888 P. B. BUFF IS, Jan St. I SeCy and Treasurer. T. MAR '8 SCHOOL. he Fa4 TriBw.tha BOthsemlAinrual sea-. ion, 4 th ehool will begin on Thursday, Jannry 8Mb For aatsjogu apply to the : Rector,. - . REV BENNETT SMEDES. anSodlm.- . rl,: A f FFICX FOB RENT. 1 if Having leased from January vlsT tW'W bouse on Wllnvintoa street - next to lay rest dance, for aa office, th rooms 1 now occupy la the rear of Bsttfe Mrdcai will b iJr t ant. Appljr te 44 Ai. 3mu or eh undsaw 1

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