-1 f .' vt J'.p 1 i V I 'I v 4 ;;- ' I - V. 2-' . : ;i - JtC 4; vr: s.- 13 ." IS 1PT t jS. V'. ' J.' at- .!. t m ' I- ftrsuiHxa Daily (ncarf , Mossat) a jrp Dally one fear, mad. postpaid r tares Weekly, .. 110 fiocamthib ; . l ,oo Ko bum entered without payment, mad no paper sent after tfiq T eiptrmtlon I time paid ' ' . THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1830. KurwjiKU w print ,'todaj V Another View of the Inducirial School Matter' wbichu we' would: ij in justice to tta aujhor ht been tyjng a dj or two on oar talo oaable t to aqueeie into the eolomni of the paper. Maitx f the papers are just now pre senting -portraita of the dUtingnwhed npresentaUe in Congress from : this district,' ahdihe piptureaare adornments brariahly Gen-Cox, tn otW wfrds, appears a handsome man even in news paper eats, than which no more can be aid of any ones pulohritude. 1 Tn report ehwwhere 'jiTen of Lt; Wmslowi examinafloi bto' the potsi bUities of oyster culture in Kofi Caro Una ajjbrds interestiag reading. There reallr seems to he minkms in'ovsters for onr people and we trust they) willv b rotten font , speedily. Mr. Winslow intelligent efforts cannot top commended. . ' j - : CLCTxurs1'seems likely to escape pnn ishment for his crime after all. f The foUowbg at least from .the ftorfoi Virl ginian. indicates the posalbiuty of such a result: 4 Tf Thomas Ji CluTerius, th6 young lawyer who is in ail under en teijeeojf dea!& fpr rthe t murder, of jIias FaiBi Lilian Madison, obtains; air trial rbni the court of' appeals,; lie Swift beble'mnder ; iiew law' lotestirVitt his"iiii 'defense. ,,!lt W belierM onld not avala K eunvSetMt ? J'Kt Thb latest iHot,th Carolina, literarjr production bjtt romance, by Eugene Ball entiTJb-jWaster;of iVEtriujev It ifl 4 (raaaUC 'story is laid partly in the beautiful mountain regwn-of this. State, i It is of just shou t ii'tl: J4i;r'r lii Li.l .:; .f-?;: M (ess as to morals and is put into boot e eontenient aixe and , pleasing work- VkaAahrp by the Peter soar ot Philadet- !Mu uopevw wiunar. a yiaei bTJWJK 'tho. possessor ; of one of tha v herds of shorthona.in the world' ani ' in u oue. Air. raimer gays be - . ' nn 'taat maMn-1 0(1 . aona ri Mail. feeding .ta Jus, taattle. for m moniJhwithr -! - coAL far eiailasrfl. for tb maaon thkLltA' ' retSJrom twentT to fiftr: tana of rn fetid IMF mam. MAMtrtliiiv .'' lh A;it of the 'Sou. ;bui. ha sara Mnr rrMit crop is fine, such aselorer.rye, peas cto: 'ne,pradieta.shat ?'U. wiU aothi man years before all who winter Cattle .will: 'put uprensilage,'1 and is of the opinion ' Tn JMwlMiaatIr&. trial f f ftA niinuufr sis . sins a Yfianai 1 nw was i VAa-fJaiafc i k--a V V-v- .aUJ Wjfilfi other chujrfih scandal -haying Qeorglaf It is, reported, that the aocused Veull owir bhlll, that het;nd evefufly wViiten atatesaefaa eonecrniog ftu WCpcto ' viacuina : wnereon 1 ip ia chre4lho 1 v inabrtlreyelry f iraj lauajei u( mna , successiuuy -.' SV0d ' W9l.r "rigid i and 'exhauat4ve crosMxxmination by r the prosecuting avMwrney,: - wno u one 01 we leading lawyers ofthe StateJ Jn his sUkment : tnrnAit , tin Hinnit Cha TrfJI :d L.n One W?Mt1ri while in .a Sunday 'sckeftLcou reuorwbite iiitrtx i- cated.' Tbis Two witne hnt ll avvrirt t'fat fhal loalirn' h.u W OT V tV fit 1 M V 1 J was absolutely; faise-? also slated k- -kilo. :rfiiSJii tT tL v itrer with his dinnet? but that ba.vas nol .11 .1:1 ??i-it not -t at uiwiaaieu, ne uia1svisil JV4 hisj.thre, hn) wa uot guilty "ufiaiiy imsaofai-teswivy-vue WJPBS ojjdiy mis ion in the endeavor to Mveaost soul. The principal witness against the accused minuter was a Cincinnati news paper reporter and this fellow it is said demoralixed the -prosecution by the. Oourac he pursued, 'i so , that the friends of Dr. Armstrong 'I are acquitted. Aa the matter now stands, it seems, but one responsible witness has-sworn that tha accused waa in toxi catediwbilt ia Qiaoinnati. Th wMneas is an intimate friend. J of f :(Jhe Cincinnati reporter above ' referre4 to. us cross-examination ne said ne was, not Z-rrrTir , . ' TTiTr i Buf 'beUefed be trasu t $oter ?l The 'fiMafaf' jytf j jhe telephone liatter ai ijfcMagUn, of; which Mrtals Northern 'journals; hate been mahbg so a.rccipljjhw for some time existed a serious donbt ii to the ralidity of the patent granted He Jcltteletohdne'coiDDariv; : On the itreogthsof this Company was formed- n,;pape.,canel the Jn-LlectrH tele 1 pnoBe coming and many ! shares of "-4Pok wpra giren to attorney ecaeral ailad, wojrasptthajt time aeqstor, w.oenaiprs jiarris ana, vest, Ueft; J o Johijston', 0ehl Casey Young, a mbniler of Congress from Tennessee, Col, At kins, now -w-the f. interior department. and Tertrnit nt.tierfl. 'Tn thin f.)inr i.t perhaps' nothing s wrong, but further was unfortunate that thette gentle men snouia bare necomc connected with the new conipknT. Fraud bcinv Miarl against the 1111 company as to the pro- aMra W V Ji MTM USVIIGlll.. 1 L lliniailll 13 111! It la edljf the duty of : the secretary of the Interior ioi have the question ' tosted by to Inquire' into the validitv of : tha ' B.-ll patent, add tt was commenced by ; order of solicitojr Ocode daring the absence from Washington' of attorney general umriaou. ; r-rna .raisea me nue ana cry. ' Naw (t 1m manifoal that ta wl hare mentioned committed no crioi'e m accepting, stock inTtbe Panr-Kectrio c Iiupauy and; it Ts equilly clear : that a ii nb attsaliitcIV' ' deessir for them v nl6a"therrstk"hn'84iitatf hronv 'h i;0rder W prfesere thirinuoeejice hf a iy iiiprbpeV '' itfb fiVel St ill 1 J t r Yp- WMln wiser for them dq 'tie latter at iUertainlr'the Isecretarvlof the lihanhe has done.'1 He would: hate1 fail- I - fi : t a f . . i i d .-it f t w periorm nis auiy naa nQ tsjcen ant o her course than 'that, 1 he hjsr pursued; 3 ortJbrer, 1 the' ;BeIT company 'has Wo r ght ; of ! objection. If its' patent has ukjcu rcKuiuiT , uuumeu. u caunox oe Wirt1 bTttf-'iudiciaT inVestiMtieo: fTf npt;:theu AtM enioying the rigbts and piege' fT5 cltituS - 'it VKe expense of is power,1 4t brought against it, but ' to place in 1 rf Tin Jltl.lt. KUt. .11 iL.i :' .uaKicuiwyn UXUI nil iUUDO cuuuecicu IW "j ine- mn-iiectric Mnntntr. 'Iinar i!antf attorney gen (larlandT more particular v. litnaf ion'Tof tV mm- lhn i '- a hate outlined irahd duei&m ia as the poeitrotf'prea bV th'e demo- egress'hhhielBiehidne. This; aS.WA tiaW aaM? mtoifrtfiiiSLtf StW. apt protendt itoT fchargV iBjrewtlemen tt jrj- xcncni -9011119 upon toe jacs uai pun Ueir'guttdtgainsi those aedueUens the; iielding irodu of ihe YvMeanWihat7 appeared initoe reW pnblica parw priwito;m'!mlWto thai Jdalii M$ebpk Hid W lieTO that'ther wa ueither ktMH:i .t;if-o- .-i-iii iii.A.-f n.:. 'WllfW4" wereffferedPahtt ectrie-to and irefusedV 11 Weeinc that tht AitriivViiik ftl.k. in appearand at least depend aomewhat onv'theiFi dfieklinfTBM AitU TlTe had the gentlemen from the South pursue me same wmaTTA the matter iunuv acsbcu in mo coarw, mna H aoes not appW thai he ' caif Inc jahYwise be behefitAtt'brfnnifiNf iinV tioAUtnn may roUoVfurtheftlian ahy other oiti en of the1 UnibnV'f!Buty ffie other o ftclall inrolrea hold Vtiik whUh either become f rerr ? valuable : or'rematn worthless; as the case goes against or is . I (-vJa - .s J.i 1. ..a.. Tor 01 uwwu monopoly, and .they are and tboxe1 .af UJ7k0;.k-i.j!i:X-.;T 'WrfWW m AK114MJ riki:ii;.zr ' .'t 'ij ;.. m to advance' nrivaiA introafa ; lUm. crato officeholders f should1 ' thef efore be moat scrupulous in the official conduct, in order to give not; even the slightest occasion for the breath T of calumny; Publio men ;shouid be ! likef Caar's wife Htbove suspicion. Senator Vance was I included by! the! New I York World in ho list of stockholders in ; the Pan eompanj but that gentleman em phatically declares that he hasfnotnow ndieyerhaUMyconnectionfwith Uie Compsny in any way, ahape of form " Wet hope I Messrs. jQarland, Johnston, Ukiorand the other officials who are enterestel in - the new. enterprise will be able finallyto free i their characters as efiectuall)r from ihe aspersions which haye been cast upon them and that there will be no further necessity from democratic offic ials for eiulanatiouj. like those which ae now demanded, 7 ' . assji sj-pwa , a- ,. - Timt wisard of the Wires. Tfiouiaa A Edison, how comei to the,tronwitli an Other of his wonderful fiUr'u-hl i tionf whioh thecw York World pro- aa.!.J atj 1 1- a a mr ' a Mvuuuea ground ana perfect. ' it is a aystebi of telegraphing to and from mo v aiWJ MUfu,t and a successful teat fit it waaniadq it, is announced lt Mou- fimf I On the r Staten ' Island Jrailn.ad. MeKsage after message," in ' the Ian- goae 01 an enipusiastic r-n-rter. "leaped through the air from the roof ot a car moving at tne rate : of. tar Ant vi.fi vu mites au hour to the jresrular. ieleitpar.h wu ywc a nuncu-cq sway, apu i,ue( anawers Jeapedi .from .the wixt Uowq, the roofand. were: tieked out 00 1 in strument in tha. nreaeneo. of . -tkt.ii.- guhOiedMsompsjiyJ C ruhfamiuA, M..MB.w inae wen juews, jiUithO car was s. table to which waa itta.LJ a smsLbaite,r,:atf4.at,tlie ?MWe.w an operator with a tiny telephone r4 opwawr wun a attached to eact ear.Iland from eMhweirey a wire le4 to the battery L . 5: .' i J i uituir(ni Tt im Mrtunl : (imnla eiumffn. and'vif tka nTtam haaiindee&i been perfected, as reported, we may exV ymwwut " pect it. soon, to ibe 'generally, used in train dispatehinft for ithe purpose of aT(iid4n the collisions and delavs which "w. cos t, many lwam lireav annually, nW'so niuuy tnonsands-of dollars to the raHroa-ti coinpanr- s Lts great adTsn Uge .appears is the fact that no extra wire is needed' snd that the cabinet f containing the instrument is siutill and can be changed from car to car. It is hot primarily the inventi n of Edisoji, though it has been broug lit into its present shape by him. A Ten- neroeean; named Smith is to be credited with the original idea. The princi pie of the thina is as. fol lows : It ha been found that a cur.rwnt of electricity, Ciu paea i through, the air between; two. conductors, but if the com municilon , lasts longer than the 250,000th part of a second the air . becomes polarirod, or .other Wise changed by the elect rioity, and resists, any further oomntunica tioh'. "In other words, the air off re Dracticallv no resistance to an electri current; for the 260, 000th part of a sec ond. If a wave eo short and sharp that it Would Dass through the air betwAnn the given points in that small space; of wOuld work.; Now. whn tha in the ear sends a meaaage, tha wares go at tne rate ot aDput ,0VU to a. second. Tbe.wTcson an ordinary Morse current go about thirteen to a seoonoV . .Tbcae wares, are aen,t into the. air rqm .the, tin roof of the car with such audd)nnpaakii( sbarpnss by .means of a simple electarcn magnet, that , each telegraphic letter, consisting of a dot or a dssh, passes to me wu-vs srrung on tue regular tele irraDh poles nil alou? the railwavinsjil of the 260.0fJ(kh.Dartof a aecoadi There is a paue 01 aoout a tnousandth part of m auvvuu iu icv. utt oix regain lis ovai nary coudition. Then another letter is plhmned through the' air to the 1 Iron. tThen another t)aue and anotlier Inttor aua on. ii yu try to pusli a candle 'vou will, break Jia naiullfi If shoot i ti caudle, out of a gun it will make a holewin the board." These letter, thnn ar tirJA fKrnnrrk mi 0 quickly that the air - molecules don't kino ')...,. ti. . 1 . J " ,u' u"a auuut rcBJBkiag, as n were. Tlio ivtivm Nun k0 lai.i.J J -J 1 m-j ; Will Work in all WathrM THa .lntriul sympathy or induction between the rnof Wfi fcU',ij:r BB:ne wires is so great tnat iugj 111 icp iijrougu uq air 10 or from thi rocular wires aa far aa n8() fix t ito nejur win are Osed, but work is done on the rciiular teleirraDb svstcui. The syrn&lji come to the ear of the operator if musical notes, such as a prolonged 5po-o!o-o-o"4 for j; dash and a short foo'Vfor a dot. Tha work ia dono inat as quickly nd as easily as by the ordi nary Ivfitem. i Bt the same nriuidnle. ldison says, j ships! can telegraph to each other through the air at a distance 01 twentv-five miles! A amall hallruim coated with go)d foil could carry a thin wire inw uic air orf luy ;ees trom eacb snip. The wire charges the balloon with elec tricity. ; At a, height of 3.100 feet the air U so liht ihat the electric current "fill pass by induction from one of tttese balloons to mnother twenty-five tmles wsy The jbaomept a ship !s within eectreal oummuaication of another the telegraph instrument on boaxd beeias to smg.t 00 does tne instrument on the Othertahin. '' Tha Oneratnt nn tUa altim then talk to each other. And to all this we wpuld say as Dominie Sampson says ; flpgtouA"; 1 - r:m j Awthr Um T taw ladsmtrtaf Wrhaal i ii..i-riJsUsj 1 or. of the Nsws ahd Oesxavsn. j :: Some of the friends of the University aeem'to think tha the establuuWnt of ail injlustrial schooii at Raleigh, will in jure "the Uniyersity. Some think if established a all it ought to be a part abd parcel of, that institution; dthirs that Wherever established it will soobr onlater draipf. to, it the interest of the land-scrip fund which is $7,500 annu ally.! I This fund was oriirin&M v Wi.n lfy te geueral government to found an mduitrial school, but as there was no ia the dtate. and u . T cared j,t,,h industrial education, the ' Stste .SDOO i(t Lv hrnW J KW-'-..l iODi.ni,M!iHi, was ' declared to &me within the meanintr and snirit of tha snd jibe money was appropriated ( to it. TbeJ construction of 'the f act was not straiued so very hard, for some branches establ'sbed at the University did have a tendency to promote practical agricul ture This was done rather than that tbe $7. 500 should liei idle and tbe pur posu? of tbe act 4e defeated altogether for aj seaaon,i Tbej friends of oducation abdjtbe recipients of. tbis bounty were alike justified in thinking that an en lightened public sentiment thoroughly a wake ','to the necessity of education would, approve their action. To justify tht? pious fraud, call it if you will, they might well plead the ignorance of the most illiterate of States, the poverty of the poorest, ami' the indisposition of sum?. siy4 legisiaturebes girt by stupidity as wiiu a ciuaa ana Dlinded by a haunting batrwl t.f an an te b 1 1 una aristocracy ia,t) d to have had th ir hot bed at tuo Sutc university. How sad, and yet bow tt ue it is that at a time when tlm State was appropriating more than quarter of a million dollars annually to uer oui t limtitutions, including the pent- teutiary and the W. N. C. railroad, sue was not giving one dollar to her Uni versity! The part which Dr. .Battle woa in wius Droaqiy ana iiDerauy con strain sr tho, grant of the general gov erumeiit so as to secure its benefita u thev mho of literary education will not ; .. : i i r ' . . . . i ,! , oo jorgouen oy a grateful and appWcUtive people. It will be ; always iy remembered that Dr. Battle did un in this case allow a tachnioaHt to stand between the people and their mecif. lie ; patriotically construed it ouf t tbe Way and all the people aid' hmei. If the ' friends of literary oul- anopwa a too uterai construe jtfon ot tho act the fnnd snis-bft ka. I.;. idle, up to the time of the demand of . t a ... . ' & wireoDie vr an lnaustruuaeiinoi a the last session of tbe general assembly. v.Af-wueu, w)ji5aa;. thought, he could .serve j thetkh.tlState,.. in tha boird of. agriculture, be aid sot r ' teebnicaiity to stand la bif uiob 01 atmcui lure ur. jawu.' oonstrves himself to be rthat iaa. But is the $2at te Univrsityn agcultural ren if soma late lerialatnra has w iuw uniT,ersuy an agncunuxai college-eren if soma late legidature has thoughtlessly or designedly called it each? The indnatrUl - w-iuwim nwui mmm . mucu oousiaeratioa ' tnougst 'pernaps only one Or two branpbM f t wiatrnetinw recommended, by .the act could be a first established. "Tie agricultural college" has jeea running for yean on a technicality without even the seern bely necesaary ''condition precedent" of a farm whereon to .ti-'uch . the bovs "practical agric.ultu .v (I. quotoihe lapgujige .i the actj t. gujry : ; .Would not the in'IastrJaf aKimi u liti vin aim branch (ajid there has! nevir been any evidepce that nuii tof ebfsi bea recom mended could u-it be c't4iMi"bed) come more within the meaning and spirit of theaot to efitabliith it, than the Uniyersity does to an agricultural cdlege, requir insr "Dractical dition precodeni?" In th. cane of liter ary culture in which no i" and ought to be sealous ami iq the name, of practical agricultur-which he has been undertak ing to carry on without a farm.Dr. Battle can ''cast out" a technicality like an old .laWVer. but thia now in. natriat aiKn..l technicality he not only does not cast out out laoors witu "prayer and fasU wuura wikH. '-prayer, anu iasfc- in ' to eaat into tha mimli of the knu) 1- In his construction of the! industrial scnool act Dr. Battle is harsh and literal; in his construction of the land Mrinut -he w, latitudiuannn. 1 Learned in law and literature, t he believes ajso that; he has been truly converted to' the lbye of uwi. .wuav bur presiaing fiaers uea to call a "bright convert " His is a barren faith and yields no fruit. 'However successful any one may be in deceiving himsolf as to his , status en this question, it is important that the people sbould not be deceived. fio man or set of men who have not sufficient faith in the movement to start It. with tell thousand dollara worth i nf propej-ty and an annual appropriation of uiwv vu uk w taii ju its menus. at least not such friends -as it-needs iust Jaow. Friendship should be made of sterner stun man tots. It seems to be the drsain of a mm tn start me school at Uhapel nil! as a part oi tne iatate I'niversity This would be a misfortune to both institutions. It Will be fifty years before the atmninU around any Southern literary institution will be entirely healthy for industrial uuui.iuu. me iuci, inai tnev nave undertaken to teach ' nractiAal ture" without a farm proves that i the universuy ih not tne place for it The University is a arrest in&titntinn ,nJ under; Dr. Battles luausgement it is J .. : . v t .... - u.ulo6 6re worx, put it is not in the line of practical aericulture. nor 5 a it he plaice, nor is Dr. Battle the man for an industrial school So if the board postponed" the matter Wnu aW adequate sum bas sot been offered and oroVr also, a some believe, to ideate it on a grander scale at? the Uniyersity win . approval oi tne ucx;t general assembly, they hatft jgotad a tery serious blunder.' i Poatnoiiemeiit for thia roaa, has; e"rtainly ncyer" h"cn jii'i jed1 by auy action of injrf fteVfr !'6e 1 mbye ment here. They havtr uy-vi-r jught and never wsuted tW bjnd-:rtp fund; In fact, they Would ' t lmv. ir unlaa the legislature ihL JVu -uldtalso PPFW P!? V:i y 1.; I l,;aud they nave always hen, that t u-y have enough t money without iC and Ibcvi'-ara 'awr that tue quest iW. of ppriVriating tho land-scrip funil was n.ied in telboard r w" a.anjeuicss aiarw to some v ilia Miviliucis i , : i , i I lUleigh is the place for the school, lit ; was here that the, need? was .first felt, ; and it was among her eitisens that the agitation for ii Was first begun, find will' continue until it ia established.' Hun dreds of dollars worth of timand labor hay been spent for it here snd thou sands of dollars subscribed Our peo ple need it and have on.nl It huanu they1 wish to see Raleigh a 'place of manufacture and this' she must be; if anything more than a seat of govern ment ; -v , "The most Jmpreshiye tiding that I saw at tb" centeonntl" was not the figure r.?!?". .V !H WVf .mnr. UlUltllUde OI jUW ' Ti lungthb of the great city wh(oh soretehed in successive vtsfas as far as tbe eye could reach along the banks of the Schuylkill, built and fed by industrial education. ; X. Rilrsv telegraphing is a success. wm hurts HnewmsutsK, aearanis Pralaa. Ill .a..i. .!... in" !v AF E. . SUFIE- QTU. . CABOLINA GBANITXS AND &fcjn62faCs. P. Linehon Co WiFayrWa h. AMPiwiiaTad ravorabla Taauaa aaa- ,mj,im otabbTani toaaa of tlLana AZt for j ; TrDEjggMARK ."aai iiininiiin i'liUS' ' aawssv i f D C II JP.tO l. rVfJUll WW,, I i L j, j ; ttt-rATXTTiyiLLS - 8TBXXT, Offer tb flaast stoek of fresh Fancy Groceries To be found ia tsadty. NO OLD STOCK. Samnel Rae & Cc's llnest Olive Oil, eon eeilpd the bet imported. Croaa- & ftlackwell's Jlized Pickle aaut Chow Chow in glass. lleinU's floe Picket in wood by tbe measure. Pickled Lobsters in glass Jan. Rbaker Dried Corn, lib paekama. Pure Vermont Maple Syrups la ajal. and 1 nL 'bm. - eaU your particular attentteu la 8wta. ta a. - . a. WJ - a . . . borss Patent Iaigiaas Gelatine, the whitest and poxvm article evwsaade. It la tbe jfitrtrmT bra ad in tha Saaiiab aaarketa and bas SSsaMluy Er Pawwyni una eowatry. A fun aad aomplete stocx . 8tapU Qwds at lew prises. We are yntuTtowimni petftira ta priets alisods m tnrlbj-. G. T. STH01TA0H MARKET 8QUARK,' Fresh Mackerel, :6c a pound. JERSEY BUTTER, j .iBftc; Uaton market. Hart's rream Cheese. bet, 15c. edtlck Coffee l2c old Oovernmout J va, 23c, Purest Lagulr "Ua, New Orleans Molasses, 60c. iderVmpgar,40c Uaxatl.HeaL Patapsco Family Flour 96.3&, Orauge Grove Flour $5.76. ' M on trow Family -V 00. JiagaaiH llamo 124c GrtU, Hominy, Nay v Beans, naJ?r offe.8rrp, Molasses, firaody Peaebes. Clarara. Utewlna anH w..w- lauseiw ; 8 mi If. afaata. Ham. . Goous, Wbiskies, Braadlea. VVinca, Ac. c. WkAlttaWl. nH U.11 T G;Ta NO. KaJtrnv &r -! j EU SB EE'S lOBTfl' rlUflOUH i 1 JUST1C1 FORM BOOK. Third, Edition Reviud asd nlsrgcc Thai is the hea hnnk- al tk. J fuvfysucu auu ooauins every point oi law and bTery form which can be needed in the . 7VT iwaojaaa jb una state. , Ths orvranaa .over. , ' 500 C3-BS Ami eVsawtat fatal SaaS, nViaaaaU ana4a. 1. A. A t- . I - - w i mj wmmm aaaaajaeal aS4VoSaHSv asav anj al Uv etmd in anV Vive riniiam inv . i . r hm aa sea uy mau prepay IBT Q2.5Q. y JuMlo- fitbe rttuoutthe' v Peace can atfbid to t Jpw Buabco, Aa BO Other lkAAh- In ta. c.i. f.ii u. ALFRED ; WILLIAMS & CO. " . BooxsaxlxBs Aim Srjmaatast ,,. BaXnoa, N. C. -L 44- Headquarters COAL! Anthracite and Bituminous. Oak, Hickory and Pm i -aaT CSbart VHTL J IT ANDKKWfV CO PUlCBa-p ; BURWER PAarr JULT a, 4881. '. ' ' - : - V aa. ' .' i A aw.t-l-- J J IV. tibaaea With C Cmmi iniwaf tka - - auWvntmg and euriat omsxaw ! MAKKED DOWN PRICES FOB CASI The leDewlat slesiraMe artlelss. bath : seasonable and uaeful ? , ; ; iapixs' wnrrxir j DRiSS GOODS, i Heavy Jeaoa, Doeaklns, OssUuuis Ctotb and other Furniahtng Uooda for "Msar tand Boy's wear. . y i ' lAdfaeandafsns ! WINTER -UNDERWEAR. 1 ! Wraps tor LaaUes, latest styWs and ail nsaaVp to order tbis aeaaon. Blankets, Opera, Basket and Honeycomb Flannels; Bleached and Unbleached Canton FUnoehu - m BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYa Several linos of Heavy Shoes for Ladio Miaaas, Men and Boys.. .. , , Orersboes tor Indies, Miaaes and Moaw lrat feality. ' ' ' r?: Meas wool-llDeewlVaotlag Arctks lor 7sc apair.ji . ; . ; , t UoaiM has saany eCh aitWat a his stock whleh aaa ha bought Uw tar e CaUSakazassineco4s and or yauraalt that he : what ha says. Dear xsa, ! Now Ii the tunc to order Coal for j f WINTER SIJPPLIJES When tbe best article can be had allows prices and delivered clean from the ears, hav ing never touched the earth since7 taken rrom the mines. ' - : THK FREIGHT ON : i Tcniicssco Coal' Is redueed for a short time and n who ex pect to use it lbould order at enoe and save 60o to tl.00 per ton. . ft OUR FAVORITE 5 Kinds of Anthracite Coal can be had now but eannot be gotten at all later In the aeaaon. Bo let us have your orders at once for hot kinds and aiaes. - - i ' i . i JONI8POWLL. (hNX f THOUSAND GOOD . CORN AMD real Bags wanted by ' :f; ON84EPOWELXa Fayettayffle St. and Central DenA 1 t Balebjh,.N.Ct Hi i -r :'! just aacsrvxp ai f IW.T.Norris&Bro 20,000 pounds Shacks. J i All Ift-Onft mntiAa Waait &aw . tAAt J ' ' F' -in , 100 Urrels Patapaeo Plour.f T'nj ; 100 barrrls Qraage Grove Flour, f'fjj Hi 100 barrels CarpUna Favorite Flour. ; M barrels Sugar. S2S bags Flue Bolted Meat; 1 bushels WhnCarn. j f ),OO0baahelsFatdCahv j 10,000 pounds Fine Timothy Hay. Can and price our foods' bkorayow. pur : : - si, 1 ill M. T. NORRIS Ac BBO. OT. JIABT'SBCHOOL. I ; i 1 Tbe faster Term, the 90thsemUnniiAle- ' win urui on Anursaar. gMJoary S8th For eaialogn apply tto i ' - riv. Bmoim fiiopiali" .' . BaJehrhlK.a aas9dlm.f , IT WILL PAY If you propose going West or Kortb weat to write to me. I represent the Short Line. F. D. Bush, I). A. P.. r UUanta,pa. CHiinia UJ WIRE BAILING AND OBNA 'MENTAL WIBir WOBE. uursn d street, BH alllflB fn r!a v - I- AO 20 HORn Hnra.rf atraaaV RkKlaanna rmm facturers of Wire RatUag for Cemeteries, bal. ooniea, deJ Sieves; Fenders, Cage and Cnd creens, Wovten Wire, Iron Blateada Chain Mteavdc. QFaPIUBFOBBJENT, , : . ?j . Having leased from January 'Ist'taWnww hausaan Wllnunetea stteat aaxt to sty sast, famV Apply teB. HTllattUtswunfe? KING &1MACY. Wa. 1 larat Davle rnalar LawBauVaa. ira na arsiananisiiiis iitairaa Baa aa.4 NOTICE; W FOB BALK OR BliNT. M OkTtAUKSAJ SJ. I'UIMlant tn nntl.nrllr iwuil.liuj' rn a rmir4 'r- 1 ev -out. ibi- llth day ot January, and C M. nsb-, trnW, to s-eurs the pay moot of a debt to Geo. W.Norwood, deeeased, I soD- at the eourt-houae door In tbe eity V Aaoeica. w Calkui xilll Oay Of robm ary. 184. a tiaat Of IsauTla Rarlan'a TRhaair towashtp. Wake eountv. adioinhir tbe ktada aad others: ft bong the laud whereoa R K. FemU MA vrBe jmw Mya, and eosAaialngli&i aerea. Tha dead is raglsUtta in book 7a. oagaSS. u GEO. BOBWOOD.Ixaeuto . of GXQ. W. HOBWOOD, dosd : T. M.A.aoo, Attorney. imnSOdtd. . N OTlC Of &aXET A Valuable House and Lot for sals in the very heart of Raleigh, N. C ; Under authority invosted hi m by tha Su perior oourt of Waka eounty in a decree ta the special proceedings entitled B C 11 1 mas and other, ex parte, I will sell at pubtte aua Oon, t the highest bidder, at thejeourt-tsouas door in the city of Baleigh: N. O, batwday. tbe 6th day of February. l&A, that very deair j able property con staling of one bouse ana, lot located an the corner ot Marvin and .Sails, bury street ta said city and runntag beak 68 tort to BM. afoorVa ttna. . Sale at Uo2ock Taraas one third eaeh aad tha urn one year, with Interest at S per n B.C. 1 FBMAK. SQSM PaOBB HeuDM, AttaffsMsa. January fth, uaa, dtd. gAUBOX YALUABUC LAND ; ... r jnin iwjb cut m it wiwa. ; i This tote giro aotkwtasalVAdar and by tv. tuaof aaordar at the8wpartorCart tortho oowtyof Waka, naadata the errQaeCioa f R. W. Wharton, ad . tnMraasr at David K. Oarter, d" cease d, aad atham agnlaat Msess A Bldsoa aad othera4 will sell at publta aunttoa, tioa tetbe highest bidder, at tha court boos door, tn tbe eit, of Raleigh, tha xaddayof February, 1888, at 1 o'clock p. aa., eertahi tret of land containing abnut two hundred acres, whirh Wm.iL Seotl conveyed tn said Moses A. Bkdaoe by deedilated Urn l&thdav of Noveaiber, 1S6C rgistered in the offica ol tha reirlster o' deeds tor the county el Waka, la hook SSi at page 97, the 18th day of January, 187 This ianu wili be sold in parcels to suit purrbasers. !' For plot of the same, persons who may con template becoming bidders are referred to col. A. W. hhaflV. j ! f ( ' . i, The terros of the sale are : ; On-tbird of the purchase money in cash, one third in twelve months and one-third in two years, with infer- ' est from the day ji sale at the rate of eight per ' cent per annum, payable annually, aad tha title to said land to be retained until the full payment of the purchase money, i A 11 IvnalM ar ha imtainiiU. wn..1t.Jw rill please make their ersailnstions of tale be- rora tne oay ot sale. Ian lddtd SPIB WHTTAKsTB. .1 Commissioner. aALK OF; LAND, j u lit t I Br rinoi of authority giren tn a nwrtgaga from Alexander Barham and win ta W. B. AUen, recorded In tbe re lister's omoe el Wake bounty, in book 8i, paxe 17-, we will Sell on Monday, the 23d day of February. 1S8S, at the ' court-hvaae door in the eltyof Blelrb, tha landaonreyed in said mortgaa, eoataintng pi acres mors or less, situated ia LitU-Bivar 1 township of sail county aad adjoining the ; laoda of Jasper Bait am, (X G. KitcheU, 8Ion ' parral. VL:B. Perry and ethers. - i t Temts o( sale cash. Time t sale it o'clock m. . I PACE A, HOLDING,. ! Attorneys tor Kortgagea. Jan. 23d. 1886. dtd. , ;;j r Tr , . ALUABU6 crrt . PROPaCRTt FOB . SALE ( ... .-. ;. ; ; By virtue of power conferred on ma by a o .rta'n deed at mortgage executed by DaL H. Cn wjord and wife and recorded la register's . office of Wake eooatyi ! book 78, pan 684. 1 ' will sU te tbe highest bidder forshat puV Ue auction, at tbe court-bouse door ia the city , of Baleigh, Monday, Jfarcb 1st. 1888 U o'clock a. tha property la- said Baortagedo-. -errbed, attnaled la she senthera pocttanaf tha cityoC haleigh, near Blount stmt. i 'fLjr ! OB WAT3G. Gusrdlsu. , in8.?' yZTtSZ 'rn fortgag-e. an. 81, 18H8, dtd. ' j ,r v V tLUABUB LAND FOB SALC ; s Ttrtueof authority eAf-md bya -ear-; tain OMd n mnrtaram. .TMituI oa.w day, of April, 1SS3, b JfUlard JliaL irnstee,. vaoiaaa L.uzie wooes, bis srue, to K 8 Pullen and Muvtrffod la tha ai.aal tk. Teeistrr of deeds for Waka ermat . in i uw- e,apngiBo, aaaaiaooy auuwrltyof a eertaia deed of trnt. araantaui tha k h.v . of August, 1883, by the at ma parties U A. W. ' HaW(Mi. traatM fnr K a Uniia. . : eorded In the offlee of tbe regtaterol deeds for Wake eo-mtr. N 4 v. la Kank il .t 681, wa will Saturday, February aota. 1880. 1 at public nwery lor c am the interest aad estate of aaid Xf iHard Wkl. btM nsi Jones and Llxxla C Jones in the tract of . land -deatfibed iaaaid daaat of mwtnMurf w .f trast, 'aid tract coaUniUia; MO acres Boors ar . 1 1 . 1 . . . a . . u-iwo; t-w aaiuv hibs h ana wnereon the said Alfred Jones and Wife do now reside, refl MINI tn Whioh itaarf at a.l JkhJt of trust is hereby made f or a tail daaaription PllCe of Sale, door Of IVinntV nmirt-htnaa Im ' Baleigh, N. O. Time of sale lta-elockm. no. rui.ijb, Jktortguree. 'aa. 8t, 1888, dtd. i i , rlr. fIYlDJCND NOTICit. KnitTBI PlVlt lVl Hltt aA.a. rn . IKTf CJ H ' SrxmrAaTAHTaustttai'OmoBV' , ,10 on O, Jsn. aoth, 1888. The directors of tha Narth Carolina railroad coro-any have derUred a dividend or 8 per oent. three per cent pay a le March 1st to stock boloers of reaorl alia o'clock m, February 10th, aad three per cent September 1st to stoekv holders ot record at 13 o'clock m. Augxnt 10th ' aexu The stoek books of the eotapany wul be closed at 12 o'clock m. February lotb until Jisrch 1st and at II o'clock m. AurisUOth. until September 1st, 1888. ' J Mil. - . I Sotr-y and Treasurer. i' .i I , " . ' 'Now is the Wrayxa pf our diaconten Made glorious Spiucxb" '; ji j r " ' - " ' The aMaItd:! fi The ROYAL ARGAND, ; : i ; j- !' c . or any of tbe j yar ions kinds of Heating -Stoves always kept In stock aad old at the ADDITIONAL IJOJITORT ' .4...:. 4---'Ti-Ji-A' ,' We would advise the use af Shaw's IXJUR-CHEGK8 AND SPRINGS. Thrr nrTnt tha ataaaaat... ' -L- a .T Ihflna alwara aant it ia. fai . AS AX ' i t j: i -. ; !. 4: f : r ayi Tbe! law asyi tbt tht prsi P&rtto ttriwlrwil sob hora. IT., fC Aaaa.1. ar ' 4 J- a ' laUt ta anvTZTlra-a m aaaal. . k ftiHouaapBisUinir. c-, -11 . ; "V7 .""y iippii aia sua ii.i'-i ana ; HUH OR AFUBNACJi .hialT"" T" ' awswar . -'ai'r " st vwaa; jf a - ' ;t.rvs--- li.ll L. . I MaM a..a m f If A 'ftaf?efwMi. 1 1 Tti; i'