msm IS! Absolutely Pure. fkw powder awvar varies. A saarvst At KRUU.'Ua woMmenesa .snore tmimX than ordinary Mads end cannot be I ia CMaiMtitiM wtth.ta- multitude of low loot, abort weight, alum orpboepate powder Sold only t ami. Kerix. JUkjto I'owm ' CW10S Wall Street, .New York.? , Sold brW C A B 8tnoe, Georze T Straaacfc sod J II rerrall Co. ; MM STtM X. . To my friends of BaUigh and the JW rounding country : , . v 4, T. I came i here to do you good.' In the first place,' keep oai 3' J of debt. V I come to you-with cash system, baaed upon quick; sales and mail profits. For the last two years I ' have done much to develop the ad ran- tages at places where we hare .been. Thus we are able to giro you two year' - -rf i,V ' 1 '- . ,' , .fill 5 V . atore Taiuea nare naacerea ui ueiu.uu placed ' themselrea in the lead of j the i itrufo wlierever ther o. : A two vearf tteat baa decided the- Cut that it pan to rJuTC our - buyer alwaya in tht market, fCherwgt bargains from the alaughter- . nee has made plain.. the fact that our the neatest Talue for the least money,' have met their approval.! l.We know '4 ."- - j 4 4,? M 1 '"fall the doterminatioo of the maaaea to : free themaelTca from the bondage of J " j" T pfO the ereditaystem and that henceforth they will use the ready dollar instead of pay , T J I" ii, .ing double prices for these! goods 1 A ajm selling greater bargains thn - hare ' ' 1 t ; til -erer been sold at the Backet. , f 1 : VOLNEY PURSELL & CO. ; ; jKW8 OBSEHVATXUNS. The committee, on expenditures iu the department of justice yesterday began the in Testigation of the telephone oaat', uthorued by the House of RpreeaUtire. ' , - The ways and means committee are considering a bill for he revision of the tariff.. , An effort is to be made to frame a bill .which au command the; suppurt of the entire party. " -Senator Blair has reported fayur ably. front the committee, on woman suf frage a joint . molution'to aiuend the constitution so as to extend the voting privilege'to women. 1 t 'th department of statenLaa- di rected an investigation to be made of the circumstances attending the; killiug of Cap t. , Crawford,, IJ. 8. ,A.', im the ilth Inst., by Mexican troops. ! ' ; ArtLur Orton, otherwise! 1 hon as Castro, who figured 'for awhile hs Sir Roger Tichborne, is lecturing in lrti ud. htcture consist vf an evening mit, no oratory, and no Eagliah, s aud his audiences hail him with: chr-. r-'iil rie of'VRogerV and "Wagga-V'j4jga." V ;-r-King Theebaw ! was kindly per mitted,,' by his British couquuors to carry away at least some of bis. jewels from his palace, and he wears ou one &Bgor what is declared to be the uiw&t magnifioent ruby in the worfd-- uot the largest, but the largest without a single aw. ; i t I : Jenoy Lind (Mme. Goldschutid), whose . voice in said to have lost uone ot its tweetness and to retain much of its power, has finally yielded to iue solici tations which have been forced upoii.Wr 'and has consented to reappear ia touceri in .London. Ibis event wi:l uki place during the .coming summer. i-The .Wilmington Kvery i EveniuV authoritatively denies the report that Secretary Bayard intends to ri sign ani spend several months in burof e Mr tiayard s mends say, that his recent se vere stflictions make it: imperative that he shall have active employment, and that he has no thought of resigning. - The passage of the bill through tl e Uouso grviog xl2 a month in lead of $8 to the widows and dependent rela tives now on the pension rolls; Will take $5,000,000 additional from the treasury yearly. It is' held, though, tht by passing this bill various schemes which promised to increase the pension ex penditure at least X3UU,uhj,uuu a year have been headed off ;. , John Kelly ia evidently not long for this worlds He can't digest and he. eanH: Sleep, and has bad days, from Which he -revives only to experience a CONGRKSSIONAI- the It EH AT K tthVOrM ITKF.I.F VU .Tll;OAHITABII.L Mmmy Kpwhn Made Wtmt mm Vute TakM i Washinqton, D. C. Vfh.A- Pknatu. Mr. Cameron called np tlm. hi. I pro viding the appointment of ' it s-sistant secretary of the navy. An nmi n lment, suggested by the naval committee, re quires that the a-fik'aut fhould come: irom civil life Mr. Plciul) lioped some explanation would be! given of the need of such an officer and of tl nurd. of such haate in taking up the till at this time it having but recently been reported; The debate on this bill at mice took a political : turn and it lasted until 2 o'clock. ; The partieipants were Mopptt., Iloar, Butler. Caui-ron, Ingall, Halo, Plumb, Hawley, Btck,- Allison, Van Wyck,Blackburn. Cuckrell and Logan. The main feature of the debate wan tbe attack upon the present head of the navy department by the Rep'tblican ou account of his action in the matter of John Roach's contracts and the defence by the Peiuocraiic Senators. Finally Mr Cameron nrged an immediate vote on the bill, but Mr. Logan opposed rhi , and at 2 o'clock the matter went ove . :. "The Dakota bill was then placed bi fore the Seoate and Mr. HaiTis n took the flotor Taking up seriatim ttie ob jections made to the admission of Da kota, Mr. Harrison proceeded to dis CUbS, as he contended, their iuappli-. cability to the case under debate He insisted that the animus of, the -.objections was that another presidential eiec tku should pass before the people of Dakota were to be permitted to partici pate in Fnch elections, t :- Mr. Morgan said the Senator fr m In diana (Mr. Harrison), who was evi dently a candidate for the presidency, might not have a chance at the votes of Dakota, for Mr. Morgan did ; not think he would "ripen" in four years. ' Mr. Ifarrii-on replied that if be ever ihould be a candidate, although he would not be at all sure but that he might justly claim the elect rai vote of Alabama, he never: would . expect to have it counted for him.1 Mr ' Harrison defended the persons who had been prominent in Dakota, proceeding from t.he attacks' made on them by the sena torial opponents ofadiniision.: )- Messrs. Butlerand Morgan frequently interposed with comments and inquiri?B aa po Mr i Harrison's points, and the de bate ; occasionally became warm. On Mr. Butler's stating in one instance that Mr. Harrison did not understand the (lapse, lammany paia tun . t 4. . m t . nt-a the compliment Monday ol re-electing . w - . . . . him obairmanof the comm.ttee on to ttnderBtand it let hilB g0 ganiaation, amid great enthusiasm. Ba , nrmm jn.igted th,t JL . aherilttlugliJ.Ursiituuiereai neaa Morgan and Mr. Butler had set np a OfTamniaoynow. . , ; hian of straw" and hustled him all f. ' T I J. I A ill. J-l AaH'H. 4a . i 4- ow taai, wwuujhv re,uru u around the Senate chamber, and as tbe power for the thirl time within twenty debate proceeded and Mr Harrison reaa papers oontraaicxing uiose reaa ion tears nredictioui arc in order as to the probable length of his . tenure ; of office His first cabinet lf t d ; five years and three months. B aeousfietd then came in i and remained six yeais and two months. Gladoite turned him out of power foreveri and has evrr since been liVely factor fn : politics. - Queen Vic toria, with the malignant stupidity char acteristic of ber( family, has always hated Gladstone. ' Recently ; she told iiord Salisbury that; she would rather go to the block as Charles the First' did than again summon "the grand- old 'man' to form a cabinet. ; i-The extent of the loss to the Flor ida oranze crop bv the late cold anap'is now- nretU accurately measured. Of the -total crop of nearly a million boxes one-half has been frozen oU the trees and is worthies, ? But the reriorted destruc tion among the trees has , been grmtly exaesrerated. Mtis riot considered prob able at this time that any serious invry has been done to the bearing, trees and the proapects for. next year's crop are as good as could be desired. , The result willbe to cause a lively demand for -for eign oranges,! which, while' not as good as the Florida fruit, ase better tbau no oranges. -Flowers formed of real diamonds or otber rare stones have been one of the curiosities of! modern fashioiii and fnow in -paste, mock opals, "I reucU" rubids and emeradls beein to find their 1 Way araoog elegnnt .trinkets of the faehiona-' ble iewel-csse. At a celebrated Broad wav lapidarv's are shown unique and . . flirt it n 4 f vr a beaUUtui devices in nower nroocnei",- inXlll1 " vyAl 1 xi necgieU and bangle bracelets with tufts .... ... - ' .. .;i:'"Ji I-?.. -1 l l-'K '-1 .Am. Vi '-.. A'.- . t '- I- . . 11. or iorgetime--'owt star nowers, iuica pn jQEAJfrrKS AND SA5P3T0NI8 j p. tLlnefian .ifli; 0o 40t Vayettevllle 8U Baldgm, H. . j ; . i ! - , An prepared to makt soatneta en the Mel Favorable TatwM for awpplytaf QranltoBanoV tones ol the best Ouaitty ta any iuMtttts desired. Quarries at Uradenoa amC-Wadaa boro,H. C AmpW taeutttoa tor aandltna; an saaUaw tutek ahlpsMats to any pout, sttker w rtws8taa T r ,A sj fUv 1 t I i PLANT BED BURNER FATCSTED JULY SB, W8 roses, in fineeld or silVcr filagree, and buds m pale pbk 0amed overlaid jrith diamond chippings. Necklaoes with, angles. Doint add curves which fit thi throat, and odd dog collars of wrpugh Mourned. metal set with "electr.o dmmonas, links, clasps and slides are all in vbgue audi taking the places of brooches, etc t are Ornaments which resemble military decoratioujustraps, getots; and cbatel Che other side.; to show the feeling prev alent in Dakota with regard to the ques tion of admission, one Senator created something of a sensation by quoting King Henry s exclamation, "Oh Lord ! .how : this world is given to lyiug J'! (This brooght down the floor: as well :aa the galleries.) Utber passages-at-arms tok place between Senators participating In the debate. For example, when Mr, Harrison Wanted to know how Mr, Butler would have ; entitled ' the new constitution of Dakota, if not .the "constitution j of the State of Dakota,'? he j propound d this inquiry : "Would the St uate have begun it with the words, 'Uy the grace of uod and tne senator troiu douth Carolina laughter), to which Mr. Butler replied. "Ho : 1 should have simply said 'By the grace of the Senator from ludiana' r,; (renewed laughter). Mr. Harrison spoke at, same length i in further maintenance of the r- W mm mm m points Originally made by mm in tavor of "the a committee's bill. Mr. Butler obtained the fioor to reply to Mr. Har nson, but air, Call asked bun to give wav for an executive session , ;; 1 bis Mr Butler was vMing to do. Jr. Harrison wished some (agreement arrived at as lo the: timej when the Senate, should come to a vote on the bill. Mr. Book said that in Mr. Vest's absence he Beck) would not be willing to consent that a tine be nxed. Air. Harrison un derstood from Mr. Vest's colleague that Mr. yest might not be in the senate for a weejt yet. uonstaeraoje coniusston arose as to this course to be pursued, the Republicans j showing unwillingness to go injto executive session without an agreement as to a vote. Without fur her action Son the bill, at 4:30 p. m. on mo tion of Mr. Edmunds, the Senate d They shall take who have the power and they shall keep wfio san. ; Mr. ilepburn, of Iowa, attacked the bill as a proposition to relieve certain States tbat bad sbeen in rebellion from obligation of payment without in any way attempting to secure equal justice to all of the States by reimbursing those which had -promptly made full payment. Pending further disenssian the morning hour expired.; Ths House went into committee of the whole on the bill to relieve the shipping interest of a portion of the existing burdens A number of amendments were made to the bill, iu furtherance of its object. The commit tee rose and the bill was parsed. Mr. Bragg, of Wisconsin, asked nnnn imous consent to offer a resolution, et ting apart Friday and Saturday next for the consideration of the Fits John Por ter bill, the previous question to be or dered at 5 o clock Saturday afternoon. Mr. Reid, of Maine, objected. Ad journed, r; lOU' 0. An Importaat ku. ,. tm CtaMMlUea llww, Ar. Washinotoh, Feb. 4. - Assistant retary Fairchild has written to the col lector of customs at New York in regard to the classification of leaf tobacco, as it is understood that the practice at that port is not in strict couformity with the department's ruling of May 1, 1884 The collector is instructed as follows in regard to the classification of such to bacco: "Different bales and packages which as admitted by all parties con tain two different kinds or qualities of the tobacco of the wrapper class, should be broken up and each different quan tity of each class separated for the pur pose of classification, so that the portion consisting of the "wrapper"" class, of which 85 per cent is of the requisite size and fineness for wrappers; and of which more than : one hundred loaves are re quired to ; weigh a pound, should be. subject to a duty ; of seveuty five cents per pound and the other portion, which does not come up to that standard, should I e suljeet to a duty of 35 cents per; pound, l'he collector h further instr ucted to require at least one bale in ten of every invoice to be thor oughly examined, and if the tobacco sub ject to the two different rates of duty be found therein, to ascertain the quantity of each by inspection, if possible, and if then by an actual assorting of "hands," the proportion of each sort so ascertained is to determine the proportionate parts of the whole invoice, for the purpose of classification. Incase importers object to the opening and actual examination of such representative bales, the collec tor is authorised to assume th-at the whole auantitv is wranner leaf tobacco of the class psytug the ; highest rate ol duty." --? i , , .. - A f orrlMo Hmmm tftwra at ew Torfc. Niw York; Feb. 4, The show storm which swept down on the city yesterday in true western ; style continued witn ittle abatement all night: It is a regu- ar western blizzard and is undoubtedly the worst storm New York has expe rienced since 1882. the 'winter of the Park Row fire. : The streets are being rapidly filled with snow, and the t: eet cars are pulled along the buried rails with great difnculty by "double teams of borses. What adds to the dimcxlUes of the situ ation is the strike upon . the Broadway 4 Seventh: avenue it t., tne JJroaclway surface R. R., the Silth avenue It. R., and the Fourth avenue Ri R. No cars have left the tables of several compa nies since an early, hour this morning. As a result the ears of the Elfvated rail roads have been crowded to as danger ous extent all the morning. Many bus iness men have been compelled to ;i walk down town: to their omees. All tbe mails are delaved. esoeciallv thow from rf w - g; - - : the South and West. The Boston mails were only an hour behind time. Some of the mails have not ' yet been heard ... 'i ' W u from. i QUICK WOKK. IOSK NTHKET. I AR SCAT IHK KLlwKD. The Hvmarkably Hpmrtty Urol HtrtK. V.wft I UK of. r Nkw York, Feb. 4. Six hundred drivers and conductors and. two hundred stablemen and hitchers employed by the Broadway and Seventh aveuue railroad compuuy quit work at midnight, because the new schedule put into effect by the company Kebiuary 1 did not brig their working tiiiu: within the twelve hours agreed upon as a day's work several weeks hjj : The ' stableiaen acked for no concei&ioua from the company and their only ri-asou for goioon strik is that the agreement with its drivers and conductors had uot been earried out. The drivers, conductors aud stablemen all went out together and the horses were left in the stables without any one to look atter them. No one reported for work this morning. The board of directors bad a short session today, at which superintendent Newell laid be fore them the demands of the men. The directors voted to concede the demands made, and superintendent Newell was instructed to notify the strikers tbat within a week the schedule would be arranged iu accordance with their wishes. recisely the same state of affairs as is here described prevailed on the Sixth avenue and Fourth avenue roads. - All the hands struck in the morning, for the' same reasons given above, were success ful and were at work by the middle of the afternoon. 'A larl SUot Imminent. Paris, ; France, February 4. Nearly all the workers in muslin, lace, calico, merino, cashmere and table linen manufactories at St. Quentin, are on a strike and a majority gf the factories are closed. Today the men on strike are parading the streets, inciting; mobs against the shopketpers. The situation is regarded as very dangerous and the authorities $re taking military precau- ioub to avoid a riot. j ar J. H. HORNER, OXFORD, N. -.C a MinnMet aodUtntnc d4eriptlouof the same and ot us applkattou to curmg ti 1th COMFTLATIOX Of tbe approved uethbda ot euttivatbig and rtnf In) yUow tooaeoo, Beat toaay addreasi on rreelpt ol twanty ive eeais. n . itj. f ' , ; i lit laine appendages ' -Tne introduction of large tins at bous brittcr and "oleo oil" in - i i ' '-m m : . . :i j i. England baa caused the dairymen 01 Great Britain to ask for legislation thai shall insure; the sale of the stun; upon ita merits and for just what it is.)- Last year there ; were exported from; : this country nearly 4U,uw,uuu pounus m boiras butter and oleo oil, and England received a share of it. There has been Dairy Farmers' Association and referred to a special committe a bill providing that all imitations of butter "shall be called by names clearly ; and entirely distinguishable from the Word 4butter' 'and from spy 'compound modification or derivation of that word;"tbat all manu- fattorics of bogus butter in Great Britain shall not h colored in imitation of real butter and that ihe bogus products hall be sold under tneir ribt names. , . HOOSB. i After tbe reading of ihe journal, which consumed more thaabalf an hour. tbe speaker proceeded to call tbe i-out- mittees for reports, but no: measures ol public importance were submrttei. in tne morning nour Mr. UulbertBou, of Texas, on behalf of the itoinuiittee on judicary, called up the bill uividi'ng the eastern judicial distict of Arkansas into two districts, to be Knows as toe eastern and western districts of the east ern district of Arkansas. .'Passed Mf. Hammond, of Georgia, on behalt of the same committee, called up the bill to prevent the clainrs of war taxes under tbe act of August 5, 1861, and the sets amendatory thereof, by th United States being a set off against the States having claims against the general government. ; Mr. Barksdale.of Mississippi, made an argument in favor of the bill, contending that It was t matter of simple justice to the Iraiioui States of the Union.!. The government, illimitable in its resources, as powerful to et-cute its promises as it was to enforce ita decrees, could not afford to plant itself on the robber's rule: How Lift-tat m tl KIlltMf; mf Cp. Crtw ;. ford. 3. Tccsoir, Arisona, Feb. 4. The Star, in reference to the recent killing of Capt. Crawford by Mexican troops, says It can be shown to the satisfaction of any Congressional committee that trade haSbeen constantly kept up by the Mex icans with the hostile Apaches, while every obstacle has been put in the path of American troops sent into Mexico in nursuit of the renegades. Wherever i wss possible offioers Wert anvsted and thrown into prison. Among thoBe who were thus incarcerated Lieut. Mc- Dooald, Fourth cavalry, and Lieu. El liott, of the Tenth cavalry, i They, were kept under guard until: the approach of large forces of American troops fright ened the; Mexicans into, liberating them. From the most reliable information there is not the least doubt that the killing of Capt, Crawford was a premeditated murder.' .? H M taVHvabljr Recon Wasiiinoton, Feb.; 4. Tho Senate committee on public buildings - and grounds reported favorably to the Sen ate touay Dins mazing appropriations ior public buildings as follows: W Mining- $200,000; Augusta, Ga., ! t mt OvIMmi ei lha HaB)iiO UM OCTOWKR TERIB, 1880. 'r I From Advance bheeU ot Attorney General T. DKIVER I F. Davidson' 03d K. C. Keport. ' i State vs. McNeill. ; ' . 1 The endorsement, on the' back of an indictment, "a true bill." by the fore man, raises a .preaquaption that every member of the grand jury concurred, in the finding of the bill, j Such presumn- ) tion may, however, be rebutted. ' . 2 If a defendant wishes to take ad vantage of the fact that less than twelve grand jurors concurred in finding tbe bill by which he is charged; he must bring forward such matter by a plea in abatement, and prove the truth' of his plea by evidence. : f n J Where the defendant is charged in four separate' indictments with' larceny, the court may treat them as if the sev eral offences charged ha!d been embraced in one indictment, containing different counts. Such consolidation, however, should only be allowed; in cases- where tbe presiding judge is satisfied that the ends of justice require, it, and tbe so- ncitor snouid be torcedto elect on wbicb bill he asks for a conviction before the defendant is required to give" his evi dence. . ' ; . ' '4. In such case, it seems, that the de fendant is allowed the same number of peremptory challenges to the jury as if he had been tried separately; on each bill. 5. - When different felonies of the same nature are embraced in different counts in the same bill, the presiding judge mav. in hia dincretion either n no h tho bill or compel the solicitor to elect on which count he will proceed. K; o. A second indictment for the same offence is, in effect, a new count to the first indictment. ; v i ; 7. When the solicitor elects; to pro ceed on one count in an indictment, it is equivalent to a verdict of not guilty ion tbe otber counts. nj s; . 1 ; 8. Where the judge in his charge to the jury does not draw any inference of fact himself or direct them to do so, but only points out the evidence tq them, leaving them to draw their own infer ences, the charge is not objectionable. State vs Case. Upon the trial of a criminal action it is competent to show tbat the defendant, ith a view to prevent a verdict of guilty, had attempted to bribe; one of tbe jurors. State vs. Freeman. When no statement of the case accom panies the. transcript of the record sent Thtt C T , ,Va. A Ua. IS. R. ' . .- Nw York, Fb. 4. Charles M. Mo- , Ghee, Robert Fleming, Frederick P. Olcott, Frederick D. Tappew, . George Warren Smith and Edmund W. Corlifil 1 have been appointed the reorganisation ' committee of the! Kast Tenn., Va. & Oa, R. R Co. , and an agrocmcnt of rearU ganizatiou has been prepared and adot. ed by the committee. 1 1 . v i . IfotTeai. OitrUrMdmelhr. j The old grandmother made mullein teas for croup and coughs.,; Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Quui'amd " Mullein is a mullehi tea combined with ' the sweet gum, I a pleasant1 cure for coughs and croup . ' j . . HaTr rnll pr Snow, 'fi''"i'; Lynchburg, V$., February 4. Snow has fallen here since Wednesday noon, -and b twelve inches deep. All railroad communication is interrupted. 1 ton. N. U 8200, 000 It also reported favorably a to the supreme court, and no errot ap- bill to sppronriate Sou.UiW for tbe en- pars on tne laceoi tne record, tne juug ar semen t and improvemeni of the pub lic building at Petersburg!: Va. K York Mttwi rlnrt, Niw Yohk , Feb . 4. The Post says : Future deliveries advanced 6-100, and after fluctuating tor a ; wnue were sold just before the third call at a de cline of 3 to 1-100, from the highest point of the day, thus establishing at t hat time a gain of 2 to d-llU on yes terday's closing prices At the third call bids of these lowest prices . were refuss- ed and nothing was sold. Futures closed dull;2-100 higher thau yesterday. Vlra-lttla't. tirt Hmmm ftlonn. H a kri?os burg , Va i,Feb. 4.i Three inches more snow fell last night. ' The pike across the mountain to West Vir ginia is so blockaded as to be impassa- . t ml i ble tor at least a montn. itiereu great suffering ; among stock. The mercury has fallen 2d since noon and is, still go ing down. t ; raio t'mor Alwa WUti Vn. mmma w m i m . l lbe 1, M. U. A. bad tor ten days up to yesterday suspended operations for lack of funds, but iu view of the ex tremely cold weather and the numerous applications for relief, went to work yes terday with its usual energy, relying upon the 'charity of the citizens for support in its labor of lo ve. Contributions in aid of its work may po lift at any of the banks.; : - 1 ; Thousands of men have committed suicide because they had no money, Uthcr thousands witu plenty 01 money have shortened their lives by foolish excesses which would nave made sui cide respectable by. comparison It was reserved for Indiana; however, to pro duce the first man who ever found out he had more -money tnan ; ne could use wisely in time to commit suicide before dying with deliriums tremens or some "cue 01 the laauy otuer disorders that psually make an end of the rich fools. While suicide is not to be commended in general, if it is ever purdonable it is in a case Of tu is kind, it is not pro- bable. however, tbat tbe Indiana sui cide will have many hnitutoi a. ment will be af&rmed State vs. Whitener. 1. Where upon an appeal, the su preme court neld tbat no onence was charged in the bill, by inadvertently overlooking the statute creating the offence, it is proper for the .superior court to again try the defendant. ; ; 'A. The word "wilful," when used. in a statute creating a criminal offence, im plies the doing of the act, purposely and deliberately, in violation of law: 1 I a. Where an act to be criminal must be wilfully done, and a "party does such act under a claim of right, he does not do it wilfully within tbe meaning of tbe. law. . " ' 4. So where a statute declared it criminal in a tenant : during, his ; term to wilfully and unlawfully injure or dam age the leased house; and a ; tenant re moved from a leased house certain win dow sashes which he had placed in it under a claim that they belonged to him, It was held, that it did not come under the meaning of the statute. .', ; 0. It is estimated that an away-going tenant has the right to remove fixtures put on the premises by himself, for; his own convenience. Nothing but superlative merit can ac count for the phenomenal reputation achieved by Salvation Oil. It kills pair. Price 25 cents. ;!'; r .-r The Darwinian theory perplexes the multitude. They object to descendants from monkeys. But not even a baby objects to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. : IMbMUM (t. IVwl. . Vv- ...... I "4.'i uuiTi mzrj of nor unwi ranv TO. I lenrfcjr, ConeA liwt-tit, ST Tinraho. C .ir..-.Lcra ThixmZ K: '' 'hti-Mifijn en bean uor r- taurc4 Tid-SIartt. aud Mrl Da. Sola 'AmSSml DR. BOLL'S COUGH SYRUP, For the cure of Couphs, Colds; Hoarse ness, Croup, i Asiama, EronchiUs Whoopicjr COnch, Inclpiert Con sumption, andi fcr the relief of con ; snmptlve persons ia advenced stages of the Discisej For Sale by sUl Druky fiats. Price, cents. " KHAMER'S );CE()TIy "ONBB TTEU on the market. Hade I at Ced kaf nd cannot be xcellcd. - 1 Samnel Kramer & Co DURHAMj N. O f. B. Agent YAlNICEY, f . md Dealer -If A N lJFACTtJBKB3 IN Carriages, . I'liaons, Bugiprs h.y 4c. - TUB LAKG EST ASSORTMENT IN TUK S 'ATE AND THE BES17 GOODO There are 949,000 more women men in'Great Britain. than T jr KtMi rM Hama-lM. Ijondox Feb. 4. Tlu uewsDapori of of trtUnd generally interpret the ap poiutiutut of Jdh4 j ilprley as chief secretary for Ireland to mean the trans fer ol power to irisn ruiers, oui suey say that precedents warn tne peopio against , being too "anguine. ! , ; : : :mm , i : - , A New HatlwuM BiuK. Wasm-voton , Feb . 4. The comp troller of, the curreucy has authorized the First national bank of Opelika, Ala , to begin business with a capital of 5),- ooo, , ; ; l. i. ; ;..; ; j : r . I Judge Boykin last week held Robeson county court. The Kobesonian says that the most important case was that of Duncan McJbachern, indicted - for murder. The bill cbarged that in No ve ruber, 1885, the defendant!! murdered Charles Hansom by striking him on the head with a fence rail; It appeared from the evidence that Charles Hansom, who wad a violuut man, was, iu compauy with bis on, Thomas Hansom, riding iu a buj.'g) on tbe public road, They m4t McKtivUern in a cart and Charles HiiU8in ordered him to get out of the ! war. I'bis'McEachern" refused to do. Boih tho Uausoius jumped out of tbe b ugfc y an d ad vanced on 31 c uachern , w ho struck Charles Hansom a fatal blow on the head, J he sentence imposed was seven years in the penitentiary, the verdict bein manslaughter.!'' ; A Wise Krrm. ; !.; The habit ot admin Uteri dk: quiabie in row- erf ul d' se as an antidote to malarial m Ua i- was once dangerously common.: Hapi'll),ot- practice has undergone a wi le reform i t only the public, nut prof a-fonal men lint adopted, hot wholly of coute ut ariroly. Uoattters stomacn isiuera a a saxe ooumic substitute for the pernicious alkaloll. ; Tie consequences ot this change are most umoi- tant. Mow fever and airue sunerer urecui- a formerly th- ir complaints were pnjy for the thus rrlfevpd, or half cnretl-the remedy event ually falling to produce any apnrtciaois en ci except tho aoaea were increaeai A course oi the Bitters, prraistently followed, break 'n the worst attacks and prevent their return. Ibe rvt'mce lo favor of. tbls sterling i ec. IU- mnA hoiiMehold medicine is of no auibuU 'I character, but positive: and aatlsftctory. the sources whence it proceeds, are very turner ous. L'i -iAT THE L O IV EST PiaCES, 130 Kat ilariu Street,' Raleigh, K. X On "JvUJtiHj .v .dur- AND . CONStlMiPaJW USE, TAYLOR'S GlfEBQgEE REHEDY A disease of so delicate a nature as stricture of the urethra, should only be entrusted to those of large experience and skill. By our I iuijioved j methods we have been enabled to! speedily and permanently cure hundreds of the worst esses, i Pamphlet, references and terms. 10 cents in sumps. World' Dispcn- aarv Medical Association, bod Main Street, Buffalo, N. , G. II: L. You have lost the bet, Gold medals were a warded to St. Jacobs Oil. at expositions in America, India and Australia. ; li W want to sell sTovKS. If yon want to buy. then call at the store of J. V Brewster Ac Co.; lor .we are selling lULaTixa: srovas at iust above cost, ton I cash, to diiaiuish stock. ; II I! I Will IBIll I -IT- mW mrmL At IV OF SWEET CUM AND M'JLLEll. Dm. 1Wll! Railway telegraphing is a sucoets. Yea llavve m Prret XUartit, when you demand a Benson's Capcino of a diuggist, to expect to receive ouc. Yet there are, we regret to say, a tew druggists of the Cheap John variety who will try to persuade you to accept some worthless substitute with a similar sounding name, such : asi ; 'C;ipi cio," "Capsicum' i "Capucih' ?'Cap- sicine, etc., prefixed sometimes with the name '4Burnon' or "teuton. Cheap John . will offer ne of tlese wretched imitations for sail tne price of the genuine, as he can well afford to do, its real value being nothing, and its cost but little more. Benson's are. the only porous plasters that- can be. de pended upon to cure every ailment sub ject to external treatment.'- jThay -'ar. i prompt, sure and thorough'. Protect yourself against deception by buying of reliable drnggis-.s only. The genuine bears the "Three Seals' tradenuuk and " m m 4 jur9 Dme, prowlug niong the mll treminle rant prtnolple ul. K)e? in h"" P""" "Svfl be trir mornint or au. : ntlsialfctea the eblid to Urow ff Uii tif nefJlri4 l'l,eP?fcH boopUa-ciu(;h I 3.1 :c.btBJ witn tne fnm . . k wmiac'i.lrini.111 or'l .-fa in me muiit-in vimtm . v Si . ... ........ .. rr l v 1 i .tj ta u vw.. m mm ... aelai-V of swaw r and Mru.ieis tu Sam . i;e&ad u; kuM Tni (trunrtst f or tt. j'rtoa, ittKi 1 . It .ti nja,. nut ki it we wlU r, aur one time ontr. e Hiar huwe ! , . Krfl! so ;-nv purl A ,! O HA twfllpt of SUttV t? 1 baa the word 'Capcine centre. cut m the 4f ftW'" tOrv' QCO'" t 11,1 , ? I 1 i -l 1 J. f - , ' k I ! 1 A r 1 - I It 5 L L 1 :1 f I V ! I--. )