-5 ; St? - mm ; ' , i i X -M 1U '"''I''1. ' ".t--"r .--f v.--.?-.-f 1- ft -44UAi ,-6.l!i?fS A .::i..,V,-, L'll 3 ''5, il.t II ', . SMBI r- -- 5 V. ; I. .-.K i vtl-jif.rf, '- .; i ! MN U I isV. V?M : '.':. a t - -r-rr-v i mirv -Si -trq tt-v u r ir w ii ,kL hi :.-&'- tii;g "l. i . - M . y a ,a - t ..;; . - m m. t ..-..-. m m - mm m a. (i w, av m - a m m -- i a - ' z - mm : ,'-' m am v : v k am va k t m m . m m m a i v irf. .- " - 'A - :,, il'.1;.- . Will!, Absolutely Puire.i pewder mtct Tartea. f A Barrel ol trctiftk - and wbotesomeoeia. '' More 1 uaa ordlnanr kin da and cannot be aia n eoaapeuuoB wtta um muiutude or low . teat, ahart weight, alnnt or phosphate powders ' Sold onlr te eanaj Botal Bauhq Powdb 0 10 Wall Street Jiew York.' s- ; 1 8old by W C A B Stronaco, fjeorge T Stromaca aad J R FerraU k Go. - I' IV To mj friends of Raleigh and the iur rounding country : I came here to do 1 , 5 . - I: In the first place, keep out you good. of debt. 7T . I come to ' you '.with a cash system, based upon quick sales and null profits, i For the last two yeari I siave done mneh. to develop the . idvan- MIM STORE -' :.?aKAl-rdacea , wberiwe bare been. ;--:vhms w art able to give you.two Tears,; A- development. The fact is that BACKET - ' store values have mastered the field and ' ."placed tltenuelfes in tlie lead of, (He i W;WTO 0 4tna bad complained that Pakota in i'Li'tf :dniotbe;deteruin.-but;as.itioe 1884 bad polled 55,000 votes, while on 0 "4?cloed1The' V8 curred" during a Jstdrui iwasUna measf the adoption of the proposed constitu- :-UMf 'vUTOidaDl. . -.illie 'eWVeUe-?' bia ttnn onW'Al.OOd votea bad been nailed. jpwrmg bargains ihefsaUghtel pens of credit, and two years of e v -vr ir-.-.V- ence bas made plain the fact that our efforts to supply 'the people with goods, the greatest value for the Uast money, have met . their approval. . ; We, know v fully the determination of the masses to 5 free .thenwlves front Ae ldajge :of , theereditsystamand that heneefiirth they will use the ready dollar instead of pay- :ing double prioes , for these goods. ; i X': ',.'"" '!,'-'," K':: V:l' lamselling greater pargaina tnans nave , if -----' -' if "R K.i "M ever been sold at the Eacket. - VOLNEY PDBSELL & C0. 1 r H prf ' j r J . ORAStna AND 8ASD8TOHKS. P. Linehan & Co Are prepared to mass eoetxaoU oa Us Moat ftvorable Terma tor rapplylut .Uraaito 8aou. rvorMe Beat Qiauy m aav UuaaUtto uuarrtaa as Hi BBOcnoa ana waaw bora, K. t . Ampto laeuttlaa tor naknu euiefc ahnswta tw aayp awf 1 to aar petal ettaer rewlfta0i. . PLANT BED BURNER PATKVTKDJULYZ8, 1188'"" . - .; . st . I H. HORNKR, 'OXFORD, ; K. pamphlet eodtatnlng dnaeriptloa of name aud ol tu appticatloa tocurlnx tbavee 4n barsa, ' 'H s 'z TotieUter with a Comfutiom ol the moat . approved methods ut ulUvaUAX and eurlaa Hum yeltow twbaeeo, 1 ' Seut to any addretf oa reoelpt U twtnt) TeewiM. - -j, :ti J.kLU UOttSM, Oxlord, S. CL I .' ; i ' - . .. : J-s - ! . !; nrws Observations. '?; 1- it'- J i ;;i ' i j- The gronnd'hog Vindic&tyn came hb. ; ir .." i U ' 1 4 '-; I '-liViile little things Uiat tell es peoialljr the little brothers ind sfcteiy, I .sfi Marjlnd man has Iworo out a search'irarraiit to recover a shirt not re iaraed b; hU washerwoman. ThiB is a soleniQ fact. " v M tl : ' ''Alabama eoal is' working its way into . the . Gulf and trans-Mississippi tstates, Mexico and the iSuath American ICS.";; "j " . .! i -The House committee j on Territo ie hasiavorablj repbrtedpa iUi; to an: nex the i Qbrthern portion of : Idaho to Washington Territory. ; If v ; !i There erei threats f another refo fution in Mcxicft, but it is hoped , th disorderly fellow may be arre&ted before the thing becomes; serious, j ; . I -Wire or fibrous nails are coming in to pise and are claimed to be, in some fespecte, quite an improvement on the brdinary eut nail, especially on the score of tenacity -' : ' ' : v Philadelphia is to haveia GrtM.k play, The atu'dents of the Utjiversity bf Pennsylvania are rehearsing t'Tbe Acharnians," of Aristophanes, . Two performances will - be given, 31ay U4, sndlS; ; - . I U ) A man in Richmond, Va.,! has butlt a house by a most singular mode ofindustryt' hor many years past he 1 has picked from the streets 'one brick, at a time, and year ago he bad accumu lated a sufficient number of - bricks to build a small house on the suburbs.; ; , A rich' citjien of Indiana hanired himseir because he had too tnuch money and was not well enough ctducateo; . to take care of it. He probably did about right. A man of fair sense! instead oi hanging himself, would hare said 1'be ' During the month of Jfnaary the vessels of the revenue marine service rendered assistance to fifty8even vessels in dbtrfss, and thereby saved the lives of about six hundred and three persb'ns send property to the value efteboul 000,000. A - ! I - V- -f - - i i I I - I-. .)? ; I ; ; i; , ', Colored servants . in Wilmington have way of referring to each other as jgentleiaau" hor "lady" that is vry amusing at times (at other - times it: i anything else). ;One of then remarked to her mistress the other morning that "the gentleman who stole the ehickens last mght left his hat in the coop." . j Another war iis imminent lie. Cin euinatL ; Pov. Foraker has removed the democratic board of police cpDis8in ers sad the board has resolved! not; to our render! until formally evicted by! a lawfully eonstttuted court. 1 1 j 1 'Eneland thinks its farliamehtiir elections take up too inuco time. ' Tht The movement whibh has been! startec weeks the enactment of a taw ; by which -.1, - L.l : i -f- l- i 11 -! t- 1." IT u eiecuons suau i do nuisuea in iw- days at the'bngi-st4 flr f i-A bokt from the Austrian rUt? leorvetUi Donau was run dowu by tug in the Hudson river at New Vork Wednesday niebtand .six of 'the crcw -l o wned. The crriwii iuo light and could ite' ss ;bjtbe:tug.:"7-f.;;.'- f I jf t ;i40ladstone, as ja young man. Was not vertimated! b'y Disraeli, who wrote in letter in; February; 1845, aud nbwr first; published, that Gladstone's address iwas luii ; and inenmive and that he m'tent edme to be souiebodv.ut i he did not hmk so.i He also writes bf a dull dinnbr party at which young Qiad stone"! was present; but there was an exceiieuuy 5 coojteu swan guinea wnu truflles, which accord Uig to DiaraeliVas :tbe) besicdmpauy there I j '1 1 i il . .. , 1. . : ... , Jit" ifibe; touowing notice is postea con spicuously in s.Colorado hotel: f Warn ing.--This is a United States houso.and (hat ts tne oniy language speaen nere. Anfl guest1 using ;the . words :tour ! for tower, xoot for route, ' sweet for i suit, eommeroisi tourist for drummer, : wiU immediately be waited u on? by a com- toittee from atie County's i01 and 1 givU'two houra in which to leave the lonj..-' f 1 i I - ; ii ' , , ! f , ' ' . in"rB.wV',"T "fT?:"- trtnmm.u r iWiS perseil VOSl"WW; vue prevau-tUMi itiiwA-t j 1- in,i.i.i Af .11' .. ,. s. - s - 1. . . v j I jnWnt-repewal materially creases the. originax cost ot tne nianue or ure Of J which marabout is which marabout ' is tb adjunct. 'Nevertheless motives of ecohomv do not deter people from wearing a great deal f I01 P?"?1. "unHI?. n "V "of marabout trimming, it is certainty graceful iii effect and alwayi becoming, and is very pretty trimming 1 ior jjuum dresses. Marabout is now dyed in the 'molt exquisite pale tin's, which maxes it nrtiu laxly desirable as a earniture for delicate evening gowns an p w. silk or satin, j ' S : rr. 7 . --i. The House ; committee jon agricul tural heard Col. Beverly, f Virginia, president of I the farmers' ;epugrss, Wednesday, in advocacy of the exten sion of the signal service system to the country dujtricts.lie proposes tq maxe everv telceraph office a. signal station for the disnlav -of weather predictions, to be indicated by lanterns at night and ttjT n tks d.vtima TTft Mtimated C I eost of the plant at $25,000, and thought I J the annual expenditure after ' its estab- aaj alnyg been in i the front of Demo 5 lishment'would be about 250,000. The crtie leadership, f subject was referred! .1 : mittee. ; 4 :; Sure tttar mum Urtv Dr'C - Kuwcett. fur tKirtv vtam nhv- sioiAU ol. tae ouiou rrotes.aut iiospiuut Baltimore, Md , says he has used it with marked effect for obstinate cough fot consumption. '11 RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. CONGRESSIOK AL, Hi-'.:' ' . 'I ' "j" bAKOTA U AT . A ST ABKITTF.D TO Ttttt NISTERUOODOr (TrATEM. lhnBl DIm1n Btn Hnatra Ballw ami Loea I' Washinqtok, Febv 6 Sxsatis Mr. Oall moved to take up the joint resolution Aeretofofre intro iuced y biiu,-tu nil n Tampa, Fla., a, port of entry. Mr. Cail explained that there was urgent need for its puBsage in view" of the recent es tablisbnient of mahufuvturing ei-ter-prises at the port named. After further 'remark by Messrs, Edmunds, Morrill and Ingalls, th joint resolution wa8 taken upi and aftr a suggestion of an snieadnient by Mr. Edmunds, which proved ttcceptable to Mr, Call, the joint resolution was amended and passed.' Mr. Allison, however, gave notice of a motion to reconsider. 1 1 Among the . petitions presented and appropriately referred were a number bV Messrs Hoar, Frye, Cullom, Conger, ifawea, Allison, from various assemblies itt the Knights of Labor praying Con gress to open up the Oklahoma lands to settlement and to establish a Territorial government on these lands. -; On Mr, Harrison's motion the morn ing business was laid osid and the Da kota bill was taken up, on which Mr. Sutler took the floor. : Mr. Butler said that the Senator from Indiana (Harri son) had either evaded or firgottcn many facts bearing on the Dakota ques tion. He (Butler) charged that the op position to Dakota had first come, not from the Democratic side of ihe 8enate tut from the : Republican side, and quoted from the remarks of Mr. Hale in it former Uongress to sustain bis position. ) Mr. McMillan believed that Mr. Hale had then stood alone. Mr. Butler did not care how that was. The Senators from Indiana and Illinois Had referred to the vote polled in South Carolina andj other Southern States and compared i these votes with the vote; of Dakota. Mr. Butler had to assume that that was done for the purpose of giving a sec tional turn to the debate and arraying' populur prejudice against the South ern people. The Southern States, Mr. Butler continued, had: been under fire fora good many years. They had sur vived heavier , artillery : than : that now turned.against them, and would survive this. Whatever might be said againot South Carolina, (ana no doubt sho had niade mistakes in the past and would make mistakes in tue future), never un til Ihe political friends of thef Senators ohithe other side had camped upon the tosomj of that btate bad her officials tainted with a blemish of corrup tion. It had never happened: till then that her officials had been compelled to fly from her borders to escape the State's 1??; whib Jtbe degrading, dis- irraceiui ana numiuatinz spouat&j bten going on, not one word of protest had eonie from , the honorable Senators on the other side who now arraigned S'onth Carolina. J'4 i'-'l -1 Mr. Logan said his attention had been directed to the vote of South' Carolina because the Senators from South Caro- He Olr. Logan) bad then called atten tloh. to the vote of the! Senators own 0tate ('Outb Carolina.)! Dakota, with only 250,000 population, had polled 31. 000 Totes, while; South Carolina, with a population of 1.000.000. had voted 91.000. He (Mr. LoeuO had in Quired whether ' if an explanatiou was not aiso required tor soutn uaroima. Mr. Btftler said he believed that all the people bf South Carolina,' white and eoloredirere satisfied with their State government; at least ! he a right to 'so assume. Mr. Logan remarked hat nothing had been said bv him about the State r 1 , m rt .1 t- ' government of South Carolina 1 r i It was amusing, Mr. Butler said, wr Benators who had not sad : in the nature bf things oould not have presidential acpiratiobs, to watch the contests going on between some Senators outbe other aide. He bad no doubt thaWDakoU'a vote would be luscious plum for ambi tious statesmen who were infected with I the presidential tevtr. je rejerrea to 0ur eenial friend fronS Iowa" (Alii he Baid, bad "only got to ioiove; and shake the bush'nl who M- U w.tkin j Rfirrtnir irv . " -o-. .0 to . vtio ui tun iuvw Kcuuauivu wmw m- their tents he had beep, marching to the tune of his country, j In the i oourse 0 his remarks Mr, Butler alluded to the nensiona Daid Union soldiers and said he had voted to tav millions upon millions Uf such pensions to the oomrades of the Senator from Illinois, while bis (But ler's) oomrades neither expected nor. re ceived a cent, but paid their share of the taxes. He did not complain of this. The comrades of that Senator had been victorious. Mr. Butler's oomrades bad been vanquished end were entitled to no pension. The comrades of the Sena tor ft 6m Illinois were entitled to the thanks and honors of the government. But'soine people bad no right to be eternally flaunting their performances in the face of the country, in order to excite pretudiee airaiust others. 1 ; Mr. Wan aaid he had hot attacked j gute of South Carolina. 'He bad tUO I .LV,4 ... AnmnlimAnrSno tYtut utote wben be iaiJ that South Carolina Mr. Loean said that if the vote of linois had increased by 50,000 and the Vote of South; Carolina had decreased by 78.000. his idea was that an explana tion w much due from South Caro lina as from Dakota. It bad been said and that the election in had not been s of I South Carolina character induce voters to come out. Such eulogiums had beeu . . pnsed upon that state this morning that Mr. Logan said be was tempted to ask Why 8uch elec tors had been nominated.: Mr. Butler re plied that he meant Republican electors. Mr. Logan "Well, Republican elec tors got very few votes V; JIr. Butler "I know it." Mr.; Logan "But I ay your own electors failed to get the votes that you polled four years ago. No, sir, you cannot play that small character of debate in thisSenate." Mr. Logan said that that the reference to the buzzing of the presidential bee coustit'it od a very poor argttmebt upon a great constitutional question. - ; ' Mr. Butler safd he as isure Mr. Lo gan was quite worthy of 'l.e pref-ident al candidacy. Alluding to Mr. Butler's reference to people jwhoj f flaunted heir Rerformances" in Other pt opl' fcen, lr. Logan inquired of .fr: Hutler who! hid done that. Mr. Better replied : Tf must do the honorable Seiiar or the jus-' tine to say that he has'not. Mr. Logan : ' "Very well. I am mncb oM ?e1 to the Senator for that. I hopuf T . tnli never; do that ; for if thereijf pi trriig I have a outenjp ror u is uiai , man ftnouiu h. always telling what he Imihs. If has done " ' i ; j . The debate was further cont'nucd by Messrs. Morgan, Pluinb, larrw"n,Call, hdtnunds and Beck.; 31r liutler's substitute was put to a vote and los ; yeas 22, nays 22. The bill reported from the committee was passed; yeas 32r nays 12. The only Democrat voting in the 'af firmative was Mr. Voorho'S. The neg ative votes were all Democratic. The bill diridef tbe Territory Dakota en the line of the 46th parallel of latitude; provides for the admission of the t-outh-ero portion as a State under the title of Dakota and the organ 'jut ion of the southern portion into a separate Terri tory under the name of Liweoln." : The Senate adjourned to Monday. : 'II0U8K. H ' ' . The speaker announced the appoint nient of Mr. ilauimou ), of Georgi:i, and Mr. Culberson, of Texa, to (ill the va cancies upon the committee on the American shippiusr interests. At 12:50 the House weut into coiiitiatiee of the whole, Mr. Blount, bf 0brgia, in the chair, on the private calendar. The committee remained in session until 3:40. when it rose f and reported various bills to the Houso,! leaving the Fits, John Porter bill ! standing, at the head of the calendar, A ii umber of re lief bills and other : measures affecting private interest were passed. M ; . Mr. Randall, from the, committee on approprUtions, reported l$e P60"0" ip propnation bfll and it wis referred to committee of the whole. ! !' - ; On motion of Mr. Laird; of Nebraska, a resolution was. adopted making the Fits-; Jobn Porter .bill the I contiuuinir special order from Thursday, 11th inst , unta 'JLhuraday, Kie 18tbr ust..i indud- inS.Wbot until Monday,' ' j rn'M r ! :i ' 'i '-si A Jaaiea ffm AMtHl Vatli. lie Prtt. ; j' "- ,1 u- MosTiRKT, Mexico., 5.- Bishop Gal lagher, of ths city, reoeivedn account today of a 1 poor man ih r Guadalajara, who; went io a priest to confess, aud while the priest leaned over to listen to the recital of tbe seemmg penitent, the latter plunged a dagger into his breast. The assa&sinated priest was well known end ' popular. : and no cause can bo as signed for tne tragedy, especially as tb assassin is dumb to all ituiuiry and can not be induced or forced to peak ubout the matter. The man is now in jaili pending an investigatioii by the autuon ties. - j! ' (JJ ' - i ; : J i Ctt Steteipta at Vrta. Nw York, Feb. 5. The following ant : tne tout- net r receiois oi wi . a . - L z a. f ton at all the porta since September 1 1 1885 : Galveston, OUaar ; Ur leans,l,S89,416; Mobile J208.501; avani nab, 660,797; Charleston, 40,S08; Wilmington, n 85 572; Norfolk, 423,- 999; Baltimore, 46,048; New York, 53,601; Boston, 63,426; Newport Wews, 24,779;PhUadelphia4o,V90; West f omt, 171,096; 15runBwioK,lu,ice; rort itoyai, 8,660; Pensacola,i 18,720; IudiDola, 7,011. Total, 1,425,759. ; , i ; . ' i Dr.Arualrn rBMl uulitjr Atlanta, (ja., Feb. 5.-Bishop Beck with announced the decision of the ec clesiastMial court in the Armstrong case this morning. The court fnutji Dr. Armstrone guilty of violating his ordi nation vows iu that he eonfebsed drink ing beer in a hotel and I visiting houses of ill-fame. ' Although on a laudable mission, it was not setting a good ex ample to his flock. ' The penalty is not more than ten yeari' suspension, but the Bishop has not pronounced sentence yet. .! : rl v Tne Pfi; Iv, nlaf ptrtrt Gbjekmssl-bo, I't-nnsyivania, Feb. 6.4 The i situation in the cote regions w not materially changed i today. The writs1 of ek( tmeut iued yeotcruay have not beeu served: sheriff Stewart refusing to evict the striker1 while the cold weather lasts. He says' if the operators want the Hungarians turned out tbey will have to. do it themselves. Hevera works were in operation todav and others are'preparing to resutne. t SW. 4iteMtie Htrllta tvxtBUng-. i Paais Frauce. Feb. i5. Tbe strike r f the factory employees I at St. Quentin if mi . .i:ul i ..v:. is exvenuing. ue u uiuu demonstrations aud fears !are felt that the will resort to serious violence If the mentor persist in refusing to con cede their demands. ji Ml ' A Fire a tireaiiril H. V. I !GuKnriu.t, SJC.il'eb. Arm" night, a fire destroyed abe stores and tneksof L. Rothschild.tB. Or. McPher- son, Mullne& Co., and M. Rosenthal & Souh. Loss i 280,000 : insurasoe to WW-, i ; . i FEBRUARY 6. 1S86. INTENSE COLD. STAlTO. VfUUINiA. t. OEAVOS.H IO MAH K A t:X:.K H loan ADM'm:hrM. OHier l TrnpcralnrM P-orl-f ( Vrtoa 1 i at. STAustojr, Va.. Feb. 5. This is the coldest weather ever experienced in this latitude At 6.30 this momine the ther- mouieter ; regisu red 25 dejrrees beloi sero ; ' RlCHMpNb, Va.. Feb 5 Last night and today ha v.' ,on the coldest here since Deoieiwh' r .SOth, 18a0, when the. thormonieter in expose 1 places at sun rii indicjited eiglit degrees below zero. This morning at sunrise the thei uom eter ranged front 4 above to 8 below, according to the locality ; - CtiARLKSTON, H. 0. , Feb, 5. The cold wave struck Charleston about daylight this morning. Thn miniiuuni fnipers turewas about 13 degrees above zero. A Very Gram Oatrttf t. St. Lops, Mo., Feb. 5 In esst '"St. Louis last night six railroad hande went into their shanty to eat supper. They were gathered around a hot stovo, heu it exploded and thernen were enveloped in the flames and horrihly burued. An investigation showed that an enemy of some of the men bud fastened the "door so as 'to prevent "gress and had emptied a quantity, of coal oil down the stove pipe, which led up through the low roof of the shanty. The men were un able to get out, but the appearance of tne names and their cries brought assis tance from the outside. The door was hurst open and the men draezed out and rolled in the snow. The flesh peeled off their faces, arms and bodies iu r trips hu mvir Buneruigs are irigntiui. it is nt known vet whether anv will die. but uh are in a critical condition. A Ural ludnitiilal ttterprla. AvnosTi.iUa., Feb. 5. ii. H; CoateB & Co.. Of Philadelphia, have determined to erect a 10,000 npiudle yaru iniil ou tho bank of the Aunsta canal and have closed aeontract with; the city for the water-power. Tho work if ill be com uenced oil tho tround in i a few weeks and the machinery will be' brought out as soon as the building is finished. The mill w.ill eu ploy loO hands aud will be iu operatiou iu mx utpu ths. Coa tea Si Co. were attracted to Augusta by the fine and cheap water-power and the cheap skilled labor. This will make the fifth yarn mill ip this pity. All of those now! here have beeu doing well even during the depression in cotton goods. , I ' f ; ' f A klnliaai Mt(ti HI.,. " ToUkpo, 6 , Feb 5; At Edaerton. Ohio, last night a sleighing party con sisting of fourteen persons attempted to cross the track of the Lake Shore train. ; Semft Z'&W&F? WZX-JlLll fall, the party was thrown i into eonfu- sion, some endeavoring to bold back the horses, while others tried to urge them forward. The locomotive I struck the sleigh, injuring more i or less severely six of the occupants, .ne fatally. : : j : i Aa Al-th,B 8tat cvmtlai la T Ulirrnla. ' San Joss, Cal., Feb. 5 The first anti-Chinese State convention met here yesterday, 100 delegates :representingl unti-Chinese leagues and trade organtia tions being present. A permanent organl zation was effected. - The general senti ment ainohg the delegutes was strongly against violence.' Boycotting was favor ed as the quickest method of accomplish mz the desired end ana resolutions in accordance with these views were adop ted. : Resolutions were also adopted de mandinsr that Congress abrogate the Burlmgame treaty. Tft Wtck'a Baala? Fallarea. New York, Feb. 5. The business failures occurring throughout the coun try during jthe last week, reported to R u. Dttn A t o number lor the uni-: ted States 253, Canada 34; a total of 287; asainst 289 last week and 329 the w ek previous.? 'More than two-thirds of the wholo number in the United States are furnished by Southern, Western and Pa cific States.-. Daatrwetlve Fire a Manttrooaery, Ala. MoNTUOMKRY, Ala-, Feb. 5 A fire this aftorboou destroyed the three-story brick building of the Star -bottliiig company. Ane grouna noor waa occu -' en "x A -. pied by carpenter shops.; 1 tie loss is $13,000.' JG. T Uaxiou, a carpenter, entered the Duuaiug to remove nu uois, was overcome by the smoke and ;died in m H A. - ' .1 Jr.-. a tew moments titer oeing taicen out. The insurance on the building was $3,500. r.; .: : i: J- ' Vthat a Felicitous Phrase Hid. LoNPOV.'Feb. 5.r Mr. Collinga, lib eral M. P. for Ipswich, whoso "three acres and a cpw" ameudment to the ad dress in : reply to the Queen's speech caused the overthrow of : the conserva tives, has beeu appointed by Mr. Glad stone secretarr of the local government board, J, h.igby, liberal, member for Wisbeck; Cunbn igeshire, has been ap pointed solicitor general..; 1 jj , laltl Htal 'trlB H'MhlafiMi. Washinoto, rebruarv o. lhu is the coldest moming of the season. The thermometer at 7 o'clock: registered 2 below sero. - When: will the average oitisen stop spendini his hard earnings On cigars and: tooacco f r uiTe it up : ntu, wneu ue " u a n: : tir.it. 1 l. . finds he can do without tobacco and cigars, but not without Dr. Bull Cough Sjfrup. - : ' J ' i Salvation Oil, the; greatest pain cure: on earth, is compounded of purest drugs. It u guaranteed to contain noth ipg of a poisonous character. Only 25 cenw a pottle. Hoard f A)dtrm, J'his board met in regularly monthly session , last evening: : Mayor Dedd being sick, his chair was occupied by alderman C. B. Edwards. jr 1 The various cooiiuittees made their reports. That on prater-works asked for further ! time. A discussion! followed. Aldermen W. N. Jones and Moring dis cussed the matter, as did also alderman f Lrt-ach, the point being on the matter of eMt,u,a,es' and lhe ""ouh the city eould pay. Ihe prtce for seventy double hydraats is $4,550. Alderman Moring said tliat fifty hydrants would answer. He rather thought the ; price i was 'mere thau the city could pay. The committee des-ired to reduce the figures to $3,000. The question came up of a": definite expression of opinion, j Alderman W, N. Jones said that all that could be done at this meeting was to decide upon what ought to be done and bow far the com mittee could go. He thought the $50, 000 due in 1889 ought to be disposed of and then a new issue of bunds made for watrr works. Alderman; Engelhard said he knew of a waterworks contractor who would make a survey, estimates, Ac. The committee then eould; get the na i.es or other contractors for such work. rhe matter was finally re-referred to the committee, with instructions to further investigate ' the matter. Alderman Moring said there should be an! allow ance to the committee on waterworks, for advertising, securing information, for proposals, &c. The : allowance was so made, alderman Wyntae saying that the board ought first to decide whether the city will certainly have waterworks. Alderman V. Ballara tendered his resignation as an alderman from the first ward. Mr. Charles Q. Latta was chosen to fill the vacancy thus caused. - ! . ! License was granted the Capital club to retail liquor at the corner of Fsyette ville and East Morgan streets. ; ! Ihe liquor license of 15. T. Gill was transferred to White A CheekJ north Market square, and that of R. S Perrt to Freeman & Bailey4 n j : i i A crossing was ordered laid On Znnt Martin street, half-way between Fay ette ville and South Wilmington streets, in case the street committee decides it necessary. n ;t:;-' - -! w v. Woodleaf made application for icense to retail liquor on the Ililbboro road, at the junction of .what are known as the old and new Hillsboro roads, this bide of the fair grounds" There f was a counter-petition protesting against the granting oj a license. Several persons appeared before the. board and spoke pro and con on the application. The board; after hearmg both sides, declined to grant the petition. ' , Alderman W. N. Jones offered an amendment to the ordinances, j so that charity prescriptions wiH be: paid for by the city only for persons living in the city limits, and the street an 1. number or hospital must be stated by physicians. This was adopted. Jt was stated that ..the bill ; for January was Alderman Moring Fpresenled axguar antee to the commissioner of the sinking fund for the $25,000 1 borrowed from that fund to pay for the purchase of the Centennial graded school and theereo- "i A . 1 1" i I Ii,: i: : i - "i- uon ot tne onuamg. t . Alderman Leach asked authority to advertise for v Belgian; blocks for the pavement of ! an additional -.block oh F.iyetteville street. This was granted.; v The board elected alderman V. pi. Jones mayor pro tern. during the sick ness of Mayor Dodd. I i i i ; . i . Tbe board took up the light question. that being to hear - propositions of the electric light company and the gas com pany. Remarks were made by Messrs. (I. Hawkins and E, R. Stamps in fa vor of eras and electric liehtmnar. re spectively. Alderman: Edwards moved that the electric light be continued: at $50 per month for a year. ( After re marks by aldermen ijeacb, Jtvand, J!ai- wards and .Engelhard, the board adopted the electric light for the market and mayor's office for ( the next twelve months. 1 G.MaTlII'! Fir AwetdMtal. CwAKiisToii, S. C.j February 5. The fire at Greenville was accidental and con fined to two blocks of buildbgSA At 1 o'clock this morning it was under con trol. I - , ! , j j mllria llalcl and BarriMl Inatltat Tk!i LiJslir Ata.taA ir?ntl iltlAli : located at Buffalo, N. Y., is organised with a full staff of eighteen experienced and skillful Physicians and I Surgeons, constituting the most : complete ergani- .. to f ! 1 . ! " "1 ' I Ml S ' zation oi meaicai ana surgical bkui in America, ior iae ireaimeui ui ui curumu diseases, whether requiring medical or surgical means for their curel :! Marvel ous success has been! achieved in the cure of all nasal; throat and lung dis eases, liver and kidney diseases, diseases ot the Qigesuve organs, oiauuer uia eases, diseases peculiar to women, blood . a a taints, and sxm aiseases, rueuraausm. neuralgia, nervous debility, paralysis, j epilepsy (uts), spermatorrhea, ltapo- tencv ana Kindrea anecuons. x non- sands are cued at their homes through correspondence, r The cure of the worst rupture, ! pile tumors, varicocele, hydro cele and strictures is i guaranteed, with only a short residence at tbe institution. Send 10 cents in stamps for the Invalids' Guide-Rook (lbs pages), which gives all particulars. ; Address, world s ahs nensary Wed teal Association,; Jjumuo, No man should complain i about , 1 's lot unless it be a lot of old rubbish.-. Advice Methera. Mrs. Winsiow's lioothins tfyrup: ahould au ways be used whoa ebildreuare euttln teetb. It relieves the little euaerer at ones, ft pro duces uterst, quiet sleep by relieving the ehild f real pain, and tbe , little cherub awakes ae "bright as a button." It is very pleasant, to taste; soothes the child, softens tbe rums, allay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and is the best knows reined?-for diarrtara whether rising from teething trotter cause. Twastj-ST abvttic, .-'''i . 7e,ee acre t; - k$t A" '" -Sal la Swain fount j. Special "Dispatch to the Nws axo Ot- ? SERVSR.1 ''. - 1"' "'' 4"' Ashivi4jaxN. C, Feb. 5. The thermometer registered 2? below sero this morning at 7 o'clock. The ice i from four to six inches thick, and is being put up. i jj Yesterday was consummated the sale of 76,000 acres of land to Dr. C. Whittier, of California. The land lies in Swain eounty, near Charleston, j It is. isne of the largest real estate transfers that Thas occurred in many yearsin this section. The consideration jwas $76,000. The town of Whittier is to be located on it. :. ' j w. w; v. ; Hew Trk CatUMa ralam. Nsw York, Feb.! 5. The Post says: Futures, after losing 2 to 3 poWs; re covered part of the: loss, but the third call showed littlej life and few!: salcY as well as offers were made at '2 to-3 points; closing steady and S to 4;100 lower than yesterday. y The exudation you see clinging to the sweet gnm in tlie; summer contains a stimulating expectorant that will ban the phlegm in the throat. Turilor'a- Cherokee Remedy 'of Sweet Gum atd. Mullein cures coughs and cr ;ur.' : ; i ml I .ii . " A philosopher says that thai- beet way to avoid getting into debt is io die young. 9a WaaraBBMa Cfowtti Aittiipaj nt CVnitrh. nHtlentCoiianm. iwnoni la adraTwed tlaac tt lb disnua Frlrctfcta, Csa- fioa, id uecTuae vr, vuici OtwrA trnq t told enlr la whit tgiajiuera. mud bean ocr AbuU's Utad it a I lrctr.al- Strip Vamtum-ui.m, ane vtt r" rrpfi-m, Stumor. McL, uTfe. A. SALVATIOrJOIL, "The Qreateet Cnre n Earth for Paia;n ;V WIH relieve more quickly thau smj -t other known remedy.: ' Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Cuts, Lnmbwo, Sores, Frost- bites, Backache, WcuncU. Headache. ' Toothache, Sprains, &c hold by all Druggists, i Price 85 Cents a Bottle, Oaraa OMefm,Ool every; daY'Jiattebs.. E. J. You will find always a complete stocky . ...u bw tamilr sunulies. earetullr selected aa-a. quality, at lowest possible' prices, neatly pur up and promptly delivered. , r , , The vrry heat Teas and Coffees; Staple Canned . tioods; such a Corn, Succotash, J" reach Peaa, . . Asparagus, Huihrooms, Okra and Toms- ' toea, SuL. ( (JAJSNKD FRUITS .1i:-.'W:-Ki:i Caliloraia Apricots, Pears, Peaches, Ae. v- Burnett' Flavoring Extracts; Cox's and. Nelson' UeUti. ;v ltest Freneh aacaront : (better than the lUlin);Tlie Cheese, tDooo ates, Cocoa, Broina, SaUd f Dressing, fwt Catsups and everything else in the way of I Mlacelianewui Table Supplica. !:: 1' r to arrive; THIS WEtK:1 , J ' Magnolia Hams,' canvassed and Winter-, ecred; Ffrris' Hams, pigs' Feet; Kxtra Choice ib-ckerel In lull wtUfht, 80 lb kita. i ; KMeen barreU Fine Applea; BaiJwliur Gr.'.ud Duke's, jltz, bc, Ace , ; 1 . : 11 .7. ,v h THE FAMOUS DOSS LUlNCli, rJULfi. BISCUIT, The beH at all pLii Crackers;' 15e per lb at retail; and a full line of Kennedy's and WU ton's Blrtiiits atd Cakes. . r , f Wiiaes liquors SLc- i . M ii - . -: A Choice Stoek of WhUUes, - Bjamdies. "VI Inets Ales, Porter Ac, jcj ior UMdietaal lit d fuuilly use. Just received Kamya Best ct.h Whisky. i i Choice New Orleans and Porto Biee Me . SMsea, fcJyrup, Bm kw bait 4c - j - Orders carefully lilkd. , , v E...I, HART5TM. " A '.I' JJ i IL I :j 1 ' ... m I 1 1 - i I 'i i- Ml C i V 1 -1 I f

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