ri 7 ' The Nmn aio Ucsntyx I TUESDAY, FEBRUABT 9,1880. II t - - FRED. A. OLDS, CiW Ebito. , To neet t defiSind mon$ oturfriendg in tlili ettT Hid to pUM the NKW8 ; ANP OBSXB VEB wiUitn reach 4 all, 4 we propoM td cUUrsr tb NEWS ANT;OB8KKVKB In tb cUj by our carriers for Jlfteea oenU ai werlu Tpom who prefer te pay that way wiU please note tbat the permeate must be made prompt er. nd therwlll pteaae read? their receipt. The earriera will be pwtded with proper re. ! the, or dlrecUj.to the offlea. oeipH.aaa paymenu rati re made Uirouga South Atlantio States, fair 'weather; I slightlj warmer in' the oortherii portiofi; j neariy uuooarj temperature m me .! southern portion winds general I jr ebuth- erljr; falling barometer. ;.f ; . Xl.Adr.rtU,.. . : ; I Hano rer Insurance Company of New 'i York Statement. . ' i p Citizens Insurance Company State- II. & R. S. Tucker &Co,-Early Spring Offerings. I"' . " ! Volney Pursell k Co Racket Store. 1 . f p., i i ; : onSKBTATIOXB. - ! . jyr.' .; ; i Rhea is playing at Richmond, Va. y White shad sell at $1 50a$2 a pair., f Trains are again running , on schedule time,.. ... - i t The tobaooo breaks will be very large today. . ' : p . - ' The mayor had no cases ; o ry yes i terday. . v.- ': v :T J The State board of pharmacy meets l here, today. -.v, ,k: ' Raleigh is soon to have another large musio house4. ? - 4 T be Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias ,; meets here today. f- The weather is fpringlike, as ' soft as ; that which April giTes.- i: "rf . ;' r In two weeks the electriof light will it be in operation at Wilmington. : . ;' ; Great quantities of tebacoo haye; been ; shipped here; the past few days.'.j ; j.r 4 Although the days are .so;,i warm, the ': ground freeses hard erery night f f.-j , Only the dealer in fuel rfjmcis at the approach and presence of (he cold wayej ; The "Cross-Cut' polo ejub, of Dur ; nam, nas neen piayiug ciuos in unio ';! and winning rictorks : ' fi1 j j. j There was a $500 fire at Wilmtngtou Saturday. Two small woienv. dwells 1 ings were partially burned., j 1 1 : I 1 The damage to the peachWep; by the; f, bitter weather b said to ; be even more! irSerere than wis at first belieTed. s i ': i The number of arrivals yesterday wai i large. Many delegates tor the J Grand Lodge a... of r.' are among them, '.The Western Union telesrraBh born 4i pany will run its lines' into-iWarrenton , and establish an office ; theie in a few, 'i-days. ; ;'" ;. ,.;rf vpf Ut 1 ' Mary Louisa Johnson, a ooiored ' girl -i aged 15 years, the ' daughteirf of Irank Johnson, died on South j Bjonnif street Sunday evening, of pneumonia. ,;' ' ' Sheriff A. B. Sutton, of Bladen, yes terday brought five oonTicts t the peni-' tentarr. One was a "third termM man ' Sheriff J. A. Green, of Lenoir, bronght one convict. ; ( . . Mr. Oeorge T. Stronaeh 'Iias at atore,' on Market square,! a lot ; of bsoco, garden and field seed, sent y, .Hon. Matt. W. Ransom fat distribu tion'i;:4i 'i:.-:4:': :; .V I , Mr.) bwift, a photographer ;f this ity,-haa expressed to New Tork anuiu 'ber f pictures nf the Mikdo - opera ' company. He alao has engagf ments for sittings of Katie Putnam, the popular j. . , In this issue appear the annual state ments of two well managed fire- insur ance eompanies, the Cituens and - the , Hanover, both which have quite an ex- pensive business in this 8tate. 1 1 , The will be a "Bon-Bon VParty'j lat Metropolitan hall on the evenings of the 11th and 12th . of February, given by the ladies of "Edenton Street Churca ; Aid Societry Admission 1 10 ieeiitsf Presents will be given at the door. i ' There are several Northern sportsmen in Goldsboro, to enjoy the fine bunding afforded in that vicinity.' In' the party, the Argus says, is Mr. Heatbl of New Jersey, with his fine $2,25(j MgW pointer, "Champion Graphic,!?-said to be the finest field dofin the jf4rXil ,f Mr. Emerson's "Toblwcl Bet llij rectory" will appear - next week. - The ' book will contain about 700 pages, It will contain about 30,000, names, fully half those of farmers; aboutl 12,000 of them land-owners. There fjuref about 1,800 land-owners in Wake countjr, '" ; k 1 There were large eongregkilions St tie ; First Baptist church Sunday ( , at Jtb'e jnorniug,; afternoon and evening ser vices. - All these Were conducted ..by Kev. Jtfr. Needham. i His serttfoniwere able. The song service, bylrktii .was very interesting, a number 4 of members of other church choirs adding their strength to the choir of the First Baptist church. 4 ? ., ? : 1 ,'At 10 o'clock Sunday evening the alarm of fire was given. The fire was at'the bar-room of Obarles Hoover; col- 'ored, 205 South Wilmington street. The. damage was very slight!: There was a great amount of noise, The ser vices of the firemen were not needed, thoqgh they made , quite a prompt ap pearance. t . r" i The man Ji M. Vaughan, ; who: waa last week brought to thejrpemten ' tiary from Oxford, is quite a'oung man. The Henderson GoldjJeaf sau that the idea that any attempt would be made by Uendeison pouplo ,to rescut him from, jail or frdui his gnard- Way absurd. t, IMat Ti rr loM- Jj; I' i The following sheriffs yesterday .'set tled their taxes in full: J. )P, HornV Union, $7,855.04;' W. C,j Hiekey, Mitchell, $1,482; E. YV. Taylor, Bruna- . wick, $2,53 95. . . ; m:.; ! Drummers' licenses were 'yesterday issued to Stevenson & Slingluff Preta- . felder, Kline & Co., Creighto'n.l Disney 'JSC Co. , O. P. Merryman & Co. Balti jnore; Stephen Putney & C0. Rich Sond, Va.; Smith N.:Brickhouse & C6., orfolk (2); Oppenheimer Sons,Lonis vUle. Ky. : : ' lr?ni- j A fertiliser liovnse wss issved; the Jiedmost guaoo company, BaJniore, ami aeTfnueeitaH. t . : s: : ':- Wl H. & 8. Tucker & 0o. an. nounce the receipt nf fprinz ? lines of dress silks and other fabrics or choo material and most correct ptylc, fi (,ut both foreign and home manufacturers. If At the Racket store Mr: Pursell an nounces a long line of b&rgams, laces; being a specialty. The offertngsiu these will. at once catch the popular fancy, j There will be, as appears by announce ment elsewhere made, a" special train to Wake ForestFriday, so as. to give Ra leigh people an excellent opportunity to attend the society anniversary exerciseH which occur that day. j t 1 j' ' il ' m 'r ; :-; t ; T-a)ar Vmrt- , Court met at 11 o'clock Yesterday morning. Appeals from the second district ; were taken up and disposed of as follows: ' :; .; ' R. B. Peebles vs. J M. Foote, from Northampton; continued ty consent. ! Thomas' D Holley vs. I SaUie D. Hdl ley "et als., from Bertie; argued by R. B. Peebles for plaintiff, and Prudcn & Vahh for defendants 1 :v '. " ; JB. Sumner and wife vs W. J. Seps'oms et als; argued . by .Ri B. Pee bles for plaintiffs, and Pruden & Vun L for defendants. ill ! ' " Pending argument in .this case court adjourned. i ! ' I ' PtrtKtital. t' Mh Green O' Berry died at Kinhton Friday, of paralysis. I ! i Hev T: l. McWhinney, of Spring field; Ohio, is here; He preached at the Christian church Sunday. I ' f'Lt.. Robert London. U. 1 S. A., who has been viniting relatives at Wilmiue- .ton, yesterday left there on his rtturri w amy; : & . Mr. aiid Mrs P. L Bridgerssail tomor row fnui NewportNews, fcjr Montevideo, where Mr. Bridgers will assume charge of his duties as U. S. consul; xt that, porti.i-: Mr. Green Kidderjalsof sails at. the same time for the same port, with iUte ; view of embarking lin business there. ? ; ; J' i !' ! : Among the attorneys in attendance lipou the supremo court this work are Messrs. T. W. Mason Northampton ; John A. Moore, R. O. Burton, Jr , W. !Da),!;HaIifax. j 1 ?L '! Mr, T. M. Arrington, of the U. S.. post office department, is here ' v ; Thos. N. Hill, Esq., of; Halifax, and Dr. B. F. Dixon, of the Oxford orphan ; asylum, Ire registered at.-f the Yarboro. Rev: George M. ToIsoBj off Gadsden, Ala.' and a, grandson of the Rev. Thos. Meredith, Who some fifty 'odd years ago iOjriginated the Biblical Recorder, the, organ of the Baptists of North Carolina, has accepted the position of eity mis sionary fdr the Baptists of ;iWilmington. i I Mr.Emmet Cuthbert, ibriyears a res ident .and leading merchant; of New Berne,; died at! his home, Staten Island, Saturday, aged 62. '," ; ' SifMrJohn E. W. Scott,!edit64 of the Carthage Gasette, har sol4 1 tal paper; to Mr. Robert M. PhiUipsH J ' I'. ;Mr Edgar. S. Lougee and his Hangh iterv JMias Fanny Lougee, of Philaxiel-' phia,; re visiting friends nerel: .Mr. Lougee is one of Raleigh's old residents and nia visit gives them 'pleasur. He is iookkig very well. I f: i i Mr. Alex. Thain, of Johnston eqnnty, at; Goldsboro Saturday night, JjiwhUe walking on the street wasi choked and knocked down .by an unknown . white toaiiandrbbe4of5v':f'M U '! .Hevi Johannes Oertel, wno for many years lived at Lenoir, Caldwell, county, nd :ii so widely known as w psinter, has been for some time at Georgetown, J, C. If He has aeeepted a call .to Sewanee, Tennessee. Ai'' ".IS .1-. ' I Pkllama ale. ; I request all members of ; the Philhar monic j society ; to bring With them the score of Ruth for rehearsal thjs eveting, as it is mv wish to five the last scene Dr. A. Kck8TXinxr. U V.. - m m t i 4-There is a certain person, dow some whit eonspicuous in New York society, who for tenyears was so impecunious that he cbnldn't take; a lady to the opera, e;veh when seats were gifen him,; be cause of the expense of a bouquet and a- carriage. He .'was. a gentleman and could not work, was not j jkdapteI to business, and ! things generally looked very unpropidqus for him. Ai few weeks' igo;he invented and got but a patent or it rat-trap. Now Ihis pocket is full,ihe is. a, we40106 gneat - at swell dinner, ad, altogether, hcia;a hsppj apd eoorted manl ; : ; mysterious package was sent to "George M. Pullman, Inventor, and Proprietor of the Pullman Cars." and after due precautions had been taken, I was opened in a vacant lot. Its contents proved tb he a newly , derised ear-c'oup-ling.a naachkie almost aa dangerous, 'on general ;: principles, as aj communist's oyster-can.:. ; ' ; Day's Horse Powder preserves the health Of alt kinds of five stock during the winter season. j ' - i Dr BulPs Baby Syrup, by -allaying the usual stomach aad bowel disorders of babyhood, keeps the little: ones from .fretting and crybg. 25 cents. ; J ; Deservedly popular Dr. Bull's Bal timore Pills; they never fail to cure liver complaint, i ' ;. -j v ; v . ; ; : ; j-. --New it u promised again that ! the Keely motor will be finished in -three mor ths.; Perhaps before the time ; ex- EireCf ne w i crop iof credulous chaps will e ripe.j So the game can go on. V ! vRattak Chaiks" Fre h't slock ica be found at. Fred A. Watson's Pic4 turo r Store, hard-pan prices. Uphol sterers' Materials, Plush novelties, Ac 'J Window Shades, Picture Frames and Window Cornices made to order, de livered and' put up at i short notice, promptly. ,. : . ;; r m . ' ! Wa want to sell btovks. If you want to buyj then call at the store of J. : C:i Brewster & Co., for we are selling Hkatimq'stovb at just above cost, roa Cash, to diminish atock. f' ''. PasSKBVSS, o Preserved and cherries, fresh stock josi received; 15C pel pound. Special nnea in twentv pound pails Also a-verj ckbice lot of f.rcfceryed Whit Heath Twaach in quart sri; put op by a ladj of i the city, and ofanpefUUfattali. fi.J,;HArdj. CAB LAM D. aw "rsprpfrr or nir. TELrpiiosit fight WlllCU SHOWS TiiJt T()T CP Or A MONO- POLT. , ' Special Dispatch to tlie Baltimore Sun. Washiwotom, Feb. 7. It was not a supriae to wll-infuruied persons here to sec the nnvontraoictu statement tbat the long ;hy and Litier atuicka on attorney-general Garl urd aiia other pnl lic men, on uccouut of their connetion Vrith the Pan-Electric company, wer; iu-j ired and liberally paid for by the telephone monopoly which has so i:iucli at stake in the suits to be instituted in the name of the government. . To those' few who have taken the trouble to road the elaborate indictments it has been ap pari ut: tliat nothiug had beju shown in tliem to warrant any , ruspiciou reflect ing upon the integrity of the attorney- general or the other gentlemen whose uames are connected with his, and the effort to stir up a great sensation h.s nuserabl, lulled. At the same time it would bo best" at ait times for those in official position to have nothing to do itn enterprises the stocx In. which is tendered to them ior a nominal considers tion. "They will in nine times out of ten sate themselves much future trouble and annoyance by tuch a couisa. Upon tbo occasion when Mr. Garland and his friends; took the stock in the Pan-Elec trie company it was offered to several other Senators upon the same conditiors These gentlemen considered the subject carefully, hut while they could not see, after the most critical examination, any thing that could be construed as illegiti mate in the transaction, they concluded a was better for thviu not to touch it, uud they' ire much delighted now in t-onscuuencc. lucre seems to De no doubt that the 1'renident, who is thor ougniy laminar ith all the eircum- b lances, has not lost his confidence in Mr. Garland, but the personal friends of the latter have advised him tbat he would still at once all just criticism by cettmg rid of his stock. The so-called disclosures which have been in course of sifting through the ooluninsoftwonomi ually Democratic papers in the last few weeks are merely a rehash of what the New York Tribune published in .the maimer, and no more significance seems to be attached t them than upon the former occasion of their publication. A lattr instance of how easy it is for in t crested parties who nave; money to spend tb blacken the character of those who are in their 'way is shown in the publications of yesterday and today, in- timaung atsneaesty otrtne Venezuelan minister in the matter of the distribu tion ot the awards in favor of American citizens against that government inti mationa: which emanated from the lobby. and which the State department de clares tb be without the least founda tion. . 4 -Newark find cause for wonder and rejoicing in the fact that the children. who were sent u Pasteur are now; as well as those who were bitten anfLre- mained it home. Two more athletes have gone crazy. Wallace Koss and Fred. Plaisted an nounce their intention to row a boat through Niagara, where Cant Webb threw away his life. ! BY TELEGRAPH. I MARKET REPORT NIGHT. Nw York, February 8. Exclianro 4.87. Money lk& per cent. Sub treasury balances cold 8156,140,000: currencj810,218,000.GoTernmenta quiet ;and strong; 4 per cents 1244; 3 per cents I'll Oi.i.'l . 1 . I iuu oia. otate oonaa active and strong; GeorgU&sl00bid;Georgia7smortgage 101; North Carolina SO; North Caroli na SSU; North Carolinas funding 10; Tennessee 6's 56f ; Virginia 6's 43 bid; Virgini consols f3: East Tennessee 31: Lake Shore 89; Louisville & Nashville 41f; Norfolk & Western preferred 274; Richmond & Alleghany 6; Richmond & Danville 771; Richmond & West Point Terminal 344: Rock Island 1274; St, Paul 93j; St. Paul preferred 1234; Texas : Pacific 12Z; Union Pacific 53; Western Union 73i. 1 k)tton net receipts do bales ; gross ld.zUU bales. Futures closed steadj; sales 116,800 bales; February 8 98a8.90; March ft.07a9.08; April 9.16a9. 17; May 9.27a.28; June 9.36a9.37; July 9.44a 9.45; August 9 52a9.D3; Septembiir 9.27s9.28; October 9.09a9. 10; Novem ter y.u7ay.uy. ; ,.: , uotton dull; sales lbd bales; up lands 94; Orleans 9 5-16; consolida ted net receipts 20.287 bales: exports to Great Britain 7,291 bales; to the continent 13,542 bales; to France bales; stock 1.054.864 bales, f Southern, flour quiet; common to fair extra &3.30a3.75; good to choice do. v4. 15t.50. Wheat, spot dull and in buyers favor; ungraded red 75a94J: No. 2 red nominal; March 91a92. Corn, spot firm;! No. 2? 51a5l ; March 49 ia 60. Oats, cash steady ; No. 2 383S. Hops unchanged. ' Coffee, spot fair Rio firm at 8J. No 7, Rio spot - . Sugar dull and nominal; fair to good rofimng 5a54; refined quiet; 0 6 Ja5; yellow C 4Ja5; standard A 6 J; granulated 6; white extra C 5J; extra g,5ja5;; olT A 5a6; mould A 6J; confectioners' A 6$ cut loaf and crushed 6a7: powdered 611-16a6; Cubes 6a6; French; Islands 5 7-16; muscovado St.. Xitts 5a5 1-16; Eng llsh Islands of; ?'aracaibo 4j; Brazil 4 Superior Man:l)a 6 7-16; Mauritiue 4a4 U-16; Matsinzati 4 11-16; Jamaica 5; Aracaju 6; Martinique 5; Bahia 6f ; coa crete 4J: Gaudaloupe 5; ; Pernait buco 64; Trinidsd 54; Cuba 7; Demerara 4ia5 fl-16: Port Spain 3a4 IMC: Antigua 5a5 1-16; manilla 4 11-16 a6 13-16; mace 6; Barbadoes6. China 5; Ilolo 4 15-16; BrasU 4; Porto Rioo 64; St. Domingo 5; Rio Grande 5. Molasses dull ; 50 test New Orleans 23; choice and fancy; Porta Rkso . Rice-firm; domestic . Cotton seed oil 24 for crude, 31 for refined. Rosin quiet at $1.02Jal.05. Spirits turpentine dall at 404. Hides firm; New Orleans selected 9jal0;; Texas lOalOJ. Wool firm; domestic fleece 27a36; pulled ; Texas 19a22. Pork steady; mess $10. 50a 11.00; middles; long clear $5,874. Lard 2a3 points lower; spot $6.4o; March $6.41. Freight steady; cotton per steamer ft9-tM; whsat 2a. : Chicaw. Feb, S, 'FJow iteirr, TBI ATTACK Off Southern &4.40a4.85. Whft opened stead t anVl closed le lower than Sn'r j dav: February 78a79; March lOJa 0i; Miv K4f-1685 7-16 Com quiet ana easier ; cash 36f; March 36 5-1 6a 30 7-16: May 40a40 3-16. Oe dull and M-vi cash 29i: Mav 31 18-16. Mow pork sharply lower; cash 010 90s 10.95: March i10.97ialt.07i; May $ll.ina11.27. Lard quietiand easier: cash. February and March fO.JU. rjoxea meats steady; dry-salted shoulders $3.95a4.00: short rib s'ide$.'M5; clear rib sides $5.80a5.85. Whisky steady at $1.16. Sugars steadyrstandtrd A 0 Feb. 8 Cotton. wUVJ'n:: alvuf- ton easy, 8 13 16, 2,117 baW: NorfolV dull. 8, 1.467 bales BliB'r nomi nal. 9$. 1,314 bales: PVtn- 'joiet. 9, l.fi43 bales: Wilminirton q -t t, 81. 230 baW. Philadelphia dull. 9g. bale: Savannah aniet. 8. 2.947 hales: New Orleans dull. Si, 6,585 bales: Mobile quiet, O ll-lO, eZ Diwes; rae?npni quiet. 8, 997 bales; Augusta dull, 8, 221 bales; Charleston quiet and steady. 8f, 1,756 bales. WruHNOTON, Feb. 8.- Spirits tnrpei - tine firm at S8i. Rosin firm; strainei 75; good strained 80. Tar firm at $1.00. Crude turpentine firm; for hard 11.25; for yellow dip and virgin $1.90 CITY COTTON ICABHET Officially reported by Alt. A. Thompaon, Seer tary KaletfOi vottoa .KTnange. Kalwoh, Feb. . S r. x. ooaacoRO bailt. Hood middling, 84 81 8 81 8 71 7i Strict middling, Middling, Strict low middling. Low mlddlina', Middling stains. Low middling stains. Market arm. KAiJIlUH TOSAUO M.lKltn. Quoted by O. B. Foster, ) Secretory JUIeigh Tobaooo Assoeiatraa. RAUnOH. Feb. 8. 1889. rulers Common, f3aA Medium to good, t oa.u Good to fine, i - 11al5 Sm'k's Common i 4a" Medium to good, I ' 8al2 Uood to fine, : 12al8 Cutters Common to medium, 12al4 Medium to good, : 1120 Uood to fine. , 20a25 Wrap'rsComraon loa20 Medium, : , zoaso Good, 1 SAafiA rtnt fancy. 1 V47 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STATEMENT Mwwlac tbo UaaltlMl of tmm Cttlseu ASSETA. : Leeember 31st, 1885. Talus of real estate and ground rents ownd by tl Com pany (ltta the amount of neum brances thereon). $107,000.00 Loan-) on bond and , mortange (duly re corded and being hot lien on the fen simple). ' 48,000.00 Account of stocks : and bonds of the United titatea, and of thia and other Btatea, alao all other stocks and boads absolutely j owned! by the Company, tbliWiX.O Stocks, bonds ana afT, outer seeunness-: cept mortgage) hy pothecated to fce oomrany aa eoBat eral security for eaklt actually lot aad by the company. Interest due sm ae- eroed on stocks a nu other seeustttos. 8,01 -H Cash in ompnvs- principal oflira and LelotKiag ! to the Company, deposit ed in Bank. Premium or assets-- ment loans aud notes, All other assets, de- tauea in ktotemcnv Tela! Assets tUK4,164.l ! LIABILITLK& : Losses unpaidL in- ' eluding those rosia- ted, rfA.TIM Keserve, as reqaired by law. v 406.1 ft ?.04 AU other claima 0,996.74 Total Liabilities, f 477,5.40. Capital Stock paid up,$300,OQ0 Total income, "5, 107.18 Total expeadiUBes, 7o4,773.48i . North Cakouma RcsiKass in 1886. Risks written, f437,Sl.CS I Premiums received. 6.H6S.19 Lowes paid on risks taktn, ; 10,18H.83 Lowes incurred, n,wio.Z4 President Jamks M. McLxabt. Yice-President-r-E. A; WaxtosT. Secretary F. M. Pabxxk. General Agent -W- S. Psombosi. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ; Orrivc or Bkcretabt or Stats, Ivsmtascx DsraicrMaiiT, RuaaoB. X. C Feb 6th, 18aC In compTlance with Sehef "An Act to consolidate the Insurance Laws of North Car olina." I certiii that the above is a true ex tract from the wra statement of the Citizens Insurance Coinpottv. oil Lwvumber 81st, 1884, aow on file lit this Departaaent. : , aeerotarrol Htato. j EXGXJRSIOM -to- ; ; i t : ! W&KE FOREST : COLaEGE Amdveruury of Euzellan and Philomathesian 8ocietiea, Kriday, Feb, 12, 188U. i; A special trala wfll leave the H. C Depot at K.& O. AteDotat 4 80 P m W1U leave Wik ForaBfc on iwtnra at 13 o'clock p. B Hound trip tickeU 7 oents. ! Tickets for sato at Lee, Jobnon Co.'s dmi store sd at J. VT. Denmark's book store.. 8. W GRJCGOBY, t MaMers, F. WATSON, I tab 9 tuethorsfrL CLOSING OUT. As have decided to change my business, I wHche out in the next SO days MY JEyTIBE SI OCK cos, Musical instruments. ana owow cost. I have a complete and trash stock of all AToods uassaHT keuS in a flnfeclaas eonlotion- ry;alao sdos 84a Funtaa lor sale neap. Come ty, as I sseaa tmstness, i j t mm nritneltf C niimniwovw, STATEMENT Hwtw the cemw er ths U tftOVEB riM laBDBASlCE cojat Av,4r 4.w ivaa. ASSETS. Dwnber 81st, 188ft. Loa on Nd'I aad mortago (Uuijr rwcnrdeU 'd bein tint . un on the fee nin.pl?), Kfl, i50.00 Anoi nt ' t atoekB ! 'ouil f the L' lined Statt a, auii of UtLt and other biaiea, also all other sbeks and bond absolutely owned bj the Company, 2,136,117.75 Interest dun and accrued on stocks and other seenritie. B, 069.49 Cash m Company's principal of fice and belonging to the Com pany. depoaiUrd in Bank, 100,3830 Caah is bands of -aKeuta and in transitu, 11M11.44 Premluinor Bsraimente unpaid. 9,1,02.7a Total Aaaeta, 82,479,134.13 LIABILITIES. Losses unpaid, including those resisted. Reserve, as required by L"w, $ 141,360.03 890,812.28 All other Claims, Total Liabilities, apital stock paid up Total inroiue, f 1,033,482.86 f 1,000,000.00 1,873.430.68 1,480,630.05 Total LXpendltnren, NORTH CAROLINA BUSINESS IN 1885. Risks written, f 8W,20.32 Premiums received, 13,802.3ft Losses paid on riaka token,, w,sn.f Losses incurred, 22,030.48 President Rsnjamis S. Walcott. : Secretary I. Rsmsxh Lans. General Agent W. S. Primrose. 8TTE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Offtok or Seoietabt or stat , , iKmUNCB DPiRTMEKT. Ralkioh, N. C, Feb. 8, 1K86. In compliance with Pee. 9 of An A, it to consolidate tht Jnmivn"e Lws of North Car olina' I certify that the above is a true ax- tract from tbe nworu statement of the Han over Fire Insurance "'pany, of New York, on December 81st, l-, now on tile la this Department. T W. L. SAUNDERS. Secretary of State. Norris & Carter. IMPORTED CLOTHS AT SPECIAL PRICES: New Shades Suitable' tor early spring wear. Nuns Veiling in evening shades, ii air, blue and cream, at only 17c; real value mc BARGAINS ia alt classes of winter goods to make room for our spring f.ocx. BLACK CASHMERES AND BLACK GOODS A SPECIALTY. 1 IoRRIS jCARTEH, 203 Fayetteville Street, SOW IS TIE TIME. J. R. F err alt & Go. re receiving direct from REFINERIES fiObbls Granulated Sugar has reached bottom and bow is the time to buy. . Special prices by the barrel.: : line Irish Potatoes. Northern Apples. . Dried' Peaches and Apples. French Prune. r Evaporated Apples and A priools. Telephone or write for Prices Good delivered J'ree. UNEXCELLED AND FAR AHEAD. For Cotton, Corn and Tobacco, and - The Old Reliable Standard Patapoco Guano. Equal to any aad far Superior to many. The HIGHEST GRADE Acid Phosphate, THK LAZARETTO." ' We again offer, upon reasonable terms, to the planters and the trade the above high areoe Fertilizers, which have beea proved ty analy ses and actual field testa ie; be the highest mile. mnii Im tha RtmiM. Fnr nrim and tanna ppu ' M. T. NORMS BRO. if1 ;- -170B SALE. : Two ins snues si m4 vaittj, one txtrt .. tot :" ' This is Positively WK AHE OFFERING BARGAIN'S IX EVERY i Department THIS ISA RARE OPPORTUNITY AND IT WILL PAY YOU. ! ASCBETAIN Y.OUR W&ITTS ; . . 1 ... EVERY ARTICLE MARKED DOWN TO AUCTION PRICES. DEALERS ARE When we sacrifice goods we give our patrons the benefit of the Bargains. Very Respectfully ' ' BERVVAM( LEADING CLOTHIERS John Y WiTiblesale and (COR. WILMINGTON, MARTIN A FRESH SUl'PLY OF ONION SETS. PEAS AND BEANS . ' " ; 1 ' - A Orders by Mail will receive Prompt Attention. GEM 19 O a a 93 ? LSCT . .. r S .S PRICE r HO MAS H- BR PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, ALCOHOL STOVES. 4 . "i I . . --.vf : fl i i,'- jr r v - , w us g c i s ;A ?oi- ) e-s .9 T3 a s Hardware BEST GuODSiLOWEST PRICES. ARE DI2ALING. i !u RALEIGIl, N. C. G. T. MARKJCT SQUARE. Sffore jou bvj your For family or other use call and eample our stock of j : . h PURE BRANDIES, - Whiskies, Port and fiheny Wines, Black berry Hrandy. 4c &c. We guarantee them pure and that we will sell Jar bt WW the prices naked in this market. We sell thene goJds at WholeMle aad are compelled to kr-p aampte barrels of all kinds on up and consequently to ktep from waste retail them at . 'Whole sale price.: : 100 bbla Sugar, all grades. i j - bbb of fre-h Ai pies . -il 25 sacks Old Uovt iuaivut J va, 20c. ; 29 sacks Prime Laguayra, 13C. ; 25 sacks Prime Kio ' ! : !', 25 sacks Seedtick Coffee. 1 25 sacks Mixed Laguayra,JayaandRld 8i. lOOases Brandy Peaches. 800 boxes Cigars at fl 00.' : Baldwin Apples, one gallon can 23c ' : 100 boxes Winner aud Beauty Totaeeo. 20 eosea Smoking lobdcuo. ( 3000 Magnolia Hams. lie. .i ". avy Beans, riU, Uommy. u Patapsco, Superlative, and Orange Grove Flour. Teas and Coffees at rttatl. luO cases Snuff. 1000 lbs Snutt. All other Oroceries. G.T. STKOIVTACH. A BIO 6FFEU. To Introduce" them wllj will give away LWO tseH-Unting Ma chines. U you want one aen1 us your name P. O. and express offlce at once, the National COhSI 1 ley -street, W. Y. U ' j ! WIKK RA1LLNG AJill ORNA AaVTAL WUUi WUIUk. DttUt C4a Mo- 88 North Howaid street, ttttunore. manu facturers of Wire Bailing for Cemeteries, bal conies, &., Sieves, Fenders, Cages and Goal screens, Woven Wire, Iron Bedsteads, Chairs Hottaoa. e. ; i- ' KING & MACY: -oojnmAoraas (roa j House and Sign Painting,, So. 1 East Davie SMr Law BuUdrnf.; i We do KalaoMilnwg, Wswrifh Uraialng aa OtSm torn U7 ttstmf tIWMtV the last IVIoth of Clothing. NOT INVITED. AND TAILORS. (VjSacRari, Retail Druggist, AND MARKXT STRUTS.) BUIST'S PRIZE ME1AL i $1.50 GG & SONS, 1.LMK, PJuASTER, CEMENT WANTED BOOKKEEPER WANTED. ! - i Wanted a sjood bo ikkeener v h ; ra ha I 'X perience iu a merchant's ottice. Alust oe mast of firt-rate chiracter; quick. a3curaV, at ady, quiet and perfect y sqber. II atotalabstla :nea maa, so much the better. Address ' "' I ' B. ' B.," ' i Postoffiee drawer 18, Raleigh. N. C libadtf. ' 4! WANTED Men and' Wonfu So start a new business at their homes; can bo dune even ings and learned in an hour; any persons maklna less than 10c to ftOeti aa hour should send 10c st on-e for a package of sam- . plea ot goods, and 24 working samplos ('or ii ulas) to commence on. Address ALBANY hUPPLY CO.VAlbny,K. Y. ! . r an21Um. , .'""j! x i i "YIT ANTED By a youne man 20 years old, V V ' a situation as wlcsmun in a store. Two years' experience, and gcod raeommsful Address tnia office. ij LADIES WANTED to work for us at their own homes. 97 t flO per can 1m easily made; - no canvasitn iaaclnatisg aad steady employment. Particulars nd sample of tho work sent for stamp. Address BOMK M'F'Q ' t OP. O. Box 191a, Boston, Mass. v . i ? 1; i t ANT SaLE&IIO everywhere, v V local and travelinar, to, sell our goods. W ill pay aood salary and all expense. Write for terms at once, and utate salary wasted. Ad dress STANDARD SILVER WARE COM PANV, Wanbinrton. 8trot. Boston, Jf aaa. Ttoo alolvb BtMo. Jingle, I ingle. Jingle, U-w merrily we so, Sliding in the eozy sleigh. Over toe lonely snow, j , ' Fred, sits close beside me ; Whispering iu my ear, Oh, he took so handsome, J. And he to so very dear. : May sits In front with Tom,, j i Both full of fun ad Joke i She vowasbeU take the rein and drfra. He vows he'll take a fruoke. Hvf toney" Fred's new suit, Is, I wonder if he knows . - That brown is so becoming, ("Kiy, you're sweet as any rose.") Hi bat is real "nobb; t "nobby." fit to a T, His gloves H is cravat is aimply perfect, ii n siioea ait iney snould be. Mary and Tom cant h ar me, I'll waispertery low rmMyf "Yen, my darling, "rray wny ao you hmn i . v . So very weliroda. i . 4 Never so well beot"r t 1 ; T Wby. it's all thia .la-btug new to it 4 B gbt from it. B. Andrews Co. ' Mocxl. always purchsM your clothing at - R. B. ANDREWS & CO.'S - i 1 , . f i . Sprbg Clothing. DaU aud Shoes daily arriving. NEW GOODS. " LATESr SIYIVES, lowest mctf. I, Ii. B ArbKKwsA Co.v1 KR B RDS ii . i - ;- . S it- CuHery t mm ' -'-.; "1 "