'HI: Wf.K- - f f -it i Vi: 4 : Ji. .r: !S ! .a i f 8 "'L " 4! L Pcbluhu Daixt (bxcbf. Mokdat) Ajjrn Wbbklt. ! : . f ' By The News and Observe Co; Daily ne year. maiL postpaid . w rlx months, 7 90 : : 8 so l i 76 ! a oo & i no Weekly, one year, M M nxmnini. No name entered without payment, and no JP for. per sent alter tne expiration ox tune lsua TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 186. 1 ' . . ' "'V 1 '-! . Tin Warmer weather 1s a ereat. relief to say the least of it. : -;;;fi jj Thb facts in the matter of tho Pah- Electric telephone company fill be! fully investigated by a Houso committee add presented to the public as they are. ' ( A pircsal of the - latest North Caro lina papers would probably ephriiioe even Mr. race that there is'.tajent enough in the State to rebuke slan-- derer, at least, U : Thx Lloodthirstiest of the Apaches, n;m i in t.h Kaiifls at Geij. w ; T- j. ...... . Crook. He should be put and kept now where he oan do no further harm Th ceoDie of the south westers border are sufficiently -amused with his pranks EL8KWHr.Re print a suggestvre com munieatidn on the subject of street im provement from a gentleman well known hi th& commodity as an eDguiecr of skill Wo hope the plan he outlines' will be re alised before long. It is1 eminently nractical and should be adopted by the eity without delay. ifl; j That was an njrlv affair in London yesterd ay that great meeting of, starv ing workingmen. The extravagance' of monarchical methods is exciting tho dis content, of the European tpasBFi more thoroughly than ever before :; Tho thrones of kings and quoeiiS;Und nipir - ora are standinir i BD"b fouitdaticlns l weaker now than they - have ever been,. and the' universal reigu of the! p4o is. approaching with giant strides. J hT- Thi matter of securing a water'suply for the city must be pushed.now to posi tive and final action. We cannot afford to do longer without! hM a reat- w uv .iwjw; wii.uvu.1. j.uvf. site to ; health and prptectioi frmjJ ravages of fire. We can anord to maxe the investment, too. ,iThe,1tonlvuo3nt now: to regard is thalk choice of a systemt to ibt end ,at he ; supply when obtained shaU be afctisfax IOTV W aU.OOaCcruWl. - UM j ii '". ' . 5 ' - "".", ': ! I Thi debt of the Union: Pacific; f ailrbid . to the government 'growsiS wg? ,,Cn stantly, so that somtfl mqrelringen measure even than the Thurmaii act will be necessary to preserve the peo re-s commendatio ion of the goyeflmieni!direo - Ihe company be bom'pelled to tors is that make fixed 'annual let arnings.: It- ii a oronortion jot net - i( found in this case, as in alL others'- that l . - ' J weeter heard of impibW ltbl , 1 mine exactly what "neteaiiingaV' are , if Th recent meeting of raiUoad officials ti at Atlanta was larcelv4ttwided? fronll tarts of the South. If Wai ksalletf to .v - . - i U 2 i v r r r'iv 6-,r rrni roads south of the Potoioao" (and thei i Ohio. As a result it is probable tha . Ka Mt Af Jnna nt ik Wl nl !t .n o ii -.ji J.1 ;if t. . -71. . j . - - au oonuera raiiruaas -wui n iiuaue .mi mnfnim tn .. Vnrtti ard iranffn which is that adhered tflliw the NorthEast and West. it About 12.- 000 mUes of rpad Will he affected by Oie chanee. and some of iW desirable results will be a lessening ef the cost of running the roads, since it will simplify .and ex- llpedite the transfer of ' freight the North and the South; .V petween ,' Tbbeb is little reason' to doubt that the onslaught made upon Messrs. Oar'; -u j k'-Jiki ..ii: i'- ? ' . r, - L j. i -d; .AV L A : i uum w baaa dkucucu uv nun auik au atraib - auu 1 validity or iu snaxr paten! wnicn, the government, nas Deen comneiiea nnacr the law to order. ' The faci has called attention to tne excessive and increasing j charges made in all the cities of the conn ! try' for telephone service, and there is a 'general comparison, of rates find a uetisr inunatiOQ to bring tQe ifiontfpmy lt reason everywhere. The exposure of the Pan Electrio letter-book , therefor d: is likely to react promptly and duaatrooslj inpon.' the monopoly' it , wss ;m : tended to brotect from ai st rutin v tit can ill afford tobear. As fr Mckifs. Ija mar and Usrand, whom it wa said in 'some Quarters it . would drive frotu Ui 'cabinet; they are sustained by the Pruii dent and the people ml their innocence of any shadow of a purpose to do wroiig Mr. tamar has simply donyhis liuti 31 tne premises and is aireauy aDsoiui-1 "clear in his great office,'' and that A. ti. Uarlaud would do auy thing mc;i)i ;...i't.l. : il.. - l', ' i : V'?- pauoie wiiu mo uiosi ueucate seDsc. 'i honor, no intelligent citizen -of : th country could believe. Much alarm has been exi time to time in this ountry at ! the mwl icreasbg absorption of - Aaierica acites'l by Europeans. Both 'the ' -raji ibaj have shown coucern aboutKthHmiitter and Upogress has eveabeepci M take stens for the stoppage of ie OewL ; In Illinois, Nebraska and Kajatt- ' w-. -: .9 ulr "uu Pv rapidly become assimilated to SoutU- of the press. o IJew, Yorlt.ilty raJn-:-; ierii.:Bociety.:. 'Ofit i -tbje1 Star:ay Btigatedy by ithe Blj telpon nio4 farlherjltjis no( difficult j to rlaliae notwilv whose enormous Brofi'tare aSrU that intelligent and responsible men will ant syktera it is said exists Ilike tly!!,nitti ,mV? gm8 JPf which prevails in the old '-world, ; aiil; which was introduced by ifc EnglisL- i tueu and Irishmen. Iu basing Ithi-! . .. -A- 4. M , .1 imiuM- suujecv w, nortu xuummi, 1U U10 OtBWB Ol Wr ttauwc sin,Florida, Colorado Mississippi and. the Territories' of New Mexico Wyoming, and theunicago lru'UBe aaos otaS? figures which nring"the total up to 30,000,000 acres. The last named paper says that "someof these alien owners have - " . . a-a - V I , 111 acquired a bad repuuuon at tneir own bont'es. ' The Duke of Sutherland, who owns 456,000 acres of American lan( is a notorious ccoum eyioM:. ' u"o 'cleared' a whole shire (Sutherland , IB Scotlan,d in order to turn his estate mto grouse moors and deer ' forests. His countryman, the Marquis of Tweeddale, has posfteMed himself of 1,750,000 acres of American land; a Holland company owns 4500,000 in New Mexico, includ ing a portion of the celebrated Maxwell lind'grant ; an English syndicate owtis .OpOiOOO m Texas, and another 2,000, (ioq acres in Florida, and third" 60ij- OtK acres in Wisconsin." " The South still has immense tracts of unoccupied lnd or land awaiting development, an l Nortb. Carolina has her lull share of it, but we should not be too ready to die- pose of it in large bodies. , it is highly probable that the human overflow or' tbo North and East ill soonl bei directed We shall' then rc- mto t the South. grt auy too hasty sale of soil or brebt wuugi.jr. ilj fUiOHKa) lai riiE NOirii. The South owes a debt of gratitude to thij Now York Star for the constant and utelligent efforts that paper is'waking for the advancement and prosperity ; of tbis section. It has forsome time now been doiug what it could (and that will prove to be much we have do doubt) to turu the tide of emigration from the Bust ahoorth southward, presenting the uuf eroas ad vintages the South ppsseR.' es in clear ' and attractive though unexvp- Iguise It believes thut thiff greatest iobptaclo in the ; way of ; those J who might come in search of independence and tho comfort of a home is the lack of 'bpecifio; information as to fwhere to go and ' what the surroundings of immi grants might be. on their arrival 'at the sr destination and it jsots tout iurnigniDg mis miormauon. 1 troats the matter, too, entirely from the ioint of ; view of the Northerner or Eastern man, as it should,"that is to say, not if the South were a land needing immigration, but with the idea ol giv ing the best adviee to those desiring M icmierate. buch efforts, we Bay, should be appreciated: 1 bey will not only re good of tbe ou h but to thatT; :&U the; immigrants l it ;may .may b,. 1 wei. In a recent ' issde i tne Star ; expressed the opinion ; tuat there ttTe; three classes ot people at the mechanics, commonL laborers I persons with small capital for lii- wwicuv , lira wn ut L ui " . i .t ' 3 T J- . I anoe, u ininxc, since wiey wui .: ao ; wei snvwhere. "Common laborers," it savs : 4 who depend upon : their waees :fuir their subsistence, and . who -disoriiainate between localities merely on tbesoore of their- respect?; physical auracuons, msy saieiy go oouiq, as tney will una there ail the worx they need, ) and, fu set or condition pe- f cttliarty Inviting; and it Vill be -their j JM'tuerf ofltheir own. " ' j f f There can bet no doubt about this fact. r migratory labor as that offered isk Jie fa wUh oi' Without families, wbonave'a lit- w? m"?eJ wnpn uey are anxious w pui r to the best possible use in ; securing V themselves borne and profitable vecu paitiorii iTheyf naturallv take! Int&con siderataon the items of climate sSeiety, schools ahd churches, health and morals. ODenmeil Will not nlant thrtir rnnf troa . i. i '.r rT -f-;".-r!-'T" n sn miasi ci vice, or. condemn their !wle na Children to the desolation Of fx"f ' T7 ??Bi Be tF:to.f' l i'?"? Ppecoi gooa pocisi i s?0 oonditiona before they, will take into account the claims of anv lo. oality; We fully undentahdl j;an cor dially sympathize in all thcse ecrujiles and anxieties. : ' v ' This ii the etass of people the South desires most to see come: into ! its : bor der. , This is the class that will do beet s nere wan thatli -will Imost .""r fixcxr way eiesny-oerore see i . . . w. !naW tadicaHf not irreyOca ble move. wi.aa .kMAAM i,.. a :i tew ot tbe dirMtmha in hioh n our absolute knowledge, men pf the sort do scribed above may safely go in search of uomes ana-competence, -and that those teeliug an interest in the: matter may' i ua.uyf Mtwij tnemseive aa ;to pur ac euraoy; . ;In advising our : surplus popu lation to go South in search of occupa tion; nod:, the rewards of industry, we .. .IM.., . .1 1 . r r. -l , r ha,v$ wt fpoken idly.i It ishaU j be our vire to domonstrate this fact beyond all ontrovorsy.' j. ;L r 1- . ' i From these sp :oiens it will be seen tltuil the work of the Star lis admirable. V. willdq much to counteract the delili :prt niistepicscntation frequently met ith in the Northern press, and tho up is' eijily, detraction of certain Southerners .who, haviug taken up their residence at 'thiNorth and secured a public hesjrin, ibleed to slander the iu0th lad on whsi! boijoui tbey first sk'W tin It will go beyond this toiua vi. iuucb poajtive good, we- have no doubt, u turning this way many desirable! emi grants,; to our advantage land to ihcir own as. well. - v 1 ; J dpaij recent ? decision pf the United pttes supreme court in the eaesfrn "li Inakes the eoupoW of tUeute 1 f ,4 fofi whidb th to are about vWfOOO in exutence, rfteeiyablf ?BJ f xc -but for licensi ai Mr fioi jn court. To speak inore p4t:cu- P"? : court sustainedjthe right to a M practice uw.j- payment of the fee lT'ng been tendere4 i in eoupons "gSS f licepBe; Uf issue under i snch circnm- 4 .tatasef and again it ullowd an action r trespaas to a tax-paye who tendered coupons which, were refused, and whoso IH'rUjrw (, '3 These poinut arc gtucraily inu i volve the doctrii.u ct'itfr, iuc0 they ii- tl.r-u iuliviliitl who lias no remedy agiiit a State itcl nny haye one against ju official of that State. r i Cor. of the Nkws A.NolOiaJKRVkR. ; As soon as the spriiig opeiut'it is the iuiention; of the city; to continue the wrk of paving Fayette villf" street pos sibly as tar as the l.. building uu the corner of Davie stroot. ) The pavement of the upper squavo eriVes the public an idea of the general : character of the work. The weather of the past month has put this sample; t quite a severe t.-st; subjected as it Wan to rapid altna tious of Very Wei und extremely cold weathei , it has ' remained perfectly firm and steady and the frost has not caused it to bulge perceptil ly from the form in which it was laid. Its convenience can not be diBputetl, for tUe contrast is strik ing between the tase with which heavy loa.la are hauled over this square and the one below it The muddy stretches ou each side have done much to detract from the: appearance of the street and have Caused- more or less mud to settle upon the pavenient. ; Mont of the prop erty Owners, however, have agreed to pvo their portions, and as soon as the blocks can be procured the work will be begun Wlren this i. finished the up pr squahj will be eutirely freed from iiuu in the winter and inconvenienced uy little dust iu the; euiuroer. Water will dram on rapiuly; and the appear ance of tbe whole square, covered with a urceiy arencu pavcuteut ana ooraered uy a neat unilonu : curbing, will be vastly improved. J here; will be vousvicrably: less grad ing over' the rcuiaiug squares than over the first. Ihe crades are all settled upon and arc calculated to much im prove the appt-aruhec and drainage of t he streyt 1 he co vert d drains and deep rnviuea, which tow oucupy the place of gutters, will be done away with. The weter Will all flaw iu' the open and carriage will be feble to drive immedi ately' ulOQgsidu of the curbing. It is biueh to be wished that the property owners would aren to have their sharo of the work dime simultaneously with tho t ity's. It would cheapen and much facilitate the work. -The city could sup ply the blocks ' at a stated rate to the property owners and would then be able to contract for 'the wholo supply so that they wouTd te on hand when wanted The bquare between Davie and Cabar rus streets will probably not : need to be paved over its! entire breadth for the present:! With" the! little local traffic which this square has the 20-foot way iu the centre will be all that is needed, as during bad weather all through traffic will flow along the centre and the sides will not be cut up. I ' ! From" the corner down Cabarrus street to the railroad it will be best to niac- adaraizethe roa-i bed.: This could be done at a cost of probably not more than one dollar per! square; yard; and though judro dusty than a pavement, it would lurntsh'r a eood hard; rOad-way. Similar fwork should be done; on Halifax street down td the llaleigh; & Gaston depot.' I ; i ' The improvement of .the central streets, according to I the plan outlined: would result indirectly in the improve ment of all the other streets, for . the traffic would naturally flow ; alone the best road way and the other streets would be subjected only toj local travel and be much less used up. ilt is much to be desired howeyer, that the wOrk of im proving; the streets be put, on a perma nent basis. It is now; carried on in i more or less hand-to-mouth manner luring ? tbe past twenty years six to eight thousand ' dollars have been : expended annually in doing patch work on the stroets which requires to bo renewed almost every year. Nearly one hundred and fifty thousand dollars converted into mud. And where is the improvement?- The streets are in about as bad a 3ouuition a ever. V Only the central streets require to be paved, where injur v Iroui dot is greut. ine oiner sireeis snouia ue uiaoaaa mized. Ifa settled ; amount were put aside fof permanent improvement of the streets, rock-crusher bought, a quarry of suitable rock opened upon, with the expenditure of a similar sum, Raleigh would in a tew years; be traversed by system of hard road-beds, which, with small annual repairs, would be inde structible and permanent. f ' l: i; Arthur Winsww WAUKlOBUtTNOTES. Bqaarkabl OpnlnLetiUa.Aanl- :S Tnrj', km, Cor.-of the cws and Obsievkr. Wakk Forest, N. C;, Feb. 6. The friends of Wake Forest college throughput the State will be glad to know of. the remarkable opening of the spring term. The catalogue of the ses sion 1880-'81t showed 181 studendts the highest number lever reached, the average, of thti t wo terms beng 15- Provided no other students j come tho catalogue number fori tbe present session will be I7y, but the average pf the two terms isl64, nine above that of 1880 '81. A smaller number of the fall term students have been lost than ever be fore, and twcnty-iwo new ones have presented tEemclves, so that there are now present lo9. looking at thisbhow ing in the light of the prevailing de pressionj iu agricnUui-e.and trade, it be comes reioarkable Prof E . M. Potest was on the ground ueiore tne luiu 01 January, and on Mouday following took charge of three Classes in L.atm and in part of one in Orevk. j Uv occupied Mr. Vann's pulpit oa the evening of January 24th. Dr. Will:aui lloyall preached a num ber of years in; rraaklin county during nis earner connection with the college x near -tuvn steps have ben taken to luootiiy hiF name with the section per piaaeutly. A Lnew ! postoffice will be ;ealjd 'oyalP' in htonor of him. . The protracted meeting of the church; here together with the term! exauiina tions, explain why I have had lately no publio lectures to the students to reports : Tho serieVbefbre the theological aoeiety continues, however. 1 The latit was de livered January 24th by Rerl R. T. Vann, oh "Home' things which ought to be avoided by intnisters." Sever al gen tlemen are expected to lecture here soon. among them Tier. Dr. X, li. )Wb W. of Wilmington and1 Prof. L ; E. lucau, ol Lexington. ; . Tbero are two students under Uie patronage of the student's aid associa tion ; one other has applied -for its help, hnt there'are not enough t funds in the treasury totneet his neeqs. The edu- cntioB board helping this term twenty- Beven oung ministers. Ihe anniversary' exercises the lzth promise to be interesting. You haVe already published the ; propramme. There will be a specialSrain frfm Ral eigh. Music will be dispensed by the band. ; ' By the wav. that word Trokramnie " 1 notice that in a certain circiefyis pro nounced with the a" of the' second syllable obscure, the accent bioirplac'd on the first. From 1 li is ibiu! of view the ordinary pronunciation' is yvideutly vulgar. Now the confidence witfh'wbich this new pronunciation is insisted on is ajpuzzle to me, and for this reason: Worcester, Webster and Stornioutb all airree in irivinff the "a" the sound which it has in the word 'am'," the ac cent, of course, being on the first feylla ble. I shoujd be glad to know, on what ground or authority we are asked to pronounce the word 'progum." ? I am pleased to notice the arrival last night of Mr. Richard Battle, the rep resentative of the Nkws And Ub3kkvr, as a resident of Wake Forest. P. Salvfition Oil 'quickly fin is its way to the seat of the disease, allays the in flammation. and, by removing tbe caue, effects a permanent cure, zib ots. Mr. Ruskin thinks there is a great fu ture for American arr but he hardly realigns Uie enormous demand over here or Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Better an empty head than one with a cold in it. . Advlee to Motb ftfra. Wlntlow's Soothing 8vrup should at- Ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sunerer at ocoe.it pro duces natural, qnKt ltp by reHnvtnjr the child from pain, and the little cherub awaken as "bright as a button.' 1 Is very pleasant, to taste; sootnes toe cullu, wrtens tbe gums, allay al! naln. rellevea wind,' reirulte tbe bowels nd hi the best known remedy (or diarrhoea wnetber rwintr irom tettbtne tr othr , mums. T YntT.lrs ennta b,( I i i ' j '; ; No man should complain . about his lot unless it be a lot of old rubbish. mm Cares Rhpumatlmlouralqla PKlCETrilTV CEJTS. 'At DKl'OIBTS AKD PlUluKBS THI t'ilABLES A. V(XvEtE OSPAJl, BALTIXONX, M9. 'ras Opiate Jt. ii.afl. trl :. C- r. v IE. FBOIV, nscHAai wr.LimcourAr Kiirtmonm. wta EXTRA CHOICE CKIiliEO H600S, THIS SEASON 8 PACKING. Now is the time to lav in a sdpply. W. C. &A. B. ' STRONACH. WHOLBSALK AND BJTAIL Or & O OIJES JtcS. Offer, as in ever jtbing else in their line, . : the FinestStock of Extra Choice CANNED GOODS In the Sute Our Owl Brand Tomatoes 8 lb cans 1.60 doz ; . IS cents each. I S Our Indian Queen Com, 2 lb cans 1.75 doz.; 20c each. . Harford Co. Green beal Corn, t lb can! 10 doz.: 10c each. ! f &B. Green Cora, f$l.25 ir doz. . Early June Greeu Pea, 254 taui; .'.60 dur. ' Marrowfat Wieen IVas,, 20c ean, i dozen. Petit Tola Krneb Fea iiOc'eani 2.2odoz. I ! M: Paris xtra Aiungu aa. Oyster Bay sparajfus 4uc cm. Jvlm M .ir's A. piragu- 80c c m. i; .'uiDiii Htrlngieas iieaas, 91 1 doz; ; lOo. can. Tburber Baldwin Tomatoes and , t Wuidham Corn,! FINEST BACKED. : "V invite especial attention to our Owl Tomito. a and I'idiau Qneen Corn, as the finest got a 01 lueu Kina ptcicea.- Tburber's Kxtra Choice Canned Fruits In heavy 8) rups, ready fur use : White and. Yellow Peaches, Calif rula BarU ltti Pears, Apricwts, While Cherries, iranis4uinoea, 3 lb cans 40; f were edc..; ( I - -Calif ornli Bartlett fears, Peaibes, .White Cb rri, lb cans SOe; w-re 4oc . Whole P.ne pplea 40c camj were 00c lhMplH rriaa, BUtckberries, Quinces, Wo Its and Kid Cbenifs, 1 lb cans 2ftc;j were 80c, Tbeae goudr are a little higher in prtce than comibon brands, but the dlflerence in quility and quantity more than make Up the diner enua In price ' I , OLD DOMINION PICKLES, llome-made; no acid,: no copperas, mixed Pioale ami mull Cucumbers 76e gat, Stufled llauguea and utuum Clus ter ii. glass ; Thurber's Preserved btrswberri-a lbeans ' 85c e!i; wereoOe.) Johnson's Bahama Island Whole Pine Apples and Guavas 40c cau; were 60c, Nuuuen's Barth it Pears, 3 lb cans 16c. Kumseu'a Clipper Pears, lb emus 10 eta, Thuroer's tienuiae ICsviiah Ploaa Fuddina-, I lb SOe. a lb Aoe: S lb. 7e. ' Bear ia mmd Uut all foods sold by us are a represented. STANDARD BRANDS Cnne4 V.Kt tables sad froita, Potted and .' rdr PAIN Lm ;-f slj . r si s? j. THE .GRAPE CURE, ' A NATURAL Sick Headache and Dyspepsia Cure r IN AMERICA Tbe crystallized salts, as extracted from grp xnd fmlt, a mot won.lertul product frem Nature's I tboratory. Hive it In your homes and travels specific for the fagged, weary nr worn-vue , it cure neanacbe, iyHpepti, siomacn ana oewei complaints ; removes oil iousness, stimulates tbe liver to a healthvai- Hon, pounteracts the effect" of impure water and the excessive use of alcoholic beveragi-a and prevents the absorption of malaria: sup plies to the system the waat of sound. line I run. - Prepared by the London Sal-Mcscatkuji Co. XONVOlf, ENGLAND. Beware of Imluttons. The genuine in ''blue wrappers only." 1 K3TAitad tor i iroularn ti. EvAKOvrrcu, Gen- end American Man:-;, p. o. Box 1WJ8, 1 New v or K city. 1 Mention this paper. " A O K N T 8 W 41 lams A 1 ay wood, Lee, John son it Co., pruggiBt- tod CbeiuNU, Hal- cigh, N.C. ' . : ! iOW EEADY.I I BUSBEE'S j ; j I0RTH CAROLINA JUSIlDl -AND FORM book: Third Edition Revised and L 1 ii .j . 1 M : ' .J I This Is the best book of the kind eveii published and contains everv noint of Lial Bind every form which can be seeded In tb EoiafrbTtratea? pracuce In this Btte, TlifcJ $00 ipjatm And eoutalns as much matter as is tu U Ic end In aav Five Dollar Book ever twued tu ue Bute; n is nanasomeiyprmwu Dounti n Matner ana is seat oy man prepaio fer j So JusUee of without the the peace caa 'anoid to t jWew Busbee, AsnoMharbeokmtsi etaU g-ivea tti th law In his practiee, 8 fid. ail order le th- publiahers, , ALFRED : WILL1A11S CO. ! , BootsaxLKES AW) SrATteNKas, j ' . J BaluobV N. C. ! j AM .i CfilMINAL CODE AND DIGEST ' I BY JL W. AB1IH, Em., f ttt KaleiKh Bar, h NOW READY. EDWARDS, "H 1 I BROUG1ITON & CO. PUBUSHKBS This valuable work is endorsed by the Jus tices of tbe Supremo Court in the folfwing aija terms: f From Hon W. N. H. Smith. Chief Justice f . of the Supreme Court. "I give it my cordial oommen nation as a val uable and useful contribution to our Uw lit erature." if- ' j From Hon. A 8. Merrlmon. Associate Jus tice of. the Supreme Court. "1 find that it is a work of "merit and prac tical usefulness to the legal profession in this State The; young author has done at good service and merits the thank and eueoiirage- ment 01 tne proioheion. Js,Tery practicing law ver should have a copy of bis book." From lion. Thos. S. Ashe, A sweiate Justice 1 01 tbe Mipreme Court. . . r'he book will be a very important addi to the library of evi-rr lawyer, and espe cUllv to that of the criminal practitioner Tho wor d"e credit to Its author, and 1 beaitily - . a a a a. 1 . a . 1 . w reeommeua 11 le tne use 01 tne proiessmn. Sent postpaid on ni eipt of rice 93 00. Published and fur sale by ( EDWARDS, BROTJGIITON & CO. Ralioh, N. C. GBANITES AND SANDSTONES. P. Linehan 5t Co 409 FayettevUle 81, Baleigh, S. (X, Are prepd to mass sontraets oa the Host Favorable Terms for supply ing Granite 8aad fttonee ot tbe Best Quality ia any QruuiUUe leslrud. Quarries at Henderso ana Wadea boro, N. C. Ampla faolllUea tor aandlinK anf nazlBg quick MptnaU to any point, ttWi wtnf the mate. Wish to Build THMB OrOOtTBSatOC 'WABTAj 1 Neat and iPraoticaL Oeign. Tataeaa be furnished promptly, eeononiically :, and aatWactordy by , " Gri Bauer AKOBITBOT AJT0 BCUAItt. j ' Wit the late Smoe!' fikmni, ifcu igb; N. (i, who, ea application, will -i-!re p'm. elevatioBS details, working drawing and susclflcat tons tor boiklmgaol tvery oWrrp- ttoa torougbout taw stats, Lock box aaa. is orraaiM at MARKED DOWN PRICES FOR CASl Tho folow1ng desirable artlclrs, betti seasynable and awful ' 1 AUlkS wimtkr I j DRJiSS GOODS. Heavy Jeans, Hoesklns, OaMtnere Clotto- and other Furnishing Uooda for Men an Bjy's Wear. Ladies' and Men' WINTER UNDERWEAR, ! Wraps tor Ladies, latest styles and all made t order this Mason. ' ' Ulanketa, Opera, Basket and Honeycomb Flannels; Bleached and Unbleached Canton flannels. HOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS : Several lines ef Heavy Shoes tor Ladies? Mixaes, Men and Boys. i Overshoes for Ladies, Misses and Men. firs quality. Hens' wooi-nnea,seu-acnng Arctics lor inc . a pair. ; i lie also has many otner articles m bis stoei- wblcb can be bought low for easb. , Call and examine Roods snd prices and set. for yourself that be means what be says. Don' , forget the place. i 184 FayettevUle Strset, BaJeUb, N. Now is the time to order Coal for WINTER SUPPLIES When the f beat article eaa be had at lowest prices and delivered dean from the ears, bay ing never touched tne earth ilnce takes from the mines. ; 1 ; ! THE FREIGHT ON Tennessee Coal 1 Is reduced for a short time and "11 woo ex pect to use it should order at once and save 60c to f 1.00 per ten. - ; i ; OUR TAVORITE ! j J i. -: ; i ' : i 1 f ' ' ' '- ', 'i :'i ' ' Kinds of Anthracite Coal can be bad now but cannot be gotten at all later ta the season, go let us have your orders at ones fer both kinds and sizes. ; ' t 'fi JONE8 A POWELL.L QNE THOUSAND ' GOOD CORN j AND Meal Bags wanted by ! 'M r JONES ft POWKLL, i Fsyetttvflle St. and Central Depot, i M Ralebrh, N. O EVERY , DAY : MATTERS '? AT-- , : 1 1; HARDIN'S e: j. ' ' . - ' s i ; . .'' - u t Ton will find always a complete stock of the bt family supplies, carefully selected as to quality, at lowest possible: prices, neatly ; put up and promptly delivered. i The very best Teas and Onffees; SUpleCaaaed Goods; such as Corn, Sueeotash, Freach Poas, Asparagus, Mushrooms, okra . and Tema. :toes Mm a: ,! 11"! oaisneiVfruits CaHtornia Apricots, Pears, Peaches, Ac. Burnett's Flavoring S Extracts; Cox's and, Nrlaon'a Gelatine; Best French Maccaroni better than the Italian); Fine Cheese, Cbooo- ates, cocoa, isroma, vaiaa Dressing, twines, Catsups and everything else In the way of Miuaneous Table buppties. ! TO ARRIVE THIS WEkK : Magnolia Hams, canvassed and : winter eured; Ferris' Hams, Pigs' Feet; Extra Choice xacKerei in run weignt, w id kits. . : r'tfleen barrels Fine Apples; Baldwins' umd Duke's, spits, oeAe. - s T1IE FAMOUS BOSS LUNCH MILK BISCUIT, f The best of all plain Crackers; 16c per lb at man, ana a ruu line ei Kennedy's and WU son's Biscuits and Cakes. ; : ? Wines Liguors &C; A Choice Stock of Whiskies, Brandies, " utcb, jura, i vi voi iw., iw umuniH and family use. Just received Ramsey's Beat socu wnisay. - ;; ; 1 Choice Ntw Orleans and Porto Bloo Mo sues. Syrup, Buckwheat Ac Orders carefully SUed. . , T K J. HARDIN; PLANT BED BURNER PATENTED JULY 38, 1886 BT J. H. HORNER, OXFORD, N a A pamphlet oontaining description of the mc and of its application to curing tobacco hi baraa. : . i i 1 ! '4 - Together with Compilatiox of the saoaf approved methods Of cultivating and euring ttns yellow tobaeeo, ir -". I v 4 -Seat to any address oa receipt of, twaaty mtbb oeniB. App mi HOUNER Oirln If . f O ' ' ' I TThe Easter Ten", tbe lK)t semi AUlee to of this school will btgin on - Thnradayr Jsnoary Xbtii Far icsU- goo ajppij , ta' UmV :.aor, 1 1 REV. BXJU T MXDES. ; ; 5 JWsB,M,Cs Goal! J FUK BALit OR RENT., . LUA.BLE LAND FOR 9ALIC; My virtue of authorltv conferred bv a tain deed ot mortgage exeeuted on the 2ta day-ef Apr-183, yMUWd sliaV Miateo, Alfred Jonend Ltale C. Jones, hH wife, to K. S Pullea and rMrderiaAhe offl e of tb i reirister of deed fw Wake eeuaty. If. la t tools a,jH-:p ..U also bfauthorUv sf . certain .U-.-.5 'r tr.w. exited the Jroth day of Augu-U 18. bvth"awe parties Ha .W. Haywood, trute for tt. s. PuPen, and re corded hv h oce of the egltrot d"N for Walce eo -nty, N In loo 74, at p-nre 691, we w ill Sjtssrdny, February StKU, 1888, sell at public on cry for eash the iatoreat and estate of mid Mil art Mia', trnte, Alfred Jones aad Lizxw C .lonts in tna tret of laud deSfribsdt intald deed of martgage aad deed of trust, said tract eoeuloii590 aeree more or less and being tho same trlrt ot land whereon ' the said Alfred Jones aad wife do new rwnd. refsrenoeto which deed t mortgage and deed of trust Is hereby atade for a foil description of aid lanua. Place of sail", door of ewunty cour" -house ut Baleigh. N. C. Tune t aal li clock m. It a. PUtiLBN, Mortgages, A'W. Hatwoop, Trustee. -'an. 31, 1886, dtd. 1 11 " VALUABLE Cl t lf PHOPERTY OB. ' . SALE.' i By virtue of power conferred on nt by a ertala deed of mortgage exeeuted by Dal. 11. Crawford and wife aad recorded ro register's office of Wake eoumty, la book 18, page 684, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at pub- . lie auction, at the court-house door in the city of "Raleigh, Monday, March 1st. 188, at It o'clock m the property In said mortgage de scribed, situated ta tbe southern portion of the tty of Ealeigh, near Blount street. . JOHN WATSON, Guardian. B. F, MovTAOCBf attorney tor Mortgagee, aa. 1, ISStt, dtd. 1 . gALV OF LAND. 1 ; Br virtue of aathorttv given ta a mortgage from Alexander Bar ham and wtfa to W. B. ' Allen, recorded' In lb register's olBee of Wako county, in book 82, page 17s, we will sell oa Monday, the 22d day of February. 1S0, at tho court-ltouse door in thsrltyof K )! h. the landfr.nveyed In said mortgai-o, j.;.! talnlng 261 acres more or leas, situated in Lit I Htvtr township ot sail county and wing the V&tt3a&ri Terms of sale eaah. Time t sale li land Japer Bar) am, '. MarheU, blon of sale It o'clock m. PA Kjt HOLDING, AttorwyMor Mortgagee, - Jn 231, 1888, dtd. gALS OF VALUABLE LAND JISAB TUB CITT OF BALSiUB, This is to give aoUoe that under iana oy vu tue of an order of tae iiupcriur bun tor tha, county of Wake, made in tbe eivil action of. B. W. Wharto(, aduintstrator of DavlU kU Carter, dsceaoed, aad others against Moaes A. Bledsoe sad others,! will sell at puolic auction tioa td the highest oidder. atthe eourt houe- , door, m tbe ot Jtafeigh, the aid Uay ot rebruary, l&Stf, iu 1 e'cloca p. mUm eertala trct 01 aad o ateiniag abut two hundror cies, whb-a Wo. II. bcott conveyed to sal" Moses A. Bledaoo by deed dated the lataday of November, lsbtt, ragistered ia tbA emoe of Um rewter ol deeua fr the couuty oi Wake, la uooa so, at page.ST, us 'Jtfta Uayot January, lbt(7 This laau will oe soiu u nu-oeis to suit 1 purchaaers. , -j ' For jiot ot the same, pemens who may ooa umpiate beooming bidders are reierred to col. a. n.oaaner. Theteraaof the sale are; Oaehu-d ot the purchaae saoaey laCeaah, one third la twelve Month aad eAs-third la two rears." wok later- esttroiathe day A sate at tbe rate oleigat per sniu por aaauia, uayanio aanuauyr aaa too title ta said land to oe retained o&Ulths foil pajmeat ot the parchaae money. ;. ; as persoas - wuo - eontemptatar purehasiag will please aaUte their eaaaiinattons ol UtU be- tore tho day of sale, t . i- V SP1EU WUITAKEBL, salvdtd Coiaiai-sioaeB JjBTlAaE8ALC. . ' , Pursuant to authority eontainedi la a m rt ' gage deed exeoated the ltth jtay f January,' ' 1884, by R. K. Ferrelt aad Marr A. FarreU and CM. Busbee, trustee, to seurs the pay. saeat of a debt to Qeo. W. Norwood, deceased I will sell, at the eourt-house door in the elt ' of Raleigh, for eaah, the Mud da ot Febru ary, 1886, a tract of taad in Bsrtoa't Creel: towmehlp. Wako eouaty. adloinio the lead. ' at Wav Lassitsr, J.X Haater, J W: O. Allea aa4othMbatag tae lead whenwa B E. FafTaQaad jrffa aeWllve, aad eoatiaiaf 1464 aares.1 Tat dead is regiatersd ta book 7f pagaftX -x 'J' - I G1X). NORWOrTD,faeeutor I of GEO. W. NOR WOOD, desd T M. aboo, Attorney. ; - . ;j . faalOtitd. -j '' JjiyiDEND NOTICE , j !. I Nobtv riant.rNA RAitnan Cow SBCBSTABT AVD TuASURKa' ' (S7I'I. fcHore. N. C, J'u. J' th, 18W The directors of the orth Car flin railroad company have d rUred a livid:ul of 6 per oent. three per cent para' le Ma-cH IM to stv.ck--holders of reoori at IS o'clock bi .Kotiruary 10th, ard three per cent fptpnilrrl-t tu atorkc holders of record at 13 o'clock ui. Aiixuat lota next. Tbe stock books of tbe company will le closed at IS o'clock m. February 10th until Mirch 1st and at 13 o'clock m. 'M ng'ist 10th until September 1st, 1886. ! ; P. B. RUFFIN, Jangl. , SeCy and Treasurer. ' "Now is the Wmixa of our discontent Made glorious SuMMxa ). 1 The AROAND, ! The ROrAL AROAND. ! V The CENTURr,, h ' - ' ' I - t " - or any of the trious kinds of Heating' Stoves always kept in stock and old at the Prices BY 11 AS AH ADDITIONAL COMFORT We Would advise the uae of iBbaw'e ". . 4-DOOR-CHECKS AND SPRINGS. They prevent the slamming of door snd keep them always shut. If your houwe is larre. taea we will heat it wth . j STEAM OR A FURNACE. Rfpctfully, i ' HRKWiTKir CO. kReeswuxl; A BilYl'litS OF BEE8W vV WK Wll t. Until li V;r,notv-e " r H. tr.f hoar- tea i-r or railroaiL " vjl ! i " .W.H.SOWDIHRau,., BaUMMitaa. , Bae .Iri. ua. O PriCX FOR KENT Having ktawd froa Jaaaarv -iW ,. . w aoureoa WnmrtnB -tr t oext bmtv sfw, lr aa uttieR, ih rtsa -! uur -Uihe rsarel Haw Jardcai D1 U tor rant, Apply t B. H. Battle mr tmm mWr W.' f lUClVD IL a Lin.. Very Brewster V 'V! f 1 i A 5; -A r ; f I 9 r. ! s I 1 Mi ill. r 4'''; 'Mi 1- i iM 3' ft- &-