1 ; 3 j- r - j f7 ' !l r- P 'I V. , it Oi- aw ERVE Hi 4 VOi. XXVI. RALEIGH N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUAKY 12, 1886. J, NO. 78 MM Obs AMD 1: "!' Absolutely PMrf? rhia powdar never varies.; A aiml of economical Uuui ordinary kin da and cannot be aid In competition with the multitude'of low itst, anort weight, alum or pboaphate powders Sold onlr in cans. - Rotal Hauko Powds Co lot Wall Street, New York. i Sold by W C A B Stronach, George T stronach aad J B Ferrall k Co. - Will STORE NKW8 0K8KRV ATlO$8. 1 -Lula Hurst's father says Lula still retains her. wonderful power. rTbere seenis to be a scarcity of bread in London as well as on the west coast of Ireland, y Although Chinamen are jnqt per mitted to do io, it is to be hoped that things generally will soon settle ' down in Seattle.' - 5 -The secretary of war says ; that the militia force of the United States num bers something over 80,000 men and officers ' '. . i Who will not admit th.t the world moves, and towards humanity? ' The French crown jewels are to be sold to found a poor fund, - j4rFiilly 6,000 ' people, headed; by brass bands, marched to the ' depot at Hastings, Nebraska, to witness the simul taneous arrival of delayed trains. Twenty-nine passenger trains pulled infrrthe Uhin depot ' inside of thirty : minutes. The block had lasted ten days.: i i-rSenatOr Stanford's dinner served in Washington Monday evening on golden plate is a beautiful, reminder of' the ti u -ih Veriod of the ' Roman emoire. Mr. CONGRESSIONAL THE KEN ATE TAKEN ; RIM, VP BLAIR THE r. MergM Oerpla Much lira - la i Combating 1J WashUjoton, Feb. II.P-Sbnats. In the beuate today, after the disposal of the routine morning business, "'Mr. Edmunds said as one of the important committees of the ' Senate bad to go to New Y ork today and other important committees had considerable, work to do, witnesses could be summoned who would not be . recognized as old ac quaintances. He could, therefore, only lay down a few general propositions in support of his views. He contended that a commanding officer at a distance front his superior must have some dis cretion in obeying orders of that su perior. The commander o( an isolated corps, who would involve his command in destruction, in blind obedience fo the orders f a distant superior, would be properly branded as incompetent and unworthy. In 4is action Mr. Porter had fulfilled the military requirements of the situation. Whatever the condi tion of his tredps might have been, the he believed public business would be best subserved bj the adjournment of condition of the road had been such that the Senate: from this afternoon till Mon- no experienced officer would haveDlaced day. He therefore moved! that when the Senate adjourn today: it be till Monday. Agreed to. . Mr ('Teller t submitted an to the 'Eustis resolution of carding the refusal of the assistant to treasurer; aview Urleans certificates in exchange for amendment inquiry re issue silver silver dol lars. .'1 he amendment directs the com mittee on -finance '.to inquire also into the loss of money alleged to have oc curred in the New Orleans sub-treasury. anu wnemer euun loss occurrea in con nection with the exchange of silver cer- Iho amend- The great bargain house of Raleigh. The only housain the State having a buyer always in the New York market. We buy and sell all kinds of goods l- 't '5 r i',- - ' i ' '-' r; hich can be bought and I sold for less than their market value. - We a4d ! ' ' ; -l ', i T small profit, regardless ! of cost, f and - ' -;- : ;t make our hundreds, of bargains.: make j.-;-v-;T' .. " r-mmf bur business. All are requested to call and see us. Sbaford is not an intellectual force, but tificatcs for silvet coin he is as able to giye a fine dinner as any ment was ordered printed. gentleman oi tne republic, in fact Mr. Stanford Is a Republican. J -rufas E; Dixon, an inventor, com mitted suicide Sunday night Iftom; de spair of appreciation. Among his neg lected devices was; a patent ballot box to make fraudulent voting impossible. This, although in an age : of reform, the public refused to patronise; jhenoe he blew out the gas. i . - ' . - ; e - , i ; i : j-It U thought that about twfenty-five naval cadets will be bilged, ibis year, the largest number, as usual, coining out of the fourth class. The failures in the second and third classess - this' year were very few as compared with former etamwationsi All of the first class are believed to hive passed successfully. Boston has new agony, When ever it young woman goes out walking in the modern Athens, in slippery weather, she carries with her a; snufl bag filled; with 'ashes. When jside walk is reachea that is slippery, a! corner of . 1 - . f T the baff is torn onen. and. as the Bos ton Advertiser, with scriptural ambig uity, puts it, Ypu may walk jacrossi as triumphantly as the Israelites did over the" lied Sea,?" 1 14 :;--A; wholesale house in.' Chidago started k salesman out on the road, giv ing himi 1Q0- for traveling expenses. f-.f-M-MpSJCf ft sj A'.wowit ptusseu, apa notmngr was n?ara 1 - '.hil I I ftooi !J4ryiTrvele. Still another: week The Senate yesterday passed without amendment the House bill for the pay ment of certain claims against the gov ernment for property taken and used by the army during the late war. The bill is known as the fourth of July claims-bill. r' The Senate took up and passed, after tome discussion, but without amend ment, the' bill to regulate the promotion of W est Point cadets. The effect of the bill is that graduates become a part of the army upon graduation, even though no vacancies in the service may exist. At 2 o'clock. the education bill was laid before the Senate and Mr. Morgan took the floor on it. The bill, he said, was a bill to create offices and elabor ate machinery of government. It was a bill to tax the honest, hard working man in order to educate the children of the drunken, loafing vagabond who would not work for his family. If from the 60,000,000 people in the United States were to be deducted all the dead-heads, dead-beats - and j non-producers there would be about 20,000,000 people left who i would . have to pay taxes to carry ; out the provisions of 'this bill. The bill itself would be equivalent to a ta of $3 per capita on his force of 9000 men upon that road, Mr. Steele, of Indiana,' opposed the bill, beginning with the question. "What inithunder are we here for? Why are we discusainr Fiti-John Porter ?" He held thafif iflwerehtdmitted that Gen. Porter had not been disloyal to his country, he had at least been disloyal to Gen Pope, and hence his conviction was deserved.: Mr. Bragg, of Wiscon sin, defended Porter and supported the bill. The speeches of these three gen tlemen consumed the day's session. At 4.45 p. m. the committee rose and the House adjourned. Tli. Crowa Jewels mt Franc. THI HISTORIC STONES TO BK SOU) FOR THE BXNSFIT Of AOKD WORKMEN. As heretofore stated the French cham ber of deputies has agreed that tha crown jewels should be sold to provide a fund for aged workmen. The approval of the senate is necessary before the sale al luded to above can be proceeded with A commission of jewelers and con noisseur of jewels; appointed to value the crown diamonds and to say- which, if any, - should be re tained, recommended that: a certain number of jewels or7 jeweled- objects should not 'be sold, and their advice is to be complied with, save in ; regard to the foreign decorations and the insignia of the Legion of Honor worn by Nap. leon III. "Those," says the; report on the subject, '-recall no historical souve nir." The gtrdlo in diamonds which the Empress Eugenie caused to be made on the model of the ode worn by Mile. Derval in "LBicheau Boisj" possesses less a historical than an anecdotal value. Three objects, instead of being sold in their present form, are first to be molted down. . Of these two are swords which belonged, one to the Dauphin," the other to Louis AVIIL The third of the ob those tax-payers and by the time all the j fait to be melted is the imperial crown We are now opening a fine; aseortnieni PWi jwd Istilli no wordl from; Mr, . -. ':l-flftHS( t ; TraVeler. Finally the house wired him f Laees of aU kinds, boughtm the r-IfJif- firl7r Li.,,i.i,fi.Mfi Muiit'' in W-Yr1f with .usr To which Mr. Traveler ro- v 6 m,-'. I ; l plUfdj 'Youts this date actietvedii Have 'Li'-' 1 -:iiUUfmde draft on you for &!0U at great 'bargains. Hamburg edgings ' land Insertings, Oriental Laces, Torchon, officers were: appointed for the adminis . . . . .r j. 1 - , . tration oi tnis scneme oi nenevoience and all the clerks appointed that would be necessary to investigate the accounts of the thirty-eight States and ien Terri- tones anectea Dy tne diu, it wouia ue found that the ta? per capita would be glO instead of ft3: If the United States i I -La 1val Aalla I . ... , i . 1- Am still I cru"wf w"w v! poieon in. never iounu nimseti in a p with' vnti " i I wvraeimuiwo iuu wu wi i 81tion to induce tne iope to assist m nis " . . J . : t a I. l I . mm ; J. '' ' I tne sweat oi vneir oruwi, iur. iuurgau The. fashion of allowing; any nam- could have more respect for them when ber of stray wisps of .hair io float away voting away the money of. one man to from the fcides of the once smooth aud educate the children of¬her. The made in- 1854 for the 1 corouatton which never took place. It is described as -'insignificant in workmanship and of doubtful taste." Its. value is more than doubtful, considered as a historical rulic. Pius IX., it will be remembered, htf I been counted upon to perform the cer monv for which it was made. But N. - Irish Trimmings, Pillow-case . laees m all grades. We are also opening some . ' ."' '' . '1m Mlhf-I eat bargains in Cassimeres at 2& eehtsj all wool, worth 60. Kentucky jeans at 21 cents, worth 35 cents. Choice prints . ! ' "-I r ! ' . ' :V iBlAil 'at 5 cents. Two quires note, paper for - - ', . ' ,; ,- i iiH&U f cents. Envelopes for 3 centei t k lead pencils 1 cent each' Pins 2 eents per paper. Needles 2 cents per tidy French twist is, sad tu, relate, ob the iicre4se the j "style" hiving even reached to inanV of the silver locked mothers in Ltrael, who wait abroad like so many gray-haired Ophelias, with heads j dishevelled, imagining them selves ' perhaps as fit and ' agreeable thenies' for poets and painters, wih their very unspiriiual-looking and far from tidy halos of straggling locks floating about the lower part of tne - bead and neck; s A more vmussy and uninter- paper. '200 yards machine cotton at 2 f cents per kspool. Best 4-4 brown i :tont at 6 cents per yard.. Call and see us and save your money. . VOLNEY PURSELL &:C05 y-- : ; ; ;;;f- G. T. JfAKKKT 8QUABE. Before you buy jour LlQXJOItS Tor family .or other use call and aamplaour itocaoi PURE .BRANDIES. 0 HVblaktea, Pott and Sherry Win, Black berry BiauUy. ke., &c We guarantee them pure and thai we will kU lar Wow the pricw attked in thu murku We sell thaw goJdi at W hoiesale and are compelled to keep -ample brril o( all kmtiHon tap and couaequeutly to kep lrui waU reUil them at Whole-ale-pricee ; '-;'fi eating' spectacle, however, than: a -dis hevelled "French-twist" it. is difficult to imagine.: But fashion Las decreed that this crumpled stylet: of coiffure shall : pass' muscer in- the first ranks: of society, and I so we see ba every hand the grotesque effects and absolutely disfiguring arrangements of my: lady's back hair. . Most of the; pres-: ent Idas in hair-dressing hare. much to commend them ,to ladies Of taste and sense. There are no stuffy: rats or puffy waterfall cushion, no great masses of false hair or heavy chatelaine braids to be looped up and pinned pl and the arbitrary following of any idne si vie fr au classes of face and feature u, happily almost a tradition. This. Hire : fear, u. hpwe'ver, the 'fact' s'mply because all these torturing bead gears are "nottasn ionable.' Flying locks are, and all the ultrafashionabie people just now appear every where looking as if they had either neglected "woman's crowning" glory" for a week past, or were on their way to lunatic asylums. -j-As to the laying of tile they should be nlaced bo as to get a ' gradual fall, f..r if few tiles sair or settle they will fill with dirt unto a level! with the rest, and so choke part of the sue of the tile, and if there ia quick sand or soft Bpots there, should be boards put under , the tile to hold them in place, and some au I) stance put on top to keep the drain fitlihff with Band: muck is best. P constitutional ground for the bill, Mr. Morgan continued, was said to be found : in the general welfare clause of the. preamble to the constitution. Sach . an application of that clause simply meant that you could pull down a:r: - " '! " . a man wno got up nis own exertions in order: to put up a drunken loafer who would not exert himself. Ine best peo ple; in the : United States today were those who in the; backwoods, in fear of God and-having respect for the good or der and morals of society, bad brought up around: their own hearthstones hon est, Binctre, diligent and faithful sons and daughters. Following, this line of argument Mr. Morgan spoke till 4.40 p. m., occasionally interrupted by Messrs Blair, Pall and: George. At that hour the Senate went into executive session, and when the doors- were re opened adjourned until Monday. HOt'BX. ' : Pone coronation. .The two' royal swords aiid the imperial Crown which was destined never to be used are. after the. atones have been taken out, to be melted and sold aS so much metal, The government does not, however. propose to sell the famous: "Regcut," which was acquired by the regent of Orleans, to whom it owes its name, for over $675,000. A story was told of the "Resent ' that it bad been: tlok-n by French deserter from the eye of the figure of Juggernaut, though according to another version, it was stolen, not from a god, Jbut from a slave who had found it in a mine, and was in tne oabito carrying it about ina wound which ho had made expressly lor its reception in onu Of his legs. ; This stone has the reputa tion of being the purest, if not the largest of famous diamonds. The. kings of France wore it in their crown. Napo leon, howeyer, carried it in the hilt of his sword. Had he not done so it would not for a time have been lost to France, as it in fact was when, at Waterloo, it fell into the hands of the Prussians. PRECAUTIONS rAUF.9 TO PJK EVENT THIS KLCl K KEXCEOF THE LONDON KIOTB. Apprltnioas In Blrmlngrnam fRJot. : . V . out Demoutttrationn. IjOndoK, Feb. 11. Six hundred police recruits have been engaged by the gov ernment: for' service . in Loudon. The new men will go on' duty at once, and while waiting? for their uniforms will wear plainclothes, with a distinguishing badge on the : lelt arm. The socialist Murray ,: who carried a red flag in Mon day's procession, has been arrested. vHc will be tried on a charge of inciting the mob at Hyde Park. The crown- awyers , have advised the government that conviction: can probably be obtained of the socialist leaders who took part in the mob proceedings Monday. Con viction would entail a sentence of two years penal servitude. A mass meeting of the unemployed of the southeastern part of London, called to assemble in Ueptford tonight, has been postponed until baturday. Birmingham, England, ieb 11. The police profess to entertain fears that a socialistic meeting which is to be held here Monday next will be attended with rioting.! lhey are taking all needful precautions. It is stated that Burns and Hyhdman, the London socialists ho managed the lrafalgar square meeting. Monday last, will epeak here Monday next, i A number of unemployed workniep paraded here today. Gan. HanrMk'f Fune?al. Washington, Feb. 11. The secretary of war and several prominent army offi cierswillgb to Philadelphia Saturday to receive the Remains of Gen. Hancock, and will accompany them to Norristown. A detachment ot artillery with guns has been ordered to proceed from Philadel phia to, Norristown to fire a military salute over Gen. Hancock's grave. These will be ? the only military ceremo nies on that eccasion, as the funeral is to be aprivate pne; New Vorh Cottoa Fatnrta. Nkw Vokk, Feb. 11. The Post says: Future deliveries opened at about yes terday a closing prices, declined 2 points and then advanced, February 5-10U, the balance of the list 7 to 8-100 Part of the advance was lost and at the third call prices ranged 3 to 4-100 beyond yesterday s closing quotations. Futures closed steady. : ; , A Nttamcr But ued but Iter rw SatVed. Nkw York, Feb. 11 The pilot boat Edward Cooper today brought in the captain and crew of the schooner G M. Nevina ifrom 1 Wilmington, N. U , for New York, with naval stores. :The st-amer was burned at sea yesterday tweiity-Buvcn iniles southeast of Barne- luoinaa B. llura dominated. I ' HI ' T , . ViiiLTON, vjis., reo. ii. in tne Democratic- congressional convention, held to nominate a candidate for the vacancy caused by the death of Con trressruan llnnkiu, State senator Thos . llurd was nominated on the 83d bal lot last evening. I CURRENCY. A GEM FROM TOE MIKADO. Vdait d froid 'lie PhlladelphU Call A merchant fame forth In the dawn of the day, MnginK "tsm owe: u, dui owei l dui owe! I can t It mi a doll tr iny xtore rent to pay. In my tUI, oh! my till, oh! my till, oh!" MabiItBr and art. ' To the editor of the New York Evening Postj:- ' Sir : In hard clay soils, subsoiling is not only of great value, in both wet and dry seasons, but in case of the latter it is necessary in order to obtain any crop in wet seasons it provides an es cape from excess of water, which fre quently injures the crop materially, causing scalding in corn and much soft corn. In dry seasons it loosens the earth to enable the roots of the crop to pene trate sufficiently deep to obtain mois ture. A FRIUHTFCL LONt or HOUSES. F. P. were The Miotic At tloa wf Over.Xealaew llremea. r 8t. Louis, Mo., February 11.-4? Mullis hvrry and sale stables burned at an t arly hour this morning. The fire i rigtnated in a hay loft, from some linlnowu cause,' and spread so rapidlyUhat it was well under way be fore the fire department arrived, h The employes of the'establishment who were at the scene at the time turned attention first to saving the horses, sixty-five in number, and had taken seven of them from the burning building when tvio po- . Q " -.V - f " In 1S53, and some years before and , " ' V116 nftn t n-nA - 'o, A( . suiywveai were tnieves ciuDbecL them " - wa marmot vmim 1 ; . f. , ., , ... upland and part richer bottoS land, t , IUCU8 0,"ty ana tnus uestroyed the oKnnt R& r 1 R.V7 .AA PJ chance of saving the stock. The . - "- "'v' i .- ce. t . i :. the first premium for the best cultivated. tcullu u y-eignt nowes were nurned, a , Mr Reed, of Maine, offered a reso- After the restoration it went back to lution modifying the order making the France, and that it might not a Fits John Porter bill -a continuing second time become the property of the special order from today until next Prussians it was conveyed, in ! 1870, Thursday; so as to provide that the bill when the capital was about to be m- shall hot be considered until; after the vested, from Paris to Tours and from second morning hour on each day. Tours to Bordeaux. It has has had Mr. Randall endeavored to have the 1 strange adventures, too, in 1 ranee order further amended so that the pie-I itself. Thus under the consulate and vious question should be ordered on the empire, it remained in the Tuesday instead of Thursday, but he possession of M. Vanderberghe, who was unsuccessful and Sir. fteed s reso- held it as a guarantee. Tor the repayment Never use straw. aiuck bog, or peet is the beat material to use first over the :lD ic tt,a viiur will Blbr through it. G-iOO-t-EIJEIS. keeping out all of the dirt, aud if mixed in with the dirt clear to the top pi ;tne ditch, all the better, as & will actj as a : manure, and pay I for : hauling, o say nothing aboui v the ditch. .Short suriaco uraius may be mad in. ulay soils by filling the ditches half full Uf muck, theu put on the clay. If our lrains are to be long ones, it will pay to sink a deep box in the centre of the ditch; put it dowu two feet below the tilej so the water will flow, at "on i one dide and out ft the ther. That will illow the dirt that comes down the tile ihnve to drop in the hot, and saves its ailing the tile below. The box should Ka ;,.a.ia nf irreen. durable lumber and imk bfiloW the reach of the plowi theu tlie caver inav be removed at any time (. ,. . 100 bbta Sugar, all grades. '.. & blU ot ire-h Alpi '. ! t& nciu ld Uoviniunt Jiv: Joe. li eattkM l'rtuie Laguayra, 18c. , . ' , to tmikM Vi Uue Mo : ! lr ' a. taclw SedUik Coffee. isr i'5 eack Mixed Laguay ra, Java and RiO M cae BrandJ- Feacoea. !u bwxea t;ir.at l 00. ' ' jtr -,. lUldwifl Apple- one galioa can S5c loo boxes W'iuner and B-auty Tobaoeo. 20 om SmokUig Xobaeoo. Vr'.. 8000 MagoolU llama lie . k.MAV Momiu. uriu. Hooiinr. si'- 'UDMtu. Superlative, and Orange Grove j J aaaai i-oHe-a at retau. ;;p, i i.X) eaueatinair,' ' -;'-'. . am lha 8nutl. Ail outer Uroctxiea. - i .. lution was adopted . ;Mr. Bingham, of Pennsylvania, asked leave to introduce a bill granting a pen sion of $2,000 per annum to the widow of Gen. W o. Uancock, put Mr. Ueach, of New York, objected. Mr. Wellborn, of Texas, from the committee on Indian affairs, reported the Indian appropriation! bill and it was reierred to the committee of the whole. In the second morning hour Mr, Adams, of llhnois, on behalf of the committee., on ; banxing and currency called up the bill to enable the national banking association to increase their capital stock and to change their names Or locations, me dui was criticised by Mr. Beaxsh, of New York,- because of its - F 1 1 excessive verbiage, ana Dy Messrs. Anderson, of Kansas Reagan, of Texas, and Weaver, of Iowa, ipon the general ground that it conferred; increased power upon the national banks. The bill was passed; yeas Vd, nays izu. jUr. Adams entered a motion to reconsider and to lay that motion on the .table, but the morning hour "having expired, final ac tion was not taken. Ine House at l o'clock went into committee of the whole on the Fits John Porter. The 1 debate was opened by Mr. llaynea, of New Hampshire,' in support of the bill Nothing new, he thought, could be brought forth in the disoussion. The same old evidence!, io often sifted, wu all (hat wm in the ease now. tfo of a state loan, and meanwhile lent it to his wife tolwcar at evening parties, re nlacing it in his strong box by an ex cellent imitation in chrystal, which: iS said on more than one occasion to have been exhibited as the original I to the authorities charged with the duty of visiting it. . C,ait AlMDt Ktniatcd. : IiONDO ., Feb. 11. Nooji Everything is quiet iu the metropolis this morning. Tradesmen have reopened their shops and business , is proceeding as usual. Considerable uneasiness,' however, is still felt lest there should bet further riotous demonstrations.! ' : EzGv. N'.uwl N eymewr'a Condition laprTtmaU Unci, Ni Y., Feb U.Ex-Gov. Seymour slept but little last night and his condition shows no improvement this morning. I ; . The flow- of milk from cows can be 'largely increased by the use :of Day's Horse powder. Mothers should act wisely! and stop dosing their babies with laudanum whilt teething. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup answers the purpose and is harmless. . fcverv woman that has once used Dr. Bull's Baltimore Fills will not be with out them. j nit neighbor stood by with a smile in hi eye, faying, "Uh foJLh merchant, why do you cryr rut an ad. in the N. & O. and the dollar will fly? M ' . AiJ will fill,' oh! your till, oh! your till, oh!" A Bloouiington employer said to his clerk: ' "You were absent yester day."; "Yes: had. to bury my grand mother. " 'f Don't let it occur again, sir -if it does, eat more cloves I .smell your secret." Bloomington Eye. "A'civil engineer, is he?" said Mrs Parvenue to her- daughter, who was telling of a gentleman who paid rher marked attention; "well, I'm glad he was polite, . but f don't want you to marry into a railroad family !" .New York Mul and Expresss. 'My dearf don't you intend to invite Mr. and Mrs. Green to your party?" asked Mr. filler, "Certainly not." "Why uot, pay dear? They are good friends of ours." "What if they are? I am going to invite Wr.and Mrs. Ur own. "Well, can't you invite the Greens, too?' "Why, John Biller, you -, appal me with your shocking taste Brown and Green in my parlors togethei! Why, next you'll be asking me to wear bluo and fellow. 1 declare, you men have no idea of harmony." New York bun. ; . "I see 'that Greece refuses to comply wita the demand of. the European powers to disarm, she says she wil faght " "Ycx, I noticed that," replied Mr. BttlL "What efft-ct do you think . . T 11 t . . .1 . . . tuac win nave on tne market, Mr Bull?" "It will send prices up boom ing. i Ycfu feee, a war iu Europe is sure to create a demand there for our pro ducts. ; "ijut nora on! Mere another report that says Greece ha ? t . t .-a i promised te aisarm. "Ah, well so much the better. If they don't have war to kill the people off there will be so many more of them to demand our products, and the bigger, the demand! the higher- the prices, of course." Chicago News. ; Judge fjorn, of Illinois,' has been ap pointed to the supreme bench of Wyom ing.: The com-juice which he prepares in the shape of judicial decisions will hardly hardly be conrjuioive to temper ance refonp. managed, and productive farm of all the competitors that year, by Jthe Franklin: county agricultural society (Uhio). In the spring of lood 1 purchased a Steel plough (steel mould-board and chilled iron point) and sent the same to my tenant, with directions to plough a field of the upland of eight acres seven inches deep and sow in oats. Visiting the farm when the ploughing was: nearly com pleted, I found he bad only ploughed to the depth of four inches, by reason of the soil below being so hard that! the plough would go no deeper. He sowed that held in oats, and it bemg a good season, reaped a fair crop.;- In the fall I sent him a subsoil plough with, mv home hired man and carriage horses. He ploughed up the four inches, and my team followed, loosening three inches more. Next spring (1854) I again sent out my team and subsoil plough, and! the fine plough turned up the seven inches while the subsoil plough loosened three inches more that field and one on the bottom land, were planted in corn, and the season proved the: driest season within my knowledge. In the fall (1854) there was harvested on that. up-! land field so subsoiled forty-five bushels of shelled corn to the acre, and ! thirty-! seven bushels in the botton land. That subsoil plough was of iron, but I per-; suaded one Mr. John L. Gill, the owner of a foundry and an agricultual store,1 to make steel subsoil ploughs, and used one here eight years with great benefit to my crops. ; - j Professor Liebig, in his work on agricultural chemistry, says that in 4,000. pounds of .stable manure : rotted in the usual way there was only : 40U pounds of real manure, the rest being worthless, the ammonia (the real man ure) having escaped with a bad odor in the atmosphere, and that the application of land piaster when the manure: was fresh each time the stable was cleansed would fix the ammonia into the: manure heap and retain the fertilizing, qualities and prevent the offensive odors M Lime will also combine with the ammonia and destroy the odor, but will form a gas which - will escape( and the fertilising qualities 'will be lost. Plaster has no fertilizing qualities in itself. Its value consists in its power to attract the am- I monia from the atmosphere and the soil and convey it to the plant. v It nas. therefore been said that "plaster en riches the father and impoverishes the son." To the extent of its attraction of the ammonia from the soil this say ing is true, as the abstraction of the fertilizing qualities from the soil into the crops without the aid of plaster, tends to impoverish the land. , j ' ' Professor Liebig. further accounts - for tbo fertilizing of the soil by clover turn ed in. He says clover has the capacity of abstracting sixteen times as much am monia from the air as any other crop, and takes sixteen times less from,, the m a it- f. . r 1 sou. xnereiore cioveri. wen covereu with plaster, with its aid, holds an im mense amount of fertility, and plough ed into the soil is a cheap and very valuable fertilizer. Deep ploughing, fin tillage, and frequent change of crops have been said to be the: three great se cret of farming successfully. To these must be added perfect drainage : and, a conservative use of all manure made On io death. 1 he Successor , to Gen. Hancock will be Major-General John M. Schofield.l There were three major-generals ranking; next to Lieu tenant-General Sheridan Gen. Hancock, Gen. Schofield and Gen.l John Pope. Gen. Schofield was, born in New York. He is a graduate of West Point, which he entered July 1J 1849. j He was March 1, 18U5, breveted! a major-general, and received l ii com mission as major March 4, 1869. ! Tfeer la Kwtfainjr Surprising in the fact that Benson' Capclne Piasters are widely imitated; the heap and warthlen posters with name of aimil tr sound and simi lar appearance in typ-, are ireelv o ffened for sale. Article of great and original, merit always hve to compete with traxhv Imitations, But as lhey become known tbey aid oiit through deserved i eglct. Meanwhile we warn the public against the to-called Opei cum," fCapsiciu," ' Capucin" and HJapsK tine" p!aster, ; whether Benton's".:: "Bur onV or otherwise. They have no medicinal or curative virtues whaUver, and are Bade to sell on the reputation of Benson's. Wheq purchasing ak for Benson's. Deal with respec taMc'droeaisU only, and you cannot be de ceived. The genuine has the "Three Seals"! trademark on-the cloth and the word; "Can- cine - cut in me centre. ; Genl Hancock's Saturday morning. funeral takes!, place is known everywhere, 1 and well merits its reputation as the 4)1 People's lleme! dy," and "Universal. Pain Destrbver.'f For over forty years this, great vegeta ble compound has proved its, emcacyi and never failed to do its duty; when brought into use. It has wo its greatest renown as a subduer ot all pains and inf flammations, and should be in ! every household. Pond's Extract cures Sore Throat, ; Quinsy, Inflamed Tonsils:, it !i ' "W Wl .F y ounas, uruises, j'lies, uatarrn, eto, ' Ghieago Knights of Labor are largely engaged in the boycott business.: r I Mlcttttti ro4l v In th stomach develops an aeld which stings the upper part of the throat and palate, raus- Inflf MtiMThiirn'L' It aIba va1wm a m whl41 produoea '-wind on the stomach,." ani a feel' ' in and appearance of distension la that organ , after eating. For both thisacidity 4ml swell-ins- Hoatetter's Stoma. U Bitters i a roach bet- r remedy than alkaMnj atlta, like hart'horn and carbonate of eda. ' A wineglasafulof the Bitter after or before dinner wi l be lound to act a a realiabie einninative or prrventlve. Thi $ne speifie for dyipepsia, both in ita acnte and cbronte form, lo prevehta and cures malarial fejer, cunt-tipa'ion, liver com plaint, kidney tronbiea, ncrvouaaess and de bility. Persons who observe in tbrmaelvea a decline of vigor should use Ik's fine tonic without delay. i John L. Sullivan hf s challenged Pad dy Ryan. -;:.'. .: j Advlra Msthan. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Srrup should aw way be used when children are euttiiig teeth. It relierei the little sufferer at onoe, it pro duces natura, quiet sleep by rlinring the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes at "bright as a button." It is very pleasant, to' taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, allay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and is the beet known remedy for diarrtaMu whether rfcing from teething or otbr cause. NtT-lI eau j: the farm. Gladstone (to Mrs. Wcttin)--,You sent for mc, I believe, ma'amf" Mrs. Wettin "Yes, I did. Here is! the key of the pantry, but don't let those bad Irish boys have any pe." Pittsburg (Jhromcle. ii is No pain remains where- the affected part is rubbed with St. Jacobs Oil. The first knowledge of the use of earth closets, according Ito Prescott 'His tory of Peru,' was by the Incas in ah r around Cusco, the capital, in .conie quence of ihe great fertility of 'the soil where used, come hfteen years since 1 learned that they were coming ih to gen-! eral use in Europe on account of the disinsection of the excreta, using the contents for fertilizing land, as the earth thrown on the deposits immediately con fined all fertility, rendering the manure very rich, one load thereof beitig worth more than three or four of stable man ure rotted in the usual way. ; I have used such closets thirteen years, and find them free from unpleasant 'odors and the contents valuable as fertilizers. I notice the State board of health have required all closets of that, character ; to be used near Hemlock Lake, from whence the drinking water of the city of Rochester is taken, to 1 prevent the pollution of the water of the lake. They - should be adopted in all cities, villages, and farms, ! hotb for sanitary reasons and for fertilizing. Further, the garbage of all cities con tains much fertility. If cemented re servoirs were constructed in the neigh borhood of the cities, using, say, Port land cement, which will stand the ef fects of winter, and Dlaster applied Ton each removal, a manure would be created of more value than all ; the cost of removal, etc. We do uotneed toj go to the expense of importing guano or other fertilizers if we will only save bur own by pioper management. ; : - : S. B bcsb. j H Canamdaigca, Ni Y. Deoeimber If. ', t. i'l ' Why is a winter storm like a child with a bad cold V It blow jit snows (it blows its nose.) Cure it with Tay lor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. j : ' ; mm " - qaKK it wan UT vltwT anowa una. St.?. I . -a r-ii Rheumatism. KaeTmlsia. peex. grnwea, CDU, Lmr.ba. Bwninfcrs, Si fHirna, ncauaa. co, i iearlCT, Bona, Vrmt-bitt, ScioUom. WotlH(!a. Haadacha.ii looTiHtrim. nrnoia. no. met "SScUl a bo. -a. Bold br all MC$DimeetatS' Cautlon-Tba gear tlrM' oine ticUvation Oil beam nu P-a!m1! sfrr.atu-a. A. O. Krver at Cu, Seas noonnan. Dojumuaa, aia., u. -i no crime rrnau uni uvbh vuuwu wiuwrt For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis; Whooping Conrh, Incipient Con sumption, and for 'the rtiicf of con snmptrve persons la advice etgea of tha Disease. For Sale tj tvi l.Bg gista. Price, 2S cents. '; ! SMOKE KRAMER'S CENT PUG KOKS BETTER m the mnHket. Mida of Be'ectad leaf and eaanol ba excelled. Samnel Kramer fiSCo DURHAM. N. a t 11 i 1 1 - ' -El