. ; -Y :y- . Bv. a t. 1 ::4 i i i ? . s-v i i -:- m if- tis-y 2 " 1 i :T s u H 1 ;S e: . f rt -' ! if Ayr I- .1:1 S A'- : i -. tr.-zj-.t.' 1 News and Observer. PqbushkdDailt (ezostt MonAt) aho ' WgEXlT. By The News and Observer Co. Dally na year, mail alxsnaatha, " il, postpaid f7 00 S BO ' three - " 174 Weekly, one T. " 44 100 . stx months t 00 No nam entered without payment, and no neper semjsfter the expiration of time paid FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1886.; Tpi milder weather will piit he ploughs into the ground and with hard work a more cheerful spirit will prevail and the outlook will become better, Let us loohftihe hard times squarely in the face, and the more discouraged, we feel the more diligently apply ourselves to pur calling. Industry, economy and care will wo'k out success for all of us in the end. Nothing is more depressing than idleness. i : i m m Ma. William Do&shmmbk, who has been fori tome time district attorney! for the southern district of New York and editor olf the Star, a most excellent met-, ropolitan democratic, daily, has resigned . his office) in order to apply himself ex clusively to his duties as editor. . Hi 1 does well. No man can satisfactorily to - himself serve two such jealous mistresses - as.the law and journalism, and in choos-i ing the latter, Mr. Doraheimer has taken the better part, for, viewed in its true light," there can be' no loftier secular calling than that of the journalist, none; with greater power for good or evil and nolle therefore of greater responsibility " ' ' '! 1 m -;' J Elsxwhzrx we print the valuable ex perience; of a New York farmer in the matter ef sub-soiling and the making and application of manures. ' Under the changed agricultural conditions we hare 1 now to meet, we must adopt to a greater extent than ever before Northern meth ods. Intensive farming must bo our ' object, as .a rule, and whatever bears thereon should be studied with care and applied as fir as possible. "Little farms well tilled" are what wo want now, rather than the great plantations of the old system. These latter no longer laugh back harvests for the mere scratch ing of their surfaces. , i -- , , m ; y .Qumj seems to have settled down . upon Seattle and we hope it will stay there , now indefinitely! The Chinese hare concluded to seek a cooler clime and thus remove the casus belli. Where ; are the jpoor creatures to go, though t ' The whole West is as much down upon ,- them as Seattle, though lees violently so. Thej'r will .have to make up their - minds to the faet that the whole country is unhealthy for them, though the law. v should protect them from outrage as it does all others who eome under its op 'y eration and they will hare to return V - that empire of. theirs which they para doxicallv call celestial though it is upon the earth, and stay there. -. Jaco 8HAapt whV built the surface i railroad! ptt Broadway in spite of the r most determined opposition, is now up ; in New ( York for examination, charged 1 " with getting his franchise by the whole . sale oriberj of aldermen. Strange to i say, hejhas forgetten all about the whole matter if the franchise,' doesn't remem: ber how he disbursed a fund of a million ! dollars bpent to secure it, kept no books - or aoeounti qr memoranda or, an y kind, ' and all that ort of thing, Which is a .peculiarly sharp trick, . but having been tried before mav not avail to get Mr. ' Sharp lout pff the clutches of certain. sharp Uwyers Wbb have been employed to prosecute him. Chief among these is Mr. Roscoe Conkling, who was sharp , enough; to quit tho leading place he held in thei Republican party before the , downfall of that party, and who may therefore reasonably be supposed to be ; sharp enough, to deal 1 successfully even L with Jake Sharp. ( ? Thb j New York World announced , with confidence that Attorney-General Garland would certainly resign his place in the cabinet, being moved thereto by conskUrations urged by the President; w ho. strongly disapproved of his cenneo t UbnTvwith the Pan-Electric telephone , company, but it appears uowf upon bW ter authority than the World, that the Attorney-General has not tendered bU resignation to the President, and that the President has never intimated that his resignation was desired. Wethought as much. The .World's seal m behalf of " the Bell monopoly, some 'people say, has outrun its discretion and led it "T into the most unfortunate misstatements and insinuations of corruption against officials known of all to be above hub- picionj and; as "clear fices"! as the lieht in their great'of- of day. Still Mr. Garland would do well to throw awaj his Pan-Electric stock. "i i- : , I J 1 ' .t'i j.ii'H : Wcwks are coming to the front ambng- tne strikers in the Pennsyl rami eokt- regions. A Bridgeport, it is reported, a mob of Hungarian amosons caugjit a man loading coke. They made a rush . for hiiiii, armed with clubs, and tho'maii' took refuge in a shaft. The . women then surrounded 1 the engineer at the shaft and compelled him to bring the fugitive to the surface. When ' the lati ter appeared the women seised him and compelled him to kneel in the street and take an oath to do no more work until his striking brethren accompanied him At Bessemer also a striker, arrested for stealing pillars fr6i$amine was resouod , from j an officer by women. There is little, pro spect by the way of an end to the troubles of these eokers. The coke , syndicate has ordered a general shut down until the strike shall hare ended and the strikers sajr they ean hold out ' as Uwf as the operatives ho ftp wil ing to work at the rates offered. Mean time, though, consider the distress that is likely to result from this complication. Uo.w many innocent people will have to suffer because of , the failure of labor and capital in this instance to come to terms! tlow much easier it in always to reach an adjustment through whatever mutual concessions may be necessary! ' . OrR FWM AXDOVaPEOPLF. . There; are about a hundred papers printed in this State, nearly every one of which is edited by a No-th Carolinian.: Theue editors proudly claim it as a part .of their inheritance that their father's weie the freest,: bravest, most fearless and most ' independent ' men who ever Walked upright on the face of this green earth. No one would stand in the pres ence of one of those editors and say that he lacked independence ; that he d)d not postK'Sii that bold Aorth; (jarolina-'upjnt Which has iualized North Carolina's action from" tho reniotoBt period of her history.; -If any one. should dare to do such f thing we think he would straight way be enlightened . And these North Carolina editors are onlv samples of our North Caroluia men. To charge that there is a want of; independence in the action '. of, either, the editors or the other men of the State is to defame our people without cause, i When one says that there is beed of liberty of speech hee in North Carolim, he only exposes himself. 'MIeV misunderstands the facte and does not know the people. j ; !it)ur people are Idenied by nature the material ; advantages that some: other communities enjoy ; we do not possess vast industries,; wealth. Urge cities or those literary circles which are fostered and maintained in large cities by great wealth ; but wo . have a freedom of thought and of aefion born of our iso lated country life which is our dearest jewel, and which we treasure as 'a most precious heritage. Were we bereft of that we would.be poor indeed. : - Klskwukrs we print the views of Gen. Cox, our representative .in Congress, on tho; subject of civil service reform, as given to a reporter of the Brooklyn Union. It is a lucid 'statement of ; the position, held by : our democratic Presi dent and generally by the democratic party J of. the ; land. If may be re garded as expressing the views of. the democrats in Congress since Gen. Cdx i the chairman of the importaijt com mittee.on civil service! reform and my reaaonaoiy oe supposed tneretoro to view the matter of which he speaks as does speaker ' Carlisle who appointed him to 'his : chairmanship and -as Mr. Morrison. Mr. Randall and other demo cratic leaders; of the ;. House do. It is the, view of the y 'administration demo crat,'; as Gen. Cox calls himself and we take it that every sound democrat is an administration democrat in so far at least as 5. supporting; the President rejhave chosen in ' the application of democratic principles to the conduct of public' af fairs, r The civil service reform law is a demoeratic measure and in its principle uxigait ueyuuu i uuuut. xt is, . now evtr, Imperfect, as all tentative laws are, neeessarilyvi since human wisdom itself fall so; far short of - perfection and I it therefore needs revision, amendment and better adaptation to its- purpose. It has been misapplied; too, under repub lican ! auspices and this etror must be corrected, When it spirit is thus eir tied out as well 'as its letter it will com mend itself to the judgment of .'alt good d imocrats, we are sure, as it does now jto those who study its provisions carefully, seek its real intent and are led tbui to view it as our President does.- I Let the Jaw.be' so amended, say we, as to per mit the entry into the civil service' of t and capable and honest persons only, tit lot it not be: repealed Let the good, Old fashioned Democratic test - be f ap plied to all who wish f m serve! the peo ple, but lcus take no step backward In the matter of ridding the departments at Washington and Mhe fojpc6aei throughout .the . country affected by the itivil service reform law of the. evil of personal i favoritism, f whieh made them Ubdet; Republican administrations very hot bods of corruption. i i ; jg ; s ; - s - :j - ' j ; f -: . r SiNATOHSnxBXAHsays: "There ought to be no; secrets- whatever in this gov eminent of ours; it is a government of the people; there is ho rule or provision for keeping secrets,' and Senator Sher juan .says truly, but .how does it happen L that he has just found this out? f The. people have understood it all alongf but the republican majority, in the Senate, of which Mr. Sherman is the recognised leader, has either shut its own eyes to the fact or nattered itself that' the public Could not see it. Even now it seeks to apply die principle to the President pnly, rejecting it so far as itself; is con cerned. The antiquated rule "by which everything relating to executive ! an pointmentd, except the bare fact of their eonhnuanon or rejection, is kept ii i proiuuna secret, is of : the Senate's own making, The public de )auudsthe abrogationof-the rule as out of hArmony with the spirit of this gov ernment br'.the people, by the. people, for the people and our democratic 1 resi dent ;hus at least intimated that when the republican eeuate shall he ready to apply tw its deliberations the priiictpie Of pblicity which-it requires of hiu-, hj will be ready to furnish it htCf all tho iLforiuation at his disposal Cer tainly tho republican 'Senators cauiot consistently, demand of thtf President what thay are. not willing to do them selves. ; Having publicly stated a great trujh Mr. Sherman is expected to induce his fellow republican Senators to put it in practice themselves and so to prevent the rare spectacle of., the republican party following a true1 principle of popu lar government. We fear such fcipecta tipu U altogether too greatj however to be realised this side the milleniuinJ ; j ; ; 'Ai UDMBitaof newspapers: recently made air. Tilden celebrate his 179th bjrthday. but tho old gentleman himself to Explain that he hi j but 72, and that he is moreover in bettor ; physical condition than (or some 'time past. It thing like; this before. ; Whatever Mr, Tilden 's see mav be. however, there is no questioning the soundness of his po litical views as a democrat, and as a patriotic citixen of the republic. ' - -. -Civil Mcrvlr Berrm. Brooklyn Union. i ' j Gen. Cox aid: I "Theire i nmnh n era! misrepresentation and prejuHice in regara to wnat is Known as the cif ll sep vipe law, which is simply an act fto pat into enect tne ola Jenersoman doctrine of honestv and canaeitv for nuhlinkrust This misrepresentation arises from the employment or wnat it is insisted are impracticable scholostio tests foriadmis- :. i a. bivu iuw WD Dcrvive, iiu iuu ruie in re gard to the age of .applicants. It should ever be borne in mind that the law Anea hot prescribe these qualifications, but . r i i i . t . . exprestuy aeciares tnat. sucn examina- A ? 1111 ' . ?1 . uons snail dc practical as may be and huch as will test 'the fitness of the nerson for the service ho seeks to enter, and it is 'silent as to age. To repudiate the law lor the manner ot its administration is as unreasonable as to condemn a stat ute because vou find fault with the judge. ..' ; ; "The time at which the law was en acted aroused the apprehensions, if not prejuuices, or many democrats, trom which I plead no exemption, and pre eonceived Opinions are most difficult to combat.; This is exen-pljfied even among enlightened members of the bar, where, as a rule, the old members will cling to toe most crude and obsolete precedents, from which thev are onlv euianrinAtd . , . f by the new and tigorous blood of their L . TI . ,' . m. ... . inniora..: nwn nnrrips .rr ntfn rtiannuH to linger in old ruts and cling to use less theories until dispossessed by those who present living reforms and vital issues, , "Many members of the now domin ant party fear that this law may prevent them from obtaining that equitable dis tribution of the offices to which it is en titled and demand its absolute rpnnl 'which would be like One -who! should take bis, own life because, forsooth, he was disaDnointed in some lnvo affair LEvery reflecting; man at all familiar with xne aouses oi tne lormcr system will concede that the Dumdsc of the! law: in eood. ' Then whv not amend instead of I . ft Ml f . rrepeaiing it : This law does not pre vent toe dominant party from getting its full quota of offices, but it does pre vent individual members froml friminr their favorites into the classified service. it provides a test of merit and not poli- cai iqtrigue among , party friends. ; 1, as a Democrat, believe that parties are indispdpsable to a wholesome , admin istration of public affairs. "When the people invite a party to Burrendea the reins of power to another, the chiefs of every bureau, at least, should .be in seoord with the admin istration, to secure a full and - fair in vestigation and exposure of abuses which may exist, and that people may know that nothing is held back, noth ing concealed. I ; 'Thja law does not prevent the Presi dent from malting all such changes aa h may think proper. 1 would be uncon- muouai ii u aia. inere are OTer wu.wu offices to which this law does not apply, and which may be filled as heretofore. These embrace all the; local offices, such as postmasters, f route: agents, etc., and the higher and lower positions at Wash ington;, There are about 14,0f)0 clerk ships at Washington, New York and other important points to which the law applies, and the Democrats will get a due pro nortion of thesA. Thi law Will nn keep fthe rasca?s in,'f of whatever class they may be, and I would repudiate it if it did. ! v i ; "Again, the law does not prevent the President from removing any officer, whether he comes under the civil service laws or otherwise. "Both Parties have time and train gone before the country as advocates of uuuic civil Bvrvicu rewrm, ana u mis is not such it behooves us to endeavor to make it so, which ,cannot be done by repealing the law. Governor Tilden, in his letter of acceDtance. earneatlv and forcibly denounced the mercenary traffic -BP 1 . 1 . ' . - in omces, aua snowed tne necessity for some reform.. ; So did President Cleve land, whose election' is believed to be' largely due to his convictions on the "As an administration Democrat it, is my Durnose to sustain the President in giving this law a fair trial, nd by jivpyr irgisiauuu vwvering suco ueiects in it as such i trial mav disclose. I should - as soon think of desei tine a friend whom I had led into battle aa tn hinder one who is endeavoring to fulfil my political pieages, . 'The civil Sservice commicafnii ! fn aid, not control, the President in mak ing-proper selections for clerical duties. Tt has hfipn iKnnrl romntlv tAniifi to the vie us of the dominant party. I . ft . vwuh.. imillVilU win not embarrass but aid it' and too President in all orober effortato mi - - . - and elevate the public sCrvice,for the mora -' -1-1. j - ' ... capauie ana emcienv are tne public ser vants the lightef will be the burdens of .1 .. me tax-payers, nut tew, at most, ean obtain public positions, and the govern- mean must oe aoministesed for the bene fit of the people and not a favored offi cial class. . - j "Ko one claims that this law is per feet.;? It would be ; singular; if such . i tentative measure should be, ; It needs amendment perhaps important amend ments, and ; they I will doubtless be made. )' ' , "Its repeal, however, is impossible, md ; a serious attempt now looking to such an aoconiDlishlnent would result in division, if not dieuster.'to the party at tempting it. i t or the people are not for getful of the; flagrant abuses practiced under tho Bpoila system df the Kepubli caa party." j ; l .' ! The arrest of a suspicious character upon his general appearance; movements or -companionship, without waiting until he has robbed a traveler, flredja. house, r murdered a fellow-man. iaanimpor Ut function of a shrewd.detrctive. Even more important is the arrest of a disease which, if not checked, will iblight and destroy a Janman life. The frequent cough, loss pf appetite, general languor or debility pallid skin-, 4nd bodily aches and paias, aonovnoe thdappaoaoh of pulnionory consumption, t whieh is promptly arrested ind permanentlj eur ed by Dr, Pierot "Qolden J&dimJ A rtmm PcrfonB at PitI VlmU Statesville Landmark. It happened, according to the teati uiony, near Renshaw's ford, in Rowan. A person who was a revenue officer, under the last administration but who had been bowed out of office, encounter ed a wagoner on the road and demanded that he stop and, submit to have his wagon searched. The driver stopped, whipped out his revolver and told the fellow to drop right down and pray. The victim is known as a fluent cUsserj but he has no reputation as a leader in public prayer, lie flopped dov n, never theless, and did his best. The z uer; made him pray loud enough for the neighbors to hear him, and Kept him at it until he had about made up for all the time he had lost from devotional exercises Bince childhood. Thn he made him tret up and search the wagon, and after allowing him te drop over the hind gate, he put up his gun and drove on. It was a clear case of the joker joked or of going after wool and corn ing back shorn. . or Itrat t Atttlt, James Robinson, trainer Athletes of at Harvard and Princeton Colleges, writes from Princeton, Jan. 24, 1885: 'For cuts, bruises, strains, rheumatism and colds, I always use Allcock's Po rous; Plasters for myself and pupils. Never have known them to fail in over one hundred cases. They strengthen the muscles and give instaut relief. They are the only external remedy used by our athletes." -Let us hope Gladstone's backbone will staqd the. strain. mi 1 tw - THE GREATfi E 7 Chr DAIMea i Of rHIN m w a Hill at itKUdoim vb dkaliie thh omin a. Tocawa coap at, baltuork, mbT TRADE -V rv3 Qpimtet, Atactica mTWmh. ,251 PROIVi. catai mtm ptarAMT. HiLTiaoaa, aa. A. JJ-OOIST 1KD DKAMFIM. ARR 8TTLT, TRIUMPHANT. tor fifteen yearn they have tedlir cained Tha Oi nii.lif. t. . i . -! . . j ' ' " "'uk-uo wear iwatg u miu n n rnae witn JLXtra preteVrei: " T.Wam n2 wrd tTom u the World's mat tain. The la nu1.1 -.l..! . m J &Vt trom the late Exposition hU a Walla ' imiw k.1 vk ..L . wortnleaa, the pruMuples ef the GloveJlttimr fietahara - XAUatsOST, LAKQDON A QO ' i'.--'. Sew York., Best Fertilizer in the' World. j LIME 17.00 per ton Y. 0. B. in 200 lb sacks, ; f 1.00 per parrel. ' Bnrnlng eyater abclla day and night. ; ; Liberal d acount for large ordanii ' ; riace your orders earlj and secure the ftrt : " i sbipmenta. - ; . NEW BERNE LIME KILNS AV1LLIAKS A HEERING, jJew Kerne, N, a Tbm hivlcb Rid. J Jingle, I ingle, jingle, ; Hw nurrily we go, i i 81uiug In the cozy deign j "! . Over the lovely snow, i Fred, sit close beside me ; : Whimpering ia uiy ear, Ob, he looks ao baadwma,; . And be to M very dear. ; j 9. :l May alts in front with Tos ; Both full of fun and Joke, She vowaeue'U take therein! and driT, lie vows he'll take a smoke. ; How Haey" Fred's new suit is, I wonder if ha knows i That brown is ao becoming, ("Kitty, you're sweet asany rose") HU bat ig real "nobby," ! ) Uia gloves fit tn a T, ilia cravat is simply perliet. un snot au tncy Bhouia pe Mary and 'torn can't har me, I'll whisper very low Fmidyr' "Yes, my darling, "fray why do you look ao Bo very well I oday. ' J . j 1 Never aowellbef oi i ' I ! Why, it's an this slashiafaew suit Kight from B B. Andrews Co. Mojul. Always purebaa your' ilothing at I R. B. i ANliRikWS & CO. 'S Ppriug.Cloih&rJ. Bats" Ind1 oesUahr nrri ving. s NEW OOOD3.fr IaATESI 1 sTx IaEo, LOWEST PJ1ICJS.' I mark. a,; r 3 ;;' Faet Aaait iwiilakar. It la fact, that, by eminent prafMSioaal authority, it ie etbiL-hel t ttiat Whiakay la a iediein ; UatW aU Medical Col ba it b taught that alaonoi la a prima faetar in practice; that there ia not a MofplUL Curative IrKtitirtioii or Infirm ary in ttie country, in! which wbiaky Is not eaaployed in the treatment of diaeaae ; tl.at uioe-tantha of all the Physicians of the country preicribe whiskey in tLeir practice; that ataiistiea will tnuw :w.. ona-dxth of aU'. liquors conatimed in the country are (11pfa4 by Drimgista or Phjaklans; that nearly all the whUkey canamuad, until.7 av; recent parlod. haa contahied poisonona lagredtenta. Mich aa fnael oil, vitriol, catechu, etc., a is shown by amlysea In au01c4nt qoaatltiea to poi aou the system; that I be raUl doaa of fnarl oil, ia stated by Kahutaau U ba L4 to 1 tt drains; that ihwnaands to-day ara anfforiug from so-called diseases, wboaa blood Is vl tin ted and lmporertahed by the poisuna of Impora Ikraors, manifested in bloat, blear-eyes, bursting veins, Inlam mations and manias uloers; that the canae of Dyspepsia or Indigestion u a waakanad atomach, and tha.t the only thiag that will stretif tbeu Its functions ia a sMmulaut, and that stimulant will cura; that in r 11 Malarial DU-tricU the iahab . itaats depend entirely for exemption from the oiaonoua icflneuce upon whlske-r; that the oaly cure for Conumpllon has been proven to bt pare whiskey: tiiat dlnMog iished cbemiats have d I co T rd that tuere is no food value to Beef Tea; thai, distinguished ehamista have dl corared that Cod, Lirer Oil does not feed tho tissues, but forms degeuerated fat; thai the only aura aad abiding- strength which Old Age receives ia a medical treat meat with pn re whiskey; that woman, fro as the peculiar character of their or ganism, treqnantly eed pnra (whiskey stlmnlunt, and with them ft ta indlspena Ible; that the eanse of Habitual DrnnJcen nraa or Inebriety ta tha poiaon In tha aya tem from impure liquors causing; aa un conquerable ctaTlng. th same as that f op: ota or nicotine; that tor years whiskey, owiatr to iu relation to and aAeaslva use In Medical Practice, has been the subject of thorough analysis by cientlst. cham istsv droggista and doc torn to ,diacover a process te extract tha fusel oil; that this prooeas has posltlTely been discovered by Tha Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., aud that tb"U- Duffy's pure nialt whiskey hi tha only 4solutely pore and nnk 'ultaratad in tha market to-day; that It h,m bean an alysed by the bioa eminent wv ntista and chcanlsta of the world, and not -i trace of fuddl oil.or other poison.can l e found tail EXTRA CHOICE CANNLO GOODS. THIS sxasoh's PACKING. Now is the time to lay in a supply. W. C. &A- B. STROWCH. WH0LK8ALB AND UTAH, .O-'B DO EE, S. - Offer, as in everything else in their line, the Finest Stock of Extra Choice CANNED GOODS In the State Our Owl Brand Tomatoes, 8 lb cans f 1.50 doz ; IA AtntAt Penh Otir Indian Queen Corn, lb cans tl.75 doz.; Oa nuk. Ilurford Co. Green beal Corn, 3 lb cana $1.90 .a i B. A B. Oreen Cora, f f 1.25 per doz, HarlvJlnnn Onan Taaa MfurowUt Green ; Poas,, 20c can, i dozen. tm i uia r rencn x'eaa zoc can; ' iris Extra Aiparagus 50c can. Oyster Bay iiwajjui can. doiui jaoirs Aa ; paragus 30c can. V unco's Strlngleas Beans, ?1 doz: 10c can Thurber'a Baldwin Tomatoes and . Windham Corn, FINESt PACKED. Wo InvitA MftM-ial i untln Vh fft All afi saw t Tomatoes and Iodiaui Quen Com. u the finest to jus oi ujeix sua pacaea. TUurber's Extra Choiee Canned Fruits in Aeaw Svfuua. neadv fnru, Wnite and Yellow Peaches, California BarU l a 1 a !: . wa-n n. ict. i cars, Apnoota, wuie cnerries, Orange Quinces, 3 lb cans 40; .were 60c California ' BartleU , Peara, Poa hea, White jw,rier, a tu cans aoc; were 40c lUspberriea, Blackberries, Quinces, WbiU and i. tied Cherries, 1 lb cans 25c; were 35c, These goodr area little higher in prices than cvuiiuutt urauiua, uui uM3 amereace in quiuty auu iiuankuy nwra wan msae up tne diner enee iaiaice OU) DOMINION PICKLES. Home-made; no add, 1 no copperas mixed Pickles and (mall Cucumbers 7fte gal.. -Stuffed Mangoes and a utumn Clus : Urlr. a-laaa: Tkurber's Preeerved Strawbenlea lb ran Johnaoa'i Bahama laiand Whole Pine Apples anu uuavas auc can; were sue Kumaen's Bartlett Peara, i lb cana 16c :Kimuen'a Clinner Pnm. a lh i-anm ta t- Thurber'a Genuine ngl&h Plum Pudding-, 1 IhSfla. 4 lh MW 3 lh 7. ; Beat In mind Muf ail goocU told by as are giminCT3u as rereaenieu. i STANDARD beands Canned Veimtahlna and Vmlb finHA Canned Meats, Fish, te at Lowest Prices, -V SJ-I ISSJSJJSJ aUia IHWfa. mow I BUSBEE'S .VORTH tiaoLim JUSTICE -AUD FORM BOOK. ' ! . i . . . i i saaaaaaaa Third Edition. Revised and E nlartei Thia la the hmat hnnV t ' Ul. I nnouanea ana contains nntm ni - v, mm U1U ITUI wnd every form which can be- needed ia tht umaniiw inctm ui uua esale, Xhr- umm vim i s 500 And eontalna aa mimh mitiar l . w.1 nicuna m any Mve Dollar (Book ever hwueol um oiaw, u ia oanaaomeiy pruuea, bound I www man. ia sent oj mau prepaid ler O JML fi- $2.50. !No Justice of the Peace ean afford to ta wnnout um r IJei77 : Busbco, i Alno other book mti fltat o4vn tv FtoWi practice. 8 d all orders ta th. fWIUNIBia; ALFBED j WILLIAMS & CO. ; BooKscu.ias avn 8f Axnttus, R. E. Petty M ARKED DOWN PKICES POR CASli ' The foUowtng desirable artlclea, both seasonable and useful LADISS' WINTCB DRESS GOODS. Heavy Jeans, Doeektna, Caasimere Ckih and other Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys to ear. Ladies' and Men's WINTER UNDERWEAR, Wraps for Ladies, latest styles and all made to order this Reason. Blankets, Opera, Basket : and Honeycomb Flannels; Blenched and Unbleached Canton Flannels. ' ' I HOOTS FOR MEN And boys Several Unas of Heavy Shoes for- Ladies Misses, Men snd Boys. Overshoes for Ladles, Misses and Men, Ural quality. ; ; Mens' wooHinedsell-acting Arctiea for tor a pair. . He al6 has many other articles ia his stool which can be bought low for cash. Call and examine roods and price and at: for yourself that he means what be says. Don' forget the pUce. 184 Kayettevfue Street. Raleurb, N. T Now h the time to order Coal for WINTER SUPPLIES When the r bekt article can be had at lowest prices and delivered clean from the ears, hav- wg neyer luucueu un eann since taaen irom the mmes. THB FREIGHT ON j M Tennessee Goal j ' 1 : . i l- Is reduced for a short time and 11 who ex pect to use it should order at once and save 60c to S 1.00 per ton. J OUR FAVORITE -.- Kinds of Anthracite Coal can be had new but cannot be gotten at all later in the season. So let us have your orders at once far both kinds and aizea. JONES St POWELL. o NS THOUSAND GOOD COBN AND Meal Bags wanted by :'' JONES POWELL, i Fayettevflle St. and Central Depot, Raleigh, N. C -EVERY DAY MATTERS AT 4 E. J. HARDIES You will find always a complete' stock of,tbc bt family supplies, carefully selected as to quality, at lowest possible prices,1 neatly put up anu prompuy aeuverecu i i !.'! Thevery best Teas and Conees; Staple Canned Goods; such as Corn, Succotash, French Peas, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Okra and Toma toes, H " CANNED FRUITS California Apricots, Pears, Peaches, Ac ' Burnett's Flavoring Extracts; Cox's and, Kelson' Gelatinei . Ht . Vrnnh VuiMmnl (better than the Italian); Fine Cbeese, Chooo- ib, vdow, xn,iuo, oaiaa vresaing, EAUces, Cateupa and everything else in the way of TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK : . . , Magnolia Hams, eaavasaed and winter uured; Ferris Hams, Pigs' Feet; Extra Choiee jtacKeret in run wrurni, isu 10 kits. . -Ftfteen barrels Fine Apples; Baldwins' UlWa sVUs.v'aV 0HU E,a fiCt THE FAMOUS BOSS LUNCH MTLK BISCUIT, f The beat of all plain Crackers; 15c per lb at maii ana a iuu line ei Kennedys and Wil son's Biscuits and Cakes, y. Wines Liquors &c. A Choice Stock of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ales, Porter Ac, Ac, for medicinal and family use. Just received Ramsey's Beat owmi n juaa-j. Choice New Orleans and Porto Biee Mo lasea. Syrup, Buckwheat Ac Orders carefully filled. ' '' s n E. J. HARDIN. PLANT BED BURNER PATENTED JULY 38, 1885 ' BT I i - J. H. HORNER, 0XF0KD,N4 C Nii. A oamnhlet ooiitaininr deanHnf fk same and of its application to curing tobaoeo In barns. i-,-, ir Toffethflr with . a (Vnnm innii nt w. approved methods of cultivating and curing Una yellow tobacco, . ti Bent to any address on receipt of twenty Svt cents. : . ; Applyto y l 4.H. HORNEB. Oxford. V. n T. MARY'S SCHOOL, r 'ha Kaafor TVrn- th SAUt aunli..(J. Ion, of tba aebool will btgim on Thundar. January 28th. For catalcgna ; apply jhf Re.tor, . r t r -f fV i Goa Goa i lis. AiENAEiT KMEDES. FOR rJALE OR RENT. "Y"ALUABLE LAND FOR SAUL By virtue ot authority conferred Ibya 7 L, ortf?e executed oa tha xStft Jvot April, lbj Mllard MU1 Iruatae,! AhsdJonand Ltasie a Jones, hi i wWM Pujlan and rtcorded ia .the of! at the MaiOar of dHhtor Wake eou.ty, " W. !, ia a ceiUm deed of trun, executed the loth Say ot August, 1833, bv the name pirties to A. W. Hay wood, trusU for R. 8. PuHan, and ral corded la the olfUe of tha register ot deeds for Wake county, N. O., la book 74, at pair 691 we will. Saturday, February aoth, 1886,' sell at public ontcry for cah tha interest and Batata of said Millard Mial, truvtoa, Alfrei onaaaau iizxia o man in tie tract ot land desorlbadf insaid deftl of mortgage aad deed of truaV said ttaat eoatainicg 5tf0 acres more or tesa and being tHe same tract of .'and wheeoa the said Alfred .'ones aad wife do now re.idn, reference to which deed of mortg o and deeal ot trust to hereby madp for a full ddacrlptlon of said lands. I Place of sale, door of conitr onr'-honae ia Baleigh, N. C. Ti.ac tf -al 11 clciv iu. It b. Pl.'LLKV, MortgAgee. A, W. Hatwood, Tiutee. Jan; 81, 1886, dtd. VALUABLE CITY Pi; H'EKTIT FOR SALE By virtue of power conferred on mi by a eertwin deed of mortgage executed hy ( .il. Q. Crawford and wife and recorded ta reBnters office ot Wake county, in book 78, page kU. l will Sell to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction, at the court-houae door ia tha city ot Raleigh, Monday, March 1st, 188ft, at IS o'clock nu. the property in said mortgage de sert bed, situated fat toe southern portion of UM tty of Baleigh, near Blount stroet. JOHN WATSON, Guardian. B. F. MoHTAOoa, attorney for Mortgagee. ; am. al, nae, dtd. S ALE OF LAND. Bv virtne of authority given in a mortgage from Alexander Barham and wife to W. ,B. AHon, recorded in the register's office of Wake county, in book 82, page 172, we will sell oa Monday, the 22d day of February, 1S86, at the court-ho use door in the Hty of RMHirb, the land conveyed in said mortjraire, onntainimr 251 keres more or leas, situated in Litrli l:i r -township ot saM county and ' sdjeiuing f tie lands of Jasper Bart am, 1 G. Mitchell, Sion Darral, E. B- Perry and others. Terms of sale cash. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. PACE A HOLDING, Attorneys for Mortgage. Jan. 22d, 1886; dtd. . . . 3 . ' gALS OF VALUABLE LAND NBAS TH CITT Of SLALBIOB. I . I This iato give notice that under anu oy rir tua of aa ardar of the superior i.ourt for aha county of Wake, nude in the ivil action ot. B. W. Whartou, administrator of David' M. Carter, daceaaed, and others againal Moea A. Bledao and otbers,lwill sellatpublic auction Won to the highest Bidder, at the court nous-, door, in the eit. of Raleigh, the 22ddayot February, 18b6, at 1 o'clock p. m., a eenaia tract of land containing about two hundred acres, whirh Wjb. H. bcoU jonveyed U aat' Moses A. Bledaoe by deed dated the L&thday oZ November, U66, r-gutered in the office of the register ot deeds tor the county of Wake, in Mok P 07, thJacth day of January, 18(57 : Thialanu will b sold in parcel to suit purchaaera,r For plot of the same, persens who may coo template becoming bidders ara referred to CoL A. W, Shaffer, j , The terms of the sale are : Oae-third of tha purchaae money in eash, one third ut twelve oaths and ana-third in two years, with later, est front the day A sale at the rate of eigntper Mnt per annum, payable, annually, 1 and tha title to said land to be retained until the full payment ot the purchase money. ' All persons who nntfimpiata rnr,h ng wUl pleaae aaake their examinations of UUs ba lora the day of sale. i , SPIER WHITAEEBL . aaladid Comoii-aioaaS'. BTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to authority cootatued in a oirt gage dead executed the 11th lay at January, 188a, by E. K. Ferretl aad Mar r A. Ferreli ad C, M. Bug bee, trustee, to secure, the nay taent of a debt to Geo. W. Norwood, deceased 1 will sell, at tha court-house door in the eiti of Raleigh, for cash, tha 33 ad day of Febra ary, 1888, a tract of land tn Barton's Greek township, Waka county, adjoining the tanL of Wnv. Laastter, J. J. Hunter, W. G. Allea and others: tt being the land whereon a K. Ferreli and wife now lira, and containing li&J acres. . Tha deed is ragiatarad in j book 7t VHP- . k : GEO. NORWOOD, Ex of GEO. W. NOBWOOir astd t. at. Also, Attorns. ttaiOdtd. JJIVIDEND NOTICE. NOKTH CtROUNA RAtL'OAR Co. " ' Secretikt anp Tbjcasubkk' Omen, ii' 'm. Pnors. N. C, J?n. th, MSB. ! The directors of the X rth Caralina railroad comrany have derkred a dividend of K per aent. three per cent paT a' le Matsh 1st to U,ck holders of record at 12 o'clock m. Fettruary 10th, and three per cent September lt to stork holders of record at i2 o'clock m. August 10th ext. The stock, books of the company will be dosed at 12 o'clock m. February 10th until March 1st and at 12 o'clock m. Aug?stlOth untU September 1st, 1886. , P, B. RUFF1S, 1 1 SeCr attd Traaanrer. 'Now is tho Wihtm of our discontent Made glorious SuaiMxa" -i' BY USIMG The ARGAND, 1 The ROYAL A RG AND; The CENTURY, or any of the various kinds c Stoves always kept In stock and told at the Very Low us t. Prices BY . J. C. flreMer & Co -AS AM " .- . ' - ' a . ' ' Ii ADDITIONAL' COMFORT , We would adviae the nse of Bhaw'a DOOR-CHECKS AND SPRINGS. They prevnt the slamming of door and k n them alwara shut. If tour Rnnno I. i : tkea we will hett it wi'h - STEAM OR A FURNACE:! Respectfully a BRJfc WflTEP v. DoYou Wish to Build f ; THIS Of COtmSlTOC WAST A 1 Neiai and Practical 0' tgn. .This ean be furnished promptly, econouitcally avaaw asaawswavi MAJ 9J A.-Gr. Baiiier AKcnmor A inuiKa. '- I With the lats Samnal SloanV BaJalarh,! N. ti. Who. on annHratlan 111 l alsfvamvltalla. working Tlrawtnw Tid 1 pmstousthtiwe hare heard fQ. idlam. ? - Batolfsy Jul )kl -i ,. :L tlK-.i: .' v . ' i ' " - 1 I i .. -

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