The JTews and OBSEtfvfii. Pnuzsn DiXLT (mrcxrt Mat)ax Bt I'heUkws akd Observer : Go. W-M AMA M BsMll VWMifnsntif fTO v 8 M - T six months, " " Weekly, one year, - " V" six months 1 W Wo name entered without payment, snd no paper sent after the expiration of time; paw tor, . .- - S 'UJll : "FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1886, Th Virginia court of appeal we s, will hear argument for a new trial on motion of the counsel of Cluvenus,. at the March term of that court Plu verius himself, it is said, Ea cnjcqred excellent health ever since his couunit-r . tal to jail a year ago, and is consent of acquittal. It is not at all improbable that he will escape the gallows Lord Randolph Churchill, one ofjthe leaders of the British conservatives and "the fiery Rupdrt of debate"; in parlia ment, has undertaken a personal cru sade against Home Rule in Ireland it self. He was met at Belfast Monday by - most enthusiastic and most loyal crowds but be will not Una the 5 sailing so smooth in other parts of Ireland than TTTatav Tta nrnnnlM tn -nrrftv.:-.: th ' Orangemen against the Nationalists- and v ihis tour is likelv therefore to be lively yina high degree. He will doubtless succeed in increasing Mr. (Gladstone's & it. 1 f 1 as va.v Tt-i a f Ai 1 1 v nt til at H A will be able to turn the tide running in faror of Home Rule ia doubtful. & - j Thi Rev. ,C. U Williams, of . Au. i gusta, Ga., has declined the bishopric j of the Episcopal diocese of Easton, Md. to which he was elected in May. ' With inguar beauty and clearness he say4 iu . hs letter of declination "I have irone to the Master . day after day with he question, what would He have mo l(t do? . Especially at this season I have prayed Y that there might be given nt some glear epiphany of the .Lord s will , , and there has come to me ; the strong conviction that I ought nctt to under r. , take the high office to which you, have , . .ejected me. ; I beg you will let me add, in J m . ' . '1' . justice Doth to you and me, that" my 1 i decision has been made, humanly speak i . ing, ' upon ' considerations Entirely per ; sonal to myself. It has npt been m .. fluenced by, anything whatsoever to the . ; prejudice of . the diocese of Easton. have tried to make it conscientiously and in y the fearf God, revising that every steward of "the mysteries of, God - must, render an account at last, not only ;. of the thuoes which' he hath done; but of the. things which he hath 'declined to do as well. No : new election will be had until' June next. y-t. i ; J Trot play poker to some j purpose in 1 Caicago-metimcs. Ther is a pri- , vate little -club in that city, for instance, , whose members, according to the Mail, meet at each' others homesj and play a . modest game, winding up with a jack pot, which is . liberally 4 ' a weetenest" until, it is of goodly proportions. On a recent Saturday evening the ! final jack pot grew until it contained 8123, and before the betting, it was decided that . the winner should put it on the oontn .. bution plate at church nexi morning.' It , was won by a regular church-goer and i , ; rjtthej liberal giver, who, fear ing that such si contribution would provoke comment, . asked leave of the party to make it up in a package and hand it to the sexton. Th is - was agreed to on condition that it was to be labelled "Ifrotn, j pot? This'ws done, . The sexton took it immediately to the pastor, who was so highly pleased . that he announced from the pulpit that ' HI. mm.mmmmiKm.mml , rm.immmm Uf iLi -i. U. - Mr. A J. Pot whom it was not has - pleasure to know personally, he was t sorry to sayi had that morning sent in a s most generous donation of $128 to the 't m m. 'tern 1 a .iri ;. enurcn iuna. . uooa. story; eai Doxs our friend of the Rocisg.ham Rocket think it likely that the legisla ture deliberately made an j enactment . which it knew would be inoperative that it did not intend to make a begin.' ning in the matter of an industrial school . rather than wait until . the State could . afford a fully equipped estabjlishment of - the highest order? Does it think too that RaLeigh waai not to be permitted ' egual opportunities with other towns to secure the location of 4he- sebool within its , limtM? Does it f really think the. 1 school could be more convenientiv' lo . ciated where than , in Raleigh? j Does it know of any argument Raleigh, ad- , Taneea for the establishment of tie school . here different from that w.hieb might be made by any other town in the " State? In all fairness and good humor, " will not our friend admit that, simply because this happens to be the capital. it should not be stricken from the list of North Carolina towns merely as tuch? - We are' not over-modest up this, way. but we do respectfully ask equal rights in state matters thc&ate. . with other; citizens of I Tuev stll imprison people in New Yorlc for debt. The World overlooked this when it made -its savage ODal&ugb on North Carolina for hanging burglar short time ago. but it is a fact, never theless, and a case of such imprisonnlent was presented the other day which was. as, romantic as Dickens' story of . th. Marshalxea: More than a quarter Vf a eentury ago, it appeared a man bor rowed $66 of a firm, paid $8 a month for the uae of it for some time and'swas finally arrested for the principal.4j.He gave bail and for a quarter of a century has renewed his blil every three years He is now old, decrepit and poor, e men to whom he owed the: money are dead or out of businrss, yet whn .the time came for him te renew his bond his- former securitus were not again willing to go on it. He could hot get any th-' era; therefore be had to go to, jail; - No ftH9 makes mj eomjlaiat najns flm, no one wants him in prison, and yet the old man, fast sinking into the grave, is behind the bars and might hare remain ed there a long time but that the news- papers calla attention to ; ms case. What a etnkiog iintance ia this or the Uy of the" law of tmprisonment for debtr What a travesty upon justice; what an example pf the queer turna the law iaoinfttimes takes! The ! World Should seek- to remove this beam from the eye, of its own State before it en deavors to . pluck out push, supposed motes as the proper punishment of bur glars from the eye of other States IROJM OVKKINU I OR COTTON. The . latest invention of iDterest to Southern planters is a, sheet-iron cover ing for cotton bales. It has) been pat ented, atid while of course," there are many ajmcuitics ana ODStacies m iar way 'ofiU practical application, it doec not seem impossible that it shall event ually be made satisfactory to all who raisQ and all who' handle cotton.; It is not unknown that many bales of cotton are bnrtted each year in transit to the various markets of the country; that from two to four pounda of the product are In various ways lost from each bale, and ! that large amounts of. insurance against fire, are; paid by the producer either directly or indirectly, and the idea of the inventor has been to iave all this i: by providing a covering which would pot burn Would cover the entire htle- and be as cheap at the same time as the covering now in use. The rapid "development of the iron, industry and the consequent cheapness ot the greatest of all metals hal enabled him ne says, to' carry; out bis idea and without delay. According to thaspcoifications filed with the application for a patent.the'sheets of iron ax 3. to be seventy-eight I inches in .length by forty-eight in width, and there arc to 1 be two of them to; each bale ?so rolled and prepared at the mills as to leavo each sheet with a' rib on each end, behind which a small: slot is cut by machinery: tor each ot the two or three short ties ; to be used; The ends of each sheet are cut back .from ten to fourteen inches so as to fold down and round the ends of the hale,, secured by a light clasp, and thus almost hermeti callv sealing them. Ibese sheets not being broad enough to extend over and : meet on the sides of the bale, as it comes 'from the press f the .farmer, there is ' provided for each side a sheet eighty-two lncnes 'iong py eigmeen or twenty incne6 wide, Called a, "slip," to fill this space between the top- and bottom sheets This-completes the covering and hides every particle of cotton from view Now, when the bale is put in the com press these sheets on the side are thrown out; (whi h is but the work of an in atant) and -the compressing of the bale brings the upper, and lower - sheets to gether agaiq, completely covering the bale after being compressed.1 The sBcets thus extracted are ready for use again, and there is no reason why they cannot bo used year after - year. The covering for' a 'baii i wiJlr weigh aboui twenty pounds. By improved machinery the sheets are tolled, so thin that they be come very malleable, and . are not, as most people would suppose, hard to bend of handle but are just the oppo site." f .5;: E ft ' As to the cost, the inventor claims that the iahreat iron manufacturers esti mate that it can readily be- brpught to an amount less than a dollar a bale, and ( it is farther claimed that the plan is so tcasiblg that probably most of the next uuibui jcrup; wm u wrsppeu vi lryu, that any .amount of- capital is most anxious already to put the ; matter into practical operation. The scheme is' a magnificent ;one and woiie ratner BuggeBtive .01 tnost 01 kjoi. Mulberry Sellers, is stilt not impossible Certainly any practical plan for market ing the'eotton crop without' the anqaal loss whjich; is now so great will-be wel corned byl producers and given a fair Hriall i 'H - I 'H NEKATOU HBAH'H KESOLtl IOMS. The resolutiohs offered in the' Senate by .Mr Blorgan, of Alabama, on .the action of the republican: judiciary com mittee Condemning the attorney general for declining to; furnish reasons for re moyals turned the tables completely on ilri dmunda 'and his followers, and placed them' even sooner than we ex- pected on the defensive in the matter of their attack on the President. They brought the republican Senators back with a round turn to the 'retd issue in volved in the question, which they have evaded and befogged for the purpose of making party capital. The fight of the Senate to information as to the qualifica tions and fitness: of those whose nomina tions are made tojit for appomtment to fed eral office is questioned oy nobody. The democrats p. simply ; claim that the powers cf suspension and. removal are vested :ya the executive and; under the constitution Uhait claim, is good; Mr. Morgan's resotdtions put the contro versy bctwten the Senate and the Presi lont in 5 its proper ligbt and in v their k-irl .thoroughness and judicial imoar- tiality kfford a jitriking contrast to the .... i.r .i-j ni l J- - i . : - 1 '1 icj urt ui iuu ficuuuuas committee wmou was simply a partisan argument. To give readers a fair idjja of their prportsince we have only touched upon :: the matter so far, the preamble declares that the judiciary committee's resolution' would 1 1 enec aqjuage the attorney gepern 1 guiMy of an offense in violation uf hi ofhcialt duty, siibvcrsive of ;th. princi ples of th(p; government, and l ciinse queutly .rentier him liable to imp'each- inent. it further declares that the at torney general is not amenable' to. the -cop denization, of the Senate' upon such charges eeeptf under articles tiofl im- f qaoumuni yresenieu uie iiouse ot tcpreseutativost to the . benate, sitting withlthe chief I justice of the United States, as a court of impeachment. iTU" Sen ate'' would j. be' exposed to just censure. if it in the Juanner recommended by the committed on judiciary, ; proceeds to .announce its judgment o coindemnation iigainsi the aiiutucj-uerai ui iue uniteq ota tea upon an accusation that inetndea fense which ts punishable by , impeachment.- If the accusation simply'; be at the attorney-general was guilty of eon tepint, then tho iSenato would b iustlv cxpos(i;to ctBJuro ifat attempting 0 pass judgment of condemnation without having arraigned t-n aDgwr at the bar of the Senate tic ri s.ilutlons direct the committee on privihg 's and elec tions to inquire whether the attorney general has been guilty of any crime or misdemeanor and the degree thereof. They also instruct the committee to in tuire and report -whether the Senate ha any constitutional right or power to gif its advice and consent to removals from ofiice by the President, and whether by withholding such advico and consent ,thf ift-nate can preyent the removal of any person from othce by the President.. lhesc resolutions will not be -.doDted. of course, but their purpose was effected in their presentation lhey put the re publican Senators on record as con demning an executive officer for an im peachable offense, without daring to impeach him ico0rding to law, and giv ing him an opportunity to appear in bis own behalf,: and such action cinnot be expected to metit the approval of the people even by such blinded partisans as Messrs Edmunds and Sherman. They moreover heighten the improba bility that the. partisan resolutions of Mr. Edmunds' judiciary committee will be adopted even by the republican ma jority of the Senate, as it stands, since Mr. Morgan hs the support of more than one Senator on tho republican side already, it is reported. lb (Siipreine 4'aurV. C?r. of the Nkw,s am OBSJutvEit. 'VAYCTTKvjlLUe, C. , Feb. 23. . I see by your paper that the supreme court has appointed Willis Bagley, Esq., "temporarily" cWk -of the su preme, court, il wish to know if there ! is no! Democrat in the State qualified to fill the office "tem porarily'' or permanently. The people want to know the status of the court. If Radicals are always to be appointed let us know it. In view of the fact that the convention meets this year, the question is pertinent I am no civil service ''re former,' in the ; strictest meaning of the term, but believe that, everything else being equal, 'Democrats are entitled to tho offices. Cat), the court tell us what claims the ex-Radical district attorney has on the Democratic party ? If it can the people may be satisfied. G. The above declaration "that the peo ple want; to know the status" of the members ; of the supreme court is so funny that we cunuot refrain from pub lishing it; although it seems that the communication is in the nature of an at tack, to make icapital against the re nomination of ith judges at the ap proaching convention, all of whom we nope to see re-elected. :' If the gentleman who mtkes the inquiry-were thrice as good a democrat as he confessedly is, he still could not bo superior in party fealty to either of the honored democrats who compose the oburt."; But "" wants to know "what claims this ex-ra'lical district attorney has on the democratic party." I Why,, none whatever and "O," who practices' in that courts j certainly does tot need to be told that the question of v claims ' never, entered into the matter but that it was a mere question of cen ttenienee and -propriety. ' We know nothing jpiore about the matter than 'G" does, but It would have been man ifestly! improper for the; court to have appointed a permanent clerk without giving applicants a reasonable time to present their names. The business of the court; could not go on without a clerk.; As Mr. Willis Bsgley, who had been called to the bedside of his stricken brother, had been attending to the pa- pers of the court in his place during his fast illness, and knew the ran of the ifourt papers, acid as it would have been iacoiiyenient to have put in for a few days a man who did not know the run of the papers, the court 'merely desired that he should act as temporary clerk tntil the applications could be received iand considered.: i ) ! We do not think that muh capital an be made against the i court on this ground.-iiio. N. &, O. j M !j .' t AHilEKTKOMX. . ! : Him port at Due TtriH in Hit BbhIii j ami in IhtBtdortli llbr. I So touch digging and altering of levels is required for the accommodation of the largely creased population of Rome since it became again a great capital that important discoveries and "finds" axe made almost every day; One of the latest of these- is one of the;.teroinal stones of, the, sacred area of Rome.found still in its proper place. The. r,ight of enlarging the limits of the capital be longed aTono to those consuls or em perors who had -actually extended the dominion of the Roman people, and the stone lately found marks the junplifi- Stion made by the emperor Claudius in 0 jar 49 of the (Christian eraj, after his Victories jin Dritain! ' The ihcrjption states that "Tiberius Claudius. Caesar Augustus. Herman icus, who has extend ed the boundaries of the Roman empire, has enlarged also those of its capital." A. few years ago! another stone, marking the enlargement made by Vespasian, was alto found.'! Another discovery has been made of a jnarble slab found in a vineyard outetde Pi rt4 Salaria, inscribed with the rulei governing the letting and use of storerooms in the public warehouses. These warehouses were crown property and were to be let yearly from the 13th of December, for the storage of grain, wine. oil and all other produce, as well as jewelry :iu J fauiiiy valuables, under the guarant. e ot! the State. Rules are given in this inscription for every de tail of the liijsiftis of the warehouse, which are almost exactly such as are now in force in jidt'rn establishments of the same bOrjrJAd the tomb of the founder of this warehouse of Horrea has also been disqvt red. He was Supicius Galba, sdn of .Sergius, consul in the year 646 of Rome, and grandfather of the emperor 'ialha. Th tmb is built in" the severe fctyhs of the republic with large blocks f peperinor topped by a layer of reddish tuf, on. which are groups of consular faces and ' an incrip- tiuh with name and date. The munici pal authorities Of Rome have decided to raise this tomb to tb6 level ' of f he mo dern to wn and make a square aronnd it, t be called the. Piassai dt Gajb, ,ju memory of the fpun Jer of an institution much needed in the modern city. '. ' Another find 0f great Value ia a figure of Bacchus brought ,;np from tho bed of the Jibey; : A CCW br)dge 1$ to b b and, in excavating the bottom fir th foundation of p'iers, the. werkmei rune opon what was supposed to be hox of bronie. With difficulty it was drawn from the mud and the supposed box! proved to be the base of a fifa-siacd' statute of verv fine workmuiisuip. in. hronze, representing the youthful Bac (bun. crowned with ivv leave and ber ries. The left arm is raised, the handl holding a long vine-crowned thyrsus.; The statue is perfect, with the ex"ption; of a fracture above the right ank: atid the thyrsus,! which is brok n. though the piece has been recovered. It hits not yet, beeu cleaned from its cout of Tiber mud. but as far as it yet can be judged it nhould be attributed to u Grwk artist workiug in Rome. A curous feature is tlie impress pf a coin hhiud the left "knee, which seems to be that of au aureus of the first eentury of the- empire, im printed on the wax model before the casting. ; . Dlieaf DioMes of either ; sex, however induced; promptly, thoroughly and permanently cured. ,Seqd 10 cents in stampB for lrge illustrated treatise. ' World s Disi pensary Medical Association, 63.Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. ; f "What is soul food?" iqquires a con stant reader in one of our religious ex- ehanges. Soul tood is wpat keeps an editor fat when he tries to publish; a newspaper according to his honest con victions. Chicago Ledger. Nelson R. Baker, District Attorney, Westchester Co . N. Y.. Office at White Plains, writes June 20, 1885: "Five years g;l, my two sons and wife were very liable to colds. Ve wore the heaviest clothing, wrapping ourselves up very warm ; but it was colds, coughs and catarrh' all the time.' Finally we commenced wearing Allcock's Porous! blasters as chest protectors? The. first year we got rid of our heavy flannel as well as all coughs and. colds. We each wore two Plasters on the chest and- pit of the stomach for three or four . weeks at a time, then washed the parts with alcohol and put on fresh ones ; they ap peared to warm and invigorate the, whole body so that we never took cold.j" Bitter experience cornea to the man who drinks cocktails constantly. To ARTISANS, MKCHAMKS, AMD ALL WOBK- MBx.-Thore is no remedy in the world equal to Pond's Extract for any disease where pain exists. It is acknowledged by many of the greatest medical men of the day, as being the best known remedy for all of the complaints for which it is recommended. It should always be kept in readiness. For Injuries or Accidents, Bruises Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Etc. , it is worth its weight in gold.; Be sure to get the genuine, - It is said that Russia is preparing for the worst. : Some other power will see that she gets it. i . .( j I 111 lit Cures RheuinaUsm. Neuralgia S a AT VBUOaiSTS asd DKXUSSI ES Vm from Opiate. EnctU as Absolutely t 4v E. ! prom, r m t.ToetiM cobia. BALmoBX. n, Best.Fojtilizer in the World, LIM1E : 97.00 per too T, O. B. in 360 lb sacks, tl 00 per barrel. " Hurnlng cyster shells day and night. Liberal ditcouot tor large orden. flaoe your orders early and secure the first i ;' ' ' shipments. NEW BERNE UMJJ KILNS. WUXIAMS A HCREING, nrB rw. N ARE STILL TRIUMPHANT. j or Hfteen yenra they have (tu-adllr gained F "Ti with unlet onUhtly increutns; ?n the most popular eoraet tbxoufto attie United 8tte. The O. ouaiity in warranted to wear rwies si mg a ordinary corsets. We have lately m bvdueed th Q and B H gradea with Xxtis Mag Wiw and w can furnish timm wheal preferred. wnma from all the World's mat; 5TJtedl reeeived is for Ito Da &w Ortaan B rP0UoB hW al WhI aeow f pmttmf have beaa torn 2SStJH5l?? prP, ' tha eioverttttaf WPffVad uvahubW, s Hlr SeUiler are authorised to refund Baonar 2 ZlZZZZZr' prove mmwt . iniu. r iirmif fi tverywhen. Cuiakguo htm 25 m- jkM "Jjt; : iiMiiH4liTiTttf 1 Absolutely Part and Unadulterated HOSPITALS CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, -INFIRMARIES. x Mm rmt mm ifwwin OURC9 CONSUMPTION j j HEMORRHAGES ' And all Wtlng JHttattm f DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MALARIA. rua OKLT PURE STUIDLAKT FOR THE SlOK, INVALID8, I CONVALESCING PATIENTS, AGED. PEOPLE, ! Weak and Debilitated Women. Tor tale by DrnstUt. Grecert Mid Dcnlara. rl, 0 lllr per BIoUl. S. mr SoUl M la mm ouiM, a mm f. wm mpt rtok m toau hi tnlMsrt bM old) oM tli m. M , w mmmwam ei comfrnn, wiwwh iu Mmm. , T.rrtriM, unabl to proour 1 1 from Oi)- i.MMn, hm RtSLt M, la aw, aanarkad, Ba. pcaa ctMu-M ynfid, kr rwalttta tl l- Utr, to Tat Duffy Malt WMakn Ce., Baltimore, M. to,H.IIHf., mrimUp tj r In 'Mi r ' aM httitutitu, Dfr ,-- Mmmmi Nf WlV-IOl V, I limliaj. -.Hmtmtt.t. w Jaaa ito Ik-bfrn mmm EDWARD J. HARDIN GROCER, An the scarce teagon approaches, oilers a full to$& of all staple articles of lood. Beau sand Peas Of every ort, Dri d and Evaporated Fruits, Eggs, Fowla, Fiab, Potatoes, Turkish Prunes for gtwing; very nhoice 1 irge Frennh Prunes; Pre8erv'H in bulk (15c per lb) and in glvm Jars; Cbeeae, Maecaroui, Vickies, etc., etc., etc Of every description, i i- 5 ' i . igmokd B-ef, (always the bBt of tliii article Tongues, llaias, Breakfast Strips, etc., tetc CANNED GOODS. . Canned Fruits and Vegetable, ot the beat quality, marked down to the lowest prtoa. ' 'Finest T mMtoeaV'sfb cans f 1.50 per dozen; Corp, Buecotash, etc etc; 1 Golden Gate Co s, Peachea, rear and Apricot, the beet in. I AttierW: French Peaa. iMimhrooinit. l)ive. T Finest brandy Peachea, 3auce Catup and 'fine' Grocer tea generally. .CUOUOLATEk Breakfast Oeoa, Bmma, Racahout Arabea, Sweet Chocolates, etc, etc i des Malt Liquors. : Ale, Porter, Budweiaer Beer. Pure Uquors and Wines for medicinal and family use, of the most approved Brand , and guaranteed pure. NoLluUoraold to BE' DBANK ON TUK PREMISES, or in quantity lethaba quart. All Goods promptly delivered. . E. J. HARDIN AMIS'S CRIMINAL CODE AND DIGEST BY m. m. Amiav. e., r tii atrit;ia NOW READY. EDWARDS, BROUGHTON k CO., Publishers ; Thla valuable work i endorsed by the Jua tieea of the Supreme Court in the following Ugh terms: . From Hon. W. N. H. Smith, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. ! ! l give It my cordial commendation as a val uable and useful contribution to or law lit erature." ! From Hon. A. S. Merrinion. k ssoelate Jue ' tice of the Supreme Court.; I "I And that it la a work of merit aad prae tieal nsef n1nes to the leal profestioa m this State The, young author has done a good service and tnerita (he thanks and encourage Bent of the proiewion. Every practicing law yer should hVve a copy of bia book."! ' From Hon. Thoa. $. Ashe, Aaaociate Justice J i ' 01 me Biipreme ioutt.j i Thebook will be a. very, important addV Hon is the library of every lawyer, and ey" eaalry U that ot the fimioalpraeUtioitar The Wort Idoes credit to tta author; and I heaitUl Vaeosnaaend it t th as of the prof aian." -; s Sent pottnaid on, receint qf ; He fa 00. 1 1 YnblLbeJ and for aale iy : ' - -i -!'.;. . - : rDWARDS.UROLLiU'iONACO.. . pSfBMMHMHMtoU mmmmmmWmmmmW Provisions. THIS WEEKvk FEB. 22ND- 1886, ' W. C. &A. B. STROHAQH. WHOLESALX AND SXTAIIi o- :e& o o k s : OFF EH - : :: Choice Bright New Orleans Molaasea, 50c gal. Fancy New Orleans Jjo'aasee 75e gal. Boot Gilt Edge Creamery: Batter 30 oenUlb. . Fresh Country bvlVwc XUe lb. 1 NEW CAUGET MACKEREL, 10 lb pails Ko: 1, MeM 10 per pall. No. S, Fat Fhflly, fl .00, Jto. 3, Fat Family, 78c. TO WHOLESALE TRADE. IF YOU ABE IN NEED DURING THE COMING i WEEK of Harvey's Bee; Refined Lard, Genuine Tar Heel Cheese, Seed Irish Potatoes, Early Bote, Peerless. Goodrich and Beautp of Hebron, Baldwin or.Sheep Nose jljpples, New Caught No. 1, S and 3 Fat Mackerel, bbla, t DDIs and 10 lOpaua, , North Carolina Roe and Cat Herring, Mott'ePure Cider Vinegar, t and 4 yean old, Mott'a sparkling Uhampagoe, Cider, t mis W, C. & A. B. STRONAGH, WHOLXSAXJE ASD KXTAIL ; Grocers- Will give you Close Figaros. Do not buy un til vou tee tbem and get prices. 400 sacks Hurt's Roller Patent Process Heal 200 sacks Buek'sRoHer 1 atant Pro : cess Heal. 1,000 bush. Prime Mixed Oats. 25( bbla Patapeco, Superlative, Patapaeo Family and Orantre Grove Flour bbl?, v, i 1 16, 2K) bbla Wm. Lea Sons A CVs Flour, Carolina Favorite, Southern Extra and Bran dy wine Extra, t. i, i and 1-16, ska. 50 bbU Choice New Or lean send Cuba Molasses lower than eer. Our Famous JE Crackers and Cake, 7 to 13 boxes, at factory prices. , Fresh Clover, Red Top, Orchard and Blue Grass Seed. Largest stock Canned Goods in the State at Lowest Prices. Rock Bottom Prices in Anything and Every thing in Staple and Fancy Groceries 1 . NOW is he TIM. J. R. knall & Co. Art receiving direct from - REFINERIES' AO bbla Granulated Sugar has reached bottom, : 'and now, is the time to buy. , Special prices by the barrel. Fine Irish Potatoes. Nrtbera Apples. . ried Peaches and Apples. French Prunes. 1 Evaporated Apples and Apricots. 1 . ... Telephone or write for Prices. ; T Ooods delivered Free. 1 ' ! ft. T. STUOITQS MARKET SQUARE, 100 bnabela fine,Peannta, 80d JERSEY 'BUTTER One lb packages 80c; ; 25 tubs Selected Jersey Butter 60 Oream Cheese. ' i 60 half bbls No. 2 Fat Mackerel; Mackerel re'ail 6c lb. ; ; , ,.-. ; . i 25 bbla Apples;! 2.75. 50 bbls Early Rose Potatoes, 13.25. One gallon canned Apples. 25c.; : Navy Beans. Grits, Hominy. W ilson's XXX Crackers, 100 boxes Cokes. Lewis' Crackers. 600 brooms, 20 sacks Soedtick Coffee. 60 bbls Sugar. 600 boxes Hgars nt cost. ' 100 boxes lair to prime Tobaeeo.: ' 100 Mils Montrose Flour. 100 bbls "atapaco and Orange Grove Floor. 100 bags shot at f 1 50. ; . ; i WHOLESALE i ' W bbls Choice Corn. ; ' -r 60 bbls Choice Rye. Nectar and Valley Rye, by 4he quart or gallon. i i . .i - j Wines, Ginger Brandy, (a delicious drink), Blackberry Brandy, etc., from one quart to a barrel. . i j.'-j u " ! .r i Tk STB OltfA GTl OT. MART'S 8CHOOL- j Who Kaater Tem, Uia 90th awnVannual - io, f school will begin -on Thuradav. .1 nuary 2tb. For .entalogue apply, to (he ItEV. BBNinCTT 8iCKD13, 1 .'.:. w,. LIQUORS FUR SAL OR RT. V' PALI1ABLE CITY) PROPERTV FOR SALE Br Virtue of nnwer cimtpmA nil me bv ft erUia deed ot mertgWe executed by DaL H. Crawtonland wUe and recorded in register's Ofhce ot v7ake eonntvJin book 78. nasre &&L I Will seU to UU hlff aatt bidder for eaihat doV K auetien, at the eoort-houne door in the ef&T of Raleigh, Monday, Karen 1st, ISStV aill o'clock an., the propertv hi said morunure da teribed, eitnated tm th southern portion of tho etty ot Ealelgh. near Blount street. rfuiui WATSON, Guardian. B.F. MoHTAOca, attorney tor Mextgagee. 1 IVIDEND NOTICE. NOKTH C4BOUKA tUHJOAO CO. Sxcuast Ao Tbasubx,' Omen, r Co. Psora. N. C, Jan. soth, 1888. The directors of the North Carolina railroad company have declared a dividend ot 6 per oent. three per cent payable March 1st to stock holders of record at vt o-ewca: m. inrj 10th, and three per cent September 1st to stock holders of record at 12 o'clock m. August 10th next. The stock books of the company will - be closed at It o'clock m. February lOto untu March 1st and at IS O'clock m. August 10th until September 1st, 1986. . r.s.aujxu Jan SI. See'y and Treasurer. A SPLENDID MERCHANT MILL FOR SALE. I hereby offer for sale my Wheat and Corn Mill on Walnut creek and Fayettaville road one mile from Ralelch. This .; is the best equipped mill In tbis iet Uon and the best wa ter power near here. lit contains one set-rollers and two sets buhrs for wheat, one set rollers aDd two sets stones for corn, with other nec essary machinery foij both wheal, corn and feed. Jt has capacity for grinding two hun dred bushels of grain per day in the year with the present power and appliances, earn ing 24 bushels toll every day. It is splendid property, but i nave matters to attend to which will require my absence from, here a good deal of the time and will sell the proty at a bar-v . gain ' Any one wUbiug te- purchase the prop erty as sn Investment can rent it at a good in terest bn their money There are 86 acres of Wd attached, a part of it set ia grape vines . r ady for bearing this year. The title is good and easy terms can be had if desired.' For ' further particulars address J. A. JUNES, Raleigh, N. 0. OUSE AND LOT FOB SALE A 4-room house on lot Wioo net, on west street, aUiointng the Rahsigh Oil MUla lot, fur sale low by i Tnwa flu DMrvr t j mJBi mmta w utt nxji, gEALED -PROPOSALS ; Will be received by the street committee ot the city of Raleigh until 12 m. el M'edntsUay, -March 3d, 1W(6, for fifty thousand or more Grajotc Pa vino Blocks. Tlie blocks must be of graaite oC a quality approved by the com mittee. They must be of uuiiorm torture, free from flaws and weal hiring-, of regular shape, rectangular edges and smooth 'faces; with no l'ro)uoo greater than one ball of an inch; Ti e dimensions mut be witbln the followiu limits : Length eight to twelve inches; breadth three sod one Ltll inches to four and one half inches; depth six to seven incht-s; each one tuousand blocks to eover when laid not Usa than thiity-sxand one half square j arils. The whole number ol blocks must be delivered at Llie tHpot in Kaieigb, on or beiore the lt day oi June, 18SU. 1 Specimen blocks must aciompany each bid. Bond, with approved security, required. The conuuiitee reserve the right 10 ntject any or all bids. -V- , ..( r' .'.i ;,:v- t Y Bids to be dlrteUi to C. W. Lambeth, city u'erk. and endorsed Troponins for fui nisbing Plying Blocas." -j ; -l ' " ' ' jc. B. LDWAUU8, I bt n t Cum. Raleigh N. C, Feb. 8, iwMi. tUw. JpROPOSll.8 FOB TOBAC O. Navy lr4KiakNT, Bcaaau or PSOVh-IOX akd Clotuixo, Wasiunoton, Feb. 18, 186. - Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposal for Toiccn," will be received at 141 is Bueau until M irch Sjtb, l&tHi, at 11 w'ciok -a. in., for one huudreU thousand (100,000) pounds ot Navy Tobacco, to be delivered at th-s N avy ani Brooklyn, N. Y.,ui,m Wesorelhe flist day of N o ember, 18Sd. , -i ' SpjccilivaUons andorms of offerwUl be tur mah' d b this Bureau upon apptiaHHn,'ond nroijosais u ust be made upon the forms so tturnished and in sotiordat'Ctt with the u-:ciit- .1 . f : ir q ..-111 v V . Acting Chief of Bureau : tet 2Vd30l ! low HEADY. BUSBEE'S HORTH : CAROLINA JU5T1CL -AMD ' FORM! BOOK. Thfrd Edition. Bevistd and Erlt If cc This la the beat book t the -kind ever published and contains every point of law and crj tornvwhsah can be needed, in .the maguiraies' pracuce in this ctate This! work has over j And contains as much matter am is to be !fi end in anv Five Dollar Book ever Issued iti.the SUtef it ihaadsomely printed, bound in eamer ana u sentoy mauprepaia ler 1 , : $2.50. So Justice of the Peace can afford -to v luiouk uie Mew iBusbee,' As no other book m t.e State rtveaail th. Ayr in his practice, i 8 :i d al or Ours ( th puuiuners, j. mm WILLIAMS & CO. BooKSKiAKrajAroStAnexxBa, 'r( BriQH.'Nva,::;si- ; r PLANT BED BURNER PATEN TED JULY 28, "l886 -f ' HBT j. h. no OXFORD, N. C. A pamphlet eoiitalnln iUi.iu. t v. samand ot its applicnaon to curing Umwoo j 1 W14a VOMriLATiojr o the snoot -aprmned methods of eultivatinz and ourinar: ana low itohajin 1 - seat wtu-aadnw oa reoetpt of twenty -