t' nha ' run inW. it VOL. XXVL RALEIGH. C4 SUNDATii MORNING; FEBRUARY 28. 1886, NO. 90 Observer . . r : . AND V I t TV ! m. i J- ; 1 rm' m .. f, ' S'-'i .li" H Abcolutelyllure.1 this powder never varies. A marvel of initv, strength and wltotosomeness. I More ennomical than ordinary kinds and cannot be nidi in competition with the multitude of low tesfci .short wehrbt. alum or phosphate powders 8oM only to can. RotavBadnq Powds Cb IDS Wall Street. New York. Sold by W C A B Stroaaeb; Oeorge T Stroaach and JB Ferrall Co. '. ; 1 u STORE It i s K-t ram b abaais uov ornujH-. ' Oar agents are inatruoted to wnton i ;-. . y , I I & ip tWt b1 and failure and to look 'after ..t ,-;-V-- i t:4 -F every touse on the verge of baniraptcy . ' I ! ' i. J 'ut and rui and, with the cash in hand, i to : I , i -' : . , H - rife Jmy in lump or lota every class pf Mtt ehandise that we can get for less" than "'-"I i;-.' '". . v! i fS ij' ito value. So we can mark In Uifl figures on our bargains prices that hate 'nol been named or quoted In this market or any; other Now we are reoetnng ; ; NEWS ;qbservatioxs. ; Two inillion tons of t ice have ; been gathered from the Hudson. Senator Vest is improving stead ilj and his physicians expect; him to be out in a few days.-. ; .' i 8ir William Jehner. the weli-known Londoo jAysicUn;- has.ordere. Lord healths ..- T u '-i ; . .-John II; AufdemorteJlate redemp- J tion clerk in the enb-treaBury of new Orleans, chareed with the embeizle- ment of 3,340, hM been convicted. ! - Kxperta declare thaVthere ;are au tograph letters of Mahomet among the papyri' a0(urre'dAin Egypt by Archduke Kenier, of Vienna, i- 1 if , -2-New Vork boasts of 60,000 He brews, and the Hebrews boast that not one of that number keeps a liquor sa loon. This is a fine race showing. i Evangelist Sam Small informs Chi cago that he will not givf up his cigar ette., Ue has . relinqnished whiskey in order to enter the ranks of the' exhorters and he' thinks that's enough -. ' t : Mrs. ;Egiantiue Randolph is just dead in Washington City. She was the widow of the naval officer who' pulled. lien. Jackson s nose, and then ; pulled out before the old man could get hold of htm; ' y j i- ' j. . .f- ' , -1'he associated chambers of com merce,? which fhavf beej in session in London, adbpted a resolution Thursday declaring that : home rule in : Ireland would prove disastrous to the irade of both Ireland and England. H : It is Said that a majority 6f Glad sto'no's cabinet have assented to the principle of home rule for Ireland. Mr. chamberlain being the important ex ception; : The latter may leave the 'cabi net lit oonsequence. U ; Birmingham, England, still; makes j CONGRESSIONAL. TlIf ifEXICAH PKJSSIOW BIM, TOUCH. KB IPOH Wa.iGlITJUY. ; : JrflrHon DtU BetlaqnlshM all his ; C'latiua to y.aV r tb Hnccetut rtb Miuirf. Washington, Fe. 27 Hoisa. Im mediately upon assembling the House, under previous order, went into com mittee of the whple (Mr. Crisp,! of Georgia, in the chair), for general de bate on the state of j the Union, ; Mr. Chandler, of Georgia, submitted an argument against the suspension of silver coinage, and contended that there was mo sound basis for the prediction by the ' tgold-bugs' that the continued coinage of silver would have the effect of driving gold out;6f the country. Mr. Weaver, of Nebraska, made an unlimited silver coinage speech. I Mr. Clements, of Georgia, thought that the true8 test of t)e value of silver was not the gold standard as established in countries where the value of gold had be-m enhanced by the demonetization of silver, but' the purchasing capacity of silver, tested by itsipurchasiog capacity. Silver was now worth as muck as it had ever been, and' there was no ground for .'the' assertion' that ' the standard dollar was a d'shonest dollar. ' Mr. Jones, i of Texas, advocated the free coinage of silver, and earnestly op posed the proposition to suspend the operation of the Blind act. ; Mr. Woolford, of Kentucky, spoke in support of the Mexican pension bill in troduced by him, and thought that it should not be antagonized because it would include Jeferson Davis in its provisions. f. i! ; ; Mr. Keaean suirgested that Jefferson Davis had onoe written a letter asking that his name be excepted Tb Iatluatn orihart; Aatnat "WashIsgton, -JD . C, Feb: 87. Sena tors Hoar and Jackson, of the sub committee on judiciary appointed to investigate the: charges against solicitor general Goode are in session ;this morn ing in the room of the Senate commit te- on privileges and elections. The fol lowing geniledfen, from; Norfolk are here under subpoenas: C; W Graady, commission merchant: W. H. White and Judge T. S. Garrett, lawjers; W. II. Peters, bapk receiver, and Charles Sharp. They are all prominent citizens of Norfolk and are understood to be personal friends ot Mr. Goode. The lnyesugaiion is w do a secret one. rne witnesses are closeted m an adjoining pomuiittee room, and are ; brouirht in One at a time' before the sub-commit tee. The examination lasted about an hour and a half. The charges against Mr Goode were not made known to the Costly horses TII;SAL.K Or P1EBRE l.OKIi.L.AKD'S j . . FAJtOITS STABLE. - Th Bay Fll.y Iw Irp Ftb th I; Hlg-ti Flyar ort30,000. Wtkt Sapvrlor Court. Court met yesterday morning at ;9:30 'clock, his honor Judge H. G. Connor presiding. The following business was transacted : ' - L. Woodlief vs J." G. Thompson et ; compromised ; judgment accord ingly. al en- Mt. Hullv, N. J.,Feb. 27. The! tire stable of race-horses : belonging ,to Pierre Lorillard was sold at Rancocas stock-farm at Jobstown today, in th presence of a.large crowd of horsemen, who came from all parts of the. country. The bidding was lively throughout.) the heaviest purchasers being Dwyer Bros., of Brooklyn, and Charles Reed, of Gal latin,?; Tennessee. The largest price received for any one animal Was $20,- 000, paid by Dwyer Bros, for the 3-Vear old bay filly Dew Drop. The C-year old bav horse Pontiac was knocked down witnesses, but the enquiries made of to tbebwvers for gl 7,000, and tie san e from the flint-lock muskets for. use in the interior provisions of the Mexican pension bill of Africa, where percussion caps or any if its insertion would endanger the pas- form of fixed ammunition would often be impossible; obtain, while powder can always' be made and flints picked np in .the desertj ;j - -x )i rX9rd jBjuidolph Churchillas re turned; home from Ireland and resumed his place itx the house of commons. One of the Irish imembers has introduced a resolution calling him to account for his rebellious utterances in the Belfast de monstration. I !v j" ;, i: ..I ;l . Masked 'men visited ' three branches near ' Wheatluid, 1 Cal . Wednesday night, drdveithe lChinse from their quarters and marched them to Wheat land iprhere they were allowed io go. At ojnef ranch the Chinese quarters; were ! burned-, fi i. :'f . ' to ; .'"l"-: 4i4u!fJiifiMit&i.'i a famous iWl- sage of the bill. Mr,. Woolford replied that that noble sentiment . of Jefferson Davis made him (Woolford), Only more desirous of including him in ti)e pro visions of the bill, i Mr,; Perkins, of Kansas, opposed suspension pf silver coinage' and de nounced the demonetization of silver in 1873 as dishonoring American silver and as; bringing in Its train the business dis asters which had I continued until the passage of the Bland act in .1878. Mr. vans, of Pennsylvania, thought the conipulsary coinage of silver should Cease and the delusion iff favor of a double standard should be set aside. The committee rose and the House ad journed. - p--,' -A BTuabatKt's CrnUr. ' d flgfeterim iflDhtestlhar two I districts in i PmsBUEa!Pa. Feb. 27.4-Iwbrina- Spain for election to thi corts. - The tion was lodged against a manCnamed are eathiasiastio m H favor- of Hiroger. oy wrs. ivoss ana . Airs. 4 isweet- them related - to the appointment o' Peters to the receivership of the 'Ex change National bpalcuid so far as their' replies went they were emphatically in vindication of ? Mr. Goode,. wuo is sud to have been charged with receiving a fee for his services in securing the ap pointment. The- witnesses said the ap pointment was-made in compliance with the wishes of business men of Norfolk They had $100,000 in the j bank and wished to have a man appointed as re ceiver in whose ability and integrity they had confidence. ' Nw York Votfm tatnm. Nkw York, Feb. 27. C. Green & Co.'s report Ion cotton futures says: A slightly steadier tane was noted in the market for contracts, prin cipally due to the efforts; of a few leading operators. The move appeared to be for the purpose of holding the po sition until margin accounts could be brought into better form and was the outgrowth of caution rather than of confidence. The tone indeed continues weak an 1 apprehensive, to which ad- Vices from New Orleans are contribu- tive. The changes in value" are of lit tle significance and for most months the closing rates are in a measure nominal. A Tonnfr 41m,s ttletd. CHARtoTTK, N. C, Feb. 27. Wm. Gifford, aged. 26 years, a clerk in the , establishment of A B. & W.;B. Nisbet, commiitel suicide this morning by shooting himself in the head with a pis tol, tie left a note thanking bis em ployers for their kind treatment and stating that if i some money which had been promised him had been paid he wouia not nave oommntea tne aeea. it is believed that he was suffering from mental aberration, as there was nothing wrong with his business affairs. from the ilanghter-peM of Newj xork Msxiaotinl, wh premises them that he land, of Rouseville, p ennByltanaa, yes- ;aUrte W j, : I ;wiU orgaiiiae! bull-fights for their amuse- terday afternoon, and a permit was ob- b iV:. UL at tiirflinl in Timer, fin- s , " I! S -5. talnA . A umn IMmI flvnrrnr ts ' tho this week great : bargains in paper, 'telopes and pencils, of all dascriptions. ment. i - i 14 ATabi Pasha appears to have been iking lessons from Washmtoii' iu po litical diplomacy. I To tlvery caller who ne seuus ous one A :v.-..Ji -gains i tained to remove Mrs. Groger to ' the county poor-house. The story told by. these women, ' who carefully investigated tlia M.aa - a rt AWv1f inv nrri t w nl Biz job in handkerchiefe, embroideries rea hfl JUila oat one cfime on the part of the husband. He ' ' v ... i vsr lof hiafearda with the accomDauv tug State- is cnargea. wun auwmg up nis wue, Jid laceaof all descriptwn., urease reason, in a horribly . ; j mi I ins the request but begs the visitor not I filthy hut ; where she was obliged hatitrpoaour .-Wffffiiyitigi&ietl-.: T;i i' to'iiluddle Mth;U flock of sheep be shown day after day. New MTl,'u York are being obtained to an agreement herself from freeaiog. She had no cloth- ing or covering ouf an oia ounaio rone with nearly all the! fur worn off. The only food she waa iven was cornmeal and water. : Two years ago, and three years after her incarceration, she re gained her reason and claims to remenv bet all that - has happened" since then Mrs.' Groger was taken to Franklin: She has the appearance; of a sane woman, but bears toxens ot bestial treatment, iier body and limbs are swollen; and she has an : abscess on heir side of a painful character. Groger has been released on bail, as the charges do not entail seyere punishment. The feeling is run ning very. high. mtpanie prices eo from houses that hare d (ufno0lL if the ladies will do no Lf ; ; Lm J j,:, shopping,? it is reasoned.there will be no llapaed and others that will godowii UMk' tbe .hops' open, and the I ! . , J H.tnritr h&C.hnlii4av mATMrrpnt will Via -till othera who Ihrow ,rr --T- -r--. vr wnuvw. - - y"t i d ik l an assurea success - ti mm aafirifices honing tO Otttllfe ; id mni irrom auch sources as these A D(rwtiv Fir at Breehljrai. Nxw Yoaxi Feb,- 27. The burning of a. small stable-If r Brooklyn today an extensive conflagration. The blew a arale and; burning embers were scattered far and wide; igniting the stables and cat sheds of the Cypress Hill B. B. The depot, aheda and stables were burned; also forty carsi seven mo tors and a quantity of harness, lbe -company estimates the loss at over S100, 000; insured in dinerent companies, but not for the full amount. The horses of the company- had to be turned , loose and driven out and they were scattered all over the city. ; Tb Iqnlsttlaal SMal. V ABQlNGTOJf , V. U , ep. U It IS reported that the judiciary committee of the senate has. voted to report adversely purchasers secured Pauline for 88,1000 and the 2-year old chestnut colt Winifred for $13,000. .The 3-year old chestnut colt Cyclops was bought by Chas. Reed for S10.000.; Iweuty-Beyen thorough breds; iwere sold, the proceeds aggre gating $149,050. The sale was consid ered by all present the most successful one of thoroughbreds that has been held iu tnis country ior years. MM HER K aLEIU lal I LKPRl, lh Hanuractar of Frtlliara From Shphat Bok. Raleigh has the honor of being ithe first city in the State to practically j de velop a Worth Carolina product, about the discovery of which great in terest ; was manitested. I his industry, which Promises to do much for the owners of the works and to add largely to busi ness here, is the manufacture of com mercial fertilizers from phosphate rock from iCastle Haynes, near Wilmington. Soma two years ago an extensive and as it proved very valuable deposit of this rock "was fovod on the farm of Dr. Thomas D. Hogg, near Castle Haynes. Experiments; were made by Dr. Hogg here,! to test the fertilizing power of the phosphate and although this, was put in the ground in its crude state it devel Oped great power, as was reported at the time by the NW3 ajtd Observer, which was by the way the first paper in the oiaio iu ivt uiuuiitt luiuriuHiiuii a io the discovery, of phosphates !in. North Carolina; Some montns ago the Pioneer manu facturing company, of this citv. conclu ded to establish works for the conversion of the crude phosphate into a finished fertilizer. Yjesk'rday, in company with Mr. Colin M. Hawkins, president of the company, a reporter vtsted the works, near the Central depot. A three-story building, 00 feet high, covered with udgment; judgment to-be signed. , Geo. M. Smedes' executora vs. J. A. Myatt and others; report of sale filed; judgment confirming report. J. K. .No well vs. J. J. Ferrell et al.; compromised; judgment accordingly. Uourt took a recess until this morn- vng. lhe following is the list of jurors drawn for this week: W. J. Johnson, Wm. Edwards. Addison Wall. W. H Holloway, W. H. Wiftfree. Brinklev Maynard, W. 31. Stelli W j A. Pope, T. B. Wilson, John Cooper; W. H. Strain, S. rope, r. G. Ennia, VV . M. rates, W. G. Upchurch, Peter Harris colored), T T 1,11 . XT k : 1 xj. xiiuieotuie, n. A.tliaKe. ' ; we buy our goods and the houses .the want the trade of the people must go beat 4Eontrw hats still have very tall crowns and'tbe heavier part of the trim ming is placed far back on one side. A stylish model in dark green velvet has the ' nrim Doraercu witn uiuminaiu heads: along scarf of lade is draped over and round she crown, and the end, fal ling at the back, wound round the neck and thrown over One shoulder .t A bird of illuminated lieads placed on the folds of tha lice .in front and a plume of feather tips tailing over the crown from ? upon the nom nation of Zachariah Mont- fu f a "Vr "c F f n vc,.: through a chute into the mill on jgomeryj ot California, . assistant attor- . i '1 , ft ,i . ' j , first floor. lbe fljmg w i ney-general for the interior department. r r.C- i J a rm? B j - 4. ; L: t -i c of i thu: pulverize it and it l beyond this advanceline, must ' .a nrM nr fa down, for if there W Virtue b good goods at low: prices we mean to drive down to the bottom roc. . wora in the hair. Embroid- ' , , , i .f ered or beaded collars of plush or velvet We are fighting against the old gotten b4Te 4 on one side, into which is ! 1 . : 'I 1 nlaced a small bird's head. The Wat- i-i a. : x.Ar fn nnnlAUan I . . , . i. .j A Bcasarkably Bjftrrow Eaep. ' AVashinqtos, Feb 27. -A streetcar a we oacx we?.e ny, ru..-rWr m Metropolitan line was run intoby I famelOM e, among the . aoceptcd af crossing of Virginia j noveW-beathers made entirely of and: the' Baltimore & Potomac nnd for the people. ,nd save your money. Call and see us i VOLNET PUBSELL 1 CO. i KRAMER'S; 5 CENT PUC ! f0!f K BETTKK on the market. ' Made 4f HeU cted leaf and cannot be excelled. . MANUFACTURED BT Samel Kramer & Co DURHAM. N. O. KING & MACY; 'j ' uoirraACToas roa ' Mqusb and Sign Painting, 1 East Davie SU, under Law Buildln ; i do Katoomlatof, Ulaalnf, Gratomg aa reneral House .Faiatlog. ; Byecaai tacit me ior oiua w w tea shepherdess style of dress is prett in blue J PomoadouiSlowers. for a lair ' i. -f. " J 1.1 ii . U VOUPg glTI. Xvobv uovectnor im vusriii inir mixture for rose and gray. A new woollen tissue has its edgej bordered with rows of graduated . and shaded soft shades of odd railroad, lbe guard gates : were open and the street car ran in front of the ap proaching tram. 1 he driver of the car accuses the! Watchmen of not being at his post and the watchman , the driver of disregarding the warning and at-' tempting to whip through. One young iaav. names t rignt, . was paaiy nurt ana several other passengers were shaken up, but not seriously. The en' The grounds .of the committee's objec tion are sail to be the sentiments enter tained by the; nominee with; respect to the public school system, which seriti- menu were puDiiciy expressed in a pamphlet issued by him several years ago. Tj Public Ubt Inereaa Darina Feb- ruirr. . ; Washingtom, v. u., uep. z. It is estimated that there has been an increase of $25,000,000 of the public debt dur ing the month of xebruary.; lbe pen sion payments daring the month amount to $U,OUO.UUU Danas OS piusn in BOH:.aauw i r5i,r hA Wnrfa hi. a Colort.-Lace scarfe, shawL, ?ttll 8t0p whenl uv the car cross lis "7" " r" Z Tu ' path, or the results would have been Of eveniog dresses, and they certainly 0pe . - . , i Orden trom any yalaraaeea glvm ; saal!. dlst aaee seUetted - Bat correct and" soften the rather ; hard and straight lines of silk and velvet skirts. Oivfl i at the new' embroidered muslins shows jn its design Sk corcopia re versed. from which fall . roses, jessa mines and ferns to mingle with the large h ranches of mimosa that are spread over the. surface ; of the muslia, and whose delicate blossoms and leaves are per fectly copied in the embroidifry.; Plain net veiia with an inch-wide hem are worn, and also gold and sUyer; spotted ones, with gold or vaudyked edge Little high collars of velvet and cuffs to match are. laced in and round (ho edge with a ! colored f silk lace; They are finished off with; loops falling? on to a of f ' lace. Mia ; emproiaery oh .tuscore silk is muqh f worked by ladies fer-the fronjs of .tea igowus, matching fthe 5 o'clock tteaf cloth. Suchi a front? looks well wiih a skirt or plush, : Velvet or guod.: velveteen Lace braids in various widths and colors are used op spring dresses or costumes in' various woolengoods. The American cheney; crape in cream is so woven that its shadings make it appear as if sprinkled witn diamond dust. As much as forty yards of tulle is often used in treating an evening dress. demolished." Weekly Baak statentat. Nxw York, February 27; The follow ing is the weekly statement of the asso ciated national banks : Loans increase,: $lis,513,200speciMecreasfe, $4,663,100; gal tenders decrease, $2,dlU,DUO; de posits decrease, $4,842,000; circulation! decrease, 8120,000; reserve decrease, ?5,763,100 The banks now hold $26, 83,768 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. per s Total WUtbU Supply of Cotton. Nxw JCork, February 27, The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 3,049,407 bales, of which ,03,907 are American, against i,oou,uo( and z,d9,r 597 respectively last year; receipts at all interior towns 49,677; receipts from the plantations ,o7,3Uj; crop in sight 5,686i802bales:j : Tta OrleaaUW Doctd aat to Hpoak. : ; Paris, Feb.- 27 The Orleanists, at a meeting held to -take action on the mat ter, have decided to abstain from speaking on bills for the expulsion of the French princes during, the debate on these measures in the French assembly. Hoavjr Wloda. Nxw York. Feb., 27.-The signal aervioe officer at this place reports the wind blowing rrom oi to oo miles per hour. Won and Moro of It. Chicago News. Fenderson Cwho has just been intro- m. . . wa ducedi: lJelighted to meet vou. l m sure.. My friend Jones often speaks of. you. It waa only the other day that he said: 'Mrs.iLouisburg is such a fine, motherlv lady!' " Miss Louisburg (with a faint smile of annovance oa her snulingface): "How droll! Your "friend Mr. Jones was prob ably speaking of my mother. I am Miss, not Mrs , Louisburg." ! ; Fenderson (much agitated); 'Oh. I beg your pardon but,' really, is it pos sible tiict you have a mother liv'ngV" Tho Eletl X.iit Plant. ; The new bunding to accauimodate the eiectiic light engines, dynamos, etc., is neatly completed, it stands on Wfst Davie street, near South Salisbury, and is 65x30 fe.et in dimensions; being of wood w ith tin roof. The 00-horse power engine, a very fine one, which is to df ive the dynamos, has arrived at the Central depot and will be unloaded tomorrow. The work of putting up the engine and of jmoving the dynamoB from their pres ent location; at the North Carolina oar company's shops will then begin, and in a very short while all thu plant will bo in its new location. There is to be in the near future, It is said,, a notable ex tension of the system of eleotrio lighting here. The; light is giving marked sat isfaction, f cdrriigated iron, and painted a dull red. rises at the west side of the Pioneer ; fac tory The 75-horse power engine of tre factory, makes the machinery whirr, and upon entering the red building a viBitor Is greeted by a thunderous noise. This is caused by the rapid revolutions of the grinding wheel in a J) ruble mill, which pulverizes the phosphate rock. This rock is unloaded in its crude state, in masses of from a few ounces to severs hundred pounds in weight, at the railroad, from the cars which have trans ported it from Castle Haynes. t A tram - s L' A.ii.-L i a - i-Tit.. rn way;ruuB irum iue ruauBiue to tae mm. 1 he phosphate rocx, which is aconglom orate of carbonate of lime and phos- phatio nodules, is delivered on the first floor frOm the train-cars. By cups on an endless belt it is lifted to the third floor; Then it passes into a hopper and on the heels pulverize it and it is af terwards blown by a fan to bins on the third and second floors, the more finely crushed going to the. former floor, the coarBer to the second floor. ; Down it com s again into bags and these'are each 1 . I .t n . " aaoruea wun tne following tnscrip tion: "200 lbs North Carolina Lime MauHiractured by the N. C Phosphate Company; .Castle HayneSNj C. The capacity of the machine is twen ty tons a day of dry rock. It crushes and prepares for shipment that amount daily. Orders are coin nag in for the forti'izer ' and Mr. Hawkins says the Company is 150 tons behind orders I he bagged ter timer is, by the tramway taken back to the rail way, for shipment. The arrangements for the shipment of the crude phosphate by rail are- Satis factory; and this week great ; quantities will ; arrive. This important new industry is on its feet j and there is ample capital and enterprise behind it. . It is not improbable that the capacity of the works may be increased within the nxt few months. j Wow JUtvortlaomont. , In this issue appears the annual State ment of one of tne saost substantial life insurance companies in the country,': the Mutual Benefit, of Newark, N. Ji It has some special features which com mend it to insurers. It is one of the largest companies, its assets being amott W. W. Vass vs. Samuel Stewart; $40,000,000 and its surplus almosf5,- S)nio Important Howa. '? It is said that the railroad i formerly known as the Albemarle & Raleigh will certainly be constructed to Raleigh and ,. A hv tllm verv speedilv. The contract for I r r M rfr . ' 000,000. Mr B. Grimes Cow per has just taken charge of its general agency for North Carolina. i Mr. George T. Stronach offers his entire stock of canned goods and fancy groceries at prime cost; also opnrplete outfit of scales, cases, tins, .cans 4c, &c. ; one pair of platform and six pairs counter-scales. Read his advertisement in today's issue. I It doesn't look like hard times or thai , business is dull to read Messrs. W. C. & A B. Stronach's advertisement, and it looks less so when you enter either. their elegant store No. 219 FayetUvilW street, pr their commodious warehouse, with goods piled to the ceiling, at 124 East Hargett street. Either at whole-- sale or retail, you can have all; your wants in staple and fancy groceries sup-' that its extension after its purchase bv the Wilmington & Weldon railway recently, was nrst made for a section from Rocky Mount to Nashville. It is stated that other contracts have been given out for its construction twenty miles this side of Nashville. This brings it to a Point near Wakefield, this county. This looks i v . a -: - - ixe Dusiness, and italeigh, it would ap pear, can rest assured that before a great many months it will have another ; rail way connection. It is a very important matter. Last autumn the directors of the Wilmington & Weldon railroad adopted a resolution to the effect that the line should be should extended from Rocky Mount to Nashville and ' thence to some point on Tar river. From the placing of the contracts for construction to Wakefield, which is directly on aline from Nashville to Raleigh, it appears to be almost certain that Raleigh is the new objective point. The I character of the work in progress on the Nashville end is said to be both rapid and excellent. rbo Com to Optra MPoca boa too.' ' ; Next Friday evening I at Tuoker hall the comic opera "Pocahontas, the In dian Queen," will be ; presented ( by a company ot amateurs under the- direo tion ot Messrs.. Hart and - Pauh,: ' The words of the opera are by Mr.. Charles B. JIart and the score 'is the work of Prof. A. Pauli The -opera isj copy righted and the libretto is neatly print ed. There are some ; excellent ; voices among the performers. The music, which is said to be very Catching, will be rendered by the large orchestra of the! Philharmonio society. The er-: Berwanger Bros, make a special hit today in their reduction of 25 per cen on clothing. They must clear out their winter .stock to make room for spring goods, which. Mr. Sam Berwanger lias gone North to purchase. The , firm of Berwanger Bros, is an enterprising one. It has poshed its trade here. Mr. Abe Berwanger has pursued the same course at the new branch house at Knoxville, Tennessee. The Knoxville papers, the Journal, Chronicle and Sunday Topic, speak in high terms of the house and of its success there. All the latest (styles of goods will be shown in the spring trade. ! ! Information for Poatmaator. j I The postoffioe department has instruct- ed the postmaster at Raleigh to aendtha original certificates of depositing- post- masters in this state direct to the post office department at Washington. jHere after only the duplicates will be sent the postmasters upon making their deposits. This applies to all the postmasters in " North Carolina. I: 1, St. Jacobs Oil is a cure for i rheuma tism. Red Star Cough Cure makes you secure against cold. , It is not the ownership of an dion that constitutes a crime' it's accor-i the act of playing on it. Brooklyn Times, j A Word to Workora.' ! j ' If yoar avocations are mentally j or. physl- cally laborious, if they ubect you to expos- . . ure In inclement weather, or if they! eoaone' you to the desk, and are of a nature to involve . wear and tear of the brain and nervomi strain ' vou may may occasionally require some re- novating tonic uostettera Btomaenj Bittera is the article for you. It stimulates the the fail- tae debiUUtlns; efleeta ef undue f augua, aivea i hospital. Seats can be reserved at Mao- Rae's drug store. The price oft admis-1 sion is i5 cents, gallery 50. There w no extra charge lor reserved seats.! It; is the last performance before Lent, and i doubtless the attendance will be: such as to gratify the performers. The re hearsals are progressing finely and the ; members of the company are sparing no pains to make the affair a success in ; every respect. A synopsis of the opera will be given in a day or two. : ' . Good farmers discovered long ago that no kind of stock would trample down and work into ; good manure so large a mass of straw and rough feed as a flock of sheep. Under a good base ment barn a flock of sheep may be ? fat- tened, and in the meantime make an amount of manure that i will pay ior a considerable part of their grain fdod. In feeding breeding ewes, no grain will be required until after the' lambs are drop-' pea, and it should then be given ; spar ingly. Unless a farmer has dry shelter for his stock he had better not ' try to keep sheep. A barn basement is best but a tight shed that will ; exclude rain ; and snow will be warm enough for fat tening sheep. For breeding ewes, if the lambs are to be dropped in cold weather,: a basement under the barn is indispen sible. ! Ml : "The real Parisian," says Alphonse varr, "does not profess to be fond of aris, but he can live nowhere ; else.; He b like the fish, who does not know it loves the water, but who dies if yu tako it out. The Parisian trawls' a.- other men plunge into the water; that is, according to their power of holding! their breath. This may last for One or two minutes." I; ' renewed vigor to the organ ef: digestion, " arouies the liver when Inactive which It very ! often l" with people whose pursuita-mra aedea- ' . try, renews the Jaded appetite, and eneonr- i area healthful repose. Its ingredient art safe and its credentials, which consist la the hearty endorsement of persona of every elaas of so ciety, are most convincing. Admirably is It adapted to the medical wants of workers. Apples asd Potatoxs Twenty-five Barrels Apples; Russets and Baldwins, to arrive from Boston today. Fifty Barrels Choice Seed Rose Potutes, to arrive February 25th. 5H; Ev J. Haxdix. Benr'ine Oonrt. Court met at 11 o'clock yesterday norning. Appeals from the.' fourth dis trict were culled and causes were dis poned of as follows: . ! State ex rel., Annie E, Carr, adinin istratrixt. et als., from Wake;, argument coiclnrle'i. i i Syiue, adniiuistratorj vs., Trice; put to end of the district. i State vs. Garrett Johnson, from Wake, argued by attorucy general far the State, Battle & Mordecai for defend ant, Argument ccucluded, Court ad jourued. '! l : FbllbamenleSoelely. . Regular meeting of the society jTues day evening. All members are re quested to be on hand, at 8 o'clock. j ? DB. A. KcRSTIINxi. ; I : Director. ?'Ratta5i Chairs" Fresh, clean stock can be found at Fred A. Watson's Pic ture Store, hard-pan prices. Uphol sterers 'Materials, r lush novelties,- &o. nr i rv i i wv v indow onades, ricture f rames and Window Cornices made to order, de livered and put up at short notice promptly. Heixxr Bros', have added t their "Heller's celebrated three dollar shoe" Douglass' three dollar shoe.!,' Just re ceived a new lot of them in Congress; Lace and Button Boots. ) ; A laroi lot of ladies' Saratoga, sine and leather trunks (the samples of a fao- ; tory) just received and selling very cheap at Heller Bros'. Shoe and Leather ' House. ' ' ; ; . --TJhe British find it is one thing to : capture Theebaw and another to conquer ' Burmah. The latest reports from that ' country reveal a very threatening state 3 of things. The inhabitants are fighting amongst themselves; and are very rest- , lesB under the new foreign yoke. . The troops are under marching orders again, ' and there seems to be trouble ahead. Mild, soothing and healing is Dri Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Opera glasses in church are aa ultra- fashionable caper. ' ': A a Tbojr Cannot Peoatbly make a porous plaster having anything like the medlclaAi iiuuiities oi Basoa ', tne camp lol- lowera oTtlie pharm&centioai prof easion produce tons of worthless plaster, -and give iheni names wmcn resemoie in print tnat oi tne gn uine, aaa wnen careieisir spoken, aonud lu it- ike uine, aad when carelessly spoken, sonud For example Cheap John druggists will von, wmn gwvwwm giiMpwT? eenona la adTaomd staoaa ot Udimn PricStk Can- ((too, OoatUa Dn BuU't Cxmgk Srntp n sold only to MOii muuims, and bean ev rMMl TmdlUiki M wtlt lfneiBillaianatiirMor V. offer on trash variously Styled Capsicum,! 'Capsiclo," Capslcine" r tapucin" plas ters. ireiacea sonM-tmes 'witn tne name lien. ton's" or "Burton's." : Wo oaraently: cauiloa the public aaaiobt the whole tribe- of th?m. They are absolutely useless as remedies for dis ease, 'i'obesure ther are cheap, but plain raaslin Is cheaper and Just as efficacious. Ask for Benson's, wif-h the spelling, and look for this "Three Seals" trademark, and the word "CaiKjine," which la cut. iq the eentra of the gcareutc, ;i ;f Barateg-a sitsjbtiy; sbakeau . Sabaxoqa, N. Y., Feb. 27. A slight shock of an earthquake was felt here at 3-40 o'clock this morning. suoaioaJ ;;u ' I What port is sought by every living creature r Sup-port. You cannot well ! make it if your lungs are not, sound. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will make them so. SALVATION OIL, " Tke Ofoatert Car Ipa Earth for Pala,-. Will relleTe more quickly' than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bmises, Burns, Scalds. CntSi Lumbaxro. Sores. Frost bites. Backache, Wtnncu. Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. fOR Man and Beast ) ilastang liniment is olda thatt Boost men, aodi oaed more, aad ooc-erery yeai.1 . L ana cure your eough.' - ! pi s i " . i ? ; if f ' ' I M 4 J it - I - '.? 'J . ! i - i i r. ' a

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