t Twe NEWS AND J;! QBWElli j : 1 j . : -- -y t- -rj -: s ; r- - - - . 7 . T ; , j : r ; : r : '" "1 ' " " " ' r ;l '-'! YOUXXVi. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 28. 1886. I r I ; RALEIGH, N. C., SUNDAi MORNING. MARCH 281886. NO. 114 1 J P09ER Absolutely Pure- fbis powder aever varies. A marvel of vritv, ttre&th and wholeaomeneaa. More eonomical than ordinary ttndi and cannot be old to eompetitkm with the multitude of low i est, abort weight, alnm or phosphate powders Sold only is cans. Rotal BAinro Powdi Co., 103 Wall Street, New York. Sold by W C A A B Stronaeh, George T stroaacb sad J B Ferrall Co. mil STORE.; COJfGRESSIQNAn. niE house km jots a disctnsios 6f THk SILTER BIIX. ftpocebos Hado by numbers of Hem bore, rilE B vK4IAI HOUBK Or KALEIUH. Big Prices Will not do these times, wben even the wealthy cannct afford to waste their money and the poor require doable duty of every dollar and even every penny. We deal in good goods and not in trash, and believe the masses will patronise the house that sells the best goods for the least money. ! Hence we throw before the masses these spe cialties; these matchless' goods at match less prices. We will show' the people the folly of their habit, from year to year, of wasting their . money for the paitry eousUcration of a little,!: credit, .. :.-,..-,.?f .rf-j,- ,--'r.;-p. i---i!;r':H'l' How can you tell the worth of money when you get your goods from a house f i "i ' ' ' ' '. ' ' , tiiat buys and sells on long time?. .1 Upon VASw'NGToVi March 27. Hocaa The debate on the silver question was opened by Culberson, of Texas.; Mr. Culberson announced himself in favor of fair play and fair dealing pith silver, j ile was a friend of Bilver and in favor of placing it on' tbe same plane with gold in ' regard to coinage, and giving itja full; unqualified debt-paying power. ; i 1 I ': I Mr. Long, of Massachusetts, as a bi metalist.was opposed to the continuance of the present policy of the coinage of silver, indefinite -and unlimited; in time and therefore in amount which, unless we checkvoi- set some limit to it, will as surely expatriate gold as the sun r will rue tomorrow ; i 1 : Mr. MdriranL of South Carolina, de clared that the' so-called friends of stiver held the light of experience in contempt and held,' that those who differed with their? vieWs Were enemies not only of this o: untrv out or tne whole human race. They had been' loud in their denuncia tions and had included is these denun ciations the; President and the secre tary of the (treasury, but all that they bad done bad been to send forth an empty blast of iwords. They ' bad been fierce in tongue,; but gentle in action.! It was, now proposed to permit the free coinage of silver wbile the undeniable fact: was that having been fully and fairly tried in this country' and Europe, free coinage and bi-metalisin had afirays been I and Would iatwarsfbe a complete j failure. Mr. u Whititt,v6f Massachusetts, ailvo-; oated. the suspension of silver coinage Mr.jLorf, of. Delaware, presented an argument in favor of the Bland law. Mr. Haisted, of Kentucs:, said that the people had spoken in no uncertain voice against tne suspension of silver coinage, and the Question was whether Congress, tbeir servant should heed their voice, or legislate? in S th interest of, those! who were seeking io enrich themselves at the expense of the Working class. Jklr. Tty; lor, of Tennesse,' briefly favored ! free Coinage. I At 5:20 the House adjourned 1MB? TEIA1 AT etery - panic prices. lapsed our counters will be placed dav new arrivals of goods, at r . from bouses that nave col- down. and from others that i will Of ;i MOW TFAMOC3 f AsflBviiui, N. C, March 27. The trial of ViUiam II. Jones, and Frank Jones, father and son, 'indicted for the mnrder ef Mary Bice, closed this after noon at 5 o'clock, with' a verdict of not guilty.! - The jury wu( out ; about an hour. j a be trial began' the "10 th rof ; March. o Tbe evidence was purely- cir- snmBtantiU. r'One, hundred and seven Witnesses were examined. The pros fecutionf was ably ft conducted; by solicitor Fergiiison and ui sisUutl and the pruoneri; were as ablv defended. The crime for; wbich ttvc prisoners fwere tried involved the murder .f lour! per- sous ana tne purnmg oj a uwemng. j ne indiCtmentiiWI8 fiw" kiUing Mary Bice, Bills Jrerej also j founds for killine 'the others, i; After the verdict todav a nol pros. :ae4utered as;o the bther in- 4ictments,twi,th leawi The I prisoners were discharged. : ; '.j - We Will offer snob remarkable barT I A trains as no house can match. Best Drints at 5o. a yard; worth 7c. Best shectingir, 6o. a yard. Silk gloves 30c; worth 60:. Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings 4o. each. Needles 2c. a paper. Pins 2c; a paper. Forty-eight sheets (I note-paper 5c. Twenty-five envelopes fur ia. Good handkerchiefs 4o. : each. Blacking lc. box. Great bargains in Notions of All Descriptions, Dry Goods,1 i i Hoots and Shies.' Clothinr. Hats and r w - Caps, Carpets, Oilcloths, Millinery j' Goods&c. i Please call and examine before buy I ! " ' ine your goods, and save your money. VOLNKY PUBSELL CO. N Baleigb, N. C. ii i . T j; ; BEWARE Injunction Ktopa aa Importtil Bjoai6ip;&V March 127. The property of tbe Sputhern telegraph com pany was to nave been soldi today at commissioner s : sale, t but before the time for sale it Was announced that an order bad been entered in the United States - tourt : at Norfolk, postponine it indefinitely, t The order was issued upon the petition of J . B. Pace, one of the4 largest bond-holders of the Southern ccmpanyi-i. .; ;. . : iWooMJx BoKkZtomeat. NxwPYoni March27.The follow ing is the weekly statement of the asso- cuted national banks i . Loans decrease, S3.62C760; specie decrease, $5 01,500; tegai tenners aecrease, $z,m,&vvi ae posits decrease, $1 1,172,600; circMaticn decrease xl72,O0U;J reserve decrease, $4,615,650.- The banks now hold $ia,- &93,043 fw lexcess of the 25 peY rent rate, t..i ) Bla-lains Dplorabl i ondttfon. OAHOS Of. K10TKK8 BRBAKINO OP BTJ8INK84. Brcbsxls;; Belgium, March 27. Tbe: rollintt mills at Montceau i have . been' sacked by strikers! i Gangs- of strikers are everywhere iu the mining districts forcing Id en to Btop work and are! going about pillagine factories. ; The. local authorities ; are absolutely powerless beforii tbe d.&ily increasing strength of the tioUtiJsIi m'illnow require very Jarge reinforcetaenti of troops to quiet the rioters' ; ' ii. : f ' JAY GOLLD RXriTSXS TO TREAT WITH THB : KVIQHTS OP LABOR. . Niw York, March 27. An invitation was tent Jay Gould to-day to meet the general executive board of the Knights of Labor, with a view to submitting the southerwestern railroad difficulties to an arbitration committee. Gould, act ing on advice of the Missouri Pacific directors, refused to meet the beard. jStt. Locis, March 27. At 1.30 o'clock this afternoon the Vandalia road, in East St. Louis, succeeded in getting out a freight train of eleven cars. About 700 men were standing around the de pot at the time. An Ohio & Mississippi freight train moved as if to start out and the crowd made a rush to stop it. This action of the strikers left the tracks around the depot clear. The Van dalia engineer, who was all ready tp start, saw his chanoe, put on steam and started away. A man of the crowd saw the movement and running ahead turned a switch signal across i tie track, expecting the engineer'; would (t p when he saw the track blocked, but tiio engineer turned on more steam and dashed through the signal. The train was off and in a few minutes was out of sight. i ; m m . From Wathlc toi. ; . ; Washington, March 27. The river and harbor appropriation bill, as com pleted by the House committee,1 makes a total appropriation of $15,164,200, Which will become available immediately upon the passage4 of the bill. As there was no ; appropriation made for river and harbor improvements last; session, the present appropriation virtually cov ers a period of nearly two years. North Carolina harbors, etc.,- .receive the following: Beaufort, $15,000; EJenton bay, $200; between New Berne and Beaufort, $10,000; Cape Fear river, $12,UU0; (Jontentea creek, $5,000 ; Currituck sound, Cobjoak bay and North river bar, $10,000, .Neuse river, $10,000;; New river, $1,000; j Pamlico and lars river. So. UUU; itoanOke river. $10,000; Trent river $350. The Mis sissippi river receives a total of $3,800,- 000. of which S2.400.000 is for that part below Cairo and 81,400,000 above Cairo. For the Missouri river the total is $660,000, and the total for New York harbor is $425,000. . ' Mr. Iroaa' Statomoata.: St; Louis, March 27. -Chairman irons, of the executive committee, dis trict assemblyjlOl.when shown the state ments Of Powderly and Turner tele graphed from New York and Philadel phia last night, said: 'It is not neces sary tor me to giye the authority for any thing I have said. We don't have: to be puided bv what Mr. Powder! v aava. The general committee has no j power bere) and fit 'eaan'dt ' ''MnteTiil9ier0 liai settle this trouble unless we request it." be declares that Mr. Irons is one of the men who is doing the order great injus tice; was shown him he said: "I have nothing to" say about that, and I will not be drawn into a newspaper controversy with Mr. Powderly or Mr. Turner and theyhave no right, to denounce me in this manner.'-' "But you made the state ment complained of," was asked. 'What is, said," replied Mr. - Irons, 'was that if the strike is not settled it juight extend over all railroads in the country, and I will tell you more than lBaid and that Is that it may extend to the'Koigbts all over the country. ; OK . , ; ADULTERATED LARD. It looks well, but the odor irom it when w.Unir detecU it. ICxamlne tor youraelvet and be fcure von are not uning it. CANARD'S! "STAR BRAND" LA,RD : IS Qt'ABACTEMP lUKS. Put up la all rtjle ol packaKe. Ahk jour erocer lor it and if he hasn't it in stock Zenii your addrvMi to B. Ii. W U DELL, Ual iU. N. C, aad you will be supplied. . 4. Casfcard 6c Son, JSAuTlMoKIC. ALU. i Oiiirers 1 the Celebrated 4tar Brand Mild Cured ti am una Br-akfaMt Baon. GBJLNITX8 AJfD 8AND8TONKS. o. Litidhan & Co 40D rayoUevllle 8U, Baleigh, R. &, : it prepard to make eoutraeuoa tbe Ato Y arable Terau tor supplying Granite band tonet of the Bert tuaittj w any juantitle dm.il Uuurrlea at ueirjroa ana wsaea . horn. M. C. AjnplejaeihUei tor aaadling sa . a iklM jnii iipmenu to any point, aither in at evict Ue State. 'All -fhoji ipitckH SurrDdr. Tok8Tiix, Arizona, March 27.--Col White an insurance agent yof tbis city atrived! from Fort Huachuca vesterday, and febdrts that just before, he left there yesterday ? tuoi n mgS . a courier ar.i ved from Lt. Maus' camp with news that all iL. $xl :l-J 1 j U.'i vue i xnuians ,naa ;: Burreuuereu excepii Magrus and two warriors, who have been bif tbe! reservation since 1882. . . rh rMunaan Uajrwood Cm. in he ease jof the State vs. Pupean C. Ulvwdod the purport of the decision of tbf supreme court is -as follows: if w issues were subiuitted to the jury; one touching the sanity of the defend ant ahd the other ss to the forgery. The supreme court affirms the finding that Uaywood was of r sound mind find re verses the finding of guilty, as to the t'orgery,;upon the technical point that itdi4 noi appear that one ol, the jury whicb found one ;of the bills of indict ment bad paid nu taxes, lhe case sosback to be; tried only upon the I question ;of forgery. : : Moei-etary H aaalaas CondlUon. WashikgtqS, March 27. When Doc tors Lincoln and Hamilton stepped into secretary Manning s sleeping-room at 10 o clock this morning, the secretary stretched out his hand and saluted them cheerfully. ." After remaining at kb bed side about an hour tbe two 1 physicians took their departure. Before leaving Dr. Lincoln said to an associated press reporter : : There'is really no change in - the secretary's condition. He is holding his own and that is about all that can be said. He at times complains of headaohe, but that is to be expected ; it is one of the results of trouble ' at the base of tbe brain." 'His pulse is rather variable,'' said Dr. Hamilton, "but not quite so much so as yesterday." "lie is not out of danger, understand me, remarked Dr. Lincoln, "and will not be for some time yet, but we feel encouraged as times ao by. Time alone can solve tbe problem." : Troaajo la Bvlarlaoa. Brusskixs, March, 27. The damage done to property by strikers at Charle roi alone already amounts to $2,500,000 The strikers have threatened to destroy the gas wOrks; which supply the city with light. Strong reinforcements of troops have been sent to help protect the city. Lieutenant-General Van Dair , Smissen has been sent to Gharleroi to take com mand of the troops being assembled there to quell the rioting. 1 Br Utah Cabtao CbaaRM. Los don, March 27. James Chamber lain r president of the local, government boafd. and G. O. Trevdvao. ; seer e tar v r w for Scotland, have resigned from Glad- Stone s cabinet, and the - CJneen has ac cepted the resignations of both gentle men;. -James Stansfield, radical, mem ber for Halifax, succeeds' Chamberlain. and! the Earl of Dalhousie succeeds Trevelyan. Dalhousie, however, wil not have a seat in the cabinet, as Tre velyan had. Th tdoatllleatloa of tbo atraaarBua-s. Cor. of the Niws and Obsirvir. N. C. ExPiRikis Station, Ralmoh, March 27. The bugs which visited this city last night, and were described in this 'morn ing's Niws and Obsmvib, under the heading "Are they Locusts?" are very likely of the species Belostoma Ameri cana. : These bugs are the largest water bugs of the family Pedirapti, which are included in the sub-order to which the squash-bug, bed-bug, water-measurer, &. . belong. They live principally in water, and feed on aquatie larvae, insects, young fish and probably fish eggs.' It is said they have been seen before in ponds near Raleigh, and also that they have been known to kill small fish. This is confirmed above, and also by Prof. Riley, of Washington, D. CL, who says one of them killed a gold-fish of his as soon as it was put in the same aquarium. Their sting is poisonous, though perhaps not deadly to the human-body. ; This may account for their ability to kill large fish 'and sparrows, which was noticed yesterday. They conceal themselves in crevices during the winter, and live in a torpid; state till warm weather, when they leave their quarters and fly to con siderable distances, usually during the night, and rarely before June or Jujy. ihere need be no fear of their, injur ing the crops, as they are not mentioned as being at all hurtful to any kind of vegetation. As they live on fish, how ever, it would not be well for those hav ing carp ponds to have them near. Ihere were a few beetles (of the spe cies Dytiscus Hibridus) found with these Dugs, wmon are uescrinea as naving very similar habits that is, living in water and eating other insects, fish, &c. Prof. Riley also mentions tbe fact of the bugs being attracted by light, which was no ticed to a marked degree last night. lhey also visited Durham, and perhaps other places as well, which would seem to indicate that they exist in large quan tities somewhere near. W. A. Withers. Wake Baporlor Court. Court met vesterdav moraine at 9.30 o'clock, his honor Judge H. G. Connor presiding. The following business was transacted: State vs. Bob Robertson, concealed weapons; nol. pros., with leave. State vs. James Harris, larceny; pleaded guilty; ten years in the peni tentiary. State vs. James Harris, larceny; judgment suepended. State vs. Roden Freeman, assault and battery; the jury in this case after being "hung" for two days returned a verdict of guiltyf three months and costs appeal. t I , ' State vs. David Hare, perjury; ver dicV of guilty-hwrtefore; two years in the penitentiary; appeal. . ' State vs. Tbomas Rogers, assault; one penny and costs. State vs. Thomas Rogers, assault; nol. pros. I In the case of tbe State vs. Wm. Yeargin, David Crocket, Garrett John son, John H. Bell, Thomas Johnson, Richard Gattis, John Pool, respectively indicted for escapes, the defendants sub mitted and were fined one penny and costs.' State vs. David Hare; sci fa; judg ment absolute. State vs. Badger Terrell and Joseph Terrell, affray; verdict guilty; $10 fine each and costs. State vs. Edward Lucas, burning fodder; jury empaneled and alter evi dence for State had closed the solicitor thinking it not sufficient, consented to verdict of not guilty, which was accord ingly entered. The grand jury having finished all tbe business before it were discharged for tbe term. Court took a recess till Monday morn ing at 9. SO o'clock. The following is a list of jurors drawn to serve past week: It. A. Upchurcu, J. h: U. Jones, John U. .Powell, J. L Markham, G. D. Martin, J. C. Medliu, Wm. Medlin (colored), J. T. Hagwood, J. (J. Beck, Horace liaucom. VV. D Partan, Ruffin Evans (colored), C. W Blanchard, Fab. H. Briggs, T. W Blake, A. M. Beck, T. A. Bowen. LLEWXaM. SALAD Of NEWTEWTIAI. SKETCH LH, Portraying- with Prelln and la Prlat- ' ink, tno laptrt oi marriM' mn aad Carollalaaa at too tMiUMtry'a Capital Fen . ell Paring-a. the Total Tlalblo Supply of Gottoa. ' New York, March 27, The tota vbible supply of cotton for the world is 2,890107 bales, of which 2,503,037 are American; against 2,691,176 and 2,158, 776 respectively last years receipts at all-interior towns 2,736,308; receipts from the plantations 299,988: crop in sight D,vsOfiiQ ones. . v Wow Advortlsoaaoata. The advertisement of the N. C. lime phosphate, with valuable directions for composting, &c., published today, should be reaa Dy all wno aesire w ao gooa 'arming on corn lands. ; W. H. & K. S. Inciter & Co. always have attractions at their great store and always know the, right way to make that iact Known Dy auverusmg. xouay advertisement is well worth reading. Mr. John S. Pescud has made a de cided success of his new (or rather olJ) drug store. He gives careful attention to the business, and, like his clerks, is careful and competent, lie has a par ticularly fine line of garden seeds in stock. Mr. George T. Stronaeh offers for saje a large lot of small packages of fat mack erel, just from the fisheries at Glouces ter; also a full assortment ot heavy ana fancy groceries and liquors and cider. Worria Cortor'a Spring-. onening of fine dress goods, notions, etc. was a grand success in selling some very fine dress goods. The ladies say that their selections this season are the finest in the city. No lady should make her gnrine purchases before visiting their Htnrfl. Notice their advertisement of fine dress goods, in this issue. The eernaaa Pavllanout Blonaavok. Aataajoalaoo Bxrxin, March 27, The Reichstag this afternoon, by a vote of 181 to 3, re jected Prince Bismarck's spirit monopoly bill. Tbe members of tbe right abstained from voting. ; Special Cor. Niws and Observer, h 2 Wasuington, March 27 Tbe condition of secretary of treasury Manning is of a more sqrious character than tbe associated press dis patches would lead one to infer. He is, in truth, critically ill, and his son, in response to a summons, .has arrived from Albany to attend his bedside. : His face is flushed, his breathing labored, and his intimate friendi, are alarmed at his con dition. A8 8n 1 as his condition war rants it, he will be removed to his Albany home, and his physicians stated yester day that under no circumstances would he be able; to attend to his official duties within a month. Should death ensue it would be peculiarly unfortunate, espe cially at this time, for the administra tion. - WAR WILL BE WAGED to the bitter end if the end shall be bitter- by the friends of the educational measure in the House. The result of the conference of the advocates of tho scheme, held last Wednesday evening, was an emphatic earnest of this. As usual, Hon. J. W. Reid played a prom inent part in the deliberations of the con- erence, and, in pursuance of the resolu tion Introduced by him, and adopted, a committee, consisting of two members of each delegation, was appointed to confer with their respective colleagues, with a view to securing all possible support to secure the reference to a different com mittee of the bill to be introduced by Representative W illis next Monday. bis. committee will make a reDort today (Saturday) at 11 o'clock. The bill which Mr. V illis purposes to intro duce will be a duplicate of the Blair bill already in the hands of the commit tee on education, with some insignifi cant changes to make it pass muster as new. bill. . 1 he friends of the measure are hot yet without hope. All they ask is fair play, believing that if they can get tbe bill before the House, and to a vote, it will pass that body ; and the very fact that the opponents of the bill on the education committee refuse to re port it to the House for action is prima facie evidence that they are afraid of ueh a result. That is the situation, in a nutshell, and the fate of the measure will probably be decided by the action of the House on Mr. Willis' bill next Monday.; Hoping for the best and fear ing tbe worst is about the bent of my mind on ! the subject. I THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION has ' made its, , annual report and Thursday the President transmitted it to Congress. The report shows that 7,602 persons were examined during the year, of whom 730 were females. y Of the! total number examined 5,034 passed and 2,568 failed! The' number of appointments made during the year was l,s7b, making a total of 4,176 ap pointments under the rules since the aw went into eject, and it is intimated that the political complexion of the ap pointees is about equally divided. At present theie are more than 14.000 places subject . to the examinations . 5,650 in the departmental service at Washington ; 2,573 in the customs ser vice; o.oyu in the postal service, and it is 'suggested that the scope of the law be extended. The Democratic House is not likely to act favorably on this latter proposition, however. .1 : ' ; THE TARIIF TANGLE. Speaker Carlisle says that a tariff bill will pass the House during the present session of Congress, it is generally supposed that it will be a compromise measure, and Mr. Randall had a confer ence! with Mr. Morrison's ways and means committee a couple of days ago. No agreement, however, was reached, nor was any understanding looking to one bad, and no one can say just now whit the ultimate result of the tinkers Aug ft Vv. I VOORUEXS VINDICATION of the President in the Senate last Thursday was the eloquent effort of one of the finest orators in the country. Ilia speech was well seasoned with political thrusts at the other side of the chamber and a1 flow of wit ani satire that cont vnlsed Senators and spectators alike; He laughed at the idea of Republican Senators complaining of and attempting to prevent tbe suspension or removal of offioe-holders, "when there are today. under a Democratic administration, ten Republican Federal office-holders to one Democrat." He thought that if any complaint was, to be made it should come from his side of the chamber,' and he alluded to the fact that of the 3,200 em ployees in the interior department, less than 4U0 changes had been made, "in eluding the secretary himself." : EVARTS EFFORT was I worthy of the great lawyer, and, regarded as a legal argument, the speech was probably the best that has been de liver ed on the subject certainly the best that has been made in support of the resolutions. He was compelled to eat his own words, used in the impeach ment trial of Andrew Johnson, however!, before he concluded. 1 ; ing alls' invective : would have been healthful and effective Friday if he bad been on the right side of tbe question. The Kansas Senator is known as the "Dude of the Senate." He is spare, wears a closely-buttoned Crock coat, abd is never seen without bis eye-glasses. In general appearance I never saw a more typical representative oi tne auae species, Dut he is by mo means a dude in other respects. On the .contrary, he is a talented man and in uncommonly good speaker, and we probably should not ridicule him ! for bi anatomical make-up. As be laid to Brown, of Georgia, when his appsar ance was alluded to by the "Mormon elder": "Don't censure me; let the blame rest where it belongs " TUB WAY IT WORKS. ; ' ' May the plague take me if I am not sorry Cleveland was elected!" exclaimed a Democratic Congressman the other day. "I don't mean exactly that, either," be added, after a moment's reflection; "I think I mean to say that I wish people were not so unreasonable." Then he pushed aside a bushel, a bushel and a half, or two bushels of letters, and pro ceeded to relieve his overburdened mind in this wise:; "You see, when the Rads had the administration of affairs we Dem ocratic Congressmen were not expected to dish out; any of the Federal offices, and, I tell you, sir, we fairly reveled in a most delightful state of 'innocuous des uetude,' so far as patronage was con cerned; but how. is it now, my dear christian friend how is it now x" and through a pair of badly adjusted spec tacles he beamed upon me an expressiou of strictest ; despair. ."Why, sir," he continued, "every third man in my dis trict wants an office. Now what am I to do ? I have been about as successful as most Congressmen in securing places, but every time ( I have an office at my disposal there are at least a dozen applicants for the place. I have one Of them appointed and thereby make eleven enemies while I make, but one friend. It's distressing, sir. They all believe they ought to have an 'office,' and so they ought, I suppose; but how, in the name of Americus Vespucci, am I to provide for all these patriots ? To make matters worse, there's a fellow -yes, two or three of 'em who tell the people that my failure to do so pro ceeds from a lack of 'inflooence,'- and those other eleven disappointed aspirants believe it and will vote for one of these other fellows to succeed me bere, be lieving they! will then be provided for O, I am certain to be snowed under in the nominating convention, 'And that's! what I mean when I say or I sing' Q, bother the offices in the Bpring ! Yes, after my present term " expires I think I shall retire to private life at the suggestion of my constituents." And he heaved a sigh of such heart rending agony that the marble paper- Weight bust of Apollo wept. j PENCIL PARINGS. The total! number of fourth-class post masters "removed" during the first year Of this administration, ending March 3, '8b, was 8,645. Ot this number 130 Were in North Carolina. This does n it include those whose terms bad expire !. Senator Vance has returned, and at the dinner at the White House, given to Congressmen, Thursday evening, he sat next to the (President. Gen. Cox was also present. i 1 ' i . r- . ...... . it . r ' Among tne nrst to congratulate sen ator Yoorhees at the conclusion of his speech last ' Thursday, was ex-Senator Clingman. He is frequently seen on the floor of the Senate and spends nearly all his time ) during the Congressional season m thrt city. Dispatches from .London state that a duel with swjords wss fought on the field of Waterloo last Thursday between Mme. Valssyre, a Frenchwoman, and Mis3 Shelby, an American girl ; that our countrywoman was wounded in the arm, and tbat the casus belli was the result of a dispute on the rela tive merits of French and American fe male doctors. Great Soott ! what next ? I think I would have been willing to have given! half of the immense fortune 1 hope to acquire to have witnessed tait duel. But, seriously, it is a great pity that both combatants were not killed, for death should be welcome to womon who would thus unsex themselves. ! Lliwxam. A Dollar Should bo a Dollar. 1 Cor. of the News and Obsxrver. ! How long would, you trade! with a merchant who used . yard-sticks of ! dif ferent lengths ? or buy from a farmer who used bushel measures of different sizes? or be indifferent to the ton as "long" or short" by which you lay in your coal ? or carry a watch wbich did . not tell the true time? Then why ' should you-should any of us -tolerate different values in our standard for money? A dollar should bo a dolls?-"" and nothing el&e, whether it appear in gold, or in silver, or in copper, or in , corn, or in tobacco. But the dollars ; we use differ in value by more than twenty cents by more than twenty! per cent of our gold dollar. ' For one, I say, let Congress increase the weight of our silver dollar, or decrease tbat of our gold dollar, so our mints can coin as many of either as are demanded, and merchants and their customers, employ ers aod employees, lenders and borrow ers, buyers and sellers, may uiean tbe same thing 'when they talk or write about money. ? ...... ,t . .j. , Rev. Father Mahony, Dean, officiating for His Grace the Archbishop, St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, New South Wales, writes that St. Jacobs Oil was used by . in'iny people in his parish with wonder ful results, and that it is the greatest of all pain-cures. ' The "last passenger to leave1 tbe Oregon" is in; several States already. They are telling different stories too. . . -.mmm ' 1 For the many complaints incidental to cold and severe weather, Pond's Ex tract will be found, a welcome and effective remedy. Use it in all cases of Chilblains, Frozen Limbs, Stiffness of the joints, Swollen Face, i Chapped Hands and Lips, Roughness of skin caused by harsh winds. Hoarseness, Asthma, &c. Use internally and ex ternally. For 'Catarrh it is remarkably efficacious. Genuine in Bottles only with Buff Wrappers. j; A Bank Suapondsaj Calais, Mf , March 27 .j Devote's bank here has suspended payment. ! The liabilities are stated to be $500,000. Tbo Bs"laolaR-s or SUcluioao. ; Never trifle with what Are called small ailments. A disorder easy of con trol at first, if neglected for a few weeks may become a mortal disease. Be espe cially careful not to let debility 1 gain upon you, for it is the door through which all maladies enter the system. If you feel languid, inert, and to use a common expression, "as if there was no - life left in yoa, resort at onee to Hos- tctter s Stomach Bitters. That great vegetable tonic will supply tbe validity yiu o urgently need. It is nerve food. By its tonto action; tbe stomach is so in vigorated that digestion becomes regu lar easy, perfect; while its mild, cathar tic proprieties relieve the bewels" from ' obstructions, and its alterative operation beneficially affects all the secretive or- ans. For the miseries of j dyspepsia, , aod they include almost every unpleas ant feeling -that belongs to physical dis ease and mental wretchedness, this pe nt tonic is a certain and speedy balm. i "A stage smile" tbe nastboard gob- lets of a theatrical banquet. ; The St. Louis Review says: "We de sire to call attention to the reliability oi the preparations manufactured by the Liebig Company and to the high charac ter of the indorsements acceirdedl to its Coca Beef Tonic by leading!; physicians sind medical journals of all schoois." In valuable in debility, dyspepsia, catarrh biliousness and nervousness, ii The Senate out. has about talked itself Another Strlko at Plttsbara;, P -Pit tsbcro , Pa., March 27. This morning the street-car conductors ana drivers on all the lines about the city. excepting the Citizens'. Traverse and Second avenue lines, went out on strike. At a conference late last night between the officials of eleven other; companies in this city and district workman Evans, i . i no agreement was reached, and the uiv trict master issued an order to all the men not to take out any cars' this, morn ing. So far the companies have not at tempted to run any ; cars and everthing is quiet this morning Abe south side and Allegheny are; without street cars today and travel between the two cities is very much inconvenienced. There is talk of a compromise being effected be tween the officials and the employees, but the men will not probably listen to anything but a reinstatement of the dis charged men on the Oakland and Birmingham-lines. ; If all so-called remedies have failed, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. j tS --a a: The Massachusetts senate jhas passed a bill abolishing the poll tax. lb Mama Human Hato.ro. Many vain attempts are made to repeat the remarkable success of Benson's Capcine Plaster. This splendid remedy is known, sold and used everywhere, and its 'prompt action and unrivalled curative powers have won for it hosts of friends. 1 Imitations have , sprung up under similar sounding names, such as 'Capsicin, ' ' ' 'Capsicum, ' ' etc. , ; intend ed to deceive the careless and unwary. These articles possess none of the virtues of the genuine. Thereforf we bope the people will assist us to protect what are at once their interests and ours. Ask for Benson's Plaster, and examine what is given you. and make sure that the "Cancine" is cut in tho middle of the Blaster itself, and the "Three Seals' trademark is on the face! cloth. Any reputable dealer will Bhow you these safeguards without hesitation.,- If you cannot remember the name Benson's Capcine Plaster out this paragraph nom the paper. Rlddloa. , Why is a newly-born baby like a gale of wind? Because it begins with a squall. Cold gales induce coughs and jroup. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure it. A man who writes poetry in his hat is a versatile man. ' ' m Core OoofrtHkOoId, Boom BroochMU, Wteopioc Coup. Ootm. Aatli Hon, aacf teliereo eanmimpava peraotw In adrsnoed vtagea ot UMtdlamatb Prir ct Cm. lion, lam utauam v. mw i OmuA Btmp m Mid enlr ta wkiit trrapptrm, an bawa cat reclntyrM Trad-Vtrkt to wlti Strip CmtUm-latx, ana (TO SALVATIOrJOIL, M.th Qrcatest Cure oo Earth tot Pala," Will relieve more quickly than any , other known remedy. Rhetunatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites, Backache, Wounds. Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all -Druggist Price 23 Cents a Bottle, John H. Kimball, of Westfield I Chautauqua Co., N. Y. writes May 20, j 1885, that he was suffering with Rheu matic Fever, and had Constipation so ;' had that many times he went -i twelve ; ilays without an evacuation.; Given up ' by physicians, he as a last resort took Rrandretb'8 Pills, two every night for seven weeks. Now he is an entirely" well "uan, and never uses any other; medi cine for himself or family. He will an swer any inquiries. A temperance movement turning on the water. ; : ii if tV.! if t i I'' n V 1 4 t -