TDee IN ews and Obsebytzi TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1886. l FRED. A. OLDS, Citt Editor. To meet demand amongour friends In thi tM HKWB AMU UBSKK- and to nlaee VS within rooh of Ml, we propose to dslivertbe NEWS AND OBSERVER in the city by bar carrier for fifteen. oenU a week.' Taose who prefer to pay that way will, please note that the payments must be made prompt. It. and tbey will please read their receipt.; The carricn will be provided with proper re ceipt ana payments can be made tbrougn them, or directly to the office. BOY rmCACHXB. Tfeo Weatbor Today. South Atlantic States, rainB, followed by cloudy, colder weather: winds shift ing to westerly. ' "f ' I rr' w A4vrtUmat. K. J. Hardin Best of Everything.! Volney Pursell & Co Racket St,ere. Norria & Carter Silks, Silks, tc. W. II. & 11 8. Tucker & Co Ex traordinary Offerings. Alfred Lister Lister's Ammoniated Dissolved Bone Phosphate. OBSKBTUIOHS. County politics are getting" a little lively.; The Henderson ville Times is the name of a new wtekly paper published at that place by J as. D. Davis & Bro A negro named Archibald Hopkins, alias Guess, is on trial at Durham for the murderous assault on Mr. L. D. Link. ! - : L Regular 'monthly meeting of the ladies' relief society of Christ church in the chapel at 10.30 o'clock this morn ing. The! bouse of Mr. A. C. Snipes, of Chatham county, was burned last week. and his mother and wife narrowly es; caped being burned. ; The books for the registration of cat tle for .the cattle show are at the store of Briggs & Sons, 220 Fayetteville street There were several arrests of drunken people Saturday night. lnese were given twelve hours in the guard house The mayor had no cass to try yesterday. Farmers were not at alf desirous to see more rain fall, but nevertheless the water Saturday night began again to eome down. Sunday was a cheerless day and yesterday waf even more so BIS VATHtK TELLS A KIWAKKABLM ST0RT Ot "H l :li ' him, . YAatJavfMr' Ron.- Sturdivant, of Auburn was here. Ho is the father of the youth; John B. Sturdivant, the stories of whose alleged miraeuloua dis eases and cures have excited the fear of the superstitious and actually been be lieved by some people of ordinary good sense. The boy last January professed to hav! had a "revelation lost all power of motion 6iT voice, and finally, at an hour appointed, became quite him self again ana went bird hunting. The bov's father- is a very clever and es teemed eitiseu and to do bim justice has implicit faith in all these things. He believei. this hoy to be divinely inspired. The full statement of the occurrences in which the boy figurod have appeared, as narrated, by the father, in the Nws ahd S......, i' UW nlA.flv Ana fjV VHKlSlt. ,. ;U!Y ntt ij uv. an epileptic condition. The young man felt called upon to preach, - and did preachy-f He! went to various country churches and also visited Wake Forest. Last week a reporter met Mr. Sturdi vant, the father, expressed 'a desire to aec the boy, and was promised an inter view: ' Mr. Sturdivant said at that time that his son had stated at Wake Forest that he would be paralyzed, -and the father Expressed his fears of these at tacks, 1 or i: whatever;: they might De termed Yesterday Mr Sturdivant was here and gave further details of the mat ter. He said that Sunday bis son went back toy James Bryant's, where he had before been affected, lie Baid be was directed there. Sunday evening be re tired at the usual hour! Soon after re tiring he spoke and. announced (in his peculiar way) that there v would be preachingi : lie preached to a congre- gation imaginary) at Raleigh, he said. After he had concluded the sermon ne baptized twenty-five : or thirty people Afterwards he said he was told that if we would have powerful minds, we must think: If powerful muscles, we must labor, it sound lungs we must take Dr. Bull's Cough Strop. Price 28 cent!. . , . Tor cuts, bruises, sprains, burns, calas, frost-bites and chilblain nothing equals Sal vation Oil. ft annihilate pain. Price 25 cents s bottle. - . . ! entsftbOmUh's. w Are you Owen Smith f "Oh, yes. I must be, Vm owln' everybody 1" but I owe more to De. Bigrger's Huckleberry Cordial torcufing me of the cholera morbus and dysentery. jThis is a notable year for shad and other fish. 1 HOKsroKD'S ACID PHOSPHATE -' lloetded lUntQt. Dr. John P. Wheeler, Hudson, N. Yi.. savs : "I have given it with decid ed! benefit in a case of innutrition of the brain, from abuse of alcohol.' Greece continues her little strike for a cent against the powers of Europe, Wall Papkb. Wall Paper. It is a fact,, that to'make the most elegant wall decoration the finest effect can be pro- diced by papering. Paper covers all the crevices in plastered walls, which cannot te otherwise semedied; : properly applied will wear from ntteen to tweniy- fin vpr Fred. A. Watson has a nice line of paper and ceiling decora tions. ; Speoialty of manufacturing Pic ture Frames. Window hades and Mr- nioes. A t apltatl Opportunity k And one which should by no means be missed, is now afforded all who know what bargains in Furniture are, at Bag well's store, 12 E. Martin street, Bedroom sits, tables, bedsteads, chairs, lounges. cribs, baby carriages, all W6limade and of all degrees of fineness. All are Bdld cheap, bed-rock prices. Bagwell' is the Cheapest Furniture House in Raleigh for Cash Buyers. Remember that; it is a fact. Boeotpto. . April 5. Cotton, middling: Galves ton nominal, 81, 1,189 bales; Norfolk steady, 8 15-16, 910 bales; Baltimore firm. 9 3 18, 220 bales; Boston quiet,'.. 1.019 bale; Wilmington dull. 95. 171 bales; Philadelphia firm, f, 537 bales; Savannah steady, 8 11-16, 2,763 bales; Mobile nrm, 11-16, 325 bales; new Orleans steady, 81, 902 bales; Mem phis quiet. 84, 227 bales:AugustJ quiet. 8$, 550 bales; Charleston , bales Wilminotoh, April 5. Spirits tur pentine firm at 41. Kosin nrm; r iwl strained ; good strained so. ar firm at $1.15. Crude turpentine firm; for hard $1 00; for yellow dip anil virgin 82 00 Savannah, April 5 Spirits tur pentine farm at 41. itosin nrm at $l.l'2al.20; sales 500 barrels Charleston, April 5. Spirits tur pentine .quiet at o4. ivosin, "Strained 55; good (strained $1.00. NewOjilkans, April 5. Rice in fair demand ; Louisiana 3a5. Tho City Cotton Market Officially reported by AIL A. Thompson, Seen tary Haieigb (Jooon juenange. Balxioh, Apri 5.-8 r. n. OOBSCOTXD DAILY. Good middling, 31 Strict middling, - t Middling. Strict low middling, 8ia Low middling, 7ts Middling stains, Unll Low middling stains. Aa71 Mrket quiet. lliBf Best! of Fveiyth!ng. AT BALEIUHTOBACCO MARKET Quoted by O. H. Fester, Secretary Raleigh todscoo AsaoeiMton. Kauuob, April A, 1885. The list will be orinted dailv. some people: wouidn t Deueve mat ne was BBUt ureauu uiu uiii ui morninif he would become deaf and dumb and that bis left side iwould be paralysed: jHe said that this affliction would come noon him at i o ciock in the mOrnintf and would leave him at 7 o'clock in the erening. Young Sturdi vant next proceded to deliver a sort ot. discourse . Ue said a big bug had made its appearance at Raleigh, and that wise Blanche Curtisse and "Only a Farm- men hd V worked oat it" and "got it er's Daughter" have been doing a larger down to-a nne thing;" a mere vowing. business in Florida. Mrs. C R Gardi- I He said that be bad no doubt that ner, wife of the manager, recently Pharoah i bad thought U; "i small bought an orange grove near Sanford. on I thing '? when the locusts were sent the St. Join's river, and presented it to to him. ; These bugs were the same as iMss Curtisse. i toe looqiu woien were sent to rnaraon. t 2i Mr. Sftitditlnt said that, aa predicted, MM tun UOUO UUWD U BUBiyOlO VI- I , . w. . . , ' , - 4 LUter'i "Amoniated Dissolved Boiie nu "on 3T og Phosphate," as made by Liebig, 6t "f. aumo ana w pr- Hsii;Ara t.;.- wTjaiw aiyieor m ne mi arm ana leg. ne naa vA. .a k-a . ..m no control oi eitner tne armor leg. Ane Messrs. Barbee & Barbee are the agents uther said newouia De giaa to naven s a,..j ik u. Tnn n-v .- mh exsaninea. oy any -wwe man. I TtwaTi.' Iiaiiu Kim tha vnnth la atJt-v. "Reason. . . ; si i?i i-x - r."- wwaw vat aawwi. maw . mtmwm .MIL certainly is a live firm and no pe have done more to bring the Raleigh' market up to its present position. A point which the farmers like is that Moore & Procter secure ton-notch nriees . . A. . : 1 every tune. They sell a great deal of I tobacco from counties around Wake; This tear they will have more valuable r m . . i l premiums ior tooacoo-growen. . Fillers Common, Medium to good, Good to fine. Sm'k's Common Medium to good, Good to fine. Cutters Common to medium, Medium to good, Good to fine, Wrap'rs -Common Medium, Good, Fins to fancy 3a6 6al0 ltala 4a7 8al2 1218 12al 15a20 20a25 lfi&20 20a3S 85a5A Wmftl iThk latest Raleigh success at Geo. N. Walters' ! Now opening a magnificent assortment of high novelties in English ahd French cloths, and cassnneres, diag onals, corkscrews, Thibets, Irish tweeds, ahd fancy suitings, suitable for spring and Bummer wear. Give him a call early and inspect his well selected l 4- 1 t- .1 stock, ana secure your buiis oeiore; uy mjm O A L. picked Over. Don't mistake the place JOIXIS QsV WCsi3? XOlTs street. Tlie Uext of everything in what inible peo- pie waitt; eHrx cially in provision; and enpe cially fx n 'ronohiy is neMiwiry, lor there in no,ectMiiny in joor poods. The. 'le?tt F'lour and make the best bread; the hett Teas ft and Cofioit, the Inest 31 eats, Spleen, Soaps, Starched the U-t and niost reliable Canned Goods, the bet of everothing. Take, for ex. ample, the essential article. Butter; I sell the choice Butter from the dairy farniu of Dr. RiclmrdTLewis, Mr. W. G. Upchurch, Mr. A. II. GTeep; and 3Ir. D. W. Kerr and Mr. L. B. l!olt,':of Alamance, besides occasional sup- plies from other dairies of established reputa tion: also, at air times, the finest Northern Creamery Butter that can be bought, and good Northe'ra Dairy Butter at a lower price. The same in meats; always the best. Smoked Tongue and Beef, cured by Ferris & Co "if. - best Hams, at prices ranging Just now from 11 to l.Vs pfr H; Breakfant Strips, Sletfts and Fi8h of evei description. For lireakfast and Tea Tables, the Choicest Teas thkt care and experience can -select; Chocolates and Cocoas; tine Coffees, green and P c J Just from the Fpring, Lively and Sparkling, ALLEGHANY. CONGRESS. HUKYAD I. JAH0S. HA7H0BK. BUFFALO LITHIA, AND FRIED RICHSHALL ObC IK! J'SX U X3J Kl TT CEQ GEO PS Another Supply ot the Celebrated Prize Medal Jixist9s (Garden Seeds, PEAS, ONION SETS SNAP BEANS AND CORN. A Full Stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs and JOHNS. Medicines. PESCUD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST, No. 118 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C. Orders have careful and prompt attention. If uJuljJl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. btcsUTt Appolatiaal. J. H. Worth, of High Pointj Kenton C. Murptfy hi ed a commissioner State,1 resident at Norfolk, Ya. hii Rev Dr.'jW. A. Nelson, of Raleigh, J W - Tit . is, expeeted at wiunington to assist Rev. Dr; Pritchard. of the First Baptist church, in a series of meetings' which will be ootntnenbed about the 26th mst., the Review says. ; J DrJohn C. Carson, a well known physieian and also aj Presbyterian cler, gymair, pf Henderson county, died last week, aged 72. : Mr. H. E. Wheeler, press agent for Blanche t Cortisse's "Only a Farmer's Daughter jtsompany , was here yester- MurpW has been appoints I ja ' lonerot amdavits for; this. r.-n?i;i:. t? .;Ai e the Atlantic & North Carolina railroad, iv i tt- i i ' Cls;rtt Factory at Kl !-. I was nere ; yenteraayi no u msjting Raleigh is to have another important Pfeparatwns for the change ot5 gauge of enterprise, a cigarette factory. There road before the t? tfcking season De- Will be ample capital behind it and tM SOB. iH' uus ruu w" w lu pioneer in owners are well known in the trade! e Soatt io the change of gauge! i Bueh an addition to the city's Industrie 4-ugene C. Branson has accept- will be hailed with pleasure. t ; ed the cha of school method in he iiewmu uuriuu dvuvvi uiib buiuujdi. Dr. E. Burke Haywood has a letter was & Bo. Stat Trcasary Wotos. A drummer's license issued Parker, Davis Michigan. Yesterday 010,000 in 6 per centf cod atruction bonds and $47,600 in 4 per cent Donas were received for exchange. yesterday , Detroit, 4 :i Jfoosidajr Prayer Hooting-. . Today is the anniversary of the noon day prayer meeting, which for one year has 'been held every day, commencing exactly at noon, and lasting just fifteen k minutes. The attendance has been from eighteen to thirty-five. All the churches in the city have been represented: and the meetings have been most pleasant ata prontaDie. xoday a praise meeting will be held, which will last just thirty iniuuMss, ana a coraiai invitation is extended to all to attend. The "unocr room,?'- where the meetings are held, is over the store of the Messrs. Edwards, ! fayetteville street, near East Hsrgett. i- . r- Tko Cat tie Show. The people of Raleigh feel a great Eride in the eattle show which is to be eld in May, and they were specially gratified at the assurances in the News and Obskvkk of Sunday that the com-, -Jmg show would be, even better ithan the first one, held May 14, 1885. There were 126 entries of fine cattle made Sunday. Most of these were Jerseys but uuernseys, JJevons, Ayrshire; Al- derneys and llolstems were in tbe list. Mr. William B. Grimes will show thirtv Jerseys and five Devon, all thoroughbred , and Mr. William G . Upchuruh" comes next, with twenty-five Jerseys all thoroughbreds, two ' imported,. , oearty aii tne cattle thus far en tered are pure-blooded, but some fine grades are to be exhibited. Sunday a reporter met Mr Thomas B. Bridg ers, who stated, that he would exhibit twelve cows, grades. Mr. A. 11. Green will show thoroughbred Jersey heifer and Mr. W. a. Crawford three grades,5 jerseys. Mr. YV. U. DlcMackm yesterday iten dered the committee on location of the show his large stables, sheds and yards, wim use oi water, etc. from ColR. R. ttridgers, Btating that the latter" had received a cablegram from Mr. P. L.' Bridgers, U. S. consul at Montevideo, Uruguay, announcbg the safe arrival of himself and wife there Marcfe;2&J,v jj X ) Capt. E. R. Stamps has bees quite sick for some days, u Justice; M. B. Barbee is confined to his hoiose!by sickness. i : Yesterday a special friend of Capt. Tom Arlington went to Henderson to see him. His condition has greatly im proved The injuries of the head are slight) and v the foot which was injured will not peed amputation.' Capt. Ar rington will probably be on his feet again ftf a w days, f, ',i '' ' Tta Ptalt ( fmrtjr lipoBl. . The pink tea party announced to take place this evening at the residence of ilr. (Jhas. 11. Kelvin has been post poned until tomorrow evening, on ac count of the unprouirsing state of tho. i delightlttl occasion is ei- Mpraa 4art. Court met at 11 o'clock yesterday morning and commenced the call of ap peals from the tenth district: ; J 111 ' . '. Tk. !5-i 1 1 i-uipps vs. rierce, irom Asne; arguea by D. G; Fowle for ' defendant. .The plainUil was not represented. Little vs Berry, from Bnrke; argued by ReadeDusbee & Busbee for; plaio tiff. The defendant was not represented. Scott vs. -Queen, from Burke argued by Reade Busbee & Busbee for ; plain tifl'. The defendant was not represented., ,Opinions were delivered in the follow ing cafes:- J;; : .' - Norman ys- Snow, from Surry; peti tion dismissed. , ; i . State vb. Hunter, from Wake; no e'rror. r ; '.; : ' Jjilly vsi iWooley, from Montgomery; error.-: ' I : r ; . ;' . 45tatie ys: Speaks, from Iredell; no error. ' i : ' Fisher ys'. Mining Company, from Da vidsou; no error. Emjpire l)rill Company vs. Allison, trom Iredell; no error. Carlton Vs. Simonton, from Iredell; uo error. ;; ; 'f State T8i Long, from Richmond, errofc; new trial awarded. luigbt it. Ilvughtslling, froin Gr an vil!' ; petition f purchaser for writ of afctotjtif e sjtowed 4 JS ickelsbri vs. Reeves, from Stokes; no eirpr. , , At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, of congestion Ipt the brain, Essie Irwin, infant daughter of George L. and M. J. TonnotTs The fuqeral will tske place from the Second Baptist churoh at 4 o'clock: tbiti afternoon. Friends ot tha IFiax Sarmmxs. Jockey Club Sar dines, fish and oil of finest quality ; patent key opener; no bother about opening them. Fresh Balnion steaks ; whole pieces in large three-pound cans; yen fine, lne JUunlap can opener. ! . E. J. IIarpik. f WaawaSBafA-SBa"BSsm i ' ' Mait Liqvobj. Bodweiser Lager Beer, the standard of excellence. Bass Pale Ale, Dublin Porter, etc. etc. i : E. J. Habjhn. BY TELEGRAPH. I MARKET REPORT NIGHT. ;Niw York, April '5. Exchange 436. Money la2 per ' cent.. Sub- treasury balancesgold X128,071,000; eurreney 0,934,000. Governments dull and firm; 4 per cents 126; 3 per cents lOlf big; State bonds very dull; Georgia 6's 100J bid; Georgia 7"s mortgage 102; Tennessee 6's 59; Virginia 6's 44 bid; Virginia 'con sols 55; East Tennessee 2J; Lake Shore, 80f; -Louisville & Nashville 38J; Norfolk & Western preferred 28; 'Richmond & Alleghany 5 ; Richmond & Danville 78; Richmond & .West Point Terminal 28; Rock Island 126; St. Paul 864; St. Paul preferred 118; Texas Pacific 114; UnionPacifio 18 1; Western Union 65. ' : Cotton net receipts 118 bales; gross receipts 12,313 bales. Futures closed firm; sales 52,800 bales; April 9 18a 9.19; May 9.27a9.26; June 9 39; July 9.47a9.48; August 9.56; September 9.41a9.43; October 9.27a9.28; Novem ber 9.24a9 25; December 9 29a9 30; January 9.35a9.36. :'Cotton firm; sales 700 bales; up lahdsJ; Orleans 9 7-16; consolidated net receipts 10,071 bales; exports to Great Britain 14,253 bales; to France 825 ; bales; to the continent 10,463 bales. ; Southern flour steady; common to fair extra $3.35a3.75. Wheat, spot ao lower; ungraded red 79a$.00$; No 9la92 in store; April 91a92. Corn, spot declined c; No. 2 45J in elevator; April 44a45J. Oats Jac lower; 'o. 2 35a36l. Hops dull. Coffee, spot fair Rio dull at 8 J. Sugar quiet and steady; centrifugal 5 9-16; fair to good refining 4a5; refined dull; C 6a5j; white eltra C:6;'-yellow C 4Ja4; mould A; 6; standard A 5 13-16; cut loaf and crushed 6; granulated 6 3-16; confectioners' A 6; powdered 6 ll-16a6; off A 5J; muscovadfi 4; English Islands '4 J; St. Kitts 6Ja5 1-16; Maracaibo 4; Bra til 4; Rio Grande 5J; Ilolo 4 16-10; Porto Rico 6J; St. Domingo 5; cubes 6a6; French Islands 5 7-16; superior Manilla 6 7-16; Mauritius 4a4 U-16: Matansas 4 11-16; Jamaica 5; Aracaju5; Martinique 5; Bahia 5; con crete -4; Gaudaloupe 5; Pernam buco 5; Trinidad 5 J; Cuba 7; Demerara tia5 11.16; Port Spain 3g4 11-16; Antigua 5a5 1-16; manilla 4 11-16 a5l 13-16; mace 5; Barbadocs 6, China 6. Idolasees dull at 18Jal9 for 50 test; choice and fancy Porto Rico . Rice sttadv. Cotton seed oil nuiet At 22a2 for crude; 29a30 for refined. Rosin; firm at $1.07$al.l0. Spirits tur pentine firm at 50. Hides quiet; New Orleans selected 9JalO; Texas 10aI0. Wool quiet; domestic fleece 27a36; Texas 19a22; pulled . Pork, steady; mess j$9.5Oall.0O; middles dull; long clear 6. Lard opened a shade lower, but closed with more strength; Western steam!, spot, $6.27 J. Freights steady; ootton per steamer 7-64d; wheat 3d. Cbioaqo. April 5 Flour dull: and easy ! Wheat weak and lower; April 74a53; May 79a80J; June 8l"ia81; Nft. 2, spring 74jfa77J. Corn quiet and easier; cash 83a34fc; April 33a34; May H7Ja38J; June 38Ja38 346. Oats active aud lower; cash 28; May 30a30jf; J he30ia30. Mess pork unsettls d ; cash i $..40a9.45 May .37.524; June ,J.4Da.ti24, Lard steady; cash. ),yu; iVlay O.WOaO.yb. JBoxed meats steady ; dry-salted shoulders $3. 85a 3.90; short ribs $5.37Ja5.40; short clear sides $5.35. Whisky steady at$U4. Silks, Silks. In thin department our oix ned under the most favors! spring trade has able uUHpice. Our Silk Trade During the past month, as shown by our largely increased sales, Is exceedingly natter ing- We quote lull lines of Black and Colored, Satin Khadames, Merveilleux, Surahs and Gros-Grain Milks, with a full Line of RICH BROCADES at extremely low prices.; Fine Pongee Silks, 20 yards in a piece, at f 7; Summer Bilks trom 33c up. We offer two Special Bargains in Satin Rhadames and Gros-Grain Silks nt 1.18 er yard. j NOTE These are rare bargains well worthy of note- I BLACK CASHMERES AND BLACK GOODS A SPECIALTY. jORRIS & JDaRTE1. WANTED LADIES WAS.TK1 to work for Us at their own homes. $7 to 10 per week can be easily made; no canvassing: fascinating and sieaoy employment, rartlcuiar and sample of the work sent fot stamp. Address HUME M'F'G CO., P. O. Box 1916,Bo. ton, Hass. WS WANT Salesmen everywhere, local and tnvelinr. tn anil mi? irwwla Will w good salary and all expenses. Write: for term. . uuaj, uiu muum salary vuiea. A.aaress fcTAifDAM) 8iltio Warb Comfaxt, Washing toon street, Boston, llasa. ICPHTC "Hh small capital. w new. nm nak. larce srutlta. Dcial m da v vri Co., SU Canal 4.. H. I- new. nm riak Ouar, wnu m ones. He nave auuieiaiutf e prunta, apeciai w oaj roasted.' WithOjUt good bread, nothing is good. I offer you the Ix-st brands of Flour, the best Corn Meal and the best Lard to go with them. There cin be no complaint of prices. Every thing in the Provision line is cheap. We give you the) best of everything at the lowest prices, promptly delivered. For special an- nouncenients .from day to day, see the loca columns of this iapcr. j - . j F. J. HARDTN EXTRAORDINARY OFFEDINE . I ' -OF ' Dtess ilks - Reliable and desirable goods which cannot be duplicated at present prices. i - i . BLACK GKOS-GRA1N SILKS, Every piece ot purest dye. Best i shades of Block, fSoft Cashmere and rich .Velvet Finish, and jruaranted to wear, at 60c, 66, 75c, Hie, 95c, 1 per yardi up to f3.60 per yard. IS - , : Special Values, Black and Colored Surahs; Black and Col ored Rhadames; 'Black and Colored Merveil leux; Blaek and Colored Tricotines. The New Soft Fabric Tricot Surahs; Black and Colored Faille Franeaiwe. ? - j i :' 1 , BlacK Cliinois. Printed and Plain China Silks, Embroideries and Plain-Pongees. : PRINTED FOULARDS. Brocade Sateens and Velvets and : combina tion for street and evening wear. MiinnM-r Silks in large assortmentiirom 32c,; 36c, 37c per yard, up. W H &R S TUCKER & CO. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY. QUALITY UNSURPASSED. lYIalxc-Up It is with a feeling of Extreme Pleasure that we again announce to onr numer ous friends, patrons and the public generally, that our display of Clothing this season will eclipse in point of magnitude and graiidenr any exhibit bitheito made by us, and will proudly stand pre-cniuxnt among all competing stocks exhibited anywhere in this State. .. Every article of Clothing and Gmts' Furnishing now offered by us has been made expressly for this season's wear tnd is new. No old or shop-worn goods to be found in our house, i . Wearing apparel oft proclaims the man. So does a glimpse at our house and stock proclaim the line of goods we keep. GIVE US A ( ALL. Popular Low Prices for All. VERY RESPECTFULLY, BERWANCER BROS. LEABIV0 TAILORS AHD CLOTHIERS, Opposite U. S.Postofflce. LISTER'S AMMONIATED Dissolved Bone Phosphate 1886. j iw analysis w our Ammoniateu iJisnoiveti lione t'bosphate, as published in the official Bulletin, under date of March. lSSti. is not in our onininn h a enrrt nr i,..i of the commercial value of our j?oods which we otter this season to the farmers and planter pf North Carolina. The analysis In; question was made from a sample drawn at Toisnot' N. C, from the remnants of a lot shipiKd into the State Kotember, J1885, for wheat seeding' Of this lot about seven tons remained on the agent's bands, and was allowed to lie imrtlev nnsnereereu ana exposed, and 4t was from this lot tlrt sample was taken bv which the chemist uuuciuiii w ucirnuine uirammeri'im vaiue oi Listers Animoniated Dissolved Bone Phos- pi-iuinii)-. i nw can ie n-auiiy provta oy me lact tnat the first shipment received at Toisnot this year was Feb. 9th, five days after the date of analysis published in the Bulletin irmii-u iu uixjvc. io prove mat lucre was injusiiee aone us by the publication of this analysis, we ordered a sample dniw h from a lot of VM tohs shipped to MeGhee & Co our agents at Franklinton, N. C, which was forwarded, under seal, to Prof. G. A. Llehlit of """w0' " e uerewuu uumii i me pmniers oi iNortn Carolina the result of the uiujimui saiu sample: . ' aim 1YIEDICUMES. 3 CIGARS awn TOBACCO. mm Mi WAJUUVRD GARDEN SEEDS AND MINERAL WATERS. A.TNTA.LYSIS OF- SEASON OP 1886; r ANALYSIS OP LISTER'S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED RONE PHOSPHATE BY PROF. O. A. LIEBIO, OF BALTJUORH, Mil. 9.25 per cent. 1.81 11.00 1.34 April J, 1886. 13.40 per cent Bone Phos. df Lime llen'd. Sol. " pejcijrtated equal to Ammonia,, Moisture 100 C, Solulile Phosphoric Acid, Be verted " Total Available Phos. Acid, Insoluble Phos. Acid, Nitrogen Potash, Sulphate of Potash, ; Commercial value per ton (2,000 lbs Or eiual to 134.44 per ton based'on last season's Valuations The above is a copy of analysis of our goods now being offered for sale in the State of North' Carolina. Simple drawn from a lot of 150 tofasshipied MeGhee & Co., of Franklinton, JT. C, February 20.20 3-5 . 2.86 : 3.10 0.73 128.84; Witness C. G. Moork, I W". J. Btrickland. Altud Lima, President. LISTER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, The official analysis published la the .'Bulletin" fr this month was to difierent from tbe various analjtieal testa made for our own guidance, that we considered it necessary t examine into the matter, and now publish the resulta obtalaed from a sample received irom onr A genu in Ka'eigh, in advance of tha retest promised us by Dr. Dibhey, Messrs. N orris 4fe Bro. wrote under dat of Marrh 1st : The inspector drew sample from PtapscA today for analysis. e kept half of it. Would you like us to tend this to some one e'se for analysis t" We directed tbe sample to be sealed and seat here by express, and on arrival handed it over re Lehmaan ft Miger, bemisti of thia city, for aoalyata, with the following resulta: BesnU of Analysis of analysis of a sample of Patapsco Guso, reoeivel in sealed tinman v. svaaB ' A.waa.o .fJM, tf... V, J UVUMKlil press Ce. Beceived Jfarcb 20th, 1888, bom Patapsco Guano Co.: ' ) . Moisture, at 100 C, lS t 2; Kitrogen, equal to Ammonia, 3.C1; Phosphoris Acid. Soluble, 7.91; Phosphoric A eld, ReveMed, S.22; Phosphoric Acid, Available, 10.18; Pbosphorie Acid, Insoluble, 2 61; Potash, K. O. 2.04. ' J , fhrned, O. W. LSHMAKN, or Lkhilaxn A Jfaesx. The commercial valuation on this year's figures is 125.59. . We would have preferred to await the retet by the Department, but the use nude ot the un favorable report by agents of rival ai tides, and thia being the active aellimr season rendered, prompt action imperative. " v i j "it w wuuuiiuu, iuh oaTing naa (ooa reputation n a. u. ourirjg me past eighteen years, we are determined to continue to deserve the eoefidenoe shown our gvods. . PATAPSCO GUANO COMPAJiY. Baltimore, Kareh 24, 1888. " ! j M. T; NORRT8 A BRO.. Agento. at Raleigh. At Net Cost-For 15 days Overcoatsf Heavy Winter Clothing RED FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS ONLY 60 CENTS EACH, v NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. Must be aoldto inake room for NEW GOODS dailj arriving!. ; R. a ANDREWS & CO. ! n A. firrrT'Frri i.. .: weather. pected. x ( 'fit 131 1 1 ,2 H i ! I: ' A-

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