4 -. - t. m .1' vol. XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C, THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 8. 1886. NO. 123 : - - . mm ' . ' i I ' $i i-i . '-.-.int. .fwf iiiilliln ( I . !,..,. ..!' I Tj - j JL .ill- Jl Hews ';: - - 'H 3 1' i " ' Observer. AMD NEW ? OBSEBY ATION8. Absolutely Pure. Cais powder never win. A. marvel of nrtty, strength and wholesomeness. Mm lennomlcal than ordinary kinds and cannot ba tnld In competition with the multitude of low i rst, shart weight, slum or phosphate powder Sold only to cam. Both. Baximu Powna f Co lot Wall Street, New York. 8old by W C A B Strouaeh, George T Stroaach ud J B Ferrall M Co. ) STORE Tlli BAMAH HOTJSB OF KALKIUH. We are receiving our fpting stock of goood and have been to doing for mdm time. Ovat i '' Dry Goodi Department will be filled. Oof Notion Department, as well at, Hardware! - i ' !. : ! Boota and Shoes, II ata and Caps, Carpeting, Oilcloths and Ruga, Window Shade end Tin v i - ' i ware DspartmsnU are oompleU. We are offer- . i -i Lnf aoma ot the Oreateat Bargalna oyer offered In thb elty. Among our dally arrlrala we ' aball place before our people aome "LandUlldee? .- i . '4 I I that are poettlrely beyond the whUper of compe- ' 4 . i - ; .. . i - tltlon at prioM that thow the diSWrenoe between -'-.)' .... i- dealing with lire men and dead men; between ; ..-. !. -:,.a . , : ; i: the cash and the credit ayatema; between the right and wrong way; hence we throw among Jtita kea prkea. these matchlew goods at match- TfH Upon our counter Wfll be thrown, Arrtrala at Panic ; Prices, -r-it la now proposed by a Southern league organ tnat Coogreas shall elect a' national baaeiiill umpire. What are weeoming to t . -Enoooiaged by the tuooeea of bis Labor Arbitration bill, Mr. O'Neill has offered in the House a bill to legalise National Trades-Unions, r 4-The Balkan Conference at ConBtan tbple will appoint Prince Alexander floVernor of Eastern Bouroelia for fire years, ignoring, the Prince's refusal to accept the appointment for that term, ; f-And now comes Mexico, with an anif-Chinese; Outbreak all hex; own' Tbfos the list of objecting countries grews. Admitting, for argument's Bake; thlt the Chinese must go. it is becoming a Rretty fioe Question where they can 50ii!to''.. , -I -h h- i . i J A.aeta ftrflhakanw fa rrwnm on the French 'stage. After the new translatkmrof rfamlet" i, recently pro duced in Paris for Madame Sara Bern hardt, th rMammer Night's Dream" has now been; translated and adapted for tu Odeon, and will shortly be brought out with Mendelssohn's musio. i Another, prominent Mormon, Mr. Thomas E.. Taylor, son of John Taylor, hat) been arrested at Salt Lake City. Hik bond has been placed at $5,000. As Mf. Cannon (forfeited a!$25,000 bond rather than stand , trial, the inference is that Mr. Taylor's offense is not a serions one not more than two wires, for in stance, '.f li-i'.. !; : . I Ths latest method of reoo Terms? Georgia bonds is amusinff and original. Someoody has endowed the State of 11- linois with $100,000 of an outlawed is- whioa has been girtn to the sol die rs' Jhonii, "lit la now proposed (6 book Illinois against ; Georgia in the oourta and make the gold or gore oome. Here iairiehneaal . UTha daintiejii of laoei, rlbboni and delioatelT embroidered fabrioa will be biiught Into requisition for faahionable ntiBk-dreutni .the oonrig aeason. A large portion of the summer's inToloes ofinoTtUiea b idreaa goodi in rite the nae of ihnpU, beautiful' and ineipen site fabriol, but th ore appears to be no diinianttopi in; the demand for elegant sooessoriea with whioh to adorn these materials. I JKkdnisite tinto and firy loyely and artistio effeots characterise thi general display of summer goods, but with, these jare also! -brought oul tefnpting array of garnilurea, whioh! of th'emselTea transform the 'simplest gowns into most oharming effects. . Among these am fembroidered laces, but wrought' 1 f pon diapbanons crepe lilse i or India, silk : ganse', as upon iigtlnUal-The work la executed Ini X wiui sceu . aou rviuiu mymcr-v -1 beads introduced: These laces come m all; fashionable colors ana, in CONGRESSlOiNAL. tUK UMI llfCBBASK BILE. rilMTO j PASS THE REV ATE. Tat Ha DTt Itoeir a tb rrtt J StdLaad rat QihUm. day after day, New from houses that have oollapsed and others that .- . I. 4 - i m' tt ihoM ia honor in mu and VirtiM in iood srooda at low prices, we mean to be masters of the Held. Bad luck and hard time pinch some fclghtoned old credit con- '-. .1 - " v lilvJ- JL 1 euffs and deeprChatles IX. collar ready eerns which mu aave money w iL. Wm . ..m.nt. nnti- and klwava M black an: Irtiite. Other imporUtipns u lingerie show graceful rJpanish and Bussian Short SJackets of n mnce lace nade up OTer -Burah, the edges of the j&oet formed of the well-defioed scal lops . of . the lace, these opening orer pleated iff I shirred vess of the silk. There are also shown crcam-clored sets Of Irish point lace;' Which luclude giiet They all know we have the cash and . . - - v i win buy hat at our place money value and we can offer goods at figures away double its below the regular wholesale men of Broadway. Tbest (jallco in this market, 4ic per yard; Worsted Dress Goods, different kinds, 8c per yard, selling in this city at 124 and yard; Great Bargains in White E dressT and becoming. Also marine col- fax with acArf ends attaobd, in beaded nets' audi in ill the funcy white and sream laoe, to say nothing of legions ii aamty aeywsesui iac3,ruui vuc gwHuji ledici fraud to the simple lucae ana . Z. l"'f rills of etsinine net. 'S 15c per J Goods and XiouuTile; Nasbyille road has sumed na&senger business north makinei transfers by steamboat Mary "from this eitr twelre miles to Coosada t Washij8ton, April 7. Ssnatk. After the routine morning business, Which waa'Tery light Mr. Call, accord ing to notice, proceeded to address the Senate ou his resolution instructing' the oOmmitte on public lands to reports bill to torteit ail ; railroad land grants not earned within the time specified in the granting i act or acta extending the tjnie. I .If -: 1 The general subject of land crants. Mr. Call said, was one of greet import ance. Urer loU.UUU.UUO acres of pub lic lands bad been granted to railroad companies to aid in Duilding their roads. In some ! respects Mr. Call would not object to sucn grants; A great public object had been accomplished, though it might have been accomplished with per haps greater advantage to the Deode. Some portion of the receipts from prop erty might have been reserved to the government to aid inthe eduoation or to relieve the people from the burdens of taxation. It was not, however, as to the general subject that Mr. Call particularly wished to address the Sen ate, but on the subject of land grants tn Florida. Mr. Call then ' gave the history of those land grants and the buildinsr of the railroads in Florida, especially in connection' with i the corporation known aa the Florida railroad company; Of the $1,000,000 nominal capital of that corporation Mr. Call said that not one dollar had been paid in caih except the amount paid by the State of Florida, which was 90.- 000. SThe stockholder! had eone through the form of making a formal pay ment of one per cent, but had Immedi ately taken back the money. Granting the act roqulred thai land should reran to the united States if the roads was not built In ten yeara, the road was not built then and had nerer beon built by the oompany, but was built by means of donstiona of other publio landa of the United States. The eomoany. however. had sold the right to every acre of land grant! whioh they had never earned the right to aome 7.00,000 acres of the best land In Florida. This. nur pose tad ! been aided by the United otatea court. Oourta should not be made tools of railroad corporations, and Congress should not permit the laws to remain in auch a oondiuon as to allow of the interpretation referred to which enabled a l corporation to pemeirate a -TilirlT r"-r-' 11 -;a be., was a Ciena or asaociatea enortt whether of capital or labor, but corpora tions should be restrained by law from accomplishing frauds. Mr. Call char acterised the operations of the If lorida railroad , company, (and of the United States court in aid of these operations, as the most extraordinary transactions ever beard: of in a free oountrv. The resolution, at Mr, Call's request, was referred to the committee oh ; public lands. . b- ? i At 3 o'clock, according to previous agreement, a vote jwas taken on Mr. liale s motion to strike out section 2 of the bill, which establishes the force at 0,000 men. The mo'tion wag lost on a tie vote,; 22 to 22.The Bepublicans voting for Mr. 'Hale s motion were : Messrs. Bowen, Chace, Conger, Hale, IngaU'B, Plumb, oher an, Teller and yanWyck. The Democrats voting against it were : Messrs.' : Brown,' Gorman, Gray and Walthall. With these exeeptions the votes for the motion were Democratic Station The road ia all right to Mobile xjtcea ana uiiuiviuc... . . .ll on schedule time to Atlanta. It will b ! i i some daya oetore the. route is open to tsaturday, 10th tost. We are receiving Our t geinia, ? jieporta of distress from over? : 4i ' i - " ' " .v J ! , f flowed districts continue p come in, Mlttnery Qo;whlchareaUbougtelorash 1 yullj W(j thousand peoples are daily an . diod experienced miUiner, who? haJ rawouep oy w cuy been in the New York market ior two weeks watching the market and picking up the most fHhtnnai.l roods for the leant money. These foods will be sold beyond a - doubt cheaper than such goods were ever sold in this market. We hate engaged a llrsVehus milliner from the North,1 with great experience, J and will do everything in our power to pleat the people. We invite an early visit and insptctton of, our juk which will be renlrnuuiod every live days, and will sell at 20 per cent leas . than current prices in inew. ion. --. j , ! YULNiSY PUBSBLL A CO.' I Balefgh, N C. distinctly guaranteed them by t the treaty.. At the expiration of the morning hour the debate on tb silver bill was resumed. ; Mr. Bland of Maine, en tered a motion to reommit the bill, which motion will be acted .' on until, the close of te debate. He proceeded with an argument in favor of the free coinage of sirer, and gave .a resume of the circunuances attending the demonetization ol silver in 1873. Mr. Norwood, of Georgia, in a dry, sar castic manner, bore testimony to the wonderful knowledge assessed 'by all men on the question offinance, and paid his respects in a hum-roas manner'' to severaf gentlemen wb' bad Dreoeded himself to the satirising of the speech of Mr. Findlay, of Marybnd In a quaint way he defended the standard dollar from the charge of disbnesty made by the gold u en, and aitribited the aUaoks made upon it to the iofltence of Great Britain. Lombard strait said : The American dollar is worthonly 80 ceuts," and the street repeated:' "The Ameri can dollar is worth oily 80 cents." Lombard street said; 'The American dollar is a fraud and a lie," and Wall street repeated the insuli and said: "The American dollar is a fraid and a lie,'" Lombard street said The American dollar is nothing butbuiion" and Wall street repeated the sUnder and said: "Yes; the American dollar is nothing but bullion." A hundred years ago there had been some rebtls in this coun try who had recorded in an almost for gotten manuscript the declaration that Congress should ooin money of the U. S. and regulate the vahu thereof. Prior to that the King had joined money. Should the gentlemen beoondemned for maintaining that the coin of the United States should be regulaUd by Congress and not by Great Britian aad Lombard street. While the j United States saved the Queen the trosble of coin ing it money, she regulated ; its vain A ST. 1 LOUIS RIOT. UPA-EEST HtniDRED BTBIKEBSDBIT. INO MIiriOM WOHK. AU IBM SUtlrl Tarda Mw leard St. JjOviS, Mo., April 7. A riot broke out i this city today. A large crowd ; of strikers, numbering : over 1,000 men, formed about noon at the re lay depot,, slid headed the leaders of the strikers of this city, marched to the Ohio k, Mississippi railr jad depot, a ' v a 1 . m wncre a numDer ot piauorm men were at work. Ho guard of poliee or deputy aheriffa had been stationed there and tha him in the debate, espcially addressing 1 employees Were easily forced from their positions. Thence the mob advanced upon the ' Vandalia yards. Here a few deputies Were on doty, who ordered the men back; !They refused, and made a rush, ' bearing the offioers down, and swarmed through the gates into the yards and forced all the employees at work out of the yards. From this place they marched to the Chicago, Burling ton & Quinjuy yards, where a similar scene was enacted and all the employees forced out.: The men then rushed ou to the Chicago & Alton yards and upon arriving there were met by a strong force of deputy marshals, armed with Winchester repeating rifles. They ordered the mob back and called upon them to disperse. This the crowd re fused to do, and upon attempting to rush through the gates the marshals brought their rifles to their shoulders and threatened to fire if the crowd ad vanced. This cooled their ardor some what and they turned back, none the less determined, however, that there should be no work done in that oity whilo the Knights of Labor are still; on their strike." The deputies remained on guard at the Alton yards, fearing a second attack upon that point, while the strikers proceeded to the Cbiosgo Short- Cbns tumii OmtMCoMa, Hum i'im, O-wqyJ dt . httH waooptnc Oaush, lndpptOo ms SALVATION OIL, CwtMlutk ftfHIa," A WswiirM Spring. THB DISCO VKRY HADE BT A BOY IN' UORTH CAROL IRA. Abingtoit, Vs. April 6. A curious spring has been discovered in Ashe county, N: C. In July, 1885, a wood cutter working some distance from his home told the lad who accompanied him to search the neighborhood for a spring, as the water carried from their home was too warm to be refreshing. Follow ing the stream by the roadside, the boy reached a point where the stream made a sort of horseshoe curve as it again came out by the roadside. This spot was a tingled mas? of briers and - over hanging scrubs, but the boy penetrated the thicket and following the curve, found .near the edge ofthe stream, but literally in its bed, a spring. He clean ed out the dead leaves, twigs, and other rubbish ,aaad put the spring in J 'running order'. "lit so doing he had tolthmst his arm almost to the elbow into the water. '. This arm was in a swollen and inflamed condition from poison oak, and been so for some time. ; ' The next; morning it was noticed that as much of the arm as had been in the water was improved. The change had been so sadden that its relief was attributed to Its having beon so long in the water on the preceeding day. The boy de termined to try a second application of his remedy, and the next morning his arm-was well. The boy's father then: tried the efficacy of the - water upon sores which had annoyed him for many weeks, and in a marvelously' short time was entirely relieved. He then concluded to keep secret the locality of no economy in poor goods. ine spring, snowing no one to go to it bttt; himself, but always keeping a sup ply of water at his house. The neigh bors swarmed to his house to try the magio water. ' Many were healed : of various maladies, and all were eager to know where the spring was situated. leoret, however, (ta dlMMTrrM SB ft. Cam- Uml Xb Ooraias Dr. Bmtea tdMfe wroMWfVL and mm e way, IHnafa 'the WQ itflm mora quickly thaa any other known remedy. Rheomatlam, Neuraigia, Swellings, Bruises, Bocns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbao,Sores, Frost bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by all Druggists. Pric 25 Cents a Bottle. J9-B5MB9saeaaaMBWw The Best of Fveryth'ng. The best of everything is what sensible peo ple want; especially in provisions; and espe- cially when economy is neseasarv, for there Line. Upon arriving at that point the The old man kent his Thu country had escaped from mob found their wav unobstructed, and sroihs under cover of nieht to fetch the the tyranny ofthe British crown only to by thesamemeans employed at the ether water. Finally he was followed: to his fall under the despotism of Biitiah yardi forced the men at work to loave life-giving fountain. In less than twen- Sld. Ho then defined his position on their positions. The mob then dia- ty-four hours every brier and bramble e pending question, pointing out ths nersed, having ' accomplished their ob- for many a yard around had been beaten difficulties and dangers whioh attended loot, but not before calling a meeting of 'down by the foot of men and hoofs of as aavanoe or retreat ana maintaining au me singers, to iaxe place at x.ou horses, so great was tne wrong rooming tnat tne wisest course was to anow tne o clock, at Fiannagaa'a nan, where res- and some. A"basket meeting' was an olutions will be adopted delaring that no one willbe allowed to fill the strikers' places. All the yards are now deserted, and no business is being done in any one of then!.' existing law to remain unshanged Mr. McComas, , of Maryland, advo cated the double-standard and Mr. Bayne, of Pennsylvania,, favored; the suspension of silver ooinage. Mr. Bland asked unanimous consent, in view ofthe large number of mem bers who desired to speak on the silver question, that the Vote which is ordered for tomorrow at 3 o'cleok should be postponed until 5 o'clock Saturday, but Kn&aetaW'tf committee on commerce' a member of that committee objected, and a member of the committee on claims objected to a postponement until Friday. It was agreed, however, that a vote should not be taken until 5.30 tomorrow.! The House at 5 p. m. took a recess until 7 o'clock.- Washihotoh, April 7. Mr Forney, of Alabama, today reportedto,! the House from the committee on appropri ations the joint : resolution introduced by Mr. Herbert, making an appfopria tion for the relief of the sufferers by the Alabama flood. The committee re commends an appropriation of 150,000, instead of $300,000 as provided, in the original resolution. :-' :. ' ; i m i m Slsamship Boiler Exploaltta. WixMniGTON, N. C, April 7. -The boiler of the' British steamship En chantress, heretofore reported ashore on exploded last night. THE CHI Bi ES3K JfUMTEja Vm4m rinavl Cihb11bS Aa-alnat sWtt ' Fracclae Csslnai Oflneera. WisaiHoroif, D. C, April 7. -The Chinese minister at Washington i has oTsCaleffifyeV his suoeessor at San Francisoorat; the hands of the United States customs ofB cers. He bases his action on informa tion received from the Chinese consul at San Francisco," who, it is understood, alleges that the hew minister and his suite were subjected to unusual and un necessary annoyances and discourtesies on their arrival at that port. .The sec retary 1 of state referred the matter to the acting secretary of the treasury, who this afternoon, telegraphed to the collector of customs at San Francisco for a statement of the conduct of his officers in the matter. Some surprise is expressed: at the treasury department that the landing Of the minister should have beenattended by any delay or em barrassment, in view of the fact that the collector at San Francisco had been spe cially instructed to extend to him the usual courtesies due to a representative of a foreign government, such as allow ing free entry of his baggage and Cflects pointed by the Methodist eiroult rider to be held at the serine a certain Sun day. It is established that 700 persons were present. Ihe preacher told of hj wife's wonderful cure. In consequence of k kick from a oow one of her legs had been in a painful condition for four weeks. Within 16 minutes after the first application of this water she began to experience relief from pain, and after 12 or 15 hours' treatment the pain was eager listeners. From tnat day people came from- far and near, driving some times 30 or 40 miles in a wagon and waiting several days for a chance to, I fill their barrels Sundays from 300 to 400 persons were to be seen on the spot There is no house within half a' mile of the spring and no hotel fori several miles, so the neighbors, much to their annoyance and inconvenience, are fre quently obliged to take in the weary sufferers seeking these healing waters. The average number of persons visit ing the spring daily until the bad weath er : of the winter began is estimated at 200. During the winter the water has been hauled at considerable- expense to various places, where ready sale is found for it at $5 a case. In fact the demand has been greater than the supply, the distance from a railroad making a trip considerable of an undertaking. i Only a partial analysis cf the water has as yet been made. A New Orleans The best Flour. 1 . ? and Meal,to make the best bread; the beat Teas and Coffees, the best Meats, Spices, , 8oaps, ' I Starches; the beat and moat reliable Canned . " j. ;, Goods, ths best of everything. Take, for ex ample, the essential article, Butter; I sell ths choice Butter from the dairy farms of Dr. ltli hsrd Lewis, Mr. W. G. Upohureh, Mr. A. IL Green; and Mrs. D. W. Kerr and Mr. L. B. llolt, of Alamance, besides occasional sup plies from other dairies of established repute- km; also, at all times, the finest Northern j Creamery Butter that can be bought, and good: Northern Dairy Butter at a lower price. ' The same in meats; always the best. Smoked; ,. , . 'i I !! .: 1 i V !' Tongues and Beet, cured by Ferris. A C04 to 15c per lb; Breakfast Strips, Meats and Fish of every description. T--""'; For Breakfast and Tea Tables, 'the Choicest Teas that care and experience can select: Chocolates and Cocoas; fine Coffees, green and i . i! roasted. i ever else he desired to go. I bonio acid. It contains iron, the sul- A press" dispatch received here at 2 I pastes, chlorides, and carbonates of o'clock this morning says that as the J calcium, and magnesia. . O&ANITE8 AND 8ANDaTONIS. .' ji " . ' - v Linehan & Co 100. Fayettevme 8L, Baleigh, 5. &i A.-S prepared te aaake eeatneU aa ta Most l.jrable Terms for supplying Granite Bno stonni ol the Beat Quaitty w any uanUtkw desurfJB- Quarries a liendanon and Wades hero. N. U Ampk; tacttltWia for haadliBg an m iktag euiek shipments ta any potat, iltW p r oil nl th RUU 21 i LOOK OUT THE COIKTRT IS FLOOD KD WITH j ADULTBEATED LfcRD- Examine carefully what you are using; the odor from tt when eooking betrays U, ; 1 ' . i CASSABD'S "STAR BRAND" LARD EYERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED. kTry it and you will use no other. OODELLUlelgh, N. C, Ant Sard Son, PB,MD ( j 8tartf Brand Mild ' ' i . i ' . Mr HnenUserv. So srreat is the demand for the smok ingftobacob manufactured here by the K. ( of L. I factory that a new cuttiug maohine will be put in next week, An other grade of tobacco will also be man ufactured J: The demand for the present grade is so SeaTy that the factory can not keep np with tb: orders. The force of employees is. to be increased. ' i Arrival mt tfce Hans. I B. F, Bullock, Jr'i, Franklintoh; J. D. McItct. Carthage; R. 8. Storrif, New Tork; . H. Lambeth, a 8. Witostead, J, H. Terry, Roxboro; W. W. Patter aon., Wi T. Blackwell. Dr. J. A. Rmith. Durham: C. L. Uinton. Wake county: 4. A. Enslo'w, Jr., NeWYork; W. T. JJeaslev. K. C; Jno. fll. mi- ' a asMI TWT TV . W.T 1. t son, Wilson mills; w. 11. xaroorougu, Louiaburg; H. E. Norru, Wake. - - - 1 -. i m v laraaUi4 t DvUsd Skielr Kla-ntei Baltimore, Md., April 7." The Brown Chemical Company, of Baltimore. MarTland, have just entered neavy suits against j! reaerica qiearns ot Co., ' Detroit.. Mich., for imitating Brown'Srlron Bitters, and against Meyer Bros. &.;Co., the well known wholesale druggists of St Louu, Mo. fojf dealing in Brown's Iron -Tonic. ; which it is claimed is an imitation of Brown a Iron Bitters, and against Jas. A. .Dickinson, : JLhe country surrounding the spring is extremely rough, but not without the picturesque element which has made all Western. North Carolina famous. New river runs within a few: hundred the roar of its eirdness of the scene. I ' I Frvine Fan shoals. and) the ! Totes against it Republican. Three wreckers were badly scalded, one aad affording facilities for his uninter- chemist says its specific gravity isl, 001 m ' ij..ABA.AaM 'B'SsAaw natnAa sawn - nnr 1 a i - : x nr i r i. l 1 . j a 1 a. a. 1 1 1 1 a, w Mr. Manderson moved as an amend- uangeruusiy. aucu v ruptea transit 10 nasnmgton or wuere- 1 sua mat it is largely cuargea wuu w merit bis three 'battalion organisation bill and it ( was sgreed to. Mr. Gibson ; moved I to add an addi tional section, repealing section 1,218 of the Revised Statutes, which now pro hibits siny person who served in the Confederate government from appoint ment to the army of the United states. After an interesting debate, in which Messrs., Gibson, Morgan and Call sup ported this proposed amendment, and Slesars. Logan and Conger opposed it, Mr. Gibson s amendment was lost; yeas 24nays25. ;j' ' ? ; - The bill was then put upon its final passage; and was detested; yeas; ia, nays dl. ; j A discussion arose as to the measures next to! be eonsidered. The Washing- ton Territory bill baa formal right-of-way at 2 o'elock in the afternoon, but Messrs,.1 Voorhees, Blair, .Berry ; and others Indicated desire to call up in the morning hour bills in which they are severally interested. .;' Mr. Yoorhees de sires the senate to take up the library bill after the morning business names are not known. One. of the wrecking steamers with the injured men is expected here tonight. j ; m W ii - A jDiaaatroas lire. Qxiihct, III., April 7. The Gem City mills, the largest in flour mills in this section, was burned last night. The total loss ; is nearly $200,000. The buildings were owned by a stock com pany of Quincy men and cost $125,000. Taylor Bros., lessees, took possession last winter.; They had 15,000 1 bushels of wheat and 1,000 barrels of flour in the warehouse and elevator. Their loss is about 830.000. Nordyke & Co., of Indianapolis, had just refitted the mill on contract and the machinery ; had not been . accepted. Their loss ' will be about $30,000, j HiwTtrkWlUsrsUrH. Nxw York. April 7. O. Li Greene & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: Trading continued moderate and an ex tremely dull tone prevailed all day with an absence of outside orders quite no- Without good bread, : nothing is good. I offer you the best brands of Flour, the best' Corn Meal and the best Lard to go with them. : . ' ' 1 h There can be no complaint of prices. Every thing In the Provision line is cheap. We grre ... 1 , - 1 P you the best of everything at the lowest prices, promptly delivered. For special an- ' ' ' i! nouncements from day to day, see the local , columns of this paper. IS. J. Chinese minister, followed by his suite of about twenty persons, was about to land at Sin Francisco from the steamer Gaelic he Was stopped by a customs officer, who informed him that he oould not land until he had shown by properly authen- j yards of the place and ticated documents that he was entitled to I waterfall adds to the land in the United States. The Chinese consul and consul general who were wait- ing to receive weir uwuuguisueu coun tryman were indignant, but the cus toms officer persisted and the minister produced bis credentials accrediting him as minister to tne unitea states govern ment. vEhat was not sufficient, how ever, and the minister's passport was produced and after a duplicate certified copy had been .made the embassy was allowed to pass. ,c : A San Francisco dispatch of today gives the: following statement of the af fair from the Uhmese consul: Becre- HARDIN. r INozris & Carter. tWenl OpUaa Hts. j The campaign in this city may now be said to be under way. Blue ribbons are quite numerous. The opponents of the measure do not say much but have a very determined air. : j At 4:30 o'clock this afternoon there will be a joint session of the two execu- Silks, Silks. i1 r- li In this department our spring trade j has oiened under the most favorable auspices. Our Sillx Trado i . ii During the past month, as shown bv' our -largely increased sales, is exceedingly flatter. tjve cominittees at the headquartera of jnn.ltoi''cl Black and Cotored Satin Khadamea, Merveilleux, 8urahs and tiros-Qrain Silks, with a full Line ot P iusiness tomor- 1 . 11 mi .n...i:t.n.i..Lto.n;n. . : . I LILTUilD. AUCIVIW wwru".. iw.vflumfci row., Mr. Ulair wishes the pmateipen- . a ".;!;, M(! . 1,, sions bills taken up, as well aa other c. ' ,:n, i,.T ii a wealthy ' aruggist of xtaltunore, ; for selling and reeommendins; a non-secret remedv called Iron Tonic Bitters, made by Korbland, Hollander & uo., of Jfal- Hmprt?,v-W Ulvu to w, bmow u.wiiuvu 10 mu imitation of Brown e Iron Bitters. These suit will likely : involve very heavy amounts and be -watched with interest by ll ' persons dealing in proprietary pension measures, and Mr. Uerry has the railroad right-of-way bul, which he expressed a desire to . have disposed of. The benate adjourned at o o'clock. - ; f Houai. Mr. Willis, 4 of Kentucky, reported back the river and harbor appropriation bill from the committee, having charge of the subjeot,j and it was referred to the cdmmittee of the whole. In the morning hour, Mr. Dunn, of Arkansas, on behalf of the committee on- American "hipping, called up the resolution setting apart the 22nd, 25th and 26th of- Way for the consideration of the "free ship" bill. Adopted. The speaker laid before the House a message of the President on the subject of Chinese immigration. . It , was re ferred to the; committee on foreign affairs. The President calls attention to and recomirends legislation to remedy a serious defect in the Chinese immigra tion act ot 1884, which has the effect of riTing .Chinese merchants visiting gain 3 or 4 points and closed quiet and steady on all months. Foreigu advices retain quite a promising strain and whilo as yet failing tb stimulate investment, the effect to deter the pressure and lead to a prompt acknowledgment of strength ening tendencies. Tk jMttMBVilU BWrtlt a Collar Jackoonviuj, Fla., April 7. The strike of printers is still unsettled The newsnaoers are gradually getting a force of non-union men. None; of them have missed an issue. There is no longer any doubt that the strike has failed. ftladslrr-t YltU 3atrl t rnittmi London, April l. The Times says that a desperate effort was made at yes terday s meeting 01 the cabinet to pre vent a disruption and that the effort succeeded, Gladstone consenting to el tin tary Bayard sent instructions to the col lector of-.thia port to permit the legation to land fireeljr and extend to them every ourtesyi ..4ust at the moment his ex cellency and suite were about to step ash ore, the surveyor informed me that the collector had!ju8t sent an Order not to permit the' legation to land until his ex- i i ."l . ..it. cellenoy s creaenuais were sent to tne custom jhouse for examination This was communicated to his excellency, who expressed much surprise at the ac tion of the collector, remarking that his government had instructed him to only present his credentials to the President Ot tne umieu chh, auutu j.ua uuey were packed in his baggage, under seal, and that it would be very inconvenient to get at them at that time, and there fore be; preferred to remain on the ship until communication could be had with Washington. : Finally, after a delay of an hour and a half, the minister and suite were permitted to leave the ship.; the local option association. Senator A. H. Colquitt, of Georgia, will deliver an address here on prohibi tion some time in May. The exact date will be announced later. ' He is a 'very enthusiastic and; faithful advocate of the temperance movement, A num ber of other speakers of prominence will be heard here, and the campaign. and its attendant features : will make things quite lively until June 7, which is the date of the election. - 1 RICH BROCADES at extremely low prices. I Fine Pongee Silks, SO yards in a piece, ;at S7; Summer Silks from 83c up. We offer two Special Bargains la Satin Rhadames and Gros-Grain Siiis at S1.18 per yard. j I . NOTE These are rare bargsins well worthy of note- BLACK CASHMERES AND BLACK GOODS A SPECIALTY. 1 ke Sew anas; Tafcacea Faeiarjr. Yesterday the machinery of the new iln h IaIoma fa(nr fit lAr VV V. Harvey Clate of Kmaton) arrived and N ORRIS Qf L.ARTBR. some of it was hauled to its location in 1 J t his new factory in the Stronaeh ware house, South Wilmington street. -The lower fiOor of ihe warehouse will be used. It is spacious and well lighted and adapted to its uses. In a short time the factory will be in operation. It will give employment to quite a number of people, j r : WANTED. ADIXS WANTXD to work for us at tbrtr own homes. 7 to tio per week eaa be easily made; no canvassing; -"f and steady employment. Particular and sample of the work sent for stamp. Address HUMS M'F'G CO P. a Bex l10,Boston, : Inspector Byrnes Bays -that he has found a New; York alderman who has; th instinct of a gentleman, swift in dictment should inate the proposal to yield ;, the control his nountrT of the right to land that ot customs to the Irish Parliament. Philadelphia Record. There is a dispute as to who wrote the poem "Beautiful snow," out mere is no question a to the existence of coughs and colds when a vicious isnow storm and blizzard come. Neither ia there any question as to the efflcacv follow this larceny.: ' to Bemovlng these Price 23 cents, ! f ' ' "TTTI WANT 1 everywbJ,lealaBC good salary and all axpensee. Write for sax at ones, aad state kalarv wasted. AdrtresS -akdaro SiLvaa Waxjb CoMTAjrr, Wsahlng n street, Boston, Mass. : i; Dimlhn.llnMlll. i kin Ah witts steBM. lawssC.! Mm h9W' V . v4 via ii-.t i-t'-L; ;, ? -. '

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