11 If ;.-vi' -J.1 r I T i I 11 J HI f fit -hir f if 1 1 x 5 i ' . . 4" 1 ( ( 1 'j. i.- .i. k 's r " I 1 - J f 1 ; . Si I 7 'fins News and OiiSiOivo IhkXLf fit Mews m Observer- Col !! m three - t : J !C 12 f HO Ban vmwatwm wtunm j ji tatimv um mNmmww r r UMf SATURDAY APRIL 10, 1886. Logak's army bill was lost by vote ht nearlv two to one. His boom seems - 'it to have gone to join Edmunds ;Tm new Governor of ,Tteh, Judge Was ia a- stalwart Ken tttokian! and is said to hare been one of Morgan's men n will doubtless therefore be able to ! handle the Mormons, i 4 Now that Congress is satisfied that XUMiUAMO TIKES DUK T6 MOKT There are 9105,000,000 in the tjeas- ury oyer and above all the needt ofj the government. Let it be disbursedand pat back into active . circulation. ;The Worth gets $75,000,0(1) a year as a gratuity and yet the South is twitted with being afflicted with mendicancy because she desires that of the surplus On band 10,000,000 a year snail be spent to aid education. 4 iiiV. V i, . m t mf . ASSOCIATIONS OF EX-COKFEBEBATES The effort to, organize tbjer ex-Copfed-Crates of Wake county into an associa tion for social and other purposes has been successful to an extent that is grati fying; The fact suggests the idea that such . associations might be throughout the State with' pleasure and advantage to those who wore thegray and Ate now alas! so rapidly passing awayj The many good results j that might flow from such organizations will suggest themselves to au.; pocial enjoy Th 6rt ftfewMtr strlk. Cor. of Thb Nswf ato OBsmvia. ; ' iiBiLTO, Texas,lMarch 31. Although 4 the 'words . strike" and ' 'boycott may be no new ' words in Your columns, as it has .become a fact known to the whole civilized world that the commerce of all the Southern States has been greatly paralysed, by the recent "strikes" and "boycottaf' that United States marshals and deputy marshals have been Called to take part in the scene, and; that Governors have been is suing their proclamations in regard to the matter.' I know that your readers are aware of all this and perhaps a great deal more, but it would be next to im possible for any one outside of Texas to realize the extent oil the strikes and boycotts, and in what lionlike form they show themselves, eveii in the circles of society.'. . :j Now wCll know, or at least we peo ple out "here do. that it is bad enough to h father eontainine money enough toiny a four-oanee ?ial tf laadanum. j, I But the old rule, that there is noth ing so bad but whal there is wm good attached to it,applies to this societyand the good feature about it ii that tiese strikes and boycotts never last loppr than a day or so at a-time j. Wheu.Uiej kff rim tlinnt nrie dav the ' red eftrdi that advertised the strike-or- boycott, whichever it happens to have beenj are taken down and blue ones ire put up in their places, which read as follows viz: "Notice is hereby given-to all tha yung gentlemen of the city to call immediately on their old sweetheart, ' We ink that we have bovcotted' vou enough. and we will be glad; to ftje you .ba:k soon; will be received back without any prejudice." This card is also signed by a committee of the i "Knights of Craft." Scot&i . CAPITAL PRIZE $76,000,r; 1 POBSALE. ' ATt OK LAUD AT CART. OM. "We do hereby certify tfcat ve super) th firmnernenti fcrall tb Monthly a&tl ! Quart terly Drawing of tb LmiUlana State! Lot tery Comiwny, and In pernon manage and eon trot, the Draw Inn tbunwelvea. and that the uue are conducted with boneaty, tairnwtn, and In good faith toward all partien, and we autho rUe the Comiiany to up this oerUfleate i with lac-aiuilieit of our slgnalvre attached, in ita ad vertlaementa." i , Bryirtiil lower conferred rpaa AM deedf mottftiiK dattsd 221 Jif.uiry 12. and &stij rktrMha 0ffl of lrirtet ! deetls for Wate eountT. rntrt li fnT1V the 89th day of Aijrtl. 18S6. skll f r cab. the eourt-houae door In Raleigh, the lot of la na described in said deed The lot it ritua- adjotaiag tee loUof w. m. horrtll and others, and contains about one acre aid a-Qjnartcts s . , JOHSa.TLINO; April 9, 18 6, dim. Ifortgafta. Table Luxuries Food Am Mi . " ' tlipre will not be free coinage of silver Mment and the preservation of war memo i-f .A, itelf to aome tactical rials are but two of them. There fouW ' f l?v;nr the hard times that t tttttal elplness ; lacvuvu v a a 1 j oppress the people of this country j '" . S !j .i , ! B&Othu Jonks, of the Charlotte Ob server, is "the finest looking member o; j the Southern Press Associatioi), ac 1 oordine to the Augusta Chronicle. "This i OUgnt IfO pe giywyeapugt 4 vuy-ww j Thkex is no ground whatever, for the tory that is going the rounds of a rup?- ture between the President and secrer tary Mannbg. The two gentlemen are 8till, as they have. long been, the closest friends, personally and politically. As ah ofiEset to the labor organisa tions there has been fsrmed in Maine league of cotton manufacturers, f All the mills in the State have entered it and mutual helpfulness 6f each Jother among members and there might be the care to some extent of the widows ana orphans of members. The associations would be necessarily benevolent to some extent and they might be made sd very --a- w 1 xl- largely, xn any event noweveri tuey would be most pleasant to their imein- bers and would do much to preserve the of the war in its correctness. We hope to see such organizations formed in the various parts of thebtate ith.a view ultimately to a BtotejDoay.; Therena one of which we know the association of officers of, the old 3rd regiment at Wilmington. ... This has been in existence ever Bince the clOBe of tne war' and has proved no less ad van tageous than pleasant to its-members Tb4s Asheville Citizen intimates that w mi'iriit m veil annrove of extrava TC5 gaf .ppropriations for the muliplU uti biailiiuu wit vu ewwum v m t . . . s ? . : , . w v : i i -v.n .u- ; ..:,. tionof sutues to urant ana wncom r j - o jr . Ul uio mill iuu m ynt ecu, uuii vu. ue oapiuu bvuvi favor the Blair bill. No paper ojf con- seqvence probably, other than the Citi sen would see any paxsilelism p the twb: propositions referred to. It! would take keen perception indeed to see how the" 'general welfare" could be involved -?: . as, .." in the multiplication oit memorials to Ths Greensboro Workman says1 the big bugs that recently fetllerflooker more eirre rious than: the general assem bly and the supreme court,1 with all the" lawvers thrown in." Our Worcester; de&ieS egregious as, "distinguished'- I eitbier Grant or Lincoln. The Citizen now generally used in if badl sense.' does; "think it comretent'r thoutfhi for ! What can our generally rational oon- itsmys go, "for Congress to apprppriate temporary pe onving L jjf g; ( I out of funds: already lit hand, nonies JT . I '' 1 '; for monuments' for charitable purposes, tt say tnat u me aemocrauo can- for reHefof pest-strickeh communi- didate for Governor of reiinsyivana J tiesand for ther things which great were to be chosen within the next thirty I and rich government eu afford! to do dava. Terence V. Powderlv. a man com; out bf its abundance.' Can oui friend paratively unknown six i weeks age,5 imAgine anything of more importance to would pretty certainly nominated bj the general welfare than the extension - vUmtmn ; KuMi ia th 2 towm of of ; Aid to the work of educating : the A ras words fitly spoken. it. currency is undergoing! a rai eontrMtfon' wbioh is fatal to allt kinds of businessC Aiew yeirs ago the?9ati banx eurrency was ; K353,tHAJ,uuu, now it is only $300,000,000, nd in the pro eess of retiring this eurrency: yie treas ury holds $4d,UUU,UUU of greenback's, msisesl - Can it point ! out; anything miore important -to the welfare of L the South than the removal of the stigma of illiteracy now restug n this section ? CmfUiif'''gre ; fUBd4rietil gelrnment afibrd to do out of its abundancef' any thing more becoming than lifting by the; eite&sion of tomporary aid a urden Which it placed, upon -one : part oi; the of the ed- Ai9Avwt nAA T..!j At t.. v. I uc&tiOQsl bul is one - of i the 4 'other aiKv.wuu.vuu. aciucb mere nas uveo i ,, .. ? . . . I .:itT tfiinM.?' it seems tons, for mm wsMMMvii va 4j iuiuivus yt dia t ui i , M-tifiAatA Thoi-A i' tT.r(.nr WtlSen 'I' rhioh the think money should -be. ex- vwuucswi.. lucre ir ia wmj; vBaoury . . , - v, . . ..t $588,000,000 and tbe pelple suffer for m VST $ &wantorcurrency.! ; I fwt thatit absolutely free, frem ; any iThx TsnwPBBnw'A that iaJtosay the London Times, thinks Mr. Gladstone's in the commons inevitable, bnt even if this turn out to be .the' case, a .curreiicy. Wi mregUd toIhearlMastlr Work W Sute?1 1 man Powderly,'1 who is.nbw so much hbS proved thai he can attend somewhat to? business, say that this ill the last rail road strike the country will Ibave for many years at least. We trust , his prophecy will be verified. ' ! 'The con"- strengthening of the "grand old man's" i.- ,..-"-li. vxv LtjI - - . ..; .1 v V forges may result. He will endeavor to a vaiuaDie lesson, nameiy, tnu a striKe sn- ; .. ... . , , is the very worst way if adjusting "fPF6 solution; and if tmccessful, labor dispute," and in ihis he is right g before :the country and probably beyond a doubt. Existing difficulties win a greater victory than the 1 last he he holds, will be settled byHhe local gied, Hw:MjestyJmay not ssenUo assemblies wherein the strike originated, this course, however. . j It is said, that io there beinsr now no other ' course onen. the event of .failure on the cart of Mr We hope the settlemenirill --pt early Glidstone she jrill send or hoty Hart- and permanent. Thb aspect of affairs in th Balkan re iri nil m imnrnvA1 ' Pviviaa A Lwenf it is reported, b as concluded o 'accept the interpretation of the'powejrs to th effect that he is governor f of eastern Roumelia not for life, but temporarily only; that is, we suppose, for: fs long a time as ne can bold the ; place, and in viiw of this Greece has Screed to ston hernreparations for; warjs Asa result of the agitation of-this Balkan', question , however, the relations between Russia and Austria are straiped.jj so that th end., cannot be yet. Russia; f we sup pose, would not hesitate : to poutice upon Austria and Turkey were it not for the i tnai urermany is witn xne Auntnans ! ; just now. As it is the Czar : oan onl i bite his thumb and bide his time i . . r , li A Nokth Carolina girl, "possesed of a good education," and who Jb "wil- ; ling to work as a servant nasi written! ! to the New York Sun? for Advice She i Is answered as follows : J Wej applauds ; the resolution of Our North jParolina ; correspondent to seek douiestiQ service j in preference to any other. If she is 1 strong and healthy, has been ..properlyi J trained in household duties and is j ready to occupy her .thoughts ith hef j work rather than with herself -and the j inevitable drawbacks of tjhe lo.tbfevery- l body who has to work under tHe orders j of others, she will be sure of steady em i I pioyment and wages twhica wilj enablf i her to put by money against a rainy day. Such a girl as uhe ought to maker i an admirable nurse for chijydren an acl f cupation of which women fiave the com plote monopoly. The more intelligent j and refined the nurse the better: for thel ! child and the mother. The demand for women like her to perform thatespeciai and peculiarly feminine duty is alwayl great, for the injury done to this morals j and manners of children: by coarse and : rude nurses is incalculable. Of all ser 1 vants, the one to ' be chosen vtith the Seatest caution is the nurse of the chill en, and it is a noble occupation, in which the proudest of women way take satisfaction, and the most iuttlligont i and cu ltivated of women can find an op ington: and press him to form a new gov ernment. He has the material, out of which to do so. The tort leaders would viu. f i. . :: JVUl TIVU M1U1,. VI UI V(H UO DUUU11U JlrC- fer that they should stand aside they would support him independently. Of course if Mr. Gladstone is both; beaten in the commons and foiled in bis pur pose to . obtain a dissolution, nothing will remain for him but retirement into private life. His. principle of home rule for Ireland will remain, however, and will grow in strength. , It 1 is too firmly fixed in the public opinion of Great Britain to down at the bidding of any man or order of men . i V . ;' " mm ' ' Itlamta vk talking 5of building a line of railway straight to deep wateri Eight railroads enter the Georgia capital, but not one of them is controlled,by Atkn- tians. 1 he. new line; is therefore pro jected as the only means of putting an end to discrimination- against the city. There are other Southern towns iiu the aine condition as that in which Atlanta fiilds herself, but unluckily they are not all fas able as Atlanta to look out for number one. portumtv for the full exercise f their cordin the fact that she Bcsnjuauwes. i if i i W of ;ie tAmous explorer. Xrfeal OpUMi at I4tUta. X Cor-; of the Naws anq OasxavjiK. I IsLlttlbtok, N. C., April 8, 1886. The county Commissioners of Halifax county have ordered an election on local option in the: town of Littleton. Tie friends of the measure have organized, are enthusiastic and sanguine of success. They do not propose to stop herej but it successful to ask the legislature I at its next session to extend the limits if sell ing liquor four or five miles off. This, it. is thought, if granted, will greatly enhance' the Value of real estate in the couioiunity. , i X. i . ' A lr. Jones, who; died recently ai Bodolwydlan, an the north of Valce, claimed before her death' that sh wa the mother of Henry M Stanleyl She stated that the entry of the birth could be found in the. records of a local sur gery, and that the surgeon subsequently traced Stanley until the latter went to America. It is proposed to erect a monument over the woman's grave, re was the mother ave to contend with railroad and shop strike?, but when they get td mixing up and dating war with jCupid,' it is per fectly; ridiculous (if I could think ol a stronger term than the word ridiculous would use it), and we are bound : to acknowledge that such, has become the case out here in Texas, to the great sor row of the young men of this commu nity. ; . The younx ladies have organizedjand formed; themselves into a society known as the "Knights of Craft," which bears about the same relation to the young men that the Knights; of Labor do to the railroads, and woe be to the lad 'who becomes an object of its displeasure, for be would be better off playing the part of Robinson Crusoe son some lone isle, at least for a while, than to be here in Texas, i -l I think the order is somewhat after the style of the Knights of Labor, as biiCj vao2 uiu rw ii I i wiuiB f0w&m.v "boycott." And to show you how they hurl their mighty dagger to the hearts of the i Opposite sex .and 'thus render -their victims miserable, I will give youj a few of the offenses against the rules of the society and also the punishment at tached thereto. - First, if a young man does not appear at the opera house at least i three nights in the week with a ; young' lady on his arm, and they can' get the least hint that this young man is trying to save money, this constitutes one i offense, and they term, him a. "tight-fisted 'scrub," and proceed at once to order a "boycott" laid on him; and then he had better keeb awav from theatres and all other to ! places where the women are nieiy to be, Uv no aoes not ish 1 to be chunked : within au inch of his life, .with parasols, snuff boxes, overshoes and '.. such other trin kets as f the ladies generally have at hand out here. He never fails to eatoh this treatment. Now, this is only the first and less serious part of the punish ment. 1 They not only require that he be excluded from the society of the softer sex; but if they chanoe to se any other: young man keeping company with him, they proceed at bnce to order a general 'strike" on (ill mankind witbM their bounds. After a case of this kind you can go through the Streets and see red cards posted on jevery corner and oni'eyey lamp-post stating that no young man will be allowed to call on or; pay his respects, .in anv way, tj any young ldy in townf ; until furtjiei or ders, and this card is signed by a eom mitte qf the society : !, ; , lAnptner otlense is wherel a man tries to court two girls the same night. , They call hint a "hog." Another offense is where i young man does not try to court any of the ladies at all. They term him a "miser" and a "society curselif'i Another offense, still, is here a lad parts his hair in ; the middle. They; term him a trespasser on woman's rights. All of these: are offenses against the order and are punished as in the first case cited. i But tne most outrageous case that I have .witnessed is the following, vis : A 'young man out here an honest, good fellow, he was, too,), had the misfortune to have; curly red hair and wear a No. H boot; Be fell madly in love with a young l&dy, and as his misfortunes were offensive to her refined taste, she re quired .that he should have, his hair dyed, combed straight- and should wear a smaller boot. So After parting with his love; and on his way to his room, he called at a drug storf and purchased an eight-ounce bottle of hair-dye and a comb." :He also called at a shoe store and procured a pair of No. 8 boots. He then went into his room to ''rig up," and after two hours' j hard work he suc ceeded in cro wding Els mammoth founda tions into his new No. 8s. ; It was jthen An easy matter for him to do the dying, as he had plenty of dye. He just poured it into- ?a wash-bowl; and proceeded to wash hi$ head in it. ! His next and last but not least job was to straighten his locks! After working at this for two hours more (which seemed like twelve hours to him with those new boots on) he gave up the job in disgust. Think ing, however, that she would overlook this little freak of nature,; he at once proceeded ; to the- arraneement of hw toilet,- which jwas i soon' com pleted, and within j Another half-hour be found himself ringbg the door bell at Lis sweetheart's house, with his heart in his throat, and within a few moments more, the candidate found himself stand ing before both his love and his judge, in one human form. After an examina tion she; found that his hair, though partly blacked, was still curly, and she again refused him. On his way home this tiipe he does not call at either the drug or 'the shoe store; but he calls on the bar-keeper this time, and proceeds to take on some "trouble killer." He takes ori! so ' much by the time he gots to his room he is ready to go to bed with his boots; on. And hat do you think thislieaxtless girl does but call a meet ing of the "craft" this very night and lay a "boycott" on her victim! Thj next morning- when the young man got up he found that his feet had swollen So badly that he couldn't get his new boots, off. And! he looked like a true object of pity the next morning, as he went hopping up the street with his face and shirt bosom jail stained with the hair dye and his eyes red : and swollen till they Iwere n awful sight to look at. And he all alone (as no other man dared to speak to him for fear of the "general strike-'); on his way to the postoinoe to see if he. ooold get i letter from hu - "si I ... - .. i i l i All the fashions are fori slender wo men. This fact leaves the fat females to waddle about as best they can. We ex tend our condolence. , , I Three CV There ara -three o that, aelze the children and carry them an. The three o'a are colda, coQgba, and croiip. Mothers I Dr. Bull'a Cough byrup ves the little ; ones' UVea I i II mu are lufferir g tortures with toothache ther should not trv to smile and look cool and handaome. How much wler to eaae the pain with a bottle of ltalvaUon,Ou. Price 25 centi. It is stated that Sam Jones has begun td ohew gum. Advle to Mrs. Wlnslow'i Soothing Syrup . should au ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once, tt pro duces natural, quiet sleep by reltevteg the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes aa "brbtht aa a button." It la Tery pleasant, to taste; soothes ttie chUd, softens the gums, allay tag regularly all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels 8eml-Annually and Is the best known remedy for dianrhcra 1886. emmlMloBn. i We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prize drawn in , The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at eur coun ter: i Praw Loulwlahna JNattlmAl Bank. J. W. HH.HHKIH, Pr. Ntt atlaiU Bank. A. IIALUWIK, Prea. Hew OrUaui Alatlonal Bavnk. Incorporated In 18C8 for 25 years by the Leg. ! M . J il A 1 fiLI ' lsiature ior eaucauonai ana cuaruaoie purr ponee with a capital ol 11,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over 9550,000 haa since been added. ' By an overwhelming popular vote lta fran chine was made a part of the present State con stiLution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1878. The only Lottery ever rated on and en dorsed by the people of any State It never scales or postpones. . . Its Graxd Sinols Kdmbkb Diuwutds take place monthly, and the Extraordinary Draw ing regularly every three months, insceao; ol as heretoiorr, beginning Jlarch, Under and by virtue of a decree of Wake Superior, court catered in the. ac tion oi tne L,iiena.t:o. of Virtftnfarvs. Chas. (ntberAalfliHfa'lCT'et'-al -wttr expose to puMAta'Attfacrurt bwu dour, in the city of -Raleigh Monday, April ltb, 1888, a certain lot or. parcel of land In the city of lialeigh, on the north side of Cabarrus street, weBt of Dawson street, adjoining VN m. Simpson on the north nd Chas. iJeasley on 'the east and west, being part of not No. 6 in Uie plan of said cityk And. fronting feet on Cabarrus street. Terms oi -sate cash. . . CM. BUBBEE, . March 20, 1886. dtd. : Coto'r. ) AM JUSOKrvrjfHr. . ,. 1) IV1DEUD KOTTUU A semi-annuai illrklend et 1 DrnCan the capital stock of the Kalebrh A Gaatou Bautosv) company nas Deea"aeciaxw,payat)ia on ana aiier jbfini t isseu " . ( The Uaaste books nUlhS eloa4fr4ati until the 2d proximo, , . .. W. Vf. VAJNS, TreatararAAd isustai't. Balalgh, Ifarph lAUSi,. , , diss Extra New 8prlnr Buttac,. Choioa CaroUna iA 1. 4 i Finest Queen 01breMtJBa.b)ii)Uvea. Extra Pickled OysWra,vs j; . Fine Pickled Lobster ferfsv Cranberry Sauce fan glass Jar : ;i Dlgby Chicks in aoepottadTsi tbM. Dandicole A Oaudiea Patesit e-Opra Tepi Sardines. 1 t -- -. -V i Si BUlet's Fine Sardines, , ! BnrneU'a Flavortac KxtnkfiUr alJUuavora. Rtversfde-IBomato Catrapxa ftrst-claas- act tide." .. . j fet ursngws, )uenioii snajMBanaa. . a We guarantee eonramiriy purchas ing supplies from curl house that all goods will prove exaetly aepMaent4 On this haais we askfor a liberal' share of yourtfrdersi '1 bf It THE BEST AND CUEAPDST The : Best of; fvei mm J i w I'! -1 Corn whether rising from teething or otbr cause. TwBty-BT eanta a nottf, ; How did Adam and Eve get out of the garden of Eden? They were sbaked out. ; . f: DCBsFOBD'S At ID PHOSPHATE, In Debility. 1 Dr. Vr. II. Holcome. New Orleans, La., says: '1 found it an admirable reraedylor de bilitated state of the gyMtent, produced" by he wear and tear of the nervous energies.' The careful man has already secured a pair of spring goloshes. A splendid opportunity to win a fortune. Fourth firand Drawing, class D, In the Academy of .Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, April 18 1886191x1 Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickeu at Five Dollars acbw Frac- tioiu, in Fifths.in proportion.! list or prizes. FtJUCQBSijJf 10 20 100 300 600 1,000 1 Capital Prize of 1 do uo of 1 do do of 2 Prizes of " of " of ae.ooo 2,000 1,000 600 i 200 100 60 . 25 PPBOXUUTION PBIZKS.I 0 Approximation Prizes of 1750 " ; 600 9 " " 260 175,000 26,000 10,000 12,000 10,0()0 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6,750 4,600 2.250 Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia ivtMH BMdaaTaMsav i rK4 K, T1VTT E.Vrs.' '. trschiUlbs a. vockur eoaPAST, aAunotut, MB. ' Ztt'oUonL 1 A han utI u SURE rnuivh 1,007 Prizes, amounting to. 265,600 Application ior rates to ciuds snouia ue made only to the office of the company in New Orleans. i. ; For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, .Express Money Orders, or New York Hacchange In or. dlnary letter. Currency, by Jttxprees (all sums of -f6 and . upwards at: our expenae) adn dressed K. A. DACPHXS. )fw Orlea. I.a r aa. a. daithU) Wsusblas-teM, D. C I Make P. O. Money Orders payable , and aV areas j&egusierea ieuera mj s p IIXW OKXJLAJTB KATIOMAi BARK, ' ii " ; New Orleans, La. TILEKQKTH CAROLINA MUSIC HDHU t i . : Always keeps In . stock: the best Pianos and j Organs nurauractuted la the United htate. and sells them at the lowest prices and en the easiest terms. : AJsoa full line of Sheet Music, Music Books and Musical Merchandise. Spe cial attention given to orderiag music that Is not in ateeK. kei; f- i The best of everything is what: sensible peo- ' ' ' " pie waatj especially In proviaiona; and -ape- I cially when economy is neaesaary, for .there . ia no economyin poor goods. The Seat Flour and MeaLto make the best bread? the best Teas i and CoiTees, the best Meats,. Spioea, JBoapa, Starches: the best and, most, reliable Canned Ctoods, the best of everything. Taka, for ex ample, the essential article, Butter; J sell, the choice Butter from the dairybinna of Dr: Richard Lewis, Mr. W. G. Upcnureh Mr. , ' r- . J -.!: . : H. Green; and Mrs. D, W. Kerr and Mr, L. B. Holt, of Alamance, besides occasional sup- . : j ' . !;' t plies from other dairies of established .reputa tion: also, at all times, the finest Northern Creamery Butter that can be bought, and good Northern Dairy Butter at a lower price. 1 AM ! nure -18 Clime, Phosphate The same in meats; always the best.' Smoked Tongues and Beef, .cured by Ferris ACo il!- I ; ii i;. kii ,; .v . best Hams, at prices ranging Just niwr froiuiJ to 16c per lb; Breakfast Strips,, Meats and EUb of every description. 1 1 For Breakfast and Tea Tablesi the Choicest! Read the following formulas: A compost of Lime Phospbata, 1,000 pounds: Kaialty 20 pound, and 800 pounds of cow or hore btabltf manure makes aa good m general manure as can he found. . ' : 0 hmdrkhf In vegetable matter, like botri;i torn or new bund, use 600 pounds of Phosphate ktxad With, 200 poonOaofKaiatt . . . ! On hm, poor ian, use zu ouaneis emun . seed or equivalent in stable mairure, 600 pounds of Pnosphate analOs poun as a. alnit compeea ed together on one acre. ro ckwmi nroBAa.a-iaiDe rApaaw Is the best clover food known. It gives rood sUn4scoiTectA'tne. ?ures of red lands of the :rft miauM ssa western ruuunr a wiu hwm clever grow on red hillside rails, which we consider the' gTeatwt trtumph.ir Use 600 te :'.' : 000 pounds per acre on . lover and grasses. On very sandy land use Kalnlt with ft. . Use IS u Ior top-oreasiBg. I Address . N. C. PHOSPHATE CO., 4 L Raleigh, N. C. C. T. STEOHAOH l t . ) . s . - U I MARKET SO.UA8K. T P4 jflk V TIMOTHY HAT. t eas that care and experience vcsa select WHITE CORN; aiBiiin i. voukub coai'AJW ai krraoaa. n. Uorris Silks, mam . . s-at sBurr-asn - j & Caxtor.- .ipS: c it1 nTf . M I ? : II.' 1.1 rariner tide haa .K . ? I yt (mm In fthia rlcnartment our opened under the most favorable auspices. Our Silk Trade During the past month, as shown by our largely increased sales, is exceedingly flatter ing. . : 1 We quote full line of Black and Colored Satin Bhadames, Merveilleux, Surahs and tiros-Grain Silks, with a full Line of . RICH BROCADES at extremely low prices. J Fine Pongee Silks, 20 yards in a piec4 at 7; Summer Silks from 83o up. : We offer two Special Bargains in: Satin Ithadames and Uros-Groin Silks at ff.18 per yard. i NOTE These are rare bargains well Worthy of note- t BLACK CASHMERES AND BLACK GOODS A SPECIALTYli ' jORRis & pAnrki Headauarters COALjl I; . Anthracite and Bituminous I i . ' . Oak, Hickory and .Ptne;T,cng orShort Orders left at the drug stores of -Lee, Jia son ts. Co., (np-town or down-town) wil r oeive prompt attention. :, PniL H ANDREWS OO ! INTENDING ADVBTI?Bd sbouM ad dnrsa h;. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce Straet, New York City.: Fob Bklaot List of , 1,000 Nkwararaaa aMMlMIIW WIRE BAILING AND ORNA MENTAL WIBX WOKK No. S6 North Hovxd street, ; Baltimore, manufacturers of wire'tmiUng for cemeteries, baleoaias. eta., sievse. fandars. sum. anl eel yiis,wfm f, tow btstesds Bead this unrivalled list of instruments; PiAJtos. Cbiekering, Mason A ; Samlln, Mathuahek, Bent, Arion. URGA8af aon Uamiln, facKard and sy State, To bu cannot find a better array to select from. Call and see for yeurself, or send tor descrip tive catalogue and price list; Pianos and Organs toned and repaired. 8.8. JACKSON, 122 Fayettevtlle street, mar 21dAw6m r Raleigh, N. C. Believing in the wisdom in keeping up at equilihriqmjB temjturp and. relieving Alt tres from het a twe'l as , cold, and: having been ror a long time engaged tn supply nig fuc for winter- nse we have taken the exulusivt sale In Raleigh of ., FROM THE l-'i RALEIGH ICE FACTURY From this data, and we are now ready to d liver it to all who wlab it, from our Wagon, our store on FayettevUle street, and our wan house at the' Central depot. i; Those who bold tickets from the lee Co. eat exchange them for. ours of the samedenoml nation, by presenting them at either Chocolates and Cocoas; fine Coflees, grean aqd roasted. . ; 'j Without good bread, nothing is good. I offer you the! best brands of -Flour, ithe best Corn Meal and the best Lard togo , wlththem "bere can be no complaint of prices. Everv- thing in the Provision fine Is cheap. We give you the best of everything a the lowest briees, promptly delivered. Forspecial an- , nouncements Ifrom day to day, see . the .Joeal Columns of this paper.; - A Do You Wish T Mum New Mackerel In Barrels. H New Mackerel 10, 12 and U lbs. New Herring.. Naw MnlaMoa. ' .: " " H " Fresh Patapsoo and Orange Grove Flour, ": Early Rose Irish Potatoes. New Cbamragne Cider; Barre' or Bottles. . ireaa, wane, jubca ana iteu. Hweet Potatoes. . Kerosene Oil, SafetV OIL . Butter by keg, esse or pound. Hansv Baans. ;. . ,.(- . :. ' Canned Goods, Canned Goods. Crackers and akes. i y ' ' : ' .' i Pure front Distillery; bo Perfume or fly lne used to make Age. - Caroliia Corn IMy, Snerry, Fort snd Blackbsrry. ChampaAne Cider; Barrels, or Bottles nan oi opcbm ror WijrTAi Neat and Prtctlcal rDciign. KING & M'ACY This can be furnished ! : ' - and ABxanrnoT aw butpsb,, With the late Samuel 81cn), Raleigh, N. Who, oa application; will prepare plans, elevatkma, i details.. working, a 4brasruc nd J ipwcauns, Wr , wj .faaertp- tnaaan. w i --! " r y f I 'jrttfi , y I III Zii' vr""- L: Heating .5 Ist- kewsral House Paiating. ,. j, ; f Special faeilitteaforSlGN.WORK.u . Orders . from any. dlrtsnea .swlialted 1 'fereaees gtvesv .--.'i ,.-, ,k . u , u. , I I f. . g jl I f '-Now ia the Wdttxa of oui discontent rVC Ae i1awiAt as Qivarafaa ; BYTJSINGr ' !i- I The ARGAND, I JThe ROYAL ARGAND. ' -'t- The CENTURY. or any of , the various Buds 1, Stoves always kept in stock and sold at the paica er ncasTs as follows:; ; 100 as, 75q 6 as or more delivered at a time. 300 " fi.10 6 ' " ;. 600 ' 2.00 26 ms " " i M " - a,ooo " IP.00 60 jns y ' .., V i i : In barrels for shipping, carefully packed 76c perJIOO ls barrel and packing- ineluded. Sold FOR CASH ONLY. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly filled. ; JONES & POWELL, Raleigh, N. 0 a ititi ujrjrEhw xo mtroauce them we X will give away L000 Slf-Operating Ma. . mrm m. m . enines. " u you want one senu us your name P. O. and express office atoace. IheNattosai BABY CARRIAGES;1 Jf : MONITOR OIL 8TPVES, LIBRARY AND STUDENT-LAMPS, KT( ETC. -BY- ADDITIONAL COMPORT Men Thinkl they know all about Mnstaj ti . iment. .Frwdo.Not toiiaow.k, We would advsM the use ef Shaw's DOOR-CHECKS AND SPRINGS. pry preTfmt .theslamatnx f doers and keep them always Shut, If venr hawn la lana. 8TEAM OR A FURNACE - - lUrfJwtfuIJy, I1 - - - ' 1 I ::1!'-;.::4.,:::t;:;-:ly'; 9 V. a :. !:;:Nft r v ;1 ir- .il 111 !

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