.t77:V 5. "Vr " 77-V'7 J ." : .': SacNswsiKiOisBfo ByTheNevr ao Observir to. CM ... year, mail, poetpeid ! tT T streetke, - . r " thTM 5 aims estre4 wtthoat paytV Bi5J tper sent after tlw erpirmee f1 SUNDAY APRIL! 11. 1886.; Oik. Cox's objection to tne consider ajtion of the Gladstone resolution, offered" in' the House Friday must not be at tributed to any hostility on his part to It. Gladstone's scheme. Ifis objection is to this gOTernnftsnt'si meddling with foreign affairs which do not ; concern it, and as a member of the committee -fen foreign affairs he did but his duty tn stating that objection. , " - ; ' -': The judiciary committee of the House has agreed to report faror ably a bill re opening the court of claims to persons who have been barred on account of io called disloyalty during tejwar. Tjne Southern people may therefore still fe cOver much of the arge i amount of money proceeding from th sale of prop erty unlawfully taken from them by he Federal army. This money was long ago covered into the treasury. . The New Orleans ' Times-Democrat takes occasion to deny the report that the crescent city lost much of its cotton trade the past year. Instead of this, it ats. the trade has been, augmented. The receipts show an increase, .gross'! of 136.998 bales, and net of 139,7 p. end of all the totttra sent to the 'United States ports this season New Orleans has received 83.5 per cent as against 32. J. per cent last year.; j ; , Ths bill to ereot i building ' for Jfche wwuiiiivuiuvu ui uc vyugyu j library passed the rfoW :y V lajge majority ana uie oeuaie wiiuuui. pis sentient vote, it is reasonable to sup pose therefore that what is said abut the building provided for, to wit, that it has become a necessity, isl'true. The measure will absorb a great deal; of money though, and such expenditures should be as few and far between as .Ipossible; ' l i Hn vote in favor of th(U suspension of silver coinage was made up of thir ty four democrats nnd pity repubicns, against a yote of one hundrejl and thr1ry dem"ocVitsland seventy-one: fepublidns. i ThavobJ rejecting free coinage com prised eventy democrats and .ninety : three republicans, and1 tbe rote -in favor 5 of the measure was made up of ninety , fivfliderpecraU and thirty-one tepubli- : eans The propositiad .to pat the gxrv- ernment . bonds in sUTer Is still tf be considered. V; . Thb House committee on; labor fias taken up the educational bill, but it u ': .r 5t.1I. 1 Jt ,1. i. impoBfrwie jro aay wnen i wiu ; maae its . report thereon. In order to hasten the V matter an effort will; be made to secure : a report without! recommendation, ut t3w will, of course, be bppoed by the enemies of the measure, ; their tadtics ' being delay.. regular report eouId hardly be expected Witbout i discussion ; more or leas elaborate, f The committee - is rather eyenly dirided, it is repo: - but it is understood that there is a ma jority in favor of the bill. J ) f A TX uno engagement is eporte to kare taken place in Pensaoola harbor. The tag ship Tennessee and the Qana -were attacked by the balanoe of the South Atlantio squadron, but succeeded w7i v;au.nT.. . .Then there was firing of great guns f?oin vessels moving at fait speed. cFortu- nately, however, the j cartridges used were all blank, i the j whole affair ,J in short, being a sham, or in other wofds. . ; part of the paval drill which is now go- I ingon at Pensaoola, to the great delight i vt ue wuiviiuiii oi utu mariume ciiy . I a So intirsi was the anxiety to hear what would be said in the; house ; of I commons on the occasion. of Mr.' Glad stone's presentation of hb .' Scheme for Ireland that, according to one'; cable gram, "a number of influential mem- bers applied to . the; speaker tor permission to place their friends sin the cellar immediately under the grating heard of friends of legislators repurb lican legislators being ? 'let fin on the ground floor' which we suppose is next . tning to tne cellar, but it was for a pur pose different from that ot listening merely Th New Yorkers are1 after both the bribe-takers and the bribe-givers in the matter of Jake Sharp s 'Broadway rail road franchise. They are picking jip T the members of the board of aldermen whisiK ivrajiidst IKa frannri iaa hniotfnv in New York or in the country .at large tney can be tound, and they have scat tered like frightened rate-for the purpose of sending them the wajftvaehue has gone. and the authorities now have in custody the, person 'who is believed tehavebeen the power behind the Sharp throne and who it is alleged was! the immediste agent in affecting the 'briberies' the president of Sharp's couipahy. : iut two of the twenty -four membeis of the suspected board are considered gui'jt lessj and the fact is a lasting stain upon thdfame of our chief! city. , f 2 p Thx incendiary proceedings at Kunt St. Louis seem to indicate that it is even now too late to applyjarbitration shc eessfully to the settlemiat of the labor difficulties n the WesjU The strides have, as all strikes are more than Spt; to do. develoned into violence and nothmv less powerful than the strongest armUt necessary to quiet the disturbance. The tact is most; deplorable. . xne pacinc ut terances made by the heads of the order Of Knights of Labor recency bad served to calm the fears of many, but the rules of the order and the advice of its officers seem to be inadequate to the control of the whole body. The con sequences are the excesses of which We readv today. The crisis jof the matter of the troubles seems to have been reached. Human life i&. being taken and the property of citizens ruth lessly destroyed. Nothing seemB to re main therefore but the last resort the strong arm of the military, and the in terests 1 of sooietv demand that this should be applied resolutely,! every other means having been tried and proved inadequate. Every Stat guar antees protection of life and property to its citizens, and every consideration de mands the maintenance of this guaran tee. The laboring man has -wrongs to be adjusted without doubt and is right in properly demanding tEeir adjustment, 'but when he places hint self among law breakers or aids and abets men Of that class he must expect to be dealt with as they are. ; : i- . MR. eLADSTOBrKTB PLAN. The great speech of Mr. Gladstone on nis scheme for the government pf Ire land seems to have been' indeed the crowning glory of his life. It w'$s most statesmanlike, and even if it fail to se cure the adoption of his measure it will do more for the ciusej of home rule in ine ever raivniui isie uu nas ever yet been accomplished. The remarkable circumstances attending its delivery and the intense interest it excited have al ready been described in our edlnmns. Its keynote and the justification! f the measure it expounds are probably to be found in this passage; "(The passing of many good lavs is not enough in Cases wnere tne strong instincts j ox ..me people and distinct marks of character, situatibn and history-; require npt only that these laws snouia be good, but that they should proceed from 1 conge nial and native sources,' and that be- Lgg p'gJu' 00 d 1ft WS the 7 should be I: The scope of the measure proposed seems to be broad enough to have' satis fied the Irish members, of the House, while; at the same time providing im portant imperial restraints. In brief, the plan Js to establish a parliament at T 1 1! a- ' 'a. i t . JI 1 jUDiin, to consist oi two nouses, an upper houBe of 103 members, elected on a property quaiincationr oi . $zv, uvu, ana a lower of 206 members.: elected on the - r -i.v:- ra t: k .f""" "vT" 01 ooixnty and U about 14 miles from Salis the upper; house, and the members rep- fc ' Thifl minL Ja nwnft(i w fjflI1 -nn resenting! Ireland at present id; at present! in the British house of commons are to be Withdrawn from . London ' and ! become members pf the lower; house at publin. The two orders are to sit and deliberate together, but with! the right of Toting separately on demand! of either: ; order, and each is to haTe the power - of veto upon any measure passed by the other. fTj this S body , it is ' proposed to oommit the entire 'power "and all tbe functions of legislation for Ireland, with the exception of laws relating; to the crown, to national defense I and to foreign ahd colonial .relations The Irish parliament is Jo leave customs and naTigation laws, quarantine regulations, coinage and the postoflice to the lu.- Eerial parliament. Irish members and rish neers 'will no longer sit in khe im perial parliament at Westminster, and Ireland is to bear one-fteenth of the burden of imperial taxation. : The con - stab ulary, will for the present 1 remain unur imperial control, due inejuaiciary and the civil service will be committed to the charge oi the; Irish parliament, and ultimately it if proposed, that the constabulary also and the whole Machin ery for preserving 1 peace; will! be in trusted tq the same jhands. The Iviceroy i to become a mere; figurehead tw:":.. u-i:-. :i i Mr. Gladstone wUl endeor to! induce ill A nraiont rtrl ivriiin4. rn neee ' I A ma loans cannot cOnceire the radicalism of ; ; it. ppearnce the tverage Briton. It like euggestijig to him that ej tenant shall; be !1 made at a stroke tof the pen bis equal in all respects. .Whether it will succeed in becoming? a law I it would !i be rash I ' in us to coa- jecture when there .is such great dif ference of opinion on the subject as that i wuiuu cjluh even uQong onwpa papera.. We can only be sure of the fact that the signs of the times point to the early adoption of some measure of home rule for Ireland, and that Mri Gladstone's masterly effort has done all that any man'S could do to insure the adoption of the plan he offers, H j If v 1 . ' s " Thirb appears ahead another very serious danger to this country, lit was pointed out by Mr. Eustis, of Louisiana, In his 'place in the Senate Thursday. The question of the admission qf Mon tana Territory into "the Union as a State ?fM ttP Mr- Eustis moved to! amend the bill under dissussion by confiniucr the right of suffrage in the proposed new 8tate. to qualified male electors only. He depicted the alarming possibilities which would be opened up if Congrcjss agreed to tbe bill as it stood, admitting female suffrage, "Why said be, "e State of Washington Qould lect a female United States Senator. One re sult of that would be, it is true, that tho problem of secret sessions would be in stantly solyed, but on 'the question of the constitutional qualifications okj a; fe male Senator for examble as respects age - .'' The rest of the Senator's sentence was lost in the laughter Iwhich followed. . : Mr. Beck; remarked! sotto vooe that the women would never ihe old enough to Ctiuc within the constitutional limitations as to age, and the laughter wns renewed. Mr. Eustis, however, re) urned to tbe serious phase of his sub ject, saying that if the. bill were to pass as it stood there was no reason; why Congressmen should not -expect wom'n to oome knocking at the doors pi.- the Senate and louse, and if they came he had no reason to suppose j; that;, they would not fee admitted,. imagine a fe male Senator J May 'angels and min isters of grace defend us' from tbe cos- As thx time approaches for the elec- ' tion, of officers they are rowing a little worse than usual 1 down I on the Mullet road. .For our part we shall possets bur souls in patience until the publica tion of the usual reports of the officers, which we believe are j usually made along in the summer, and if these re ports do not show a very gratifying im provement we will be disappointed and shall regret it. Generally speaking the business of a railroad is an index of the condition of the country through which it passes, and we shall indulge the hope that the section along the line of this road,: in which the State owns so much stock; is conBtanUv improving and that the rpad prospers proportionately with the development of the country . It is well understood however, that the year has been a hard one all through the east. ; ,:. Junes Baxter,! of Tennessee, who was a native of this State, and whose death we chronicled last week,' had a great contempt, it is said, for the superfluous, prosy mass of pedantic, empty verbiage which has for hundreds of years clogged up all legal documents.! He had no re spect whatever for the endless repeti tions, and superabundant tautology of legal; forms. Once, they say, he de cideu a case in favor of the plaintiff be cause the other side had failed to make any defense. "I have to do this," he said reluctantly, :4,becaise the plaintiff has, managed, in1 the course of twenty pages of legal cap, to state a cause of Action. The case might just 4 as well have been Btated In a dozen lines, but I find, , on carefully reading this bunch of manuscript, tnat there is a cause ox ac tion concealed within this mass of words, and I shall consequently have to decide for, the plaintiff.' In the respect of legal tautology may his tribe increase ! SOWAX AJt d staxly. GOOD' FAKM1N0 GOLD MINKS BIST WHKAT e IN THK WjOELD, KTC, I TO. Cor. of the News and Observer. Aibkmarlk, N-C, April 9, 1836 Rowan is about the only county in the state that exports hay, .corn and wheat. Some sections of the county are in the highest state of cultivation, the farmers having cut adrift?! from the antiquated style of farming pursued, by their fa thers and grandfathers There are more gold mines in Rowan than' in any other.; county in the state Some of them very rich in the yellow A-j. t rrunu -urn t . I vr. luo uviu uiu ujiuc, du uuuuudu ... . . -cn cuffipanj, uie aimm iuu ueiug uu w tuu feet deep. The company will sink It 100 feet more. ! This gold vein which is broad and very deep is located m a strata of slate rock, the gold being very fine. Thirty thousand dollars was tak en from this mine in one month before the, war, the force at work then being about three hundred hands. j The present force is only about fifty, all told,; out tne, company contemplate soon to begin operations on a large scale Fifteen thousand dollars is about the largest amount Realized in one month since the close of the late war. Some very, fine ore has; been struck in the last few months. I here are twenty stamp mills on the property. ' Salisbury, the county seat of Rowan; geographically speaking, is well! situated for one of the leading tobacco biarket of the State and it can only be but a matter of time when this truth Will be fully realiied Being the eastern terminus of the great railroad artery that runs through the entire western part of the State, and situated on the slain line of railroad running north and south and having the finest back country in the State, of which it is the natural outlet and mar ket, the futurel of Salisbury cannot be otherwise than! a bright one. The ",f tlemen are the pioneer tobacco ware housemen: Messrs. .Boston and Foard ''Farmer's warehouse;" Hankin & Son "Iron-Olad warfehouse;" Swink & Thdmason, "Banner warehouse." There arof rfour plug factories, owned by Messrs. Johnson & Ramsey, Robertson Si Miller, Holmes; & Gaskill and Foard & Rice. The : tlrsi tobacco warehouse was built three years ago. , ?;j ' miriT was named for, the Hon. Edward R Stanly, so long prominent in the poli tics ; of Worth UaroUna. This county was formed from Montgomery, by cuU ting on that part of. the county lying east Of the Pee Dee river. The old county-seat of Montgomery, La wren oe- ville,iwae on the ut-otf territory, but after Stanly was formed the county -seat of Montgomery was moved to, Troy, then called "West's Uld Jfield." IINl WHEAT. : Stanly county enjoys the distinction of hsvior' been ; awarded the first premium at the "Great London Exposi tion," held a ! few! years since, for the best and- finest wheat exhibited. When is taken into conshleration the strong competition at thisi world's fair bj the wbeatgrowmg countries of the world represented on that occasion, ihe great victory gomed by - brave little Stanly can be appreciated. : Her- citizens wear their; honors modestly, as is characteris tic feherally of North Carolinians. The nature of the soil that produces this re markable wheat, which ' turns out more flour from a given quantity of wheat than any other and of a much finer quality, is slaty and gravelly. 1 - Tbe road from -Salisbury to Albe marle is thirty-five miles long. The iirbt ;part of it, to; Gold Hill, passes through ' some very good farms, but from old Hill to Albemarle the coun try is geographically broken, agricul turally poor, but minerally rich. There are some fine mineral ' springs in this county whioh are liberally patronised by seekers after health. Giio'l tobacco can' be raised in Stanlj as wejl as Rowan', but the present low prices have disoouraged the farmers. .The county oommisgioners ought to build a good brick cxurt bouse in place of the present unsafe wooden building. Jadge MeRse, whd is holding epart here this week, wasjeompelled to sus pend court for a while "during the wind cracking and opening of the timbers of tne Douding. U ordered tne conn room to be vacated, the house examined and did not rc6nrene court . until the wind abated -an hour or two afterwards. rarsimomousness in public 'officials is often fruitful of much harm, frequently loss of life. R; B. Flwr Dt Easier Girts. ; Baltimore Suhl T" " p . Fashions in flowers change as in every thing else used for water or decoration, though much of course depends upon the season, such flVwra being generally favored as are in full bloom at the time Just now the early ipring; flowers, that seem so sweet alter tne long ana areary winter, are the ones moat, worn, and the girls may be seen wearing great bunches of yellow jonquils oriEaster flowers, gay tulips or lovely white narcissus. ; A novel Easter offering is' a hollow section of tree trunk, lichen-covered and old, with five or six broken, fagged twigs growing out of it. Onthe largest is perched a crow, looking1 almost as though, alire, with it's unfathomable ex pression, and down in the hollow below, bedded in anaes of flowers is a nest containing six eggs. ' I ' Another pretty idea is the placing of tiny chickens and ducks : in baskets : of flowers intended for Easte presents. These littiefiedgclings are raised and pre pared by an enterprising Neir York wo man, who batches them out especially to supply the trade i v - ; Flowers intended for birthday or other presents are sent tastefully arranged in arbornoreBoenl or other fancy vases and jars, that serve as a souvenir alter the flowers have faded. I Growing plants for house- decoration aro set inside. handsome jarB Of Leeks or Hungarian' ware, in the pot in which they grow. They serve as a centre piece for the dining table, or are set4 in windows, or on small stands in tbe hall and drawing rooms: i lable decorations for informal teas and luncheons are,, very simple, yet tasteful. At one recently (riven there was an oblong mound in the! centre, composed of spring flowers, arranged in blocks, surrounded by emuax. A block of white tulips formed the centre, with a block of yellow and onon of red on either side, with adjoining ttbem hya cinth and joinquils; ' A sheaf of flowers tied with satin ribbons was laid at each Ple. . SalTtlion oil should be the eempanion ot ev ery travelliag man. It exUngniahea psin whether resulting Irom a cut, a burn, abiui, or a jprain. ". Chaucer says: Por gold In ph!s)ke b a cor diaU' For all that suffer V5ni iiomis, cold in tb chest, Inag trbubl-, or bronchitis. Or Bull's Cough Sjxnp is golden fpBisike." Price 24 cents. , ; ' Fussy, superfiuous1 trimmjngs are go ing out of -favor.1'-1 : . Mothum. ! lira. WiiiKlow's Soothina Syrup should st- waya be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the tittle lufferer at once, it 'r re duces natural, oulet ler by reltevinir the child from pain, and th: hUle eherub wakea as "bngnt as a button." it is very pleasant, to taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, allay , all Paia, rellevearindy regulated the bowels and is thrbsst an!Wit irenady for diarrtw' wnetneruugxrom teethisx .ortbrr cAUe)v Tatv-svs wn - ' : m .- ; ; , .', ;-; ;; i j Black hosiery is worn by fitted, women and children. ' ? j ' I : 5 It is a curious loot that' outitof the luillionsot people in Europe and America who regularly use POND'S EXTRACT, nb oN iver hears it said that it is not a'-cKi mrtHcine.! On the contrary the people -praise it potirtantiy and say it is one oi the best remedies n tbe world for Piles, Oatarrh,' Bbeumatisra, Neuralgia and all kinds of Pain, Inflammations and Hem orrhages. Avoid imitations. j; Rich oriental embroidery is. used for vests ior sua aresses. . iE rui mm '.saem r CKKTC AT SKVdaiars niMn niAi ctia TVS CVASLaS-A. YOSKXMCOarAKY, SiilUIORm, MOl , In this department our sprin, able i g ;trade has opened under the most faVorai aufti)iccg. Our Silli Trade uunng the past month, as shown iby . our largely increased sales, is Exceedingly natter ing. - S ' -We quote full lines of Black and Colored Nitin Rhadames, Merveflleux Surahs and Oros-Grain Silks, with a full Line of ! RICH BROCADES at extremely low prices. ! Fine Ponsree Silks. iO vards in a piece, at S7: Summer Sitks from 83c up.f !M ' We offer two SrHfial Bnrintins In! Satin Bhadauies and Uros-Gfainr bilks at $ 1.18 per yard. ' U :. ! " KOTE These are rare banning well worth of .note-. ' .:-'' ' BLACK CASHMERES AND BLACK GOODS A SPECIALTYi Jj jz 'is? TRAPS V MARK. i N 1 PROlVsl1, sBsJOj 1 tst aa onr.t a. -oomxa coaryt sMtiSoaa. mk Ifonis & Carter. -r - : n.' 1 v V ' !. Silks, Sils JIORRIS CaRTBXV ICED LADY FINGER SPONGE flKGEjRS, iu-lslft(i, ( '.liamnairne and Sntair Wafers. 4ran,t-n, Bananas. Cowan ill. 41 Iine JVleftts Freoh smoked Beef Toniieu. Smoked Broiling Beef, Smoked liog Jowls. Westphalia and Old Dominion; Hams, Extra Choice Sugar Cured Shoulders and Scrips. 2,000 lbs Extra Choice Well Smoked North Carolina Hams, 12io fb.!! NEW GRASS BUTTER. Bouquet Alderney Creamery. Gilt ldpe Cream ery and Dairy, Gilt Edge Onkhen. Country Butter, 1 lb Trims, 2(c U; Country Butter for cooking, 15c lb. Jersey Butter (so-tSiilk'd) 1 lb Prints. Fancy Home-niade Butter. 1 Uj Prints. Good Family Jflour. foil 00 Lbl. Choice ' u 5 50 " Extra Choice " (i 00 " Roller Patent Pastry, 0 75 ' Bbls and all sizes sacks. SPECIAL PRICES TO TRADE. 5 800 boxes Extra Choice Sugar Cured Hams, 20 bbls Extra Fine Irish Potatoes, At low Figures to close Consignment. . Beardsiey's Shredded Oodfiph, 1 Xb packages; ' equal to 2 lbs in httckets. Xo smoke. No smell. 20cy package. NEW CAUGHT ! Mackerel; 10 lb. pails, at reduced prices. yo, 3 b at i aniiiv 6oc.; were 75c. No. 2 Fat Faifiify" 75c.; were fl:00. No. 2 Ales-lftO; wert fl5. NEW BOE : UEiytlNO. New Corned N. C. Roe lleia-intli25c. dozen. Codfish Tonpien a'nd fifonndilOc. lb. "' Large Smoked Blmitt rs, 100 in box, 75c. box. - llollud Herring 75c, Kg. ' DUNBAR'S ii Green Turtle and. Barataria Hluinip. McMENAMlN'S f Devilled Crabs and Crab Meats. Penanro's Boneless Sardines. Dried Butter Beans and Green Peas 10c. jt. (No better packed at any price.) Our Owl Brand Tomatoes f 1.50 dozen. Solid, Whole Packed. Our Indian Queen ' Corn f 1.50 dozen. (lounsr, White, Sweet.) DELICIOUS FOR DESSERT: Thurber's Preserved Strawberries. California Bartlett Pekrs. White Cherries 36c. can. Heavy Syrup Ready tor use. W, C. & A. B. STROKACH. WHOLESALE AND KXTAJX oeers. Fatittsvilu, N. Makket and E- Hab- GETT STB., RaLSIGHN. C. ISIS! i r i BelieviDg in tbe wisdom in keeping up ai equilibrium ia temperature and: relieving dk tress from het arfcweiras cold, land bavin been for a long e-ngaged in supplying fu for winter use,-we have taken i the exclusive sale in Kaleigh of - 1 ICE FEOM THE, RALEIGH ICE FACTORY From this date, and we are now ready to d liver ft td all "who" wish ft,' from our wagon, owf store on Pay ettevitle street,' and our wan house at the Central depot. 1 i Those who bold tickets from the Ice Co. eat 'exch .nWtheirf foT Outs of the same denoihl-i nstJon; Ty presenting fbtfut at either plaee. ' i.ft - T. 5. . . q i .. . rxics or ncxxTB as roixow: 100 hip 76c; s me or more deUvered at a time sou; f.u)b ; - t . . 600 u 8.00 2S as s,oeo " io.oo w s " " - In barrels for shipping, carefully packed 76c perJOO an; barrels and packing ineluded sow j-uBWAsn yJUi. orders respect iuii soucuea ana prompuy nuea. j JONES A POWELL, Raleigh, N. 0 A BIG OFFER.- To introdnos them we will give sway 1,000 Self-OperaXing Ha chines. ' If you want one send us rour name P.O. and express office at onos. Tha National ABE 8TTLL TRIUMPHANT, for fifteen Tears thev hav aa4 wtth sales eonstanUy ianrssataj tha bmmS noniii.. i UalUd aitsaT CUalttT, is varruitAil mu i Wm ham and K H rrades witk w en rontisa tknm . i - , : ; ' I I Hi '.. awards tn n v via. - nelaat aMdal ralv3 1 FwsJdZ tte.feUaKzpoataMihsMrt Gr 6q' - fwwj orsets. Obi SBfiSBaaasttatt, Sheas aansaiaSsMSSa FOR 8ALE. gALBar LAND AT CARjJV Br virtue of power confined npou me In a wiw "r rr Be connir. eww w tap uj John PMaasey and wife. I TlilirtdAIl . uwwbot April, 18e, e f r cati, the eourt-houM door in EaleiKh, the lot of muu nescrtDea in said deed' The lot U sltua- A Ji-i? tS? ? VJCTiLf bujoioihk me wim w, MrHomll aft otben ana onuins aboiit one ne re aa1 a quarw. April a, 18 6, dim. Mortgagee STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. STATE BOARD-OF EDUCATION, Kalkioh, April 10, 1SS6. tlntU July 1st, 1886, sealed' ch proposals will be received at this ofBce;' addressed to ths I secretary; or ue Inds beloogins: mcuiding Gum Swamp. Tnw adTerusemeu. is- made in accordancs with section.25389 of TheCooV ... A map recently made can be seen at this of fice,' describing the lands and locating the pub lic roads constructed through: tfcea by the State. : !. ' ' 1 i - The whole tract b estimated. to contain 44 71 acres". 'There ate" Of this amount tabefut 20,050 acres of Reed Land. 1 iQum Swasap there are estimated to: he 4tj8 acres, about one-third, of which is well timbered with very fine Cypress, and the balance with Gum, Ma nlai'Acf ' -;i --Vt I ! H. ' - . : The bids may be by the acre ior. the whole tract, or an aggregate sum, to4 the, whole. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.1'-"' . - ; . . - Capitalists who are looking - after timber, good .farming lands, or lauds or stock raising will find it to their ad vantage, to examine these -lands? h" ' "' ' ,i""':-, I : Gen. W. G.Lewis,Engineer,Goldsboro,N.C., will show them and f wmish, jaatotjuation as to tneir cnaracter. ' Secre'Ury ' State j SupHPub. Ins., yj( ol Education. ap.ii-now. Under and by virtue of .adeeree of W ake 8uTerior court entered in the ae- tldhtt WLtfe lni:C?b!'4tftihflfa i'Sra. Chas. ConiberuligTnlStrator, et al. I will expose to pujjnc aaia at the court nojuae door hi tl)e cjtj Efiigfl t&ondajr, April l9th, 186, a certain lot or parcel ollahd1 tn 'thecltv'oT Rateltffi .' fin the ' north side "df bartus -street. Vest 61 Damson strfefet, :bdjoin!ng? V BJ.-SHhpscarj on the north ana UtoasJieaslBy .oaall east and' wesi,Jaainsr past at ki;No i in the iU of saidauty andi fronting i(5 feet on Cabarrus streeL t Terms of sue March 20, 1886. dtd. 7 Cotn'r. tIVIOKBI;JHlTIab'r; X senii-annual dividend efJ per cent, on th -capital stock of tfiefialelgh Gaston Sattr jfo Company has bn !lareS,lpa7ble ' rafaSd afterAnril 1.1888. . : .i li.-i ; , !..'! . TtH t - The transfer books jrJU ba closed fxojndstr Treasurer ana 8ecrataiy. rs O WO V mmmfm tm TUUigh, )f "Xh 1. Iv- Ihe Best ; of The best of everything Is what sensible peo- I pie want; especially in provfsiQua; and eepo- ; i ;. ) ' 1 H " ' ' " ' cially wlen economy is nesessarT for there , is no economy Ktn poor goods; The nest Flour and Meal,to make tiie best bread the beat Teas and Coffees, the best Meats, Spices, Soar ps. Starches; the best! and most, reliable Canned 'Goods, the best ot everything. Take, for tx- ample, the essential article, $ut$e I aell ie t. ? i " - choice Butter from the dairy farms of Pr. Richard Lewis, Mr. W. O. Upchurch, Mr. A. . Green; and Mrs. D. W. Keif an4 Mr. L. B. Holt, of Alamance, besides occasional sup- plies from other dairies of established reputa tiow also, at all times, the finest Northern Creamery Butter that can be bought, and good Northern Iairy Butter, at a lower price. Tbe same in meats;, ali$ay the best. Smoked Tongues and Beef, cured by Ferris k Co.; best Hams, at prices ranging Just now from 11 to 15c per lb; BreaWast Strips Mkta and Fhth of every description. For Breakfast and Tea Tables, the Choicest Teas that, care and experience can select; if 'i'-.' Chocolates and Cocoas; fin Coffees, green and roasted. . ' Withou good bread, noJU .is good. I : : J- ;i offer you the best brands of "Flour, the best Corn Meal and the best Lard to go ' with them. There can be no oomplaint of prices. Every- thing in the Provision line is cheap. Wegl' vo you the . best of i everything, at the lowest prices, promptly, delivered. 7 For .special n- nouncements 'tmm day to jlay, .fee the local columns of this paper. JHA&DIN, 4 . . t OOALj! Anthracite and Bituminous 1 t ' Hick and Plne;Lag or f hrt 4 Orders left at the dnia r. v.w wwa, tarMtn ' purchase of to the Boari lu Pendex and Table Luxuries Fool ArZNOWLEEGEJ IZCELLHtCB. rtAWJSSE ID'S Extra Ntw Spring Buttsr. Choiee C4eltoWWl - Finest QiireJl OBrt-swJ BaWy Oltvss. Extra PMkfcfl OysWs. Fine Pleated Lobster in glass. 1 Cranberrt Sauee" fa )riass Tjats. j ; Digby Cblrks iii onpoVKl oval tins, j ' Dandiwl (WdieTs vPatent Self-Open Top SardineSv- $ ' 1 j BiUet's Flnelgardlnes.. ' Burnett's JTvoring; Extracts, ail flavors. ' ivr8ide ToWstaJJatstro. "a nrstrcJsiss ar- tWe.!5 m as and ananas. We guaranCee Ji consumers purchas ing supplies Wrom- ur house that all goods will prove exactly as represented. of jour orders.' fwl TI ; f Rj FERRALL A CO. THE BEST ijND GHEAPDST Corn ure 'fi Read the following formulas: A compost of Lime Phosphate, 1,000 poundsi Sain It, so pounds, and 80" pounds of cow or uor wM fnaatjre, makes as rood a gaaeral manure as can be found. ' cm atad rkh in cable matter, like bot tom or new land, use 600 pounds of Phosphate mixed- with 100 pounds oi Kaintt . On thfai; poof land, hsrf'SO bushels cwttoa seed or runiva)ent in stable manure, 600 pounds of r hosphate' and ( pounds KainM osmpost- ' ed togethrr on one acre. I i Foa4AoKaAiOaaAPgta-Ltoef hsephate is the beat clover foot known. It fives good f stands, corrects the s urness of red )andsot.tbe muiuia uu woiern ruumicv. is wis jujul , clover grow on redjhiliside galls, which we consider (he greatest trrumrh. . 'Use m te V (100 pounds per aerf on ikivar and crassea. Oa very sandy land saUit with SWiiUaa tt for topdressiag. , N. X5. PJjU3SP.HATECO., -,;--r V:- Raleigh. N. 0. C. T. STEOiTAOH MARKKT SQUARE. .-! . f- . WHITE! CORN. New Mackerel In Barrels. New Mackerel, tOVtflS audi 13 lbs. New Herring. i NewVelasses, : Fresh Patapsco and Orange Grove Fjour. ;FIMJUMnM.fHBr.! : Early Rose Irish Potatoes. New Chamragne Oder; Barrels or Bottles reas, waue, juacK ana nu. -Sweet Potatoes, f? Kerosesa O0, Safer OIL Butter by keg, case ' or pound. uamauams., st. at Canned Goods, Caaned Goods. ;Craekenaad,jUakm . ROSE. YA1LEI AID 1ET1B fil& Pure from Distillery: ao Perfume or rly Ins used to make Age. f t Pare: Harili Cartla Corn !Mrtj. i 9 1- - .Ii Sherry, Port and Blackberry. CJmnagne Cder; Barrels or BotUesJ i KING & MACY. Mouse. aod u JSlon .PaititlngH 1 im UtisttadpLmBiaUii - JorskminlaekaiafcGiajBiat SAi ' SpseialfacllJttesJar Isreneea sIvsswj jr Now is the Wnrra of our discantat . .Made glorious Sxnaa." - ; BY USING The AKQAKD. i The EOYAL AUG AND i ; Ihe CENTTJKY, or any of the various kinds ef U Mmting Stovfes i iy always kept m steak and sold at the i VervLowlstWiies ADDlTIONAJi OOMFOBT W would advise nat of Shawt uea aiwavs ahnt. . if n. then we will beat tt wltk - t m txm nn i i t o nn r I Man Hijimmhospmt ! ' ' ; '''' ' 'i'f i ;i I TIMOTHY HAT. WON -WORK. ttatasies..soaifd .Baat . ; BTEAM OR A TUMACB. the command of ; tbe authorities Tis I 9 K6B0n .- A', !!, i fie i ; fill If i - ' f ' it P7 IT : ! - J! !

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