' '5 Y tfU'ft- Pp. 1W ! I f:! 3 VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH1 N. C, TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 20, 18SG. NO. 133 . ! ! .1 r '! ST J.:?. -Hi): if ! ' r rp ff p - - -1 1 " ! :p-- iii' ' ' - aaaa.aaanBasnnnnnnnntnnnn t" i' y Mill If V N i Observer S - 4 i . i. : ! ' ' H AND i -, - n; SMS El Absolutely Pure.1 Chis powder Barer varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeaomeneau More teonomlcal than ordinary kind aad cannot be ld la competition with the multitude of low lest, abort welzhU alum or phosphate powder Bold only la cam. Rotal Baumo Powdb- Co lMWaU Street. New Tort ! ( Sold by W C A A B Stronaeb Georg;T BtroBaoh aid J It Ferrall Co. Dnouti's flfo) 'A BITTERS r. CMbuuc noi vta rcu turiblx TOIlCg, aleklr aa eeaatotaly CH1S8K8 mmi E5KJCBES THS BUWa Wta U aettM ef tk U wr ul XMaer. Otmn tte : llTl kMttlitoWMtlL OM t S Jxtat the Uett. eaM ha4aAe,er rWacOMt Uyatle ALL OTHKB UOI roiCDntSttOb Dm. If. 0, KiwetM. Tllfaa. Kn. tviH Hoomiml Bnn1! baa Bittm sa a mlaabh tonio 5 or wmrh ing lta Uaod. ud mawwinc alt dispaptM Dm. K. M. Dnniis BaoMaf Ind- 1 km im iflixl Browm1! Iras Bitten in aiurad aad Mood d ) wttaa k (onio wma M4ad.aad K bM frowl UukgafU aataafeototy" Mm.WM.BTxm.B.)Iaa8HOrialA. : Bran' boa BHtm m in a ma v 17 blood 1 laiirtu, aad I haattily bbm4 ttM i Mtaaa waomti mon pvnnar. i" Ms. W. ka bta U lila boa fe Haoa aad nutn oa mr Bram baa Bataan.aaTaeta . w. JKWABaJi. Tamrnma, aja.. aan: -1 ihumm vita impora ?, taaa twoHpotU , o 4 awUsalrat taiai ImbIiIb iBlliiiiw ' - imiwja ear, j: t TiadaMaikaajeroawdradttaaa 7 TakOMatfeMW. kfaoaaalybr n twBumai. ow baxtimcbje. kbv ; STORE v.y.. 1 1 V. The Great Bargain House of v ' Raleigh. TTOt by lavori but by merit atolJie, will vf maintain and Increase our unrl1 reputa- Hon. Bg prices will not do these limes, When i: mnrrhadr stands in' need of every dollar! and every penny. Among our arrivals this Week irwe sbaQ place before our people sotne S' Si - ; i .' ' ' : , i LANDSLIDES VhiCji are beyond comparison afirfmondpoly nrleea. that will teach you to buV as aopn as r ,Uiegood. Who can tell the waste f " . ! . r you see 1 oonev when vou feet your 'goods from houa that buy and sell en long time ? h uit opening, some Great Bargains Aught from tl e slughter- - !' ' ' pens in New York, such as Cottonades, Calikso, K i ; f 8hoes, Laces and Hamburgs, Dress doods, ; . . . H i;-. i ' Kotions of aU descriptions ; good bargains ,is , . ! - ' '- ' Men's and Boys Straw Hats. Cme aence, before these goods are picked over. w have : : I iso opened oue of the finest stocks of Millinery Goods ever brought to this city j and will 'sell. lower than such goods were ever before offered The ladies running this department are ffrjrt y class and of great experience; We partlcu i it- ' laxly .Invite ladies winning such t before parchasin. J - good to call VOLNEY PURSELL 4 Cd il r-i -ii A B4 BACKET Ullh, N.( Or OBSERVATIONS. -Itl expected thai anoiher bond call for $10,000,000 three per eent. bonds wUl be iaaued thia week. ' 1 -Amonff the remarkable effects of the St., Cloud cyclone by oo means the leaVflotirhable was the astounding in flnenee'apon the imagination of the his ipriaa;who telegraphed that iron-rails were torsi from the tracks and twisted Ukt 'wirei and that "numerous cars loaded with freight were blown half a mile';- presumably through uthe air, since we rest ot toe sentence is uuu the raili wrenched from the ties;" so Ithat.the) cart coald not have been blown alpllg the track. The true ami terrible details of ,th disaster are enough for the ordinary reader. M-j.'S Xo eland, of New York, sec retary of the American agricultural aed dary association, writes to a Congiress man oonoerning Warner Miller's bill to tax .oleomargarine: "Experience shows that the effective polioe power of the national government only will prevent the fraudulent pale of counterfeit butter, the ihost stringent State laws being per sistently : .evaded, while 10 cents per pound is less jthah the difference be tween the cost 'of the fraudulent com pound and the natural butter. , The laimer is Composed mainly of lard, and Can be produced for less than 12 cents per pound, while good butter cannot be made under 20 at the moft favorable time),'' Mr. Moreland says further that dairy farnii and! stocks have depreciated 33 to 50 per cent in value. I lthe Macon Telegraph says editorial lyi 'For obvious rtasonrwe have hesi tated to notice a matter which is engaging the attention of the press of the country. 2five4 now iwe hesitate. That the visit of.sooretart Lamar to his old homo and relatives should have been 4he occasion or a newspaper sensation: was an un wortliy reception of him; that it should have.been seized UDOn to defv the tradi tional chivalry and , hospitality of i this section by founding the sensibilities of a modest and much-honored woman, is Coarae, indecent 'and indefensible! We hate the best reasons to know that; a social visit has been perverted by hews mongersa and that there is no foundation m tact for the reports circulated as to the .secretary's matrimonial intentions anf more than there is exeuse for : the breach of good manners. V " --Eoueh-and-readv straw : bonnets, W: DOnnetB. and black ;,"o accoml r i?va:r in golden1 brown, dark blue are set forth tor faster wear pany; the; stylish tailor-made suits of elot 0tamine, Or fancy suiting.: Ihe Fca.BUui wvuv ulvu arc vutmou wu fjlvAi Ann r nRun nf vhitp lilan nnm. I roses i hyacinths, jonquils;4: cherry and timLm ... ! wtiAiffiltta lAnnnila'l! d ''aft- neach blossoms j and -other seasonable I iowersremaased upon the front of the grass, water-cress, and other green ery. ' Jtflower bonnets are again in high fashion, these made of tray spring; blos soms : devoid of foliage an d j a brim of velvet, wim very narrow. rxngs to match, ' ';.: j; '- h ;': -The Rural World stya that if one wants to preserve a liking for milk and butter it is best that h should not visit tod promiscuously t the cow-yards and stables and witness the operations through which the milk goes, from the drawing it from the cow to its conversion in part into butter. The first operation, that of milking is more often the one wnicn receives uie emaiiest 'uouumvi - i t .t -I 11. - i. 11 . x care in respecti to t cieanuness. ; uiten are' the -surrondmgs, the :yard, and staDiej a jaiajiiK uiaea ui cDcwiai- jujin wet wui, giving w iwut odors; whwh ; not only do j the j cows I .breathe, but which are absorbed by the milk as it it beifag drawn. But this is not all. The cows as they are kept in i . : i- t a i: it,;. I nea qiwwn mo irwu w i filth and :ieir uaaers are pasted With manure.; Ibere may. be some feeble attempts to clean oflt the thicxest poruon m. uq uuk j so much . left that aa the milker pro- ceeds particles of dirt are continually 1 dropping into the milk pail. The large ayvwwav r 1 -.. r a part of this is easily soluble, and can NEWS never e removea irom tne mna. ; auu ioimau oDjeetea to tne navai estapiisn butter. Milkers are also often in the 'fient bill because it would ; displace habit of wetting! the teats with milk to iieaiures of greater public interest; land soften theni. and; make stripping easier, The milk from; the wet hands an A teats loaded with filth and dirt drops into Qie milk oaiL . Tod much importance can- i j - i ?;. 5 -1 cw. not be piaoea on uie ucvcdbiw "i ubtwk clean varda and stables for the cows. If . ! . .. . ' .. .i bv any chance they nave gotten tne tr uaaers soueo? tucjr; mvutu u wuc with warm water and then wiped dry with'P.lnthti. If the milking! has; been aeatTy andlealy done it ij compara- Uvely .easy to keep it clean through the other manipulationl. But if this is not done no after care will maae a gooa Anatbar fatal Aeeldant in reba- Another drowning occurred iii the Tuckaseegee river, in. Swain county, last Friday evening. The Asheville Advance Bays five persons were grossing :.i i'iii" LJ it l . . , -iVi i.: tne river iu a swan uui, uct mo towu of WhittiCr. The boat, by bad man agement was capsiced, and three of the persons were thrown into the Water. None of them, could swim. A man named Wikle was drowned; and the others nairowly escaped, being almost dead when rescued The body of the drowned; man has not been found : 'l , Kyen the Klda are on Htritie, ; . D'fTROit, Mich., April W.Tbf after noon hewsboys today struck on the Evening News! demanding two papers for a cent instead of one. There are about 100 boys in front of the: News office and; they have acted like their elders when any one attempted to take out papers- Hoys so doing were set upon and beaten, and their papers torn to piece. Few papers are being sold CONGIIESSIO SAL. THE HEHAT1S AKD IIOIT6K HATE THE 5 ravAi. HAi.ii abat tb Oralar or Bllla fionaa Baat I oaaa Traaaartaal Aay'T ! Wasdinoton, D. C 5 . F AjHl 19 Si- ATS. After routine mornine busi aesa the Senate, at 12:40, on motion of Mr. Frve. went into executive session At .4. 55 the doora were reopened and the senate adjourned. 1 la the course of the earlier proceed lags the chair; laid before j the Senate a laemorial obnsisting of resolutions of e " United Labor League of America," nderine the thanks of! that onraniza- lon to lion; W. E. Gladstone for his bill r Irish home-rule, and urging theUnited tatea Senate to nass a vote of thanks to im. Keferred.l U0D8B. i Under the call of States a number of Bills and resolutions were Introduced ind referred, among which was the fol S)wing by Mr. Hewitt, of N,ew York: To ireate a court of customs l and to pro fide for the speedy trial of customs levnue cases. . I j f : i By Mr. Grain , of Texas, to establish i sub-treasury at Galveston; also to rovide,for the distribution of the pro feedls of the sale of public, lands among he.i States ind Territories ! fbr educa Cional purposes. The Ilouse refused, 6 to 27, to refer this till itoj thk oom fiiittee on labor and it was;: referred to the committee oh educationl By; Mr. Cabell, of Virginia,! to reduce he rates of taxation on liquors distilled rom trmt. s. i i l i By Mr. Burroughs, of Michigan , tt pro- fide for the transportation Of foreigt mails, jit directs the postmaster een- ral before July 1, 1886,1 and every five ears thereafter, to enter! into contracts f ith the lowest responsible; bidder at a late not exceeding fifty cehts per mile n outward trips of actual nautical liiles traveled between terminal points i)r tTansnortation of mails for the Tlniteo jftatos between ahy port of the United iftates and ports of the Pacific and South Atlantic oceans, the : j ' gulf: of llexico ar.d the Carribean- sea. Ships ith ' which nnch .o.ontiutji ahnll be made shall be of American register igid manned by Amefican crews and all Vessels so engaged shall in time of war e subject td purchase lor charter at J iii '. ,m t. , . TT 1 fhf eBldfcn . j2!? enr mt Mgotiations with the governments of, the several un tries of Central and South America, Jjsi and the islands of the Pscifia, for Aferted SUDDOrt of snch ; tfi-.mBhin taail facilities as may be established.! ? - ..... . . , ., i ..?" : ? ... I uu iuuuuu vxx. r eg ly, or xennsi- "ff !JTJ!?j.15T!T? .awaa .-aW wawaiWCW WMUVVVa iVl 1UBVO incurred through the failure of the Ex- ciange xiatioiaT bankof Norfolk, Va. I jjjx nerDert, oi Aiaoama,: from tne cpmmitte on natal affairs, moved to sua jlend the rules I and adopt ia resolution 5 B: - XT - ' Tl. A 1 i : -m iiaa.iBg tne diii to increase : tne naval ilstablishment continuing a Bpeeial order ffoni Thurday, April 22, until Tuesday .pril 27,on which latter day the previous question shall be considered as ordered. ifb excepts, however, appropriation bills, cnor special orders, oublio land bills and private bills Friday, which shall not be antagonized. Mr. : Herbert ap pealed for consideration by the House of the great cruestion involved in the jsoutionf saying that citieB by the sea Yere aDsoiuteiy at the mercy of any nreign power., itrazil could success fitHy bombard any city on i the Atlantic eSast, while Chili could successsfully g0mUrd San Francisco. I Both parties were committed to an increase of the e - . . . .. . . , naval establishment and on do: pre- should the bill be allowed to u.l Mr. Morrison opposed the resolu g0n bn the ground that as the bill would Be crowded out by excepted measures Dtit the 27th. the House would be oiled upon to vote on a measure which z, a T t Involved the expenditure millions of dollars after but a short; debate, j Mr. foneiture bills i Mr. llewitt, of. New lork, said that in refusing jto give day I o the consideration of the naval estab- fiBnment Din one juoubb would De rifling! with a j grave knI; important uestion. The country was lamentably leficient in means of defense, and it was grave question today in; negotiations un .- xoreign ; countries whether the jnited States eould take! the stand on bubjic questmi dignity of this bublie questions jwbich the bterest and igniiy oi mis great country demanded, he motion to suspend the rules and dopt the resolution was t lost ; 119 to 06 ; ! not two-thirds voting in the af- lirniative. l; j I i : I I I On motion of Mr. Doekecy, of the lommittee on' postoffics and post roads, he! rules were j suspended and a bill passed to extend! the immediate delivery lertice. -It provides for fihis service Irithin the correct delivery limit of any free delivery office and within one mile f any other post offices which the post- Inaster may designate. . j , i A motion to make the Hennepin canal ill a special order for May 0 was lost; p.12 to 102; not the necessary two-thirds n the affirmative. Mr. Dibble, of South! Carolina, from he committee on puoiio buildings and grounds, moyed to suspend the rules and Jadopt a resolution setting apait May 6 ana succeeuiug vjb lur tuo i ouusauera- tion of public building measures.; Mr. Dibble explained that these measures involved an expenditure of about 4, 000,000. Mr. Blount of j Georgia, earnestly opposed the resolution, because it set apart a tune to the con sideration of .. .. . WU an unlimited number iwas the I inauguration lof, bills. It of maroh on the treuury inch no Congress had ever tolerated before. Mr. Dibble inquired whether the gen tleman had not supported a proposition as broad as the pending on at the last session of Congress. Mr. Blount ret plied that there had been no such prop osition presented. Mr. Dibble asserted that it would be in the interest of pub lie business to have the resolution adopted; as it would prevent a recurrence of the practice of passing public : building measures during the expiring hours of Congress, whether recommended by the committee or not. A motion to sua-, pend the rules and adopt the resolution was lost ; yeag 143, nays 78 not two thirds voting in the affirmative. Ad! journed. j CHkCACO EXJOTS A BTSUKE. THB 8CIHXS AT BAST ST. LOTUS XXACTir DUPLICATED. "i Chicago, April 19 Th Baltimore & .Ohio freight yards have resumed their" usual appearance. At 7 o'clock this morning all the strikers were at work. The non-union men, of whom there are but two, in fact, have been put to work elsewhere. It was stated at '. first that there were seven non-union ""men, but five of these had been discharged some time before the strike and the other two asked to be sent away. An attempt was made at 8:30 this mornining to: send out a train on the Lake Shore road, when the soenes of the Missouri Pacific and East St. Louis strikes were exactly du plicated. . The train was made up under a guard of polioe and railroad officials, but as soon as it started the strikers swarmed over the train, set the brakes, uncoupled the cars and threw away the f coupiing-piusi. no attempt ; was maae to use force by the police to prevent these acts and no violence to person was offered by the strikers. It is stated on good authority that the Lake Shore of ficials propose to make the present strike an absolute issue as to their right to re tain non-union men and also afford them adequate protection. The failure of the towu of Lake police to protect their prupirty against the strikers will be uken ns c!i arly showing that the town cannot or will not afford protection, and the sheriff and Governor in turn will be called upon for assistance. Hastening- Buainaaa. Washington, April 19. Several Re publican Senators having in charge cer tain leading measures of legislation umc fcwuuY'uceu m vuu-uiuiuuu members of the Republican caucus mitte ith & an e i' t ;JL int.c have recently-been in consultation! with corn- end to the clash of competing interests and consequent loss of time which has been a feature of the proceedings the last two or three weeks. An under standing of a somewhat indefinite and preliminary nature has been reached, nreiiminarv -natu which wiH,. it la telieve'di is believed; secure foreign relations committee's business in secret session; until it is disposed of, to take up the objected private pension bills in the morning hour and the inter State commerce bill after 2 o'olock. The general pension bill and the bank ruptcy bill are not in order.' While this programme is liable to change, it is pro posed that whenever one of the measures named shall be taken up discussion upon it shall proceed until it is acted upon. It is agreed by both friends ; and foes of the resolution for open executive ses sions that that measure shall have its day so soon as special orders already made shall be disposed of. This plan has been submitted to the Democrats, who in caucus this morning approved it. i a-ai a A Vary Swift PMUhaaant, j Danville, Va , April 19,-r-Sunday, near Axton station, oh the Danville & New River railroad, a negro named Kellis Moorman by a forged note in duced Mike Mahone, a white man, to go to a neighboring house to play a game of cards. Mahone took a small sum of money with him, and on the way Moorman knocked Mahone down and robbed him! Mahone was badly stunned Knt aaavav;t. .nffiflientlv tn tall ha.t I V aavaj -wuu , illa UHaUwavH i wv- " had happened, a party of men1 soon cap tured Moorman and lynched him last night. Mahone's wounds are thought to be fatal. , ABtwTarkFaUiN, "Nxw York. April 10. J. A. Bennett & Co. this morning announced to the stock exchange their inability to meet their engagements. The firm is com posed of Thomas L. Coville, member 6 the stock exchange, and J. H. Briggs The firm has made an assignment to Sinclair T. Hunting. They state that no further information can be given un- b til the assignee has had time to prepare a statement. The iauure nao no enct upon the stock market A Hunierer Hilta HuumU. Naw York,. April 19. John JV. Carpenter, who murdered his wife in. Third avenue a year ago, and who had been ooufiued in the Tombs under sen tence of death, this morning killed himself in his cell by cutting open his jugular vein and veins in his arm. Car penter made two unsuccessful attempts to end his life before, lie was 55 years of age, Will Hot Vot anj Mora. Baltimorb, Md April 19. George Coleman, colored, a Democratic ticket holder at the last November election, was tried today and convicted of having voted illegally in the hfteenth ward. Judge Duffy sentenced him to six years uu the penitentiary. , XT.E, Traaanry Wataa. Washington. D. C, April 19. Wm. L. Trenholm has given bond in 8100,- 000 and today assumed office as comp troller of the ourrency. Tka traunrv today received a eertifi- I . . iHlfc WII k . 1 . I " J y T 1 cate of deposit xor iw.wv, tne amount 1 of the forfeited bail of George j Cannon, aj (he Mormon apostle, la a Al li A GREAT THE M KFA r. LIKUior hlBECr tAKS IM HEW YORK ; Haarly all Caaaa tm Kua-.-Tn Jttrtkars DlBB" Cramailaa; Ttaaanaalvaa. . : at Nxw YoitK, April 19. All night last night the executive board of the Empire Protective Association" was secretly de bating the expediency of tieing up all the surface roads of the city, and it was not until 1 o'clock this morning that a determination was reached. An order was then prepared and sent to the offi cials of local assemblies, calling out the men on all the street car lines Bave those on Eighth and Ninth avenues. : '. At 4 o'clock this morning was the hour fixed for the tie-up, and the order was obeyed. The Fourth avenue employees said after wards to a reporter that they -had no ground of complaint against the com pany. They had five or six non-union men, but they were with the employees, and would be initiated into the! union next Saturday; they were laying off now solely because of the general order to do so. The superintendent of the road said he : knew that his men were entirely satisfied, but he had heard there was a belief that the roads had combined. There was, he believed, no truth in any statement to that : effect. Ie had no one to consult in this matter. as Mr. Vanderbilt was on the ocean, as was one director who would be likely to act in such a case. He did not care whether his men were members of a union or not, so long as the cars were running. 1 bey would make no attempt to run any cars. The tie-up would cost the road in losses at least $2,000 per day.; The doors of the stables were closed today and the .horses were cared tor by the men, The last -car on the Sixth avenue road was laid off; at '4 o'clock this morning. Supt. Curtis said he knew of no griev ances on the part of the men; but out side men said; they had submitted a list of grievances last woek, of which a part iwere granted and the rest flatly denied. iae norses wui De carea tor oy the men Unless an effort be made te replace them. The Dry Dock, Grand street and East proadway lines are also ticd-up this morning. The employees told the su perintendent they left work by orders from the committee. Ihe superinten dent said he did not know why his roads were tied up; .that he had always kept His agreement to the letter with his ttcn.; He had. nothing to do with the Third avenue line and did not see why the public should be inconvenienced and the company's business ruined to suit those people. A detail of men has been apt pointed to look after the horsesj The men are sorer over the tie-up . and say uiey; nave no grievances. : ; I The Forty-second street nd 8tJ Nieh olas avenue railroad has also stopped; At the office it Was said that the men had no grievances, but only went out because ordered to do so. Avenues C and D lines also had their cars laid oft. j Men were left to feed the horses. No griex- ances are complained oi by tbemeicn these lines, i! Blecker street and Twenty third street lines had their cars hauled ff. It was Bald the men; had no coin taint to make. The Broadway and Seventh avenue lines and Barclay street lines had cars ail laid on. The men say tney nave no rormal grievances to make . 1 I ' ' " There are seven! non-union menandthev aye to be discharged before the men will return to wort; even should the tie-up be declared off. The horses are cared for. . The Forty-second street and street ferry tine of cars have stopped. Ihe men here feel bitter because thev arp called upon to stop work just after thjb, company has granted - all the men asked. They say that if the com Dan v will promise to use none but union men the- employees will demand : of the Empire Protective Ass ciation that tlolr! nuo we reiuaaeu. luey an wantcu to work. Ihe men on the "Belt" line railroad did hot report for duty this morning. The superintendent, said he understood that the , employees wanted! several non-union men and a clerk dis charged. . ; The president of the board of police commissioners sent out today a circular letter to the headquarters of each of the surface and elevated railroads of the city, informing them that the polioe were ready to render them every protection while: carrying ion their business Ball-Drownad Hontraal, ; Montreal, . April 19.4 About 12 o'clock Saturday night the river again rose suddenly and continued rising. The greater part of the business district was uiider water. ;The whole west end be low San Antotne was also flooded. The walls: of Mason's rolling mill have given away; Victoria square and part of Craig and Juanita, together with the iuter.secting streets, aje Under water. The Whole country on the south shore as far as St. John's is flooded and all communication stopped. - i i a. I An Appulliiiit lluicr In Austria. Vienna, Austria, April 19. Afire at trye is still raging. ' The situation there is appalling, lbousands of citi- zens are bankrupt, ine cnarred re mains of many victims have already bet?h dug out of the ruins.; The mayor of the town has sent a t -legram to Lem- berg; asking that troops be sent to Strye, with appliances to extinguish fire. ine damage is estimated at several mil lion florins. )raK Tria ealug- ta the Front. Athbns. Gribcb. Aoril 19. Greek troops are being pushed to the front as rapidly as possible. M. DeBatsaw, the Russian minister to Greece, has de parted for Livadia to see! the Caar, in pursuance of ! urgent orders from his majesty. j Oranff Prettaytary. AJTEa.VOOM BXSSIO?! SATURDAY. Cor. of Thx Nbws ahd Obsbhvbr. Wilson, N. C, April 19, 1886. The presbytery met at 2 30 o'clock, when the Rev. L. C. Vass, chairman on Sunday schools, made his report which takes in review all the Sabbath schools in the presbytery. This report shows an increase in the number of schools and scholars and in'interest in.this important work of the church. The report will be published in full. This presbytery sends two ministers and . two lay dele gates to the general assembly, and the following were elected: Rev. Dr. Chas Phillips; his alternate, Rev. A. L. Crawford; Rev. P. H. Dalton; his al-l tornate. L. C. Vass. Lay delegates. Judge John A. Gilmer; his alternate, Jesse H. Lindsay, Esq.: Mr. I. M. An drews; his alternate, B. F. Morrow; The Rev. W. F. Thorn was re-elected evan gelist of the Chatham field and Rev. 8. H, lsler to the Neuse field and the Rev. W R. McLellan was continued in the Wilson field and the Rev. A. Carrie to the Wentworth and Leaks ville churches until otherwise supplied. The Rev. Si M. Smith made the annual report of the narrative of religion in the presbytery. which is sent to the churches, synod And the general assembly and will also be published. A resolution was unanimously adopt ed returning thanks to the citizens of Wilson for their generous and elegant hospitality. A resolution was also adopted thank ing the railroads and steamboats for courtesies extended. At 5 p. m. the presbytery adjourned. , , - , r. I bytery filled all the Methodist and Bap- I ounaay the members or the prcs tist .churches. At the Presbvtenan church : Rev. Dr. F. H. Johnston preached at 11 a. m. A Sunday school mass-meeting was addressed by Rev. L. C. Vass and Dr. Johnston; at the night session toy Jiev. Dr. o. Henry Smith; Dr. Smith remains several days to preach and conduct special services. The meeting was most harmonious and pleas ant and those who attended will long remember it with pleasure. North Carolina Stat Agency. Dr. Carter Berkeley has taken charge of the North Carolina agency as general manager for that State of "The Valley Mutual," with headquarters at Raleigh. Dr. Berkeley has had large experience in tne business or insurance, both in the medical and agency departments, having devoted the greater part of his life to the business in the capacity of medical director or . general manager I Ihe management, after years of per sonal and intimate acquaintance,.; feel that they cannot too highly commend TCa-tl..r fk- ft,lio 4-4 . . -.v.-j was.w.aw..,. rh A TinKliA ani KaAwaa V A Kim tha VfAAPAiVa SBUIAV , VVVaa. ivi " U 'I courtesy m his new field" wmch lArdne to his high social position and personal merit. Valley Mutual Journal, BalUmara BUU JUvalllnc lm th Bleaa- nr af Padaatrlanlana. BAXTtMORB, April : iy There is no change in the strike of car-drivers in this city. There was a demonstration here this forenoon, when a car on one of the striking lines appeared on the streets, but the J police promptly arrested two men which restored quiet. The strikers and the companies remain firm and the latter state that they will not accede to the demand of the drivers. There are but two companies running the full number of cars and people are sub-i iected to! serious inconveniences. i Tha Stauntan Tallay Vlrclnlaai, Another ropaiar Jtoraai, nmym: ALWAYS IN TBI LXAP. The old reliable Valley Mutual, theM ioaeer Of life insurance companies m taunton, gathers strength with age,; and maintains an unquestioned supre- Its business continues to show a I gratifying increase, and those who have mini. oecn witn it longest nao it vest it best. The high character and business capacity of its officers, the promptness with which it has paid its death loses, and the suc cess which has attended its administra tion, justify the strong hold it ma'ii tains in the estimation or tbe,peoplo i f r.rtwn lias riuAn rarin ond ntirmflTibnt1 and at no period in history has it been more solidlv prosperous or with s brighter! outlook. (Staunton Valley Vir-: ginian ) The, ! records at the capital will snow mat tne vaiiey iuuiuai nas t e . .i ir ti ! l l x . largest income and pays more taxes than any company .doing business in the State, with one exception. Wanted, a good canvasser for Raleigh, or vicinity. Also for other portions ofthe btate. Ad dress, i "' Dr. Cartib Kirk elk y, j Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina has over five thousand schools.: Bsietabl Drnaa-iata never deceive tne ouijuc, out oeware oi tne Cheap John druggists who offer you a plaster called "Capsicum," c&p8icin," "uapucm,", or "Capaicine," and tell you it is substantially the same as tne genuine lienson s uapeme Piaster or even better. They ask less for the imitation, for it costs leas; but as a remedial agent it is absolutely worthless. The reputa tion of Bi nson's as the only plaster possessing actual and high curative qualities is the result of many years' experiment and honorahle dealings on the part of the proprietors: : and 5.000 physicians, pharmacists and druggists endorse ut as tne . oest ever maue. i-roiec yourself airainst deception by buying of repu table dealers only , and avoid mistakes by per sonal examination. The genuine has tne i nrce Seals" trademark, and in the centre is cut the word "Capcine." Thb Niw Home Sewing Machine, every One Ot wnicn given Mtwiaouon, i-i i IS BUit tO WO IVWiu aa w ja uwue at Wake has the; largest population of any county in the state. North Carolina has more than five hundred mines . : Cyrlona In Btataarfard. HOUSES PIMOLISHXD, CATTLB KILLBD AND PIOPLB NABBOWLY BSCAFB DBATH. Asheville Advance. We learn from private letters received of a fearful and destructive tornado which swept over portions of Ruther ford county last Thursday evening the most violent wind storm that county has witnessed in years. The" storm struck in at or near Island Ford, on Broad river, in the southwestern part of the county, and traveled parallel with the river for miles at a most- fu rious speed, in a northeast direction. The storm was near two miles in width, but it was not so fierce but for a dist ance 6i one half mile, ami that almost in the center. Dwelling nouses, barns. stables, fences, sheds, Lc., were swept away like trash. Large trees were orn up by the roofes, and the wake pf the storm for miles presented a scene- of devasta tion and ruin. A number of horses. cows, sheep and hogs were killed, But fortunately no persons were killed, though several were injured. At the house of a Mr. Scoggins two little chil dren narrowly escaped death.Thehouse was built of logs, and the children were sleeping on a bed. The roof gave way and some of the heavy timbers fell in on the bed where the children were lying. The bestead was an old-fashioned one and very strong, and the j head-board caught the falling timbers, and prevent ed the children from being killed. They were recovered after the storm, alive, but slighly injured. The aggregate loss will be great. The force of the storm was broken by a small mountain before it reached the town of Rutherfordton. ivanny l,ou uey, tne ceieoratea scientist ox Calcutta, India, who received from Queen Kanny Loll Dey, the celebrated scientist of Victoria the order ot Companion of the Indian empire, says that be has prescribed Bed Star Cough Cure with most salutary effect. It ia free from noxious drugs or opiates and sure In its action. iTice, 23 cents. ' North Carolina has over seventeen hundred cities, towns and villages. Horatord'a Aeid Pbeapbata In Coastlpa lion. Dr. J. N. Robinson" Medina, O., sals: "In eases of indigestion, constipation and nervous prostration, its results are happy." North Carolina ' has forty- three rail- roads in operation. -! ; A Good Practlea. Pompous Judge I hope you have much practice. Young Lawyer 1 -Yea, sir, I have, thank you. Judge I am glad to hear it And in what branch is your practice mainly? Law- ver Mainly in economy. Every family will find it to be economy to provide themselves with some remedy to relieve, the audden at tacks ot the bowels and restore i the litue one suffering such a drainage upon the system from the effects -of teething. Dr. Bigger Huckle- i berry Cordial is the ureat Southern Remedy 1 r the bowels, ot which a timely dose saves so d QOctor KQlg. ; I " ' Wilmington it ,the largest town' in. I North' Carolina.' Advlea : Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing gyrup sbauld ai ways be used when ehildrea are euttlng teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at ones. It pre- duces nataraL quiet sleep by relieying tbe child from pain, and the little cherub awakes : as "bright as a button." It is veryleasant, to taste; soothes the child, aortens the rums, auay all pain, relieves wind, regulates tbe bowels and Is the best known remedy for diarrhoea whether rising from teething or otter amuses. Twenty-" a aanfes a "-"- i ! Raleigh is the next largest city in North Carolina. Dm OotsTm, OoMa, Hu ai aanaaa, .Owra. Aattna -rem Oneirti. Oolda. BtwraeoML OroWT. ia-?iaia. ptCTonala adTanaai atagaat lhida-Ja, Frtoa It eta. Oaa- lion.. 1D unoiH.vn 7f Cough Srrtp ia aoM only la whit farapMra. and ijaaia Laar naiatored TMda-llarka to lt AbuU't Ilnd in a r A Sua A- C- Meyr rrop-a, Baiumora, SALVATIOrjOIL, .The Qreateat Core oo Earth for Pain,"' Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, bcaias, cuts. Lumbago, bores, rroat bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c ; Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. LOOK OUTj THB COUNTRY IS fLOODKO WITH ADULTERATED IaAED- Examine carefully what you are using; the odor from it when cooking betrays it. 1 OASSARD'S "STAR BRAND" LARD IS PCM. -I EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED. Try it and you'wHl use 'no other. B. H. WOODELL,Balelgh, N. V Agen , il ' :, Gr. Cassord Son, BALTDCORK, MD., Curers ot the Celebrated Btarl Brand Mild Cured Hamt and Bacon. t NOKTH CAROLINA i GRANITiSAJSD SAND8TONI3. . Linohan Co 409 TayeUeyllle Bt, Balaiga, H, As brepared to make aweJBaets ea tts Xost i t arable Terms for Mpplylas; CtaaJn SaasV tones ox ue jmk uuauty ami aay vm uttt dani. Quarries ai Henaarsoa and Wadaa Soro, N. C Ample faculties for BandUng aM maklBg quiek SBipBiaUts to any pot aitksrtE trout N iMBtate, i . : i i. a . av m i 14 Ill 4 V 1 i 4 fxeept at lb otoce, :' "1 , 6 " i ' !