Hie News and O By 'ita News m Observer Ca - thlM m WcsMv, year, V BUM SBt Mif seat after Um f 1 S M I without pajmeat u4 I xpirattea ( tiM fatt TUESDAY APRIL 27, 18$6.; S- Durham has signed . a contract ; for water-works. Now let Raleigh follow suit. Fellow-citizens, are we going -to let Durham get ahead of us? Perish the thought! ', Hcsa Most has been emptying more pf his socialistic slash in New York.-;It :ia apity he cannot be muzzled, though "there are too many . sensible people in this country for his ravings to have any; serious effect. - Tuts, is fast showing that the raid of the republican Senators on the PresH dent was a purely artificial issue. ' The work of confirming nominations goes on uninterruptedly and Edmundism wanes pari passu. ; . - t Wm present elsewhere the recent znes4 sage of the President on the subject of labor arbitration. It presents in -clear and forcible language a, practical plan for the settlement of all such difficulties between employers and the employed as. bare lately disturbed the country. - it will receive the careful consideration of the people and deserves as much of Con gress. Tm report that secretary Manning is sojurely recovering his health that, unless he suffers a serious relapse, he will not resign, will be pleasant news to the people generally Mr; Manning has proven an efficient officer. Without experience in official life he has ; de veloped qualities of wisdom and pro- . denoe that have won for him the confi dence of all.; - ,. Idmi if anything in the ; way of practical result from the Presi dents message", may be . expected from Congress.' The communication has been' referred to the labor commit tee, the one that has proved so poor-: a friend of the Blair bill, and thjere it will probably find final rest; Most of the members of the committee -prefer to the permanent commission pro posed by the President, the : pro visions, of the' arbitration bill recent ly passed on their recommendation, the ouuines or which we nave given. - aut. uablajtd told a plain, ttnvar- umnea. wie. to tne i'an-jueetrio com mittee, and, as .might have been ex pected, stands before the world, com'-i pletely "vindicated," to use the word THK pETEKSBCRe J MUSIC n&TI VAL. , The musio festival to be held in Petersburg; v., on the 11th, 12th, 13 tit and 14th of May promises to be the moat ambitious and attractive affair of the sort ever attempted in the South. The programme indicates that while the musio will be in no instance heavy, it will be of ;;the- highest order. -The rul ing spirit of the arrangements for the festival is Mr. Nolteni.ns, whose talent and energy are well; known to all lovers of music in this part of the country. His cb oral isociety made' up of Peters burg people is the finest organization of the sort in, the South, we believe, and wjth-; twO'fior; three exceptions," it is claimed, the finest in America. ) The musical director of the festival is to be Carl Zerrahn, the eminent Boston qoriductor: whose own orchestra will render the overtures and: symphonies andi the aedompainnient, and who, by the way, led the choruses and orchestra at the last Petersburg festival. The grand chorus is to consist of 250 voices -and the vocal soloists engaged for thV occasion are: Mme. Louise Pyk, soprano,of Stock holm, Sweden; Mifift Ida! W. Hubbell, soprano, of Grace 'church, New York; Mrs S. Bar6n-Ander8on, contralto,: of Now York; Mr. Charles H, Thompson, tenor; Dr. Carl E. M,artin ; b880. We chronicle this bright prospect with, pleasure. W4 rejoice at the suc cess' of Petersburg' "in matters musi cal, May the day. speedily come when music will be to th4 South what it is to Germany.; Outside of morality there is no more refining; influence than that tt exercises. , ' ' ' f I : r Tni British statesmen are making the best of the Easter tecess to ftlace before the people their views for and against Gladstone's propositions. Thorift of : public opinion is apparently in favor of supporting the premier. The writer of the New York Junes' cable letter of Sunday says: "If any change is to be observed iu the status of the grand and absorbing topic of British discussion it is in favor tf Mf Gladstone, but the! tide of apparent Reeling ebbs and flows so curiously that present judgments are' not wor$h much. The . week's expres sion oi opinion -throughout the country ; has been distinctly; in his favor. The land bill- seems in? danger of pleasing: nobody. If is not sweeping enough to bribe . tne landlords i away from their Bink-or-swim alliance with the tories, and it is: too generous to satisfy the! English-Irish radicals: Mr. Gladstone's concession to Mr. f Chamberlain, in re dueinjr.the sum to jC50,000,000, has not; conciliated him or, better radicals who object to the principle, while its con4 fessedly incomplete character fails to disarm tbet whig antagonism. Since it grows Increasingly probable that if a majority -can be got to pass the home rule bill the landlords will be left to whistle for their remuneration as the penalty of willful opposition to their vrji lufccrtajui, & iiiiu inav tne xingiiab radicals are coming to feel very strong ly mat they deserve nothing betteri Mid I look to see this feeling grow into a national indignation at the obstructive absentees and racjxrenterB, who neither glYer peace ; and frosperity to Ireland themselves nor allow England to do ss! Tb Prwldrn)' ifeiMuigre m h 9nbJet f EtHr Arbllr. To the Senate ari"d House of ,'Represen i tatives t 't. :? ' :- The constitution imposes upon the President the duty of recommending to the consider at ipn of Congress from time to time such 'measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient. ; : I am bo deeply impressed with the importance of immediately and thought fully meeting the problem which recent events and . a present condition have thrust up"n us, involving tie settlement! of disputes arising between our laboring men and their employers, that I am! "constrained "to recommend to Congress legislation upon this serious and pressing subject. Under our form of government the value of labor as an element of national prosperity should be distinctly recog uized, and the welfare of 'the laboring hiau should bo ; regarded as especially entitled, to legislative care; In a coun try which offers to all its citizens the highest attainment of social and politi cal distinction its workingtuen can not justly or safely be considered as irre vocably consigned to the limits of a class and entitled to po attention and allowed ;uo protest against neglect.; ' The laboring man, tearing in his hand an : indispensable contribution to our growth and progress, may well insist, with manly; courage and as a right, upon the same recognition from those who make our laws as is accorded to any other citizen having a valuable interest in Charge; 'and his reasonable demands should be met in such a spirit of appre ciation and fairness as to induce con tented and patriotic co-operation in the achievement of a grand national des tiny. ' l . !' Tiile Ihe real interests of labor are not promoted by a resort to threats and violent manifestations, and while those who under the pretext of an advocacy of the claims of labor wantonly attack; the rights of capital, and for selfish pur poses or the love of disorder sow seeds of violence and discontent, should neither be encouraged tior ; conciliated. all lrgislatiou on the subject should be calmly and deliberately undertaken. with no purpose of satisfying unreasona- fiuence in the settlement of disputes be tween conflicting interests. In July, 1 884,: by a law of Congress, a bureau of labor was established and placed in charge of a commissioner of labpr, who is required to eollect in formation upon the subject of labor, its relations to capital, .the hours of labor, and the earnings of laboring men and women and . the means .of promoting their material, social, intellectual and moral prosperity." The commission which I suggest could easily be ingrafted upon the bureau thus already organized by the addition of two more Commissioners and by sup plementing the duties now imposed upon it by such other powers and funotions as: would permit the commissioners to act as arbitrators when neeessary be tween labor and capital, under such limitations and upon such ; occasions as should be deemed proper and useful. : Power should also be distinctly con ferred upon this bureau to; investigate the causes of all disputes as they occur, whether submitted for arbitration or not, so that information may always be had to aid legislation on the subject when necessary and desirable. Gaovxa Cleveland j Executive Mansion, April ;22, 1886. Commercial Epltom. Nxw York, April 23, 1886. Ifew York Financial Chronicle. ? Although a number of manufactories throughout the country have been closed by strikes, there is reason for, believing that a better understanding between Employers and the employed will soon be reached. Tho weather has continued very springlike, but unexpected delays have occurred in the reopening of inland navigation. Lard on the spot has been jjoing. better, but closes ieasy. Tallow is dnll at 3 15-1 6c per pound. Butter Is decidedly lower at 20880. Cheese is jea8ier at 8allc. Coffee on the spot has been fairly active at very full prices, and-Java is quoted at Je dearer. Haw sugars have further advanced. Spirits, turpentine has been dull and drooping, closing nominal at 43$. Rosins are also easier at $l,02al.lU for common to good strained. 1 he cotton speculation in far future de- AT urn- Just from tie Springs, Lively and Sarkling, ALLEGHANY. CONGRESS. HUNYADI- JAITOS. HATHORIT. . ! BUFFALO LITI1IA, AND FRIED RICI18IIALL . 3xyxi jdl rraj dc 5. n Ttw jSjcl? m-c on ibs : Another Supply of the Celebrated Prize Medal IBuist's Grarden Seeds, I PEAS. ONION SETS SNAP BEANS AND CORN. ; I j A Full Stock of Fresa and Pure RAILROADS. JICUMOKD A DAKV1LLK HAlLBOAD. CONDSNBKn SCBIPULB. NORTH. January 18, 1886. : SOUTH. Tally. Daily. Arr. p. m. a 20 12 25 a. in. 10 03 8 43 p. in. 11 26 a. m. 7 00 p. m. 9 35 8 01 6 26 8 43 8 40 Medicines PESCUD i Drugs and JOHNS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' DRUGGIST AND IiABMACIST; : No. 118 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. Orders have careful and prompt attention. C. axp nxEsicirass. CIGARS UTD TOBACCO. mm bU demands or gaining partisan advan- livery at this market has been quite dull, tana "! " r'' I I : .1 now fashionable. He has hrnntrht nnn. fusion to his. enemies, and in riev of pU. MOrley is the! main barrier against what he has suffered nndeserredly, tuu swelling force of radicalism whigh should stand higher than ever in 4e es- ould free the laqd : in Ireland as sum timationof the .Deonle. The President marilt'as we freed : the'' blacks. If he - firm stipport of his lieutenant in the face I oould be provoked by the; landlord aU oi caiumny cannot be too highly com- I ucu ana opposition into aoandomng his menaed. . I position, jar. uiadstone and xati Spen i cer wvu proDaoiy not longer stand out, ana tne puroBase pill go by the board. Tut report oT skirmishing between the Greeks and! Turks seems to have waxed the powers sharply to a sense of their interests in action which I j Dukihq the first nine months ':' of the" present fiscal year ending June 80;18&6J j there was an increase of over 8fcO0Q,.i wu in, revenues of the eoternment as arbitration as the means of settling these difficulties. , ! E But I saggest that instead of arbitral iton cnosen in tne neat of conflicting vtmuia, uiu iicr cavil ulHpUMJ IOII1 arise, there be created a commission of labor consisting of three members, who shall be regular officers of the government, chared among other ; duties with the consideration and settlement, when pos sible, of all controversies between labor and capital. l A iinmrh icq inn fKna Arn4niA f 5 n?thi ?.f .J e dtcr has been lackine for sometime seems A UVe thej advantage of be a stable r?:,; expenditures Wn iWfli1 mtt , . i body, and its members as they gained .w T pjriworiMiTear; making r T " - "r r- ' experience would constantly improve a net earn of over ft23 00) nnn VA;: Ponse to the demand of a union nf h.u:. a:i:i. T said.that we can afford neither a reduc forces, neither of : which she could resist nsefullv with the Questions which miirht tion ortaratinn - tha . i . j- i i.. , . , ... p . -r. " ""vii.ivu ui; mtj I iur i ua. .ureMB is , in niasrm "ha n anDtniicea lo inem. ir rnifrnT ""uioTcuue BVBiem nor federal M A. , . . r I l,A.nt. famni. .n iLeTV?""dby'th6?UteB''.-Un- pocketed and? she 1 must resume i3k of d?8Pate Wperience and flifcaZSTiIi we can have Character of pawn upon the European? iniliaritv with much: that is involved Slf1 ?PPro,,ch & chess-board. That J war the n of ia tho;quSstion will be lacking, extreme rf nwuiuu vuuau nut oe ioreseen ana whmh would almost toge :Xhe present conditioh of the relations between labor and capital are far from satisfactory. The discontent of the em ployed is due in a large degree to the grasping and heedless exactions of em ployers and the alleged discrimination in favor of capital as an object of gov ernmental attention. It must also be conceded that the laboring men are not always caretui to avoid causeless and uniuBtifUble disturbance! ; Though the importance of a better ac-J cord between these interests is apparent it must be borne in mind that any effort in that direction by the Federal govern ment must be greatly limited by consti luuouai reairiciions. iQere are many grievances, wuich legislation f by Con gross cannot, redress, and many condi tions wmea cannot by such means be re formed; S l j; i i 1 ami BatiBueu, nowever, mat some-; nuug mji o? aone unaer r ederal au thority to prevent thb disturbances which so often arise 'from disputes be-; interferes with the preparations. The tween employers and the employed, and Mississippi river is now one foot Knd six wnicn at jtimes seriously threaten the tenths above the danger line at ile'm- bnsmess interests of the country, and; Phis, but stationary, 'ihe levee at He in my opinion the proper theory upon leni broke Thursday, and a considera wuivu wjyivccu is uiu ui ; voluntary i U1C wnuu w tnreaienea witn an over nuupriuea uave varieu out little. A lie re ceipts at the ports continued to show a large increase over last year, and ex ports from the Southern ports diminish ed materially. Interior receipts continu ed small, stocks at the principal interior towns fell Off rapidly, and '', no one had the eourage to sell for i the decline. There were consequently sluggish fluc tuations of ne particular importance, and having little significance in any aspect. Yesterday the market ; was de pressed by the unfavorable for eigna advices and ; the very favor able weather for planting the next crop; Cotton on the spot has been mod erately active for export and home con sumption, at steady prices; The Btock in warehouses continues to be consider ably smaller than at the corresponding date last year. The weather has been very favorable generally at theganth daring the week, ana planting has made tfood progress. except in-the sections where high water ZBTTIST'S ; . ?! : t WABJUKTED : : GARDEN SEEDS MINERAL WATERS. flow. our readers are requested to um Sa.lv itin 11 for ail pains. It la a surs cure. Price 23 cents. ror lorma ox eoTtrnmant let taaU nn. icsi v or orainarv me it H enmiirh to know that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; cure coujbaad i .or .r- -tr-.- . weu uio powers snarpiy 1 I compared with the corresponding period the danger threatenmg the! I last year, and the expenditures , for the the east. The concert .of i Mrs. Langtry will revisit this countrr I ST I H ! why AUbastlao ftbonld b mod In plmcoof KlsomlB. It is the only natural and durable material) with which to finish walls and ceilinjrs. It U cheaper than Kaisonijne; works easier, and may be applied by any one. After thor oughly cleaning, no sizing or other preparation for the walls is necessary, and one coat can be applied Upon another aa soon aa dry. iiar& additional coating adds to the strength of the wall. It is whiter than any other material, and the tints are clearer and more delicate. The white Will riot turn yellow, or the tints fade. . Alabastin is adapted to any climate : heat, cold, : dampness and age all combine to strengthen and harden it. - AL4BASTINB IS NOT Kat80MIRB ' and it Should not be confounded with it. Al iBASTiwt is a cement, and the only preparation for walls and ceilings manufactured on scien tific principles, and the only article which pro- -ducea a firm and durable finish. It does not turn yellow, contract with , heat, shrink from the walla, or scale ofl. , i- i' 1 00 CD tn c ct" CO o a : SO I ( Q . q-; . OD: : w' Ci oi i i as: tr1 ft Q ai 55.' m i - f 1 n i' W J2. u 471 l-SENP FOE SAMPLE CARD OF 12 BEAUTIFUL TlNTS.y for. unex- .Tnx news from the . strikes is citing. All is reported quiet! in ?' the Miuxouumwesi, ana toe 'Same pleasing state of things prevails in New York. The tied-np company of the me tropolis is filling the places of tho drivers and conductors out on strike, muit ciajauB, m it seems, practically to have won the fight. The strikers have established a line of stages to Harlem and the contest will probably now take certainly have involved all fcarope has" been avoided is reason , for congratulation on sreneral the world as a whole beine better off for tne prevalence ot peace, bnt it must ho oonfessed that no European war would be regarded in . this country with ahyj great, laca m complacency. - - ; f mim I'" m A 1- Zli : i . reinemuer vnai von are mar. ried to a man and not a ffod: be nronc ed for imperfections j " vnce in a while lei Tour hnaban. have the last word; it will gratify him tne form of a lively competition between sod be no particular loss to vou pis Hue and the cars-of the hostile com- Do be reasonable; it is a ereat deal to r J ' - oviuwwn is py no tmeaps asK unaer some circumstances; reasons uuweicome to tne cituens generally, who ble women are rare be rare view the prospect of being able to ride from the city hall to the Harlem river for three cents with a complacency - that Thj Boston Transcript announces joy fully that American inquisitivenesH and ingenuity together have produced thread irom the blossom oi the common milk weed. This thread, says the! Tran script, "has the consistency and tenacity of imported flax or linen thread, and is produced t a much less cost. The fibre is long, easily carded, and may be read ily adapted to spinning, upon an ordi nary naxlpinner. It has theimooth ness and lustre of silk, rendering it val uable for sewing machine us. iTIm weed is common throughout this coun try, but grows profusely 'at -the Sputh. auuuiuaic iae uitwoverv Dv vonr- husband that yon are 'onlv a woman:"': if yon were not he would not care about; you. ; . ; Aemcmoer that servants are. made of the same material as you are; a little coarser grained, perhaps, but the same; inessentials. ' I ', Let your husband read the newspaper at breakfast tablet it is unsociable, but nieo u is only a? trifle otter all, nd he likes it. : I : -f Head somethihe in the tianera fashion notes anSl societv cofnmns- h.. .1 .v.: some Knowledge of what is going on in? iwreigu cuunines. uuoiwiu, iuijkcv tuai, you married him partisanship and bias willbe the (jollifica tions sougat on eiiner siae, and fre quent complaints of unfairness and par tiality will be inevitable. The .imposi tion upon a jpeaerai court of a duty so loreign to tne judicial function as the selection of an arbitrator in such cases is at least of doubtful propriety luc establishment by Federal author ity of such a bureau wonld be a just and sensible recognition of the value of iaDor ana oi us ngnt to pe represented in tne departments of the government. So far as its conciliatory offices shall relate to disturbances which in. terfere with transit and commerce hr twocn'the States, its existence would be justified Under the provisions of the con- Biuucion wnicn give to yongress the power "to regulate the commerce with foreign nations and amone the several States.": And in the frequent disputes Detween tne laboring men and their em ployers, of less extent and the conse quences of which- are confined within nsaie inuue ana tnreaten aomestio vio lence, the interposition of such a com mission might be tendered upon the ap- plication oi tne legislature or executive of a State, under the constitutional pro vision which requires the general gov ernment to "protect" each of the States "agaiistidome8tiovioleo.ee." If such a commission were fairly or ganised the risk of a. loss of popular suppofit and sympathy resulting from a refusal to submit to so peaceful an in strumentality would constrain both par l j: i . ' , , r R R ) B ill II 91. Tv 1 'i : 11 i U N A mi lm CWBJ W V m-m tl Lit I mm For PAIN CtiTSL,lh!?,"tim. Neuralgia, r" -"-1 .. rig. "ir, rirrr 1 fk: TRADE MARK. - and North from PROlVi. A.bSGlutln Opiattm, -JCmAioS , mm Carolina Digest; BT JUDOK ACQ. . 8STMOOR. 5.jOO 1 , BtSSBEr?S NORTH CAROLINA JlrTICE AND FORM BOO, 8rd Revised i- - t. ' " uviiniuuitl(, OVIU It, thousand t. 85c oviiuui. Amu uuatiHiss m ai ui- isuuni UAUULlNAr by Collier Cobb: ; ouBoiia uicues. xnoiougiuy revistxi ana re-engravca. iteaay July 1,4 60 we have for sale the following new Law Books: 1 ; ONUS PROBAND!, bv Hon. VV. II.'.HailAv ? a fJlUALS OF TITLE TQINI), by .Sedgwick and Wait, New Edition '$ 50t . I r virviu ija tt , jjy jn-nry a usuu i !. ' 2 50 SOME: POINTS IN IAW OF KVKRY DAY USB,by Judge Walter . Clark, 25c. SEND ORDKBfl TO ' ' ''' - rujctsa coarmi. au rraoaa. in. , AtFREB WILLIAMS &G0 W H'&R.S TUCKER & CO. Canvas and E amine Novelties. MOST DEfRBLE AND SALABLE MATERIALS IN WOOL FOB STREET AND WALKING DRESSES Otfered by the trade tlliu season. PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, ; jig FATETTEVrLLE8TftKKT AND 8 EXCHANGE 1LAC1 BALEIGH,N. C PLOW CASTINGS, , PLOW CASTINGS. oh: Arr. a. m. 6 20 8 00 p. D) ii m 9 16! a. no.1 10 soj p 4 07 4 40 1 20 12 13 a. m. 8 30 6 39 6 00 1 33 6 46j NdJUL Ko.52, Dally. Dsify. New i'ork. PbiladelphU: : ' -Baltimore. Wabingti.. j DaaviUe, Richmoad. Uoldsboro. : Baleigii, ! Durham. Greensboro. Haliabory. Charlotte. Spartanburg. Atlanfab , Lva. Klgnt. 12 00 ) 8 49 a. m. .MM it 16 i ! p. m. , ii ft SB ' I Lve. 4 80 60 - 9 42 IS 00 a. a. 8 04 8 M S 00 . 11 4fi 6 00 8.07 a. m. 11 21 9 60 1 10 11 23 6 00 1 00 ft 56 8 34 1 40 10 40 SALEM BRANCH. Northward. Jan. 18, 1886. ! Southward. No.63. Nq.61. Daily. DaHy. Arr. - Arr. p. m. a. m. . 8 35 8 10 Ltc Lve. 6 65 6 60 tfrcenaboro. ) Saleaw N.50. No J2. Daily. ,airy. Lt. ", Ly. p.-ia. a. va. 11 SB , 10,00 AiT t "i- Arr. 1 IT 11 40 TATE t'NIVEBSlTX RAILROAD. Jan. 18, 188S. Soothward. s Northward. No. 3. Arr. p. m. 4 55 Lve. 6 46 NO. 1. Arr. a. m. 10 20 Lye.; 11 10 DaMf except , ; Sunday. Unrrergky., Chapel iHflL Kv4. N-2. Lve. , .va. p. m.k ; a. m. 6 85 11 66 Arr. Arr. 7 25 12 45 pALElGH GASTON B. B. coNomsji 8cnicui. Traina going North. No47 D'yiVo OT. 10, 1880. Leave Kaieigb, ' I 9 45 m v Ee, 10 tl Franklinton. llO 56 KlttrelL 11 17 Henderson, 111 80 Wan-eaten, 1 12 20 p bJio 87 Arrive at Weldin, H I TraiBjgoing.Soh5 Nov. 15, 1885. except 8uaday. 12 55 1 45 Xn'It Sunday 16 am t 42 ; 8 24 8U 11 81 12 60 a m N48yjNo Cy except i; except Sunday. Sua day. l eave MTeldon, LUtleton, Warreatpp, IJendenoavcsr Kittrel r- : yitnw Wake,. - Arriveat Balecky . , 2 40 p mi 1 8 81 4 ( ' 4 60 09 v-r. i 30 6 66 r 0 40- 15 mm 3 43 4 6S,, 6 80 :. 8 09 6 61 i Su?erinteWnt.s pALEIGH AUGUSTA AlB-UNE. COSfOKJIWO SCHEKCLa. Trains going South, Sot. 15, 1886. . Leave Raleili, - MoncQre ; Stwfcnd, Arrive Hamlet, Trains going North 1 Nov. 16, 1886. Leave Hamlet, Sauford, Honcure, Arrive Raleigh, Wo 1 D,o' 6 Dy : xepti except Sunday.. j Sunday. 7 00 p a 0 27 10 16 r 1 86 ENo 3 Dt except SuDday. 2 46 6 05 6 60 9 00 Wm a bi 00 a jn 12 25 p m 1 45 ' -7 20 So 4 Dy zwit Sunday. 6 00 11 15 12 00 a sq Smith, Superintendent. c AROLLNA CENTRAL K. R. Passenger, mail except Sundays. ) Leave Wilmington at H. 1 I Leave Raleigh at ) Arrive at Charlotte at ) Leave Charlotte at . 2. 1 Arrive at Raleigh at t. Arrive at Vllmiagtoaat SHBLBT DiVIBIOH DAILT EXCEPT 8UMHT9. So. 8 i Leave CharloU at . 13 a. n Axnve aiBaeitxy at J2 15 p.m 4 Leave Shelby at HOa. m j Arrive at Charlotte at 6 40 p m and expreas train. Daily 7 35 p. m 7 80 a. m 8 15 p.m 9 ou a. n 8 35wm No. APE FEAR YADKIN VALLEY R. R. W 1 TRAIN Bennettsville. Shoe Heel, Fayetteville, Saniord, Greensboro, NORTH. aaaiVE. ; 9 40 am 12 00 m : 2 15pm e ou LEAVE. 8 20 a m 960 12 25 pm 225 26 minutes at Fayetteville for dinner, TXalB SOUTH! . JJUUVK. Greensboro, San ford, fhf Bennettaville, 1 20pm 8 60 605 7 80 LJUVE. 9M 1 46 p m 4 00 616 TILMINGTON 4 WELDON R. B. I TBxiits OoisQ sotrra.-, Nov. 15V 1836 r No. 48 Daily. 2 is p n 8 38 4 55 11 80 Leave Weldon. Arrive Rocky Mount, Arrive at Tarboro. i Loave Tarborav . f '; Leve WUson, 4 06 pm Arrive uoidsboro, 4 64 numaigton, 7 60 TRA1S8 OOIKG HOEIH. No. 47 Dally. 8 45aa 11 85 12 26 p m 2 69 Arrive Tarboro. a ax Leave Tarboro, 11 30 a m Arrive Weldon, ; 2 la n m No. 40. Daily. I 6 88 p m Nov. 15, 1885. 1 Leave Wilmington, Arrive Goldnhom. Leave Wilson. Arrive Rocky Mount No. 4J Dally,.: 9 60pm 11 68 am 12 60 1 21 2 15 am Send for Pr&- Qualitj guaranteed. J. H. GILL, Sole MaQufaetnrer, BALEIQH TURNING AND COTTON PLOWS, RALEIGH, N. 0 i w JoHH Dm 8npt. M EMEaso,Gen'l Passeaer Agnt. m QRSES AND MULES. I Will have eirhteen Vliu n.. m Fia Pair Mules to arrtvcprllsiSl J' HcHacEin'a SUblea. eigh, N. C, sod rcuifber that he married von: he. 'es to such disputes to invoke its inter- will then pro&bablv do the rvr " ; ferenee and abide bv it dMtaiona Than li companion to jour husband if heJ wouW also be good reason to hope that is nmm man; and if Ho not. trv andl verj existence of such an affencv The material costs ndthinir for ?pnlti i. J iTT . : JO", companion. "r. appuoauon to it lor advice :A mnA -.i..?;TsTi: H w"w-taBaaru; o not lethim lowers "uu counsel, trequently resulting in the ET AMINE FLOUNCING AND EM BROIDERIES IN ECRU ON ECBU AND STUKF8 V70RKED WORSTED, IN AhMnlv dona m that nf MfrAn " Samples, continues the Transcript, arc being introduced : into 1 the liostop market. Our cotton planters neea not do aiarmea, nowever. The milkweed will ' hardly sooner; ,: furnish clothing for the people; than ,1 butter, Still, if the scare shall lead to a reason ablo lessening of the cotton' area in the SuUi it will not bars bewk ii Tii u " and misuader- jours. : j ; avoidance of contention Lt your husband know more thanU standia. youldo once in aj while: it kieena nn' hi I' ; .If ithi acaAiIiiam' C - tJ rself-respect and you will be none the" sion is doubted because itl miirht lack SSSi? LfirDg thkt Me not Pww enforce decisions; much actually infallible. : r . encouragement is derived from fh- JiCfpect your; husband's prejudices, ceded good that has been acromt,lilil respt his reltidns; , specially hial;y the railroad commissions' which have motier-stfb.u not the less his mother be eu Ariraniri in m...r k.- i i - w-i w va dud a. a nn which; having liuie more than advianrv power, hare rte4 moil saluUry mother slfb is not the less his mother because she is your motherinlaw: abe' Joyed Ma beore too did, - I Blaek Piece Laces and . Flouncimn and Edsrau. Ecru and Biege Piece Lats, and Flouncing and Edcm. Cream and White Oriential, Egyptian and Antique Valenciennes Laces : in Flouscea and Edges to match. In the above High Jfoveltles we have made recent provision lor a large trade, and are pre. pared : to show oar customers the choicest selections sod gjve them lowest prices. a. tugkIb OQ, KING & MACY. : -I ooirrai.OTOB8 o House and Sign Painting . i l East Davie SU, under Law Bnlldlag. 4ioJalsoliu,OUwfBj, GralrmjaBt geneial Honse Paiatinr. Special faeOitfaa for st ow wnoir . Orders trom any distast anlietted . Be reercacee grr? " ' t i ' i" - , y INTENDING ADVERTISES should ad . - drees 5 5 . I IGEO. P. BOWELL A m l 10 Sprue fttreety Sew Yorfc City. Tar Heel Liniment! To BEST IN THE WOBU) FOB 'ALUCHES and pains. PRICE '5Q jCTS. : SEND FOR TESTIMONIALS. wT "P DrngglsU asiiMerehanta, Wholeale Depot at . ) J, i Y. MacRaefs, ! WBOLX&ILX DBTJGOIST ' ' tr. ana ez press omec aiona ' Tk- CO 11 Her stress W T . "" Is beautiful, all but hfr lrlr. ana nobodv h nas i4i net fiow. easy ttkhi to pu beauty on theskin. IBeaSir L'tt.: r.kt i , mm . . aaLSIOB, k c. i

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