1 i I ' i ! 1 t f I' Si iM Til ifMawlS'.li aM Ivor XXVI. -mi-f li 'hf-l ' t. i i -- " ' 1 1 1 tt r" ...if -i ".-, 0BS Absolutely Pure. V ' . Cku powder neyer ranea. a. marrei i jnritr, atrenKtk and wholewomeness. Mora 3onoclcl than ordinary ktndt nd cannot b . said in competition with the multitude of low ktat, ihert weight, alum or phosphite powder. Bold oily lB n- RoT4X BAiwa Pow. Co., 10S WU Street, New York. -gold bfW C A A B- Stronach, George T iStronach .amd J B FerrtU M Co. . vbnourp$ Iniilii BITTERS CMkhbf ixoi wttk rent rarriBLi T0SIC8, teklr ni emetoMy CLIAH819 J m4 UXICSKS TBI BfcOOO. QvlekMi tkMtUefthUTWM41M4m7m. QtmOt eewalMdea.AeieithetMiamtt. tteeeipH Uiwthe torth, turn erpfei. j UpiM-lLL OTBKB IXOI IKBICIfXS DO. Dm. V. . Rdmus, eMiri Mia, J I I Tuii -' TSn. BIU J BJMWB CUIlCiL Ot. lUTlBM. BACKET STORE news; observations. I i-DftVid PajrU U Tjcirj ill lat bU homo b Bloomiogtoa, llljooia. - f I Koyaltr to? take its. turn at the iaeale with; the; rent of us. Four jjtaadobilclren;of th Queen have juHt baa. em. g;L ' ? i: s Se&ator fiewell will probably call up the Fits John Porter bill io the Son ate today or, the first of next week, and tixpecta tocajrj it j ? hindflome mi- -Another man. as; killed at Fitto- bure bj electrio wires a few dajs ago. Seme wires' got crossed on an iron awn- ne D08L and one of them was broken. A tnaa Cook bold of the post, and was ntantj killed. M R j Th Senate postoffice committee has Bereed to report favorably the nomina tion off Mrs. Virginia Thompson, post- Distress at liouisnlleJ Kyi This Is a et baci fof Senator: (Blackburn- nd Wfcnp;:fbr Senator5 Beck, j-There is lit- tie doubt that Mrs. , Thompson hubs confirmed. I;- . ;M I j I ' .h1 --The aoting secretary of the treasury has received a conscience contributiou from ; resident of New York in the fbi-m of onobalf of : a thousand-dollar fid oortificate numbered "A 8698," the receipt oi wmcn me Benaer says ne wn)a .tb be jpablkly acknowledged be fore he will end the ; other halt of the certihoate. ) - jf; ; . ; RALEIGH N. C, ST(JRDATf MORNING, MAY 8. 1886. THE ANARCHISTS NO, 147. Th Katlm Bp(lt 0MVntt. THE GREEK AVAR Tilt. THEIR rillt?A0.OAB BMCAPPKAjfcN MK HBKDCODIH MSK. TMK UAU5TtKT THKOWK DOWH BT 't lit: rui'KT i.iTix.mB.ioii. It iMmlln erta Arr4t or lu 1U1Iiini CniCAqo, May 7.- The trouble at the Fourth street crossing of the Wostorn Indiana railroad company continues this morning. A number of trains!: are stopped at that point, (hi switch tenders and crossing guards refusing to aid the roads in opening up the lines. A great crowd stands about, watching the scene, but at the town of Lake the polioe say there is no disorder.; Chicago May 7. The Arbeiter Zeitung makes its appearance again this morning, though in- a very reduced fform. ; The old1 paper was a largo, prosperous; look ing folio sheet, while today's issue is a 10x12 hand bill. The - leading article today is addressed, to the workingmen of Chicago; and after relating th$ diffi culties they had in publishing the paper , Owing to the arrest of all the printers and editors, the article says : 'These twenty-two printers were arrested on the ridiculous charge of murder : people who did nothing but work and for whioh they were -paid. ' Bail was refused for them. On all sides there was a sys tematic attempt to make the reappear ance of the paner impossible.' . :ou see then, worlEinemen. that the rul- The ways of the Japenase postoffice ting class understands better than you aro peculiar. In most couutries, if the the value of a labor organ. ; : postage on a . letter is inadequate, the We will show you that although the deficiency ia recovered from the addrcs- recklessness of some may temporarily lee, and u he objects to be mulcted, the confuse, it cannot disrupt our working- klection or orriOBRS FOR THN IN- 811 NO YBAR. Montoombby, Ala , May 7. The Southern Baptist convention met tt 10 o'clock today. Rev. Dr. Mill was elected presidont. With the exception of eiirlit vears. he has been president since 1863. The following vioe-presi- Atiibns, May 7. The govefnjnent dents were elected: Revs. B. Manly, of has sent a gunboat to Constantinople to T1i Prra Iimii Ordp lor h lllo-k rUrtk Fort. letter iB retained and -there is an end ol the matters It is not. so in J span. 1 he other day an unfortunate Japanese ; de dined to pay the extra postage, where upon he was dragged belore a magis- men's party. We therefore appeal to you, workingmen. You will ee that the workingmen'! movement without an organ is impossible. 'i i We shall continue the; fight for freedom and (rate.and Sued (5 tot evading the taxes. I right that this paper has always con uuctcd. forward, and un- The Hon. John . Ward delivered the oration at the centennial celebration of the 'Chatham artillery.' in Savannah, Ga., Tuesday evening last. .Fifty years aeo, iwben thus organuation celebrated the completion of a- half .century of its exiBteace, Mr. ; Ward delivered the oration, inhere are tew men, living or. dead, wbb have; (delivered orations, separated, by half a ecntury, before the aaai organuaUOn J. hough an old man, Mr; Ward, is still: in excellent health and nip mind is as clear as ever. ) i -i-A' ! iPhiladelDhia . disuatch Bavs: The failure th New York, Phiia- Uesitatingly go forward in spirit of he chicanery of the ruling classes. .!.: ; Again, workingmen, do your dutj We will do ours. "U 1h In another part of the paper is an ar ticle which indirectly, charges that the dynamite which the police found in their office was brought there by the officers themselves. ;,j I They say: "Jlfter the police bad arr rested the editors they carefully searched the building but found nothing.; A short time after they returned ' And : ar rested alL connected with the paper : and Ian frtnnd dvnamttA. Thnv ar aaid tn WW have found revolvers and an old file. take awav from the Turkish capital M. Conduerott, ; the Greek minister. Qreek troops are being hurried to' the front with all possible speed. Athbms, Greece, May 7. All the foreign ministers excepting the Russian have embarked on the vessels of their respective nations, to depart from Greece. The Russian minister has not yet received his instructions. I The powers have given orders to their fleets to bloekade the Greek ports. TUB M. K. CUrEBUUICa j A WyapMls f ill Third Day'a FrycJ- Richmond, Va , May 7. After the usual devotional ceremonies and reading of yesterday's minutes, the conference concluded the consideration of the rules of order for the government of the body. The organisation of the various committees was announced and; addi tional special committees were appointed Dr. McFerrin, publishing agent, sub mitted his Own report and the report of the business manager and book com mittee. 0r., Young, secretary lot the board of missions, submitted the fourth announced report of the board. The centenary conference committee; which undertook to raise 82,000,000-for. vari ous church purposes, made a most satis factory report. It has received $1,- 382,91 and there are influences at work which will result in the collection of an even larger sum than first mentioned A number of large bequests were made. Dr Wi K. Brown, of Missouri, has given X3U,uuu to tne churcn ana. ur Moses W. Payne R25.000 to the Payne institute of Georgia. A. number of other bequests range from S10OOO $20,000 Dr. McFerrin, publishing agent,. reported a number of requests to be presented through him to the church regarding the disposition of these funds Thev were referred to the finahce com but they were overtaken by a torjrent ii,itt and t & snecial committee o which swept away theyenicie ana occu- fiye Tie following are chairmen of the pants. ran.tfwHiiuuirui.8WvuiU standing oommittees as far as organized On epwebpaoy, Dr. A G. Haygood, o Kentucky: J. B. Hawthorne, of Georgia; G. B. Taylor, of Virginia And J. C. Furman, of South Carolina.: The following were elected secretaries: Revs. L. Burrows, of Georgia, and O,' F. Gregory. A devotional meeting was then conducted by Rev. Dri Ellis Of Baltimore, and Dr. Ford, of Mis souri. Rev. Mr. Wharton, the pastor bf the First Baptist church, welcomed the convention and introduced ex-Uov, Thomas H. Watts, who delivered an eloquent address of welcome. He said the lone souroe of regret was tfeet there was any division. He hoped there would soon be one Baptist convention of the United States. Fifteen States arc rep resented by over 150 delegates;. Mis sionaries from China, Mexico and Italy are also present. Rev. Dr. Kllis, of Baltimore, responded, making ja grand address. Many oommittees were ap pointed. The hours of meeting are from 9 to 1 and 3 to 5; at nigbt from 8 o'clock, to adjourn at pleasure.! Bmrkabl Storms or 'rain and hail in thb wist. Washihgtow,. May 7. Dispatches from various points in Missouri and Kansas report remarkable storms of rain and hail yesterday. At Osage City a storm began about 11 a. m. and con tinued for thirty minutes, until the ground was oovered with hail-stones and in many places they were puea up sev eral inches deep. Eighty percent of all exposed window glass on the nrth side of houses was broken. The storm came from the northeast and did not extern! more thin a mile west of the Sant Fe road at this point. At Emporia, Kan sas, a water-spout passed down Jacob's creek. A farmer named Jacobs saw the storm coming and gathered his wife and two young children and his brother Charles in a wagon and started to flee, The Great Bargain House -Raleigh. for the Southern coast! line trade with the lines centering1 at Norfolk has led it te ftdopt new measures to increase its oMBtaeaiiir A eootrapt will beimmedi atej(y.lel; for three new steamers for the Pamlico sound and Sotfthern coast trade. Tbeae will rui ia opposition to the coast lines now carrying freight to Baltimore. The freight agent! of the road reports that anverage of sixty through ears per day are being sent over the line, whieh Aiunber will be gtcatlj iscreased as soon b the; small, fruit seuon opens The company is! constantly stretching out, auu appaxeuviy ui uu paueu until it bontrbLi a 'through line to the Guit't "it I'U. r? i-i": - (Nil i l i ' i ; - i s -rTbe Senate: committee on foreign afiTairs has decided i to report favorably Senator7 Frye's bill h'tp promote the Look out for Bargains. We have Just opened political progress and commercial pros- 1! perity of the American nation, 'I which some Great Bargains from, the staughterenf failifr thai the President ehall invite I . ... A... vrk ndlco 44c a vard;; ""P?" ""T? if . f.-L'" oi own. - - v ; nitri and Nohth America, from san to assemble with ) delegates goingV Kteknp aBketthlsweel credit. Our Sew York Calico 4cayard;.: worth 7e. Great Bargain. In Lacea, Orifiial, Domingo andjbe Einpire of Brazil indeed, dreadful! and the find is said to prove that the printers are murderers.' The writer goes: on to say that the whole thing is'a conspiracy to suppress the paper forever. Fielden, tki social ist Englishman j now under arrest, was treated by Dr;: Dexter this morning. The doctor states that from the cburse of the bullet pielden evidently shot himself while carrying his revolver. The blockade at the Fourth: street crossing of the i Western' Indiana rail road was raised at 10.30 this morning. Up to that hour eight engines and two trains bad been stopped. Special officer Ballard, of the Wabash road; lent down fifty special officers and soon: 'trained them to throw the switches, thus start ing trains. No work whatever is being done at Pullman, Hlinois, today, althe men remaining out. McCormick's fac tory is filled with hands today. ! Nearly the. entire force of 1,500 went to work. The omnibuwes which broughf the north side contingent; made their appearance tor tne urn un smoe we noung uesau. and thirty-nyei omc i IM. T l- ' 1 were arownea, wnue iaooos uuany perished in endeavoring to save them. His brother saved himself and; the other child. At Fort Scott, Kansas, Lamb's ice dam broke and an immense body of water, uniting with the already swollen Duck run, rushed down the valley A houre occupied by Sarah Brown, a widow was struck by the torrent, and swept about 100 yards down the stream, where a lodged among an trees, airs. Brown and four of her children were in it at the time. The water rose rapidly around it to a depth of setveral feet. The; mother held her little six-months-old infant in her arms . above the water, leaving her -older children to cafe for themselves. She suddenly noticed that her five-year-old boy was drowning and in attempting to save him; the infant slipped from her arms and was drowned before aid could reach-it. The remain der of the family were rescued, j At Springfield, Mo., the damage of all sorts is estimated above $125,000 No life was lost, but 35 or 40 families were noatea out. some oi mem were taken to high ground by men on horse back. .' PEA1S AT CIHCIUHATI. AN THB kTR KIOF FBXI01IT HANDLIRS AT bwd. Cincinnati. May 7.1 The strike of freight handlers is at an end. Menare already at work at the Cincinnati South ern, Cincinnati, Indianapolis & St. Louis, Ohio & Miitissippl, Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore freight ards and others will resume at pnoe 'he exact terms are not made known, but it is generally understood that the men have an advanoe of from 15:tp 25 cents a day. This is looked upon as banishing all danger of disorder and peaceful settlements with other strikers are expected to follow soon, 1 i h r Ataotbcr Arrt f mu Ag-ftstr. DBTKCTIVK COT AT WH1LB 4TTBMPTTNO . TO MARK TUB ARREST. -3 Chicago, Illinois, Miy 17. Wm Stahlknecht, the president of the cabinet makers' union, and also a professional agitator, was arrested t an early hour this' morning on; a warrant issued by justice Brag ton. qtahlknecht is accused of intimidating ; workmen. The arrest was : made : near the house of the i accused and a private-' detective, ho effected it, says the prisoner tried to cut him with a knife. Stahlknecht has incurred the enmity of the furni ture manufacturers' association by in citing strikes and preventing the men from conferring with their employers. It is alleged that he participated in Tuesday night's demonstration at the Haymarket. AalftnniMt at Oxford. Special to the Nxws add Obsirvxa. Oxvoan, N. C, May 7. Mr. W. T, Williams, grocer," of this Elace, made an assignment yesterday, labilities small. Mr. Sol. Cob a, 80 ry St., Sa rraneUeo, could not attend fo litinlticn on aeuouot of a hacking rouiftv a i tooti aa he toek Jled Star Cough Curs ho found relief, and by oomtlttu log It, wm toon entirely cured. 36c: Greece declares for. war. , , Hontford'a AeM Pboapbat. inValdaclb as a tonic. Dr. J. L. Pratt, Greenfield, III., ays : 1t ts all that it claims to be invaluable as a tonic in. any case where an acid tonic is Indicated. , The Irish land bill, is doomed. , . 6 m , , Boofht a farm. John 31 McDowell, one of the successful holders of ticket No. 4,79 in November drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, which drew 7ft,000, has Invested a portion of his pro ceed) in a traet of land near Olivet and ad joining bis home farm. He purchased 54 acre, more or lew, being the Jack Kenton la ran ol Aihen Wheeler, for which he pah! $40 per acre Since he made his iuccennlul draw In Louisi ana, John haA been "shaving notes" at a lively rate, and has cleared within the patt few months nearly f l,O00. Just stop for a moment and estimate the profit he has made on that 50c. invested in Louisiana Lottery laxt tall ! Mount Olivet (Ky.) Tribune, March 11. ' Fifty ibbls New Roe Herring, jxr package. Special prices to trade. W. V. a A. 13. Stronach. ; : : . ' mtm Fresh Strawberries per express today at - W. C. & A. B. Stbonxch's. Dynamite is at a discount. Georgia; : itineracy, Samuel j Rogers of Ualtimore: conference publishing in terctts. David Morton, of Louisville conf. rence; oducatTbn, A. S. Andrews of Alabama; missions,! Joseph S. Key of Georgia; church extension, Dr. D. C Kelly, of Tennessee; boundaries, R. H Mahon, of Tennessee lhe speeiai committees and their chairman are as follows; On temperance, P. -H. Whis ner, of 1 Maryland; on fraternal corres pondence, W. W. Bennett, of Virginia; divorce, B. F. Tarker, of Tennessee; on quarterly review, Samuel A. Weber, of South Carolina; introduction, C. S. Wiley, of Virginia; on hymn-books, J. H. Carlisle, of South Carlina; on plan for defravins the exnenses of deleeates. J. W1 Tucker, of Floridai on Bible cause. C. W. Carter, of Louisiana. Dr R. A. Young, of Tennessee, presented a memorial of the woman's board of mis sions in regard to changing the constitu tion of the! board. tf ! wr KaUway a. Torchon, pillow-case, &c Hamburg Edglags and Insertion. Dress Goods.? Mlk 1 Dre Buttons of Gloveaat 30c; worth 60. j the latest style at Jjc'a doien; Worth 25c i . ir Miliinerv 4)epartment will bo ieplen- : I form systems ol weights, measures, silver tlsbed this week,', Some specUl, bargains are coin patent righ, &o. ; The Presi- . effered in hats and flowers. representing the United States, in Washingfon, (ct. i; 1887, to eonsider and decide upon, first, tneaaures that shall tend- to pre serve lh4 peace and ; promote the pros- toeritv oi tne several repuoucs ana tne limpire ol Brain; tne iormauon ot an American customs union, frequent and regular steamship Communication; uni- A sergeant and thirty-nye i o racers FrtyHiath CMtrwi; guarded the gate and there was no at- Washinotok, D. C, May 7 Housa. tempt at interference by jthe strik- After a preliminary contest for the ers as the men filed in with their I prece(jence of business, the House went lunch-pails dangling by their Bide. I fnto committee of the whole on the nri- Armdur's glue factory i was Bet Ttte calendar. The bill which gave rise From Wuhlatlaa. Washington, D. C, May 6. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun;: It is reported that the election of chairman and secretary of the Republi can (Jongressional campaign, committee. Which occurred Monday night last, was the occasion for a measuring of strength between the Blaine and the anti-Blaine elements. The newly-elected chairman and secretary, Representative Goff, of West Virginia, and Mr. Mcpherson, of Pennsylvania, are devoted adherents of Mr. Blame, while the two other gentle men who were prominently pressed for the positionsi Representative Bingham, of Pennsylvania, and ex-commissioner of pensions Dudley, of Indiana, are bit terly hostile io Mr. Blaine, and. are in full accord with what is known as the stalwart wing of the Republican party. Mr. Bingham was formerly one of the closest friends of Blaine, but he split off prior to the election of delegates to the Republican national convention of 1884. and in that contention made the most effective speech in favor of the nomination of Mr. Arthur. The lines in the election of chairman and secretary were not drawn as between Blaine and anti-BlalneJ No allusions to any such idea were made, and several of the members, it is said, voted without the least unoression that considerations of such character entered into the contest. Col. Dudley was urged as secretary on the ostensible ground that he was one of the best managers and wire-workers I in the whole party, and his conduct ot the Indiana campaign in .1880 and the Ohio campaign in 1594 waa pointed to as proof what he could do in manipu lating election j machinery and influenc ing voters. But according! to tne re ports the Blaine adherents, I who were in tne majority vu ub gguwuKii not disnoaed to take anv chances, and without makme much russ aoout it, put in two men that they knew coma oe As understood now, "Th Qnmteut Cnro am ZmzthtordmWmi nUm mor quick It Uu any other known rm 'r khcumatum, kennlgte, BwelBBsa, Stiff Broiwn, ff -vBwrna, Scalda, Cota, Lomba Urf lira PlenrUT, Sore. pmMitua, I Wl 1 I iWkmcba, QulOTT, Bare Throat, V JfSetetica, Wounds BadMte, 1 0 Jr TooUwfccb, Rrrain. n. Price i ZJr a TAHeTToU r aU J. uim Solvation OH bean oar AocuSr reeialercaTradlliirk.aadoar fkobnfl dpsatara. A CUmr A Co, Sola Prctor. lMiuinora, MiL, P. S. A. i , . . DR. BULL'S COUGH STOOP, For the cure of Conehs. Colds. Ho ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping; Cough, Indpiect Con sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons ia advanced stages of the Disease; For Salb by all Drug gists. I Price, cent. QQLD MEDAL, FASJS, 1878. BAKER'S Breaifasl Cocoa. WarranUd aieslMMv JM Cmema, from whteh thaazeMaof Oil baa been nmorca. uwwm Urntt fas ttmgtk of Coaoa nixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, aod b therefore far rnoro eoaoad. eal, costing let Mow on etnt m cup. U m aeuaont, wnwuui. strengthening, eaally OlgeMea. aoa admirably adapted for tnranoa wU at for peraoaajn Bealtn. gaU By Oroeert eTTTwaara. BAKER k CO., DoTcUKtBT, Mass, mm THB END OV THB FAMOUS BTRIKB. CnicAoo. Ills.. May 7. the western : ara rinm:tiir onerationa this 1 denended ; UDOn. mnrnine on nearly the basis prior to the 1 whatever influence can I be exercised in An .u A,a aht trains SI the, rlireeiion of the affairs. Of the COm- Waimo- oont Ant witKont moleittation. 1 mittee will be used to PUti UP Blaine Tn all ihA fVotffht hnnaes increased I men for Congress. Bna WOrx up forces of men are at work and the f Blaine sentiment in the various lon- This departmeni: dent l is to appoint twenty-four dele- ; - m e a . ''mm .1 divided. - equally oetween tne The employees, numbering several hun dred, were glad to get back to"work on the old terms, ten nours work for ten hours pay. j Officers were present to curb any ; violent demonstration, but none was made. : The lumbermen, it is ah nin ft200 to F. W. Haldeman r J o w ... i .v As.t r- J The report states that auring jthe war j .ViAn a hov twelve Tears of of the; Burlington road U.u.l to ioin an Ohio reuiment nouneu us oia employees Torotd eoeMooot the Dyer. It Carm By ni ' rfj. health age, believed, are getting readyji to resume .Ja iiUl nblitlesl nsxtdes.'-and ; other nations are operations Monday. It is said that tne managed uy bis. - T ' .end asl toanv deleeatesf as' thev executive committee of the lumbermen's is a Wr of 1 nleiute. bat each I deleeation ts to, have exchange will issue orders to that end. lindiae DeCartereU Miss Sale ' - - : - I hnt one vote in the conarresd vuch experience in this derWtment and I K I For eTeaio, toilets St summer re- sure you she will give sstisfactio. In work'ani sorlf areri lovely wool gapses and sure you sue u. J crr wools jfeirjuisite qualities, tU in price. The goods are purchaaed troo houses made up of these fabrics alone or cm- ' U binod with silk j Satin, faille: Francaise, our prices, which areO per cent, W thsh beauty nd art ; pearl .passementeries, . i antylioues auu xaio ona guiiviuii ... . - . - 1 .L .-MA I I - . . . w York prices. , Tney wui ue ww iw f way; many forW than- half their value; We hall offer such unanswerable arguments as no house can match. at prices that no other house can even approach. but was refused muster on account of his age and sixe. He however pur chased a uniform, and served in a regi ment a year, aoting as bugler and per forming scout duty. He is said to have performed gallant service. Mr. Bragg, While no further violence u at present 0f Wisconsin, in a sarcastic speech op threatened, the ; reserve police force is posed the bill. He ridiculed the idea still retained at the Hinman and 12th 0f a boy too. young to be mustered in, street stations, t The police arrested a fulfilling scout duty and doing gallant suspected dynamiter named William service. Messrs. Johnson, of Indiana, Hedger this forenoon and i afterwards' Weaver, of Iowa, defended the bill the aad oombatted Mr. Bragg s proposition that a boy of the age of this one could not render valuable service in war. Mr Johnson had maintained that there had Our leaders and specialties 'A We can show you tacts that will level your both white and pale-hued, in shades of mauve, ciel bluei cream, rose heart ana caqary yellow. The intermediate wool dress for the summer is ' of Iwhite ched dsh, beige bison cloth, nuns' gray, camels' 'hair, or else dainty cream-white limousine,1 with .'this fabric for basque andldrapery.whije a deep fall of Moresque s- rnr run iiih vrim luci iiuunauvi oivtvw i . . i SKoTAirt. Both Felix and with hPTJLVl V'Zt: been many instances where iboys had movements, coupled with the promisih Redfern use silk cords, silver, gold and mohair braids for finishing stylish tailor- made gowns of summer wool, cream- white pilot cloth being a favorite maui- M An exchange'; tells of a man who plants, two or three weeks after the crop lor much less than they are wortfu Our stock jp planted, A -Inew hill Ot corn every BtteentQTow eacn way., .uu mm to iuc reason: tit the weather;; becomes dry aftr thfl fillincr timft thfl ailk and tas- pricea, rememr, are from iUaf per eeuU becoe dry AQ( dead. ' ln this toudition, if U should become season- head on the subject ot prices and bargains. Hard luck and hard times push some large sealeri to the wau. They must have money, and must seU their goods. So we buy them will hs replenished every . few days. Our searched his room. There they found a large quantity! of dynamite, two guns and a lares quantity of cartridges. The feir exhibited by the' man: when takrn into the central polioe : station I was al most painful. His face Had a deathly hn as valuable as men. Messrs. John palor and he could hardly keep from on -nd Bragg became involved in a tallinir. What evidence the police over war reminiscences, into possess against him is not Stated Five whi0h Mr. Wolford, of Kentucky, was hundred! brickmakers returned to the I drawn. v Finally a vote; was taken yards at Lake View this; morning and on m amendment to the bill, but a began work, but a crowd of 300 strik- nnmber of its opponents refrained from ers from the city, many of them excitea voting and the committee; being leit ;ine nouse them outl KothschUd a large furniture a recess till 7 3U this evening, the factory resumed operations today with geMi0I1 to be for pension bills. . a small force of the old: men,; who re- . .. I turned to their benches The lumber Toti w.t iueipi. of o. dealers of the city i h4ve subscribed Naw Yobs:, May 7. The following g5,000 to: the police! fund. Tb sub- are the total net receipis oi cov :-.imw nn-m riida tur ui niAO iuuluuu. I tnn at ail ue uui i"""""1" , work or take their discharge from company's employ. '- Wow York feitton Fntaroa. Naw York. May 7. Green & Co.'s repOit on cotton futures Bays: It has been ;a weak market ail day; about t) poihti were lost, closing dull and barely steady. 1 There is no undue pressure to realise, but the bull element gave ieBs support to near months and a disposition to i sell the new crop was again man fested both on home and foreign ac count. ; Liverpool advices are disap pointing and discouraged the operators waiting for aid from abroad, while con tinuous liberal interior jand plantation new, crop inaications, miusea greater confidence among the bears. The officials I the noliev of the impending Cohgres- I ST ..V I this morninir I sional campaign will be controlled by ti return tn I tlinsn members of the committee who are friendlv to Mr. Blaine. ; Mr. W. Dawson, editor of he Charleston ( 8. CM News and Courier, who has been here a day or two On his way home from a European ,tour, says that the United States has hot in a long time had a minister at Paris who has made a more favorable impression than Mr. McLane. Mr. Dawson was present at the banquet to Pasteur and several other nnblic affairs where IMr. McLane waa among the guests. He says that Mr. McLane. when called on to speak, alwavs replied in the most happy and An nnt stvle in French, as pure and as I unexceptionable in - every way as h;s English, and the novelty of this in an American minister has Iwarmly com mended him to the French official circle and to th e diplomatic crops at Paris. More lNseaiea raultfroea aa P other eaaea, vr uuiroroiu BboamatteBi Mo IirerthaaaaTo ontnrRecabda thtBowela, PoriSeatb Bi otOM orms" VOB A The duvarina Cao. TIIK COUNSKL BNTBB AM APPBAL BBUBABlNd. Richmond, Vs., May 7. Counsel for Boalaoaa Tmllsires. Nbw Yobk, May 7.-fBusiness fail ures occurring throughout the country Jn.ini, lea. araelrJ as reported to Ri G. S. J Cluverius, convicted of the mttr-H n n0 . jor the United Sutes, 167; 4er of Fannie Lilian Mdisont entered a ln.na(ja . 25; total, 192: lagsinst 207 last motion m the supreme court of aPPe1fweek. and 194 the week previous. today for a rehearing of the case decided Th business casualties appear to be if not more.: . I r ; r .. a i j ; ; i Tti Colored BtetliodUt Qoaorml Oaofor- law than those current, P lease call and ex amine our stock and 1 know we shaU tmake "' t : sale to you. t ' BespecUully submitted i able, the Bilk; revives its growth, but the tassels do not recover. Then, for want of pollen, the new silk is unable to fill the Office for which it was de- lOnly. U the t it Cash "Trade i VOLNKY PURSELL A CO., assembled in th Miles, Of Louisville 'i'k.rA iLi-n , nresent Bebee, of Washington N. C, Isaac ' T 1 Til4 T. IT .T ,, , , , j LiVUe, oi vacaouu, aa. signed; xne poiien rrom tne repupteu aUeyi .of Augusta, Ga corn is then resdy to supply silk, and 1 v ; . e . , . the filiang is completed. lie says nearly all the- abortive ears, bo common in an corn crops, are caused fby the want of 1 88f ? Galveston, ..... rtV AN. r-l leans.1,667,638; Moblle,143y,oo savan nah 772,303; Charleston, 475,256; Wilmington, 99.185; Norfolk, 534,- AQ 7ftft-.: Maw Vnrlr dist r-pisoojpa ?sr2 85 616: AcGUBTA, Ga., May 7. The fifth yesterday in which the. judgment of the lower court was fully affirmed. No re hearing will be allowed unless one ot the judges who concurred in the decis ion is -dissaushed with ana aesires a rehearing. fat Steaatr oel tb Carved Beaat. From the Paris News. 1 A somewhat large and curiously imi tated crocodile in carved wood in , the ;l - ' B '.5 Philadelphia,43,205;WestPointl set Of swallowing a negro, aiso oi csxvca is ouy.i wisuwp ti. a. t.r,ewinV 1 R Ofift- Port wood, is the latest eccentricity wr a I Kyi, is presiding. fa 155. PensacoU; 19,154; In Udy's writing table. Draw the negro Also blShOPS J. A. I XVUJ . J. ' t ATO AArt t: .L t U NU ;nKV.Uant mnnfh end I i4eaaarKll Sna. M. u SBU a ViVVMI r I w.w - . - , i sMiliai emunicating all nights of Labof . London, May T.-tln the bouse of Viw8mWlhlJ Tt la said that at the; consistory tb he held in Rome in June the Pope will issue a Dun assoiuwv wuouiuiuj The Grand Vicar i pollen; and he has known ears to double . t x : II- ill LI 1 " I 1 HO UI SUB V - r.-- . commons last nigne.jar. vnamnerism - , tniw U responsible for this No. 10 East Martin Street. ) tJwir sie n this fiUil eave notioe that he Would move the re- P'00 eh. UnA nnrnhaa hill 1 Staiemeo. itetwuvi ew mv p vou have an ivory paper cutter. ; The four legs, that equally pull Out, are pen-holder, pencil, ink eraser and pen' knife. . f ' Thus far 15.000 boxes of peas have been shipped from New Berne this seasov). about up the average in all sections of the country, in new ion city tney are very light. Contltarattva Cotlaq Stateaaoot. Nbw YobX, May 7. The following Is the comparative cotton statement lor the ; wees ending May 8: j i XOOO. OOM. Net receipts at U. 8. ports, 42,7S 8,6-21 Tntal raceiDta to date. i fi.07S.00 4,638,M9 Exports for the wees, j wu.iw jm,u. Total exports to date, j 8,646,995 i,tfv,9U Stock U aU V. o. ports, eoo,w anr m ell intorW tAwnai 97.004 : 4,Bi Klr et l.lVJtrnnAI. mo.wv ptvv " r-W ... AAA OT AAA For Great Bruin, "ww roovev, tHay Wei-W Work. From the Bradford Star If wives should now Strike for eight hours and the pay of ordinary Servant girls, Martin Irons and his crowd would not have a nickel for beer money for the next twenty years. : i 5 . The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make- it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass Tar Heel Liniment! BEST IN THE WORLD FOR ALL ACHES AND- PAINS. PRICE 50 CTS. SEND FOR TESTIMONIALS; :;. For sale by all Druggists and Merchants. Wholesale Depot at J. Y. MacRae's, WHOltESALX DRUGGIST. BALBIOB, J. a Lx50KOUfj ' TBS OOUKTBT IS FLOODED WITH . ADULTERATED LARD- Examine carefully what you are using; the. odor from It when cooking betrays it. t CASSARD'S "STAR BRAND" LARD a pubb. - EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED. . Try it and you will use no other. B. H. WOODELL, Raleigh, N. O, Ages) & Cassard tS Son, BALTIMORE, XO, M j Curen of the Celebrated Star. Brand Xili Cured Ham and Bacon- if -; li.i II- 3! .is i t : 1 1 It; ,;r if M: