t -. - Tins News and Qcseb?ci! r h (oaon Bm4) BY THtNEWS Olfl Obserto; Coi wmUt, yea. elXSaoMM Hal without paymeat, eat after tke expintla SATURDAY, MAY Si 188f Tbi final decision in ClqTeiiua! case is to the effect that the young manjshall swing. Nothing now can iiive him but executive clemency and. this ia'noi.like ly to be exercised in the faiie of thie de cisions of two courts and the public sen timent of Virginia, even if ihe governor were disposed to issue a pardon 'which we have no reason to suppose is the case, Notuinq in names, eh? f How ;ia it then that it was a Mr. Slarp who bought the Broadway railroad franchise in'New York, having first, placed a half million where it would do good with the iJder- men, and is now a Mr. Smart who is making fox Canada with $35,000 in stealings from a New York firm? ,It is well to be both sharp and smart, but i( is possible to be both to too great att extent for the good of the community, j- Tna Camden amendment j referred to in the Senate debute on ; the interstate commerce bill and adopled as part of that measure provides that it shall be unlawful for any common' car rier to charge or receive any greater compensation in the Aggregate for ; the transportation of passengers or property subject to the provisions of the act for a shorter than for a longer distance; .over the same line in the same direction! It embodies the law on the same subject in North Carolina. .? ' j ' "Natum's Tbumdlx-bxd Qf Recj:pkr atioh" is the suggestive title of aj-new. guide-book of western Nortfi Carolins, from the pen of Ilinton -; A- Helper. Esq. who has proven his ef oiicn to this; the State of his birth", in I many wajs since his return from the farther South a year or two ago. The; little book he now issues is full of valuable information, including the j Indian! no menclature of the State, and u adorned with . many engravings : off mountain scenery. It is just what is needed by every one who prqMees a 'visit to Jour mountain region, for purposes either of pleasuro or ofbusiness. : : f seems to have changed vher ' mind about disarmin.g at the hiding of the powers. She consented to do so reluctantly as it was and pro ceeded about the matter in the most leisurely manlier. It is reasonable, under the circumstances, . to suppose that she was supported io her dilatorineas by a power Immensely stronger than, 'any she herself possessed, and the refusal of France to join inlthe demand that she should disarm imade it appear probable that the great European republic had joined Russia in; a purpose to lend her whatever aid might be fiee esaary to . the . maintenance of her; dig nity. The present tttitude ojf belliger ency, after all that has been: said and done,, leads to the conclusion that f'irar is about to occur which' will involve aU Europe. Greece will; attack .Turkey The powers will undertake to coerce the little kingdom into obedience to their will. Russia will call a halt and France will advance to the support of the Cxtr. Then will ensue a eontest ; between the two great powers already named on the one side and .England, Germany and Austria on the other. The wholo world will eel; the shock, but we i America -will look on with a certain jdegree'iof equanimity in view of the fact that we shall have to feed and clothe the eon tending armies at a rate of payment al together satisfactory. M 1 j W are glad to learn .that Grand Master Workman Powderly has issued to the Knights of Labor a circular con demning in the strongest terms i the re cent communistic outbreaks s nd fit similar disturbances. 1 This will be read to every assembly of the order iaid we hope the timely, advice it contains wUl be followed- by every Knight. The order is supposed to be made up of workingmen, and the honest working men in this country .(whether naturalized or native', cannot afford to with hold condemnation of such outrageous rooeedings as those incited by the eaders of - the commune in Chicago These menpretend to act for the benefit of labor. They have no more sympathy with the true principle of labor than the wolf has for the sheep amidst which it h stolen. They seek to overturn the so cial system in the maiutonance of wbicfi every laborer, however poor; is ks inucti interested as the richest capitalist in tb country. Do away with the laws of thv land, the restraints of society which arV tbe products of hundreds of years 6i striving after right and truth and what will we have? Anarchy pure and simpl the reign of the stronger of er 'th'c; weaker for a season and 3en universal ruin. The aim of the, nihilist, ihe'agit tator of the Spies and the Parsons tjp is to secure just such a state Of Uhinga His only hope, his ouly wish is to brin about such chaos, as will enable hiuv for a short' while to :'. gratify ! his basest propensities at the expense 'of .his industrious and thrifty fellows an then to perish like 'the beast thst be io v Is it not the part of the true man there fore, whatever may be hU; position in life, to aid in foiling such unspakably vicious plans ? Such a leader as Spies has no part or lot with us in ourMnheri tanoe of democracy. lie is the produc-; tion of a foreign soil and cannot thrive a moment in the air of freedom ibat We" breathe. . He is the enemy of the labori er s beat interests as of every ln'erest m wis couoiry. xie It l ' .1 - i m Mir mw? Je is the enemyUf bila niore oongeniaf dime, I see nothing be treated as such rs t Aforlhm U'do except to kq on is ov I -"t !! ;'!? BO i- if " kind and should THE: WOBTHXXV ST9IXV TlM river; and harbor bill wbich wasijin tho! old days regarded: by the democratic leaden as unconstitu tionil legislation, even when the appro priations were limited to works of gen eral j Importance to commerce, is now made; to embrace every little creek in the pountry,! and the House has just passed by I a log-rolling' scheme a tre mendous bill appropriating about fif teen millions of dollars for these pur ppses. It is supposed that in the Senate the amount of the bill will be increased tcTtrenty inillionff. We hope in any event that President Cleveland will veto.it. As bad id. that legislation is, it pales into 'miserable insignificance before the abominable scheme to increase the pensions- The last time the pensions were increased, Senafors and Representatives declared that the additional cost would not amount to $46,000,009. The addi tional cost will aa. a matter of fact ap proximate 3460,000,000.' Now a simi lar statement.is made that the additional cost of again opening the floodgates will be a paltry $36,000,000, whereas th actus! cost will doubtless be. nearer 360000,000. : Southern . representatives heretofore hav0 either voted for these pensions or hay ei remained quiet and allowed the nortbern representatives to 'deal with the subject at their pleasure. No great er mistake could have been made. 1 he purpose has been to gain the northern soiaier voie.j j?or our pari we ao not 11 ' ' . ' 1 T3 i 3 a want : votes that we have to buy. If northern soldiers put up their political influence to the highest bidder, we do not Want to be one of tbe bidders, cut we .believe this saeeestion is a foul slander on the northern soldiers. They are not offering themselves for a price Again southern representatives may have abdicated their functions in the alleged interest of national harmony VV e I cannot concur in that view either Ourlrepresentaatives being tbe equals of ' .1 i,...! ii 1J pinery represeniauves gnpum vuw au cording to right and justice. i But what we wish to say is that, not withstanding that the apparent purpose of the Northern leaders is to flatter the soldier element, the 'real intent is far more 'reaching." It is in pursuance of the dictates of a high statesmanship It is to rivet japon us more strongly still Tm -NoKTHiRK ststbm: it is to make the conquered Soqth pay still more, tribute to the) North, j It is to fasten upon the jQonfmanufacraring South a yet heavier mortgage to Northern people. Every dollar raised -by the tariff im poses upon the non-manufacturing South si leaft two dollars of mortgage tax to the manufacturing North. The sol diets have already received as pensions 8750,000,000.; Of this the South has paid Its share, about $250,000,00 directly to ine government, ana in addition has paid $500,1000,000 to the Northern manufacturers i " ; ' ; I ; In the next ;decade, without any ad dttionaal legislation; the same figures will be repeated. The Northern states manship which aims to keen the South in a state of perpetual ntortgaee to the Kottherjt manufacturers; and Northern soldiers is too; patent to admit of ahy questuh. - Southern statesmanship on tne otner nana requires that lour repre sentatives shall resist to the utmost every7 attempt to place upon! the necks of our people' any greater burden If We, have been twitted with our ina- bility to maintain public schools as long as tbeNorthem States do; the reason of W :fiil :1 3k.i i i i i plec tbat we onr into Ithe jlap of the ortn sucn an ;immense tribute. 1 1 We nave also been twitted With men dicaney because of out willingness to ac- vrpt ce.uwai wiusHDce ior eaucauon nurnoses. ana vet ine ixortn annnarH periodically in 'the guise Of mendicant pegging ior greater guus xrom us in our poverty for the children of her brave soldiers! ' The, Southern soldiers ask for nothing the North puts her soldiers in the attitude not merely of beggars, but $fejrkis with ballots-in their hands, of- jferiog lo votejsgainst thai: party wbirh does not increase their pensions. We belibveb tbis does the Northern soldiers k I grea injustice and : the astute and Sflly political pleaders of the North are on iy using them to fasten still moreef- fcctually upon; the South a sysiem under wnicu our annual irinute io tne jxorth will be greater than ever. : 1 Wsi. Gao.. W.j Cable haa an article in tie May Century in wbich he makes a number of charges against the Georgia chain gang system. He is answered by Capt.jNelms, latje the principal keeper of tfte : penitentiary, from whose re ports I Mr. Cable quoted : extensively, ad is made to appear very clearly in the Hght of one who doesn't know what he is 'talking about: He i moreover told sone truths which will hardly be rvJished by such a sentimentalist and such a slanderer of the land of his birth as lie is, Mr; jNelms says: "Cable views the situation from afar. A man whp makes such 'serious charges ought to hs more careful to speak the truth. He has o long Written slanderous ar ticles ajoat ihe; South that at last be can" see no good in Anything: Southern. Mr j CaVfe ought to know, but he.prob ably doesn't know because he doesn't kuji.w anything about it that a majori ty .of the convicts in the Georgia peni- ejjtiafy iwere sent there while under twepty-fiVe years of age. They are the product of the new order of things a post-bellum commodity for which Mr. Oablejicau hardly j blame Georgia, I tell you op uiy honor! as a man that it is a very rare thing to; find an old-faouioned acro;in jthe chaingaog. The convicts arti be yOung bucks whe have grown up ixaca the war. j Before the war that gaff Mr.'Cable's wards the right to en joy! a sentence to the penitentiary, there weTf none 'admitted but white people. VPin"ih poor negroes ropened and be-, gaiijto ex iniine jtoe many good things in the- bjtxes niHrked "14th and 15th aineudinents" they found among otiier things. tbe right to go to the peniten tiarj, Whereupon; they made baste to avail Ihemselves of that right, and a large per tent of them have taken jthe homtead on the right to go there and sUythere: As Mr. Cable has deserted nis i m issionary, wor and hu retired to semi-btrbano way meeting practi cal questions in a practical fash ion until the Cable millennium comes." Mr, Cable has been; particularly unfor tunate in his treatment of the Southern penal, system. He hns proceeded ID oaer uiar-gru iatin anu van his arguments h,vo all fallen to the ground is a result to have been ex- f ected from such careless construction, le should confitfe his talents to the de- liniation of negro character, the singing of Creole songs. He , is Wo indifferent to the' force oi truth to venture into any field where accuracy t of statement is necessary. The fact: referred to by Mr. Nelins, that the old fashioned negro is rarely found in the ; penitentiary, that the convicts are almost without excep tion young bucks who have , grown up Since the war, is observed m an the States, It is a curious result, of the 14th and 15th amendments. I Thk intelligent laborer is 'not apt to be led away from the- path of reason by any argument not founded on common sense. ; He is more than likely to view both sides of any question that may be presented to him.. He will therefore doubtless like to see'- the following re marks on the restriction of the time of the working classes; h Organized agree ment, whigh form part of an article by Edward Atkinson in the last number of the North American Review: "There is but one thing which we all have in common, rich and poor alike; and that is time, f The man who controls his own time, who disposes of it in his own way and makes his own bargains, is the man who will sucoeed. The man who puts the control of his oWu time into the hands of Bome other man, who may or may not be well informed as to the con ditions of his work, will be very sure not to succeed. The man who combines with others in the attempt to control and regulate the work of other men who do not belong to their association, and to dictate how they shall make use of the one thing which ill haje in- com mon and that is time can only in fluence industry for a very short period. The moat intelligent among those who join in this attempt will either alter the by-laws and do awajy-with any interfer ence with personal liberty, or quit the union or club to which they have at tached (themselves.! Skilful workmen who are masters of their art will' scon see that any other oourie would reduce the most intelligent and industrious workman to the level of the least ski ful and the least" competent in the trade." ' V ii Thi Fayetteville Observer-Gazette says: "Wouldn't it be ; as well to hold all; the conventions in Baleigh, and let the public men of that city file in atone door of j the hall and 'out at ; the other, giving the delegates an 1 opportunity of choosing from their number all the office-bearers for the people Y" We take this, as of ooufoo it waa intended (?) as a tribute to' the talent . and ability of Raleigh's public men, but the people of the State capital are not disposed to ao quiesee in the claim to lall wisdom and virtue thus generously made for them If it happens that a' large part of the State's Intellectual vigor is to be found here, the fact should not be set down against us. It is as natural for the brains of a State to gravitate in the di rection of the capital as it is for money to seek the financial centre of. a country The people of Raleigh really do not ask more than to be treated like other citi tens of j the Ftate. They do object however, to being discriminated against in matters of state,, concern simply be cause they live at the capital.) . mi . ! : Correct I Charlotte jUome-Democrat. i 'j. 1 Our supreme court. -Disocussion in the newspapers about candidates for the North i Carolina bench Is now taking place. Wany new names are suggested, but we have seen no reason assigned for turning out tbe present judges, Messrs Smith, Ashe; and Merrimon. Are they not good and true men and able lawyers and have they not faithfully discharged fcaeir unties i n ny aispiaco tnem now "Jiow jou, bfudder Jivn t" "Mer" "t or sister Charity, pnortr, cure's you bora, 1 Im wid d rbeuioatis a creeplor all about same a a tame snake " lie, buy t&lvation Oil, dey cure un 10." l j . The shorter the tunael- tbe sweeter tie kts, but the older tbe cold thi bailer the cure. Dr Bull s (JoURh Syrup ha broken many atub- boro couyba. . ; The local option campaign is lively. i Ad Tic t Bttlhfl' : Mrs. Winslow's Soothing up should al- wnyn De uHea wnen cuuurenare cuuini; teeth. It relieves the little nufferer at onoe, it, pro- aiicea natural, quiet Bleep iy relieving the child from pain, and tbe Jittle cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant, to Uste: soothes the child, soften the mmtt. allnv u iu, xvMevea win a. reruuuea me oowtix and is tha best known remedy for diarrhea whether rialnsr from teethbar or othtr causes TwntT-fi cents a twtn louei feoap,. Laundry noani cheaDer than can be bought anywhere in the citv. ; W. , A. ii. BTROliACE. The Chicago anarchists are"hacked." For PAIN Cure RKeusMtitm, Neunlgi v ,.T.25. Ct& At PBCOlTS in UUU. SURE PROM CTJiiCQJSQlf wc Shv V'JI " If . s aiitV9AN TADEg MARK. w j I .1 ! I CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. "We do hereby certify tbat we rupeniae tbe arransements tcr alt the Monthly and Quar leriy U rowings of the Louisiana btatf Lot tery Cotnoanv. and in neraon manasre and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that tbe sameare conducted with honesty, falrneHs, and in good faith toward all parties, and we.autho rize tbe Company to U?e this certificate with fac-8imiles of our signatures attached, in Its ad- rcruaemenu, " CnamtaalBra. We the undersigned bank and Bankers will pay all rrizes drawn in Tb Louisiana State Lotteries which mar be Presented at eur coun ters: . i , 1 i 's , .. 1 1 A J. II. 4M1I.E8BT, " ? LonlMlstna National Bsnk,: J. W. HIBKluTII, Pr4k Ntat BTatloaal Basik. A. BALDWIN, Pra. NawOrUstsrs XsUsasl Bank. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 year by the leg islature for educational and charitable pur poseswith a capital of f 1,000,000 to Which a reserve fund of over 560,000 has since: been added. i By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise waa made a part of the present State con stitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. l ne cniy Lottery ever voted on and en dorsed by the people of any Kate. ii never scales or postpones. Its Grand Sixoxa Nvhbkb Drawings jtakt ;lace monthly, and the Extraordinary Draw ngs regularly every three months. Instead of Semi-Annually as heretofore, beginning March, 1B8U. . . . . .i ; ,, . . . , 4 A splendid opportunity to win a fortune. Fifth Grand Drayv-tag, class B, la the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, May 11, 1SSG ly2d Monthly drawing, j CAPITAL PKIZJf $75,000.; 100,000 Tickets at five' Dollars tacb. jTrac tions, in Fifthsn proportion, i LIST Or FRIZK3. - 1 Capital Prize oi 1 do do of 976,000 26,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 .10,000 10,000 20,000 80,000 25,000 1 do do of 2 Prizes of as,ooo 2,000 1,000 6 10 20 100 300 600 1,000 of of 000 .200 ; 100 ' 60 25 APPROXIMATION PRIZX8. 25,000 $6,750 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 9 " i 600 9 " : 260 1,967 Prizes, amounting to . f 205,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the company iti New Orleans. 11 .. '.f For further information write clearly, giTlng mil address. POSTAL NOTES; Express aioney uruere, or mew xorlt Exchange in or umary letter, currency Dy xpresa (at our expense) addressed 2 n. A. TJAUPHIW, or am. A. DACPHW, , - j w BvaDlngwti, D. C Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad- oress liegisterea Letters to - ',t NW OaUAHS S ATIOS Ai BANK, i , Nw Orleans. I.a iHeatfqrters COAL! ; .. 1 T ' " 3 . Anthracite and Bituminous ; tt tife tT- -f I ; , Oak, Hickory aad Pine: Long or Short Orders left at the drug stores of Lee,Jia son A Co., (up-town or down-tow ) wll rt oelve prompt attention. i PHTTj U ANDR1CWH ITNIVERSITYF VIBOIHIA,,.,., Summer Law Lectures (ntnfl' weekly) begin 8th July, 186, and end Sth September Have proved of signal use.-rist, to students who design to pursue their studies at this or ether Law school; za, to those who propose to read privately; and 3d, to practitioners who hare not bad tbe advantage of systematic iugtr no tion. For circular a ply (P. O. University of vs. to John li. minor, froi vovo. and Btat. Law. mT2 (ikw 1 m UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Medical Department U Full course of in-tructipn in nicdicine. TJie session begins October 1st and continue pino months. For catalogue apply to the Secretary oi in: f aculty, P. O. UNIVERSITY pf VIRGINIA, VA. NATURE'S TARRANT'S : EFFERVESCENT CURE FOR , SELTZER Ai'ERlENT, CONSTIPATION,- an elegant, efficacious. ieasant aperient in tlio form of a powder, pro ducing wnen dissolved in water an Exhilarating, Enervescing fraught, n commended by our pest i physicians as a reliable and agreeable remedy 3t cures Constipation, cun s Indigestion,; cures Ivk- And Headache, cures Liver flVCDTDCII Complaint, cures Sick If I O I L I O I A. Stoniach,and,gently urges all the Excretorv organs to a Draper action. It should be found in every household and ear ned uy every traveler. , Siold - uy aruggisw everywhere. yvEAl' NKS, ITS CAUSE AND CURE; -by U one who as deaf t went y-egni J ears. Treated by most of the noted specialists of in Jay with no benefit. Cored himself in three months, and sinee then hundreds of others y fcune pi-oot'sa. a plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. Paob, 128 East 26th street. New York City. ; MACHINES" A RPF.niALTV. unplext Most Durable, Economical and Per fect in use. Wastes no Grain; Cleans it ready for market. ' i- THRESHING ENGINES AND HORE POWERS 1 Saw Mills and Standard Implements generally. send lor illustrated catalogue. ' v A. B. FaRQUHAR, Pennsylvania Agricultural Work; York, Fia. Tjtuj rent. rn 4. The large front room sad office, Snd flosr, lately occupied by J. P. Barrett. over tbe tore of J. L Btone, No. S FayettevUle X Forteraaa auoiv tm Wan. B. tirimes or F. J. Ttek( aMi7 3. 1 Sfcarw tm arperUM Uwlm State! lottery CompiDf.. THRESHING '6 Kaywood. --m By3 B. YANCEY, MlRCTaCTCRXBS Agent and Dealer -IM- GARRIAGES; PHAETONS BUGGIES JeTC, ETCi The Largest Assortment in tbe Stfite. BEST-GOODS THE LOWEST PRICES. 180 East Martin- Street, ! RaIitoh. N. C SEE LOCAL COLUMN For Specialties In Stock and to Arrive at W. C. & A. B.ISTROHAGH'S -WHOLSSAUt AND RTTAIL ocers. I 219 Flyettevile and h and 9 Market Sto. Branch Store and Storage Warehouse, East Uargett St. Do not Buy a Refrigerator Examine , .- . j i Until you THE BALDWIN DRY IIP Endorsed and adopted by the Medical De partment, U. 8. Army, - for Hospital Use and also by the U. 8. Marim; Hospital Serv ice. City reference to dozen or more partie wno: nave tnem in i , , , W H&RS TUCKER & CO. JUST OPENED : The very latest effects for combination with tains, burans, Canvas and Etamine suitings, k vasmneres, serges, &c t . driental j StrPes For Panels and Bevers. WH1TEGOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. Additional Novelties in Nainsoos: and French Lawn, 42 to 46 men Flouncings, Just , : added to our already large and complete assortments. ' Antique Valencienne Lace Flouncings, , ' ; full depth. 40 and 45 inches. . ; Biege, Ivory, Wnite and. Cream Oriental and , aigypnan Laces in fionnees, AU-over . Laces and Narrow Edges to match. : Altogether, our stocks of White Goods. Laces and Embroideries are the choicest and most complete shown by any house in the South, and at lower prices. ' WT. H. R. i TUCKER A ft) We have pn pttn d f.ra Bit' Spi inr Trailc ami ,' -: ilon t w to lo li, appoluicU. yoa Hlvc St ii cij YciuciyesXfii ElcgiIi. Yod need many thing.. t kimw ii mxl ha. ; :: Uiem reail) fug von. PLENTY OF GOODS, PLENTY OK UKllp ; And our prices we spall make to ,' please yod. Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezers, V ater Coolers, FlylFans, Fly Traps, Wire Dish Covers , L v ,THK BIXGHAMTON ' ' 1- GOTTON HOE j THE FARMERS' CTIOK'K. Garden and Floral Tools tion. Of every Pesorip- Tobacco SFIuesI ; :M 1 We ivill make and deliver Tobacco Flues in any part of the State ehesperlhan can be Sought In the city. Give us your orders and we-wni treat yen right. -J. C. BRKW8TER & CO., ' i Hardware Dealers. H- tl '.- . ' 1 WIRE RAILING AND ORNA MENTAL WIRE WORK ill rsiH js mm . No. S North Howard street. Baltimore. mHnufeeturart'of wire raiflntzl for' siRntetareai baloSola' ..-ievaa.1' fenders, earn, and )aU. eH.a'wnea.wIre, kk bdsteada. ate INTENDING ADVEBTPEfiS sboold td -.I'i dress i GEO. Pi ROWELLf& CO., jj Gr rti $nmz Lit u$9wb1 111 bdtuo evraac Jiaw totk tJitv. THE BARGAIIM STORE Suc low prices werq never before known here in China and Glassware. We mean Just what we say in offering the Largest Values for the least money. JUST BKCEIVED, A very choice line of new designs In Ice Cream Sets, Colored Glass Water Seta, witir Barn mere Brass Waiters, Prices only. 2-3 those asked elsewhere. All these goods are of the most graceful and elega' t designs and their good quality is guaranteed. . jii CHAMBER SETS: 10 Piece f3. Banded Sloveware, French C hina, 10. Lamp, hall and" par lor, of all styles. Dinner Sets and Tea Setsw Vases, Toilet Sets. A new lot of Chromosy Oil Paintings, Wall Brackets Frames and Looking Glassea. .Confectioneries, at wholesale and Re tail, a Specislty. ,.i . , ; - - JUUUB LEWIS ESTABLISHED 1865- 4 HARDWARE ; SOME tFTHE SPECIALTIES Julius Lewis The Genuine Bblles Cotton JToca: waranted to ouMast'any other Hoet on the ityjn.a n tn pastnumDer oi years. ! I AVERILL CHEMICAL The Very Best Paint in tbe World. past fifteen years over 8,000 gallons. Can be fAi.tiAn. PPTfTTH V"C DV i nur PRATT'S ASTRA L OIL usad In nvr Ftftv .l ! ! BELLS, Z1' " ana uiibos Kims, Spokes and Hubs; Rubber aad Leatb-r R lu; Ltane.1 in North Carolina. r v. liitm, x Biuui, uiaaaanu vua. ( 11 MAKING- tORAW!XUEAajeil OUR !"filW Sixth North ' BY JUDG1 ADO. Int. SBEE.S NORTH CAROLINA JUSTICE ANL i ORM BOOK, 3rd Kevts&l, EUltlOll SCHOOL HISTORY OF NORTH thousand . '. S( HOOL AND BUSINESS MAP OF size 45x75 inches. Thoroughly revised una re-engraved. Ready July 1,94 10 We have for sale the foflowing new Law Books: l- ' ONUS PROBANDI, by Hon. W. H. Bailey -.J. . . . . , . j.i .-.Lf W TRIALS OF TITLE TO LAND, by Sedgwick and ait;ew Ldition i 6 60,f FARM LAW. bv Ilenrv Austin ...1....... $2.60 SOME POINTS IN LAW OF EVERY SEND ALFRED PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, ng fAtETfEm tvcriB 1 Exchange place, ralejqin. a f ( v t rv " "But Arch y. Mildred can't be ttroved innocent. How can she be. when I know she took ttH and there was bo one else to take it-" and I great, wondering eyes searching or a reply. 'evidence airainst that rirl she continued. ' - buc vtas lu iue ruum, uia sav ui zue hihu !a sight that I said : 1 suppose you. think Inra nn mv finirpr" nnrl whv id T wu nvt If you wish to read the balance of this story be mailed free to any address by Thomas E. ' Erkgs & Sens. 1 Briogs' Bcildimo, Rauioh, N. C. HARDWARE, STOVES, BIlST AND CHEAPEST BABY CARTITAOES. OQ BIG BARGAIN AT REDUCED . PRICE OF $2 00 Stonewall Gotton Plow i . 1 , ! ' ' DO YOU KNOW ' ; It is admitted that the Stonewall, by its peculiar shape and construction, does better wort i than any other, and in consequence is acknowledged "King of the Cotton Fieldf Its reputa- t tion extends South to Florida;and West to Arkansas, and as a cultivator of Cotton, Peanuts. To- I 1 1 .l.l T ' I C . .i 1 I 1 - li. ' uucco, VOru, egeutuien, oerries, ec., n nasnu nucuuwui nvai or cuwpeuior. , Over 65,000 Stonewawll Cotton Plows in use and giving perfect satisfaction. "Trial allowed and money refunded if not as represented." For sale .Agentsor ratapeco ana The Brown LATTA &. MYATf, RALEIGH, X. C, Aaists. DoYouWishfoBuila THB5 OFOOCBJMVOC WAHT : t NEAT AND PRACnCAI DESIGN This can bs furnished promptly, economically ana satisfactorily ny , 4 , Gr JBner With the lato Samuel Sloan), Rateigb, B. C.; wno, on appocaoon, wm prerjars ciana, a. n t - j v . . T"i T . a levatlons, details, working dnwuga aad n cations iov puueungs pi a vary a ji ip. ttraiudwBS the SUt. Lk box Sax TSKT . .TT - - JLEADLNG OF RAl E1GH. N. W. WEST., 11 MERCHANTS. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO , market. We have stld over TWO THOUSAND! " READY-MIXED PAINTS. Every ration warranted. We have sold ta the. applied by any on. 1 . -- Over 40.000 now in daily use. Always rives satis-l thnusa1 f.mliu a M. Superior to any Farm BtU on! the iarkeU Deal Hardware oi every aeaertption. Larreat Stockl PlJBIJHllIKS Caroling BaVOBR$5 00J i . . . . i. . -5 - . t-S -i . . . a .' 9 :Wi CAROLINA, 5th Revised tditiou, SOtb ...!.. I . . u . . ;".T.Tri':';- i -.x-.' . - (5ei NOHTII CAROLINA, by Collier Cobb d DA Y USE.by Judge Waller C.ark,25e ORDER8 TO 4 - i ' i t- : . f Mrs. t Torrence caused with suspended cup. herl "U ever anytbingjay in a straight line It is tbel "TM 'other day when the ring fell on the floor! rwin iulv ui naa nwiu, v 't wrorg for me to vear a thouttand doW thlnVitnirnf the rintr: I Was onlv" ' send fur a copy of tbe Ala bast ine Age. It willl 3- ta! CO by j , , M. T. NORRIS BRO , rocomote ooiton ana Tobacco Fertilizers. Cotton Gin Co., NEW LOUDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the "Old Reliable' Brown Cotton -Gtna, Feeders and Con densers. . All the very latest Improvementa r im- . proved roll box, patent wbipper, two brush belts, extra strong brush, east steel bearings, new improved Feeder, p I Strong, simple in construction, durable - i-elns fast, ninallzht. cleans th mA run. Jectly and produces first class samples. ' DBXJVSKJCD FREK OF VKJEIUHT sa aaranMiliU wmtmt. Bead f (m tetrtmtimmmMirriomllmu NO 111 H CAROLINA QRUnTXSjLKl) bjjxdbtoneb; P ! t f nehan & Co 400 Fayettevtlk StU fiaJejga, B. ' A. 9 prepared to nak I a mow Terms lor 1 stones of th. Heat . 4ui. '. Quarrws 1 bom J&VCVi AjflnlS facillM fo naaifHii aaa auktof qtriek salpmsota U amy point, eitaWnv fa eqaie ia rtwugnta I - - : i Go Dig icwrtnar Grantte SaaaV Quuttji haaay OvaaUUav ki Hendcnosi sad WaAaa if - i IV, Si J . 1 - 3 u Vi , 1 n 1.1 . - : - f 1:

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