r r 2 - f i Hi; . -1 ft VOL. XXVI. RALKIGII. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 11.1886. NO. 149. . a y . . i - r . i if 'Jr:. j . . iff s: - r $: ; AN I ) 1 i Absolutely Pure rfcu twder nerer wki. A maryd 1 Y,rHy, trengtli and wkolesomMiew. More ynnomical Uuin ordinary kinds and cannot h Aid In oofiipetitkra with Um nraltitnda of loW j tjm, anart wetgnt, anun orpnoapnui! powaera . id only in cans, RoYi Bakixo fowDK 1 v Oo.yi(WaU Street, .New York. : r j gold by W C A X B Stronaeh, Qm T btronaeh and J B TerraO A Oo. f I QVESTIOti ABOtJT Bitters f .ANSWERED. ry It iait. BntttdoMflBrsmardi fr which HKltiU phyiicua irouW pnaorib IMOl Xkiniuia lumlia Iran M tha bMt iltot kaowa to U yrutwuhia. and tnanirr an) leadinc chaiaa ftf will atMantUt UMWtta Uut Umiv ara bmt PtiniBtiaaaaf iioatlwaef anr aS ihrtiM a d in marti r Iim ThiaabaMeent. eloafraij Uiat iron ia aekanrladta4 to b tha Boat rrr. B ratnarlutil fct, Uli prtor to Um Oia atr of BROWN'S 1KO b aataaiaotuiT taoa aamhin BROWN'S IROH BITTERS&UK haadtcba. or wadooa aimallinHii all ather Iran jaadlciaesdo. BUO VN"S IRON BITTEBS earea ludurmtlaa, BlUaaawnaai Wen!t Pyaaeiiaia AlaJarto ClUIU mad Feer; lire FeeUav.Cieaeral OeaUitTtPatn iatba (Uaa, Barb '-e UraVsnpaaarkeaix! NearaJ ia far U Uuaa ai'maoto boa ia narilliit aaOr,! noftimiip inni ncrrrnp homnr.doM onu w it oiiiuiiuii i Lno, . arinnta'tkiailcthK c'oraorh mdiofaia It ajotai alcnrhr. Whea t '.tea br mnt tha flrat aiin iihiii remj aaerT. ToaanaeMaVMa '. tha rlia 'ifnai'inmiima ilialmaalaaiaanliiw' la th3eetaaaa4JlriawrapdaadmartwdI Tha ma bain a oaea to bridttaa; tha akt elaa f an; hoalthyoiljTeoBwatothacbaafci; amil 1 4 4iaaapean; fonrtinaai danogaaaaota baeoin rapi lar. aad if a ampins lanttor. asaadaal anateaaaoa taanpplied fnr tharhiPL Baaaambar BrawiTa froa Bittan iatha OMY iraa awdiaiaa that ia ot aa aaTyadaltaaaa itwtlwl TAKBTOOTHEK. f 1 AGKET V, t If 1 i? 1 'f .I' .4 The Great Bargain House of Raleigh. ! oinf J Kick up a IUck thia week. Look oat tor Bargain. W9 have Just opened 1 .--.. j "5i n If u onw Great Bargains Xrom fl ; tlaughto-pens 4 rediU Our New York alieo 4fcs yaro; , worth Jc Oi BarjanisWlOr Torcbon, Plllow-je, too. fiamburg Edging and Uutettjpu. Ladies' Dress Goods, Silk tOlovea at SQia jkotUi SOc. Dreta Buttons of iihe latest rtj-le at ca floauc; worth 85c. iOur MlulneryjDeparUBent will o replen 'timll tnia week.' Some special bargain are lered in hats and flowers. This department is managed by Kiss Maggie Sale and! Hisa - Undine L Carteret. Jtiss Sale is' a:; lady of v much experience in this department and 1 as4 aure you she will giveaatiitfaeUon in work and in price. The goods are purchased front uousef fbat are bard up 'and are compelled to 11 at ' " , v aut price, which are 20 per cent, less lain f i i; ' ;- j'.. " Sew York prices They will be sold the name . way; many tor lew than half their value. W i isiLofler such unanswerable arguments as no b uae can match. Our leaders and Specialties . i c i-j 1 ! if- at prices that no other house can even approach. WeEan show you facta that will level your 1 ( i . bead oh the subject of prices and; bargains. Bard luck and hard times push some laige dealers to the walL They must have money, .nrf miixt aeir their rood: Sowevbuy tbem for much less than they are worth. Our stock Will' be replenished every few days. Qur price, reinein-er, are from 20 to 25 jpereent. .less than those current. Please call Andex amine our stock aOd i know welauail make sale to you. toeapwAfally submitted to the Caah Trade Only. VOLNKY F ITttSELL A OO. i Street. ANTI-BOYCOTT. Jit AS D M'AftTKK WOVKIAH POWDEfU A IT COMDEX AMI (HE BOYCOTT, f. H Hmy that tli Umlgtttafil Lab? Most i XV It AJM. ' Cbicaqo, illia., My 10. A secret oiroalnr wil rend Inst week to nil the aisenblies of the Knight of Labor. 1 is froni Mr. Powderly and is dated t Philadelphia; Maj 3; It says nearly 40GQ assemblies have pledged them selves to aot'on the advice contained in the oircalar of the 13th AprU-, Mr. IoiFderly feeli that it only requires the coming to the front of the realmenlof the order to set it . right before the world. He jays: ''We have been losing ground so far as public opiD ion is con cerned I for some time. One, of the eaases is that we have allowed things to be done under our; name, for which the rganiiaHqn was in no way responsi ble Jlf a paper oritieises the order or its ffcn do f not boycott, and if you havi any such boycott on, remove it. We nust tolerate fair; open criticism. If a reply is necessary, make it in a gen tlemanly, .digoified nianner. That our aim and objects are good is no reason Whyour members should be regarded as brings of superior build or material. Wc lira no more the salt of the earth in our dealings' - with laborers and capital istsj We must deal' justly and fairly by them. If we would have it equally done to us, !we in turn must do equally to others. This is the. act of the Knights 0 F Labor I and must not be lost sight of in: the future. If boycott notices; are 4 sent to 1 you, burn them. I have in my 'possession four hundred boycott notices, which were sent to assem blies with a; request that they be scted vspoA. I Our order hs been used as a tail fpr a hundred different kites, and in future It must soar aloft free from alt of them. I hate the word 'boycott.' I was boycotted ten years ago and 'could not get work at my trade for months. It if a iad practice. It has been handed to us by th6 capitalists. I have no use for it only when everything else j fails. In . future Mi the general executive board must not be interfered '.with ihHhe performance of its duty. If you have confidence in them, sustain themf and obeyhemir not asxror tneit rsignations.v TW general assembly wui weet i aueuiax iwowu fv, i Cleveland. fc i Chlaara Graat Btrlka. r, CfiiCAOO.i Mav 10. The excitement early! hour to see whether any of thi old hands in the yards And planing mills would! return, to wbrk.; Alone Blue Tt t13 i-. J lFHMktt.aaAI4 BVVAAV OiuttiTvutto ww'iwiM-wwiwi om.v 1 the sidewalks were fined wUb,n and patrol of pollen was on hand to quiet any; dislurb-uce. The iU.:ii i ti..i . r.f P n :. ... .1 WohicrJo. llere eighty mcnwent A -A,v Knnhi' rl Th..man R. Mmi aoma of his teWters o work. but is they are employdd by the month the circumstance did not attract inucb attention. Later in the morning all the sash.f door and blind factories m thedis triot t started up and about l.OUU men went to work: The j will get nine hours' Day for eight hours' work. The planing mill men laid they would start up, - but could! not, as they are dependent on the lumber" yarns for material. All the railways in the city resumed operation! this morning and are accept ing and carrying jail freight offered, without limit The situation, nowever. is affecting freight-handlers and is still unsettled, and has 'developed unexpect- ed phases; ; The Baltimore a, vsmo rail road let itl men to; work this morning, conceding them an eight hour working day with nine hours' pay. The freight- handlers Of this road have not been act ing in concert with other city freight handlers! and gamed their victory by independent negotiations with the com- 1 panyi At IS no Known wuh euect tuuj 1 AoneeBsioiD. will have upon 'other roads. Abommittee of the striking freight- handlers of the Chicago & Northwestern road called npon the officials; of that road this morning and expressed a desire to return to work on tne 010 Da? is. ; 1 ne comnan v reolied that the men had been given full notioe to return to work; but V - - . i. . a A : had failed to do so. as a consequence the Company had; its business jwriously interfered with, and had been at trouDie ana expense iu urvvunuK now imm- These men fill the working quota of the company and It had no places to offer W a a-a-. l A. I All the men who had gone out on me siriae t Tha rav and the Bine. mJrW Va., May .10. Memorial day was observea nere mtuu w (JoofJderate graves we uua..u, Near the Confederate monnment .is tne national cemetery.' All the: speakers spoke, in complimentary term- 0 tne .fui ol,A alor.f Hurler tha 8Urs and stripes. That they "did their duty and fought for prinoiplef was the sentiment expressed. Alter tne sppecnen the soldiers andcitisensmarcnea tnrougo the. national cemetery and decorated the graves of the Union soldiers witn bou quets ; y' : j . ;.- r aia AMnlajly. . Naw York. May 10 C. F. Woerii hoeffer died suddenly of apoplexy a- tha residence : of bis father m-law. Oawald Ottendorfer, editor of the New vav- Htaata Zeitunir. in Manhattan ville. at 8 o'clock last night. Mr. Woeris- hoAflEar was the leading bear operator in Wall atreet. Mr .Woerishoeffer's brokers stiitojthat "he was 'lono;' on wheat but thra ia no chance of its ooming upon ihe market, and those who sold on that .nhnoaition will have to bay it back f-rr- . - - i tTODSome viw swi . r " to .iLtJi .l:. w: I memorial irom the 1x)uisti113 and l)n-I over mo r v " m,Wr..M thmt -iAAT m-are usea tor continuous passage fcg.jii ptincibaUyponfined the IJtlSSSSaJK SutotivaSS. lumber -dwtrict. ni thatrisec- KSIV; r"rV:::T8 amendment limits th tion erentlrcrowds assembled m an "? ?T-7Tr? ut"T??ufu ancfa Tof those carriers a. ai-e -nnlflr Mvmortal Oay at UxTonli Special to the News and Ob&kvik. ; Oxjtord, N. C., May 10. Today being memorial day, at 5 o'clock the Granville Greys,; Co , Third regimeot, and the cadet oorps of the Horner school marched to the ceme tery and fired a, salute. Quite! a large crowd was present, but there;! were, no speeches. Long live the sweet memory of our honored dead. ; H ; Maauaraal lay at Wilmltijniaa. Speoialto Thi Niws and OBskiijiR. . W ilmikoton , N. C, may 10. Memorial day. passed off quietly. An address was delivered by T. W. Strange, Esq., of this city. The day wis beau tiful and a large crowd was present The graves were handsomely decorated, i Tha Siathaxltat Oufaraneu. 1 aiai4aaB ' ' ' ( A DKriHITS PBOPOatt TO UNITS TBS SOUTH : KSJI AMD SOUTHSRM CUDKjCBicS. Richmond, V., May lO.ffln the Meiliodbt Episcopal general conference today Dr. ax. JJ, AJhapman, of Missouri, introduced a preamble and resolution in relation to the : confederation of the Methodist Episcopal church, iSouth. and the Methodist Episcopal churchy North. The preamble sets forth in; substance that tho two churches have; i common history ' and preach the sama' truths; therefore be it resolved that the general conference shall elect a committee of seven, four of whom shall 'be. clerical and three lay delegates, who; shall meet a like committee from the. Northern Methodist church in 1888, looking to a reunion of the two churches.! The reso lution further sets forth that it is a sin and foil; for two Methodist churches to occupy the same territory. Dr Chapman was earnest in his advocacy of the resolu tions. : Where the Northern. Methodist church is in the ascendanevv we are lying by inches and where we are in the itbcendency that church is I dying: by 1 nches. lr . n hitehead, of Yai , hras in fa vor of referring the matter to the 00m mitee on fraternal eorrespondence. The (ucstion was discussed at some length and finally was referred toils' special committee to be composed of one from each-annual conference. WU ' ! Another important matter, looking in lhe 8amc direction, was referred to an appropriate committee: of tlfeWepara- tion Of n common humn.l ha , V- 1 used y all 'the different bodies of Meth- I C ll'il.. J!ir. ,i . . oaiam m tne country. The : committee u itineracy to which was referred a other such men should have; nominal ' appointments. ,Dr. Messick, of Louis ville, strongly supported: r.'the ; port I of the oommiitee land - ;r - 4 . . . i w- uowl V ""ZZZ"-"J$ v "TV " v rm did not wsjit specialists on Uiei subiect: that Merir athndnt nnuik4s n.lU , V 1 ".r-- sl"u; aalified to save souls. In the name of Methodism he protested against such "" Pna w uvu US ; UUUUAUUCU there was a hearty Amen.". Dr. Neely, of Texas, said that these evan gelists, as far as he knew, were running uu tue uiaa wi reueion maoe eaav in name of the . Methodist ehnrch and of the entire church of: God. Ha hoped that the measure '.Wpuld fail There is bntj one. Sam. Johes in the world and there will never be but one. and every little fellow that tries , to be ik M.m I....' Ml e.'', I .TT I. mmseii. xxe nas turned wmeaco nnaide I aown, ana any man tnat has conrasre to I attack (!hiniirn niTinnt k )n.i:.uJ I 7. . - -er vw; "iiuvawu. 1 iuj ucuu IU UUUfflpre. I -XX0 IB tne man of tbe century. We don't want any evangelist among oouthesn Metho dists. We have already 1 tha grandest machinery in the world. Dr. McFerrin said: "Sunnoae we nans a law making Sam. Jones ah evangelist. Then he is confined to Georgia; neyer to go to Chicago or Baltimore, but to uw vw&wuwu 01 vjreoriria. ur. Andrews, of Mississippi, offered a suDsutute tor the -whole mat ter.- His substitute Provided for the appointment of evangelists! under certain conditions, to be define by the r a. '.a . .V BmeuBci tpuuiouoK uem. m.i. jMachen, of Kentucky waf opposed to erratic missionaries," and several other IJ1 a. 1 Al f . r AM. I ueiegaiea woa me same position.; Alter l a lengthy and interesting 4iseossion of tne matter tne substitute jwas rejected 1 wuv w uic vuuuuiwd wa 1 adopted by an almost unanimous vote. The conference adjourned. .1 -z ' j ? Tba Xtaatlur Staaoa. r Washtngtos, D. C, May 10. While the season has been more alvanced than usual, north of the thirty-seventh par allel the heavy snows of early April in ine west auu me excess 01 rain prior to .1' . J .1 . . . 1. T .- April 10th have retarded; the; spring, t is somewhat more -advanced than usual ia the States between Maine and North Carolina, and in Wisconsin and Minnesota., Elsewhere ; in the South. Missouri valley and on the Pacific coast it is below an average. In the corn- growing States preparations for seeding are later than in the regions where small grain predominates. It ; nJ estimated that seventy-two per cent, is done, in average years seventy-nve per cent is the proportion. ; 1 1 Whlppina; Iaalaas.1 DsNvigj Col., May 9.f-The hostile Indians, it is reported; are making for the mountains. Chief Magnus has been killed and scalped. Gen Miles declares that a vigorous campaign will be carried on until every hostile is either killed or captured.; ; Tha V. P. napraaaa Catu-t Aajaa Washisqtom, May 10. The supreme court todav adjourned until October. COISGKESSIONAL. I UK ftEXATE TAKM.UP Tilts CAN A DIASj riMBUUESHATIKl , Aa4 ArtarwaMla DlMaaaaa Iatar-Mtata Sallway BaffaUUatt, at. Washington, May 10., Ssmati. Mr. Dawes offered the following resolu tions, both of which were agreed to without debate : ! "Besolved, That the President be re quested to communicate to the Senate, if in his opinion not incompatible with the public interests, any information in the possession of the government con cerning the alleged-stixure 'of the U. S. fishing vessel David J . Adams while en gaged in lawful commerce in one or the ports of Canada, and. what; measures, if any, have been taken to protect fishing vessels of the United States while en gaged in lawful oommeiW in the ports of Canada." i Resolved, That the committee on foreign relations be instructed to in quire whether the U. S. fishing vessel David J. Adams has been seised while engaged in lawful oommeroe in a port of Canada, and what measures if any, are necessary to protect persons and prop erty of American citizens while engaged in lawful oommeroe in the ports of Can ada ; and to report by bill or ; other wise." ; ' Mr, Frye introduced a bill to limit the commercial privileges of vessels of for eign countries in the ports Of the United States to such privileges as' are accorded to American vessels in the ports of foreign countries. (A copy of this bill was also introduced in the. House today by Mr. Dingley, of Maine.) A 1 ,T - re y l r a resolution onerea dv jrir. ;ixgan was agreed to, directing the committee on pensions to report back to the Senate the benate bill providing for the repeal of the limitation on arrears of pensions (This is the Ingalls bill.) ; The inter-state commerce bill was place before the Senate. Mr. Ingalls' proposed amendment was agreed to, giv ing to the commission right to report to the U. o. circuit court and get its speedy judgment on complaints when ever companies decline to xbey an order of the commission. Mr. Walthall addressed the Senate on the bill. An amendment, offered by Mr ,Tl menamnt, onerea ny Mr. Vng"' " n0' fPfS 4 r'v" 'C'VCD the olasa of companies to which the bill is made applicable. In case of a common carrier whose routes are partly by rail road and partly by water, when both or Mr. bill to com mon control, management cr arrange ment, Considerable dabate arose aa to the effect of the bHI (in its present BVTnpnflAd OOIiaiUOIt Ulu U H miifDl D6 farther modified bv amendments. SneaW of the'the bill Speaking as a whole, Mr. otandford said, with emphasis, that if it passed j it meant complete commercial disaster. Mr. Sewell said - that if it became a law with the Camden- amendment in it, it would destroy the railroad system that we bad been fifty years in building np Without further action on the bill the Senate adjourned. I BOCSI. i A bill to punish the advertisement of lottery tickets in the District of Uolum bia was passed. Seteral bills of a purely local character were passed and the House adjourned. nr.- in Tu- ar. nt ih .rAnt nf .T. .r . . . . cuiuire maieaiei an improvement in wheat during April of 2 points, with a feneral average of condition ef Vb: 'here is no marked change anywhere; but si slight advance is noted in the Ohio valley. The Missouri, j Texas, Tennes see, Carolina, Virginia and Maryland May aversge last year was 70. The season has been favorable sad the crops are more advanced than usual. Averages in the principal States are: New York, 96; Pennsylvania, 95; Ohio, 97; Mich igan, 91; Indiana, 98; Illinois, 9 Missouri, 101; Kansas; 67. The con dition of rye averages j 90, barley, )l I UAVAVU VI J aa V a-fk j wwa ara-a Cotton planting has been delayed by the nn tha A tlantifi noaat. and bv over flows on the Gulf coast. The propot tiftn & h planted in Mav averages 20! 1 r,er cent. In averages this year's pro I portion does not exceed 14 or 15 pei cent. TQe Btand is necessarily defective! on the wet areas, but replanting is rap idly filling gaps. . The proportions al4 ready planted are as follows: North Carolina, 73; South Carolina; 82; GeOfi fia, 83; Florida, 94; Alabama, 80 j ississipi, 76; Ijeuisiana, 77; Texas, 84; Arkansas 75; Tennessee, 11. Tha Bhoaiharr Bapllat CoMvvation. . MoaxeouKKT, Ala.; May 10. The Southern Baptist convent.00 met i its third day's session at 9 o'clock tbis morning. The business in hand was a report on foreign missions. Different features of the work, embracing the Cuban, Mexioan, Brasiliao, African and Chinese missions, were discussed. Mis sionaries from each of these lands were present and presented the claims of these missions Great enthusiasm was mani fested, especially over the work in Mex ioo. Great interest : was awakened in the work in Africa, and Dr. Ellis, of Baltimore, made an able speech in be half of it. Dr. T. P. Crawford, of China, was earnest in advocacy of mis sions on the self-sustaining plan. A Mardar aa4 m taidda. Pattsrsoh, N, .J. May 9, Pericho Fernandes, rich Cuban, was sbot last night by his wife Belle. The woman plaoed a pistol to her temple and blew ner brains out. Both are dead. No cause is known for the deed Fernandei was member of New York club. CURRENCY. ardent vowi he, trembling, .lierd, ; lit r tiet kM with bHgbtet blushes dyed, And at her glances sought tbe sward ; 3 lie Qftly Migbed. Tliit you are diffident and shy, .' Ale raid, "tbotte downcast looks denote; You wiH not weak f then yeu and 1 i Will take a votei ' ' Jt it an easy thins; to do; A ballot, sweetest, raat with me, Tho question being, shall we two united her 1 t. - - igau she let her lashes fall; Then murmured with a charmfne air "vDcar Jack, why nerd we vote at all, wny can't we pair?" . j I Boston Courier, i To Clarinetta: Yea, as we understand it, the demise millennial loan exhibition will be a full dress affair, not a low necksibition at all. Springfield Union Mrs. Yerger is muoh given to gad ding. She is everlastingly on tbesUeet, while Col. Yerger is mtroh given to staying at home and smoking his pipe; fl pelieve you love your nasty old pipe niore than you do me," ihe remarked indignantly. "I guess I do. My pipe doesn't go out as ofteu as you do. Texas Siftings "What, do you ask for potatoes?" inquired a women of a passing peddler. Two thousand dollars. ' a bushel, niarm. ' "Uracious I Uut ain t that a trifle high ?" Yessum; but then you see they are peach-blows." : "Are they truly? Give "me four bushels." Merchant Traveler. Why Mas oka. St.- James'B Gaiette. A number of literary men smoke sim ply to make an income. They have learned that with a pipe m their mouths thoughts pot ;only come more readily,; but in bet ter Order, and that while it is often diffi cult: to get the proper word' if they arc hot smoking, it runs to the point of the pen the moment they "light up." Psy chologically this is the most interesting; and the reason womankind cannot grasp it probably is that psychology is not, unfortunately, taught in ladies' semi naries. Smoking is a great safe-guard sgaihst infectious diseases. It is Only by reading up tho subject scientifically in medical treatises that' one thoroughly gets. to understand the thousand risks of this kind that we run every day. In the country during the summer months, when men are on their holidays, they 00k forward to having a temporary re spite from smoking. Then it does not so uiuch matter hew the temperament is; living so much in the. Open air the moking of other persons has little effect on them, and there is less danger of in- ection. It is to keep off the flics I that tnon smoke at the seaside and on thehills Their own weather-beaten countenances can Stand the flies, but these little, de mons would not only spoil tha summer for our susoeptibk wive an4 sisters and children, but would disfigure them las weljL That is what a man cannot endure. You may have seen picnics on the river or among the fieldswith all the men smok ing and the ladies standing quite: near them. With many men smoking is merely an excuse for staying at home. A mn looks foolish of an evening doing nothing. Yet he is too ; tired to ; do much. A cigar supplies the amount of A w -a labor he requires, and he does not mind the trouble of smoking it so long ; as it enables him to stay 'at home .without loss of dignity and look over it admir elv. and yet undemonstratively,,1 at his wife. Should a man with a small income be an : epioure, or ; naturally of an irascible temper, it will add greatly to the happiness of his home if he com pell himself to smoke. And at present, When times are so hard as to anect every one morebr less, a cigar is a cheap and excellent substitute for expensive amuse ments. A Ward far the Lady. From the Philadelphia Tunas. I There will be very general gratifica tioti felt in all political and social circles that the President has chosen a wife to share the honors and divide the socia responsibilities of the highest public trust of the world; and the gratification will not be lessened by the evidently studied eoncealment of the fact by the lady abroad, and the modesty that truly represented true American womanhood. when the whisper of her coming mar riage would have brought her the horn Age of royalty and nobility in the Old World. The bachelor President is fair game for the keen shafts of wit or criti oism which distiuguish the free journal ism of our free country, but the young ady who is to bo the White House bride has proved, how well she deserves the generous courtesy of every American newspaper. ) , A Wsnsa aitb artak rtaihsr, Ario Bates in the Providence Journal, ; A story is told of a Boston, doctor. though I do not know upon what au thority. In a crowded church the deacon with the contribution; box made his difficult way up the aisle and held that receptacle for the eash of the charitable suggestively before the young man. ' '1 am very sorry, sir," the doctor; said, to the infinite scandal and astonishment ofall about him, ''but the woman with a pink feather in her bonnet has ! taken my purse, and I can't have her arrested until after service, so you 11 nave to wait." ' ' j-At Durham Sunday night there came near being a riot. Saturday night three negro waiters employed at the hotel as sauited the clerk, two of them were arrested. ; Sunday night there was a re port current among the eolored people that the. men captured were: to be lynched. A crowd of negroes gathered around the jail and talked and acted in j very reprehensible and outrageous Way. They refused to go away. The Durham Light Infantry was ordered on anty. That stopped the trouble. tba Utah as ) Washinotox, May 10. The United States supreme court today rendered a decision in the Utah polygamy cases of snow vs. tho United States. Snow was convicted under tho Edmunds act for unlawful cohabitation and sent to prison .where he now is. He appeal ed from the decree of the supreme court of the Territory of Utah, which sus tained the judgment of the lower court in which he was convicted. The su preme court of the United States holds that it has no jurisdiction in the cases, and therefore dismisses them. , . e ia 4- Mr. Lewis Ii. Ileins , proprietor Praymen's Headquarters, San Francisco, suffered with a severe cough tor ah entire winter without any relief. One .bottle of Red Star Cough Cure made blin aa well as ever. Only 2ft cents. - For a baby there should always slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. be a r ara a raw Priaalata who care more to make k large profit oa a worvuetut article tban to wait lor tne proaperi- that ultimately results from honest dealing, bene are the men who, when asked for a Ben son's Capcine Plaster, will recommend some chap and trashy substitute or imitation, say ing n is "just as gooa." sometimes tney wul do up and sell the miserable imitation without remark, allowing the customer to: suppose he baa Benson's. If the valueless blaster ia re turned. Cheap John will sav he made a mitt- take; if not, he has done a good stroke ofjjbusi- ueaa. lnepuoucare cauuonea against Jonn and all his ilk. Buy of respectable dnunrisU only. The resume Benson's nbtxter hatt the ' Three Seals'' trade mark and the word Can. cine" cut in the centre. The original ; boycott Cain's .little crib. HORSFORD'SACLD PHOSPHATE. FOE OTXBWO&KIO RMAU8. Dr. J. P Cowan, Ashland. O.. says: "It proves satisfactory as a nerve tank; also In dispeptic conditions of the stomach, with gen eral debility, such as we find in overworked lemaies, witn nervous Leadache and its aceom pan intents." Dynamite is at a discount. eOTT4S2MULSION ' af Para Cod IJver Oil, with Hyaaphaa- BBMM. Very Palatable and Efficacious In Wasting Diseases. 1 Dr. ' . T. Bromser, Bocheeter. N. Y., Says: After having used Scott's Emulsion with de cided benefit upon myself, 1 have taken great pie: epure in recommending it since the various tAlitiona of. wastinr in which it is indi CO cated. White Cap Soap. White as Snow; Pure as Gold, Sweet as Honey, 16-50 per box 100 12 oz aaes. W. O A. if. STBOSACB. 1 t Brakst Pkacbxs Brandy Peaches, putup by Gordon A Dil worth, choicest quality, full quart Jars; Uordon & lnlworth s Preserved White Cherries. Preserved White Heath Peaches of superlative quality, put up by a lady of the city. . J. HiaDor. 5 To Avx Sweet Pickled Mangoes, Mixed and Plain Pickle; l gL paila, by measure. W. Latkst Caught Mackerel at Cost to close remnant of steek, Ten lb pails Fo. tyktjio. 2, 76c! so. s Jtesa, wa No. a, i.ooc vw U. A A B. SnoaAca. ; ' - LOOK OUTj 1 m OOCTffTBT IS FXjOODKD WlTUj ADULTEE&TED j Ia&SD- Examine carefully what you are using; the odor from it when cooking betrays it. CASSAfLD'S "STAB BRAND" LARD m rcaa. EVERY PACKAG3 GUARANTEED. Try it and you will use no other. B. H. WOODELL, Baleigh, N. O, Ages star. Gossard & Son, BALTIMORE, MIX, Curen of the Celebrated Star, Brand Mild Cored Hams and Bacon. Come Hight 'Along We have prepared for a Big Spring Trade and don't wish to be disappointed. Ton Hate St'Dei YonresLciiiEiiOElL You need many thugs. We know it and have them ready for you. PLENTY OF GOODS, PLENTY OF HELP. And our prices we shall make to ' please you. Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, FlyfFans, Fly Traps, Wire Dish Covers THE BINGHAMTON COTTON HOE THE FARMERS' CHOICE. Garden and Floral Tools tion. of every Desc rip- Tobacco Flues. We will make and deliver Tobacco Flues in any part 01 tne state eneaper man can oe bought in the city, uive us your oraers ana we will treat you ngni. J . C. BREWSTER & CO., Hardware Dealers. All Sorts of ; - i i !. ..; hnzts and many sorts ok aSt of man and beast need a coolbg lotion. Mustang liniment. ; Tha tJ. Sk Rapnn t onrt. ad Faralaxa Sawe. London, May 10. The combined fleet of the powers.which was ordered to blockade the -Greek ports, has been compelled to return to Suda Bay, ow ing to theseverity of the weather. n oraaUiuS .Cora oa Karth for Pais." Wffl faUanramora quick Ir t taaaaayeth titer kmowa imb- Rheamatixm. IwmUL Bona, eeaida, CaU. Lamh- sca, rmu, Korea, mm laiaa, Garkarha. Cmtnzr. Born final ikaatiea. Woanda, Haaaartia, Toothaabv Spralaa. eta. Patee Steta. a CUaTsaMJa all ,lru-!,-- . uu(mrf loo ST. vt.m reelatored Traaa- a-ajk.aai ar Oa, fMHir.(la awaatara. A V. mij Fmonetra, WiUmore, aid, TJ. B. Sotoi DB. BOLL'S COUGH SYRUP, For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, ' Asthma, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of coa sumptive jct3oiis in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Drag gists. Price, 25 cesU. The Best of Everyth;ng The best of everything is what sentbleipeo- : pie want; especially in provisions; and espe cially when economy is nesessary, for there no economy in poor goods. : The best Flour and Meai,to make the best bread; the best Teas and Coffees, the best Meats, Spices, Soaps, Starches; the beat and most reliable Canned Goods, the best of everything. : Take, for ax ample, the essential article, Butter; I sell the choice Butter from , the dairy farms of Dr Richard Lewis, Mr. W. O. Upchurch, Mr. A. H. Green; and Mrs. D. W. Kerr and Mr. L. B. Holt, of Alamance, besides occasional sup piles from other dairies of established reputa tion; also, at all times, the finest Northern Creamery Butter that can be bought, and good Northern Dairy Butter at a lower price. The same in meats; always the best. Smoked Tongues , and Beef,' eured by Ferris A C04 best Hams, at prices ranging Just now from 11 i , ' ' I to 15c per lb; Breakfast Strips, Meats and fish of every description. For Bi id Tea Tables, the Choicest Teas that experience can select; Chocolates and Cocoas; fine Coffees, green and t roasted. Without good bread, nothing is 'good. I offer you the best brands of Flour, : the best Corn Meal and the best Lard to go with them.' There can be ho complaint of prices. Every- thing In the Prevision line ia cheap. We give ; i- - ;' I you the best of everything at the lowest prices, promptly delivered.; For special an nouncexnenta .from day to day, see the Iocs " i columns of this paper. E. J. HARDIN. THE Largest Assortment MUSIC FOLIOS 4--- 0 0 S'H E E T MUSIC Ever brought topUleigh. FBOX s 25 CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR. Come I And see them." Everybody wel come at the ; . ' f NORTH CAROLINA Music House. US FsTetteville St., 0 G 8. S. JACKSON, MANAGES. 11 eas-iasi a; care and fx . 1 Mr -v. : : -I ; 1 ' v ' v . . v. tf-' . if ::'! . v : -- - I ;. 10 East Si A f m '.;t4'iMv'-;-i iHr-'y ; i.: ?i-:ir "1 . t -

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