m it".- i' ? ' !' - -if ' ii -..!;;.; 'voL XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY MORNING MAY 15. 1S86. NO. 152, I Is . Ml ! ' 1 X f ; i-'i. I Observer. : . ,. NEWS AND .-.- p jiii.i - R!:f!i r?fci : Absolutely Pure! Tan powder never varies. A hiarvel of parity, strength and wLolesomenew. for lonnomlcal than ordinary kinds and cannot ba old in competition with the multitude of low test, inert weight, alum or phosphite pow den. : omlr tn eana. Botal IUximu Powd to, 103W11 Street, New York. ,V. j ; Sold bjW C A A B 8troncft, George ,T. 6troaBoh end J B Femll A Co. j ; u-Mfw MMds pa taW MM iPeM i Imjib paoow-vm m waaTM 'H V ; aonij)'ninn i ooij jo kiuq; wo q if. -eaHg jvavfOftqd VafpMt i tenag H TKl; -p5M,iIltIn("!'Bt,l"",?ll pia epiy ine4veiH HmomIs s Nrutfjtq M nH"if jli iMLnfii m Mot .uijiw man Ain. l ' 3IH01153Q 3H1-. joi aendiau4 . cum yuiiH nin ; iinO G3UIJL s s ,1 ' The Great Bargain House Of Raleh We are roinxto Kick up a lUcket this week. T I Look out for Bargains. We have Just opened ' some Great Bargains from the ajaughter-t of credit. Our New York Calico 44 c a yard; " ! T 5 j ; worth 7c Great Bargains in Laces, Oriental, - - ... t -j i i Torchon, Pillow-case, Ae. Hamburg Edginga "f 1 and Insertion. Ladies' Dress .Good Silk; Glovea at SOq -worth 60c Dress Buttons of; the latest ftyle at 9c a dozen; worth 26e,.j Our MLUUiery Department will be replen iahed this weeki. Borne special bargains are ' ' - 11 ' ffered in haU and flowers. This department 1 ' ' ! t is managed lv luss Jiafrele bale and Hisi Lndine DeCarteret. Hiss Sale is a lady: oi. much experience in this department! and I sure you she will giveaati&tacttyn in work and in price. The goods are purchased lrom houses that are hard up and are comip- 1U-U to sll at pur 14 ices, which are 20 per jct nt. leai than Kew York prices. They will Ue sold the wav: inanv for less than hall their value, We . I :l shall offer such unanswerable arguments as np house can matck. Our leaders : and specialties at prices that no other house can jeveu approach. We can show you tacta that will level your - head on the subject of prices- and bargains. v i j 1 : Bard luck and hard times push some large I - ' i M i 1 dealers to the wall. They most have money, ? and must sell their goods. 8a we bu them for much leas than they are worth. , Our stock Will ba KDleBbhed everv few days.1 Our prices, remember, are from 20 to Sfi per cent. teas than those current. Please catl ud ex- anune our stock and I know we shall inaks bale" to you. ' t , ; EepecUuUy submitted to the Cash Trade VOLNKY PURSELL 4C0., . ,' rJ J i. $9. 10 East Martin StrMt. vS" Iff 1 H eilipfJM) PM 4I. MMf) KKW8 OBSERVATIONS. The obly boycott 'which the head of the Knights favors u the boysotting of strone jdruik. ; It man well be belieTed that the Greek belligerent will disarm if the gentleo)en:: of the i baine aof Papanicha lopnlos forms a ministry 'and issues, an addreu to them. There is at least a forty bomb power in i name like that. The following gentlemen belong to the Bombay rifle association: Mr. Ah medbhqy Hubibbhoy Mr. Raikashro Kebaje, Mr. Kahimbhoy Hnbibb hoy and ( Mr. Jamtetjee Cursetjee Jaiusetjee They bought to be able to knook ovei something every time. A Washington special to the Bos ton Journal says that President Cleve land is no( to be married to Miss Fol som, bat to her mother, a handsome widow Of forty-four. The special says that thtif President is much amused to find it generally believed that he is to marry the- daughter: instead of the mother,! -1 - i ; -Herr Most is : beeinnine to learn something jabout the law he wants to de? ktroy. lie has been arraigned in a orim inal court, called - spun to plead and locked up in a cell in the Tombs. It lis terrible tyranny of course, but we are afraid Herr Most Will have to live fr a time at the ezpease of the govern ment he deepises. 1--A ' A special j from! Mississippi City says : "yefierBon xJv has been con fined to i hit room ince his return to Beau voir, suffering from prostration in duced by " the Uate J exciting scenes through'' wnich he has passed, lie is tinder the care of several physicians, and it ii ezpeoted that with undisturbed rest and repose he will! be able to fill his appointment at Mobile." Melons were first called cantaloupes from.beinjr cultivated tat Canteluppi, a vmanear xsome.swhexa thev bad been ries. ; liie name is said to be still in I use in some: parts of Europe for class Of deeply-ribbed jyollQW-fleshed melons. In this country it i applied to different'! ainuB oi; meioa in uiaerent localities, ana tne sigmncanoe of. the word cannot bo well denned as now aed. : The sweetest thintf in dudes' canes is of cherry, pointed 5 at one eqd, but gruwiug. larger bbui . is capaoie oi sustaining a top ornamented by a. crook nail a yard long, made: out of a deer b antler, the end tipped with silver. With this paralysing accompaniment a tall collared: young man may ! venture forth uiw wt wiue, wiue woria wimout a keeper r tknursei. . t ' r 1 Gen. Benet.: of Uie armv. holds that a repeatin&r shot-enn oanable of de livering f sii rondo S lofl buckshot in iomething ke ten jeoonds is an . excel lent mob-queller wbenin the hands of diMiplwditroosUMkUug gnn ar ranged; to play YllaU Columbia" on the &ana-organ principle 14 also said to be a valuable implement in ! hastening the retreating Quickstep of a; crowd of su perheated Anarchist -The Season of biffihsitstones and ot bigger stories about' their m ; is now at Ita neight. From U10 size ot gooso eggs to that of pumptins u the ranee given by the hailitone reporters in their de scription, of these unexpected missiles Which ! break the backs I of calves and smasblkte-glaas windows. It generally becurs:that when anybody undertakes to locate; the scene of one of these prodi- gious tee showers it! ui found to be like -a a a t : ? . I the Western ague-fin Ithe next, county. -Here is a description of what they do with :their prisoners in the canton of LHeucaatel?; A good handicraft is taught w every prisoner, ana au who are well- behaved are, after a period, placed with -a master: of the trade! which thev had severally learned, under the oversight 01 tu ponce ana 01 a mourner 01 a vol untary committee.. This committee is composed f 1,400 active members, out of a total populaUon;of 102,000. ! The Drisb.er.-Vna. ,.ro,i0nallw libara. I prisoner;, when "provisionally libera- tea,", naa to prevent himself every wotvw uu pawon, wno receives tne re- 1 ports oi, nis master and of the police. f-wvw ocuuo au abstract 01 tneso reports $0 ; the governor of the prison, and in this way, if his! Conduct remains, goodi the man a liberty Is gradually re- stored, 'and he regains his position in society4-with the -additional advntne of experience :of discipline and know! eage or, a trade. M de JUaveleye, in de scribing this st stem, savs that a Hwiss canton Is In some things a century in advance ot tbe rest of the world We are happy to mark an improve- ment m the diet at farm houses of the nresenv aav. out in manv resnects it is j ar t af j7 hot vet! what it should be. nor indeed what it might be with but little more care and expense! Forty years ago, pork or bacon in some form was almost "ewy fuunuwu u iaxm taoies uur- ing the Bummer months. A worse se lection,; for warm weather, could hardly 1 i 1 L i - ; . Ti .l nave peen maue, ;xt was oniy meir constant activity that enabled the pio neers to endure such a diet as well as they did,! though they frequently sick ened bo it; but they 1 never thought of cuargiug uicir sicKueoa on tneir oaa selection oupoa. ve, in general, cred it tbe unproved health of this country altogether to the suppressed malaria. In this; we think injustice is done to our improved diet. We make a greater variety jn our animal food. . : We eat more beef, mutton, c poultry and eggs, and; we! might with good results add fish to our Din 01 iare, ior they can be raised ill m m 4- . a a with but little; expense. A larger amount of both orchard and garden Tfuits and vegetables may be profitably added to the bill ot farm fare. Several vegetables, such as celery and aspara gus, thai are seldom seen on farmhouse tables may be raised with but little trouble or expense, and they would be mote than a luxury they would be Urjjely conducive to health. CONGRESSIONAL. THE PMBJOI BILL AUAllf (UaAFD IB THE HEM ATE. Mr. Xt BIUt(i In Calling; Halt Vota alvacbad; Wabhinqton, May 14 SMatk. The Senate passed a number of public build ing bills; among them a bill providing for the completion of the public build ing at Harrisonburg, Va., amount $40,000; addition to the United States building at Jackson, Miss., 6,000. The senate adopted Mr. Hoar s resolution requiring the river and harbor bill to state the facts that show the national importance of the several pieces of work and why each item of appropriation is adviHable At 2 o'clodk the general pension bill was placed before! the Senate and Mr. Vest took the floor in opposition to the bill. In the coarse of his ' remarks he animadverted with severity on the "nebulosity" of the estimates made by different persons as to the amonnt that the pending measure would : take from the treasury. He asserted that the amount was beyond the ken of mortal man, and in conclusion declared that he would go no; farther in the direcCion in whioh Congress had been hurried. These bills meant an indefinite raid on the treasury, for an indefinite time. Mr. Morgan submitted an amend ment, to be moved by him at the proper ml pej8i8 Tered uj,i0 uu mufM u pruvmcuiur oy ex- wtmg laws should be payable only out ui uioucjr ucriveu iriD internal revenue, ana requiring tne secretary oi - , , , - vym i wciuucr, wow, wan percentage oi v. 1 ooa -i.. .l-r - . . taxation on capital stock ot corporations would be sumoient to pay the expense tuvurreu uxiuor VUiB act. DUCUOl W in- I iiuue corporawons oreanuea to promote "eaiui, or any corporation of less capital 5tocic thtLa tpv,uw. The Senate at 3:45 p. i went into executive session. At 5:20 i the doors wci icupcucuauu me oenate aajournea until monaay, ; HODSS). After the transaction of routine bus iness the House went into committee of I the whole (Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, in the chair.) on ; the private calendar; a Dm lor the extension, of patents gave rise to a debate which trenohed upon the ground; of tariff reduction. lhere was a disposition1: shown to lengthen the tariff debate, but a protest was made and private business was pro- ceedea witn. : After some tone the com . a a ... mittee rose and reported half a dosen Dius to tne nouse. The first bill to be taken np was that authorizing the Pres ident to change the rank of .Henry J. iiunt irom coionei to major-general on the retired list, and it was defeated; 75 to 111. The McMinnville & Manchester claim bill gave rise to some discussion. and pending action the House at 5 o'clock took a recess until 7.30, Ihe evening session to be for the consideration of pension bills. foe Bale of tbe East Teaaaeae, Tlratala at u or! la av. su Kkoxvuxi Tenn., May! 14.4-The published report that a hearing before 1 Judge Jackson in the United States oir- ouit court on the petition of the bond holders and stockholders of tho East Tennessee, Virginia & Geofgia R R to 1U -.-1 J . a. . J' L 11 I stop the sale was postponed because the leans,l,675,976;Mobile,242,421;Savan petitioners were not ready to proceed is nah, 777,559: Charleston, 497,76$; not correct. The change Of itimei from the 15th to the 17th instant, was made by Judge Jackson last week, at the so- Imitation of the counsel for the Central trnst comnanv and railroad oonman v. I who were not; ready to meet the case of tbe petitioners. the loth instant. Notices of this change were served : from the clerk's office here last Saturday; Ex- ; cept for a change of date the! petitioners T wT presenteo tneir case at 1 TPe- Wednesday. .The cm wiR would nave presented their case at iNash- oer- tainly be heard at Nashville! May 17. x. u.rriea.a l. 8aai.. Madrid, May 14. The damage by 1 the hurricane here wUl exceed 81,200, 000. The Queen has sent a sum to the relief fund, f Animals evni axhihitad the wildest terror durine the hurricane Farms, crops and villages were de stroyed and ravaged. In the country districts the working classes suffering the heaviest losses. Many washer womon were blown into the! river Man Xanaxes and twenty-eight drowned. The 1 . mar T ! a a largest tree in jnaana, which stood in front of the; parliament building, was Diown Qown, j.ne nouses are crowded with sufferers. The storm was preceded I Dy several days ot extremeiy not weather. A aatber Cra-eat DtflfUnet Approprla- UOI BUI. . : t Wabhwgton, May 14. The appro priations committee of the House has completed another urgent deficiency ap propriation bill. It appropriates xb.- 000,000 for pensions, $229,000 for pub lic printing, $2UU,UUU for pay: of the army and $50,000 for the expenses of advertising for Indian supplies. Iba AaaUtaat Bceratarjr of tba la tartar Ksiana. : Washington, D C, May 14. As sistant secretary of the- interior JenksJ has resigned his office, the. resignation! to take effect May 15. Other impera tive duties,; the nature of which are not specified, are assigned as the reason. . Ont af nrployanaat. j Chicago, JMiy 14. At 6 o'clock last evening, in. accordance with a decision of the wholesale clothing manufacturers association Of Chicago, all the manufac turers notified their cutters that for the present no further work would be given out. By this, action nearly 30,000 men ind women, a! majority of whom bow- vr are already On strike,have been out off from smploymest. Lordly Haaatara. TUKY WILL HOT PRRMIT NW8PPR CRITI-i C1BMS. Washmotoh, D. C, May 14 J The Senate in executive session today again cleared its calendar of unobjected cases. Nearly an hour was consumed in the discussion of a motion to recon sider the vote by which the nominee for pdstmaster at Lynchburg, Va., (named Button) was rejected. His nomination was again rejected, only four ; Senators voting in his. favor. His offense was a long publication in his newspaper of uncomplimentary comments upon sev oral prominent Senators. Oppaaaal atlia liana Rnl. BUI. Lokdou, May 14. A meeting of fol- lnwAra nf Tnrd IIartintnn vu k.M Hj, for the purpose of cementing the wnig ana raaicsi opposiuon to tne nome rule bill. Sixty-four gentlemen at tended, including Chamberlain, Tre- velyan and Caine. Hartington made a twenty-minute speech, in which he ex plained the reasons why the liberals should oppose Gladstone's measure. -The meeting wai harmonious through out and unanimously adopted a resolu tion declaring that those present would oppose a seoond readme of the home rule bill. Lord nartinston in his speech declared that thfc pledges from liberals to oppose Gladstone s home rule bill was sufficient in number to make the re jection of the bill on its seoond reading a certainty. The defeat of tne Dili, ne saia, wouia cast a . 1 t tl ! aa heavy responbUity on him; which, how ever, be was prepared to accent. Several irentlemcii mule m wnich they sUted their detcrmina tion to oppose any measure brought for- warn wninn nin rm nnnaiiv inn v tn tho whole k mrdnm. nhamWl.in oA if . : 1 J -ffj the government fhould recompense the i.t.ii, nt TAi.ni fj Iiah fn- mnnninti.tFT,, Tv;nrfl i n iuiu Acainat staajr Biaurs. Pittsburo, Pa.r May 14. The errand jury of Washington eounty has returned true uuis agaiusi ninety-one oi toe strut ing coal miners who were charged with conspiracy. 1 heir trials will come up at the present term of court in that county. The mine officials are deter mined to test the conspiracy lawB in a most thorough manner and for that pur pose have retained the best counsel available. Should the decision of the lower court be unfavorable the cases will at onoe be carried to the supreme court. The indictments found seainst the miners are: the result of riotine which occurred in . the fourth pool sev eral months ago j" p Haw Terk Uettoa Futaraa. w v v.ri ... 'ri n- . report on cotton futures says: In all general features the market was about as before. Further weakness at Liver pool, accompanied by an additional drop in silver quotations to 45 pence, led to a continuation of liquidation on the present crop, under which prices went off 4 ad points, but with the shorts accept ing the profit a reaction followed and the market made, a steadier showing before the close. Tatal Hat Kaaalpta af Cattan. Niw Yobx. Ma 14. The foUowing are tne total net receipts : 01 . cot ton at all the ports since September 1, 1885 : Galveston. 3ai,U; new ur- 1 1 Wilmington, yy.801; JNonoix, 000, 732i Baltimore 71,441: New York 62,637 ;Boston, 124,425; Newport News, 35,972;Philadelphia,43,483;Westroint 218.498: Brunswick. 16.069; Port Royal, 12,231; Pensacola, 19,154; Ini dianola, 781. Total, 5,109,967. Ifetr Bkaa't Xaka abaialaa. Washikotos. May 14 The House committee on postofhces and postroads today agreed to reeommeoa non-eoncur-rence in the "subsidy amendment" and that appropriating $80,000 for the pat of the postal car service, added by the Senate to the postomoe appropriation bill. " All the other Senate amendments are concurred in. ' All the democratic members of the committee present voted against the subsidy amendment, and all the Republican members except uuen- tner ana w axeneia votea ior it. A cyclaaa Baaawlefeu Linark, His., May 14 Yesterday's extraordinary rain storm brought cyclone sandwiched between its less de Btructive portions, iror the space of four rods wide everything above the ground was swept away, while on either Bide no worse barm was oausea than could be done by the unlimited down! pour. A butcher drove his wagon uni der a shed, for shelter. The! Bhed was blown away and a flying stone killed the butcher. m i.lalu iojttarijr f Ilaad eutta. Herr Voat Cai Nkw York. May 14. Anarchist John Most, who is in prison on a; charge of endeavoring to incite a riot, was brought into court today and released on $10,000 bail. The money was subscribed by some of Most s friends. He complained bitterly of having been handcuffed and of the loss of $180 at the time he was arrested. St.aala'a Cat tan Plaatlnar Exparirae.i. Odksba, May 14. Agents of ah American company have arrived at Taschkend, with permission from the Russian government to introduce cotton culture in Turkistan, where the climate and soil are favorable. A Clraat Striata Kndad. Chicago. May 14. The strike in the lumber yards in the southwestern Beq tion was brought to a close today. The employes returned on the old terms of tea hours work ao4 ten hours pay. VERY RECKLESS. PITTSBURG, FKKNRTLVANIA, TIIF. KCENF. or A CHIMIN ALLY CAKE I.EM a, EXPERIWEX T. Aa I in -neaae ; Anv'l Blowu op With Dy. uaaaita a d Ii-. of It Play Btm. i ; PiTTSBCRO, May 14 W. T. Hoblit zellj agent of tbe Atlantic dynamite company, was employed this morning to break up a lot of old iron stored on a vacant lot. He commenced work about 6 o'clock on a tendon anvil and used an immense charge of dynamite for the pur poses A. terrific explosion followed and huge pieces of the anvil were scattered about in every direction. One piece weighing 300 pounds wrecked a house occupied by Mrs. McNamara, one block distant. Another piece of over 200 pounds weight crashed through the dwelling of Kmil Erstman, also a block awav. It struck a bed on which three children were sleeping. They were covered with debris, out escaped serioOB injury; Another house, occu pied by Mrs ! Long, fully 3,000 feet away, was also wrecked. The only per son injured was James Acton, who was walking on a sidewalk one block away. He was struck on the leg by a fragment land the limb was s badly injured that amputation may .be necessary. . Hob- htcel! was arrested for violating a city ordinance. The explosion caused intense excitement, as a rumor was current that A bomb similar to those used at Chicago had been thrown on the street Tba BI. B. Cbaren Can fa ran ea. T11K VOCafH DATS PKGCEKBINGS. Richmond, Va., May 14 The con ference began today with ordinary religi 0U8 exerting. Among (he reports a 7Cry interesting ouv was made on the suljct of education,, pruposing the estabhsh- Snent of four biblical schools, with other inatters of gen al litvrary interest j to the' denomination. A resolution was bffered, signed by Dr. T. I J. Doddj of Tennessee; G. F. Taylor, H. P. Walker rand others, calling for a change in the rubric of the church touching the invita tion to the Lord's Sapper. The resolution proposes that, the invitation reid: "Ail that do truly and earnestly re pent of your sins and intend to lead a new life, living in love and char ity with your neighbors,'! &o., instead ;of, -'all that do truly repent of your ins and are in love," o. Several dis- -ipiiuarj luieuuiucuui were prupoucu. i - j . j i A proposition requiring bishops to con mlt the presiding elders in making Appointments, was submitted. The com mittee having reported non-concurrenoe tin the proposition, Dr. Kelly mo-ved to strike out the non, and made a forcible speech in favor of the proposition. Drs. Whitehead and Winfield supported Dr. Kelly. Drs.. West and McJerrin were the chief speakers in the opposition. Dr. Haygood, chairman of the commit tee which had reported non-concar-rence closed the debate arguing that there! was no necessity for su h legisla tion, because the bishops do now take ad vice and counsel of their presiding eiders. he vote was taken and the original resolution was lost. The paper proposing to arrange the annual conferences into permanent episcopal diocesei was read but lost when voted on, - a Taa Sraat Stun ta tba Waat. Cincinnati. May 14. News of the damsge by the storm of Wednesday night continues to come. Madison county, Kentucky, suffered to the ex tent of more than $200,000. The streams in that county are generally low-banked, and the unprecedented flood caused nearly all the bridges to be carried off. In Fayette county a water-spout was so pronounced that a flood of eight feet came tearing down Paint creek yester day afternoon, into Washington court- bouse, and increased until in four hours it had risen eighteen feet, the highest ever known. ! All of tbe lower part of the city is inundated, and; many people have been driven from ; their homes Doxens of bridges have been washed away; The Strike In tba I.ai.bar-yarda A boat Knded. Chicago, May 14. The strike in the lumber-yards is apparently practically ended. Reports from about lorty of the; yards Bhow that the old men were straggling back to work today. In some of tne yards nearly a full force was at work. The strikers' committee became involved in the wrangle and failed to meet the lumbermeu, as ar ranged. It was said that it was finally agreed to report to the lumbermen that the men would go back to work at the old terms if all were taken back. It seems probable that a large majority will go back! into the yards today and. resume work. The strikers committee announces that it will call on the lum bermen's committee today. Fewer Baatnaaa Fall.rca. Nw York, May 14.-f-The business failures occurriig throughout the coun try during last week, as reported to R. G. Dun & Co.: For the United States, 156; Canada, 20; total, 176; as against 192 last week. ' Tba Italian Cbolara Outbreak. Romi, May 14.-At ; Venice today there were reported seven new cases of cholera and three deaths; at Barmi five new oases and nine deaths; at BrindiSi one new case and one death. ; lulled b a Uurrieaaa, Madrid, Saik, May 14. In this city thirty-two persons jrere killed and sixty-two injured by the hnrrioane of Wednesday evening. j ' The fifth anniversary of the Sampson Light i Infantry will be celebrated at ij&toB & 20th ini. j Tna Hrnpprnon( aa a Wlnf and Brandy Wrapa. Wine and Fruit Grower, New York. While traveling through the "Cafo- linas" last summer, we chsnced to catch ' sight of the Charleston News ; and Courier, wherein we noticed a para grapher's account of a trip to Tokay vineyards, at Fayetteville, N; C. Hay ing once visited the vineyard, some five or six years ago, and remembering the kind and courteous treatment we re ceived there from our old friend, Col. Wharton .J. Green, the proprietor,; our interest was at once aroused. Scanning the lines as our train rattled along, we were greatly pleased to note that the vineyard had been more than doubled in size since the time of our visit, and that extensive cellars and dwellings had been constructed, and in short, the most extensive vineyard this side of the "Rockies" had been created. This is very gratifying to us (as also is the fact that Col. Green has since then been re elected to Congress, this time by 5,000 majority in place of 500 as at first), for it shows what courage and intelligent perseverance will do, as well as the ca pabilities of this State of wonderful and varied resources. But the point that chiefly riveted; our attention was the expressed Opinion of the reporter that "the scuppernong grape will never become a favorite as a wine grape, and "that its product will never take a favorite place upon tne table of the Don vivant " .But ho ... ... . . . . . 1 is good enough to qualify this ex cathe dra condemnation by remarking further on that "it is capable of making a very fine article of brandy, of pale straw color and beatiful bouquet, and with age comparing very favorably with pale Martelle brandy." Mow as to this last quality of the grape, vis : brandymaxmg, we quite agree wit 11 the reporter, tor wn nave seen some very credital la samples of the brandy, both from Tokay and other vineyards. But with regard to the grape a as: a wiuo-proaucing grape, we snail decidedly dissent, and as decidedly back Colonel Green s views. "What man has done, man can do," and that a very superior dry wine can be made from the scuppernong has been made from iU is a fact that we know to be beyond dispute, for we have repeatedly seen specimens which not only "filled the bill" in our estimation, but were pronounced "very; superior " by European experts; in oar firesence. A sample which was ately exhibited for sale at a store in ... . , . xt . . t r t I mis city was maae in a uorui varoima i vineyard in loal, and was four years old. In aloohoHo strength and appear ance it resembled a high grade' Sauterne; in bouquet and first taste resembled a light dry cherry, and made one of the best dinner wines we ever saw; and ; for cobblers was superb; the after taste; re minded one of an old Rhine wine, and it was dear and pure and soft as a! fine Chateau wine Many wine "sharps" rho tested it declared it "the best wine they ever Baw made from a native Amer ican grape," and that "if it was Only imported from France, instead of North Carolina, it would be called un grande vin.'" Tba Laatj South. Philadelphia Record. Southern cotton manufacturers have increased their output during the past year 18 per cent., and- have obtained better prices than in the year preceding. The same thing is true of iron prod no won; the output is increased 20 per c mt., and prices are 18 to 20 per cent. better: (Jut ot these acorns we may guess what kind of oaks will grow in the future as the transportation facili ties of the Southern Middle and Gulf States are developed. The Pennsyl vania iron trade, oppressed by a tariff on ore and coal, and bending under the rates of overstocked and debt-burdened railroad monopolies, cannot successfully compete with the furnaces in Alabama and Tennessee, located among the hills that furnish them with desired qualities of ore, coal and lime. The ! advantage of location is afro with the Southern cotton mills, and to the advautnge ol location is added the temporary advant age of cheaper labor and of constant water.power the year round for turning out both iron and cotton stuffs. Then is hardly a doubt that, while our in dustries stagnate undor the operation of mischievous laws and unwise invest ment, the Southern manufactories : will for years to come continue to keep their pace. They have nothing to fear or hope for from the operation of legiBla tive hindrances. They are 'assured ; of their own markets, and can defy the competition either of home or foreign trade.. j ,' Hail Starm m Oranae. of Thb Nxws and Obskrvir. ; ' BradshawJN. C, May 12. Cor. A most terrific hail storm occurred between between Bradshaw, Orange county, and Lambsville, Chatham county, Wednesday afternoon, about 4 o'clock. May 12. The wheat was almost completely : destroyed, tobacco plants aa a., a a cut to pieces and beaten into tne ground. The ground was literally covered with green leaves and twigs. At ,the resi dence of Matthew Atwafer : even some of the slats; of the garden palling; were beaten off, and out of sixty panels; of glass on the north side of his dwelling only five were left unbroken. -Plenty of hail can! be gathered up this morn- a aajaa W W a r a j ing, a nursaay, may id. i Aiarge scopes were about: the size of a ben egg. Very truly, j S. B. T. Oaaaaaratlva Cattoa fttataaaaat. 1 Nxw YoaxV May 1'-rTne following . is the comparative i eottoa.statement for the j Week ending If ay 13: j ' ' i J 1888. 1885. Net receipts at V. Sorta, 8,9a9 9,284 Total receipt to date, 8,109,967 4,(48,- 81 Exports for the week. t7,433 - 24,01t Total exports to date, 8,714,430 8,697, lol Stock taU U.S. porta,! ; 614,11 493, '29 Stock at all interior towns. . 0048 87,09 BtookatLfrerpooL 880,000 978,000 WW ; 79009 Ir-rOrBrJtain, - CURRENCY. 'Tis hinted that we all are wrong We have to from Dame Humor's brother, That Frankie Folsom's not the one, I$ut Frankie Folsom' mother. Wahington Critic. Ho "My dear, are you comfortable over there in the oorner?" She "Quite -comfortable, darling." He " You are quite sure you are notcold?" She " Not at all." He " No draft from the window?" She "None, thanks." He "Well, then, I will exchange seats with you." Exchange. Right in Clara's presence : "Do you like winter, Mr. Litewait?" "Not very much, Freddie." "Then why do you always go buggy riding on a cold day?" "I don't What makes you think so?" "Why, sister Clara said that it would be a cold day wjfcen you offered to take any girl buggy riding." Tact is the. lubricant that makes slid ing down the baluster of life easy. She had two adorers, and, aa is usual, halted between two opinions. Henry loved her well, but George's head was the longer, as the eequel shows: "Speak ing of memories," cried Lucille, "why, I can remember when I used to play with dolls and make mud . pies in the lane." "What a wonderful memory I" exclaimed the foolish Henry, admiringly. "Pshaw! Wonderful to recall that which occurred so few years ago?" spoke, Gm-irnf thn lnn and th nt o - - time Hnrv srl in W K nnMwrf him.- Uinghamton (N. 1 .) Republican If cable messages are to be ac credited, an event is about to occur in Madrid which will cheer the heart of Queen Christina, the sad widow of Al fonso. The palace has been duly pre pared and the royal physicians are in waiting. The diplomatic corps, State officials and courtiers have been warned not to leave Madrid, but to prepare themselves to offer congratulations. The Queen looks delicate, but is well and hopeful. According to custom she has visited the shrine of the" Virgin de la Palma and other churches, where daily prayers are offered for her. : The Chemist to the Bwlclyn Board of Health, Prof. U. Grothe.eertliies that Bed Star Cough Cure is highly efncacioua and frea from opiates. Twenty-live cents a bottle. The change of gauge on the Western North Carolina railroad will be made the 26th and 27th of this month. Let June Bring its Fruit to You. niva u proveruuu certainty vaa iii Monthly Drawing .of the worM-re- nowi ed Tuisiana $tate Lottery came off at noon, on Tuesday, April 18th, 1886, at New Orleans, La., superintended by Gen'ls G. T. Beauregard, of La., and Jubal A. Early, of Va,, the Commissioners officially selected. The result ia briefly chronicled thna: Ticket No. 25,244 (old in aftbs at one dollar each) drew the First Capital Prize of 75,000-ane fifth was held by Theodore Leuta, a well-known -restaurant keeper No. 8 Williams' Court, the caterer for Shu man Heuse, Boston, Mass and paid to him by express; another fifth was held by B. F. Macon, a well known citiaea of Fort land, He., for a small vyadioate of ffratriendK another was sold to Ernast Antz, a prominent engraver of So 821 Baronne St., and Tbos. ii cJf ahon, grocer at cor. of Baronne and Felt' city 8ts ; another by John Daste, a saloon keeper, at the corner of Clara and Calliope streets the last three named all living in New Orleans, La. No. 11,545 drew tbe second cap-! ital prize of f'25,000, and was also sold in fifths at one dollar each one-fifth to L. O. French, of Colesburg, Ky." ; one to Henry Lotz, of Paterson, N. J. ; one to John H. Minning, Toledo,).; one to a party in Guatemala, Central America;' one to Joseph Placet, 718 Case street, Davenport, Iowa; other fifths to parties in Detroit, Mich. Mo. 78,786 drew the third capital prize of $ 10.000, also sold in tilths at one dollar each one-fifth to Miss Annie Burke, of Washington City, D. C. ; one to hris. Haase, of "Washburn, 111. ; one to Miss M. Mueller, No. 396 Division street, Chicago, 111. : others to parties in Galveston, Texas, and Spnrv City, Nevada. Noa. 8,688 and 52,139 drew, each one of the two fourth prizes of fti, 000, and were sold in fifths at one dollar each, ent hither and yon all over the world New York city, Brooklyn,Pinckneyville and Arenz ville. 111., etc., etc, and so it went until the whole $265,500 was scattered. The next draw ing will "be the 193d grand monthly and extra ordinary quarterly drawing June 15th, when $522, 00 will be distributed. For any infor mation apply to M. A. Dauphin, New Or leans, La The second session of the State normal school at Asheville begins the 6th of July. "Tba Oroatest Cora ca arth tor I'min." NiwT mora quick ljr than any other known rem. woi Rwetlliigs, KtilT Sralsea. pa, HnriT, 8ore, KroWbitt, 1 lack ac ho. Ouliwv. Bora Thraat. Sciatica, Wounds, Headanbe, chv Enraina. cto. Frin x "4. a Dome, doia b all rnolKta Caution. Th atm- olno Salvatlvn Oft bears oar fomli alrnat itara. A a, Mrror Oa rwiatered Trail.lLa.rK. uiff rwir lmore, NL, V. a. A. as DR. BULL'S CCUGH SYRUP, For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse cess, , Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, . Whooping Cough, Indpiert Con sumption, and for the relief of con : sumptive persons in advanced stagea of the Disease. For Sale by all Drug gists. Price, as cente. LOOKOUTj tHX COONTRVglS FLOODED WITH ADULTERATED L&ED- Examine carefully what you are using; the odor from it when cooking betrays it. CASSARD'S "STAR BRAND" LARD, is ruxx. EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED Try it and you will use no other. B. Hi WOODELL, Kaleigh, N. C, Agea CS. Cassard iS Son, BALT1JWBJC, MIX, 1 Cursrs of the Celebrated Star Brand MUd 1 ''Wl Uamf and Baeoa, t Mr :T:l! 41 1 ' ?;.