1 r . ; J- . 1 ),r ; . j . , , j , f j v , - AND ; OBSERVER ; .- ", . i. .. . -v:V:--'- I,'": . -JUS- 3 j-t .. Ur:;c:C-?v: - f 5 lilt 1 r : r- I: 1 it .! U 'SJi 5 ii; ; 3 I : 1 if" !' r 7T "Si 1 -..V VQL. XXVI. RALEIGH. N.; C, SUNDAY j MORNING MAY 16. 1886, NO. 153. r 1 : . :!):; jl News : t Abcolutoly Pure fats powder mw varies.-, A marvel' of iinritT. atremrta and wboleMmenoMui Mort (lennomlcal than ordinary kind and cannot M ld In eonpeUUoB with Um multitude of low teat, tboxt weight, alum orpboaphat pokdeng .Sold only In can. Rotal IUuiw POwd1 Co., 103 Wall ftreet, 2lw York; ; . f Sold by W CtiB Sttowkb Garg Btroaach ad J R Ferrall Co. 3 t I CURE FITS! .ffkalMliMMwn)rlifaah'i kllHakMlllMMIIIIlll, iMMtnUtll n, I lmM4iiMainH,inumriLl Wt mom . Mi If i in lnmM?wrM m Ik. wmm MatiMM fin fcT. MMk m fciillM I Pn. y tjf ijiMnk i ii i k? OH nnMcnrnDTiiiM UUIUOUIlll IIUIUI I ka a awtll ratdi fo k a 41am; to It. M tiMIMlMXMIwM Ml m Uiu4( foif tMuaf kmlMmi I.4W4, Mttronrli aiT(ltk ItiUHfmr, mnfmirair.0.tMrii. . TlinfOlllaVlfi Jtmfllira I THRESHING 8i v BimpJurt, Mort DaraUa, CooaonlOLl, ant Porfect ta b wart ao craia; cloaa it nair far markMi threshing ei;gii:es'e niii,ina mbim anUly. Send for Ulnatrata eatalocaa. A. O. FA RQUHAR, : rt Waika, TfBK. a , I. H.mmvm.chiifcM n.iiwtiauw. j I t I I D JC f J C A RaT s W 11 Bssi THE la mmrl 1 TtCVt PATENT IMPROTXD CtTBHIONKD txa DBW ton m nun mm fmrlorm um wort im UtWU,, MtoWU mt dnn U MlltM. All 84a Htm Tart. .Mil w f nfiinuMAMna Oil PENfil ROYAL rlLLS uiurcrr fjte r M ni I5H ' TIM Orlflnal ! Only Otmrnime.? Mi -- RmH f warthltsa. UilHaiM Ml -CI MA Ml It PAI ChtokM(r Ckw At fajta. Tral nptM fcy lUOw 4k B- 5 NERVOUS ! DEBILITATED flVICfJ. (Uctrie tapmaaory Apptoyg. -JBydjr' follef ud permanent our of 0rIMa((y . taai f VUoUtymoa Manhood, aad aU kladird troutaav Ala for nany other dlMtuM. CplWoaara-:, tloa to Btmltk. Vltmr umI Manhood ruaraatoM, to rtak to tnearvd. DlmnlHl pampfciot toyalM; ' -rit: "v:: : - f ir I -r ... ; ...u ? . i ' - r .. - . i.- 5- . ; k. . ' av I : 1: i bh saw - . . ... mm mm w - :i z - m ' : ii .av i -it .t v,-' - . - . i-. . r: -afr . rqiHihnnri llnfitnrnrl m muiiiiuuu iiuuiuiuu vU : KxmKotF&ul avietiaof ymtlihiHmnmdei i ami Pf.ia.Uir. Dmt, Nwwui Cbiii W. Lort I - aa m av ai ai a, : - l. - - ' - . -i. Mir mii nn n m i & r i f anna nan i . j ... ! ; ; I NEWS OBSERVATIONS. j f-Mr.Allin Thorndjke Riee, of the iNdrth Americwi Review, eoatradict the eorrent paragraph that he won a 'large iv&ix of montylat Monte Carlo. ; : The Baptbt convention preseved a coaaerTative; position on the liquor ques tion. TVhfle ' upholding j tetuperanoe work, the oooventiuu did not commit Nell upon proiiibition , f 5-The Gteek statesman Papamicbael PouIob declined to form a make-jghift ministry. Naturally he wanted to stay in-office lon ettough to write his name on the page pf? history.' ' J The 'meeting of the ''Society for th,e Preyentiofi of Cruelty to Animals" discloses a large amount of .patient work accomplished last year and a growing acknowledgment of their reform by the courts enforcing the statutes on the tub- ! 1 1 i? ' IL : Ui- : ---Senator, Keyser has. finished his stittue of )t Kalb, which is to be placed bn the groandJ of the naval academy at Annapolis' and: will be unveiled Aug. 16, the 106th anniversary of the battle of Camden), where DeKalb distinguished nunself and WM mortally wounded.' 1 t-. -Complete reports from the battle between the Chioagro police on the even inir of May 4th plaoe thie number of .-lice killed nl fi.ve and the wonnd vd at sizty-ne These figures will be remembered when the polioe next move against an unlawful gathering of mad men. - j J . ; i I . t I The lorn of life in the gale at Kan sas City was apparently due more to the faalty constraction and crimihal negleot of buildings known to be unsafe than to the exceptional force of the wind, which hid none of; the characteristics :of a; tor nado. The school-house tower f had been twice condemned, and the other wrecked boll dings were of the flimsy character ofj too many structures in the CBt. f Q i i i ' J M-Food should never be taken by person much fatigued, or in a state Jhlsh mental' excitement,! till rest; an) quietude haveestored a normal oondi- uen oi: ine . nervous : system.! f ooa should be taken slowly, and masticated thoroughly Never eat in a hurry, Ice water or verj hot drinks ahonld be care fully avoided.! The natural heat of tho bidy is ninety-eight degrees and that is .the normal temperature pf food, but we may tolerate forty degrees above or below it.' ti v . 1M ' it I ' i Many square-shaped parasols are ex hibited, and some of tbe round ones are 'deeply hollowed between the points of the ribsi forming a eomplete'eurve and throwing the ts into nnpleasing prom- inence. i The iixe of I tbe most fashiona- "paraBolsiiivery large, and'the mot expenBive are made eit&er of white sua, ".m. W opy point and duchesse ; patterns or of sak canvas or etamiue sU.ipe J with vel vet in vari-colors. The .i'(tT wean trimmed, but look decidedly distingue fin tout; eas are covered utlv' with shot silks, and ;J&tted with; Very grotesque handles termuating m at ituals' beads, but exaggerated beyond all pleasing conception,; sunshades of every sort are decorated with a butterfly bow on the handle It is fixed; just above the part grasped' by th band. -A eorres- ponding p6wju often placed- on the cover of the parasol; but si series of failing loops $here take' the place of the tiffer style of.bow used to decorate the handle of Uie shade.' $ . I Woerishefier. the New . York mil Uonaure, did not die suddenly. He has been dying for a year, but nobody knew ii. une oi nis irienas saia. tne otner day: fl do not believe in this tbieory of sudden . deaths from natural- causes Some time; ago I read a book from the pen or a; young physician in Pans, who seld that there was no such thing, lie contended that all natural 'deaths were wailnal. arid- that. tr vaunn mnv I bonsidered untimely f was because their I BTmptoms were not known even to their vicums. 3j aims is especially true iu men tal diseases. JHen ire often so wor ried-unoousoiously almosi in busi Hess ion uieir nrains Decome anectea Their symptoms are so mild that they do not alarm or concern them. ? " attack is the more dangerous on aoooun of its insidiouBness. Little by luu their braini wear and tear. A.t last comes a mole than usual strain, and the result is j rupture of one of the worn- l0Qt mooa vessels, ana tnen we near Uat the victim has suddenly died, like At the 'session; of the American Climatolbgioal Association in Philadel phia, Df. Cjc: llice,' of New York, rpoke at length on theltheraneutio value of mineral waters, and made ( the fol lowing suggestions; Physicians indi vidually; or in committee should make a careful analysis ofj the principal mineral water: the: medicinal value of tne wa ters should be tesied by clinical inves a: a: ? j i i l -. uirakiuB. anu me oonoiuBion arriveu published and given to the profession; if the waters are found to possess marked meaicmai merit, pnysioians snouia in terest themselves in the development of the sorines and 1 the improvement of bath-houses and apparatus; physicians. in sendbg patients : to mineral springs, should be most : careful to select the proper water and should send with the patient tne history and uiaguosis of bis diaettae for the benefit of the: physician at the lath: patients at the mineral spas should le placed under mere rigid med ical discipline, and1 attention should be naid td their habits of living. exercine and nyffienio surroundinfcs; the social life at the watering places should be revolu tionized. -I: ; 1 ! ftA atMAintlan mt Inanlrr. CoiImbCb, 0.. May 15. The Ohio senate; has adopted a resolution request ing the United States Senate to prose oute the inquiry relative - to the seat of THE ANARCHISTS. - r ' i ' -: - H : rttMH KTIDEUCE A ti A I HUT THE tMlcAdO i M OUMDRELS i BECCBKD. - ' ! s j ; . Iarba. Hn Mb Bllv tit Caariaiini Chicago, May 15. The central sta tion detectives have made it impossible for Parsons, the fugitive anarchist, to show himself in any city of consequence in the country without being arrested, and now they are engaged in supplying minor discrepancies in the evidence which will go to prove the guilt of the chief conspirator. Yesterday the new lessee of thebuildinaNo. 107. Fifth Ave.. in cleaning up the late headquarters Of tne anarcnists, found some documents which make interesting reading! These papers were on a desk-file ; i in the apartments formerly occupied bf Parsons ii l i i . i r- ii ana naa aououeseiy oeen overiooiea py the socialists in their unwilling baste to i . vacate tne premises. : une oi tne com munications had evidently beeq used by Parsons in bis paper, the Alarm, and it concluded with the exclamation "Vive la Commune!" ;The writer, Ju niusA. Strickland, of Durham, ;N. Oi. had first signed bis name, but afterward scratohed it out and substituted,' f'Don't publish my name,, but sign it Knight of .Labor. '- He requested thafhis communication be published, and enclosed 75 cents for ten copies of The Alarm, to be aent to B. G. Baldgar, P. O Box 77, Durham, N. C, "and as many copies as yon pos sibly can' for agitation fifty if 'possi ble." J M i On a scrap of paper written on a let ter head of an Ohio firm of marble cut ters is the following : " Comrade: Par sons : Providing we send the following dispatch: 'Another bouncing c boy ; weignt eleven pounds, ana signea rrea. dmith,' can you send us No; 1 for amount we send you i Please give us your lowest estimate, and state by What xpress company' m? The remainder of this interesting missive was torn oflF, but 'No.l" evi dently meant dynamite or some other explosive,- as on the file was also; found a bill from the ifttna powder company for one hundred feet of .triple force fuse and a lot of cartridges made out in the name of "Cash." A number of other: orders 'or revolutionary handbooks and other publications from various parte of the country! were among the papers, to gether with a number of "crsiy" let ters advocating the destruction Of prop erty, eto. ; ! i ft The superintendent of the powder company says he nad not supplied espies or any of the anarchists with explosives knowingly, but it would have been easy for them to have obtained dynamite or other explosives ; from 1 them or other houses in the city : under an assumed name.. Jji Chicago, May IX). in an interview today the wife of the missing anarchist Parsons said : '1 The papers don't know that there has been a reorganisation of the socialists byjwhich all mouthy men are exempted from ; any active service. Speechmakers like myself andf Parsons and JTielden would never nave : xnown onvtbins aboat any violence, il tny had been intended that Tuesday ' night. Each group has its duties, and: they are not mixed. I kno w that there are between two and three thousand bombs in this city, and if the tune had eome.;to use them there would not have been a stop at throwing one of them. That was an individual matter, and tne one: who aid it probably thought he , was doing right. The press and pulpit have taken ud the crv. Uruciry nun v bat the law will not justify the cry The tune is ' coming when men will have machinery brought to such a state of perfection that they Will only work two or three hours a day k; and then only to promote health. The wealthy man may t?e called upon to give up 1 his palace, but he will take a joint owner- ship on the whole world, and that will be to his advantage." Interrogated about the bombs, Mrs. Parsons said "I know there' are between two thous and and three ;thousandSombs in this city and if it becomes necessary they could be used;; but I do not believe the necessity will arise, because' the publio have become awaJtened to the fact that the people must rule and the capitalists ill gte in without bloodshed. Indi . . . . . viduals, however, must act upon their The WaiprlBC-PMt mmm PlUrjr ' ! :?.-- ' DELAWAKI JtOOGING HXB OUMINAtS. Wilmington, Del., May 15.' Twelve convicts underwent punishment bv the pillory and whipping-post at New Castle today. Ten were negroes and two were whites. Six negro burglars stood one hour in the pillory and took twenty lashes each. Only one of the number manifested any physical suffering under the "cat." Three negroes, convicted of petty larceny, received twenty lashes, and two whites, for similar offences, ten lashes each. j Dca.fei mt m Bietvd BfaTal SUer Wilmingtow. N. C. May 15 -Cap t John N. Maffitt died at his home in this city this afternoon, after prolonged sickness, aged Of years, tie wm an officer of the U . - S. navy up to the breaking out of the war, when he re signed to unite bis fortune with the South, serving throughout; in the Con federate navy with great distinction. Tetel TlalW mmppilr ef Gettma. Nxw York, : May 15. The . total visible supply of ootton for! the World is 2,353,295 bales, of which 1,834,195 are American; against 2,281,901 and lr 7 19,000 respectively last year ; receipts at all interior towns 70,945; receipts lrem the plantations 13,65$ ; a."." ft . 7 crop in Tli H. & CtotireU OMftm 1 TH1 FIFTH PAY S rSfiCUMNGS. Richmosd , May 15. In the M. General conference today Rev H. hillips, fraternal delegate from E. C. the African M E. conference, now in ses sion at Augusta, Qa.,, was presented and addressed the conference. Revs. Sam. Jones and Sam. Small, the evange lists,; attended the conference today. Various memorials were presented for and against the division of the North Carolina conference and were referred to a committee. A resolution was of fered' that Sunday school Superinten dents be not allowed to serve more than four years; also a resolution to appoint a mission evangelist. Both were re ferred. A. prolonged discussion was had over a resolution that acceptable matter for publication in the advertising columns of the Christian Advocate, the organ oi the ohuroh, be jpot refused be- posed, ef the parties seeking ; to adver: tise The resolution finally referred to a committee, iiev. Jlr. iSriggs. of Canada, delivered a farewell address to the conference, in which he uttered the most cordial expressions of fraternal love and friendship. Bishop Hargrave (presiding) responded, reciprocating. The SUc bm cad at Dma villa. its riw orncxs at Washington. Washtjiotoii, May 15. The Rich mond & Danville railroad company to day purohased of Gen. Wm. McKee Dunn the large stone building at the southwest corner of Pennsylvania ave nue and 13th street, commonly known the Republican building," which will henceforth be occupied by the rail road company as its general office in Washington. The price paid is SI 27, 000. The establishment of this new of fice by the Richmond & Danville com - pany is an outgrowth of its recent lease of the Virginia Midland railway. 1 The Congressional library building commis sion , today decided to present' to the supreme court of the district on Monday a petition asking for the condemnation of the land lying between Jast Capitol and South B streets and the first and second streets east as the Site for the proposed building authorised by ; Con gress. The commission was unable to secure by voluntary offer either the north or south site for the sum named in the bill ($550,000) and selected the south squares for the reason that the prices asked for them were lower than tor tne squares north of East Capitol street. " ABtfar Wara Sterrew. A CTCLOM CAUSXS DIATH AlD DXVA8TA- . - nov: -;l4,Ji.. Chioaoo, May 15. A dispatch from Fort Wayne says : About' midnight a cyclone crossed the track of the Pitt -burg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago railroad, two miles west of Forest, Ohio. It blew down a tree which scraped the side of the fast express east-bound, ytjuring ten Or twelve passengers, one sercously, bis leg being broken and one; eye put out. The storm also did great j damage along Blanchard river The town of Duniek, Ind., was struck by the storm, four persons killed and between fifteen and twenty injured. Several buildings were blown to pieces and many unroof ed. The utest advices from there said all the citisens are oUt hunting for the dead and wounded. Further particulars are not obtainable as yet, as the wires are all down. London, May 15. The weather in France is cold and squally. terrific storm occurred throughout Jfraoce. Near Montpelier the vineyafds have been destroyed. The damage is placed at 1,000,000 francs. The hurricane passed over the town and 1 -partially de stroyed it. ' Several persons were killed and a number were injured, severe Sales have also been experienced in ermany. Two ships that were lying in the river Oder foundered and five per sons were drowned. A cyolone which passed over Lonado, a town , of Lom bardy, destroyed a large' number of houses. Five persons were killed. TwUrdaj'i Boat Predls- Washington, May 15. hOdsi. The House is considering the bill to establish a sub;-treasury at Louisville. The debate was purely political one and at its close the bill passed; yeas 157, nays 60. The House then pro ceeded to the consideration of the but for the appointment of a commission to inspect and report on Indian anairs. The remainder of the afternoon was con sumed in a discussion of this measure but pending action the House, at 5:30, - . mm Cf . 1 took aTeoess until :ov, we evening session to be for the consideration of the resolutions relative to the death of Rep resentative Hafao, of Louisiana. At the evening session, culoeirs upon the life and public services of the late . a. 1 rr t m T Repiesentative Alicnaei nann. oi Ijou isiana, were delivered by Messrs. St. Martin, Blanchard, and Gay,; of Louis iana; O'Donnell. of Michigan; Lynan, of Iowa; Ely, of Massachusetts; and Pettibone, of Tennessee, Aatlmatad a. a by tbe Fld. Dayton. O., May 15. The estimated losses . to the nine counties devastated by the" flood and wind, Greene, Clark, Madison, Maimi, Darke, Preble, Mont gomery, xSutier warren ana rvmioot, are a,uw,uuv. ; TktWNliIr Mmmm. SKateaaeat, Naw York, May 15, The weekly statement of tbe associated banks is as follows; Loans decrease, $3,325,000; specie decrease, $1.114,300 ; legal ten ders increase, $1,472,200; deposits de crease, $4,102,600; circulation decrease, f 3,000 ; reserve increase, $1,881,550 he banks now hold $li,49i,775 in exam of the 25 per tent. rJ, - LLEWX AM. KUKPOMIKW-E TROW THE COI7BJ. -I-KT'M CAPITAL. ; ooftralaf CarM and CMffraaai -' 4 rol!n and l'arllBlaaia, Special Cor. of the Naws asp Obsiavm. Washington, D C, May 15. Mr lBissels, the law partner of Presi dent Cleveland, who has been a guest i at the White House, returned to .Buffalo last Thursday. Mrs Grundy says he will be the President's best man and that the principal object of his visit here was. to arrange for te approaching marriage of Mr. Cleveland, which, it is stated wiH take place, not at the White House but in Buffalo. Mrs. Folaom, mother of the . bride-elect, has been stricken down with the Roman fever V "L r longer than was their intention It is not probable that the cerenion v will take I place before the adjournment of Congress, I and it is not likely that Congress will adjourn before J uly . Mrs. Hoy t, sister to the; President, arrived here this week and ii : now presiding at the White House. ' ritTT-SIX ANU VLOWIKS. Senator . Vance wa3 fifty-six years of age last Thursday, and his desk in the Senate, chamber was covered with fiord' tokens from numerous friends. Proba bly the handsomest of these was an im mense basket of the choicest of flowers, sent by Mr. and Mr. James L. Norris, of this city, the fragrance of which was perceptible all over the chamber. Many . a 1.., i l .: oenawrs stop.u aiino uesx to aamire mem ana peimt-r ivenna attempteu to l -i a. t . -wr . . . rj w- - v- "J ing them .before "the Governor's" ar- rival, .to his ov. n (Kcuua'i) desk. When Senator Vance ut rived be topped, also, to admire Senator Ke:ua's flowers (os tensibly) When r jisiug the card from the middle of the bouquet he read his own name, and without a word took them along with him to his own seat, amid the laughter of his colleagues. i' THIS viixn or MR. MANNING. -decretory of tho treasury contin improve and he now takes a daily drive- about the eity, usually ; accompa nied by his wife. The President sent his carriage, drawn by the "seal browns,"; after him one dav this week and ;the convalescent official drove to the treasury building and had an inter view with treasurer Jordan. It has not been decided just when Mr, Manning will leave Washington for a; vacation, but It is known that he does not con template resigning his office. ?' f jl raNCXL FAKINGS. i Virginians here are informed that a duel between the editors of the Free Lance and the Star, both of Fredericks burg, is imminent Xhe New York newspaper men who hav been "doing" Washington this week were received by Senator Warner Miller. Thursday night at his residence. All the New York Congressmen and Senator Vance were present. Messrs. E. J. Hale and T. R. Jernigan have been confirmed as consuls to Man' Chester, r England, and Osaka and Hiipgo; Japan, respectively. The collec tors of customs at Wilmington and Pam lico have also been confirmed The seisure of the American fishing schooner "Adams," by the Cana dian authorities was a subject of con sideration at the cabinet meeting held Thursday. The official report of the Jtmerican consul-general will be await ed before further action in the premises is taken. The. vote in Lynchburg on the pro posed! subscription of $300,000 to the projected Lynchburg, Halifax & North Carolina R R. has been set for June 10. Campbell county will vote on a $100,000 subscription for the same pur pose July 15. I The lock-out on the eight-hour move ment continues in this citv. Some few of the "bosses" have yielded to the de mand, but the majority of the working' men are still unemployed 1 The resignation of assistant seoretary of the interior Jenks takes effect today, Saturday; His successor has not yet b,een decided upon, and it is reported that the position will probably not be filled for some time yet. is Llxwxam ' Frena Bm ley's Adtlra. THI GIFTS Or SCI8NC1 DURING THIS LAST HALT CXNTURT. i Prof. Huxley's address to the Royal Society: "The first railway; for locomo tives, which was constructed between Stockton and Darlington, was opened in September, 1825, so that I have the doubtful advantage of about four mouths' seniority over the ancestral representative of the vast reticulated fetching and carrying orginisui whioh now extends its meshes over the civilised world. I I confess it fills me with aston ishment to think that the time when no 4nau could travel faster than horses could transport him, when our means of locomotion were no better than those of Achilles and Ramses Mainun, lies 'within my memory. The electric telegraph, as a thing for practical use is far my junior, do are arms of pre cision, unless the old rifle be regarded as Such. Again, the application to hy gienoe, and to the medical and surgical treatment of men and animals, j of our knowledge of the phenomena of par asitism, and the very discovery of the true order of these phenomena, is a long way within the oompass of my personal xnowieage. n u unnecessary for; me to enumerate more than these four of the rich gifts made by soienoe to man kind during the past sixty vears. Ar resting the survey here. I wouk' ask there is anv ! eorreenondins! period in previous history which ess tike credit for so many momentous applications of scientific knowledge to the wants of mankind. Each of these four applica-J tions of science has exerted a prodigious influence on the moral, social and polit ical relations of mankind, and such in fluence can only increase as time goes on. If the senseless antipathies, born of isolation, which formerly opnverted neighbors, whether they belonged to adjacent families or to adjacent nations, into natural enemies, are dying away improved means of communication de serve the chief credit of the : change: if war becomes less frequent it will be cliiifly because its horrors are being in tensifaed beyond bearing by the olose in terdependence and community of inter est thus established between the nations, no less than by the improvement of the means of destruction by scientific inven tion. Arms of precision have taken the mastery of the world out of the hands of brute force and given it to : industry and Intelligence. If railways and elec tric telegraphs have rendered it unnec Cssary that modern empires should fall to pieces by their own weight, as an- cent empires did, arms of precision have provided against the possibility of their being swept away by barbarous invasions. Health meabs not merely wealth, not merely bodily welfare, but intellectual and moial soundness; and I doubt if, since the time of the father of medicine, any discovery has Contributed sd much to the promotion of health and the cure of disease as that of ; the part of played by fungoid parasites in the ani-. mal economy, and that of j the means checking them, even though, as yet, unfortunately if be only in a few cases Sar Cyetoaaa. ; jToPKA. Kan.: Mar 15 A detract- . - wirtT11. ,v tv, .fk r I this county yesterday and swept away a ortion of town Jf Meredin. Abut 1 0 o'clock in the morning a very black cloud came up suddenly from the south east, sweeping through the eastern por tion of the town and did its fearful work in almost a moment. A large number of buildings were destroyed. Eighteen Or twenty persons were hurt, two or three probably fatally. Several persons who wt re out of doors went sailing through the air. One of these was: dropped against a barbed wire fence and serious ly injured; Nothing was left above the ground in the path of the storm. Trees were torn up by the roots. STAUNTON, Va., May 15. A terrible wind and rain storm occurred ' here this afternoon. Bam urn's show was exhib iting at the time and when the perform ance was tialf over the first gust came. The people were notified to get out and the tent was lowered. Tbe crowd made a rusn, but tne coolness of tne circus managers prevented a general stampede. A few persons were hurt,! but none se riously. . ' jf ; FoxzsT, O., May 15. Thi place and vicinity was visited by a tornado last night about 11 o'clock. The air was filled by balls of fire whieh; exploded With a loud snapping ; sound, lhe Storm came from the southwest and tended toward a northeasterly direction. Particulars, except those brought by; those living near the track of the storm, cannot be obtained. There ire known to bave been five persons killed and a number injured, two probably fatally. The residence of Mr. McElrie was blown down, killing McElrie and his mother- in-law. A house near by was stroyed, killing a man whose name is not given. The house of inos. flioore is rasea to the ground, injuring Mr. Moore, John Thompson and J. Pickett sen- ously but not fatally. Uig uax acnooi house and church, two miles north of the town, were destroyed. Samuel Huok ard was fatally hurt, and his Wife injured by the bowing down of his residence . Another house, one mile west of town, was levelled to the ground. In the Blanchard river valley fences and tele graph poles and trees and many houses were laid low. it will be some lew days before the wires oai be fixed On the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne Chicago railroad. The wires of the Iadiauupo- lis, Bloomington and Western road are dewn north of town. In i Kast Dores- tbe Methodist church was demolisheU and mauy shade trees broken down. A Touaia; Toyaa;nr. Dayton, Ohio. May 15. Edward Morehouse, a railroad man, walked from here to Xenia and back yesterday, being anxious about his relatives, who live in Xenia. ; At Trebien Station; while being ferried across the Little Miami river, he and the oarsman discov ered a living boy child in a drift tree They rescued the child, who had an arm and leg broken- He had drifted four miles down Shawnee creek, from Xenia, into the tittle Miamii fThe child died before they reached Xenia. Kew Trfc CettM FatorM. Nw York. May 15. Green & Co 's repoit on cotton futures says: The continued weakness of the foreign silver Question's tan ds as a dominant factor Of tne depression and the market shows a further decline of 3a4 points on the old crop. One or two large operators were buying and the local "shorts ' took the profits for the end of the week, but under the determined unloading oil 'long" cotton the demand could not exhaust the buddIv and the close was tame. The new crop was lightly dealt in and somewhat nominal, but the op erators were apparently afraid to sell at the moment. M Use Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" for all bilious at- tacka. if Oil rm Broaebitia, W. OoMs,B insOoui Doush, Incipient Cooaarnp. oxf relierea coammptlT LCraotLAatlr neraon. i advanced ataa. of BOB.B&G Iba diMa. Prir. airta. Com- turn, xoe uoBiitna ur, nu'i Omwa Strap ta oola only ta whit Wiimih and baara w IMIatBied TrartotarfcatO'Vlti ABnietBmd in a CiroU.aJte- Strip Oaattoa-IoM, aod tb. SALVATION OIL, ".The Oraat tCttr on Earth for Palo, WIH relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scald, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache. Sprains, &c Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. The Great Bargain House of Raleigh. We are going to Kick up a Bucket this week. Look out for Bargains. We have Just opened some Great Bargains from the slaughter-pens of credit. Our New York Calico 4ic a yard; -worth 7c Great Uargai ta Laces, Oriental, Torchon, Pillow-case, &c Hamburg Edgings and Insertion. Ladies' Dress Good. Bilk Gloves at 30c; worth 60c Dress Buttons of the latest style at 8c a dozen; worth 25c Our Millinery Department will bo replen ished this week. Some special bargains are affered In hats and flowers. This department is managed by Hiss Maggie Sale and Miss Undine DeCarteret. Miss Sale is a lady of much experience in this department and I as sure you ahe will give satisfaction in work and in price. The goods are purchased from houses that are hard up and are compelled to sell at our prices, which are 20 per cent, less than New York prices. They will be sold the' same way; many for lew than half their value. We hall offer such unanswerable arguments as no house can match. Our leaders and specialties it prices that no other house can even approach. We can show you facts that will level your bead on the subject of prices and bargains. Hard luck and hard times push some large iealera to the wall. They must have money, aud must sell their goods. So we buy them m (or much leas than they are worth. Our stock will be replenished every few days. Our prices, reinemier, are from 20 to 23 per cent, less than those current. Please call and ex amine our stock and I know we shall make ... -ale to you. Respectfully submitted to the Cash Trade Oul VOLNEY PURSELL 4 CO., No. 10 East Martin Street. - P' LOOK OUTj TBX COVNTBT'lS FLOODED WITH ' ADULTERATED LABD- Examine carefully whatyou are using; the odor from it when cooking oetrays it. CASSARD'S "STAR BRAND" LARD, is ruRB. EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED Try it and you will use no other. B. H. WOODELL, Baleigh, K. O, Agen jr. Gossard & Son, BALTIMORE, MD Curers of the Celebrated Star Brand MUd Onrx1 Hams and Bacon. B-l-B- . aWV 2JK - B pm STORE .a- ' i 3 p t - 5 . 2 I c r . r5

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