. ' . I r t .( '! m ft 1 . i; ' 3 4 i a-1 ! II News AND UBS 1 1- ERVER r - i ' I ' f f i '" VOL. XXVL RALEIGH. N. C., SATORDAT MORNING MAY 2-2 1886. NO. 157. ':V"-k i ,fpff ! Absolutely Pure. fbis powder never varies. A marvel jot inrlty, strength and wholesomeneBs. Mope economical than ordinary kinds andicannot b eld in competition with the multitude of low teat, shert weight, alum or phosphate powder Solo oniy in can. Rotal JUukQ Pown Co., 108 Wall Street, New York. Sold oy W C & A B Stronach,! George T 8 rdnaoh aid J E Ferrall A Go. ' BROWN) i ' ' ' ' I I J 1ITEM CURES Headache i . indigestion Biliousness sia Dvspet: JL J. Nervous Pros- - ! A 1 i tration Malaria Chills & Fevers r ? -I , . .Tired Feeling J t GeneralUeDinty Pain in the and Stides Imoure Cpnipatiori j Female I nfirmii . 'ties V .; "Rheumatism J Neuralgia I - JKidney & per V Troubles I 1 - c9For8aleEverywhere Th Oenulne ha tbia , Trad-Mark I ffPtl NEWS OBSERVATIONS. rheuma- f This is fine weather for tiBtnaa eyer ts brewed. r r-Thus far r 700 ; baiies have been named after president Cleveland. -Et-President Artbnr was out driv lnj1 Tuesday, fpr the first time in seven weeks.1- ; ' f j 4-The United Sutes Senators axe jointly worthy in round numbers, $162,- yvw.uuu. . ;: j f-A hotel is talked 6f in Florida, on thd St. Sebastian river! which, with its grounds, will ost $10,000,000. : -r-An Iowa newspaper says that a brother of the Ute A T. Stewart is a rag-picker at Cherokee, in that State. -Women may now practise law in all iNew Yorkiedurts, the Governor hav ing signed the enabling bill Thursday. : --Foreien 'immigration is again on the: ..decline, contrary to the confident anticipations df the steamship companies earlier in the season. j ---Good Mistress Mary Beneman, who was born in Sussex county, Del. , April 21,. 17t9, still -enjoys life at Ilussiaville, ina. , at the age of 117 years. Numerous arrests of Mormon mb- sioaaries have been made in Switzerland, an i it is probable that more will fol low: t t'v : Now the real estate agents are be sieging Mr. Cleveland, but ' the idea of "love ip a eoltage" i has not yet taken possession of his brain.: ' -The so-called peanut factories of Norfolk, Va. j handle and put on the market a million and! a half dollars' worth of peanuts each year. -r-Now it is claimed that it is no love affair which - keeps Senator Jones, of Florida, awa from Washington, but If ggwated; horror ot omoe-seekers. ; f-Ajtt Illinois grani jury has failed to . find indictments j against the deputy sheriffs who fired on the mob in East St.: Louis during the recent strike trou bles. The accused have been set at liberty. ; j 4 'Shame and dishonor," Mr. Hol man re minded "ibe House in the course of the debate.:'on the subsidy amend ment to the pottoffice appropriation bill, had been the result of an attempt to put a subsidy 'through Congress. 7"The grand jury now sitting in Chicago is onjs; ot" the! most important bodies f the s$rt ever empanelled. On its; action and the results of it will largely depend the future of incendiary speech Jji this country. -?-The prevalence ojf typhoid , fever at Philadelphia is not attributed by the port phjsicunii to the use of Schuylkill wafer :or to sWer casbut to the ex. halationa .from the eeispools and the CONGRESSIONAL. 1 UKiATK njCVMMUSTIlE:KVA AWARD MTTr,R.' i Tb psloa Hatlr la Aa;ala Dla-nal nd Irrg;nlrUI l(lrEl. 'Cincinnati, havioe cot tkroueh with afreyiya of religion, put; aside actiTe politics and left ?uciiiiuij4) take care of itself, is now ctijvitiu tho annual Ma; music festiyal, during which the savage breasts of her puhticians and Anarchists will be temporarily soothed. -Each charge of shot iroiu a 119-ton cannon aboard the new British ironclad Benbow costal $765. i The chtfrgecon- iUts of 900 pounds of powder, costing $350; a steel shell, costing $400, and a siix ciotn noia me powaer, jw. The gun in which this expensive ammu- ntiioa is osedcost $705,000. SunBet Cox has presented to the Bultan gifts sent by President Cleve land consisting of ; 1,000 views of scenery in different parts of t'-e United States, portraits of celebrated and typi cal Indians, copies of the last , censuB reports, eto. The Sultan was well Washington, May 20 ,S8atk.--In the Senate, Mr. Hampton, at his own request, owing to illness in hia family, was excused from - service as on&of the West Point visitors. The president pro tempore appointed Mr. Gibson in the place of Mr. Hamptom. Mr. Riddleberger offered a. resolution providing for the printing of all papers relating to the nomination of Matthews s recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia- . Messrs. Hoar, Edmunds, Miller and others objected to the reception of the resolution as being executive business and i was declared not now in order. -: Mr Dolph endeavored to secure the netting of a day for the consideration ot the bill repealing- the preemption and timber culture act. , Objections were made by several-Senators, among them Mr. Sewell.who also said he; would object to further special orders till the Fitz John Porter bill W88 taken up aod; disposed of, and that he would ask the Senate to take up that bill when the bankruptcy 'bill should have been disposed of. " K On motion of Mr. Hoar, the Senate took up the bill providing for closing the business of the eeurt of Alabama claims ; i " i The report of the majority; and mi nority of the committee were read. The majority report maintains that the differ ence in value between coin and currency at. the time of the"" Geneva award and afterward at the sale of Gendya award bonds was and is the property of the United;; States treasury, and should not form any part of the sum out of which the judgments of the court should be paid..; -The minority report contends, on the contrary, that the Unitod States occupied; the position of a trustee for the claimants and could not sell the bonds named and credit itself with the difference between gold and currency values.: A number of amendments were rejected.; When the bill was; about to come to a vote in the precise form in which it came from the HojuBe, Mr. George stated his understanding of it to be that it provided for the payment of exactly the amount of money- received by the United States from Great Britain, giving to the claimants the benefit Of the premium made on the sale of gold for the greenbacks in Which paitiof the former ; claimants were ' paid. He also underetood the bill to pay alt interest whichvthe United States had agreed to pay from the time; of the reoeipt of the moneys Was covered into the: treasury. Mr. Hoar said that that understanding waa exactly corredt; or in cither words, tllE AWAKCHIRr JRl'RMAL AT ( HI-IACIOBKAPPEIU. KtabU Arrttt f riie Palle ' Dyuamltcr and hia OyaamK. mackerel (except Spanish mackerel) HP2 f Tt) 01?T 1?XT1?T V caught between March l and Jnne 1 of PA U & ilv Hi IN tjLt X each year. The penalty prescribed for violation of the acts is forfeiture of the mackerel imported or landed, and if the vessel violating the act be a United States vessel, the forfeiture of its license. - Nothing in the aot is to be held to apply to mackerel 'caught off shore with hook and line from open row-boats of less than twenty feet keel and landed in said boats. On motion of Mr. Morrison, the order setting apart Saturday sessions for gen eral debate was rescinded, this action to take effect after tomorrow.; The con sideration of private business was pro- ceeuea witn and several Dills reported today and previous Fridays from the committee of the whole ' were passed. Among the bills passed was one remov ing the charge of desertion from the re cord of Franklin Thompson, alias S. K. Etellye. (This is the case of a woman who for two years served in'a Michigan regiment as a soldier, without disclosing her identity.) The House at 5 o'clock took a recess. the evening session to be for the consid eration of pension bills. Tb Ureal Flood a. RXPOKTS OF THE DISASTKBS. AT CHARLOTTE AND VIC1NITT. Ohabxott, N. C, May 21 The rain storm which commenced at this place Tuesday morning eased last night. The total rain-fall was eight inches. The breaks in the Air-Line road between Charlotte and Atlanta have been re paired and trains today resumed travel. Three breaks occurred on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road, but they were repaired yesterday and only a slight delay was caused in the running of trains. The R. & D. line suffered severely between Charlotte and Greens boro, the trestle over Coddle creek be ing washed away and one span of the bridge, 150 feet long, over the Yadkin river, was destroyed. This causes a stoppage of travel. The break at Cod dle creclc has been repaired and transfers will be fctf cted at the Yadkin river Monday next, at which time travel on this road will be resumed. The West ern North Carolina road was only slight ly damaged. The destruction of crops is immense and no estimate can be made of the loss inflicted on the farming com munity, j Batlna- Bornon MUaioaarUa. - Fatkto Citt, Pa., May 21. Seven Mormon missionaries from Utah began a series of proselyting meetings at Val ley school house, Washington township, last Sunday. Their meetings were largely attended and they baptised sev eral converts. The citizens Ibeeame in dignant and demanded that) the scUo iut it was Mot "Son. Lasff night the house was overflowed, and at the con- : Chicago, Ills., May 21. The Arbei ter Zeitung has again made its appear ance in lis ota iorm, a large quarto, and U very similar in looks and contents to the paper when Spies, Parsons, Schwab and other anarchists were personally conducting it Today's issue has some eight columns of advertising, including numerous calls for meetings from vari ous labor organisations and several Warnings to different trades not to work in j certain : shops, as those employed there regularly ' find themselves on strike." These communications are sign ed "The Strikers" and "Th Execu tive Committee." The paper recites at length how it has triumphed over all efforts to suppress it and makes ah urgent call for subscriptions for the defence of,tSpies and Sehwab, who "have written, spoken and battled long and bravely for the welfare of working men and are now compelled to suffer. : . ; Do not forget your perse ciited brothers, but help - them as they are always ready to help you." Detectives were detailed to look for Gus- tivus Lehm&nn, who is regarded by the authorities as one capable of giving im portant information in respect to the identity of the bomb-throwers. Detect ives succeeded in arresting Lehmann at an early ; hour this morning. In his possession and on the premises which he occupied at the time of his arrest were found three round dynamite bombs, exactly . similar to that used at the Haymarket riot, two boxes of dyna mite, "giant powder," and two boxes of dynamite; fuse. HTwo boxes of dyna uitte, not made into bombs, were also found. The bombs have a fuse attached and are ready for immediate use. MABTIN IRONS. A MOB OF STRIKERS ATTEMPTS TO BULL HIM ; St. Louis, Mo;, May 21. J. H. De lay, of Little Rock, a member of dis trict assembly No. 101, Knights of .Labor, is in this city lor the purpose of investigating charges made by several of, the strikers that relief funds sent to this city had. been improperly dis bursed. He will check up the books tomorrow, -and if there have been any crooked transactions they will be.brought tU'Ugun. ; ikuuu xruos, lb ia claimed, made a narrow escape from a mob of strik ers last nightor early this morning. The men are very bitter toward him and it ioee for : the tfoikSSa lisited his resi- I might be lynched. Ml 1CB D MID. Ullli ' UV MAM IMS 'SIV V A w w v w ceived an inkling that he would be called upon, as ;h passed the night at the houoe of a friend and boarded a south bound Missouri. Kansas & Texas train Hanged at HidrMnvlfl. THE EXECUTION OF LEWIS KII.OOKE, THE , MCRDERBR. Special Dispatch to Nb and Obssrvek. : HKNPiB80NtiLi4, N C, May 21. At 1 o'clock; today Lewis Kilgore, colored, was executed here. The execu tion was in a sense public, for though it took place in the jail yard only a low fence divided that enclosure front the space outside and hence the view was so plain that several thousand persons were able to gratify their fancy for the horrible. Good order was observed. Kilgore was a criminal notorious in this section. He was convicted of the murder of Mattie Henderson, a white woman of ill-fame. They had been on intimate terms for some time. The mur der was oommkted last. August, at night. The womaa -was that night in a house in the sabers . of Henderson ville, in company with Kilgore and; several other negro men. All wer drinking. The only person in the room when the shooting occurred was a little child about seven years df age. :. who was in bed. The child testified at the trial in October that all the men except Kilgore had gone out of the house,; and that he and the woman were sitting on the bed, drinking and quarrelling The Witness went to sleep and in a few moments waa awakened by the report of a pistol, found Kilgore .gone, and the woman stretched on the bed, weltering in her blood, with a bullet hole through her head. ! ' - , Kilgore and the other two men who were with him at the house, were ar rested next day and committed, to jail. The superior court soon came on and a true bill was found against; them all, but when the case came up for trial last October, KUgore alone was convicted and sentenced to be hanged. An appeal was taken to the supreme court but wai not sustained. The judgment of the lower court was affirmed, and at the last term of the court at ' Hendersonville he was re-sentenced, the date of the exe cution, being fixed for May 27 May o Gov Th JSw Jrk Itlnlairy. Athens, May 21. M. Tricoupw has formed a new ministry. He assumes provisionally the offices of minister of war and minister of finance. The other ministers are: M. Lombardos, interior; M. Voutpisbos, justice; M. Manetas, public instruction; M. Theokotis, marine. "1 h Blood la th Uf." Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which la the fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Ducovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirit?, vital gtrength, and soundness of constitution will be ttablwhed. Qolden Medical Discovery cures all humor, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. .Espe cially has it proven its efficacy in curing SalU rhenm or Tetter, Fever Sores, Hip-Joint Dis ease, Scrofulous Pores and.Swellings, Enlarged Glands and Eating Ulcers! : Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump tion (which ia Scrofula of the Lungs), by its wonderful blood-purifying, invigorating, and nutritive properties. For Weak Lungs, Spit ting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bron chitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It prompt ly cures the severest Coughs. ' The Ohio legislature adjourned Monday, and the New York legislature Thursday, j I l"Tbe Qraateat Ireliar mora I M If I Proprietor Ba Corn rm Fi-th frw Ttn at win quick rr than any other known nweinmrs, hue ttox. Eruisea. Burn, sraJda, Cuts, Lamb. ko. Pleurisy, Bores, F Backache, Qulnsr. So: cb-v Si 2ft ct. a bcttla. sold by all ikacba. Oulmr. Sara ThrMfc tl 1 . .1 L . 1 . . ' TooUiacb Wounds, Headache. Sprawa, etc. Frlce rnirlKtii . Caution. Tha srvn ulno SalvtUm Oil beara oar regiatored Trade-Mark, and oar a. u. Keyer cB ua- Mole i to re. Itbuore, ML, V. DR. BULL'S C000H . STROP, For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis. Whoopiner Cong-h. Iadniert Con Scales respited Kilgore J - sumption, and for the relief of con- until today. He based this action upon applications made by attorneys and Others, who stated that if they were given a little time they could show that the! murder was not committed by Kil gore, but by another man. A few days later Gov. Scales received the papers in the case. They were so trivial that he at once wrote to the sheriff, saying that he would not extend the prisoner's lease of life. He commented upon the trivi ality of the evidence. 1 There have been rumors that Kilgore Ihese grew out of sumptive persons In advanced stasia of the Disease. For Sale by all Drug Cists. Price, 35 centn. BACKET STORE The Great Bargain House of Raleigh. ; We kicked up a racket last week and we are going k,v "rr " elusion of the services, Parker Glay- the United States gains nothing and baugh, a justice of the peace, arose and loses nothine bv this transaction. It denounced Mormonism in a speech of pays out money got from Great Britain half an hour in length. ; He produced this morning, for parts unknown and when it invests the money in cer-1 a glass of a solution of arsenic and chal tain securities and sells them i asain, it I leneed the- preacher to drink, which he pays out the money it gets and does not I had stated in his sermon- that he could make a speculation of the transao- do without harm. The preacher re- T . . . . a . I . . -m . a a 1 fused. U lay baugh oranaea -nun as an impostor and the meeting broke up with great tumult, during which clubs, stones and other missiles were used on the mis- a mm M 1 m t . . 1 . i a. sionaries. xney nea ior meir uvea, dui tion." Mr. ffeclt we were not thus people a premium tender Wilson asked whether pavine; these I on the; legal notes of the country.- Mr. replied that we were : paying them the premium realised by the gov- wwe so closely pursued by the mob that ernment on tnexsaie oi com ana Donus i tney impiorea we pruiecuuu oi iujun- tice, who succeeaea in canning ine tur moil and conducting them to their stop ping places. . At Troy, JJ. Y., according toj agree- ment, Tuesday nearly all df the collar shops and laundries closed their doors and. ? work j has been suspended, lhe shutrdown is. due to a strike in George F. Ide & Co's shop. Nearly 3,000 col and paying them interest besides; in other words this 1 bill placed the United Sutes in the position of an ordinary trustee and this on behalf of claimants I who were not withiu the irinoiple,of the Geneva award, who had Said they were satisfied with the act of 1882, but who now asked : and by this bill ob tained an additional amount of $385, 000. ; Mr. Beck said he did not think it right, to pay interest. The Mil was passed as it came from the House; yeas 29, nays 13. i -.'! ij '.' The urgent denoiency bill : peing re lax girls met at the city hall to consider I ported by Mr. Allison, from the com And cres4 Rd liacs. on Wrapper,, CSDon't be Persuaded to Try 8omethliji& Else. REMEMBER i 13-1-B-CURES if chinaxrocjkl I1 yUIMRJIfjf I the situaticmi President Cleveland has purchased acres of ground on what is known as the Teoajlytown' road, near Wash ington, for a consideration of $25,000. The tract s improved by a fairly good dwelling and adjoins apiece of property recently purchased by secretary Whit ney. It lis not known whether the President has made the purchase as an investment or as a future residence for himself. I ' I - j --Sir John Lubbock the other day declared at the mansion house that an epitaph inj af Norfolk Eng. , 'churchyard expressed Itbe feelings of the great ma jority of English shopkeepers: . Here lies at poor woman who always were -.. : : tlredV For she lived In a world where too much were s reu aired. ' j'rWetp not or me, fikndi, she said, 'for I'm ' : goiag 1 ' . ; 'VVheretherVll naither b wording nor reading nor swlng m it tee on appropriations, it ;was passed without deoate. Mr. i'lumb moyea that the Senate insist on its amend ments to the postoffice appropriation bill. The Senate agreed to the motion and the chair appointed Messrs. Plumb, Mahbne and Call as; a conference com mittee. The House bill was! passed, es tablishing life saving stations at a num ber of places,; among them; one at Oak Island, N. C and one at old Top sail Inlet. N.C. Mi The Senate proceeded to the consid eration of favorably reported pension bills standing on the calendar. After the passage of a, number of,Buch bills, Mr.: Beck suggested that oncei in a while, once in ten years or so, it might be well to have a committee report bearing on a case read, just to show that Somebody bad looked at the cases. The expres sion "read a ;third time and passed" save very little information.; Mr. Blair plied that there was a lull ana careiui Total H Receipts ofCttoii. Niw Yorji May 21. ;The following are the total net receipts of cot ton at all the ports since September 1 , 1885: Galveston, 692,4:X; New Or-leaos,l,683,790;MobMe,243,458;Savan-nah, 781,007; Charleston, 484,060; Wilmington, 100,341; Norfolk, 542, 934; Baltimore. 72,952; New York, 63.217:Boston. 125.180: Newport News, 36,773;Philadelphia,45f028;We8tPoint, 21,933; Brunswick, lb.U..!; Tile M. K. Ctaareb CoHference. Kicumono, Va., May 21. In the M E. conference today the report of the special committee on hymn poox was recommitted and two papers on the same subject were ordered printed. The con ference proceeded to the election of.con- nectional otnoers. Dr. J. i. Mclverrin, of Tennessee, was re-elected book agent, receiving 107 out of 207 votes cast; J. G. Johns, of Texas, was elected secre tary of the board of missions, in place or K. A. Young, of Tennessee, the for (uer secretary; Dr. David Morton, of Louisville, was re-elected secretary of the board on church extension. fewer Bualneaa Fallar. I Nkw York, May 21. The business failures occurring throughout the coun try during last week, as reported to K G. Dun & Co.: For the United States, 147; Canada, 20; total, 167; as against 176 last week, and 192 the week pre vious. Business casualties seem to be Port Jily declining in number through- perturbed spirit. Royal, 12,231; Pensacola, 1U.IG9; In dianola, 781; "Brunswick, 16.252; Total, 5,138,946. Slew Yerk Cattosi Fataros. Nxw York, May 21. '-Green & Co 's repoi t on cotton futures says: The market for the old crop was "toppy" and finalTv fell off 6a7 poins. The difficulty appeared to be mainly the ab sence of encouraging accounts from Europe, Manchester in particular prov ing tame, and a desire to cover has been displaced by an effort to realize on more recent investments. The close was east, but with rather a pressure to sell. In the new crop trading was limited, but offerings somewhat improving under ad vices from the South. Haklaa; TblSs lively for Mtrikera. St. Lours, May 21. The grand jury which has been in session in Hillsboro, . . ., . j i' i i replied tnai tnere was a luiirauu uareiui mo., tor the pasi nine uavn uuisuea Then weep tadt for me, friend. If death us do printed report uu mo m ui pmeu ww ineir UDOrs yesJruy . x ucir hub uaa tor, showing tne iaccs oi eacn case. been. alnios. given up to me mvestiga- Mr. Beck mentioned a bill that, had tion of the charges of conspiracy against been vetoed-because it gave a pension railroad strikers, fifty-nine of whom to the wrong man. After an exohange were indicted, Many of them escaped of compliments between Messrs. Blair before warrants could be served on and Riddleberger, the Senate at 5.10 p. them and only four have been arrested. in.; went into executive session ana at 5.55 adjourned until Monday.. : !HOD8. - ;.. out the country. see the execution and the people aom posing it were, in some cases very angry at the respite. The jail was therefore guarded constantly until- today.! This execution is the nfth since the war west.of the Blue Ridge. The Adairs were hanged at JdenderBonville, in lolv; Henderson at Webster, in 1878; Cun- -mv a a e ner -r-r 11 . mnghamat marsnau, in ipio; axu t Asheville, in 1870. s Tba Paaraoai-JasiM Affair. ALLXOKD htstibioos movimknts of ONB i ow ram principals. I iDANvnxx, Va., May 19. No little excitement was created in this place yesterday . by the movements of Mr. Richmond Pearson ai d hW" friend, Mr. Jj R. Hamilton, from North Carolina. These gentlemen had lately figured in an affair; ot honor, in which Mr. rea son and General Johnstone Jones were principals. The publie mind had already been stirred to its depths over the Martinville tragedy, and when it was noised about that these gentlemen were here those who claimed to know of the difficulty in North. Carolina believed that Mr. Pearson was here for blood and that nothing but gore would satisfy his In the night a hack great bargains So look outl Big Job in Violin, Bannjo ana Guitar Strings, at 4c a set; fresh from the manufacturers and a good article. ' Pins and needles 2c a paper. Twenty-four sheets Note Paper for 6c Best Calico in the market 4fc a yard. Best 4-4 Sheeting for Cc a yard. Straw Bats for men and boys from 6c up. Good Ticking 12ca yard. Now if you want to save your money call and "see me. New and advanced ldeaa r crowding out the old ones; pluck instead of luck; cash instead of credit; brains instead of cheek; and science and ability are beating back and crushing into oblivion moonshine mer chants with their tough and tremendous long time prices.- to do nothing fo'rever and REFRIGERATOR, ! FLY-TRAPS, ; FREEZERS, WIRE DISH COVERS, i? OIL STOVES. PoroDHia-Hned and other Water Coolers, seven For I'm going ; ;i i- ever.f j: ; ; Vests of cream or milk-white silk are: worn with dark dresses of wool or silk. These; are pleated from the throat down, arejeut smooth and trimmed with goid or. silver braid, rows of very nar row blackfvelvet ribbon, ior simply fin ished with a single row ;of mother-o'-pearl buttons. Full Moli ere vests of soft, white China crape or white crepe de chine are also! used as vests upon bodices of elegant black evening dresses of faille. Satin or lace. White moire is noted upon stylish evening dreBBes of black velvet, this material used as waist coat, panels, and wide ; sash drapery. Pearl ornaments and large -clusters of white roles make a charming addition to this elegant "magpiel' toilet, black satin hose, and , a large Portia fan of Mr Herbert of Alabania, from the committee on naval affairs, reported the naval appropriation bill. ; Referred to oommittee of the whole. ; The House then resumed the consid eration of the bill prohibiting the lm- Kaf tteblud tl Prison Bars. , Naw York, May 21. A dispateh from Sing Sing today states that alder man. Jaehne has arrived safely at the Sute' prison there and will be put to work in the laundry tomorrow. Tli Kplaeopal Cvanatlsa. Cor. of the News and Obsxrvxr. Tarboso, May 21 At 11 O'clock yesterday morning the bishop began the reading of his annual address. It proved a somewhat lengthy paper, showing considerable progress on 'the part of the church during the past year and: an outlook more encouraging than for many years. : After this the matter of the scholar ship in the general theological seminary and the f claim of the diocese of East Carolina to an interest therein came up and after a full debate it was resolved that ''in the opinion or this convention there are no rights or claims of the eastern diocese upon the division of the North; Carolina scholarship in the gen eral theological seminary." ; ; On motion it was resolved that the Sunday schools be asked to make an an nual contribution to .the the cause of diocesan missions. On 'motion of Dr. Marshall it was re aolved- that the books of the estate of the late Miss Mary Smith, bequeathed to the diotete, be turnedj over to the library of St. Augustine's normal school, Raleigh. On- the invitation of the Rev. Mr. Strange! given as I write, the conven- resolves to meet next year in the church of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh. Wednesday evening Dr. Marshall preached to a large congregation in Cal vary church, an able sermon on the Resurrection, and last evening Rev. Mr. Rose, of Oxford, preached with great was procured, and Messr?. P carton and Hamilton drove over to the 'junction Then it was that the knowing ones ex changed whispers of duels and scalps, and it was firmly believed that they would return with the bloody trophy in their possession. But in lieu thereof they brought with them on their return two gentlemen, friends of the parties from ruenmona. xne lynx-eyea pouoe were on the alert, ready at a given signal to drop on them, but they manoeuvred so well that the limbs of the law retired utterly vanquished.: This morning Mr. J. R. Hamilton left for the South, while Mr. Pearson and his other friends seemed restless and : were anxious . to cave for Richmond, which they were not permitted to do, owing to the non- departure oi tne train, in me mean time they Kept close in ineir , rooms at the hotel. As to their future plans it ' rf m. is a matter oi conjecture, lur. xuo Aden was in Raleigh last Monday. f Most Waved1 Styles and at and white gajue wtopietsng the 1886, the importation uto;Uie United I Louis Otto, a wmTFium! f UetaU.U; ! gsorUieWdingoiM)ifshoresofth Dr. Dto aVewta DaMt. r-,T.a K Y..Mi21 T)r Dio v" - iij . -i I a. vaAmawf - j i j poriation of mackerel during the spawn- LeWu author and reformer, died at his originality and effect ing season. 1 I home here this morning from erysipelas, I The weathsr is today beautiful and After a long debate and slight amend- far an illness of two or three weeks the attendance on tne convention, menu the bill was passed; ;i yeas 120, which was at first slender, has become nays 80. Aa passed, the bill prohibits ti Fri r n.-. -f M fuu , aa usual. The assistant aeore- for a period of five years from March 1, Buffaeo, N. x.. May -51. Peter tarY of the convention durinir its sitting l-.n-tsa . i v il T T a 1 l T lil. . aFa nr. nHnir1l W si tt hatl rVArf I . ' w tr V. w loop, ue uuporuuon into me unuea jjouisvtw, a wub uhuwm. uauai nM bjWn Wr jaj. r liaakeu of t ixS it 4 bor Our Millinery Department will be filled til with new hats and flowers and such goods as are needed as the seasondvances.jThese goods are -bought in New York from first-class houses and the most fashionable in the city and not from auction houses, as I understand is re ported by many persons in this city. They arj bought for c&uh and at cost, so I can sell them cheaper than those houses who buy from drummers and on credit. The drummers are going all through the country at an expense of from $8 to $10 a day, besides paying heavy license fees. ; Who pays all these expenses t Why you people who buy goods from houses who buy from drummers and on credit. The Anarchist Fanou l Florida. Jacksoxvtlli, Fla., May 21, Care ful inquiry as to the alleged presence of the anarchist rarsons m tnis otate nas disclosed nothing to indicate that he is here. The report was probably due to i 1.-J t i j tne canara puoiisueu nere a icw aays i 4f a ago based on the reoeipt by the chief of I fill v I 1 1 I I I police of Parsons portrait. W W V- W consumer has all these expenses to pay. - Come and buy your Millinery from us and save all these expenses. Respectfully submitted to the cash trad only. VOLNEY PURSELL & CO., No. 10 East Martin Street. .1 Havy Freaheta. Charleston, May 21. Heavy freshets prevail through upper Carolina. The Pedee river stands thirty-six feet above low water mark and is still rising. The crops along the river are. a total IobsJ Considerable damage is done to the railroads and crops in the northern and western parts of the State. The endorsement of the new remedy Bed Star Cough Cun by. United State Senators 1 and Congressmen adds weight to the testimony of ehemists that it is the safest and most effica cious cough medicine ever discovered, price twenty .ave cents a P0We ' 1 1 TBI COCKTBTIS FLOODED WITH ADULTERATED LAED- . Examine carefully whatyou are using; the odor from it when cooking betrays it. CASSARD'S "STAR BRAND" LARD. is runs. EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED Try it and you will use no other, B.H. WOODELL, Kaleigh, N. Agea Cr. Cassard Son. BALTIMORE, MI)., Cureraof the Celebratod Star BranA JCfld yow4 Haas aad Baeesw v - 5t ! 1 r r r ? If- I r i f.- 3 a- 5 i4" t i s - i

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