. ' -J tt 4MvJ- -1 ,:M - - 'M ;-' ';V'M ;Mirtr';J M' -"-rw M,; MK ! 'I llfil'-V''' r I 1 If Vi '. t i - i i' : E " : i - f i t-,; t w n M 14 I! il News and Obsertem -V- VOL- XXVI. RALEIGH.; N. 0., SUNDAY MO R KING 1 MAY 23, 1886. NO. 158; i ;' Absolutely Pure. Vh fwdr MTer varies. A nuret flf imr1t7t itrengUt and wboleaomeneu. Mon teondmlcal Uuut ordinary klnli and cannot t (Aid In competition with the, multitude of low test, tbort weight, alum orphoaphatepowden Sold onlrln cans. Botal Bauvo Powdr Co., 10S wall Street, New York. Sold by W C A B 8tronach, Qeorg T Btronaoh and J R Ferrall Go. AFew Bargains - HAVE YOU MADE A BARGAIN with your. Brain, to do overwork ; until you are suflering from Ner- ; vous Debility, Dizziness, Tremulousness, Low Spirits, Wakeful ness, and Loss of Vital Force? HAYEyOU MADE A BARGAIN with your, Stomach, to overload it j with excessive quantities of Food or Drink, until worn out it refuses to do iita duty, rejects the food offered, and with Appetite destroyed, and Indiges tion and Dyspepsia resulting, it becomes i your enemy ? j , HAVE YOU MADE A BARGAIN with your Digestive Organs, to keep them at work all tlfe time, giv ing; them no rest, until from the law 0? Self Protection they fill on with the torments of In dlgestion.Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, and, perhaps Vertigo? HAVE YOU MADE A BARGAIN with your Nerves, to exhaust their j forces, to strain their endurance, and to test their strength, until in their weakness, they repay 70a with a Snattered Constitution, Lack of Energy, Pre- mature Decay, and i f , i that Knor.Pai ! : ' Kenralgia. ! ; i , Hare yon made all these BARGAINS : . and kept tuem 7 men we nave a BARGAIN to offer you, of which you stand in moch need.. HEWS t '; OBSERVATIONS. GREECE-TURKEY. I There are again little specks of war in" Greece. -The Turks fired on the Greeks at three pointa Thursday, fc The ages of the qew bishops of the Southern jlethodist church art: Bishop Galloway 37, BiBhop ilendriz 39, Bishop Duncan 48 and Bishop Key 57. I The sea Which in 1778 overwhelmed the British man-of-war Somerset on the Massachusetts coast, has aow exposed her remains. " The Somerset took1 part in the battle of Bu nicer Hill. I -Dakota is bound to be a State, whether or not. I The 'public is a little ouriotxs to learn how it will manage to dispense with the. Visual Congressional act of admiasion. ' ; i 1 Charles fi. Reed, who acquired some notoriety as counsel for the assas sin.' Guiteau, was lodged in Ludlow street jail the Other day, for misappro priating about $1,500 of a olient's money. ; . - y i The venerable :M. Ferdinand de Xfesaepa and the less Venerable Mme. du itessepahave invited Mrs. Jugenrich, of Philadelphia, now in Paris, to stand as godmother at the baptism of thoix twelfth infant.' - T : ! Vesnvius, the world-famous vol cano, i.now very active. Torrents of lava are issuing ' from eleven cra ters. A stream: in some places 200 yards ti. 1 J ' ! n - 5 , . , . . TWO (OMUA1N BETWEKS 1UONE BEL LIGERENT POWtKR. Aparks thai Ms;alas. ! Fir Bla: LpNDON, May 22. The Greeks claim that during the frontier engagements of yesterday they captured two positions from the Turks, 20,000 cartridges and three prisoners.' The commander of the Turkish troops explained that the firing by his men was due to a mistake, and he has given assurances thai i Turkey's intentions are pacific . Later advices have been received stating that another fight " has taken place between Turkish and Greek I troops. " A large number of Turkish soldiers attacked a force of Greeks at a point between Turnavo and the sea. It is not known which side was victorious, as no details have as yet been reported. Good rreafwets lr th Iim InU Bill, , Lovdor, May ; 22. The News this morning says: "The impatience of Sir Mrehael Hicks-Beach and Lord Harting ton is a good sign and shows,-in the opinion of those qualified to judge, that the more the home rule bill is examined the better become its prospects of suc cess. '': If only Lord Churchill ; and the jOroaokU flowing toward the town of Marquis of Salisbury would make a few vwvo. t 1 more Bneecnes 01 me same tenor as i those of last week, the bill might be passed by a respectable uajorityV,' The Standard . this morning; refers to Gladstone's ingenuity in deferring a division on the home-rule bill, and says that a prettier bit of comedy has hardly ever been Seen in the House; of Com mons than the cruel display "of eager ness oh the part of Sir Slichael Hicks Bach, Chamberlain and Iordj Hart ington to hasten the despatch lof the home tule bill. IMC i Caine a member of Parliament, .writes that if both the Irish;, bills be withdrawn and be remodeled ibyj Glad stone, in the autumn there Will be a chance of liberal unity and of; carrying the measures. M Davitt, speaking at Swansea last evening, said that Lord Bandolph Churchill tiad uttered in parliament language just as treasonable as that for which he (Davitt) had been imprisoned; ; The investigation! of the asrents of There was no reason to fear tersecution the land omoo show -some startling re- I by Catholics. All the movements that j! -Colonel Jto n B. Folsom, grand father of Mifs Frankie Folsom, whom it is said President Cleveland is to marry, died Thursday at Folsomdale, Erie eountyN. Y. I He had been an invalid for several years. M " i Maxwell, the murderer, who is on trial at St. Louis for killing Preller.is odld-blooded fellow. The women run wild over hun, andvhe actually flirted with a &ir spectator while the ghastly stoiy of hist crime Was Being told in the court room. M . j M . j f-The ; frequent surrender, capture after surrender, parole as a' prisoner, aid all that, seems to ; make no differ ence withGeroniniQ, j the Mexican-Indian ',: ch'ief. He continues his . war against the United 1 States . troopi and defenseless settlers as if no reports of his oomplete anhihilation had ever been : Thr PiwoiiBtBt 4ovrar visiting Cincinnati's qrkat musical rEh- TIVAL. Cincinnati, 0.,-Msy 22. Governors Wilson, of West Virginia; Lee, of Vir ginia, and Foraker, of Ohio, who are here ! as guests of the festival associa tion, were introduced to the members of the chamber of oommeroe this afternoon by president Stfyens. Governor Wil Bon said he was grateful for the oppor tunity he had of seeing some thing; of the enterprises and public spirit; of Cincinnati. Governor Lee, who was received with shouts of ap plause, made a more elaborate Bpeech, in the course of which he referred to the late war and its events, whioh he said should be consigned to forgetfulness, or if remembered at all,, should bo thought of and talked of as evidences of American valor and fidelity. No men, he said, oouhJ he brought to face such storms 0 shot and shell s were poured upon the Scrtttherii .-(..Triers, un less they thought their c.inc. was just. He was happy to say that Virginia's aim was to take her place in the coronet of the American Union and by her help fulness in-- advancing the interests of a common country to become a bright . and flashing jewel. " His remarks were warmly applauded. Gov. Foraker followed, saying he was delighted to see the earnestness of the greeting given Gov. Lee, who now for the first time visited Ohio. It would show him that though Ohio's sons had fought; Virginia's it was not through hate. ; Bather Ohio loved Virginia so well that she would not allow her to separate from the Union. . The war had settled their differences for all time and now the common desire of patriots everywhere was to build up the whole country. Loud applause followed. The Governors held a reception and were met many of the prominent mem bers of the chamber of commerce THE COAL MINERS BGt OMCllllHTMOn.ARAK AH D COS. 1 DEdN lOTCIlim la, I'ulnr For the Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Tremnlous nesa, BiliousnessjWakeftal ness, and Loss of Vital Force,, .caused by the Overworked Brain, WB OFFER TOV BROWNS IROn BITTERS For th Loss ' of Appetite, Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia andVertigo, j WB OFFER VOU BROWN SIRON BITTERS For the Sha tcred Constitution, Xack of Energy, Pre mature Decay, Exhaust d Nerve Force and Neuralgia, Gvn. Wrl Worse no Important Ar. rt of Auarchlats. Chicago, May 22. A. special from Ciwjiniiati says, Gen. Durbin Ward, who has been confined at his home in Batavia, Ohio, for the last seven or eight weeks with rheumatism, became suddenly worse yesterday and grave fears are en tertained for his life. A special from Milwaukee says the sessions of the grand jury already held have resulted in two important arrests. Both of the arrested persons are promi nent members of the anarchist faction. One is Antoine Palm, a leading member of the carpenters' union, and the other Herman Lampe, president of the hod carriers union. Palm is the man who at the anarchists meeting, Sunday, April 25th, followed Hirth in a blood-thirsty harangue ' I After that time Palm disappeared from sicht, so far as known, or at least took a subordinate part in the scenes of the riot this week. In searching his house, the police found breech-loading rifle with three hundred rounds of fixed ammunition copcealed beneath a false floor. It is understood that several more arrests are to be made. An Iajnactloa Ca Charleston, 8. C, May 22 The board of directors of the Mason cotton harvester company, of this city, began proceedings yesterday against Owen 1 Bugg and the United States cotton har vester company, of New York, inventor and owner of a cotton harvesting ma chine. ; The laim of the Mason coru- ntiiT 11 (nr in ininnnlinn and Hftmivrn Vhlea Pat,. 0.aft. w Frl rts;l- A. A if. Tln.,- .i;-aT;rtn , VU W4U glVIAUA tJUSBl 0 ' a a v v a Chicago, May 22.-Chief of police o patent on the machine referred to Ebersold yesterday refused to grant a WM rejected after a full tearing by tl-e permit for a pending boxing glove con- Patent that P1 WR8 granted! to the Mason comDanv. and flWO packages of dvnamite were lu w.f0 . that Bugg having been defeated in the a similar affair between two j local F-"'- nnrh. Tha- .rit,Ariti annbnnoe the Mason company's p tents m th- Ka wnnrm KAvinw imirrmcr AThi. CODStrttftioil of hlS machiliU. IISIS M V W V VS IMS, V Jfc . ill be permitted m pujiiio. J.ne salts.: ; The pre-emption laws have beelti most shamefully abused.) By making his employees his tools a single man obtained 3O,0Q0 aores instead of thieo allowed a settler by Um. The ieommenceinentr exercises of vVihington and Lee university, Lex ihgton, yd., will take place next month uduiuw jiq 10 ana enaing uune 10. Ool, A; K. McClure, editor of the Philadelphia Times, will deliver the annual address before the literary socie- ifcev. ; cam tionca j will go to View Bngland and undertake, "to convert the Concord school bf philw.by. People Wad boldly stand up aiii Kacrt that the JptenceneiM of the Wh Jrtfvre is due to the Thingness of th Sweet Afterward cannot be reformed. toov soon for our opmmon safety. . r Last year the wheat yield of the Tjniied States was. iff round numbers. 357000,000 bushels, i but during the same period the. wheat yield of France was 313,000,000 - bushels which, con sidejeing the size of the eountry and the nnmper 01 tne inhabitants, was an out put much more surprising than that of tne umtea states, is Over occurred in Ireland had been start ed by Protestants.; 1 b 1 hlear Prk Packers' mrlke. .CmCAOOr May 22 Delegates from all the packing houses met last night to discuss the situation in the stdek yards. JSvery aepartment ot work was repre sented, and the deeision"was unanimous to hold out for the continuance of the eight hour day.' The question of wages iwas not spoken of in the meet- mg, Dut irom conversauons neia witn some of the delegates afterward U was plain that ten hours' pay would not be insisted on. It Was rumored that a mass meeting of employes is to ; occur Sunday; when delegates will be sent to Kansas City, Milwaukee, St. Louis and Cincinnati, to induce the packing-house men in these cities, to go out:with the Chicago men. The men appreciate the fact that without these outside houses they cannot hope to make satisfactory terms With the packers. ;M Ihty Will eiv uaue t 1hm. m Count found in the sewer under the Edear Thompson steel: works, at Braddock, Pa luissday. ad thehnan who was cleaning the sewer 'struck thim acci dentally with his shovel the loss of life and property would! have been fright j ful, as they contained enough to destroy mail tne enormous industrial plant, with tnose employed thereon. 1. St. Louis, May 22 The coal miners at their national convention . yesterday completed their preliminary routine business and organized their national assembly of Knights of Labor. Tele grams were sent to Frederick Turner, general secretary of the Knights of Labor, applying for a charter and re questing him to present to a special general assembly to be held in Cleve land the resolution adopted the day be fore, indorsing grand master workman Powderly and his principles. The act of the convention yesterday which will attract the widest attention was the passage of a resolution declaring that in the future the miners who are Knights of Labor will support and countenance no strikes or boycotts instituted bv trades-unious and will give their pat ronage exclusively to Knights of Labor manufacturers. Tb M. K. hiiKh Coaftrtac. Richmond, Va., May 22. -Today's session of the M. E general conference Was almost wholly occupied in discuss ing the report of the committee on the board of.; missions. The conference elected as president .of the board Col. ft, F. Cole, of Tennessee, and Dr. A. G;i Haygood vice-president. The reports of the secretary and treasurer of the board were discussed at length and much to the credit Of. those officials. The indebtednebs of the board at present is $6-1,000. The Episcopal council, now in session at Charlottesville, sent fra ternal greet n s by telegraph, and re ferred to Eplitsus : 6 ch., 24 v. At the request of the conference the bishops responded, acknowledging and heartily reciprocating tho fraternal greetings, referring to Hebrews: 13 ch., 20,21 V. The report of the committee on hymn book was submitted, The report sim ply asked that the papers referred to the committee,: looking to a revision of the hymn book, m y be returned to the conference. The committee did not have time, on account of the nesr ap proach of the final adjournment of the conference, to consider the matter. Dr. Pi A. Peterson, of Virginia, offered a substitute for the report, recommending that the college of bishops appoint a committee of nine to revise the hymn bobk, which committee shall be divided into three sections, the members of each section to be selected with reference to the location for their work; that when the work of preparatory revision Bhall be .finished by each section it shall be reviewed by the whole committee; that when the work shall have been ap proved by the bishops it shall be placed in the hands of the book agent, to be published for the use of the church; that the book agent shall have authority to pay, on order of the chairman of the committee, the expenses incurred by the; oomniitteo in the promotion of the work. It. is recommended that those hymns be excluded which are rarely or never used, in public or social worship ; that when it can be judiciously done a long hymn be abridged and that none exceed twenty-four lines; .that particular atten tion be paid to the arrangement and classification of hymns according to sub jects; that the whole number of hymns do pot exceed eight hundred; that the committee be instructed to prepare a tunOtbook as a companion-to the hymn book, if they deem it necessary After a lehgthy discussion the substitute was adopted, v ' ; Th EpUropal Convention. Cor. of the Nsws anp Observer: Tarboro, May 22. Most of the time of the convention yesterday and today was occupied by a discussion of the affairs of the Ravens croft .school at Asheville. There is a strong sentiment in favor of making the -leading feature of the institution a clas sical school for boys, and this' was pre sented and ably supported on the floor of the convention. Mo conclusion in the matter, however, was reached.- In the matter of the Smith legacy it Was resolved that the various bequests be referred to a committee of three, to be appointed by the bishop,1 who shall examine the land, personal property, etc., devised, and 'report their value, etc., to the convention. It was also; resolved that any income arising , as interest and ront nf land from the estate be turned over to the treasurer of the diooebe for the pur poses of the, diocesan missionary fund, and for the purpose of maintaining min istrations at the chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill. It was further resolved tKat a suitable tablet be erected in the ohapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, to the memory of the late Miss! Mary Ruffin Smith. The convention then proceeded to the election of officers for the year. Mr. Charles E. Johnson, of Raleigh, wan re-elected treasurer unanimously and the following committeemen and deputies to the general convention were chosen: Standing committee: Rev. Dr. Mar shall, Rev. Dr. Sutton, Rev. Bennett Sinedes, Col. Wm. E. Anderson and R. H. Rattle, Esq., all of Raleigh. Executive missionary committee: Rev. Dr. Sutton, of Raleigh; Rev. Dr. Bux ton, of Asheville; Rev. J. B. Cheshire, Jr., of Charlotte; Rev. Gilbert Higgp, Of Warrenton; W. L London, Esq., of Pittsboro; Dr. Q. W. Fletcher, J C Buxton, Esq., of Winston; J. B. Stick ney, Esq , Jno. Wilkes, Esq., of Char lotte. : Education committee: Rev. Dr. Bux ton, T. W. Patton, Esq., and Lawrence Pulliam, lCsq , all of Asheville. 1 Church building committee: Rev. j)r Sutton, Rev. J. W. Murphy, of Hillsboro; Rev. J. E. Ingle, of Hender son, and Messrs.! David Anderson and Wm. Woolloott, of Raleigh.; Trustees of the University of the South: Rev. J. B. Cheshire, Jr., Hon Wm. R. Cox, of Raleigh; Chas. E. Johnson, Esq. ' Trustee general theological seminary: Rev. Dr. Buell, of Asheville. h ; i Deputies to the general convention: Rev. Dr. A. S. Smith, of Ringwood; WONDKRFUL CIRra. W. D. Hoyt A Co., Wholesale and Retail IniKit "t Home, Ua.. say: Wc have been H-liiijr Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric fitters ant Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two ye:r Have never handled remedied that sell s wi ll or ifiv ouch universal aalittactien. There h ve luei-n nome wonderful cores effec ted ly thee medicines in this city. Several casea of pronounced 'onsumption have been entirlyc.urd b7 use f ew bottles t Dr. Kinu'g New Discovery, ttken In connecnen with Klectric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by druggists. aaaBBaBaBBamSaBaBaaaaaBaBU Caret Ooagfi. OoMn, BmrmmfmCrtmUOa Broocliittv Wboopinff Couch, incipient Cofiwmp DUO, hw ivuovvs wwuinjsjiT" Enom la aarkTieea Mpt ot Horn, la unaioo nut Ctmak Stntp l sold only In wramtrrt, and boar oar raMtend Trmdo-Uark to wit, A TtWm ttrtut i a Ciratr.a&eA- Strip Camtiom-labfi, nd tho fac-slmllasiirnntarMoCJil W. JhiU a A. V.Mrter CaSole llwp'i, BalUBon. Md, U. S. A. Rev. Rev. Wilkes, Dr bitions order covers pueilism in any shape, and if enforced will pre vent many ; matches recently advertised i including that be tween Sullivan and Mitchell.:; o ex- WE QTTt.lt TOV For Borne davs past there has been MnfMlfirCIDnil DITTCPQ 1 """v naval ; circles concerning the I letter to the mayor from the citwens DnUVill wlnUll Ul I I Clio U. S. man of war Nipsic, which is over- association a few days ago, demanding ape at mew iota on her return from that the laws ana arainanoes in relation the ;Bouth Atlantic fetation. She left to prize-fighting be strictly enforced. iJionwviaeo tne nn of March, and not a A Bttara t tb Tan Iloar Hjufmm. St. Locis, Mo., May 22 As ex pected , the return by ihe furniture manufacturers from the eight h ur avatem reeentlv inancmrated in their planation is given, but the action of the J ftorieg here to the oil t -u hour police U evidently the outcome of a I pian naa resulted in the olocg-down CURRENCY. It eintminM WTO WHISKY. It 40 NOT A BTIMVLAXT. It i. JL WMX TkMPEXAXCXTOWIC 3 w riA READ THE BARGAIN OJTLV OXB DOIXAtt PER BOfTXE FOB BROVill SIROIl BITTERS I t 9 solar h. OllrUjDR00Knfa ' 1 fSlQHonU J word has been heard from her sircc that date, Nearly t wise' as much time has elapsed as should have been required for her to reach, home, and it is feared that she is lost. : A French paper; in an inspired ar ticle, disapproves of the , expulsion of the Orleans princes ; from France, and advises that the princes;? if guilty of any offense, be punished;; like ordinary citizens, ;,; The republican papers , are btcruly opposed to permitting the Or leans princes to remain on French tern- toryj and combine m raising the cry, f Expel the PinCes !" r : . i ' j The session of the! cabinet Thursday was 'mainly devoted to the consideration ojf the Canadian fishery troubles. Action was j postponed, it is understood, in order to await the receipt of more definite information from consul-general P he lan. has cleared from Boston with two can- -nonr twenty-nve Winchester riflds and 4 picked Yankee crew ' ; Her captain promises' fun if the Canadians touch bim. There is . great, excitement in Portland, Me. Canadian vessels are also;arming. The . following u bulletined 1 Fort J-Hln tit Mtncrcaa. ; , Washington, May 22. Hooss. Mr. Reagan, of Texas, from the com mittee oh commerce, reported back the Cullom inter-State; commerce bill with a substitute therefor. Referred to: com mittee of the whole; M j Afte? passing a few private measures the House went into committee of the whole (Crisp in the; chair) for a general debate on the Dunn free ship bill. : After a today of every establishment I the kind in the city, rendering idle over 2,000 men. When the furniture workers learned; the intention of the employers to abandon the short hour system they resolved not to return to work on the basis of ten hours unless they should receive more pay per hour. The manu facturers refused to grant the demand, with the above result. TO Wkljr Bank Satnaat. Niw York," May 22, The weekly statement ot tne associated nanus is . as follows: Reserve increase, 1, 304, 100; loans decrease, Xl.2Uo.UUU; specie in lengthy; debate on .the' ship I crease, $14,500; legal tenders increase, in bill, the committee rose. On motion of Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, the Sen ate amendments to the urgent deficiency bill were non-concurred in and. at 3:45 the House adjourned. ' ; ; ; . mt 1 : in i 1 1 b Klffbt Hour Mo a Dratd. : Boston, May 22. At a meeting; of nainters antt decorators, last evening, it was decided to return to work Monday atthe old wages and hours of. labor. Lack of funds is the probable cause ot T ,1 na - -La the action taiten. ' Ihe organization, however, olaims that the defeat is only temporary. i Total VUlbi supply af (l)tta. r Niw ! York, May 22. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,672,478 bales, of which 1,745,278 are BKFRIGER ATORir , FREEZERS, . FLY-TRAPS, WIRE DISH COVERS, OIL; STOVES, ;i PoreeUia-lined and other Water Coolers, All of Most Improved Styles sad as. LOWEST PRICES. Holland, as a svoopsis of tho news of American; against , 2i36,410 .and 1, Xmerica April 13: ' New York, April 661,210 respectively last year i receipts J2, U886. General railroad strike at all interior towns 18,140; receipts thronfrbbnt the countrv. Riots in New from the plantations 3,887 ; crop in York and St. Louis. Destruction by sight P77JUa bales dynamite of gre.t Milwaukee breweries. Marriage of President (. levland to Miss Patterson, of Baltimore. :i Heavy gales along: the eoast. Angry debate on sil ver Question in the! House. Members g656.000; deposits decrease, 82,534,- 400: circulation increase, 814.500. The banks now hold 813,801,400 in excess of the 25 per cent mlo Alalrb lumr l'tnrl. "WashInoton May 22 John C. Cal lahan, a painter of tins city, l as entered a civil suit for $5,000 damages against eertain members or tne journeymen house painters assembly, Knights of Labor. The cause for the action is an alleged conspiracy on the part of the defendant which through boycotting and other means resulted in the rum and destruction of the plaintiff's busi ness. . i . j ; The first annual commencement of the Greenville (Pitt county) institute will be held at Skinner's opera house June 14 and 15. Rev. T. W. tfobb, Of . ... .1 V I Hit Hertford, delivers tne aaaress. ltte marshals are: F. C. Hiding, chief; Alien Warren, J, 8. Higgs, W, 4. Jar vis and Harry -Whedbee Tnttku x Truth lies deep in a well, that be s - By day as well as night may look To lleaven, its starlit wonders see, "i And read her name in God's own book. Willis Fletcher Johnson in the Current.. ICcosts quite! a sum to bury a Con gressman, but ; the country doesn t mind the" expense. Powderly: says that tho most uneasy bed for a full-grown man to rest on is the boy-cott. Yet a good many who tried it were 'rested last week. The word salary comes from the Latin silarium, literally salt money, from sal, salt, which was part of the pay of Ro man soldiers. This will probanfy ex plain why certain young ladies regard young men who receive meagre salaries as being entirely (,too fresh." Norris town. Herald. I notice," said a gentleman in search of informjition to Herr Most, that anarchists never strike. Why is this?" "That," baio the ?reat apostle of mouth as a factor in social progress, with 'much dignity, "is easily explained. No tue anarchist ever works." Wash ington Hatchet. : are Mr. Talmage?" "Iam, .nr it. T . L. sir. " vv en, bit, it am au evoiuuonisi, and I want to discuss that question with you. I I m also an annihilationist. I believe that When I die that will be the end of me ": "Thank God for that!" devoutly ejaculated Mr. Talmage, as he Buell, Rev. Dr. Marshall, B. Cheshire, Jr.,1 Mr. Jno. Mr. R. H. Battle, CoL W. H Si Burgwyn, of Henderson, land Mr. S. S. Nash, of Tarboro. I 1 1 Supplemental deputies : ' Rev. Dr. Bronson. of Wilson, Rev. F. J. Mur doch, of Salisbury; Rev. Dr. Buxton and Rev. Wm. R. Wetmore. W, L. London. Esq. , of Pittsboro, ; Mr. A. B Galloway, J. F. Payne, Esq., of Mon roe, and, Jacob Battle, Esq.; of Rooky Mount. ! The treasurer of the diocese, Mr. Johnson, was nominated aj deputy but asked the withdraw al of his name, in view of the fact that business engagements : would pre vent his attendance oh the convention, and his request: was complied! with. Hon. John S. Henderson, of Salisbury, was also nominated, but his name was withdrawn "for reasons similar to those given by Mr. Johnson. These facts are mentioned because an election as deputy to the general convention is certainly a high honor. M The convention has been a working body and has transacted its business ranidlv. It has disDOsed of manv mat ters of importance that it was feared it would not be able to reach and adjourns today with the oonsaiouaness of having done its duty. Of the entertainment of the membeis of the convention by the people of Tar horo I have alreadv spoken, but too much cannot be said in its praise. Then is not a delegate, I am 6ure, who wii not agree with me in the opinion tha; there can be no more hospitable peopl on the face of the earth than those who dwell in Tarboro. ; A Lady Picked tip at Ba. St. John's, Newfoundland, ;May 20 From St. GeorgeB bay, on the west coast of Newfoundland, comes the fol lowing extraordinary storv: "A French vessel arrived here yesterday from Saint Malo, bound to Port au Unoix. ; one came for the purpose of landing; Miss Louise Journeaux, who was picked up from an open boat at Bea, about 20 miles off; the island of Jersey. The; lady, with a gentleman named Fame, went boating Sunday evening, .April 18, afur leaving church. While rowing, her companion let one oar slip and in at tempting to recover It lost the other. B iniri irond swimmer heinstantlv iumned overboard to recover the oar. The wind meantime was freshening, and there was a strong current setting from the land. The boat fast drifted beyond his reach, and he was compelled either to swim for the land or sink. Miss Journeaux, alone in the boat, drifted to sea. The boat almost filled with water, ; and for SALVATION OIL, '.Tho Greatest Cure on Erth' for Pain," .Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Seal as, cuts, Lumba-o,iiore, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by ail . Druggists. Price 35 Cents a Bottle. PKET STORE. The Great BarmmHouse of naieign. We kicked up a racket last week and we are going to kick up a bigger one this week, as we are go.ng to open 'new goods and some great bargains. So look outl Big Job in Violin, Bannjo Ad Guitar Strings, at 4c a set; fresh from the manufacturers and a good article. Pins and needles 2c a paper. Twenty-four sheets Note Paper for 6c Best Calico in the market, ic a yard. Best 4-4 Sheeting for 6c a' yard. Straw Hats for men and boys from 6c up. Good Ticking I2fca yard. Now if you want to save your nioney call and see me. New and advanced ydeas are ; crowding out the old ones; pluck instead of luck; cash instead of credit; brains Instead of cheek; and science and ability are beating back and crush'ng Into oblivion moonshine mer chants with their tough and tremendous long- time prices. Out Millinery Department will be filled tLi with new hats and flowers and such goods as are needed as the Beasonadvances.jThese goods are bought In hew 1 ork irom first-class houses and the most fashionable in the city and not from, auction houses, as I understand is jrc- ported by many persons in this city. They ar bought for cash and at cost, so I can sell them cheaper than those houses who buy from drummers and on credit. The drummers are going all through the country at an expense of from S to f 10 a day, besides paying heavy license fees. Who pays all these expenses f Why you people who buy goods from houses who buy from drummers and on credit. The consumer has all these expenses, to pay. Come and buy your Millinery from us and save all these expenses. - - Kespectfully submitted to the cash trade only. vuLtiNifix rUaoalAi & CO., No. 10 East Martin Street. LOOK OUTj TH COCKTRTjlB FLOODED WITH ADULTERATED LARD- Examine carefully whatlvou are u&lwr. the odor from it when cooking betrays it. OASSARD'S "STAR BRAND' LARD. isrunK. i EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED Try itand you will use no other. B. H. WOODEIX, Kaleigh, N. O, Agen 3r. Case ar d Son, BALTIMORE, MD., Curers of the Celebrated Star Brand Mild 'nrod Hams and Baoon. fortv hours she lived in agony. At lenirth ahe was' rescued bv the French walked off and left the man perfectly yegsel, on board of which she was kindly eared for bv the captain and officers The violent off-shore wind prevented the: Frenchman from reaching Jersey, dazed- Harrisburg Telegraph. Horace "I see by the papers that there was a tie-up ' in several of the churches yesterday." Angelina "Oh, thosel horrid labor troubles, when will ome to blows IM M- Jla,la (a. Oartelai Ward Dad. I Awatkar Call far IWada. Lxbasok, Ohio.- May 22. 'General WaaHniflTOK, May 22. The treasury Durbin Ward died at 2. BO o'clock this department today issued a call for K4, afternoon, i He was a noted Ohio poli- 000.000 of bonds' for redemption, The they eease T ; By the way, though, how oould there be a ' tie up ' in church ? " tlCUW. pall mature jtijl, rflorace ' Easy ; enough ; the happy couple just walked up to the chancel I ra;ls, and the minister did ' the business in fifteen minutes." New W $ 1 l and the lady was carried across the At lantis to Newfoundland. Farne reached St. Hilaire harbor safely, but his story was disbelieved. People from the shore affirmed that they heard cries of murder from Sea. Farne was arrested and charged with homicide. His liberation is of course . v.. a ill Yerk Trib- certain, imsi tiourneaux naving caoiea V-IMflrMn-B Ttl r imm T.niii-fln. TTr.rlanhn (m 1 hint Mma I Mm. JulL mo noultrram aa UnbMith Mv -iA tr. Uor tbaa any etbcroMoa, Pr Baarord-f LITor Ibto nnilnrawnihllMllMinnoaH fiirlSnotho nlmrt immXm 7 .iummmUi.