n." fx 1- VOL XXVI. . ! ' "i ..... 5".--i r A -,t---.-f - i II- ! PS 1 1 '5 AL U A .I':'-' 1i -I : - -11 r- - 'I ii J ; "f -'? f : !. " ' ". S 7.- ' LA. i - ; : - i. ; AND 1! ; r "I ff.Pi ::-; i: I'fft Observer '1' 1 1 RALEIGH N. 0., THURSDAY MORNING MAY 27. 1886. NO. 161, PUi Aboolutoly Pure. fhia nowder never varies. ; A marvel fCrKV, Strength i and WhotoMDWMMk ?. MOT Mtwuhil than ordinary kinds and cannot be Mid in wiMtlUoa wttk tb moltitode of low tost, hott weight, alum or pboophatc powdtn Sold ontr In cana. ROTii. Batwo PowM) (X, lOS Waft Btroat, Sow York. Sold by W C A B 8taronach, Goorn T laeaaad JBramilACo. - " j : . WEATHER BULLETIN You read it You note the indications for the day, then prepareforthd weather, lhat indicates wisdom. It's more im portant to you to observe the HEALTH BULLETIN. Dnn't npcrlect its indi cations, lncyareper 3 sonal to you. Study them carefully, nnderf stand them thoroughly, act upon tixm promptly. t INEI1CATION ! Headache. It's a disordered Stomach. Most likely accompanied; by : Constipation. Brown's Iron I Bitters will cure the' Head " ache and Constipation too. INDICATION 1 Nervous Head-: ache. This means Weak ; ' Nerves, Excited Nerves, Ner-; vous Prostration. All ner ! vous. troubles cured by; the strengthening qualities of j . : Crown's Iron Bitters. I j INDICATIONS I Dyspepsia r and Indigestion, f Be careful , of r your diet- Look ; well tt your habits. Give aid. to these! , ' Jby using Brown's Iron Bit-i . tters. ; It will cure. -" f INDICATION 1 i Biliousness.' Brown's Iron Bitters is what - you need. It will remove the ; i cause and cure the disease. ; INDICATION! Impure Blood. ' i Causes no' end of "physical . disturbances. Purify and enrich vour blood and remove the : KEW8 OBSERVATIONS. Ip the recent Pullman (111.) labor difficulties the working girls were led to strike by the ybung men threatening to boycott them ai the coming picnics this summer. i 1 ' The Boston Commercial Bulletin has ben making 'inquiries among the archiUtets of ttiat city, and finds that the May .strikes hare had the effect of sus pending inTestments aggregating $4,- j -The special committee appointed to raise money in Philadelphia for a tower to thel chapel at the University of Vir ginia haT secured about $1,600 of the $5,000 needed, tt is intended that this tower. shall be a niondment of the broth erljr Ioto of Philadelphia for the South erner, : . v ;t ; -Von Ranke dying in: harness at ninety and Bancroft i actively working at eighty-six prove that the writing of hutorjr is not neoessarily an unheal thfui oooupation i while, as fori the making of it, look at Gladstone, aged seventy seven, anl Bismarck a tender yoath ot seventy-ehe I -Henry Todd,' of Darien, Oa., who died recently, was .one of tbe richest eolord men in th country. : His prop erty was f valued :stf $125,000. It was mostly amassed- In j the lumber trade. Aftei'. the death of his wife much of his property by bis will goes to oolored churches and schools. ; -0f the total;: number; of dwellings in New York, 10,314 contain ene family, or six persons; 16,982 houses or flats oontain one family on a floor, or 25 per sons;?: whife 18,966; tenements accommo date 60 persohs each on . an avetage that is, about three-quarters of a million. The prosperity of Poulterer Hayes, of Ohio, is now un perilled by Mr. J. D. Barnard, of Biyne, .La., who ships thousands of dosens of eggs to New Orleans and np the river, and who says that Inore money can be mado at selling eggs for five cents a dozen than in rais ing cotton at ten "cents a pound. HMr.t Jas. H. Warder, "of Nokesville, Prince William county, Va., contributes the following snake story to the Manns sas Gasette. 4My wile's old turkey hen Was sitting beside the garden fence oh thirteen eggs About a week ago a large black snake came along and ate the turkey, curled i himself on the eggs and stayed there aatil they hatched out and then ate the whole brood at once. I telj youhe was some snake." !4A Imodern ttuoretia Borgia . is thought' to havebeen discovered in Rutland, Vt., in- the person of Mrs. Harriet'E Mason who lis accused of poisoning her husband, her son-in-law, her young nephew! and hex most inti mate; female friend. There are rumors. too,4hat,Ui lkt of her victual may txr iHu ioiiuw woreasea on invwuirauon. ter Workman Bouquet, who took dowft the Baftholdi statue in Paris CONGRESSIONTAL. ; - i ; THE 1IOVSK ESJOTS QVITIS A LOSS MHc'UStSIOAl Oa tb SMittor. Washington, May 26. Sinati, After the routine morning business the Senate proceeded to -the consideration ot the private pension bills on the cal endar, i ';, i The Senate took up the bankruptcy bill, but laid it aside for a bill providing for taxation of railroad grant lands. Mr. Blair offered an amendment, which was agreed to, providing that in any sale of land under the bill the United States might become a preferred pur chaserVud that in such case the lands might be restored to 'the publio domain. In reply to a anestlon from Mr Blair, Mr. Van Wyck said ithat almost every State in the Union had suffered by the evil of; untaxed railroad bonds. Mjr. Sherman asked for the suspension of the taxation bill in order to take up the bill heretofore reported by him from the committee on foreign relations, sup plementary to and amendatory of the "Chinese immigration bill of 1884 " Unanimous consent! being given," the Chinese bill was talfen up. Mr. Sher man explained that the bill was simply intended to explain the meaning of the existing1 law relating to Chinese immi gration; 8everal legal questions had arisen tinder the ekisting law, is to which there had been some doubt; or difference of opinion For example, one meaning had been attached .to the words "Chinese laborer" by judge Field and another b4 a Massachusetts' judge. ' The definition of Field: had been accepted by the committee, after being discussed until the closeof the day's session, the bill was postponed to a future day. Adjourned. HOC8B. ; The speaker laid "before the House a letter from the acting secretary fijf the treasury; recommending an appropria tion of $5,000 for the transportation of minor coins. . ! . Mr. Dunn's free ship bill was ; the special order for the day, but its friends being desirous of making way for the oleomargarine bill, the order was made a continuous one, the former bill to be called up at the earliest oppor tunity' . ' Mr. Blount reported that the .con ferees ; on the postoffice appropriation bill had been unable to agree, and a further conference was ordered: After some preliminary skirmishing, the House went into committee of the; whole on the oleomargarine bill,, all general debate upon the measure being closed. Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, speakins; to formal amendment; sent to the clerk's desk and had read the fol lowing telegram received by him from Chioago: "A protest of seteral hundred the secretary of the interior may pre scribe. (Great laughter ) Pending action the committee rose and the House at 5 o'elock adjourned. A Try" Important Bill. A fLAH TO BBNVrr THS COUSTKT'S INDUS TUBS. Wabhinqton, D. C.j, May 26. Sens tor Stannard introduced in. the Senate today a bill to authorise the establish ment of export tobaooo manufactories ; for drawbrack on imported articles used In manufacturing imported tobacco ; 'or cans filled with, products grown in the United States, or canned and preserved fruits made with imported sugar, and on bottles, etc., containing beer, wine or brandy of domestic growth. So far as it relates to tobacco, its provisions are identical with those' of tbe measure whiob passed the Hoase a month ago ana. which is now before the Senate committee on finaitsJ; In addition it provides that on imported bottles and EVOLUTION. THE ACTIOS" OB THK SKKmr 1EKIAX UESEBAIj ASESfS.a.T A Ttr PiU Eaaneitta Adoosta Ga., May 26. The sixth day's proceedings of the general assem bly of the j Presbyterian church South was devoted to the discussion ot 'the question of evolution. The debate was opened by Dr. R. D. Smoot, of Texas, in favor oCthe majority report, contend ing that the matter is properly before the assembly for decision, and not a matter of ! convenience or expediency, that can i be deferred. Drs. George D. Armstrong, W. F. Junkin andJJ B. Striokler followed in support of the majority report. Is favoring the mi nority report Dr, F. L. Ferguson, of T .ill i ai .no nnnrtta) uliAn . t t.him (ima corks, when used for the oiportation of by the assembly, on the ground that it wvw., nw w wi.uuj ' tuu I would orciudioe the case of Dr. Woodrowi now pending in the or uomt stio man ufacture or production, uud on cans manufactured in wltole or in part with imported material, when such im ported material exceeds 70 per cent of the whole material, filled with products grown or produced in the United States, there shall be allowed a drawback of duty equal to the amount paid. It also provides that exporters of fruits which have been canned or preserved in the United States with imported sugar on which duty has been paid shall, upon satisfactory proof, under such regula tions as the secretary of the treasury may prescribe, have refunded to them the duties paid on the sugar so used. BJnrdrd hy His Hobs. lower court of the ohurch. Dt. W. Flinn and Dr. Woodrow closed the debate on the minority report. Dr. Woodrow j did not speak in support of, or even advance his' theories of evolu tion, but spoke against the propriety of the convention -taking action no w and against the assembly by adopting the report of the majority, alleging the creati6n to have been i immediate. The majority report was adopted by an over- j Congress w Helming vote Ot 137 to Id. It is as follows: ' To the several overtures on the sub ject of the evolution of man sent up by presbyteries ino general assembly re turns answers w follows: The churob. J. Jh W. Oniham tor brni. Cor J of the Nbws and Obsbkvbs. . May 24, 1886. It is often the custom of correspond ents who write concerning proposed can didates for office to say everything: they can in disparagement of everybody ex cept their man. Such is not my object, but I hope I may be allowed to ' say a few words for Maj. Graham fori; Con gress. He deserves recognition at the hands of the Democratic party, De scending on both sides from revolution ary stock, he has well sustained i their reputation on the battle field. In' 1868. though still a young man, he i was a member of the so-called "constitu tional" convention, and was one of the immortal thirteen Democrats who stoed up boldly for the rights "of his ; State, and- fought vigorously every measure that would degrade and disgrace the Old North State.. Sinoe then he has always worked for her honor and welfare, both upen the hustings and in her legislative halls. ,4Honor to whom honor is due." No truer son has North Carolina. He is -a man of upright character and per fect integrity ; well versed in the law both Federal and State ; a sound, prac tical speaker ; an indefatigable worker and student. He is perhaps 1 better versed in the finances of our State than any other man in it, and also under stands all her interests. He fought for her in war and has served her faithfully in tames of peace. How, then, could the! fifth district better honor herself than by giving him a seat in the next 1. U. A. Cor. of Thb Nbws and Obsbrvbb, Seeing in the Nbws and Ocbbbvbb that the name of the Hon. W. R. Cox will; be before the congressional Con or THB TZKRIBLX KILLING VABMBB. Mountain Grovb, Missouri, May 26. Sunday morning Wayne Ande-sou, a .wealthy and respected farmer of this county, was found murdered near this town. He attended a Masonic lodge Saturday night, leaving the hall about 12.30 a m. and starting for his home'. He was found Sunday morning, lying on his back, shot in the throat and breast. Yesterday during the coroner's inquest two sons of the deceased and a companion named. Saunders confessed the crime; Saunders said he was per suaded, to assist the murdered man's two sons And that Ed. Anderson shot his father with Saunders' gun from an ambush previously arranged. The con fessions of the brothers re identical with that of Sanders, except as to who did the shooting, each accusing- the others. There was wild talk last night of lynching, but the sheriff sucoeeded in conveying the men to jail at Spring field before a mob eould Congregate. Feeling, j Don't neglect; tfuslj It's a storm signal. It's not aj cause but the result of physic cal derangement, uet nd ol it at once. It means an exnaus . I a i a. body, an! overworked Drain, ;4 Give both the aid of Brown Iron' Bitters. It will restore the body and rest the brain, if INDICATION 1 General Debil-y ity. Results from inattention to ; the previous indications. Those complaints have produced t lis ; xonditionj Even now you can obtain relief and be cured by; Brown's Iron Bitters. Mi XNDICATONS 1 . Kidney and - Over Troubles. Danger threafc-r ens. van . treated and bv Brown's Iron Bitters. LOCAL INDICATION SI Chills and Fevers. ! Spring . Fevers. You will find a certain remedy in Brown's Iron Bit ters. It supersede s the use of Quinine and produces better and oermanent results. It won't hurt ycur teeth. It -won't discolor them. You can have all the testimony you wantol ?the value of Brown 8 Iron Bit tters if you write to fiRQ Wft 7 CHEMICAL CO.. Baltimore, Md. "SPECIAL INDICATIONS! Throughout the Southern At J-.' lantic and Gulf States. ? Spring Fever will prevail fbr sometime. . I 1 It's in the Weather;. It's A cn the Health Bulletin VNwl Don't overlook it. Brown's Iron Bftters is a soecmc tor its cure. r LOOK OUT j THB OOCKTET'tS FLOODED WTTH . ADULTERATED L&RD- F.vuuine earefullv whattyou are using;. the dor Iroui it when cooking U-traj-g It. ; LARD : FUr klsw Chicago, May 26. A disastrou See and packed it up for shipment to, this members of the Chicago hoard of trade 8truoture here early this morning The wiMiMi, mm vwj. ak w'I'mw uuu, . uruoBt me aouon us we ireowrj iOM , nnroximate Sl.UUU.OUU. mg bogus butter Was maUed ycu last Among ti e principal losers are the fcA-H' . M J i ; . , ; publishers, Belford, Clarke & Co., and Mr.f Kelly, of Pennsylvania, claimed fc ig book bindery firm, Donahue & the floor for the purposepf saying, after Hennebury. Next door was a fire-story twenty.four hours' reflection, whit he buUding owned by O. A. Slaughter and said oh the bill yesterday and he did it copied by the furniture firm of R. lest some men might tuinx tne threat or Deimei 4 Co. This firm was burned out. ffentieman frOm Iowa (inn tien a Missouri remains at this time sincerely oonvinoed I vention.for renomination, I desire to say tnat tuo bcr.piuren as truly and authori tatively expounded in our "ooufessioa of faith" ana catechism teach that Ad"1 and Eve were created, body tnd BOxl, ' by the immediate . act of Almigt power, thereby preserving perfect race unity; that Adam's body ' was directly lasnionea oj Almignty uod without any natural animal parentage of any kind, out of matter previously created but of nothing; and that any doctrine stt variance therewith is a dan- j gerous error, inasmuch as by the methods of interpreting the bcriptures which it must demand and in the consequences which by fair implication it will in volve, it will i lead to a denial of doc trines fundamental to the path. (Signed) George V. Armstrong, H. K. bmoot, V F. Junkin, O. B Stricklen, L. C. Vass. A. N. Hollifield, M Van Leon, R. B. Fulton. aOhmIm taXaistojn Chicaco, May 26. 3,QP0 jpftoking house employees -of Sidney A. Kens, who inaugurated the eicrht hour move- ment at Union stock: yards, held, a con- t every day, proiongwg toe session eacn that: to the best of my knowledge there is net a soldier who served under lien. Cox! who will hot gladly do all he can to secure his nomination. Gen. Cox commanded the best organised brigade in the A. N. Y., and the North Caro lina material of which it was composed could not be beaten as fighters. Many of us Were there four years in close inti macy, and all rreollect how faithfully we promised to stick together when the war ended. In writing thisl am simnlv lllng your attention to the fact that the time has come and we mast attend tha; primary conventions and buck up for tour rights or we will have no voice in the choioe of candidates. j G. T. 8. Ik Hw FfejraielMM, ; TDB WOXK Of THB BTATB MBSIOAIp XXAMI- HBBS. j i -j '. I Kew BerneJanrnaL J . :, i The board of medical examiners whioh has bees in session since last Tuesday BMinins; completed its work Saturday Tbe .board was m session New York, with n corps! of workmen, putting; the statue together as fast as possible. Uen. tiiooe says the- statue wilt be iu place .u the pedestal Detore September 6.. when it is to be cause of many diseases by us- i iTinyeiled with great ceremonies by Pres ing Brown's Iron Bitters, j ideut qeveland ) i .... INDICATION ! That TirW 1 -A uagariaii eonj&rer the gentleman from lows lair tien derson) made yesterday, that: if the Pennsylvania proteetidnista did not sustain the bill the iron industry of their State might be destroyed. Tie had. great respect for! the iron and . steel manufacturers of Pennsylvania and their working-men, bnt there Was one man on' whose good opinion be placed a higher value and tnat was the man with whom be lav down at mgnt aner I rose in the morning for the performance of duty. Mr. Henderson sail Mr. in Paris is astonishing the natives. : He spreads a newspaper upon any floor, and places a ohair upon it. :His assistant, a pretty young Woman, Bits down! Upon the ohair, and over her h throws a piece of silk, which barel covers her' from head to foot. Then h whisks the silk away, and; the chair is empty ; The trick is done iu a strong light, and in full sight of the spectators, j , j! - The: President has appointed the following nanied gentlemen members of the: board of visitors to West .roint present year: rroi.; w. u. sumner : 11: r .:. n Kemp P; Wile. LL. D , ! president of "wa rejeo . thi llniversity of North Carolina; Mr. d- They eome here fJn. William R. Blssell, of New York; Gen. jTlJl. Wm; A. Blaln of Pennsylvania; Gen. rT' rZrZ eneral Tl''r: !TTn :i j Zhr. vi it mr ex- The most exciting part of the fire was panic which occurred among the guest of the hotel Brunswick, directly oppo site the burned block. The heat was bo intense that every pane of glass in front of the hotel was broken. The guebts became alarmed, and not stopping to dress themselves, fled from the hotel. Several firemen were badly injured. Vow Trk tia htam. ' Nbw Yobje, May 26. Green k Co's. report says: There was some fair !,-., - t , k t. 1 j: .u. .u .1 1 a, a aw afiinan wn bituibh inr im ihii 111 lthii iiiv iib a.isn ii 1 11 tit i 1 iiiiikli w m v 1 r ri vr i i for I lVD"J -"" -r my ",r"jrr, I ; o 7 r j " v " I anynqw 1 ne neuaerson representea. xi.outuKcu 1 uu mif aa auTauoe wi ut PU1UM UU I shapes 1 nun IOr niS Bina oo-operauuu, vuv -mr 1 ucuwu ion waj uu tuc uuu wuo- w .. I ... T ... CANARD'S "STAR BRAND' v IS'rtJBB. BVUiY PA( RACE GUARANTEED I Ti t it and von will use -DO other. B. H. WOODELL, Balelgh, N. C Afeaj & Casard & I BALTIMORE, KD Cttren ol tb Celebntod Star Bvamd MOi Cana Rams sad Ateoa. Cortey.iof Alabama. Among the diminutive toy ' wrap pings for evening use at summer resorts axe those of Jfipglisb light cloth chocked. striped, or Invisibly plaided in which the natural wool tints of gray and ecru predominate, these colors crossed by fine lines of golden, brown, olive, and cardinal. The monk's-hood at the back is lined with gray surah, and the edges of the wrsp are simply machine stitched. The sleeves arb lined with surah in or der to render: them easily pit on or off. there are shapes after the pelerine; dol man and short Battenburg models, made of the English light cloths! and also neatly formed into tourists' pelisses, lerviceable rain cloaks, and natty hunt ing jackets for mountain wear, j! Corn seems at home everywhere, ex cept in the very extreme north. On tbe 'x Z '1. J il. it- II mouniam siaes ana ui iuo yuhcyb, u Clay and- sand and loam and muck, this great national crop ef ours is at home. And yet, themprice of a first rate crop 01 corn, iiae --me price 01 noeriy, u eternal vigilance." The man who goes into the held to raises a crop of corn, has a host; of enemies to contend with and he should "gird on his armor for the conflict." Droughts and floods and frosts S'are him in the face: myriads of weeds,. the birds of the air and the in sect woald'are all arrayed against him. But if he fights the!-battle valiant j, he is almost Sure to be victorious. First, let him manure bountifully, for there is '.I istenee On motion of Mr. Breckinridge, of Kentucky j an amendment was' adopted, 65 to 43, to the section defining but ter", so as to exclude from that defini tion the product ;of mic or cream when additional matter is used. M i Mr, Morrison said the bill came here under false pretenses and be would therefore vote against it. Heiiatimated that the tariff bill would be called up shortly. He sarcastically remarked that in two weeks the gentlemen who ' so earnestly i endeavored te protect the dairy interests : would, be dancing be tween the sellers under the lead of the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Kelly) voting, against free salt for use in butter-making. Mr. Hammond offered an amendment makingit unlawful for any merchant or shop-keeper in the Distriol of Columbia or the Territories to sell oleomargarine without labelling Jt in a conspicuous manner, and requiring hotels, restaur ant and boarding-house keepers who use oleomargarine to place on their dining room a placard bearing the words, "This house uses oleomargarine,": and to have the same words printed on the bill of fare. This was agreed ;to, 2 to 85. Mr. Hammond offered an amend ment providing a penalty for violation of this provision. Lost ; 58 to 109. - Mr; Findlay, of Maryland,. Offered an amendment providing that no manufac turers of oleomargarine shall export the omewhat dragging, with a portion of the gain. lost. Operators generally ap peared nervous and hesitating over the conflicting reports from the growing crop, some of the latest ad vioes intima ting a morej serious outl( vk. The fall months .are, greatly negUcted and are little better than nominal. "- m m i. . Tb OolUlr MtBtla. ; Pittsbdrg, Pa., May 26 The mi jority of the fourth pool miners are idle and the miners in that pool say that the prospects of their starting soon are very slight, as the operators depend on those of the lower pools, for the market is al ready well stocked, formerly these mines were .kept in operation by the loose traae, dus tne uitroaueuon . 01 natural gas has destroyed that business. John R. Wood, of the Tremont mines, has notified those miners who are: nit under contract that the rate of mining will be If cents a bushel in future. Heavy Incra of Kvna. ; Washington, May 26. The revenues of the government for this month arc nearly 16,000,000 in excess of the ex- penaiCUres uunug uio tame periu'i, suu the treasury officials are encouraged to believe there will be a comparatively large decrease in the . publio debt about $12,000,000. V rout no fear of making laud too rich for eorn4 7 Fr thf Next he should plough welUno general India possessions inhabited by Pharisees rule as ic depth an be laid down, the or nre-worsnipper., r par 01 soil and eircumstaooes must govern. A deep ploughing, which on a strong clay soil might prove the only salvation of a I crop, might not be so badly needed on UgM ana sanuy apu. the world where these sects may reside. and providing further that the provis ions of the bill shall extend to the man ufacture and sale of ssusage ss far ss Praetieable, under such regulations as mm. $ r 4m Tbe . PrMar f lm atmovt 6re. LoNPoir, May 26. Lord Roseberry, foreign secretary, will recommend that the powers raise the blockade on Greek ports and withdraw the foreign fleet, from Snda bay. , . Tk rby BUie. Lonik-x. May 26. Ormonde won the Derby; iiard second, St. Meriu third. Whilo tie cutting season of asp va lgus lasts, no shoots should be allowed to grow. White shelled eggs have ta bc sold at djaeouttt is the eastern markets. aultatioh with. Kent today, at which the latter agreed to continue the eight hour plan until October 1. The men in departments are to receive nine hoars' pay, except the laborers, whose wages were only recueed from$ 1 75 to- $1.65. What effect this action will have upon the other packing-house employers is not knbwn. They had all announced an intention to return to ten nours June Colf rat Dooan, of Dakota, .who is not unknown in North Carolina, writes a oharaotcristio easter-tide letter to the New York Sun, in which he advises the ladies' to make themselves just as beau tiful as they can. In closing, be says, among other 'things: "Dear girl and woman readers, dress as you please. It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to say that, for you will be pretty apt to do it Uboose your own colors. and materials.: Spare no pains render yourselves as fascinating as possible. You were made to be beauti ful, and you fail to do your duty if you are hot so. If a little paint or lily white enohanoes yourohanna use it, but beware of tne poisonea kinds, if a little or big bonnet, a long or short dress, a tight or lose skirt, a high or low heel, a plain or fancy hue becomes you; wear it. tlonsnlt only your own sweet taste, and the dimensions of your fathers' . or husbands'' picket books. And, my word for it. whatever you do, whatever you wear, will sooner or later be recognised as right ; and proper, becoming and bewitching, ' by the .surliest cynic in all your legions of masculine subjects. Let these cynit. if they will sneer, begin by upbraiding the Hand tnat spreads their exquisite tints upon the lily and the rose; that decks the autumn forwts with their gorgoous draperies of a thousand dyes; that carpets the valleys witii their soft, rich velvet of eye-refreshing green, and mingles the deep dark bio-; of the em pyrean vault in old ocean's iuajestie waves; that spangles the mantle of the universe witn golden stars, and im punts their wondrous eorrnscating fires in the opal's and the diaukoud'a heart; that teaches the sun s artist fingers to paint the evening skies with all the liquid hues of a million shattered prisms; that bestows his ohangefuL coat on the chameleon, and casts the roseate flush of early morning on the mountain-top and glassy lakes; that encircles th e frowning brow of heaven with the glit tering rainbow coronet, and hangs the wondrously biasing aurora borealis lamps upon the ; northern pole. God's hind does it. ' He is the source, the f mntain of all beauty in heaven, earth. sea, and air. To Him give praise for every lovely,: pleasing,;; enchanting thing m all creation s. bounds. He made it to give happiness. ; Awav with the canting niggards who would throw a straw in the path of the loveliest sub- Innary being, the aaasterpieee of Deity'p hja&djwork, in any effort to add to her . A !Biedten thai can be takes, even by in fants with safety, has bee a found In Bed Star Couch Cure. It contains no mornhia. enlum or aay mtbv potoonos ingredient, sad costs only tweaty-five oaata a bUUe. Ground oyster shells suit poultry. 0 P brtk 9mTf WTH ' vuaLtTUmm mr 0er fcaova m Gum, rsMatajjaf morsj FroprMon, ltkm.tljii ImimUw to, Ftawtor, SoMa. I'm Uttm. mom HMnon oh Man .s i Hutfa WT W A W - iVHVWV OR. BOLL'S COUOH SYECP For the cure of Coughs, Colds. He ness, Croup, Asthma, Broackitla, Whooping; Congh, Incipient Coa sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons Iu advanced stages of the Disease. For Sate by sJl Drue gists. Price, 35 cents. JACKET STORE. day until near midnight, and Fnd night it remained in .session 11 night until Saturday morning p o cio.ck. ihis extraordinary work, was Cndured in or der to enable the applicants to leave on the train yesterday morning, rj.be fol lowing constitute the board: if r. A. w j Koox, Raleigh; Dr. Win. B, Wood, Scotland Neck; Dr. Jas. HI Reagan, WeavervOle; Dr. Willis Alston, Little- ten; Ur. r. u. xaurpny, morgan ion; lr. W. J. H. BeUamy, WOmington; Dr. Frank Duffy, New Berne; ; During the session there were sixty-one appli cants. Of these forty-six passed and were granted licenses toi practice medir cine lawiuuv in ioria : Carolina. : oix were rejected and nine Withdrew their acpucations. xne iouowing ; are me ... 1 : 1 . t Baas.es of tnose wno passea : dames Uiddleton Boyette, Cumberland coJ; Si Hassell. Tyrrell 00.; D. B i Zolhcof- fer. Ncrthanrpton co.; J. A. Faiaon, Wavne conntv: J. A. Itogers, Wake ce.3 J. L. Moore, Halifax co.; T. J. PhilUps, Stokes 00.; J. H. Powell, Ca- Greemeco.;G W Kernodle, Alamance co.: A. L. Petree. Forsyth cO.; J; J. L MeCnllers. Raleigb; F. T. Ford, tawba co.i &. T. Uhapin, Chatham co L. B. Young. Wake co.; K. M. Clark, Vance 00.; G. A. Ramseur, Catawba co ; Wm. H.'Ward. Plymouth; IJ G. Rid dick. Raleigh; Tfees. fl. Leary, Chowan 00.: John r. Monroe, pur nam: cam u McClese, Statesville; M. T.iPope, col., Northampton co.; L. A. Jscruggs, col , Liberty, Va.; J.T. Williams; col.. .Char lotte; Chas. B, Woodley, Kinston; Chas R. G urkin, Jamesville'Martin eo.; Renj. W. Burt, Enno, Wake eo.; F; P.XJates, Kinston; John H. Harris,! Wake cp.; M R. Braswell, Nash co.; R' W. Tail, "Wallace' Duplin co.; Jas. C. Black, Cabarrus 00.; B C. Moore. Anson co.; C. B. Ingram, Montgomery eo.; Thos P. Wvnn. Warrentpn; John T. Mo- Laueklin. Statesville; Jo. J. Mann, Louisburg; Archie McKinnpn, Robeson 00.: Ben 1. r . Uox, Stanley co.; A. J. Buffalo, Raleigh; Ed. M. j Hollings worth. Mount Airy; Jos. J. Hollings- worth. Mount Airy; Wm. D. Urawford, GoldBboro: Wm. A. Monroe, 1 Moore co.; Wm. E. Wilson, Davidson College; John McC. DeArmon; Mecklenburg co, Von Ranke, the nestor of German historians, passes away at Berlin. For 69 years he has borne the title of Doctor of Philosophy, and for 67 years that of Professor; for bO years he has been a member of the Royal University of Berlin, and for 53 years a member of . w - - - the Academy of Sciences. Iu 1879, his age being then 83, he began a history of the world, and has completed a vol ume of this last work annually since he undertook it. f The Great Bargain House of We kicked up a racket (last week and we are going to kick, up a bigger one .this week, as we are go.ng to open new goods and some great bargains. 80 look outlBig Job In Tiettn, Bannjoand Guitar Strings, at 4c a sels'fresh from the manufacturers and a goad article. Pins and needles 3c a paper. ' Twenty-lour sheets Note Paper tor eBst Calico ta the ' market, tc a yard. Best 4e4 Sheeting forCe a -yard. Straw Bats tor men and boys from 60 up. Qood Tiekug IStca yard. . Now If you want to save your mosey call ' : V "..."! ; andsee me. w and advanced desa are i ' '- 'J '".'(:'-; crowding out the eld ones; pluck instead of. ; ' ldek; cash InsteaftTof cdreditj brains Instead r cheek; and science and ability are beating back . and eruabJng Into oblivion BoonabJne mer. chants with their tough and tremendous long- . time prices. - ' ! Our Millinery Department will be fined thl with new hats and flowers and sueh goods as are needed as the seasonjadvancesjXhess goods are bought jba New York from first-class honaaa nd-tt)B .tnoat fariilonabla In the city and hot from auction houses, as I understand is re ported by many persons in Uiiaelty. They art bought for cash and at cost, so I can sell them cheaper than those houses who buy from . drummers and on credit. The drummers are going all through the country at an expense of from 18 to 1 10 a day, besides paying heavy license fees. Who pays all these expenses t Why you people who buy goods from houses who buy from drummers and on credit. The consumer has all these expenses to pay. Come and buy your Milliner? from us and save all these expenses. Bespectfully.. submitted to the cash trade only. VULNKY PUBSELL 4 CO. r ; i No. 10 East Martin Street. REFRIGERATORS, ' 1 s : FREEZERS, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, FLYFAN8, TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, FINE LAMPS TOIXET SETS, BIRD CAGES. ill the above and a general line of staple and fancy goods may be found at boom prices at W, H. HUGHES. LAW SCHOOL, r UN1VEBSITY OP NOBTH CAROLINA. ' I'M i. -rrmUtit, TUy Mmwrn la Wmta ; lUaxBT. That she is frail, often in body, 'Tt true, 'tis true 'Us a pity, And Ditv 'tis, 'ti true." Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Preaortptioa" is Um best restorative tonic for physical frailty in women, or female weakness or derangements. By druggists, fries reduced to one dollar.! : Summer Session begins JUI? lot 1TBXT. Closes Sept. 1st. Terms, payable la advance, TWO CLA88X8 : Senior Class (fee). - . - - tSO 00 ; Junior Ctaa (fea), - - ... SO 00 iwo cusses (ieej - - - 00 09. 1 JOHN MAJflONO, Prot ' sssy scdlas.