i-- i.-"4-"ih ! i In ! ' k i ' ft: . . . I-.-.. '. J- ; 1 Vt l l N News and i ! i ' UBSE jr.- ER VOL. XXV1T. J RALEIGH N. C, SATURDAY MORNING MAY 29. 1886. NO. 1L it1-' W s Abcolutoly Purp w powder! oerw Tuias. X marr tfc 1 Vh powder aerer ww. A mri of fmitj, itrengu ud wnowtomeneMi. Mort teoaomtcal tbaa rdhuirT kladi and eanaot b Mid la competition witjftb araltitoda low teat, abart weight, abiat or phoaptbaU powden SoW onhr ta cant, Botal Bjuum Fowdv " Cow, 108 Wall 8treet, New York. Sold byW C A' B StrenaelvQadrga T Suvmaeh' aad J B Ferrmll A Co. -J The Pjvl T-ooks Wise. he only sees in the dark, . The savage tribes of Indians knew how to kill. j j How should they without edu cation know how to cure?. , 7b 'i Oldlffurse" may knout her duties, but she was not educated in medical science 1 1 - ? f ' P When you are sick ana suflefl ing, - don't I trifle with r$medie$ whose special claim for value is that they I were used by oWj nurses, - savage tribes of Indians or any similar plea. Then you need prompt .acting, sure .nstn"' dies to properly correct the diif orders of your system. Ism it your-stomach, your liver, yoiuf . kfdneys that need . attention Has your blood been clogged. in its actio l and taken iup the bile of the .liver instead of filter ing out its ovm impurities in .its passage through that organ? " Has it became wealc :aci4ulated watery and 50 3irdejdiy6ur ' emedyliich r; combines all thj blood j purifying , and enricSng; i qualities that cant be found-j . tocrether with the strength to be , v gained" from a' proper combina tion of iron wiUi these ingredi4 ents. t These "are I foun in VBrown's Iron Bitters. Its skillful oreoaration without the use of , 1 whisky, causes this! remedy to be f recommended by; v physicians 1 and 'chemists, h and endorsed f by J all temperancQ . , people. ! At this season , of the. year no careful family should bei without a bottle of Brown's Iron -Bitters as it is! a valuable aid in; ' preparing " thV system to . endure' the strain and the enervating Influence . of "the summer! time;! It ' is a deughtful and strength nine tonic when given to chij . dren in small tut frequent doses. It gives! tone j and strength ; to ' the! system,! purity to the vital fluid, and drives out neuralgia, and rheumatism. ' . Remember that Urown's iron Bitters will -not discolor f or del - stroy thei teeth, and will not cause ileaoacne or iVonsnpanon. ji t no other i Iron preparation is this true. Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; are! cured by its use. it is ant I rnalariaL It drives the poison 6i I ! ; malaria outjof the blood. Sprfcg : Fever is relieved by it - Don't ! ( i use Quinine, Its after effects are bad. Congestion, Neuralgia frequently Deafness - follow its. use in malarial fevers. . J -j Brown's Iron Bitters : leaves, none of these distressing results; ; i Be sure' and get the genuine with! : - trade mark and crossed red lines on the wrapper. 1 1 ! ! Sold Everywhere. Price is ! one dollar 'a ftottle. Made onl f by Brown Chemical Co., BaltiJ ; ' morc : ; :4 1 i HOOK OUT! j i NEWSt OBSERVATIONS. -Misa Jaerosini retaros home the easier for af little rabid dog Tiros and leaves M. Pasteur the richer bj ft5,000 whioh her papa donates to the Frenoh saTaat. ; ; -Th greit strike of eoal miners in the Clearfield, P,a., region ended Taes dayji The nen return to work at the old wages and the mine-owners make certain eonoessions. j 1 Mias Allele Grant, at a wedding in Paris, wore;a watch, the back of which waa formed of a single cat's eye. snr roanded with ' diamonds. It was a gift from her fatire husband, Lord Cairns, u The Marquis of Westminster's colt, Ormonde, carried off the blue ribbon of the English jDirb;. He was ridden bj Areher, tfie f famous jockey, who has a rare gift in the way of lifting horses to the winning-post. I, i There ia nothing quite so fashiona ble new in charitable circles as the Kir- inessi Tne Jvirmess na fesural or lair. If we are going to make it a permanent institution some steps; should be taken to settle the orthography of the latest foreign fad. ':Ib r 'Waahinsrton thev call it Jurmes, and in gome highly aristo cratic clroles there is a disposition to apell it Kyrmess. Let as compromise on Jvtrmees.' -:- Stockholders in a bank would not count diTtdends as pro'fitable if they were drawn from the stock itself instead of its earnings, and so 'it u with farm era unless tney pursue suca a oourse as is eaiouutea to leave tne sou m as good or bett!e condition than when the cropping commenced, they are not farm ing at a prent. lhese remarks apply more pecially to cropping; the many 1 1 I 1 1 . a . a " oueriairecuons xor laoor ana resources resulting therefrom might well be re ferred to inflate same manner. The great effort should be to make a gain in favor of the labor bestowed, if it were to coat more fhan pork was worth to! fatten is, it would be useless to attempt it unless for '. th manure that is made for the jEarnii And so of raising poul try, iatenbg ;beef, eto. The great de sideratum of Ivery farmer should be by some aimple'system of. book-keeping to CONGRESSIONAL- THE,. HOUSE TALKS OLEOMA EGA. BIKEAUAIV. lanNt apaaefc. Washikotow, May 28. Shat. A resolution to inquire into the appoint ment of Indian traders waa debated some time and referred to the Indian committee. The North Pacific land for feiture bill was discussed until 2 o'clock, at which hour Mr. Van Wyck's bill for the taxation of railroad lands was placed before the Senate, and under a plea of discussing this bill the debate on the North Pacific forfeiture was continued by Messrs. Edmunds, Van Wyck. Dolph, Mitchell, of Oregon, Plumb, Vest and others. ) A reference by Mr. Van Wyck to the proceedings of the House of Rep resentatives brought an inquiry from Mrs Butler aa to whether such reference waa ini order!. ' The nresidine offioer (Mr. Hawley) replied that so little that was before tne Senate had been referred to in the debate that the chair had not thought it worth while to call attention to any particular point as being out of order. The bill before the Senate, he said, had not been referred to for an hour. - (Laughter.) No result was reached, and at 3.45 the Senate ' went into executive session. At 4.42 the doors were reopened and the Senate ad journed till Tuesday next. , ' H0C81. On motion of Mr. Morrison, of Illi nois, it was ordered that when the House adjourns tomorrow it be to meet Tues day next. lhe Senate resolutions relative to the death of John T. Miller, late) Senator from California, were laid before the House. ' Mr. Morrow, of California, gare notice that he would call them up for action Saturday, June Io. i ilia i a vine private nusiness navmg oeen dis pensed with, the House went into com mittee of the whole (Mr. Springer in the chair) on the oleomargarine bill, the Eending amendment being that offered y Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, reducing the dealers from $48 TUXT MAT TH1 Dl HOC RATI AT alCHMOHD. Siohmohd, Va., May 28. TJje elec tion in this city yesterday has resnJUd in the OTerwaelming defeat ot the regular Democratic nominees. ; Lee (Dem. for city sergeant, was defeated by Smith (independent) by a majority of over 2,600. The board of aldermen stands nine Democrats aad nine inde pendenta; the common council ; nine Democrats and twenty-one indepen dents; making an independent majority of twelve on joint ballots. The election ww a crushing blow to the democracy and will result in a pretty general change in numerous offices in the city, including the heads ot several Impor tant departments. In Petersburg all the general officers on the citis ens' or anti-republican ticket were elected. A HAPPY MAN. ratKNiDrwT KIAUE CLEVELAHEVS A FIXED FACT. HI fair KrU Brarht f sw Ta Kata-Btta I Al Labr My. CLBTXXAim. Ohio. Mar 8 Tha Knights of Labor buckled down to bus iness today and held two besbiuns. H The commitiee on laws presented t&eir re port, recommending that the general executive committee be increased from five to eleven members. ' After an hour's discussion the ' recommendation was adopted. The six new members will be eleoted by ballot, and will serve during the unexpired year, which ends In Ootober. Permanent headquarters will be opened ia Philadelphia, and if necessary the board will sit throughout the year, instead of assembling at the oall of the general master-workman. A resolution was adopted giving i Mr. Powderly power to recall the commis sions of all organizers. The subject of appointing competent organizers and the means to be taken for their selection were being discussed when the noon re cess eccurred. ' WAsmxaTOir, May 28. President Cleveland will be married at the White House Wednesday evening. June 2, to Miss Frances Folsom. The recent death of a:, relative of Miss Folsom has changed the original plans for the wedding, and the invitations will now be limited to a few members of the cabinet,. ! Senators and their wives. Rev. Dr. Sunderland, of the First Pres byterian church, Washington, will offi ciate, r The ceremony will be followed by a epilation and the wedding in all of its details will be plain and unostenta tious. Miss Folsom arrived at New York; from Europe last night on the Antwerp steamer Nordland. She was met at the quarantine station by Col. Dan. Lamont with a revenue eutter and landed st one of the up-town piers, on North .river. Her coming by an Antwerp steamer was so little regarded as within the possibilities that only two of the New; York morning papers and not any of the telegraph io reporters had the news.j The reporters generally were watching the British steamship lines. know exactly what all directions of la-1 special tax on retail por are producing, so as to .concentrate I to $25. enort in tLose; directions tnat are most profitable.' - j ,14: - t rjie resident at last talxs to some Of his visitors very frankly about bis ap proaching wedding, and without mam testing any irzitattonlor annoyanoe at the natural and good-natured curiosity Of the public. The fact ia that he has never been indignant at the general in terest nunifested by tha publio in re- Lgard to his weeding, but he has tawed a discreet silence when aooused, ai If ratutfulatar fulthCTiaunoiitY, Within I a day or two he has relaxed Somewhat, aad hM intimated to several of his Visitor! that the ! general impres sion vuu be was to take a wife is cor rect. As U to remove doubt, he has so rererred to the auatter; as to make it plain that thabride is to be Miss Folsom and not Mrs. Folsom. i i;Thi admission, Altnoueb lt-nad Deen auticij-ated, waa assuring. The President has' not yet, However, seen; fit to go so fr as to per mit.the publiqi to learn on what.date the eeremony is to be or where it is to be, bat now tnAttWjnaM fcet is admitted the, additional facta may be , expected soon, t'-c f," ! i The prohibitionists recently carried aa election thati banished intoxicants front Khode Island. In the course of. another protracted and stubborn debate Mr. Daniel's amendment was rejected, along ; with numerous others, while still: others were unceremoniously ruled out on points of order.. An amendment 'was adopted allowing retail dealers in oleo margarine to pack the compound in Saper packages. M.r. Jverhart, of ennsylvania, rose to speak against the bill and membersi remembering the sensation caused by his speech ia oppo sition to the river and harbor bill, Mus tered around him and frequently inter rupted him with laughter and applause. n.e asseriea mo oonsiuuuonauiy oi ue measure and inveighed against ue man ufacture of eleomarearine, : whioh threatened with destruction the time-honored business of butter making.; Oleomargrine was, composed of the refuse of butcher shops, com- Th WMk' iBaatu FaUnm, Nsw Yoax, May 28. The business failures occurring throughout the coun try during last week, as reported to K. 0. Dun & Co.: For the United States. Iu4; Canada, 27; total, 181; as against 167 last week,, and 196 the ! week pre vious, lhe casualties in the .Eastern, Southern and Middle States are light and below the average in number. .The j Western and Pacific States furnished more than half of the total number of failures of the week. Tha French PrM tha Kxpnlaien of tfc Pr !. Pajus, May 28. The radical journals are not satisfied with the expulsion bill, because it leaves with the government the fixing of the date of its operation. They demand a bill making the- instant expulsion of all the French princes mandatorr, I 14 ooleil condemns the government for vieldingto the clamor against the princes. : It says the govern ment has abdicated in favor of the rev- I olutionary party! and declares that an. era of vioienoe has begun. Le Journal des Debate also opposes the bill. Co's. Vew Yavfc Caa ratal Naw York, May 28. Green & tat oourrftTs floodid wrra ADULTERATED LARD- - xmine carefully whatfroa are using;1 the dor iron it when cookini Tbetrays it. ; ' CASSABD'S STAB BRAND" LARD t ! la nias. 1 1- EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED Tit It and you win use no other, i B.B. AV OOD1XL, Raleigh, N. C, Ageo 4m. Cosssord. Son, r ' JlaLT1MO&1MD : f I" ' Curern of th Celebrated B$xr BrsM MM ITlNG & MACY. - uttiraAcrofsf von- t f fr" - Houta and Sign Painting . l JCm Uavte SC,unuar LawliUlldUA V J TahwMBlnlafc Qkudaa ranuag sua caneral lions Palatlng. ;;(;. UMtit ImIUUm lorllQH WOBX. . i Ordttrt from any dltto MUattaa. Jtaat lasegnraa. ; are fighting ' n the supreme court, but all agree that prohibition will be tried for a while. I As the law is about to eo into effect, the liquor; dealers are sell ing out! their ! stock and preparing1 to quit the HUte. The larger hotels at Providence and j Newport are to be closed, as their proprietors say that they eannot make I money without selling liquor.! 'The effect ! of the election on rent in the eitiea - and towns has been Very perceptible. The real estate agents sav thai there has been a large decrease in the lvalue - of all kinds of property, and that in many cases the rent now offered would not keep the property in good repairs and pay the in suranee. Tha' prohibitionists are hope ful and say that the law will be strictly enforced, and I that Rhode; Island will never return to whisky 'selling. I Very elegant and lustrous brands oi oiacs grus grain bum-, merveiueux, satin surah, and plain satin, are now of fered for sale at remarkably low prices. The revival of black sua for costumes s placed beyond a doubt, and those whose faith vt its worth and excellence was abiding, and who clung to it in ita Obscurity, wQl be glad to See it once again restored, to favor. Black silk eannot long remain out of vogue. It is too comely aha beautiful a fabrio to be set aside tor almost any other material in the whole category of elegant tex tiles, aa no other u so i equally appro priate for all Occasions. American man ufacturers are sending to.the trade most superb grades of silk both in black and colors, whioh foreign modistes and de signers in women's attire (both men and women; dressmakers) declare lankly give more satisfaction as to wear than some of the Lyons brands of world-wide lame, aianyiol our doinesuo silks are sold "as foreign in make because mer chants daf,e not confess! them to be from American looms- Shoppers purchase ihese; they wear remarkably well; they come again tor more, all the time sup posing they are French goods. pounded and prepared so as to resemble i-f . V" m In taste; form and color butter. It ltt' fi7 PTT 10 aged at the failure of the supporting in fluence. . Liverpool was slack and home advices developed a fair interior move ment with rather better crop accounts. While the demand generally had a very indifferent form, about five points were lost with the! close slew, the i new crop sparingly handled and without change of importanoe, though inolined to an easier tone. t looked as if its origin was associated with springs and cows and pastures and all the charms of the country. It was an impoflition.il ade solely to be given to the poor man to roll under ' his ton gue like a sweet morsel of sin. Though it be aa pure as an ioiole on .Dian'e .The liquor dealers I temple.Ior as wholesome as the bread of angels, it was still a counterfeit, pre tending to be genuine. Buccessive amendments, reducing the tax to fiva cents and one cent per pound, were rejected. Mr. Townahend moved to niake the tax twa cents. Mr. Bul- terworth lunnorted the amendment Pending action, on the amendment the oonuniitee rose.! The speaker laid be fore the House several veto messages bu private pension bula and they were re ferred to the committee on invalid pen sions The House at 5 o'clock ' took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening ses sion to be for the " consideration of pen sion bills. Naw Yoax, May 28. Most and his two companions, Brausehweig and Schenek. were today found i guilty of the charge in the indictment misdo- meanor. The jury (recommended Schenek t t the mercy of the court. ; The sen- t.ee will he pronounoea uext weanes- u iy. j ; To(l Wot atoeotpta fOattoa. Naw Yoax, May 28. The following are the total net receipts oi cot ton stall the ports since September 1, 1885: Ualveston, (W3,lbg; JNw Or- leans,l,689,270;Mobile,244l121;Savan- nah, 784,969;: Charleston, 487,098; Wilmington, 100,423; Norfolk. 546,- 112; .Baltimore, 74,787: New York. 63,411;Boston, 129,850; Newport News, 37.030;Philadelphia,45,185;WestPoint, 219,600; Brunswick, 16,069; Port Royal, 12,231; jPensacola, 19,172; In- dianola, 781; iif una wick, 1252; Total, b,l03.3tt. Io M A44Mrvjr LAf MBkfer. Nsw Yoaa, May 2$. Capt. S. M. I Saunders, who has bad a controversy with; Farns worth post G. A. R., No. 179, of Mount Vernon, about the toast he offered to Jeff. Davis health, re 'eeived a telegram yesterday from Sa Wnah, Ga.jr informing him that he had been, unanimously elected an honor ary life member of the Chatham Artil- jterj,of tbeteUv, j A ToiTfthlo WhlrlaUid la JUehlcsa. Lapixb, Mich., May 28 At mid night a 'whirlwind, of terrific severity, accompanied by thunder, lightning. rain and hail, visited this vicinity, un roofing barns; twisting ' off signs and awnings, breaking glass and blowing down huge trees.' The inhabitants were alarmed, many' taking their ichildren with them and repairing to their cellars for Bafety Much damage was done to property, but there has been no loss of life yet reported. CIom of tfc Hrl Steak NoaroLK, Va., May 28. Argument a as closed in the U. 8- eir uii court to day in the cause ef the reci-if er of; the Exchange national bank against the trustees, Bain & Bro. Chief justice Waite announced this afternoon that he would be unable to render a decision for some days, and would send it from Washington. aloro Totooa of aloii Bills. Washington, May 28. The Presi dent sent to the Senate today five addi tional Vetoes of private pension bills. The reason stated in each veto is that the disability described arose from causes wholly apart from military ser- vice in some cases long before the war and others long afterwards. ImforintiMi .A. Of the whereabouts of my husband. B. F. McCullen, a painter, who I mourn aa dead. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his troubled wife. .Papers of the south please copy Any information of his whereabouts may be sent to Mrs. a. if. niouuuen, iSeau- fort, N. C Tfc fvklawM mm Umim mtm mm. Gkand Rapids, Mich., May 28. Last evening the entire building of the Val ley City mills collapsed under the weight Of machinery and grain; jfivery floor, with its contents, fell into the cel lar and jaa the tail-race ran beneath the mill the water washed all the gtain into Grand rivea Over 20,000 bushels of wheat and as much meal, together with the new land costly machinery, were lost, aggregating in value between $7 5, 000andgl00,000. JO and IK TheTF! rench cabinet, by a vote of A to 5, adopted I the pnnoiple of the ex pulsion of the Urlesns pruioes. V! 1 i t Muital abat Hob Kltf London. May i 28 Joseph Co wen. radioal, M. P. for Newcastle, publishes a letter in which; he saya : The home rule Question is not settled. Years will be spent over this fight. Political ani mosities will grow and faster, leading to a complete recasting of party lines. .The prospect for the uoerais is not nopeiui Naw Yoax. Vay 28. The following It th comparative rwjxoa statement for the week ending Mar il: .. 188S. 1S8&. Ket ncetDta at U. 8. porta, 24,409 6.817 T utl raoeluta to date, a,168,S5S .4,684,788 Kxpon tor the week. 44,877 19,879 Total exports to date, U70,lU9 V4,S97 8tockataU 0. & porta, S,m 448.47S Stock at all interior, town, 73, 11 Si,009 Stock at Liverpool, 633,000 993,000 Far QnatSrttau, ! 1M00 6800 Br. Oladatono Amgrj. HX MAKKS 80XK 8EVEBC COMMSNTS ON HIS Si oppOnxkts. London, May 28 Mr Gladstone, in the house of commons this afternoon, in reply to questions from the opposition, refused to Btate what the intentions of the government were concerning the home! j rule bill and the procedure thereon.; Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, conservative leader, moved an adjourn ment Of the debate on the bill and support ed his motion by a fierce attack upon the government, denouncing in strong lan- guagf ;their tactics in the management of the ! controversy. This speech pro voked! a hot-tempered war of words. Mr. Gladstone arose in the middle Of the excitement and with (for him) unu sual Ipassion declared that he would choose his own time to press the bill to a vote; and that ho would accept no ad vice from those who were doing their best ia ruin the measure. This declara tion, made with the vigor of overwhelm ing force, provoked great enthusiasm among the liberals and nationalists and they cheered loudly. I Taw Episcopal Coavoatloa I! ii 1 ! o ths niocxsx or xast cakolina. ; The following is taken from the Wil mington Star's report of the proceed ings of this convention, in session at Goldsboro. I' Rev. Mr. Forbes was chosen presi dent and Rev. N4 Harding secretary. The various committees were appointed, as follows : On election Rev. R. B. Drane, George C. Royall and R. B. Everett; new parishes Rev. V. Wi Shields, J. W. Albertsoa and W. G. Lamb; unfinished business Rev. T. B. Htughton, H.N.Blount and S.H.Abbott; state of the church Rev. W. H.Lewis, L. Eborn. N. E. Price, W. L. DeRos sot and W. B. Shepherd; -Canons Rev. J. C. Huske, D. D., Rev. James Carl michael, D. D., Rev. H. G. Hilyar, A. J. Rosset and John Hughes; Finance ltev. a. Uollm Hughes, 11. 1)., and Rev. H. G. Hilton. . ! On motion of Col. W. L. DeRosset it was resolved to appoint a committee to examine into the claims of this dio cese to half the scholarship inthetheo- logical lemuiuT now ownea dv tne aio ' . a w I cese or aorta uaroiina, and what steps should be taken in regard to it. OoLj DeRosset, Maj. Hughes -and Isaac Dortch were ' appointed the committee. On motion of Mr. Hughes it was re4 solved to appoint a committee to exam ine whether there are any claims of this diocese to the property devised by Miss Mary Ruffin ! Smith to the old diocere of North Carolina Maj. Hughes, MrJ George Davis and Col. D K. MacRae were Appointed a - committee for the purpose. ; On motion of Col. Atkinson it was resolved that a committee of three be appointed to consider what should be done with regard to the offer of St John s and j3t. Mark's churches to sell their share of the Episcopal residence, and also as to repairing the same. Rev.; J. Harding, Mr. W. Calder and Mr. W.i (4. Lamb were appointed the committee! to consider the matter with regard to the Episcopal residence. Bishop Watson read his address, show ing services held 182, confirmations 286 J ordinations to the priesthood 'one. Two! priests have been received into the dio cese, ;aod two priests dismissed to other dioceses. 1 The bishop spoke very feel ingly about the miserable pittance that the clergy reoeive for their support, lie would not be able to keep ministers in the diocese unless the laity were more liberal. Un motion ot uoi. Atkinson it waa resolved to appoint a. committee to con sider the proposed changes of the prayer book; un motion or ur., iiewis it was re- soiveo unanimously to suspena me rules in order to adopt the canons pre pared by the committee on canons. The whole day was spent in consideration of these canoni. The rules of order were also ' considered in committee of the whole. Late in the evening the com mittee arose, and the convention adopted the body of tne-caaons and rules of or der reported by the oommittee of the wbolev Sir. Aaartw AUeklo. This excellent man, who died recently in Texas, deserves more than ! a passing notice. He was one of the best men who ever lived in this State. Fori years he was a merchant of Hillsboro, where he married a daughter of judge William Norwood, sister of the late John W. Norwood, of Mrs. Win. J. Bingham, and other most loved and hon ored citiiens. Wishing to educate his sons he changed his residence to Chapel Hill about 1850, where he resided until his removal to Texas in 1882.; He was a staunch lover Of North Carolina and left the State with great reluctance, in order to be near four of his children; who had settled in the "Lone Star'? State,mainly on considerations of health!; Mr. : Mickle ! was greatly 'loved and trusted by all who knew Mm, Including hundreds of the alumni ; of the University, of which he was bursar for several years. ;vHe waa kind and gentle, of extraordinary sound ness of judgment, faithful to every duty, of unswerving integrity, of straightforward rectitude in all things; Modest and retiring in his disposition, he oould be stirred to firm, j rigorous and open plainness of speaking and even denunciation by what he consid ored unworthy conduct. A merchant in easy circumstances at the beginning of the civil war, he lost everything by refusing to raise his prices and engage in speculation and extortion; As bur sar, as postmaster, as treasurer of va rious funds, he was always strictly accu rate and faithful in his dealings. He was in all respects a good and true citi zen and a thoroughly consistent member of the Episcopal church, of which he was almost a life-long vestrymap. The vener able Paul C. Cameron, his neighbor three score and ten years, an uncommonly good judge of character, says that he waa one of the most reliable! men he ever knew. Not only Mr. Cameron, but Gov. Grahamj judge Battle, chief jus tice Ruffin, chief justice Nash, in fact all the great and good men of Orange, numbered him among their friends. Mr. Mickle leaves leaves two sons and two! daughters in Texas,, and a son, Mr. A D. Mickle, in Raleigh. His most esti mable wife survives him. oxford Fonaalo oaalaarjr. - j The commencement exercises of Oxl ford female seminary occur June 1, 2 and 3. On the 2d Dr. Stedd, of Nor folk, Vs., preaches the baccalaureate sermon at 11 a. m., and at 8 p. m. oc curs the joint celebration of the literary societies. Thursday morning the grad uating class read essays, and Hon. Jas. W. Reid, member of Congress! delivers the annual address. At 8 pi m. the annual concert will be given. Two trains each way will run on the Oxford & Hen derson railroad Tuesday and .Wednes-: day.. Tin notice is given by the pnn ctpal, Mr. F. P. Hobgood. ' SOW aXATKATIC I " mmmmm Thm Xloetloa tm Tlawteia. NoaroLK, 'Ya., May 28. At this hour, 1 a. m., all the returns from yes terday a election are not in, but the city is Demooratie by four to five hundred majority; Portsmouth is : also Demo cratic: A small vote was polled at each place. -' ij " i Lynchbokg. Va., MayZS. The .Dem ocrats carried Roanoke City, Ya., yes terday with the exception of one coun cilman. , T Do not stupifv your baby with opium mix- turn, but use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. The gafeetout. j? Habitual poor boaltlt ia tajt direst remit oi habitual neglect. . Keep the bowels regular by the proper use of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Puis. h il.fi Give Day's Horse Powder to your cows. It will increase the flow ef milk largely. Ha; at WaaalaytQav. ! WAjamsTor, May 28. Antonio Mor- dello waa hanged at the district jail near this eity at 1:30 this afternoon, for the murder of Carmine Rotunno. i ' AdTle tm Hoihora. Mn. Winslow's 8oothiss' Syrup should al ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little ratterer at once, it pro duces natural, auiet sleep bvi relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awaken as "bright as a button." It ia very pleasant, t taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, all) all pain, relieves win a, regulates tne Dowei tad is the best known remedy for diarrhoea Metier rbtag (rem teething or other causes. T ontr.fiT Mats a bott'i. Many made. of the changes of guage are XXCIT1MXKT IH TAXAS. ' Great excitement has been canted ia the vicinity ' t raris, Tex., by the reaarkable ro -eovery of J C Corier, who was so helpless he could not turn In bed, or raise his head; everybody ald be waa dying of Conramptlea. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Dlaeoyery was sent him Finding relief be -bought a large bottle aad a box of Dr. King's; Nsw Life PiU; by the time he had taken two boa ot Pills aad two bottles of the Discovery, he was well aad bad gained I in flesh thirty-six pounds Trial Bottles of this Groat Discovery for Consumption tree at all drug stores. The State will have ten normal schools this year. HE il TBS ONataa Cam . tk m ww ooihacML Rnralaa .. IHee fropnetoni. eta a TxMIa. idrtmrfota. Ckot Bins AiimNM oil TnuM.Hark.aai k(TM a a Kd, U. & A. ; by aUi DR. BULL'S COUGH SYEIUP ForthecnreofCc8Cc4dVHcn neas, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis. Whooping; Cough, Incipient Con sumption, And for the relief af con sumptive persons la advanced stagea of the Disease. For Sale by all Drue gists. Price, as cents. pm STORE The Great BarmriiHouse of Raleigh. We kicked up a racket past week aad we are going to kick up a bigger one this week, as we are go.ng to open new goods and soma great bargains. So look out!Big Job in Violta, Banno and Guitar Strings, at tc a set; fresh from the manufacturers and a good article. Twenty-four Pins and needles.. 2c a paper. sheets Note Paper for 6c Best Calico in the Leave plenty of potato to your potato eye if you want strong plants. ! A Sfoaf lateral Offer, i Thx Votauc Bxlt Co., MarehsU, Mich, offer to send their Celebrated. Votalic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man afflicted with Kervous Debility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood, &c Illustrated pamph let in sealed envelope witn mil particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. ;: Strickland, the anarchist, has fled. SCOTT'SEMULSIOK '- i . r Paure Cm Liver U. wltA Byperhoa- , paiiea, Is Sxcellent la Lung T routes. Dr. Enoch Cslloway, LaUranre, Ga., says: "1 have osed Soott's' Kaaulsion with wonder-' ful success in all Lung troubles; also find it has no equal in Bummer Diarrhoea ot Chil dren. Ta Tarfca, aa Venal. Vata a Keep Tatelr CoswAjriraorLa. May 28. Oreeoe has eomplained to the Porte that the Turks have not evacuated the positions on the Greek frontier which thev agreed to aoaaaon. Is Improved stock are how all the rage How It was that Five Portleader at ! 815.00. ' atr. Bufus F.! Baeon held johe-flfth of the ticket which drew the capital prise of 175,000 in The Louisiana; State Lottery Drawing of April ism. borne of nls friends surarestea that they purchase some tickets in the Lousi ana State Lottery. They purchased one-fifth of ten different tickets. Davinz therefor aif When they got the ticket each selected two tickets haphazard, and If either ticket drew tba amount w.s to be divided between them all. On Wednesday last -a telegram was eelved, stating that ticket JNo. SS,S4i had drawn one fifth of the capital prise ef S7&.000. rorUaitatAL. Argua,4.pru U. j Bxaxdt Pxachxs Brandy Peaches, put up by Gordon A Dilworth, choicest quality, fnu quart Jars; Gordon Dllworth's Preserved White CbeTriea. Preaexved Whfte Heath Peaehes of superlaUvk quality,Put upbytody . New and advanced "deas are old .ones; pluck brams ot instead of market, 4c a yard. Best 4-4 Sheeting for 6e a yard. Straw Eats for men and boys fromSe ' i .- ; up. Good Ticking 12iea yard. ; : - i Now if you want to save you? money call andsee me. crowding out the luckf cash Instead of credit; bi cheek; and science and ability are. beating back and erushtag into oblivion moonshine zner- chants with their tough and tremendous long time prices. i - ; I 1 ' :1 v'; Our Millinery Department will be filled tU with new hata and flowers and such goods as are needed as the seasonsdvaneesThesexooda are bought in Kew Tork from firtt-cl&as . i i houses and the most fashionable in the city and i not from auction houses, as I understaad is re ported by many persons In.this city. Theyari bought tor cash and at cost, so I can sell them cheaper than those houses who buy from drummers and on credit. i The drummers are going all through the country at an expense of from as to f 10 a day, besides paying heavy license fees. Who pays all these expenses f Why you people who buy goods :. from houses who buy from drummers and oh credit. The consumer has all these expenses to pay. Come and buy your Millinery from us and save all these expenses. Respectfully submitted to the cash, trade only. . vuidXJfiX rUR&KLili CO., No. 10 East Martin 8treei. O'X'I 1 iTsTg STXCsrSn? . wnxwToua .- 1 CHILD IS TEETHIMC, , yoe swakaMd with the trttaeaa eriai of Um Bins 'A An! eat, was is so gfadaally wasUac away by the drais agaavoattaaystaa tnat taaaOactSjaf awtaiag. BUSZI7ES3 UAZr. . noatas labors er tba day, aa fetafl IheeaaaM antateM uI mm slowly sad ptttfoUy wasttnr away ay tae Anlaaye apoa tts tystm fnss the cfiVts of tsthht. If M weald taiak t ass Pr. IlOaXXT KXUnmT MlDIAt, ths OMSt Aoataera Baawdy. aws a slMa sad bowl eeaplaieu woald a amkaewa fcs that hone. ItwUlcafo Piarrawa, i urr. aad ell stewrtJUawaeta. Vat sals byaU Ocafglsta. Aa. lYALTaUi A. TATXC ASaata, C III " 4' 13- VM: I i r ..'!' J.il i